#also bernard has ADHD
Look, I've seen people saying that Dick is the one with ADHD, and as someone with moderate ADHD I need to tell y'all, you're focusing on the wrong sibling. Ya wanna know which sibling would really have ADHD?
Like I get that Dick is a hyper acrobat (oh my god, not to go off on a side tangent but did they make Dick and acrobat cause it has the word bat in it?), but kids tend to be hyper and I think any kid who could do acrobats would do it constantly just cause it's fun
But like Tim shows major signs, like
- the whole joke with Tim is literally that he hyperfixates to an unhealthy degree on cases, like that is literally an ADHD tendency, sitting at a computer for 15 hours without taking breaks to sleep or eat or go to the bathroom or shower is literally one of the most ADHD things you can do and is literally one of the things that makes ADHD a disorder (cause it ruins normal functioning and it makes life worse)
- I could not imagine a better way for an ADHD character to be introduced than the way Tim is, unique from any other Batkid mind you (I'll put a picture of tags I just wrote for another post that is currently sitting in my drafts [don't mind the rainbow I just found out Tumblr can add filters to photos and I think this makes it easier to read]:)
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- the whole coffee thing; for undiagnosed people with ADHD, coffee is good cause the caffeine calms us down (even my therapist has told me this) so the 'Tim drinks 15 cups of coffee' fanon out there is literally something that would align with him having undiagnosed ADHD
- Tim likes solving puzzles/cases but hates school so much he would drop out? ADHD. Tim is considered a great detective? People with ADHD tend to be seen as making connections quicker (which in places like school can cause us to either 1) only make surface level connections and not fully understand 2) make us finish quicker and thus get bored or have extra time to "disturb the class" 3) get frustrated really easily when things don't come to us right away) and like most kids with ADHD in their later years either have gifted kid burnout syndrome or Not Living Up to their Full Potential™ because teachers and parents "know they're smart, if only they would apply themselves in school, then they would succeed"
- Tim feels he imposed on Batman cause he was the only one who wasn't 'chosen' to be Robin so he works twice as hard? Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria is a common symptom of ADHD and so we not only are usually self deprecating like Tim, but we also will have lower self esteem like Tim and we will work twice as hard in certain situations we care about to justify why we should be there
and if you want I can keep going on but I'll stop here cause it is already starting to get really long, but just like... no one talks about how Tim is the perfect person to have ADHD and I'm gonna need y'all to start talking about it (and I'm not saying Dick doesn't have ADHD, I'm just saying I never see people talk about Tim in relation to ADHD and I feel like it just fits him perfectly)
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andybernardirl · 8 months
anyways watching interviews with ed helms makes andy look so much more insane. because ed seems like such a joyous man and andy has every mental illness ever
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maeve and dolores.... bernard and ford's daughters.... mirrors... yeah this is why i came here
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cosmicpoutine · 3 months
leaving a lil rant here :]
I love Tim and his ships sm. Me personally, I only really ship TimKon. Those two are perfect for eachother and have so much clear queer coding that it’s crazy, and they have dialogue that’s just. gay shaped.
I also get TimBart, I don’t ship it romantically but I get why people do!! Tim and Bart are close as well, and the balance they get between ‘depressed tired wet cat’ and ‘living breathing embodiment of adhd’ is great.
I also get TimBartKon, they’re a trio. They are always a trio, so many people like to bring up how TimKon has so much coding and one of the big examples they use is when Tim tried to clone Kon. You know who else he tried to clone? Bart.
The only Tim ship I don’t get is TimBern, or any ship involving those two. When Bernard first appears, he’s Tim’s bully. He actively makes fun of tim and puts him down and then that character is forgotten about until Tim comes out as bi, then they just rework his character and go “haha guys this is his boyfriend not bully ygs are crazy” and just forget about all the bad stuff Bernard did? Reworking a character is great and all but, it just feels a bit weird and out of place for me. There’s always going to be that certain toxicity for TimBern, at least for me.
homie... bully??? im flabbergasted- im speechless- im jason todd (dead)
okay, im gonna start off by saying you have all the right to not ship them, and im not here to defend timbern as a ship. im here to defend BERNARD DOWD.
first thing bernard does is give tim advice about teachers, and he clearly says they're gonna be good friends.
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if bernard was a bully, tim wouldn't hang around him so much. besides, i hate it when people place tim as a helpless little boy who would get bullied. he has put himself in situations where he looks weak on purpose to keep his identity safe, but he's not a victim at all. tim is a social butterfly because he's really good at masking and reading people.
not to mention, both bernard and darla push tim a lot because they're trying to get him to open up and be closer to them, but he keeps pushing them away. tim is a professional liar.
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and when tim has to quit robin and start hanging out with normal people, he invites bernard over.
and bernard is acting relatively normal, and he wants to play video games and talk about how hot tim's stepmom is.
