#cause i live alone so i very rarely actually cook for others
i-am-dulaman · 2 years
I have discovered that the best feeling in the world is in fact seeing everyone go back for seconds on the dish you brought to the potluck 🥰🥰🥰
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bobbin-buckley · 4 months
Cairo Sweet SFW
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Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff! Mentions of Smoking, Porn writing, Mr. Miller mentioned, sex mentioned
A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Cairo can be pretty affectionate. She really likes to show how much of a tease she can be, or how flirty she is.
She’ll show you her affection by touching you teasingly. Like a thigh touch or kiss to the neck. She isn’t super affectionate with physical contact but with words for sure, I mean hell she writes poetry. She’ll even read poems to you to show her affection.
She’s a softie
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You and Cairo used to be rivals. Hated each other, or so you thought. She used her other best friend (Winnie) and backstabbed her. But with all the flirting and seducing between you two, it got pretty much straight to being girlfriends.
Though you still are considered best friends because you actually now get along well.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She doesn’t mind them. I wouldn’t say it’s all the time but she’ll cuddle you when you really need it. She prefers to be big spoon, maybe if you’re lucky you can be big spoon. But it’s rare.
She loves to spoon you. Only because she then can tease you back there, like groping you-
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Well, you both are in high school. But it’s Senior year so super close to College. She never thought about moving in together like in a dorm at campus or in an apartment. She’d probably like it but also hate it because she loves the atmosphere of her mansion.
She lives alone most of them time. So she cooks for herself most days, she probably has like a maid that does the cleaning. Cause I couldn’t see her doing that 💀
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Well, the only reason you’d guy’s probably would break up is because she used you. Or maybe she just didn’t want you anymore without reason.
She’d probably just straight up say it to you. This girl is bold asf
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Cairo isn’t really that open at all. She rarely talks about her personal life and her parents. You only get details by how she lives and acts. For whatever reason she talks to Mr. Miller about personal things.
I mean you are about out of high school so not for a while. Maybe end of the first year of college or second year I could see her wanting to get married. Shes never mentioned it though.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally?)
Cairo is pretty gentle, she tries to be anyway. She may not be the best with physical contact when it comes to affection, but words are her thing.
See, physically she might just rub your arm or hold your hand when upset. If she truly cares she’ll hug you. Though emotionally she never means to hurt you on purpose. (We think anyway). Cairo might hurt you but on accident, she never EVER will hurt you physically. Emotionally just hurts her as much, her words are content, heartwarming and comforting. She just has a hard time understanding someone else’s feelings because she used to just care for her own.
Otherwise she cares about you and is gentle with you most of the time
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She likes them more than cuddling. And you know how she is about physical contact, depends how she feels. So she’ll give them to you when she misses you, you’re upset or if you offer one. So a lot of the time. Now her hugs are actually really comforting, you’re just scared to ask her for one. They are very gentle, never squeezes you, rubs your back and maybe kisses your cheek or neck.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L word?)
She wasn’t sure at first. She doubted for a while if you were even the one. But after awhile she realized how much she loved you and how hard she fell for you.
She said it first, surprisingly. Though did she doubt herself after she said it, worried you weren’t ready. And she says it back all the time, other than if she’s upset she doesn’t really wanna talk to you.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh lord, let’s not even get started. This girl hates being jealous anyway. Even if she isn’t super affectionate she still gets mad when someone else is making you the center of attention. She won’t really say anything, just watches and wait. If they don’t do anything she just stays quiet for a bit and is a bit distant
Otherwise if someone is touching you without your consent. Oh boy she’s gonna say something, may even sucker punch them. That’s pretty much what she does with both situations.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses her passionate yet deep. And again, all depends on her mood. If she’s feeling affectionate and needy her kisses are rough and sloppy, like spit, tongue and everything. She likes her kisses dirty, only when alone though. In public or around other people (not that she like pda that much) she’ll give you small pecks.
She likes to kiss you on the pulse on your neck. Really anywhere on your neck, but the pulse just hits different there. She sometimes grazes her teeth over it and nibble next to it.
She loves to be kissed on her shoulder, it’s just soft and she’s a little ticklish there oddly. Even her cheek she likes it. (She’s secretly ticklish)
L: Little Ones (How are they around children?)
She fucking hates kids. HATES toddlers, she could never babysit or be around one for too long. She’s the kind of person who laughs when they fall. Yeah…wow Cairo.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On non school nights she has you over to spend the night since she hates being alone. So you stay until the morning or stay all the next day and so on. But she’s a morning person, you aren’t (maybe). But if you aren’t she doesn’t wake you up, she honestly likes watching you sleep..not in a weird way. This is a time where she’s feeling cuddly, she might hold you and rub the bridge of your nose as you sleep, serve coffee in bed when you wake up.
If you are a early bird like her, she’s willing to make breakfast with you, go on a morning walk or even go out for breakfast
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You are always over. You both are either gossiping, cuddling, she writing and you’re…doing whatever (I’d mess with her stuff) and even probably having sex. Just throwing that out there.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
She never really talks about herself. She’s so insecure. (relatable). So about a few months until she starts talking about personal or things that have affected her. She doesn’t really do it at all once, she’ll give you bits of info throughout dating. And you respect that, she’s just so upset and has all this anger. She spilled and broke-down in front of you about how she just wants to be loved, and you tell her she is. It’s you, Winnie. (Probably not her parents since it doesn’t seem like they even check on her)
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Oh brother. The movie basically broke out how angry she is. If she doesn’t get what she wants or something doesn’t happen she gets pissed. This is something hard for you to deal with. She tends to be annoyed with you at times, but she doesn’t mean it. She’s just upset and heartbroken. Poor babygirl :(
(You may even let her fuck her anger out on you-)
Q: Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She remembers a lot about. She needs to know who she’s dating. Wether if you’re foolish or not so she can look out for you. (Softie)
So she makes sure she knows everything. She’ll even make sure to ask you though if she forgets. But she cannot forget you’re favorite color, that’s important to her. You’ve never understood or found out why.
R: Remember (What’s their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The time you listened to her vent to you. It was hard, and heartbreaking but she managed to vent everything to you. She loves that you listened to her, respected everything she said even if some of it was wrong. She loves that you are their to listen for her.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very. I mean very. Her jealousy is a lot. If you are hurt emotionally or physically, that person won’t be alive. She scoffs whenever you call her a softie for how protective she is. She protects you by telling people to get lost or glare at them. She’s short but mighty, you’re terrified to call her that face to face. And she doesn’t need protection, she’s terrifying anyways. She has her ways of exposing or threatening. (It’s hot on how jealous and protective she gets)
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She doesn’t buy a lot of things. But she doesn’t mind dates. She’ll take you out on picnics or walks, even an expensive dinner. Cairo never fails to make the best anniversary. Wanna guess what it is? Sex! You’ve got it! Basically it’s all the anniversary is, she never goes anywhere because she’s worried her parents might yell at her because she used their money. And yes, she makes sure to take care of you when she can. But since you’re still in high school you live at your own house and manage on your own.
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She smokes way too much. You want to tell her to relax a bit on it, but scared she’ll yell at you. But she would understand if you did tell her. She might listen.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She isn’t. She’s too sexy and confident to be. Winnie has given her that confidence. And you tell her how gorgeous she is. She is both hot and smart indeed.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Maybe. She wouldn’t feel the same, she’d be depressed and unloved. But you do let her talk about herself and vent, so she’d miss that. For sure. She’d also miss you’re silly antics and laugh. Even your touch tbh.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
She often offers to smoke with you. It’s a bonding thing. She also lets you help her with her writing, you give her tips. She loves it whenever you press nose to nose, it’s like your little love language.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
How someone can be so unorganized. She hates unorganized people, if you are unorganized. She’s fixing that habit of yours.
She hates when her partner will be way too needy. She needs her own space at times
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
She honestly doesn’t sleep well. She tends to stay up late and write, but with you there she sleeps better because you get her to rest (in two ways).
:) I do have fun making these
😉if anyone wants me to do another Jenna character I will or Jenna herself
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nanami-simp · 5 months
Some You Should Head North tidbits
Nanami and Gojo started dating a year before Nanami became a sorcerer again.
They're the type of couple who understand each other with looks alone.
Before Nanami left, Thursday was their date night. It's the one day both of them went out of the house with each other. To the best of their ability of course. Gojo still had to run off sometimes.
Gojo is an excellent cook (ofc since he's good at everything) so if he's free he cooks. But he hates doing the dishes. So it's Nanami doing that chore.
Their relationship was not particularly put out there. But the sorcerer sphere is small so it wasn't long before everyone knew.
They rarely had fights. Their biggest discussion was who gets what chore when they moved in together.
Nanami is actually very affectionate but not in public. PDA is always initiated by Gojo.
Yuuji has a huge sweet tooth because of Nanami's bakery. Swipes a cookie from the bakery everyday.
Sukuna while not being the most extroverted still needs to get out of the house often. He actually doesn't mind following Yuuji to school that much. It gives him time to be by himself out of the house.
Hanako (the cat) likes Sukuna more (sorry Yuuji 😔)
Sukuna loves metal music but hates using headphones and earphones cause they bother his ears. After alot of discussions (yelling) between the Sukuna and Yuuji, very soft screaming and heavy metal can be heard from the corner of the living room when Sukuna listens to music.
Every single day, Nanami does the dishes and Sukuna sits on the counter playing on his switch. That's the time they usually talk and Yuuji gets a bit of privacy.
Yuuji plays the drum and is actually really good at it! He sucks at guitar though.
Sukuna and Yuuji get along much better and they care but they still argue alot. It is a lot of screaming before they reach conclusions and compromise. Lots of them just smacking the other and it turning into full on brawls. No cursed energy is ever used though.
Nanami's starting to grey just a little. But he colours his hair too often to notice.
Sukuna often cooks lunch on their days off. It's mostly old-ish recipe but Nanami recently gifted him a recipe book so he's learning new stuff.
Sukuna reads. A l o t. He has nothing to do when Yuuji's in school so he borrows alot of Nanami's books.
He also is good at art. So sometimes he just whips out a cool sketch whereas Yuuji can't draw for shit.
Same with handwriting. Sukuna has very pretty handwriting while Yuuji has chicken scratch.
Yuuji has alot of friends but he still struggles to actually connect with anyone.
Nanami's bakery cafe is very popular with college kids in particular and much to everyone's dismay, Hanako is not allowed to be in the cafe itself.
Yuuji is extremely popular in his highschool. He also picks alot of fights (cause he can't stand people hurting others) much to Nanami's dismay.
Due to Nanami's bakery, alot of sorcery studies and sparring has been taken over by Sukuna who is surprisingly a good teacher.
Ino doesn't know where Nanami is but he did know that he was leaving.
Yuuji's planning to either take up classes to be a Firefighter or an EMT. Nanami's still pushing slightly on college.
I have alot more thoughts but this is getting a little too long lol
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l-e-e-woso · 2 years
120 & 72 for Mapi
Couple Goals - Mapi Leon
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Prompt 120 - “Take my jacket, it's cold.”
