#cause my heart has been pounding way too fast since last night and im like
arebelnow · 8 years
can i just take a moment to express my love and appreciate for the important that is jyn erso? like, of course not every review will be spectacular and of course not everyone is gonna to like every single character. but i feel like the people who really drag jyn are missing something very core to her character.
i feel like the reviews and tumblr posts annoyed with jyn expected to go to rogue one and watch a movie about a white savior, not white behavior. they say her political apathy was pathetic --- even harmful to the representation of ( white ) women. but what they don’t realize ( or do and that’s why they don’t like her ) is that jyn represents them every time they think or say “not my problem” to someone who isn’t cis and white. like, the number of times i’ve had the real world equivalent of “it’s not a problem if you don’t look up” flung in my face is immeasurable. 
some of her detractors wanted her to be perfect from the beginning. to be this badass woman who has a vague enough personality for them to insert themselves and a moral compass that always makes her right from the start. they wanted jyn to make them feel good, not reflect upon uncomfortable.
especially since jyn is expendable. cassian makes it real damn clear in the book that his mission is unhindered if she dies. if jyn died at any point after delivering her father’s message, the mission would not have been compromised. more difficult? heck yes. but impossible? not at all. so jyn isn’t “the only one who can save us” type of hero. she’s a hero by choice. i think after jedha she realized that she can’t exist outside of existence. that not looking up only works until the ground is literally destroyed beneath your feet. that her apathy can only shield her for so long. and i think that shield is something a lot of audience members, especially white audience members, share with her. and they don’t like thinking about it.
rogue one wasn’t the feel good star wars movie a lot of people were expecting. and its leading lady wasn’t the feel good self insert they wanted. jyn is the story of how inaction is still action. and that heroism is not a birthright, it’s earned.
i don’t know, maybe it’s a mix of reading this post and the inauguration that i needed to express my feely feels for jyn. because goddamn it, i wish the world had more brave baes like her around so maybe i wouldn’t be so scared. 
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technowoah · 3 years
thinking about angst prompt 'you're right. you're useless' with c!jschlatt where all reader does is try to help him and they eventually get to a breaking point because all they do it give and give and give and get nothing in return so schlatt just turns around and scares the fuck out of them :D
Have a Heart
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You end up helping Schlatt after hating his guts. And even though you give every thing to your new president he dosent seem to fucking care
- c!schlatt x reader
- gender neutral reader!
- prompt: 25) "You're right. You are useless" (angst list)
⚠︎: swearing, drinking, smoking, angst, mentions of vomit, c!dream makes an appearance 🤭 not proofread
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"Where's my fucking decree at?!"
"It's in my room Schlatt, please stop yelling." You tried to calm the ram-man down by talking calmer than him, but it only seemed to rile him up more.
"In your room?! Sounds like another fucking excuse that you didn't even finish them." Schlatt waved around his hands which one of them contained a lit cigarette in them. "Look at Tubbo he re-wrote one of my decrees before the festival, which is tomorrow may I add, and gave it to me. You havent even done anything I asked you." He scoffed.
You closed your eyes and held back a huge eye roll. You had done everything that Schlatt asked you to do, the decree was actually sitting on your desk in your room. This has been happening ever since Schlatt became president. He was more nicer, well as nice as Schlatt can get, but now he's been drinking like a moster and it never fails that he shows up to an important meeting drunk and makes you and Tubbo do all the work while Quackity and George are running free doing God knows what.
You had been loyal to Schlatt even when you didn't want to be, you had swallowed your pride along time ago. Every. Single. Task you do. And Every. Single. Time you get more put down that you already do.
Your head was hung low while he still spoke. "Hey! Were you listening to me shithead?! I need those papers by tonight!" Schlatt dug his finger into your chest pushing you back a little.
"Also get me my beer and bring it to the meeting room because apparently that's all you're good for." He finally left the long hallway, stumbling a bit as he walked.
You let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding until you saw him walk away. You walked away to find Schlatg that beer and try to put on a smile for the meeting you are currently dreading. Quickly you stopped by your room to grab the stack of paper Schlatt was yelling about earlier and grabbed a beer from a random room. Schlatt always has alcohol and cigarettes in every room just in case he needs one.
Dragging your feet along the marble floored hallways you mad your way to the meeting room. You didn't want to get there first or even last so your mind switched up from speed walking to continuing your slow pace. You started to walk faster when you heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around to see Tubbo waving behind you. You stopped in your pursuit to greet your friend.
"Hey Tubbo!"
"Going to the meeting I see." He smiled.
"Sadly yes." You sighed. "I already got yelled at twice today so-"
"Hey! It's better than three!"
"Im sorry! But am I wrong?" Tubbo laughed a little.
"Well I wish it was zero. I give everything to that bastard and I get nothing." You breathed out.
"Really?! I get a lot of-" Tubbo stopped talking after the shock on your face was prominent. "You know what nevermind!" He waved off.
"Of course he would favor you." You walked off keeping a brisk pace with Tubbo apologizing for Schlatt's favoritism right behind you.
Once you reached the door to the meeting room you slowly opened the door to be greeted with, once again, a drunken president and his right hand man looking smug as ever when he had no right to be.
Schlatt's cabinet was a mess. Quackity was only the vice president because he partnered with Schlatt and George became, well, the vice president to the vice president. George was barely around anyways. Then Tubbo and you came from L'Manburg, hating Schlatt's guts at firsy you two learned to be okay with the treatment. And while apparently, Tubbo had better treatment than you, you still gave that president everything you had.
Everything you worked for was for that drunken man sitting at the head of the table. You basically devoted your life to him, writing decrees that represents Schlatts policies because "you dare not write something Wilbur would". You had pulled him from sleeping at his desk at nights, cleaned up his spilled wine and beer, picked up cigarettes from the clean marble floors. He pushed you around and you let it happen too, some people woukd say you've become weak and they were sadly right.
"Aye! Look who it is!" Schlatt slurred his words together. "There's my beer!"
"And your decrees!" You plopped the papers down on the desk as he snatched the beer bottle out of your hand.
"You have an attitude with me?" Schlatt asked quickly.
"No! No why?"
"'Cause you just threw my decrees on the table like they are some sort of scrap." Schlatt tried to find the right words. "Some sort of shit like its not important! Fuckin' have some nerve huh?"
You didn't respond and went to go sit by Tubbo across from Quackity. Schlatt apparently noticed and took it upon himself to say something.
"Asshole! You gonna respond to me?! I am your president!"
You fought the urge to snap back at him so you bit your lip as he continues to yell and make everyone in the room uncomfortable, even Quackity.
"Dammit!" Schlatt slammed the table. "Fuck you! I could kill you! I have so much power over you! I can control everyone in this damned kingdom that I'm second best to! This kingdom was owned by a tyrant! I saved all of you! And all you have to do is respond!"
He stood up during half of his breakdown, but you didn't know when. You could hear every single word he said, but your eyes were threatening to spill tears and you could feel Tubbo's hand grab yours underneath the table.
Schlatt huffed smoothed put his suit and sat back down in his chair.
"So! We're here for the festival."
You softly closed your bedroom door not wanting to make more drama by slamming it. This whole week you held in your emotions and tears, but today was the breaking point for you. Your back slid down the door and you started crying, and crying. There was no need to try and deafen your sobs, because you couldn't even if you tried.
Your mind kept reminding you of every single event if today.
First. Tubbo didnt tell you he was still in contact with the former citizens of L'Manburg, and the only way you found out was that today at the festival you saw them and you asked Tubbo. He finally told you with his head hung low as you two stood on the podium. You felt betrayed.
Second. Schlatt gave you an extremely hard time making sure everything was intact for today's festivities. You were stressed out of your mind.
Third. The festival went down hill hard and fast. So fast everything seemed like a blur. Tubbo gave his speech, really fidgety may you add, and then Schlatt and Quackity began trapping him in cement, you tried stopping him, but you were pushed away multiple times. You knew who Technoblade was, so when you heard Schlatt call him up to the podium you started to freak out. Your heart started to pound out of your chest when he brought out an explosive crossbow and pointed it right at Tubbo's chest.
The next thing you know a huge, bright, colorful explosion went off and with you on the podium with Tubbo's murderer sparks flew and hit you, Schlatt and Quackity making all of you have some sort of burn marks. Tubbo was gone, soon to be revived again for his last life on this earth, but seeing him die like that was the breaking point for you.
You stayed on the ground with your knees to your chest sobbing loudly. It was too much for you. Your lungs felt like they had no air inside of them, and your heart felt like a million weights were hung on it. You kept crying until you heard a harsh knock on the door, that felt like they were trying to break down the door than get someone's attention.
"Stop sobbing so damn loud!" Of course it was Schlatt you rolled your eyes and stayed on the floor.
"Leave me alone!" You cried out.
"Damn you sound like you're in pain huh?" You heard him from the other side of the door.
It was silent until the door was forced open and you were pushed with the door on your side. You sat up again to see Schlatt, who was out of breath, above you and had another beer bottle in hand.
"Why did you open ny door?" You asked softly.
"Why didn't you let me in?"
"Cause you didnt ask."
"Excuse me!?" Schlatt grew angry.
"You heard me." You stood up facing the taller man with horns. He was scary, but somehow you got the confidence today.
"I dont think you know who you're talking to shithead!" Schlatt got closer, but this time you stood your ground.
"Im talking to a drunken, egotistical, ram-man who let someone kill the only person I had left!" You yelled in his face while tears fell on your cheeks.
"You do got some nerve! I saved you!" He turned around, his back facing you.
"You made my life hell!" You yelled at him. "You- you made my life worse! You made me feel like I have no purpose, but to serve you and your ragtag cabinet! You made me feel like a useless sack of shit, you-!"
"YOU'RE RIGHT! YOU ARE USELESS!" Schlatt quickly turned around his faced filled with pure anger and his eyes bloodshot. He was breathing heavily and all the confidence left your body as soon as he stumbled towards you.
"You're fucking useless! You're even worse than Tubbo and he was working against me!" Schlatt then let out a strained stream and smashed his bottle on the floor letting the left over alcohol spill onto the floor.
"Do me a favor and leave, go. I dont need you! I dont need this damned place given to me by chance! By a fucking vice president that dosent even do his damn job! I dont need you! You! You and those bastards ruined everything!" Schlatt yelled and then rushed out of the room while holding his mouth.
You followed him quickly into the hallway and watched as he stumbled into the nearest bathroom to throw up the alcohol consumption of today. The tears kept coming as you ran down the hallway hoping that you can get as far away from these ivory buildings as your feet can take you.
Your feet hung off the edge of the prime path and underneath there was a small river. You had stared at the water running for about ten minutes since you got there. You noticed immediately when you set foot on the prime path that you had no where else to go except for pogtopia you learned about.
You sighed tilting your head up towards the night sky.
"Lonely?" A voice asked next to you.
You turned your head and saw the well known man dressed in green. Dream had his mask on, as usual, but hood was down letting his blonde hair show.
"Yeah actually." You responded not looking at him.
"I know what happened at the festival."
"Everyone does." You scoffed.
"What happened with Schlatt?" He asked and you turned your head with a confused look on your face. "Dont think I don't know anything that goes on around here."
"I don't know how you found out, but long story short I'm not allowed back there. I dont wanna go back there." You said while standing up facing the man.
"I have someone that can give you a place to stay. If you want to take the offer. Also I wanted to check up on you. You were so close to Tubbo and its hard to lose a friend." Dream spoke softly, but you could still hear him loud and clear even through the mask.
"Thank you. I would want to take the offer for a place to stay." You airly laughed. "I dont want to see Schlatt or Quackity again."
Dream chuckled while giving you a paper with an adress on it before getting ready to leave.
"Don't worry. He'll be dead soon." Dream said before turning around and walking down the prime path.
You should've stayed.
MCYT Imagines: @annshit @bobaducky @malfoysslutt @egorldevi
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kpopluvrsblog · 4 years
Im sorry professor
Requested: Hi can I request a dom teacher kevin moon fic? Also love your work!
Genre: smut
Pairing: prof!kevin moon x fem!student reader
Summary: you accidentally fell asleep in your art class....your teacher wasn’t happy.
Warnings: unprotected sex( be safe!!), dom!professor kevin and sub!student reader(student is 18), um paint play?? Rough sex, idek what else
A/n: should i make a fluff part two orrr✨ also not proofread so im sorry for mistakes
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You woke up startled nearly falling off of your chair after hearing a loud bang. You had a night art class but you must’ve fallen asleep. Last night you had a long essay that was due and thanks to your procrastination you barely got it done on time.
With your heart beating fast you spun around to see that your professor had slammed the door to his classroom shut locking it in the process. Your professer was a young man named kevin moon and he was the only reason so many people took art this year. However you were in here because you like art.
“Miss y/n, would you mind telling me what we went over in class today?” He questioned as he slowly walked over to where u were sitting. “Im so sorry professor i stayed up late last night and I must’ve fallen asleep”you stated while standing up and gethering your supplies laying around the table. He cut you off by saying “no, i asked you to tell me what we went over. I didn’t ask for some lame excuse”
By the tone he was using you could guess he was angry since we were learning new material today. You turned your head to look at him as he stopped right in front of your desk. “Im sorry im not sure of what we learned today professor but i can teach myself to save you the trouble if you would like to tell me what we went over? It wont happen again.” You said hoping he would at least tell you the basics.
“Y/n you missed a whole lesson. Today we learned on how to paint ones body. Naked. Instead of telling you though i would say it is easier to show you. Just to make sure you really understand.” He stated with a teasing tone while coming around the table to stand beside you. He grabbed your arm and pushed you lightly against the desk. Trapping you between his hips and the desk, pushing his bulge against you.
“Professor i dont think-“ you started but he covered your mouth and put his lips to your ear “its kevin” his whisperd which gave you chills throughout your spine. “Kevin. I dont think we should be doing this your the teacher and i-“
“Shhh baby your only a few years younger than me. Tell me you dont want this and i will stop.” He said while rubbing his hands down your sides. You can’t deny that you have imagined yourself in the scenario more times than you would like to admit. He IS really hot. “I want this” you said breathlessly.
“Mmm i knew it” he said as he started to pull your shirt off of you. “I should punish you for being disobedient shouldn’t I?” He then turned you around and pushed your head down to the table, holding your hands behind your back with one of his. He then unclasped your bra while kissing your shoulder. “Yes i deserve to be punished” You replied.
He lifted up your skirt to see your lace panties already soaked. “Damn y/n you’re already so wet for me. This is whats going to happen. Im going to fuck you raw and use your tight little pussy to get myself off. You will not cum unless i decide i want you too. Got it?” He ended with a harsh spank to your ass.
“But thats not fair!! I should be able to-“ he ended your rant by pulling you up by your neck, pressing your back to his naked chest. ‘When did he get undressed??’ You thought. “ do not fucking question me brat. This is a punishment and you will take what i give you.” Kevin then started to rub his tip against your throbbing pussy. Keeping you up by your neck, he thrusted his whole length into you, causing you to scream.
“Your lucky school has ended early. Im going to make your throat sore from screaming my name.” He then started to pound rapidly into your tight pussy which made your knees buckle as you screamed some more. He wrapped the other hand around your waist to make sure you stayed put. It hurt but felt so good at the same time. You loved the way he was manhandling you.
“Your pussy is so tight for me baby. Mmm have you never been stretched this far huh?” He questioned. “N- no your thick cock is stretching me out so much, i love it” you mumbled while trying to hold back your tears. “Thats right baby, now let me demonstrate what we went over in class hmm?” He stopped his thrusting and stilled deep inside of you making you sigh loudly. He leaned over you to reach the paintbrush you had yet to put away. He dipped it into the red glittery paint that was set up as well.
“Lean down on the desk” kevin demanded you. As soon as you layed your stomach flat on the table, he put one hand besides your head to hold himself up. Not even a second later you felt a cold substance coat the skin on your lower back, making you gasp and moan loudly. He started to slowly thrust inside of you again as he used you as a canvas.
“Kevin oh my god please I’ve been so good. I really need to cum i wont be able to hold it” you whined as you couldn’t help but push your hips back onto his now harder thrusts.
“Fucking hold it brat. I said i would let you cum if i felt like it.” He gritted his teeth as he put the brush down and grabbed both sides of you hips, now slamming into you so hard that you couldn’t breathe properly. He was so deep inside of you, you thought you could feel him in your stomach.
“Shit im cumming baby” he growled as you desperately clenched around him, trying not to release. He quickly pulled out of you and jerked his dick until he was cumming all over your back, where he had painted not long before. He moaned loudly as he came while you whined because you no longer had him inside of you.
You started sobbing because it hurt so bad, you needed to cum. You started thrashing your hips around until kevin stopped you. “Sh sh its okay baby ill make you cum now alright?” He said softly while rubbing your hips.
“You’re so mean kevin it hurts so bad” you said still crying. He turned you around gently and placed you on top of the table. “ i know i know. Can you handle my dick or do you want me to eat you out baby?” He asked while still rubbing soothing circles into your hips. “I want your dick please.” You contined as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. His sweet scent calmed you down as he inserted himself again, thrusting slowly a few times before gaining speed to make you cum fast. He didn’t want to go too hard since he knew you were in pain. He removed one hand from your hip and lightly began to rub figure eights on your wet clit.
This geture made you cum with a scream locking his dick inside of you with your tight clenches. As you were coming down from your high he placed light kisses along your neck and pulled out of you making you wince. He held you tightly as he started a slow make out session that last for a few minutes. “ are you alright?” He asked after pulling away. He wanted you to learn your lesson but he didnt want to hurt you in the process.
“Yes im okay kevin thank you” you replied with a reassuring smile. “You know” he said shyly “ you should come back to my place y/n, that way i can run you a nice bath and we can talk about us okay?” He finished and bit his lip out of nervousness.
“I would love to do that, lets try not to get caught walking out of here though... i look like a hot mess” you said, making you both laugh as he started to pack everything and get you guys dressed to leave to his house.
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Heyyyy uh I love your stuff and I had an idea that wont let me sleep 😂 What if like the reader was mia or something and everyone was really upset and nervous and cobb kept saying how you were dead until doc roe just has enough of his bullshit and just punches him. (Feel free to change the character i just thought doc losing his composure was an interesting concept) bonus points for romantic connection? Im sorry if this is horrible im vry vry tired
Taglist: @radiantcade, @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi, @noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @hufflepuffpancakes
yo i can totally get why this idea wouldn’t let u sleep. its because its damn good-  
lovely anon, this one is for you ;))))
also italic means past events-
words: 2.8k words (aww srry if its shorter than my other fics)
warnings: some violence, cursing, ANGST and sadly no resolved or happy ending :’((((
btw thank u @radiantcade for tellin me to make a taglist, major kudos to u ma’am. btw if you want to be added just hmu, no worries ;)))
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Eugene Roe x Reader)
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“Aw, Genie! Don’t look at me that way!”
“Looking at you like what?”
“Like you’re mad! C’mon Genie, it was only a joke! Y’know I didn’t mean to make you upset by taking your morphine-”
Gene shot you a look which seemed to look like a mix of exasperation and annoyance. He stiffly grabbed the small packets of morphine that were being held in your grip. Eugene then quickly stuffed them in his pocket before walking away from your position with his signature blank look.
“I’m not mad.”
“Hey! You are! I can tell by your face.”
You followed after him, desperate for him to accept your apology, or at least for him to give you a smile. You desperately tried to keep up with him, his brisk pace making it a challenge for you to walk by his side.
“Well, this is the face I got.”
He walked faster, seemingly trying to avoid or lose you. He walked through buildings, dove straight forward into crowds of people, or even going as far as to tell someone to block you. You still made haste though, and in no time were already hot on his heel. 
You grew tired of it and reached out to grab his hand. After you had his hand in yours, he stopped immediately and turned slowly to face you.
“For someone who’s mad, you’re acting awfully childish.”
“(Y/N), for the last time, I’m not mad. I can never get mad at you”
“Then what are you?”
You stood in front of him with one eyebrow quirked up and your hands on your hips. You tapped your foot on the ground as you waited for an answer.
You were left shocked as he pushed by you. He was only a couple steps away from you until he turned with a small smile and gave you a shrug before heading back to the Med Bay.
It was that day, the day that Eugene Roe realized how much he cared for you.
It’s been four days since you disappeared from Easy Company. Four. Fucking. Days. Everybody was extremely worried and your absence has made everyone tense. 
If someone as lovable and skilled as you was missing, then they certainly wouldn’t stand a chance.
The men weren’t the same and it took a significant toll on every single one of them. But it especially took a large toll on the Cajun medic. Eugene couldn’t believe it. He refused to. He refused to believe that you weren’t there with them for four days.
Where the fuck were you? That was the thought on everyone’s minds. 
Eugene couldn’t comprehend it. It felt like only yesterday that you were there right beside him, making him turn as red as his nose and making his heart pound like a drum. 
Memories of you were still fresh on his mind, and they always seemed to taunt him.
He’d think of scenarios of you not being missing and how’d it was all just a big stupid joke or dream. Your face was all he could think about and his heart clenched every time.
It was soul-crushing, and he despised it. Eugene couldn’t focus since the day you were reported gone. Of course, he was fine after a few days, but the feeling of unease and tension grew with each passing moment. It gnawed on him continuously, but he couldn’t stop it.
(E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair was what he only wanted to see. But then he would see those beautiful eyes of yours dull and void of life, your once soft hair then greasy and matted with dried blood. Eugene would wake up in a cold sweat, the beating of his heart deafening him.
Everyone noticed his changed demeanor. Eugene got more cold, a little more distant and stand-offish. His personality mirrored everybody else’s after they got the news. But he was the one that was most affected. That was a fact.
Eugene was spacing off more than what was necessary. He was constantly in a daze and of course slower in his work. It was only when someone was injured that he was moving fast. But even then, he still wasn’t focused.
The spark of life in him was extinguished and that affected his work. He’d sometimes forget what he was doing, causing one of his patients to scream at his ear. 
It wasn’t the first time it happened. As the days went by, the more Eugene got caught up with his thoughts on your being. 
It caused him to get a nice chat with Winters on why he was acting like this.
“Roe… I know that it just might be nothing, but I noticed that you aren’t the same. Like something’s been bothering you. May I ask why you’re acting like this.”
“Sir, I think you already know of (Y/N) being MIA.”
Winters immediately looked down, as even someone with such authority like him was distraught about you. Winters quickly looked up and cleared his throat, eyes full or sorrow like Gene’s. 
Eugene straightened his back and he gripped onto the fabric of his pants.
“Of course… It’s been affecting everyone. I just wish that she was back with us. Do you still believe that she’s alive, Roe?”
“Of course, sir. I’m sure that she’ll turn up. Someday.”
“Maybe, Roe…” Winters nodded towards Eugene with a tight smile. “Dismissed.”
Eugene was being hit with numerous waves of anger, sadness, and worry. All five stages of grief were being experienced at the same time. He walked away, and even if he was supposed to be used to it by now, he couldn’t muster the courage to do so.
Images you being held prisoner and being tortured by the German Army scared him. Then images of you lying on the ground, fresh bullet wound on your head, the crimson liquid running down your face and onto the ground to create a morbid halo flashed afterwards. 
Eugene did nothing but drown in his thoughts underneath a tree nearby after that.
“Yes, mon ange?”
“Why do you always call me that?”
“For starters… You are one.”
“One of what?”
“An angel. ‘Mon ange’ means ‘my angel’. I also call you that because… Like I said, I am sure that you are one yourself. I wouldn’t believe you if you said you weren’t.”
The sun beamed down upon the two of you as you sat upon the grassy field. Your eyes were on the lush green trees in the distance, Eugene’s eyes, however, were fixed upon your face. You seemed oblivious to it, fortunately for him. 
