#cause this scene was sexy af
jade-jini · 8 months
imagine loser g!p yunjin…
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(These pics came to save my writer block)
Imagine? I breathe for every word in that sentence anon😭. You get me too well we should kiss anyway.
Loser Yunjin who made you fall for her with her silly jokes and pickup lines and loud personality😭 Yunjin is part of the loser puppy line (yes with minjeong) so you know she gets excited easily. Girlie is loud. Even at lunch time where is crowded af you can easily tell whose loud ass laugh is that. That kept catching your attention, until you recognized her in one of your classes and for some reason couldn’t stop looking at her.
Oh but Yunjin? No she’s noticed you since day 1. Not only noticed you but she fell HARD. She had Sakura already tired ‘cause of how much she’d talk about you. She has dreamy eyes and a dreamy smile just mentioning something you did, something as simple as “today the professor asked a question and nobody knew. Well, I did, but then- KKURA LISTEN! But then y/n raised her hand really fast! And her answer was even more correct than my answer!”
“How is it more correct if you had the same answer Yunjin—”
“IT WAS MORE CORRECT OK? IT WAS PERFECT! She is perfect :(”. Loser. Loser and simp.
Whenever you walk into the room her friends would tell her and she’d go from playing around recreating this fight scene she saw while playing genshin to just quickly shutting up and be like 🧍🏻‍♀️pretending she was all well behaved and cool but it was too late you saw the whole thing ndkdjdj. She got so embarrassed but you thought it was cute 😭 you’d exchange a few words from time to time but nothing too serious, and she always had either a silly joke or a “pickup line” that was so bad it made you laugh every time. Yunjin in her brain be like: I failed successfully :D!
One day tho some mf saw the way she’d stare at you and told her somebody like you would never even look at a loser like her in that way :( poor baby got so sad that day but plot twist! You started playing genshin ‘cause of her 🥺, favorite character being Yunjin Ofc for obvious reasons (when you told her she blushed so hard ‘cause you winked at her and everything nsjdncjf) and that’s how you started talking to her, asking her questions that you could totally figure out by yourself but shush you needed an excuse to talk to the cute nerdy loser in your program.
I feel like I already talked a lot 💀 so I won’t make it too long explaining exactly how you started dating (here it is!). So now the smut part uhuhu.
Since you bonded well ‘cause of genshin, you’d have a lot of play dates. Sometimes tho, you prefer to watch your gf playing sitting on her lap. At first it was cute, but she moves so much when playing, and you and her dick noticed it before her brain did “... Yun is your mic off?” “Yes baby, why? Hmm? Where are you go—” And before she can process it you’re already on your knees sucking her cock and moaning ‘cause Omg doesn’t it taste and feels amazing in your mouth?? Also thank god you checked if her mic was off because she let out the loudest moan. remember I said she was loud? Yeah it continues here bro. You looked up at her and she was so ready to forget the game and concentrate on only you but you stopped her from getting up and told her to finish playing.
“H-how am I supposed to c - oh fuck ~ concentrate when you’re doing that??…” she said while “complaining” but in the end, obeyed. it was so hard to focus tho, when you kept swirling your tongue around her tip, giving her those hungry sexy eyes that made her whimper every time she looked down at you “Ah! y/n ~ that’s so good baby…”.
She LOVES when you ride her when she’s playing. Being balls deep inside you the moment she wins a match in a game? What’s better than that?! Nothing. “I WON AGAIN YES!” She’d celebrate and get so excited she’d just grab you like you weigh nothing and either pin you against the wall, her desk, the bed Idk anywhere and she’ll fuck you sooo good with the biggest smile. When she gets frustrated or loses tho, you know damn right she’ll grab those hips and make you jump on her dick so hard, relieving her frustration on your pussy (she can use me like this I don’t mind-) and she won’t slow down until the pleasure is bigger than her anger. “Holy fuck Yunjin..!” “That’s for killing me when we were in the same team.” and that’s something you did last week Tf 😭
As I said she gets excited but not only on a daily basis with stuff she likes, she gets hard sooo easily and it’s fun to tease. You’re straddling her, grinding on her lap, teasing her about how hard she got just by kissing and she’d try to come up with something to tease you back but her brain is off because of how good you feel doing that and because she’s a loser “w-well my dick is bigger than yours!” Like ??? Yeah it is bro it is 😭 you just laugh making her embarrassed. “well yes, yes it is baby. And I love it” you’d say and she’d just blush and go back to kiss you neidjdq.
But she’s also so sweet :( you’d tell her you missed her and she’d softly say “I missed you too y/n…” while hugging you by the waist tightly, and leaving a little kiss on your nose. (Random cutie moment sorry I felt like it 🧍🏻‍♀️).
Oh yeah! Yunjin loveeees kisses. She’s always all over you kissing your face, your hands, your neck and shoulders and back when is exposed, and the rest of your body when is just you and her 🙊. She loves praising you by doing this. And she LOVES when you do it back. A sad day gets better the moment she sees you and you leave a kiss in her forehead (istg her tail goes brrr and she shows that perfect teeth smile).
She loves when you go from her neck to her chest to her stomach to between her legs. When you leave kisses and little bites on her thighs, and shower her cock with kisses that come with a little whimper every time. She finds it as sexy as it is cute too. You for sure have several pics of her dick with lipstick prints.
Cockwarming? Yes. But with her, this is a way of teasing YOU. It’s the only way she knows 😭 I’ll explain. Trying to overstimulate her does NOT work ‘cause her stamina and sex drive are HIGH. If you get tired when riding her be sure that she’ll grab your thighs and pound you fast and hard. She can go for hours, in different positions, never running out of cum.
“Yunjin.. please I can’t feel my legs”
“Hmmgh just one more.. feels so good, need to come in your pretty pussy..” she says as if she didn’t come in it so much already that even your floor is full of it ‘cause of how much it’s dripping down your legs. But you cant say no to her :( her cock feels too good you could die the happiest as long as it’s deep inside you <333.
Pussy drunk Yunjin? Uh yes FUCK YES. She can eat you out for HOURS. And not just ‘cause she loveees to make you feel good but it’s for her own pleasure too that woman just loves the way you tastes and how you make a mess in her mouth when you come. You’re the one ending up overstimulated ‘cause her mouth is Fuckin attached to your pussy like she’d die without it. “Just one more, for me baby please~” and ughhh there she has you coming for The Who knows what’th time already. Random but she’s 0 dom most of the time (I’d call her a service switch) all silly 😭
“Good girl, hehe.”
“Shut up and come kiss me.”
Just as she asks for “one more” in bed she also does it after it when you guys are cuddling and resting and pampering each other 🥺 in the morning when you both have to get ready she’d pull you back to bed “baby we have class in 30 minutes” “just 5 more minutes, please~” “I don’t wanna fail class Jen!” “I’ll do all your homework let’s just cuddle a little moreee~” and how to say no to that (the cuddles I mean-) lets bfr you can’t. You just can’t.
I’m genuinely so in love with her like y’all don’t understand. I could fantasize about her all day. Thank you anon I love my girlie so much <3
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lemoncrushh · 8 days
You And I
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Summary: Alyssa always wanted Harry, so every time he called, she was there waiting for him at the bar. But one night, things shifted between them.
Warnings: Smut, oral (f receiving), maybe a little angst. 18+ ONLY!
Word Count: 4.5k+
A/N: Originally written and posted in 2019. Harry x OC, AU, written in first person. Loosely inspired by the Lady Gaga song (not the 1D song lol).
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He’d told me to wait for him at the bar. I sat at the corner, nursing a gin and tonic while the band broke down their equipment. I laughed when Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” began playing through the speakers, the line about the old man making love to his tonic and gin poignantly accentuating the scene.
“Fitting, yeah?” chuckled Bruno, the bartender I’d come to know well over the last few months.
I sneered at him as I stirred the little straw in my glass. “I dunno. I was thinking more along the lines of Lady Gaga.”
“Gaga?” Bruno raised a brow.
“Y’know. At the corner of the bar with my high heels on.”
Bruno’s shoulders shook with laughter as he wiped down the bar in front of me. “I’ll put that one on next, darling.”
“Put what on next?” I heard a voice call behind me.
I twisted around on my stool to see Harry stepping off the stage, an easy grin on his handsome face. I returned the smile, happy to get a better look at him. For the first time, the band had opted to wear makeup, something I’d urged them to try before but had never happened.
“You and I,” I teased, swinging one leg over the other. “The Gaga song.”
“Hmm,” he sounded as he approached me. Reaching his hand out, he cupped my chin, lifting it slightly before placing a soft kiss on my painted lips.
“I reckon when it comes to you and I, there will be no putting on…” he paused, a smirk causing his dimple to appear in his left cheek. “Only taking off.”
“Oh Styles, but you do have a way with words,” I quipped in a playful, faux accent.
He let out a giggle then, apparently amused by his own joke. He gave me one more kiss before tapping his hand on the bar.
“Bruno,” he said. “One more shot for the road?”
“Long as you ain’t driving, love!”
Harry eyed me, no doubt silently questioning how many drinks I’d had. In the two hours I’d been at the bar, I’d only had two drinks including the current half-drunk one in front of me. I’d watched Harry and his bandmates drink at least twice as much during their set, in addition to shots that fans in the audience had sent up.
“I’m good,” I reassured him. I was his drive home anyway. It was kind of understood.
With a nod, Bruno poured Harry a shot of dark golden liquid. Taking it in his hand, Harry clinked the glass against mine and downed it in one gulp. Lowering the glass, he smirked again when he caught me staring at him.
“Wha’?” he asked.
“Just looking at you,” I replied. “You look good with eyeliner.”
“Mhm. Kinda sexy, actually.”
“You think?” Harry stepped closer to me, loving the attention.
“Indeed,” I continued. Then when Bruno came around and took Harry’s empty glass, I asked him. “Bruno, don’t you think Harry looks sexy with eyeliner?”
“Of course, doll!” he agreed. “Sexy AF!”
I threw my head back laughing and Harry gave Bruno a wink. “Thanks, love.”
“Sing us a song, you’re the piano man!”
At the sound of singing, I turned around again to see Jeremiah, Harry’s drummer walking towards us. The youngest member of the band, he looked so much like Pete Wentz, especially tonight with the black eyeliner.
“All packed up, H!” he told Harry. “Ready to go?”
“Um...no…” Harry tilted his head to gesture towards me. “Alyssa’s here.”
Jeremiah looked from his bandmate to me and then back, the lightbulb going off in his head.
“Oh! Yeah! Right! Sorry, mate! I’ll just…” he pointed behind him, “head out. Good to see you, Alyssa.”
“You too, hon,” I smiled. “You were smashing it tonight.”
“Thanks,” Jeremiah beamed. Then with one last wave, he stumbled over his own feet and left the way he’d come. I giggled at his adorable awkwardness, blaming it on his youth.
Swiveling back to face Harry and Bruno, I took the last few sips of my cocktail which was mostly water by then. The first chords of “You and I” started then, and I lifted my gaze to the bartender who danced with glee.
“It has been a long time since you came around,” Harry quoted the lyrics as he slid his arm around my waist.
“Two weeks, Harry,” I chuckled. “I was sat right here at this bar two weeks ago.”
“Two weeks is a long time t’me,” he murmured, his lips finding the tender spot behind my ear. I giggled softly at the touch which sent goose flesh across my skin.
“I doubt that’s the time frame Gaga was referring to,” I said wryly. “Besides, you want me around more often, perhaps you should ring or text me.”
I heard Bruno make a muffled sound of shock from behind the bar as Harry’s mouth stalled on my neck.
“I reckon I should do that,” admitted Harry.
He stood up straight then, his eyes on mine as I gave him an accusing glare. It wasn’t that I really doubted he wanted me around. But sometimes I needed that reassurance.
“You look beautiful by the way,” he said, though his words were interrupted a bit by the noise of two more lads approaching.
“Alyssa! You made it!” shouted Gavin, the band’s guitarist.
I rose from my stool and hugged both him and Max, the bassist. Two females soon followed, and I noticed the one whom I didn’t recognise wrapped her arms around Max.
“I’m so glad you went with the eyeliner tonight,” I commented. “I don’t suspect you’ll allow me to take the credit.”
Gavin grinned, “Of course, darling, it was your idea.”
“No it wasn’t,” Harry jabbed.
I turned and poked him in the ribs. “Yes it was. Let me have my moment.”
He threw his head back laughing before pulling me to him in a bear hug. I could tell he was drunk, and I could smell the whiskey on his breath, the sweat beneath his shirt, but I didn’t mind. Some of our most fun times were when we could tease each other like this. Still, sometimes I did wish he would just be honest and tell me how he felt about me, rather than always being light-hearted and funny.
Gavin, Max and the girls all got beers from Bruno before he closed up the bar. We all sat and chatted for a bit before saying our goodbyes. Then with a look - that unspoken understanding - Harry stepped off his stool, reached for my hand and followed me out to my car.
“You’re different tonight,” he finally said after a long stretch of silence except for the 90s playlist I had going.
I raised a brow as I stopped at a red light. “How do you mean?”
“I dunno. You just...are.”
I eyed him and then turned back to the road. “I got a new lipstick.”
Harry chuckled and shook his head. “‘s not that. You just...seem different.”
The light changed and I accelerated, my heartbeat doing the same.
“I’m sorry, Harry, I don’t understand. I’m still me.”
