#causes that unite diverse cultures
clove-pinks · 3 months
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Local sachem of the Weckquaesgeek and an English merchant in 1657 Massachusetts cannot BELIEVE this man is stealing their wi-fi without even asking!!!
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stairset · 1 year
Maybe it's just because of where I live, but the whole "Satine didn't like that her people were a bunch of warmongering imperialist assholes and told them to knock it off and implemented gun control and made the Jedi Torture Boxes illegal so that her people could rebuild and move on from their violent history of civil wars that reduced their planet into a nearly uninhabitable wasteland in favor of focusing on more productive things like art and education and this is literally cultural genocide and she's erasing history and she should've been a villain blah blah blah" take has always been so weird to me. Like I have absolutely seen people say things like that in real life all the time and about 90% of them have confederate flags on the back of their pickup trucks so. Yeah.
#''but the new mandos are mostly white in tcw!'' despite what many claim mandos were always mostly white even before tcw#i know people wanna act like they're The Single Most Diverse Culture In The Entire Galaxy but that was always largely an informed attribute#i mean star wars in general wasn't as diverse before the disney era that's why rebels and tcw season 7 have more non-white mandalorians#also the whole idea that she only took over cause of republic backing and made her people ''assimilate'' to republic culture#which first of all the republic doesn't have one culture it's made up thousands of planets with different cultures#contrary to popular belief the republic isn't really Space America it's more Space United Nations#and second of all her ENTIRE INTRODUCTORY ARC is about her being against republic overreach#and not wanting them to intervene in internal mandalorian affairs#but yeah clearly she's a puppet for the republic that's definitely consistent with what we actually see onscreen#and don't bother with the ''the republic glassed mandalore'' thing#that's legends and is never mentioned anywhere in tcw at all#as far as lucas and disney canon are concerned it's a wasteland because of centuries of civil wars#which sabine confirms in rebels#the whole erasing culture thing doesn't hold much weight either#when you consider satine is one of only two characters to actually speak mando'a onscreen (the other being sabine)#which. again. she did In Her Introductory Episode#and you can see mando'a writing all around new mandalore#in sharp contrast to the fanon idea that she suppressed the language or whatever#and like there's TONS of uniquely mandalorian artwork and architecture and stuff like that#those things are culture too she just focuses on the parts of the culture that aren't about killing people you don't like#also when pre vizsla starts his whole smear campaign against her and gains the favor of the people#she stands down because the people are on his side now#which shows she believes in the will of the people and thus it's safe to assume that the majority supported her favor when she took over#anyway i'm gonna go watch avatar and day zuko committed cultural genocide#cause imperialism is fire nation culture and he told them to knock it off#shut up tristan
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 10 months
Hi would it be okay if i asked you why you detest richard dawkins?? Cause i also hate him to pieces and would like to share some indulgent hatered of this fucking old ass shit man. Please go off
I mean, to go FULLY into it would require me to write an entire essay, and I just don't want to?
But the short version is
antitheism is cultural genocide and patently bullshit
focusing on genes rather than the whole organism in evolution is patently ridiculous when the minimum unit of evolution is the *population*, not the gene
in fact, when you realize the minimum unit is the population rather than the gene, you see that altruism and social behavior are very beneficial, even across species (see: symbiosis), and "selfishness" "red in tooth and claw" "law of the jungle" are just bullshit things some people made up to justify their crappy behavior (re: racism. their crappy behavior was racism.)
IQ and intelligence are smoke and mirrors we invented to convince ourselves we're more evolved than other animals (we're not, and every organisms has the intelligence it needs for its environment, adapted for its ecology, and that means that a diversity of intelligences is actually a good thing like diversity of anything is a good thing)
the man is a eugenecist and that speaks for itself
I hate him, and I hate that we live in a world where he is still alive and Stephen Jay Gould is dead, zichrono livracha
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srbachchan · 3 months
DAY 5821
Jalsa, Mumbai Jan 25/26, 2024 Thu/Fri 9:16 AM
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Happy Republic Day 🇮🇳 .. greetings 🙏🏻
🪔 ,
January 26 .. birthday greetings to the artist Ef Miten Lapsia .. wishes and love specially to his 🖌️ ..
January 25 .. birthday greetings to Ef Priyanka Verma .. and Ef Tilak Rishi ..
💍 .. greetings to Poet Sahab Ef Pravin Ahuja and his better half Shalini .. on the silver anniversary of their wedding .. on January 23 .. happiness and togetherness .. 💐🙏🏽🚩
.. ✨
The Day of the celebration of the Republic 2024 and my wishes first to all on this auspicious day .. prosperity, belief, progress, development, valour and the integrity of a Nation that strides bravely and with immense pride into the year and days ahead ..
Work load for the day of the 25th kept me away from the detailed missive that is rendered each DAY .. but never ever is there the thought of a leave or a miss in the communication with the Ef ..
and the missive from generated opinion strengthens the day of the celebration and the pride of a nation :
" National pride is a profound sentiment rooted in love, loyalty, and attachment to one's country. It embodies a collective identity, uniting citizens through shared history, culture, and achievements. This pride fosters a sense of belonging and responsibility, motivating individuals to contribute positively to their nation's progress. It often emerges during significant events, such as sporting triumphs or patriotic milestones, instilling a deep sense of unity and purpose. While national pride can strengthen a country's resilience, it should be balanced with an open-minded appreciation of diverse perspectives to promote global harmony. Ultimately, national pride serves as a powerful force, driving communities towards a brighter, shared future."
Labour at work cannot be denied and cannot be reasoned as tiring or giving an inkling of disinterest .. NEVER .. when there is work, there is resilience to complete it and give it the very best at all times ..
What goes out for public consumption, must portray the very best effort .. the audience is not interested in your personal discomfort or circumstance during the creativity it has come to witness .. and they should never be given any indication of its presence if there is temperament .. NO ..
You give me love .. you witness and pursue my creativity .. I must give my very best at any cost ..
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be in prepare at all times .. in each fresh avatar or change .. yes rehearse, learn, read and re read again and again .. the writer is supreme .. he writes with the passion he expects you to be in when it is activated .. never ignore his work .. he devises, he creates, he evolves .. we merely follow what he has worked .. that respect must never be forgotten or ignored ..
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sincerity can never be miscalculation .. it has the capacity to be noticed and lauded ..
to expect adulation and praise and notice at all times is difficult .. not just for us but for them that wish to do so ..
Value the moment .. but never let it be the cause for arrogance ..
Officious at work is good .. over officiousness can be very painful for all concerned ..
We understand the work also .. that is why we are hired or remunerated .. give some bearing to that as well dear Officious Master 😁
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My care and love as ever ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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Israeli settlements embody urbanization and the immense harm it poses. First, Israeli settlements are almost entirely built on confiscated Palestinian agricultural or grazing lands and are only erected after clear-cutting and uprooting local flora, namely olive trees: a primary source of food and income for Palestinians. The olive tree is also and an integral element of Palestinian identity, dating back millennia and symbolizing peace, steadfastness, fortitude, and resilience. As of 2015, the olive sub-sector constituted 15% of Palestine’s total agricultural income, supported over 100,000 Palestinian families, and provided “3 to 4 million days of seasonal employment per year”. Not only are Palestinian olive trees clear-cut to construct Israel’s illegal settlements, but according to the United Nations, are also “subject to fire, uprooting and vandalism by settlers”. Conservative estimates taken in 2011—after which Israel has only intensified its colonial efforts—revealed that nearly 1 million Palestinian olive trees have been uprooted and destroyed in a settler-colonial attempt to erase all traces of Palestinian heritage, culture, and existence. According to a 2020 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report, the destruction of Palestinian olive trees — a cog in the greater, well-oiled Israeli mechanism of ethnic cleansing — coupled with the strategic expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, has devastated terrestrial ecosystems, causing severe “habitat fragmentation, desertification, land degradations, rapid urbanization, and soil erosion”. The UNEP went on to state that the process of urbanization through the “removal of rocks for construction, the uprooting of trees, invasive species [most often imported by the Israeli government and settlers to ‘Europeanize’ the land], [and] pollution…[is] threatening habitats and species.” The cruel, discriminatory measures Israel imposes upon Palestinians has led, among other issues, to a drastic decrease in agricultural productivity—and hence economic growth and stability—across Palestine. The effect of urbanization on local fauna is equally frightening. The previously diverse Palestinian fauna is under imminent threat. Israel’s construction of roads, the methods used to do so, and a sheer disregard for their ecological ramifications all threaten and harm Palestinian wildlife. Israeli forces often drill deep into mountains—inhabited by a wide range of natural fauna—thereby both displacing local wildlife populations, inhibiting their natural migrations, and resulting in a spike in animal deaths through roadkill. Furthermore, the destruction of the animals’ natural habitat—particularly their breeding and nesting sites—through “extensive land leveling and the fencing-off of settlement perimeters” has disrupted natural passageways, endangered many species, and caused severe imbalances in their population number and reproduction rates, affecting the food chain and local ecosystem as a whole.