Prompt 72 - “You’re so fucking cute.”
Even though Spaniards are known to be very touchy with others there was something about how Mapi touched and treated you that got a lot of Barca fans speculating that there was more going on that you both let on. 
The both of you weren’t going out of your way to hide the fact that you were in a relationship with one another but fans always wanted you and Mapi to confirm it which is what you were trying to figure out how to do.
Unfortunately your thoughts got caught short by Mapi who had placed herself in your lap making you wrap your arms around her waist and cuddle into her chest. She runs her hands through your hair as she swayed back and forth to the music that was playing in the apartment.
You manage to look up at Mapi with a loving gaze without her noticing. You just sit there for a while just looking at her as she holds you in her embrace. 
“Oh shit…I almost forgot the reason I came over here. We need to get ready to go, the game starts in like two hours.” Mapi says as she starts to remove herself from your lap but you hold onto her waist and pout up at her in annoyance. 
“Stoppppp…you know that i can’t resist that face. You’re so fucking cute.” Mapi groans as she looks down at your face where you were looking up at her pouting with puppy dog eyes and she just leans down to kiss you causing you to smile into the kiss.
“Fine let’s go.” You say standing up and heading towards the bedroom to get a hoodie which was actually Mapi’s but you claim it as your own. 
After a while the both of you are in the car heading to the game. Currently you are injured so you have to sit on the bench which isn’t the worst thing in the world but it definitely does suck.
The girls were currently warming up on the pitch as you were sitting on the bench next to Alexia who was more than happy to keep you company. 
“How is living with Mapi going?” Alexia says trying to make conversation with you but not wanting to talk about football because she knew that you were quite sad from not being able to play and if anyone understood that it was Alexia.
“It’s great. I mean I thought she treated me really well when we weren’t living together but now it’s like she tries to be even more romantic and charming as before which I didn’t even know was possible. She has even cooked for me, multiple times!” You start to ramble on about living with Mapi and honestly Alexia loved it because she was so glad that both of her best friends were in a very happy place in their relationship. What you and Mapi had was rare in Alexia’s eyes.
“Mapi has always been a huge teddy bear when it comes to relationships but then again I have never seen her act the way she does around you. I don’t think that Mapi has ever once cooked me a snack let alone a whole meal and we’ve known each other for years before you joined.” Alexia chuckled as she thinked back to some of Mapi’s past relationships, I mean sure she had been romantic but nothing like she was when she was with you and Mapi cooking for you? Alexia didn’t even know that Mapi could cook so to find out that she cooked for you regularly is quite shocking.
“I never even thought I’d have such an amazing relationship, I mean being with Mapi has made me think of the future. Which I’ve never done. I just take it one step at a time but I can see myself marrying her and having a family with her some day.” You say as you think of all the times you have seen Mapi interact with kids, they all looked up to her and she was amazing with kids whether they were a baby or a ten year old fully grown child. You knew that you would definitely marry Mapi either some day soon or in the future, either way you just wanted to be with her for the rest of you life.
“I can just imagine little Mapi’s running around breaking peoples ankles.” Alexia laughs which draw the attention from some of the fans behind the bench which causes you to look at them and give them a wave. 
Barca had won, not that anyone expected them to lose and you could tell from the atmosphere in the stadium. 
You and Alexia had walked over to celebrate with the girls which is when the cold hit you causing you to shiver which doesn’t go unnoticed by your very caring girlfriend. 
Mapi walks over to you while she takes off the jacket that she was given by one of the trainers and holds it out to you. “Take my jacket, it's cold.” Mapi says as she stands as close as she can to you without stepping on your feet with her cleats.
This action from Mapi makes you blush as you slip on her jacket then pull her towards you into a hug while wrapping the open jacket around her and then all you can hear is the fans chanting yours and Mapi’s names.
Deciding to give the fans a show, Mapi leans in and kisses you on the lips with so much passion it almost takes your breath away.
Taglist:   @sofakingwoso @dutch-gay86 @gt713 @mmmmokdok @xxforeverinadayxx  
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kz-i-co · 2 years
Angel or Devil? Part IV
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Summary: Yeonjun's ex was trying everything in her power to ruin your relationship - was the drama really worth it or should you end things before it gets worse?
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x f!reader
Genre: highschool au | fluff x angst - (eventual smut)
Warnings: story may contain strong language, mentions of drugs and alcohol - sexual references - reader discretion advice.
Words: 6k
​​Masterlist | TXT M.List >> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Taglist: @imtotallydef @beomholic @wanlore @lubtou @yeon-junie @ihrtrep @nobodyshallenter @soobsfairy444 @pr0dbeomgyu​
-"Yeonjun.....May I be your girlfriend?" -"I mean you kinda already are.......But we can make it official?"
You played the other night in your head over and over again that once you woke up you quickly pounced over towards your desk, sliding out your photo strip of you and Yeonjun in the Photo Booth, just to make sure it wasn't a dream. This was real. This was actually happening.
Your heart was beating rapidly just thinking about it. You were head over heels that you didn't even know where to begin on how you felt. You felt happy. It was too soon to use the 'L' word of course but you were infatuated - well......for the time being.
And again, this was a feeling you never wanted to be involved with, at least not now or this young for that matter. You knew for times like these, always leads to heart break later on. It was rare to see young relationships survive this cruel world. But you will need the experience later on you suppose, to know how it feels and to be able to live with it because it can and it will happen again.
You placed your photo back in your book, shaking all the negative thoughts out of your head so you can smile at the good ones. Just live in the moment. Stop thinking about the future. And as of right now - get ready for school or you will be late.
"Shall I leave money for dinner tonight or are you going out again?" Your mother arched her eyebrows.
Your mothers new words caught you off guard, causing you to choke on your cereal. She was on to you. But jokes on her because you're staying in tonight, well not alone that is. Did you want take out again though? Maybe you should actually cook something this time around.
Before you could give it any thought, you settled on a 'yes' anyway so you could shop for groceries after school.
"I have to study tonight." You nodded while pursing your lips.
You wondered how often you could use that phrase as a coverup before being caught. It's not like you were doing anything bad but the past few nights, it was probably illegal how little time you had a book in your hand. Mia would take you one night and then Yeonjun would call dibs another - you were still trying to get used to this overwhelming attention.
It was bad enough you still owed him his movie night that Mia stole from him so studying wasn't that far from the truth - you were staying home tonight and money was very much appreciated.
"Tired of hanging out with your friends already?" Your mother giggled.
"No.......I just need to catch up with my schoolwork." You laughed, trying not to be obvious.
"Okay dear." She smiled nonchalantly.
"May I ask a question?" You began and your mother alerted her attention towards you. "How old were you when you met dad?" You asked as you placed your bowl of cereal in the sink.
Your mother took a sip of her coffee before answering. "When I was 20, I was a freshman in college and your father was a junior."
"Oh, so you didn't meet in high school?" You continued to ask. "Was dad your first love?"
"Oh- no." She laughed. "But he was the first one that I knew I wanted my future with."
"What's the difference than your first love?" You asked.
She shrugged not knowing herself. "You just know when you're with that person I guess."
You nodded understanding. "What happened to your first love?"
"Not sure....we went our separate ways after school." Your mother got up placing her mug in the sink as well.
"Do you think it's pointless to have a boyfriend in highschool then?" You looked up meeting your mothers eyes as confusion was written all over her face.
"What is this about?" She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Nothing, I'm asking for a friend."
"A friend?" She said with a sly grin, she knew you too well. "Well, I would tell this friend that having a boyfriend in highschool or college doesn't make a difference, you fall for who you fall for - no matter where or when it is."
"But, isn't long distance relationships known to fail."
"Not always......If you love each other, than you'll find a way to make it work."
"That's all it takes?"
"My best friend growing up is still with her high school sweetheart."
"Really?" You had more excitement in your tone.
"Yup..... and four kids." She smiled. "Tell your friend to relax." Your mother lifted your chin up and placed a sweet peck on your forehead. "Don't be late for school."
"And remember (Y/N), your father and I won't be home tonight, we have-"
"Your business party, I know." You tried not to sound excited since that just meant more alone time with Yeonjun.
You smiled and opened the door leaving your house, speaking of Yeonjun, he was waiting in your driveway playing with his phone as he leaned against the hood of his car.
"Hey cutie." He smirked once he saw you. He did it on purpose by this point.
"Wow, your promise is still holding up." You smiled. "You're early."
"Only for you of course." He leaned forward wanting a kiss but you put your finger to your lips and signaled towards your house.
"Right." He said and you both got in the car and took off.
"I think my mom knows we're dating." You spoke when you finally were away from your house.
"Is that a bad thing?" He asked.
"No." You sighed. "But I want to ease them into it because I never had a boyfriend before." You mumbled the last part.
"I'm honored and I promise I will make it worth your while." He flirted and reached for your hand.
"Can you stop that for five minutes before my whole face catches on fire." You rubbed your cheeks.
"But I like your rosy cheeks - it's cute."
You rolled your eyes playfully as he just laughed. "I'll give it a rest.....for now - anything for you." He looked at you once again. "Shit sorry." He laughed again.
Once he parked in the student parking lot, he pulled away his hand causing you to instantly pout - the ride not being long enough.
"Is it safe to kiss you now?" He asked before leaning forward once again and you blush nodding. You feel like you never could get use to this. His lips just fit perfectly with yours - like a puzzle piece.
"Hey lovebirds, time for school." A loud knocking echoed throughout the car causing you both to pull apart startled.
You saw Mia and Soobin laughing with some of their other friends.
"We still have ten minutes, leave them alone." A tall one with dark hair spoke.
"Don't encourage it Kai, Yeonjun is corrupting my innocent friend here."
Yeonjun rolled his eyes as you giggled about to open the door.
"Wait a second." Yeonjun popped out the car quickly running towards the passenger side.
"What?" You laughed to yourself.
"I need to open the door for my beautiful girlfriend." He spoke after he opened the car for you letting you finally step out.
"Must you say that every time." You arched your eyebrows slyly.
He smirked again, not answering and you hurried catching up with your friends. Even though being Yeonjun's girlfriend was official now, you still felt shy with the whole thing and he knew that. Things were different now but you weren't trying to make it obvious. At least not yet.
"I know you're still nervous." He whispered next to you as he had his arm around you.
"W-what? Is it that obvious?"
"Just remember what I told you.....it's no one's business."
"That doesn't stop people from talking."
"Who cares? We will be out of this place in a few months."
"A few months? - 8 months." You arched your eyebrows in amusement.
"That's nothing." He shrugged with a chuckle.
You finally let yourself reach for his hand, not caring what people thought anymore. He was right, you'd be lying if you haven't notice people staring by now so what was the big deal, people know and you couldn't let that frighten you. Even as small as a simple gesture of him holding your hand was already being noticed as you tried to make the peaceful journey to your locker.
"So I wanted to ask you, Homecoming is next weekend." Yeonjun broke through your thoughts by leaning up against your locker. "Want to go with me?"