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bernard is a normal teenager who has no idea one of his friends is the hero he's so obsessed with. he even shows concern for robin dying and makes up an entire conspiracy theory about batman havin a robin orphanage. you can tell he's afraid of robin being gone for real because at this point they haven't seen robin in months bc tim retired.
i dont know what about all of these interactions gave you the vibe that he's a bully because all i see is a normal teenager teasing his friends and being jealous tim gets more bitches.
im not saying that bernard was never mean or weird around tim, but he definitely wasn't actively bullying tim.
bernard is obnoxious and cocky, yes. but thats just because they wrote him as a real person. he's the school's chameleon, maybe even a little bit of a loser, too. he knows everyone but keeps a safe distance so that he doesn't get pushed into a box. im not sure if, at this point, he was already in a cult or being indoctrinated, but when we see his parents and the dowd home in tim drake: robin that just doesn't look right.
also homie talk about "forgetting all the bad things bernard did" (which in my opinion is none but okay lets follow that logic) everyone forget about all the bad things batman did to tim, he was not a kind and loving mentor, he was cruel to both tim and steph. we forget that batman was kind of an asshole to damien in the beginning. all those things are forgotten for the sake of the batfam.
in conclusion: we're just so used to the idea that superheroes can only ever form strong friendship bonds by having near death experiences together that we forget that the secret identifies exist and that the people who know them by their legal name also means a lot to them. after all, these people are the reason why they're heroes.
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bess3714 · 2 months
If I were in charge of DC here's what I would do to the Batfam comics in no particular order:
Batman and Robin:
I would send Bruce and Damian on a sabbatical/road trip across America. They of course keep running into crimes wherever they go and solve them, leading a couple of FBI agents to start investigating them for committing the crimes. One FBI agent will remind people of a chihuahua, and the other of a St. Bernard. Also Damian has his permit so he can drive, and since Bruce currently doesn't have a hand in comics I'd add in a plotline where they help an alien who grows back his hand as a reward but he does it wrong and now Bruce has an extra finger.
With Bruce and Damian gone, I'd make Tim Batman and Stephanie Robin. They fight crime and bicker like old ex's, leading to some interesting rumors about Batman. I'd make a directive that Tim isn't allowed to be drawn as a twink anymore, but has to be drawn with the rippling muscles he had in the 90's and 00's. Stephanie also gets rippling muscles. Part of the b plot for a while is Stephanie's rivalry with her next-door-neighbor who turns out to be a drug lord, but the drugs he sells are like, insulin and ADHD meds that he and his gang steals because he's a doctor who lost his job for reporting some ethics concerns and now he's mad about the medical system. Stephanie gets mad because in hindsight all the clues were there that he was literally in a gang, and she didn't notice because she thought he was just an asshole. Also they definitely make out at one point.
Detective Comics:
I love what Ram V is doing right now but I think when he's done I'd put Duke Thomas in the main story investigating systemic corruption in Gotham, shining a light (because he's the Signal) on the worst parts of the government. At some point he's accused of murder and the police are all trying to arrest him so he blows up some cop cars and Batman calls to yell at him but he hangs up on Batman. Montoya has a dartboard in her office with a picture of his face on it.
I'd add in an ongoing run of a comic that resembles the original batman comics in style and content. Then I'd have a a bunch of stories with some lesser-known characters, like the Psyba-Rats. I'd really use Tec as a playground to experiment with unusual team-ups, fresh stories, and inventive artstyles.
Birds of Prey:
I like the current lineup but there needs to be 30% more queerbaiting between Barbara and Dinah. There's an issue where Barbara and Dinah pretend to be lesbians to get this himbo to leave Dinah alone because she's trying to let him down easy because he's so damn nice she doesn't want to hurt him. (Has anyone watched Rizzoli and Isles, coincidentally?) I'd also add Helena Bertinelli to the team but she has an eyepatch for inexplicable reasons (the reason is it looks cool). The eyepatch will be dropped without any recognition a few issues later. Barbara drops both Batgirl and Oracle and gets a new identity as the Cloud. Only the Birds of Prey know it's her; everyone else thinks the Cloud may or may not be an evil AI working for Lex Luthor.
I'm not reading Outsiders so I can't really comment on what I'd do for that one, but if you guys have any ideas let me know and I'll do the opposite, inciting fan fury and starting a Twitter war.
I would send Dick to live in New York and also I would make him broke and homeless. I thought about making him lose his memory too, but that's already been done so instead I'd give him violent visions of murder and assault so he thinks he's losing his mind but then it turns out to be a secret policy from the new mayor of New York City to quietly round up all the homeless people by releasing gas into the streets at night to knock them out, but Dick has had too much exposure to drugs and poisons for it to work right on him, so instead he gets hallucinations!
That's right, you'd get a Batgirl ongoing from me! Cassandra Cain would be the main character, and in the first arc I'd have her join a dating app, but then every date she goes on turns out to be with a criminal who she then sends to jail, and just when she's about to give up on dating, on the very last date she goes on the guy tries to force a charter pilot to help him escape by plane but Cass takes him down and the pilot is like "so that was cool. Can I get your number?" and they start dating. After that Cass accidentally joins a gang but she keeps getting gang members sent to jail and no one suspects it's her, only at some point she actually becomes the gang leader. There's then a crossover with Batman where her gang beefs with Stephanie's next-door-neighbor's gang and Cass ends up giving her gang to him peacefully.
While I'm at it, I'd launch a Batwoman comic. I'd get Chuck Dixon to write it and it would be both wildly homophobic and also the gayest thing you'd ever seen, but eventually ol' Chuck and I would have some creative differences and he would depart, and instead we would have a rotating cast of guest authors. I don't really know much about Batwoman but luckily knowing about a character in order to write them isn't a requirement at DC. I think we need some ghosts so there would be an arc about Batwoman getting haunted by a bunch of angry, vengeful spirits who she thinks are trying to kill her but who are actually trying to lead to their killer. One of the ghosts is a really hot woman and they share a passionate kiss before the ghost girl disappears after Kate gets them justice. The arc would be lauded in some articles as a 'major reversal of the bury your gays trope' because at one point Kate has to dig up their bodies to look for clues, while in other news outlets it would be decried as a 'vile depiction of the desecration of queer final resting places.'