You smiled and you turned your eyes to meet his, and you reached your (S/C) hands to intertwine with his bigger ones. You turned back to set your gaze on the forest, but the dark-haired man’s look never averted.
“You really think that?”
“Of course I do. God forbid the day I stop calling you mon ange.”
You rested your head on his shoulders, as the sun set over the horizon. Eugene tensed up momentarily before he relaxed, taking in your warm presence and happy demeanor. You tightened your hold on his hand and a smile crept on your lips.
“Je t’aime, mon ange…”
“I love you too, Genie.”
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It had been more that a week since any sign of you. Some of the paratroopers had already seemed to have given up hoping for you to magically come back. No one dared to mention you, it was already too much to handle. Some of the privates that you knew couldn’t say your name without tearing up.
 Eugene felt like that too, but he was too cold to let anybody see him that way.
Most of Easy Company still held on to their feeble thoughts and dreams however. Eugene was one of them.
 He waited for a sign. Any sign. No matter how insignificant or small, he wanted one. He just wanted a sign that reassured him that you were indeed fine and well.
Eugene of course waited patiently for it. His nights were spent praying for you to return to them. Most importantly, to return to him.
 By then he would make sure that you would always be by his side. By then he’d also make sure that he won’t take those fleeting moments he spends with you for granted.
Eugene already did that too much and those were one of the many things he regrets. If he ever sees your face again, he’ll make sure to make you his the moment he lays his eyes on you. That was exactly what he was going to do.
For the time being, Eugene and a few of the boys from Easy Company were lazing around in their bunks, and some already sleeping. They were practically waiting for anything. Orders. An attack. Maybe even you returning...
Moments like these passed uneventfully. That was what Eugene always thought. The soft rumbling and muffled sounds of German artillery hitting something didn’t surprise them anymore. 
“Why are you all so quiet?”
A familiar annoying voice rang out through the room and most heads turned towards the culprit. Eugene mildly disliked Cobb, he was annoying sure, but he didn’t really do anything to make Eugene’s blood boil. Others ignored him, seemingly thinking that dealing with Cobb just isn’t worth it.
Cobb had a different plan. As soon as he saw that nobody paid attention and answered his question, he opened his mouth and crossed the line that no man in Easy Company has ever dared to step over.
“Are you guys still thinking about (Y/N)?
The air immediately grew stagnant and sour, and the men of Easy turned to face Cobb, who had a very shit-eating grin on his face. Eugene was one of the men who turned to him, and he glared hard at Cobb. 
“Oh come on, she’s clearly dead.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Cobb.” George snapped at Cobb, who didn’t seem to listen.
 The air was full of tension and every man in the room wanted to throw Cobb into a fucking fire. Eugene then turned away, anger gnawing at his mind. Some of the men were clearly in discomfort, one of them even excusing themselves from the room.
“Just think about it, a girl, like her? She’s clearly gone, I mean she’s been missing for what? A week? Take a look at people who’ve been missin’ for a day. Look where they ended up. They ended up dead.”
“Do you not know when to shut your fucking mouth?”
“Well all of you are really stupid for believing she’s going to come back! She’s fucking dead, get over it. What’s so special about her anyway, huh?”
Liebgott sprung from his seat and walked to stand face to face with Cobb. Eugene begged for Cobb to shut up for once. The dark-haired man narrowed his eyes at Cobb, his lips pursing as he sat tense in his seat.
You didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve to disappear and to be talked in this way by a man who had the same brain capacity as fucking rock. 
Eugene clenched his fists as he looked down on his lap. It took all of his will to not strangle Cobb right then and there.
Cobb’s pestering voice kept ranging out throughout the room, the men were trying their best to make him stop his bullshit. It was like a buzzing mosquito next to Eugene’s ear, and he wanted it gone.
“(Y/N)’s dead, you fucking idiots. All of Easy Company would be way better without her anywa-”
“Shut up. Shut up!”
Eugene lunged from his chair, the creaking of the wooden air on the cold ground rang throughout the air. But it wasn’t the harsh creaking that made everyone silent. It was the fact that Eugene Roe, the cold medic who kept to himself, snapped. Immediately everyone’s eyes widened as they eyed Eugene.
The Cajun man felt nothing but pure, unfiltered rage as he looked straight into Cobb’s eyes. He couldn’t tell, but Eugene was shaking. His clenched fist raised up in the air to direct itself into Cobb’s jaw.
 A sickening crack was heard as Cobb fell into the floor and Eugene only looked in indifference.
Cobb fell down on the floor as he cried out, the eyes of the men in the room only widened further as they looked to each other for any sort of answer as to what came over Eugene. 
Everyone knew that you and Eugene were close, rumours were even spreading around that you two were dating, which turned out to be true.
They weren’t anticipating Eugene almost knocking out Cobb though. It was bound to happen, anyway. Eugene couldn’t let you get insulted by Cobb, he didn’t stand up for it. The angry red feeling was intense as it coursed through his entire body as he opened his lips to speak again.
“Do you even hear yourself, you selfish bastard? You only care about yourself and you never take into consideration what's going on, do you? If (Y/N) is dead, so what? She’s still a better soldier and person than you are.”
Cobb sat still as Eugene went on his rant, his hand clenching his aching jaw and head. Eugene was seething beyond recognition and everyone just looked in shock.
“-I don’t get it! How come she gets to die while you stay here with us? How come it isn’t you in her place? How come you’re the one here instead of her?”
Harsh words flew from Eugene’s mouth, each syllable was laced in venom and his accent making each word hurt more. Eugene pointed at Cobb repeatedly as he raised his hands. During his anger-filled speech, the photograph he kept with him fell to the ground.
Eugene fell silent as he went up to pick up the picture. It was a photograph of you. You were smiling with not a care in the world. You were wearing your uniform proudly as you showed off your jump wings to the camera. You were beautiful...
But most importantly, you were still there with him. As reality dropped down upon him like a pile of bricks and he hurriedly shoved the faded photograph into his pocket.
 His eyes fell upon a shaken Cobb and his anger was only fueled more. He stood up straighter and his eyebrows furrowed more.
“She deserved it way more than you! (Y/N) didn’t need people talking about her behind her back! (Y/N) didn’t need to be separated from us! So tell me, why on Earth are you not gone, but she is? Give me a good reason!”
Cobb stayed silent as he mumbled angrily under his breath while clutching his jaw, his eyes were narrowed at Eugene who stared back. 
“Get the fuck out.”
Immediately Cobb git back on his feet, his hands grabbing the wall for support before stumbling for the door to outside. Cobb threw one last glare at Eugene before opening the door and heading out of the building.
The slam of the door echoed in the building, and heads turned towards the medic. Eugene stood in his spot, eyes glued to the closed door where Cobb had just left. 
His chest was still rising up and down heavily, and exasperated breaths were pulled from his mouth. George slowly brought up a hand to go onto Eugene’s shoulder, but Eugene pulled away before he could.
“I’m going outside…”
His deep voice was menacing, but they held deep amounts of pure and utter despair. The boys decided to let him go as they saw his state. Heavy footsteps were heard as Eugene walked to the door. 
He hesitated for a moment before heading out in the cold, biting air. Eugene gingerly took the photo from his pocket and he held it by his fingertips as he lovingly gazed at your smiling face.
He sat on the debris near the stone building, but it was hidden from sight, giving him time to himself. The medic looked at the photograph with a melancholy expression, another tight smile was brought on his face.
The world was cruel, Eugene knew that, but he never experienced it this hard. The pain from losing a patient or friend in his hands was incomparable to the pain he felt at this moment. The snow fell on the ground, a calm and serene sight. Which was a complete opposite of Eugene.
Soft yet clear sniffles were heard as fresh tears dropped on the snow below. He tried to choke back tears, but they ran down his cold cheeks.
 Eugene brought his hands to wipe them away, but they were quickly replaced. His lip quivered and Eugene attempted to stay as quiet as he could. He stifled more cries and whimpers and he leaned his head back.
That photo taunted him.
Your smiling face in the photograph only brought him temporary relief and happiness, but he needed the real you. Eugene loved you so much. Maybe a litte too much. 
But you would never know the extent of his love… Your fate was unknown, but his hopes were crushed as soon as those dreaded words left Cobb’s lips.
Eugene Roe, the now dazed and distant medic of Easy Company, has finally broken.
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im not crying i swear-
btw sorry this is shorter than my other fics but i hope you liked what i did! im sorry if it didnt come up the way you would have wanted but hopefully you still enjoy it!
but this request got me fucked up and i sort of wanted to torture myself by writing angst-
anyways thank you sweet anon!😭💕💕
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH32
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4, 450
- Author Note: Sorry for super late update i was busy with my work and new semester begin today :< so it took most of my time! anyways, here is the update! :) so im sorry seul is dumb and confuse, and when i wrote this i also confuse lmao so hmm, she has no intention to toy yoongi or kook heart. 
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Chapter 32
Betrayal. Anger. Confusion.
Yoongi found himself gawking at the despicable scene in front of him, just when he thought Seul showed him a signal which he assumed only meant for him. There she was sleeping peacefully under the thick duvet, clinging onto Jungkook as though her life depended on it. Clothes scattered on the floor were enough to give him a short run up about their little deeds last night.
Rubbing the back of his head in frustration, he steadied his heavy breathing. Think rational, don’t jump into conclusion. You drag yourself in this, why are you upset? Yoongi clutched his fist letting jealousy engulfed his heart.
Should he wake these two up and make a scene? Or should he just walk away and talked to her about this after the tour?
None of the choices above could help him in resolving this unsettling feeling. He needed a closure. His thin lips were pressed into a thin line as he scrutinized the couple diligently, not breaking any eye contact. Much to his distaste, Jungkook shifted his position very slightly baffling the older guy. He certainly had no plan to face Jungkook, like hell if he planned to confront him, how he’s going to get started?
This was awkward.
Abort mission. Abort mission.
Yoongi turned around to leave the room however Jungkook hoarse voice put his steps to a halt “Yoongi hyung?” he called out softly. He swore in his head for creating this mess. Jungkook lifted Seul out of the way carefully, moving silently and pulled the duvet to cover her body.
The older guy made no move either as he waited Jungkook to speak, “Hyung..what are you doing here?” the latter let out a small grunt, while putting on his shirt and pants. Yoongi frowned hearing his indifferent voice as if he did nothing to irk him.
He glanced at Seul whom fast asleep and tore his gaze at the exhausted young man before him “You and I, in my room now. We need to talk” he sneered lowly and exited the room. Confused, the younger guy walked after Yoongi feeling the goosebumps all over his body. The topic of the conversation involved Seul and him, he could tell from Yoongi’s burning eyes.
                                                                         This thing enraged Yoongi.                          
Jungkook closed the door behind him and planned to clear the misunderstanding before his hyung jumped into conclusion, things would get complicated that way. As he was about to open his mouth to speak, the older guy beat his him in doing so “Did you guys do it?” Jungkook’s face hardened.
“What-?” he flinched.
“I said, did you guys do it?!” he repeated with slightly annoyed voice. The memories of last night reappeared causing the maknae to feel self-conscious about it. Why was this thing matter to Yoongi? He never questions his hyung intimacy with Seul, only god knew what they did behind his back.
His brow pinched together forming a deep frown, “Why are you so interested in my personal life?” Jungkook mumbled under his breath.
“Because I happened to witness both of you naked under the blanket. Don’t you think it gives me enough ideas what you both up to last night? How far did you go?” Yoongi crossed his arms, with his hard fixated on him.
“That is none of your business” he blurted out.
“It is my business! We promise that we are in this together, if you are sleeping with her then what it makes me then? A one-night stand?” frustrated, Yoongi snarled garnering Jungkook’s attention. The latter brained his friend words, making sense out from it and it finally dawned on him, Yoongi and Seul were having that kind of relationship too.
His heart was pounding as if he had just run a race, he stroked his tousle hair in anger “You…” expelling a long sigh, he continued “You and Seul did….it? ”Jungkook didn’t even dare to finish his sentence as they exchanged a look.
Even though, Yoongi felt rueful over the fact that Seul was being intimate with two guys at once, he realized Jungkook was not the one to be blamed. It was their fault for not having any self-control. If there’s one person that’s partially guilty, then it the person would be Seul.
Screw Ji Seul for leading them on.
Again, they forced the girl to agree with their crazy ideas. Could they have expected this at least? Like they had a control over Seul’s feelings and actions. They should have expected the unexpected because it bounds to happen, sooner or later.
“We didn’t go far. Seul and I were having that moment, however we snapped out from it before we lost ourselves” Yoongi pursed his lips in annoyance and staring at Jungkook with a strained, and expectant glance.
Jungkook looked down while shaking his head “We went halfway, she stopped me before I could make another move. I should have controlled myself!” he said as he sunk on Yoongi’s bed, heaving a deep sigh. Leaning against the wall, a small smile played across his face “This is so fucked up Kkuk. What if..we ended up sleeping with her for real? Neither you nor I would like that to happen, do you? I don’t like sharing” he professed.
“What make you think I like sharing her with you?” he snapped.
Yoongi hissed “I vow to myself that I won’t let girl issues come between us, now look where it brings us? We need to put a stop to this” he groaned.
“How? It is not like we can force her to give us answers?! She…is having a rough time. This is not a good idea. I cant hurt her…I promise to protect her” he muttered.
“Rough time? Is there something that I must know?” the anger inside him had subsided. All he cared was Seul’s well-being. He couldn’t remember when the last time was they had a heart to heart talk which involved her life. It had always been about him and him. Not that he remembered, if there was time Seul bring up a topic about her.
“Someone from her past make an appearance again. There’s a lot of things that we don’t know about her, hyung. It made me realize how it is not easy for her to make up her mind. She had a traumatic past” Yoongi’s ears perked up in curiosity. Hesitant, Jungkook took a long pause as the older guy urged him to continue with his story.
Yoongi had the right to know the truth.
Will Seul kill him if he spilled her secret? But it is Yoongi though, she cares for him. If she wished to bring this relationship to whole new level, she got to trust Yoongi.
Seul, please don’t kill me. Im afraid of hyung’s wrath more than yours. Jungkook prayed in his head, and finally unravelled the mystery of Ji Seul life. Called it dramatic, Min Yoongi really exaggerate his reactions and in the middle of the conversation, Yoongi would punch the mattress under him jolting the younger guy in pure horror.
This was the exact reason why he feared Yoongi’s wrath more than others. Unexpected reaction and action came from him was the worse thing on planet. “Fuck. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” he snarled angrily, though he had no reason to be mad at Jungkook. The emotion took over his sanity, he was at the verge of killing someone at this rate.
“I discovered the truth last night, what do you expect me to do? Come running to your room and let you swear at me for waking you up from your deep slumber!” he rolled his eyes, judging his hyung mentally.
“If that is what you need, then you should have come sooner! She fucking cried and you-ugh what an asshole, I swear if I have an image of him in my head..I will not spare his life“ scowling, Yoongi grinded his teeth suppressing his anger.
To be reminded of Seul’s past was repugnant to him. Now, that he shared half of the burden with Yoongi at least they could protect her from the evil man. If that’s what Yoongi planned to do since he insisted on getting the answers from Seul.
“Alright, this is out of topic. Do you think Jimin hyung and Seul are as close as us to her?” Jungkook said out of the blue alarming Yoongi in his seat. “Do you think they ever-Impossible right? We are talking about Jimin here. He is not that type of guy who will do such thing” he assured himself to not let negativity consumed his brain.
“Duh, it is Jimin hyung! The guy who ripped his shirt on stage, and the same guy who used his sexiness to kill girls’ heart. Do you think he is not capable of such thing? Do not belittle him” said Jungkook in an irritating manner.
“Yah! Why are you bringing him up? I am sure there is not much progress in their relationship, just because.. I rarely see them together. She has been sticking like a glue with Jin and you, I should be worried of Jin than Jimin”
Jungkook massaged his forehead “Jin hyung.. Jin hyung..” he hummed incoherently.
A loud grunt behind the partition brought their attention to the sleepy figure “Whose unpleasant voice is that calling my name so early in the morning?” Jin yawned loudly, kicking his blanket off him before sitting up in annoyance. Yoongi and Jungkook froze as they totally forgot about Jin’s existence in the same room, he wondered if the guy overheard their conversation earlier.
“I will go check on Seul. We will talk about this again later” he murmured lowly enough for Yoongi to hear, as he left the room.
The boys had finally left for their Japan tour and would not be home for two weeks or more. Despite their hectic schedule, they would come back in between to settle some stuffs in Korea but there could barely breath Korea’s air. They would need to leave immediately the day after for their tour.
Seul returned to her daily routine, tending her job at the tea shop and as the caretaker except she’d come less to clean since they’re not home. Most of the time, she would spend her time at work with her friends and Hoon made a frequent visit to her workplace just to get his free brownies. Impudent boy.
“We are short of fresh milk, I will be out to buy it. Watch the counter” Wongeun set his brown apron on the table. “Will you be alright alone? Hwasa is out for delivery but she will be back soon though” Seul chuckled.
“Hey this is not my first time alone, stop being dramatic.  Just go, we need those fresh milk” she dried her hands and returned to the cashier counter. Ruffling her hair, Wongeun gave her a final wink as he exited the store with a playful smile.
The business at this hour was not busy in comparison to lunch hour break giving Seul time to breathe and clean the place thoroughly. Three hours till the closing, Seul decided to kill time and polished her skills in baking a red velvet cake. Recently, Wongeun taught her how to bake one since he wanted to make it as their signature cake.
Humming to random songs, she dropped the ingredient carefully inside the glass bowl with a wide grin. Nothing could beat this excitement to see the result of it. Occasionally, she would glance at the counter if there’s any presence of customer. She was immersed in her creations to notice someone presence behind her.
Seul felt a hand slid down her arms, brushing her skin from behind cause her to turn around in fear facing the individual. Her face felt upon seeing the uninvited guest there, and it made her super conscious of her surroundings. She pressed her back deeper against the marble counter as if it could take more of her weigh, to create a huge distance between him and the older man.
“It is nice seeing you again Seul” his dirty voice haunted her once again. A voice that she tried so hard to forget now came to torture her again without mercy. There was a tiny voice in her head telling her to scream and sought help, she just wanted to escape from here. Breathing in the same room as his disgusted her.
“Seeing how hard you try to push me away, I bet you still remember me” placing his arms on both side, he trapped her in between while smirking playfully.
One of her hands clutched onto the counter, gulping the heavy lumps on her throat “Wh-at…do you wan-t..Stay..away from me” her lips quivered as she failed to hold back her fears. He smelled just like seven years ago, a mixture of tobacco and alcohol.
“Aw, I wish I can. But you are working for me, like old times don’t you think?”
Seul eyes sprung open, and she stared at him disbelief “Yes my dear, I am the owner of this place. Fate really brings us together, I like that” he moves his hand along the length of her hair and leaned in to sniff the sweet peach smell from it.
“You smell just as good as before” she palmed his chest to push him away, but his grip tightened around her wrist as fast as lightning earning a soft whimper from the girl. Tears started to cascade down her cheeks like heavy rain, fearing what he’s about to do to her.
“Lea-ve me alone” Seul pleaded.
“Aw, I wish I can my dear, but I am in charged here. It is rude to treat your employer this way don’t you think?” squishing her wrist tighter, he whispered dangerously close to her earlobe.  His hot breath fanned against her skin, weakening her knees instantly.
Tears in her eyes blurred the image around her, she desperately looked for source of help at least anyone inside the store to pull her out of this misery. “There is no one here, just us. We can have a little fun too” the man used his free hand, to encircle it around her waist crashing their body together.
Seul gasped in horror and struggled in his strong grasp. It seemed like his age didn’t deplete his energy at all. Showing no sign of giving up, she reached out to random things on the counter as a defence mechanism. Things happened way too fast, as she sensed his body being lifted off from her and not long after she saw the older man ended up against the wall groaning in pain.
“YOU RAT! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH HER!” the owner of the voice yelled angrily, glaring at his way getting ready to take another charge and punched the older man into a pulp. The familiarity of the voice shocked the hell out of her. She could tell who’s her saviour under the mask just by his voice.
Hurriedly, Seul went to his side, embracing him from behind “Jin..please. stop it… please” she sobbed between her words.
His heart softened, as he quickly faced the girl taking her in his arms, “Seul-ah are you okay? Did he hurt you anywhere?” she let out a long sigh of relief, grateful that Jin appeared just on time before Mr Kwon could do anything inappropriate.
Mr Kwon got back on his feet, fixing his grey suit with a smug played across his face. “We are not done Seul. I will see you around” Jin gritted his teeth, watching his figure disappeared into the darkness.
He returned his attention to the crying girl, “Calm down, Seul. I am here, he is gone” he stroked her hair and sighed deeply. “Thank you..” she had begun to tremble with a sort of frightened and frustrated fury.
Seul had never been so scared in her life ever since she escaped that gruesome phase years ago. How was it possible to fix her old wound again? Jin took his time to calm down the scared girl. Squeezing her eyes open, she looked up meeting his worried gaze “What are you doing here?” she murmured, pulling away from his embrace.
“We have to get back to studio to record new songs, but we’ll fly back to Japan this Saturday. Where are your colleagues? Why are you alone?” stroking her cheeks, Jin dried her tears and emitted a long sigh.
“Wongeun oppa and Hwasa are out to do errands. They will be back soon” as if on cue, Hwasa and Wongeun made their appearance inside the store cheerfully however only to turn serious as soon as they saw the mess and distressed looking Seul.
Hwasa lurched forward, grabbing Seul shoulder “Oh my god, are you alright? Did someone try to hurt you? Where is the thief?” her eyes scanned the area wildly and as soon as notice Jin’s presence there, Hwasa let out a high pitch holler. “You are the thief? What did you do to her?!”
Both Wongeun and Jin squirmed slightly at the squeaky voice, and before Seul could explain further, her crazy best friend had already grabbed nearby broom to hit the innocent young man with it.
“Aren’t you ashamed?! Do you think it is okay to steal something which isn’t yours?” she swung the broom towards his direction. Jin dodged the hit before it could kiss his face.
“Hwasa! Stop it! He is not the thief!” the shorter girl grabbed her arms, holding the furious girl in her stance before she could cause any harm to this idol handsome face.
She growled under her breath while shooting a nasty glare at Jin “Oh really? I am not convinced by the way how he dressed. He looked even suspicious with that mask on” Seul shook her head tiredly.
Offended by the accusations, Jin pulled down his mask a little revealing his face “If I were a thief, the only thing that I steal will be Seul’s heart” Seul cringed at his cheesiness. The tall guy who stood silently behind Jin looked disturbed by a joke that he pulled a moment ago.
Hwasa gaped “You are the Kim Seokjin! Oh my god!” the latter politely bow and smiled sweetly. “I am sorry to cause the misunderstanding. I was here when Seul was ha-“ Seul blurted out quickly, leaving Jin confused.
“I had a major headache and was about to pass out. Jin came right on time to help” their eyes met , exchanging a hard gaze.
“You sick? You should have told me Seul. I would send you back early. Now, go get your stuff and leave. You need rest” Wongeun suggested.
“I am okay, I can still work”
Jin crossed his arm “No you are not. You look pale to me, lets go back. I will walk you home” Hwasa bit her lower lips, careful not to fangirl over the attention that Seokjin showed on her best friend. She was happy for Seul just because she could see this young man before her is madly in love.
“You guys please” “Seul please listen to me for once, leave before I make you” Wongeun’s voice was stern and firm enough to intimidate her. Giving into the order, Seul made her way sulkily to her locker grabbing her things.
Hwasa turned to Jin putting her serious façade “Kim Seokjin-ssi, take care of my friend. If..i find out she gets hurt under your supervision, I will smack your handsome face with this broom” his eyes wide opened in bafflement.
Seul walloped her back head softly earning a loud protest from the latter “We are heading back home not for a war, stop being dramatic, you rude girl” Hwasa rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Get back home safely” Wongeun crescent moon eyes appeared when he smiled brightly.