"The dance?" You said nervously and he nodded confirming your question. "Oh um.....- I've never been to one." You said nervously.
He looked at you with sympathy. "They are usually boring but I have a feeling it will be different this year."
"How so?" You arched your eyebrows.
"Because of you."
"Pff....I swear to-" You turned back to your locker grabbing your books.
"Please go with me?" He drop to one knee pouting and you were quick to bring him back up.
You couldn't help but feel embarrassed from the attention this boy attracts but you laughed anyway. "Please don't do that. I'll go with you."
"That's all it takes." He smirked.
"Don't make me break up with you." You whispered back.
"I wouldn't let you go that easy."
"Yeonjun." You warned and he just laughed.
"I'll see you later." He kissed your cheek and left you alone as Mia approached.
"Did I mention how cute you two are?" She gushed.
"Only a hundred times." You closed your locker and began the short distance to your first class.
"And did he ask you to homecoming?" Mia asked before entering class.
"Yes." You blushed.
"This is gonna be so much fun." She cheered causing stares as you finally entered.
"What about-" You and Mia couldn't help but glance at Yuhyun as a conversation started, intending you to hear.
"Shhh- there is no way that virgin is winning homecoming queen." She said loudly looking at you wanting to hear. "Besides if that happens....we'll have to have a Carrie moment." They laughed in unison as they stared back watching you find your seats.
Mia was quick to defend you as you just sat down quietly. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"Nothing." She laughed nonchalantly.
"You're really that jealous?" Mia snickered. "That's sad."
"I'm not jealous of her." She made a face of disgust.
"Fooled us." Mia finally sat down in her desk.
"Me and Yeonjun go way back and if you thought for a second he actually has feelings for you than your dumber than you look." She snapped. "We just had a terrible fight and broke it off - he'll come crawling back sooner or later. It won't be the first time - Besides, who would fall for a girl like you?" She sat down turning her back towards you.
The professor entered starting class as you sat there with tears starting down your face. You knew better than to let her get to you but you hated this, hated her. You felt like you were playing tennis with you emotions because one moment you felt like all this drama wasn't worth it and just go back to being quiet and studious but once you're around him, you feel warm inside and happier than you could ever imagine. What should I do?
"Okay, let's pull out your homework-" You raised your hand.
"Yes." Mrs. Gim answered.
"Can I use the restroom?" Your voice was shaky.
She just nodded and you quickly grabbed your things making a speedy exit, hearing laughter from Yuhyun herself.
You rather just spend the rest of the day in the bathroom if you have to - what was the point of being a target.
"(Y/N) are you in here?" You heard Mia's voice but you didn't have the vocal cord to answer.
You saw her peeking under the stall. "Ahh there you are.....Please come out."
"I'm good here actually." Your voice was soft. "Why are you here, Mrs. Gim never lets two people go to the bathroom."
"I told her you felt sick." She dropped her backpack to the floor sitting on top of it crossing her legs. "Please don't let that bitch get to you. You're better than her and everyone knows it."
"I just don't know what to do."
"You have to understand something. Yeonjun is Yuhyun's first love - and trust me, I'm not trying to come up with excuses for her - but it's hard losing something special like that." She sighed. "I'm not saying I feel bad for her but I understand why she is acting this way."
"She's jealous. She was so torn up about this breakup, she had to lie to everyone that she broke up with him remember. Shes just really hurting right now and she's targeting all her anger on to you because she already sees how Yeonjun is with you and she probably misses it." You nodded even though she couldn't see you. "It doesn't mean she should act like a fucking bitch but all I'm saying is to not let her bring you down because you are the better person in this situation." She continued. "She wants you to feel this way so you will break up with him, show her you're stronger than her."
"Okay." You finally got up and opened the door. "Get off the floor before someone sees you." You smiled and she stood up giving you a hug.
"Doesn't bother me.......Now, no more crying. Popular girls don't cry." She handed you a tissue.
"Hmm, I'm not popular." You shrugged wiping your cheeks.
"Maybe not yet, but you're getting there."
"I will only be known as Yeonjun's girlfriend."
"Well.....I guess we'll have to let them know who you are." She smiled.
Mia is a good friend, you were lucky to have her, she would probably take a bullet for you if it came down to it and for years you blew her off. She was better than you. It was time to show your appreciation.
As much as it hurt. You weren't feeling up to a date night after all, Yuhyun had to ruin everything. Maybe a break from all this drama is what you needed. This wasn't how you pictured officially as Yeonjun's girlfriend would go.
"Skipping lunch again huh?" You knew better than to try and hide in the library because the troubled boy knew you by now and reading his face, he knew you were upset.
"I'm just looking for a new book."
"(Y/N)." You tried to suck up your tears that you already felt forming as soon as you saw him. Be strong.
"What?" You put on your best painless smile as you put the book back.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Or maybe he just knew you better than you thought.
"I'm fine, I'm just tired." You pouted cutely.
"Tired?" He glanced at you before looking down at his feet disappointed - he was hoping you would be honest with him about everything.
"Tired because I was thinking about you all night." You teased trying to lighten the mood or hide the fact you were hurting. But with that lame attempt, he didn't budge, he stayed quiet worrying you. "What? You can flirt but I can't?"
"What did Yuhyun say to you?" He asked again looking over at you.
"Did Mia tell you?"
"Why didn't you?"
"Because there's nothing you can do. If this is the price I have to pay to want to be with you then I guess I'll just have to deal with it."
"I told you I would take care of it."
"I know. But you're not responsible for her actions. Mia is right....she's just jealous and I'm sure she'll move on eventually."
"What did she say?"
"It's nothing I promise."
"(Y/N)?" He warned.
"Just what a normal jealous ex would say......you're with me to make her jealous and I'm stupid to think you have real feelings for me because it's not the first time you've had a bad breakup like this and saw other people." He nodded looking away from you.
You could tell he was angry but stayed calm for you. "I'm sorry. I'm gonna talk to her again and I promise she will stop this time, even if it involves her parents."
"Am I really worth all this." You didn't mean to sound dramatic but you generally wanted to know. Was all this drama really worth it to him?
"More than you know." He interlocked your hands leading you out of the library and straight to your locker since lunch was already letting out.
"So about tonight?" He began and all the feelings you had before vanished as you talked to your loving boyfriend. He cared about your feelings and it wasn't his fault things were bad, why punish him for that?
"6 right?" You smiled. "My house?"
He smiled back. "Okay. Shall we let your parents keep their money, I'll bring something?"
"Oh no, I'm cooking up a surprise."
"Oh really now." He chuckled leaning in before being rudely interrupted.
"-Excuse me Yeonjun, can I talk to you?" Yuhyun cut you off with a devilish grin.
"That's funny because I really wanted to talk to you." His tone was sarcastic and he gave you a sweet smile before taking off with Yuhyun.
"So what did she say?" You couldn't help but be curious.
"She said you were overreacting and she never meant to hurt your feelings." You grew angry immediately. "Don't worry I know it's bullshit."
"And I warned her I would go to her parents about her stalking me if she doesn't stop - and I know that will work because her parents love me." He sighed leaning his head back against the head rest. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this."
"It's not your fault. You must of been a great boyfriend that's all." He smiled at your response.
"I'll see you at 6?" He said before leaning in, letting you nod in approval before bringing his lips towards yours in a sweet tender kiss. You couldn't count the times he took your breath away with his simple gestures. You were his and the feeling still gave you goosebumps just thinking about it.
Before the kiss could get too carried away, you gently pulled away saying your goodbyes. "I'll see you at 6."
He looked at you with such softness in his eyes. He too felt infatuated with you as you did with him. You wanted this feeling to last forever but you know that was too good to be true. You knew this feeling will eventually fade the longer you're together - your sister as witness; but maybe it will be different for once.
You glanced around the house and quickly straightened up before tonight - not that your house was normally a mess, pretty clean actually; but you wanted it perfect.
Then you quickly got dressed into something casual and walked the short distance to the bus stop. You were just lucky you were pretty close to town so you didn't have to travel far. You made sure you grabbed your shopping bag as long as the money your mother left you on the counter. Your parents had some business party, so you knew they would be gone all night.
For the first time, you were glad your parents left you alone.
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 3:57p.m. Hey, Yuhyun is having a party tonight. You want to help me sabotage it for revenge ;)
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 3:59p.m. I can't - I have plans actually
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 4:00p.m. With Yeonjun? 0.0.....what you two doin this time? Especially now since you two are official and everything ;) xxx
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 4:00p.m. Just a movie and homework
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 4:01p.m. Hmmm?!?
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 4:01p.m. What?
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 4:02p.m. You two alone at your house?
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 4:02p.m. ....
You started to type.
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 4:03p.m. Don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 4:03p.m. Or shall I say.....would lmao ;)
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 4:04p.m. Stop
You placed your phone back in your pocket, getting off the bus. What does she even think you two will do? Dinner and a movie is normal for dates. Right?
You shrugged it off as you grabbed your shopping cart, and began walking down the aisle deciding on making bulgogi for dinner with curry and ramen. You weren't the greatest cook but you watched your mother make it enough - it was a simple way to go.
You gathered all the ingredients, aimlessly making your way through the aisle, while mentally checking off the list in your head to make sure everything you needed was stored in your cart and ready to go. And just like that, you found yourself just about finished, when something caught your eye, causing you to hesitate. Your heart started to race just thinking about it. Do you need them?
You bit your lip anxiously before you quickly pretended to text on your phone as a person passed you down the aisle. Why did you feel so embarrassed? Once you were alone again you glanced ahead at the product seeing the different sizes and variations they offered.
They sell them here? Just out in the open? You guess you never seek them out before, so you never even noticed.
You proceeded to grab the first item that was closest to you, being toilet paper - to not seem so suspicious as you continued to study the different brands and wording that was placed upon the small packages. Why were there so many different types for one purpose? Comfortable for the female? What does that even mean? Your inexperienced ass couldn't handle this.
"Did you need help finding anything?" You heard a voice next to you breaking your train of thought.
Of course in this time of embarrassing agony, someone had to offer assistance when usually they aren't around when you actually needed them. At least she was a sweet old woman.
"No, I'm just trying to decide on um......what toilet paper to get. Do I want to spend the extra money for the soft one?"
"It's definitely worth it." She smiled before walking away. Kill me.
You glanced back still feeling those butterflies flutter around. Should you get them? No, Yeonjun probably already has them. But what if he doesn't in the moment? Maybe you should just in case. But what size?
What were you even doing?
You weren't even at that step in your relationship yet. You probably looked crazy on the store cameras right now. Just staring confusingly at a shelf of condoms. What has this boy done to you? You don't need them - at least as of right now.
You feel crazy even thinking about it. Just get your groceries and go home and make a sweet dinner for you and your boyfriend and watch a movie - nothing else.
But why was your heart still racing? You groaned frustrated as you put your cart back and making your way onto the bus back home with your bag of groceries.
Home....shower.....start cooking.....
