#cause neurodivergents flock together
Look, I've seen people saying that Dick is the one with ADHD, and as someone with moderate ADHD I need to tell y'all, you're focusing on the wrong sibling. Ya wanna know which sibling would really have ADHD?
Like I get that Dick is a hyper acrobat (oh my god, not to go off on a side tangent but did they make Dick and acrobat cause it has the word bat in it?), but kids tend to be hyper and I think any kid who could do acrobats would do it constantly just cause it's fun
But like Tim shows major signs, like
- the whole joke with Tim is literally that he hyperfixates to an unhealthy degree on cases, like that is literally an ADHD tendency, sitting at a computer for 15 hours without taking breaks to sleep or eat or go to the bathroom or shower is literally one of the most ADHD things you can do and is literally one of the things that makes ADHD a disorder (cause it ruins normal functioning and it makes life worse)
- I could not imagine a better way for an ADHD character to be introduced than the way Tim is, unique from any other Batkid mind you (I'll put a picture of tags I just wrote for another post that is currently sitting in my drafts [don't mind the rainbow I just found out Tumblr can add filters to photos and I think this makes it easier to read]:)
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- the whole coffee thing; for undiagnosed people with ADHD, coffee is good cause the caffeine calms us down (even my therapist has told me this) so the 'Tim drinks 15 cups of coffee' fanon out there is literally something that would align with him having undiagnosed ADHD
- Tim likes solving puzzles/cases but hates school so much he would drop out? ADHD. Tim is considered a great detective? People with ADHD tend to be seen as making connections quicker (which in places like school can cause us to either 1) only make surface level connections and not fully understand 2) make us finish quicker and thus get bored or have extra time to "disturb the class" 3) get frustrated really easily when things don't come to us right away) and like most kids with ADHD in their later years either have gifted kid burnout syndrome or Not Living Up to their Full Potential™ because teachers and parents "know they're smart, if only they would apply themselves in school, then they would succeed"
- Tim feels he imposed on Batman cause he was the only one who wasn't 'chosen' to be Robin so he works twice as hard? Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria is a common symptom of ADHD and so we not only are usually self deprecating like Tim, but we also will have lower self esteem like Tim and we will work twice as hard in certain situations we care about to justify why we should be there
and if you want I can keep going on but I'll stop here cause it is already starting to get really long, but just like... no one talks about how Tim is the perfect person to have ADHD and I'm gonna need y'all to start talking about it (and I'm not saying Dick doesn't have ADHD, I'm just saying I never see people talk about Tim in relation to ADHD and I feel like it just fits him perfectly)
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
I think Steve being autistic probably comes from the age old saying 'birds of a feather flock together' making his traits more noticeable to the audience. You can definitely see it more with Robin and Dustin. Learning difficulties in school are often due to neurodivergence causing people to struggle in the school system. Steve's college essay being bad is basically explained as simply Steve being an idiot. But who likes that kind of attitude? Also his dynamic with Robin where they want to merge into the same being when Robin does seem to be more clearly autistic coded. His crawling backwards being a parallel to her struggling to learn to walk. Steve is more ambiguously neurodivergent coded but there is so much crossover, when I went to a screening about my learning difficulties they gave me three possible diagnoses, all of which I had significant traits such that it was justifiable I could be tested (one of them autism).
i can see a lot of autistic traits in steve! and yeah, i think as he’s become friends with more autistic coded characters (dustin and robin) those traits have come out more and more. you could say those traits come out more because steve does this thing where he imitates his friends to ‘fit in’, but that can also be an autistic thing, so…
some of steve’s moments could just be attributed to him being stupid, rather than him being nd, but i hate that interpretation.
robin and steve are literally two bffs that want to combine into one, who would they be without autism.
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 1 year
As a kid I always just thought that Big the Cat had Down's Syndrome so it's really disappointing that what actually happened is America took a "quiet, peaceful, wise" type character and said let's make him stereotypically dumb character type. Well too bad cause I'm keeping the Down's Syndrome headcanon to combat your stupid decision Sega. And Sonic has ADHD and Tails has autism, and neurodivergent people tend to flock together so there. 😤
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I think there's somethimg Good and Important to me about the fact that in the first game raz is all "yess psychonauts" and he sees them as like this super cool mental spy group and like even into the second game he's like "woaah the psychic six" and then like you meet them and get to know them and it's like. No, that's not it, that's not what it was.
