#celebrity hairstyles short hair magazine
1. What kind of book are you currently interested in?
O: A book on world cultures. I have a deep understanding of our country as compared towhat I know of the world. So I thought that I should learn about the different ways of thinking of the rest of the world that I don’t know. That’s why I read it.
2. What kind of movies do you like?
O: I love horror films!
3. When you were in school, what is the subject you’re weak at?
O: Math…
4. When you were in school, what is the subject you’re best at?
O: Science!
5. If your girlfriend cooks for you, what dish would you like her to cook?
6. What is your ideal type in a girl?
O: A girl with a cute aura.
7. Which hairstyle do you prefer in a girl? Short, bob, semilong, or long?
O: Short hair.
8. What is your favorite number?
O: 2. I feel like it has a sense of stability.
9. If a girl could give you a message, what words would make you happy?
O: I would be happy if I were told, “Your voice is really beautiful.”
10. What Korean dish would you recommend to your Japanese fans?
O: Samgyetang
11. Please wink for us.
12. What SHINee song would you recommend to lift someone’s spirit when they’re feeling down?
O: 321
13. What if you invited a girl you like to a date, how will you approach her?
O: I think that instead of asking her out boldly, I will do it secretly and in private(LOL).
14. Recently, is there anything that made you feel happy or energetic?
O: I took awalk after a long time! The trees were so green, and when I saw them I can feel the nature. The wind also felt really nice.
15. What is your treasure?
O: My family, myself, my fans. And the people around me who support me.
16. What is your favorite (Japanese) word?
O: Smile.Because a smiling face is the best.
17. What is your recent favorite fashion item?
O: Fedora hats.
18. What is a food you dislike?
O: Cucumbers.
19. Please hold out your hand.
20. What is your favorite smell?
O: The smell of trees. They have a calming feeling.
21. What is your ideal age to get married?
O: I wonder how old would be good…about 35 years old? (LOL)
22. What is your latest hobby/game that interests you?
O: Bowling! I even bought My Ball! I’m thinking of seriously doing it (LOL).
23. What is your special skill?
O:Hmm..ttakbam (LOL)
24. What is your favorite food?
O: Chicken! I love chicken! I like any dish with chicken!
25. Please give us a flying kiss!
26. Please make a crying face.
27. What is a book you like?
A: Poetry. It is an accumulation of unsaid feelings and is easy to read.
28. How do you relieve stress?
O: I guess this is also by walking. Like, taking a walk through a place I’ve never ventured before. Since it’s a place I’m unfamiliar with, I become observant of the things around me and it’s exciting, discovering a lot of new things. With that, my mood becomes better. I recommend it to everyone!
29. What is your charm point?
O: My voice!
30. What is the most interesting dream you had?
O: Hmm..I forgot. LOL. I may have had dreams but I don’t really remember them?
31. What did you eat last night?
O: Ramen!
32. If you’re taking a walk with your girlfriend, what is better? holding hands or linking arms?
O: Holding hands would be better, I think~
33. What present would you give your girlfriend if you’re celebrating your first anniversary?
O: Hmm…what would be nice? …Will you give me suggestions? (LOL)
34. What is your weak point?
O: I get easily influenced by other people’s opinions.
35. What is something you want to do before you die?
O: Something that seems to feel really good–Skydiving!
36. What do you wear when you sleep?
O: T-shirt and shorts.
37. What is your dream when you were young?
O: To be a scientist or architect
38. When you go out, what item should definitely be in your bag?
O: My phone, wallet, and room keys
39. What is the first thing you do upon waking up?
O: Check the time.
40. What is something that you are secretly proud of?
O: No matter what I’m going to start doing or no matter where I am going, I always prepare for it.
41. Which do you prefer, roller coaster or haunted house?
O: If I can choose, then roller coaster.
42. Please make a gesture showing, “keep it a secret”!
43. What is your favorite sport?
O: Favorite sport, I don’t have one (LOL).
44. What do you buy in a convenience store?
O: I often buy sweets or drinks.
45. Are you the type of person who eats his favorite food first or last?
O: Either. It depends on what I feel during that time.
46. How do you spend time in your room?
O: If there is time, I sleep a lot.
47. What is your favorite animal?
O: Giraffe
48. What is your favorite color?
O: Blue!
49. What is your favorite season?
O: Although they pass by easily, spring and autumn.
50. (Q fromSWJ): Onew-san always has a smiling face, but if a problem comes up, what do you do to calm yourself down?
O: First, I sleep (LOL). But I don’t sleep to forget about it. I sleep mainly to /reset/ and regain my presence of mind. Then I think it over again,what I lacked/missed and what I need to do.
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sopolicegardener · 4 months
The Top Reasons People Succeed in the 009BET Industry
Every year, celebrities set the trends of fashions and hairstyles. Everywhere you looked, you could see celebrities with many different and fashionable hairstyles from short and sweet to long and elegant, from curly or wavy to up-styles. No matter what the style these celebrities were wearing, they made a fashion statement that everyone else followed after. If a next-door girl wont wear celebrity hairstyle to work or to school, the weddings is a perfect time for her to try celebrity hairstyles, and feel like a true celebrity.
Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez were two of the most popular celebrities that people were talking about when it comes to hair styles. Each of these celebrities had a hairstyle that no one else could touch and until recently, many of us only dreamed we could have a Jennifer Aniston Sedu hairstyle or a Jennifer Lopez Sedu hairstyle.
Creating beautiful wedding hairstyles is easy after browsing through the numerous bridal printed magazines or available on the Internet. Searching hairstyles 2006 in popular search engines, youll have a plenty of ideas.
Long hairstyles are still the favorites of most brides, because they add sophistication and elegance to a wedding ceremony and reception accordingly. Go for casual, romantic long hairstyles or practical, modern short styles if you feel that any of them match your own style. If you are 009BET wearing short hair but you want a fashionable long hairstyle or up-do, you can let you hair grow in plenty of time or opt using hair extensions.
If you decide to wear a Jennifer Aniston sedu hairstyle or a Jennifer Lopez sedu hairstyle for your wedding or your friends wedding, Ill reveal the secrets here. The secret behind their gorgeous hairstyle is of course partly due to the sedu flat iron, not to mention what they do prior to using this wonderful sedu flat iron. They both must use a conditioning shampoo and then dry well and again add more conditioning to assist in straightening their hair and making it very soft and flexible. The next step in the Jennifer Aniston sedu hairstyle is to add equal parts of shaping gel and calming serum massaged into the hair. Using a big round hairbrush and your blow dryer, you will be simulating how Jennifer Lopez sedu hairstyle is created. The next thing these two Celebrities have done is the flattening with the sedu flat iron.
Will the 2006 hairstyles give us the same great looks with celebrity hairstyles or is there a change a coming? The new in fashion for celebrity hairstyles, or what designers are saying, is that short hair is coming back in style. The bob is one of the hairstyles that is making its way to the big screen and all around Hollywood. This celebrity hairstyle is easy to manage, looks great, and may become the top 2006 hairstyle. We will have to wait and see if the Jennifer Aniston sedu hairstyle or the Jennifer Lopez sedu hairstyle will be one of the prominent celebrity hairstyles in 2006 or if someone else with a bob style or a curly style makes the headlines. Whatever wedding hairstyles you choose, they shouldnt lose your personal identity.
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angrytheatremaker · 2 years
Thoughts About Hair
Professor Pski's post about Mrs. Oliver's use of hairpieces and other artifices puts me in mind of the complicated relationship many of us have with our hair. Hair and the care sunk into it represent time, money, and a myriad of other things that have been expounded on at length by wiser heads than mine. We grow it long in hopes of unlocking a secret self hitherto unsuspected, or cut it short in the belief we are saving ourselves the time and money and fuss we spent on longer hair. Hairdressers and beauty magazines tell us to take into account our face shape, overall bone structure, body, lifestyle, and personal preference. "That new hair color is so you," we tell our friends.
Stick straight or softly waved hair was the business for so, so many years, although there is a rise now in celebrating the real texture of one's hair--be it wavy, curly, coily, or kinky. The stick straight hair, I suspect, really took off in the 1990s as a reaction to 1980s glitz and excess. By the time the new millennium rolled around it had everyone and their mother in a virtual stranglehold. Curly hair was suddenly a source of shame: Straight hair with a slight gloss was supposed to be the norm. This was reflected in popular media, naturally, and leading ladies previously known for their free-flowing curls had a sudden urge to straighten their hair as a result.
I was a curly-haired child during those years (my relative youth is showing). The adults thought my hair was beautiful and said they wished they could grow theirs like that. All my peers saw was a gravity-defying mess that it was clear I hadn't a clue how to care for. All through grade school and into middle school they found new ways of reminding me how ugly I was. In my teenage years I took to blowing my hair straight out of desperation, which of course made it even more of a mess.
I chopped it all off aged 20, and for a decade I never let it dip below my ears. "I miss your long hair," one friend in my old circle would tell me. Others who had just met me for the first time would wonder aloud how I'd look with longer hair. "Grow your hair!" one woman hissed at me. I was sometimes mistaken for a young man. Short hair was also a line of self-defense for me, living in the area I did: It meant that any potential assailant would have to take that extra moment to pause and figure out if I was a man or a woman. Short hair was safety; short hair, funnily enough, had also been my mother's default for years.
While I love the chic look sometimes conferred by short hair, it was always first and foremost my mother's haircut--not to mention my grandmother's haircut before that. For some time now I've been trying to grow out my hair. I don't know if I'm succeeding. In any event I've been successfully coaxed back to the long-haired crowd. (The hairstyles are so pretty, and I'd have to be made of stone to resist that.)
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sserpente · 4 years
Pastel Blue (Chapter 5)
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Synopsis: After his lucky escape, the Tesseract takes Loki on new adventures–but unfortunately, his journeys through space do not go unnoticed and he soon ends up on TVA’s radar. Working for them, albeit reluctantly, he keeps finding himself in the company of a young woman, Jess, who works in the linguistics department and who has a truly strange effect on him. Smitten by her confidence and smugness, he seeks her presence like a bee hunting for honey and lets her wreak havoc in his heart without really knowing why. But he is determined to find out. He means to escape this godforsaken place anyway.  
Find all chapters on my masterlist! (Unfortunately, Tumblr will not display my recent posts if I add a link.)
It almost felt like no time at all. Had one whole week really passed already since Loki had accommodated himself in her unit? In the books, the characters who had to share a room usually fell in love by the end of the story or, even better, they had some mind-blowing sex and then ended up together, and yet all she had done was play with her vibrator like it would be taken away from her the next morning for good.
But unlike any of the mischief and the chaos she had expected, Loki was a rather pleasant roommate. He was respectful, calm, tidy… and she doubted he had ever entered her room without her permission. Unless, of course, he had done so in her absence.
Jess gnashed her teeth, her eyes fixed on her brown hair in the mirror. Ariana had found this lovely youth magazine in the nineties yesterday, one that had already been thrown in the bin. The only reason she had taken it was because the cover showed a blue phone booth with Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor on the cover. Jess had spent all morning skimming through it, reading the headline article as well as chuckling about the gossip and the ads—even though some of them were rather sexist.
At some point, she found a double page on fancy hairstyles for women and now struggled to copy one of the elegant braids to spice up her own hair. Thus far, she had been failing miserably, flinching with a grunt when Loki opened the bathroom door. He tilted his head upon seeing her sitting on the edge of her bathtub with her tongue sticking out a little and her fingers entangled in her brown hair.
“I meant to get washed but clearly, you are occupied in here.”
Jess huffed, flinging the hair tie into the sink. “I’ve been trying to braid my hair. Like this, look!” She pointed at the magazine. The woman in the picture looked like it had taken her five minutes to create this look, and they’d had the audacity to rate this style ‘quick and easy’.
Loki chuckled. “You look like a scarecrow.”
“Why, thank you.” She rolled her eyes. “You can take your shower, I give up on this.” She said.
His sigh surprised her. “Allow me.”
“What?” Jess’ reply was all but a chirp but Loki had already approached her and fetched the hair tie from the sink. The braid was indeed a simple one, and as he stood behind her to part her hair for her, he had to refrain from letting her know just how soft it felt.
He had often braided his mother’s hair as a child. It was an activity that had calmed him down whenever Thor and his friends had made fun of how fond he was of books and preferred to use his mind and tricks rather than raw strength in play fights. The hand movements he was so familiar with that he had no need to look. Instead, he met Jess’ eyes in the mirror. She swallowed, and for a brief moment, he found himself remembering the whimpers coming from her bedroom at night.
Quickly, he averted his gaze again, parting her hair to reveal the earrings dangling down her earlobes. They shimmered in the artificial light of the bathroom. He had never seen her without them, come to think of it.
“They are moonstones.” She said when she noticed his glance. His finger brushed against her left earring once more, making it swing a little. “M got them for me on my birthday. The stone is said to soothe emotional instability and stress, and to stabilise emotions.” After all, her own parents were unlikely to buy her birthday presents anymore. “He asked me to always wear them… that they would protect me from evil.”
Loki hummed. He was familiar with the healing properties of moonstones. They were rather common on Asgard too. Only it made him wonder why Mobius would be so keen on her keeping them on at all times.
“Do you truly believe that?”
She shrugged. “I choose to.”
His fingertips brushed against the soft skin of her neck and he sucked in a deep breath. Jess’ lips parted. She was indeed a beautiful woman, was she not? Loki pondered if she was aware of just how alluring she was. How delectable she sounded when she came undone, believing so naïvely that he was unable to hear the fun she had with herself.
Lust flared up in his blue eyes, his fingers caressing her neck once more, and him braiding her hair all of a sudden turning into a subtle excuse to touch her over and over, to explore what their physical connection meant to him. Then it hit him. The inexplicable tension between them was indeed sexual too.
It was perfect, was it not? If Jess desired him, in whatever way she imagined to… then perhaps he could make use of her attraction, especially as this meant that he too would get to blatantly act on those carnal needs simmering right beneath the surface of his very core. He could not possibly trust her beyond that.
“There.” He announced, finishing up the braid by tying the loose ends together with her hair tie. She looked exactly like the model in the magazine now—only Loki had done an even better job. Jess swallowed once more, wishing, subconsciously, that he would touch her one last time. When he stepped away from her instead, she came to suppress a disappointed whimper.
“M is, um… you’ll be sent to a different unit next week.” She said, breaking the oddly peaceful but palpable silence between them.
“Am I?”
“Yeah. Reese recovered well, I mean, that’s what M told me. He will take over after the party.”
“What party?”
Jess stood, clutching the sink behind her for support—Loki did not fail to notice how flustered she was now, almost as if him braiding her hair had intensified whatever it was she felt for him. It had been a long time since he had last had to think this way upon meeting someone of the opposite sex, let alone a mortal woman.
“Dave is celebrating his anniversary this weekend. It’s a big deal here at the TVA, much more important than birthdays. M didn’t tell you about it, then.” She concluded.
Loki shook his head slowly and decided to give her a smirk. Her reaction, blood biting at her cheeks, pleased him. “I’d dare say I am not invited to your silly festivities.”
“M is thinking about it. About inviting you, I mean. And I guess you could… use a break from all… this. Besides, apart from security, everyone will be drunk by midnight. Lots of snacking and dancing…”
Loki rolled his eyes. He had already hated these kinds of parties back on Asgard. Fandral would shamelessly flirt with three women at once, Volstagg would stuff himself into a coma and Thor would brag with his hammer on the dance floor, making the women believe they could lift it as they danced with him.
If anything, however, this absurd anniversary was the perfect opportunity for him to let his charm play and gain her trust. Jess sighed, prompting him to look up and meet her eyes. She stood, approaching him with the hint of a smile both scornful and compassionate at the same time… and then wrapped her arms around him.
Loki tensed up, his arms hanging by his side motionlessly. Physical affection was the last thing he had expected in a place like this, even from Jess. Perhaps, gaining her trust would be easier than he thought it would be, and still, part of him was unable to deny how much he enjoyed knowing that someone at least pretended to care, as peculiar as she was. Her touch felt like someone had set his entire body ablaze.
“Listen, I know you’ve been through shit and I know you hate everyone right now, including me. M may or may not have red on his ledger but you’re a part of the team now. You’re one of us. If we don’t stand up for each other, then who will?”
“I never agreed on becoming a part of the team.” Loki responded darkly.
Jess moved away from him a little, her smile faltering. “Me neither.”
“You’ll have to explain that to me one more time. When your father, I mean, Odin, fell into the Odinsleep—whatever the hell that means—your mother gave you the throne?”
Loki hummed. That was the part of the story Thor had left out upon telling S.H.I.E.L.D. and all the other silly secret organisations run by mortals how dangerous and menacing his adoptive brother was.
Jess was flicking through one of the thickest books he had ever seen. It was a collection of astronomical anomalies written down in a language not even Loki could decipher and it was so big she had to stand upright rather than sit at her desk to read the top of the pages. She gazed at him from the corner of her eyes.