You still had plenty of time once you got yourself all ready and began prepping your meal, it was still only 5:30.
You decided on a cute medium length, dark slate floral dress, with a light gray knitted sweater placed comfortably on top, along with your slippers. Were you dressed too much? It was only a comfy movie night. It was just casual but you wanted to look cute at least and not your normal lazy sweats. This was a date after all.
Everything was almost perfect. You quickly grabbed your throw blanket for a more comfortable setting as well as some lit candles on your coffee table.
Before you know it, 6 was here and Yeonjun was right on time, knocking on your door. You took a deep breath before opening the door and seeing the handsome man taking your breath away once again. You couldn't help but feel nervous all over again the first time seeing him - like every date still being your first.
"I bought chocolates." He held up the bag of goodies before leaning in - placing a sweet kiss upon your cheek. "Chocolate with popcorn is the best."
"You've done this before?" You teased letting him enter your home, placing the chocolate on your coffee table next to your burning candle.
"Nothing special, just with myself." He smiled sweetly. "I guess this movie is more romantic than I thought." He smirked looking at your candle.
You shrugged nervously. "I just like candles."
"My mom just texted me that her and my dad are just gonna stay at the local hotel because the party will be running late - so I guess I don't have to kick you out as quickly as I wanted to."
"So we can watch two movies?" He smirked.
"Sure." You giggled.
"Oh shoot, I need to check on dinner." You continued making a speedy bee line towards the kitchen. Luckily nothing was burnt from your slight distraction and you turned the burners off and continued prepping your meal together as Yeonjun watched comfortably.
"You're so cute." He smiled softly.
You glared teasingly. "Why must you insist on saying that for every little thing I do?"
"Well, stop being cute at everything you do." He arched his eyebrows playfully.
"I'm just being normal."
"Well, I guess your normal is cute."
"Yeonjun....I still have time to toss out your ass." You said playfully and he came up behind you in a warm back hug as you continued to finish spicing up the meal.
Back hugs was number one on your list for your dream boyfriend - and you couldn't believe you were here experiencing it yourself. It felt surreal.
"Bulgogi? Hmm....looks good." He leaned his chin on your shoulder. "I didn't know you could cook. You really are perfect."
"Far from.....I only know this because of my mom."
"But you still cooked it." He cuddled more into your neck. "Our next date, I'll cook for you."
"When will that be?" You relaxed as you felt him gently pepper his lips over your soft skin.
"Soon." Was all he said as the lust was slowly taking over. You couldn't help but close your eyes, taking in his gentle touch.
"Dinner is ready." You said in a hushed whisper, not breaking out of your trance. If you knew any better, you were completely under his spell. You never been touched in such a way - it felt.....amazing.
You practically begged him for more the moment you leaned your head slightly to the left, giving him full access. After every kiss, came a soft suck, up and down the crevice of your neck.
You never wanted him to let go but you needed to learn self control.
"We should eat before the food gets cold." You said again finally breaking free from your compulsion.
"You're right." He gave you one last peck before pulling away and helping you bring the plates out to the living room.
The atmosphere felt intense as you both clearly didn't want to break apart, but your meal was great none the less and you felt impressed with yourself from how well it turned out.
The movie you decided on was a romance - probably some chick flick - to fit the theme of your so called date. Which probably was a bad idea in the long run because after you cleaned up the food. It was just your main focus.
Yeonjun made some popcorn and next thing you know, you both were cuddled underneath your throw blanket, trying to pay attention to this silly romance. It's like you were waiting for something more to happen the moment you felt his fingertips dance on your exposed knee underneath your blanket. It was a cute innocent gesture until it stopped and all you felt was his hand rest there slowly tapping his index finger. A signal maybe?
You turned to question being hit with nothing but his lips on yours. It was fragile at first, like he was asking for permission but the moment you responded your lips with his - it grew intense and more desperate. This kiss wasn't like your other ones, this felt like a burning sensation upon the surface. You couldn't believe a simple kiss could have so many meanings and feelings behind it. Every one had felt different in its own unique way and this one was no exception. This one was the start of something new, something more.....dangerous.
He leaned further in until your back hit the couch cushions underneath as he towered over you. He had you pinned against the couch, forgetting instantly the tv even existed. The hand that was on your knee earlier was now resting on your slightly exposed thigh, rubbing slow circles on your soft skin, leaving goosebumps in its place. Your lips felt swollen by this point, but you didn't care, he made you feel weak.
And just when you felt like things couldn't get more intense, he broke away from the kiss but continued down, kissing your neck once again, but this time he didn't hesitate to nip softly around your soft skin. It felt hypnotizing - like he was a vampire sucking your blood. His hand climbed up your leg as well - playing with the strap of your underwear but he knew better than to take it further than that. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable in anyway. He cares too much for you.
You relaxed leaning your head to the side once again to give him a better access, letting a moan escape in the process. You didn't even know you did it until he stopped and looked at you. His lack of touch causing you to open your eyes, questioning.
"What?" You asked innocently.
"Nothing, you just sound sexy." He said before continuing to nip your neck one last time, marking his territory. You would be lying if you said the butterflies stopped during this whole process but they felt much more intense after the next, you thought you would be used to them by now but they intended to feel different the more moves he tried on you. You never have been touched in such a way before.
He lifted your leg to wrap it more around his waist as he moved his lips back up towards yours, sending tingles closer and closer to your core that you knew you felt a pool forming inside your underwear. He rested comfortably in between your legs, nothing but clothes to block your path to a more sensual desire.
You couldn't help but slowly gyrate your hips upward to get more comfortable that he stopped kissing you and looked at you with a smirk. "Are you trying to get me worked up?"
"Huh? That was an accident." You blushed avoiding his eye contact.
"An accident hmmm? Didn't think you were a tease." He leaned back down kissing you once again. He had one hand on your hip to keep you in place from moving. Did it affect him that bad? You barely moved an inch.
You didn't lie.....it felt good against your core that you secretly wanted more. Were the hormones getting to you?
You moved again, but purposely this time and with more momentum. He groaned against your lips softly pulling away. "(Y/N).” He said weak to your surprise.
"I can't help it." You whispered biting your lip and that was it for him - he wanted you more and more; like a drug he can't wean off of.
You pulled him back, working your lips with his. You jerked your hips again, causing him to hold your hip, helping you move in sync with him. You couldn't even tease him without him being a step ahead of you, you just wanted to be the one in control for once. Someday...
But that was the thing, you were in control without even knowing it. You were his newfound weakness and he didn't know how to handle you. He felt like you won this game and just decided to take one for the team. But he knew the effects and didn't know how to stop.
His lips were back on your neck as you felt the pace pick up. You felt soaked through by this point that normally you would be embarrassed but your hormones were telling you otherwise. Your heart began to race the moment you started feeling his bulge between your legs, was it really getting this far?
Maybe you should have gotten those condoms....
What? No. You're not ready for that. What were you thinking....or more likely....what was he doing to you?
"Yeonjun?" You whined feeling him right up your core. "Maybe we should stop."
He stopped and looked at you sympathetically. "I'm so sorry. You're right."
"I don't want to." You giggled for reassurance as you stopped him from pulling away. "I just.....I don't know how to do all of this." You bit your lip again but this time embarrassed.
You knew he already knows you are a virgin and have no experience whatsoever but you couldn't help but feel like a disappointment and just needed a reason for an excuse. It's not that you didn't want to go further but you felt like you couldn't without humiliating yourself in the process.
You looked down trying to avoid his eye contact. "(Y/N)." You finally looked up seeing him smile at you softly. "It's okay."
"But I don't want you to be bored or I don't want to be bad because I don't know how-"
"Relax." He cut you off. "I'll help you....whenever you're ready."
He was being the perfect gentleman and you couldn't have misjudged him better. This was not the boy you expected him to be.
"Okay." You smiled and he kissed your cheek sweetly. "We can still makeout though."
He chuckled at your nervous statement and smirked before leaning back down just as you heard a knock on the door cutting you both off.
You both grew confused getting up. "Did you forget you ordered pizza?"
"I didn't." You felt a slight chill. Who would be at your door? Mia?
"I'll get it." Yeonjun walked over to the door as you stayed hidden by the corner. It couldn't be Mia, she would have texted you.
"Party!" People yelled as soon as Yeonjun opened the door and immediately were piling inside. "Hey Yeonjun." People greeted the troubled boy.
"What is going on?" You yelled in panic trying to cut through the loud commotion.
"I don't know." Yeonjun was quick to try to find out more information. You kept trying to close the door but more and more people were entering.
"Yuhyun said that this was last minute, so we bought beer and snacks." Some dude greeted as he entered your home uninvited.
Yuhyun, you should have known better. You were quick to look for Yeonjun as your house was already filling up with people and music playing from some unknown source causing you to have a panic attack at any moment.
Yeonjun was in the kitchen as your counters were getting filled with junk. "Yuhyun-"
"I know. What do we do?"
"We can call the police?" He suggested.
"No, they will alert my parents." You took a deep breath. "Why would she do this?"
"Because she is a horrible fucking person." He pulled you into his chest comforting you.
"Hey, Yeonjun's new girlfriend -what's your name again?" You just glared at the random students you probably never even spoken to. "Oh (Y/N) that's right. Nice party! We knew you were quiet but we didn't know how cool you are. Cheers!"
"You know what? I'm not giving in to her anymore. I guess we're having a party - call your friends." Yeonjun gave you a look of uncertainty.
"It's okay. My parents aren't coming home tonight." You reassured. "But if Yuhyun tries to enter this house, stop her."
"(Y/N) I don't know-" You leaned up giving him a passionate kiss causing howls from around you. "Don't worry, she won't pull this again because her plan won't work."
He smiled at you kissing you again before pulling out his phone and calling his friends over as well as you.
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 8:07p.m. Mia, come over quick !!!!
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 8:07p.m. What's  wrong?
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 8:08p.m. Yuhyun ruined my date night telling everyone at school I was throwing a party!!!
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 8:08p.m. WHAT?!?!?!??? WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT!
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 8:09p.m. Do we really need an explanation why? She's fucking evil!
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 8:08p.m. But the good thing is that I'm not gonna let her hurt me anymore, she wanted me to have a party than I guess I'm having a party
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 8:08p.m. Yessss (Y/N)!!! We'll show her she can't run things anymore. She'll hate this lmao I'm leaving now.
Having Mia here will definitely make you feel better and stop any idiots from trashing any of your stuff. But one thing you know for sure is you can't let Yuhyun enter your party and.....you needed a drink.
>> Next Part
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bonefall · 2 years
Question rapidfire!
1. Do the clans have specific cooking styles? Spices common in their territory that affect their cooking style, prey, etc?
2. What happens to Ravenpaw?
3. How are outsiders treated by the clans?
4. Youve mentioned kit stealing a few times, did cats know were and werent stolen? Was there any stigma around it? How did Thistle Law supporters treat them/view the practice?
5. With the outlawing of kit stealing, did inbreeding become a problem?
6. Does the reasoning for medicine cats not being allowed kits change?
Question rapid-answer!