Red Hood and the Outlaws:
Jason starts a club/gym for a group of teenagers where he teaches them cool stuff like 'how to throw a punch' but also 'how to buy and cook groceries'. The gym is threatened by various forces like gangs, developers, the city government, plus the kids all have personal problems they have to deal with, like mental and physical disabilities, generational trauma, homelessness, and poverty. The teenagers call the gym "The Saloon" and themselves "The Outlaws" because Jason always has a TV playing reruns of old western shows. There's a running joke where various people think Jason looks like a dead relative.
Poison Ivy:
I'm a few issues behind but this one I would leave alone. I don't think I could improve on it. Unless I made Janet from HR and Croc an item. That could be fun.
Harley Quinn:
Another one I'm not reading so I don't know what's going on there but it could be fun to have a crossover storyline with Poison Ivy where they grow and sell shrooms to rich college students and then influence them to do stupid stuff and get them arrested. You know, fun date night activities!
My time in charge of Batman comics would be one of mass outrage and general fervor. My directives would be so unpopular amongst fans that petitions would be started to have me removed and violent death threats towards me would be de rigueur online. I would depart after a few short months and my replacement would almost immediately retcon all my creative decisions away into a dark universe that would then be blown up by Lex Luthor. Ten years later, a dedicated fanbase for the comics produced under me would emerge, and they would be so loud and annoying and insistent that fans would then clamor to get me back in charge of DC once again, but unfortunately by then I will have retired to start drama on Twitter and write a memoir after a failed attempt at starting my own comics company called Big M Comics and getting sued by McDonald's
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snailyman · 10 months
surprised that i havent seen any posts about how the rescue base camp is Autism Central
so many of the castaways have fun little quirks and they are Very Normal about their interests, hence why they dropped everything to go to a mystery planet in the hopes of discovering things about their Specific Field Of Study
Outside of just listing every castaway's special interest, specific highlights are:
Bernard - Has a distinct speaking style that implies poor volume control. Seems to not pick up on social cues (entirely unaware that Santi doesn't like him), might be poor at communicating tone himself. Invented a meal-in-a-cup one time, and is also a picky eater, so he probably has sensory issues.
Pitunia - I'm certain that at one point, she only gave me one (1) line (she started telling me more about her Onion Theories later on), telling me to go away so she could study the onion.
Komo - Makes comments about being bad at conversation and making eye contact - her dialogue is written with a pretty flat/monotone tone of voice. Talks a lot about her study of water. Not Even Subtle.
Twyla - Talks about being overwhelmed by the environment. Seems to prefer theory to practical work, mostly because she hates to get dirty.
Kit - Loves to talk about geology!! Uses cute themed terms like "oh pebbles". Needs to be super thorough and exhaustive with his papers, so he submits them a bit slowly... he also frequently apologises for when he starts to infodump :(
François - He wants to be friends with plants.......... the trait of, like, relating to/preferring the company of non-human things......
Sheeba - Is very dedicated when she decides to do something, and seems to be pretty insistent on doing things the way she thinks is correct, sometimes to the point of (self-perceived) pushiness.
Keesh - Infodumps about geology to Kaia. Likes planning and scheduling, and struggles when her plans are disrupted. Enjoys Kaia's company while "quietly working"/not really interacting (parallel play type behaviour).
Chowder - So absorbed in his real-estate work, he rushes into dangerous locales, and works through the entire night, but misses social cues (expected his other workers to have the same work ethic until he was informed otherwise).
Molly - Uses personal language that doesn't have an obvious meaning (describes things as POPping a lot), makes "weird" content but doesn't get why it's perceived that way. Seems to follow trends without entirely understanding them.
Beaux - Super dedicated to acting. Needs real life experience to fully get into a role - maybe either a perfectionism thing (he needs to get every detail right), or that he struggles to imagine things.
Grace - Speaks in her own whimsical way. Mentions not doing well with noisy environments. Much prefers to be in her own environment in space.
Horatio - I dunno it's just vibes.
Bonus ADHD haver Kaia - spaces out frequently, forgets tasks and struggles to work on things long-term, has poor impulse control, struggles with planning ahead and with studying more complex subjects.
i wonder what else other players might have picked up on :)
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starlightswordfight · 2 months
rescue corps headcanons because I'm insane
(there are many)
– mirror pronouns pom
– that's all I got
– man!!