“Thor was no longer on Asgard and Mother refused to leave Odin’s side. I was the only one left fit to rule—only Thor’s idiotic friends did not accept me as their king.”
“Let me guess… they pretended you were the villain so you became the villain?” Nibbling on her candy necklace, she bit off a pearl with a loud crack. Loki flinched a little. It was short of a miracle she had not chipped any of her teeth yet.
“I saw my chance,” he said. “So I took it. I never saw myself as the villain. And I never lied. I was the rightful king of Asgard.”
Jess bent over to read the small print. She was still wearing the plait Loki had braided into her hair. It swayed from side to side a bit as it fell over her shoulder, revealing her neck. Her scent was almost unnerving—unnerving in a most ferocious and desirable way. Intoxicating. He had sensed it when she had hugged him already and now, part of him was greedy to press her close to him once more and feel her body against his. He suppressed a growl. He should be enjoying his quest to tiptoe nearer and nearer to getting this ridiculous collar off his neck and make this mortal woman swoon over him—not the other way around. He was the one in control. He had to be.
So he stepped closer, his tread so quiet Jess never heard him approach her.
“So you came to like it. The power of the throne?” She said without looking up. Loki nodded, oblivious to the fact she could not see him. She cursed under her breath when his arm brushed against hers, eliciting a barely noticeable smirk from him. It was amusing how quickly he could read her reactions to him now.
The Trickster swallowed. “I meant to prove myself to the man who never saw me as a potential heir in the first place.”
“How did Thanos find you?” Jess choked out when he moved in closer, demanding all of her attention to himself. It almost scared him how fast she forgot about the massive book on her desk, her eyes fixed on his face as if it bore the answer to all of her questions. Loki’s expression hardened nonetheless, regardless of how much the urge to taste her lips rose within him.
“How much do you know?”
“I know what M told me… that you were his ally and he helped you take over Earth in exchange for the Tesseract.”
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. “Then you know nothing.” Her glance found his lips now too. He was standing close enough for his warm breath to ghost over her mouth, her heart beating more rapidly with every passing second.
Fuck. Her office was being monitored. Sucking in a deep breath, she moved away from him and closed the thick book on her desk shut. “It’s late. We should head to the party.” She cleared her throat. “You can, um… wait for me here so I can get changed. Give me five.”
Loki nodded, taken by surprise until he noticed her glancing at the chunky surveillance camera in the corner of the room. Ah… there it was. The fear or shame or both to be caught being involved with him. Loki gnashed his teeth when she rushed past him, fleeing from the scene. That, at least, was something he was familiar with.
He remained in the office, almost as if glued to the spot, for a while longer before he made his way towards the cafeteria where the festivities would take place. Jess would catch up—besides, so he had to admit, he was indeed looking forward to seeing their faces when he joined the ridiculous little party and what it might give him to work with.
“Really, that’s all? That’s almost a little disappointing.” He heard Dave say in the distance, presumably a few yards away from him, his voice ricocheting through the dark hallway.
Loki stopped dead in his tracks. As silent as a mouse, he leaned against the wall, melted into it almost, and slowed down his breathing.
“Yes…” Another voice that Loki identified as Mobius’, replied. “We did take a risk with them but I must admit, I too almost expected a little… more. I thought one of them might… feel something, you know—a connection or recognition, maybe.” Loki could hear his suit ruffle as he shrugged. “Well, timelines can be unpredictable. We do know that better than anyone else.”
Connection. Recognition? For some peculiar reason, he was certain the pair were speaking about him. Him and… Jess? Who else could they possibly mean? His gut feeling, however, told him that he should, seidr or not, get rid of the security footage in Jess’ office as soon as possible. Whatever it was Mobius wanted to see unfolding between them, he was not going to grant him the satisfaction of presenting it to him on a silver platter.
Fortunately enough, they were too far away to hear him, he realised that once more when Jess’ footsteps echoed through the hallway. He knew it was her without even looking behind himself and yet, found his heart skipping a beat when she touched his arm.
“Ready? You know they might give you suspicious looks as soon as you… what are you doing?”
Loki gave her a disarming smile. “Nothing. Shall we?”
A/N: Put your swords up, put ‘em up; it’s going down.
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oxigenada0 · 3 years
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
When to pick your wedding hairstyle? 
If you’ve already started arranging your wedding, you know the countless decisions you will have to make concerning the date, location, guest list, dress, flowers, photographer, and makeup!
Choosing how you will appear on your wedding day is an extensive process.
We cannot help you choose your dress or flowers, but we can provide you with your wedding day hairdo.
“Wedding Hairstyle Ideas And How to Choose Your Bridal Hairstyle With Hair And Makeup Gold Coast “
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask Are:
 Do I wear my hair up or down?
 How about waves or an elegant chignon? 
 Do I choose the veil or the hairstyle first?
 Can I do it myself?
 What’s all the talk on wedding forums about a “hair trial”. How much do they cost and when do I book one?
How far in advance should I book the hairstylist?
Breathe deeply. It’s fine. Your hair will be beautiful as you go down the aisle.
Wedding day, you should look a gorgeous version of yourself. When you go down the aisle, you want those there to identify you.
What’s more, you want to look and feel your best and appear confident. True beauty is a blend of thoughts, attitudes, and looks. As a casual person who rarely wears makeup, your wedding day is definitely not the time to be glamorous, lady.
One cautionary warning: This hair wedding could inspire you to wear more makeup and be more expressive in daily life. Think about the wedding photo you’ll have on display always.  The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
Try And Keep It Timeless
You want to be able to look at the photograph without cringing.
Maintain certain parts of your style as traditional and timeless as possible.
Throughout this process, remain in tune with your instincts. Is this correct? Is this how you feel?
Each bride should get one piece of advice: you are not obligated to do what others recommend or desire. If you have to pay for it, it becomes a matter of choice.
If your parents are paying for the wedding, you may have to make some concessions on some details, such as the number of guests, the location, or the cost of your wedding gown.
However, avoid being persuaded into hair or makeup that makes you feel uneasy or insecure.
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Choosing Your Wedding Hairstyle 
If you desire longer, thicker hair, invest in hair extensions.
If you’re not interested in growing out your short haircut, skip it and let your hair alone.
It is irrelevant what other people desire. This wonderful day is all about you and your spouse.
Favorite wedding hairstyle suggestions
Do Your Research And Have Pictures
Conduct some research before visiting the hair salon. There are Instagram accounts, Pinterest boards, and publications to peruse, and our Hair and Makeup Gold Coast team can provide excellent recommendations for your bridal hairdo.
Please look at the celebrities you’re envious of, or visit their stylists’ websites to view their entire portfolios. Remember to include magazine articles and your favourite red carpet ensembles on your inspiration board as well.
Even if you cannot decide on a certain haircut, making a list of what you do NOT like is quite beneficial.
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  Ask Around: Find Inspiration
If you’ve attended a lot of weddings (which seem to happen in clusters when your friends get married), you may have seen a bride or two whose hair struck your eye. Contact them or send them a note to learn how they achieved the ideal wedding hairdo.
Perhaps they’ll be able to offer some guidance on what to try and what to avoid. However, I would reiterate that the ultimate decision is entirely up to you since it is, after all, your day.  The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask.
Book A Trial Appointment
Hair trials are critical. They generally cost between $100 and $150, and you should schedule one once you’ve chosen your gown and veil. You don’t want to regret the style you’ve chosen, and a trial allows you to test how your hair, dress, and veil will all work together on the big day. For instance, suppose you’ve picked a dramatic updo but discover that it would not work with your hair length or the style of veil you’ve chosen.
It’s time to discover this at your trial appointment, not on your wedding day. Experiment with updos and other flow patterns. Remember to bring a blouse with a comparable neckline to your gown, as well as your veil and any hair jewellery you intend to wear.
Be prepared to reconsider your hairdo ideas.
To ensure they look their best, you may need to purchase or borrow hair extensions, get a haircut, or schedule a colour or treatment appointment.
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  Coordinate Your Overall Wedding Style
All of the planning you’ve previously done might assist you in determining your wedding day hairdo.
The formality of your gown, the venue, and the overall concept of the wedding all serve as excellent beginning points for determining your wedding hairdo.
To begin, your hairdo should complement (rather than compete with) your clothing.
If you’re wearing sophisticated, contemporary attire such as a pantsuit or sculpted gown, request an exquisite ponytail, a low chignon, or a sleek blowout.
Brides who want a casual, beachy, or rustic style (think lace coats, high-waisted two-pieces, or off-the-shoulder boho dresses) should wear their hair loose and natural.
Add additional embellishments, weave braids, little flowers, a flower crown, or a delicate headpiece into your hair, or wear your hair half-up so that a few strands frame your face.
Are you more of a princess bride type? A classic chignon, a beautiful French twist, or a delicate Gibson tuck will highlight your gown and allow a lengthy veil.
Additionally, it will enable you to quickly remove the veil, allowing you to enjoy your wedding reception and even have a dance or two!
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Show Off Your Hair
While glossy, healthy hair usually pictures beautifully, the disadvantage is that it will not hold as well if worn down. The good news for people with naturally straight hair is that it seems shinier; therefore, highlighting the texture of your hairdo is critical.
Flyaways are the misery of every lady who desires silky hair.
With its high humidity and windy conditions, the Gold Coast weather may be a nightmare!
If you are a neat freak, select a haircut that allows for easy maintenance.
Curly hair looks incredible with textured hairstyles, whether you choose loose curls with braids or a somewhat sloppy updo.
Curly hair can also appear dry and brittle, so it is essential to apply the proper treatments. We define the curls with a moisturising balm and a small shine serum to add shine and control frizz.
Wedding Hairstyles For Your Face Shape
Curls or a cut with wispy ends helps soften a square facial shape.
When we split the hair to create a side part, we can alter the size and form of the entire forehead by styling the hair.
When we style your hair, we prefer that you sit in front of a mirror so that you can immediately see how minor adjustments to the way your hair is pushed back or draped across your face may dramatically alter your appearance!
Longer hairstyles will lengthen and narrow your face, while curls, waves, dishevelled layers, or a longer side fringe will soften your features.
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Work With Your Hair Length 
However, how can you choose wedding hairstyles that are appropriate for your hair length?
If you have medium-length hair and have always desired longer hair, invest in hair extensions to obtain your desired look.
There are several romantic, elegant, and gorgeous hairstyles available for short-haired brides (including braided hairstyles if that is your preference).
Subtly tousled hairstyles paired with a headband or simple barrette great for modern, classic, and vintage looks.
Brides with short hair will appear equally as glamorous as brides with longer hair! And without the aches and pains!
Long haired individuals have more styling options, whether it’s an updo – a wise choice for summer – or wearing their hair down to showcase their length.
We must warn brides with long hair that they will require a layered haircut. Long, wavy, or curly hair will not retain curls or waves.
Think About Your Headdress
On your wedding day, will you wear a veil, floral crown, sparkling tiara, or other bridal headpieces?
Determine an efficient method of attaching it to your hair with the aid of your professional hairdresser before the morning of your wedding.
Certain veils are difficult to fix if there is no anchor point for the hair comb.
Vintage crystal combs are not always simple to secure, and we occasionally need to use a little additional bobby pin magic to keep your item in place.
On the other hand, wavy and curly hair are more suited to concealing all hair accessories as they sit about; hair ornament and pins may be readily concealed.
Don’t forget to test your wedding hairdo without the accessories or veil if you intend to remove it throughout the evening.
Think About The Weather
Our third piece of advice is perhaps the most critical since the weather has the ability to make or destroy a haircut.
If you’re attending a summer beach party, try for beachy waves with your hair pulled away from one side of your face.
Nothing is more infuriating than having your hair blown into your face by the wind.
If you can secure one side, you will have some control over the position of your face and the appearance of your hair. If your wedding is outside and the weather is nice, do you want your hair down or up?
Do you despise having hair on your neck during the summer? Then consider marrying indoors in an air-conditioned room or wearing your hair up.
Are you looking for silky, sleek hair and your hair is prone to frizz? Are you planning a late spring or summer wedding? You’re aware that the weather will be humid, and humidity will wreak havoc on your smooth hair.
Consider wearing your hair neatly fastened or opting for a straightening treatment to maintain the smoothness of your hair.
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  Bridal Hairstyling Expert Tips
Our final tip: Hire a wedding-experienced hair and makeup team and reserve your wedding date early with the company of your choice. Each hair and makeup artist will handle reservations differently, and they will frequently decline appointments that are more than 12 months in the future. Make contact with the individual you like to utilise and check to see whether your desired date is accessible.
By hiring a mobile hair and makeup crew, you’re ensuring that you’re working with experts who understand how to get a bride and her bridesmaids ready on time and with hair and makeup that lasts the whole day.
Learn more about The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
Find your wedding hairstylist on Hair and Makeup Gold Coast – https://hair-and-makeup-gold-coast.business.site/
  This post The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask first appeared on Walrus Video
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one-plumbbob · 3 years
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
When to pick your wedding hairstyle? 
If you’ve already started arranging your wedding, you know the countless decisions you will have to make concerning the date, location, guest list, dress, flowers, photographer, and makeup!
Choosing how you will appear on your wedding day is an extensive process.
We cannot help you choose your dress or flowers, but we can provide you with your wedding day hairdo.
“Wedding Hairstyle Ideas And How to Choose Your Bridal Hairstyle With Hair And Makeup Gold Coast “
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask Are:
 Do I wear my hair up or down?
 How about waves or an elegant chignon? 
 Do I choose the veil or the hairstyle first?
 Can I do it myself?
 What’s all the talk on wedding forums about a “hair trial”. How much do they cost and when do I book one?
How far in advance should I book the hairstylist?
Breathe deeply. It’s fine. Your hair will be beautiful as you go down the aisle.
Wedding day, you should look a gorgeous version of yourself. When you go down the aisle, you want those there to identify you.
What’s more, you want to look and feel your best and appear confident. True beauty is a blend of thoughts, attitudes, and looks. As a casual person who rarely wears makeup, your wedding day is definitely not the time to be glamorous, lady.
One cautionary warning: This hair wedding could inspire you to wear more makeup and be more expressive in daily life. Think about the wedding photo you’ll have on display always.  The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
Try And Keep It Timeless
You want to be able to look at the photograph without cringing.
Maintain certain parts of your style as traditional and timeless as possible.
Throughout this process, remain in tune with your instincts. Is this correct? Is this how you feel?
Each bride should get one piece of advice: you are not obligated to do what others recommend or desire. If you have to pay for it, it becomes a matter of choice.
If your parents are paying for the wedding, you may have to make some concessions on some details, such as the number of guests, the location, or the cost of your wedding gown.
However, avoid being persuaded into hair or makeup that makes you feel uneasy or insecure.
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Choosing Your Wedding Hairstyle 
If you desire longer, thicker hair, invest in hair extensions.
If you’re not interested in growing out your short haircut, skip it and let your hair alone.
It is irrelevant what other people desire. This wonderful day is all about you and your spouse.
Favorite wedding hairstyle suggestions
Do Your Research And Have Pictures
Conduct some research before visiting the hair salon. There are Instagram accounts, Pinterest boards, and publications to peruse, and our Hair and Makeup Gold Coast team can provide excellent recommendations for your bridal hairdo.
Please look at the celebrities you’re envious of, or visit their stylists’ websites to view their entire portfolios. Remember to include magazine articles and your favourite red carpet ensembles on your inspiration board as well.
Even if you cannot decide on a certain haircut, making a list of what you do NOT like is quite beneficial.
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  Ask Around: Find Inspiration
If you’ve attended a lot of weddings (which seem to happen in clusters when your friends get married), you may have seen a bride or two whose hair struck your eye. Contact them or send them a note to learn how they achieved the ideal wedding hairdo.
Perhaps they’ll be able to offer some guidance on what to try and what to avoid. However, I would reiterate that the ultimate decision is entirely up to you since it is, after all, your day.  The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask.
Book A Trial Appointment
Hair trials are critical. They generally cost between $100 and $150, and you should schedule one once you’ve chosen your gown and veil. You don’t want to regret the style you’ve chosen, and a trial allows you to test how your hair, dress, and veil will all work together on the big day. For instance, suppose you’ve picked a dramatic updo but discover that it would not work with your hair length or the style of veil you’ve chosen.
It’s time to discover this at your trial appointment, not on your wedding day. Experiment with updos and other flow patterns. Remember to bring a blouse with a comparable neckline to your gown, as well as your veil and any hair jewellery you intend to wear.
Be prepared to reconsider your hairdo ideas.
To ensure they look their best, you may need to purchase or borrow hair extensions, get a haircut, or schedule a colour or treatment appointment.
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  Coordinate Your Overall Wedding Style
All of the planning you’ve previously done might assist you in determining your wedding day hairdo.
The formality of your gown, the venue, and the overall concept of the wedding all serve as excellent beginning points for determining your wedding hairdo.
To begin, your hairdo should complement (rather than compete with) your clothing.
