#gonna shut up now woops
cloudcountry · 4 months
I sent my request via dms but I'm still sending an ask for the sake of it, woops
Remember to hydrate and unshrimp :}
SUMMARY: idia doesn't how how to react when you show up at his door late at night and reveal something as earth shattering as your most recent breakup.
COMMENTS: we talked about this in dms but i hope you like the finished product!! <3
reading this against its def angst oops
idia has issues but you're gonna get him through them trust 💪
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The sound of mindless clicking, fans whirring, and Idia’s steady breathing are the only sounds that can be heard this late at night. It’s not that the residents of Ignihyde are sleeping—no, they’re all tucked away in their rooms, either tinkering with new tech or in the same position Idia is now. His lower back starts to ache from his slouched position in his chair, and so he straightens out his back to ease the pain. His spine cracks once, twice, thrice before settling down, and Idia promptly falls back into his old posture.
He briefly hears your voice in his mind, a reminder to sit up straight and not surf the web too late. He blinks slowly, briefly considering obeying your imaginary command, before he rationalizes using his PC more because you’re not actually here, you’re out with your boyfriend right now.
Or so he thinks.
It’s as though he summoned you, your knock on his door, a secret knock that only you would ever use. Idia insisted on a precaution like that so he’d know when it was safe to open the door and when it wasn’t. So far you hadn’t abused the privilege, never using it when you had friends with you. In fact, Idia was fairly certain you’d created a new knocking pattern recently when you had friends with you, just so he could know it was okay to respond but he didn’t have to open the door if he didn’t want to.
It's the knock that tells him you're alone.
So this time, he wants to.
He stands up, pushing his gamer chair to the side as his joints creak from being held in one position for far too long. He stalks over to the door, shaking hands reaching towards the doorknob. Because of your boyfriend, he’s always kept his feelings about you under wraps, wanting your happiness first and foremost. Besides, in what world would anyone be interested in him? He wouldn’t even want to associate with you like that, the thought of dragging you into his darkness was too much.
The doorknob turns and his door creaks open, a sliver of light spilling into his room until the rest of it is blocked by you. Idia opens his mouth to ask what you’re doing at his door this late, especially since you have a boyfriend and if anyone should be hanging out with you this late it really should be him and—
And you have never looked more serious. It makes the words die in his throat, his lips parted like a fool.
“Do you have time to talk?” you ask softly, shifting from foot to foot in your pajamas and oh Great Seven, did you walk across campus like that? There were so many bugs out at night and snakes too, and what if you tripped because you couldn’t see where you were going? You came alone, WHY would you come alone this late? You could have gotten hurt—
His hands are twitching as your eyes drift down towards them, watching silently as they shake towards and away from you, like he wants to touch you but isn’t sure if he can. You initiate, taking his hands in yours and gently pushing him back into his room, nudging the door shut with your foot as quietly as possible.
“Um...what are you doing here this late?” Idia asks softly, his hands in yours, still twitching restlessly.
“I had to tell you something. It’s nothing bad on your part, before you start overthinking. It’s something to do with my boyfriend, now ex.” you say, each word purposeful and slow, like you’re picking your words very carefully in your sleepy haze.
“You broke up?” Idia murmurs, ignoring the way his heart jumps in his throat. 
Of course he’s happy you’re single now. Of course he is. But that doesn't mean now is the time to start fantasizing about actually dating you. Oh who is he kidding, he wouldn’t be starting that, he’s been doing that. The last thing he needs to his feelings getting in the way and making things hard for you, you’ve been his best friend for years now, ever since he came to NRC you’ve always been in his corner, even though sometimes you don’t get to see each other that often and he’s not going to fuck this up because he likes you more than he should, no way is he going to fuck this up—
“Yeah. We broke up a few weeks ago.” you say, moving your hands from his and pressing them into your thighs.
“Oh.” Idia says dumbly.
You smile weakly, glancing around his room before gesturing to his bed. Idia feels his heart in his throat again—it’s the only place with room to sit, yeah, but it’s so messy and oh Great Seven what if his manga makes you think he’s weird and you never want to speak to him again.
You don’t even spare a glance at his mess. You just sit down and clench your hands in your lap, watching him as he sits down next to you. His eyes land on your hands, white knuckled and shaking, and it squeezes his heart when he thinks about just what your boyfriend could have done to hurt you like this.
Your ex, he means. Your ex. He’s never going to be your boyfriend again, even if he apologizes, because as much as you’re hurting right now Idia knows you'll only come back stronger for it.
It’s one of the reasons why he admires you so much.
“It...wasn’t something I was planning on broadcasting. And as far as I know, he hasn’t told anyone either. Not that he’s good at telling people things.” you remark bitterly, a frown twisting your lips.
“Was he not talking to you?” Idia asks, balling his hands into fists in his lap much like you.
“No. He wasn’t.” you sigh, looking down at his floor, “He wasn’t at all.”
His room grows silent again, but Idia hopes you don’t hear the gears in his brain turning. He wants to make things better for you, he wants to make sure all the time you have left with each other is good for you, he wants to make sure you can live the rest of your life happy with the knowledge that you’ll never have to think about this guy.
He wants you to be happy so he can let you go after you two become seniors.
“Is...there anything I can do?” he mumbles, eyes darting around the room for a distraction, “Um, I made a mini planetarium projection for Ortho since he likes the stars so much and I think I have it somewhere in here—”
He knows exactly where it is. Like he’d ever forget.
“—I have some games, um...which ones do you like? I probably have something—”
He’s fairly certain you’d love the game sitting on the bottom shelf of his desk. It reminds him of you whenever he plays it.
“—or would you like to watch anime? Read a manga? You can leave too, that’s okay, just let me walk you home so you don’t get hurt—”
Not again, at least. But he’ll do anything to keep you here with him.
You cut him off with a small giggle, your balled up fists now pressed up against your face in relaxed palms, covering your mouth as your eyes crinkle in the corners.
“I’d love to stay. Thank you, Idia.” you smile softly and move your hands away from your mouth, and Idia feels his heart jump into his throat again because of course you’d know.
You’ve always known.
He swallows back a wave of sadness as his mind reminds me once again that he will leave you one day, and that day will come sooner than he wants it too, that he’s cursed and he shouldn’t taint you too—
“Anything is good as long as it’s with you.” you laugh quietly, falling back onto his bed with a soft thump.
It’s like you were always meant to be there.
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idiswhadidis · 1 year
remind me why we're taking a break
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ex-bf jungwon x fem. reader
sypnosis you both are taking a break - genre fluff, exes? to lovers - warnings a lil makeout session - wc 0,6k
a/n. hii, i'm still alive wohoo so i got a bit inspired by touch it by ariana grande but it's nothing like the song lol, anyways have fun reading it woop woop.
“remind me again why you two broke up?” Sunoo asks,  Jungwon pops his head up from the cafeteria table which he was slumped over 
“we didn’t broke up, we’re just taking a break” 
“i for sure hope you both get your asses back together cause the amount of complains i got from each of you is ridiculous” hearing his response had Jungwon ears perk up
“each of us? you mean?”
“of course i mean her who fucking else?”
“what is she saying about this uhm situation?” 
“not gonna tell you, you should go to her and talk things out cause taking a break is a shitty excuse for chickening out of your realationship problems”
 “well no need to call us out Sunoo” fake smiling at him
“all i'm saying is, if i hear another i miss her/him i'm gonna burn something up, definetly not because i'm too single for this shit but you both need each other so please make the first move cause we both know how stubborn Y/n can be”
nodding and standing up full of motivation “you’re right this is bullshit, i will go to her and talk things out, damn Sunoo didn’t know you are a motivation coach” 
“you’re welcome now get your girl” nodding his head with dedication in his eyes, turning around searching for you. 
you were leaning on your locker while talking to your friend until she fell silent and wiggled her eyebrows at you saying “target on six o’clock”,  turning around to see what she’s on about..
..your eyes going wide when you see him to slow to think where to go when he already has your hand interlocked with his, dragging you into an empty classroom, shutting the door and locking it
he turns around seeing you looking around the classroom nervously playing with your fingers
“let’s talk y/n” 
“about what?” 
“we’re on break just like you wanted it” you state looking at him confused 
he shakes his head “i didn’t want that. never.” he walks to you, standing centimeters away from each other 
“but you said-” 
he takes your hands into his running his thumbs over your soft skin 
“i know what i said but i just said that cause i thought you would say we should break up so i suggested taking a break, and then you suddenly said yes which had my heart acatually break” staring at him like you just saw a ghost damn this was such a misunderstanding 
“are you aware that you actually never let me finish my sentence that day?” 
“what you mean?” looking at you with his boba eyes
“we should breath first and calm ourselves down? thats what i wanted to say but you asumed that the word breath would be the word break"
staring at you, mouth wide open in shock “you gotta be kidding” shaking your head “but why did you say yes when i said we should take a break?” 