– Bernard started TALKING in this specific MANNER for the BIT years and years back and now he can't STOP he is STUCK someone HELP him
– he ALSO might be doing it to try to put EMPHASIS on the words he believes should have it and sometimes HE DOES not succeed
– he reads as ADHD coded to me but it might be because I also talk like that so take that with a grain of salt
– Bernard had the most normal home life by far. No contest, won by default. I have a GREAT relationship with both of MY parents because they LOVE me
– he is incredibly observant. alarmingly so. will sometimes act out of the loop on purpose, if he thinks things would just be easier that way. accidentally learns everything about everyone, the guy's an information magnet and he doesn't know how to feel about that
– do you guys think Russ has made a spacesuit with the doc ock arms because I think he has and that he actively uses it on missions
– occasionally jumpscares people and giggles about it. he got the tendency to do this from his mother, who can smell fear
– while I doubt Russ would do things "for the bit" he would ABSOLUTELY act on impulse in the name of the scientific method. this has gotten him hurt before. it's fine
– does not make coffee he just eats the fucking grounds. "it's a Giyan thing, you wouldn't understand" this is not true at all he is LYING
– Russ and Yonny get into frequent arguments (light banter) about literally everything and I mean Everything. They could work together they'd be really powerful that way, but they don't
– Russ has so many genuinely funny science puns that he makes and no one ever gets them and it devastates him
– except for Yonny, who is too busy searching for ethics guideline loopholes to acknowledge that he understands the joke
– Yonny has the most HORRIFIC life stories and will drop them CASUALLY. thought they were funny, is only now beginning to realize that it does in fact make people concerned and uncomfortable when he does that
– prefers paper books to digital because he's prone to headaches!! cites "phone bad book good" as the official reason but that's not the reason
– nonbinary and evil. presentation tends to "default" as masc but switches up often! hey girl I mean any pronouns
– knows like a hundred million dead languages for absolutely no reason
– makes art in his spare time because murder is wrong
– Shepherd sleeps with a nightlight, or at the very least can't rest well in complete darkness!! she's just like me fr !!!!
– "she snores" thank you duncan for your contribution. honk shoe
– also I think she might be autistic I can't fully back that one up do not ask me to but look at her. she cares about dogs the way I care about fish
– prone to coming across the wrong way, tone wise. very very good at giving backhanded compliments that were meant to be fully sincere and just got horribly lost in translation. this keeps her up at night. she feels AWFUL
– big fan of karaoke!! not exactly GOOD at it but we love her initiative
– as afraid as she is of the pikmin, their voices and funny little words are very catchy and she does find herself repeating them often. she will not admit this. it is embarrassing
– Collin is also autistic. I could make an entire separate post on this I'm being so goddamn serious, I have so much reasoning, I am fully confident that he is, and that he masks REALLY hard, and it enormously fucked him up
– special interest in machinery (NO ONE saw THIS coming)
– transmasculine. his name is a pun on "call in." heard the phrase and realized he had the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
– we only hear about his grandfather, and not even from him; no other family is mentioned at all!! went no contact with like everybody else, above points might be why. people with normal childhoods don't stand like that
– adding onto the canon sleep talking with sleep movement! a LOT of it! has probably kicked someone before!!
– "he wakes up upside down" thank you duncan
– i think maybe Dingo might still have glow stick light up bones. will rediscover this one day during an expedition mishap and it will be an Experience
– not a hc but Dingo is the type of guy to get bit in a zombie apocalypse and not tell anyone until the literal last second
– "he would also say "fuck my stupid baka life"" thank you duncan
– would fight by rolling up his sleeves and jumping around cartoonishly. he would more likely talk like he's winning the fight when he is in fact actively losing. "had enough yet? (on the floor)"
– definitely games and he wins the competitive ones by button mashing. "I'll never tell you my strategy" he prays that's the strategy
– his sleep schedule is NOT normal. it's so beyond skewed. he either gets like 2 hours of sleep or he wakes up the following night not knowing what year it is
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atbussysparks · 11 months
As the official southern scout irl, here's some 💯% accurate headcanons 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
His body rejects his French blood like it's a disease so he has a constant stomach ache
1/4 Jewish and 1/4 Mexican. He was really pale before the war
His mom is totally Fran Drescher.
ADHD, and has an Oral fixation. If you told him that he'd go "huhuhuh, oral."
Coughed up blood on three separate occasions and coughed up glitter once
He has a metric shit ton of vintage comics, but he's dyslexic
He keeps pinups on his ceiling and everytime pyro barges into his room he has to shove them into a hole in the ceiling like it's fuckin fahrenheit 451
Owns a crust jacket that got hit with a firework and caught on fire at one point.
If cut open his organs glow BRIGHT green. He makes engineers Geiger counter go crazy
Does a ridiculous Beavis impression
Randomly does ballet poses just because he can. He also cannot do actual ballet.
Got sent to a troubled teens camp for two years until he was 14 and his mom and brothers busted him out, and the facility ate shit seven years later and he drank absinthe to celebrate.
Eats random shit he shouldn't eat. He ate a car mirror disco ball. He ate a lovebug. He gnawed on the edge of a table. There was a pinecone found in his stomach before respawning. Where the fuck did he get a pinecone??? THEYRE IN THE DESERT
When he was 9 he Got stuck in one of his brothers' lowrider after it flipped over For 13 minutes. His brother flipped it back over and They never talked about it again
Tried to microwave a bag of gummy worms to make one big "wormo gum" it caught on fire
Sniper asked him if he wanted some marmite and got tackled for saying "marmite? But pa might not!"
Fucking loves mushrooms. It has to be spelled out when talking about it so he doesn't freak out. Someone has to distract scout if someone else is making mushrooms
Got lost in the rain with one of his brothers for FOUR HOURS in his PJs. Still made it in time for a doctor's appointment.