If you’re wearing sophisticated, contemporary attire such as a pantsuit or sculpted gown, request an exquisite ponytail, a low chignon, or a sleek blowout.
Brides who want a casual, beachy, or rustic style (think lace coats, high-waisted two-pieces, or off-the-shoulder boho dresses) should wear their hair loose and natural.
Add additional embellishments, weave braids, little flowers, a flower crown, or a delicate headpiece into your hair, or wear your hair half-up so that a few strands frame your face.
Are you more of a princess bride type? A classic chignon, a beautiful French twist, or a delicate Gibson tuck will highlight your gown and allow a lengthy veil.
Additionally, it will enable you to quickly remove the veil, allowing you to enjoy your wedding reception and even have a dance or two!
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Show Off Your Hair
While glossy, healthy hair usually pictures beautifully, the disadvantage is that it will not hold as well if worn down. The good news for people with naturally straight hair is that it seems shinier; therefore, highlighting the texture of your hairdo is critical.
Flyaways are the misery of every lady who desires silky hair.
With its high humidity and windy conditions, the Gold Coast weather may be a nightmare!
If you are a neat freak, select a haircut that allows for easy maintenance.
Curly hair looks incredible with textured hairstyles, whether you choose loose curls with braids or a somewhat sloppy updo.
Curly hair can also appear dry and brittle, so it is essential to apply the proper treatments. We define the curls with a moisturising balm and a small shine serum to add shine and control frizz.
Wedding Hairstyles For Your Face Shape
Curls or a cut with wispy ends helps soften a square facial shape.
When we split the hair to create a side part, we can alter the size and form of the entire forehead by styling the hair.
When we style your hair, we prefer that you sit in front of a mirror so that you can immediately see how minor adjustments to the way your hair is pushed back or draped across your face may dramatically alter your appearance!
Longer hairstyles will lengthen and narrow your face, while curls, waves, dishevelled layers, or a longer side fringe will soften your features.
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Work With Your Hair Length 
However, how can you choose wedding hairstyles that are appropriate for your hair length?
If you have medium-length hair and have always desired longer hair, invest in hair extensions to obtain your desired look.
There are several romantic, elegant, and gorgeous hairstyles available for short-haired brides (including braided hairstyles if that is your preference).
Subtly tousled hairstyles paired with a headband or simple barrette great for modern, classic, and vintage looks.
Brides with short hair will appear equally as glamorous as brides with longer hair! And without the aches and pains!
Long haired individuals have more styling options, whether it’s an updo – a wise choice for summer – or wearing their hair down to showcase their length.
We must warn brides with long hair that they will require a layered haircut. Long, wavy, or curly hair will not retain curls or waves.
Think About Your Headdress
On your wedding day, will you wear a veil, floral crown, sparkling tiara, or other bridal headpieces?
Determine an efficient method of attaching it to your hair with the aid of your professional hairdresser before the morning of your wedding.
Certain veils are difficult to fix if there is no anchor point for the hair comb.
Vintage crystal combs are not always simple to secure, and we occasionally need to use a little additional bobby pin magic to keep your item in place.
On the other hand, wavy and curly hair are more suited to concealing all hair accessories as they sit about; hair ornament and pins may be readily concealed.
Don’t forget to test your wedding hairdo without the accessories or veil if you intend to remove it throughout the evening.
Think About The Weather
Our third piece of advice is perhaps the most critical since the weather has the ability to make or destroy a haircut.
If you’re attending a summer beach party, try for beachy waves with your hair pulled away from one side of your face.
Nothing is more infuriating than having your hair blown into your face by the wind.
If you can secure one side, you will have some control over the position of your face and the appearance of your hair. If your wedding is outside and the weather is nice, do you want your hair down or up?
Do you despise having hair on your neck during the summer? Then consider marrying indoors in an air-conditioned room or wearing your hair up.
Are you looking for silky, sleek hair and your hair is prone to frizz? Are you planning a late spring or summer wedding? You’re aware that the weather will be humid, and humidity will wreak havoc on your smooth hair.
Consider wearing your hair neatly fastened or opting for a straightening treatment to maintain the smoothness of your hair.
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  Bridal Hairstyling Expert Tips
Our final tip: Hire a wedding-experienced hair and makeup team and reserve your wedding date early with the company of your choice. Each hair and makeup artist will handle reservations differently, and they will frequently decline appointments that are more than 12 months in the future. Make contact with the individual you like to utilise and check to see whether your desired date is accessible.
By hiring a mobile hair and makeup crew, you’re ensuring that you’re working with experts who understand how to get a bride and her bridesmaids ready on time and with hair and makeup that lasts the whole day.
Learn more about The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
Find your wedding hairstylist on Hair and Makeup Gold Coast – https://hair-and-makeup-gold-coast.business.site/
  This post The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask first appeared on Walrus Video
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
The Dancer-Chapter Eight
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                      A special thanks to @statell​ for your wisdom and help
Previous chapters on AO3
Chapter Eight
Jamie crossed the yard in front of his little house in seconds, came through the door filled with excitement, and what he saw stopped him dead in his tracks. Pretty feet were crossed at the ankle on top of the kitchen table. As he got closer, the ankles appeared, connected to long legs and the hem of a black dress, or shirt, midway up the thigh. A large cookbook was held open in front of her face and she lowered it and smiled at him.
He held the flowers out to her, and she squealed with delight jumping out of her chair spinning around smelling the beautiful flowers.
“Jamie, I have never seen a bouquet so beautiful.”
Once the flowers were in water, she kicked a small booster toward him and stood on it. She was slightly above his eye level, arms around his neck, lips parted millimeters from his, she thanked him for the lovely flowers.
“Did it earn me a kiss from a beautiful girl then?”
She could feel his warm hands sliding up her legs and she pressed her lips to his and felt the magic like the fourth of July. Jamie’s hands continued upward, and he pressed his palms around her globes and then ran his finger under the elastic lace of her thong.
Claire forced herself to stop kissing and stood still before stepping down so she didn’t fall.
She lowered herself at the table and reached for silk stockings that she gently pulled up her legs while Jamie was immobile, watching her. Reaching behind her chair she set high heeled straps on the floor and put them on. Jamie was still standing in the middle of the kitchen, watching, not wanting to miss a single movement.
He noticed finally her hair was pulled up reminding him of a movie, but he couldn’t think of the name. Long pieces swooped down around her face.
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
“Yer hair”
“Yes, that movie made this hairstyle famous. In truth, it is the easiest updo ever created. Even so, you can’t touch it if that’s what you had in mind.”
“Why canna I touch it?”
“We have reservations all over the city tonight Jamie. Do you want to shower and change? The limo is coming in twenty minutes.”
“Why Sassenach?”
“Jamie, did you know that your oven and stovetop do not work?”
Jamie was running his eyes down her silk-clad legs licking his lips, “Why would I know that?”
“First stop is 21 where we taste the best whisky in the world. Then to Bordon Castle for Filet Mignon. Anything you want to do in between or after, just say so.”
He looked at this wonderful spontaneous girl and felt her contagious excitement.
“May I ask the occasion lass?”
“My birthday, times eleven.”
Jamie looked horrified he forgot her birthday, but he looked into her eyes and grinned walking toward her as she backed up.
“Yer birthday is March 19th lass. Suppose ye try again.”
Claire was laughing and tried to run around him after he backed her into a corner. He caught her and pulled her to a chair and on to his lap. He ran a hand down her kicking leg and waited.
“I was orphaned at five years old, both parents died in a car crash. The only family I had was my Uncle Lamb who I never met. He took charge of me and we spent the next eleven years in jungles, deserts, remote islands, anywhere his work took him. He was an archeologist and I grew up among tribal people mostly. He brought me to Edinburgh when I was sixteen and enrolled me in school. He was very ill but never told me. One night he handed me a fat bag of gold and said happy birthday for the eleven years I never bought you a present.”
Jamie was shaking inside listening to Claire’s truth. She seemed at peace with what happened, but his heart broke for her.
“He told me to spend the money doing something I would remember forever.” She looked in Jamie’s eyes and smiled, “this is it.”
Jamie was speechless and honored she would choose him as the memory she would never forget.
“Lass, I…”
“It was a long time ago Jamie. Lamb lives in my heart now and he would be impressed with how I planned this night. As a party favor, I will grant you three wishes tonight. Whatever you want, whenever you want it.”
“Can I see mo chridhe? Lift yer dress, show your world to me, as the Americans say.”
Claire stood up and her legs seemed a mile long with her high heels and very short dress. She pinched the sides of the dress and raised it an inch at a time while Jamie watched with rapt attention. Once he had seen the lace tops of the stockings and the tiny thong, she dropped the dress and looked at her watch.
“Ten minutes.”
It was like Jamie finally understood the potential fun in the night ahead and he dashed for the shower. I want to play with you tonight Sassenach, he thought, scanning his clothes for the right everything. He pulled out a white shirt made by the best tailor in England. A Christmas gift from the Board one year. Twenty-five measurements and exquisite fabric created a form-fitting garment that accentuated his muscular frame and flat stomach. He had saved it for a special occasion like celebrating eleven birthdays with an incredible girl.
Claire looked at her date and almost fainted. He looked like he just stepped off a GQ magazine cover. His hair was combed back on the sides, Slacks that hugged his butt and that shirt was absolutely the best she had ever seen. Even his shoes were shiny. She took his sport coat and held it out for him breathing in his incredible smell.
The limo driver looked at the two of them smiling and laughing with each other as they approached. He held the door for them and drove to the first destination. They talked together on the first leg of the trip and the driver was happy to oblige their every wish after that.
Coming back to the limo Jamie handed the driver a flask and said it was fifty-year-old whisky and just a taste. The driver was thrilled.
Dinner was in a converted castle on the second floor. They had a dark table outside where the castle army once stood with bow and arrow ready to kill invaders as they approached. The candlelight along the walls and near the table was soft and made Claire’s skin glow. She looked at Jamie’s beautiful eyes and felt like the luckiest girl alive tonight.
They talked about every subject under the sun because conversation with the other was fun and stimulating. Claire dabbed her lips and exhaled with contentment. Jamie watched her Bambi eyes invite him to love her and his body answered yes, definitely. When her stocking foot pressed into his crotch he nearly shot straight out of his chair. Her eyes were telling him a story that he could not look away from until he had a raging erection he feared would alter his gate.
After dinner they walked the formal grounds of the castle, cuddling and giggling until Jamie could not stand it anymore. He had to kiss her. Pulling her behind a hedge he claimed her mouth and ran his hand up her leg to touch her thong.
“Yer beautiful Claire, so beautiful.”
“So are you, Jamie, it makes my heart hurt sometimes when I look at you.”
He kissed her deeply and then pulled her back to the limo handing a napkin full of goodies to the driver who asked for their next stop. Jamie noticed black glass now separated the front and back of the limo. He started a sentence that died midway through when he looked at Claire.
“Sassenach, I’d follow ye right off a cliff lookin at me that way.”
He pulled her mouth to his, kissing her deeply, hearing her moan. He reached for the phone and asked for a continuous ride until further notice.
When his lips touched Claire’s, he knew they would blaze trails for the rest of their lives, finding the highest peaks, seeing the broadest landscapes. Life with Claire would be extraordinary. When he pulled the long zipper down her back the dress seemed to just fall off her, and she laid back on the limo seat naked except for her lace thong, stockings, and heels.
“Take it off.”
Jamie’s eyebrow shot up.
“Do you want to use one of your wishes?”
He burned the image in his mind of Claire naked with sexy stockings and stiletto heels. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen, and they gave each other the most erotic ride of their lives.
With clothes back on and hair fixed again, Jamie called the driver and requested home. He tipped the driver fifty dollars and asked for his card. The driver watched Claire’s figure in the short tight dress, long legs, and high heels with Jamie’s hand caressing her globes as they walked away. It became his go-to image of success for many years.
Claire packed up her car and called Jamie on her way out of Glasgow the next day. She promised to be at Lallybroch for the weekend and closed her eyes listening to his voice. This was her magic month when someone would love her just as she was. It was like a dream come true so far. She warned herself that it would end in two weeks. Jamie will have had time to fall in love with her making him most receptive to her truth. He had not said he loved her, but she felt his love in every kiss, every touch, and gaze.
The closer she got to Edinburgh the more she felt like the dancer. Her mind filled with lessons with Madu, Omar’s health, costume changes needed, aerial moves added to her routines. When she opened the front door, she was the dancer.
Geillis joined Claire for dinner at their favorite Italian restaurant and they talked non-stop through drinks, main course, and dessert. Claire looked at her last bite of Italian ice and heard someone nearby laugh and call her the Greek dancer. She looked up in horror at the finger pointing directly at her and the sneering, ugly drunk it was attached to.
The blood drained out of Claire’s face as Geillis pulled her to her feet pushing her toward the door to the outside. Once Claire was in the car Geillis locked her in and ran back to pay. Geillis found the offensive man drinking with his friends and she shocked him by putting her face an inch from his.
“I am calling for emergency help because you just accosted my friend. I’ll give a perfect description of ye, fat, ugly and drunk. Good luck with that.”
The men were stunned for about thirty seconds before they almost knocked the table over trying to leave.
Claire sat in the dark car feeling very exposed and scared. She did not figure this into the equation of her life as a dancer and certainly not in her life with Jamie. What if it was Jamie she was with tonight? Geillis jumped in the car and looked at her white-faced friend.
“What if I had been with Jamie when that happened?”
Geillis looked sharply at Claire and studied her for a minute.
“What if it had Claire? It would move the timeline up by two weeks. Right? Dinna get too comfortable in your denial Claire, it willna change the fact that you are the belly dancer that made him crazy with lust and ye took thousands of dollars from him in the process.”
Claire turned her head away from Geillis and cried as quietly as possible. She expected Geillis to apologize but it never came, and Claire suddenly felt completely alone.
Claire sighed with relief when she did not see Madu on the couch or in the refrigerator. She sat on the couch looking at the ceiling, feeling hot tears roll down the side of her face. Why was there no joy anymore without Jamie, she wondered?
The vibration in her pocket meant she had to pull her phone out of her pocket and say hello. It was too much effort tonight. She would call Madu in the morning. It buzzed again; it must be Geillis finally realizing she was mean tonight. The third time it vibrated she grabbed it, irritated, and looked at the screen.
“Did I catch ye gettin out of the shower Sassenach?”
“No. How are you?”
“How can I help, you know I would do anything for you.”
“Come to Glasgow. Stay with me, Claire.”
She was quiet for a full minute waiting for him to laugh or make light of her living with him, but he didn’t.
“I would love to stay with you for a while Jamie.”
“Can ye get away tomorrow lass? I could use yer help with somethin I’m buildin. Say yes mo chridhe so I can fall asleep tonight.”
“I’ll see ye tomorrow love, sleep tight.”
“Goodnight handsome.”
By noon, Claire had packed her clothes for an extended stay with Jamie which took all of twenty minutes. Madu came to bug her for the afternoon and hung his head like a neglected puppy until Claire told him to make himself at home.
Madu had been sleeping at his cousin's studio since coming to America and it must have been quite lonely for him. He packed her car and pulled her to the couch.
“Claire, this will make the breakup worse for you. Why fall so deep for a man who will cast you aside when he knows the truth?”
The hair on her neck stood up and she wanted to lash out at him, tell him to mind his own business, but she got control of that first impulse and looked at his concerned face.
“Maybe I keep him in Glasgow until he is promoted to London or Germany, so he never has to know I’m the dancer. It could happen Madu.”
“The truth wants to be told, it will come out. When it does, you call Madu, I come to get you, okay?”
“She kissed his cheek, “please don’t wreck the house.”
Claire dropped her groceries on the kitchen table and her eyes went wide at the new stove in the kitchen. It was brand new and just waiting for her to roast, bake, sauté, and fry to her heart's content. In the bedroom, there were new side tables with a lamp on each and a stack of hardbound best sellers. The top drawer of the sink vanity was pulled out with a bouquet of flowers set inside. A note with a down arrow pointing at the drawers below said, “all for you.” She wondered how he could do all this in two days.
She looked at her watch and grabbed her purse. There was plenty of time to get more groceries now that she had an oven.
Jamie could smell food cooking from his truck, and he smiled his excitement. The first hot meal in this place and it smelled like Italian heaven. The door opened to a dozen candles around the room all glowing with soft light and the beautiful voice of Enya filled the room.
Claire stood at the sink running carrots and green onions under cold water and humming along with the music. Jamie just looked for a minute. Her short cotton dress was inches from her core the peasant top hung off one shoulder. She could feel his heat behind her and turned her brilliant white smile on him as he lifted her to the counter, pressing her legs apart to move in for a hungry kiss that lasted five minutes.
Jamie carried her to the couch and found a comfortable position between her legs so they could kiss and whisper and build the heat. Claire fed her man with a happy heart, so thankful that he wanted her there and so anxious to fill his home with lovely touches just for him.