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nellywrisource · 2 months
Worldbuilding through cultural anthropology series – #1 Race, ethnicity and groups
Let's begin with the understanding that in anthropology, race, and ethnicity are distinct concepts, although variations of them exist in numerous cultures.
Race and racism
The concept of race is entirely cultural and lacks scientific evidence supporting the establishment of objective criteria for defining one or multiple races within the human species. In fact, the entire human species has a similar DNA (Cavalli-Sforza, 2001) and genetic divergence and consequent somatic differences, due to migrations, are a relatively recent phenomenon in human history.
When world-building, it's worth considering the timing and causes of migrations, often influenced by climatic factors (such as the early Germanic invasions along the limes — borders — of the Roman Empire in the III century BC). This understanding can provide insights into the extent of somatic differences and help grasp the development and diversification of languages — which we'll delve into further later on.
Regarding the topic at hand, the idea of race is predominantly shaped by cultural factors, including prejudices, political ideologies, xenophobia, and societal norms. Therefore, if you're contemplating incorporating dynamics of racism into your fictional culture, it's essential to recognize that its conception and underlying principles vary significantly across different cultures.
An illustrative example of this contrast can be drawn from anthropological studies comparing the perspectives on race between Brazil and the United States (Marvin Harris, 1980), emphasizing our discussion within the anthropological framework:
In the United States, emphasis is placed on descent, with the concept of bloodline passing down from one generation to the next.
In Brazil, however, physical appearance holds greater significance. The Brazilian population encompasses approximately a dozen racial categories, which can encompass various traits such as eye color, hair texture, and skin tone. Moreover, these categories are fluid, with no single category being entirely distinct from the others.
The old concept of ethnicity, once prevalent, defined a human group based on shared language, customs, territory, and culture. However, this concept faced criticism for its essentialist and rigid nature, prompting revision in the 20th century. The equation “culture = language = territory” implied a natural connection between culture and lineage or “race” (Barth, 1969), which is not accurate.
Contemporary anthropology views ethnicity more as an “ethnic sentiment” — a primordial feeling of belonging to a culturally, linguistically, and territorially defined group. However, this sentiment does not imply uniform desires among group members.
In essence, while ethnicity, in the anthropological sense, may not exist, ethnic identity or sentiment does. 
To provide a clearer definition of ethnicity, it can be seen as a human way of perceiving both one's own and others' identities within a social context and historical period. Often, this perception emerges within social situations involving comparisons between different groups, such as in “ethnic conflicts” — which I can further elaborate on if desired, just ask.
In certain circumstances, the concept of ethnicity is propagated by external agents such as political ideologies, colonizers, or multinational corporations, rather than emerging solely from within the group itself.
And so?
So, if race and ethnicity are not considered, what criteria can I use to define the diverse groups of people in my fictional world?
Firstly, let's consider groups, which in sociology are understood as a gathering of individuals linked by a common objective or a shared self-identified identity, acknowledged by either the individuals or an external observer.
In line with the scale, ranging from largest to smallest, we can consider (I'm simplifying greatly):
Cultural groups: when crafting a fictional culture, defining the different groups of individuals involved becomes essential. These groups consist of people who share learned behaviors and beliefs. They can manifest within a nation, state, or continent. Later, we'll delve into the distinctions between hegemonic culture and subordinate culture.
Primary groups: these are small communities, often based on domestic and kinship ties. Examples range from «nomadic hunter bands in the Bolivian rainforest to medieval English or Swedish villages […] Sudanese cattle herding communities […] Persian shepherd tribes […] and present-day hamlets in Provence or Missouri» (Redfield, 1956).
Domestic and kinship groups: going deeper, we encounter domestic and kinship units, where the former may encompass the latter. These are collections of individuals, some related, who live together and cooperate in managing resources crucial for their physical survival and emotional fulfillment.
This hierarchy offers layers for different cultures, with intersecting boundaries and varying flexibility. Alternatively, one could focus on just one or two levels, depending on the story scope.
Exploring different types of boundaries
It's important to note that there are other types of groups, which intersect with those previously mentioned, particularly 'social' groups (e.g., castes in India, Marxist social classes, etc.) — here, we are referring to social stratification.
Building on the anthropological axiom that in environments marked by heightened competition and conflict, where human interactions are more frequent, boundaries tend to multiply. Groups essentially arise from the delineation of boundaries, with appearance and distinction serving as complementary factors.
The distinction between “us” and “them” can manifest in different ways within simple or complex societies (as per anthropological definitions):
Simple societies (with lower levels of social stratification) may simply exclude the “other” or include both “us” and “them” reciprocally.
Complex societies (with higher levels of social stratification) tend to internalize this distinction within the same social framework (e.g., Indian castes, Marxist social classes, Australian totemism).
We will discuss social stratification further later on.
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usnatarchives · 5 months
Paws and Claws for the Cause - American WWII Propaganda Posters Featuring Animals 🐕‍🦺🦅
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During World War II, U.S. propaganda posters wielded not just patriotic fervor but also a diverse array of animal symbolism to rally the public. Faithful dogs, regal eagles, and even the humble wildlife of American forests became emblems of the home front's dedication to victory. Let's take a leap into the past and examine the role these animals played in U.S. wartime propaganda.
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Dogs: Loyal Companions in the Fight for Freedom 🐶
Dogs in WWII posters often represented trustworthiness and the protective instincts crucial to American security. A notable poster from the National Archives shows a vigilant dog alongside a call to action for war bond contributions, encapsulating the role of dogs as both companions and defenders.
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Eagles: The Winged Warriors of American Ideals 🦅
The American eagle soared across numerous posters, its powerful wingspan casting a shadow over threats to liberty, and its sharp gaze fixed on aerial superiority and victory.
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Wildlife: Symbols of Conservation and the Nation's Resolve 🦉
Bears, squirrels, and other native animals symbolized the conservation efforts on the home front. These posters encouraged citizens to collect and contribute materials critical to the war effort, equating everyday actions with the strength and resourcefulness of America's wildlife.
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Enemies as Pests: Propaganda's Vermin 🐁
Enemy forces were often portrayed as vermin, such as rats or insects, to emphasize the threat and repugnance of their ideologies. This stark animal imagery served to dehumanize the enemy.
These posters from the National Archives Catalog remind us of the power of imagery and metaphor in rallying a nation to unite against a common foe. As we explore these historical artifacts, we gain insight into the era's cultural mindset and the enduring impact of visual persuasion.
Read more:
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tamiisnthere · 3 months
Crossover Universe Maps and some Lore
I finally got around to writing some Lore about my Crossover Universe. I have to say that it will change over time, because I have constantly changed it over the years.
I admit that there won't be much, such as the whole history and culture, because I probably can't do good worldbuilding, I mostly do it for fun. Still I'm still ashamed of it...
I also have to mention that most of the islands have some parts of the lore of my favourite video games (since it's called Crossover Universe of course :P).
So anyways... Enjoy? ╮( ̄~ ̄)╭
The Crossover Universe is actually a multiverse that connects several alternate universes in order not to damage their main timelines.
Planet Thansuokria:
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The new residents named the planet Thansuokria, which was said to be larger than Earth. This water planet has several islands separated by stormy oceans. No one knows why individuals from any universes and timelines end up here. For some it's a great change, for others it's a disaster and they wish to return. Some think that Thansuokria may be an afterlife, as most of the residents have arrived shortly before dying or falling asleep, but this is largely denied.
Here is a smaller part of Thansuokria where the story takes:
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Azerwias (Warcraft) - The largest diverse island, the main residents of which are from Azeroth, Outland and Draenor. Relations between the Alliance and the Horde are usually very tense and they try to gain as much territory as possible. Nevertheless, both sides were able to make a peace agreement, but it is not known how long it will last.
Cross Island (Assassin's Creed) - An island owned by the Templars and Abstergo as the main base and ruled by a dictatorship. The Templars manipulate the Alliance so that they can eliminate their enemies easier and gradually expand their Order to other islands. Either way the Assassins try to stop them…
Fouria (Left 4 Dead) - Originally it was a holiday island, until one day an epidemic broke out there causing a zombie apocalypse. Today it is a strictly forbidden place where experiments are carried out to eliminate the virus. Fortunately, the virus did not spread further and a vaccine was even invented, which created immunity in the vaccinated. But the vaccine could no longer help the infected and new mutants were created from them, which managed to leave the island and reach other areas.