“cause i didn’t want to lose you...” making his heart flutter “...i was afraid that if i wouldn’t say yes you would break up with me”  
shaking his head, grabbing your waist tugging you into him, lips not far away from yours
“god i'm so sorry for misunderstanding this i really should learn to let you finish your sentences..” putting his hands underneath your shirt kneading your skin lovingly
“..please tell me we’re done with this cause i'm going crazy without you and we can’t keep bothering Sunoo with it cause he said he would burn something up if he would hear one of us complain again” 
nodding and giggling while you tug him down by his shirt to finally kiss him, him immediately responsing and grabbing each of your legs wrapping them around his waist walking to a table letting you sit on it
trailing his lips down to your neck up to your cheeks your nose and your mouth again
cupping one of your cheeks while the other tucks your hair behind your ear, looking at your dazed state “god i love you” 
whispering against his lips “love you too”
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orions-choker · 26 days
Hiii can I request sharing a bed with 80’s Kirk and Jason and they fight for your affections before realizing that they can just share you??
In The Middle ( Jason x Reader x Kirk )
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Warnings: Threesome, Face-fucking, Unprotected Sex.
Word Count: 3,247
(Sorry this took so long to get to! Also I realize now that you didn't explicitly request smut but that's all this is so woops! If you would like something SFW please shoot me another request)
“So who’s bright idea was it to only book two rooms?” James growled, breaking the thick tension that had settled amongst the group. The five of them stood in the mostly empty hotel lobby, body’s slack from the exhaustion settling deep into their bones. 
The bright fluorescent lights overhead had Y/N wincing, she could feel the tension coiling at the front of her head. “One of the roadies, it doesn’t fucking matter man lets just figure out who’s sleeping where.” She stumbled backwards into one of the old armchairs. Her fingers rubbing at her temples to ease the growing pain. 
There were some more dissatisfied rumblings amongst the boys. They hadn’t been forced to share a room in a while, and while they could normally afford to book an extra couple rooms had this occurred, the hotel was fully booked. “So we have to split into a group of three and a group of two.” Kirk, the only voice of reason at the moment, spoke up. “I call dibs on Jason.” 
Jason’s brow raised curiously. “I mean I’m flattered but why?” He asked, shuffling the weight of his bag from one shoulder to the other. His eyes darted towards where Y/N sat. The obvious choice would be to pick her as a roommate. 
A childhood friend of Lars’s Y/N had started tagging along on the tours as a sound tech. She had grown increasingly close with all the boys, particularly Kirk and Jason. Possibly because they weren’t the only ones actively trying to sleep with her at every opportunity. It had been a band decision to keep her on their personal bus. 
“Because the other two smell like booze and won’t shut the fuck up.” Y/N filled in helpfully, standing back up. “Which is why I’m choosing you guys as well, that settles it. They can share the other room.” She hoisted her bag up, wandering towards the elevator. 
Lar’s and James shared a disappointed look. “That’s not fair I’ve known you the longest, shouldn't you want to room with me?” Lars trailed after her, offense dripping from his slightly slurred words. She didn’t dignify the outburst with a response. 
 With a chime the elevator doors popped open. The five of them piled inside, bodies pressed together as they shoved inside the cramped space. Y/N had been shoved to the front, pressed against the doors by James' much larger body caged around her. Her elbow rocketed back into his stomach, forcing him further away from where he had pressed into her back. There was a soft grunt but no other protest. 
Bidding their farewells to each other in the hallway Y/N turned to the waiting door of their room. She fumbled with the key tiredly before heaving the heavy door open. “I call dibs on the shower first.” The door to the bathroom closed behind her and nearly instantaneously the shower rumbled to life. 
As the two boys entered the room Kirk groaned. “Fuck seriously, there’s not even two beds.” He walked around the king sized bed, dropping his bag on the floor unceremoniously. “Jase check if the sofa pulls out into a bed.” He nodded towards the couch behind him. 
Jason nodded, moving to tug the cushions off the couch in search of a lever to pull it out. He turned to Kirk with a frown and a shake of his head. “We’re just gonna have to make due.” The bed sprawled out, large enough to fit the three of them comfortably but there would certainly be no personal space. 
“One of us could sleep on the floor.” Kirk offered helpfully, already stripping down to his underwear and sitting on the edge of the bed. With the hair tie around his wrist he pulled his curls back into a low ponytail. 
Following suit Jason slipped into a pair of pajama bottoms, leaving his chest bare. Typically he would sleep in the same amount of clothes but he figured he would be courteous for Y/N’s sake. He cocked an eyebrow at Kirk, eyeing his nearly naked state. “Well if you aren’t going to put on any clothes you're volunteering right. Don’t think Y/N deserves to be subjected to your dick pressed against her all night.” 
Kirk scoffed at him. “As if dude.” Despite that he reached down into his bag, pulling a pair of shorts out. “Let her choose who sleeps on the floor then.” He grumbled, clearly annoyed from being over tired. He grabbed the remote on the side table, flipping through the channels until he landed on a movie marathon of sorts. 
The two boys sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for the sound of the running water to cease. The room filled with steam as Y/N stepped out dressed in an oversized shirt as a nightgown, stopping just at mid thigh. Her hair falling in damp ringlets down her back. “You guys are still awake?” She asked confused, ruffling her head with a towel before tossing it into the laundry hamper. 
“Waiting for you.” Jason coughed awkwardly, forcibly dragging his eyes from her bare legs to her face. “There’s only one bed so uh, which one of us do you think should take the floor?” He asked. His leg bounced nervously. 
She turned to the large bed then back to the boys confused. “Seems big enough for all of us, don’t you think?” Her bottom lip jutted out into a pout. “I mean if not I can sleep on the floor I guess.” She shrugged crawling onto the mattress. Her shirt slipped higher up her thighs as she moved to the middle.
Kirk’s mouth went dry, stuttering over his words as he joined her on the bed. “I mean we just thought, never mind.” He shook his head. He waited for a hesitant Jason to join on the other side before leaning over to flip the light off. 
The room was cascaded in darkness, the three of them tucked cozily between the sheets. Y/N turned on her side facing Kirk in the darkness, her leg tossed across his casually. The skin to skin contact sent a shiver up his spine. It left her back pressed against Jason's chest. 
There was a gentle tug at her waist as Jason snaked his arm around carefully, pulling her closer to him. The sudden loss of contact didn’t go unnoticed by Kirk. Frowning he hooked his leg around hers once more to keep her in place. “Okay guy’s knock it off im not a fucking rag doll.” She sighed. Her disappointment echoed off the walls. She felt Jason mold himself to her from behind, his body heat radiating around her comfortably. 
“Well I don't understand why Jason gets to have you all to himself.” Kirk whined attempting to tug the girl once more, meeting resistance. Y/N could see the annoyed look on his face and she groaned. 
She pushed Jason’s arms from her waist shuffling over. “I'm not dealing with this unless you guys learn how to stop acting idiots.” She curled in on herself, shutting her eyes in a last ditch attempt to sleep. 
There was a gentle ghosting of a hand across her waist, she couldn’t tell who it was. “Listen I know how to share, Kirk’s the one who needs to learn.” Jason’s voice was low in her ear. She could surmise it was him leaving the teasing touches across her skin. 
There was a sudden extra set of hands on her, moving up from her stomach and coming to rest just beneath her breasts. Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat at the bold move. “I know how to share.” Kirk’s sweet boyish voice sounded a little more needy, desperate. 
Y/N sat up, knocking the hands away from her body. “When did I say anything about sharing?” She glared at the two, her eyes adjusted to the dark just enough to make out their forms. “Last I checked I wasn’t a toy, nor did I agree to fuck either of you.” She scoffed angrily. She shuffled up to her knees. “Maybe if you asked nicely.” 
The speed at which the two boys sat up was amusing, earning them a giggle from her. Even in the dark she could make out the silhouettes of the matching tent’s in both of their pants. Kirk was tugging her forward, his hands gripping into the flesh of her thighs so that she was hovering over his lap, Jason was behind her quickly, pushing the fabric of her shirt up over her hips and exposing her underwear. “You mean it?” Jason asked, his lips ghosting across the outer shell of her ear. 
Kirk stared up at her in amazement as she swiftly tugged her shirt over her head. Her tits falling with a small bounce as she freed them from the fabric. She reached behind her, tugging Jason’s hand forward to feel the warmth radiating from her core. “What do you think?” She whispered, letting out a content sight as Kirk’s hands came to rest on her chest. 
“Fuck, you’re pretty.” Kirk groaned, his thumbs playfully rolling over the hardened nubs of her nipples. “You really want to take both of us?” Unable to hide the eagerness in his voice. Jason’s hand slipped beneath the waistband of her underwear, his fingers sliding between her wet folds, gathering the slickness between his fingers. 
Her legs shuddered at the sudden touches, head tossing back against Jason’s shoulder with a moan. He took the opportunity to latch himself to the exposed skin of her neck. “F-fuck, yeah wanted you both for awhile now.” She gasped, her hands gripping onto Kirk's wrists gently. 
With a wet pop Jason pulled off her neck, lapping gently at the bruise he had formed there. “Tell us, how did you think about us fucking you baby?” He asked sweetly. His fingers found her clit, rubbing slow circles causing her stomach to convulse and tighten. 