After dinner, Jamie led Claire outside and around to the back of the house where stairs were newly built leading to the roof. She bounced up stepping onto a flat roof that was hidden from the front of the house. Behind them were fields and wildland for miles. Claire touched a large box and looked at Jamie.
“What’s this?”
“That is what I need yer help with Sassenach. It’s plenty early we can start now if yer not too tired.”
Jamie pulled wood pieces of various sized out of the box, bags of bolts and screws, and a booklet of instructions that he handed to Claire. He flipped a light switch that flooded the workspace with light and for the next two hours, they worked together building a double lounge frame and pulling a weather tolerant, high-density mattress from the second large box.
Claire was over the moon with their secret spot under the stars. She stretched out on the lounge and held her hand out to Jamie who accepted her invitation to kiss. The night was so dark they couldn’t see each other, and the light was too bright above them.
“I need to take your clothes off and kiss you right here,” she said, “and here, suck a bit here, and run my tongue from here to here. Can we take this inside so I can do all those things?” She smiled at Jamie who clearly agreed, and they left their rooftop hideaway for another day.
A whisky and a hot shower left them breathless and they spent the next hour lavishing physical love on the other.
“Sassenach, I’m a trustworthy man and I have deep feelings for ye. I will be whatever ye need me to be for as long as ye let me. Goodnight angel.”
When he pulled her close and said that in the dark, Claire heard him say I love you and she snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes.
In the days that followed when Claire served a perfect roast beef, put a baggie of homemade cookies in his briefcase, and chased after him in the morning so she could kiss him one more time, Jamie heard I love you. As the third week came to a close, Claire was the happiest she had ever been in her life. She actually could not have anticipated or hoped for this much happiness because she never knew it existed. Each day of the fourth week was a roller coaster of blissful happiness and soul-killing sadness. The two moods would bounce back and forth as Claire could think of nothing else but telling Jamie the truth.
They had spent the previous weekend at Lallybroch with Jenny who had pulled Claire into a close friendship, reinforced by daily phone calls and giggling promises to get together for lunch or a movie. Her growing friendship with Jenny helped Claire overcome the gaping hole left by Geillis, not seen since the night at the Italian restaurant. It was traumatic for both of them, but she never thought Geillis was that thin-skinned.
To Jamie, Claire was everywhere, and he was intoxicated with happiness after nine years of living alone. He had a secret of his own, one that would join the volumes of classic love stories, if there had been a writer close by to hear it.
Claire cuddled into his arms sighing with pleasure from food, whisky, and gorgeous blue eyes. The Oasis, so named when Claire installed Kontiki torches, a small refrigerator, and a table that had Whisky and glasses. She made it beautiful and Jamie was always delighted to spend the evening up there, holding her, talking, or making love.
“Have ye considered living in another country mo chridhe? Like Germany perhaps? Would ye live with me in Germany, Sassenach?” He cupped her cheek and looked at her like she held the entire world in her eyes. “I love ye, like my da loved my mam. I canna measure the time ye’ve been in my life because ye’ve always been there. As a lad, daydreaming about my future, as a man so lonely for a soulmate, and every moment in between, ye were there. The first time ye gave me yer body I wanted to weep with relief and I almost asked ye where ye been all these years? I’ve been waitin for ye. It’s why I can love ye so deeply after a short time together and I have to ask ye, lass, do ye feel the same?”
He studied her face as her eyes filled with tears. He saw the heartbreak and loneliness of her life, her isolation, and fear from the years living alone. What made him laugh with joy was the unmistakable love she had for him. It pushed his heart into his throat and he kissed her soundly, hugging as tightly as he dared.
“Lass, dinna cry, dinna cry for love ye canna lose. I will love ye for the rest of yer life, come what may. So take a breath and tell me ye love me for all time. If I live in yer heart already, like ye do mine, I was meant to love ye and ye to love me.”
He kissed her breathless and whispered, “tell me ye love me lass.”
“I love you Jamie, more than I ever thought possible. I love you.”
Between each kiss, she said it again, or he did until the kisses did not stop and they could no longer speak.
Claire was unable to stop the bliss of the last few days with Jamie. He talked about their future and she pretended it was real until he left for work and she fell apart. On Sunday evening, after dinner and making love at the Oasis, she led him inside by the hand and asked him to sit with her at the table.
“I love you, Jamie, with every ounce of my soul. I must tell you about something I have kept from you. Her tears were flowing. I would trade ten years of my life not to tell you, but I can no longer keep this from you. John and Geillis are the only people that know. I want to start this story when my bookstore closed because you built a huge new store on my street and put me out of business.”
“I didn’t make much money but enough to pay rent and eat. Knowing I was losing the store made me so afraid. No parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, no one to help me. I searched for a job doing anything, but no one would hire me. I was desperate.”
“Stop Claire, yer breakin my heart, so stop, please. I dinna care to know, how is that? Let’s just move on from here. If ye robbed a bank, who cares? If ye…I, I canna think what could be so terrible right now because I just want ye to stop hurtin so bad. It doesna matter lass.” He was pleading with her because he never suspected she could deceive him the way she had. She continued.
“When we came to Edinburgh, my uncle taught at university and I went to public school. The girls were so mean to me and I just wanted to die. I saw some bullies coming down the street one day, so I slipped into the first door I found to hide from them. It was a dance studio and the owner was very nice. She offered me lessons if I helped her after school. She taught me for six years and gave me comfort when my uncle died. It was the only thing I knew how to do besides sell books.”
Claire completely broke down and Jamie pulled her from her seat and held her close, rocking her from side to side, speaking his low Gaelic voice. When she could breathe again, she sat down quickly desperate to finish the story and be done with this, whatever happened.
“I had no money, my rent was late, and I would be homeless soon. My instructor got me an interview to dance as an entertainer and the sweetest man in the world gave me a job …belly dancing at his restaurant. I am a belly dancer Jamie. I am the belly dancer you came to see so many times, the dancer you made love to in the dressing room.”
“I am so sorry for the deception.”
“I hated you at first and blamed you for my problems. I would dance for you and then ignore your request to speak with me. Until we had coffee, and I wasn’t mad at you anymore. We spent more time together after that and I fell in love with you. When you had to move, to build the new store, I thought you would be gone forever, that is when I let you into the dressing room. My heart was breaking, and I had to feel you touch me just once.”
“That’s it.”
Jamie’s face had lost all color and he shook his head side to side as if that would make all this vanish. He stood up and paced in the kitchen, looking closely at Claire, then back to the pacing.
“Why tell me now?”
“I have to go back to work tomorrow, my month of vacation is over.”
“Why tell me now?” He repeated.
“I love you Jamie and wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. To live my dream of someone loving me for me.”
“Why not tell me the first night I watched ye dance?”
“Because she isn’t me. That job was a means to survive, that's all.”
“I offered ye the manager job in Edinburgh, why didn’t you take it?”
“I didn’t trust you yet and couldn’t put my fate in your hands again.”
Her voice was so low he could hardly hear her. Jamie watched her body shake from head to toe and he felt no desire to comfort her. Now that he knew, he could clearly see the dancer was Claire.
“Did ye mean to make me love ye so completely before ye told me the truth?”
Claire was sobbing uncontrollably but nodded her head.
“Yer a cruel and selfish woman then. Months of lies, probably snickering behind my back and when I say I love ye, a bomb is dropped in my happiness. I dinna know ye at all Claire but for the heartache I will suffer for yer selfishness I can honestly say I dinna deserve it. I never meant to hurt ye with the bookstore and looked high and low for ye to make sure ye were alright. I would have found ye a decent job if ye let me know what was happening to ye.”
“Why belly dancing Claire. It doesna suit ye personality or was that a lie as well. Yes, I can see it was. No wonder ye changed so much with yer makeover. Ye were goin back to who ye were. It's a twisted game ye played on me.”
“Jamie walked to Claire and pulled her face up to look at him. Someday, when my heartbreak heals, I hope to forgive ye.”
With that, he walked to his bedroom and closed the door, closed her out, closed his heart, and closed any hope she had of forgiveness. Claire cried until she was exhausted. Never had alone in the world felt so catastrophically bad. At four o’clock in the morning, she stumbled to her car with the possessions she could find without going into his bedroom. She cried as she drove home pulling over twice when she was out of control with her sobbing.
Rain was coming down in Edinburgh when she parked her car and she stumbled into her house dripping wet. She sat in the dark and sobbed. Madu came out of the bedroom hearing her heartbreak and he held her and cried too.
Jamie laid awake all night, hearing her cry and hearing her leave. Every five minutes he would remember something else she lied about as the layers of deception grew. Several times he sat up holding his chest feeling like a heart attack was coming and forced himself to calm down and breathe slowly.
When the sun came up, he drove to work doing his best to get lost in the madness and problems with the building. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he left and drove to Edinburgh to see John. Jamie was sure he would drop his own bombs of truth, but he had to know.
Madu made Claire some tea and sat on the floor at her feet, ready to fetch whatever she needed. She finally dispatched him to retrieve her costumes just to have a little quiet time. She laid in her bed and closed her eyes but all she saw was Jamie, in love with her and then furious with her. She got up and turned the music on in her studio. Looking at her reflection in the mirrors she was disgusted at her slumped shoulders and puffy red face.
“Hold your retched head up you conniving, lying bitch. He sent you back to where you belong so deal with it. How could you ever think you could stay with him? You are a fucking dancer you pathetic fool, so dance for your supper! Dance for your rent! Dance for your sanity and your very life! Dance!” She screamed.
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thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims Mobile: High Fashion Update (September 11th, 2019)
There is a brand new game update available for The Sims Mobile! Check the App Store and Google Play from your device to install the update. This update brings new content to the game with the all new “High Fashion” update. Patch notes below.
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Sul, sul!
Hello again, Simmers! To celebrate The Sims 4 Moschino Stuff Pack launch, our Sims Mobile team would love to show off their passion for fashion by dropping the ultimate style update that is so hot right now!
Moschino Collaboration
The Sims 4 has collaborated with creative director Jeremy Scott from the luxury fashion brand Moschino, and designed authentic outfits for The Sims Mobile! We can't wait for you to check out the huge selection of real-life Moschino outfits that are straight from the catwalk!
The pack includes matching tops and skirts, jackets and jeans, shoes and even swimwear with plumbobs everywhere – plus apparel featuring their iconic teddy bear – all in multiple colour variants for male and female Sims!
Use the hashtag #MoschinoXTheSims to show us your Sims working the runway wearing the real-life Moschino Capsule Collection outfits!
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Sweet Treat Showdown and Modelling Career Details
A new quest has been added to this updates’ Sweet Treat Showdown! You’ll be put to the test again by creating culinary delights in the special bakery venue in Parkside! In this High Fashion update, players can unlock brand new apartment loft-style items to create the ultimate photography studio space! Prizes include a clothing rack, book case, leather sofa, funky decor, fashion magazines, and more!
Bake your way through the Sweet Treat Showdown Challenge to unlock the ultimate grand prize: a modeling career for the Fashion Studio location! Launch your Sim’s career and take the fashion industry by storm! Your Sim will be able to show off their moves on the runway and work their way up to becoming a supermodel!
We’ve also made a number of improvements, based on your feedback. Here are some notes from our developers:
A new quest has been added to the Sweet Treat Showdown. This quest will award additional Sweet Treat Tokens and Royal Treat Tokens.
The 5 round challenges have been removed, with the exception of a ‘tutorial baker’ who only appears once, during your first challenge. After that, you will only see the 7, 9, and 10 round bakers now (the 9 and 10 round bakers will become more frequent later in the event).
The 7 round challenge now has better preparation tasks, which should be more appropriate for each round’s success chance.
The 6 hour and 12 hour events have been reduced to 4 and 8 hours respectively, with slightly longer cooldowns.
“The value of the 5 round challenges was so low that it didn’t feel worth using an attempt on. With the 7 round challenges appearing straight away, followed by the 9 and 10 round challenges, players should be able to start earning more tokens earlier in the event.”
“The 7 round challenge felt far too hard for the rewards it gave. Part of this was due to the fact that the preparation tasks offered were not powerful enough to compensate for the success chance. Upgrading these tasks should make these challenges feel more beatable.”
“These events aren’t intended to be the main focus of the Sweet Treat Challenge, so the goal of this change is to free up your Sims a bit more so that they can spend their time on other tasks.”
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Fashion Week
We have some exciting ‘Fashion Week’ themed content full of exclusive head-to-toe, complete packs available that celebrates real world runway events - the “Big Four” fashion weeks like UK, alongside Paris, Milan and New York.
Are you an-always-black person or someone who loves all summery, bright colours? The outfits reflect on-trend, influential styles and feature brand new designer items.!
New York includes plumbob earrings, Mary-Jane style heels, slicked-back long hair, and a spunky lightning dress! Available from 11th - 16th September.
Milan has fan earrings, leather booty shorts, strappy stilettos plus a killer fringe ponytail hairstyle (if looks could kill)! Available from 17th - 22nd September.
Paris includes long earrings, a long pencil skirt, pointy pump heels, multi-coloured open shoulder sweater, plus a short, choppy bob hairstyle! Available from 23rd - 30th September.
London includes variants of a cute fur coat, tall heel boots, curly up-do hair and matching shorts with a belt. Available from 1st October - 8th October.
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waveridden · 4 years
2, 28, 30, 54, 67 (for the unique q's)
2. if you could be in a movie franchise (already made or a book that should be made into a movie), which would it be?
first of all if they make unsleeping city into a movie i want to be an extra. second of all i want to be in a stephen king movie for no reason other than i think it would be funny because stephen king is in fact my sworn enemy
28. what is one song that makes you feel like you’re dancing in a meadow with the sun shining on your skin?
it changes regularly but right now it’s want you in my room by carly rae jepsen
30. have you met any celebrities? if so, who?
i don’t think i really have! i met bea miller once? and i went to rtx and met a bunch of roosterteeth folks but that’s a very limited definition of famous.
54. what is your favorite hairstyle for yourself?
man i desperately need a haircut and i just don’t know! i’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and i know my answer involves my hair being short enough that it’s not on the back of my neck, but beyond that i’m not sure. i just really want it to be shorter.
67. pick up the nearest reading material to you (book/magazine/paper/etc). what is the first line of that reading material?
it’s a magazine i don’t remember getting and the first line is “on april 22, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of earth day, created in 1970 by then u.s. sen. gaylord nelson of wisconsin”
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vanityhes · 6 years
Another Man (one shot)
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Inspired by this pic of drunk Harry at the Another Man launch party last year. He looked too fine to not write about. Sorry if I hyped it up too much and isn’t as filthy as y’all expected.
The bones in my feet cracked and a long groan emitted from my body as I stretched from my head to my toes. I had been cramped up in the same position for the past five or six hours, occasionally taking a stretch break every once in a while to make sure blood was still flowing. It was a Saturday night and I usually spent them with Harry but tonight was different. I had a 10 page research report due on Monday about mental diseases and therapy, just now finishing after slaving away for several hours.
Usually I had my work done during the week but I was distracted everyday because of Harry. He was stressing out about the launch of his feature in Another Man magazine. I had to help him plan his launch party and make sure he had the right suit and other things that seem unimportant now. The party was scheduled to tonight, and of course I couldn’t go with Harry.
At first, Harry was reluctant to go without me, feeling bad that I was stuck at home doing work while he was celebrating with his friends and having a good time. I forced him to go. After all, the party was for him and not me. Admittedly, I was disappointed in the fact that I would be missing such an important event for him and I knew how much he wanted me to be there. But I had pushed off the assignment for too long and if it weren’t done today, then it would never get done.
I heard the chime of the alarm system go off, indicating that a door had just opened. Knowing it was Harry, I wasn’t alarmed when I heard him whistling the same tune he always did as his footsteps padded up the stairs to our bedroom. Harry came into view, staring down at his phone as he tapped a message to someone.
“Still awake, I see,” he said, continuing to type his message as I sat criss-crossed in front of my laptop. His words were slightly slurring together but not as much as they would if he were really drunk.
“Mhmm. Have a fun time at your party?” I replied, saving my work and shutting the laptop before pushing it to the side.
“Yeah. Had a few drinks, if you don’t mind,” Harry said, glancing at me for only a second before looking back at his phone. “I see you’ve had some, too.” He was referring to the almost empty glass of wine I had sitting on the bedside table.
“Well, I had to celebrate you somehow. Even if it was just by myself,” I quipped happily. I don’t know if it was the wine or I was just glad he was home after a long day but I had this tingly feeling in my toes. Not to mention, he certainly looked delicious. His white shirt was unbuttoned at the top with his tie hanging loosely around his neck. His lips were as pink as ever, surrounded by a week’s worth of stubble, and his eyes were drooping slightly from being tipsy. He had cut his hair a few months ago, getting rid of the long locks that went past his shoulders and introducing a new hairstyle that I’d never imagine seeing on him. It suited him, making him look even older and more mature. All I could say was that he looked delicious, even this late at night.