Mann Islands (Team Fortress) - Islands with an endless war between two companies RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) and BLU (Builders League United). The arms company Mann Co located in it's city makes money from their war, but is even interested in doing business with the Alliance and the Templars, the Horde considers them as dishonest cowards. RED and BLU have mercenary teams that attack each other to get the rarest resources to make their products. Most mercenaries enjoy their jobs for the money and/or even the enjoyment of the combat, though there are exceptions who are there involuntarily.
Whirlsand Ruins (Warcraft, little bit) - A desert island that is impossible to live. This place is the main home of the bronze dragons guarding the center of the island. Some believe they guard timetraveling portals, as the bronze dragons of Azeroth are known for traveling and protecting time. It's still a mystery…
Pure Kingdom (OFF) - A mysterious island inhabited by humanoid beings called Purifiers who may have a probable connection to The Batter. Their kingdom isolates itself from other factions and refuses to form alliances or create wars because they consider them as impure. Rarely, red-eyed individuals have a curse that allows them to turn into a monster and threaten their surroundings. They are often exiled for this, as the Purifiers believe that the curse can spread among others and hope that the exiles will perish beyond the borders of their kingdom. But it's not always like that, and the cursed Purifiers can find a new home in an unknown world…
Island of Eagle (Assassin's Creed) - The hidden island of the Assassin's Brotherhood, where they only live in the secret small town Accipiteria and the rest of the island is wilderness, so that their archenemies the Templars will never find them. It had been going like this for a many years since they entered that world, unfortunately one day they were attacked by the Templars, destroyed their town and captured or killed several Assassins. The survivors managed to escape in the south to safety.
Havaykia (Crossover, made this island since childhood) - An isolated island that rebuilds a sanctuary for those who have fled their homelands and can live here in peace. It is mainly known for the diversity of inhabitants from other islands living in harmony and the exotic colorful wildlife. Since Havaykia does not support wars and colonization, several factions are still interested in getting this territory for themselves, but the inhabitants of the island defend their rights to freedom.
Oceans and Seas:
Waves of Silence - It got its name from the waves, which for a mysterious reason cannot heard any sounds.
The Proud Waters - Ships of important personalities and politicians who enjoy sailing expeditions often sail along these waters.
The Whispering Depths - Legends say that in this sea at night there are whispers of sailors who died in storms during their voyages.
Sea of Lost Souls - It is infamous for the high number of lost ships. At first, no one understood why, until eventually they discovered that this sea has the largest number of marine reptiles like mosasaurs, which attack smaller ships and hunt sailors. They believe that mosasaurs hunt on ships because they often mistake them for their usual prey (whales in this case). Fortunately, they managed to find a safer way to cross to the other side of the sea.
Ocean of Unknown - The most dangerous ocean on the planet. Nobody knows what lies behind the aggressive waves and storms. If anyone tried to find out, they never returned. Some people think that Thansuokria is flat, but in fact the part of the ocean where they live is just the tip of the planet's iceberg.
The Heart Sea - Named after the shape of the heart. There is a diverse ecosystem and a rich coral reef with both modern and prehistoric animals.
Island Havaykia:
An island with a very varied nature and a diverse population. Several mountains and waters are named after the area's most common animal or shape, such as the Dragon's River or Cheetah's Valley. Havaykia is mainly known for the occurrence of modern and prehistoric animals and plants and rare creatures such as hypogryphons and griffons. Around the island there are several smaller islands that are strictly protected by law due to the occurrence of endemic species of fauna and flora, such as Moho's Island located close to the Small Coral Reef. Even though the population is diverse and coexisting, discrimination still exists unfortunately.
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Cities, Towns and Villages:
Ashte'quel - the capital and largest city of Havaykia, where all races and factions coexist peacefully.
Falahnaar - the city of Kaldorei, which is quite similar to the now destroyed city of Darnassus from Azeroth. The Night Elves tend the wilderness and a gigantic tree called Kaldrassil.
Oakheart City - the city of former Alliance's fighters. It is the oldest city of Havaykia, where the first inhabitants settled. It is named after the occurrence of oak forests with heart-shaped leaves.
Greentree - the harbor city, where the best fishermen of the island live.
Mardual - the city of former Horde's warriors who see war as a dishonest and pointless fight for territories that do not belong to them.
Warpeace - the oldest city from the Horde's side. The city got its name from a small civil war due to food shortages, which luckily ended without fatal consequences.
Raptoria - the village of trolls, which is known for important breeding of several genuses and species of raptors.
Peatgor - the city covered with peat. It is known to archive the historical writings of Havaykia.
Red and Blue Forts - the both cities of former mercenaries from both teams. Even though they are no longer fighting each other, there is still tension and discrimination between them.
Sahrasaeida - the village near an oasis and a popular resting place for travelers.
Faenanor - the school village of druids, where newcomers learn new skills of druidism.
Strix - the Kaldorei's village, known for its important breeding of birds of prey and owls.
Gepardia - the village later becoming a town. Residents do projects to protect the cheetahs, but other endangered species and the environment on the island.
Cheetah's Valley:
Cheetah's Valley is mainly a savanna area known for the highest population of cheetahs. This is the most peaceful and safest place on the island, but it's not always like that. The climate is mostly mild and the savannah part of the valley experiences high temperatures in summer and snow in winter at higher elevations.
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Points of Interest:
Entrance into the Valley - The only land entrance to the valley, as Pecker's Hills and Falcon's Highlands are often dangerous to pass through. Herds of animals often pass through it.
TaE Family's Ranch - Home of the TaE Family, which is not just like a family, but also like a small community that is outsided by society. They raise domesticated hadrosaurs and small feathered theropods, but also help injured and abandoned animals. Since there is nothing there that would attract the other factions, the Templars still plan to take over their ranch and could use it to create a new position for Abstergo. Of course the TaE Family fights back and for this they later form an alliance with the Assassins to save their home.
Assassin's Hideout - The new home of the Assassin's Brotherhood since the destruction of the Accipiteria. They settled in Falcon's Highlands to keep the Templars from getting to them and started training new novices. Assassins travel all over the island on missions to make the island a better place with more freedom.
Palins Farm - A farm owned by the Palins Family, who are family friends of the TaE Family and trade supplies with each other. The Palins Family work honestly and as a result they usually have the best vegetables and fruits grown in the valley.
Survivor's Saferoom - A shelter located not far from Gepardia where the survivors live. They keep their distance from others as they have had interactions with the Infected and can be carriers until they find out the vaccine exists. Still, they decided to hunt down the Infected so as not to endanger the innocent.
Cheetah Sanctuary - Rescue center for cheetahs and other animals and educate the public about fauna, ecosystem and environment.
RED & BLU Camps - The camps of both teams, where the mercenaries came to find available materials for production, which is illegal in Havaykia.
Infected's Refuge - A hidden place within the borders of Pecker's Hills, where the Infected and mutants hide from the civilization that wants to eliminate them.
TaE Family's Ranch:
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Ranch Entrance - A stone arch welcomes visitors.
TaE Family's House - A large house where 25 people can live there.
Workshop - There they are created and repaired as fences, furniture and wooden decorations.
Warehouse - Food grown there is supplied.
Food Garden - Fruits and vegetables are grown, which are in charge of Elphina, Tarion and Relante.
Hadrosaur's Barn - A stable where hadrosaurs such as Parasaurolophus, Lambeosaurus, Olorotitan, Corythosaurus and Tsintaosaurus are housed, but also smaller dinosaurs such as Dryosaurus and Leaellynasaura. There are incubators for eggs dropped by females and stall boxes for babies.
Hadrosaur's Enclosure - Herbivorous dinosaurs graze and live like in the wild. On the left side of the enclosure, there are three lookouts through which you can safely observe the dinosaurs.
Lily Lake - Water source for enclosure residents and fun fishing.
Mini Raptor's Enclosures - Two aviaries where Microraptors and Archeopteryxes are kept.
Cerato's Enclosure - The enclosure of TaE Family's tamed Ceratosaurus named Cerato (I'll probably change the name later because it's a bland name for Ceratosaurus), which was raised by Clara.
Veterinary Building - Injured and sick animals are treated here.
Recovering Enclosure - An enclosure for treated animals to recover, so that they can later return to nature.
