#ch: Bellatrix Lestrange
demxninyourdrexms · 2 years
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"And I hear you now when you said it hurt. 
    But it had to fall, fall apart to work. 
  As I see you now in what's left of me. 
  Is it too late to plead insanity?"
Rated for T and up, no major warnings other than character deaths.
Bellamort shipping (Bellatrix x Voldemort)
Before people ask no I do not fully acknowledge Delphini, this is just for funsies. If people ask nicely and want me to include that into this and possibly create some interesting shit to add onto this. Just hit up the message box.
CH 1
Harry collected himself as he and Ron made their way off the train. Discovering you’re a wizard and a man taking you from your not work much of a home jostled his mind. He changed into his robes and got off with Ron, the cars behind them unloading with an array of students varying in age. Glancing to his left as he got off, he saw a blonde boy following an older girl before breaking off. He drew his attention back towards Hagrid as they made their way off the platform.
The mists blanketed the ground as the boats made their way across the lake. The first years climb out and follow Hagrid to the castle. Fire from the neatly placed torches around crackles as they meet McGonagall at the top of the stairs. Harry and his newfound friends gained attention after the blond addressed him, introducing himself as Draco Malfoy. Already finding trouble in a sense, they followed McGonagall through the corridors to the Great Hall.
Harry looks around as they head towards the front, seeing the same girl again at one of the long tables. With hair as black as coal in waves, a slight white streak to it, and half pulled back. Ron nudged him to get his attention again as Dumbledore began his introduction speech. One by one, approaching the hat they went. Watching as they got their sorted houses.
The sorting hat didn’t get a chance to touch Draco’s head before shouting “Slytherin!”. Cheers and applause echoed as a grin tugged at his lips and he bound off towards the same table. Harry and Ron watched as the girl jumped up from her seat and hugged him before they sat around their housemates.
“Bloody hell…” Ron whispered.
“Who is that? I saw her get off the train with him.” Harry asked.
Before Ron could answer, the boy who grabbed the toad on the staircase frowned deeply. A level of disgust in his voice as he spoke.
“You’re not the only famous one here, Harry.” He looked over his shoulder back at the table.
Harry looked at him confused for a moment before back at McGonagall and the hat. One by one they were sorted into their houses before being able to eat. Harry noticed the girl about jump up out of her seat when she heard the boy's name being called,
“Neville Longbottom.”
Draco’s head snapped towards the front as well, placing a hand on her shoulder easing her back in place. Catching the eyes of the man Harry also took notice of at the head table. The girl rolled her eyes at them both and sat back down, continuing to watch as Draco whispers something to her.
After they were able to converse and eat, Harry looked at Percy before speaking low.
“Who’s the man talking to Professor Quill?”
“That’s Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house.”
“What does he teach?”
“Potions, but the Dark Arts is what he fancies. He’s wanted Quill’s job for years.”
Harry nods before glancing over his shoulder again.
“And- the one by Malfoy? Why did she jump when they said Neville’s name for the hat?”
Percy stopped eating for a moment, looking at Fred and George as they avoided eye contact with him on the subject. He sighed before looking at Harry and leaning closer.
“That’s one you need to stay away from, Harry. You think Malfoy is horrid, his relatives are worse.” His eyes darted away for a second before back to the table and continuing to eat. “That’s his cousin, and that’s all I’m telling you.”
Harry frowned and looked over at Ron, who shrugged just as confused as he was before they were told to return to their dorms. They all stood and prepared to leave. Harry looked up as Ron nudged his arm and nodded toward the Slytherin table. The girl walked with Draco towards the doors, both of them looking over at them with a smirk before he left to follow the prefect and she went towards the dungeons followed by two others from their house.
Settling in took a bit for Harry, and getting used to going to class and finding their way around was an even bigger challenge for him and Ron in the massive castle. After traversing the corridors a bit, it almost became natural. After figuring out their way around the grounds, now they began asking more and more questions about things. Mainly about Snape and that girl they had seen. It became clear right off that she was going to be a problem, more so than Malfoy was. They had asked around time and time again, but no one would tell them exactly who the girl was or how she was related to Malfoy. Heeding warnings to them as they went to stop asking questions they didn’t want to know answers to or to stay as far away as possible from them. After coming to a dead end, Hermione sat down with them in the common room with a grin on her face.
“It took you this long to get nowhere?”
“Oi, if it’s so easy why don’t you do it?” Ron snapped back.
“Already did. Her name’s Ravena, she’s a third-year Slytherin and apparently, her parents are in Azkaban.”
Harry sat forward in the chair he was sitting in. “That’s all? No last name or who her parents are?”
“No one wants to talk about it that much. But clearly, she and Malfoy are close.”
“We got that bit, but if her parents are in Azkaban then who is she living with?” Ron piped.
“Are you that stupid? She has to be living with the Malfoys.”
“What’s Azkaban?” Harry asked.
“Apparently it’s a prison for highly dangerous witches and wizards,” Hermione whispered.
“Bloody hell, wonder what they did.” Ron sat back in his chair as he munched on a piece of ham from dinner.
“Does it matter? You have a student walking the castle who could be a danger to all of us. And the fact that Snape is watching over her like a hawk just as much as everyone else doesn't give either good graces.” Hermione frowned and looked at them both.
“Dumbledore wouldn’t let her in if she was going to be able to do anything, Hermione. Even if she did she would be expelled so fast it would make her head spin.”
Hermione shook her head and sat back on the couch as the boys looked at each other before shrugging. At this point, they had more to worry about, but their curiosity was getting the better of them. Harry thought a moment before remembering what Snape had said in potions class that day.
“Our newest celebrity…”
Was he referring to the fact that the girl was the one everyone talked about before him? He knew his existence was important. Defying something such as death was a big deal, but being in school when your parents were sent away for something horrible was about as close as that. And why was Snape so interested in possibly either of them? After drawing his attention and drilling him in front of the whole class made him wonder even more. He shook his head as his thoughts came back to reality. After a moment of pondering, he shook his head gathering his things before heading off with the others to the great hall to meet up with their house to study.
They sat at the long tables as they worked, assisting and asking one another questions about certain subjects. Seamus attempted to turn water into rum before having it explode in his face unsuccessfully. Screeching and small chittering could be heard before they all smiled.
“Mail’s here.” Ron smiled as the various birds swooped in from the windows, carrying letters and boxes full of gifts to each student. Having his own drop off a load of mail, Ron handed Harry the paper while he sorted through the various letters they received. Harry grabbed the paper and looked through it, the front page grabbing his attention. He read the first paragraph to his friends about the break-in of Gringotts and suspected dark wizards or witches, as well as the vault being cleared out and the goblins realizing nothing was taken due to this,
“That’s the vault Hagrid and I went to.” He mumbled looking at Ron and Hermione. They looked at each other confused for a moment before going back to what they were doing. Harry glanced back towards the Slytherin table again, seeing the girl with a few other students as she worked on opening her mail. The bird beside her, a falcon, grabbed a piece of meat from her before taking off again. She started opening a letter before catching his gaze, frowning and raising an eyebrow as she handed a letter to Malfoy, causing Harry to turn back around again quickly.
The rest of the day resulted in either attempting to get in trouble or almost being killed. Running upon the third floor and into a door being guarded by a three-headed dog wasn’t how the trio wanted to end their night. Harry tried to sleep before practice with Oliver Wood the next morning. McGonagall pulling him from flying class only telling him he was becoming the house Seeker was the highlight of the events.
Charms wasn’t any more eventful than the next day. Hermione makes the feather levitate and show up Ron, and Seamus makes his own explode again. He, Ron, Seamus, and another first-year made their way across the courtyard toward their next class. Ron made fun of Hermione the whole time, unaware she was behind them.
The great hall was decorated with pumpkins and candles for Halloween. Ron and Harry are sitting with the others at their table when they notice Hermione is not there with them. Having realized they upset her during dinner after Neville told them she had been in the bathroom crying all afternoon. Ron shrugged and buried his face into his plate again. Harry looked around to see if she had come in yet, his eyes glazing over the Slytherin table again and seeing Malfoy with his cousin and a few of their friends. Small presents covered the table in front of them.
“Imagine having a birthday on Halloween and being away from home, dreadful,” Ron mumbled.
“Her birthday is Halloween?” Harry asked.
Neville frowned deeply and nodded. “October 31st, 1979. Two years older and still about as mad as her parents.”