Harry rambled on about his night, talking about the many celebrities that congratulated him on this magazine cover and how his older sister was highly jealous of him. His already loose tie was discarded on the dresser along with the many rings he wore on his fingers. He made his way to the closet to take off the rest of his clothes, making light conversation with me as he did this.
“I wish you would’ve come, love. Probably would’ve been more fun,” he said.
“Me too. Maybe next time,” I replied.
“Mum wouldn’t stop asking ‘bout you. She was running my ear the entire night, saying I shouldn’t have left the only girl she’s ever liked all by herself at home. Almost think she loves you more than I do.”
I laughed softly. Anne never failed to shower me with love in any way possible, even if it meant overlooking Harry completely. She always said that I was the perfect match for Harry, and everyday I believed her more. We were in sync in and we rarely fought, and if we did it always ended with rough sex.
My skin was on fire. All I wanted to do was kiss him and let him touch me everywhere. “Harry?”
“Yeah?” Harry replied, completely disregarding the fact that I cut him off mid-sentence. He was rambling on about George Barnett telling him a joke that only Harry would find funny. I could still hear him rummaging around in the closet.
“Can you come here?” I said trying not to sound whiny.
“Give me a minute. These bloody shoes are a bit hard to get off,” Harry said as he grunted in frustration. He continued on with his story that seemed to drag on and on.
I sighed. This was taking longer than I expected and the heat between my legs was causing me to squirm. “Baby?”
Harry emerged from the closet, still wearing his loose button up shirt and pants. “What is it?” He asked.
I bit my lip and motioned my finger for him to come here. A small smirk spread across his lips as he came closer, his tall frame towering over me while I sat on my knees on the bed. I leaned in for a kiss, humming against his lips as I felt knots in my stomach form. Harry’s lips moved slowly but expertly on mine as his hand slid from my cheek to the back of my neck and into my hair. His other hand cupped my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb. Harry was an amazing kisser, always knowing when to use his tongue and how much to use.
The stubble around his mouth and on his chin tickled me but I had to hold back my laugh. I could only imagine how it’d feel if it were tickling the insides of my thighs instead while I rode his face.
Harry detached our lips and pecked my cheek. “One of those nights, huh?” he asked with a small smirk on his lips that made me want to kiss him even more. His thumb ran over my lips and pulled my bottom lip down as I nodded my head and whimpered a little, craving to feel his lips on mine again. I licked the tip of his thumb before enveloping it into my mouth, sucking lightly and making Harry hum.
“Missed you. And your fingers,” I hummed. Harry slipped two of his fingers into my mouth, allowing me to suck on them like I would his cock, bobbing my head up and down against him. I maintained eye contact with him because I knew how much it drove him crazy. I didn’t mind tasting the metal of his rings. I was too focused on the tips of his fingers poking at the back of my throat, making me gag but turn him on at the same time. I gagged once more before pulling back and licking his fingers, a small giggle coming from my spit covered lips that curved into a sinister smile.
“God, you’re so sexy, beautiful, gorgeous,” he said, cupping my face again and kissing me in between each praise. My hands ran up and down his exposed chest. I fucking loved it when he had the first few buttons of his shirt undone, exposing his toned chest and the cross necklace that dangled on his collarbones. Something about it made me crazy and want to jump his bones in a heartbeat.
I pulled away for a brief second just to whine, “fuck me,” before planting kisses from the corner of Harry’s mouth down to his neck and collarbones. I took the cross necklace between my teeth and looked up at Harry, who had his lips parted slightly, nearly drooling at the sight of his girl begging for it.
Harry held my chin between his forefinger and thumb, lifting it up slightly and releasing the necklace from my teeth. He placed a soft kiss to my lips that earned a soft moan from me.
“I’m tempted. Not tonight, kitten. M'really drained. What good would a half-assed fuck be if I can’t give you the pleasure you want?” Harry said. The hand that he had on the back of my neck rubbed circles in my hair. There was no way that all of that didn’t even make him hard.
I pouted, feeling desperate just for a touch from him. “Please, just a little bit,” I begged. “Doesn’t have to be for long. Just put the tip in and I’ll cum in minutes. I need you.”
Harry chuckled softly and pressed kisses on my lips and cheeks. As much as he loved when I begged like this, he wasn’t budging. “Sorry, love. Tomorrow,” he said. He placed a tender kiss on my lips once more before disappearing back into the closet to take off the rest of his clothes and change into something more fitting for sleep.
I sighed in defeat as I plopped down in bed and shut off my bedside lamp. Harry slid into bed next to me, wrapping his arm around my body and pulling me closer. He nibbled on my earlobe before kissing it and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck before mumbling a good night that I reciprocated kindly but bitterly.
Sleep wasn’t an option since I kept waking up every hour, craving for Harry. We’d barely touched each other all week except for when I sucked him off while he was driving home on Tuesday.
It was three in the morning and all I could think about was me riding his cock or even his face. I whimpered as my mind flickered to the thoughts of his pretty pink lips covered with juices from my orgasm as he inched me towards the brink of another one. My thighs squeezed together just thinking about the dirty things he’d say to me like “so wet for me kitten” or “fuck you taste so good” or “I bet your pussy would feel so good on my cock”
Judging by the way he was breathing, I knew Harry was fast asleep, so there was no chance of me waking him up for a 3 am quickie, for he’d be angry and tell me to go back to sleep. Even though he was knocked out, I could still feel his bulge behind me. This usually happened whenever we slept like this. I usually wore one of his T shirts and panties to sleep— sometimes skipping the latter— and he would wear boxers or shorts without underwear. Harry would get his morning wood because I moved too much in my sleep and I usually ignored it but tonight was different. His arm was wrapped around my waist and his breath was on the back of my neck. I decided to do the one thing that would help my situation.
I circled my hips slowly, rubbing my ass up and down Harry’s growing bulge. A quiet whimper came from me as I continued to do this.
Harry’s breathing changed slightly as I grinding against him to get the friction I needed. I could feel his body become lighter as he woke up a little, dry humping me even though he was still asleep. A small moan came from his throat, which earned one from me.
“Harry,” I moaned softly as I rubbed up and down my slit through my panties.
“Not now, baby,” Harry’s raspy voice said lowly. His arm pulled me closer and his face nuzzled into my neck. The grinding stopped and my heart sunk.
I whimpered in response but it sounded like a short cry, though that would be plausible since I was in so much agony at the moment.
“What’s wrong?” His voice was barely audible even with him right next to my ear. “Hm, tell me what’s wrong.”
I turned around to face him, who still had his eyes closed but they struggled to stay open after a long day of anxiousness, excitement, and fatigue. “I want you,” I moaned softly, kissing his lips and begging for him to take me. “Please, daddy.”
A low grumble sounded from his throat as he rubbed his eyes. “’s that bad, innit?” He asked. His green eyes drooped from tiredness, and for a second, I felt bad for waking him up.
“Yeah,” I replied.
Harry sighed as his fingers reached under the covers and hooked onto the waist band of my panties before snapping them against my skin to tell me to take them off. I did so quickly and kicked them off the bed as to not waste time. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him, sliding down on the bed so my wet lips were positioned right on top of his.
“’s this what yeh wanted, kitten?” Harry hummed, kissing the inside of my thighs and inching dangerously close to my entrance. “Waking me up at three in the morning just so I can eat your pussy?”
“Yes, daddy,” I moaned. My legs trembled as his tongue made a long stride up my slit. Harry’s tongue worked wonders against my heat, flicking up against my sensitive clit. His moans rumbled through my entire body as he suckled against the bundle of nerves. “Oh, baby.”
Harry’s arm wrapped around my thigh and his thumb rubbed circles around my clit. The only noises in the room was the sound of Harry’s lips smacking against my wet pussy hungrily and me moaning his name simultaneously. Harry’s eyes never lost contact with mine as he at me out so gloriously until he shut his eyes as if this was the greatest feeling in the world; having his girl sitting on his face and riding his mouth like she would his cock.
My legs felt like jelly as I neared closer to my orgasm, Harry pushing me on with dirty talk. He reached up and squeezed my breasts. “That’s right, kitten. Ride my face just like that,” Harry said. His voice was muffled under me but it was enough to drive me over the edge. Harry flicked his tongue at just the right angle, making me feel like my insides were on fire and like I was riding on a cloud.
“Fuck, baby. Right there,” I moaned breathlessly. Harry continued flicking his tongue rapidly as he squeezed my ass and smacked it harshly. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as a strong orgasm rippled through my body and my juices spilled on Harry’s tongue. Muscles taut and toes curling, a series of involuntary moans pushed past my lips. I had to lift myself off Harry’s mouth otherwise I’d be screaming loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.
Harry kissed the inside of my thighs sweetly before flipping me under him. His lips pressed softly to my cheek, neck, and down my body as he pushed my shirt— or rather his shirt— above my breasts. His tongue swirled around both of my nipples briefly before leaving my body entirely.
A sigh left his lips as he fumbled with the hem of his shorts that he began pulling down. I was starting to feel bad for waking him up after only a couple hours of sleep. “Harry, you don’t have to do that,” I said, trying to push his hands away but he smacked them away.
“You wanted this, didn’t you, love?” He said, a tired smile spreading across his lips. His eyes were glowing even with his dark pupils engulfing the emerald irises.
Harry discarded his shorts on the floor before mounting me. He spread my legs wide and positioned himself on his knees in between mine, all while pulling my hips towards him more. A grunt of approval came from him as he rubbed my wet slit with the tip of his cock. I held my breath as he pushed in, never getting used to the way it felt having his length in me.
Once he was fully in me I couldn’t hold my breath anymore. Harry began thrusting into me slowly but deeply. I could tell he was concentrating hard on everything that made me feel good as his eyebrows furrowed deeply. His hips rocked back in forth at a slow pace, which usually had me growing impatient but this time it felt just right.
Our skin stuck together as his hips glided into my softly. The air in the room was filled with my soft moans and Harry’s heavy breathing. I love the way he looked when he fucked me so good like this. It was like the only thing that mattered to him was that I was content and feeling all the pleasure I could, having it all come from him.
One of his large hands squeezed my breasts before sliding up to wrap around my neck. I couldn’t hide the devilish grin that spread across my face, and I knew that Harry saw it too. “You like that, don’t you? Hmm, you like it when daddy chokes you a bit?” Harry cooed quietly. A cheeky grin twitched at the corners of his mouth, making large dents in his cheeks. It made me giggle but the feeling was so good that I couldn’t suppress my moans.
I didn’t mean to whine and moan so much but this slow pace was driving me to the edge. Harry’s soft lips were slightly parted with his bottom lip always jutting out and begging to be kissed and sucked on. I pulled him closer so I could do just that, not caring that sleep was on his breath. At first, his lips moved lazily on mine but they soon gave in and melted onto my skin. Harry’s tongue was always first to invade my mouth but it was never in a bad way.
Harry’s pace began to quicken, making him hit the right spot more frequently now and leaving me a moaning mess under him. My fingers tangled in his hair as his lips moved from mine to my neck. My other hand squeezed his ass because I knew how much he liked it. Harry always thought it was my silent way of begging him to go deeper and hit harder. And that’s exactly what he did.
“Shit,” Harry groaned as his hips crashed against mine faster and harder. The bed creaked under us, making me smile because you’d think that a multimillionaire like Harry would have more than enough money to buy a bed that was less noisy. He claimed that he liked the sounds it made when he’s fucking me good.
“Fuck me,” I whined softly in Harry’s ear. There’s nothing more that he loved than to hear me whining and begging in his ear while he fucked me deep like this. I couldn’t control my moans anymore and my muscles were growing taut. I knew harry could feel my walls clenching around him based on the helpless moans omitting from him that he tried to conceal. Words need not to be spoken as my moans spoke for me, reaching a higher volume than before. My toes curled and my stomach knotted, leaving my body shaking as I climaxed around Harry’s cock.
As I caught my breath, Harry continued thrusting inside of me. “C'mon, baby. Cum for me. I know how much you like fucking me like this, yeah? You like when I squeeze my walls around you like that?” I whispered in Harry’s ear before nibbling on it.
“Oh, fuck me,” Harry groaned. It took a few more strokes and the aid of my moans to get Harry to come inside of me. His warm release filled me up in a way that I would never get used to.
For a moment we just lied there panting and being lost for words. Looking up at the ceiling, I was seeing more than just the chandelier. I was seeing stars and colors even though the room was nearly pitch black. Harry always had this affect on me and I knew I had it on him too.
When I was finally done struggling for air, I felt Harry’s soft lips pecking my neck and chest. “Such a horny girl. Maybe I shouldn’t have left you alone for so long,” Harry said with a chuckle. He pulled himself out of me, making me whimper at the sudden cold and emptiness, and disappeared into the bathroom. When he came back, he had a wet rag that he used to clean me up with before using it on himself.
“You’re so good to me,” I said softly. Harry climbed back into bed with me and pecked my lips.
“Anythin’ for my baby.”
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Language of Limbo - Part 1
Pairing : Chris Evans x Plus Size Reader ; Marvel Cast x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language ; Masturbation 18+
Word Count : 3.9k
A/N : For the ones that don’t know my writing style -> sorry for the grammar mistakes and typos, English is not my first language. Hope you still like it 😊
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"Thank you Y/N. That would be enough. We will discuss it among us and eventually let you know about our decision in a couple of days", told you the casting director. You nodded with a smile, "Of course and thank you for receiving me." You grabbed your purse and jacket that were resting at the chair in the corner of the room and said goodbye before exiting it. Feeling the warmth of the sun, once you got out, caress your skin made you smile in contentment. You took your phone out, turned it on and immediately texted your best friend Aaron-Taylor Johnson, telling him you found that the audition went well and told him to greet the girls and send your regards to his wife, Sam.
You and Aaron met when you were both teenagers and started acting at the same time. Contrary to you, he got immediate calls for big productions such as Kick Ass and began his carrier, while you acted in different independent movies and as an extra.  You got a call once to star in a movie alongside your best friend and there's where you met Sam. She not only became one of your friends but also Aaron's wife. Before he met Sam, speculations about you two dating became recurrent but it was all false. Sure he was an amazing and good looking guy but your relationship was purely platonic. He knew you more than anyone and you could trust him with everything, always having each others backs.
Three days later, you got a call from your agent telling you that you had a meeting with the casting director regarding the audition and you scribbled the adress of the meeting point down. "But did he say anything?", you asked intrigued. Your agent's voice replied, "No, just that you had to be there at 2pm." You scratched your neck and continued, "But did he sound happy or was his voice inclining more to the no side? Like can you just tell me if you think that it was enough to get the part?" She sighed and tried to calm you down. "He sounded normal, calm. No indication of yes or no. Don't worry I'm sure you nailed it."
"For what is it anyway? The only description of the character was : Looking female in her mid-twenties. What kind of description is that?", you laughed. You heard her laugh on the other side and could clearly imagine her shaking her head. "I can't tell any further details, only that it's for a big company who likes to keep things secret." "Yeah clearly. Anyway, I'll be there on time. Thank you for everything", you replied and said goodbye.
Today was the day you had the famous meeting. Being one of the hottest days in Los Angeles you decided to wear a fluid black trousers along with a simple white shirt. Completing your look, you wore a little amount of makeup and your hair in your favorite hairstyle. You could qualify your look as casual but you still looked professional enough for the meeting. You still had an hour before the meeting and instead of staying at home, pacing back and forth, you decided to leave early and walk to the nearest Starbucks. You ordered yourself a well deserved ice tea in order to cool down and checked for what felt like the millionth time your emails and social media. Seeing that you had approximatively 40 minutes left, you took the nearest cab and drove to the address given to you by your agent.  
With wide eyes you asked the driver if you were at the right place and he affirmed you that you were. After paying the cab, you walked in awe to the big mansion in front of you and nervously rang the bell. One of what seemed to be the house butler opened up and you introduced yourself, "Hello, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm supposed to meet Mr.Stewart at 2pm." The man smiled and let you inside. "Of course, Miss Y/L/N. You're early, can I serve you something to drink?" You shook your head declining it, telling him you already had something earlier before thanking him. "Follow me please", he continued. You did so and ended up in the backyard, if you could call that a backyard. The balcon was twice as big as your small apartment. "Wow", you breathed out,mesmerized by the beauty in front of you. The deep blue color of the pool adding to the breathtaking scenery in front of you. You turned around and noticed you stood there by yourself. You didn't mind because you were so enthralled by the view, it bringing somehow a sense of peace in you.
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Your awestruck state was cut short when you heard noise behind you. The buttler entered the backyard followed by a woman around your age. She looked like the fantasy provided by cinema and magazines : Blonde, blue eyes, long legs with a toned fit body, dressed in a tight fitting white dress. You couldn't deny that you felt a little self-conscious at the presence of such a beautiful person but you decided to shrug that thought off, focusing on you and what you had to offer. You greeted her, not without missing her little look going over you, alongside her tight smile. "Hello", she replied back. You both decided to take a seat at the couches displayed in front of the pool and sat in silence. After a couple of minutes she engaged conversation. "What's your name?" You told her and asked hers. "I'm Rebecca." "Nice to meet you Rebecca", you replied with a small smile. You didn't know why but your gut told you to keep your answers shorts. Something about her made you tense. "So what are you here for? You're here for a job interview as a maid or something?"