I heard Harry hum, perhaps in agreement. He was quiet again while the music changed from Alanis Morissette to Pearl Jam. I wondered what he meant exactly, though part of me had my own suspicions. Then when I was nearly a block from my flat, Harry reached over and turned down the radio, muting the voice of Eddie Vedder.
“Are we okay?” he asked me.
I stopped myself from giggling, something I sometimes tend to do when I’m anxious or nervous. Instead, I bit my lip and let his question roll around in my head. I pulled up to my building and parked before I finally let out a tiny laugh.
“We’re always okay, Harry,” I said with a grin.
Pulling the key out of the ignition, I opened my car door and stepped out. I half wondered if Harry would actually follow, but as I stepped onto the sidewalk, I heard the slam of the passenger door. Meeting me at the curb, he took my hand and walked with me up the stairs to my flat.
“I don’t have whiskey,” I called after I’d tossed my keys on the table and made my way to the kitchen. “But I have vodka and wine.”
“None for me, thanks,” I heard Harry reply.
“What?” I turned around, my eyes wide. Harry always wanted a nightcap.
“Yeah, ‘m fine.”
“Oh.” Now he was the one who seemed different.
“Did something happen, Alyssa?”
Taken aback, I paused a moment and shook my head. “Something...like what? When?”
“Since I saw you last,” replied Harry.
I turned from him, pretending to walk to the refrigerator. Then I changed my mind and took a glass down from the cupboard and poured myself water from the tap.
“Lots of things happen in two weeks, love,” I commented. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”
Setting my untouched glass on the counter, I looked back at him. His face was expressionless, though his eyes seemed to reveal a bit more. Perhaps it was the makeup. No wonder they call the look “emo”.
“Tell me,” Harry said softly.
“Oh, so now you wanna talk?” I accused.
He stared at me blankly. “Yeah, baby.”
I snorted. “So, I’m baby now?”
Ignoring the tone of his voice, I sighed and looked away.
“Let’s see…” I began. “I’ve been working a lot. Visited my mum last Saturday. Got my nails done. And bought the new lipstick like I mentioned...oh and I got a new succulent, see?” I reached for my newest addition to my cactus collection to show him. “I’ve named this one Prince because he has a bit of a purple hue to him-”
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted.
I stared at him, frozen. “Sorry? For what?”
Harry stepped closer to me, taking Prince from my hands and setting it on the counter. “I’m sorry I waited two weeks to ring you.”
“Oh.” I blinked.
Sliding his hands around my waist, he pulled me to him. Tilting his head, he pressed his lips to mine, softly at first. When I responded with my hands sliding up his shoulders, he kissed me harder, with purpose.
“I do like the new lipstick,” he murmured against my lips. I grinned when I noticed some of it had rubbed off onto him.
“You have such pretty lips,” he added, his eyes focused on my mouth. “First thing I wanna do when I see you is kiss them.”
I smiled at his comment, not just from flattery but because I’d always felt the same about his.
“I also meant it when I said you looked beautiful.”
“Thank you,” I whispered. “So do you.”
Harry grinned then, a sexy smirk. “You like the eyeliner, yeah?”
“I really do,” I nodded. “I think you should wear it more often.”
“I will if you come ‘round more often.”
“You have to ring me, Styles,” I reminded him. “I have a life, you know. As much as you may like to think otherwise, I don’t keep up with your schedule.”
“Maybe I should give it to you,” Harry said, his voice deep with no trace of humour as his hands roamed down to my bum. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“My schedule, I mean,” he added with his own chuckle. “God, woman, what are you doing to me?”
“Me?” I raised a brow.
“Yes, you. You get me all flustered, I dunno what I’m saying.”
“I’m just stood here, Harry.”
“That’s enough.”
I studied his face, trying my best to read his eyes. The green seemed more defined with the black liner, and for a split second I felt my stomach flip. I lifted my hand to touch a curl that had fallen across his forehead and heard him release a breath.
The man was definitely a mystery. For months I’d shown up here or there to see his band play. In between we might’ve had a few dates, but I never felt like what we had was anything serious. We always ended up shagging, and it wasn’t like I regretted it. We definitely had that chemistry, and we were good in bed. But I didn’t think he considered me his girlfriend; I didn’t think he considered me at all. At least, not until he was ready to see me again. And like always, I would be there when he wanted, because I really liked him.
But then he’d turn around and say something like this and I’d get all kinds of confused.
As it was, I had a hard time concentrating myself with his hands on my rear end. His lined eyes kept shifting between my own eyes and my mouth, and I could tell he wanted to kiss me again. This time, however, I was the one to give in, reaching for his neck and pulling him to me.
“Mmm, baby…” he moaned against my lips. He’d called me baby a handful of times before, but it never really meant much to me like it did now. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was...perhaps I was wanting him to feel what I felt. Or just...something.
I let my fingers linger on his chest before I began to unbutton his shirt. I knew where this was headed, but I wasn’t about to stop it. Feelings or no feelings, I wanted him in my bed again.
When I reached the bottom button, our lips broke free and Harry stared at me once again, his eyes now full of desire. At least I had a knack for reading that. Just like in the pub, I took his hand with an unspoken understanding and we walked down the hall to my bedroom.
“You got new sheets,” Harry commented.
I cringed, not sure if I was more embarrassed that I’d left my bed unmade or that he’d been there enough times to notice the sheets were different. Nervously I straightened the pillows before reaching behind me to unzip my dress.
“Let me,” I heard Harry say.
He strode across the room to me, his fingers on the zipper before I could protest. When my dress fell off my shoulders, his hands took its place, pushing it down the rest of the way. I felt the chills down to my toes as I stepped out of my heels and turned to face him.
I reckon I expected him to gawk at me some more like he’d been doing all evening, so I was completely surprised when his mouth crashed into mine. I immediately wound my arms around his neck and he lifted me up and onto the bed. He continued his assault on my mouth while his fingers tangled in my hair at the sides of my head. I could feel his erection through his jeans, the friction a fabulous sensation between my legs. Bending my knees, I lifted my hips slightly as I let out a gasp, the feeling of denim on cotton nearly too much for me.
Harry paused the snogging long enough to sit up and loop his fingers through the sides of my knickers. He looked at my face as he bit his lip. I wondered for a second if he was changing his mind, as this was usually not a part of the scenario where he’d stop.
“Something wrong?” I dare asked.
“Do you want me, Alyssa?”
My immediate reaction was more confusion. He’d never asked me that before. Sure, he’d moaned in my ear or against my mouth on more than one occasion that he wanted me. But he’d never asked if I wanted him. My expression softened and I gave him a smile.
“I always want you, Harry.”
With the tiniest grin and a nod, he pulled my panties down and let them fall on the floor. Then stood at the edge of the bed, he began to remove his own pants. I reached over to the bedside table then where I kept the condoms and pulled one out of the drawer.
“I promise I’ll bring my own next time,” I heard him say.
Lying on my back, I watched him crawl up the bed again.
“Next time?” I couldn’t help but razz him. The first time he’d stayed over, he didn’t have protection, but I did. I reckon after that it was just assumed.
“Yeah…” he lowered his face to mine. “Next time, love. I promise.”
He kissed me softly then, the softest kiss ever. He continued with a second on my chin, a third on my neck, a fourth on my chest…
I lost count after that.
I gripped the sheets underneath me when I felt his breath on my inner thigh. A low moan-like sound escaped my throat as I felt his thumb graze over me where I was already wet and waiting.
“You want me here?” Harry asked.
I barely heard him, his voice was so low and deep. But somehow my insides reacted and I managed to make a sound similar to yes.
I shut my eyes when I felt his tongue on me. He licked me delicately at first, like he was testing the temperature of his tea. I squirmed underneath him until he looped his arms around my legs and pulled me closer to him, his tongue pressing just a bit.
“Harry…” I panted. “Oh god.”
My legs shook around his head while he began to devour me, his tongue working faster. Opening my eyes, I began to watch him, as much as I could at least. I reached down and pushed that one stubborn curl from his forehead and his eyes shifted up, locking with mine.
“‘s that good, baby?” he murmured, barely tearing his mouth away.
I merely nodded, the only thing I could manage at the moment besides coming undone. I bit my finger when he smiled and resumed his task, making me reach the edge.
I tugged on his hair as I came, calling out his name. He nipped at my thighs gently as they trembled before climbing up the bed to hover over me.
For a solid minute or two, he just stared at me. Perhaps he was waiting for me to say something. Perhaps he was waiting for the green light. Or perhaps he was just waiting for me to stop shaking, I dunno. But I swear his gaze was like a magnet. I couldn’t look away.
The eyeliner had begun to smudge a bit from his recent activity. I started to reach up to swipe my thumb underneath his eye when I remembered the condom in my hand. I smiled and raised my brows, offering it to him.
“You still want me, baby?” he asked, taking it from me.
“What did I say?”
“Just making sure.”
Harry uncertainty was definitely something I was not used to, but as I watched him roll the condom on, I wondered if it wasn’t a put-on. He was nothing if not confident.
Situating himself, he kissed me once more before looking into my eyes.
“I always want you too, Alyssa,” he murmured.
Then before I could respond, he entered me fully. I gasped a tiny breath when I realised how deep he was so quickly. Then exhaling through my nose, I wrapped my legs around him.
“Mmm, I love when you do that,” he said.
I couldn’t help but giggle, knowing that was definitely something he liked, and I liked pleasing him. We moved together, a slow, steady rhythm at first. I could already feel my core reacting, my most sensitive spots throbbing.
He lifted his head again and I watched his face, his eyes burning into mine as he began to move faster. I had to unravel my legs from him, lifting my knees to give him more room for thrusts. Then with a groan, he sat back and held my hips as he fucked me hard. I bit my lip to keep my moans at bay, but I couldn’t help it. Dropping my arms beside my head, I cursed and called his name.
“Yeah, baby,” he growled. “So good, innit?”
“Fuck, yes.”
He slowed down then, a low chuckle releasing from his throat. “C’mere.”
I looked at him in wonder as he guided me up and onto his lap. I noticed then that he was perspiring, beads of sweat dripping on his forehead. This time I did reach to wipe them off, but instead Harry took my hands and kissed the backs of them.
“You’re amazing, Alyssa, you know that?”
I beamed at him as I slowly began to ride him.
“You want me, Harry?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck as his gorgeous green eyes looked up at me, the makeup starting to run down one cheek. I didn’t want to wipe it away this time. He looked so sexy.
“Always,” he replied.
I licked my lips and kissed him hard, my tongue wrestling with his. His hands covered my breasts while my hips moved gingerly. Then breaking the kiss, I rode him faster, bouncing on his lap.
“Oh, Jesus,” he moaned as he moved his hands to my hips for leverage.
“Is that good?” I asked him, just like he’d asked me earlier.
“Fuck yeah, baby, you drive me crazy.”
I watched his face, knowing he was close to unraveling. He let out a few expletives as his fingers dug into my flesh.
“Come for me, baby,” I urged. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to watch him, and just the thought of it made me drip with delight.
“You first,” he shook his head.
I wanted to argue that I already had, and that was enough. But I knew he’d just argue back. This goddamn boy. He was going to make me fall for him, wasn’t he?
I slowed down my pace, only slightly as I needed to rejuvenate. My breaths evening out and heartbeat slowing, I kissed him again. Our lips still locked, Harry grabbed my waist and laid me back on the bed again. Then he lifted my leg and pounded me hard.
“Fuck, Harry!” I screamed.
“Wrap your legs around me, love,” he requested.
I came immediately, the sensation of him deep inside and the sounds of his moans tipping me over the edge. My body trembled beneath his as his breaths quickened in my ear.
“Baby…” he groaned. “Oh, Alyssa.”
The sounds he made as he came were indescribable. This wasn’t our first shag. But it was definitely our first something else.
I lay spent on the dampened sheets, wishing I’d remembered to turn on the fan. Sticky with sweat, Harry rolled off of me, discarded the condom into the nearby bin and laid on his back breathing hard. We stayed like that for a while in silence until Harry surprised me again.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said for the...how many times? I turned my head to look at him, but his gaze was on the ceiling, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
“I’m sorry I didn’t text just to let you know I was thinking of you. Because I was.”
My breath caught in my throat but I managed to clear it. “You were?”
“‘Course.” He turned onto his side to face me. His lips were so close to mine if either of us moved only slightly, they would touch.
“How was I supposed to know that, Harry?” I asked just above a whisper. 
Shaking his head, he seemed to consider my question. “I reckon you weren’t. I’m sorry.”
I bit my lip as he leant his forehead against mine and swung his arm across my waist. He hummed softly as though he had a song in his head.
“I wish I’d rung you to talk about your day. To ask about work or your mum. To hear about your adorable succulents.”
His last comment made me smile. “To be fair, you did text me Wednesday. So not quite two weeks.”
“Fucking Wednesday. Jesus, Alyssa,” he sighed. “And a text. How the fuck am I to expect us to be okay when I bloody text you on a Wednesday?”
I narrowed my eyes. “Are we okay? Because you kind of have me worried now.”
“Yeah, if I haven’t already fucked it up,” he groaned.
“Harry…I never said you fucked it up. I’m still here. I still came to your show. I showed up and waited at the bar like you asked me to.”
“Yeah. I know.”
“Did I really seem different tonight?” I asked.
“Not...well, kinda. You just...didn’t seem like yourself, that’s all.”
“Well then, I apologise, because I thought I was the same as I’ve always been - the same as you want.”
“What I want?” Harry asked incredulously.
“Well, Harry…” I hesitated. “We’ve never really discussed what we want from each other. But I assumed you didn’t want anything serious. We’re like...friends with benefits I reckon.”