They were friends. They were friends who mucked around with psychic powers together to see what it all did. Like, they were people, and they had problems like people, and they all loved each other very much and their big dangerous fight was just them trying to reach out to their friend like. It was never a spy thriller it was a love story. Like of Course a bunch of adults with psychic powers wouldn't just go "let's become powerful awesome cool heroes' they just wanted to share what they had with each other. You know? I feel like that's a very good thing about psychonauts. They went "no it wasn't about power it was about friendship" and i think that's very cool of them
I feel like the Psychonauts Dev Team must have taken a good hard look at the fact they set up this world where psychics are feared and misunderstood, by some to the point of invasive medical intervention, and realized that the most sensible reason a bunch of psychics would initially flock together is to find a safety net, understanding, and friendship with people like them. It makes for a much more emotionally open origin story than I think anyone expected and that’s something I really love about the Psychic 7
Psychics in general as Metaphor for marginalized people, most notably neurodivergent and lgbt folks imho, makes me feel a lot of feelings, especially because those ties to said groups are deliberately textual now!! It’s very relatable and resonates w/me cause I too am gay and tend to flock toward other folks like me even without rly trying to.
These old people all just enjoyed each other’s company and loved each other…
That mental health advisory was right this game sure can empathy and healing
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Do you think that Tucker could have ASD? It doesn't immediately come to mind cause Tucker shows no problems with speaking or communication, and people of color tend to be undiagnosed. But Tucker does have food aversion something fierce, and at his age it is more than just being a "picky-eater". And of course the hyper fixation on computer and commutation technology, and as the series went on he just seemed happier when he embraced that "nerdy" aspect of himself instead if denying it to try to fit in.
As for his inappropriate behavior and attitudes towards girls, I prefer to attribute that to bad writing; early 2000's was still the time when boys/men expressing sexist attitudes was the punchline (the same was done to Fred in the first Scooby Doo live action movie, where his character was elevated from blaw to himbo, but a couple of specific "jokes" would have been better not done). Good fan fiction writers tend to remove that trait or tone it down.
this headcanons vibes I stan
also there's some people who headcanon Danny as having adhd, and since undiagnosed neurodivergents seem to just Flock Together somehow I can get behind this idea
(like seriously tho literally every single one of my close friends is neurodivergent and half of us weren't diagnosed until adulthood it's A THING)
I think Sam is probably the only one born neurotypical but she has enough levels of Trauma(tm) from being raised how she was that she definitely vibes best with friends who are pretty on the level when it comes to understanding triggers and the like
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mormonmonastery · 3 years
In the second chapter of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is preaching in a house and a crowd has bunched together so closely that they’re huddling just outside the door to hear what he has to say. Four people show up carrying their friend who is paralyzed and the entrance is so crowded that they can’t get through to see Jesus. What do they do? They carry their friend up to the roof, dig a hole through the roof, and skylift their friend down towards Jesus. I think there’s a useful example in this story for us: if a group of people are gatekeeping or otherwise blocking the most obvious, prefabricated, standard way to be with God, then you might just have to make your own path to God and you can break as many norms and as much propriety as you need to get to the Savior. I also like that this story shows how people like the paralyzed man, who can’t make it through the standard door to the church, should be able to expect that they can rely on the support of friends who will help carry them to the Savior and who won’t give up when it becomes inconvenient to carry them, but will clamber on up and crack the roof of the church open it that’s what needs to happen to get their friend to Jesus. Some folks elbowing each other in the crowd that day in Capernaum might have asked why these people were damaging the house--after all, the door was right there, you could’ve walked through, this isn’t how you’re supposed to do things, and we would have moved out of the way if you’d bothered to ask--and maybe they would have. But the fact is, the paralyzed man and his friends showed up and quickly realized that the door everyone else had gone through wouldn’t fit them, either because of how the crowd was blocking it or how the door had been built in the first place or both. They realized that and they didn’t wait in line for things to change or for the people at the front of the crowd to notice they were struggling to get near Jesus and clear a path for them--they made a major renovation to the house that would get them to the Savior and they did it themselves without asking.