"Actually, I was called to meet Mr.Stewart to talk about the audition I passed a few days ago." She scoffed, "Hmm interesting." You frowned a little not really knowing what she meant by that and it was your turn to ask her why she was there. "Oh I auditioned for that big part and am waiting for the confirmation. I'm sure I will get it. I mean, look at me. Anyway, what was the character you auditioned for?", she replied confidently. "There wasn't much information. Just that they were looking for a female in her mid-twenties." Out of nowhere she laughed loudly, tears brimming her eyes. "What?", you asked, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. "It's a joke right?", she said. Seeing your confused look, her laughter stopped and with piercing eyes she declared, "You can forget about that part." Taken aback by her hostile tone you told her, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. That part is mine ! You have absolutely no chance against me. Look at you and look at me, there is no second thought about it. If I were you, I would leave now before it gets embarrassing for you", she finally showed her true face. A couple of years ago, comments like that would leave you down for days, weeks even but today you weren't the same. You accepted yourself entirely and if the others didn't then it was to bad for them. You swallowed hard before replying with a firm tone, "We'll see." Your confidence caught her off-guard and when she was about to respond to you with another sneaky comment, footsteps were heard. "Hello ladies. Thank you for meeting me here in this beautiful environment."
"I figure that you got some time to get to know each other and figured out that you both auditioned for the same part." You both nodded. "After visioning your parts with the person behind the project, we decided to choose the one that sold it the best and caught our attention by her amazing performance." You heart was beating frantically, nervous at the outcome and even more, after Rebecca's behavior. "We decided to keep Y/N", he finally cut short to the suspense. Rebecca next to you gasped and gave you a look full of hatred, while you were trying to comprehend what was happening. "For real?", you stuttered in shock. Mr. Stewart chuckled and confirmed that they chose you. He turned to Rebecca, "I'm sorry Rebecca. Your audition was good but it wasn't enough. Still keep up and I'm sure we'll see each other sometime in the future." She fake smiled and thanked him before walking up to you and "congratulating you" with a hug. "Don't celebrate too soon. You will not see the last of me", she spat in your ear, a cold shiver running through your whole body. She smirked before leaving the place. You tried to collect yourself in front of the casting director while her voice filled with hatred resonated in your ears.  
You grabbed Mr Stewart's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "Thank you so much." He shook his head with a wide smile and replied, "You don't need to thank me. You did amazingly." You couldn't stop smiling, finally moving a little more forward with your carrier. You looked back at the landscape in front of you and couldn't stop your curiosity. "I don't want to overstep but do you live here? It's beautiful." You heard him chuckle and step beside you, his gaze also focused on the scenery. "No but I wish. It is indeed mesmerizing. It's funny that you ask though because we're going to shot a scene for the movie here." Your eyes lit up and you turned towards him. "Really?", to which he nodded. "That's amazing. I can't wait."
"Hmm, I have a feeling that what I'm about to reveal you next will leave you ecstatic." You heart began to beat faster at his announcement, the tension rising at each passing second. "Do you want to know?", he teased. "Yes of course." "Well, you're about to star in Marvel's next Avengers movie." You froze on the spot, eyes wide and mouth agape. "Oh God I think I lost her", he laughed. You cleared your throat and let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm sorry but did you just said Marvel, like in MARVEL??" He laughed even more at your question and confirmed. "Yes, Marvel like in Captain America, Iron Man and all the others. Let me tell you that Kevin and I believe that you will fit perfectly in the Universe and for the character you will portray. I'm really excited to see it."
"Wow, this is crazy. I…I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for this huge opportunity and I'm so excited, you have no idea. I love the Marvel Universe and this is like a dream come true." His bright smile matched yours and he patted your shoulder, congratulating you. "We know you're close with Aaron-Taylor Johnson and even if he was part of Marvel, we would appreciate if you wouldn't tell anyone about it. It's not official yet and I'm sure you can understand that confidentiality is the Studios priority number one." You nodded in understanding, "Of course, my lips will be sealed." "Perfect. Here let's talk further details while enjoying a fresh cocktail, what do you say?" You agreed and followed him inside. You both were served and began discussing about what your character was like, your schedule (beginning and end of the shooting) and everything regarding the production. " Am I really going to meet all of these great actors?", you mumbled more to yourself but the casting director heard it and chuckled slowly. "Yes you are", he commented. You bit your lip in order to stop the goofy grin that was about to escape and felt anticipation and excitement fill your bones. You were not only be part of an amazing journey but will meet a lot of actors that inspired you in pursuing an acting career. But what was really messing up with you was the fact that you would meet your all time celebrity crush, the one and only Chris Evans. From the moment you saw him in the movie 'Cellular' a couple of years ago, the man had your heart. Your face heat up and heart beat faster thinking about having him standing in front of you.
"Finally but not least, here's the script. Again secrecy at all costs." You nodded again, putting on your best professional face and replied, " Nothing will leak from me, you have my word." "Great…well I think that was all for me and I'll see you with the others at the first table read in 3 months. In the meantime, get over the script, embody the character's personality and follow the scheduled workout plan and everything will be fine." He stood up and you did the same. "I will and thank you again. As soon as I'm home I'll start right away." You shook his hand again and left the mansion, cheeks hurting from smiling the whole time. "Wow", you breathed out, your eyes tearing a little because of the overwhelming feeling that you were feeling. That was exactly why you choose acting, to embody a variety of characters, to change the game and being in Marvel as one of the first plus size female superheros, was a game changing in the industry. The pressure was high and you were willing to give everything you got to achieve and create something unique and refreshing.
The first thing you did as soon you arrived home was to take a shower and remove your makeup. After that, you went through your closet in order to see if you had something fitting for the fighting and rehearsal workouts. "Hmm, shit I have to hit the stores tomorrow", you spoke out loud.  Once you've got your things settled and a small meal ready, you grabbed a plate and sat on the couch with the script. You took a deep breath. Still not believing you auditioned for Marvel and actually got the part, you opened the first page. "Here we go".
Your heart was pumping like crazy once seeing all the names of your future co-workers. When your eyes landed on Elizabeth Olson you couldn't help the smile appear on your face, happy to know at least one person privately. You and Elizabeth had worked together alongside Aaron in the movie Godzilla. You had a small part but being best friend with Aaron, you got to hang out more often with Elizabeth than the others and became acquaintances. You put yourself into work and started by underlining all of your character's dialogue. After a good two hour, you realized that your character had a big part in the movie and felt excitement along fear creep up inside you. "Holy shit", you whispered shocked.  
Your character was supposed to be a new inhuman found by Sam Wilson. You were happy about it because in your opinion Anthony Mackie was underrated and needed more recognition as the Falcon. Thanks to your abilities, you could duplicate/triple your persona and it would come in handy during fights. "Awesome", you said. When you read that the character you would play had Steve Rogers as love interest, you almost chocked on your saliva. You giggled nervously and mumbled to yourself, "Ha how convenient. I have a crush on Evans and she on Rogers. Great." "Oh shit that means I will have scenes only with him", you continued once realizing what it meant. You face-palmed yourself and felt how your cheeks were burning. "Well this is going to be fun", you thought after finishing reading the entire script and deciding that it was time to go to bed.
2 Days Later
Today was your first day of the fighting rehearsals. Dressed with black sweatpants and a large t-shirt you looked around for the room indicated in your schedule. "Can I help you?", you heard a masculine voice speak up next to you. You lifted your head up and were struck by the man's handsome face. "Yes, I'm looking for Room 9, I'm supposed to meet the stunt coordinator in charge", you told him. "I was on my way there, follow me", he said with a smile. You walked next to him to the room. "I'm Mason by the way", he commented while presenting his hand to you. You took it and shook it a little to greet him, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." "Pleasure's all mine", he replied back. You were surprised by his kindness but didn't question any further. You finally arrived and joined the small group that was already gathered around. "You must be Y/N Y/LN/?", spoke up another man. You confirmed and he began, "Great, I'm John and the production's stunt coordinator. I will assign you your coach for the duration of your fighting program." You nodded and your body shivered lightly with excitement. He went through his list and finally called out, "Mason !"
You slowly gasped. 'Shit how am I suppose to focus', you thought once realizing that the hot and cute guy you met earlier would be your coach. He came up at you with a wide smile, "It seems that we'll see each other frequently." You chuckled and looked around you and saw that the coordinator had left you already. "Well I guess you're stuck with the big girl hein…sorry", you told him. You really had no idea why you were apologizing and immediately felt bad at yourself for being that stupid. 'Ok gotta step up your confidence game', you mentally mumbled and bit your lip in frustration. "It's absolutely no problem and you shouldn't apologize, you know. I'm happy they paired me with you, it's gonna be fun."
You smiled at him, mentally thanking him for being so cute and he motioned you to sit at the mattress at the corner of the room, isolating yourselves from the rest of the group. "Before we start, I just need to know a few things about you." You nodded and replied, "Yes of course, no problem." "Do you have any physical struggle or did you had a surgery that could impact the workout?" You shook your head and told him you didn't. "Are you comfortable with doing gymnastics or with highs?", he continued. He noticed your body tense. "I'll have to admit that I'm kinda afraid of highs", you chuckled and he joined you. "Alright, we'll have to work on that", he commented politely. "Concerning gymnastics, I'm also not a fan. But I understand that with a movie such as 'Avengers' there will be gym stunts/moves involved, so I will try to give my best."
"Can I ask you why you don't like it, if it's not too straightforward?", he asked more focused. You swallowed hardly and revealed, "When I was in high school, there was a moment where the teacher decided to do gymnastics and…god, it's so embarrassing. One of the basic moves was to do the forward roll but somehow I couldn't do it. I was petrified to do it. I was afraid to hurt myself and he kept pushing me but I just couldn't until the moment where I tried it and heard my neck crack and it scared the hell out of me. I began to cry but he wouldn't care and called me to join the rest of the class to do another move. So…yeah, I don't really appreciate gymnastics that much. It's stupid but when you're young and something like that happens it kinda stays with you."
He nodded and reached your hand, squeezing it a little. "Hey don't worry I won't force you into doing something that you're not comfortable with. I will create other cool moves for you. What I'm interested about, is that you mentioned you were 'afraid to hurt yourself'. Is that still the case?" You looked at him deeply in the eyes and clenched your teeth in order to not let your emotions take over. He didn't need to hear you say it out loud, he knew you still were. He stood up and you did the same. "Alright, let's start with some warm-up exercises." You nodded and the training began. An hour later, both of you decided to take a small break and you instantly launched on your bottle of water. "You should wear more fitting clothes", he exclaimed. "Excuse me?", you asked not really understanding why. He chuckled and took a gulp of his own bottle. "Your workout clothes. They're too large, it will bother you once we start rehearsing on the fighting choreography. You should invest in more tight fitting clothes and besides, it will help you to get comfortable for your suit later." "Oh…ok", was the only thing you managed to reply. He gave you that small smile again and declared, "Let's start with the funny business", before indicating you the stance you had to take in order to block out a potential enemy.
After a 4 hour training session, John the Marvel coordinator called it a day and you sighed in relief. You saw Mason quickly get his things. "Sorry that I'm in a rush like this but I have an important meeting", he defended himself while packing. You chuckled and replied, "Oh don't worry. You don't own me any explanation. It was nice meeting you and to have you as my coach. I'll see you tomorrow right?", you told him. "I'm glad too and yes, we'll see each other tomorrow." You nodded and wished him goodnight before exiting the room and walk back to your car. You rode home completely wrecked. You opened your apartment's door and passed your living room, the couch tempting you but decided to not succumb and immediately take a shower before falling asleep on it. You stood outside your shower, waiting for the temperature to get to your liking before stepping inside and let the water splash your sore and sweaty body. You hummed in contentment at the first wave on you and sat on the shower's floor, enjoying the peaceful moment. You reached out to the shampoo and squirted a fair amount of it on your hair, your nails massaging your skull perfectly. A smile popped on your face when you remembered the scene of the movie Easy A, in which Emma Stone was singing a song she initially hated in the shower. You washed off the shampoo and your body was next. You were washing the water off below your waist and felt your breath shorten once the pressured water hit your womanhood.
Not thinking more into it, you directed the shower head above your clit and let the pressure do the rest. You were slowly building up the tension by rolling your hips, immediately enjoying the relaxing feeling it provided you. Closing your eyes to focus on the pleasurable sensation, you moaned and spread your legs further. "Ahh fuck", your moans becoming louder with each of your thrusts. It took you a few more minutes before you were reaching your high, your head thrown back in ecstasy. You were a panting mess and breathed out a small 'Fuck' before laughing, still in the bliss of your orgasm. You got out of the shower, not bothering in drying your hair and put on a pair of panties before crashing down on your bed and falling asleep instantly, thrilled of the journey ahead of you.
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*montage made by me but images -> credit to owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10 @titty-teetee
SERIES TAG LIST : @halee-bear @sanellv @alwaysenjoythelifeyoulive @teatimewithhiddles @mooniessuniverse
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amyscascadingtabs · 6 years
long as my heart is beating, this is it
or, happy halloween have some plotless peraltiago fluff on me
read on ao3
There is no tradition at the Nine-Nine more sacred than the Halloween Heist. There are no excuses, no exceptions, no forgetting the yearly spectacle that is a bunch of cops blatantly ignoring their assigned duties for a day to team up and go through the ordeal of attempting to steal a chosen object in order to be crowned an amazing detective or human slash genius; until there is.
Early in October, Holt announces he will be at an important conference in Washington during the day of the heist. A week before, Charles and Rosa are asked to go undercover for two weeks to get more evidence on the dealer they’ve been tailing for months. Then Terry’s kids bring home a nasty case of the flu, spreading through Terry to the rest of the precinct and resulting in the majority of remaining detectives coming down with a fever.
Calls are made. Cancellation fees for body doubles and ruse pizza delivery guys are paid. Sighs echo through the bullpen when Holt announces the heist will indeed be postponed until further notice.
No one won the Halloween heist last year, but this year there won’t even be one.
It’s lucky there are other things to celebrate. The day after Frans Bruggen’s birthday, National Knock Knock Jokes’ day or Caramel Apple day; the possibilities for festivities are endless, and yet Jake is focused only on one.
“You know what today is, babe?” He whispers it in her ear when the alarm rings at seven a.m sharp. The shrill noise is hurtful as always, but after a full night’s sleep curled up next to his wife for the first night after three night shifts in a row, it could practically be a new Taylor Swift hit.
“Yes”, she groans, voice croaky and eyes still closed. “It’s the first day in three years I’m calling in sick to work.”
“Are you sure? It just might bring about the end of the world, Ames.” She is warm - he feels the unnatural heat emanating from her skin as he presses soft kisses to the side of her forehead. “I’m honestly impressed they invented something you weren’t vaccinated against.”
“No one invented viruses, Jake. And yes, I’m sure. I feel like I’m doing that horrible winter bath with Holt and Rosa again, but I’m also burning up and my throat is sandpaper.”
“Miserable you is kind of cute”, he muses, handing her the cup of water on her nightstand. “But that might be because all you-s are cute.”
“Sure.” She empties the water cup in big gulps and launches straight into a coughing fit before slumping her head back down on the pillow. “Cute is definitely top ten of things I am feeling at this moment.”
He shakes his head, unable to stifle the smile creeping up on his lips when he sees her. She does look pitiable blinking at him with glossy eyes, but damn it if she’s not still the cutest sick person he’s ever seen. “Happy engagement day, babe.”
“Aww. Today’s Halloween, huh?”
“Sure is. And you look so much like a zombie you won’t even need a costume!” His grin is short-lasting, abruptly interrupted by a pillow to the face after only a second or two.
“Screw you”, she mumbles, but he can see the corners of her mouth twitch.
“While a tempting offer, you, m’lady, need to save your energy.”
“Very funny.”
“Constantly. In all seriousness, flu-friendly celebrations will be taking place tonight, so be there or be square.” He gives her one last brief kiss before reluctantly slipping out of bed. “Call if you need anything, okay? I will be checking my phone obsessively.”
“Jake, you’ve got work to do.” “Amy, my wife is sick.”
“Right, right. I forget my husband is a hopeless dork.” She rolls her eyes before coughing and pulling up the covers to her chin again. “See you tonight, babe.”
He’s heard her say it for three years, and it still makes every inch of his skin tingle.
He misses her at work. He successfully bargained with Terry to have the night off - the man loves love after all - and so he only needs to survive up until seven p.m before he’s allowed to leave, but today it’s an eternity. An Amy-less eternity, which is arguably the worst kind of all eternities.