“No, we’re not,” he stated.
My jaw dropped as I glared at him.
“I don’t want you to be..." he added.
“Baby, I don’t want you to be just a friend with benefits. I want...this.” Harry gestured between us.
“Us. You and I. Or, um...you and me, whatever.”
I could feel my heart beating in my chest, and I was sure it was so loud he could hear it. “Seriously?”
Harry nodded, his hand sliding underneath my jaw. “I want you, baby.”
I sighed, tears starting to form in my eyes. Blinking fast, I swallowed hard. “What brought this on?”
“I’ve been trying to tell you. I don’t mean just sex. I want you, for real. I was gutted when I thought something had changed between us, but then I realised it was my own fucking fault.”
“I don’t...know what to say, Harry.”
“Say you want me too. You and I.”
I smiled as I reached for him, kissing him tenderly and eagerly. “Always.”
Harry’s dimples appeared in his cheeks as he beamed at me. I couldn’t help it. I started giggling.
“Oh love,” I sighed. “Please tell me you’ll continue to do the eyeliner thing. I’m with Bruno. You look sexy AF.”
Harry chuckled. “Yeah?”
“Mhmm. Truth? You look completely fucked. And I love that it was with me. Only makes me want you more.”
“Well, in that case,” he murmured low, pulling my leg across his, “I’ll wear it from now on.”
“Just so I know it’s for me, and not your groupies.”
Harry snorted. “Or Bruno?”
“Eh, I don’t mind so much about Bruno. He’s on my side.”
Harry laughed harder before kissing me across my cheek and down my neck.
“You really are amazing, Alyssa,” he whispered in my ear. “Now...tell me about your succulents.”
“Well Prince is the newest, like I said,” I began, Harry’s mouth continuing its trail down my neck and shoulder. “Mick and Freddie were my first two and they’re still going strong. But Bowie is a bit temperamental…”
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Hope you enjoyed!
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dragjunkie23 · 9 months
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Sam Winchester NSFW Alphabet
18+ ONLY!! Minors DNI
I’ve seen a lot of people do Sam Winchester NSFW alphabets so I wanted to create one based on how I think he’ll be
A - Aftercare
Huge softie and gentleman when everything is done. He’ll be giving you the best aftercare with what you want but for him, holding you in his arms and stroking your skin is something he loves a lot. He definitely strikes me as someone who loves skin to skin contact so that would definitely be part of his aftercare
B - Body Part
As much as he hates to admit it, he does actually love his hands. So many women obsess over it and at first it’s confusing for him. With his partner, however, he realizes that his hands do so much when having sex. Pinning you down, stroking parts of the body that give you more pleasure, and being a source of comfort when the sex is done or just simply his partner wanting to hold his hand when they need it.
As for what his favorite body part is on a partner, he’s definitely a neck guy. All sexy scenes involving him, he’s kissing or biting the woman’s neck area as he knows it’s a sensitive part. Their backside and hair are a close second.
C - Cum
Sam doesn’t strike me as a super messy guy in bed so I think he would do all he can to avoid cumming everywhere. I guarantee you he has a breeding kink, though, so he wants to finish inside his partner.
D - Dirty Secret
I’ve seen a lot of people say that Sam is vanilla, but let’s be real: he is a FREAK in the sheets. Kinky AF (well maybe not AF but at least a good chunk of it).
E - Experience
Before he lost his soul, Sam only had a limited amount of experience compared to Dean. Either way, he knew what he was doing as he is good at reading his partner’s energy and what they want. After he lost his soul, he definitely had much more experience than Dean ever did (even if Sam doesn’t remember much of it).
F - Foreplay
Many men want to cut right to the chase. Not Sam. He knows the importance of foreplay and wants to ensure you are prepped just as much as he is, so get ready for a lot of it.
G - Goofy
It honestly will depend on the mood on either end, but I think being goofy would be saved for a long term partner he could trust.
H - Hard Limits
Like I said, Sam’s not a messy guy. He probably would not want to do something that will cause a huge mess. He isn’t completely opposed to it, though, so maybe will try some food play here and there but may not be a lot. Also isn’t into hardcore degrading his partner or doing anything that inflicts a lot of bodily harm to the body. He doesn’t want his partner to do that to him either
I - Intimacy
Sex is a VERY intimate moment for Sam. Though he has hooked up with a few women with no strings attached, he very much would rather have it with someone he’s in a long term relationship with. It’s personal for him
J - Jerk Off
If he’s single, he definitely will jerk off once in a while. When he’s in a relationship, it may not be as much but he’ll sneak in a little here and there when the hunt is long and you’re not in the mood
K - Kinks
Hair pulling (giving and receiving), predator/prey play, breeding, spanking (giving), bondage (giving and receiving though he’s more on the giving), dom/sub play
L - Location
Prefers the bedroom as it does allow a bit more movement (rolling around, changing spots) but will sneak a few rounds in the Impala with his partner. If neither one is readily available, if there is a single stall bathroom nearby, he’ll drag his partner in there if it’s been a while since the last time they had sex.
M - Motivation
Sensual whispering from his partner, them wearing something rather revealing, or just a simple “Babe, I’m in the mood. Meet me in the bedroom?” will be enough to turn him on.
N - No
If Sam’s too focused on the hunt at hand or someone is in serious danger, there’s a good chance he won’t be in the mood and turn down sex. He also will respect his partner if they are not in the mood as well.
O - Oral
Sam will gladly eat his partner out like he hasn’t eaten in a few days. He gets off on his partner’s moans and incoming orgasms. Though he prefers to give oral, he’s not opposed to receiving it.
P - Positions
Usually prefers positions where he’s on top like missionary, but he also adores the lotus (him sitting cross legged while his partner straddles him, riding him while he thrusts up) as it allows him to kiss you and caress your body. It’s a very intimate position that allows either slow or fast paced.
Q - Quickie
Not big into quickies but if it’s been a hot minute, he’s either likely to pull his partner into the bathroom to go down on them and they return the favor (or not, depending on the mood) or it’ll be him fingering them and the partner giving a hand job. It’s enough for them to get by for a bit
R - Risky
He really isn’t the type to want to risk getting caught but he knows it will happen especially because Dean is on the road as well.
S - Stamina
I’ve seen a lot of people say Sam has some stamina, and yeah, he could go for a few rounds, but it would have to be when he’s not exhausted from a hunt and had a few days off. He may be able to go for one or two rounds while a hunt is happening, but when he’s had time to rest, he’ll definitely be able to do more rounds.
T - Toys
I don’t think Sam would be a toy guy unless his partner introduces them to him. He’d definitely be open to trying them out and after a few experiments, there will be vibrators, paddles, floggers, bondage, etc. The toys may be used more for solo play when one of them is in the mood and the other isn’t, but the vibrators would help stimulate his partner a lot more especially if used on the clit.
U - Unfair
In terms of Sam teasing aka “being unfair,” I think this will go one or two ways: he’ll either be the biggest tease in the world and will see how long it lasts until his partner is begging for him or he’ll be super impatient and would get some foreplay in before actually going all in
V - Volume
I don’t think Sam would be loud at first. It takes some encouragement for him to start making some noises. Once he’s more comfortable, there will be some growls, snarls, and moaning on his end.
W - Wild Card
Sam’s a huge dom, that’s no secret, but I think he’s up to being sub once in a while
X - X-Ray
People think because Sam’s a huge guy height wise that he does have a huge package. That may be the case, but I think his package would be a little bit above average (but not to the point where it won’t fit).
Y - Yearning
Sam’s drive is interesting. He’ll be feeling up for sex a few times while others not as much. When he gets into a relationship, though, the drive will very much increase. It’s a way for him to connect with his partner and be able to let out emotions in a safe environment, so he needs to trust someone first before the drive increases.
Z - Zzz 😴
He definitely would not fall asleep until a few minutes after his partner is asleep (unless it’s been an exhausting hunt).
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WIP Wednesday Thursday
Happy Thursday y'all! It's been a while since I gave an update on the Dancing with the Stars Dieter fic, Closed Position.
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As mentioned before, I do not plan to fully dive into this fic and start posting until Destiny & Deliverance has been completed. However, there is only one chapter and the epilogue left (I'm not ready). Since, it's not that far off...I have started working on my outline for dancing Dieter. More below the cut. 👇
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I have it planned out fairly well, so I am sharing my chapter list with you today. This could change slightly when I start digging in, but this is the format I'm going with:
Week 1 - Foxtrot
Week 2 - Cha Cha
Week 3 - Jive
Week 4 - Rumba
Week 5 - Argentine Tango
Week 6 - Paso Doble
Week 7 - Jazz
Week 8 - Viennese Waltz
Week 9 - Quickstep
Week 10 - Samba
Week 11 - Finale
I've been doing a ton of homework on the show, so I plan to incorporate a lot of crazy behind the scenes stuff that actually happens and makes for an entertaining plot. Anyone down for a weekly spray tan? No? Dieter isn't a fan either.
This fic will not be anywhere near as angsty as D & D. However, some tough topics are mentioned, mostly relating to Kat's (OFC) asshole ex who will be very present as another professional dancer on the show. Then of course, Dieter's issues with drugs and alcohol are discussed too. He will be sober in this fic, but early on in his journey. Still very much our loveable, hot mess trash panda though.
I would like to do a lot more extras with this fic. I plan to share some inspiration videos for each chapter so you will have a visual of the dances. I think it will help you understand what ultimately causes Dieter and Kat to fall for each other. If nothing else, the visuals are just hot AF.
There will be a lot of Latin dances, just because we have to show off Dieter's loose hips. You know there are going to be jokes about that. I feel like it's a good excuse to take Dieter's button allergy up a few notches too. 😏 Here is a sexy little Rumba video to get us started. This dance may or may not be the one that gets them in trouble...🤐
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo was looking to change his bad boy image and clean up his act after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble. 
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dance partner to one of Hollywood’s biggest stars to go the same as it had for the past nine seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo. 
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
If you would like to be added to my taglist for this fic, feel free to comment below or shoot me a message and I will get you added.
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
My final take on Queen of Tears? It was a one hell of a fucking journey + Thoughts on the finale
[Warning: Long-ass post ahead]
Queen of Tears released its final episode last Sunday, April 28. The show made history as it became tvN’s most watched drama, surpassing the 2019 hit Crash Landing on You. Park Ji-eun was the writer for both shows.
The story is about a couple who underwent a crisis in their third year of marriage. However, a significant event will not only change their lives but also pave the way for them to rediscover their love for each other. 
I personally got hooked into this show for three reasons:
First, the plot: Marriage tropes in a lot of dramas are usually about infidelity, toxic and abusive relationships that end in a nasty divorce. It happens in real life sadly, but I appreciate the fact that Park Ji-eun took a different route and gave us another realistic side of marriage. A couple who once had this warm, passionate love for each other became cold and distant over time because of one tragic event that left them wounded and broken. There were also other factors that added salt to the wound which caused them to drift further from one another. I’m not gonna go into details because I have already discussed this in earlier episodes. However, I love that there were a couple of flashbacks that tells the viewers of how their love story began, plus some extra bits and pieces in the epilogue that were either related to Hyun-woo and Hae-in’s past, or a particular scene in the current episode that was told from either of the character’s point of view. 
Switching from light and funny scenes to a more intense one then back to swoon-worthy moments and then the last thing you knew you were bawling your eyes out because of the heartbreaking scenes felt like a roller coaster ride, needless to say I was always on edge and I sometimes had to pause in the middle of the episode so I could breathe. That’s how intense the emotions were in this show. Like I have said before, this is not a rom-com but more like a heavy drama with a couple of light and funny scenes.
But the part in this story that appealed to me the most is that it will make you question, how much love can someone truly give? How far can you go to be with the person you love? And when everything seems black and white, would you be willing to stay? Or walk away? 
Second, the characters: Immediately, I was drawn to Baek Hyun-woo and Hong Hae-in. Usually in KDramas, it’s always the male lead who is cool, cold, nonchalant and rich af and the girl is the bubbly, cutesy-cutesy, overly dramatic, and broke. I absolutely LOVE the role reversal. Hae-in is the cool and badass wife while Hyun-woo is the cute, dramatic hubby and together, they make an ✨iconic couple✨. But on a more serious note, a lot of characters nowadays are into the red light/green light spectrum and don’t get me wrong, I love it. Who doesn’t love a green light character right? But again, Park Ji-eun wrote them in such a way that you wouldn’t perceive them as this ultra-perfect, no flaw character, but they aren’t toxic either (except for the main villains of course). A lot of the characters in the show have a good and flawed side, and I love it because that’s what makes them human, they are multi-layered which makes them complex, but at the same time, they were written in such a way that the viewers could have a deeper understanding of the characters, and even relate to them in some ways. 
Again with the exception of the villains, the character developments were so good. Witnessing this whole-ass process of them being flawed and broken characters to becoming the best versions of themselves were just the best.  
Third, the cast: Ah, I can go on and on about how every actor in this show was absolutely amazing! Again, Kim Soo-hyun has proven why he is Korea’s highest paid actor. I love that he can switch from this handsome, smart, and sexy lawyer, to a super cute, loving hubby, and then a man who would fight for his woman no matter what it takes. BITCH! The acting range of this guy is fucking LIMITLESS! As for Kim Ji-won, this is by far her best acting performance in my opinion. Hong Hae-in was such a difficult character to portray, but I love how she was able to effortlessly deliver Hae-in’s stoic, nonchalant exterior and when you look into her eyes you’ll see that vulnerable part of her that no one else except [her husband] sees. 