Her place was only 10 minutes-walk from the store, but they purposely took another route which took another 15 minutes. She did not mind the long walk especially with Jin by her side. That quiet walk home was her chance to relax and gathered her thought.
Jin on the other hand racking his intelligent brain to find that one perfect word to inquire her about the incident happened inside the store. The harassment was intentional to him, he had a strong feeling that the perverted old man knew Seul.
“We are not done Seul. I will see you around” his voice rung in his head non-stop and for some reason it couldn’t be erased from his memory. A displeased grunt could be heard clearly shifting her attention to her. Seul stopped walking, interlacing their hand together surprising the latter.
Jin eyes landed on their intertwined hand, and a smile crept on his face. “Do you have questions for me?” she muttered softly.
“What questions?”
“You can’t bluff me, it is written all over your face. What’s on your mind?” Jin bit his tongue, sighing one more time. She giggled and stroked the visible line on his forehead “Look you are sighing again and stop frowning. You don’t want to have wrinkle at this age” Jin studied her face.
Her long eyelashes batting at him, and her brown eyes stared out, wide and lovely. Her beauty never fails to render him speechless. Jin shrugged the thought off and wrapped her wrist, holding it down “Lets find a place to talk” she nodded in agreement, letting Jin led the way.
As they walked to nearby park, hand in hand, Jin spotted empty bench. They sat in silent for few minutes until he finally had the courage to ask the question. “The man earlier, do you know him?” Seul knew he finally asked her about Mr Kwon, it’s matter of time.
“He is someone from my past. The memories that I had with him was horrible and pathetic” her fingers fiddled with the hem of her blouse, inhaling a deep breath. Jin didn’t expect her to tell him everything. Seul’s expression darkened as she was remembered by the past again, nothing seemed to be working every time she wanted to get rid of the horrible memory.
“Seul, if you are not-“ “My father sold me to him. Mr Kwon, that man…my father made a deal with him. In exchanged of the freedom from his debt, I have to serve Mr Kwon. He used me to satisfy his needs and..” she had a stoic expression that pained Jin. Although close to tears, she tried to make her voice sounded casual.
He stared at her in a different, and in curiosity. Jin least expected to hear such things came from her mouth. He thought it only existed in dramas or movies, so it really happened in real life. A clawing sensation tugged at his chest, her emotional pain nearly suffocated him.  
“And..I was locked in a room ever since he brought me in. I thought of ending my life right away, I couldn’t handle the pain. It was too much..I..I just..” she was not able to finish her sentence and her voice cracked. She inhaled deeply, as pain engulfed her heart breaking it like a crumbling wall.
Jin threw his arms around her protectively, caressing her long hair “I am sorry..” he whispered.
“You did nothing, don’t be sorry” she felt tears brimming in her eyes. With a single blink, the tears spilled down like a broken pipe. After regaining her composure, she settled herself comfortably in his embrace and continued with her stories. Seul thought if she told him about her dark past, it would help her to heal the wound.
Although he listened attentively to her story of life, her humiliation at the awful past got to her. She was ashamed and disgusted of it. What is Jin felt the same way? When she first opened up to Jungkook, she didn’t expect his reaction contradicted to what she imagined.
It went well despite her struggled between the sobs.
Jin took one deep breath in as soon as the story ended. “So you and Hoon are step siblings? Different father but same mother?” Seul smiled meekly. “Have you found your real father?” he looked at her with a concern look.
“I don’t know who my father is. I asked my mother about it but, she refused to tell me the truth. I stopped asking after that one time because she looked hurt and furious”
“Arent you curious?”
“I am..i really want to see him, my biological father. I wish I can find way to reach him” she murmured in defeat.
He sighed “Your father, you will find him. I..damn how should I put this, is it possible for you to quit your job considering Mr Kwon is the owner of that shop. It is risky to stay Seul-ah. Now, that he knows you’re working there, he will find way to get to you again” his hand stopped around her waist and continue to make a small circle around it.
“I need that job to cover up our daily expenses”
“But you have the caretaker job with us, isn’t it enough to pay for everything?” his brows quirked up.
“The money that I earned from that job I used it to pay mom’s medical expenses. This permanent job that I have, to pay for the bills and Hoon’s college” he gave her a disapproval look.
“If this is about money, I can help you. Your safety is my utmost priority, I want to quit that job. The things that happened today might occur again, you never know when that bastard decided to strike again. Please Seul, think about it” taking her hand in his, he brought it close to his lips, kissing it softly.
Seul shuddered at the contact of his lips against her cold skin, a gush of memory invaded her mind. The kisses that Jin gave to her when she had her panic attack made her face pink. “I will think about it” she coughed away the awkwardness.
“It is late, you need your rest too. Lets go back now” she pulled her hand form his grasp and arose from her feet. She couldn’t stop the thudding of her heart as she waited for him to come up. He smiled to himself and grabbed her hand once again making the latter to squeal softly.
“Lets go” he interlocked her fingers with his, and started walking side by side.
Underneath a sky blanketed with stars, there were two confused souls walking through the darkness. They pretended the sound of their loud heart beatings were not caused by their close proximity.
Was she swooned by Jin’s little gesture?
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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seokjinsdisciple · 5 years
Valentine - Two
A lifetime together told through 37 Valentine’s Days.
jaehyun x reader
warnings: some angst, language, fluff, SLOW UPDATES
AN: lmao i have been so close to finishing this for literally almost a month now,,,, im so sorry
word count: 1.4k
<previous   two   next>
series masterlist
There were so many things about Jung Jaehyun that annoyed you, that most of the time you couldn’t even remember what they were. Right now, it was the way he obnoxiously chewed with his mouth open. You sighed, glancing out of the window of the diner at the darkening sky. It was the night before Valentine’s day, and since Jaehyun would be going on a date with Mina, the two of you were celebrating tonight. At least that was the plan before Mina had walked through the diner’s door. 
So here you sat, a complete third wheel as you fiddled with Jaehyun’s birthday/Valentine gift under the table. The two of them were engrossed in conversation, and you could do nothing but watch as they laughed at one another. 
You couldn’t fault them really, they were still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship. Plus, it’s not like you didn’t like Mina. She was sweet, and really talented and pretty. You just didn’t think they were good for each other. You hadn’t ever liked any of Jae’s significant others. It wasn’t anything personal, it just always seemed like he fell too fast, and ended up heartbroken a few months later. You let out another sigh before slipping your coat on. 
“Jae, I’m gonna head out,” you spoke quickly, sliding out of the both, “I forgot I had a thing with my parents.”
You waited for a second for him to acknowledge you, but he was in his own world. You just nodded, letting out a little sarcastic chuckle. You pulled your bag up on your shoulder, saying another goodbye before walking out of the diner's doors and into the chilly February night. 
You made your way through the parking lot, walking home by yourself. A much different ending to this night than you had thought. You took one last look back, frowning at the scene you saw through the window. Jaehyun sat across from Mina now, her figure filling the side of the booth where yours was normally found. They sat with their hands intertwined, and the way he smiled at her made your heart clench. 
You made your way through the streets of your little town, trying (and failing) to get Jaehyun out of your mind. Kicking rocks as you came across them, your thoughts trailed to last year's Valentine’s day. How naive you had been to think that Jaehyun wouldn’t find someone else to love. It wasn’t until you really felt the chill on your cheeks that you realized you had been crying. 
“God, what a drama queen,” you said to yourself, wiping the wetness from your cheeks quickly. 
The truth was, you were having a rough start to high school. Jaehyun was your only friend, and those who were close to you last year swiftly abandoned you the first week of 9th grade. You couldn’t blame Jaehyun, he had three times as many friends as you did, and as much as you hated to admit it, he was doing better with you keeping a bigger distance from him at school. You knew he wasn’t distancing himself on purpose, in fact, he probably didn’t notice. Your only solace were the weekends spent with him. Doing the things you had always done before. But even those were getting harder and harder to plan, with him spending most of his freetime with Mina. 
It was foolish to have gotten this excited about celebrating tonight. And now here you were sad and disappointed that things hadn’t turned out like you imagined. You pushed open the front door of your house, slipping your shoes off and making your way to your bedroom. You carelessly threw Jaehyun’s gift on the bed. You’d have to give it to him the next time you saw him. Whenever that would be. 
You got ready for bed, avoiding looking in the mirror as much as you could. You hated watching yourself cry, it just made you feel worse. You plopped down on the bed, lightly pushing Jaehyun’s gift off of the edge with your foot. You sighed as you pulled your stuffed deer closer to your chest. Your thoughts were a swirling mess, your feelings were too. 
You thought back to last year, how you were able to tell Jaehyun everything so easily. How he would listen to you attentively and hug you until you felt better. He always made you feel better. So why was it that you were so hesitant to share your feelings with him now. You lay awake for a while, thinking about everything, the feeling of loneliness filling you as the clock hit midnight. 
You pulled out your phone, the bright light making your eyes squint, but your fingers tapped lightly on the screen anyway. “Happy birthday, dork.” Your text message read, a tear falling down your cheek as you took a deep breath. Today was supposed to be your day. Yours and Jaehyun’s. 
The buzz from your phone made you rub your bleary eyes. “You are always the first person to say it bambi <3.”
You stared at his response awhile, your heart skipping a beat every time your eyes scanned over the heart he sent at the end. “Pull yourself together.” You thought, hitting your head lightly with your hand. It was easy to fall asleep after that, the promise of good dreams featuring Jaehyun motive enough for you to actually get some rest. 
You stood in front of your locker, chatter filling the hall in the time that was left before first period. You were slipping your books into your locker, at least the ones that you wouldn’t need until after lunch. Your thoughts had once again trailed to Jaehyun. He was on your mind today, not like the past three days he had also been on your mind. You blew out the air in your cheeks, trying to drive his dimpled smile from your mind. Surprisingly it worked. 
The rest of the school day passed by pretty normally. Everyone was a little off of their rocker and excited at every sign of romance they could see. From Jessica getting a bouquet of flowers to Jack and Jeremy kissing in the hallway, your peers were gung-ho for any sign of love. You, however, were a little less ecstatic. It wasn’t like you were pining over anyone, especially Jaehyun, you just missed your best friend. 
You made your way through the school, weaving your way in and out of students who were hurrying to get home so that they could go to their respective valentine’s day plans. You, however, had nothing to do later. Even your parents were ditching you to go on a date. 
It wasn’t until you felt a hand in your own that you stopped zoning out and glanced at the person who had slid your hand into their own. To be fair, you knew who it was before you even looked. You smiled up at Jaehyun, wrapping your other arm around his waist in a quick hug.
“Don’t you have a date with Mina?” you asked as JAehyun walked with you in the direction of your houses. 
“Technically, yes,” he started, “but I figured I owed you one for completely brushing you off yesterday.”
“You do, you asshole,” you smiled up at him, his pout deepening at your teasing, “but that doesn’t mean I want Mina to get mad at you, or me for that matter.”
“If she gets mad at me for wanting to spend my birthday with my best friend then, we aren’t gonna last very long.”
You just shook your head as you unlocked your back door, Jaehyun hovering close to you in order to stay warm. 
“I know you don’t mean that, Jay,” you spoke quickly, leading him up to your room and starfishing on your bed.
“I do mean it,” he whispered, throwing himself next to you on the bed. He looked you in the eyes, his hand finding yours as he smiled, “you are the most important girl in my life, bambi.”
Your stomach flipped, a grin spreading across your face as butterflies exploded in your body at his words. The same feeling you had last night at his text message filled your body again. You couldn’t resist it. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinning like an idiot. 
As you lay there on your bed, Jaehyun’s hand in yours and his dimples causing your heart to pound, you realized one thing. The most annoying thing about Jung Jaehyun, and the worst thing he has ever done.
 He made you fall irreversibly in love with him.
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viostormcaller · 4 years
Stringbound Chapter 2
[TW: nausea/vomiting, near car accident, needles, fainting (ask to tag if I’ve missed something!)]
AN: This has been ready for a good while, actually! I just haven’t posted it since I’ve been away. However, since it’s Marvin’s birthday, I thought it fitting to post this today. So, happy birthday, Marvin, and I duly apologize for the awful things that happen to you in this chapter. Now, without further ado, here’s chapter 2!
Read Chapter 1
As the tension finally dissipated from the theatre, Marvin could finally feel that the threat was gone. It was just them now. At first, he let himself calm down and relax while Jackieboy Man called whoever it was he needed to call and informed them on the situation. But then, it hit him all at once, just as the adrenaline from the fight wore off. A dizzying, blinding headache accompanied by ringing ears and followed by a nosebleed. His body began to ache and he felt nauseated and overwhelmed, skin prickling all over. He overdid it, he definitely overdid it. Normally he would take a moment to rest after a show because he needs to recharge after expending his magical energy, despite the amount he uses never being a significant amount. His shows not only never take much out of him, but they also never involve combat, especially when it's an overpowered, unkillable enemy. He actually hadn't fought anyone using magic in a long, long time. Hadn't needed to. He fell to his knees with a grunt, holding his head and groaning.
Jackieboy Man startled when he heard the thump, looking behind him to see Marvin doubled over on his knees. He cursed to himself and put whoever it was he was talking to on hold. "Shit, you alright?!"
"Overdid it," he got out. "Too much-- ngh! Energy…"
"Are you injured anywhere else?" Jackieboy Man asked.
"Nn-nnh," Marvin shook his head. Instant regret. His body lurched and he clapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes beginning to sting. He swallowed thickly and slowly exhaled. "Don' feel well… gonna be sick…"
"Okay, shit, uh… you'll come with me, you can lie down and rest, um… D'you need anythin' else or are you alright?"
"Lie down… 'n a shower… 's it…"
"Alright, gotcha."
"I'll give you… my address. You c'n take me home…"
"Ah… no, can't do that. Sorry. You'll have to stay with me. Not safe with Antisepticeye after you now."
"I can... handle myself," Marvin forced out, his frustration making his head hurt worse. "'m a grown adult. Don' need protecting."
"No, trust me on this one. Please." Jackieboy urged. "I know what I'm talking about. I'm not having anyone else go missing or fall deathly ill under his control, not on my watch. And you're weakened, on top of that. You have to come with me. I've rigged the house in a way where he can't find me or anyone else who stays there. You'll be safe there until the heat's off you."
"...fine," Marvin agreed begrudgingly. Jackieboy Man sounded sincere enough, and the hero did appear to have more experience with Antisepticeye than he did. But mostly, the sooner he could lie down, the better, and at this point he would do anything to speed things along.
"First, though," Jackieboy began, fishing through one of his satchels.
Marvin groaned. Ugh, what now, he thought to himself, clearly annoyed.
Jackieboy Man held out a tissue to Marvin. "Your nose is bleeding."
"Mmh." Right. Aside from the metallic taste coating his lips, he'd nearly forgotten. He pressed the napkin to his nose and pinched it, tilting his head back. His nosebleeds never lasted long, thankfully, so as soon as it stopped a moment later, he was able to shakily rise onto his feet. Though, the dizziness struck back hard, nearly causing him to fall over again.
"Woah, careful! You alright?" Jackieboy asked, rushing over to steady him.
"Mmh… thanks."
"No problem. Y'know…" Jackieboy couldn't help but smirk, "considering you seem to have a connection to cats, I assumed you'd have better balance than that!"
Marvin furrowed his brow and narrowed his eyes at Jackieboy Man, giving him a "what the actual fuck are you talking about?" face.
"Your cat mask?" Jackieboy supplied.
Marvin rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth, turning his gaze away from the hero. "Shut up."
Jackieboy snorted. "Alright, let's get you somewhere safe. Friend of mine should be waiting outside by now. He'll drive us. You don't get carsick, do you?"
"Good. Alright, easy does it, now… slow steps."
Jackieboy Man slowly led Marvin out through the exit door he sawed open earlier on. They headed through the hallway leading out to the main doors and were hit with the cold night air as they stepped outside. The bright city lights were glaring, making Marvin's eyes hurt. He hissed and shut them, feeling his head pound harder. The cold air was cooling down his overheating body, at least, but he could tell he would be shivering before long.
"That white car over there is where we're headed," Jackieboy Man informed. "My friend -- his name's Chase -- he'll be taking us back to the house."
"You're really clammy," Jackieboy commented. "Sure you're not comin' down with something?"
"Jus' overdid it…" Marvin got out. "I'll be fine."
"There's a doctor that lives with us. He can check you out if you want?" Jackieboy Man offered.
"Mmh." Marvin really didn't feel like seeing a doctor, nor did he need to, but he also didn't feel like talking anymore. He figured the hero would shut up if he just nodded and agreed. Plus, the sooner he stopped talking, the better, because the nausea was hitting Marvin full force and the last thing he wanted to do was open his mouth to speak, lest more than words came out.
Finally, the pair finally made it to the car. Jackieboy Man helped Marvin in first, who scooted all the way towards the left-most seat, while Jackieboy sat on the far right. Marvin took the opportunity to pull his mask off his face and set it down in the empty space between them.
"Yo, Jackie, everything good?" asked the driver, who Marvin assumed was Chase. "And who's this you got with you?"
"Yeah, Chase, we're fine. Oh, and this is Marvin," explained Jackie. He then turned to Marvin. "Wait, your name is Marvin, right? I was just goin' off the sign on the theatre."
"Yeah, name's Marvin." he mumbled, trying not to open his mouth too much.
"Ah, okay. Good. Yeah, he was targeted at his show tonight. I'm takin' him back with us to stay 'til the heat's off 'im."
"Yeah, alright." Chase sighed. The house was big, sure, but if Jackie kept taking on new people like this… well, he supposed it was for the best. "So, uh… we heading straight back? Or d'you need to stop anywhere first?"
"Nah, just head straight home. Marvin needs to lie down and rest. But drive slow, alright? He's not feeling well."
"Yeah, alright. He injured?"
"No, no. Thankfully he's not. I'll explain later, but he just needs to find someplace to lie down."
"Alright. Everyone buckled in?"
"Yeah, I am. Marv, you buckled?"
"Mhm," Marvin hummed.
"Alright, starting the car now."
Chase pulled out of his parking spot and began to drive off. True to his word, he kept his speed slow, but Marvin could still feel every jerk and bump of the car. He had his head leaned against the window, taking slow, deep breaths, his eyes closed.
"Hey, Marvin?"
"Mmh?" Marvin slightly turned his head towards Jackie's direction.
"You see that pocket on the back of Chase's seat? There's paper bags in there. Keep 'em there just for situations like this. If you feel like you're gonna be sick, don't be afraid to take one, alright?"
Marvin hummed in acknowledgement, going back to closing his eyes. He was trying with all his willpower to settle his stomach as much as he possibly could. He didn't want to resort to using a bag, but he'd be mortified if he threw up in someone else's car. Gods, he hoped he could lie down soon…
Chase was paying close attention to the road, trying to watch his speed and make sure he wasn't driving too fast and not too slow, that he was in the correct lane, when suddenly a car from the complete opposite side of the freeway came barreling at him from his left. He spotted it just in time, largening headlights near blinding him.
"Holy shit!" Chase cried. He rapidly turned the wheel, speeding up to try and get out of the way. Jackie cried out from the back seat and held on tight to the handle on the roof of the car as it swerved and collided with the guardrail, the screech of metal on metal filling the car. Marvin groaned and hissed as his stomach flip-flopped and his head bumped hard up against the window. The other car thankfully missed, and aside from the car scraping against the guardrail, nothing was damaged and no one was severely hurt. He turned on the hazard lights and quickly pulled over, trying hard to catch his breath and calm his heart. His entire body was trembling.
"Shit… you guys… you guys alright back there?" he got out between pants.
"Yeah… think we're good," Jackie said. "Shit, man, what happened?"
"Dude, someone tried to fuckin' hit us."
"Shit, you serious?"
"Yes!" Chase turned around in his seat to face Jackie, eyes wide with fear. "Dude, I swear to god, this car came from the other fuckin' side of the freeway and came charging right at us, like it was trying to hit us. Coulda killed all three of us if I didn't move out of the way!"
"You… you don't think it was a drunk driver, do you?" suggested Jackie.
"Nah, man, that felt way too deliberate to be a drunk driver. It looked like whoever was driving was targeting us."
"...Well, then we better get home fast," Jackie said. "If the road's not safe, then we gotta get outta harm's way."
"R-right, right…" Chase turned back around to slump in his seat and took a deep breath, calming himself. He was still shaking, but he knew he had to get everyone home. They couldn't sit there forever. He reluctantly turned off the hazard lights and, after waiting for all the cars to pass, slowly veered the car back onto the freeway.
Marvin, meanwhile, had a hand over his stomach, feeling it turn and bubble. Throughout Jackie and Chase's conversation, he was desperately trying to fend off the nausea with little success. As the minutes passed by it only became worse. His breathing grew quick, jaw clenched as he tried with all his willpower to keep whatever wanted to come up, down.
"Marvin?" Jackieboy asked frantically, turning to Marvin with a worried look in his eyes as soon as he'd noticed his breathing had picked up. "Marvin, are you okay?"
Marvin didn't answer. His brow was furrowed, sweat beading on his forehead. He hated feeling this way. He hated nausea, the way his entire body prickled with it. He swallowed thickly and tried to steady his breathing, but swallowing triggered his nausea further. He gagged once and then finally his stomach lurched, bile rushing up his throat. Marvin quickly sat upright, clapping one hand over his mouth and using the other to reach out and open up a paper bag. Against his will his stomach lurched again, body convulsing, more bile filling his mouth and spilling out into his hand. He got the bag opened, and no sooner had he done so did he heave, vomiting into it.
"Get it up, Marvin, it's alright. I've got you," Jackie supported.
Marvin felt a hand on his back, rubbing in slow circles. He almost wanted to shrug him off but didn't have the mental energy to, not while also focusing on expelling whatever it was his body was so kind as to reject.
"Marvin's throwing up back there?" Chase called from up front.
"Yeah. Don't worry, none got in the car if that's what you're worried about." Jackie answered.
"Is he okay?"
"Uh… gonna say no on that one. He doesn't look like he's doin' too hot. How far are we from the house?"
"Uh, give or take twenty minutes?"
"Alright. Hang on 'til then, Marv. Okay?"
Marvin groaned, breath hitching as he was stopped up short by another wave of nausea. His head felt like it was being squeezed by a really tight rubber band, only worsening as he coughed and gasped. He wanted nothing more than to lie down somewhere, curl up into a ball and just sleep. When the nausea for the most part subsided, stomach empty of all it had and then some, he went back to leaning against the window, taking slow breaths as he tried to calm his heart and his breathing down.
Finally, Chase was pulling into a driveway. Marvin couldn't see as his eyes were closed, but he felt the car slowing down and heard the sound of tires against gravel. The engine whirred to a stop, the car filling with silence. Finally, there was the sound of Chase unbuckling his seatbelt and the silence was accompanied by cold air as his door was opened.
Chase naturally went outside to inspect the damage. It looked pretty bad… but it could have easily been a whole lot worse. He tried to be grateful for that. He could only force out a breath, running his hand through his hair. He knew he couldn't afford to pay to fix this right now, so he only hoped that this was all the damage that was done.
Jackieboy simply watched Chase from his window for a moment before turning towards Marvin. His eyes were closed and his breathing was awfully… still. "Marvin…?" he whispered. Was he asleep?
"Mmh?" Marvin hummed, not looking up.
"We're home."
"Need me to help you out of the car?"
Jackieboy didn't get an answer. He hummed to himself and got out, going over to Marvin's side and opening the door. He unbuckled the seatbelt holding him and went to help Marvin up.
Marvin allowed himself to be helped up, but as soon as he moved, the world began to spin dangerously. His vision rapidly blurred and darkened and he collapsed, feeling a quick burst of pain shoot up his arm and through his side as he collided with the pavement beneath him, and then nothing.