She texts him hourly updates to assure him she’s not dying. He sends back cute bitmojis of the two of them, retellings of the most fascinating arrests of the day and encouraging compliments telling her she’ll kick this flu’s ass and be back in tip top shape in no time. It’s not quite waiting for the last minutes to pass while feeling the ring box burn inside his back pocket, heart fluttering like it’s threatening to jump out of his chest, but she sends him a Die Hard gif after one of the updates and he swears he falls a little bit more in love with her right then and there.
It never gets tiring.
“One Whole Foods chicken noodle soup and one Meat Supreme pizza served room temperature, delivered to your door.” He places the plastic bags on the kitchen island quick as he can when he gets home, eager to join her on the couch. “They made sure to send their most good-looking delivery guy too, so you better give them a good rating.”
She snorts, laughing at him from beneath the three blankets she’s buried herself under. “They did, huh? Can’t argue with that. I’ll leave him a tip.”
“Kisses are accepted as currency at this particular chain. Especially if the customers are hot.”
“Sexist”, she mutters. “And I don’t want to make you sick.” “My immune system has survived thus far, ergo, it’s unbeatable.” He leans over to press a chaste kiss to her forehead anyway. “How are you feeling?”
“Never better, thanks.” Amy gestures to the assortment of napkins, empty teacups, medicine and crossword magazines occupying the couch table. “Lucky there’s no heist this Halloween. I would never have been able to win in this condition.” “You would have figured out a way.”
“Oh, for sure.”
He hums something soft in agreement, moving one of the blankets to minimize the space in between them. Amy looks like she’s about to protest for a split second, but then he gestures for her to move over and soon she’s in his arms, the little spoon for once this time because she’s sick and Jake’s not a monster. She lets out a content sigh when he lets his fingers run through her hair, drawing circles and playing with it to design a strictly alternative hairstyle. A few strands of hair gets caught under his wedding ring somehow, making both of them laugh, and it’s not the electrifying suspense of a Halloween heist but it’s perfection still, this intimate moment of safety and satisfaction and the intangible definition of knowing things worked out in the end.
“I knew you were going to figure it out, you know”, he says when her breathing has grown so even he fears she might be falling asleep. “Last year. I designed my entire proposal after that assumption.”
“I know, Jake.” “Humble as always.”
She shakes her head before turning around to face him with a smug look, lips together in a confident smirk. “I am the last one in this relationship to have been crowned an amazing detective slash genius. If you recall.”
He grins, remembering this night three years ago. “Pretty hard to forget. That was epic.”
“Was kinda brilliant, wasn’t it?”
“It was a genius move.”
“Mm-hmm. And how is that word spelled again?”
“Sheesh, Ames, that was one time!” He punches her teasingly in the shoulder.
“Five, and I screenshotted them all because the fact that you were calling yourself a genius while spelling the word itself wrong was absolutely hilarious.”
“You never forget something, do you?”
“Nope. Congrats on marrying me.” She lights up at her last words, that infectious smile shining brighter than should be allowed, and kisses him. It lasts too short, and will probably cause him to wake up with a fever tomorrow, but he still considers it worth it. “Sorry I’m such boring Halloween company. I know take-out and binge-watching The Good Place maybe wasn’t how you’d planned on celebrating.”
This time, he’s the one to kiss her before answering. “Every day I get to -”
“Nope, nope, nope.” She places her hand over his lips without letting him finish the sentence. “You don’t get to repeat your wedding vows at any given occasion just because they were good. Come up with something new.”
“You’re asking too much of the man who complimented your butt twice in his proposal speech, Ames.” She sticks out her tongue at him in response and he laughs sweetly, linking their hands under the blankets to run his hands over the two rings. “But as long as it’s with you, it doesn’t matter whether it’s takeout and Netflix or crazy-ass heists. Honestly.”
“I love you.”
“Love you more. Dinner on the couch tonight?”
“You got it.” She curls up like a ball with the blankets in the corner of the couch after he untangles himself from her, watching him get to work on heating up her soup. “Oh, and Jake?”
“Thanks for making me like Halloween.”
(Flu-friendly engagement celebrations end up being dinner and ice cream and Amy falling asleep halfway through the second episode, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.)
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/best-all-time-celebrity-met-gala-fashion-outfits/
Best All-Time Celebrity Met Gala Fashion Outfits
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For serious fans of fashion, there’s no bigger red-carpet affair than the annual Costume Institute Benefit—a.k.a. the Metropolitan Museum of Art Gala, or Met Gala for short—where celebrities and high fashion collide in a bonanza of couture gowns that more than rivals the Oscars in unabashed glamour. Part of the evening’s fun—even for us spectators—is seeing what attendees choose to wear on the red carpet at the Gala, which will be held Monday night. Considering attendees’ high-design attire is typically loosely inspired by the exhibition’s theme, we have a feeling this particular red carpet will be one for the record books, and we’ll see some of the best Met Gala dresses yet.
However, before we can look ahead to this year’s extravaganza, we decided to look back at some past memorable Met Gala gowns that we’re still talking about.
From supermodels (Karolina Kurkova in a head-to-toe custom Rachel Zoe creation that resembled liquid gold, Gisele Bündchen’s red-hot Valentino, Anja Rubik’s skin-baring Anthony Vaccarello) and starlets (Beyoncé in showstopping Givenchy, Diane Kruger in Jason Wu) to the fash pack (Alexa Chung in Marc Jacobs, Ashley Olsen in vintage Dior, Zoe Kravitz in Alexander Wang), there’s no denying that everyone who shows up to the year’s most major red carpet does so with a serious fashion moment in mind.
Neilson Barnard/Getty Images.
Rihanna, Met Gala 2017
As an annual Met Gala favorite, Rihanna didn’t disappoint when she wore a Comme des Garçons structured flower-like dress by Rei Kawakubo, a Japanese designer who was honored with that year’s theme. The look, which was straight from Comme des Garçons’s Fall 2016 runway, used floral fabrics, which were layered and pulled apart to look like petals.
Jackson Lee/FilmMagic.
Zendaya, Met Gala 2017
Though Zendaya strayed from 2017’s avant-garde theme, she still shut down the red carpet when she showed up in a colorful Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda ball gown decorated with vibrant orange and blue parrots. Z complemented her look, which boasted a floor-length train, with a voluminous Afro.
Andrew H Walker/REX/Shutterstock.
Cardi B, Met Gala 2018
Cardi B’s 2018 MOSCHINO Met Gala look (with the theme Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination) was beyond iconic.
Larry Busacca/Getty Images.
Taylor Swift, Met Gala 2016
As 2016’s Met Gala chair, Taylor Swift created chatter on the internet for the metallic minidress she wore in honor of that year’s theme, Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology. The look consisted of a robot-like Louis Vuitton dress with cutouts and a ruffled skirt with knee-high lace-up heels and black lipstick complementing Swift’s electric-blonde hair.
Mike Coppola/Getty Images for People.com.
Solange, Met Gala 2016
Solange didn’t exactly fit 2016’s technology-inspired theme, but many fans considered her lemonade-yellow David Laport dress, which featured accordion-like pleats, to be a nod to her sister Beyoncé’s album Lemonade, which came out a month earlier. Solange completed her look with matching latex leg warmers and clear sandals.
Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock.
Lena Waithe, Met Gala 2018
When Master of None’s Lena Waithe showed up to the 2018 Met Gala in a literal rainbow cape, we knew it was going to be a good night.
Karwai Tang/WireImage.
Lupita Nyong’o, Met Gala 2016
Lupita Nyong’o stunned on the Met Gala red carpet in 2016 when she wore a jade sequined Calvin Klein shift dress with a near-translucent train. But it was her hair that caught the attention of the internet. Shortly after Nyong’o walked the red carpet, Vogue published an article comparing her sky-high bun to Audrey Hepburn’s in a 1963 Vogue photo shoot. The actress later called out the magazine on Instagram, explaining that her hair wasn’t inspired by Hepburn, but by traditional African hairstyles and Nina Simone.
J. Kempin/Getty Images.
Kendall Jenner, Met Gala 2017
Kendall Jenner definitely turned heads in 2017 when she showed up at the Met Gala in a near-naked La Perla dress. The sheer look, which featured a large diagonal cutout on Jenner’s torso, was flecked with glitter and featured a low-scooped open back, revealing Jenner’s derriere.
J. Kempin/Getty Images.
Katy Perry, Met Gala 2017
As one of 2017’s Met Gala chairs, Katy Perry raised the bar when she wore an avant-garde red-tulle dress by John Galliano. The look, which featured a floor-length veil and sleeves embellished with large jewels, also included a crown-like headpiece with the word “Witness,” which would later become the title of Perry’s 2017 album.
Jamie McCarthy/FilmMagic.
Claire Danes, Met Gala 2016
From a first look, Claire Danes’s 2016 sky-blue Cinderella-like Zac Posen ball gown looked like another pretty dress and far from that year’s technology-inspired theme. But in the dark, fans learned that the one-of-a-kind dress was sewn with dozens of fiber optics, allowing it to twinkle with lights when it was pitch-black. Posen revealed the high-tech effect on his Instagram.
Neilson Barnard/Getty Images.
Cara Delevingne, Met Gala 2017
Cara Delevingne took advantage of her freshly shaven head at the 2017 Met Gala by glazing it with slick silver paint. She paired her metallic buzzcut with a sci-fi-inspired pantsuit by Chanel with bold shoulders and a futuristic, star-like pattern.
David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock.
Rihanna, Met Gala 2018
Rihanna really stuck to the 2018 “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination” Met Gala theme when she game dressed as the literal Pope. We’re still screaming about it.
Kevin Mazur/WireImage.
Madonna, Met Gala 2016
Madonna earned mixed reviews when she wore a sheer and skin-baring Givenchy dress to the 2016 Met Gala. The look, which exposed Madonna’s butt and breasts, was criticized by some for being too revealing. Of course, Madonna had the last word. After the controversy, the singer took to her Instagram to explain that her dress was a “political statement” against “an ageist and sexist society.”
Andres Otero/WENN.com.
Kim Kardashian, Met Gala 2013
A pregnant Kim Kardashian didn’t exactly stick to the PUNK: Chaos to Couture theme of 2013’s gala, but her Givenchy dress spawned 10,000 memes—and was of particular significance, given it was the first time Anna Wintour allowed her to attend.
Getty Images.
Diana Ross, Met Gala 1981
Diana Ross’s 1981 Met Gala gown would look right at home on the 2018 red carpet, given fashion’s recent obsession with ruffles and off-the-shoulder cuts.
Solange, Met Gala 2015
When every other star was tripping over themselves to prove their dresses were the most naked, Solange rolled up to the 2015 Met Gala in this round Giles dress—and killed it.
Mari Sarai/Wireimage.
Amber Valletta, Met Gala 1999
Amber Valletta looked every inch the supermodel in shiny gold at 1999’s “Rock Style” gala.
Andres Otero/WENN.com.
Sarah Jessica Parker, Met Gala 2013
Sarah Jessica Parker, patron saint of the Met Gala, can always be counted on to show up in something fabulously OTT, like this Giles Deacon gown and Philip Treacy Mohawk headpiece in 2013, proving that she truly gets the spirit of the event every year.
Tom Gates/Getty Images.
Diana Vreeland, Met Gala 1981
Legendary fashion editor Diana Vreeland and Bill Blass at the 1981 gala, whose theme was “‘Eighteenth Century Woman.”
Flashpoint / WENN.
Lauren Santo Domingo, Met Gala 2008
In 2008, socialite and fashion It-girl Lauren Santo Domingo wore a silver glittering Nina Ricci gown—created by then-designer Olivier Theyskens—end of story. But it wasn’t, because the dress caused a bit of a scandal when the house dressed SJP in the same exact dress months later for the premiere of the “Sex and the City” movie. The brand responded to the controversy by saying LSD isn’t technically a celebrity, so they didn’t recycle.
Andres Otero/WENN.com.
Lupito Nyong’o, Met Gala 2014
Fresh off her fame-making red-caped-dress moment, Lupita Nyong’o made a dramatic grand entrance at the 2014 gala in flapper-inspired Prada.
Getty Images.
Zoë Kravitz and MIA, Met Gala 2010
The cool crowd—also known as MIA and Zoë Kravitz—arrived on the arm of Alexander Wang at 2010’s “American Women”-themed gala.
Florence Welch, Met Gala 2012
Florence Welch brought it to the 2012 gala honoring Miuccia Prada and Elsa Schiaparelli, although she opted to wear a stunning multitiered McQueen dress. She showed up on several “worst-dressed” lists, proving again that the masses just don’t get it.
Anja Rubik, Met Gala 2013
Supermodel Anja Rubik rolled up to the 2013 punk-themed gala in a mini red leather Anthony Vaccarello number—and it promptly went down in the annals as one of the coolest, most memorable looks ever.
Karen Elson, Met Gala 2015
In 2015, supermodel-turned-rocker Karen Elson debuted a jaw-dropping Dolce & Gabbana look on the red carpet. Whether it played into the night’s theme—”China: Through the Looking Glass”—is debatable, but the glamour is not.
Andres Otero/WENN.com.
Anne Hathaway, Met Gala 2013
Anne Hathaway shed her goody-goody image at the 2013 punk-themed gala, replacing her long brown hair with a cropped platinum cut and debuting an on-theme Valentino gown.
Lia Toby/WENN.com.
Miley Cyrus, Met Gala 2013
A logical step in Miley Cyrus’s 2013 emancipation from Hannah Montana? Attending the punk-themed Met Gala on Marc Jacobs’s arm in a  totally sheer dress and with blonde spiky hair.
Evan Agostini/Getty Images.
Diane Kruger, Met Gala 2004
A lot of the looks at 2004’s “Dangerous Liaisons: Fashion and Furniture in the 18th Century” gala look wildly outdated now, but Diane Kruger—in Nicolas Ghesquiere—still looks chic and sexy.
Lia Toby/WENN.com.
Nicole Richie, Met Gala 2013
Nicole Richie stunned due to the simple fact that she made both a Topshop gown and silver hair look ridiculously chic in 2013.
Kim Kardashian, Met Gala 2015
In 2015, Kim Kardashian caught major flak for wearing a dress nearly identical to the one Beyoncé wore in 2012. Granted, they’re by different designers and were different colors—Beyoncé’s black and purple gown was Givenchy, while Kim’s white dress was part of Peter Dundas’s first collection since returning to Roberto Cavalli, but the similarities were shocking, down to the sheer nakedness, the curve-hugging fit, and—of course—the feathered train that Bey worked like a pro on the Met’s red stairs when she made her dramatic entrance three years ago.
(And let it be known, Kim—who was on the event’s host committee that year—also showed up toward the end of the carpet, just like Ms. Knowles did.)
Rihanna, Met Gala 2015
Perhaps the most memorable gala gown—and the most memorable example of a star sticking to the theme—was at 2015’s “China: Through the Looking Glass”: Rihanna showed up in an imperial-yellow fur-trimmed caped number with a multifoot-long train created by Chinese couturier Guo Pei. “I was researching Chinese couture on the Internet, and I found it,” she told Vanity Fair.
Getty Images.
Ashley Olsen, Met Gala 2011
Ashley Olsen didn’t wear McQueen to the 2011 gala, whose theme was in his honor, but looked absolutely perfect in a vintage Dior with puffy sleeves.
Beyoncé, Met Gala 2015
Beyoncé turned heads in revealing Givenchy Couture at 2015’s gala, though some critics slammed the look for being too shameless in its approach to grab headlines. In the year of the “naked dress” on the gala’s carpet—J.Lo and—predictably—Kim K. also showed up in similar styles—we kind of hoped Beyoncé would have risen above the fray and had fun with her look, much like Rihanna did that year.
Gisele Bündchen, Met Gala 2011
Part of one of the best-dressed couples of all time, supermodel Gisele Bündchen made jaws drop in 2011 with her dramatic red Alexander McQueen.
Getty Images.
Bianca Brandolini D’Adda, Met Gala 2012
Italian It-girl Bianca Brandolini D’Adda stunned in a serious gold Dolce & Gabbana ensemble in 2012.
Rose Hartman/Archive Photos/Getty Images.
Elizabeth Hurley, Met Gala 1995
Quintessential ’90s couple Elizabeth Hurley—in her signature curve-hugging gown style—and Hugh Grant at 1995’s gala.
Evan Agostini/Getty Images.
Amber Valletta, Met Gala 2004
It’s hard not to applaud Amber Valletta for fully embracing the 2004 “Dangerous Liaisons: Fashion and Furniture in the 18th Century” gala theme.
Diane Kruger, Met Gala 2011
In 2011, Diane Kruger was the picture of modernity—instead of an OTT gown, she opted for a sleek black slit-skirt and embellished top by Jason Wu.
Billy Farrell/BFAnyc/Sipa Press.
Rihanna, Met Gala 2011
Been there, done that: Rihanna was doing the naked-dress thing long before Kim, Bey, and J.Lo. Here she is in Stella McCartney in 2011.
Getty Images.
Karolina Kurkova, Met Gala 2012
Karolina Kurkova brought some serious Studio 54 vibes in 2012 with her gold beaded Rachel Zoe number.