1. Do the clans have specific cooking styles?
Yes they do! ShadowClan's marsh and rough leafbares causes them to be craftier than other Clans when it comes to food prep, WindClan's diet being more than 50% rabbits makes them seek novelty, ThunderClan's access to fruit causes Sweetness Tolerance to be a very common gene in their Clan, so on.
One of the reasons I closed the inbox for a bit (i miss it as much as you guys do aaaaaaaaaaa) is because I REALLY wanna push out some projects that have been waiting around-- one of them is a Prey Survey for each Clan. (you can see bits of it in that ThunderClan biology survey I made a few days ago but hopefully the prey survey will be less... scientific.)
2. What happens to Ravenpaw?
Like canon he runs to the barn to avoid Tigerclaw killing him! Unlike canon, Barley is now Barley Senior (who was part of BloodClan and the son of his mother Bone), and Barley Junior (his nephew).
Ravenpaw and Barley Junior are the ones who are gay and dating.
3. How are outsiders treated by the clans?
Depends on Clan, depends on historical era. Generally? Not well. Outsiders have entered the Clans on occasion but it's very rare, up until Firestar and his radical Fire Alone ideology. He decides that the Code protects ALL cats, even ones who live by other rules.
Grappling with cultural xenophobia and showing how it's damaging is one of the themes of my rewrite!
4. Youve mentioned kit stealing a few times... how did Thistle Law supporters treat them/view the practice?
I made you a Kit Stealing guide to explain it better, just like I made one for the Queen's Rights of my rewrite. (I removed questions that are answered there)
But Thistle Law did not exist before the abolition of Kit Stealing! It's an ideology that was shaped by the Crusade Era and the Campaign Era that followed. Before Thistleclaw united several loose ideals and gave them a name, modern cats would describe his predecessors as "Hardened Traditionalists."
Adderfang and Finchflight would be good pre-Thistle Law examples of those. Their ideas were influential to its development! But they weren't quite there yet.
Kitten Stealing is SO taboo these days that even the most outspoken Thistle Law supporter will not openly admit to wanting to revive it after Brokenstar's rule. However; it is the logical conclusion of abolishing the Queen's Rights, which is almost universal in Thistle Law supporters. Supporting Thistle Law is a tacit commitment to resurrecting "Kitten Claiming."
5. With the outlawing of kit stealing, did inbreeding become a problem?
Queen's Rights Babey!
6. Does the reasoning for medicine cats not being allowed kits change?
Why yes!
It will come up when I dive into the... 20...-ish Bonefall DotC asks I have sitting here.
The Medicine Cat's Vow was initially a personal oath, not an official law. Moth Flight's kittens were the first medics of every Clan, violently stolen from WindClan. Before they were ripped away from her, Moth Flight made them promise that they would never have children of their own, and commit their lives to medicine instead of the Clans of their kidnappers.
When SkyClan was exiled, this vow was codified and weaponized to break a strike between the clerics. Ripplestar was ripped from his mother, Larkstripe of WindClan, and adopted by Birdflight.
I want there to be actual history to the Clans, I hope that's getting across! The society evolves! The culture of the modern Clans is very different from the one of the past! I like to imagine there could actually be an in-universe history lesson for kittens, lmao
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alevolpe · 2 years
★♡ with Usagi and Minako :0?
- Usagi & Mina ★ - sad headcanon
I think I’ll make this a joint sad hc about their friendship because I think there’s a lot of tragic aspects about it.
Both in their previous lives as Serenity and Venus, they represented the worst aspects about their own selves now. Venus was a feared ruthless manipulator who’d stop at nothing to get what she wanted, in life and in death she swore that she’d do anything to not be forgotten. Serenity on the other hand was considered by most as a spoiled brat, uninterested in any of her heir duties, selfish, her only true direction in life to live a happy escapade with her beloved, Endymion.
Serenity loved Venus, she was the only guardian that seemed to truly care about her, a sort of motherly care that even her own mother rarely openly displayed. Venus on the other hand, she hated the new heir. She will not be forgotten, and with an heir like this, their empire would promptly fall, with her among the ashes. She would not allow that.
Usagi, Rei, Minako, Michiru and Hotaru are more aware of their previous lives than the others. Either by choice or past connections. They remember who they used to be. What they did.
Sometimes Minako really struggles with this. An aspect of Venus still dormant inside her. When nasty feuds between the princess and leader (Sailor Venus is the leader in my hc, straight up), she has to plant herself, stop and think. Truly remind herself that Minako is angry at Usagi’s decisions, her attitude, her worldview. That none of that anger comes from Venus, but from herself. 
- Usagi & Mina ♡ - romantic headcanon
I don’t actually know if you wanted this as a ship or separately, but I’ll do it as a couple why not. 
I don’t really ship them, but it’s one of those ships where I can say to myself  “yeah, I can see that..”, unlike some other ones *cough, Rei x any man*.
I think they’d definitely very affectionate with each other. I see Mina as a cuddler and what is Usagi, but a very enthusiastic pillow that is just so ready to cuddle back. That if she wasn’t the one to start the cuddling first. Neither of them are usually homebodies, unless Usagi is on a lazy streak, but I can see them spending as much time outdoors as indoors. Preferring to play video games, read manga or watch movies on the couch together and then going to out eat (’cause nether of them is gonna get they ass in the kitchen, Mina is a disaster at cooking and I don’t think Usagi is that bad, she’s just lazy and can’t be bothered) or hang out together some more alone or with the others.
In case you meant for them separate, here’s a speed round. Usagi prefers in house dates generally speaking, but will never turn down any date ideas or plans, ever. She likes anytime she gets to spend with her sweetheart.        Minako doesn’t usually take dating very seriously. She has dated multiple people in the past and she definitely dates mostly because she likes dating, she loves everything about the experience, sometimes even more than the partner she’s currently with. 
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kpopsickies · 2 years
Heyy can u do svt snz and sick hcs? Thanks a lotttt
I started writing this forever ago, I think i accidentally deleted it =_(
Scoups has rhinitis, but it has to be really bad for him to actually sneeze. He’s fairly sensitive to dust. He almost always sneezes doubles, and it’s quite rare for him to just sneeze once. He doesn’t get sick often but when he does it’s bad. He gets delirious if he has even the slightest fever and it’s literally the only way his members can get him to rest. He’s very stubborn when sick or his rhinitis is acting up, almost to the point where it gets annoying. 
Jeonghan is very susceptible to colds. He has very minor pollen allergies, but for the most part it just leads to him having an itchy nose and eyes. he’s an “average” sickie. He doesn’t try and hide his symptoms, but he also doesn’t openly broadcast them. His sneeze is very soft and kinda cough-like. 
Joshua is very minorly allergic to cats, he is also sensitive to strong scented perfumes and soaps. His sneeze is very cough-like, to the point where sometimes when he coughs they bless him, thinking it was a sneeze. Or on the opposite end if he sneezes they sometimes won’t say anything or just simply respond with a “bless you?” Joshua doesn’t really get sick often. Maximum of once a year, usually when he’s sick he doesn’t want to be bothered and just wants to be left alone. 
Jun is a “dark horse” he has a super strong immune system and doesn’t have any allergies. Except when he does. There is a specific plant, he doesn’t know what it is, but he’so only ever come across it in America that he’s super allergic to. Jun also doesn’t get sick, except when he does. He’s noticed that he gets sick every time Minghao does. Even if he isn’t around him, he still manages to get sick. His sneeze is medium volume.
Hoshi has dust allergies that are even worse that Seungcheol’s. So much that he’s become the groups indicator of when they need to clean the dorm. He really hates sneezing on camera, so will therefore avoid it at all costs. Even leaving the room during a live to avoid it. He doesn’t get sick too often, but if he goes too long without getting enough sleep he is much more likely to get sick. 
Wonwoo is the cleanest member. Part of it is because he has rhinitis and a sensitive nose and can easily be triggered by dust. He also has a tendency to get sick often, but especially during fall. He doesn’t know why but that’s when he gets sick the most. 
Woozi is tiny, but ironically has one of the loudest sneezes in the group. Which shocked the members when they heard it for the first time. He doesn’t get sick, like ever. the members claim it’s because he never sleeps so his body is just used to it. He is minorly allergic to pollen, but refuses to let it interrupt him. So when the pollen count is high he just takes medicine, wears a mask outside, and gets to work. 
Dk is allergic to cats. Out of all the members with cat allergies his are the worsts, even to the point if one of the members pet a cat he can’t be around them. he has a high-pitched but loudish sneeze. He doesn’t get sick very often, but when he does he’s super dramatic about it and just wants sympathy and attention.
Mingyu has rhinits and is the sneeziest member of the group. He always has fits of multiple sneezes. He’s also really bad about covering his mouth which causes him to get scolded by the other members. He’s gotten better at covering his mouth after he got the whole group sick because he cooked while sick. (which got him a 2 week long ban from the kitchen, it was supposed to be longer, but the members missed his cooking. 
out of all the members he is the worst when it comes to being sick. This is mainly because if he gets a fever he gets super delirious and barely functions and yet he refuses to rest. Thankfully, he doesn’t get sick often. The only “allergy” he has is to certain hair dyes. So, after every time he dyes his hair he gets super sneezy after. But only for a day or so after.
He is the only member with literally no allergies. he also has the immune system of steel so he very rarely gets sick. He can count on one hand the number of times he’s gotten sick in his life. This means he usually goes out of his way to take care of the members when they get sick, knowing full well he’s not gonna get sick. On the flip side, if he does get sick, which has happened a total of twice since joining seventeen he is incredibly clingy, specifically to Vernon. He has a very quiet sneeze.
Vernon has pollen allergies and rhinitis. He gets colds often because he doesn’t like wearing a jacket. He is very independent when he’s sick and gets very stubborn and hates resting when sick. He has very minor cat and dog allergies but doesn’t care at all and absolutely loves cats. 
He is very shy when he’s sick. So much so that his members know he’s sick purely because he starts avoiding the members when he gets sick. So when he starts avoiding them they know he’s sick. He has minor pollen allergies and hates sneezing in front of people and gets shy when he sneezes in front of the members. He also cannot wrap his head around the concept of saying “bless you” and still gets confused when the members say it to him.
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angelbluediary · 4 months
Red Flags I Hadn't Seen
June 30, 2020: "But it does hurt when it feels like I can’t do enough, can’t do anything right, even on days I actively try. I’d been so proud of feeling genuinely happy and creative this past week. I vacuumed today and then got absorbed into Youtube videos and online shopping and all of a sudden Rob is upset because it’s past the time he likes to eat and I’m at my computer. And then when I went downstairs to make it and he suggests an alternative, and I ask if he’d still like my food tomorrow, and his reply is “Will you actually make it?” effectively tugging on all my exposed insecurities and guilt. It’s moments like that, that make all the other little accomplishments fly right out the door because clearly I’m not doing something right, which means everything else is wrong. I love him so much but sometimes I think about how maybe if I were alone i wouldn’t feel so guilty and bad about myself all the time. Because if I didn’t cook and ate shitty little throw-together meals instead from the pantry or whatever, it would only reflect on me, it wouldn’t influence anyone else." This entry was prefaced with "Wakeup calls never come gently." I was scolding myself in this writing.