Beneath her Kirk rolled his hips, The hard head of his cock straining against his pajamas as he rubbed up into her. A sweet whine filled the air as Y/N leaned into the eager touches across her body. “Oh,” She breathed out heavily. “Want you in my mouth.” She said locking eyes with the boy beneath her, her nails dragging down his arms leaving light pink scratches across his tanned skin. 
Her head craned to the side, capturing Jason’s lips against her own for a fleeting moment. “And you from behind.” She whispered, her breath ghosting across his skin. In one swift movement Jason had tugged her back, his hand splaying heavy across her skin as he pushed her forwards. 
She was left with her ass in the air, face pressed into Kirk's hip bone as her fingers scrambled against the sheets trying to steady herself. She laughed breathily at the eagerness. The skin was cold against her ass as the fabric of her underwear was tugged down her thighs. Her gaze drifted upwards, locking onto a wide eyed Kirk. 
“You gonna blow him or what?” Jason sighed from above the two of them, his hips pressed against the fullness of her ass. There was a pleasant friction of his underwear against her fully exposed core. Y/N’s eyebrow raised playfully, taking in Kirk’s stunned face. Her fingers dipped beneath the waistband of his bottoms as she tugged them down. Beneath her touch she could feel the warmth radiating off his skin like a furnace. 
Each inch of skin exposed left her feeling breathless, she followed the neat trail of hair down his abdomen, pressing soft kisses across the skin. Y/N pulled back slightly as she released him from the confines of his pants and underwear. His cock sprung forward, brushing past her cheek inciting a giggle from her. 
It was pretty, curved slightly to the side and resting just beneath his belly button. The head was swollen and shiny with pre-cum. “Please,” Kirk’s desperate plea stirred Y/N from her admiration. His knuckles gripped the sheets, mouth parted open slightly as he looked down on her eagerly. 
The way his voice caught in his throat sent another wave of heat through Y/N’s stomach. She wasted no more time, dipping her head down, lips wrapping against the leaking head of his cock. The guttural noise it earned her had her moving down further. He was pleasantly heavy in her mouth, pressing down on her tongue as she took him deeper into her mouth. 
She kept her eyes locked onto his with each inch she took, Until her nose was pressed flat against his skin, the head knocking against the back of her throat. “Fuck, Y/N.” He gasped out, hands coming to tangle themselves in her hair. He held her there gently, with just enough force to keep in her place as he rocked his hips forward. 
The motion had her gagging, the sudden constriction around his cock leaving Kirk tossing his head back against the pillows. Tears sprang to her eyes as her nails dug into the skin of his thighs. It was so overwhelming that Y/N nearly forgot about the man behind her, his heavy hands a comfort against her waist. 
It wasn’t until she felt fingers pressing into her she recalled Jason was present in the room as well. She squealed  around Kirk’s cock as Jason's fingers worked her open delicately. The slickness between her legs was sticky, running down his hand as he curled his fingers. 
It had her keening back, raising her hips higher into the air. Her eyes fluttered shut from the stimulation. Kirk and Jason were relentless, each thrust of Jason’s fingers inside her sent her forward further onto Kirk. “God, look at you.” Jason groaned as he pulled his hand back, a rush of warmth spilled between her thighs as she was left empty. 
There was a slick sound behind her, Jason’s breathy moans joining Kirk’s in a pleasant harmony. She couldn’t see behind her with Kirk buried in her throat but she could hear the wet sound of Jason’s hand moving across his length. Using her slick to make the glide easier. She wiggled her hips towards him eagerly. 
A harsh tug on her hair had her eyes snapping up to Kirk, a lazy grin plastered on his face as he continued to fuck into her mouth. “Look at me while he fucks you.” He commanded her, tone lower and a little more raspy. It had her stomach doing flips, it seemed uncharacteristically explicit coming from his sweet voice. 
Obediently she kept her eyes trained on Kirk as she felt Jason's cock rubbing against her entrance. Her eyes widening as he pushed into her. Each inch felt like a near impossible stretch. Her nails dug deeper into Kirk's skin as she cried around him. To say Y/N felt full was an understatement. She could hardly breath, feeling like Jason was in her stomach and Kirk shoved as far down her throat as possible. 
“Fuckin’ tight.” Jason hissed, his hips were pressed flush to her ass. “We’re going to ruin you.” He moaned, he pulled back lightly, the drag of his dick inside her had her clenching around the small loss. A harsh snap forward had her moaning, the vibrations around Kirk’s cock had his hips bucking up. 
They fell into a harsh rhythm just like that, Jason’s quick harsh thrusts matching Kirk’s frantic fucking of her face. Y/N fell limp, allowing the men to move her as they needed, too overstimulated to contribute anything aside from her body. Unable to protest as each orgasm rocked through her body, sending her release across Jason's girth, making it that much wetter. 
Her thighs trembled, only being held up by Jase’s strong grip on her ass. “Fuck, can I come in your mouth pretty girl?” Kirk asked sweetly above her. It seemed like a cruel joke to ask her a question with her mouth full. Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and smiled around him. Her breathing was heavy, being forced through her nose she felt lightheaded. 
Kirk pulled her head back harshly, just the tip of his cock resting against her lips. She sucked in a breath, the sweet relief of air filling her lungs as she opened her mouth. Her tongue laid out flat as he fucked himself against it. His release came with a loud moan, warmth coated her mouth, a small amount splattering across her cheeks. “Oh my god,” Kirk stuttered out, his dick twitching with the last of his climax. 
She swallowed eagerly, salty and warm it burned slightly going down her throat. Jason's thrusts behind her were relentless, her head dropped to Kirk’s hip as his grip in her hair loosened. Her voice was blown out as her cries echoed off the hotel room walls. 
No longer gagged, her moans overpowered the animalistic panting coming from both men. If there had been an ounce of shame left in her body she would feel bad for whoever was in the neighboring rooms. Jase’ was quick to flip Y/N over, man handling her body so her back was pressed against the mattress. 
She looked up at Jason with a grin, her lips puffy and swollen, the remnants of Kirk’s release across her otherwise unblemished skin. He caged her in, his body fully enveloping her own as he leaned forward. Her body bounced obscenely as Jason drilled his cock into her. The sheer force had the headboard knocking back into the wall. 
“Want you to come in me, please” Y/N whimpered, her arms coming to wrap around Jason’s neck. She felt a wandering hand across her body as Kirk leaned forward, pressing his fingers against her clit. She gasped at the sudden touch, she thanked whatever god existed for making Kirk a guitar player as he worked her hard and fast. 
There was a shared grin between the boy’s as Jason fucked her with reckless abandon. “Whatever you want, baby.” He assured her, leaning down to kiss her as his hips jerked forward then stilled. There was a sudden warmth inside her as Jason bottomed out completely, his length twitched as he let out a final groan against her lips. 
Time came to a stand still. The room was silent aside from the three’s heavy panting. Her body weak against the mattress as Jason’s weight rested on top of her, Kirk beside her still trailing his fingers across her skin. Slowly as Jason softened he rolled to the side, laying beside her. 
The mixture of their orgasms was sticky between her legs, dampening the sheets beneath them as well. She shuddered as the cold air hit her body. "Now none of us can sleep in the bed.” Y/N grimaced, kicking the sheets away from underneath her. “And I need another shower.” 
Kirk’s soft laughter was a stark contrast to the filth that had just occurred. His arms came to wrap around her naked waist. “C’mon just enjoy it for a second.” Another pair of arms wrapped around her next. 
There was no war this time, both men entangling themselves with her easily. “Just give us a moment.” Jason breathed out with a smile. “Plus we can all shower together.” She could feel his cheeky smile against her shoulder as he pressed his face against her. 
“Jesus you two are fucking insatiable.” 
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skzdedgf · 2 months
" And You Are ?" pt. 2
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𝙨𝙠𝙯𝙙𝙚𝙙𝙜𝙛 ©
content: nonidol!leeknow , fighting, blood, drug use + drinking, cursing, Fluff, lee know is a little nicer, leeknow x reader, fem!reader, slow burn? , lee know is kinda jealousss, we kinda get lee know's pov.
*scoff can be heard from lee know as he hears you call him dumb.
"Really? Me? Dumb? Your funny." Lee know says with a painfully obvious fake smile. You let out a small giggle until you hear really loud screams and glass shattering, you quickly whip your head up to the bathroom door as there was now loud banging.
"What the fuck do you want?!" Lee know shouts, a familiar voice can be heard "HYUNJIN IS FIGHTING WITH SOME RANDOM GUY!!" the voice yells, Lee know quickly pushes past you with wide eyes swinging the door open
"Holy shit!" there Hyunjin was holding a guy down "CHILL THE FUCK OUT! I DON'T WANT YOUR GIRL!" Hyunjin was yelling at the guy on the floor, Lee know and Chris quickly intervene pulling Hyunjin and the other guy apart, the other very drunk guy was slurring is words with a little blood coming out his mouth, Lee know yells at him to leave the party
You try to find your sister in the bunch which you were successful, Genni was standing near the front door completely shocked at the scene in front of her. "Y/n we need to leave asap! I know this was suppose to be fun but.. hell no." Genni says almost scared, then suddenly
*smack The sound of skin hitting skin, you turn your head to see the guy that was previously fighting Hyunjin on the floor and Lee know with both his fists up, the guy was out cold. *woop woop the sound of police sirens can be heard not too far, the party was getting very rowdy so one of the neighbors most likely called.