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polyhexian · 1 year
Archiving is something extremely important to me and it's not just archiving "important" things... Archiving old fandom zines? It's archiving the history of a social space, of people's lives, of a culture that precedes culture, it doesn't matter if it's the history of game creation or the United States or transformers fanfiction doesn't matter, it's the history of Human experience, the history of people's lives, what was done and the affect it has. Just think about the domino effect of it for a moment. MTMTE is a comic that's had a big effect on the people that read it... He brought it the first major LGBT story arc in the franchise. The first LGBT representation in this space can be traced back through this comic to this author to a history of fan material and then to the fanfics that HE read that influenced Him. A culture that empowered this kind of storytelling and diverse character expression that he brought with him. And how many people were greatly touched by his work? I have been. Any work I made is influenced by his because it's profoundly affected that way I write. If I make something that touches someone else you can trace that back from them to me to him and then further to others. Do those contributions not matter? What makes the history of sports more important to record keep? Or industry? It's peoples lives. It's their experiences. It's dominoes and cause and effect. It's pieces of paper that changed people's lives that will vanish if no one keeps them. It burns a whole in the link. An end to the story. The most important documents to historians are not the times kept by kings but the diaries kept by shepherds. It's not "smaller" or "lesser" than others. It's important. It IS.
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mask131 · 4 months
One of the things that D&D has to be praised AND blamed for is how it managed to unite together polar-opposite fantasy works.
I was planning on updating my old fantasy read list for "old school D&D" and so as I dug into the fantasy books the game took inspiration from (or in the case of the first edition, ripped off from Xp), I came to this realization.
It has already been established that one of the main reasons behind D&D's great success and lasting appeal is that it managed to bring together and unite elements taken from ALL the great, classical, foundational fantasy works of the time into one same universe that was the ultimate synthesis of what fantasy was at the time. You've got Tolkien and Leiber and Conan and Jack Vance and the Cthulhu mythos all together in one game...
... But not many people point out that this same thing is also what made the original brand of D&D fantasy age badly, what caused many of the first-generation D&D-inspired fantasy works to be plain bad , and what changed massively people's view of fantasy for the bad. Because, what EXACTLY did D&D do? It took polar opposite fantasy works, and blended them into one same thing. It took away all the nuances to have one monochrome set. It focused on uniting together the elements, the characters, the places and the archetypes, but at the cost of losing the themes, the motifs, the tone, the uniqueness of it all.
Mind you, again it was and still is one of D&D's strength. It built itself into an open-game allowing for all and any sort of stories and adventures - and many of today's web-series based on D&D show the game's current ability to do ANYTHING by having so many different tones and settings and inspirations... BUT it does not change the fact that, as a result, it erased massively the diversity of what fantasy used to be, to replace it with this artificial idea of "generic fantasy" that then became a reality.
For example, let us consider how D&D united together the pole of the two "classics" of first-generation fantasy, Conan the Barbarian and The Lord of the Rings, with the two most famous "anti-Tolkien" and "anti-Conan" fantasy works: Earthsea, and The Elric Saga. The character of Elric was designed to be the very opposite of what Conan was, and by extension the world of Elric was also designed to oppose all the settings Tolkien or Howard could have written. Earthsea was also designed to oppose and contradict Tolkien's work in every way in terms of setting, tone, inspiration, aesthetic, scope... As I said before, the world of Earthsea already offered in the 60s and 70s what so many modern fantasy novels of the 2000s and 2010s are claiming to be "the first ones to do", like... having a POC main character, having a female main character that isn't sexualized in a fantasy story, having a fantasy story not inspired by Europe, having a fantasy story that is not solved and is not about warriors, war or weapons, using fantasy to deal with internal problems and psychological topics... It was all there before, and yet everybody forgot it until quite recently, and why? I am very tempted to say that D&D and the format of fantasy is spread in American culture from the 80s onward had a part to play.
Because D&D took these elements from Earthsea... and placed them in a world inspired by the Lord of the Rings, and that smashed Conan with Fafhrd, and as a result it got dissolved into these other works, and Earthsea was often see as "Oh yes, just another sword and sorcery story, isn't it?".
Of course I am not claiming this is what actually happened, nor that Earthsea was the only work to suffer from it... But it cannot be denied that the massive spread, success and fame of D&D in America (and in Europe afterward) led to a certain idea, conception and vision of fantasy to be massively shared, copied and treated as the "real, typical, true fantasy"... When in fact it was a mash-in and blending of very varied and nuanced works offering a vast and complex extant of fantasy... A reduction and synthesis that gave a false idea of what fantasy was and ended up burying many strange, bizarre, alternate, groundbreaking or before-their-time fantasy works.
Of course, I am also NOT saying D&D is the only one to blame for that... The success of The Lord of the Ring movies in the early 2000s also had a part to play in this ; and then it was the success of Warcraft, etc etc... But I can't help to compare a bit what D&D did to the idea of fantasy, to what Coca-Cola did to the image of Santa Claus. Santa Claus/fantasy did exist long before Coca-Cola/D&D got hold of it... And afterward Santa Claus/fantasy regrew in its own thing... But in between Coca-Cola/D&D managed to reinvent fantasy/Santa Claus into a massively shared concept and widely accepted idea that became part of culture and marked deeply the history of fantasy/Santa Claus...
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lumi-klovstad-games · 2 months
Super Earth: Strategic Threat Assessment and Exploitation Report
The sudden emergence of Super Earth, a previously unknown galactic power, presents a strategic challenge of significant magnitude. While their motivations remain somewhat opaque, their aggressive expansionist tendencies cannot be ignored. This report examines recently acquired intelligence regarding Super Earth, and its elite military unit, the “Helldivers”. It aims to identify exploitable weaknesses within their society, military doctrine, and political structure that could prove instrumental in securing Imperial victory.
Fanaticism and Denial:
Captured Helldivers exhibit a concerning degree of fanatical nationalism, xenophobia, and jingoism. They demonstrate a near-religious devotion to their nation and its ideals (which include paradoxical juxtapositions of supposedly valuing "peace", "liberty" and "democracy" while visibly exhibiting none of these qualities in any sort of action), readily dismissing any criticism of their government or military strategy. They express unwavering faith in the "righteousness" of their cause, dismissing any setbacks as "temporary" and clinging to an unshakeable belief in their eventual triumph. Losses are consistently recharacterized as "temporary setbacks" or "minor inconveniences," and pronouncements of future retribution are frequent, often delivered with optimistic caveats such as "We'll get 'em back double when we get back there." This adherence to a narrative of constant victory, regardless of reality, suggests a society deeply entrenched in ideological indoctrination, that permeates all levels of society, including its military, potentially masking significant internal issues.
Furthermore, captured Helldivers display a stunning lack of self-awareness regarding the hypocrisy inherent within their society, allowing them to reconcile their self-proclaimed status as liberators with their demonstrably aggressive and expansionist policies. While readily demonizing other cultures, they exhibit a complete disregard for their own shortcomings, such as their nation's hypernationalist rhetoric and its willingness to needlessly and inefficiently sacrifice massive quantities of their own soldiers for the shortest term victories in pursuit of their expansionist goals. This cognitive dissonance presents an intriguing opportunity for exploitation. By exposing these contradictions to the citizens of Super Earth, the Empire could potentially sow discord within their society and undermine their unwavering support for their current regime.
Armaments and Technology:
Helldiver Equipment:
The most prominent (speaking purely from a sense of visibility and cultural currency rather than scale) aspect of Super Earth's military, the Helldivers employ a diverse arsenal encompassing firearms, explosives, and support equipment. Their weaponry exhibits several noteworthy characteristics:
Reliability: Their equipment, while not overtly sophisticated, boasts remarkable resilience. Weapons and armor endure harsh environmental conditions and sustained combat, demonstrating a focus on practicality.
Versatility: The Helldiver arsenal caters to various combat scenarios, ranging from close-quarters engagements to long-range fire support. This adaptability allows them to engage diverse threats effectively.
Limited Scope: Despite their versatility, Helldiver weaponry falls short of Imperial standards in terms of raw power and technological advancement. Their reliance on rudimentary projectile weapons and relatively basic explosives pales in comparison to the Empire's advanced energy-based weaponry and tactical ingenuity.
Captured Technology:
Limited access to recovered Helldiver technology further confirms their technological inferiority. While their equipment is sturdy, easily operated and mass produced, and adaptable, it reveals no fundamental principles or design philosophies that could significantly benefit the Empire.
Tactical Flexibility: The diverse range of Strategems, from airstrikes to resupply drops, allows for adaptability on the battlefield.