The paralyzed man and his friends remind me of the people today who feel like they don’t fit in and don’t have a place in our church: they might be physically disabled like the paralyzed man, they might be LGBTQ and be blocked from the entrance by the crowd, they might have mental health challenges or be neurodivergent, they might be homeless, an immigrant or a refugee, they might be a person of color who feels excluded by the way the crowd’s been talking, they might be a woman who feels like the door she’s been asked to go through doesn’t fit her full self or anyone who just plain doesn’t feel like they fit in (anyone could be part of several of these groups at once and of course this is by no means exhaustive). And if we’re any kind of ally, we should be like the paralyzed man’s friends here: we need to look for a solution and then dig through whatever roof impedes us and elaborately airlift those we can support as close to the presence of God as we can get them. We find a way to make that happen in all haste. And if something has to break in the process, we should make sure we always break the house and never break the child of God.
I like how this reading of this story works with the other stories Mark tells in this chapter: Jesus dines with Roman collaborators and sinners because it is the sick who need a healer, he says that his disciples are not able to follow the religious practice of fasting while he is with them, and he lets his students gather grain on the Sabbath because the Sabbath is made for human beings but human beings are not made for the Sabbath. I particularly like what Jesus says in the second of these stories, about how trying to patch a ratty cloak with a thin, unfulled piece of new cloth is just going to make the tear you’re trying cover even worse and how putting new wine into old wineskins is going to make the wineskins burst open and loose all the wine. What Jesus says to me here is that updating old structures, institutions, understandings, beliefs, and ideas with a small thin patch or convincing ourselves that the old ways are good enough as is--these aren’t the kind of changes that are going to get the paralyzed man into the house. If this is all we’re willing to change about our churches and our religious practices, that means the rift in our faith that we’re trying to cover up is only going to become more obvious and that we’ll lose people who would otherwise have been able to be part of our community. Churches are willing to make cosmetic changes and updates: go from three hours of church to two, change the curriculum, announce a new logo and style guide. But these changes by themselves won’t knit our hearts together or mend how our old ways of practicing our faith aren’t working today and are causing sheep in our flock to become lost. What matters is what will help real people develop a real relationship with God and with Jesus Christ. If that means tearing the roof off, so be it.
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catsnuggler · 3 years
What didn't help my whole subconsciously-missionary-minded, silent-echoes-of-Mormonism socialism illusion, which made me think it would be selfish and wrong to demand my own liberation, was the misapplication of standpoint epistemology - put simply, when "identity politics" goes bad.
Putting the rest under a cut, because this is a long post.
While it's crude and ultimately incorrect to only say, for example, "Listen to Black voices", without emphasizing the critical thinking skills and empathy necessary to listen to Cornel West, and dismiss Candace Owens for the right-wing corporate hack that she is, what is for certain is that someone like me, a 100% white American settler of Mormon pioneer stock (on one side of my family, anyway), and with no formal education on the subject matter, doesn't have authority to speak on the experience of Black people in America. I have no argument against that, because it's true.
Continuing further, just because, in spite of the fact neither racism nor colonialism oppresses me, capitalism still does, this doesn't mean I have as much authority to speak on it as a Black member of the working class does, as anti-Black racism and capitalism compound on and depend on each other, making the lives of Black working class people more difficult than the lives of white working class people. Doesn't mean I can't speak on capitalism, just means I'm not the leading voice.
That being said - I'm going to talk as if I'm still a believing Mormon, let alone Christian, in this and the next paragraph, to better explain the subconscious workings of my mind, due to their brainwashing - the difference in our positions can be wrongly perceived, especially by someone raised in the illusory colonial missionary mindset, similar to the position of those with "the gospel" and those "of the world", where those with "the truth" have more, but are, like all, oppressed by "sin", yet at least believe themselves to have the knowledge and wherewithal to resist, while those "worldly" people aren't blessed with the wealth of God's Word, nor the solidarity of the church, and are thus further deprived of the perfection God desires for his children than those of His Flock already are, and must be ministered to, brought into the Fold, and Saved from On High.