He thinks medics trying to put bombs in him
After the events of "The Naked and the Dead" If scout coughs or laughs or trains too hard he gets violent pains in his side torso, and has to sit and breathe for a bit. Spy, medic, and heavy notice the most. Spy can't bring themself to stay in the room when they see it. Heavy lays his hand on his chest to weigh him down, and stop him from trembling. Medic asks him if he "wants some good strain"
He wants some good strain but detests smoking. He and medic have tried desperately to attain edibles.
Banned from wearing short-shorts because his dumbass can't act right. Refuses to sit legs closed. Brags about his buff fucking linebacker legs. He gets fish-hooked by the leg skin in battle. He ate a pair because he lost a bet.
Can't sleep around box fans because he heard they can kill you
Soldier opened the doors to the shower once and found scout in there, fully clothed, as a huge cloud of red/black smoke billowed out of the room and blinded him. He never found out wtf happened in there. The only time he asked scout just said "my bad, you peeped the horrors." he never asked again.
Lactose intolerant but desperately in love with mac n cheese. That might actually be the reason why his stomach hurts.
Joined the gravel wars when he was actually 19 but letting that get out would get him killed, because the higher ups are only allowed to hire people 25 and up. So, he turned 21 he told everyone he turned 27.
Watched cujo and he cried for the dog, because he has a huge saint Bernard at home
Probably kins cujo because he had rabies
His hat (called a fisherman or fiddle that btw) has has the word "gorm" and a picture of Garfield embroidered on the inside
Wears a giant fuckin muumuu to sleep. No matter where he is or what's going on, if he's wearing the muumuu he can sleep.
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the-grubdog · 8 months
Bernard Headcanons
Just headcanons I have for him! Not quite complete but what I'm able to articulate. Also has a few headcanons about Nijo in general mixed in :3
Nijo geographically is like the Alps. Just, most of the planet is mountainous. There's a few places with other kinds of biomes though, namely valleys where you can find forests and swamps.
homes and cities are generally built around the mountains. Little terra forming is done, just not feasible.
Basically every Nijonian is black.
Nijonians have some bird like and lion lile traits. You've seen them if you've seen my Bernard art. They're based on griffons.
Bernard grew up in a rural-suburban area. Smaller population. Makes his history with Santi make more sense, but also kinda funnier.
Was close with his neighbors, though neither had kids his age. One neighboring household raised chickens, the other raised rabbits. He'd call the new chicks born every spring "chicken nuggets". Some of them did eventually become chicken nuggets.
Bernard is an only child, and was raised by his single dad. Haven't decided what happened to his mom yet.
When he was young he was mostly babysat. Then once he was "old enough" (he wasn't really they were just struggling for money and couldn't afford babysitters anymore) he was left home alone for the most part while his dad busted his ass trying to take care of them.
his neighbors couldn't babysit him but they did keep an eye on him.
is a smoker. Struggling to quit (Yonny's helping). He started back in highschool.
he used to garden a lot as a kid but not so much any more. Had a vegetable garden.
always wanted to be a pilot, worked a temp job to pay for flight school and was stoked to get in.
was super excited to be invited onto the rescue corps!!!
seems lazy, is not. Just major ADHD and also executive dysfunction. Sleeps a lot as a result too.
is incredibly strong, fairly protective too. Just too chill and tired to bother most of the time
seriously this man has the patience of a saint. A saint berNAR-
Also from ADHD, he either puts his 100% into something or he doesn't bother trying. All or nothing babyyyyyyyyy
has a southern accent. Also picked up a little bit from other languages and uses the words at random. Not always in correct grammar but the meanings are fairly accurate.
the way he talks sounds flirty but he's not actually always flirting with people
that being said, he does "flirt" with his friends intentionally as a way to mess with them. They're used to this.
and he's had many many many relationships over the years. Longest one lasted barely over a year. Most of them were flings and one night stands and that kinda thing. He's not against commitment he's just been very unlucky thus far.
I haven't decided on the exact nature of his picky eating, other than that he consistently likes Nijonian cuisine (so, Southren and Soul food) but hates foods like hot dogs and bologna.
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
This is basiclly all the headcanons i have been compiling (because i have a bit of an art block and i wanted to share something) it is not orginized and might have grammer mistakes in it, a lot of these are based on my person expieriences;
Lark and Sparrow are left handed
Grant definitly has saint bernard on a playlist somewhere (also i deserve to bleed)
Scary got her ears pierced at claires, she fortunetly somehow avoided getting an infection
Normal had a phase where he would say goodmorning to literaly everyone on the street
Ron has grey eyes, just grey
Lark and Autumn got along when he got older, they both have angry but somehow chill vibes, like quiet anger
Kid henry was a lot like lark amd sparrow both look and personality wise (just chaotic feral goblin)
Sparrow is pissed about cigareetes and what they do to the planet (he also used to yell at people who littered)
All the oak garcias are autistic and adhd
The close/fosters have adhd
And ron is autistic
There are many cold cups of liquids and half finished snacks left around the oak household, cuz adhd can be a bitch
Glenn searches through wikipedia sometimes when high, he also really liked speaking random facts as a kid
Nick has to constantly stop himself from making yo mama and dirty jokes (both as a kid and as an adult) (he got it from Glenn)
Scary doesn't wear nailpolish because she sucks at putting it on and then she is even more annoyed at it chipping constantly, so she just doesn't, link has never aplied nailpolish but he is weirdly good at it when he does, normal has put nailpolish on before but doesn't like it, it just has a weird feeling on his nails, taylor used to paint his moms nails as a kid, he is decant at it, he doesn't wear nailpolish as it would just be a bother in a survival situation, hermie wears nail polish sometimes, only when it fits the role tho, but he likes it
Ron flinches when somebody moves suddenly
Taylor still wears a frienship bracelet that an old friend got him, they lost contact long ago but they used to be best friends
Ron childhood home basiclly didn't have any family pictures, or any decorations in general
Ron doesn't have many pictures from his childhood
Ron burns easily (being half welsh has its minuses)
Hermie wears funky socks, either them or plain white ones
Nick is the more responsible parent compared to Cassandra
Scam likely has secret compartments in their shoes (also he uses he/they pronouns)
Ron now knows there are other musicals than cats, because Terry is a theatre kid and has shown him a few of them (they go to musicals as a family but Terry also just listens to the music) (i think ron would like "the guy that didn't like musicals" musical and other starkid shows)
After Terrys and Scaryies relashonship gets better they would watch beetlejuice together
Normal has never won a throphy (he got a couple particypation trophies and such but never a full blown throephy)
Hero had both a horse girl and a dinasour phase
Henry sometimes talks in elvish (usually by accident, either when really tired, really hurt or really angry, he sometimes even swears in it)
Lark and Sparrow know a little bit of Elvish, because Henry and Autumn taught them, they also learn more about their forgotten realms side of the family from here (the first words they learn are curses)
Scary listens to true crime
Ron still doesn't get birthday math (like are you that age? Are you turning that age? How does it work?)