"Shit." Lee knows says in a small panicked state, "EVERYONE OUT!!" Felix yelled out while quickly turning off the party lights and music, Chris and Lee know were quick to run out of the front door along with you and Genni as the sirens were getting closer. "Get in the car y/n!" Genni yells as your a little bit behind, Genni quickly unlocks and hops into the car, as soon as you were gonna hop into the passenger side you feel an arm tug at you.
"Y/n.. Iet us hop in.. Please bro! Genni c'mon help us out!" Chris looked at you both with lee know quickly nodding "Just once!" Lee know says out of breathe, Genni groans "Hop in fast." Lee know and Chris quickly get into the back seat, Genni was lucky enough to have sports mode in her car, "You guys like drifting?" Genni asked while looking back at the 2 semi-sober boys
"Who gives a fuck, drive Genni! And don't throw up in the back!!" You shout, Genni quickly starts the car putting it into drive then sports mode pressing the gas, the neighborhood had fell quiet after the little shut down, Genni turns all her lights off as she see the cops getting close by quickly making a left into a sketchy neighborhood
"quick skatepark, put the car farther we'll walk." You say pointing to a big skatepark that had a handful of other college students and teens. Genni quickly finds a good not so sketchy place to park, the boys were too out of breathe to notice we stopped. "Well get out everyone." Genni says while hopping out, the boys quickly hop out and Genni locks the doors after you get out too, there's a tunnel that leads you to the skatepark, there's no cars so you guys just walk on the road. Your feet start to hurt from your heels and running in them, but you decide to stay quiet.
• 5 Minutes Later
"You guys keep going I'm gonna stop at the store real quick." Says Lee know, "Chris, stay with them, their still girls.." Lee know mumbles the last bit. "Alright Alright" Chris says throwing his hands in the air dramaticlly, "Relax Chris were not that bad" Genni says, "No, your a bitch." Chris replys, "Oh my god just cause I hit you once with a book does not make me a bitch, we were 12!!" Genni says laughing at the last bit, "It still hurt.." Chris says while rubbing the back of his head. Genni laughs and we all continued walking
• A couple minutes later
"Finally were here!" Chris says in a relieved tone, "shit we gotta squeeze through that tho.." Genni says pointing to the small rip in the metal gate. *Ughhh Chris lets out a angry groan
"Hey guys!" Lee know yells from a distance waving a bag, Lee know comes closer you limp a little back as your feet are still killing you. "Here.." Lee know hands you foam slides with a hello kitty charm on them "you owe me 10 bucks.." Lee know says, He quickly pulls the rip in the gate more and slides through walking with his hands in his pockets. Chris goes quickly after. Genni says "He definitely likes you, just wants to be a dick" then she quickly slides through as well, you change your heels for the slides leaving your heels in a bush as the strap already ripped on one. Catching up with everyone else in a hurry.
You guys all sit at the edge of a huge dip people usually drop in when skating but right now everyone was just stoned at the park. Chris and lee know were talking about the other guys in their little crew, Genni would talk to them too. You just sat looking up at the stars ,,it looks so beautiful tonight..,, you thought
You felt a little push against your body, Lee know was now sitting next to you as Genni and Chris were talking, "Your sister and Chris are being all lovey dovey." He fake gags and you let out a little giggle while turning back to the stars ,,god shes beautiful.,, lee know thought.
You felt a cold hand on your thigh, you turn and lee know tucks some hair behind your ears and wipes some smudged mascara off your cheek, then he quickly clears his throat and takes his hand off your thigh. You blush slightly and your ears go red as his do too. you didn't expect Lee know to be the type to care in silence nor to be suddenly nice. ,,should i have done that.. shit she's gonna think I'm a creep.,,
Lee knows thoughts were interrupted as a guy with deep dimples and a sort of ginger brown hair that curls a bit walks up to you both, "Hi Chris! Hi Lee know!" Chris smiles happily "Hi Jeongin!" You wave to him as he seems sweet, Jeongin comes and sits on the other side of you, "Your y/n right? I'm Jeongin but you can call me I.N, I'm Chris and Lee knows-" Lee know cuts him off "Baby. He's the baby of the group." He rolls his eyes almost annoyed that Jeongin interrupted. I.N giggles a bit, "I like your shirt" he says with a cute smile ,,he kinda looks like a fox,, you thought "Thank you so much Innie!"
,,a nickname..?? She gave HIM a nickname already!?,,
Lee know thought, I.N quickly leaves with other guys as they were calling for him and he waves bye, "We should all get back to the dorms. It's gonna be 3 in the morning and that's when its the sketchiest in town." Chris says and Lee know quickly nods in agreement. Luckily you don't have early classes tomorrow so you can sleep in. "That's okay with me!" Genni says and you nod, "let's go then" Chris says waving his byes to his other friends as they leave as well.
• 15 minutes later
You guys all hop in the car this time Chris is driving and Genni is the passenger. You and Lee know in the back, both of you guys are very tired. Lee know starts to sober up more not too long into the drive but you start nodding off slowly resting your head on lee know's shoulder. *thump thump thump ,,Fuck why is my heart racing,,
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Yes another cliff hanger trust PT. 3 is where it gets good :b
Taglist : @kissesmellow21
Cmmt to be added to the tag list and again please do not repost my work anywhere else, or edit at all this is my only acc and the only place I will post my works.
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jackmercerenthuiast · 2 years
☆Number - Jack Mercer x Reader
☆ idc Jack Mercer doesn’t have enough fanfics so I’m here to serve justice.
☆Would recommend listening to ‘You Can Be The Boss’ by Lana Del Rey
Content: Mentions of drugs alcohol, suggestive language, mentions of gang violence
~و✧…彡☆ - btw pretend Jack survived x
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彡☆ 2005          19:36PM
‘This job is honestly ass’  I said to my most common customer, and closest friend, Sofi. It was true, I hated my job, it was a fucking shithole, I mean it was a dingy bar in the rough parts of Detroit, a little girl’s dream clearly.
‘Aye (name) don’t be so silly, it pays the bills, and plus, you get a lot of guys working here.’ She wasn’t wrong, I mean it did pay the bills after all but the amount of guys that I didn’t want? Uncountable.
‘I know Sof’, but they’re all ugly most of the time, plus, when they’re that pissed out of their minds, ‘no’ doesn’t compute easy, they got determination I’ll say that. Gets me a few tips I suppose.’ I laughed, cleaning the nearby table where Sofi sat. ‘Speaking of guys, can’t believe you’re seeing that Angel Mercer again!’ I asked, sitting next to her and nudging her shoulder.
‘I don’t like the way you said ‘Again’ but at least I have a man. Though, how old are you now?’ She asked, smiling at the ground when she answered about Angel, absolutely smitten, is the only words I could describe her.
‘Twentyyy... one?’ I questioned myself as I pulled out my ID, just double checking I was actually 21. 
‘You really think that checking your ID is going to help? How many fake IDs did you have when you were 17 to get cigarettes?’ Me and Sofi go back to when I was 17 and freshly moved to America, she lived in the apartment next to me and we’d been best friends since she welcomed me into the new apartment.
‘Shut up girl, this is a real one, and I am right I’m 21.’ I laughed, smacking my ID on the table.
‘Okay okay, anywho, Angel has a brother, Jack who’s the same age as you, and he got shot recently, he’s getting out of hospital today and a little birdie told me him and his brothers are coming here in an hour or so to celebrate.’ She suggested, walking over to the bar.
‘Oh yeah? Well from what you’ve told me the birdie is actually quite big.’ I smirk as I pour myself a pint from the tap, Sofi hit me on my arm, telling me to shut up in Spanish. I love Sofi but she loves to overshare about her sex life, but it’s fun to mess with her about it. 
…彡☆      19:54PM
A few moments passed, as me and Sofi just talked about random things, about how crazy it was that Victor Sweet had finally been killed, what Sofi wanted to do career wise etc. When all of a sudden, a bunch of loud men burst through the door, as I recognise a very familiar face.
‘(Name)! What’s goin’ on baby?’ He said as he approached the bar, politely shaking my hand, Jerry was like a big brother to me, always nice and fair.
‘Nothin’ much, your wife know you here? I can call her right now if she don’t.’
‘Nah she knows, I’m truthful to my lady, and seeing as I’m so truthful, can we get a few rounds free?’
I laughed and nodded saying as long as I got tipped I’d give them whatever.
‘Bullshit Jerry, we all keep secrets here.’ A bloke in leather, with a goatee sort of thing going on says, laughing and hitting his back.
‘Man shut the fuck up before I woop yo’ white ass. (Name), these are my brothers Bobby, Jack and Angel, I guess you’re already acquainted with Angel here.’
‘Yeah man, it’s hard not to know who Angel is when all I hear in my apartment is those two getting it on.’ I say, lighting a cigarette whilst directioning my hand to Sofi and Angel.
Then I looked at Jack, and all I thought was ‘Damn he’s fine’.
‘So you lovely ladies want tables or are you gonna keep me company and sit at the bar?’