"Shit, Marvin?! Marvin, are you okay?" Jackie cried out, bending down. He began to shake him. "Marvin? Marvin! Shit… Chase, Marvin's not responding. Go inside and get Schneep. Hurry!"
"Fuck, dude… yeah, on it!" Chase quickly locked the car before dashing towards the house, nearly tripping on the front steps and almost dropping his keys trying to unlock the door.
"Henrik!" Chase called into the house. "Henrik, where are you, man?" He was met with silence. With a slightly-annoyed huff, he headed straight towards a door on the right side of the hallway ahead of him and quickly threw it open, hurrying down the basement stairs. He finally reached the basement door at the bottom and burst through.
"Henrik," Chase repeated.
"Hm?!" Henrik startled, looking up from the paperwork on his desk and quickly swiveling around in his chair.
"Hen, we need you outside. Someone we're helping fuckin' passed out on the ground."
"Oh, für die Liebe zu…" Henrik huffed and rolled his eyes. He didn't hesitate in standing, though, immediately pulling on his white lab coat that was hanging nearby and grabbing a fresh pair of medical gloves. "Take me to them," he directed.
Chase nodded. The pair of them rushed back up the stairs and out the door, and Chase led Henrik over to where Jackie was, leaned over Marvin's unconscious form.
"What happened? Who is this?" Henrik asked, crouching down beside the stranger's limp body.
"His name's Marvin. He's staying with us until the heat's off him. He was attacked at his show tonight. By you-know-who."
Henrik hummed and slowly nodded in grim understanding. He had no qualms helping this stranger now, now that he had context. "What happened before he collapsed? What symptoms was he having?"
"Uh… he was really clammy, he was nauseous…"
"Was he vomiting?"
"Yeah, he was, though I should mention that was only after the car swerved. Uh… he said he had a headache and his nose was bleeding earlier. I think he said he just overdid it and used too much magic energy? But I still hoped you would check him out anyway, just to be sure."
"Magic? You serious?" Chase asked disbelievingly.
"Yeah, man, another magic user. You shoulda seen it, though. Marvin's powerful."
"Ugh, enough of the chit-chat," scolded Henrik impatiently. "Help me get Marvin inside. Is cold out here and I do not want him getting hypothermia."
"Right, right. Sorry." Jackie apologized.
The three of them lifted Marvin, and while it was awkward, they managed to safely get him inside. After removing his cape, suit jacket, and shoes, they set him down on the couch for now, piling blankets over him and setting pillows underneath his head. Afterwards Jackie and Chase sat themselves at the kitchen table and Henrik heated up the food he'd been saving for them -- he'd eaten his own plate earlier.
"So," Henrik grunted as he sat down in his chair. "You had said the car swerved while you were driving, yes? What happened?"
"Someone… someone tried to hit us," Chase replied.
"Tried to hit you? Are you certain?"
Chase grimly nodded, swallowing what was in his mouth. "Yeah, pretty certain, dude. Car came at us from the opposite side of the freeway. I had to swerve outta the way. Car hit the guardrail, dunno if you saw the damage."
"Yes, I… I saw." Henrik fell silent, mulling this over. "I assume you did not get a license plate, did you?"
Chase shook his head sadly.
"I figured as much. Did you get a look at the driver, at least?"
"No. Headlights were so bright that I couldn't see anything. I mean, shit, it was dumb luck I was able to get us outta the way at all!"
"If the damage is bad enough I might have to be called in to help clean up debris and help the survivors, if that car hit anyone else," Jackie said, his voice having a serious edge to it.
"No, I think you are fine, Jackieboy," Henrik said with a shake of his head. "If they needed help cleaning up, they would have called earlier. Maybe the car did not hit any other drivers?"
"I can only hope."
The three fell silent then, Henrik simply watching over Chase and Jackieboy Man as they ate. Finally, Chase spoke up, setting his fork down.
"...I'm pretty sure there's only one person who would have it out for us enough to try and hit us."
"It… it couldn't have been him," Jackie said. "I dunno where he fucked off to, but… we did really heavy damage to him."
Henrik blinked. This was news. "You… you did? What did you do?"
"It was…" Jackie huffed, laughing silently. "It was mostly Marvin, if I'm gonna be honest. He's really fuckin' powerful, you guys have no idea. Who knows how long he's been eyeing Marvin for, with that kinda strength…"
"Mm, we could use someone like him, then," Henrik said.
"At one point, um… I thought he killed him."
Both Henrik's and Chase's eyes widened.
"Dude… you serious?"
"Swear on my Ma. He was… he was out for a good minute. Had a hole blasted through the center of his skull. But, uh… apparently, he can't die."
Henrik's brow furrowed. "What… what do you mean, "he cannot die?""
"I mean that… he's not alive in the first place. I guess he… never was. Which means I need to look at a different approach to taking him out."
Chase just silently cursed to himself, slumping back in his chair and dragging a hand down his face.
"I do have good news, though!" Jackieboy quickly added. "You know those prototype bullets I've been workin' on? They work! They're pretty effective! If I make 'em a bit stronger, who knows how much damage they'll do!"
"Good, good! So we have a starting point for building defense, then," Henrik said with a relieved smile.
"Seems so, yeah."
Finally, Jackie looked over to Marvin, who was knocked out on the couch.
"So… what are we doing with Marvin?"
"...Well, the only option is for him to sleep on the couch," Henrik said. "Chase has his room, you are using mine, and I sleep down in the lab… the only place left is the living room."
"Guess you're right…"
"I am going to watch over Marvin for the night, make sure he is alright. Are either of you injured, by the way?"
"Nah, I'm good," Jackie shook his head.
"Same here," agreed Chase. "Little shaken up, but I'm all good otherwise."
"Good, good."
"Wait, shouldn't you be by Jack?" asked Jackie.
"I mean, yes, but as of right now, Marvin is the priority. If he is sick, I need to be there in case he gets any worse."
"I can go watch Jack," Chase offered.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, man. I mean…" Chase laughed, "I'm probably not gonna be sleeping tonight, anyways. Might as well do something useful, yeah?"
Jackie nodded and rose. "I'm gonna head upstairs and write everything that happened tonight down, and then head to bed so I can get an early start tomorrow. Gonna head out on patrols in the morning instead of at night just in case his puppets are on the loose. After tonight, can't be too cautious."
"That is a good idea, Jackie. I will be in the living room. Chase, if you notice anything that is not right with Jack during the night, we will swap places. I will go down to be with Jack and you will watch Marvin. Does that sound good?"
"Yeah, sounds good to me." Chase rose as well, grabbing his plate.
"Oh, do not worry about the dishes. I will do them. You two both go."
"Thanks, dude," smiled Chase.
"Yeah, thanks, Schneep. Owe you one." Jackie was about to head upstairs, but a final glance at Marvin reminded Jackie of something important. "Oh shit. Chase, wait, need a favor from you."
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Go down to the car and grab Marvin's mask. It's in the back seat."
"Yeah, got it." Chase pulled his keys out of his pocket and headed for the door, pulling it open and stepping outside.
Jackie headed upstairs while Chase was gone, while Henrik proceeded to wash the plates and utensils. When Chase came back, he set Marvin's mask on the coffee table and headed downstairs to watch over Jack. Once the dishes were done, Henrik headed to the living room to get comfy in one of the reclining chairs opposite and to the right of the couch and proceeded to watch over Marvin during the night. Eventually, though, he fell asleep.
Marvin groaned as he awoke. His head was still throbbing, his body ached, his middle was sore… He always felt like shit after expending so much energy. This was normal, but it didn't make it any less unpleasant. He went to move his arms so he could sit up and hold his head, but the first thing he was made aware of was the pile -- not one, but an actual, literal pile -- of blankets covering him. He opened his eyes to find that he was on a couch in an unfamiliar living room. Off to his right, he detected the faint sound of someone snoring. It was someone he didn't recognize, sporting skewed glasses and a white lab coat, still detectable despite the darkness of the room. A scientist, perhaps? Or, wait, Jackieboy Man mentioned they lived with a doctor. This must be him. Marvin reasoned he was responsible for covering him in so many blankets. He made a mental note to thank him when he woke up.
Marvin pushed the blankets off of him and pulled himself up off the couch. He spotted his mask sitting on the nearby coffee table. He wondered who brought it inside, considering he didn't grab it before he passed out. Well, better here than in the car, he figured. He couldn't afford to lose that mask; it meant a great deal to him. Pulling himself from his thoughts, he headed out of the living room, trying to make his way around this new environment and memorize its layout so he knew where to go should there ever be danger. Also, it was helpful to know where the bathroom was, considering that was where he was heading.
He was still dizzy, so he made doubly sure to keep one hand trailing against a wall or against a piece of furniture at all times as he (rather slowly) explored this new place. The other was kept against his head. Despite the headache, he tried to take in as many details as he could. From what he gathered so far, the living room and kitchen were right across from each other, with the staircase separating them and the front door located at the point where they meet. Past the staircase was a hallway leading straight ahead from the front door, and there was a windowed door at the very end of the hallway that appeared to lead outside. There was a sole door on the left side of the hall, halfway down, and two doors on the right, one under the staircase and another a few feet down. The one under the staircase was a bit smaller, so given its size Marvin assumed it to be a closet of sorts. The left door, evidently, led to the bathroom, and for now that was all the info Marvin needed. He ducked in, flicking on the light and locking the door behind him.
It took a while for his aching eyes to adjust to the harsh light of the bathroom, but he at least had stopped squinting by the time he washed his hands. He leaned against the counter, taking deep breaths. Everything hurt. As he kept telling himself, feeling like shit was normal after expending too much energy, especially since he hadn't engaged in combat with anyone in a very long time. However, he really didn't feel very well and it was noticeable enough for him to tell that something wasn't right. The dizziness wasn't subsiding and neither was the headache. His stomach was caught between being sore from exertion and a genuine, slightly nauseating ache. What's worse, he still felt weak and shaky, as if yesterday's battle happened an hour ago. Did he really push himself that far? He knew he was slightly out of practice, but something wasn't adding up. He knew he needed to look into it as soon as possible, but for now he simply opened the bathroom door and stepped out, remembering to turn the light off as he did so.
The room looked so much darker now that the light was off. It was hard for Marvin's eyes to readjust. He kept a hand on the wall, feeling his way around and trying to keep himself upright as his vision slowly began to pick up the silhouettes of furniture. Anything large and stable he leaned on until he made his way back to the couch.
Or, well, almost.
It's hard to tell just how much the room is spinning when said room is pitch-black. All Marvin knew was that suddenly, he felt really lightheaded. And then, in a stroke of bad luck, he stubbed his toe against the coffee table and fell with a strangled cry, his right side colliding with the floor.
"Nnh?!" Henrik jerked awake at the noise, sitting up and adjusting his glasses and looking around with wide eyes. "Wh-who is it? Who is there?!" he demanded.
Marvin tried with all his might, but he was too weak and too dizzy to get up. Gods, what's happening to me?! he mentally panicked. He took a deep breath, exhaled, and then attempted to speak. "Hh… h-help me…" he got out.
Henrik quickly rose, adjusting his glasses and moving to flick on the living room light. Marvin hissed in pain as he was once again momentarily blinded by the drastic shift in brightness. This made the headache all the much worse and he whimpered.
"Marvin?" Henrik questioned near-disbelievingly. "Marvin, are you okay?"
"Help… please, help me up…" Marvin begged.
Henrik nodded and quickly got to work, moving the coffee table out of the way first before reaching down to help support Marvin and get him onto his feet. However, he was having a hard time trying to lift him up. It was like he was going completely limp in his arms!
"Ghh-- M-Marvin -- that is your name, yes? Y-you have to-- hhh…! Work with me here! I cannot-- ngh! C-carry you on my own!"
Marvin was trying everything within his willpower to get his limbs to cooperate with him, but they seemed to flat-out refuse. He felt numb from the chest-down. It was getting harder and harder to suppress the growing panic.
"I-I can't move my legs," Marvin quickly got out, eyes blown wide. "Gods, I-I-- I can't move anything! I can't move! What's happening to me?! Gods, what's happening to me?!"
Paralysis? Henrik mentally questioned. That is not a good sign. "Okay, okay, I am setting you down now." True to his word, he propped Marvin up against the couch and crouched down beside him. "Take deep breaths for me, yes? You will be fine. Just relax," he soothed. He even went as far as to take deep breaths along with Marvin -- which actually helped to clear his own racing mind. Once he saw that Marvin had calmed some, he nodded and hummed. "Good, good… now, can you tell me what symptoms you are having?
"I-I can't move my arms or my legs. I feel numb everywhere," Marvin explained, residual panic still present in his voice.
"Are you in any pain?"
"My head… and my stomach, but it doesn't feel sore anymore. It feels more upset than anything else... M-my foot should hurt because I fucking stubbed it on the table but I-I can't even feel that."
"Any other symptoms?"
"I'm still dizzy… the room's spinning. It's… it's making me feel nauseous, actually…" Marvin closed his eyes and took labored breaths. Keeping his eyes shut helped quell the dizziness, which thankfully also aided in easing the nausea, and he'd much prefer it if he could avoid throwing up again by any means possible. Especially since for the time being, he was unable to move.
"Hm…" Henrik reached out, feeling up Marvin's neck. "Lymph nodes are not inflamed…" he mumbled to himself. But then, he stopped up short. "Marvin, are you aware that there is a… a cut on your neck?"
"Hm? No, I was not..." Marvin's brow furrowed in confusion. "That's a bit peculiar… I didn't notice any sort of wound, or even any marks on my neck while I was in the bathroom."
"Well, is very small, so it would be hard to notice unless you looked closely. I… normally I would not pay any mind to small cuts and bruises but... a cut on the neck is not a normal place to have a cut…"
"Jackie mentioned you were attacked…" Henrik brought up, worry flashing ever-so-briefly in his eyes.
Marvin knew immediately what Henrik was alluding to. And after a very short moment of recalling the events of Antisepticeye's ambush, he knew exactly how it happened.
"That… glitch. He had me at knifepoint. Pressed the blade to my neck and threatened to give me a matching scar if I moved even an inch."
"So he cut you, then?" Henrik asked, shifting as if he were about to stand up.
"Not intentionally, no. When Jackieboy Man took out the glitch's... puppets, I had a brief window of attack. I took it, and in the process I believe he nicked me when his arm swung away due to the recoil."
"Alright, so was not planned… good." Henrik nodded, looking away. He actually rose this time, letting out a breath. "Marvin, I… I have something that may help. Is an experimental drug and I have not tested it yet, so I need your consent to administer it. But I believe it is our best bet."
"Whatever you plan on giving me, I'm certain I've drank far more dangerous potions," Marvin huffed humorously. "Hit me with whatever you have. If you think it helps, I'm completely fine in taking it. Just, please… help me regain the feeling in my body."
Henrik nodded wordlessly before heading for the hallway and rushing down into the basement. Chase jumped as he heard the door suddenly swing open and pulled back the curtain shielding him and Jack, peeking out to see Henrik frantically rushing around the room.
"Henrik? Woah, dude, what's wrong?"
"Not now, Chase!" Henrik snapped. "I explain later!" He made a beeline for a cabinet filled with medicines of all sorts. He sifted through bottles and vials, growling when he couldn't find what he was looking for. He cursed under his breath, mentally scolding himself for losing such an easy-to-spot drug, when he remembered where he put it. With a roll of his eyes and a smack of his palm against his forehead, he sought out a small cooler by one of the desks in the room. He opened it and pulled out a vial with slightly-glowing green liquid in it. Closing the cooler, he set the vial delicately on the desk, steadying it so it wouldn't fall, and went to grab a clean needle, a disinfectant wipe, a band-aid, and a fresh pair of medical gloves. Now that he had everything he needed, he grabbed the vial of medicine and hurried back up the stairs, praying to whomever that might be listening that this worked.
"Alright, Marvin, I have it," Henrik notified, quickly crouching beside him. He set the needle and vial down on the coffee table and began to unbutton Marvin's shirt. Once one of his arms were free enough, he opened the pack of wipes and began to wipe down his upper arm, right below the shoulder. He then reached behind him to replace the used wipe for the medicine and needle and stuck the syringe into the vial to fill it. Finally, he set down the now-empty vial on the coffee table and flicked the syringe a few times to make sure there were no air bubbles in it.
"Alright… I would tell you to hold still, but…" Henrik huffed humorously, "Well, it seems you have no choice, yes?" He stuck Marvin with the needle, slowly injecting him with the medicine.
Marvin watched (or at least, tried to, as he was still dizzy) as Henrik administered the medicine. His eyes then widened as he saw every vein in his body begin to pulse with a green glow.
Henrik placed the band-aid over the area where the needle had stuck Marvin, then rolled up his sleeve and looked down at his watch, softly counting the seconds. Marvin closed his eyes to combat the dizziness and listened to him count, and as Henrik did so, slowly he felt his body begin to regain feeling. At around fifteen seconds he could move his fingers and hands, and by thirty he was able to move his arms and legs. By then, the glow had subsided.
"How are you feeling, Marvin?" Henrik asked.
Marvin swallowed thickly. "Still… still nauseous and dizzy and my head still aches, but I can move again. Thank you, er…"
"Henrik," he supplied. "Henrik von Schneeplestein, but "Henrik" or "Schneep" works fine."
"Right. Thank you, Henrik."
Just then, Henrik and Marvin turned their heads at the sound of the door to the basement stairs opening.
"Hen…?" Chase asked reluctantly, nearing closer. "Everything good up here?"
"Yes, everything is fine now. I am sorry I snapped at you, I was in a rush."
"What happened?"
"Marvin was suffering from paralysis. At first I was afraid he hit his spine on the edge of the coffee table when he fell, but it turns out he had a tiny, little cut on his neck from you-know-who's knife."
Chase slowly nodded, growing wary. "He's… he's not gonna turn, is he?"
"No, with the medicine, he is fine. I had to act quickly before it could advance any further in stage. You know how short the window is, yes?"
"Y-yeah, uh, that's why I asked."
Marvin silently absorbed all this information. It made sense; before Antisepticeye gained control of his "puppets," they all had fallen limp onto the ground. Whatever he'd done to them caused instant paralysis. Because the nick he'd given Marvin was small, however, it took a lot longer for him to be affected.
"Henrik, are you at all versed in alchemy?" Marvin inquired.
"No, I am not, actually," Henrik answered. "But we, um… used to live with someone who was. He was kidnapped and we have been looking for him since. He is the one who came up with the formula for the medicine I just gave you. One of the ingredients was a plant only he knew how to grow, and he would not tell us the name of the plant in case the information got into the wrong hands -- at the time, the house was not fully protected and we could never know who was listening."
"I see."
"Yeah, our plan was to fuck around with the medicine's dosage and the ingredients to make something to wake Jack up. You-know-who is responsible for Jack being in a coma," Chase interjected.
"Er… who is Jack, exactly?"
"Jack is our close friend," Henrik answered, his voice having a slight tinge of sadness to it. "He is also our "patient zero," as it were. He was you-know-who's original host before he took on a physical manifestation of his own."
"So… he's like a parasite, then?" asked Marvin.
"That's the thing. We dunno what the hell he is," Chase said. "Fuck, we just learned today that he isn't even alive!"
"Plus, as of recently, he no longer requires a host to survive. He has evolved himself past that. He is always changing in some way, shape, or form."
"How odd…" Marvin mumbled.
"Yes, very," agreed Henrik. "Jackie's mission once you-know-who is taken out is to take with him a large enough batch of an improved version of the medicine I just gave you and give it to everyone who has become his puppet."
"What's wrong with this version?"
"It is not strong enough, to put it simply," Henrik answered. "As I mentioned before, this is an experimental batch and I have not tested it. However, based on the formula, the dosage I gave you is only supposed to be enough to fend off the beginning stages of his corruption. Had I let it progress any farther, I would not have been able to save you. The window is very, very short, only about five minutes or so after you start displaying the initial symptoms. That is, if you have managed to escape him alive at all. But usually the wounds he inflicts are enough to kill, anyway. Apparently, however, the smaller and more shallow the wound, the more time his "toxin" needs to act. I would do a test study on this, but is far too risky."
Marvin simply nodded, understanding, absorbing all the information presented to him.
"You are lucky I had some of that medicine. The batch is very small and we are trying to conserve as much of it as we can until we can find our missing friend."
"What is the name of this friend of yours?" Marvin asked.
"JJ," Chase answered, his expression matching his voice. Grim. "Jameson Jackson. He was… he was like a son to me." He rubbed his arms and sighed, looking away. "I wish I could do more to help look for him…"
"Chase, I keep telling you that you do plenty!" Henrik argued.
"Yeah, and you and I both know that that's bullshit," Chase shot back, eyes narrowing at him. "I can't fight. I don't have any strength. I don't have powers like JJ did or Marvin does or medical knowledge like you do or intelligence like Jackie has. I have nothing to offer except my fucking car. But god, I swear, if I had powers, you bet your ass I'd be out there every single fucking day looking for JJ."
Henrik huffed. "Then maybe it is for the best that you do not have powers. That way you do not get yourself killed searching day and night."
"You do not need powers to make yourself useful," Marvin spoke up. He swallowed, holding a hand over his stomach. It felt fine for a little while as they were speaking, but now it seemed to be upset again. He took a slow breath and continued. "Maybe it is a bit... hypocritical for someone with powers to be telling this to you, but… my words have truth to them. Sometimes it is… it is those who have no powers that are the most helpful. Usually, they are the ones behind the scenes, keeping everything afloat. If…" he took another breath, shutting his eyes. His headache was worsening. "If all you had was everyone on the front lines and no support, your team would go down rather fast. Take my shows for example. Yes, I'm the one doing the performing, but without the crew behind the stage, I would have nothing."
"I… yeah. Yeah… I understand…" said Chase finally, rubbing his arms and looking down at his feet.
"Are you okay, Marvin?" Henrik asked, watching his change in demeanor.
Marvin had gone to taking slow, deep breaths, a hand slowly rubbing his stomach. He shook his head. "N-no… I feel sick… D-does that medication have any side effects?"
"I do not know. Like I said, I have not tested it."
Marvin just groaned in response, clenching his jaw slightly.
"Do you need a bucket?"
Just the thought of throwing up made Marvin's stomach protest. He lurched a bit and one of his hands rose, suspended in midair, waiting to see if he needed to cover his mouth, eyes wide and almost confused. He quickly nodded.
"Scheisse." Henrik quickly moved, as if he were going to rise, but Chase stopped him.
"No, you stay put. I got it." Chase hurried over to the closet under the stairs, searching for the mop and bucket. Once he found it, he left the mop behind and rushed over with the bucket, handing it to Marvin. He took it gratefully.
"Thanks," he muttered. He adjusted himself, leaning over it and closing his eyes. He took deep breaths, shuddering as the faint yet potent odor of cleansing chemicals slightly stung his nostrils.
"Yes, that's it. Deep breaths, Marvin, there we go…" Henrik comforted him, slowly rubbing his back. Chase stood by in case he needed anything else.
After a few minutes or so, simply swallowing his saliva became near impossible. Between labored breaths he spit up into the bucket and soon his stomach finally started to revolt. His entire body tensed as he gagged, his free fist clenching, and shortly after did he actually begin to be sick.
"Shhh… yes, that's it, Marvin… just get it up, you are alright…" Henrik soothed. Meanwhile his mind was racing. If this medicine had side effects, he needed to know and mark them down for future patients. So far nausea seems to be one, but at the same time, Marvin was already feeling nauseous beforehand. Still, he figured it would be smart to write it down just in case. "Chase," Henrik spoke up. "Can you do me a favor?"
"Yeah, sure. What's up?"
"Bring me a pen and some paper? I need to make a list of potential side effects this medicine might have."