“What’s the deal with you and Malfoy’s cousin, Neville? Clearly, you have an issue.” Ron chimed in.
Neville shook his head and looked down at the table. He acted angry but scared at the same time. “Don’t want to talk about it. But I’ll tell you now, she so much as raises her wand at me she gets expelled, same goes for me. Dumbledore already said he had eyes on us both more now than ever when I wasn’t here.”
Ron and Harry looked even more confused now. They attempted to go about their business and enjoy their meal before the doors burst open and Quill came running through. Screaming about a Troll in the dungeons. Alarming everyone before he passed out in the middle of the floor. Students jumped up and scrambled before Dumbledore announced to not panic, and for the prefects to take their house students back to their dorms while the professors handled the situation. Gathering up books and handfuls of candy, the children rushed back toward their common rooms.
Draco made his way with the other first years back to the common room, seeing as though the troll had ventured out of the dungeons. Crabbe and Goyle carried some of the gifts as they entered and set them on the table. Settling down into a chair by the fire, Draco looked up and half smirked as his cousin came down the stairs from the girls’ dormitory.
“Might be best we don’t open whatever it is with people watching.”
Ravena raised an eyebrow at him as she sat down across from him in the other chair, one leg tucked up under her as she pulled out of the pile of gifts randomly.
“You act like they let someone send poison as a bloody birthday present.” looking over the table and shaking her head. “Half of these people I don’t even know. Why are they sending me things when I’ve never met them.”
“It’s not that you know them, Rave,” Draco said softly after looking around to make sure no one was listening. Ravena pulled on the ribbon of the gift before looking up at him, eyes half piercing through his skull and it made Crabbe and Goyle shiver slightly. He looked right back at her as he popped a candy in his mouth, smiling. She went through each box, throwing the wrapping paper in the fire as she went. Some were simple things like sweets or trinkets, some even had gold in them. Each one she handed off to Crabbe or Goyle to put into her bag on the couch. Draco looked at the last gift on the table before back at his cousin. She met his gaze before back down at the table, picking up
“Like always, Aunt Cissy. Last one, what’ve you got this time,” she mumbled. Tearing the paper and ribbon off slower than the rest. The box was a decent size, fitting in her hand yet bigger than the previous ones. She opened the top to see a dark green and purple painted one inside. Confused, Ravena pulled it out and set it on the table before realizing what it was. A wide smile crept across her lips and she glanced up at Draco as he sat forward in the chair.
“The hell is that?” he looked at the box and then up at her, curious now as it piqued his cousin’s interest.
“A music box, one I’ve asked for for years. I didn’t think she could do it,” she spoke softly as she opened the lid to the box, the small figurine of a bird popping up and beginning to turn as the music played. She looked up and smiled more as Crabbe and Goyle began to yawn and their eyes got heavy.
“What’s it supposed to do….” Draco trailed off as he yawned before realizing what song it was playing, and what it was doing. “Wait…”
“An enchanted one. It plays the song she used to sing.” Ravena looked up at him and laughed, soft but almost dark as she snapped the lid shut. “Oh, that’ll be fun to use if we need it.”
Draco smiled up at her as she picked up the box, then went over to get her bag and threw it over her shoulder. He knew she had trouble sleeping sometimes, especially when away from the manor. Although the underlying use of the music box was a plus, now maybe she could get some actual rest for once. After making sure to say good night and that she was actually off to her dorm, he and his friends also retired for the night.
As time went by, the trio continued to find themselves diving deeper into the mystery of what was being hidden within the castle. Snow began to fall and blanket the ground as students started to make their way toward Hogsmeade to the train. Draco found his way to the train car where his cousin sat and sat on the other side of her near the aisle. She looked up at him and smiled as Crabbe and Goyle sat across from them.
“What’re you smiling about?” Draco asked as she sat back and propped a foot up on the rail of the car. Ravena looked over at him before holding up a glass ball and grinned.
“His own parents can’t even remember who he is, so he’s just as forgetful as they are now.”
Draco laughed as she handed it to him, settling back into the seat and stuffing the remembrall into his bag. Ravena sighed deeply as the train began to move, she looked out the window before back at him.
“From here on out it’s going to be different for us.”
“What’s got you thinking that?”
“Just do, that’s all.” She pulled a blanket from under the seats and wrapped it around her legs before sitting up and they all started chatting for the rest of the ride. Things were in fact changing, whether it was for the better was an understatement. But little did they know it was going to be drastic indeed.
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rreeaahh · 1 year
We are both filthy now | R. A. B.
Third chapter of "One way ticket" | Ch. 1 / Ch. 2
taglist> @my-beloved-fandoms
pair> regulus black x lestrange! reader (slytherin)
summary> a birthday party means, for most people, a way to celebrate your existence - for purebloods, however, is a good way to spent time together with their master. regulus and y/n are not fond of the event, but no matter the traumatic experience they both go trough, they are still enemies - and y/n should've know that.
word count> 4.5k (wtf)
warnings> some type of angst; slow burn af; family toxicity; female discrimination; description of getting the dark mark; regulus hitting reader's hand; not proofread!
a/n> hi m'loves<3 do not forget that the tag list is open, feel free to ask to be added! im sorry for the long wait, it was one tricky chapter to write and from now on im gonna stop hunting the perfection, ill just enjoy writing. im more than happy to see all the notification from you on this series, and im beyond grateful - ill love to read your reaction, it makes me incredibly happy and helps me write. any comment is more than welcomed<3 any reblog helps this series to get to more people and it only takes a minute to do so. thank u for reading, ily all<3
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Dear Y/N,
I hope my letter finds you well – your cousin’s pathetic owl is one lazy bird, let me tell you, but Rodolphus seems to be quite fond of it, and won’t let me get a new one.
Anyway, I write to you in hope that you’ll make me the pleasure to attend my birthday next weekend – I already spoke with Rodolphus and your father and they assured me you’ll come, but I still think it’s better to write to you personally.
We’ll also have a little meeting, besides the party itself, so I’m sure you’ll find it rather educative than a silly simple ball – do not worry, I know you tend to get anxious when surrounded by people you don’t know that well, but my cousin Regulus is coming too! I’m sure you two young purebloods will have all the fun you need.
Don’t worry writing me back, just come along with Regulus back from Hogwarts. Your presence if the only gift I need.
                                                                                                      Lots of hugs,
                                                                                                                                    Bellatrix L.
Y/N puts the letter on her desk and grabs the other envelope – this one also has her family’s wax seal, the L and the raven on top of it sending her chills on her spine.
Don’t even think of not attending Bellatrix’ party. You cannot let this family down. Your cousin, Rabastan, will wait for you on the Platform 9 ¾, since me and Rodolphus have a lot of work to do for the meeting. Saturday morning, no later than 10 A.M. The meeting will be at our house.
                                                                                        Don’t disappoint me.
                                                                                                                        Cyrus Lestrange
She scoffs and lets the paper fall from her fingers. She was only a child when her cousin, Rodolphus, married Bellatrix, Regulus’ cousin. They were the youngest at that party so all the adults expected them to spent time together. Truth is, however, that Regulus was shy and quiet and only stayed by her side, listening to all of her questions and never responding back. After the wedding, when her father seemed to be so pleased with little Regulus, with his manners and his obedient nature, Y/N decided that she hated Regulus Black. He was just a little prick, and she decided that she’ll be better than him – always.
As her roommates are deep asleep, Y/N stays at her desk and watches the two letters. She grabs again the one from her father and watches how the flame of the candle on her desk dances on it, the paper getting warmer and warmer, until it’s lit on fire. She hates to keep her father’s letters – it’s like she’d want to ever see them again.
With the burning paper still between her fingers, she gets out of her dorm and walk on the dark corridor of the Slytherin Girls’ Wing and goes to the Common Room, where the fire seems to be burning with green flames. The Black Lake is silent behind the large windows, only the water’s movement being heard. She throws the letter in the chimney and smiles at the sight of the fire eating up her father’s words. It’s like she’s watching him get eaten up by the flames.
“It’s late, Lestrange.”
Y/N jumps on her feet and gets a grip of her night robes. The light green material covers her body now that she’s tugging her fingers into it. From the dark green sofa, Regulus Black watches her with a bored expression. He was reading a book and in front of him, on the small black table, is a cup filled with tea, she could guess.