Aug. 30, 2020: "[Rob's dad] wants to sell this place by the end of the year, apparently. That gives me a matter of months. To figure out what the fuck I’m going to do. And all Rob really says is, “I can’t help you because I can’t sign any leases until I get a job.” And then goes to play video games with his friends. I mean, he seems almost completely unconcerned, to the point that I feel strange for freaking out about this. What the hell? You’re… going to tell me I’m basically being kicked out, with no specified date just SOON, look for other housing even though that’s probably impossible, days before you move away and leave me alone here? I never want to feel this fucking way again. I never want my life to be in someone else’s hands. I should never feel scared of losing my home and not having a place to live."
May 27: In all those years, he never once bought me flowers. And on one rare day I decided to treat myself to a bouquet of roses, he’d asked critically, “Do you really need those?”
May 27: Throughout all those years, he liked to invade my personal space in ways that made me very uncomfortable. Ways I described as making me uncomfortable. Boundaries I tried to set, but perhaps not well at first because I’d never had cause (or permission) to do so. He would loom over me with his body until I cowered, then laugh. He would intentionally ruin my masturbation sessions; he found it funny to frustrate me when I was finally on the verge of release. He would use my body for pleasure and then leave me, but only after listening to me beg for anything, any help in getting there (the lightest touch of fingertips on my nipples or even my hip–truly, anything), and refuse. 
He would make comments. About how the thing I’d set my sights on, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. That my feelings about a certain matter were wrong. He would argue with me about women’s experiences. He’d laugh at rape jokes in movies while my body seized up and my mind began a shrieking alarm. He would purposefully scare me while I listened to music and believed myself alone. He’d report on the noises I wasn’t aware I was making under my breath. If I was in the midst of stretching my body, he’d come up from behind, push my face into the floor, and mime fucking into me.
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euargh · 2 years
vent post
been feeling down all day. earlier kept randomly crying. cooking tons of food for the side dishes while watching the Thanksgiving balloon parade helped distract me. but then the inevitable gloominess returned. My sis’ called me and we actually laughed hard over the phone over stuff we did as kids and holy shit, she found the skit I’ve spent years trying to find. This MAD TV skit that was my absolute favorite and inspired a lot of crap over the years and is basically my personality. It also reminded my sis’ and I at how when we were kids and screaming/laughing hysterically over making fun of whatever was on TV my mom threw a beer bottle at the wall yelling at us to shut up which caused us to explode out laughing. (Very rarely when she throws something we just crack up... probably due to insanity. Beer bottles = funny. Chancla = funny. Other objects = not funny.) I was glad for that phone call. Usually the phone calls from her are...negative and leave me stressed out and feeling alone. but lmao she saw the food posts I was sharing over Facebook -- which ironically I don’t actually have friends there, I only have a FB so if I were to disappear, my disappearance might be noticed and my sis’s friends will hopefully maybe might send a search party or something because shit I’m very much alone in life with the exception of my parents I live with. Though honestly I feel very much alone internally and wish I could build connections with online people like before. I’m just glad my fanfictions and fanfic youtube account are finally steadily gaining traction. It helps ease the pain of loneliness. It makes me feel like I’m actually liked and seen and that I’m actually making others laugh. -- shit got offtrack, sorry. Back on topic, she saw my food photos and was “I saw your food photos and WHOOAA” to which I apologized because I have been trying to not post as much on that shitty place (because I often lash out at scammers and weirdos that hit on me and sometimes I post cryptic stuff I don’t remember that clearly give away something’s very wrong with my brain and I’m just generally fucked up), but then she asked me to save her a slice of the apple pie crumble I baked and put it into the freezer. I put two slices in the freezer for her and said I’ll bake her a fresh one the next time she visits to take with her back to San Antonio to share with her best friend/neighbor! Then wow, my brother-in-law actually said “I miss kat” and I was just... “awwww thank you so much” (but I’m still scared of them since they easily hate on me at the drop of a dime, though it’s just really nice feeling liked in the heat of the moment and told nice things.) Also my parents absolutely love the pie and says it tastes better than the store’s. Wow. I suppose it’s really nice actually being good at something, in my case it is cooking. but I feel bad because I get stressed out worrying if I’m making everyone’s health worse or not with cooking such tasty foods. (but I mean... it should be healthier than the TV dinners they eat all the time.) I do try to cook vegetables and healthy soups for everyone and include healthy spices to add flavor. It was just nice this morning hear my dad say “You did a lot of work! Thank you, Mijita!” urgh, please excuse my extremely negative vents. I suppose venting into the void helps a little since I do feel less crummy after typing all this.
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dre6ming · 2 years
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Fluff ♥︎
Angst ♠︎
Smut ♣︎
If the links in the post don’t work try #dre6ming writes elvis / #dre6ming writes austin/ #the I stayed there series/ #the delicate beginning rush
𐎼my imagination & me𐎿
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Austin Butler
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You and Austin broke up three years ago and now fate has it that you two meet again, when you move back from college. He’s sorry for how things ended and you were never really able to get over him. So what happens?
I stayed there
<all chapters>
Untitled chapter- coming soon
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You are a 19 year old actress, on the way to success after an Oscar nomination and as you plan to take another step in your career by launching yourself into the music industry, you meet HIM, Austin Butler.
The delicate beginning rush
<all chapters >
More in the series:
Introducing the reader
Teaser~ reader’s instagram profile
Fake news article about readers dating life
Headcanons: Austin x reader fight / Austin x reader dealing w/ paparazzi / Austin x reader relationship leaked / Austin x reader at the beach / Austin x reader cooking on live / How Austin and reader kiss
New articles:
- sparkling dating rumors
- Austin x Y/n headlines
- Austin x Y/n top 10 paparazzi stills
Imagines Masterlist - short stories in the universe
Actors on Actors - y/n x Austin interview
Instagram photo dump -instagram story following the series
⋘Playing for keeps⋙
Austin is the next in line for the throne, but he can’t be king if he doesn’t have a wife. In your country tradition says that a selection formed of 35 young women must be formed for the prince to find a wife. You are obligated by circumstances to participate against your will. What are the chances that you might be the next queen? None right? Right?
Stand alones
Just us two, even in a crowded room ��︎♠︎♣︎
you are invited to the met gala and meet with an old costar, something lights up between the two of you and it starts the rest of your lives.
Have some respect ♥︎♠︎♣︎
you played Priscilla in the Elvis movie, but because you’re socially awkward you rarely interact with Austin and after a very intrusive interviewer asks a inappropriate question you two find comfort with each other.
Our very last kiss (part I) ♥︎♠︎♣︎
you’re a 21 year old actress and you get casted to play Priscilla in the new Elvis biopic. You fall for Austin, but it ends up that he only thought you were going method with him, so when filming ends so does your relationship. For him at least.
I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight(part II) ♥︎♠︎
life isn’t just pain and unfairness, you just needed someone to show you that.
Starry eyes sparkling up my darkest night ♥︎♠︎
you are over at Austin’s house waiting for him to come home, when the storm outside causes a power outage. Austin helps you through your anxiety of the dark when he gets home
Help him shave -the delicate beginning rush imagine ♥︎♠︎
Austin comes to visit you, while you’re filming in Canada and you have a nice morning waking up next to him.
Out on a snowy night -the delicate beginning rush imagine ♥︎♠︎
You and Austin enjoy a nice walk out in the snow, cracking jokes and laughing, then all of a sudden Austin decides it would be a great idea to throw you in the snow.
Austin paints your nails -tdbr imagine ♥︎♠︎
Austin decides he wants to try and paint your nails, trying his best to do a good job, during this time he actually falls in love with one of your nail polishes and he lets you paint his nails as well
Bubbles & Bubbly ♥︎♠︎♣︎
Both you and Austin had a horrible day and he comes home with a small surprise for you. Then to relax you both enjoy a steamy bubble bath
Unconditionally and irrevocably in love with her- tdbr imagine ♥︎♠︎
Austin’s reaction to your surprise performance at the Cannes Film Festival premiere of Elvis
A thousand flowers- tdbr imagine ♥︎♠︎ ♣︎
Austin is over, visiting you while you’re filming and he takes you out on a walk only for you to return to the perfect ‘at home’ date.
The Oscars- tdbr imagine ♥︎♠︎
After Austin wins his Oscar you go to the bathroom only to bump into his ex girlfriend, how will that talk go?
Kissing in the rain - tdbr imagine ♥︎♠︎ ♣︎
Austin wakes you up in the middle of the night to take you out on a rainy adventure that ends in a steamy way in the car
A ménage a trois - threesome w Olivia ♣︎
On set of dune II ♥︎♠︎ ♣︎
You go visit Austin on set of dune two and he gets a little shy about acting as a villain, but that is all forgotten once you work your magic
Kiss it better ♥︎♠︎
On the set of his new movie the bike riders, something bad happens and Austin gets protective of you
Be mine forever? ♥︎♠︎
How would Austin propose to you?
Wedding plans
Making wedding plans with Austin is so wholesome
Quit smoking
Elvis Presley ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
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Stage fright ♥︎♠︎♣︎
Bed fright ♥︎♠︎♣︎
Elvis met you working on his ‘68 comeback show, he feel for you instantly, at a celebratory party for the special he makes a move and you 2 become a thing. Later he shows you the Vegas stage and gives you and unforgettable orgasm to help ease his nerves
Stand alones
Angels like you ♥︎♠︎
you can’t stand to play the colonel’s fantasy and you can’t stand to see it destroy the man you love, so you run away. But years later you’re still caught up in the past, even as you are living a completely new life.
Lullaby ♥︎
no mater how tired you are, your brain won’t shut up and let you go to sleep, so Elvis helps you out
A dream ♣︎
Must listen songs
A well curated collection of Elvis songs that need more attention and recognition
Timothee Chalamet ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
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Stand alones
I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight ♥︎♠︎
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Chapter list up ⇧
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Thank you for answering my question 🥰 For chenya and neige can i request red teal yellow and brown plz?
.. i am sorry for my take on neige being so different from canon neige FHJSJSKKD. i just believe he's more than what he was in the game!! let him be something more than just a cute and pure snow white boy!!
RED: "is this character a romantic kind of person? is it easy for him to express love and affection?"
to be honest, i don't think chenya is that romantic, but he's very good at expressing his love for you. though he absolutely can scare you a bit sometimes with his antics, he's that type of guy who would act like he forgot about your date, but then he would suddenly appear behind you and hug you, asking if he's late you are, chenya. you're late for like an hour. and you came late only for this silly little moment this guy would casually give you hugs and kisses and be like "hm? what's wrong, y/n? why are you so red?" KNOWING WELL THAT YOUR FACE IS RED BECAUSE OF HIM.