Getty Images.
Kirsten Dunst, Met Gala 2012
Kirsten Dunst might have worn prim Rodarte to 2012’s gala, but the look did its part to play into the Prada and Schiappareli theme.
Getty Images.
Alexa Chung, Met Gala 2013
It-girl and style-setter Alexa Chung took the “real fashion” route in a buttoned-up Marc Jacobs look in 2013.
Getty Images.
Nina Dobrev, Met Gala 2012
Actress Nina Dobrev looked glamorous in a serious Donna Karan Atelier gown in 2012.
  A version of this story originally appeared in May 2016.
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judeiscariot · 6 years
Doin’ another one of these cause I’m bored
color: lavender/royal blue/sunflower yellow color to wear: All blues, lots of darks, occasionally brights like yellow or red eye color: Brown
natural hair color: A little less than dark brown
number: 8 domestic animal: cats wild animal: Bengal tiger sea animal: sharks are pretty cool
forest animal: I fuckin love deers
snack food: cheese and crackers/cereal fruit: strawberries/mango
vegetable: potatoes, cucumbers, asparagus meat: chicken I guess, I don’t like meat that much nut: pecans
ice cream: cookies n cream of salted caramel. cake flavor: just plain yellow cake candy: lindt chocolates or sour patch kids chip flavor: original lays or salt and vinegar soup: miso or pretty much any kind of thin asian soup salad dressing: balsamic vinaigrette or caesar soda: fanta or sprite alcoholic beverage: too young to drink  type of coffee: mocha or cappuccino  juice: orange
pizza toppings: just plain cheese international cuisine: pretty much any type of asian or Italian 
movie: Sing Street, Deapool, Bohemian Rhapsody actors: Rami Malik, Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Ryan Reynolds (but only because he was in Deadpool) actresses: idk director: I don’t really pay attention to the directors of movies I watch honestly horror movie: The Shining action movie: Any marvel movie
romance movie: I don’t watch that many romance movies  black and white movie: same ^
musical: les miserables or dear Evan Hanson tv show: The Good Place talk show: don't really watch those either band: Queen
female vocalist:  honestly I don't know male vocalist: Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Tyler Joseph, Patrick Stump song: too many. i have an entire playlist of favourite songs. music video: Queen’s I Want to Break Free or Crazy Little Thing Called Love album: too many. concert you’ve been to: I’ve only been to two but I fucking love concerts (Beck and David Byrne) but I know I’m going to at least three in 2019 so :) music genre: Alternative painting: The Kiss by Gustav Klint artist: I love af Klint sculpture: The Thinker and also every greek god sculpture ever
art style: legit all of them book: oh way too many to choose
author: same ^ book series: I love the Young Elites genre of literature: Historical fiction lately magazine: Life/Time biography/autobiography: Mercury and Me by Jim Hutton
t-shirt you own: Boston Red Sox shirt. so comfortable. love it. clothing style: Either super causal or Freddie mercurynlike flamboyant depending on my mood. There’s honestly no in between. type of bottoms: Jeans or leggings type of bathing suit: Swim trunks and swim shirt ‘cause I’m dysphoric and self-conscious shoes: sneakers. clothing brand: none in particular. clothing store: the internet grocery store: any. convenience store: I don’t know
restaurant: i have many faves, depends what i feel like. bar: I'm too young for that shit fast food place: I don't really eat fast food donut shop: krispy kreme. breakfast food: pancakes girl’s name: Bandit, Luna  or Maeve. boy’s name: Tyler, Roger, Clancy, Patrick family member: Definitely my dad friend: @satans-favorite-gremlin, @hocksquawks, @storksaregay and @sinkingmonkey poem: The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe poet: I like a lot of poets nail color: I don’t paint my nails that much but when I do usually some sort of blue or light pink makeup brand: don’t really wear it makeup: eyeliner if I had to choose comedian: John Mulaney 100% celebrity: I like a lot of celebrities don’t make me choose
superhero: Freddie fuckin Mercury superhero movie: Thor Ragnarok comic book/graphic novel: I don’t really read them but I kinda wish I did supervillain: The Joker perfume: Don’t wear it candle scent: anything citrus smell: Citrus nature smell: Pine  flower: Roses or hyacinths (hyacinths are pretty but I most like them for the greek mythology aspect) tree: Birch piece of jewelry: Ring color of jewelry: Emerald green politician: don’t make me please political party: Center, leaning towards left hairstyle: short kinda boyish with the sides buzzed summer activity: eating ice-cream outside
winter activity: drinking tea and watching a shit ton of movies fall activity:FUCKIN HALLOWEEN and also over-sized sweaters
spring activity: staying inside and not getting horrible allergies  conversation topic: So many I like piercing or tattoo you have: I only have my ears pierced but I would like some type of nose piercing and probably a ton of tattoos when I’m older joke: Jimmy Fallon’s shitty dad jokes insect/bug/arachnid: Bees please!! season: autumn. month: November youtuber: I like a lot of youtubers movie franchise: hmm. idk actually! kid’s cartoon: For some reason I find Teen Titans Go very entertaining (Maybe its for nostalgic purposes because I used to watch that a lot when I was younger) adult cartoon: the simpsons. disney movie: Alice in Wonderland disney princess: Mulan.
car: Tesla or Jeep Wrangler color for cars: White I guess party game: Uno and pretty much any board games computer game: the sims series. instrument: Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, Drums, and also I love violin but I don't play it planet: Viva La Pluto
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facebookmessenger · 3 years
When It Comes To A Giant List Of Great Advice On Fashion, We're It
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Have you ever seen a celebrity on television and thought, "I would love to have what he or she is wearing"? If so, then you are in luck. It's pretty easy to have fashion that matches the fashion of your favorite celebrities. Here are some fashion tips that can help you achieve a Hollywood look.
Look inside fashion magazines to get an idea of what you should be fashionlobby.ca wearing for this season. You don't have to get clothes that directly match what the latest fashion is. However, you can form a style that is very similar so people may know you are up to date with the latest fashion.
For men with thinning hair, a small amount of hair mousse can be incredibly helpful. Apply it to the hair from the roots out on wet or dry hair. The mousse will add some volume, without weighing down your hair. It will also simplify styling your hair, and help train it.
Keep your haircut low maintenance. Everyone runs into time crunches when preparing for meetings, outings or other events, and having an easy to fix hairstyle cuts the time needed to get ready. Many fashionable hairstyles are available that will allow you to bounce quick and still maintain a great look.
Complement your style with a wonderful smile. If you walk around looking sad, then it will not matter what you are wearing. A truly fashionable person knows the importance of sporting a beautiful set of pearly whites. You should smile whenever you can. It will make you feel better and keep you looking fashionable.
A bold hair color during the summer, or a dramatic one during the fall, are great ways to make your outfits pop. Make sure, however, that you do what's necessary to maintain the health of your hair. A good treatment for conditioning is necessary to prevent damage to your hair.
To push your style, try layering a fun skirt over a dress. There are many dresses out there that would make excellent tops. Just throw a skirt over the dress itself. The skirt should be made of thicker fabric, so you don't have unseemly bunching. You could even have the dress peek out a bit below the skirt for a fun, unorthodox look.
You don't have to spend a lot of money to be fashionable. There are many department stores that carry comparable styles to famous designer fashions. Other stores offer high-fashion brands at low prices because they buy over run styles. Another option is getting a sewing machine and recreating your favorite styles.
Although denim has taken on many forms over the years, it is something that will never go out of style, regardless of its variations. A well-fitting pair of denim jeans looks good on anyone. This doesn't mean putting on a pair that is too tight. Your denim jeans should fit comfortably around your body.
Never be afraid of reinventing yourself. There is no rule that says you must always dress one certain way. In fact, if you did, it would be quite boring. Take a look at Madonna. She has changed her look numerous times over the years, which is part of her appeal. If you are thinking of going blonde, do it. If you have had long hair all your life, try out short hair. Life is earrings about taking changes, and that definitely applies to fashion.
Now that you have these fashion tips, you don't have to admire your favorite celebrities looks from the television screen. You can actually look like your favorite celebrities. There are so many pieces of clothing that you can use to achieve this look, so go out there and find them.
0 notes
fitsostrange · 3 years
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
When to pick your wedding hairstyle? 
If you’ve already started arranging your wedding, you know the countless decisions you will have to make concerning the date, location, guest list, dress, flowers, photographer, and makeup!
Choosing how you will appear on your wedding day is an extensive process.
We cannot help you choose your dress or flowers, but we can provide you with your wedding day hairdo.
“Wedding Hairstyle Ideas And How to Choose Your Bridal Hairstyle With Hair And Makeup Gold Coast “
The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask Are:
 Do I wear my hair up or down?
 How about waves or an elegant chignon? 
 Do I choose the veil or the hairstyle first?
 Can I do it myself?
 What’s all the talk on wedding forums about a “hair trial”. How much do they cost and when do I book one?
How far in advance should I book the hairstylist?
Breathe deeply. It’s fine. Your hair will be beautiful as you go down the aisle.
Wedding day, you should look a gorgeous version of yourself. When you go down the aisle, you want those there to identify you.
What’s more, you want to look and feel your best and appear confident. True beauty is a blend of thoughts, attitudes, and looks. As a casual person who rarely wears makeup, your wedding day is definitely not the time to be glamorous, lady.
One cautionary warning: This hair wedding could inspire you to wear more makeup and be more expressive in daily life. Think about the wedding photo you’ll have on display always.  The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
Try And Keep It Timeless
You want to be able to look at the photograph without cringing.
Maintain certain parts of your style as traditional and timeless as possible.
Throughout this process, remain in tune with your instincts. Is this correct? Is this how you feel?
Each bride should get one piece of advice: you are not obligated to do what others recommend or desire. If you have to pay for it, it becomes a matter of choice.
If your parents are paying for the wedding, you may have to make some concessions on some details, such as the number of guests, the location, or the cost of your wedding gown.
However, avoid being persuaded into hair or makeup that makes you feel uneasy or insecure.
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Choosing Your Wedding Hairstyle 
If you desire longer, thicker hair, invest in hair extensions.
If you’re not interested in growing out your short haircut, skip it and let your hair alone.
It is irrelevant what other people desire. This wonderful day is all about you and your spouse.
Favorite wedding hairstyle suggestions
Do Your Research And Have Pictures
Conduct some research before visiting the hair salon. There are Instagram accounts, Pinterest boards, and publications to peruse, and our Hair and Makeup Gold Coast team can provide excellent recommendations for your bridal hairdo.
Please look at the celebrities you’re envious of, or visit their stylists’ websites to view their entire portfolios. Remember to include magazine articles and your favourite red carpet ensembles on your inspiration board as well.
Even if you cannot decide on a certain haircut, making a list of what you do NOT like is quite beneficial.
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  Ask Around: Find Inspiration
If you’ve attended a lot of weddings (which seem to happen in clusters when your friends get married), you may have seen a bride or two whose hair struck your eye. Contact them or send them a note to learn how they achieved the ideal wedding hairdo.
Perhaps they’ll be able to offer some guidance on what to try and what to avoid. However, I would reiterate that the ultimate decision is entirely up to you since it is, after all, your day.  The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask.
Book A Trial Appointment
Hair trials are critical. They generally cost between $100 and $150, and you should schedule one once you’ve chosen your gown and veil. You don’t want to regret the style you’ve chosen, and a trial allows you to test how your hair, dress, and veil will all work together on the big day. For instance, suppose you’ve picked a dramatic updo but discover that it would not work with your hair length or the style of veil you’ve chosen.
It’s time to discover this at your trial appointment, not on your wedding day. Experiment with updos and other flow patterns. Remember to bring a blouse with a comparable neckline to your gown, as well as your veil and any hair jewellery you intend to wear.
Be prepared to reconsider your hairdo ideas.
To ensure they look their best, you may need to purchase or borrow hair extensions, get a haircut, or schedule a colour or treatment appointment.
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  Coordinate Your Overall Wedding Style
All of the planning you’ve previously done might assist you in determining your wedding day hairdo.
The formality of your gown, the venue, and the overall concept of the wedding all serve as excellent beginning points for determining your wedding hairdo.
To begin, your hairdo should complement (rather than compete with) your clothing.
If you’re wearing sophisticated, contemporary attire such as a pantsuit or sculpted gown, request an exquisite ponytail, a low chignon, or a sleek blowout.
Brides who want a casual, beachy, or rustic style (think lace coats, high-waisted two-pieces, or off-the-shoulder boho dresses) should wear their hair loose and natural.
Add additional embellishments, weave braids, little flowers, a flower crown, or a delicate headpiece into your hair, or wear your hair half-up so that a few strands frame your face.
Are you more of a princess bride type? A classic chignon, a beautiful French twist, or a delicate Gibson tuck will highlight your gown and allow a lengthy veil.
Additionally, it will enable you to quickly remove the veil, allowing you to enjoy your wedding reception and even have a dance or two!
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Show Off Your Hair
While glossy, healthy hair usually pictures beautifully, the disadvantage is that it will not hold as well if worn down. The good news for people with naturally straight hair is that it seems shinier; therefore, highlighting the texture of your hairdo is critical.
Flyaways are the misery of every lady who desires silky hair.
With its high humidity and windy conditions, the Gold Coast weather may be a nightmare!
If you are a neat freak, select a haircut that allows for easy maintenance.
Curly hair looks incredible with textured hairstyles, whether you choose loose curls with braids or a somewhat sloppy updo.
Curly hair can also appear dry and brittle, so it is essential to apply the proper treatments. We define the curls with a moisturising balm and a small shine serum to add shine and control frizz.
Wedding Hairstyles For Your Face Shape
Curls or a cut with wispy ends helps soften a square facial shape.
When we split the hair to create a side part, we can alter the size and form of the entire forehead by styling the hair.
When we style your hair, we prefer that you sit in front of a mirror so that you can immediately see how minor adjustments to the way your hair is pushed back or draped across your face may dramatically alter your appearance!
Longer hairstyles will lengthen and narrow your face, while curls, waves, dishevelled layers, or a longer side fringe will soften your features.
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Work With Your Hair Length 
However, how can you choose wedding hairstyles that are appropriate for your hair length?
If you have medium-length hair and have always desired longer hair, invest in hair extensions to obtain your desired look.
There are several romantic, elegant, and gorgeous hairstyles available for short-haired brides (including braided hairstyles if that is your preference).
Subtly tousled hairstyles paired with a headband or simple barrette great for modern, classic, and vintage looks.
Brides with short hair will appear equally as glamorous as brides with longer hair! And without the aches and pains!
Long haired individuals have more styling options, whether it’s an updo – a wise choice for summer – or wearing their hair down to showcase their length.
We must warn brides with long hair that they will require a layered haircut. Long, wavy, or curly hair will not retain curls or waves.
Think About Your Headdress
On your wedding day, will you wear a veil, floral crown, sparkling tiara, or other bridal headpieces?
Determine an efficient method of attaching it to your hair with the aid of your professional hairdresser before the morning of your wedding.
Certain veils are difficult to fix if there is no anchor point for the hair comb.
Vintage crystal combs are not always simple to secure, and we occasionally need to use a little additional bobby pin magic to keep your item in place.
On the other hand, wavy and curly hair are more suited to concealing all hair accessories as they sit about; hair ornament and pins may be readily concealed.
Don’t forget to test your wedding hairdo without the accessories or veil if you intend to remove it throughout the evening.
Think About The Weather
Our third piece of advice is perhaps the most critical since the weather has the ability to make or destroy a haircut.
If you’re attending a summer beach party, try for beachy waves with your hair pulled away from one side of your face.
Nothing is more infuriating than having your hair blown into your face by the wind.
If you can secure one side, you will have some control over the position of your face and the appearance of your hair. If your wedding is outside and the weather is nice, do you want your hair down or up?
Do you despise having hair on your neck during the summer? Then consider marrying indoors in an air-conditioned room or wearing your hair up.
Are you looking for silky, sleek hair and your hair is prone to frizz? Are you planning a late spring or summer wedding? You’re aware that the weather will be humid, and humidity will wreak havoc on your smooth hair.
Consider wearing your hair neatly fastened or opting for a straightening treatment to maintain the smoothness of your hair.
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  Bridal Hairstyling Expert Tips
Our final tip: Hire a wedding-experienced hair and makeup team and reserve your wedding date early with the company of your choice. Each hair and makeup artist will handle reservations differently, and they will frequently decline appointments that are more than 12 months in the future. Make contact with the individual you like to utilise and check to see whether your desired date is accessible.
By hiring a mobile hair and makeup crew, you’re ensuring that you’re working with experts who understand how to get a bride and her bridesmaids ready on time and with hair and makeup that lasts the whole day.
Learn more about The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask
Find your wedding hairstylist on Hair and Makeup Gold Coast – https://hair-and-makeup-gold-coast.business.site/
  This post The Wedding Hairstyle Questions that Brides Ask first appeared on Walrus Video
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