‘I think the guys are alright with sitting at the bar, right guys?’ Jerry said, asking his brothers, they all nodded and agreed as they took seats at the bar.
‘Can I get a beer?’ The one who I assumed was Bobby, asked.
‘Can you be specific, Guiness? Heineken? A pint? Half-pint? And I don’t know maybe a please?’ I chuckled, directioning to the amount of beers there were to choose from
‘She had you on that one Bobby, she’s very passionate about her alcohol.’ Angel said. 
‘And why’s that, you an alcoholic or somethin?’
‘No, I don’t know if you can tell from the accent but it’s just from being English really.’ I could see Jack’s eyebrows raise slightly, he was really cute.
‘Ah, I don’t know man just give me a bottle of Guiness.’
…彡☆           20:20PM
About half an hour passed before I finally talked to Jack, I slid down the bar, making my way to where he sat, leaving the rest of the brothers and Sofi to do whatever.
‘You’re Jack I take it?’
‘Yeah and you’re.. (name)?’
‘Indeed it is, what drink you want Jackie?’
‘I don’t mind really, can I get a cigarette? The hospital wouldn’t let me bring ‘em in.’ He laughed, god damn his laugh. I’ve known this boy for 45 minutes and I’m whipped
‘Yeah sure and I’m sorry to hear that you got shot by the way, you ‘re lucky you survived love.’ I could see him the try to hide the fact me calling him love got a reaction out of him, it’s not particularly uncommon for me to call customers love, but it’s usually older customers, just out of respect, though for him? I just said it to get a reaction.
‘Thanks, how long you been working at the bar?’
‘Not long really, few months? I’ve only been in America for a couple of years, I think four years.’ Passing him a cigarette and a lighter whilst taking a puff of my own.
‘Ah cool, how come you moved?’
‘I don’t know really, I suppose to just be with my mum, seeing as she wanted to just get away.’
‘Your parents split?’
‘Yeah but it was probably the best choice they collectively made.’ I laughed, pouring him a drink.
‘Fair enough, you do anything else other than be the only good-looking bar tender in Detroit?’ Um sir? 
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie, but yeah actually, I play the bass here and there.’
…彡☆ Jack POV  …彡☆
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie...’ Man, I haven’t even known her that long and I can’t help but want to take her out. 
‘Ah bass? That’s cool man, I play the guitar, before I moved back to Detroit I was actually in a band, believe it or not.’ Flicking my cigarette ash in the nearby ashtray, when I had an idea. I asked her for a pen and she handed me the one in her shirt pocket.
‘I certainly believe it, but anywho I can’t concentrate on your pretty face all night, I’ll serve some other customers and I’ll be back soon.’ She said winking at me, I felt my face go so warm, Sofi definitely knew I was going red, and to my misfortune, so did Bobby.
‘Woah Jackie, did the bullet knock the fairy out of you or what?!’
‘Shut up man, you probably haven’t been flirted with in the last 10 years.’
‘Sure fairy whatever you say.’
…彡☆    22:17PM     your pov
‘Okay boys we’re gonna leave now, because for some reason I got designated driver duty so come on! You too Sofi vámanos!’ Jerry yelled, dragging Sofi and Angel by the collars of their shirts, I laughed to myself as all of the brothers continued to leave in a drunken mess, the night was full of brotherly love, teasing and intense flirting between me and Jack, as he had more drinks he got more bold with how he spoke.
I was absolutely whipped, and as Jack left, he gave me a cigarette and said, 
‘Don’t light it right away.’ with a drunken but genuine smile, I responded, ‘Don’t worry Jackie I won’t, see you soon.’ and I pecked him on the cheek as I left for the room where I kept my coat to close up my shift, taking the cigarette with me.
Later in the night I was certain there was something I had forgotten to do, and then it hit me, I probably was meant to look at the cigarette or something, and then I thought, ‘Where’s the cigarette?’, and I trudged to my sofa and grabbed my coat, luckily the cig was still in my pocket.
I twizzled it in my fingers, when I saw numbers written on one side, and a note saying, ‘Call me - Jackie’ with a heart next to it on the other, that smooth motherfucker. I unravelled the cigarette, putting the nicotine in a spare pouch and attached the note to my fridge with a magnet with the intentions to call him in the morning.
…彡☆     The End!
Please let me know if you liked this, if so I might write a part 2 to it or just continue to write Jack mercer fics seeing as there just aren’t enough! Love ya x
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dapper-zappa · 1 year
Spider Outta The Bag | Miguel O'Hara
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader
Summary: Miguel is fed up with LYLA pestering him about his crush on you… only for him to accidentally confess the feelings in front of you.
Word count: ~1,3K
Warnings: Fluff, banter, possibly OOC Miguel?, TSSM series ending spoilers, LYLA being a sassy ahh mf, accidental confession, oblivious Y/N,
A/N: First Miguel fic woop woop, and if there's any inaccurate Spanish, please tell me! Also, I think it'd be nice to use the Peter from The Spectacular Spider-Man, who appeared on ATSV briefly as Y/N's mission partner in this fic instead of someone like Miles, Hobie, Jess Drew, or Ben. TSSM!Peter's world is canonically Earth-26496 in the Marvel wiki so that's why I wrote it that way.
Also, based after this prompt !
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For the upteenth time, LYLA sighed at Miguel, who only did nothing but sit down and think. “Wow, Miguel, I swear you’re way more shy than a high schooler crushing on someone.” the AI groaned, shifting her form so she’s now sitting on top of her boss’s shoulder as she filed her nails. “Since she’s gonna go for a mission later thanks to an anomaly in Earth-26496 with the Peter from that world, why can’t you just tell her when you call her here for the mission briefing? That’ll save you way more time instead of wasting your time waiting for her to confess instead!”
His growing feelings towards you (and how he constantly tried to deny it) were often challenged if someone else teased him about it. While it’s usually 
his AI assistant that pestered him about his silly schoolboy crush, Dr. O’Hara also had got a fair amount of spider people who teased him to try to make him ask you out. From Jess, the Peter with a 5 o'clock shadow who almost always had baby Mayday on his side, Hobie, while not close with him, tends to make little jabs on how Miguel “was always buzzin’ to see Y/N”, even the melodramatic hunk Ben Reilly joined in at times. 
Yet at the same time, deep down he always yearned for you to return his feelings. 
“For the last time, LYLA. I’m not in love with Y/N L/N.” Miguel grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
LYLA’s projection shifted again so she’s now in front of his face, arms crossed as she popped a bubble of bubblegum as pink as her heart shaped shades.
“My goodness, you’re doing it again.” 
“What thing? I didn’t say anything bad before.” Miguel gestured with his hands to try to prove LYLA’s only joking or making some sort of false accusations to toy with him. 
“That thing! Where you’re so in love with someone yet pretend you’re not in love with them!” The AI bursted into laughter at how bad he is at pretending he’s not being lovestruck. “Every day you whine about how you don’t love Y/N yet whenever someone says it in front of your handsome face, you often look at her like a lost puppy whenever she’s in the room or whenever you two go on missions together. I’d say you’re one of the funniest in terms of the spider people being in love.” she chortled. 
Miguel shot LYLA a glare, shutting her mouth up once she was faced with a pair of angry scarlet orbs. The AI tried to open her mouth again but she was cut off by him.
“Then what am I supposed to say? Hey Y/N, I’m so deeply in love with you that you’re all I think about all the time-”
Before he knew it, he was interrupted by two familiar voices exclaiming at the same time. His jaw dropped agape, the scarlet hues in his now widened eyes dimmed down at the sheer shock that crept through him when one of the people who just walked into his office was Y/N L/N out of everyone else. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Y/N is coming?” he scolded, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.
“I was trying to tell you that but you cut me off.”
On the other hand, the embarrassment also hit you, especially because you still couldn’t believe what you and the Peter from Earth-26496 - or as you’d nickname him, Spectacular Peter had just witnessed. Peter and you settled on the nickname when you praised his performance, calling him “spectacular” in a mission and you used that nickname to distinguish him from the many other Peters in the Spider Society. 
Miguel O’Hara just accidentally confessed he’s in love with you.
“Estupendo.” With his back now facing you and Peter, Miguel huffed in frustration and embarrassment. “Just make sure to tell no one about this.” 
“Miguel, I know I’m supposed to get the details about the mission in Earth-26496 but why didn’t you tell me from the start?” you questioned. “That way at least you wouldn’t have to hide your feelings around me, even if I ashamedly didn’t know about your little crush on me before I heard you saying it in front of me and Peter.” 
Peter, who noticeably appeared more cartoonish than most of his variants who were part of the Spider Society, could only give your shoulder a few comforting pats to attempt to relieve you from the amount of embarrassment by your own boss yet at the same time not cause any more trouble.
“At least it’s not the time when Gwen and I broke up with our partners Harry and Liz just so we can get together with each other… only for me to find out that my best friend’s dad is the Green Goblin soon after.” Peter lamented in remembrance of that very awkward moment in his love life.
Conflict grew even more - perhaps way more than it was within Miguel’s heart before he accidentally revealed his crush in front of you, someone who had no clue he liked you. His heart pounded under his ribs, waiting so hard for it to burst from how uneasy this moment was making him. His combed hair became messier the more he ran his fingers through his hair, as he tends to do it whenever he’s feeling stressed or anxious. 