"Oh, gotcha. Yeah, on it. Be right back."
Marvin felt awful, if he didn't already feel awful before. On top of the returning nausea and newly-worsened headache, his entire body felt sore, every nerve filled with a deep-seated ache. He felt out-of-it and as he lifted his head slightly and looked around the room, he found he was seeing triple. He mumbled something unintelligible before dipping his head back down over the bucket and heaving again.
"Marvin?" Henrik asked. "Are you okay, my friend? Can you repeat that?"
Marvin mumbled again. Even he didn't know what he was saying. He was panting hard, he was having a difficult time breathing, he could barely keep his eyes open… he felt shaky and weak and he didn't even have the brain power at the moment to contemplate what could possibly be wrong with him.
There was the sound of someone coming up the basement stairs and Henrik turned his head in time to see Chase come into view, pen and notepad in hand.
"Yo, got your-- holy shit, what's wrong with Marvin? I was gone for, like, two seconds!"
"I-I do not know, Chase!" Henrik replied, eyes full of worry as he turned back to Marvin. "One minute he is vomiting and the next he is mumbling nonsense at me!"
"He looks, like… really fucking out-of-it," commented Chase. "Is he gonna be okay?"
"I-I…" Henrik hesitated. He honestly didn't know, but… "Yes, I… I am sure he will be fine," he replied, turning back to Chase. "If his breathing issues and nausea persist I might have to administer more medications and have him rest in a bed down in the lab instead of on the couch, just to be on the safe side."
Henrik and Chase both sounded so far away to Marvin. Their voices were muffled so he couldn't understand them at all. He set the bucket beside him. He felt insanely lightheaded, and something in him knew that he wouldn't remain conscious much longer.
"M'gonna pass out…" Marvin mumbled.
Henrik stopped up short, turning back to Marvin with slightly-widened eyes. Did he hear that correctly? "Marvin? What was that you said?"
But Marvin couldn't hear him. He could feel his body giving out on him. Finally, his eyes rolled back in his skull and he slumped to the side, causing a loud thump as his body hit the carpeted floor.
"Marvin?! Marvin!" Henrik scrambled closer and tried to tap his cheek to get any sort of reaction out of him, but he got nothing.
"Holy shit, what are we gonna do?!" Chase cried.
"Chase, go wake up Jackie! Hurry! Have him help you bring my medical equipment up here. Oxygen tank and mask -- he needs more oxygen! Go!"
"O-on it!" Chase threw the notepad and pen on the coffee table and hurried up the stairs, yelling for Jackie on the way. Meanwhile, Henrik stayed with Marvin, trying to get him to wake with no luck.
If the medicine in that small of a dosage was this unsafe to use, then they needed another plan, and fast.
Taglist: @taizu-lazure @bupine @innocent-angel3 @immabethehero @wowowgoodurl @n-anon @g-rexthedino @scarletender @coconutpillow05 @friezzzboiii @jade-orade (some of the tags aren’t working and/or are missing, so I apologize for that. lemme know if you wanna be added to the taglist!)
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grace-is-forever · 5 years
Black out
Peter Parker x reader
Word count: 1175
Warnings: death
Growing up as someone who always passed out was never easy. It started when I was in middle school.
The long school hours dragged on and by 3rd period I was in the nurses office.
I was told by others maybe it was stress since exams were coming up and everyone was drowning in homework. It was a nice and simple thought until it happened again the next day in the hallway.
Another trip to the nurse. After taking some tests she recommended i see a doctor cause she couldn't do anything except send me home.
"Y/N, this isn't normal. What if it happens again in front of your friends. How would they feel? How would Peter react?" I asked my reflection in the mirror. Slowly getting more scared as the questions were asked. I had been friends with peter since 3rd grade. He was the best friend I've ever had and probably will have. He's been with me through everything, but he's never seen me black out. Honestly I'd like to keep it that way.
I went throughout the rest of my day at home like normal. I soon got ready for bed and slowly fell asleep thinking about what would happen if he found out. I woke up around 6 for school and dressed the day ahead of me. I found peter by the entrance and approached him and began a conversation.
"Hey, its been a while since I've actually gotten to see you" I told him enthusiastically. "I've missed you" I mentioned before giving him a hug.
"I've missed you too! it really has been a while. How have you been?" He politely asked. I gave him a smile before replying "pretty good a little weird though with everything that's happened in the last few days."
He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Oh yeah, i heard you passed out. You okay?" He asked cautiously. I nodded before saying goodbye and running inside. School sent on surprisingly fast and I almost blacked out once but it never fully took over. I spent the rest of the day in regret. I regretted going to school, saying hi to peter, everything. After class ended i ditched school and headed home. I don't think i would've been able to handle anything else, and I was way to scared to try. Once i got home i took a shower, ate as much food as i could. It wasn't much, maybe a few bites before my stomach felt tight. I decided to try sleeping off the pain and took two pain killers before falling asleep. The night was blissful. The sounds of cicadas outside, the small gusts of wind. A perfect white noise. Only being woken up a few times due to stomach pain.
The sun peeked through your bedroom curtains and I woke up with no pain. Always something you longed for. As I got dressed I felt the world start to slowly fade as you grabbed onto something sturdy for dear life. The feeling passes and my sight had been restored back to normal. Peter had called earlier and said he was driving me to school. I ate breakfast and grabbed a cup of coffee for myself and made him a cup as well. Peter loved when I made him coffee. it has a certain flavor he cannot find anywhere else. The car ride was full of jam sessions and laughs. As we pulled into the parking lot I tensed up. Peter of course noticed being the observant friend he is noticed immediately. "Y/n?" he asked. i felt tears in my eyes and i broke down. It felt more like a panic attack more than anything in that moment. My breathing was uneven and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. Before Peter could do anything I passed out. I heard the faint sound of Peter calling my name as he tried waking me up. Heartbeat pounding in my ears at an unsteady rate. The world spiraling into a dark abyss. Light seeming to travel further and further from my grasp.
I had no idea how long i was out for but i woke up in a new bed. Covered by a sheet. Peter asleep in a chair next to me. As i stretched a young nurse walked in.
"Y/n, nice to see you're awake." she said.
"What happened?" i asked cautiously.
"You passed out and hit your head against his car window." she said lightly.
I looked over at the sleeping boy next to me and reached out for his hand. He woke up immediately after that. He smiled at me, slowly getting up to sit next to me. He hugged me tightly never wanting to let me go.
"Im so sorry Peter." I told him as tears cascaded down my cheeks.
"Its okay, you'll be out of here soon."
The nurse led him out the room for the rest of the day telling him to come back tomorrow. He waved bye and headed home.
"Y/n." She started slowly. "You dont have much longer to live. I would say a few days. We did some tests and your heart is failing. I'm so sorry."
The tears fell faster much faster now. I was broken. I could hear the heart monitor next to me slowing and going back to steady beat. Grabbing a pen and paper I wrote to Peter.
"Peter, im so sorry I never told you about this in the beginning. I'm sorry about any pain I've caused you in the last few years. You're my best friend in the whole world. maybe in the afterlife we can meet again. Until then I love you." -y/n.
I finished writing out. a few tear stains on the small sheet of paper that held my deepest emotions. I slowly fell asleep. Praying for another day to see my dear friend. I dreamt of a meadow. All of our friends there with us. Having a picnic on a beautiful summer day. Butterflies flying around the surrounding are. The fresh smell of flowers. I woke up the next morning having a bad feeling in my stomach.
"Today's my last day." I thought to myself. Peter had walked through the door. Giving me a small smile he sat next to me. I hugged him tightly before leaning back. I handed him the note I wrote the night before. As he read it he teared up.
"Y/n, you've never caused any harm. I've always known." He tearfully spoke . Letting out a small chuckle I grabbed his hand. slowly intertwining our finings. My heart monitor drastically slowing down I leaned in for something I've always wanted. a kiss. He was quick to kiss me back. My final moments alive approaching me quickly, I told him. "I love you Peter, I'll miss you." With that everything faded. my consciousness went blank and i was taken back to the field i dreamt about the night before. my parents were there with me. I was happy now.
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mintychocolatechip · 5 years
In Your Eyes, I See Embers
Ao3 link
Chapters 1&2: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19416478/chapters/46207252
Chapter 3: Blurring Reality
Here I am uwu
Back with another chapter ;)
Soft Jazz mellows in the background of a seemingly high class event. Tailor made suits, and dresses litter the mansion floor as men, and women of varying importance mingle with one another. Taking a sip of the white wine that filled her small glass, Beverly sighs in boredom. Even the alcohol tasted bland and boring. She takes a look upon her husband, smiling arrogantly among the other presumed doctors. No doubt in the midst of taking credit for a patient he himself didn't actually save.
Finishing off the last of her drink, Beverly searched around hoping to find the waiter so she could request another. However, due to the constant shuffling among the room she doubted finding one any time soon. Beverly had just given up her search when she heard the sound of a shrill voice headed in her direction.
"Oh my gosh, Bevvie!"
That fucking nickname...
"Greta, heeyyy." Beverly half hoped her mocking tone didn't slip through too much. There before her stood Greta Hocksetter, wife of the wealthy business owner Patrick Hocksetter. Her tall almost stick like frame made her a dead give away, and considering Patricks last two wives it was clear he had a type. Still, Beverly smiled and waved as the blonde approached instantly regretting not getting more wine.
"Oh my gosh, how have you been? Better than before I hope." She squealed. The grating pitch of her voice aggravating Beverly's nerves to seemingly no end. She nodded slightly, her forced smiled faltering a bit as Greta began to drone on about whatever petty drama she spyed into. Amidst Greta's constant chatter Beverly closed her eyes, inhaling deeply through her nose. In that moment the posh fragrances of the mansion left her senses. They were then met with the smell of freshly grilled food in the air, she could taste the slightest hint of cold beer on her tongue, and the faintest sound of a gruff yet caring voice in her ears. Beverly chalked this all up to her imagination, a result of her wanting to be literally anywhere else.
"I sure do hope everything has been okay between you and Tom, you know especially since the 'incident'." Those words mercilessly ripped Beverly from her thoughts. The incident, of course she'd bring it up. In fact Beverly wouldn't be surprised if that was the topic of everyones discussion that night. It was honestly the very last thing she wanted to recall.
"You'll have to excuse me Greta I need to use the ladies room." She said hastily before practically running off. Once she was a safe distant from the gangling housewife, Beverly resumed her search for another glass of wine. She'd definitely need a few more if she was gonna survive tonight. After a bit of wandering she came across a door leading outside.
Entering the the mohogany wooden deck placed towards the back of the estate, she quickly made her way to one of the serving tables finally getting another drink. Relishing in the breeze of the cool night air, Beverly lifts her glass intending to take another sip. Yet to her immediate surprise it smells strangely familiar. The ginger's senses are once again flooded with foreign surroundings. Sounds of people chattering, laughter, and a general sense of comfort begins to wash over her. Taking a sip of the wine in her glass, she is instead welcomed to the buzz inducing taste of cold beer, something akin to Miller or Bud light. Beverly is still aware of where she is... Although for something she conjured up from her mind it seemed so real, almost too real.
Beverly closes her eyes, attempting to focus more on the strange feeling that's overcome her. The voices, and smells intensify. The feeling of it is so surreal that she almost believes she can see this lively location once she re opens her eyes. However in that very same moment it leaves her, briskly returning her to the quiet, and cool breeze, of the mansion's deck.
"What's got you all alone back here?" A voice calls, startling Beverly. The red head turns to see Kay McCall, her expression softening, giving way to a light hearted smile. She, and Kay had been fast friends ever since Beverly got to highschool, and had been a huge help to Bev through everything, even through the incident.
"Just needed a bit of air." Bev replied with a sigh.
"I hear ya, another minute stuck listening to Greta, and I would've lost it." Kay remarked, earning a small chuckle from the ginger beside her. A brief yet comfortable silence follows, the two standing peacefully among the breeze.
"Can I have everyones attention please?"
"Thats our cue." Kay sighs, and the two walk back into the fray of guests who were all scurrying around the podium which was now occupated by the host, Steve something. Beverly never bothered to remember his last name.
"Well ladies, and gentlemen first i want to thank you all for coming out tonight. Im sure-" His voiced seemingly droned on, and on causing Beverly to zone out a bit.
"So im sure this years profits will-" Bev had half heard him say something about profit margins...
When it hit her full force.
In that moment Beverly's feeling of familiarity was vioilently ripped from her. It being replaced with immediate panic. Her vision twisted and skewed, becoming blurrier by the second. Her breathing becomes labored as she attempts to take a step back, to calm down yet...
Her body isn't responding.
"Bev, are you ok?" Kay questions, taking notice of the panicked expression on her friends face. But Bev doesn't respond, instead lifting her arms up infront of her as if she was pushing some invisible object.
"Woah woah gentlemen, what seems to be the issue here?" The sound is peircing, intensifying the dull migrane forming directly on her scar. Through her torn and distorted vision, Beverly spots what looks to be a revolver in the corner of her eye. That feeling of panic growing stronger with each passing second. An overwhelming lightheadedness washes over her, and Bev begins to sync in and out of consciousness.
"You won't get a damn thing outta me!" From what she can recollect through the chaos in her mind, theres something about money, and from the looks of that gun, it was gonna get ugly. There's brief silence, followed by a whistle, and a door being slammed shut.
"So heres to our most profitable year yet, and many more to come." The host's speech ended with a toast, instantly snapping Beverly back to reality. She looks around cautiously, and sighs in relief when it seems no one noticed her little "episode". She then looks to Kay who's still looking slightly worried.
"Don't worry, i'm ok now." She reassures causing her raven haired friend to sigh as well. Beverly decides to head back out side to clear her head.
She turns around, taking a few steps before a sharp, intense pain hits the back of her head. She can somewhat hear the sounds of someone screaming before losing consciousness completely
The sound of sirens flood Ben's ears, waking him from his injury induced slumber. Not a moment after the pain comes rushing to the back of his skull, and he screams in agony, only it isn't his voice that cries out. Fighting the pain, Ben opens his eyes for a brief flash seeing several mask covered faces staring down at him. Wait, why are there sirens if he's already at the hospital. The jagged scar on his fore head begins to throb forcing Ben to shut his eyes. Soon the blaring sirens dissipate, and he's left with the sound of Eddie's voice. He's panicking despite Richie's best efforts to calm him down.
"He's gonna be ok Eds, Ben's been through worse than this." Ben wants to say something, anything to let them know he's still alive. A needle gets stuck in his arm, the sting being the equivalent of a misquito bite compared to the intense pounding in his skull. He grits his teeth further, feeling whatever liquid they stuck him with enter his bloodstream. The pain steadily begins to subside leaving Ben completely numb. He slowly opens his eyes, stiffly turning his head to the right. He sees the relieved expression on Richie's face, and the misty look in Eddie's eyes. With all the strength he could muster, he gives them a weak but genuine smile.
"Thank goodness." Eddie says, releasing a breath he'd seemingly been holding. Ben tries to recall what happend that landed him injured in the back of what he assumed was a speeding ambulance. He can fuzzily remember difusing the situation with Henry, specifically having to give up 200 dollars to some drunk stranger with a gun. He tries to remember further but all he is met with is empty images, and the distinct taste of white wine.
"What- what happened to me?" Ben's voice came out low and hoarse, thankfully the two heard him. Richie's expression changed to one of anger as he clenched his left fist, the other hand tangled with Eddie's.
"That drunk bastard Henry came at you with a half empty beer mug." Richie replied through gritted teeth. Ben would've probably been just as seething as Richie if not for his current condition. Eddie gives Richie a comforting look, calming him down for the moment. Ben smiles as he looks upon them, they were lucky to have eachother, and he was sure as hell lucky to have them.
"Mike would've came with us, but he has to manage the bar, and clean up after that asshole." Eddie continues, Ben replying with a quiet "oh". Shifting his gaze to the left Ben expected to see a specialist of some sort, and the lack of one only raised more questions.
'Who was it that just stuck me?' Immediately after the thought, he begins to feel a buzz centering at his scar. His vision twists, and he is suddenly greeted with sounds of beeping machinery. The bright flouresent lights hurt his eyes, and he can't focus on much else. There are constraints wrapped around his head making it very difficult to move, and even as Ben tries to speak no sounds emerge save for a few breathless gasps, and whimpers. He looks to his left to his left to see a pale slightly freckled arm hooked to an IV, medicine flowing continuosly through the plastic pack. The arm couldn't be his it was too thin, and much paler than Ben's usually tanned skin tone. He hears several voices to his right, turning to see two doctors, one with a scowl like expression on his face. Then there is a woman with dark hair, and Ben can see tears cascading down her distressed features. He feels himself stir, but he isn't the one doing it. Suddenly he's back in the ambulance, Eddie had fallen asleep with his head resting in Richie's chest.
The buzzing in his head fades, leaving Ben feeling unexpectantly cold. However at this point the little strength Ben had has left him, and he closes his eyes once more falling unconcious as the ambulance speeds through the streets of Santa Fe.
It's the dull ache in her head that pulls Beverly from unconsciousness. Slowly cracking open her eyes, the first thing she sees is Kay's face riddled with tears. Bev moves a hand to meet hers reassuring that she is indeed still alive. Kay looks down in surprise to see Beverly's tired yet happy expression, and returns the gesture with a small breathless laugh.
"You can't keep scaring me like this Bev." Kay says almost in a whisper. She gives Bev's hand a gentle squeeze, and the two sit in silence letting the calm atmosphere take over. Beverly looks over at the digital clock hanging on the opposite wall. It reading 1:30 am, causing a look of worry to pass over her features as she turns back to her hazel eyed friend.
"You should go home,don't worry about me... I'll be fine." Beverly croaks out. Kay sighs in response telling Bev that she isn't going anywhere, not when she's like this. Bev considered insisting, fearing for her friends health yet the dull ache in her head forces her to drop the subject. Her ears pickup the faintest sound of muffled sirens, and she begins to feel herself moving only she isnt going anywhere.
"C'mon Eddie we're there." Bev distinctly hears the voice yet she can't see anyone, its as if she's still closing her eyes, and can't seem to open them. There's some shuffling followed by shaky movement, but Bev is too exaughsted to try and focus on whats happening so she allows herself to fall back into unconsciousness.
Damn that was fun. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hopefully another one should be out before the end of next week but given my schedule, i cant make any promises.
As always Comments/Reviews are Highly appreciated... until next time
Kylo Out
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333vam333 · 5 years
The Nowhere | got7
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Title: The Nowhere
Word Count: 2k+
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fantasy-ish, Mystery, Thriller-ish
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, murder, a lil graphic (??), a lil profanity, a lil smut too ;)
Pairings: Park Jinyoung x reader, Im Jaebum x reader
Summary: After suffering years from the same nightmares that slowly get worse as you grow older, you learn why those taunting dreams come to you like memories you can’t remember in an unfortunate way.
prologue |
“One, two..”
You pant, sweat dripping down your body as you try to keep up with the fast pace the song delivers. Your eyes don’t leave the wide mirror before you as if it were the audience you were trying to please. A smile finds its way to your face just imagining the sea of screams and cheers, the light sticks waving in the air in one direction, and people calling your name with a smile just as bright as yours is now. The thought makes your heart pound so hard you can hear it in your ears past the speakers blasting hip-pop, making the whole room and your gut vibrate. The adrenaline pumping through your veins pushes the excitement to course through you, making every movement fill with emotion. 
“3-No! Wider! Spread your arms out wider!” your choreographer’s booming voice causes most of the dancers to flinch and mess up the whole thing. “Ugh, never mind!” She pauses the music and everyone scurries to create a single line facing the mirror. You were in the center as always.
The choreographer dawdles to the front, her head held high, chest puffed out, hands behind her back, and disappointment screaming in her eyes. A single glance at each girl makes them straighten their posture. 
“This is how you treat your maknae on her last day?” 
No one answers. 
She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows in amazement. “It’s obvious why the younger one got chosen while you all decided you were too experienced to practice every time you got the chance to.” You can see a few girls hang their heads and one glare at you, only to look away when she caught eyes with the choreographer. 
Your teacher smiles at you, “Congratulations, Y/N.” 
“Woow!” your sister’s claps follow you all the way to the car. You could hear the long pauses between each clap and instantly tell she was being sarcastic as soon as you saw her emotionless face. Stuffing the last box into her trunk, you turn to her, and throw a ball of snow at her which you managed to form at the speed of light. She flinches and covers her head. “Yah stop! Just get in the car before I make you walk to Seoul!”
She mimics your laughter as you both sit in the toasty car, giving you a death-glare before closing her door all the way. “Be grateful your sister loves you enough to waste her gas on you.”
“I’m surprised, too, actually!” you ignore her comment which causes her to roll her eyes. “This was the last thing I expected: being a back up dancer of Kim Yugyeom’s!” You fall back into the car’s seat, your face forming a foolish grin. You release a pensive sigh as you slowly sink into your seat. 
You think back to all those years you’ve spent preparing for a day like this. Hard work day and night, and even times where you didn’t sleep properly due to the amount of time you spent just trying to improve on being a dancer..not like it was any different from what you’d normally do when you were younger.
Your whole life revolves around dancing especially now and even before the accident. And now, after all those years of dreaming, you are finally getting the chance to show the world what you’re capable of. Even the chance to inspire and entertain others. You squeal, bringing your balled fists up to your chest as your legs flutter in the small leg space.
You hear your sister chuckle quietly. “Weirdo..Did you bring your meds?”
You freeze, your smile and excitement dying as you glance at your sister at your side. “Yup..” sluggishly you sit up and cross your arms. 
You had completely forgotten about your nightmares ever since you were chosen to be a back up dancer, despite you seeing them every night since the accident. The dreams were always the same. You didn’t feel anything towards them anymore as you had in the beginning, when you were so terrified to sleep the thought of laying on a bed made your body shiver and eyes swell up with tears. The bags under your eyes when you were younger were much darker than now since you somehow managed to get the balls to actually sleep. Occasionally you will wake up in the middle of the night with no energy to start the day. As soon as you wake up, there was no going back to sleep until you couldn’t keep your eyelids open for another second. It shocked your family with how well you danced even though you barely slept.
As you were younger, people used to joke around and say the dreams were practically ‘Freddy Kruger’ to you which was pretty much true since you contemplated death a few times. You eventually began to see help and take medication that helped you fall asleep, and for a time, the dreams had gone away. Those were the best nights of your life. It didn’t last long though until they came back much harder, more realistic, sinister, and angrier as if it didn’t like how you wanted to make it go away and forget it ever happened. The feeling you got during and after the dreams made you suddenly question why you felt those ways instead of fear. You had always suspected it was something in your past. You didn’t know for sure if you knew your past correctly due to your amnesia and the lack of effort your family did to tell you everything, except for the basic things like who your parents were. You felt there were important parts in your childhood which could’ve triggered something in your mind that your parents haven’t told you yet or refuse you to know. Ever. 
You didn’t let your curiosity bother you much since it was the past, and maybe...it was better that you didn’t know. 
A buzz shakes you out of your thoughts. Pulling out your phone from your winter jacket’s pocket, you see a message from your choreographer. She sent you the video of the dance you’ve been practicing for over three months, the same one you’ll be dancing with Yugyeom. 
You smile and forget about the dreams as soon as you press play.
“Don’t leave!”
The deafening voice screeches throughout the ghost-quiet forest, the swaying trees sounding like rain falling on a metal roof in the distance. 
“Don’t leave me!”
Rocks jab into your bare feet, limping and wincing as you run. 
“You can’t leave!”
Your pounding heart fills your ears and you can feel your pulse aching strongly throughout your feet. The bottoms of your soles begin to burn but you keep pushing once again, tears streaming down your cheeks. You don’t feel fear flowing through you, but instead have the urge to turn around and face him this time on your own. So you do. You see the bright moon lighting the dim road in front of you and the tops of the Pine Trees at your sides. 