“Always staying in the shadows, like a rat,” Y/N mutters and walks to him, staying on the couch in front of him. While she sits down, she lets the robe fall from her shoulder, exposing the skin. She’s dressed in a dark purple pajama set, made out of silk, and the little string of her tank top falls with the robe. Regulus seems to notice the bare skin just exposed and he gets his eyes to look at her face fast, before she could sense his gaze. He feels… disgusted.
“Always speaking like you own the whole place,” he talks back and smirks, “when we both know it’s nothing like that.” His voice is flat – no matter his facial expressions, Regulus Black always had a boring voice when he’d talk to her.
Y/N just watches him for a second. He’s still in his Quidditch equipment, even if the Slytherin team came back from practice a few hours ago. His hair is messy, his eyes are circled by a dark color, in comparison with his light skin, and he looks tired.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she lets the question escape her lips without even thinking.
“I could ask you the same thing, if I really cared,” he says and grabs his cup, drinking slowly from it.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Black,” Y/N laughs and puts her hands over her chest. Regulus notices that, too. “I’m sure you got an owl from Bellatrix.”
“Yes, Bella wrote me about her birthday. Unfortunately, if you’re telling me about it, it means she wrote to you, too,” he says in a quiet voice, letting out the air in his lungs.
“She’s part of my family, too, Black,” Y/N says and surprises herself – she never gave that much importance to the family relations. She only had herself, at the end of the day, no matter how much her father would scold her for being an absent member of the House of Lestrange.
Her father never really showed her love – he was meant to be her father, but he was just a kind of legal tutor who raised her and was responsible for her well-being, and her cousins looked down on her – she was just a silly girl, meant only to bear children and get more powerful connections for her family. Her uncle and her aunt were distant, and maybe that was better than giving her reasons to hate them, like the rest did.
“Please, do not remind me – I still can’t get over that.” Regulus seems annoyed, bored, tired of her presence. And, yet, he stands there, face to face with her, watching each other – studying each other with such attention like they’re looking for a weak point.
“Why are you such a hypocrite, Regulus?” Y/N suddenly asks. He just smiles in the corner of his mouth, grabs his cup of tea and gets up from the sofa.
She feels him getting closer to her and in a second his breathing is hitting her face. “Don’t act like I’m the only one putting an act on, Miss Little Perfect,” he says amused.
Her brows drop. The skin on her forehead wrinkles and her eyes watch his, wanting to see behind them – they are empty. “I know you look up to me, Regulus, but there’s no need to remind me,” now she’s the one to smirk, and he’s the one to frown.
“Please,” he scoffs, “I wouldn’t look up to a pathetic orphan even if you’d be hanging out from the ceiling,” he mutters and gets back up on his feet, looking down to her. Regulus is not the tallest boy Y/N knows, but that position gives him a more decent posture.
“That orphan is better than you,” she whispers. “That’s why your momma always prays the ground I walk on, right?” she laughs and she can sense his body getting alarmed by her words. “My dad just wanted an heir, someone to get his name far – but Walburga wants more than that, right? Now that Sirius, your disappointment of a brother, left, she only has you, but she doesn’t seem to be fulfilled,” the air leaves her lungs when Regulus drops the cup of tea and gets on top of her. The liquid spills on the stone floor.
His hands grab her bare shoulders, his leg is between her hips and he presses her body into the couch. Her back is arched into the plush material of the sofa and her eyes widen at the proximity. His jaw is tightened and his breathing is deep while Regulus watches her face with a spark into his eyes. “Do not, ever again in your filthy, pathetic, good for nothing life, talk about my family,” he mumbles and his grip only gets tighter – his nails digs into the skin of her shoulders like he wants to rip it off.
Y/N shoves him away and quickly gets up from the couch. Regulus is on the floor, right into the tea puddle he made, and he seems to be caught with his guard off. “Do not, ever again in your pathetic, sad, good for nothing life, call me an orphan – I have a family, Black. The blood in my veins is just as pure as yours, and my name is just as important as yours.”
And she leaves him there, into the Common Room, to take a bath into his own mess. She needs to go back to sleep – tomorrow she has to go back home and get ready for a birthday party.
The whole night she tried to forget Regulus’ hands onto her skin – her shoulders felt like burning, like they got marked by his touch. She tried not to think about the anger in her soul the whole ride back to London, when she was forced to be in the same wagon with Regulus – apparently, they both wanted to travel into the Prefects’ cabin. At least, they both kept their mouths shut and didn’t even looked at each other.
She didn’t have to have a very warm welcoming back home – Rabastan waited for her at the station and kept his eyes on the road the whole time. He only asked about other Slytherin kids in her year and some older ones – he wanted to know if she was behaving well enough towards them. Once she got to enter the big mansion she called ‘home’, there was chaos – all the house elves were running left and right with platters, candles, flowers in their hands and all of them stopped to look at her and welcome her mechanically. She just got up to her room and closed the door behind her. When she dropped on her bed, there was silence – there was no longer Regulus Black, or Cyrus Lestrange or any other dumb man who made her angry.
Once she woke up, she started to get ready for the gathering she was forced to attempt. She got dressed in a dark grey dress, elegant enough not to make her father a fool and yet, simple enough not to make Bellatrix feel left out – it was her birthday, after all.
“There you are,” says her father as she gets out of her bedroom. “I thought you’re still asleep.”
“I was getting ready.”
Cyrus looks her up and down in a judgmental way – he points to her neck. “Make sure the chain is visible, nothing else.”
Y/N forces a smile and a hand travels to the gold flower at her neck. “Yes, father.” He gives her his elbow and the two of them go down, where the elves decorated the whole floor with black and purple roses and white candles. There’s a long table near a wall, right at the fireplace, where are plates with food and glasses of expensive champagne.
“Here,” Cyrus whispers and gives Y/N a red box, and before she could question his action Bellatrix is right in front of her, laughing happily.
“Y/N! I’m so glad to see you, how are you?”
Bellatrix Lestrange, nee Black, is a very… bipolar witch. Once, she’s loud, smiley, in a good mood, and then she acts like the Devil himself. Y/N could never figure out why her cousin, Rodolphus, wanted to marry her – there were plenty of purebloods who wished to be married to him, but all his attention was on Bellatrix ever since they were in school together, despite the fact that she didn’t show any kind of interest in him during those years. Now, Rodolphus would do anything Bellatrix asks without blinking twice.
“Happy birthday, Bellatrix,” Y/N smiles and hugs her in a soft manner. While giving her the small box, she can see her cousin behind his wife, watching them carefully.
“I told you there was no need for gifts,” Bellatrix says and gives Rodolphus the box to take care of it. “I assume you just got down here,” she continues and grabs her hand, getting her away from her father – he doesn’t seem concerned about that. Cyrus always said that Bellatrix was a good wife and that Y/N had a lot to learn from her. What he did not know is that Y/N really wanted to learn a lot from Bellatrix – she wanted to know more about the power a witch could hold.
“Yes,” she said and looked around her own house. It was full of wizards, all of them being purebloods and talking to each other with a clear superiority in their voice. “I hope I’m not late to the party.”
Bellatrix scoffs. “The true party begins only when he gets here,” she smirks and Y/N freezes, knowing who she’s talking about. Tom Riddle was certainly not her favorite person, no matter how much he convinced her father that she will be a good daughter for him.
“Wonderful,” she manages to say and walks beside Bellatrix to greet her guests. She smiles and greets Bellatrix’ parents and gets a deep breath when her aunt and uncle come to wish her a happy birthday.
“Y/N, how are you, dear?” Walburga asks and kisses her both cheeks. Bellatrix seems busy talking to her uncle about the upcoming meeting, while Regulus sits behind them and only listen. “How is school?”
“It’s good, wonderful, even,” she smiles and Walburga laughs happily. “I’m working on some essays for Potions and Transfiguration, maybe they’ll be published after I finish school.”
“Did you hear, Regulus? Y/N plans to publish some essays after graduation,” she scolds her son and now his attention is on them. He only smiles to his mother and she goes on with the talking. Neither of them seems to be truly focused on what she’s saying – they look at each other like they’d snap each other’s neck if they could.
“Regulus, why don’t you invite Y/N to dance?” Bellatrix pops between them and her aunt claps her hands satisfied with her proposal. “You know how much joy it brings me to see you two together, Reggie,” she continues and puts her arm around his shoulders. He looks at his cousin with doubt in his gaze – she made them dance together at her wedding, too, like they were some monkeys to entertain the adults.