This had gotta be the time where he should be all serious and make sure you and Peter got the needed information… right? After he calmed down, Miguel instead turned around to face you and your partner for today’s mission, approached you, and gently placed his large hand on your shoulder.
He briefly glanced at Peter (who’s getting really awkward from finding out his boss has a crush on his partner for today’s mission) before fixating his chestnut brown eyes on you. 
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you. I wasn't careful about my words before and I won’t do it again in front of you.” he suddenly retracted his hand after remembering that he’s supposed to give you the details of the anomaly in Earth-26496. 
LYLA projected 2 screens in front of you and Peter as Miguel began his briefing. The first screen displayed the details and a virtual model of a variant of the infamous Scorpion, but this particular version appeared to be a tall and muscular woman donning the Scorpion armor, complete to the venom infused in her tail’s stinger. On the other hand, the second screen displayed the Scorpion variant rampaging in that world’s city center. Police cars surrounded all over her, but to no avail as she started attacking the police officers and citizens began scurrying away from the now dangerous area. 
“Oh, I forgot. A Scorpion variant is rampaging in Earth-26496 and all you two have to do is to take down this anomaly, capture her, then bring her to the HQ so that the Go-Home Machine can send her back to her native dimension.”
“By the way, she looks to be quite tough because she’s armed with a venom stinger in her tail, so you both have to be careful or else you’ll suffer from hallucinations and fatigue induced by her venom.” LYLA added.
“I wish you two luck with today’s mission.” Miguel said firmly, ending the briefing for today’s mission. 
“We will, Miguel.” Peter replied. 
He immediately opened a portal to his native world for you two to go in and immediately stepped inside, but right when you were about to step inside the portal, Miguel stopped you.
“So… would you like to go to dinner tonight with me? Maybe I can take you to my favorite place in Nueva York once you and Peter are done handling the anomaly. For our first date.” you turned around at his offer. 
“I’d love to, but I have to go now. I’ll see you again!” 
“You too.” he smiled. 
With a last wave towards him, you went in the portal and it closed itself right after. Now what’s left to do is for you to help Peter capture the Scorpion variant anomaly and bring her back to the HQ, just as you were told.
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washa · 11 months
I listened to The Summit audio and here’s my favourite personal comments/thoughts! (IM STILL IN SHOCK WHAT TEH FUCK)
David’s gonna whip your ass Ash 
Milo being a fashionista cannon
“Good thing belts don't correlate to height.” DAVID
Ash, Baabe, get a fucking room 
Sweetheart i’m crying please give a man some dress socks
Vincent sounds so anxious
Vincent baby… 😕
“I can't control how people are acting but I can control how I react.” PREACHHH VINCENT 
Surprise??? He’s spoiling Lovely so bad
Wait, does Sam have a crown too?? Like being a duke
Shit these sound effects are FIRE
Yo Sam wassup my guy.
Oh Porter. Hi dear ☹️
Sam is literally the opposite of me I love small talk and big events lmfao 
“Good people” He’s so salty lmfao
There’s no way Darlin’ isn’t smoking hot rn
AY ICE CREAM TUBS, Mint chocolate chip for the win 🙌
I imagine them going hand in hand, like elbows connected.
Porter being a smooth bitch. (as usual)
Vincent is surprisingly kind abt this, well as nice as he can
That went well. Lovely calm your boyfriend before he pulls out his hair
Nah let like Sam punch him it’s funnier.
Are these other vamps that bad oh my god 
Ooh business deals?? Yes make that moolah.
Eccentric?? Tf you mean eccentric. I don’t think David can handle more eccentric people in his life.
HELP NOT ASH PICKING UP ON VINCENT (unrelated but can we just acknowledge how emotionally mature and smart Asher is?)
Oh god Bennetts?? They sound pleasant.
Wait wait, House of Baz were allies, and but every word out of Deon's mouth was to diss William??? WHAT TYPE OF SHITTY ALLIES
I want those two to die, for all of their house to run into the sun. 
Latest conquest?? Come here let me rip you up 
I don’t wanna fight you lex. YOU GROW UP?? PETTINESS IS CHILDISH.
You selfish little bitch. I’M GONNA BITE HER URGHSHSHGY
Porter thank FUCK YOU'RE HERE
Alexis can suck my dick. 
“Like a proper family” That's an interesting view on what your idea of a loving family is Porter.
Surprisingly Porter is in the right here. 
Oh god what fucking now, i cannot DEAL with anymore self centred fuckers.
Is he warning us? What’s happening.
Ykw he’s got a point here, a REALLY good point. CONSIDERING THE HOUSE OF BAZ THING.
Sam :((( yes Sam you deserve that.
Asher and Milo bring up the mood woop woop 
Good lord Porter has a bad rep already w them
Investor gadget woop woop, investor gadget bam bam bam bam go gadget go bup bam bam bam badum badump.
Milo clamp your jaw for a sec
Sam said a lot of things..
No Sweetheart think abt this please what if ya get caught.
GO BETA GO BETA FUCK IT UP WOOAHH (i’m sorry i'm so stressed.)
You should’ve punched her Sam, you should’ve.
Sam and Darlin’ needed better taste in vamps ffs 
Sam therapy time 😇🥳 (as required in every Sam video)
God Sam and Darlin’ are so fucking sweet URGDHAKDA
Is Angel stuck talking there or??
Imagine talking to someone for like 15 minutes and come back to find your friends stalking a head of the house. David needs a panadol for the headache coming up.
Well nobody wants to join a cult tbh, like that’s so suspicious.
This is a surprisingly civil argument, i was expecting someone getting thrown through a wall
What’s up w the king
So no ice cream?? 💔
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
So, bit of a life update because it's been... almost two months? since I last properly logged here (I had some stuff in the queue, but I think it ran out after a while, woops). Getting a bit personal, so the rest is under cut.
Honestly the main reasons are simply, I'm busy, and exhausted. Not a good combination lol
I haven't had proper relaxing time for me since at least a year and a half. Summer holidays are supposed to be the time when I can finally relax responsibility-free for a month and a half to get over usually hectic second semesters. Except last July my grandma had a fall, and while she's fine, long story short she's now in a nursing home and we spent the whole summer and lots of free time during the following months clearing her house (which was. a mess).
On top of that I'd bought an apartment (yay) in a building that's still under construction, and while that's great because it means I could customize it the way I want, it also meant spending a lot of time going here and there to choose floorings, furniture, and lots appointments (bank, notary...) etc etc. And now that it's in the final stage we're running into issues because the notaries aren't agreeing about some conditions, so the deed signing date recently had to be postponed, which'll leave me very little time to schedule the actual move (I have to be out of my current place by the end of the month). Super stressful. And also busy--spent nearly two days last week playing telephone game with the developer, the notary's office, the bank... and we still haven't solved the issue as of now orz
On top of that, this past school year has been super intense, I took on more admin responsibilities, which, while fun, consume a lot of time and focus, which put me behind on my regular class prep and grading, which just generally added to the mental load. Also I had to take lessons on Saturday mornings for my teaching certificate, which is also something that ate into my time and energy this year.
This all kinda came crashing down on me in early June when I just... kinda shut down for about two weeks. I had 4 super important tasks/projects to do, and for those two weeks I made progress on none of them. I just kinda froze, not knowing where to start, and my focus was allllll over the place, could not keep it on one thing for the life of me (there may or may not be suspicion of adhd at play, I'll have to look into it more and see someone about it, but... no time atm orz)
I managed to pull through in the end (well, one of the things is postponed to August so I have more time to do it thankfully), but I'm completely mentally exhausted. So yeah, I kinda gave up checking tumblr for a while, bc I just didn't have the mental capacity for that.
In happier news Missy is still as silly as ever, my niece is the cutest, I got a baby blahaj yesterday to go with my big one, Dreamcatcher's new mini-album is wonderful, and once everything is solved and I can move in it'll be awesome to live in my own place. Also I went to TwoSetViolin's world tour show in Berlin last week-end and it was awesome :D (might make a separate post about it later)
And now I need to start packing. Gonna be a busy month again 😅
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razzmothazz · 8 months
I can't, I wanted to finish coloring everyone first, but. I just can't NOT yap about at least one of them. So um. Matsu. He's my favorite I think?