Super Earth's "Strategems" - single-use, orbital-delivery deployment tools - present a unique approach to battlefield support. While crude in design, they offer certain advantages:
Psychological Impact: Their dramatic arrival can bolster morale and disrupt enemy formations.
However, significant limitations exist:
Limited Scope: Their one-shot nature restricts their strategic value, often resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities.
Unpredictability: Reliance on orbital delivery introduces an element of uncertainty into their deployment, potentially endangering friendly forces.
Logistical Inefficiency: Their dependence on orbital platforms is inherently less efficient than the Empire's well-established ground-based logistics network.
Gaps in deployment: it appears that after deploying a given strategem, Helldiver orbital support platforms require time to ready additional strategems of that type for deployment, often taking several minutes between deployments. This inability to rapidly redeploy functional support to troops on the ground is a clear point of technical vulnerability, and the Helldivers dependence on these strategems for any sort of support represent an equally clear doctrinal vulnerability.
While the concept of dynamic battlefield support holds merit, the implementation falls short of Imperial standards. Integrating such tactics into the Imperial system could potentially offer a greater degree of operational flexibility to our force recon and special forces units on backwater worlds lacking in already established supply lines, but I believe greater general adoption would ultimately be redundant and offer minimal overall benefit while sacrificing the control and efficiency of our established logistical infrastructure.
Operational Strategy:
Cultural Inefficiency & Focus on Short-Term Gains:
Helldiver tactics display a concerning tendency to prioritize immediate gains, regardless of long-term strategic consequences. They frequently engage in costly operations for objectives with minimal strategic value, sacrificing countless lives solely for propaganda purposes. This "victory at any cost" mentality, while effective in securing public support within Super Earth, is ultimately unsustainable and easily exploitable.
Analysis of testimony regarding Helldiver training protocols reveals a strategy bordering on reckless barbarity. Their indoctrination appears to be completed within a mere 10-20 minutes, leaving little room for any sort of tactical instruction or the development of even basic soldiery skills. Further compounding this absurdity, live-fire exercises often involve direct combat with hostile Terminid forces, with minimal supervision and a complete disregard for trainee safety. The losses incurred during this "training" are staggering. While the Galactic Empire's own warfighting apparatus is no stranger to its own share of failings, typically born of stubbornness or situational doctrinal failure, it is truly astonishing that a society capable of such blatant disregard for life and strategic fundamentals as Super Earth has achieved even a modicum of military success, yet I must conclude that the accounts we have been given on this matter by prisoners are indeed accurate, given the pride expressed by said POWs regarding the barbaric brutality of their training regime. Further investigation into their indoctrination techniques and cultural conditioning may yet reveal the underlying philosophies that drive such seemingly illogical practices.
In addition, it seems that Super Earth entrusts its ship captains with a great deal of operational freedom and latitude. Armadas and blockades exist, but few if any formal fleets as we would define such. Their ranks are unusual and unclear as to how they scale, and it is unclear how actual authority is delegated regarding where each ship goes and what resources it commits to a fight. At this present time, available evidence suggests a ship's captain has more or less absolute authority in operations, able to determine where a ship deploys to and when, with even their political officers and high command unable to exert any compelling authority to enforce compliance with major strategic objectives. This appears to have been the cause of several crushing defeats for Super Earth military initiatives. While a large contingent of Captains are unerringly patriotic and absolutely loyal, whole fronts have collapsed under the weight of the enemy because large swathes of substantially less committed Captains had little preference for their assigned enemy and simply... refused to comply with those orders and instead deliberately targeted enemies they had been directly ordered to leave alone on the other end of the galaxy. I find this tolerance for insubordination, in a single word, preposterous for such a militaristic society that demands such total obedience, but such paradoxes appear to be the norm for Super Earth.
Perpetual War Machine:
Super Earth's society appears to be built upon a foundation of perpetual conflict. Their constant state of war serves a dual purpose: maintaining domestic control by providing a unifying external threat to head off and avert any concern by the populace regarding the operations and/or policies of the regime, and nurturing a national identity heavily reliant on the romanticization of war and conquest. This dependence on conflict creates a potential vulnerability. Allowing conflicts to continue needlessly, or permitting their adversaries to linger, allows for the possibility of those same enemies ultimately becoming more formidable threats.
Incomplete Annihilation:
While demonstrating relentless aggression, Helldivers have exhibited a curious reluctance to completely eradicate their foes unless a potential new threat has already presented itself. This policy, likely motivated by propaganda value, deliberately allows previously defeated enemies the opportunity to reemerge. This predictable cycle of conflict strengthens Super Earth's narrative of constant struggle but creates exploitable openings for the Empire to intervene and disrupt their established patterns.
Mixed Combat Record:
Analysis of available intelligence reveals an inconsistent picture of Super Earth's military prowess. They appear to be successfully combating a hostile insectoid species known as the "Terminids," showcasing a level of military capability in these engagements roughly on par with standard Imperial doctrine. Additionally, references to a past conflict with "The Illuminate," a supposedly technologically superior civilization, suggest prior victories against formidable opponents. However, the complete absence of recovered Illuminate technology, beyond wildly fragmented and unsubstantiated prisoner testimonies, casts doubt on the veracity of these claims. If true, the complete annihilation or total suppression of any remnants of Illuminate technology by the regime would suggest a deliberate and potentially malicious agenda within Super Earth's leadership. Investigation into the truth behind these claims is recommended.
Conversely, despite their bravado, extracted confessions from captured Helldivers reveal a series of devastating defeats against an enigmatic Machine Race referred to as "Automatons." While prisoner accounts suggest technological parity between the two forces, the reliability of these testimonies remains suspect given the pervasive propaganda and the inherent biases of the captured individuals. Beyond presenting the only known instance of resounding defeats to the Super Earth military that we are presently aware of, the existence of a seemingly equal but separate power within the galaxy presents a further strategic complication for the Empire. Further investigation into the nature of these Automatons and the specifics of these encounters is paramount.
Exploiting the System:
The Super Earth regime's fervent control of information and their citizens' unwavering faith in its superiority present a unique opportunity. Their reliance on a narrative of constant victory, regardless of reality, presents an opportunity for the Empire to disrupt their internal cohesion through strategic dissemination of information. By exposing the inherent hypocrisy within their system – their stated values of democracy and freedom contrasting starkly with their aggressive expansionism and suppression of dissent – we can sow seeds of doubt among the Helldivers and potentially incite internal discord among the civilian population. Additionally, studying their indoctrination methods could prove valuable in further solidifying order and suppressing rebellion within the Galactic Empire.
As High Command knows, my strategic philosophy hinges on the fundamental distinction between "predator societies" and "prey societies." Predator societies, like the Galactic Empire or the Chiss Ascendancy, are aggressive, expansionist, and prioritize strength and ruthlessness. They constantly seek to exploit weaknesses and dominate their rivals. They prioritize adaptability, aggression, and a ruthlessly efficient military apparatus. They understand the necessity of calculated risk-taking and view conflict as a natural extension of competition within the galactic ecosystem. Conversely, prey societies become fixated on self-preservation, clinging to rigid defensive strategies and prioritizing cumbersome bureaucracies over adaptability. They are defined by reactive defense, prioritizing survival at all costs, and clinging to rigid doctrines and traditions. They shy away from calculated risks and struggle to adapt to changing circumstances. Their focus lies on preserving the status quo and reacting to threats rather than proactively seeking them out.
This framework serves as a powerful, if simple, tool for understanding an opponent's motivations and predicting their actions. A predator society, for instance, will prioritize flanking maneuvers and disrupting enemy formations, while a prey society will favor entrenched positions and defensive firepower, or may be averse to military action entirely and instead attempt to project influence via diplomacy and trade.
Super Earth initially presents a confusing picture, and represents a fascinating anomaly within this framework. Their relentless aggression and willingness to sacrifice soldiers for short-term gains suggest a predator mentality. However, closer examination reveals a society with fundamental flaws. Their reliance on constant war for social control, their predictable patterns of conflict, and their wasteful deployments all betray a lack of strategic sophistication. Additionally, their propaganda-driven narratives and their inexplicable reluctance to completely eliminate certain conquered enemies reeks of a deep-seated insecurity, but the latter merits further observation and investigation as practical reasons for doing so beyond the propagandic may reveal themselves with time.
Super Earth aspires to be a predator, but their tactics remain rooted in the desperate flailings of a prey society. Their constant need for an external enemy to maintain social cohesion suggests a prey society desperately clinging to power through manufactured fear. It's possible Super Earth's leadership masks a prey mentality with a veneer of predator-like behavior, or their unwavering propaganda has created a distorted national identity that misrepresents their true strategic posture. At this time I believe they are a Predator that is gradually transitioning to a Prey state but is in the early stages of this transition, and therefore is suffering in deep denial.