Lark and Sparrow once wanted a trapeze for a birthday (to the relife of their parents and practicly everyone) they changed it to a lego sets
The season one oaks have a compost in their garden
Lark started smoking to piss of Henry because it is bad for the invierment
Link has a weighted blanket
Henry never learned how to read normal clocks, he can only read digital ones, and the forgoten realms clocks
Hermie vocal stims a lot of musical lyrics
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spacefinch · 1 year
Octonauts Star Trek AU: Crew Profiles
Captain Barnacles:
Full name: Bernard “Barnacles” Barnes
Species: Human
Home country: Canada (Manitoba)
Rank: Captain of the USS Nautilus
Family: Bianca (sister), Orson (nephew), Ursa (niece)
Favorite instrument: Accordian
Full name: Kwazii Hawkins
Species: Human (partly cybernetic)
Home planet: irrelevant (he was born on a starship)
Rank: Commander (First Officer of the Nautilus)
Family: John “Calico Jack” Hawkins (grandfather)
Favorite instrument: Also irrelevant. He’d rather sing space shanties.
Full name: Dr. Shellington Holmes
Species: Human
Home country: Scotland
Rank: Second Officer (Science Division), Lt. Commander
Family: Pearl (sister), Periwinkle (nephew)
Full name: Dr. Peso Morales
Species: Human
Home country: Chile
Rank: Chief Medical Officer
Family: Too many to name. His brother Pinto is a Starfleet ensign.
Full name: Dashi Omura
Species: Trill (joined, fifth host of her symbiont)
Home planet: Trill
Rank: Lt. Commander (Chief of Operations)
Family: Koshi (sister)
Full name: Ida “Tweak” Lagos
Species: Half human (father’s side), half Bajoran (mother’s side)
Home planet: Bajor (raised in Florida, on Earth)
Rank: Lieutenant (Chief Engineer)
Family: Marshall “Marsh” Fen (father)
Professor Inkling
Full name: Unknown
Species: Humanoid (very long lived)
Home planet: Unknown
Rank: Lieutenant
Family: Squirt (nephew)
Full name: Tunip Holmes
Species: Unknown (bipedal, piscine)
Home planet: CLASSIFIED
Rank: None
Family: Shellington Holmes (adoptive father), Barrot, Tominnow, Grouber, Codish, Pikato, and Halibeet (siblings)
Tweak is properly addressed as “Lieutenant Ida.” (As per Bajoran customs, the surname comes first.)
Inkling is the oldest crew member, Tunip and his siblings are the youngest.
Yes, Shellington chose his name for himself. He is completely cisgender. He just wanted a different name. He would like to know why this is hard to understand.
By contrast, Kwazii is trans and has had the same first name his entire life.
Everyone has autism, anxiety, ADHD, or some combination of the above.
Everyone has also broken the Prime Directive at least once.
You would think that Kwazii would be guilty of breaking the Prime Directive, but it’s actually Peso and Shellington.
Behind the scenes for the names:
Barnacles: Purely going off vibes. “Bernard” seems like a good first name for him, and my idea was that “Barnacles” is a nickname that comes from his surname.
Kwazii: “Hawkins” is after Jim Hawkins from Treasure Island/Treasure Planet. Both stories involve sailing, adventure, and pirates.
Peso: Literally just looked up a bunch of Spanish surnames and decided “Morales” was the best.
Shellington. Looked up several Scottish surnames, and Holmes fit best. Bonus points because in the books, Shellington actually dresses up as Sherlock Holmes.
Dashi: Her last name comes from the Omura’s whale— one of the featured animals in The Octonauts and the Ring of Fire.
Tweak: “Ida” means “work” or “labor” in several languages. “Lagos” is Greek for rabbit or hare.
Inkling: I don’t know. I couldn’t think of a surname for him. He’s like Guianan. No other name. Just Inkling. That’s it.
The Vegimals: Since they are Shellington’s adopted children, they share his last name.