Feeling as if you wasted your time you turn and begin jogging, holding your pounding hand close to your stained shirt. You freeze, with your back to the moon, as you come in contact with the enormous bright light before you. 
Move, Y/N, move!
Your legs turn into noodles but a quick hand grabs your arm and yanks you out of the way before the roaring lights touch you. Your body touches the cold pavement and you inhale sharply, feeling someone straddle you. Staring up at the shadow looming above you, putting dead weight on you like they were dead themselves, makes the fear come rushing back. The person raises their hand and you catch sight of the glistening blade in the moonlight shining down on you both.
His big hand covers you mouth before you get the chance to scream. His face arches close to yours, his lips nearly touching your moistened cheek. “Now you can never leave me, princess.” 
You jolt forward, opening your eyes and slamming into the dashboard in front of you. You move back slowly as you rub your forehead and notice the sweat dripping from your face. 
You look at your sister who stuffs the car’s keys into her pocket. You hadn’t realized the car was stopped and that you were at a diner. 
You nod, groaning quietly. “How long have I been asleep?”
She shrugs. “About 20 minutes..and you were mumbling in your sleep too.” She chuckles and steps out of the car. You follow her lead and the both of you walk into the diner that has a retro theme. 
The seats at each checkered table has the design of a car’s seat in the 50s, and the walls were scattered with metal posters of movies back then, license plates from numerous places, and soda brands. A single wall catches your attention as the waiter brings the both of you to your table. Spread across the wall were newspapers of random events in history all over the world and even a few random ones. You see one in specific that makes you tilt your head and furrow your head in confusion.
“Hey..” your sister peeks at you over her menu once you’re sitting, “was my accident popular?”
“Hell if I know.”
You frown and your shoulders drop. She gets up from her seat, pointing at her menu telling you what she wanted before going into the bathroom. You pull out your phone as soon as she disappears, your thoughts racing now that your curiosity is peaked. You have to know if something that would normally be only news in a small town somehow ended up being blown throughout the whole nation. You doubted it. Car crashes happen all the time anyway.
‘3 die in accident, one little girl survives despite horrific injuries!’ you begin to read the first article you see, showing a picture of a younger you. Your strong interest doesn’t let you pull away from the small screen in your hand. ‘Young Y/N is a strong girl after facing horrible luck in her small town all in one year during her stay there. Going from saving her friend from death once, and to another who took his own life, we can only hope her strong spirit makes it in the hospital. Our prayers are with you!’
My friends?..What small town?..
Before you get the chance to look up from your screen your thumb scrolls down even further as your eyes skim across the words, looking for answers in the article. Not to your surprise, you see nothing but as you’re about to give up your eyes catch sight of a photo of you with two other people’s whose faces are blurred out. 
Your smiling face stares back at you as you had made a peace sign that can hardly be seen due to your yellow pull over sweater. The person to your right who you assume is a boy held your shoulders, his head leaning close to you. The other made a peace sign as well, his white long-sleeved shirt lowered down to his knees, and a metal ring on his left hand’s pinkie. You notice that you had the same thing but on your right hand. 
Your sister comes before you get to study the picture closer. 
“Did you know who my friends were in the past?”
Your sister doesn’t answer and continues to stare out of the passenger window. Your hands grip the wheel and you sigh. 
“Not a clue. You never spoke about them to me... so even if I did know I don’t think it matters whether you know or not.”
You shrug and glance at her, showing a small smile. “I want to know what I did tell you.”
“Y/N, why are you bugging me about this?” her clamorous voice makes you jump slightly, your eyes popping out of your sockets. You avoid eye contact with her.
She rolls her eyes and puts her seat back. Her head faces away from you and for awhile you’re alone with the radio playing silently in the background. The calm mood doesn’t last until your sister sits up and pulls the seat up with her. She faces you.
“You only told me that you had a friend who loved to paint and one who was extremely handsome, like a prince almost.”
You look at her and back at the road quickly. The sun was beginning to set past the mountains in the distance, and it wouldn’t be long until you reached Seoul. You smile, muttering ‘Thank you’, and your sister falls back with her seat once again.
The information your sister told you has no interest to you. When you were 12 of course you wouldn’t tell the important things to your sister, but you couldn’t blame yourself anyway. You didn’t live with your sister and didn’t even get to see your dad often either. Your mom had decided to move somewhere with you for awhile until your dad got settled in a city, getting a stable job and decent house while he was there. He could only afford him and your sister at the time, so your mom and you lived with your aunt somewhere for the time being. 
Your mom hates that place now and won’t tell you where that place is. What a shocker...
The night soon came and the sun disappeared, leaving you in the dark with your headlights and the moon lighting the road before you. You hadn’t given your past another thought as you deluged yourself in your future that was just a few more hours away. You smiled as you imagined yourself on stage, dancing with someone who was much more talented than you, and possibly being friends with him. That chance was special to you since that could really be the start of your career as a singer. 
You fell back into your seat and began imagining even further, nearly forgetting about where you were and what you were doing. 
You could feel your eyes begin to get that heavy feeling and as your eyes looked at the clock to see 12:01 am, your hope sunk as you knew you would be at the wheel for a few more hours. This is what you get for offering to drive. 
With the tires running smoothly against the black pavement, and the radio playing softly like a lullaby, you began to hold your eyes closed for longer than a second. You would shake your head and rub your eyes in attempt to stay awake, but it felt hopeless. You reach over to shake your sister awake when you see something familiar in the far distance getting closer to you at a fast rate. 
Those two bright lights...am I dreaming now?...
Your sister’s soft hands touch yours. Your name coming from her panic-stricken voice doesn’t leave your mind.
Not sure if this chapter was entertaining but it’s real late and I kinda wrote in a rush, but I’ll try my best to make the others more interesting and I hope you like the others. Thank you for reading ! :)
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sagenivydragonfly · 6 years
🌌Wolf Child🌌
(scroll down for story)
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Not having a family is harder than you think. Having to watch other children receive presents and hugs from their parents. Its the little things, like watching families ice skate or seeing then get icecream and the laughing. Its the laughing that bothers me the most. I don't think I've really laughed in my entire life. I've tried before. What came out was a ghost of happiness, of real joy. Just an eery sound that brought a shiver to my shoulders and uneasiness to my mind. My hands clung to the cold rails of the ice rink. I couldn't afford to go in. I just watched no money. No anything. Just the clothes on my back. Id managed to swipe them from a donation bin. Tan skinny jeans and boots two sizes to small. The only thing I liked about my clothes was my coat. A blue denim jacket lined with fleece and little yellow buttons with matching yellow pockets. The boots dug into my toes almost telling me what everything told me, "You've been here too long, No one wants to here. Time to leave. I gazed at the families holding hands one last time and walked away. I don't know where I was going. Just away.I was adopted and for a short while I had a family. My parents dumped me when was 10. Id always had issues with anger. They decided it was a good reason to get rid of me. Parentless again. Ive been living on my own for a while stealing and begging for food and clothes. Im not old enough for a job being 12. So until then im here. I was knocked out of my daze by a sign. The town line. Id walked too far. Ahead of me was forest. I stood for a while trying to figure out where to go next. For some reason I walked forward. So dumb. I noticed the trees slowly getting darker their leaves were harder to make out individually. I keep walking. Suddenly I snap out of it and realize what Ive done. Nightfall. I can barely see my hand in front of me. I panic. I don't know the way back let alone where I am. I can hear my heart pounding I run. My breathing ragged. I need to get out. Faster faster! I push on. Miles and miles, the sheer force of adrenaline and will to live forcing my body on. I feel im about to pass out. Then out of no where Thump! I hit something! Wait something hit me! Im on the ground now. Looming over me is a form. I hear a growl and from above something wet and slimy drips onto my face. The gaping maw closes over my shoulder. I claw and scream hit and kick but im too exhausted to fight anyone "No! No! No..."I let it consume me I pass out.
I hear sounds but they sound faint and watery my head feels like its under water. I try to move. My head throbs. I groan. I force my eyes open. I look up. Trees are above me and I hear birbs chirping. Where am I? This isn't the city. I sit up dizzy and disoriented. Im in the spot I was last night. I jolt to attention. That thing...from last night what was it? Was it real was it a dream? I move my arm and yell out. My coat is on the ground next to me my shirt is torn. I move the fabric to expose a few scabbed over punctures in my left shoulder. It was defiantly real. I try to stand up. I wobble. "Ugh" I gather my coat and put it on. At least I still have this. I pick a direction and I begin walking. My stomach growls. I haven't eaten in 2 days. Maybe ill starve. That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I stop. Leaves are crinkling. Its not me. Something runs near, only a few trees away. I can't see through the thickness of the forest. Fear. I dash off. My hunger overtakes me. Im not as fast as before. Im weak and tired. I have nothing left. I stop. Keeling over and wheezing. I almost choke my guts out breathing so hard. Finally it doesn't hurt to break I stand up. No. I look straight into the eyes of a Grey wolf. I freeze. No where to go now. Nowhere to hid. A deer in the open. Almost begging to be eaten. He doesn't move. I look panic in my eyes. He doesn't look angry but he doesn't look away. A menacing stare. Could melt ice with that gaze. I look away. He sits. I try to slowly back away. He growls. I stop. He stops growling. I sit. We look at eachother. Im confused on what to do and scared about being eaten alive. He yawns. I being and idiot scoot towards him. He cocks his head. He doesn't know what I am. I wonder what hes alone. Hes not the biggest wolf but hes not small. Hes dark grey with black guard hairs. Yellowy amber eyes cunning and sharp. But something about his eyes now are soft and inviting. I suddenly want to touch his fur. I reach my hand out. He looks at me and does nothing. I begin to lower my hand. He shoves his muzzle into my hand. Im shocked. Hes soft. I gently pet his muzzle. I look at his eyes again. He respects me it seems. Im still going to be careful. We spend the rest of the day walking and sitting infront of eachother. I wonder why he didn't eat me in the first place. Was he lonely? Im lonely. Wheres his family. Its dark again. Im scared. What is in this forest. I instinctively grab onto him. He makes a noise. A nonthretaning noise. I rest my hand on his back and let him lead. We come to a clearing. I think he sleeps here. There's a tree with a hole at the base. He leads me there and I follow him inside. The floor is dirt and smooth. He turns around 3 times and curls up in a corner I do the same and laugh. I cover my mouth. A real laugh. Im astonished. A wolf made me laugh. I giggle and close my eyes, drifting to sleep.
Morning. The birds are chirping again. I look for the wolf. Hes standing in the clearing. He needs a name. So do i. I sit next to him and study him. He sniffs some Wild Thyme. "Aha!" he looks up questioning me. I point at him "Thyme!" he sniffs the thyme again. My stomach growls. He runs off. I get worried. I wait 30 min. He comes back with a squirrel. He sets it down infront of me. I look at him. Im silent for a few min. I finally give in a start tearing of chunks of meat and stuffing it on my mouth. There's barely any taste. But food is food.
Over the next few days Thyme and i become good friends. He hunts and I spot his prey from up in a tree. Thyme gave me a wolf name it kinda sounds like "Aaaaaru!" I laugh all the time now.
Years have passed and I still live here. Ive outgrown everything except my coat an pants. Im 15 now old enough to work. Thyme showed me the way back to the city a along time ago. I never wanted to go back. I say goodbye and that ill come back.
I walk down the main street. Things have changed. Its been 3 years after all. I go to the donation box. I freeze. There in the pile is a fuzzy wolf hat with paw gloves attached. The same color as Thymes coat. I snatch it immediately. "Hey.Hey!you can't take from there!" I don't even see whose yelling. I ran before I could look i put it on my head. Im homeless anyways. I ran to the other side of town. Sliding down the wall onto the ground I sit. "Hey you." I turn around. "Youre fast" "me?" she nods. "Thanks?" I nervously reply. "You got the legs on ya that you could deliver my baked goods to the customers in the knick of time! Would ya like a job missy?" "uh...Oh! Yes yes definatly!" "Come on in then! Oh by the way what's your name?" Oh crap I don't have one. "Uh...uh...Aaru?" she nods. I take a deep breath and begin a normalish life.
It has been a year since I last saw Thyme. I went back a month later but he wasnt there. I walked the whole forest and he was gone. I screamed the name of my best friend and brother and only family as loud as I could. Nothing. Now I walk through that forest for the millionth time. I sit by the clearing and the tree with the hole. I rest my weary legs. I hold my arms out and cry pretending he was there. I felt him but it wasnt real. I cried into his fur and sobbed against his chest. I opened my eyes. I stared into the eyes of my old friend. He was missing a part of his front leg, he was covered in battle scars and he looked like he had been to hell and back. I didn't care. I had my family. But I hadnt even begun to realize what happened to him. Finding out may be to gruesome
For now we wait in eachother arms. Two wolves
A family
🌌A pack🌌
I really worked hard on this so if anyone reads it im so happy, but also surprised cause its suuuuuper long aaa 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌
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d-erica · 5 years
worth living
Life is as beautiful as you can possibly make it out to be.Life is very much taken for granted. But everyones perspective is different. We can deny it as much as we want, but the ugly truth is that at some point almost everyone has sat in their bed in complete darkness and hoped and prayed for a better or just in general a different life. But we didnt magically get that now did we? No. This post is primarily my past perspective on life. I dont know if anyone else has felt or at least thought in this same way, but this is my input. Now I am not going to sit here and write lies saying that my life was consistent of good or of bad. Childhood was really weird and awkward for me. My memory has blocked alot of those earlier days out primarily because I never learned the basics of being in touch with my emotions so yes in elementary i had bestfriends, but what everyone else felt it seemed kind of impossible and foreign to me. I didnt understand the meaning of hugs and of saying the words ‘’ I love you’’. Saying the word ‘’bye’’ always rubbed me off the wrong way because I knew at a young age that when i said  that word to my dad before he was stationed overseas in the air force that that potentionally could be the last time that Id be considered ‘’daddys little girl’’. I knew too soon that things couldnt be perfect forever so I already started putting up a wall trying to  protect myself from any harm or abandonment. I grew up with the same routine all the way up to high school avoiding certain interactions and any type of physical affection. I came off as nonchalant or as alot of people would refer to me as ‘’emotionless’’. I knew for a fact that I had emotions and some type of heart deep down inside of me somewhere. My comedy made up for the missing aspects of me i guess. At least for awhile. Fast forward to sophmore year of high school. Something in me changed, it was like a switch. Sixteen years of built up anger, disgust, sadness all came and took control over my entire mind,body,and soul. The funny, lively side of me people once loved changed, people saw the drastic change. I knew they knew something was wrong, and alot of people tried their best to uplift me but no matter what they said. I was still me, I was still the only one in my head. I made myself think and feel like I was all in this alone and that i couldnt get pulled out of this rut. I was just so bitter to the world, just so over basically everything. For someone who used to cry twice a year, i started to cry like five times a day everyday of each month in that time frame. These feelings went on for such a long time that I started to hate myself for me being so uncontrollably sad and weak all of the time. My grades in school went down and down. My family life was at the peak of being the worse thing Ive ever had to see. I think i was just overall disgusted with the way I allowed myself to bury myself in my bed and my feelings without seeking or reaching out for help. During the time frame, I lost all ability or energy to go to school, sleep at night causing my extreme insomnia even now to this day, perform my best at my job, be happy in public settings with friends, leave my room to show my face to my family, and mainly stopped eating and drinking appropriately, I lost like fifty pounds just during the time of being so numb and hopeless. My bones became brittle so I could sometimes barely stand without feeling like falling over. This basically just gave people bigger and stronger than me the green light to sexually abuse and psychically abuse me. Everyday it seemed like another thing to break me. Months went by and I just grew tired. Absolutely tired, exhausted, literally depression won over and over again. My mind shifted from feeling utterly lonely to developing to mental nightmares. No matter how much trauma Ive witnessed or been through, my thoughts are what ruined me, No one else did that to me. Only thing that went through my head was how and what was the easiest way i could possibly die, I didnt want this life. Obviously the odds werent in my favor. Obviously I was a lost cause because no matter what loved ones said or did it didnt stick with me throughout my whole day. Therapy didnt help probalby because I sat there stubborn for two hours with blank eyes, they offered prescriptions that seemed like placebo. ‘’ Here take this when you wake up every morning so you can start off with a clear mind.’’ Yall know how hard it is to look in the face of a therapist you had since seventh grade and hold back the words ‘’ Mrs. Witherspoon I dont plan on waking up in the morning, Im really tired you know.’’ I never told her that and couldnt bring myself to say ‘’bye’ because it brought me back to childhood where I knew itd be the last time. I wrote my notes to individual people. I knew what action I was going to take that night to finally put things and myself to rest. I was on the edge of putting myself at peace then like in a split second difference I got a ft call that I didnt answer. Seeing the name of the person made me stop in my tracks though and something told me to check my messages and look at the previous loving paragraphs Ive ever gotten. I just could not continue. I knew the people in my life didnt deserve the heartache and confusion that would be left after my self afflicted passing. I burned the handwritten goodbye notes and went to sleep . I vowed that I wouldnt put myself in that situation ever again. Yes, things in my life didnt magically improve but I did try to look at things in a different manner. Months went past and I wasnt in as a bad place anymore, but I just wasnt fit for some relationships anymore because it was just unfair to give half of me all the time when people did nothing but give me love and sense of patience all the time. I guess there was alot of pressure to be perfect and it sort of started messing with my mind seeing everyone happy and wondering why Im not i guess. People definitely deserve better than what I ever had to offer, I wish nothing but the best for anyone who has stuck with me in the times around a year ago. Fast forward it is the middle of senior year and I am really happy right now. Ive gained alittle weight, I feel beautiful in my own skin, my grades are so muc better. I should get at least three to four cords at graduation from my honor society clubs here this upcoming spring .Isolating myself in a positive way and letting go of bad situations and coping mechanisms was the best decision I have done. Lately Ive been taking one day at a time. This transformation definitely wasnt overnight, it was like a two year process. Even though some things from those times are still hard to think about, im forever grateful for the hardships and obstacles. Life experiences definitely has shaped me into the young woman I am now, I was kind of mature before everything but this definitely pushed me to see clearly and handle things with more thought and overall process of how and when to react. I used to pray that I could have a diiferent life and even though this is not exactly what I meant, It is still really good at the moment. Ive reconnected with some people from the past, and Ive also attracted more people recently who have come my bestfriends, Things do look up eventually. Life is truly what YOU make it.
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Title: I Lost You
Warnings: fxf thoughts, angst, pain, sadness, swearing
Word Count: 1789
Summary: The Reader is suffering through the loss of her close friend Peter- who began slipping away after getting a girlfriend.
A/n: This was not Beta’d, but I really wanted to write a fluffy piece but that changed as soon as I listened to this song and then I descended into the angst trash- i tried to pick it up at the end? *sigh*
You quietly watched Peter with her, laughing as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to his side. You swallowed thickly and looked down at your tray- your appetite no longer the most important  thing on your mind. You heard her voice from your spot in the cafeteria and your best friend- MJ- nudged you.
“Hey-  i’d cheer up, you’re getting his attention.” She said softly and you shrugged, standing and grabbing your tray before leaving. You dumped the food and tossed the tray on top of the trash can and leaving, tears falling silently down your cheeks as you held tight to the strap of your bag.
You were sitting in class- hair released from its bun to hide your face as you stared at your notepad- thoughts straying very far from algebra. Just ten minutes ago you had walked by Peter and his girlfriend- some girl you didn’t know still- kissing. Nothing heavy- just a simple, sweet loving kiss. Something you found yourself longing for from Peter- from the guy you’ve crushed on since third grade.
Ned- who was sitting next to you- tossed a note onto your desk, causing you to flinch from the sudden appearance of the paper. Slowly you unraveled it- shoulders slumping in relief and your eyes softening as you stared at the doodles on the page. There were some star wars characters who had word bubbles around them saying silly things- yoda’s saying ‘seagulls stop it now’- prompting a small giggle from you- and other little things.
There was a small note written at the body- what you’ve come to associate with Ned’s handwriting.
Look up, you still have those who love you right around you- all you have to do is look up.
It read, and you managed a soft smile- glancing over to Ned. He smiled back and you forced yourself to look away before you let your eyes travel to Peter, Ned made you feel better- no need to make yourself feel worse afterwards.
You carefully folded up the note and brought it up to your face, letting it simply rest against your nose as you watched the teacher- finding some small peace in your heart if only for a moment.
You were laying in your bed- the small pile of notes all folded neatly resting underneath your hand as you tried to take the joy from them that you had felt when you had first opened each one. Your heart sent a pang of longing and heartache through you and you sighed, rolling over and leaving the notes there as you grabbed your pillow, pulling it to your chest and hugging it, managing to fall asleep.
“Please, Peter.” You begged- holding tightly to his hands as you stared at him. Suddenly she was there- holding your hands and giving you a pleading look- a saddening look. She gently kissed your forehead, pulling away.
“Sorry- you’re gonna have to-”
“(Y/n)!” A familiar voice shouted and you jerked up- left arm flying up as you shot to a sitting up position- heart pounding in your chest violently as you stared at MJ, letting your thoughts catch up to what your eyes were seeing.
“Oh- MJ- you scared me!” You managed to get out, throwing your pillow down and letting your head land against it. MJ frowned down at you and you sighed, glancing at your clock. Well damn- no wonder she showed up- you missed the cafe date you two had planned.
“You missed it (Y/n).” She said and you rubbed your face, taking a deep breath in through your nose.
“I’m so so sorry MJ- i finally managed to fall asleep and I didn’t realize- ugh i’m so sorry.” You said, hands resting on your face as you laid on your bed. She softly sighed and picked up the folded notes- removing them from you bed and placing them on you desk. She slipped off her shoes and crawled over you to lay on the empty spot on the bed- and you wished that it was Peter laying there.
“Look out your window- at the stars.” She said softly and you did, blinds pulled all the way up. You both just laid there for a few moments and then you got up, unlatching your window and pushing it open- climbing out onto the fire escape. MJ followed after you and both of you climbed up barefooted- climbing the last few feet onto the roof and sitting there on the edge.
“Why do I let myself get like this?” You whispered- eyes moving from the sky to the city around you. Up here… you felt as if you ruled the world- as if everything was beneath you. No problems, just you and the sky.
“I don’t know kid, i don’t know… you know what i find helps?” She said and you looked over to her- feet swinging as you waited patiently. “I scream- from the rooftops. I’ll just scream what i’m feeling- and afterwards I feel a little bit better, knowing some random person was listening and intrigued, possibly. You should give it a try.” She said and you moved away from the edge, standing up and taking a deep breath- arms lifting up and spreading out to the side.
“I WISH PETER PARKER WAS WITH ME!” You screamed- and MJ stood up, standing in front of you before looking to the sky.
“I WANT TO RIGHT WHAT’S WRONG!” She screamed and you couldn’t help but laugh- spirits beginning to lift.
“IM A HOPELESS ROMANTIC TRYING TO GET MY THIRD GRADE CRUSH’S ATTENTION!” You screamed, both of you beginning to laugh.
“IM A SINGLE MOTHER WHO HAS TO WORK TOMORROW- SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!” A third voice screamed and you both covered your mouths, giggling as a window slammed shut. You and MJ climbed back down then went back to your room- slipping inside without a sound and crawling into you bed, both of you curling up tight under the blankets and giggling softly.
“We should do that again- maybe at your place tho.” You whispered, the moonlight being the only providing source of light.
The two of you whispered away into the night until eventually you fell asleep- MJ quietly leaving the house at two in the morning.
The next day at school you were sitting in math class, once again, when Ned passed another note. You looked from him to it- confused. Today you had been in a better mood than yesterday- even if you still felt down. You opened the note, surprised to only find the words ‘Meet me after class by the boys bathroom.’ You raised an eyebrow- looking over to him and nodding- though confused.