TEAL: "what's this character's type? what kind of person would be a perfect partner for him?"
similar to floyd, i think chenya likes shy and quiet people or simply introverts. BUT I HAVE A REASON TO BELIEVE THAT I HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS. look at his friends. trey and riddle do NOT have the same level of energy as chenya and they're usually pretty quiet unless riddle gets angry and they're okay with spending time alone. sure, they're his friends, so his romantic type may be different, but i really do think chenya finds people like that interesting. it's just so calm and peaceful when he's around them, you know? even chenya needs moments like that.
YELLOW for chenya was done here!
BROWN: "a domestic headcanon for that character"
listen. listen to me. chenya is a catboy. a cute little catboy. and considering that he's a catboy, i'm sure chenya would cause a lot of chaos even if you two live together now. I CAN SEE HIM TRY MAKING RANDOM THINGS FALL LIKE CATS DO. don't worry he will catch them he won't let them fall PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AT HIM he also would try and have a taste of whatever you're cooking at the moment and then be like "i don't know what you're talking about!! i haven't even touched it!!" but there will be cute moments too! again, he's a catboy, so he would love to put his head on your lap while you're reading or watching something and he would actually be surprisngly quiet when it happens.
neige leblanche.
RED: "is this character a romantic kind of person? is it easy for him to express love and affection?"
yes and yes. i think neige is one of the most romantic boys here. he absolutely loves to plan dates, he always remembers what you like and what places you want to visit and he makes sure to use that knowledge for your future dates. you're pretty much treated like royalty when you go on a date with him. neige is also very affectionate and he gives you compliments all the time, trust him, he's being sincere!
TEAL: "what's this character's type? what kind of person would be a perfect partner for him?"
this might sound funny, weird or even ~controversial~ but.. i have this headcanon that neige actually likes people who have not the best reputation. maybe they're so mysterious that others find them suspicious, maybe they're too intimidating or have a dark past that people know about. he just gets so curious, he can't help it! he wants to know them better, he wants to give them love that they deserve and never get. of course, if they really are bad, neige would feel a bit uncomfortable.. but i feel like he would try to get along with them anyway. neige just has that "i can fix them" energy. but if this person is actually kind, they just rarely show it or people don't notice how good they really are, i think it would be so cute for them to date neige!
YELLOW: "how his s/o can make him smile?"
neige appreciates cute moments when you two are alone and you can just be yourself with each other. when you ruffle his usually perfect hair and laugh, when you two dance and you don't need any music for it, when you two talk about how your day went. neige loves when his s/o shows him that he doesn't always have to be this perfect boy, you love him for who he is and he's so grateful for having you in his life.
BROWN: "a domestic headcanon for that character"
AGAIN. ANOTHER HEADCANON THAT PROBABLY SOUNDS WEIRD. i know that neige is based on snow white, so he must be a perfect househusband, but.. how funny would it be if neige actually didn't know how to do chores. he's a busy man, he's an actor, he's an influencer, i doubt that he had the time to do things like that himself. but hey, i'm sure he can "summon" cute birds and animals with his singing too! and they would love to help him! so don't be surprised if you come home and see neige and his animal buddies. he just doesn't want to disappoint you, he knows you deserve the best, but he needs some help..
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
I've been rewatching tbbt and this idea just came to mind and I thought I'd share so an MC who's an extreme germaphobe like the paper girl from gumball kind of extreme, maybe MC has a health reasons for being such a germaphobe or it's just her? idrk
Hello! I kid you not when I'm telling you I have a germaphobe mc scenario in my drafts, (though it is a longer post than usual nowadays). I see this as the perfect opportunity to publish it! Thanks for the motivation! Enjoy!
the brothers with a mc with a fear of contamination
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
IMPORTANT: If you have germaphobia, and it is actually limiting your daily life, reach out to a professional who can help you. You do not have to feel ashamed over it and you deserve to live without constant stress! Remember you are not alone.
content warnings: angst (with some fluff), descriptions of compulsive behavior, fear of (chemical) contamination, germs and illness (toxoplasmosis is mentioned), implied intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, food aversions, crying
lucifer noticed you were afraid after a visit to ristorante six
you and him went there on a romantic date, but the enjoyment quickly died for you the second you laid eyes on the table, there was a weird stain on it
your mind quickly went places: what if there's a dangerous illness in that stain? it touched that part of the table, so it might have spread to the rest too
it was hard to control the panic and tears, but lucifer could see you were in distress, and he knew what had caused it, you were staring at the stain after all
the first born took you home and cooked a nice dinner for you two himself, since you were okay with being at home
he did not bring up what had happened at the restaurant for a while, mainly because he didn't know what to do
if it really was a phobia, he knew he couldn't do much about it, it hurts him to see you suffer from your own mind
you're okay with him touching you, in fact you enjoy the physical touchbut it's a different story every time either of you used a public restroom
you actually avoid the bathrooms at all cost, since you can't know what people have been in there before you and even though you knew the risks are minimal, you were still scared
if mammon touched you, he might pass down a disease to you, and if you touched him, he'd be in danger
you couldn't tell him, if you did, he might think you think he's gross, and that would break his heart
but mammon is no idiot, he could tell something was up with you, so you actually did end up telling him it all
his intentions are pure, but his actions overstep your boundaries, he tries to help you get over the fear by exposing you to the trigger, but you absolutely hate it, now mammon doesn't know how to help
this fear of yours always hurts those around you, you hate it
he noticed you rarely touch anything outside your room, and if you do, you'd run off to wash your hands
and you would be washing them for a long time too
so, levi figured out the game controllers in his room might be uncomfortable for you to touch too
that's why he bought you your very own controller, in your favorite color, so you could keep it in your room
of course, he was very flustered when giving you the gift and of course, you still desinfected the item with antibacterial wipes
but it still helped you breathe when playing games together
he noticed you showed signs of germaphobia very quickly
but, you didn't seem to be willing to talk about it whenever he tried to bring the subject up
satan was worried, so he brought you over to a cat cafè to test how bad your fear really was
you seemed to be fine with entering the cafè, which was a good sign, but touching an animal, or touching a place the animal might have been was too scary for you, despite your love for cats
why? you were afraid of toxoplasmosis, and any other disease a cat might carry
you knew catching a disease was unlikely, but you were still on your ddd looking up every symptom and incubation period
satan left the cafè with you, feeling defeated because he feels like he can't do much
you always looked up every ingredient in every cosmetic you own, sometimes you'd even google what textiles in clothing were considered 'unsafe'
asmo didn't think there was a serious issue with this, maybe you were just looking out for your skin?
this was quickly proved wrong when you started having a panic attack during one of your at-home spa days
you were afraid there would be a toxic product in the face mask you were wearing, you had just put in on because you didn't want to burden asmo with reading every ingredient in it to you
he tried to reassure you by telling you he uses this product almost every day, but it didn't help much
he removed the mask and tried to calm you down, asmo's worried about your mental health now, he tries using his contacts to find a counselor for you
you had aversions towards certain foods
beel thought it was just a matter of taste, so he didn't think too much of it
though he was a little worried, almost every time you'd go to a restaurant together, you ordered something simple like mashed potatoes, and you refused to eat anything else on the menu
beel always orders a ton of food, but this time he ordered a little extra to feed you
he was caught off guard when you started to cry as he was trying to encourage you to eat some mushrooms
he paid the waiters and left with you, food didn't matter right now
that's when you told him you were afraid of contracting a disease through foods you deemed 'suspicious'
beel's heart broke, he will eat the foods you are afraid of in front of you, to show you nothing bad would happen
he likes to cuddle until you fall asleep
sometimes, you let him do it, when you're in your room, which you can clean afterwards
but when it's in his room or the attic? not so much
belphie didn't understand why you were acting like this, but he never confronted you about it, maybe it was a touchy subject to you
he figured out himself you might be afraid of contamination eventually, and now he couldn't keep silent anymore
he told you his worries, and you told him you were right
you told him what triggered your fear, and you bet he never did anything to make you uncomfortable again
he also waits for you to initiate cuddle time, instead of himself
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sapphire-strikes · 2 years
♧Some Mr. Osomatsu Headcanons Pt. 2!"♧
Some more of these cause they're a blast to do~
Part. 1 Part. 2 Part. 3
• Out of all the brothers, Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Karamatsu give the best hugs.
• Osomatsu because, as I mentioned before, this man has the potential to be genuinely nice and comforting when he actually tries, and the same applies to his hugs. When he is being genuine, his big brother energy also takes a massive spike. He's not the kind to act sappy or heartfelt, so he'll be running his mouth, throwing out teases and making jokes, but his hugs are very warm and full-bodied with just the right amount of squeeze.
"What, you done already? Nah, c'mere."
Is the type to hold on after the hug should have ended and fall backward, taking his huggie with him cause he thinks it's funny. But before that part, it's actually really nice!
• Jyushimatsu may be a little strange but he's undeniably a ball of joy as well and is the huggiest out of all the brothers. He's a pounce hugger too, so prepare to be jumped. Squeezes tightly and doesn't like to let go. Will koala cling to your torso or back and physically shimmie around your body to avoid being pulled off. You'll probably need help from one (or multiple) of the others to remove him, but it's still kinda sweet.
• Karamatsu likes to play Mr. Cool Guy but in reality, he's very nervous when it comes to physical affection. Offers hugs freely but gets flustered if someone takes his offer and wholeheartedly hugs him back. He'll try to keep playing it cool but has to try his hardest to hide the blush that will encompass his face. Kara lives for attention of any kind but in a much less shallow way than he may make it seem. He just wants to feel loved, so little things like that get to him.
His hugs are tight, firm, and very safe feeling. They also tend to linger for a while, so you may need to remind him to let go. He's one of the strongest of the brothers (besides Jyushimatsu, but he's a special case) so if he happens to get carried away, he might lift the person he's hugging off the ground for just a second.
His brothers rarely hug him, so when he finds someone that doesn't mind his hugs, he'll try to find any excuse to slip one into any interaction. For example:
"You dropped your hotdog? Truly a pity. Come, find solace in my arms!"
"Y/n, it has been too long!"
"It's been like a week?"
"Far too long indeed! Let us commemorate our reunion with a grand embrace!"
• None of the brothers can cook very well, but Ichimatsu is probably the most capable out of all of them since he knows how to make a few simple things. He isn't nearly confident enough to let himself cook for or in front of other people, but he does so for himself sometimes when he's home alone.
• He actually started learning how because he saw someone make cat-shaped onigiri in a magazine once and had to try it himself. That's what he's best at, but he also knows how to make miso soup, okayu, and can put together a pretty cute bento box if he's feeling up to it. He also tries new recipes once in a while, provided they have a kitty-related twist that makes him want to put in the effort.
• It's not a lot, and certainly not all that impressive, but compared to his brothers it's a little something.
• I like the idea that Oso is the first of his brothers to actually get his driver's license. He doesn't have a car yet and won't anytime soon, but he puts in the time and passes his test with flying colors without much of a reason besides he just decided he wanted to do it.
• He keeps it a secret from his brothers and parents until he actually passes the exam and then brings his physical license home to show it off to no end.