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
Who is the best cuddle bug?
I had never really considered this question so I had to give it some thought.
Jekyll, when he's not being Hyde, is probably the softest to cuddle into because he has that nice cushy layer of fat and I can see him being the type to enjoy it if he's relaxed and in the mood. It would be kind of a lazy affair with him laying on his back and his partner tucked into his side or draped over his chest while he chats to them and pets their head.
Hyde has less patience for it than his Jekyll persona because he has more energy to burn and more interest in other activities but if you catch him in the right mood he'd probably cuddle for a bit. Bear in mind, he's…grubby. Probably sweaty and he sheds like a st Bernard. He will drape himself over you and ask you to give him a back scratch. Still kind of a lazy affair but your the big spoon now.
Adam has no fat on him and I always imagine he's kind of chilly to the touch. His skin is also thin in places so you can see and feel his muscles and arteries pulsing underneath and that would be kind of...weird. He'd also be worried about squashing his partner so he'd hold very loosely and just out of pure angst make sure as little of him is touching as little of you as he can get away with. Of the group he probably wants the cuddles the most but doesn't have the confidence to go for it.
Erik is all bones, I picture him being really clingy. Like the type who wraps all of his limbs around you and draws you in like a spider. He may be bony, he may be ugly, you may be uncomfortable, but he is squeezing you as tightly as he can. He'll hum or sing a little to make up for it.
Larry would be ok for a little while, but he doesn't like to feel smothered. He'll drape an arm over you and give you a few pats and say "this is nice." Then his ADHD will kick in and he'll start fidgeting. Before long he'll find an excuse to get up and leave.
Quincey would probably also be a pretty good, super affectionate and would give you little squeezes. You'll get tired of this long before he will and he's going to look like such a kicked puppy if you leave early.
Watson is reserved but gentle. He's the big spoon, even if his partner is taller than him.
Selma is another one who lays on her back with her partner's head on her chest. I can see her playing with your hair, idly braiding it while she talks to you if your hair is long enough to do that.
It's down to preference as to which of these is the best but this is what I came to when I considered what kind of cuddlers they'd be
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 8 months
The Winter King episode 1
First of all I need to add this small warning premise: I read Bernard Cornwell's novels so far ago, and I have been too in the grasp of my adhd to be able to focus on much, so rereading them would be impossible for me at the moment.
I guess this means I will talk about the show from a "ignorant" perspective, without talking too much about the differences between the novel and the actual show. I will judge it for what it is, ignoring that it is part of an adaptation.
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Still, I remember a little, so I can confirm that the show starts the same way. Arthur is a bastard, when his father accuses him of having caused the heir's death, he is exiled, thanks to Merlin's intervention. There is also Arthur's sister (no name yet) who pleaded for mercy. Arthur saves a young Derfel and then we are jumped in a timeskip.
The rest of the episode sees some vague establishing of what "the gods" are and Avalon is. It is not clear at all, just the usual "we follow the GODS" (which gods?? who knows). Derfel is not a young adult, and he is in love with Nimue - who suddenly has to choose between the gods and that guy.
It is all very dramatic, she cannot "deny her past", but given we had known these characters for less than 20 minutes, it all falls flat. The episode RUNS, runs like the wind, trying to introduce all the possible plots around Derfel. I barely had the time to breath and understand what main plot the episode was trying to establish, the truth being that I still don't know.
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I fully believe it would have simply been better to start directly with Derfel, sees him as a kid, let us know him in the classic way "past-family-what he went through" and then see Arthur save him, and introduce his conflict between wanting to stay at Avalon and wanting to be a warrior, just like Arthur.
The plot instead rolls and rolls - suddenly Queen Norwenna is in labour, Merlin and Morgana rush to her side - and for some reason they ask Derfel to come for the extra help (what extra help is not clear). Merlin has a horrible vision of the future when he holds the baby. Uther is happy to have a new son, but Merlin warns him that the child has a twisted foot and a twisted nature (?? the need to offer both at the same time... weird, very weird). Merlin says he saw the end of the whole of Britan in this kid, but Uther ignores him and cuddles the baby.
I know we are supposed to root for Merlin, and see that Uther is foolish for accepting this baby and not Arthur, his other son, but the truth is - the baby is a baby. I don't think the tv show convey the danger, or managed to get me on the side of Merlin because that baby is so SMALL? and innocent? And the show is so fast we never had the chance to trust Merlin, to see him struggle or actually care for Britain, we do not know much of what he cares for (the vague gods).
Suddenly - so fast - Merlin leaves for Arthur, and Derfel says he is gonna stay there while Nimue goes to Avalon. Derfel found a job (in the span of a night?? few days??) and decided (after a nightmare/flashback) to want to become a warrior. The sad music almost made me laugh, I have to be honest, while looking at Derfel leave Nimue behind, as the show spends zero attempts in trying to making us invested in their relationship.
Also I cannot really judge actors, I am not that good at catching who is a good actor or not, but I could barely hear what Nimue was saying, she always seemed almost drunk.
Luckily, among all characters, Derfel seemed to have the best actor to be able to do quite a lot with little. He had a boyish naive quality that made me believe he DID find work overnight, and he did decide to become a warrior just because Arthur told him. I will definitely try to continue watching, as I am curious to see how they are going to make this Derfel into the Derfel I vaguely remember form the books.