SooWon’s chemistry on the other hand is GOD-TIER! They were born to play Baek Hyun-woo and Hong Hae-in. Whether it’s a funny, romantic, or heavy scene, they nailed it to perfection! These two are the most married couple I have seen in a show. I feel sad that I’m not gonna see them together on-screen for sometime but I am hoping that they’d be able to work together again in the future. Although my delulu self is manifesting for them to be together irl 😂🤧
Park Sung-hoon, I have said before that he is so good at playing a villain. But I hope he gets to show his ability to portray a nice guy in the future, I need a break from him playing evil. 
Kwak Dong-yeon and Lee Joo-bin’s performances as the second couple deserve to be applauded as well. Despite their characters going through crazy shit, I love that they were able to deliver it on a lighter, heartwarming note in contrast to SoWoon’s heavier scenes.
Special mentions to the following 🗣️:
The Official Playlist of the Show- When I tell you that I have listened to every song in this playlist, I really mean it. I don’t understand the language, but everytime I hear a song from QOT, I can instantly imagine a particular scene from the show, that’s how magical it is. My most replayed song is The Reasons of my Smiles by BSS, but I also love Heize’s Hold me back, and the song that makes me the most emotional: Love you with all my heart by Crush. 
The cinematography: I’m not gonna go into details about the technicalities, but everything was perfectly shot, especially the scenes in Germany–it was dreamy, romantic, and beautiful. 
The crew members who worked behind the camera also need to be praised for the hard work, effort, and dedication they’ve put into making this show. 
There are things however about the show that I didn’t personally like or I think they could have done better. Here’s the link of why I think the storyline isn’t as good as I thought it would be: 
The final episode didn’t turn out the way I hoped it would be, although there were some parts of it that were really good like:
📍 Cheon Da-hye and Grace choosing to take accountability for their past actions (also Grace being the key player in bringing Mo Seul-hee down was the cherry on top) and has been given another chance to live honestly was one of the best character redemptions. 
📍The Hong family reclaiming what’s rightfully theirs, that was such a powerful scene.
📍Hyun-woo and Hae-in looking at each other after Mo Seul-hee was proven guilty for killing Hong Man-dae and all the other bullshits she did to Queens and the Hong family, as if saying, “It’s finally over,” and they did it together was so power couple coded. 
📍Aunt Beom-ja and husband #4 [really] taking their time to get to know each other…like literally. Her facial expression when Yeong-seong kissed her on the cheek instead of the lips like she was expecting was GOLD.
📍Mama and Papa Hong choosing a simpler and quieter life and hanging out with their besties (Mama and Papa Baek).
📍The family portrait of the Hong and Baek family 🥹
📍Hyun-woo and Hae-in taking their time to rebuild their relationship, then goes on to get married and have a baby, then visiting Germany every so often was the most heartwarming scene. 
📍I would say that the ending was a bittersweet one. Hae-in’s premonition came true, she died first and Hyun-woo never failed to visit her grave, and then eventually reuniting was one of the most realistic endings in a Kdrama. They lived a good life, they built a family, grew old together and reunited in the afterlife was beautiful but there was a certain ache in that part, perhaps a reminder that no matter how painful it gets, there is always a silver lining, and if you’re meant to be, you’re meant to be.
However, in addition to my linked post:
📍The first half of the story started really strong, but it dwindled the moment they added all of these ridiculous subplots. One Tumblr user commented that Hyun-woo and Hae-in’s marriage had enough issues as far as drama is concerned and I couldn’t agree more. 
📍I get that Mo Seul-hee is a shitty person but I don’t even know why she chose to prey on Hong Man-dae of all people. She could have done the same to other wealthy families (I mean he’s not the only gullible man out there with tons of money), but the question is, what did the Hong family do to her? Surely, there must have been a deeper meaning than just wanting money but alas, it's a question we'll probably never get an answer too.
📍The good thing is that we now fully understand why Yoon Eun-seong acted the way he did. He has mommy issues, abandonment issues, anger issues, etc. My prediction about him dying in the finale was correct, but there was no character redemption for him thus I don’t see the point on why they had to extend his Hae-in obsession arc towards the end. Take out all the irrelevant subplots, and the story still would have worked.
📍One of my biggest frustrations in the show was the fact that they only addressed BaekHong’s miscarriage after Hae-in lost her memories when they could have done that in the earlier episode (the scene where Hyun-woo and Hae-in had a heart-to-heart conversation about their failed marriage), it’s like the writer forgot about that part–which by the way was such a crucial part then she just inserted this scene somewhere in the finale. 
📍I was also disappointed that Hae-in's mom wasn't the one who comforted her during that scene where Hyun-woo was undergoing surgery after getting shot. It would have been such a perfect opportunity to heal their relationship. Also, I would have appreciated it if Mama Hong was the one who personally apologized to Hyun-woo for being harsh towards him.
📍I know I said that the ending was a more realistic one, but babes we were ROBBED! I would have loved to see a BaekHong wedding part 2, their pregnancy journey and moments with baby Soo-bin but alas, we were deprived of that too. As much as I find the finale realistic, I wouldn’t say that I was satisfied either.
📍I just remembered this now, but Papa Hong's and Aunt Beom-ja's other sibling could have actually contributed to ending the villain arc. He could have made moves to unravel Seul-hee and Eun-seong's crap, but idk writer-nim just placed him there just because 🤷.
Overall, do I think that this show is over hyped? Storywise, yes. As far as the actors’ performances go, they deserve it. 
Is the show worth watching? I’d say it’s worth checking out if you’re someone who likes heavy, intense dramas. If not, avoid this. Again, this is not a light rom-com. 
Would I rewatch? For BaekHong, yes but I’ll skip the irrelevant parts.
Performance: 100/10
OST: 10/10
Cinematography, Editing, etc.: 10/10
Story-telling: 6/10
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bronx-bomber87 · 11 months
Good evening everyone and happy Tuesday :)
This ep is a fav of mine. I know there isn’t a ton of Chenford content. But the amount of goodies we get for both Tim and Lucy is so good. Its what I love about them they’re amazing together and separate. Obviously prefer them together but this is a fantastic separated ep. Not a ton of gifs so it'll be partially gifs mostly caps. Also this is a longer one since they BOTH have good SL's in this one.
2x07 Safety.
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The cold open is adorable. Tim would hate that phrasing but it’s true. I love sports so I get that excitement and happiness when your team does well. Look how happy he is. When the Rams won the Super Bowl a little while back I thought I bet Tim is thrilled LOL He is happy till a high speed pursuit interrupts his game. He sees the car chase is by his house. So in natural Tim fashion he heads outside to deal with it.
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He is sexy af in this scene. That badge around his neck as he calls dispatch and logs in some OT. Then climbs into his truck backs up to block the guy and dispatches of the chase quickly. Gets the guy out of the car and on the ground very fast. Once he’s done drives back into his driveway so he can finish watching the game. Classic. Love this man. So cute jumping up and down cause they won. Damn he cute.
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Roll call is upon them and Grey’s initiative today is community policing. Angela is out because she’s taking care of a recovering Wesley. (She ends up taking a side gig protecting a turd and his diamonds) Nolan gets a gig at the hospital leaving Harper open. Grey pairs Jackson with Tim and Lucy with Harper.
Lucy looks nervous af as she looks back at Nyla. I get why she has only seen bits and pieces of Harper. Those pieces they’ve been intense. Reminds me of when Nolan was paired with Tim. Just a little bit of terror in her eyes. It’s such a good ep for them both though. Their scenes are why it’s one of my fav eps.
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Grey says Tim/Jackson get the football community gig with the Rams and Lucy/Harper get the community council. Harper makes a crack about it being the 1950’s. The boys get football practice and the girls get the PTA meeting. Grey says fair enough. Only one way to settle this. Challenge Coins. They both have coins from impressive things they’ve done. Tim says he got his from the Chief personally. He’s so cute and proud. Harper being Harper tops him. Says that’s nice. Hers is from the Governor. Tim rolls his eyes haha
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Whoever slides theirs across the table closest to the edge wins. Lucy is adorable and in wifey mode already with her phone. Ready to capture the moment for him. I love how he looks over at her first before propelling his. Also his little butt wiggle I can not. Her matching his body posture is fantastic. An exact mirror really so she doesn’t miss a thing. They cute. I love them. Tim loses but Harper doesn’t want football anyways. I swear she did it just to make a point with Grey and mess with Tim.
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Poor Lucy bombs right off the bat with Harper. Asking her if she needs anything. Harper looks at her and says 'Officer...?' Lucy happily says Chen. Nyla is her charming self and tells her she’s not going to use her name. That today she’s Not Nolan. Lucy asks John if he has any tips to get on her good side. Nolan makes a crack that he’s not sure she has one LOL You’ll get there. I dare say Lucy and Harper end up closer than her and John ever were, but that is much farther down the road.
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First off let’s enjoy how ecstatic Tim looks to be at football practice. He is in one of his happy places right now. The man is radiating joy. It’s so cute. They’re watching practice and see a kid named AJ. How he is easily the best kid on the field. The director says that’s not what matters. His grades were trash before this program. Now he’s on the honor roll. They wave him over. Tim “grills” AJ on his work ethic, drills. and such its adorable. Clearly in his element talking to this kid. (Their scenes in this episode are primo)
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AJ’s mom shows up and pulls him over. Director tells them she was just released from prison. Been hard transition for them both. She was in for armed robbery with a serious heist crew. Cute little scene with Tim and Eric Weddle. Eric giving Tim crap for giving up football for the service. Jackson is geeking out next to him its pretty cute. Tim tells him not to make it weird when he bro hugs Eric Weddle LMFAO
Love them having another shot at a pair up. It goes much better this time. They see AJ and his mom fight and walk over. Ask if everything is ok... I mean clearly it’s not. She doesn't answer them. Instead she drags AJ away from practice. They can tell something is wrong they’re just not sure what yet.
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Back at the station Lucy and Harper are prepping for their meeting. Nyla tells her to keep this short and simple. Don’t promise anybody anything. Just to tell them ‘We’re aware of the problem and have a task force on it.’ Lucy questions that a bit but Harper says they’ll love that buzzword. She has Lucy lead the meeting. Poor Lucy she is not in the least prepared to do this. At first it works Nyla’s line. Lucy tells first guy verbatim what she’s supposed to. He takes her at her word and sits down. Harper looks proud from the other side of the room.
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Then things quickly go sideways for her rapidly. A woman tells her that her neighbor keeps feeding the squirrels. Lucy tries the line again and fails. She questions Lucy and says 'A squirrel task force?' I can't blame her haha The lady tells her she’s worried about her dogs cause squirrels attract coyotes. Lucy’s empathy kicks in and gets her in trouble with Nyla. Tells's her to give her the address of her neighbor. Then she is bombarded with tasks.
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Tim and Jackson meet Aj and his mom at their home. Just to make sure everything is copacetic. They can quickly see that it is not. Tim asks AJ if everything is ok. Seeing if he can get to him. It’s obvious that she’s trying to leave town with him. Before they can delve into why she’s leaving the car gets fire bombed. Clearly a targeted attack. Tim and Jackson get them to safety before calling it in.
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Jackson takes AJ's mom to the side for questioning and Tim checks in on AJ. I love this scene. Getting to see that soft side Lucy has brought out so much. She would be so happy to watch him with AJ. How well he bonds with him and tries to get him to open up. (wonder how he honed that skill in..) Tim starts off with tossing his football with him. He starts to build his rapport by telling him he’s talented. AJ replies says how his football is always with him. How much he loves to practice. Tim is soft in his reply says it sounds like him with how much he loves the sport. The dedication to get better.
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We’re about to get some background on Tim and I love it. Tim tells him in some ways the game saved him. AJ's interest is piqued. He asks Tim how so? Tim tells AJ growing up in his house was a bit chaotic. (Oh how understated that is my love) If you don’t know his backstory already at this point you get a sense his childhood was turbulent.
He empathizes with this kid. Relates to him and it’s written all over their scenes. It’s such a good episode for him. AJ says he knows a little something about that. Tim continues on to build rapport with him. Lets AJ know how his father was testy. Tim never knew what was going to set him off. That football was the only place he felt like he had control. I just love getting this insight into him as a character. Piece by piece we get to see why Tim is the way he is.
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This shows us why he needs control like he does. (I.e. always driving the shop and Lucy not doing so) The Tim tests are a product of this as well. His way of controlling his environment and training since he didn't have that growing up. He does everything for a reason. We’re all products of the environment we grew up in. It leaves marks on us whether we like it or not. I could go on and on about him. Very passionate about his character and what makes him tick. His growth. Eric portrays him so well I could go on and on about that too but I won’t haha
AJ agrees again with saying he too relates to that. Football is where he has most control as well. Tim continues on to let him know he gets it. Football taught him teamwork, discipline and it wasn’t just a game for him. (It makes sense why he enlisted. He got everything from the service he loved about football) AJ then asks what game they’re playing now? We connect then I rat on my mom? Tim instantly says 'I would never ask you to do that.' You can see the change in AJ. He knows Tim is being genuine. He just hands him his card. Tells him to call him if he needs anything.