With a silent scoff, he forced a smile in his cousin’s direction and looked shortly to his mother, who only seemed to tell him the same thing with her eyes. “Shall we dance together, Y/N?” he asks and gives her his pale hand.
No matter how much she’d like to hit it, getting it away from her, she grabs it lightly and smiles. “With pleasure,” she mutters and the adults all clap their hands and smile in their direction as they go to the center of the room, where other people are dancing slowly.
Bellatrix flicks her wand and the room is now filled with a more vibrant music – they smile to each other and Y/N’s skin is burning under her dress where Regulus’ hands touch her. He cups her hand into his and the other one rests on her back, bringing her closer to his body. She has a hand on his shoulder and they both move synchronically to the rhythm.
“You disgust me,” he whispers into her ear, sending shivers all over her spine.
A big smile appears on her rosy lips and she looks behind him, where her father is beside Orion and Cygnus Black – they all had firewhiskey glasses in hand and talked with serious expressions on their faces.
“The feeling is mutual, my dear Regulus,” she mumbles and steps on his foot, careful to put the heel right into his toe.
“Then, you could’ve save us both and deny Bellatrix’ stupid wish.”
“On her birthday?” she scoffs. “Yeah, right, you tell her no, I like to be alive.”
Regulus lets a small chuckle out and before she could look at him, he spins her away for a second. When her body is back into his arms, her vision is blurry. “You better keep your mouth shut during the meeting,” he says in a cold tone.
“Why, Reggie?” she mocks the tone Bellatrix used. “Scared the Dark Lord will see more potential in me than in you?” She’s joking. On Merlin’s beard, she’s only trying to piss him off.
“Tonight is my night and you better not do anything to steal it from me,” he spits the words into her ear. Her skin becomes ice cold and all her blood runs faster into her veins because of the way he presses his fingers into her back. “I warn you, Y/N, stay in your place,” he mumbles and when the music changes, he lets go of her and smiles, before going away.
After some hours, the chaos in her house begins to cool down – the guests start leaving until there are only the usual people. They all sit at the long table, talking about some things that happened in the Muggleworld and how unacceptable they were – for someone who said they despised the muggles, they sure talked a lot about them. The conversation dies when the chair at the end of the table is occupied by the tall, dark haired wizard. They all rise from their sits and greet him with joy.
“It’s good to see you too, my dear friends,” Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort says and he shakes her father’s hand. Her lungs take the air in with great difficult, given the fact that there’s only a sit between the dark wizard and her. “I assume I need to apologize to Bellatrix,” he speaks and looks to his left, where the witch smiles from one ear to another. “I did not bring any gift with me, Bella,” he explains.
“You are my greatest gift, My Lord,” she says and from her left, Rodolphus and Rabastan just nod their heads. “Your presence gives us hope for a better future for us, the right titled wizards,” she continues and everyone agrees.
Bellatrix is one of the most loyal followers the Dark Lord has besides Cyrus Lestrange and the rest of his friends from when they were in Hogwarts. He saw the potential in her, just like he saw it in Y/N.
“Then tell me, which is the reason of this meeting?” Voldemort asks and looks at every face at the table.
It was not Y/N’s greatest pleasure to sit at that table from time to time – her father thought it was good for her future to assist those meetings, but they were incredibly boring. There were many parents of her housemates and from other kids from school, but not even a single person her age – that until Bellatrix brought Regulus to join her. Apparently, he was quite a fan of that man because of his cousin’s stories.
“We think it’s the time to welcome another wizard between us, as an official member, my Lord,” Lucius Malfoy speaks and his voice is just as annoying as ever.
“Oh, really?” Voldemort smiles. “And who might that be, Lucius?”
“My cousin, my Lord,” Bellatrix says and points to Regulus. “Regulus is one of the most dedicated wizards to your plans,” she continues and the air leaves Y/N’s lungs.
Looking over the table to Regulus, she could see Walburga smiling proudly while he just looks to Tom Riddle. “My Lord,” he says, “I swear I’ll serve you with every power I have.”
“Then come closer, young Regulus,” the dark wizard says and plays with his wand between his fingers. The boy gets up on his feet. From his right, Cyrus Lestrange clears his throat. “Yes, Cyrus?”
“My Lord,” he begins, “I was not aware that the Death Eaters were open to new members.”
“We always have free spots for the one who wish to serve our believes,” comes his explanation.
“In that case, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that Y/N is just as worthy of getting the mark as young Regulus is.”
Her heart stops beating. What did he just say?
“Right, Y/N?” his father touches her back, forcing her to look at him. His eyes are desperate. There is no way, in his opinion, that his only child will not be recognized as a worthy follower of Lord Voldemort.
All eyes are on her. She can feel them. However, she does not care about them – the only ones that matter are her father’s, and the one from across the table who looked down at her.
“Yes, My Lord,” she says that quietly that she barely hears her own voice. Her father pats her back and goes back to Voldemort. Y/N can’t gather the courage to look at Regulus.
“You said she was worthy from the first day you saw her, My Lord,” Cyrus says. “You said she will be a powerful witch, with a great future – how is she supposed to be powerful if not under your command?”
Voldemort smiles pleased. “You’re right, my old friend. Come, child, let me get a better look of you.” Her father looks at her and orders her to do as asked just with his eyes. Do not disappoint me, hesays with his burning gaze.
Mechanically, Y/N is on her feet and walks behind her father, in front of the sick looking wizard. His hands are cold, like he’s dead, when he touches her jaw. He looks at her like she’s some kind of animal that needs to be inspected.
“Are you willing to follow my orders, whenever you are needed, child?”
There’s a knot in her stomach. She wants to say no. She wants to leave that house and never come back. She’s scared.
“Yes,” is the only answer she can give in return.
“Very well,” Tom Riddle smirks satisfied and gestures to Regulus to come closer too. They are now next to each other. She can hear his breathing from her left and her knees are about to go numb. “Who wants to go first?”
Before she can say anything, Regulus already has his shirt lifted from his left arm and brings it closer to the man. Y/N can hear the soft scoff of his father.
“You need to swear to always serve me, boy,” Voldemort demands, the tip of his wand pressed into Regulus’ arm.
“I swear, My Lord. Whenever you’ll call for me, I’ll be there, ready to do everything I’m capable of for you,” Regulus speaks.
With a big grin on his face, Voldemort begins to press the wand deeper into the skin, until Regulus grabs his arm with his free hand. From under his skin is visible a dark smoke that lingers there, running like it’s chasing his blood. His nose is twitching from the possible pain, but besides that, his expression is blank. When the wand is lifted, the Dark Mark is on his white skin. There is silence, like the rest would wait for him to scream. His parents have a proud expression on their faces as Regulus watches the crowd with a blank, serious stare.
“Your turn, Y/N” Voldemort says after a few seconds and puts his hand out there to grab her arm. She lifts the sleeve of her dress and looks at her father – Cyrus Lestrange watches her with a demanding manner, like he’s forcing her to go closer to Voldemort. Which she does.
“I always knew you’d be a great witch, child,” he says with a proud tone in his voice. He wanted her to be his weapon. “Say you’ll serve me without question, Y/N. Let the others know that from today, you’ll become one of the most powerful followers of mine.”
“I do, My Lord,” is the only thing she says like she’s hypnotized – her body doesn’t listen to her commands, it acts on its own.
The wand is cold against her skin, but as soon as Voldemort presses it harder into her arm, a burning sensation hits her entire being – she needs to grab her arm in order not to get it away from the unspoken spell. The black smoke feels like venom and she wants to scream from the bottom of her soul. Instead, she just bites the flesh inside her mouth, the taste of blood blooming from her cheek. When the wand is lifted and the mark is done on her arm, too, there’s silence again – and when there’s no screaming, all the Death Eaters gets up and start to applause them, to congratulate them.
“That’s the best birthday ever!” Bellatrix laughs maniacal and jumps from a foot to another.
She still has her left arm in her right hand, looking at the black drawing on her skin. She’s too afraid to touch it, like it could burn her fingers. Two arms wrap around her in the noise and she’s hugged by her father. Cyrus Lestrange hugs his daughter, and a single tear rolls down on her cheek.
“Good job, Y/N,” he says in her ear. “Now you’ll show everyone what you’re made of.”