Yet there must ever be a humility to such actions, there must ever be self-denial, for all are imperfect, even those in the church, as, just as Christ shed His blood, and allowed His flesh to be pierced, even to His death, in limitless sacrifice for the sins of all of the Children of Men, that they may be redeemed, so have countless socialist, communist, and anarchist revolutionaries died for the cause, and yet all who live, who do not seclude themselves from the world and its markets, facilitate the continued exploitation and robbery of each other by the capitalist class. All are imperfect, and all would deserve bondage and bloodshed, were it not for the bleeding hearts of the martyrs.
So, you see, even someone who consciously attempts to reject Christianity can still fall victim to its logic, even after abandoning the official doctrine of it, if proper safeguards against the general thought processes of it are not taken. Returning to the original point I've tried to raise, I've fallen for a long time to a Christian-esque stance of personal martyrdom for the sake of "saving others" to the point I believed pursuing my own liberation would be selfish.
I'm mentally ill and neurodivergent to the point that getting myself to even get into the habit of seeking jobs is difficult, much more so landing myself an interview; and getting an offer of employment? Only happened once, at the end of my first interview. As you predicted, the job sucked, they were desperate to hire me because it sucks, and it wasn't 3 months before I quit. I quit in late September of 2018. It's been almost 3 years of me not having a job.
I got my driver's license in mid 2019, but got into a minor parking accident that only broke a headlight on the car I drove, and didn't damage the other car, in September of that year. It was over a year before I drove again, because of the depth of my depression and anxiety over one accident, which cost about $150. Since January of this year, I've driven somewhat regularly, and have some measure of confidence, but am still anxious every time I'm behind the wheel. I could drive to and from a job, if needed, but it would be a while before that would be comfortable.
I still live with my dad, at the age of 23, and barely have any friends where I live anymore; those local friends I still have, I haven't seen face-to-face for a long time. My dad... my dad could die any day, and I would be royally fucked. Something happened earlier this month, and he wasn't healthy before, but this was really serious. He amazingly got away with few symptoms, and can make a full recovery with the right effort, except... it could still happen again, it would just be less likely. If it does, he could die. Again, I would be royally fucked. I don't know how much his treatment cost, but I know it must be a pretty penny. There's only so long I can continue like this.
Due to my dependence and general impotent state, I can't do a goddamn thing for what I believe in right now. I have to fight self-hatred with the argument that if I die, I'll have died useless and unhelpful, when I could potentially have kept living til I got my act together and finally done something helpful before passing.
I have a college degree. Not a "real" degree, in the sense of it mattering, but I have an Associate degree, DTA. No major; I never could figure out what I wanted to do. It would have been a close call between anything in political science, which would have led toward a government job, which would be unacceptable as an anarchist, or perhaps a professorial job, teaching would-be politicians and bureaucrats, hardly educating anyone of revolutionary intent; or something in chemistry, perhaps biochemistry, leading to some kind of colonial agrichem shit, or making expensive medicines nobody would be able to afford for private entities' profits, possibly having research appropriated by Uncle Sam for weapons purposes - I don't know, but none of that was appealing. I graduated community college with Honors, as a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. I could have had promise as some or other kind of technocrat or bureaucrat - but I wouldn't be able to live with myself. It seems the less one is exploited, the more they exploit others. I don't know what job I can take that would exploit me enough that I wouldn't hurt others so much, while leaving me alone enough that I wouldn't kill myself, which... which has been a temptation, at times. Not too strong, but it is fucking there. I have promise; at short-term memorization and obedience, at least, like a mongrel dog who can read; but no conviction, no confidence, and a surplus of fear.
There are more woes I can recollect, I can continue this pity party in a book, but enough of that. Suffice it to say, all this time, I should have wanted my own liberation. Colonized people (in an American context, Turtle Island Indigenous and Black) have it worse, LGBT* people have it worse, women have it worse, physically disabled people have it worse, people with greater mental disabilities than my own have it worse, and I can't lead any of their struggles. But I do have the right to demand my own liberation, and I shouldn't convince myself otherwise.
*I don't oppose the use of the other word, except people of my demographic have abused that word so goddamn much, I don't want to type it, myself, let alone say it. It's always tainted when it comes from those who aren't of that community. Please don't think I'm either a radfem or a libfem just because I didn't use that word. I support people identifying with that label in using it.