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We return to Lucy and Harper responding to one of the many complaints they got. ‘Vagrants in the sewers.’ Harper is none to pleased about it. Says they're going fishing in the arm pit of L.A. Lucy tries to do her optimism thing. Saying isn’t this what community policing should be? Helping like this? Nyla shuts it down and says no it’s what she tells her it should be. That Lucy doesn’t want to be good at those meetings. Lucy asks why? Harper crushes her a bit more by saying if the higher ups see that it'll be all they’ll ever let her do…
They make it deep into the sewer when they find couple meth tweakers. This scene is hard to watch for how beat down Lucy is in this scene. Not just physically but that self esteem Tim has been trying to build up crumbling a bit due to it. They get attacked and Lucy has Harper's back while she cuffs one of them. Lucy is attacked by the second tweaker and overtaken. Harper jumps in to save her. Lucy thanks her but Nyla is livid she had to do so. Tells her those community meetings are all she’s good for. (Too mean Nyla too mean)
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It’s not the reaction I expected from Harper first time I watched it. Then rewatching like I have it’s what she needed. Little harsher than I would’ve liked, but needed for the message she ends up delivering. Lucy is upset while the guys get hauled away. Harper picks up on it and ask her if she has something on her mind? At first Lucy says no. Harper snarks back 'That's what I thought.' Lucy snaps and tells Nyla she is wrong about her. Harper isn’t convinced in the least.
Lucy fights back says she’s more than those meetings. Harper continues the harshness and replies she must be really good at paperwork.... Then she tacks on that she can’t fight. Lucy tells her she can she’s won a lot of fights. Harper says not this one. Lucy bites back he was huge. That it wasn't fair he was much bigger than her. Harper shoots her down again. Says she took him down and his buddy.
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Harper is getting under Lucy’s skin and she knows it. Says Lucy wants to hit her. That she can see it in her eyes. Tells Lucy to hit her. Lucy bawks and can't believe she's asking her to do this. Nyla shoves her to rile her up. Tells her come at her like that tweaker came after her. Lucy is pissed enough and does and quickly fails. Lucy is on her ass in seconds. Now Nyla is brutal but her message at its core is sound. Tells Lucy to stay down and get used to that position. Being a woman in uniform is anything but fair. That contrary to belief she is not a 6’2 180 lb man.
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Unfortunately this isn’t gif’ed it's too bad it's such a good scene. Harper goes on to tell her ‘Tim might be a good T.O. but he can’t teach her to fight like a girl.’ She's not wrong. Nyla continues on that they get a higher show of force especially from men. That when she’s alone against a desperate suspect and she’s between them and their freedom she can’t be thinking 'Oh my he’s bigger than me.'
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Harper helps her up. Tells her if she’s going to survive the streets as a 5’6 woman and one of color no less, she better be willing to learn what these boys don’t know how to teach (one of the best lines of the scene) Harpers impact on Lucy is immense. It’s not kind at first because Nyla isn’t in that place yet. She is a wrecking ball emotionally. Not her softest approach but her message like I said is sound in its logic. Lucy needs to know things she had no idea she needed until today. Why her pairing up with Nyla benefits her so much. Doesn't feel like it right now but it really does.
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Lucy tries to mend fences when they get back to station. It’s who she is. I would be same way. Tries to make a joke about the meeting. How she should've listened to Harper's way of it. She gets no reply then tries to ask about her challenge coin. Harper calls her on the chit chat. Lucy is then upfront and tells her she wants to learn the job the way Harper does it.
Lucy is smart and can see the logic of what Harper was telling her. Tim is great for her but he can’t teach her what Harper knows. Nyla sadly doesn’t take her olive branch. Tells her not to be like her. Lucy commends her career and all she’s done. Harper tells her wasn't worth what she lost. That she doesn’t even want to be her. Oh Nyla you broken soul.
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AJ shows up to station using Tim’s card like he was hoping he would. Tells Tim and Jackson his mom left for an errand and never came back. He’s worried something has happened to her. Tim asks him to be straight with them. That he’s stressed he gets it but can’t help her if he doesn’t. He tells them she had been hounded lately by her ex-BF to help be a getaway driver. Said he would kill AJ if she didn’t. They start to get a search grid going for her. Tim is so sweet puts his hand on his shoulder tells him it’ll be ok. I love this.
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Harper is jealous Tim and Jackson are squaring off against a heist crew. She asks Lucy what they’re doing at this house. Her reply is too funny. ‘Talk to neighbor about feeding squirrels…’ Harper tells her to stay in the shop. She goes to the door solo and talks to him. She notices his hand is messed up and is instantly suspicious. Harper returns and tells Lucy to run background check.
They look him up and Harper thinks it’s the UCLA bomber. Lucy tells her they’ll need DNA. Tries to call in a warrant and Harper says no. Just needs his trash. They don't need a warrant to do a lawful search of that. Lucy starts her redemption and says Harper will need a distraction then.
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Lucy knocks on the door pretending to be someone informing people about drought resistant plants. (her first mini UC) Guy isn't interested but she is persistent. Asks if she can have some water to buy Harper more time. Harper accidentally tears the bag of garbage as she is leaving. He spots Nyla outside the window and arms the floor. We hear the pressure plates click in to place.
Leaving Lucy stuck inside with his armed floor. We hear Nyla call for her (uses her last name BTW. )Lucy warns Harper to get the bomb squad. Tells her the house is armed and he’s rigging a bomb. Then is a total bad ass. Uses those worn spots she notices on his hardwood floor as her map. She slowly navigates the floor to the back room where he’s rigging a big bomb.
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After she stops him from arming the bomb she throws him out the window. Harper sees them exit. You know she just proved to Nyla how good she is under pressure. Also how smart she is. She got into the house no problem with her ruse, navigated her way out, and nabbed him before he set bomb off. Nyla asks if she’s gonna puke and she says no. Then does poor girl. All that adrenaline I can’t imagine.
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Lucy catches Harper before she leaves. Tells her it was nice working with her today. Nyla is kind and says me too. We see that growth kicking in. Tells Lucy she was wrong to discourage her today. Tells her to goes as far as she wants in this job. That she can be a cop like her but to be better. Tells her she’s has what it takes ‘Not Nolan’ ha
Lucy doing what she does best calling people out. Tells Harper she heard her call her Chen back at the house. Says she knows Harper knows her name haha Harper respects it and she gets a smile out of Nyla. Even John hasn’t gotten that LOL Lucy asks her if she can ask her advice from time to time. She gets a much better response this time and says 'Sure just not all the time' haha She has a rep to protect hehe. So begins a beautiful friendship.
Tim can teach her a lot of what she needs to know truly he can. But he can not teach the wisdom Nyla ends up teaching her. How to handle herself as a female cop. Talia missed the mark so badly with Lucy on that. Nyla truly capitalizes on this moving forward. Harper is exactly what Lucy needed. A strong bad ass female role model she could lean on from time to time. She is apart of the development of the Confident BAMF Lucy that we have today. One of the reasons I adore her character so much. Why I love this ep a lot as well. So good.
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Tim and Jackson save AJ’s mom from the heist that takes place. Angela luckily happened to be guarding the target as an off duty side gig. It was wrapped up nicely. They were able to keep AJ's mom from being charged since she was coerced. The ending is super sweet. Get to see Tim/Jackson playing with AJ. His mom watching on. Tim looks so happy and once again in his element. Bragging about how he was one of the top QBs in the state. Eric Weddle shows back up gives Tim crap. Says his interceptions were always perfect spirals ha
Ep ends super sweet Tim/AJ squaring off against Eric and Jackson. Lots of trash talking snd cuteness haha Perfect way to end the SL. Love this so for them individually so very much. Tim for showing his compassion and sharing his past with AJ. Lucy for growing and learning about herself as a cop. Harper becoming an ally for her is huge.
Fantastic episode. Thanks to all who continue to like/comment (love me some comments), and reblog. You are amazing and I appreciate you all.
Side notes-Non chenford
Not really much two main SLs were Tim and Lucy separately. So I will say I did like Nolan and the doctor. They had a good background and chemistry. Too bad they didn't work out.
Shall see you all in 2x08 :)
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lovelyrotter · 5 months
I read your thing about stridercest. I didn’t super like the ship (I’m more of a lalondecest girlie) but I respect the hell out of the textual analysis you did. Anyway do you have any good fic recommendations? I want to see what you see in it.
oh fuck yeah i love sharing ship stuff especially with ppl who dont usually go here and vice versa for me. its like hell yeah im digging in sand and its fun i love my sand and then i turn around and woah i had no idea there was even MORE sand just behind me ya dig? that might not have made any sense hahaha. its the joy of trading pokemon cards except with ships
but okay heres some of my current faves. bear in mind i read mostly M and E rated stuff but ive got a sprinklin of lower ratings in here too. im also gonna categorize this list by stridercest flavour. theres a lot so this turned out like ridiculously long
anyone else goin through this feel free to link yalls faves in the replies too cause im ravenous. especially if its haldirk. im constantly craving haldirk
doku line terminus & two steps away from the county line by lildogie these first cause theyre my ultra faves rn and i cant get enough of this au. set in the same universe but county line is the prequel. a/b/o verse with lotsa interesting political stuff and also interpersonal dynamics. dave & dirk are there too and are real cute. its also got mysterious time travelling. i really cant sell these two enough like i am not doin these justice
davedirk / dirkdave
if i woke up next to you by bumbly | G, ~2,700 words, complete. SUPER sweet relationship study, made me fuckin melt. this author has really good stuff for other ships too but mind the archive warnings
dont joke about hentai face broctopus transplants im eating cheese n onion pringles here by smrtnik | M, ~1k words, complete. this one made me fuckin melt its so tender. it truly feels like were peeking into their life together. also great title
Stasis State by Caeslin | T, ~3k words, complete. another really intimate feeling one. its so fuckin sweet. mind the tags for typical dirk suicide attempt but its not on screen its moreso the recovery and how dave is affected by it
“stupid fucking bullshit” ad nauseam by anon | T, 13.7k words, complete. REALLY GOOD AU. trans striders, fade to black sex scene. the boys are cute and you can feel how much theyre drawn to each other immediately. wish there was more of this
sometimes the bad guy wins by nutrimercenary | E, ~7.5k words, ongoing. wow. oh wow. ive been looking for a davedirk fic like this for a long time. PLEASE read the warnings and tags but its so fuckin good. a crossdimentional narrative tug-o-war between dave and ult dirk i fuckin love it
got it goin on by bumbly | E, 7.5k words, complete. dirk indulges daves mommy kink after prying it outta him. its cute and funny and sexy it made me smile. their dynamic is sooo sweet
helping hands by ghostlyAnarchist | E, 5.1k words, complete. THIS IS SO GOOD. its got trans man dave and is genuinely one of the hottest transmasc fics ive read so far and boy howdy ive read a lot. slight warning for dysphoria discussion but its not too bad its all just hot af a dick-sucking venn diagram by Elendraug | E, 10k words, complete. first off domestic af. very established relationship and you can tell. its so fuckin sweet. i looove this one. its like the best kind of silly realistic smut its one of my faves of all time
STILL WITH ME by egbert | E, 8k words, complete. dave and dirk strife and then fuck in the bathroom. holy shit this is hot. their want is like tangible in this one
brodave and a!brodirk
hardware by orphan_account | E, ~8k words, complete. dave gets some dick piercings and bro goes insane about them. hot as hell and also features bottom bro which is my fave. its got a couple uses of the r-slur but its also from 2011 so i take it w/ a grain of salt. 2011 and earlier fics are like internet artifacts (/pos)
but you better never pull it by hapaxlegomena | E, 5k words, complete. wow. WOW. sub top bro and dom bottom dave need i say more. this sub bro activates my cute aggression the power play is great mars & murrie's by orphan_account | E, 6.8k words, complete. a!brodirk, omorashi. super hot!!!! alpha dave is sooo embarrassed about his piss kink but dirk wins in the end hahaha. really intriguing which i know sounds funny on an omo fic but read it and youll know. i love this alpha dave
temporal sunset by Plajus | M, 19.5k over 5 chapters, complete. a!brodirk. holy shit what a ride. this one held me hostage and now lives in my brain rent free (bdum tiss sorry). dirk is terminally ill so i know it wont be for everyone but give it a try and goddamn you wont be disappointed. trust me
a swinging pendulum by ghostlyAnarchist | T, ~900 words, complete. a!brodirk time/dream bubble encounter. wow just wow. the want. the yearning immaterial by LPSunnyBunny | E, 1k words, complete. a!brodirk, trans dirk. holy shit!!!!!! holy shit!!!!! hot hot hot!!!!!!! shower sex sensation control!!!!
singular by 2x2verse | E, 6.8k words, complete. hal has an existential crisis dirk catches him and then they fuck tenderly about it. genuinely so romantic. im addicted to this kind of haldirk. honestly i just recommend the entire series diagnostics by 2x2verse | E, 2.9k words, complete. i know i just linked this authors whole collection of haldirk fics but holy crap this one in particular. dom/sub electrostim with sensory deprivation, hal is the dom. i LOVE how hes written here. very attentive domming, great details
A Fatal Error Has Occurred by Mortior | E, 42k words, 4/5 chapters. oh mortior my haldirk regent. really fuckin good character writing in an au where hal has an android body before the alpha session is started. read the tags for warnings. the tension between them is insane endangered by Mortior | E, 100k+ words, complete multichapter. holy fuck where to begin with this one. this is a haldirk sensation. post apocalyptic au where androids won the human-robot war. dirk runs into AR. AR takes an interest in him. dirk takes even more of an interest in AR. if youre gonna read any haldirk read this one
"im basically fucking him" series by Elendraug | T & E, all complete. so!!!!! fucking!!!!! tender!!!!! really cute haldirk progressing through their relationship
ridiculously late by cinnamonfreak | E, 21k, completed multichapter. a/b/o au where dirk suddenly presents. REALLY intriguing hal in this one i fuckin love the power play
roboporn by smrtnik | E, 3.9k words, complete. really fun power play in this one. hal is waterproofed externally but not internally. he gives dirk a handie over his open chassis torso. theres also really sweet snuggling afterwards
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gravity-knight · 2 months
I really enjoyed Pit Babe. I was so apprehensive of starting. Cause I have no interest in racing and I had some (forgotten) issue with Pavel.