When class ended and you packed up your bag you left the class, wishing the teacher a good day before heading over to the bathroom that most students didn’t use. Ned stood there- looking nervous and you came up to him- raising an eyebrow.
“What’s up Ned? You’re awfully nervous.” You said and he managed a short smile.
“I’m not the one you’re meeting- good luck!” He said suddenly, sprinting away as fast as he could. Your brows furrowed and you turned around- nearly running into Peter. Last nights events came rushing back, and then every other time you’ve seen him with his girlfriend, and you swallowed thickly, taking a step back.
“You’re the one that’s been writing the notes.” You whispered, looking up at him. He nodded and you blinked away the wetness in your eyes- looking off to the side. You didn’t know whether to feel betrayed by Ned or elated at the thought that Peter cared enough to cheer you up.
“Please, Peter.” You whispered, eyes finding his. You couldn’t help the dew building in them and at the pained look in his eyes it only grew. “You’re happy- don’t screw this up for you.” You whispered, and went to walk away but he gently grabbed your bicep, a pleading look on his face.
“(Y/n)- please. Listen to me.” He said softly and you took a step back, standing before him once more, nodding for him to speak. “I’m sorry-” he started and you rolled your eyes to prevent yourself from letting the tears fall. “I mean it- I’m sorry. I-I heard you screaming last night, with MJ.” He said and your heart stuttered in your chest and your jaw clenched- feeling uncertain.
“I live close to you- not too far. But- okay i’ll just try and start from the start. I liked you- a lot. Like really liked you ya know? Have for a while, but when you started talking to MJ about being my friend and how you loved having just that-”
“You didn’t hear the whole thing Peter. I said being friends with you was probably the best I was gonna get- and that I was fine with that… I was lying to myself.” You stated softly- the tears still make you vision sort of fuzzy. He bit his bottom lip and you swallowed thickly. “Continue.” You whispered.
“I thought you didn’t like me- that you only wanted me as a friend- and when Ned, and MJ told me what was happening to you I grew worried- and in the cafeteria- do you even eat enough anymore?” He asked and you let out a sigh, adjusting your bag. “You can’t skip meals- you need the calories for soccer.” He said and for a moment everything felt like you two talking as good friends- as worried friends. You didn’t respond and he gently grabbed your shoulders, his hands so warm.
“Come on Peter- we’re late to class already, you might want to hurry it up.” You said, and he suddenly pulled you into a hug- one hand holding the back of your head as the other draped over a shoulder, his hand resting against the middle of your back. It took you a moment before you let your bag slip off your arm- books thunking against the ground before your arms were around his waist, face buried in his chest.
“I’m sorry I hurt you.” He whispered, and you sniffled as he held you- squeezing tightly as if you were worried this wasn’t happening- that this was all some sick dream your brain was thinking of.
“I lost you- y-you slipped away.” You whispered, managing to not choke on your tears. “I lost- my Peter.” You choked out before softly crying. Peter simply held you tighter- his nose pressed up against your hair as he gently swayed side to side.
“I’m here now- it’s okay. I’m here for you (Y/n)- I’m not leaving again.”
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Hey! I love your writing! So, I've never done this before, but I keep seen in my mind a supercorp scene. They fight for some stupid reason and Lena has all her complexes and thinks Kara wont come back, then she suffer an attack, but Kara get there almost too late, and when Lena wakes up, the water works are in full and she confesses she thought Kara wouldn't come back to save her. I know is angst af, but I can't get it out of my mind...
i stared at this all day so if it sucks im sorry
      She doesn’t even remember how it started.
It was something stupid to be sure.
She had been snappy from hardly getting any sleep and Kara had been frustrated because of Snapper’s harsh critique on her latest article.
“Maybe you should just leave.”
She hadn’t meant to say it.
Well she had, but she had meant that maybe they just needed some space.
Time to cool down and avoid saying something that neither of them meant because they were grumpy and overworked and underfed.
But apparently Kara had taken her words in a different tone, because she had said them two days ago and she hadn’t heard from Kara since. Not a visit, not a call, not so much as a text.
She had had every intention of going to see Kara for lunch yesterday, but one thing had led to another and she hadn’t had the chance.
Now, as time marched on; she felt herself getting upset all over again, because it wasn’t like Kara didn’t know how to get in touch with her. She was just as much at fault for their separation as Lena.
 Maybe she doesn’t care as much as you thought she did.
 Maybe she realized that a Luthor isn’t worth the trouble.
The thought settles  low in her gut like lead, weighing her down, until she feels like she’s drowning, suffocating in the thoughts that swirl in her over active brain.
A part of her argues that it’s their first real fight, that Kara will be back, that this is how things work with real people and real relationships. But that part of her is easily outnumbered by her insecurities and abandonment issues, and so she sits in her office, nausea threatening to overcome her.
She fiddles with her phone, tempted to text Kara.
They should talk, right?
That’s what people in loving, committed relationships do, they talk through their issues.  
She freezes.
That was another thing, she’d never even gotten a chance to tell Kara she loved her.
It’s probably for the best, she doubts if Kara had ever felt the same. And if she had then Lena doubts she does any longer. A part of her brain screams at her, begs at her to listen to reason, to remember all the times Kara had looked at her with obvious love written in those blue eyes.
She shakes her head. She needs sleep, and a solid dinner. Then she’ll feel better in the morning and she’ll go to Kara and they’ll talk about this rationally like adults. And if Kara wants to break up with her then so be it, but she isn’t going to spend the evening worrying about it.
She tosses her phone in her purse and closes down her laptop. National City is dark outside her window - it’s well past midnight. She sighs, it was ridiculous to think that this would work -  she’s too busy trying to reclaim her family’s name and Kara is too busy saving the world.
It was nice, while it lasted.
She shakes her head again.
They make it work. Lunch dates, late night dinner dates, early morning rushed breakfast before they each head off to work dates.  They make it work.
Don’t they?
She doesn’t have time to answer her own question, because the sound of a gun cocking distracts her.
Her instincts scream at her to move but the cool metal of the gun pressed against her forehead stops her cold.
As discreetly as possible, she reaches for the green bracelet on her wrist, pressing in the hidden button on the side - the one designed to summon Supergirl at a moment’s notice. They may be fighting, but surely Kara will still come to her rescue.
“Now, now Ms. Luthor, don’t make this difficult. Lex didn’t tell me to kill you … this time. Not that I won’t if you cause me too much trouble. Between you and me, I don’t think he would mind too much if something happened to his little sister, might even promote me.” A male voice laughs harshly behind her and she forces her body to relax from where she had been poised to run.
“Very good, now put your hands on the table where I can see them.”
She does as he asks, eyes darting to the taser in her purse.
“Don’t get any funny ideas.” the voice warns and she looks up to see her own reflection shining at her in the window, a masked figure standing over her right shoulder.
“What do you want?” She demands, her voice surprisingly steady for how fast her heart is beating.
“What do I want?” He chuckles, “Well, it isn’t about what I want, it’s about what Lex wants isn’t it?”
“I’ll give you more money. Whatever he’s offering you I’ll pay you double.”
The man laughs again.
“Well, that’s a generous offer, considering you don’t even know what he wants.”
“Tell me then.”
“He want the plans for the new super suit you worked on.”
Lena feels the saliva stick to the back of her throat.
“What does he want those for?” she stalls, waiting for Kara to come bursting through her door and save the day.
“I thought you were supposed to be some sort of genius? He wants the plans so he can find a weakness.”
“Surely he must know that I don’t have the plans on me.”
“It isn’t for me to say what Lex does or doesn’t know, I just need those plans; or you-“ He digs the barrel of his gun into her forehead. “Will be making a final stop at the morgue tonight.”
She laughs with more bravado than she feels.
“I can’t get them for you tonight, that’s what I’m trying to explain to you. Really, I thought my brother would have stopped hiring dumbasses by now.”
“Looks like the tabloids were right, you really are a bitch.”
The gun scrapes against her temple and the sinking feeling from earlier returns.
Kara isn’t coming.
Whatever they had between them … she had ruined it to the point where the hero no longer thought her worthy of saving.
She must truly be horrible then.
If Kara no longer believes in her.    
There’s no way out that she can see, no magical cure for the dire situation she’s found herself in. She’s already been through every option in front of her and none of them end without either her death or her betrayal of Supergirl - neither are excellent options, but the latter must never happen.
Even if it means her own death.
She still loves Kara, even to the end.
She wishes she had told her.
Maybe then she would find some comfort in what she’s about to do.
Time seems to slow in the seconds between stillness and action. It’s the adrenaline, she knows, coursing through her veins- dilating her pupils, raising her blood pressure, increasing her heart rate until it’s pounding in her ears.
She turns, her forearm sweeping up to try and knock the gun a way, but a shot rings out and her world goes dark.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The first thing she notices is the incessant beeping.
The second is that the incessant beeping signifies her heart rate.
The third is that she’s alive.
Which should be impossible.
Because she’s dead.
She opens her eyes to see Kara pacing at the end of her bed.
The superhero turns, her cape swirling around her.
“Oh thank, Rao!” Kara practically dives into the chair beside her bed and clutches her hand. “Alex said you were going to be fine, but you just passed out! With no warning! And I’ve never seen that happen before and I was so worried-“
“I passed out?”
Kara’s brow crinkles in confusion.
“Yeah, you turned on the guy - which was stupid, because I was on my way - if you would have waited ten seconds-“
“Wait.” She holds up her hand to stop the rush of words. “You came?”
“Of course I came! You pushed the distress signal!”
“But- we fought.” It sounds ridiculous when she says it out loud and the look on Kara’s face agrees.
“Yeah, we fought, about some stupid- I don’t even remember what started it - but it was a stupid fight. Did you really think I wouldn’t come?”
She feels the tears well in her eyes, threatening to spill over.
“You didn’t call me yesterday, or even text.”
Kara’s cheeks redden and she gives Lena a sheepish grin.
“I was over the ocean and the sun was rising and I tried to take a picture and my hand slipped and well, iPhones aren’t water proof. I got a new one, but I didn’t have your number so I was going to come see you but Jess said you had taken me off the list and I thought you still might need space. Then tonight I was in Ireland - “
“I know how much you love Irish breakfast so I was picking up some takeout for breakfast for dinner because Jess can’t stop me from seeing you if she isn’t there. And when I was on my way back I got your signal. So I rushed back to find you fighting the assassin - which was stupid by the way, did I say that? And then you just passed out, so I knocked the guy out and flew you here.”
“He wasn’t an assassin.” She whispers quietly, wiping at the tears running down her cheeks.
"He wanted the plans for your new suit.”
“Lee.” Kara’s voice cracks.
“I wasn’t going to give them to him.”
Kara sighs and climbs onto the bed next to her, pulling her close. She lets herself relax into strong arms as she sobs into Kara’s chest.
“Have you eaten today?” Kara asks when the tears finally subside.
She thinks back.
“Not since yesterday.”
“I’m going to get Alex to bring you a Snickers bar.”
“A Snickers bar?”
“You’re not you when you’re hungry.”
Once the laugh starts, she cant stop it, and it bubbles up until it overtakes her, shaking her shoulders and taking her breath.
“I’m sorry.” She finally apologizes, nuzzling into Kara’s shoulder.
“For almost getting yourself killed or for not thinking I would come for you?”
“Both?” She sighs. “This was our first fight.”
“Yeah.” She feels Kara’s fingers in her hair. “It’s not going to be our last either. But you can’t think that just because we have a stupid fight that it’s over. You have to believe in us more than that.”
“I know. I do. I just got scared.”
They sit like that for a long moment before she speaks again.  
“We’re probably overdue for a long talk.”
“We could talk over dinner? It’s probably still hot.”
“You carried it all the way here?”
“Well, it’s at L-Corp. And it’s more like I forgot to drop it? When I heard your signal I kind of freaked out.”
Lena traces her fingers over the crest on Kara’s chest.
“We could go eat on the balcony? It’s supposed to be a nice night.”
“I think that’s the best idea you’ve had all day.”
- - - - - - - -
Later, when the food is all gone and the the two of them are curled naked on Lena’ couch -Kara’s cape wrapped around them like a blanket as they watch the sun ascend over National City; three words itch at the back of her throat.
The perfectionist part of her brain begs her to wait, because they’ve just made up and surely this isn’t the time.
But the rest of her remembers what it felt like to know that she was about to take her last breath without Kara knowing how she feels.
So she counts the beats of Kara’s heart under her ear for a full minute before she speaks - voice soft and steady in the coolness of the morning air.
“I love you.”
Kara’s hand in her hair stills for a moment but she can hear the smile in the other woman’s voice when she finally speaks.
“I love you too.”
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selflovestories · 3 years
In Her Eyes
As the song continued, John began to dance a bit around the stage  interacting with his guitarist, bassist and drummer individually. They were all smiling and laughing as they played and sang not so much as to ruin the music, but enough that you could tell these were people who truly loved music and that they get to do it living especially him. all throughout the night, the entire audience had been screaming the lyrics along with him and moving their bodies to the beat of the music the audience members who were perfect strangers who were screaming loudest would turn to each other with knowing glances and smile because they were sharing the same excitement and connecting with one another over their love of this man’s music.
John was always overwhelmed with this kind of view, he never thought that his dreams will led him this far as he expected. As he roam his eyes in the crowd he saw a beautiful pair of eyes staring at him intently, the way her eyes stares at John looks familiar. Then he remembers how he became what he is now because of familiar that stare.
It was Sunday evening, rain is falling, and John is laying on his bed strumming his guitar while looking at the ceiling. He's thinking about the commercial he saw earlier, it was an audition on one of famous singing competition on TV. He would like to give it a shot. He stood up and place his guitar on his bed and walk to his mom on the kitchen, he saw his mom preparing food for dinner. He sat on the chair and looks to his mom "Mom? Do you think I can sing in front of many people?" He asked his mom, his mother looks at him and smiled "Of course you do my love. You have a wonderful voice, why?" She replied and continue doing the table. "I was thinking about joining this audition a saw on TV" John stated. Her mom stopped for a while and looks at him with a worried eyes "It's okay but make sure that you prioritize your studies. That is all I want for you son." She said. "I know mom, I will. Thank you for letting me join this one." Her mom just smile at him and tap his shoulder.
John was so lucky that he was accepted to the audition and it went viral, John was slowly recognized by the people around him. He became famous and invited with different events in his brgy and with some nearby cities. John met many people in the industry of music and he was overwhelmed with all the attentions his getting. Almost every night he always went to gigs and some of his "rakkets" with other influencer. "John, come on it wont harm you." One of his influencer friend named Eric. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yea, forget about you mom, this will help to your problem. Just relax" Eric handed the cannabis in John's hand, John looks at it and tried it, moments later john started laughing with small things. He started to think about his life he has the fame and he didnt realize that he was overwhelmed with that. He neglected his studies and forget about his moms dream for him. He just wanted to live the life he has now. With fame, alcohols, drugs, friends and money. He didn't think about his family. He thought that supporting them with money is enough. Almost every night he always comes home late and drunk. His mother never gets tired waiting for him every night, helps him to walk through the stairs and removes his shoes. His mother always looks at his face and and talks to him even when his too drunk "How are you son? It's always like this, since you became part of that singing competition. I am happy with what you achieve but I am worried on how you are handling yourself, I hope that you will be enlighten with the things you are loosing. Were not getting any younger son." Her mother told him once when he was drunk. Even his old friends noticed the changes of John. It is like he is to high to reach.
One day, while he sings on a gig he saw this lady a pair of her beautiful eyes staring at him while smiling. When he comes down to the stage of of his friend approaches him "Hey dude nice song, btw Im with my cousin and I want you to meet her pare" his friend said. "Thankyou bro, That's fine with me where she is?" He asked. His friend points on the table where the lady he saw earlier his heart was pounding fast when their eyes met. "Btw John this is Cassandra my cousin, Cass, this is John, the one and only John. You know him right?" His friend as he introduced them to each other. "Yeah! I know him. Hi, I am Cassandra nice meeting you, im a fan of yours" Cassandra said. "Hi cassandra. Thankyou for being a fan, hope your having a good time tonight" john replies. "So can I leave the two of you? I'll just get my drinks have a good time together" his friend said as he leaves. Cassandra and John started talking to each other, they became comfortable with each other accompany. John was so amazed with Cassandra. They both enjoyed that night and became friends. Cassandra always go when john has gigs, John always flattered on how cassandra looks at him while he performs. Every gigs john will always drive her home. After a month they fall inlove deeply to each other. John slowly getting back to his old self. He is starting to handle his studies again while he does his career with the help of Cassandra. Cassandra helps John to became better again. They both grow with each others arm. John's mother is happy that her son changing in a good way. She is happy for cassandra and his son. Finally, cassandra is the girl that will make john better things. They were both contented with each other. John's already making sure that even his busy week he will always spend his weekends with his family and with Cassandra. But life is not all about happiness. While John is stepping down from the stage as he is performing as a defending champion her mom walks to him worried as she handed the phone to john "It's about Cass" she said. While listening to the other line, John didn't take it as he heard the news from Cassandra's mother. It was Cass, she was hit by a truck when she was on her way where john is. John couldnt think straight all he wants to do is to rush where Cassandra is. Cassandra is in critical stage, the doctor told them that there is 50/50 chances of survival they don't think cass would survive.  Weeks had passed, John is back again with his vices. He always drink alcohol to forget about cassandra he misses Cass so much but he couldn't see her beautiful eyes, her smile, anymore. he couldn't hear his voice, her laugh. Alcohol is the only way for him to forget the pain just for a short of time. his mom can't help but to cry with John's situation, John had many bad decisions in his life. But despite of the wrong decisions he made. His mom never gave up on him. Especially this time that John is in his lowest point. She can't help to see his son like this. John is doing his best he can to support their family he is a good son indeed. It killing her to see her son suffer like this. As a mother it's like a fangs on her chest to see John like that. When John wakes up in the morning, he noticed her mom in the side of his bed, sleeping silently. John caressed her moms hair slowly as her mom awakes "John, I slept while watching you last night you came home drunk again. I know how hurt you was with what happen to cassandra, we can't do anything with that. All we can do is to pray for her. She wouldnt be happy if she's here, if she sees you like that. You know Cassandra will be hurt much more when she learned that your like this because of her. As a mom. I am begging you. Please, for us and for cassandra don't waste your life and continue living. We are here. I can't see you like that sweetheart, it pains me more to see you like that. Her mom cries. John hugs her mom "Im sorry mom, im really sorry for always causing troubles, for making you cry with my actions. I know Cassandra will get angry when she learned that you cried because of me. I am sorry mom. I am really thankful despite of all the dissapointment you had on me. Your still there and didn't surrender on me. I love you mom. Im sorry"
After 3 years.
John was always overwhelmed with this kind of view, he never thought that his dreams will led him this far as he expected. As he roam his eyes in the crowd he saw a beautiful pair of eyes staring at him intently, the way her eyes stares at john looks familiar. It was her mom. Her mom smiled at her mouthed "She's awake son, Cassandra's finally awake"
- Joseph Ama
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Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
"Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
My insurance company will not renew my auto insurance as I had 2 accidents. What do I do now?
Will other insurance companies provide insurance for me?
How much would it cost me to get motor bike insurance?
I am thinking of getting a motor bike since the cost of insuring a car is just too high. I'm 18 and male and was wondering roughly how much I could expect to pay for insurance on a 125cc if I do my CBT. Oh and I live in the Uk... which will hike the price up a bit
""I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
I need affordable mortgage life insurance. I' m 62 and have a heart problem that is under control with meds?
I also have stents in my arteries and heart. I need $250,000 in insurance to payoff a 30yr loan. Our house was originally paid off and I (the house was put in my name alone, not my husbands) took out a mortgage for $130,000 to finance my daughters business which failed. I thought that I did have mortgage insurance on the original loan but did not find out until after I took out my 2nd mortgage ($120,000) to pay off other bills the business acquired. Between the 1st and 2nd loan I became ill and I don't know what to do now. My husband doesn't know about the 2nd loan. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. I don't want to die and leave 2 mortgages for my husband to pay off.""
What is the penalty if you're caught driving without insurance in California?
.....AND you cause a traffic accident? I was hit by an uninsured motorist. Just curious, what she would have to pay (not enough if you ask me!!!) or what are the penalties. Inquiring minds wanna know!!""
Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?
This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!""
What is the best maternity health insurance in Georgia??
I have insurance through my company, in which I pay half.. My deductible is $2500.00 till January then changes to $2000.00... Im already paying my Doctor $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery fee which will come out of my deductible. Then after that is met I will pay 20% of everthing else... Any advice will be great...""
How do you get affordable Health Insurance at age 64?
I moved from AZ to CA and I am retired but very little income. How can I afford to pay for health insurance? Are there any organizations that can suggest places to contact.
How much does car insurance cost for teenagers?
how much would it cost to get car insurance. and dont you dare go telling me to go get a quote, i'll kick you in the nuts.""
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
Question on insurance discount?
So im 15 turn 16 in April so I was wondering you know that car insurance stuff like if your on A-B honorol you get a discount well the first 9 weeks I got a 78 in math is there anyway I can get that discount how far back do they check your grades
Ticket for driving without insurance in florida?
Hello, I recieved a ticket in January for Driving without Insurance in Florida. The officer cited me 110$ and let me go, I stayed off the road for a few weeks immediately purchased insurance within 30 days. However my ticket is still unpaid due to lack of employment, bills and stuff and license just go suspended. Can someone explain to me if I go to the courthouse and pay the ticket without any proof of insurance, what will happen. Do I just pay it and thats it and then get my license reinstated? I really am lost, I make minimum wage i don't know what to do but i have to pay this ticket and fix my license i just don't know if they will arrest me on the spot cause i cannot furnish proof or what? My insurance lapsed pretty much because i lost my job.""
Why buy life insurance?
I'm married, have 2 young children and wonder why I need life insurance""
Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance?
I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered?
Aftermarket car parts and insurance?
Hi I just bought a new car last week wednesday and called my insurance company to have insurance placed on the veicle. The car is now in my name and insured... my problem is that the car is HEAVELY MODIFIED to the max with a large turbo. fuel injectors, rad, flywheel, torque converter, boost controlers and an aftermaker racing computer... if the car were to have an accident would my insurance be void be void because of the mods.. none of this was done by me and the car was certified to be road worthy in its condition and e-tested??""
Insurance for modified car advice !!?
i want to buy a car that has full interior and exterior body work done to it, will this effecct the insurance ?? also the engine has had a 'ecu chip' and air filter added/changed so will this effect insurance in any way ?? and can i get replys from someone who knows what there on about no some random answer thanks""
""What is the AVERAGE cost of insurance for an L driver in BC, yearly?""
I know it varies from person to person, I'm just looking for an estimate for basic coverage, can anyone help me out?""
What are some sites to do a comparison on car insurance?
I'm a 21 year old college student and a worker at a fast food restaurant who lives in California. I'm planning on getting a car soon in the future but I want to find out on where I'm at when it comes to payments in car insurance. Is there any comparison sites that can provide me at least some general ideals when it comes to car insurance payments?
Can an uninsured person get affordable dental care?
I have a deep cavity in my tooth. It's really starting to hurt me. I know it needs drilled and filled, but I barely make enough money to pay bills, let alone dental care. My job doesn't offer dental insurance, either. Is there anything I can do?""
What's the best auto insurance you can get for a female under 25?
I had Liberty Mutual. I got a low premium because of my parents but when the taxes went up they totally jacked up my premium. Plus their customer service is TERRIBLE and they're grimy. So then I went to Progressive - One lady helped me get my policy, then I called them for another reason and another rep. said I didn't even get the best quote I could've gotten. I'm kind done with these brand name insurance companies. I was looking into one called Elephant insurance but I'm not sure if it's actually any good. Does anyone know anything about them? Is there any other company I can try? I'm 20, I turn 21 next month. I've never had an accident. And I don't know what my credit score is or if I even have one yet (I'm working on it.)""