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(his necklace and nail polish are the colors of the unit members! I haven't come up with a unit name yet tho,,)
On the left there is Toshiro's (they/he) hand (they're the unit's leader) and on the right is Fumi (she/they) (who's kinda Matsu's friend from middle school)
I love him soooooo much, I may have projected onto him a little with the whole sea autism thing but uhm. I'm not going to give any of them canon labels (except for pronouns) (I want it to be kinda like pjsk itself, but I also just want to be able to play around with ships and their identities), but!!! More about Matsu. Despite not REALLY giving him any labels, he's very much intended to be autistic. He's insane abt marine life (the projecting part lmao) and especially sharks and ESPECIALLY thresher sharks (which is the shark I doodled there beside him with uh other stuff!). Currently he's geberally pretty cheerful and excitable, actually never shuts up, he starts talking and then it's just. Forever. (Not neg I love him so so so so much). He used to kinda get bullied in middle school and Fumi was a very timid child back then and was afraid she'd also get bullied, so she just coudknr bring herself to help, and she kinda blames herself for that right now, she grew to be very confrontational and a bit overprotective of Matsu, and I have like a whole part of the story planned about them coming to terms with everything and learning to not treat Matsu almost as a child as they kinda tenda to do, and I just love these two so much. Am I making sense? Idk this is just a stream of whatever I have going on). By the way!!! The fourth character Seina (she/her) who's completely out of frame in this cropped pic usually keeps Fumi's confrontational and slightly aggressive nature in check, she's overall very caring BUT of course I put some sad story there ue ue whatever (not whatever, I'm insane about her, but I'll talk about Seina more when I finish her part of the reference).
I haven't thought THAT much about these guys' relationships with canon characters, but since we're on the topic of Matsu (are we?? idk at this pojnt), I think at some point he met Emu and they got along pretty well! Maybe even became friends!!! I think they match each other's energy pretty well, even if with all his excitableness (is that a word in english idk) Matsu is still calmer than her, they definitely have some autism to autism comunication going on. Oh!!! Also. I started thinking about the characters' habits and quirks, and I think Matsu would make EXCESSIVE eye contact. This is partially from the impact left not only by ppl bullying him, but just yknow ppl around him as he was growing up. He's learning to be comfortable with not restricting himself around his friends, but *because* he learned that it's pretty much one of the only ways to at least somewhat fit in growing up, it's hard for him. But they care about each other so so so much and I love them. I just started talking about everyone somewhere along the uhh this whole ramble, so Toshiro!!! I haven't said much about them yet. They're actually partially inspired by my super cool and awesome aunt in some aspects of appearance and behavior, but I still piled a bunch of my own stuff to not just copy a real person,,,, anyways. He's the group leader, he pretty much brought everyone together? They all kinda had some sort of connection to each other previously to forming the unit, but uh. I haven't come up with exactly *how* they're gonna end up as a. Group? Band? Ehatever they are. I think I focused way more on their personalities so far, woops. But I'll get there eventually. Anyways. Right, Toshiro. I haven't developed them as much YET, but geneeal appearance stuff: they have vitiligo, pink-ish hair? Overall mostly a pink colorscheme (they're all color-coded yay). He's pretty into crystals and spirituality in general, also has some physical stuff going on (but I haven't exactly figured out what yet), he can't do a lot of physical activity, has kinda weak bones (Seina helps him out a lot when he needs it!!!), Toshiro is overall pretty energetic and tries his best in everything, tho tends to overwork himself a lot bc he's dead set on getting better at everything and making people around him proud and just being reliable. I also plan on expanding on this in the later story, I think so far the themes I put in their unit have a lot to do with letting go of the past (they ALL have that in common), not letting others' expectations ruin you, accepting yourself, all that. I was kinda worried they were walking too close to N25 at first, but I think it's all good actually, esp when I later expand on their story,,,, oh right also Seina. I think she's my second favorite, she's. I love her. ik I said I'm bot giving them any canon labels, but Seina and Fumi are so lesbians and so I love to me. And also I get arospec vibes from Seina BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I SHOUDL BE TALKING ABOUT. She's kinds the mom friend of the group, always taking care of everyone. As i mentioned, she helps Toshiro with physical tasks when he needs it, keeps Funi out of trouble and also helps Matsu in socially overwhelming situations MY CAT JUST FELL OH MY GOD ok ok she's okay, anyways. But Seina had "failed" to helo a friend in the past, so now she's a bit obsessed with being helpful to everyone as much as she possibly could, or else she feels useless and worthless. And guess what I also plan a whole arc expanding on it and eventually the other members comfort her and they all work on it and the others try to also take care of her, and of course it takes a lot of time, but I like the idea of her uhh healing? Development idk, THIS bring shown slowly and over time. Okay. I think I finished yapping *for now*
I haven't come up with their virtual singers, name of the unit, sekai and A LOOOOTT of other stuff yet, but uhm. I have so many ideas oh god
wow thats a lot and you thought abt their stories way more than i did for mine so far like even future developments and stuffs KSHDHDJDKCNFNNF but I LOVE THEIR DYNAMICS!!!!! Matsu has simiar vibes to my 1st pjsk oc Yuno!! theyre both energetic and full of autism so i think they would get along skdjdhbrnf IM ALREADY THINKING ABT MAKING THEM ALL FRIENDS SORRY- SJDNJCNFJD this just makes me so happy i love hearing about others ocs UR MIND!! U MADE THEM ALL SO !!!!
and id LOVE to see all of their designs when youre done with them and THE COLOR CODING!!! I LOVE COLOR CODING SJDHHFJD this is just. awesome i dont even have words just pure excitement at this point
OH ALSO BTW!!! if u wanna do relationships with canon characters i found this chart that might be helpful :3
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i have no idea who originally made it cause its been reposted like a shit ton of times but!! its great and helpful in figuring stuff out :3
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Hi. I dont know if requests are open but can you do randy cunningham x reader Who is bully in the school but the only person who she isnt bulliying is randy. It can be gender netural.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love this one! Thank you. This is going to be a Victorias tv show moment. (You know how Beck and Jade are a couple? That’s what you guys are basically)  Masterlist
When you walked around with your friend group bullying people left and right. Heidi Weinerman was your best friend and she would always make fun of her brother's friend. Randy cunningham. You had a little bit of a crush on him. You one time found Heidi pushing Randy away from the  popular table at lunch. You just sat there looking at him with a slight frown refusing to blush. 
Looking at the last pizza slice in the cafeteria you were gonna grab it, someone's hand wrapped around yours. 
“Woops, sorry did you want this slice?” A familiar voice rang through your ears as you looked up. Randy Cunningham, and he was smiling at you. “I’ll let you have it. If you don’t want it?” 
“You can have it.” You whispered quietly, looking away blushing slightly.
“What was that?” He asked, confused.
“I said you could have it!” You yelled in his face. Your face was now red from being flustered, not used to being nice and giving away things. Even though it wasn’t yours. 
“Uh, wow ok thanks!” Randy said, walking over to howard. That was the only beginning of you not being a bully to Randy Cunningham. 
Walking across the street you just got some of your favorite food,  McFistios. Then you suddenly hear bloody murder screams and a giant growl. Looking behind you, you saw an animal robotic creature.  It looked like a bear, and it was charging at you running full speed. You were so scared, scratch that, you were terrified. That was until you got picked up by someone and hoisted in bridal style. 
Hearing the wind whooshing and slicing at the shells of your ears you didn’t even realize what was happening. Clutching on black soft stretchy fabric you smelled something familiar. Cologne maybe? It was like it was tugging on the back of your brain. The way the ninja was caring you felt like he was uncomfortable, stiff even. Landing on top of the roof you were still clutched to the ninja, like he was your only life source. 
“Uh, you can let go now.” The ninja said kind of awkwardly. That voice… sounded kind of like… Randy cunningham!
“Randy?” You asked suspiciously, then let go of him immediately. 
“Umm- I’m not RANDY? I mean who even is he?- Like I would never be someone named Randy, hehe, smoke bomb!” The ninja said, then struck his famous last words, with red smoke covering your vision, and other senses. 
“Is it true you got saved by the ninja!” one of the unpopular kids asked. 
“Yes, and now go away you freaks!” You said pushing past the group swarming you. Walking across the cafeteria you arrived at the ‘popular’ table and sat down.  Mcfists step-son, Bash smirked at you and said:
“You know you can just admit it.”
“Admit what?” You asked clenching and unclenching your jaw.
“You figured out who the ninja is.” 
“What! Bash shut your trap! I did not!” You yelled and shoved a spoonful of green jello into your mouth. 
“You know Howard, I might just tell her.” Randy said, staring at you from a distance.
“What the cheese cunningham!? Tell the famous popular girl bully about your big ninja o'clock secret!”  Howard said, waving his hands in a dramatic motion. 
“I know, but she already figured it out, Howard.” Randy said, still staring at you from afar.   
“Fine but don’t say I didn’t tell you so when I clearly did.” Howard said realizing he was never gonna win this.
You were in class when you got a note that read:
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Opening the door that led to the roof you found the ninja leaning against the wall of the school. 
“Um, hi? Why are you here ninja? I'm supposed to meet someone.” You said still having the note in your hands. 
“Listen Y/n, you already know who I am.” The ninja walked toward you. Putting his hands behind his head he started pulling off his mask. Finally seeing the results of him pulling off his mask made his true form show.
“RANDY!?!?” You gasped. 
Let's say you both are happy. Even though things can go a little out of hand.
Like Randy apologizing for your rudeness all of the time. Or sometimes having to pull you away from an argument and take you to the park for a cool time.
Cuddling is a must. It helps with your bullying. Wearing his shirts while cuddling is a good way for you to cool down too. 
You love Randy’s scent, it makes you calm. 
Ooh, when you need a lift somewhere just get on the Randy express guys! Even in his ninja suit he carries you in bridal style and takes you wherever you go.