But every episode was enjoyable. I love how stereotypes were broken. I would not have expected Babe/Pavel to have played the “bottom” and damn sure didn’t expect that pregnant line.
Babe also being so emotionally raw. Went from a playboy to a mama so quick. Charlie must’ve been pumping him full of so much…love. And uh pheromones and stuff
Also all “sexy” scenes were A+ silly better than Playboyy
Babe’s and Way’s relationship. Yeah we’ve seen the possessive best friend secretly in love, jealous of the new boy. They were constantly telling each other how important and how much they loved one another. Which didn’t make Charlie jealous because he understood. And Babe begging Way not to leave him and how devastated he was when they weren’t talking. Telling him once again, for the last time, that he loves him 😭 😭
Babe confronting his Dad. How hurt and betrayed he was but still willing to attempt to forgive him because he didn’t want him to leave him again.
Babe cried a lot in the last few eps and I was surprisingly not annoyed unlike a certain other show
I dunno there was a certain emotional maturity. And the confessions 😚
Oh and Charlie was adorable af and he’d make a great Papa
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
i was thinking of the hookshot scene in OG4 again and cringing like the fuck? honestly Leon got lucky with it, did he not consider that shooting the metal horn thing might cause a ricochet and kill him? and the fact he had a hookshot the entire goddamned time and just used it the once like what about the giant fight there would have been good time to use it
OG4 Leon was a action hero and it didn't feel like he was in any real danger at the best of times then throw in the random "flirting" gags it was so random I haven't played OG2 and only seen it played through like twice but OG4 Leon going from OG2 Leon who from what I remember was suicidal and depressed and drunk for the most part (he passed out drunk in motel before going to RC) and not to mention as this is still insane but the main reason Leon works for the government is because they threatened Sherry where was that in OG4?
the best description i've seen of OG4 is genre whiplash (why objectively RE4 needs a remake)
you know those bad guys in hesienbergs factory that had the jet packs or just intense head gear thats how i imagine OG4 fans feels like especially the ones who are bullied Lily Gao (voice actor for Ada- according to some she didn't sound sexy enough Lily Gao sounds hot af and if they decided to go the more flirtatious innuendo femme fatal route that would have come through but again dumb) off the internet and the ones mad that you can't look up Ashley's skirt apparently the game is too woke (apparently a selection of fans were planning on review bombing the game i don't know what)
Here's what I've learned in my time in this fandom: the majority of the fans suck ass, are misogynistic as hell, and don't deserve opinions lmao. They literally harassed Lily Gao - a very talented actress - off of social media because, as you said, she wasn't purposefully making her voice sound seductive, she was *gasp* talking like a human person would talk. They hate Mia for having a dark past despite her redemption, because she's a woman. They sexualise every fucking female character in the franchise. They all loved Lady Dimitrescu at first bc she's hot, but then when they found out she rightfully hates men, they stopped caring about her.
Anyways, I'm thoroughly convinced that the people who enjoyed ogRE4 are either held down by nostalgia, or just conditioned to the absolute worst games. Because it honestly is such a shitty game. The remake is amazing though and it's easily my favourite resident evil game now.
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Welcome back to Keef rewatching TFP and you just get the notes!
This is Episode 8 of Season 1: Con Job.
I write Timestamps in, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly out of sync.
00:03 - beautiful shot, damn
00:10 - how does Miko not fall off?
00:24 - Optimus slowly opening and closing his mouth reminds me of a fish.
00:44 - mind me, just gonna enjoy Optimus’s voice over and over again.
00:53 - Bulkhead recognising WheelJack’s voice within the second is proof that they’re gay for each other. It’s not up for debate.
00:54 - I’m sorry but Bee’s little step back looks so polite.
00:56 - you can tell Arcee wasn’t thrilled about having to move.
00:59 - Same deal with WheelJack recognising Bulkhead’s voice.
01:00 - that was a dumb question.
01:14 - Optimus saying Wheeljack in a questioning tone is cuter than I expected.
01:34 - Arcee gets it.
01:52 - how does.. how does Soundwave have access to full body scans of the Autobots?
02:10 - and here we have waisted potential.
03:27 - reference to previous episode nice.
03:45 - smart protocol.
03:55 - mmmm s u r e
04:05 - I don’t know how I feel about Bee so silent.
04:57 - go off, queen
06:12 - ✨Jackie✨
06:20 - so Arcee and Bee were useless.
06:35 - I want to punch her so bad. I’ll consider easing up on the Miko slander if someone can give me a good reason as to why she’s such a pain.
06:45 - hah. He looks so short compared to Optimus.
06:52 - I will never get over Optimus’s formality.
06:53 - I Don’t know why I haven’t mentioned it before, but I really like the way the metal actually has a reflection on it.
07:11 - Optimus randomly gets very expressive here, it’s adorable, but kinda sad considering that he’s not talking to the real Wheeljack
07:24 - sexy walk cycles
08:35 - Beautiful scenery ruined by MIKO.
08:48 - I used to be on a netball team with this girl that would throw passes really violently that the rest of the team would be scared to catch it (she caused my fingers to jar multiple times) - it just reminded me of that.
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Look at hiiiiim
Actually, look at this scene.
There’s something so precious about Bee sitting on the floor, tapping his knees to the music, while right beside him Ratchet’s working.
08:57 - they’re throwing a circular object at each other, Jack. Take a while guess.
08:58 - Lobbing? Seriously? They were throwing it at each other’s stomachs. Lobs are high passes. I know, I know, they’re saying it’s a Cybertronian thing, but I’m nitpicking.
09:13 - I f o r g o t this part was in here! Raf dancing like a god and Bee’s head popping into frame like a giraffe.
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09:17 - Shh… I love it.
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09:19 - The moment Bee makes a sound, Ratchet stops what he’s doing to watch.
09:21 - Precious af.
09:25 - Jack’s obviously jealous of the way the two dance otherwise he wouldn’t have changed the subject, prove me wrong.
09:30 - I refuse to believe that. (Not to mention they’re not partying.)
09:34 - Raf and Bee dancing as the ball flies past is unexpectedly funny.
09:35 - that ball was gonna hit the ground.. how did it fly up??
09:37 - quick reaction time from Ratchet, goddamn.
09:38 - the wheels on his elbows were spinning as he moved and started to calm down.
09:39 - I’m surprised he didn’t threaten to kill them. I would’ve.
09:43 - I dunno why, but I really like the animation during this specific line. I think it’s because it’s slightly exaggerated so you can tell he’s annoyed, but it’s kinda comedic too.
09:57 - Ratchet feelin proud of himself at that moment. *Cri* look at hiiim
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10:08 - not suspicious at all.
10:42 - This story telling part is weirdly pretty to watch.
11:10 - These two looking fiiiine.
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11:13 - how long did it take y’all to realise that the laugh Bee just did was his equivalent to a full body laugh? I’ll tell ya, I only just realised.
11:26 - Bulkhead’s double take when he realised Wheeljack wasn’t paying attention.
11:31 - translation: *concerned boyfriend noises*
12:00 - I’m not the only one that feels uncomfortable from how that line was delivered, right?
12:32 - Reaction image right here.
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12:40 - Both of them looking up at Bulkhead is so cute I caaaan’t.
12:42 - Bee just in the corner. Also translation = *skeptical boyfriend nosies*
12:59 - When you say that their legs could kill.
13:46 - So no red flags going off for Miko? Seriously?
14:17 - Now appreciating the way the bots look down.
14:57 - the way his eyes moved
15:02 - live ratchet reaction.
15:11 - Mmm exaggerated movements, my love
15:18 - that has the energy of that one friend stealing a cookie.
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15:29 - ratchet: 😯
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16:29 - there was quite some buildup for that reaction.
17:57 - Gaaah
18:11 - Wheeljack needs some self help books, huh?
18:44 - rude.
19:44 - And he’s dead. Wasted potential.
19:51 - Another beautiful scene.
19:54 - what’d I tell ya? He’s jealous. Can’t dance nearly as well as Raf and Bee.
20:02 - hell yes.
20:10 - He’s so tall
20:32 - fuckin w h a t ?
20:44 - Boyfriends.
21:14 - that… sounded weirdly sexual, right?
Mmmmm that was Con Job.
It was pretty alright, not a favourite ep of mine, but I’d rewatch it in a binge.
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
hello, how are you? ☺
I would like to know if there's going to be a 2no part of one night only, and if that's the case, can i be in the taglist? Thank you🥰💜
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synopsis; in which you and Hoseok take a trip together — the mushroom kind.
pairing; jung hoseok x female!reader
genre; fluff, humor, smut, one night only au, music festival au, drabble
warnings; cursing, drug use (be responsible pls), existential mind trip, sex (also be responsible) though it’s moreso implied and not explicit, and cute moments in between that include hobi and self luuuurv <3
rating; 21+ MINORS DNI
w/c; 2,278
a/n; while this is not a direct sequel, it’s more of a ‘filler chapter’ that takes place the morning after of ONO where she’s still at the music festival but before she leaves and finds out she’s pregnant (spoiler alert oops). so, really it’s just another scene of how she possibly came to be pregnant. anyways, enjoy @jeonmarti!!
Read ONO Here -> 01
The Morning After
J-Hope: wakey wakey, sleeping beauty
If I’m sleeping beauty, why didn’t you kiss me awake?
J-Hope: because that’s creepy af
I wouldn’t have minded 😉
J-Hope: well, now that I have your consent…..maybe I’ll get lucky when your sexy ass COMES OUTSIDE cause we have food
Be right there!!!
You make your way out of the bus, stretching and yawning. It’s the final day of the festival and you can feel it hitting you.
Hoseok pauses in his conversation with a girl you don’t recognize, but you don’t let it phase you, what with your brain still waking up. He waves the girl goodbye and she walks off, he turns to you as you walk up in front of him.
“Hey, y/n. You still half asleep?”
“Mhmm.” You just nod your head at him, one hand of yours coming up to attempt to rub the sleep out of your eyes more.
He pulls you into a hug and you can feel his chest vibrating from a low chuckle.
“Poor thing. You gonna make it through the day?”
Fully sinking into his warmth, you close your eyes and savor it. The cool morning of the desert hits your skin and causes you to shiver, it only causes his arms to tighten around you more.
“Shhhh. Y/N isn’t awake yet. Please leave a message after the tone.”
You do not make a tone. He waits. You’re silent.
He finally speaks up.
“So, where’s–,”
And so do you.
He snorts into your hair and rubs your back. He then kisses the top of your head and releases you. You hiss at the sudden loss of warmth you were relishing in, but with one more loud yawn it helps you shake off the last bit of exhaustion in your body.
You look around at the people who are with you, scattered around the campsite, and you actually recognize some of them. It’s the rest of Pomegranate Tits as well as several others you don’t recognize, but who are clearly friends with the band.
“Oh, hey! I saw your performance yesterday! Nice job!” They all take a moment to look at you and smile in thanks. The lead singer is the one to reply for the band.
“Thank you! You’re J-Hope’s festival fling, right? You enjoy the show?”
Deep inside, you cringe at being called his ‘festival fling’, but you know it’s the truth. Might as well own it.
“Yeah, it was great!”
Hoseok comes up from behind you, and once he gets close enough he lightly hip bumps you to get your attention. When you turn to look at him, he’s holding out a granola bar in one hand and an orange in his other. He’s smiling widely.
“Your breakfast, babe.”
You take both from him, smiling yourself.
He nods his head over towards the bus and you take the hint. Waving goodbye to the group, you follow Hoseok back towards the bus, nibbling on your granola bar.
In the very back, accessible from the outside only, appears to be a little mini greenhouse of sorts. You recognize the plants and fungi that Hoseok mentioned he worked with for….medicinal purposes. However, the dried mushrooms he pulls out of a cooler now are definitely not going to be used for that.
“OoOo what are we doing with those?”
He smirks at you and holds up the bag.
“Some of the guys wanted to skip the festival today and head out to the desert to do some of these. If you want, we could join them?”
His eyes are full of hope, but you know that if you say no, he wouldn’t judge you. Lucky for him, you’re the adventurous kind of gal.
“Let’s get trippy in the desert!”
A smile threatens to split his face with how wide it is at your answer. He offers you his hand, which you take, now having a free one since finishing off your granola bar, and he leads you into the back of a jeep that one of his friends owns. Soon enough, you’re all heading off into the desert, you munching on your orange in the meantime as you watch the scenery pass by you out of the car window.
After about an hour of driving, you hop out into a picturesque desert scene.
Hoseok walks over to you with two cups of what looks like tea, and a picnic blanket is secured underneath one arm.
“Tommy and JJ are trip sitting. I figured you and I could head off on our own.”
“Sounds good. Cheers!”
You clink your paper cup with his and down the contents. The bitter taste of the ground fungus is masked by a generous helping of lemon. Still, you scowl as you swallow.
Hoseok downs it easily, and quickly, leaving more than enough time for him to poke a bit of fun at the current expression on your face.