If I have a suspended license but someone else drives my car how can I get the insurance back on my car?
I just found out my license is suspended, so I can not drive. I have a friend that drives my car and takes me to my kids appointments, but now I have no insurance due to suspended license. I am working with attorney to get a temp license, but not sure how to get the insurance back on my car. I am single mother who needs to have the insurance on my car.""
Car insurance help? ?
Car insurance for a school permit? my question involves teen drivers and insurance i am a 15 year old in iowa, i would like to get a school permit (in iowa, this allows me to drive to and from school over the most direct route without an adult in the vehicle)because of the many extracurriculars I'm involved with. my dad was wondering though if it would be very expensive to get me on the insurance plan. here are some factors -we are with westfield insurrance -I'm a 15 year old girl -honor student -passed drivers ed with an A -my parents work at the school, so i would catch a ride when i could with them, i would only probably use the school permit for late night or early morning practices (i mention this because i read that if a person only drives occasionally it could lower costs slightly? ) -never been in an accident or been pulled over -i wouldn't be driving a fast car, probably our van or pontiac grand am any estimates on costs? my dad said that i wouldn't be able to get on the insurance if it was 100 or more $ a year, so if you could give me some suggestions on how to lower it or any tips at all, i would really appreciate it""
Do you know where I can get a Flood Zone Determination and Flood Insurance Quote In Ca?
If you are looking for more information on FEMA's recent flood map changes in oxnard California where can you find it? Im interested in some type of flood zone determination and a quote. My insurance agent doesn't know very much about it. How much does flood insurance cost? I have lots of questions any ideas?
Car Insurance Cost in NYC?
I have a question regarding car insurance. I'm 29 years old. I've been in 3 car accidents but was not at fault for any of them (2 of the times my car was sitting still! lol) and I've never gotten a ticket for any of those accidents. I used to have insurance through State Farm, full coverage for a 2004 Jeep Liberty that cost 50-60 a month in upstate NY. While driving to NYC one winter I got a speeding ticket, my first ticket ever! I was going I think 82(?) in a 65. This was just before I moved to NYC, and because I got the ticket in a podunk little county I was driving through I had no idea what the name was, the ticket flew out my door and I lost it. I figured they would mail me something else to tell me the payment was late but I never received anything else about it. Well I found out later it was because I moved, even though I moved about 2 months after the fact they wait quite a while to send another notice, and I never received it. Thus, my license was suspended but I never knew. I never got caught driving without it either. So I moved here in 2007 with my Jeep which I was very behind payments for, and then it got towed away for alternate side parking BS. I could have borrowed the money back then to pay to get it out but I let it go. Alright so long story short, I don't have the truck, it was auctioned. I'll be done paying for it through a collection agency settlement offer this May. If I had kept the truck, I would be paying 200+ more a month than I pay now, and I wouldn't have been done paying it til August 2011. Plus I would have had to pay to catch it up the 3 months I was behind, plus pay my boyfriends brother back who was willing to lend me the money to get it out of the car jail (lol) I had the suspension lifted last July so I could rent a car, again no issues. So I'm thinking of buying a 2,000 car (cash! I learned my lesson) in June when I'm done paying for the truck and I want to get no fault insurance. I know it will be a lot more here then what I used to pay, and in addition I now have a suspension that wasn't there before. How much do you guys have to pay for your insurance, if it's not too much information to ask? And how much do you think mine might be, or compare your cost and history to mine? Thanks.""
Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.
Does having an sr22 lower my insurance by any chance?
So i know since im young and have a driving record that my insurance is outrages. i was wondering if getting an sr22 would help?
Average cost of car insurance ?! 20YO?
I'm a 20 year old female , I'm about to get my own car insurance . What's the average monthly cost for someone my age with just an old beater car?""
Best car for gas and insurance for a 16 year old male?
Hi im a 16 year old male and need a older car because apparently there better on insurance? old as in from 1996-2002 what would be my best bet for gas/insurance?
Insurance question?
Well I'm under 18 and don't live with my parents. my job doesn't offer dental or health insurance. I need to go to an orthodontist to get a check up, and I may need some kind of retainer, braces etc because of jaw pains. Is there a way you can make payments without insurance? Or get some kind of plan? If I can't do anything until I'm 18 what kind of insurance should I get? thanks!""
CRAZY Insurance Premium! Any way out?
From Toronto, Ontario, I am a 19 y/o male and want my own vehicle. Without paying a crazy insurance rate of $6000+ per year, how can a 3rd vehicle be purchased and licensed under my parent's name (I live with them) having them as the primary driver? The problem is, from what I know, if I am licensed and living at the same address, I will automatically be primary driver of the 3rd vehicle as now there are 3 drivers and 3 vehicles. So what if my parents had 6 cars? There must be some way out..""
Car parts insurance company ?
Is there by any chance a(n) insurance company that covers your mechanic bills. Don't lose me here just follow. You know how you pay a monthly fee for car insurance incase you ever get in a car accident, well is there by any chance a company that covers your car parts bills. Kinda like how car insurance cover you incase of an accident, except you pay monthly fees to this company and they cover your car bills incase your car breaks down and you take it to the mechanic (example: alternator, starter, any car part, etc). I don't know if such a company exist but I remember a couple years ago hearing about something like this on the radio. If you know of such a company please let me know I would like to sign up for it.""
""Hit and Run, no witnesses, lying to insurance?""
So, I was with my girlfriend and we parallel parked in a space which we soon realized was restricted. So she pulls out of the space, too close to the delivery truck in front of her, and side swipes it on the way out. We pull off to the side, see no damage to the truck, but a huge gash in the side of her car. We decide to leave, since the only damage is hers. The next morning, she goes to the body shop to get the damage assessed. They tell her it is going to be over $4000 to repair. She decides to file it with insurance, saying that she had left her car parked on the street, and found it this way, assuming it was a hit and run in the opposite direction. Had she asked me before doing this, I probably would have advised against lying about it, but she has. So, the insurance inspector is coming to assess the damage in the next few days. My question is, how rigorous are these inspections? Will these guys be able to look at a gash in the side of her car, and tell that it was inflicted by her sideswiping a truck, not the other way around?""
Home contents insurance?
im looking for an all in one contents insurance. which will cover mechancal breakdown of white goiods, tvs etc... as i recenetly found out the isurance i have got only covers incase of flooding, fire and theft. not when my cooker blew up. please help, as im new to having my own flat and nver had to do things like this before""
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Car insurance?
okay i just got my license. and my friend and i want to go places..my friend is only physicaly able to ride in her grandmas van cause my friend is in a wheel chair like all the time ...show more
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
Life insurances?
types of insurance available in USA
Does marital status affect my auto insurance premium?
Does marital status affect my auto insurance premium?
Cost of insurance for minor with acura rsx-s?
oh fyi I am not trying to get my own insurance plan I am adding on to my family's
Which companies offer life insurance to clients who have chronic health problems?
I am 37 years old with a diagnosis of lupus (not flaring) with a history of minor kidney involvement, deep vein thrombosis, and high blood pressure. I have been trying to get life insurance but have been consistently denied by the major companies to which I have applied. Does anyone have any suggestions? The only suggestion I received from one company was the hint to purchase Accidental Death and Disability, and if my medical condition worsened, to have an accident . I am hoping for better advice.""
How to get health insurance in nj?
im 19 need health insurance cant get under my moms anymore where do i start what do i do is it expensive?
Good motorcycle insurances?
I just got a new dirt bike and I can't race with it at the track without insurances, what are a couple of cheap motorcycle insurances. I called this one place before and they wanted to charge me 700$ a month""
How much would i have to pay extra on my car insurance if i added my 18 year old son?
he jus got his license a few days ago?
Pregnancy insurance???????
im pregnant and i dont have insurance that will cover me or the baby. I am trying for medicaid and will probably qualify but barely. And i want to get married before the baby is born but again we might just barely qualify. Is there any suggestions on insurance plans or help with medicaid?
Auto Insurance Question!! Please Help!!?
Alright, so im an 18 year old boy in beaverton oregon and i currently drive a 2006 scion tC. I have been looking at nissan 350z's and am quite interested in them. I am very curious as to how much my insurance could raise by getting a 2004 nissan 350z. I am on my parents insurance with USAA if that helps. I really need to know, both times ive called USAA they wont speak to me because i am not the owner of the account and their online quoting doesnt seem to work... neither of my parents will call either. I would really appreciate any answers. Once again, i drive a 2006 scion tC and i want to know the insurance of a 2004 nissan 350z. Please and Thanks!!""
I need to health insurance but i got laid off work...?
I understand that i need health insurance. Cuz face it, you never know when it's necessary. I've been looking for a job since I got laid off in March. Cobra turned out to be too expensive. What are some low cost health insurances that are good? Since i'm low on cash i dont wanna throw money into a bad insurance company. Are there any programs in California that can assist me? At least until i can find a job.""
""In GA, if the moving violation is no longer on my DMV record, can insurance companies penalize me anyway?""
A bit over two years ago, I got a ticket for a turn I made that wasn't sharp enough. In GA, moving violations leave your record after 24 months, so it should be gone by now. Can my insurance company continue to penalize me for it, though? Do they have to lower my rates now that it's off my record? If I go to a new insurance company, will my current one pass along the information somehow even though the DMV doesn't have it on file?""
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Can insurance companies do this?
my family is on allstate for car insurance and im kinda ticked off and confused, im 17 now , got my licence and drive around in my dads car. the problem here is that, insurance companies see me as a PRIMARY driver. My dad is a primary and my mom is legally blind, so she doesn't drive. (Hence shes not on the plan) im only 17 and they wont let us put me as a part time driver, my insurance a year is about $3,000!!!! is there anything we can do to change this?""
Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.
Cheap Health Insurance in Arizona?
My dad and I haven't been to the doctor in years, he's almost 55 and it's really time he gets a checkup. Unfortunately, we're not the richest the people but we make too much to get state insurance. I was wondering if there are any cheap insurance options. The cheapest I've been able to find is $133 a month which is still pretty high for us. Oh and I'll be 19 in a few months, which seems to be the cutoff family insurance age.""
Why is my car insurance so high?
About me; I'm 18 years old, no past convictions / points on my license. Passed my test as well as Pass Plus a week or so back. Car I've got; 1994 1.2 Corsa LS (5 door) --- Most of my friends have similarly old / small cars and are paying between 500 - 900 insurance. I'm keeping the car on my drive, and yet the cheapest I can find any insurance is with Direct Line (1,600) Why is my insurance nearly 3 times as expensive as theirs? :(""
Should I take a term insurance rather than home mortgage insurance?
Normally many banks want the home loan borrowers to take mortgage insurance. Here there are controversies since many suggest borrowers should take term insurance instead. But do term insurances always give better protection than term insurance? How does a mortgage insurance compare with term insurance in terms of premium amount, premium payment period, risk cover of death, disability, chronic disease, surrender value, survival benefits etc? Apparently the term insurances are cheaper but have to be paid for a much longer period than mortgage insurance (generally paid for about 1/3rd of loan period.) So which options is better? I would specifically like to know about such products available in India. Thanks.""
Insurance costs between 1.0 and 1.4?
i just got my driving licence and im trying to buy used car.. im looking at insurance prices and was wondering how much difference i would have between 1.4 engine and 1.0. im in my mid 20's and was wondering if u could get a car with bigger engine then 1.0 and still pay reasonable price im looking for only few years old small car.. nothing flashy.
Where can i get low cost motorcycle insurance ?
i live in ontario canada ,, i want to buy a honda cbr 250 , and would like to find a low cost insurance for my bike , so far i got some way off price quote with a difference of $280.00 ,so i suspect they are over charging ,even at the low end , they say i'm covered for 12 months months but a motorcycle is not meant to ride in cold and snow and salty streets as the salt would ruin the chain and other parts of the motorcycle .""
""How much Unemployment Insurance if I made $50,000?""
How much money would I get from UI(Unemployment Insurance) if I made $50,000 Annually? I live in California, and I know the max is $450 a week. But I have a feeling that $50,000 doesn't qualify for the max. So how much do you think one person would qualify for if they made $50,000 Salary.""
""Honda Sport 1.6 Insurance for an 18 years old, second driver...?""
I am looking to get 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport and I am only 18. My dad is planning to be the first driver and me as a second when it comes to the car's insurance. Guys, how much do you think the insurance would cost us?""
Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?
I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?""
50cc moped scooter insurance?
I live in PA. I am thinking about geting a moped scooter 50cc. About how much does insurance cost?
""Pregnant, parents health insurance?""
I just found out that I am pregnant, and i am currently under my parents health insurance, I am 20 and a full time college student, will my parents insurance drop me because I am pregnant? If I quit school they will also drop me right?""
Cheap motocycle insurance?
Ive got 1 claim and 1 conviction so finding insurance is hard enough does any one where i can find the cheapest cover for my bike its a 125cc bike and im 18 please help
Do i need insurance to sell motobikes?
I am selling mini moto's and quad bikes online, do i need liability insurance to sell these?""
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
""Moving to CO from another state in a month, how do I go about switching my car insurance? ?""
I'm under my dad's insurance now (AAA).. it's his and my car on his policy. I was told by them that once I cancel it, it'll take effect immediately and be taken off the policy. I'm moving to CO on the 18th of next month and want my new insurance (USAA) to take effect on that day. If I start my policy for that day and cancel the AAA the same day, will AAA pro-rate June's insurance so I don't have to pay for the full month since my car won't be insured by them for that whole month? I just don't want to get stuck paying the bill twice in one month for both companies.""
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
Have car insurance prices gone up in the past few months?
Hello About 3 months ago i looked for car insurance prices for my myself as an additional driver on my parents car and was getting quoted prices for 1300 ish, now i looked again this morning and they are more like 1700-2500 what has happen ? I dont get why they would fluctuate this much, any ideas ?""
Can I ask my own car insurance to pay?
I was a passenger in my friends car when a tire from a semi ( that drove away and identity is unknown) hit several cars and my back hurts. I want to go to a chiropractor but have no insurance. I don't want to sue the driver or go after the drivers insurance because he is my friend. Can I choose to ask my own insurance company to pay?
Is triple a the best car insurance?
Is triple a the best car insurance?
What's the best dental insurance for me to get?
I have pre-existing damage (deep cavities, exposed enamel). I live in garland, Tx 75040. Pretty much im looking for dental insurance that covers pre-existing damage""
How much does a teeth cleaning cost w/o insurance?
I got a mailer coupon from a dentist that says they only charge $46 for a regular cleaning & $29 for an exam & x-ray so total $75. I live in Las Vegas. Seems kinda a cheap gimmick? But what is the average price for exam/x-ray/teeth cleaning w/o insurance?
Approximate cost for teen motorcycle insurance?
hey, im 17 years old and live in Ontario, i recently got my G2 but cannot find a way to get car insurance cheap enough to actually warrant getting a car. I was wondering if anyone has any ballpark answer as to how much motorcycle insurance is at my age? every google search i do says you should ask your insurance broker , well i will, but i just want to see if its even worth looking at or if its going to be like $300 a month like car insurance. the bike would probably just be like a cheap used early 1990's bike, nothing special. thanks""
Car insurance for a non working vehicle?
My car needed a major repair last fall. I work from home and have been trying to pay off student loans so I decided to do without a car for 6 months since I live in a convenient location- I just received my tax return and can afford the major repair. I stopped my car insurance while I wasn't driving since it was $125/mo and I now need to start it back up. I am switching companies since I really didn't like mine- I just got to the questions about insurance lapse does this apply to me since my car wasn't working? I haven't returned my form yet. I hope I didn't screw this up, a friend just told me I should have possibly kept a storage coverage that my rates might skyrocket. It's an older car with no loan attached. I live in MN, perfect driving record, was with the same company for 25 years and had never missed a payment. If it is considered a lapse is there a way to get around it legally like giving/selling my car to my boyfriend and then listing me as a driver so I can use it when needed? We don't live together but he did most of the driving when we did use it- it's not worth much, maybe a few thousand dollars at most- maybe I'd be better off selling my car and getting a new (used) one so I don't have to explain a gap? Thanks.""
Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car?
Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car? I have cancelled my insurance on my car as MOT is over. It's in a garage so don't matter. But if My father takes it to the MOT place can he drive it with his fully comp insurance he has on his car?
Cheaper Car Insurance For Teenage Drivers?
Can you help. I priced car insurance for my 16 year old son, and my premium will almost triple. I know all of you will post that he should just get a job, and that is fine, but I want him to save money for college, not to make an insurer rich. OK?""
Insurance question?
I just bought a 2008 Honda Accord, exl, 4 cyl. I can't even drive it because I dont have insurance, what is the cheapest (most affordable insurance) I should get, i am 20 years old living in ontario california.""
Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.
I want to buy a moped in california?
I want to buy a moped under 50cc in california, and I am 15 with a drivers permit. Do i need a license to ride a moped under 50cc? Also, would i need insurance, or a license?""
For Lexus owners: Is it expensive to maintain a Lexus?
Don't bother with saying, If you are thinking about buying a Lexus, you should be able to maintain it. If not, shop for something else. I love the Lexus IS design, both outside and inside. And I'd love to get myself one of these beautiful cars. However, before I take one of these cars in my driveway, I want to make certain I am not making a mistake. These are the questions I want you to answer: 1. I heard the price for one tire is $300... Is this true? If no, how much does one of these tires cost? 2. I heard the price for oil change is $110. If this is not true, how much does it cost you for oil change? 3. I heard if either the front bumper or rear bumper needs replacement, the cost would be $5000. If this is not true, how much do you think a bumper replacement should cost? 4. Although the amount you pay for car insurance is based on your driving history, I heard that the quality of a car does play a major role. I am 27. So, in your opinion, how much do you think I will pay for car insurance for the 06 Lexus IS 250? My driving history has a clean record. I have yet to receive a ticket. 5. What other things I need to know about owning one of these cars? Please answer my question.""
Should I put my car insurance under my name or my dad's name?
I'm 22 years old male, clean driving record, my dad just give me his 97 Lexus ES300, and we own the car together, so both his and my name are on the car registration. The ...show more""
Insurance on small cars example punto ?
hey everyone iv just passed my theory test today and i want to buy a punto for my fist car i need advice on de price off tax and insurance like for example i would probably purchase any punto from 1997 -2001 and im 19 does anyone av any advice for me cause i don wanna be ripped off thanks for readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx
Insurance in Virginia?
If i want to work as an insurance agent , is there any license requirements in Virginia ( Auto and home insurance)?""
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
Why is State Farm online auto insurance quote differs from a State Farm's agent quote in Honolulu?
I went to a State Farm office today to get an auto insurance quote, and to my surprise, the quoted price is more than double the price that I got online at State Farm's website. ...show more""
How much is a Car for a 17yo?
How much is a car, insurance, lessons, test, tax etc.... Everything! For a 17 year old Guy. Just for a cheap second hand car ie. Peugeot 106 (second hand) But how much will it all come to? Thanks""
What does Obamacare do to make my insurance more affordable ?
My rates have increased by 35% since it was passed...
Best health insurance?
Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.
What is the average deductable on car insurance?
What is the average deductable on car insurance?
Question regarding life insurance for children?
I have 6 children between the ages of 19 and 3..so i am interested in buying a life insurance that will cover college expenses, but i don't know which one to go for..does anyone know if gerber life insurance would be a good option?""
Can my daughter be on my mom's car insurance even if they don't live together?
Hi, my name is Kathy, I'm 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just expensive. I want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there! Thanks for your answers...""
Can I pay a AAA Auto Insurance bill online?
I'm in California but I don't know if that makes any diffrence.
Teen driver car insurance?
i'm 18 years old, got my license officially in march. I can't really drive my parents car around because im not on their insurance plan (and they worry) what is the cheapest car insurance plan i could get possibly to be insured with my parents? not sure what they have i think its state farm. does insurance depends on the car? if it matters my dad has a 1997 mini van,plymouth. and my mom has a 2005 jeep cherokee. about how much would it cost to be insured in one of their cars?""
Car insurance issues help wanted?
have a few issues I could really use some help with. The family car that I have been driving wasn't in my name but I was still covered on the insurance until one day I hit a mailbox with the passenger side mirror. The mailbox did not sustain any damage but the mirror somewhat did. I didn't call the police when it happened since the damage was extremely minimal. Anyways, then a couple weeks later a different family member (not the owner) had a little bit of a bigger accident when an animal suddenly appeared in front of the car forcing another accident. I have not had an accident in over 12 years but since I was mentioned after that second accident, I was also excluded from the insurance policy for that vehicle. The insurance cost is something like $158.00 per month but now they want the owner to add about $50 or $60 more per month EACH for the 2 people that were excluded because of the accidents.The car payment is about $415.00 per month and the insurance was $158.00 per month for just the owned which does not even drive the car at all but now they want an extra hundred per month for those 2 excluded drivers if they want to drive that car. Will this change if we switched insurance companies? And if I haven't had an accident in over 12 years, would it be possible to appeal that? Thanks in advance""
Car insurance!! :(?
Right...Passed my test.. got myself a lovely corsa sri 1.4 16v But i cant get it bloody insured with a good quote! Best ive found was quinn-direct with 2700 per year.. thats with pass plus? does anyone know some really good car insurance companies that will insure me for that kinda car? baring in mind im only 17 =[ Thankssss.. Any help greatly appreciated!
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Cheapest & Best Auto/Motorcycle Insurance?
Can people please share what they think is the cheapest & best insurance? We currently have state farm & feel we're getting ripped off. We have 2 vehicles 93' Ford F150 (owned, no payments) 00' Chevy Cavalier (owned, no payments) 83' Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, owned, no payments) THANK YOU! Also, why do they ask for a SS# when you apply?Are there any companies who dont? I hope theyre not checking my credit score =( I'm trying to raise it!""
""What is the average insurance rate for a 19 year old male in Austin, Tx?""
PLEASE give me an actual number, not just how I could find out and what important information I left out. I have had no accidents and an attending school and will be buying an average car. Thanks in advance""
I want to go to school to learn about car insurance.?
How do I find courses or schooling that can teach me about car insurance
Good health insurance!?
I need an good health insurance located in Indiana? Any recommendations and experiences ?
Can I own a car without insurance in NY?
I recently moved to New York from Illinois due to family issue. I am overwhelmed by the heavy traffic and how difficult it is to drive in NY. Fortunately the public transportation is convenient enough so I don't bother driving my car at all and about to sell it. However, my insurance is about to expire in days and I won't be driving this car until someone buys it. The car is registered in Illinois. Can I still keep my car in NY without insurance? What do I have to do with my license plate? What procedures do I have to follow if I sells my car in NY? I've been working very hard try to earn enough money to put my family together, any pennies less to spend is very helpful to my current situtation. Please if anyone can answer it! Much appreciated.""
Affordable Health insurance Ideas?
I enrolled in health insurance that is costing me 92/mth BUT I'm really feeling it as I have many other expenses. Can anyone suggest any low price healthcare insurance for me. currently with Coventry. I need an insurance that has good therapist that make home visits. Thanks
Car insurance under mums/dads name.?
I've just passed my driving test and am really confused about how to go about getting insurance under my mums / dads names. The car would be under their name but i just want to be the main driver of it. My mum rang up tesco for a quote on how much it would be, but she said under my name and on my own insurance. So now she doesn't want to ring up coz it's on computer and the guy on the phone who she was talking to said it would be classed as fraud if she insured me under her name and she didn't drive it. :S This can't be right right? also my dad has 6 points on his license will this effect me if the car goes under his name then i get insured on his insurance? since his insurance went up when he told them he had points. i got a quote for 1934 for my own insurance as the car under my name. I just need the best way to get under my mums insurance. cheers :)""
Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.
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