• More than offended that he of all people would go ahead and do something so grown-up, Choromatsu and Karamatsu decide as the next oldest they need to as well. So this creates a domino effect, with Karamatsu deciding to take motorcycle lessons, much to the excruciation of his brothers, and Choromatsu desperately trying to catch up and get his driver's license so Oso can't hold it over him anymore.
•Surprising everyone, Karamatsu actually does manage to (just barely) pass his test and get his motorcycle license on his first try.
• Meanwhile, Choromatsu is still retrying and failing his driver's exam to this day. The poor guy is well studied and knows everything he needs to, but actually getting behind a wheel makes him so nervous that he inevitably messes up. So it looks like Oso's gonna be able to hold it over him for a while.
• The latter three are much less ambitious, since it's not like any of them even have a car to drive if they were to pass, and Totty says that their little brother privileges give them the right to be driven around by everyone else anyways.
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elfboyeros · 2 years
Pixal and Zane Headcanons I have
*Things I think about too much! Angst and Fluff :)
I know we are talking about the crystal season, but fuck you this is my post and my account, I'll do what I want!
Pixal has so many pieces of armor that Zane has to help her put it all on sometimes. "Why did you make your armor so many pieces, snowflake," "I don't remember anymore!"
Zane, despite being a clean person, works in a state of what he calls "organized clutter" whereas Pixal is the complete opposite, in the work sense, keeping a workstation organized.
Pixal does Zane's chores when he's on missions because y'know she gets left behind a shit ton and wants to keep busy.
You can't convince me that Zane has not brought stay animals to the monastery. Given that there is a random cat that lives in the monastery, Wu named it Capri, because no one could come up with a name. The cat goes between Wu's room, and Zane and Pixal's room with Wu and Pixal being its favorite people.
I've said this before but ZANE AND PIXAL SLEEP FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME AFTER BIG MISSIONS. Because those metal bitches would stay up the entire time, you can't convince me otherwise!
Pixal sits in Zane's lap, Zane sits in Pixal's lap, anywhere and everywhere! It's a comfort thing.
I believe that Zane always needs something to do to keep himself believe so he doesn't have to be alone with his thoughts.
Give the one above Zane with absentmindedly playing and even braiding Pixal's hair when he is thinking or listening to others. Like family, a meeting is called in the living room or something, and Pixal will already be there, Zane will sit next to her and just start braiding her hair.
Pixal hates it when Zane calls her Pix, and even tho it happens very rarely, Pixal actually stops anything and everything and gets caught off guard. "why is it a problem," "It doesn't sound right, coming from you!"
Pixal hates Milton Dyer, enough said
There are two wolves inside me: one that says Zane doesn't get jealous, the other says Zane gets jealous of the others from time to time because Pixal and Zane don't get a lot of time together as it is.
Based on the headcanon that the two of them are married that's I've had for ages, they are not married legally, and they never had a wedding, Zane said they were married one day and everyone went along with it because it made the most sense.
Jay constantly asks Zane for advice and has asked how I propose to Nya, and Zane just shrugged and said "I never did," which did not make Jay feel any better.
Zane is touted as the good husband/boyfriend/partner cause, he would be, of course, but he doesn't think he is given the fact that he and Pixal don't spend a lot of time together and he knows he could do more but he's always busy.
Zane gives Pixal flowers for no other reason than because he can.
Someone wrote in a fic, so I don't take credit for it, something like Pixal and Zane communicating via their minds and I can't get it out of my head because they would do that!
Pixal has screamed "I BUILT A FUCKING SUBMARINE," at someone at least once a month.
Zane has fantasized about Pixal in wedding attire, I would put money
Pixal is over-protective!
If we assume they are straight, they are the group's emotional support straights.
Zane taught Pixal how to cook, despite that she knew how they really enjoyed the time they spent together.
I feel like if we assume they can drink and eat (let's not look into it that much this one is funny I swear!) I feel like they are both lightweights which leads to fun shenanigans
We all as a collective can agree that Pixal would and will repair Zane if he gets damaged, and I personally think he gets injured a shit ton
So like I feel like Pixal has pleaded with him at some point to stop getting himself hurt so often.
If they are training together PIxal's kicking his ass! The reason: Zane gets distracted!
My love, my moon, my snowflake, all of Zane's nicknames for Pixal.
Pixal calls, love, honey, and prince charming on occupation.
Zane has had to talk Pixal down and even hold her back from killing the Mechanic!
Zane found a new appreciation for the color pink seeing Pixal wear the color.
I doubt they have been on an actual date, but I don't think it bothers the two of them.
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missmentelle · 4 years
What is reactive abuse?
“Reactive abuse” occurs when the victim of abuse lashes out at their abuser - by striking back at them, screaming, swearing at them, insulting them or even throwing something at them - in response to the abuse that they are experiencing. This is actually an extremely common behaviour in domestic violence victims, and it’s one of the most important tools an abuser has for convincing other people that the victim is the real abuser in the relationship, and that the abuser is actually the one being abused. 
Consider these scenarios:
Scenario 1: Sam is abusive to his partner, Erin. He constantly criticizes and belittles her, although he never raises his voice and always does so in a calm, matter-of-fact way. He tells her that her clothes are too revealing for her, and that she should go put on some baggy clothes until she’s lost some weight. He comments on everything she eats and asks if she “really needs” to be eating it. He compares her to his friends’ wives and asks why she can’t look like them. He talks down to her like she’s stupid, and criticizes her cooking, her cleaning, her spending, and her appearance. After weeks of relentless criticism, Erin snaps - she screams at Sam to fuck off and leave her alone, and locks herself in her room. 
Scenario 2: John is abusive to his partner, Raj. John likes to physically intimidate Raj by looming over him, backing him into corners, standing in doorways to prevent him from leaving, and punching holes in walls and smashing things when he gets angry. One day, during an argument, John grabs Raj by the arm and starts screaming in his face. Raj tells John to let go of him, but John ignores him and instructs Raj to “look at me when I’m talking to you”. Desperate to get away, Raj shoves John in the chest as hard as he can, and John falls backwards. 
In these scenarios, Erin and Raj are the ones lashing out... but they are also the victims in these situations, and not the perpetrators. These are examples of reactive abuse; they are lashing out because they are under extreme stress from being constantly abused, not because they are abusive themselves. If they were in a non-abusive relationship, they wouldn’t scream or shove their partners - it’s the abuse itself that is driving them to behave that way. 
Once a victim begins to display reactive abuse, the abuser will almost always use it against them. The abuser will constantly bring up the reactive abuse, presenting it as evidence that the victim is unstable and irrational, and that they themselves are actually the victim of their partner’s totally unpredictable behaviours and moods. Sam, for instance, can use Erin’s outburst as “proof” that she’s the abusive one in the relationship - when he talks about the incident, he can say “I was just trying to have a calm, rational conversation with her and she started screaming at me out of the blue. I tried to calm her down but she just wouldn’t listen - she told me to fuck off and then locked me out of our bedroom for hours. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around her, anything can set her off”. 
Bringing up reactive abuse is a way for the abuser to win the sympathy of friends and family, turn people against the victim, and leave the victim even more isolated. They can even convince professionals that the victim is the abusive one, and use that as a weapon against the victim - if Sam goes to a therapist and gives a biased account of Erin’s “totally irrational” screaming fit, it’s very likely that the therapist will take his side and tell him what he wants to hear. Then he can truthfully come home and tell Erin that his therapist thinks she’s toxic and abusive, and that Sam shouldn’t have to put up with her. 
Eventually, constantly being told that you’re the abusive one - with several real-life examples listed as evidence - will probably start to convince you that you really are the abusive one in the relationship, even if you are genuinely the victim. Raj, for instance, has now actually hit his partner - that’s a line that John has never crossed, even through John is the physically abusive partner and Raj is the victim. It’s going to be very easy for John to use that against Raj, and convince Raj that he’s the real abuser, especially since Raj’s self-esteem is probably already poor from being in an abusive relationship. Once Raj starts to believe that maybe he really is the abusive one after all, it’s going to be much easier for John to control him, and it’ll be much harder for him to escape the relationship - he’ll no longer feel like he “deserves” or qualifies for help from domestic violence agencies, he’ll be inclined to blame himself for the issues in the relationship, and he may even start to feel like he should be grateful to John for staying with him and “trying to help him”. 
Some other important things to know about reactive abuse:
Reactive abuse is NOT mutual abuse. “Mutual abuse” is the term for a relationship where both people are abusers going into it, and both people abuse each other equally and are equally to blame for the abuse in the relationship. That’s not what this is. For one thing, mutual abuse is extremely rare, to the point that experts aren’t totally convinced that it exists - abuse requires a power dynamic where one person tries to assume control over the other, and that power dynamic just doesn’t work both ways. A person who commits reactive abuse is not an abuser - they are a person under extreme stress, and they stop reacting that way as soon as they are out of the abusive relationship. A genuine abuser shows the same pattern of abusive behaviour in all of their relationships, over and over again. 
Almost everyone will commit reactive abuse in certain circumstances. If you kick a dog enough times, the dog will eventually bite you. Some will bite you quicker, some will take longer to bite you, but they will all bite you at some point. Being under extreme stress changes a person - when you live with that kind of abuse day in and day out, the strain of it will eventually start to affect you in profound ways, and cause you to lash out and doing things you would never do otherwise. There’s nothing you can really do to cope with that kind of abuse in a healthy way while it’s still happening- the only way to recover is to leave. Many survivors of domestic abuse say that they barely recognized themselves near the end of the relationship, and did not know the person that they became after years of enduring abuse. 
People who have committed reactive abuse are not abusers. A person who has committed reactive abuse under extreme circumstances is not a danger to their future partners. Again, pretty much everyone will commit reactive abuse if they are pushed to the brink by months or years of relentless abuse - when someone is no longer being subjected to that abuse, they no longer have a reason to lash out. The fact that you’ll throw a punch while you’re being attacked by a coyote does not mean that you are likely to go home and punch your pets; the fact that you will commit violence in one very extreme and dangerous circumstance does not mean that you will commit violence in normal circumstances. 
Reactive abuse is one of the reasons why regular therapy is not recommended for abusers. When abusers learn more about abuse and boundaries in regular therapy, they don’t recognize their own abusive tendencies - they just get better at accusing their victims of being the real abusers. They are uniquely skilled at weaponizing therapy and therapy language to convince the people around them that their partner is irrational and that they, the abuser, are actually the long-suffering victim. An abuser who is actually serious about getting help needs to do so from a specialized abuser program - they need a professional who is knowledgeable about reactive abuse and will say “hmmmm, but what were you saying to Erin BEFORE she yelled at you? I don’t think you’re the victim here.”
As always, if you suspect that you may be in an abusive relationship, it’s important to seek help - there is help available to you, even in the midst of a pandemic. Call your local domestic violence hotline, contact a local domestic violence agency, or call 211 in Canada or the USA to learn about local options in your area.  Hope this answers your question! MM
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