This post became increasingly personal toward the end. However, I hope my flawed perspective, perhaps unique (read: unrelatable) in some aspects, perhaps explaining, at least in part, some of the fucked-up mental hurdles of white socialist "allies" that we need to get our asses over yesterday, might help - whatever I might have illuminated, and whatever I surely missed. I can understand why someone might want to share and add, share and criticize, or leave this alone with a like, nothing at all, or an unfollow.
Not that I can prevent this from being shared in any way, except by not posting in the first place, but I'm okay with it being shared by other socialists, for whatever it's worth... although I understand the more traction it gets, the more likely I'll get anon hate about being full of myself (deserved, to an extent at least), for being some dumb socialist cuck (not exactly wrong, but rude, and likely from a Nazi, so fuck you), or perhaps from non-Mormon Christians accusing me, someone they'd call a Mormon (which is arguably almost a new ethnicity (not race though) as much as it is a religion) of daring to throw the Christian god and Christianity, in general, under the bus, accusing me of being in league with the devil. So be it.
If you're not a reactionary, nor a liberal, nor somewhere in-between, and you want to share this for some reason or another, you may do so.
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Saturday Morning and Afternoon Session Talks
(Note, I listen to Conference rather than watch it, names are probably butchered.)
Ulysses S. Suarez
We need the help of a faithful and inspired teacher, but we also need to teach
Teach your sons and their sons in the ways of the Lord
We need to raise our families in the Lord
Emerse yourself in Scriptures
How do we put principles in the gospel into the actions of our lives?
Actions speak louder than words
Most of our critical spiritual decisions relate to family. (story of a single divorced mother rearing her children)
Mother should guide her children
God wants us back in his presence
Pros: Encourages closeness within our families and with the lord, Encourages us to consider our actions of faith
Cons: The Family A Proclamation to the World, Seemingly excludes those with a poor connection to their families or who converted without their families or whose families have fallen away
Becky Craven
"Happiness, $15" -> cheap trinkets and souvenirs
We as a church are blessed to know how to find true happiness
Car stuck on train tracks-> conductor pulls on emergency break + whistle -> people are able to escape but car is destroyed -> woman watching claims that conductor didn't even try to stop, didn't try to swerve out of the way.
Keep our wheels on the track no matter what obstacles are in our path
Casualness can lead us from the path
World is laiden with distractions, decieving even the elect
We may drown if we aren't careful.
Actions in the "grey" (the "howevers, buts, and althoughs") = "That council does not apply to me"
"If ye love me, keep my commandments"
Doesn't mean being formal or stuffy, but being appropiate
Be more engaged & careful & modest
For the Strength of the Youth applies to each of us (no matter our age, position, or gender)
We need to seek the guidance of the holy ghost
How can we mark ourselves in the Image of Christ?
The world calls us a "peculiar people" which is a large compliment.
We need to widen the distance between ourselves and our worldly influence
Gift of repentance
When you are worthy to recieve personal revelation, you will be blessed and happy
Pros: Gospel is guide to happiness, Doesn't claim that the only way to happiness is through temple marriage, Discusses what leads us from true happiness
Cons: The analogy to a train is nice but doesn't make sense with the rest of her story and implies that there is only one path to happiness, insinuates that temple marriage is part of the path to true happiness, doesn't offer any solutions to avoiding distraction.
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Brook P. Hales
God blesses us according to our desires and to his infite wisdom
Scriptures teach us
Lord carefully leads us even if we can't see the results
Lord prepares ways to overcome obstacles before they can occur (Lost Plates and Nephi)
How can God answer us? ->1. Son recieved coat too small, gave it away to another missionary who had been praying for one because he could not afford it (through other people) 2. Joseph (and his coat od many colors) 's brothers sold him rather than killing him, leading to blessings for Egypt and eventual redemption of their family (through.. better circumstances?) 3. Son not hired for dream job, but would have missed a life changing opportunity had he been hired. (Through denying us our wants for eternal perspective)
Patricia Parkinson -> Began going blind at 7 years old, had to go away to boarding school (very home sick) -> Went fully blind at 15, returned home and went to regular highschool-> Eventually gained success at university and in life -> Had a procedure, but came out saying "I'm going to be blind for the rest of my life, I know it, you know it, God knows it." -> Nephew tells her to ask Heavenly Father because Heavenly father grants all of our wishes -> She explains that HF doesn't give us everything when we want it. -> Hales remarks that she's always positive and happy in public but struggles with herself, her disability, and God in private -> she sees that God's hand is in everything
If we keep our commandments, we are blessed by God, even if its not how we expect or want to be blessed.