“Hey, that’s a cute face!”
You blow a raspberry at him as soon as the contents are done slithering down your throat.
“I see you’ve done this before.”
“Me? Nooo. Never!”
You roll your eyes and then take his hand.
“Let’s find a good spot for us.”
You and Hoseok find a nice little patch of desert sand and a beautiful, blooming cactus.
“Hey.” His voice floats through your ears.
“Huh?” You snap out of your trance of staring at the cactus to look at him. He points to the cactus.
“Don’t touch that cactus when the trip sets in, no matter how enticing it may present itself to be.” When he talks, he has a serious demeanor, but his voice is laced with a lilt of humor in it. He doesn’t want to see you get hurt, but he would be lying if he said he wouldn’t think it was a little bit funny if you did end up touching it.
“What? That cactus?” You point at it yourself with a lazy finger, then put the same finger against your lips in fake thought. “Hmm.” You tap the same finger against your lips once, twice. “I won’t.”
Your answer seems full of sincerity, he thinks, until you wink at him.
You little shit. His face deadpans.
“Y/N. Please.”
He sets up the picnic blanket and you help him smooth it down before both of you settle yourselves on top of it, now sitting on the flat layer of earth. After several minutes, you begin to think that nothing will happen, but then – something does.
The wind moves past you, rubbing against you like a cat. It’s warm and gentle and makes you giggle. Your attention then gets brought back to the cactus.
The cactus is beautiful. Such a vibrant green. It’s needles appear to be swaying in the breeze, dancing. That’s not right. Is it…fuzzy? Is it….looking at you? You steel your resolve as best you can in your current state, shaking your head.
No. You can’t. You said you wouldn’t touch it, you told him you wouldn’t.
Sitting back down next to Hoseok, you watch the swirling colors of the world as they seem to embrace you. It’s as if Mother Nature herself is wrapping you in a loving hug.
No. Maybe it’s you with your arms wrapped around yourself. You love yourself, as you should, because you are you, you are human, and you are flawed. But you are not broken.
You are perfect.
This world, this universe loves you and among the billions of stars and the billions of planets and the billions of people on this one, you are the only you. You are inimitable. You are an original. You are wonderfully and beautifully unique.
In this moment of self love and realization, you look over at Hoseok. His eyes gaze into yours and seem to be peering right through you. His hair flutters around him in a halo.
He’s beautiful.
You can’t help but smile. Hoseok is a kind soul at the end of the day, and he is so warm and gentle. You wonder if Hoseok knows he’s loved, too. You would like him to. Everyone deserves to know.
You lean into him and he leans into you. You close a distance that felt too large to begin with and feel such a deep satisfaction as your lips meet.
Warmth spreads through you and around you. It feels like you are being wrapped in a blanket. Then you realize that he’s embracing you. It’s his warmth that you feel.
Your lips meet once again, but it feels different this time. It’s so pleasant, but hot. Like taking a steaming shower that leaves your skin red. You think you might get burned, but the ecstasy that it brings you will not go away.
As you touch him, you feel a pulling against you. It’s pulling you closer in and up and down…it’s like a tide and you let it take you where it wants. You feel like as long as you are here with Hoseok, you won’t get lost.
When you cling to him tighter, nails digging into cloth and skin alike, you realize that at some point your clothes have melted off. As you gaze at him you wonder what it would be like to just be a little closer. So, you pull yourself closer and touch his bare skin in its entirety. As you do, it feels like you are melting into him and thus becoming one.
He must understand exactly what you want as he positions himself on top of you, entering you gently. Connected, you lose yourself. You feel pleasure everywhere, both inside and out. You no longer know where you end and where Hoseok begins. It is as if you are one being experiencing the most intense joy.
You love yourself, and you love him.
You close your eyes for a moment, or what feels like a moment. But when you open your eyes again, it’s night. The stars are every bit as vivid and bright as the breeze caresses your skin. The moon shines down on you both with a pale glow. You feel groggy and find Hoseok holding you in his arms, just rubbing your back soothingly in lazy circles.
“How are you feeling?” His voice is laced with a hint of sleep, but for the most part it seems like he’s been awake for quite awhile.
You clear your throat before you speak, it feels dry.
“A little thirsty, but–”
Your eyes take in every inch of his face as you softly say your next words, it coming out almost breathlessly.
“–really happy. I don’t know why, I just feel…elated.”
A hint of a smile dances across his lips.
“I know exactly what you mean. I’m glad I got to share this experience with you.”
He helps you to your feet and the two of you head back to the car to depart for the night, fixing your clothes and gathering your supplies in the process. When you arrive to the car, your trip sitter hands you both a bottle of water that you both chug down, gratefully. Then, you all pile back in and head back to the camp.
In front of his bus, the bright headlight beams illuminate your figures in the background. The hum of the bus’s engine serves as the only noise to fill the silence between you. You hold your car keys in hand.
“So, are you heading out of town?” You ask, though you already know the answer. Still, a sliver of you hopes he’s willing to stay with you longer. But that quickly gets crushed into sand, just like the sand that tickles your ankles as it gets carried by the night desert wind.
“Yeah.” He trails off, scratching the back of his neck. He tries his best to keep his eyes on yours, but underneath your intense gaze, they quickly get directed to everywhere but you. “I’m chasing music festivals. Gotta get across the country for the next one pretty much. But–,”
This time, he finds the courage to keep your gaze, his hand falling to his side as he nervously fidgets with one of his belt loops. A soft smile appears.
“–I’m glad to have met you at this one, y/n.”
You smile back, with warmth, reply sincere.
“Same here.”
Stepping closer, you lean up to press one final kiss to his already puckered lips. Both of your eyes close to savor this last moment. When you open your eyes again, preparing to step back, his hands find the small of your back to pull you in again for another round.
This kiss is full of passion, it’s full of warmth, but at the same time somehow more gentle than the last had been.
A bittersweet goodbye kiss.
Without another word, you successfully pull away from him and try to lighten the sullen mood with a playful wink. And with that, you turn and wave at him as you begin your trek to the parking lot, his own hand comes up in a silent wave, but stays still.
Making it back to your car, you start the engine and buckle up. Turning on the radio and rolling the windows down as you pull out of the parking lot and onto a dark, desert highway, the cool wind in your hair, you let out a sigh of content.
Carrying only the memories of an amazing weekend, you flip the rear view mirror up, refusing to look back.
If only you knew then, what you know now.
just maybe,
you would’ve turned right back around and gotten him to stay.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
What would happen if regular makarov met ultranationalist!roach????? Would they fight or get along😅
They'd be in love...for like a week then their ideologies would cause a split sjdjdjjd
Ultranationalist Roach would 100% think regular Makarov was hot af. He watches the church torture scene and is terribly turned on by the whole thing loves how clever he is, loves his fashion sense, seduces him immediately
Regular Makarov is absolutely over the moon because he's like "its Roach but he's evil like me and also flirting with me :D" They definitely sleep together within like an hour of meeting
Then Ultranationalist Roach starts realizing "oh this dude is being a terrorist for not good reasons and also??? He's really obsessive and possessive??? And not in the sexy way that I do it???"
And Makarov is like "Okay he's evil but also really likes the US and gets mad at me any time I do terrorist things. He also wants to flirt with the 141? To handle this I must lock him away and keep him from knowing what I'm doing and keep him away from others"
And that attraction for ultranationalist Roach slowly turns into "I miss my Makarov :(" followed by him trying to/actually killing regular Makarov
Meanwhile regular Makarov is still 100% there for him but is like was too possessive/obsessive in terms of him for UN Roach so it doesn't work out
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ladymelisande · 2 years
Agree with your recent take about Daemon vs the writers. Especially when we take into account that they literally made everyone sympathetic, except Otto & Larys (and this is because they wanted to paint men so bad and that at the expense of Daemon's redeeming qualities).
The only thing they soften about Daemon is Laenor's death which was only made because they don't want that gay death trope to bite them, and they wanted to make Rhaenyra likeable af. Daemon still killed someone for their marriage.
Well, they show Baela and Daemon being close, teaching her High Valyrian, but still paint him black by ignoring Rhaena. They cut his scene hugging his daughters, when they already filmed it. They add a choking scene that wasn't in the book. They add him killing Rhea that clearly isn't in the book.
All these and what they can only say to the criticisms are... "He is no Ned Stark" ??? "Tell me and George who Daemon is" ??? Like??? They are so irritating and annoying. If Matt wasn't there to care about the character, the writers will make Daemon an entirely 1-dimensional no nuance character.
If Matt wasn't there, Daemon would have been the most boring character in the show and it wouldn't have passed the first season because the only interesting one would have been Viserys and he dies in Episode 8.
Like, I'm sorry, Condal, it doesn't matter how much you and Hess cry like stupid children that people only like Daemon 'cause Matt is sexy. Nobody ever is gonna like the Sympathetic Sue more than him. It doesn't matter which actress who can never pass as the mother of 20 years old you cast. She is not interesting, the Hightowers are not interesting in the show because you made them stupid.
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cigsandchampagne · 2 years
No one asked for it but here are my thoughts after watching Dont Worry Darling:
I really don’t like Olivia W and I hate this stunt but I’m gonna keep my feeling about that off this and try to take about it as if idk anything about Harry or the stunt.
I’m on mobile so I can’t put it under a cut sorry
So a quick recap. Alice and Jack just moved to a community called Victory. Alice I’d a housewife, Jack works everyday and a technical engineer? Alice starts having weird visions and weird shit starts happening around her. Eventually she starts questioning wtf is going on, what her husband is really doing for work, wtf is up with his boss etc. eventually she realizes her bf Jack has put her in a simulation and that in reality she was an overworked nurse (?) surgeron(?) idk and he’s kind of lame and has no job lol. He put her in a simulation and he gets to live in the real world to make money to pay for the simulation and come back to her for a few hours everyday where they get to live the perfect life. She figures everything out and tries to escape.
I guess I’ll start with things I liked?
The outfits were great. The aesthetic was pretty in general. Florence was great. Chris was great. Gemma was great (scary but great. I always see her in movies as this super Nice, innocent, sweet, etc. but seeing her be a bit more sinister was noiiice, I wish she wasn’t pushed as some random background character and I wish I got to see more of her character fleshed out a bit. She was sexy af.) Harry was good, he played his role well and although there were moments where he over acted a bit or was a bit stiff (I think the scenes where he had an American accent was stiff and I think it’s because he had to use an accent so he wasn’t as natural in those scenes), overall he was a believable Jack.
So here are a few things I had issues with.
There were so many random scenes that didn’t really get tied up. Like, what was up with the empty eggs? This was before everything, literally like 10 mins in. She hadn’t seen Margaret at this point or met Frank. It was just there and then moves back to a normal scene. What happened to the plane? Where did it come from? Was it just a virus or a glitch? Cause Margaret was holding a plane too. Is the plane something people see when they’re starting to question the simulation? They never explain. There was alot of annoying talking over each other that I understand was supposed to make it look like just regular people chattering about going on with their normal lives but I feel like there was alot of unnecessary talking that don’t really push the plot. Lot of random filler scenes for the aesthetic where something else could’ve been added to maybe flesh out other characters more. Speaking of that, Let’s talk about Gemma. I’ve only ever seen her as a “good girl” in other roles so it was really nice to see her play someone who got angry lol. But I wanted to know more about her character. Was she in In on it? Was she the mastermind the entire time? What were her motivations? Her character was interesting and I would’ve loved to have seen more. Bunny’s character was also another weird one. She eventually comes clean and tells Alice that she knows wtf is going on, that she chose this life. Does that mean she put her husband in the simulation? If she did then shouldn’t she be the one leaving everyday? If so then why was he trying to get Alice in the end and protect the secret. Does he also know and just decided that they’ll do this together? Another thing was confused about was the scene where the twist was revealed, the question are asks who their chosen partner is and whether or not they have a relationship outside of the simulation. Does it mean that all the people in there are real life partners or did some random weirdo asshole just kidnap a woman and bring them there to be their wife? Idk that one doesn’t really matter that’s just me overthinking. And back again to Frank and Shelley, are they both free to come and go to the simulation as they please? What about the kids? Are all kids fake or just Bunny’s? Is the pregnant one always pregnant? Or does she eventually have that baby? When Alice was “reset” and came back brand new, how long after that did she remember everything again? Can everyone be reset? Why didn’t they just reset Margaret? What was up with the tap dancing? Was Frank just trying to humiliate Jack? And then ending, we assume that she wakes up because of the sound of her gasping but does that mean she’s free or were there guys waiting for her wherever she was to then take her out in the real world?
Over all, I feel like this movie could’ve been very interesting if it had better writing and directing. There are so many scenes that felt unnecessary that took space for scenes that could’ve tied up some lose ends. The pacing also felt off, we never know how much time passes in between black outs, or just between scenes in general. Specially at the end after she’s been reset. I couldn’t tell if it all took place in a couple weeks or have they been there for years. I’m assuming so considering Jacks hair? If so, how did she get triggered all of a sudden to wake up? Idk I just feel like there are so many unanswered questions and holes in the story that could’ve been answered if they weren’t trying to make the movie look so pretty. At the end of it, o feel like Harry got it right. This movie feels like a movie. If you like watching movies to turn off your brain and suspend disbelief and you aren’t they type to overthink/over analyze, then this movie would be entertaining enough for you. If you’re the type who likes deeper psychological thrillers, then you might end up going “huh?” At the end of the movie.