She gets slightly away from him and she can feel the vomit sensation grow in her stomach. While everyone clink glasses of champagne and laughs with joy, she excuses herself and leave the dining hall.
She could not see Regulus in the crowd. She needs to see him to be sure it was all real. And she finds him on the corridor near the bathroom, at a balcony with a view to her garden. His shoulders are moving up and down and his breathing is accelerated. If she didn’t know any better, she wouldn’t guess he was… crying. She stepped closer to him slowly and put her hand on his back.
“Regulus…” she said softly and tears started to form into her eyes, too. What have they done?
“You couldn’t contain yourself, right?” he screams and turns around to face her. “You got to be the center of the attention tonight, too,” his voice is full of hate, which she ignores when she sees his wet blood-shot eyes. Her hand tries to touch his shoulder, wishing to show him… empathy?
“Regulus…” she mumbles again and her voice is hurt. Maybe they are in this together; she just needs to explain everything.
“Don’t put your filthy hands on me!” he says and slaps her hand away.
Y/N doesn’t know what hurt more – the slap, the burning feeling in her arm or the fact that she thought that maybe, just maybe, Regulus was willing to show her kindness then, when it was clear that neither of them was feeling good with their actions.
She looks at his hand – the one he slapped hers with – and at his arm. His left arm.
“We are both filthy now,” she says with despair and turns around, leaving him alone.
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Moonlit Marriage ch. 17 is here! It's titled "The Looming Threats," wherein Remus is living his best life by adhering to the following:
"he swung constantly between elation that he was married to the woman of his dreams and terror of what he might have brought upon them both." - from wizardingworld/pottermore
snippet and links below!
“Remus, you look like death,” Tonks murmured, rubbing his thigh softly. “Go downstairs. No one’s going to—”
He shook his head; he had to stay and find out what would happen. He didn’t want to miss a moment that involved a threat to Tonks’s life. Instead, he let his head fall into his hands and rested his elbows on the wooden table.
“ . . . we treat it as a warning,” he heard someone say. “All her mail will be inspected thoroughly. Lestrange won’t show her face in public.”
Others began arguing. Andromeda’s voice was among the loudest, hurting Remus’s sensitive ears. He stifled a pained whimper and felt warm, small hands tugging on him.
He was vaguely aware of leaning on Tonks as they stepped down to the cellar. She cast charms upon the surfaces, improving their scents, and gently helped him onto a mattress. The voices were quieter, but still argumentative, and Remus could still hear Andromeda shouting at Dumbledore.
“I should be up there,” he mumbled. Tonks’s finger covered his lips.
“Mum thinks Dumbledore and Snape are hiding information from the Order,” she said quietly. She ran her fingers through Remus’s hair, massaging his scalp. “She wants a raid on Malfoy Manor, which isn’t the worst idea, but she thinks we can just walk in there and get Bellatrix out.” Tonks sighed and cuddled up next to him on the mattress. Her body heat was welcome in the cold, damp cellar.
“’s my fault—”
“—no, Remus, it’s not.” She cast a Warming Charm over them, which soothed his shivering. “I’m going to go back up and try to calm Mum down. Sirius will be here soon, okay?” He nodded against the mattress, already missing her.
read from beginning // chapter 17
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Please can you tell us about:
Madame Lestrange
Rigel Lestrange
Glory and Gore
And the marriage counselling one (the premise of this already has me in a chokehold)
This is very very long so I will put it under the cut. Thank you for the ask!
Ch.11 - Madame Lestrange Contrary to popular belief, Bellatrix Black was thrilled with her wedding day: the food was perfect, the music was perfect, the groom was perfect. In the whole history of weddings, there had never been one more perfect than hers. Or 1972. Bella & Rod's ridiculously expensive wedding day and all of its shenanigans, including but not limited to: a mopey and very drunk Rabastan losing his virginity, Bellatrix and Andromeda's last conversation, the Dark Lord's failure to RSVP and the trouble it caused, and (ofc) the wedding night *wink wink*
Ch.26 - Rigel Lestrange 1975. A very sad one, quite gory too and definitely not for the faint-hearted, but also one of my favourites to write because I've always been fascinated with Bellatrix's missed motherhood. (All my readers know what I think of TCC by now, and anyway, this story takes place from 1969 to 1981, so no Delphi). The day of her miscarriage.
Ch.39 - Glory and Gore 1979. Still unwritten. The story of the third time the Potters defied Lord Voldemort. It's basically a long battle sequence with a special focus on Barty, Severus and Rabastan (Alastor Moody is horrified with this new generation of Death Eaters). By reading Regulus' journals, Bellatrix realizes that the gold cup her Master entrusted her is a Horcrux. When he later summons her, she chooses not to tell him that she knows (Bellamort moment, idk if smutty or not yet). Rodolphus visits his mistress (who is NOT AT ALL a shameless self-insert, nooooo) to make amends for stuff he did previously; they make peace, but it's pretty clear that they are not going to last.
The Lestranges go to couples therapy A comedy; still unwritten but fully outlined.
Ch.1: The explosion 1996. The Lestranges are having yet another Earth-shattering row that just so happens to blow up almost half of Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Lucius threaten to notify the Auror Department of their whereabouts unless they agree to go to therapy. They recommend a Diagon Alley marriage counsellor who worked wonders for them: she's discreet, will keep quiet for money and has a strong stomach. Bonus: they show up either Polyjuiced or with some other shitty disguise and are immediately found out.
Ch.2: Mr and Mrs Lestrange's marital problems General bickering in their second session, we get a look at the therapist's notes. They are the worst patients ever, but she takes them on as her personal project. Both of them hate her but they really don't want to end up in Azkaban again. Rabastan finds out they are going to therapy and immediately he tries to hijack their third session. He is quickly put in his place.
«Roood» Rabastan practically sang, plopping down onto the couch, right between the couple. «Bella. You didn't tell me the lady was a hottie». He winked at [insert name]. She did not look impressed. «Rabastan, I presume». «Oh, you guys! You talked about me! Wait», his tone darkening in mock horror, «did they do it in a weird way? While discussing their sex problems?» Rodolphus looked ready to murder him on the spot. [he proceeds to basically sexually harass her and cause a disruption to their therapy session] «I do, Rabastan. I do. I find you utterly fascinating» she said, staring at him over her glasses. «In your opinion, on a scale from one to ten, how much do you use sex and alcohol to numb the pain of an unfulfilling life, completely devoid of ambition and genuine connection?»
Ch.3: The Lord Voldemort Factor The Lestranges are absent from one meeting or another.
«It's important that you try to be present for these appointments without too much rescheduling, Bellatrix. It shows that you are making an effort for each other, that you care about the other person's time». «The only thing I care about is my Master's time!» «See? She always does this! She's flaky». «Who are you calling flaky?!» «We agreed there would be no name-calling». Bellatrix shot him a triumphant look. «And we also agreed there would be commitment».
Lord Voldemort inquires after them and finds out (either from a terrified Lucius or from a still butthurt Rabastan) where they are. He decides he has to see for himself. Our dear therapist is terrified, but then again his disguise is the worst one yet. Truly laughable. Voldemort has her cancel all her appointments for the day so that they can have a longer session (he desperately wants to be included). It's not like she can refuse.
«It would be my professional opinion that you try and find a balance, an arrangement that works for all parties. Something to satisfy Mr Lestrange’s frustration, Mrs Lestrange’s exhibitionist behaviour, and Mr... Um... the Dark Lord's need to be the centre of attention». «We murder Rodolphus?» «It would be my professional opinion», she straightened her spine, «That you have a threesome».
Ch.4: Yet another satisfied client I'm still not sure whether I want them to divorce or not lmao. What I do know is that there will be a plot twist. Let's just leave it at that.