Sometimes he gets distracted with work, and the nomicon too but he still loves you with all of his heart. Even if you bully people.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
time for the thoughts :D
chap 1:
-ok when you think about thats brutal af, this is the worst nightmare of anyone who takes public transport
-:c hes so soft
-the fucker with the balls scared me >:v get out and leave my son alone
chap 2:
-legato eating lmao :b but creepy at the same time
-"no guys we cant destroy him anymore, just traumatize him" what a metal thing to order knives, you sicko
-vash is doomed to be driven everywhere hes like me fr
-aw he looks tired :c
-nightow honey.....thank you so much for this dumb joke lmao
-yes vash ofc your bf is hiding something but this is not the time to think about that
-oh wait i remember this chapt-...oh fuck
-*insert 98 vash yelling get me out of here*
-"demon priest" nice nickname for your bf
-OH WAIT DO THEY STRAIGHT UP TOLD HIM "he so your brother wants us to traumatize you, yknow the classic stuff" TO HIS FACE I FORGOT
chap 3:
-oh the title page of this one *chef kiss*
-ooooh the betrayal
-oh that line that tries to be a panel line is cool as hell
-...ok i yet dont get much from this battle but pretty cool nonetheless
-i got the final part tho
chap 4:
-ok i do respect samurai guy here tho, die with your principles ma man
-ah no its the timeeeee noooooooooooooo
-im gonna need a hug
-ok i need the hug now
-"im willing to die so you fucking realize you cant go around in life just running away" is raw af, but replying with "im not gonna shoot you cuz i want to fucking show you hope" is even worst
-NIGHTOW IM GOING TO YOUR FUCKING HOUSE AND after respectfully shaking your hand BITE IT
-the man who bears the role of savior with a smile while it hurts vs the man who bears the role of the murderer without an expression while it hurts...IT ALL JUST HURTS
chap 5:
-nooooo stoppppppp :c
-something something, parallel with vash in a escape pod something, something tears
-I HATE LIFE ACTUALLY (the hc of wolfwood having regular nightmares is not even a hc, it actually happens)
-"we need 2 rooms" cmon dont be shy :3
-oh wait i love this chapter :3 even if it has the most unhealthy implications ever like vash omfg cant you just take a fucking break :)
-nah hes not ignorant of anything...hes just really stupid with a big ass heart
-ok i feel like im insulting vash too much rn, its the wolfwood pov mb
-hes so dead
-awww :3 im sorry for calling him stupid, he's just really nice in a world where mercy is basically being stupid
-vash is making the smallest and most pathetic noises and the guy is like "oh wow you can help me come up with a plan? thanks :D"
-i agree with rob but i also agree with his dad. this ties back nicely with the thing about considering killing people just because of family.
-i mean...yeah theres something deeply wrong with vash...those arent news i think
chap 6:
-wolfwood noooooooooooooooooooooo :c
-wolfwood dont *smack in the head* stop those thoughts rn
-i love wolfwood poking on the subject like "well at least i cant do that cuz IM HUMAN.....what about you vash hm?"
-AND WE LOVE A CHARACTER WHO DOESNT HAVE EVERY VALUE SET IN STONE :D vash ily and your search for an answer sm
-ah that looks pretty :D
-also lets go back to wolfwood "i don't have the right to hold you" vs vash embracing the hugs ONLY TO GET THIS. WHAT ARE YOU TELLING ME NIGHTOW HUUHHHHHHH YOU MF-
(i dont think we'll get this or something similar in stampede but if we do...if we do i will bite people and that's a promise)
chap 7:
-im.....im so sad for him
-"the mind of a man is bleeding out".....yeah you can call him that ig
-oh shit thats how this volume ends??? fuck ig????
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etchina-danjon · 7 months
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Man, the anon that sent me a prompt about ghost gang bangs, I accidentally have gone crazy with it and now there's a wild plot about a spirit breeding cult that tricks girls into getting knocked up by spirits.
I was not expecting to go that deep into ghost smut but woops. Definitely gonna post this one on my ao3 when it's done.
Don't worry Tsunade anon, I'm gonna do yours too! I'm trying to focus on one at a time so I don't overwhelm myself and shut down not finishing anything. The pains of having adhd. I say that and I have three other docs open with fics in various states of completion.
I really want to start posting on my ao3 more seriously. At least on ao3 I can see how many people have looked at my work and might get likes and comments out of it ;w; I never get any kind of input on tumblr. I understand why people don't want to like things because they don't want to be caught consuming that kind of content. Not that I write for attention. I don't. I do it for fun. But it would be nice to know if people actually liked my work.
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suiciderape · 1 year
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4keepiteverybodystaydownshesmyloverandiewewsendtweet ew! get a life! shes perfect! and nvm! send tweet 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖍𝖊𝖊 *𝖕𝖔𝖕* 𝖒𝖊 chanhee pop me! nah bitch i see ya anyways? shes my gf fr! ah nowh! shes popping a pimple popper stfu bitch shes my daugher and she likes me better she was gonna put ily! shes golden sos oreo 𝔬𝖗𝔢𝖔 nvm! get away! from me? hell nah bitch im her golden boy! 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 yall are trashy! af bitch @ me next time skunk! exactly exactly i told her i luv her trademark it nvm! hahahaha ewwee shes a teenager again get ur own sun! private school suicider ur mean ppl get away from me! wtf is this shit?!?!?! eewwww hahaha bitch nigger get away from me! i choose romeo universes manga yay!!!! chanhee *pop* me? yes! writers manga! hell yes bitch huhh! nvm! were going to kpop idol laanding hahaha ewww cunt its called eboy manga romeo literally it isnt its called chanhee laanding yay!!! anything goes! yes it is its just a manga about high school kids fucking up there whaat? their 20s! ok! so fuck off cunt! um rooruu nvm shes doing a pop quiz! get ur fucking ass off here right now! i pick chanhee laanding yasss geto bitches get tha fuck off tha stage fuck nah eww she said fuck nah that means its time to goA woops i got an A!! hahaha eww thats mean! shes on chanhee landing! romeo! romeo! romeoA desarae stfu babeh desarae is a little girl nvm! ur being cruel to her eww fuck u whore! skunk she already called u a skunk u werent 𝖋𝔢𝖒𝔪𝖊 𝖘𝔨𝖆𝔱𝖊𝔟𝖔𝔞𝖗𝔡𝖊𝔯 eww send tweet ew? shes done! with keeho for good neptune! babeh send tweet aw shes my daughter and i love her u end tweet u picked the title again? ew go home jana lovingstein hahaha she just did im her shut upA father and i love her to death everybody listen upA she did kill jesse vidal jr. in tha streets so go home jana romeostein ew! ew! no! no! omg omg stfu hoobastank nvm what? u do know shes no no no we are there for life sorry chanhee for wearing poison ivy! bitch fuq u whore im in tha romeo universe 4 lyd slut! romeo universe is horror manga for kpop idols onlyA slut! and shes hella much mad she invented the slang dudee fuck u whore end tweet end tweet end tweet kpop idol rule love ur mama end tweet send
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
this is definitely being cut in half tho because of that, but i’ll be posting it all at once - i thiiinkkkkkkk
anyway! deuce has entered the scene!!! :DDDDDDD!!!
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causeimanartist · 6 years
can we get a face reveal of mun??
Actually if you look deep enough into this blog you will find the rare selfie but here you go anon
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arebelnow · 8 years
can i just take a moment to express my love and appreciate for the important that is jyn erso? like, of course not every review will be spectacular and of course not everyone is gonna to like every single character. but i feel like the people who really drag jyn are missing something very core to her character.
i feel like the reviews and tumblr posts annoyed with jyn expected to go to rogue one and watch a movie about a white savior, not white behavior. they say her political apathy was pathetic --- even harmful to the representation of ( white ) women. but what they don’t realize ( or do and that’s why they don’t like her ) is that jyn represents them every time they think or say “not my problem” to someone who isn’t cis and white. like, the number of times i’ve had the real world equivalent of “it’s not a problem if you don’t look up” flung in my face is immeasurable. 
some of her detractors wanted her to be perfect from the beginning. to be this badass woman who has a vague enough personality for them to insert themselves and a moral compass that always makes her right from the start. they wanted jyn to make them feel good, not reflect upon uncomfortable.
especially since jyn is expendable. cassian makes it real damn clear in the book that his mission is unhindered if she dies. if jyn died at any point after delivering her father’s message, the mission would not have been compromised. more difficult? heck yes. but impossible? not at all. so jyn isn’t “the only one who can save us” type of hero. she’s a hero by choice. i think after jedha she realized that she can’t exist outside of existence. that not looking up only works until the ground is literally destroyed beneath your feet. that her apathy can only shield her for so long. and i think that shield is something a lot of audience members, especially white audience members, share with her. and they don’t like thinking about it.
rogue one wasn’t the feel good star wars movie a lot of people were expecting. and its leading lady wasn’t the feel good self insert they wanted. jyn is the story of how inaction is still action. and that heroism is not a birthright, it’s earned.
i don’t know, maybe it’s a mix of reading this post and the inauguration that i needed to express my feely feels for jyn. because goddamn it, i wish the world had more brave baes like her around so maybe i wouldn’t be so scared. 
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