Other positive comments I have for the show would mainly be about how well it convey the arthurian feelings of a historial novel like Bernard Cornwell's. I cannot speak about how historically accurate the clothes, weapons and buildings are, but for an untrained eye like mine they all did a lot to world-build, to give me the idea of a prosperous kingdom on the verge of wars.
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feastfic · 1 year
Heya howdy long time no see :)! I don't have much of an intro here hah, just headcanons and some silly things for Lethal League folks!
• Sonata and Grid formed a tenuous friendship during their teamup gig in the tournament, which eventually became genuine. Their well-mixed battling styles mesh into a very powerful force to be reckoned with. And both of them communicated their actions well, to the point they clicked in more than just a combat way. Now on most days they can be seen in small shops sharing a coffee or brunch together, as good friends.
• Sonata is also the impromptu mother friend of Jet/Raptor/Switch, who are all adopted siblings or actually related in some way. Homegirl is like the only responsible adult those three know (Switch is the irresponsible one). She likes them though, they're funny but also they sort of ended up trailing her like ducklings because she became a rolemodel for them, especial Jet and Raptor.
• Speaking of Jet and Raptor. They're cousins <3 Raptor's grandfather was Jet's uncle.
• Toxic does general graffiti on downtime/whenever she has a free moment. Her art style is extremely angular even when not spray-painting; full of thick black lines.
• Weirdly Toxic also has wine aunt energy but only uses it for chaos. Never trust her with kids she'll teach them to make napalm and pipe bombs. Which is bad given she's y'know. "Queen" of an entire city.
• Sonata and Toxic are cat people. Jet prefers dogs, as do Raptor and Switch. Dice likes fish — especially koi — and Candyman any kind of talking parrot. Obviously Latch as a reptile feels a kinship for them, and Grid actually has a Saint Bernard and a small Siamese kitten as well (courtesy of Sonata convincing him to get one.) Dust and Ashes don't have a preference they can agree upon; Ashes really likes to say he likes sharks though. Doombox has zero preference for anything at all, they're all just animals to him.
• Jet has undiagnosed autism and ADHD; her special interests are trains and machinery. She made her own jetpack, helps with repairing Switch, and likes to sit by train tracks/the subway to watch and wait for trains to come by. She also stims by doing spins, and is VERY expressive with her hands!
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
May I get another set of headcanons like the flower ones with which ever DE Characters you choose? Basically it is their favorite breed of dog and what breed of dog they resemble. For some reason Kim gives me whippet vibes and now all I can imagine is a whippet dog in an orange jacket and glasses.
My favorite kinds of dogs are big slobbery ones, like Saint Bernards and Newfoundland. The breed I would say I'm like is a Jack Russel Terrier because I'm smaller and have a lot of pent up energy. They also seem to have dog adhd
Oh boy lol. My best friend has 2 Newfies and they’re absolute menaces. Lovely dogs but they get drool everywhere and I’m pretty sure they shed enough for me to make a coat out of. Personally, I’m a big fan of hunting dogs since I grew up with them. I think I’m more of a cat than a dog personality-wise, though. 
Headcanons: Disco Elysium 
Harry likes big ol’ dogs. He doesn’t have a preference for breeds, since he thinks all dogs are great (though he does have a soft spot for newfoundlands). He would be a Bloodhound. 
Kim likes the police dogs they have at work, most of all the German Shepards. He admires their dedication and single-mindedness when it comes to their job. He also thinks they are adorable. Also, kim would absolutely be a Whippet, you’re so right anon!!! 
Jean has a soft spot for the dogs which people usually label as “dangerous.” I think he’d have a big Pittie and a Rottweiler. They are both completely spoiled and live in the lap of luxury. Jean would be a Border Collie. 
Judit likes little dogs. I imagine she’d like Beagles a lot. She would be a Basset Hound. 
Trant likes energetic and playful dogs, ones that his son would like, too. Thus, I think he’d like retrievers, especially Goldies. He would be a Weimaraner. 
Torson is a bulldog, and McLaine is a Foxhound. They both love all dogs regardless, but especially the big ones with the deep barks. 
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Ok, so I've only started reading the 90's Nightwing comics and watched the 90's Batman and Teen Titans cartoons. Tim being possibly(?) neurodivergent is new and news to me. I'd actually be happy if that's the case. More representation, you know?
I have never viewed Tim as neurodivergent, but he could be. I know Bruce has OCD and has both canon and implied autism. I always imagine Dick has adhd. But I don't mind those headcanons and they are rampant in the batfandom for good reason (@autistic-damian-wayne @autisticredhood just as some usernames and great blogs lol). You can always make a great argument for any of the batfam (or heroes in general) being on the neurodivergent scale and I think the more we talk about it and normalize it, the more acceptance there is.
I like to think maybe Bernard is neurodivergent and Tim is not, but he has his hero quirks and both have to adjust. I also love the idea of one partner being neurotypical and unabashedly loving a neurodivergent character without being shamed or it being an obstacle in their relationship,if that makes sense. Like i hate the concept that it takes a special person to lobe neurodivergent people or it is a gift they are bestowing by being so kind to accept their neurodivergency 😒
This blog definitely supports autism and neurodivergency.
@fantastic-nonsense or @scarletbirbs may have some good panels or arguments for neurodivergent Tim.
*caveat as always, I have adhd and ocd and my kiddos are both autistic so this is always coming from a place of love for the neurodivergent community. Please don't at me
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