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melancholyandfrogs · 2 years
Harry Potter Family Lines
next gen maker / cut out of the family tree / alone / affair / new family maker / died young / temp cut off / incest
House of Black
B First Generation
1850 Nigellus Black
1868 Sirius I
1870/1871 Phineas Nigellus - Ursula Flint = Sirius II, Phineas II, Cygnus I, Belvina, Arcturus 
1871 Elladora
1873/1870 Isla (for marrying a muggle) - Bob Hitchens
B Second Generation
Phineas Nigellus - Ursula Flint
1887/1888 Sirius II - Hesper Gamp = Arcturus II, Lycoris (1910), Regulus I (1912)
1888 Phineas II 
1890/1892 Cygnus I - Violetta Bulstrode = Pollux, Cassiopeia, Dorea and Marius the Squib 
1891/1890 Belvina - Herbert Burke = Hector, Phineas III, Belinda Burke
1892/1892 Arcturus - Lysandra Yaxley = Callidora (1910), Cedrella (1910), Charis (1914)
B Third Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Sirius II - Hesper Gamp
1908 Arcturus II - Melina McMillan = Lucretia (1928) - Ignatius Prewett (1929), Orion - Walburga
1910 Lycoris
1912 Regulus I
Cygnus - Violetta Bulstrode
1910/1910 Pollux - Ima Crabbe = Walburga - Orion, Alphard (1931), Cygnus II
1911 Cassiopeia
1913/1911 Dorea - Charlus Potter = Marcus (1930) - Charlotte Hunter = Hadrian (1934)
1913 Marius the Squib (for being a squib)
Belvina - Herbert Burke
1911/1912 Hector - Mildred Flint = Agnes and Cytus (1931) - Amber Warrington (1932)
1911 Phineas III
1913/1910 Belinda - Sappho Crouch
Arcturus - Lysandra Yaxley
1910/1908 Callidora - Harfang Longbottom = Geoffrey Longbottom, Alice Longbottom (1934) - Enio Giles (1932)
1910 Cedrella (for marrying a blood traitor) - Septimus Weasley = Gawain I and Geraint, Arthur Weasley
See descendants in House Weasley
1914 Charis - Caspar Crouch = Bartemius, Calista and Servilia Crouch (1934)
B Fourth Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Arcturus II - Melina McMillan
1928/1929 Lucretia - Ignatius Prewett
1930/1930 Orion - Walburga Black = “Padfoot” Sirius III Orion (1959) (for betraying his family), Regulus Arcturus (1961)
Pollux - Ima Crabbe
1930/1930 Walburga - Orion Black = “Padfoot” Sirius III Orion (1959) (for betraying his family), Regulus Arcturus (1961)
1931 Alphard
1933 Cygnus II - Druella Rosier = Narcissa - Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix - Rodolphus Lestrange (1931) - Tom Riddle (1926), Andromeda (for marrying a muggle) - Edward "Ted" Tonks
Callidora - Harfang Longbottom
1931/1930 Geoffrey Longbottom - Augusta Smethwick = Frank Longbottom
1934/1932 Alice Longbottom - Enio Giles
Charis - Caspar Crouch
1926 Bartemius Crouch - Jane Lewis = Bartemius II Crouch (1946), Phebe Crouch - Mary Syme (1947), Rhea Crouch (for marrying a muggle) - Michael McKinnon
1934 Calista and Servilia Crouch
Fifth Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Tonks, Malfoy
Cygnus II - Druella Rosier
1950 Andromeda (for marrying a muggle) - (Edward "Ted" Tonks = Nymphadora Vulpecula Tonks
1951/1950 Bellatrix - Rodolphus Lestrange - Tom Riddle (1926) = Delphini Riddle (1977)
1955/1954 Narcissa - Lucius Malfoy = Draco Lucius Malfoy 
Geoffrey Longbottome - Augusta Smethwick CH
1959/1960 Frank Longbottom - Alice Fortenscue = Neville Longbottom - Hannah Abbott
Bartemius Crouch - Jane Lewis
1946 Bartemius II Crouch
1947 Phebe Crouch - Mary Syme = Caspar II Crouch (1961)
1948 Rhea Crouch (for marrying a muggle) - Michael McKinnon = Michael McKinnon - Melissa McKinnon
B Sixth Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Tonks, Malfoy
Andromeda - Edward “Ted” Tonks
1973/1960 Nymphadora Vulpecula Tonks - “Moony” Remus John Lupin = “Teddy” Edward Remus Lupin
Narcissa - Lucius Abraxas Malfoy
1980/1982 Draco Lucius Malfoy - Astoria Hyperia Greengrass = Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (2006) - Rose Minerva Weasley (2005)
See descendants in House Weasley
Frank Longbottom - Alice Fortenscue
1980/1979 Neville Longbottom - Hannah Abbott = Mavis Poppy (2002) - James Sirius Potter (2003), Alice Ginevra (2205)
Rhea Crouch - Michael McKinnon
1960 Marlene - Dorcas Meadowes 
1962 Mason and Mitchell 
1964 Matthew and Maxwell
Neville Longbottom - Hannah Abbott
2002/2003 Mavis Poppy - James Sirius Potter = Maverick Sirius Potter (2022), Jasper James Potter (2024)
House of Malfoy
M First Generation
Gamp, Potter
1870 Justia Malfoy
1867 Caesonia - Jovian Gamp = Hesper Gamp
1869/1878 Brutus - Vinda Rosier = Nicholas
1870/1872  Septimus Malfoy - Opal Parkinson = Severus, Justia
1872 Selene - John Potter = Charlus - Dorea Black, Felix Potter (1911)
M Second Generation
Gamp, Potter
Caesonia - Jovian Gamp
1887/1888 Hesper Gamp - Sirius II Black = Arcturus II, Lycoris (1910), Regulus I Black (1912)
See descendants under House Black
Brutus - Vinda Rosier
1894/1890 Nicholas - Amelie Lestrange = Abraxas
Septimus - Opal Parkinson
1901/1905 Severus - Primula Corner = Justus - Veronique Mulciber
1905/1906 Justia - Felix I Rosier = Evan I Rosier, Druella Rosier
Selene - John Potter
1911/1913 Charlus - Dorea Black = Marcus (1930) - Charlotte Hunter = Hadrian (1934)
M Third Generation
Gamp, Potter
Nicholas - Amelie Lestrange
1908 Abraxas - Belvina Nott = Morpheus, Lucius - Narcissa Black
See descendants under House Black (L+N)
Severus - Primula Corner
1908 Justus - Veronique Mulciber = Tiberius, Vinicius
Justia - Felis I Rosier
1914 Evan I - Cassia Goyle = Cloelia, Felix II
1933 Druella - Cygnus II Black
See descendants under House Black
M Fourth Generation
Gamp, Potter
Abraxas - Belvina Nott
1934 Morpheus - Andre Chombrum = Lilian and Julian Chombrum (1955)
Justus - Veronique Mulciber
1928/1919 Tiberius - Walton Diggory = Marcellus, Amos
1930 Vinicius - Corrine Fawley = Corvinus (1949)
Evan I Rosier - Cassia Goyle
1933/1933 Felix II - Helaine Crabbe = Silas
1942/1940 Cloelia - Amara Shafiq Patil = Evan II, Justin
M Fifth Generation
Gamp, Potter
Cloelia - Amara Shafiq Patil
1965/1967 Justin - Helaine Crabbe = Silas Rosier (1973)
1973/1978 Evan II - Katie Bell = Nicolas Evan (1999), Lucas Karter (2001)
TIberius - Walton Diggory JV
1948 Marcellus = Delphine (1975)
1953 Amos = Cedric (1977)
House of Lestrange
L First Generation
Lestrange, Scamander, Malfoy
1865 Rowena Lestrange
1880 Leta - Theseus Scamander = Newt Scamander - Porpentina Goldstein
1882 Rasatar = Lysander
1890/1894 Amelie - Nicholas Malfoy 
See descendants in House Malfoy
L Second Generation
Lestrange, Scamander, Malfoy
Leta - Theseus Scamander
1897 Newt - Porpentina Goldstein = Esther - Sebastain Bellamy, Rolf Scamander - Luna Elizabeth Lovegood
1950/1951 Rodolphus - Bellatrix Black 
See descendants in House Black 
1959/1960 Pandora - Xenophilius Lovegood = Luna Elizabeth Lovegood - Rolf Scamander
L Third Generation
Lestrange, Scamander, Malfoy
Newt - Porpentina Goldstein
1882/1882 Esther - Sebastian Bellamy = Wolfgang (1999), Beatrix (2000), Theodora(2002), Elizabeth (2002), Matilda Bellamy (2004)
1884/1881 Rolf Scamander - Luna Elizabeth Lovegood = Lysander Arthur and Lorcan Rowan Scamander (2007) - Lily Luna Potter (2005)
Pandora - Xenophilius Lovegood
1881/1884 Luna Elizabeth Lovegood - Rolf Scamander = Lysander Arthur and Lorcan Rowan Scamander (2007) - Lily Luna Potter (2005)
House of Potter
P First Generation
1845 Fleamont Potter
1864 Edward Fleamont - Elizabeth Fleece = Henry Edward
1867 Catherine Potter 
1869 Albert - Alycone Gaunt 
1872 John - Selene Malfoy 
See descendants in House Malfoy
P  Second Generation
Edward Fleamont - Elizabeth Fleece
1885/1893 Henry Edward - Julia Bones = Fleamont Henry - Euphemia Greengrass
P  Third Generation
Henry Edward - Julia Bones
1932/1942 Fleamont Henry - Euphemia Greengrass = James Fleamont - Lily Jade Evans
P  Fourth Generation
Fleamont Henry - Euphemia Greengrass