Further investigation is crucial. Unraveling the true nature of Super Earth's leadership and the underlying societal conditioning that fuels their war machine will be key to exploiting their vulnerabilities and securing a swift Imperial victory.
Super Earth possesses a dangerous combination of aggressive tendencies, unwavering nationalism, and a fractured, self-contradictory, and hypocritical sense of reality. While they pose a distinct threat, obvious and willfully unacknowledged vulnerabilities exist, and those within who attempt to point out these vulnerabilities are labeled "unpatriotic" and censored, or even disappear entirely. By exploiting their internal inconsistencies and manipulating their narrative, the Empire can secure victory and reestablish galactic dominance.
Investigation into the Automaton threat, and the means by which they have inflicted such deep and detestable losses to Super Earth is likewise crucial to refining our strategy and ensuring a swift and decisive victory. The Automatons themselves may yet prove to be allies of convenience against Super Earth, or an additional threat. At this moment, it is simply impossible to say.
Concerning the Helldivers, they do appear to be a reasonably effective fighting force overall, all the more impressive given the irrational society they hail from and the astonishing barbarity and inefficiencies of their training program and fighting doctrine. However, at the end of things, beyond their obvious propaganda uses, their actual military role appears to merely be that of shocktroopers and light infantry, a rapid-response force meant to establish a bridgehead and hold it until more conventional forces arrive to replace them. I cannot speculate at this time as to the efficacy of such relief forces, as so far we have not encountered enough of them to formulate any sort of conclusions.
However, the drawbacks of the Helldivers themselves are plainly evident. Given their primitive weapons and technology, and apparent over-reliance on orbital drop pods for any sort of resupply or replacement troops and hardware, it is highly probable that jamming Helldiver communications with their mothership would render a given Helldiver team totally helpless once their on-hand equipment is expended.
Further interrogation of captured Helldivers, as well as covert operations aimed at infiltrating Super Earth and acquiring additional intelligence, are highly recommended to facilitate a more nuanced understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and potential points of leverage. Additional analysis of recovered Helldiver equipment and interrogation of captured personnel might reveal additional vulnerabilities in their technology and tactics. Additionally, studying their propaganda techniques could offer insights into manipulating public opinion and weakening support for the Rebellion within the Empire.
End report.
I verify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of available resources and personal ability. I acknowledge that actively withholding actionable intelligence regarding potential threats from Imperial High Command will be met with investigation and questioning by the Imperial Security Bureau, and may be punishable by death.
Grand Admiral Thrawn, Commanding Officer Seventh Fleet, Imperial Navy
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nomacam · 22 days
Celebrating Jungkook: The Golden Heart of K-pop
In the kaleidoscope of K-pop brilliance, one figure stands out with an ineffable blend of talent, charisma, and sincerity: Jungkook. Affectionately dubbed the "Golden Maknae," Jungkook's journey from a trainee to a global sensation is a testament to his extraordinary dedication and passion.
What sets Jungkook apart is his remarkable versatility. Whether he's belting out soulful melodies, executing intricate dance routines, or captivating audiences with his stage presence, he effortlessly showcases a spectrum of talents. His ability to seamlessly transition between different musical styles underscores his versatility as an artist.
Yet, beyond his artistic prowess, Jungkook's humility and authenticity are what truly resonate with fans worldwide. Despite his meteoric rise to fame, he remains grounded and appreciative, always acknowledging the support of his fans and fellow members. His genuine kindness and warmth have endeared him to millions, fostering a deep connection that transcends language and culture.
Jungkook's impact extends beyond the stage, serving as a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals. His message of self-love, resilience, and authenticity resonates deeply, empowering fans to embrace their true selves unapologetically. Through his music and actions, he embodies the spirit of hope and unity, uniting people from diverse backgrounds in a shared celebration of creativity and passion.
Moreover, Jungkook's philanthropic endeavors reflect his commitment to making a positive difference in the world. Whether it's raising awareness for important causes or lending a helping hand to those in need, he uses his platform to uplift others and spark positive change. His generosity and compassion exemplify the transformative power of kindness, inspiring others to follow suit and make a difference in their own communities.
As we reflect on Jungkook's incredible journey and contributions to the world of entertainment, one thing is clear: his impact is immeasurable. He is not just a K-pop idol but a symbol of resilience, empathy, and hope. And as we eagerly anticipate the next chapter of his journey, one thing remains certain: Jungkook's golden heart will continue to shine brightly, illuminating the path for others to follow.
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centrally-unplanned · 11 months
Something fun about GWitch is the GUND-ARM technology approach: So Miorine & crew discover that the orginal Gundam/Witch program had its roots in a wider technological initiative, and decide to pivot their fledging Gundam company into making medical tech over weapons (i.e. gundam fighting robots).
Okay, so like Gundams are fun fighting robots for people to be badasses in, but they arent just that. Early otaku culture was fully enmeshed in Science Fiction culture as well, and believed strongly in technology as progress, a common SF theme. That ideology had a bonus role of being something of a pivot for post-war Japan, a nation that had industrialized, committed hard to science, for the purposes of empire building and militarism, which were permanently broken in 1945. Techno-futurism was a sort of replacement for that, a new Japanese identity for a culture very interested in identity and Japan-as-an-idea. Gundams reflected that, a sort of next step for humanity (aesthetically ofc).
But, while I would not describe early otaku culture as explicitly political, it was very politically aware, and certainly interested in political topics like war, empire, etc. A lot of this ideological reinvention was also concerned with rehabilitating the image of the military-as-aesthetic in Japan, giving it noble purpose (Space Battleship Yamato is just this on steroids') . And of course for a variety of reasons war & conflict is just great storytelling, political conflicts are the kind of stories early otaku culture wanted. So the Gundam could be The Future of Humanity *by* being a fighting machine, that aligned with the politics and aesthetics of the time. Even at the time there was debate about this ofc, see the use of mechas as disaster response units in productions like Patlabor. But the idea had currency.
That isn't true today. Modern anime fans are generally apolitical (as a mass unit, that mass is a mask on a plethora of diversity ofc), commentary on empire and war has retreated to aristocratic Victoriana and fun storytelling tropes. Pursuing "the Gundam, Fighting Machine" as the apogee of human progress just doesn't hit, that isn't a relatable goal for well-meaning protagonists (fine for a Lelouchian anti-hero ofc). And due to that apolitical-ness, a cause like Fighting Imperialism or Capitalism equally doesn't hit, that is just trading right-coding for left-coding (GWitch has those characters, but they are coded as extremists, and its not how the Gundam itself is being coded). So how do you make the aesthetic of the Gundam as The Techno-Future of Humanity work for an audience, transform that symbol of 1970's optimism into a symbol of 2020's optimism?
You convert it into medical tech, the least political, safe, universally agreeable technological pursuit there is. This is a goal a modern audience can relate to, so its the identity GWitch is going to convert the Gundam into. While still being a cool fighting robot for fun combat scenes, of course. That just can't be its politics. I find it too safe as a narrative choice, but as an analyst its meta is very potent.
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asterhaze · 8 months
Author Ask Tag Game
Thank you @doublegoblin for the tag here! And also @gummybugg for tagging me here!
(1) What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
That we are what we make of ourselves, despite our traumas, despite our gifts, and despite our faults. That there are things that people do that are unforgivable, even if they are forced. Also, that true love is patient, kind, and understanding despite its awesome fragility.
I chose these themes because I think they're realistic, they're lessons that are easy to swallow, and that don't need to be pushed in people's faces to be understood. I don't want to spell things out but I also just want to tell a story, so if this ends up not being the real main lesson then I hope you all still like it.
(2) What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
I studied Romanian and European fashion from the 1850's to the 1870's. Then I studied American (United States) fashion from then on until I was familiar. I studied history, slang, folklore, LGBT history, etc. As far as what my world looks like, its a cross between where I grew up in a state somewhere along the Missipiipii-fuck Mississippi river and living in Florida but make it gloomy.
(3) What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
Glen is trying to become himself again after visiting the horrific and disgusting Tiletsu Clan. There he is confronted with a question that someone asked him long ago: If vampires are just more powerful humans, aren't they more dangerous? And conversely, if humans are just weak vampires, are they worth keeping safe?
As a writer, I want to tell a good story where all of the characters (except the Tiletsu and friends) are morally grey, make bad decisions that they thought were good ones, and have to grow up despite having plenty of time to do so. While trauma causes many reactions, I read a lot where the reaction is to forget everything. My experience is that I can't forget anything at all and I wanted to explore that in my writing.