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Saturday :) We have reached S2 Finale. I can’t believe we are here already. Feels like I just started on S2. This has really helped me get through this unusually long hiatus. Fun we can do this together. Thank you all for lovely likes, comments, and re-blogs on last one. I had a lot of fun writing it. Not a ton of Chenford in this one sadly.
So it'll be a lot shorter than our content heavy ones. It is closing an important chapter for Tim though which is important to go over. This is a fairly Nolan forward ep and its good but low Chenford. It’s time to close out this season so let’s get started.
2x20 The Hunt
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We start off with our couple just starting their day. Tim confides in her about an informant he has a beat on. Love him confiding in her about this BTW. They are a slow burn with a lot of little pay offs like this we get to see along the way. I love it. Tim tells her about vice having an informant for the last 9 months in the Derain organization. A man named Cisco. Lucy gets excited cause means that he could give them Serj. A much needed win after losing the weapon that killed Chris. They don't have much on him right now. So this would be huge if they could track him down. I love how intently she listens to him knowing him sharing this is a huge show of trust.
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Although this is a great lead for them Tim is worried he’s been killed. Says he hasn’t replied to a meet since yesterday. Before we continue I must note I will forever and ALWAYS love him opening doors for her. Like second nature habit with him. He never allows himself to go first. Makes my shipper heart happy. Chivalry is sexy af with Tim Bradford. He shows that constantly with her. I've said before it's the little things that make me happy. I also love them having their own secret op. I need more of this in S6. They’re going to try and track down this informant and see if they can find out where he’s hiding if he's not dead.
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Their secret op is going to start with trying to see if he can be found at his normal places. Tim mentions checking their new sex trade businesses and a karaoke bar. Lucy makes a joke how she can’t believe a karaoke bar could be a front for a brothel. Tim and his jaded cop ways saying it’s LA of course it could be haha I mean where’s the lie? Ha That anywhere in this city is a cover for a brothel. Her reply and facial expression is priceless LOL
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Lucy mentions it’s Rachel’s last night. Asking if Tim has anything planned? Tim doesn’t say much just dinner and taking her to airport. He is being very detached about the whole thing. Defaulting a little to his old ways with this. Lucy can’t help herself and give him a hard time about the airport though. Let’s note the smile he’s flashing in the first gif when she’s teasing him. You know that man loves it when she does.
She also calls him out on his ‘visiting’ plans. Clearly Rachel told her Tim would come see her after she moves. Tim continues his further detachment. Says no that he’s just going to be straight with her. Rip that emotional bandaid off about this. Insisting just like he did in 2x18 that long distance doesn’t work. (Also this scene continues my love of their height difference. These shots are my fav. I must comment on them every time ha)
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Lucy can't help herself in trying to help him see it could work. She hates him having to go through this. The look on her face says it all. She hates the idea of him just giving up. That continued guilt of setting them up and watching it fall apart. Tim is decided and says no it’s not going to and he doesn’t see it happening at trying. Now we all know if it was Lucy he would wait for her. Make the effort. Show her she’s worth that effort. But this is Rachel and she is not that person for him.
Hell it’s why in 5x08 when Tim tells Lucy ‘She deserves someone who’s worth the effort’ was him saying she would be for him. That he would be willing to make ANY effort for her. Rachel was not that for him and this just shows in this episode. She helped him heal a lot post-Isabel but not deep enough of a connection for that kind of effort. Lucy finishes their convo out with saying she’s going to miss Rachel. Tim cracks a little emotionally and says me too…
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They’ve reached one of the spots they’re checking for Cisco. Once again Tim opens the door for her. She even says Thank you *be still my heart* I love these two so much. They use the guise of their ABC’s to check out this place. To be able to get eyes on everyone there if possible by doing this. The lady who runs this place is a real peach. Tells them to kiss her ass. That she follows the rules. Even the dumb ones. Tim doesn't care about her attitude they are there for a reason.
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They have everyone step out into the hallway. Clearly seeing if they can get eyes on Cisco if he's there. This is a pretty slick way of getting him to show himself. To be able to get to him without exposing the real purpose of their visit. I love watching them work in the field for this reason. They are a well oiled machine at this point. Very fun to watch them in action. I will say it is sexy to watch Tim dissect this business with his cop eyes. Walking through the hallway as Lucy follows his lead. Ready to follow any play he has in mind. Lucy finds the one door still shut. Alerts Tim and he knocks on the door to get them to come out. That’s where they find Cisco thankfully.
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Tim pretends he is coping an attitude with him and shoves him back into the room. He "searches" him so they can talk. Cisco says after the shooting everyone's phones were taken. So Tim gets him a new phone since his old one was taken. Slips it into his pocket during his "search' Tells him to text him Serj’s location. Not gonna lie love watching him in this mode. 'Take no shit from anyone' mode right now. He’s already suppressing how he’s feeling about Rachel leaving so he’s a little pent up. It’s coming out here just a bit. Tim ends their convo and says he’s clean to the hallway of people. Then he and Lucy leave having gotten what they came for.
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Rachel calls Tim expecting him to be at the station. She’s on speakerphone so Lucy can hear everything. He says the day got away from him he can be back in 20 minutes. Clearly having forgotten the time for their dinner. Lucy interrupts and says Cisco texted them a location. You can see the regret on his face he apologizes he won’t make it now. Rachel is also devastated he can’t make it. He apologizes profusely.
She tells him she’ll text him when she lands…In New York…Poor Tim looks so sad he’s disappointed her. He’s such a loyal person to not come through for someone is going to weigh on him. Before Lucy can say a word he says ‘it’s better this way’ her face though... Lucy has learned when to say something and when not to. This is one of those times. Doesn't say a word let's him be. She’s hurting for him though. It's written all over his face how upset he is about this. Not the way he wanted them to end.
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Luckily they’re able to get to converge on Serj quickly and arrest him. Tim is able to catch her before she leaves. This is a huge moment for growth for him believe it or not. Instead of just shunting away his feelings about her leaving. (Which he was doing this entire ep and ever since she announced she was leaving really) And ignoring everything their relationship was for him he faces it. Tim's way of showing her this relationship meant a lot to him. Honestly It did she was his first real one since his divorce. It was an important chapter for him. I’ve said it all season. I am grateful to Rachel. To everything she helped him heal over.
Showing him he could open up again and have a healthy relationship. One with the possibility of a deep future. She helped heal that portion of himself. Show him he was capable of it. Which ultimately opened him up for Lucy in the future. Tim tells her he’s willing to actually give this long distance thing a go. He can't predict the future but wants to try. Now we all know they don’t make it past this episode. Because she was not his person. The growth is him pushing past his usual M.O. of suppression.
By facing what he was feeling and trying to make it work instead of being stubborn and not even trying. Lucy set them up because she wanted him to get past his S1 trauma. To push past all the crap Isabel dragged him through last season. To see him happy. That he deserved that so much in her opinion. So I’ll always be grateful for the role Rachel played in his life. It helped him eventually get to where he could be with Lucy. After this episode this chapter with her is now closed. I would get a kick out of her finding out about them now. Be interesting what she would say. Alrighty that’s all she wrote for s2 finale.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Not a ton of chenford the episode mainly focus on John and his terrible decision making skills LOL I would've done things so differently than he did my god. Pained me to watch his terrible choices through out the episode.
Only good thing he does is go to Roslyn for insight. But the rest I would've done so differently. Harper put her career on the line for him and he just did most of it with out her. Loved Armstrong saying 'You know your problem John? You think you're better than people.' He was a dirty cop but damn if that isn't true LOL
Kills me every time to watch him tear apart that beautiful home looking for the evidence though.
Unreal we’re done with s2. Thank you to everyone who’s been with me since the pilot, to the newer ones who’ve joined me in s2, I appreciate you all more than I can say. The likes/comments/reblogs are the best. I shall see you in s3 :)
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mejomonster · 11 months
Unrelated but one show where I absolutely Was invested in all the straight romance was Ice Fantasy! Maybe one day I'd give Pillow Book a try, like I gave Eternal Love a try (with mixed results), and Till The End of The Moon definitely invested me a bit. But its Ice Fantasy for me above all others as far as the guy/girl xianxia romances go. (And no we are not counting Love and Redemption cause that's a queer relationship, and not counting Love Between Fairy and Devil because while I Do love it... it's mostly just the main couple for me, like how Eternal Love was mostly the side couple for me).
Ice Fantasy just absolutely fulfilled my ideal tropes when it came to so many characters (and I can get picky) and so many romances. It didn't even matter i had no queer lens ships (although that is a past time of mine lol: to look at cdramas and optimistically read everything as queer as I possibly can.... in my defense Eternal Love is fairly explicitly actually queer with a gay uncle and 2 bi demons, and Love and Redemption is Really Queer, so).
Ice Fantasy has:
Wang Duo playing an absolute delight of a himbo who is engaged to a girl he doesn't like for political reasons his dad set up, and falls for the girls cutthroat talented sword wielding sister. Said sister is cold and only wants her sister happy, a genuine triangle ensues where really everyone just wants everyone to be happy. Wang Duo is a fucking delight as this sweetie.
The lead love interest prince from Jade Palace Lock Heart plays Ka Suo, prince of the Ice Kingdom and son to a very fucked up father. He falls for the Guardian of the boundary between his immortal Ice Kingdom realm and the human one, and the Guardian is basically Zhao Yunlan-Kunlun in woman form. She's badass, and forward, heroic, she saves him, she teaches him the wonders of being human, she doesn't want to ruin his life and just wants to help him be a good future King, and she's mortal. The kind of Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan fluff and angst ensues, and it's a delight there is a girl as raunchy and kickass as Zhao Yunlan on the scene. Their first drinking scene together is beyond cute, she's one of my favorite characters in the show.
We've got my man Ma Tianyou as the younger brother to Ka Suo, Ying Kong Shi. He is a sweet younger brother who just wants to help his brother too. And his brother wants to not be like their absolute horror of a dad, does not love the awful burden of that bullshit and impending war and not getting to be with his mortal love, and living through that war starting (with his dad making his little brother the scapegoat) so. Ying Kong Shi has his work cut out for him trying to help Ka Suo. Along the way, Ying Kong Shi becomes "mortal" for a while, gets kidnapped by the Fire Kingdom Princess (which his country is at war with) and becomes her slave. She becomes intensely enamoured with him and honestly he becomes her best friend. The dynamic of that portion alone is SO fucking funny, intense, sad, cute, sexy, complicated, you name it. He eventually betrays her, as he must, to return to his kingdom. From then on they're on opposite sides, but with a soft spot for their former friend. Possibly my favorite ship on the show.
Not a romantic relationship, but the relationship with Ka Suo and Ying Kong Shi is also SO much what Shen Wei and Ye Zun could be in a longer story, especially when Ying Kong Shi goes supernova and burns a bunch of people alive, which is absolutely the kind of brothers fucked over by life dynamic I eat up.
Ying Kong Shis mom is a mermaid concubine who is played by the absolute babe who starred with the pink hair in the kdrama Tomorrow. She's shady af in this show, betraying and plotting and using others. But considering her ex was the Fire King, asshole extraordinare, and her husband is the Ice King absolute jerk of a motherfucker? I kind of get it. And her actress makes any scene she's in utterly compelling, you love to hate her character. All her relationships are utterly fucked up, and boy were they compelling to me.
You have mermaid princess girl who genuinely just wants a normal fairytale relationship, which is actually what society would like her to have in this kind of world. She wants to marry Ka Suo, be loved, and be happy. Ka Suo however does NOT want to be dragged into political immortal marriage, he's in love with his human Guardian Li Luo. So as you can imagine, shit hits the fan in a major way for our mermaid princess. And I love a messy time so.
There's a Mortal (with powers) princess with an eagle man (yao? I'm not clear it's been a while since watching) as her loyal servant/second in command. Who absolutely loves her like a knight loves their queen. As far as traditional romances go, I'm a sap for a man who's in awe of his woman and trying to help her (The Secret of the Three Kingdoms reallyyyy appeals to me with the Empress as puppetmaster and fake Emperor as her tool tbh as a premise, or the Olivia Wang and Wang Duos characters in Yin Yang Master is another good example of this). They're a very cute side couple and it's pretty much impossible for me not to root for them.
The entire family dynamics within the Ice Kingdom and Fire Kingdom is also exactly my kind of thing. In the fire Kingdom, the fire princess deals with sexism (interesting choice in a xianxia to delve into) despite being the best leader for her family and country and genuinely loving both, her brother who's in a way in her shadow for being less good and in his father's egotistical shadow, and her father who's a piece of shit (a la Eternal Love's demon king) but unlike demon/Heavenly traditional xianxia? The ice king is equally absolute shit and just as guilty, for once. So I guess all powerful leaders are all shit huh. Good thing the next generation is a bit more caring (also! If you like progressive advancement anime style stories, this show very much follows that kind of pacing and arc). The ice Kingdom features an older brother with the world on his shoulders, a half brother who's also half (something likely enemy to ice nation I tell you that) something else and absolutely his dad's and their country's punching bag and scapegoat (they full on try to kill Kong Shi as a kid), his brothers mom is evil and up to her own shit, his own mom isn't the ideal ally to Ka Suo either, and his dad? His dad might as well be singlehandedly ruining Ka Suos life, trying to kill his brother, and getting the nation into a war. Phenomenal. I love the mess that is the political plot what can I say.
Anyway. As if that's all not enough? Ice Fantasy season 2 is set in the modern world but still with xianxia magic, which if you know me is the kind of thing I absolutely love. (See: Rattan, Guardian, Fairyland Lovers).
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