1960 “Prongs” James Fleamont - Lily Jade Evans = Harry James - Ginevra “Ginny” Molly Weasley
See descendants in House Weasley
House of Weasley
W First Generation
Septimus Weasley - Cedrella Black
1927/1928 Gawain I Weasley - Zoe Sarte = Lionel Weasley (1948), Tristan Weasley (1949) = Mafalda Weasley (1966), Mark Weasley (1951)
1928-1928 Ceraint Weasley - Lieke Hugo = Gawain II Weasley (1942), Galahad Weasley (1942)
1950/1951 Arthur Septimus Weasley - Molly Prewett = William Arthur - Fleur Delacour, Charles Septimus, Percival Ignatius (temporarily for disputes) - Audrey Mia Fairfax, Fredrick Gideon, George Fabian - Angelina Johnson, Ronald Bilius - Hermione Jean Granger, Ginevra Molly Weasley - Harry James Potter
W  Second Generation
Arthur Septimus Weasley - Molly Prewett
1970/1977 William "Bill" Arthur - Fleur Delacour = Victorie Molly - "Teddy" Edward Remus Lupin, Dominique Gabrielle (2003), Louis William (2009)
1972 Charles “Charlie” Septimus
1976/1978 Percival “Percy” Ignatius (temporarily) for disputes - Audrey Mia Fairfax = Rebecca Molly (2001), Jake Arthur (2002), Ellie Ginevra and Lucianna Mia (2006)
1978 Fredrick “Fred” Gideon
1978/1977 George Fabian - Angelina Johnson = Fredrick II Angelo (2002), Roxanne Olivia (2004)
1980/1979 Ronald “Ron” Bilius - Hermione Jean Granger = Rose Minerva (2005) - Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (2006), Hugo Charlie (2009)
1981/1980 Ginerva “Ginny” Molly - Harry James Potter = James Sirius - Mavis Poppy Longbottom, Albus Severus (2005), Lily Luna Potter (2007) - Lysander Rowan Scamander (2005)
W  Third Generation
Lupin, Greengrass, Malfoy
William “Bill” Arthur - Fleur Delacour
1977/1976 Victorie Molly Weasley - "Teddy" Edward Remus Lupin = Andromeda Fleur and Nymphadora Victoire (2018), Remus Harry (2020)
2003 Dominique Gabrielle
2009 Louis William
Percival “Percy” Ignatius - Audrey Mia Fairfax
2001 Rebecca Molly
2002 Jake Arhur
2006 Ellie Ginerva - Daniel Oliver Greengrass = Percy Oliver (2020), Daphne Audrey (2021) and Lucy Danella Greengrass (2023)
2006 Lucianna Mi
Ronald “Ron” Bilius - Hermione Jean Granger
2005/2006 Rose Minerva - Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy = Severine Hermione Malfoy (2024)
2009 Hugo Charlie
Ginerva “Ginny” Molly - Harry James Potter
2003/2002 James Sirius - Mavis Poppy Longbottom = Maverick Sirius Potter (2022), Jasper James Potter (2024)
House of Gaunt
G First Generation
1810 Athena Gaunt
1830 Alkes - Berta Burke = Beliana (1850) (for being a squib), Rayla - Edwin Crabbe, Rasalas - Leta
1835 Algoi - Matilda Flint = Corvus (1851), Alycone - Albert Potter, Leta - Rasalas
G  Second Generation
Alkes - Berta Burke
1850 Beliana the Squib (for being a squib)
1852 Rayla - Edwin Crabbe = Erebus Crabbe - Hemera
1854  Rasalas - Leta = Aion (1880), Hemera - Erebus
Algoi - Matilda Flint
1851 Corvus
1854 Leta - Rasalas = Aion (1880), Hemera - Erebus
1861 Alycone - Albert Potter
G  Third Generation
Rasalas - Leta
1875/1874 Hemera - Erebus = Marvolo
1880 Aion
Rayla - Edwin Crabbe
1874/1875 Erebus - Hemera = Marvolo
G  Fourth Generation
1899 Marvolo Gaunt
1906 Morfin and Metis
1908 Merope - Tom Riddle = Tom Marvolo Riddle | Voldemort (chose to leave because of muggle realtions)
G  Fifth Generation
Merope - Tom Riddle
1926/1951 Tom Marvolo Riddle | Voldemort (chose to leave because of muggle realtions) - Bellatrix Lestrange = Delphini Riddle (1977)
I hope that this helped someone with any info that they needed / all of these are just from hours spent searching and putting pieces together / it's not entirely canon compliant
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serenaew · 1 year
Serena's Masterlists: HP: other ships and gen
Last updated 28/12/23
Other Ships:
Restoreth my soul (M, Bellatrix Lestrange/Alice Longbottom, complete)
[Filk] Nocturne (G, Snape x Reader, complete)
Secret Passage (T, Severus Snape, complete)
Sectum Princeps (Dolorissimum) (M, Severus Snape, complete)
Highway to Hell (T, Severus Snape, complete)
Whoso list to hunt (T, Aberforth Dumbledore & Severus Snape, complete)
Peeving Whistles (G, F&G Weasley, Peeves, complete)
Lavender's Blue, Lavender's Green (T, Neville Longbottom & Albus Severus Potter, complete)
(And I Will Try To) Fix You (T, OC, complete)
The Art of Fugue (T, no character, complete)
[Filk] Embers and Soot (G, no characters, complete)
Assorted poetry:
A magic of its own (T, WIP: 2/?)
Details under the cut!
Other ships:
Restoreth my soul (M, Bellatrix Lestrange/Alice Longbottom, complete)
Summary: You leava me no choice. Additional Tags/Warnings: Marauders Era, dark, torture, implied abuse, reference to Psalm 23
[Filk] Nocturne (G, Snape x OC, complete)
Summary: Flute solo filk (fanmusic), written for EtherealTrail's Snape x Reader fic Remedial Venom. Additional Tags/Warnings: flute solo, original music, Romanticism, Impressionism, Dark Academia
Secret Passage (T, Severus Snape, complete)
Summary: The origins of the secret passage from the Room of Requirement to the Hog's Head. Additional Tags/Warnings: Canon Compliant - Deathly Hallows, Secret passages (Hogwarts), Headmaster Severus Snape, Cruciatus Curse
Sectum Princeps (Dolorissimum) (M, Severus Snape, complete)
Summary: The first cut hurts the most. - A canon-compliant-ish fic about how Sectumsempra came to be. Additional Tags/Warnings: bullying, domestic violence, Dark, Anger, Teenage Severus Snape, Character Study
Highway to Hell (T, Severus Snape, complete)
Summary: Severus hesitated before taking the last step to the Astronomy Tower. Additional Tags/Warnings: Double drabble, Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Canon Compliant
Whoso list to hunt (T, Aberforth Dumbledore & Severus Snape, complete)
Summary: Those on the hunt should never judge an inn by its looks. The pre-prequel to my Unspeakable Mysteries series, can be read as a standalone. Additional Tags / Warnings: Hog's Head Inn, Unspeakable Aberforth Dumbledore, Unspeakable Recruit Severus Snape, Good Severus Snape, Pre-Canon
Peeving Whistles (G, F&G Weasley, Peeves, complete)
Summary: Of portable swamps and whistling poltergeists. Additional Tags/Warnings: Book 5, Drabble
Lavender's Blue, Lavender's Green (T, Neville Longbottom & Albus Severus Potter, complete)
Summary: Albus Potter finds himself stuck on one of his Potions assignments, so he seeks his godfather Neville Longbottom's help. Additional Tags/Warnings: HP epilogue compliant, Potion technobabble, inspired by real-life frustrations, Herbology Professor Neville Longbottom, Slytherin Albus Severus Potter, text fic
(And I Will Try To) Fix You (T, OC, complete)
Summary: You remember fables from the olden times saying good old Muggle "Spellotape" can fix things magic can not. Additional Tags/Warnings: Drabble, POV 2nd Person, Hurt no Comfort, Song: Fix You (Coldplay), inspired by Peformance Art
The Art of Fugue (T, no character, complete)
Summary: The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by any invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing, Potter — […] Only those skilled at Occlumency are able to shut down those feelings and memories that contradict the lie. — Severus Snape, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix OR: What happens when the author hears double at the word "fugue", and is being challenged to write a poem. Additional Tags/Warnings: Poetry, Occlumency, Fugue, both dissociative Amnesia, and baroque music, Music Theory, inspired by: The Art of Fugue (J.S. Bach)
[Filk] Embers and Soot (G, no characters, complete)
Summary: An a cappella mashup song of Chim Chim Cheree (Mary Poppins) x Once upon a December (Anastasia) x In Noctem (Harry Potter). Additional Tags/Warnings: Filk, mashup, a cappella, original arrangement
Assorted poetry:
A magic of its own (T, WIP: 2/?)