(4) How many chapters is your story going to have?
About thirty chapters. The outline of Masterpiece is 70 pages long, granted it is an okay-detailed outline, with 33 parts currently. So please expect 33-40 chapters.
(5) Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original Content 100%. There isn't anything wrong with fanfiction at all, but I love my original characters and the worlds I build, and I'm not a big enough or cool enough fan of anything to write fanfiction.
I plan to post the first 5 chapters of Masterpiece here on Tumblr, over at Wattpad, and Ao3. Smaller novellas and the entire story will be published with a limited print run at first and the eBook somewhere that I haven't decided yet for purchasing. Starry Skies and Like Minds will follow this same process, but Henrietta and Apocalyptic Cat Lady (Working Title) are web series!
You'll be able to find more information after my website is up and running!
(6) When and why did you start writing?
I started writing when I was 11 and did collaborative writing roleplays with other people my age. Eventually, I became a big enough fan of Star Trek (Kelvin Universe) that I did a massive fanfiction with my friend that lasted years. I made many OCs, had whole stories, had lots of adventures, and then when I went to college it died. One of those OCs will be reborn into Starry Skies and Like Minds whenever I decide to write it and share it here!
(7) Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
My blog is under a year old and I have less than 100 followers, it's just the name of the game. When I posted my first piece of writing, absolutely no one found it for a while despite ABCDEFG. What helped me the most when it comes to finding mutuals that actually interact with you is to find "Looking for Writeblr" posts and go through the replies. Check every blog. Start interacting, that's why my intro post has a "Please, I promise I'm just an idiot and really like you blog" disclaimer because I do, genuinely, like a lot of stuff on other people's blogs. That is how I found the great and powerful @doublegoblin @mthollowell-writes @pinkchaosstories and @gummybugg who tag me and make my life great.
Thank you all for tagging me in everything, you make my life a joy.
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bosses-stay-flawless · 6 months
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“Unpacking the Unhealed Energy of Persecution and Oppression”
Earlier this week someone asked me what’s wrong am I ok, the tone of my posts seem different. I am grateful for her heartfelt inquiry. ♥️ Without hesitation I told her that the things taking place between 2 warring countries has had a very powerful impact on me.
First let me say that my prayers are with anyone feeling the impact of war across the globe, not just the ones we hear about the most in the news.
Persecution and Oppression are not the same thing, however, they both can destroy the spirit of a people who has been subject to either. My ancestors came from all across the globe, many were both persecuted and oppressed, In my own life I have also experienced both persecution and oppression but in no way as extreme as what many of the people around the world are going through today.
Every since I can remember, especially growing up, I was oppressed and persecuted. As a little girl, even in my family the color of my skin, either gave me privilege or cause for hate the same way it mattered to the world around me, my diverse heritage was often a gift and a curse. Being able to speak 6 different languages as a child didn’t help back then the way it does now. I was persecuted more as a child than at any other time in my life.
Being a young woman was even more perilous depending on where I was, within one community I was to remain covered and shrouded, secreted and kept quiet, per my family’s culture. On the other hand I was encouraged to embrace the hand of God that was on my life. Ironically at some point along the way, because I am a woman I was not allowed or encouraged to speak God’s word for fear of offending men.
Same in the business world, and on missions geared towards peace, my soft spoken voice and gentle nature is taken advantage of an suppressed by the raging of men and ravaging of men. Yet I am reminded that God, speaks from unexpected places ( like the burning bush) and in a still, small (soft) voice #spirit
As I look around the world, I see tensions arising, when the dust settles there will be some serious unpacking to do, neither persecution or oppression most be allowed to fester with in. Many of today’s woes are because of bandaids (treaties, handshakes, laws, and agreements) that have been applied to ancient injuries and injustices that require true healing and not just temporary measures to ease the pain. Healing is an inside job, before anything manifests outwardly it must have had room made on the inside for it to grow from.
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The 7th Generation has risen and is still rising. #WE are committed to HEALING the places we occupy, we are not content to just live, we came here to this moment to bring LIFE to dead things. Persecution and Oppression are energies associated with spiritual death but it is not the final say when it comes to energy ( some who understand at a deeper level understand that death and life are both a vital part of the LIFE experience) We may come from different backgrounds but we are united in purpose.
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The 7th Generation is ushering in a season of LIFE on this planet that has never been seen before. We remember why we came, we are committed to our truth, we are a set a part generation, INTEGRITY has been imbedded in us since our youth. #WE will not compromise ourselves, our souls, or our integrity. We are determined even if we must go forth as “The Faithful and The Few.”
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Below is a small excerpt explaining one university’s use of #WE not just in terms of gender or sexuality but in terms of community and ALL different communities working together for the good of everyone. #zahraspeaks #together #communitiesMAKINGadifferance
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starblightbindery · 2 months
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Editor's Note from my bind, Designs of Fate, an anthology of Star Wars stories by Patricia A. Jackson.
Patricia A. Jackson is a criminally underrated Star Wars author.
I’ll explain.
Growing up in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was challenging to be an adolescent Star Wars fangirl, particularly an Asian American one. Back then, fandom meant negotiating male-dominated online message boards where identifying as a teenage girl meant inviting a ‘fake geek girl’ grilling at best and sexual harassment at worst. Most of the published Star Wars books were about Han, Leia, and Luke. Han and Leia were in their thirties and the parents of three children...not super relatable for preteen me. As far as character development was concerned, our “Big Three” had established characterizations coalesced firmly on the side of good. For our heroes, there was no moral ambiguity as, novel by novel, they tackled the galactic Threat of the Week.
Bildungsromans, those books were not. When Jackson started writing Star Wars in the 1990s, there were no women Jedi or protagonists of color. If you wanted stories with original characters coming of age, your primary recourse was the West End Games’ Star Wars Adventure Journals and their published anthologies, Tales from the Empire (1997) and Tales from the New Republic (1999). I remember avidly poring over my dogeared paperback copies and stalking the internet for scans or transcriptions. Although I never played the D6 role-playing game, the short stories from the Star Wars Adventure Journals helped me envision that a character like me—a young Asian girl coming into her own—did have a place in Star Wars after all.
As evinced by the vitriolic reactions towards John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran during the production of the sequel trilogy, Star Wars fandom can be a hateful environment for proponents of diversity and inclusion. A small but irritatingly loud faction of fascist-leaning, cishet, white male fans are actively hostile towards fans who advocate for change; they are more troubled by the presence of queers, women and BIPOC than our absence. Because of the ubiquity and popularity of Star Wars in America’s cultural milieu, the sentiments from these self-appointed gatekeepers have been—and continue to be—amplified by right wing extremists, and, to some extent, even by the Internet Research Agency as tools of Russia’s psychological and cyber warfare against the United States. During his Ph.D. candidacy with the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, Morten Bay, PhD., studied negative tweets about The Last Jedi and found that 50.9% of negative tweets were “bots, trolls/sock puppets or political activists using the debate to propagate political messages supporting extreme right-wing causes and the discrimination of gender, race or sexuality.”
“Russian trolls weaponize Star Wars criticism as an instrument of information warfare with the purpose of pushing for political change,” he wrote, “while it is weaponized by right-wing fans to forward a conservative agenda and for some it is a pushback against what they perceive as a feminist/social justice onslaught.”
The creation and inclusion of characters with minoritized identities in Star Wars is, therefore, an act of resistance. As far as I’m aware, Patricia A. Jackson was the first woman of color and Black author to write for the Star Wars expanded universe. Jackson has described the fan environment in the 1990s thusly; like many minoritized fans of color, she would be given pithy justifications such as "Well, there’s no Africa in Star Wars, so there are no Black people." Jackson noted, aptly, "That was just translation for “’You don’t matter. You don’t need to be here.’” Jackson's work for West End Games, particularly her sourcebook The Black Sands of Socorro, is a subversion of those expectations.
Before anyone else did, Jackson showed fandom that dominant mayo masculinity did not have to be the only way to tell Star Wars stories. Her stories existed before the prequel trilogy and three decades of Star Wars publishing, before FanFiction.net, Archive of Our Own, or Wattpad. She is the forerunner for BIPOC writers in Star Wars, followed by other luminaries like Steven Barnes, Daniel José Older, Nnedi Okorafor, Rebecca Roanhorse, Ken Liu, Greg Pak, Alyssa Wong, Sarah Kuhn, Saladin Ahmed, C.B. Lee, Justina Ireland, Alex Segura, Zoraida Cordova, Greg VanEekhout, Mike Chen, Charles Yu, R.F. Kuang, Sarwat Chadda, Sabaa Tahir, and Renée Ahdieh.