Pros: Nice approach on how we can struggle with our faith when God doesn't answer us how we want, Good examples of how God does answer us and why he may answer us like that
Cons: Some Ableism in his story about Patricia, simply claims that God will bless us for following commandments
Airplanes take 3 hours between Rome and Jerusalem in the present (would take 40 days to travel that distance in Jesus' time)
Even though the church faces persecution, we continue to grow
Put growth into perspective ( A very small flock indeed)
In some places, the church is shrinking
We must share the good news of the gospel!
How can we fill that great commision in our daily lives?
Share the gospel with friends and acquaintances
Some go out and declare it boldly, others are more hesitant and hide behind the pew when daily missionary work is mentioned, why?
Lord doesn't require expert efforts, but he does require a willing heart and mind
We can draw close to Heavenly Father, Fill our Hearts wirh love for others, and read our scriptures
By doing this we will become better, happier, more authentic
Pros: It's Uchtdorf, Airplanes mentioned, Even small efforts matter
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Cons: Airplanes mentioned only once, Encourages a lot of proselytizing in day to day life, Many members are leaving church or going inactive, Really short talk :(
W. Christopher Weidell
His (nonmember) brother (Mike) had Pancreatic cancer, could see the temple from his hospital bed.
Mike became friends with the priesthood leaders, kept askin hc about the church
Mike joined the church and gained strength
Had no pulse when on day gaining Melchezidek priesthood, has pulse as soon as Weidell enters room, he lives to gain the priesthood, but dies 5 hours later.
It takes remarkable efforts to minister
Don't give up on a "Not Interested"-hearts change
Desire tonhelp others achieve deeper conversion
Serving others
Want others to reach divine potential
Sensitive to trials and struggles
We are encouraged to follow the guidings of the Holy Spirit
Trust the Lord
Focus on what's important
It's never too late, you'll never wander too far from the path
Never too soon to extend an invitation
There is always hope
Pros: Heartwarming story about brother, hope if you are inactive and want to come back, hope if yiy have friends or family who have left the church for various reasons
Cons: Influences those really aggressive ministerers to keep going at it, which can weaken someones already weak bond with the church, ITS REALLY SAD, I CRIED OK?
Henry B. Eyring
United as one is the feeling we want in our homes
No contention due to love for God (4th Nephi)
Symptoms of Spiritual Decline TM - How can we protect and increase feelings of love to combat them
Underlying cause=Satan
Reverse spiritual decline in family and in home
Remember the savior as you remember thine sins
Praying as a family brings you closer together
Family who prays together is together, even when far apart
Offer the gospel to your enemies
Examples of Parents
Worry about Celestial Kingdom and the Family Arrangements will be more wonderful than you can imagine
Pros: Talks about strengthening family bonds, NOT ABOUT THE PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD!!!, strengthen love for God=strengthen family, FOUND FAMILIES? NON NUCLEAR/TRADITIONAL FAMILIES? ?!?!, All you need is love, Love is all you need
Cons: May encourage abusive/extremist parents to shove gospel down childrens throats to "strengthen family" therefore pushing children away
M. Russel Ballard
Can't control what impacts our life, we can control how it impacts our happiness
Do the best we can each day
Heavenly Father loves you
Love God, Love Neighbors
Find peace and happiness in your life
We minister because we love others
Preform Temple ordinances
Keep it simple
Pros: Don't worry be happy, If you follow the commandments you will find happiness, Keep it simple (KonMarie LDS edition)
Cons: The whole we can control how it impacts our happiness doesn't include neurodivergent people, especially those with depression.