Jackson had and continues to have an incredibly prescient understanding of what makes a good Star Wars story. Any of the stories in this anthology could find a home as an anime short from Star Wars: Visions (2021). Ideas from Jackson’s Star Wars short stories have appeared in later media, sometimes decades later. Whether convergently evolved or directly influenced, the parallels are astonishing: Kierra, the snarky feminine droid consciousness who inhabits Thaddeus Ross’s ship, is a spiritual predecessor to L3-37, Lando Calrissian’s snarky feminine droid companion from Solo (2018) who ends the film uploaded to the Millennium Falcon. Jackson addressed concepts like slavery and Force healing predating the prequel and sequel trilogies. In “Idol Intentions,” she created an adventuring academic on the hunt for artifacts long before Kieron Gillen brought Doctor Aphra to life. Squint and the upturned red salt on the planet Crait in The Last Jedi becomes flying red soil on the planet Redcap. Dark haired, dark side tragic emo boy starcrossed with a fiery girl Jedi?—I think Jackson understood intuitively the appeal of this trope to a woman-dominated contingent of fandom well before “Reylo” topped Tumblr’s fan favorite relationship charts in 2020.
Jackson’s work is also significant for deepening world building. Much like how Timothy Zahn introduced analysis of fine art to Star Wars with his villainous art connoisseur Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jackson’s stories introduced concepts such as the evolution of Old Corellian, the acting profession, and Legitimate Theatre. These elements added verisimilitude to the expanded universe; it makes sense that different cultures in Star Wars would have archaic languages, folk songs, and old stories of their own from even longer ago in galaxies far, far, away. More recently, the franchise has started to flesh out in-universe lore in Star Wars: Myths and Fables (2019) by George Mann. Still, Uhl Eharl Khoehng in “Uhl Eharl Khoehng” (1995) remains the finest example of mise en abyme in any Star Wars related work.
Themes from Jackson’s Star Wars works, particularly around Drake Paulsen and Socorro, also connect contemporaneously with our real world. When the Seldom Different is essentially ‘pulled over’ by Imperial authorities in “Out of the Cradle” (1994), stormtroopers lie about Drake Paulsen having a weapon as a pretense to terrorize the teenager. It’s a collision of space opera with Black youths’ past and current experiences of police brutality and state-sanctioned violence. Accordingly, this capricious encounter is the rite of passage that jars Drake out of his childhood. I cheered when I read The Black Sands of Socorro (1997) and saw that the Black Bha'lir smuggler’s guild is named for a bha'lir, depicted in the book as a large...panther. Few Star Wars expanded universe authors—particularly in the 1990s—leveraged their influence to center characters of color or to allude to racial justice movements. Jackson did both.
For this anthology, I have copy edited and also taken the liberty of, when applicable, substituting some gendered or sanist language with more contemporaneous wording.17 The stories are otherwise intact. It would be remiss of me if I did not note; however, that one of the stories, “Bitter Winter” (1995), has sanist and ableist tropes that could not be contemporized without making dramatic changes to the story. In this story, the fictional disease brekken vinthern drives those impacted to violence; while it’s real world correlate of major neurocognitive disorder can include symptoms of aggression and agitation, extreme violence is rare and people with this condition are also at great risk of being harmed by violence. The tropes “Mercy Kill” and “Shoot the Dog” are depictions of non-voluntary active euthanasia, typically from the perspective of the horrified “killer” placed in an impossible situation. These tropes frame murder and death as “putting someone out of their misery” while downplaying any alternatives (ie: sedation to alleviate suffering, medical attention, or, say, ion cannons to render a ship inoperable without killing.)
Like in our society, the societies in Star Wars have consistently framed mental illness pejoratively. There are certainly valid critiques of the utter inadequacy of health care in Star Wars. Ableism is ubiquitous in entertainment media, and even with it’s problematic tropes, “Bitter Winter” remains one of the more humanizing depictions of a mental health condition in Star Wars fiction. I have included it in this anthology as a rare example of moral ambiguity in the franchise.
With the exception of “Fragile Threads” and “Emanations of Darkness,” the stories here are presented not in published order, but in chronological order as they would have occurred in the Star Wars universe. Ordering the stories chronologically helped clarify timelines; it also allows the anthology to begin with “The Final Exit,” which was a fan favorite back when it was first published. I’ve interwoven the Brandl family stories with Drake Paulsen’s coming of age adventures, as the Paulsens are such a strong foil to the Brandl family.
Since “I am your father” dropped in 1980, Star Wars has been big on Daddy Issues—intergenerational trauma, parental relationships, broken attachments, identity development, and initiation into adulthood (or, as Obi-Wan Kenobi would put it, “taking your first steps into a larger world.”) With Drake, we see that Kaine Paulsen is a father who is gone but ever-present. With Jaalib, we see that Adalric Brandl is a father who is ever-present but clearly far gone. Drake knows his Socorran roots; he has community and found family. Fable’s identity is adrift; she was torn from her roots after her fugitive Jedi mother’s death. Jaalib’s roots are scaffolded by disingenuous artifice. There is a diametric interplay of identity formation and parental legacy in these short stories that captures classic themes from Star Wars. And, the stories challenge readers to consider how we interact with shame, guilt, and obligation. Through the morally ambiguous dilemmas that are her oeuvre, Jackson’s characters discover who they are and where they stand.
While the thrill of having an Imperial Star Destroyer drop out of hyperspace is pure Star Wars energy, Jackson’s stories also disrupted what fans had come to expect. Published online as fan fiction, “Emanations of Darkness” (2001) polarized fans of the previous Brandl stories, particularly with Fable’s decision to throw her lot in with Jaalib and his father. At the time, Star Wars fan commentator Charles Phipps noted how the story dealt with the insidiousness of the dark side by taking potential heroes and crushing them. “Star Wars, I've never known to leave a bitter taste in my mouth,” he wrote, stunned. “I don't like what it's brought out in my feelings or myself...Bravo Brandl, you have your applause.” Although the Brandl stories were written and published before Revenge of the Sith (2005), Fable and Jaalib’s relationship mirrors the relationship between Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, down to both Jaalib and Anakin selling their souls to the same Emperor in hopes that will spare the women they love.
The prequel trilogy introduces the Jedi Council’s detached approach to attachments—don’t feel it, emotions like fear or anger are to be shunned, else suffering will follow. Anakin Skywalker’s broken attachments to his mother and Padmé lead him to turn against his values; his inability to integrate or tolerate his attachments is his downfall. It’s the same in the Brandl stories where, trauma bonded, Fable and Jaalib cannot let each other go. While Jaalib credits this as how he was able to preserve a bit of himself while under the Emperor’s thrall, his inability to extricate himself from his father’s influence or to let go of Fable ends up dooming her.
This is why I was thrilled to discover “Fragile Threads” (2021) on Wattpad twenty years later. In this story, Drake Paulsen helps his lover Tiaja Moorn save her sister, at the cost of losing their relationship when she decides to remain on her homeworld. Drake doesn’t fight her decision, he accepts it. He can hold onto that connection to Tiaja, just as he knows he will always be connected to Socorro, his father, and the Black Bha'lir. Drake can love freely because he knows what Luke Skywalker told Leia in The Last Jedi: “No one is ever truly gone.” He is able to straddle the fulcrum of attachment and love without letting it consume him, and that is balancing the Force.
Contemporary fandom discourse is also a struggle with attachment; the parasocial relationships we form with characters and stories are similar in process to how we attach to the important people in our lives. We imbue with meaning and carry these stories with us. As Star Wars storytelling enters its fifth decade, the divide between affirmational fandom (allegiance to manufactured nostalgia) and transformational fandom (allegiance to iterative and transgressive fan engagement) has factionized fandom. When Star Wars is seen as a totemic object, right wing fans have agitated for a return to a mythic past where white men were centered and morality was Manichean. From where I stand, at the heart of this debate is whether or not the reader or Star Wars is permitted to “grow up”—to leave the cradle, to evolve new identities and explore shades of grey.
To me, Jackson’s stories are a reminder that characters of color and complex moral dilemmas have always been a part of Star Wars. We have always been here. No other Star Wars author has been as exquisitely aware of the significance of storytelling; how it can help people challenge existing beliefs and discover themselves. Since the beginnings of the expanded universe, Patricia A. Jackson has spun yarn, and those fragile threads have tethered readers like myself to a galaxy far, far away.
Ol'val, min dul'skal, ahn guld domina, mahn uhl Fharth bey ihn valle. (Until we next meet, may the Force be with you.)
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