Mathias Held
Found a church (ours) where he felt at home
Personal growth, education, humanitarian efforts, self-reliance
Wanted to know everything about the church before joining
Mosiah 1:18
Confident that Heavenly Father would guide him
Through the power of the Holy Ghost we may know all things
Pros: Short and sweet, lists what attracts people to the church
Cons: May make some people in process of conversion feel left out or like they aren't on track/moving fast enough
Neil Anderson
God has given us a way to learn essential truths
See truths of God through the Eye of Faith
Spirit sons and daughters (AND CHILDREN, ELDER ANDERSON! AND CHILDREN!) lived with and worshipped god
We all knew God's plan for us
Prophets see ahead, not only the dangers, but the privileges and blessings
Faith, patience, and diligence
We are all part of a larger family
God will shine his approval on you
Pros: Its about the Plan of Salvation, Eye of Faith, We are all part of a larger family and should strive to help each other, I like the notion that the prophets are also seeing Good things because the world has been very much the bad place as of late..
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Cons: I'm pretty sure this is the one where he mentions his LGBTQIA friend who was all like "we need to abandon the ways of the world and thus I be celibate" so... Slight homophobia maybe? I don't know I didn't write it down but a lot of people are bothered by this
Takashi Wada
Overcome darts of the Adversart
True feasting is an experience of joy and thanksgiving
Feasting on scriptures should build our relationship with God
Hearts filled with Gratitude
1. words of Christ increase spiritual capacity for revelation
2. when we struggle with our identity and self esteem, turn to the scriptures
3. live lives of others through the scriptures
A little boy handed Wada's mother a hymn book even though she coukd have easily accessed it herself, an innocent act of kindness he learned through the church and his parents
Hearts burn within us when we read the scriptures
Ye shall have eternity
Pro: This man??? so Sweet??? Hi I love him?, Very innocent stories, very funny.
Con: There is none. Perfect talk.
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David P. Homer
"I'm sorry I didn't bear my testimony today, I love you"
1. Critical moments, multiple voices with competing directions, 2. Vital that we listen to the right one
We often focus on what's convenient
Popular =/= best
Mountain climbers' death zone= Spiritual too much time in bad places
Impressions given by the Holy Ghost
Seek God's voice
Be doers of the word, not just hearers
Answers can be slow to come
Heavenly Father makes it possible to hear and follow his commandments.
Pro: His opening quote is really cute, Wow this is a call out talk
Con: You may feel called out if you don't follow commandments
Jeffery R. Holland
Adam and Eve closed door to immortality
Help comes from the Lamp of God
Offer broken heart and contrite spirit
Reduce clamor in our buildings
Be mindful of broken hearts and sad spirits around us
No shortage of suffering in the world
Lift load from those who are burdened
Bring tears to the Lord's Sacrificial Altar
Pros: calls people to acknowledge those who are hurt around us, calls people to stop using church for socialization
Cons: What is a Lamp of God?, How can we focus on broken hearts and contrite spirits without hurting them?
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loudhands · 7 years
it’s pride month and i just wanted to give a shoutout to my LGBT siblings who don't have any LGBT friends. to the lesbian, gay, bi, pan, ply, and trans/nb people who are only friends with cishets. I know it can be lonely - not having anyone to connect with feels terrible, especially when you’re on this site and you see posts like “the concept of having a token gay/trans friend is soooooo fake” and “LGBT ppl flock together! rarely will there be only be one non-cishet in a group of friends!” and like, while that can be true there ARE LGBT people who don’t have any LGBT friends. and i want those people to know that I hope that they find LGBT friends soon, because no one deserves to feel alone like that.
special shout out to those who gotta keep hearing trans/bi/homophobic etc stuff and can’t call their friends out due to being closeted, or due to being afraid, or any other reason. i know it’s hard to have friends who don’t understand what it’s like to be LGBT, but it’s okay, you’ll be okay. y’all are seriously stronger than people give you credit for and i feel like this kind of thing NEVER gets any acknowledgement which is bad ‘cause i KNOW that y’all exist.
(also, shout out to LGBT people who don’t have ANY friends, particularly neurodivergent ones who can’t interact due to their disorder/s, ‘cause i know that you guys exist too.)
[[Don’t reblog if you’re a radfem but everyone else can reblog, regardless of if you’re LGBT or cishet.]]
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