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sarahfeliciam · 1 month
The Ultimatum Ch 63
Chapter 63
“What’s going on?” Emeline’s sleepy voice echoed in the long hallway as she stumbled into the side wall. 
A family portrait they’d missed taking down shouted something to her about being a wild beast before Remus silenced it as he rushed forward, grabbing her shoulders.
“Harry and the rest of Dumbledore’s Army are in a great deal of danger, Emeline. We are going.”
She jolted her eyes the rest of the way open and shook her head as she peered around to Tonks who was running up behind Remus, followed by Kingsley and Alastor. 
It was them, we, not Emeline and Remus, we. 
“Let’s go!” Moody shouted gruffly, apparating on the spot. 
Kingsley followed him alongside a few other members. 
Tonks took Remus’ hand quickly and gave Emeline a sad glance.
“Pup, we have to go. You’re safe here. I love you.” 
She couldn’t believe her eyes when they both disappeared. 
She looked up and down the hall, her anxiety spiking as she moved to rush into the kitchen. 
Sirius bounded into the hall then, running into her. Molly was bringing up the rear with widening eyes. 
“Don’t you dare think about it, Sirius!” She shouted shrilly. “You heard them!” 
“Voldemort has enticed Harry because of me! There is no bloody way I’m not going.” He turned on his heel and Emeline didn’t need to hear or say anything further. 
She gave Molly an apologetic glance before grabbing Sirius arm in the nick of time, and next thing she knew, they fell forward onto the London pavement with a thud. 
Her chest was heaving and her head spinning as her stomach lurched into her throat. 
“Bloody hell, Emeline!” Sirius shouted angrily, grabbing her up and taking her hand to run toward the phone booths. “You’ve done it now,” he yelled as they jogged. “Your father is going to mount my head for this one!”
When they arrived at the door to the Department of Mysteries, Emeline could hear the hurried whispers of the other members and Lucius and Harry bickering about something regarding the prophecy. 
She glanced at Sirius who quickly raised his wand over them. 
Nothing looked different to Emeline, however to the outside world they couldn’t be seen. 
They stepped forward quietly to the door and slipped inside unknown to anyone else, much like the rest of the Order had.
Once inside and walking down halls of hundreds of thousands of glistening broken orbs, Emeline couldn’t help but let her mouth fall open in amazement as she followed close behind Sirius. 
Finally, they came to a second door, and he wasted no time shoving her inside, following after her to fall in, too.
This feeling was even worse than the apparating and Emeline felt like she could be sick at any moment. 
Sirius grabbed her wrist in assurance as he listened intently to the rest of Lucius’ conversation with Harry, watching the other students under the grips of Death Eaters. One, he noticed immediately, was his raging monster of a cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange.
Emeline clutched her stomach as she watched the scene before her.
Unseen in a corner, Remus’ stomach churned and his face fell in despair.
Tell me you’re not! 
I’m sorry
Their communication was sharp and he could tell her answer was weak in tone. 
She had no explanation for coming besides crippling fear, which was the worst reason to get yourself into a situation such as the one unfolding before them. 
His heart dropped into his belly as he thought of his little girl who could hardly hold her own anymore in dueling amongst many different facets and foes. 
She was too rusty. 
He had to get her out.
Before either of them could protest the other, Sirius unveiled the two of them and stepped toward Lucius unexpectedly.
“Get away from my godson!” With a swift hook to the face, he knocked Lucius down and the prophecy shattered to the floor as he grabbed Harry. 
In similar fashion, Remus grabbed her as the rest of the Order appeared and they both drew their wands as the Death Eaters twisted up into clouds of black smoke in the air and whirred around them.
Remus was pulling her by the shirt now, urging her to follow him toward Tonks. Bent over and out of breath, she clutched her wand as she slowly fell into hyperventilation, struggling to keep up with the sick feeling in her stomach.
“Dad, I’m going to be sick. I can’t-“
“Emma! There’s no time.” 
Hot tears stung at her eyes as she ran with him, curses flying and things shattering all around them. Loud pops and bright bursts were ringing through the air as she followed him, keeping eyes fixated on his coat and not much else. 
If she was with him, she knew she was safe. 
When she did finally avert her vision, she saw Sirius dueling Bellatrix near a watery looking structure. 
It was curious to her, moving water suspended in thin air inside the arch. 
She tugged at her dad’s sleeve, but he stopped dead and shouted something she’d never heard before, entering into a duel with another Death Eater Emeline couldn’t place. 
She realized then why it was so sudden: he was aiding Tonks who was currently fending off three. 
She backed up slowly as she watched her father, who was simply expert at the craft. 
Her mouth hung slightly open again as she desperately tried to steady her breathing, wand gripped tightly in her sweaty palm. 
One Death Eater was down now. 
Two to go.
Stay close.
But his words came too late. 
Emeline turned then to see Sirius was celebrating with Harry; congratulating him on a hex he had thrown and calling him James by mistake.
He didn’t see Bellatrix towering above him on another jutted stone, wand at the ready.
Something snapped inside of Emeline as she poised her wand quicker and threw the first curse at Bellatrix she could think of. 
Remus turned at the sound of his daughter’s scream.
She couldn’t have.
His mouth hung open as did Tonks’; they both thought they’d finished the last of their duel. 
Sirius’ face was white as he realized what had happened and Harry grabbed his arm tightly as the rest of Dumbledore’s Army crowded in.
Dolohov was not down, unbeknownst to the group, and as they all stood staring ahead at Bellatrix crumpled on the ground, he shot a curse hurling toward Tonks’ back, another dark spell Emeline had never heard out loud. 
“Tonks!” She screamed as instinct kicked in. 
She could have been the one hit by the curse herself the way she felt it in her soul and knew it was Tonks. 
Remus fell to her side and pulled her against his chest, screaming for Sirius. Tonks was already completely unconscious and the Order flooded in around them as Emeline grabbed her hand and Dolohov disappeared.
The fear in her father’s eyes terrified her and she felt an unfamiliar feeling from him deep in her spirit. 
In the chaos, she nearly forgot that she had just killed a woman. 
Emeline was slowly losing her mind as she waited on the opposite side of St. Mungos this time. 
The waiting room was cold and eerily quiet. 
They were the only family there this evening and she felt painfully alone.
 Despite Sirius snoozing at her feet as a faux emotional support pet, she was left to her own devices. 
It was then she unraveled all of the thoughts fighting for first place in her brain.
Was Tonks going to survive? 
Sirius almost just died.
How had she just killed someone?
Everyone almost just died.
Would her father ever recover if Tonks died? Would she? 
She could have just died.
She let out a shallow breath and hung her head, covering her ears with shaking hands as she tried to stop the voices in her mind. 
She felt Sirius nudge her knee and let out a soft whine, but she couldn’t take it any longer. She stood hurriedly and opened the waiting room doors, ready to demand Tonks’ room number, when something else caught her eye entirely. 
Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes narrowed.
It couldn’t be.
But the smell… his smell, was unmistakable.
She picked up a brisk walk down the corridor so as not to lose sight of the man, who was being aided in walking by a young healer who appeared kind and chatty. 
They rounded the corner before her and she picked up pace, her heart thumping and completely forgetting she’d just left Sirius in the dust. 
When she approached, the old man stopped and turned slowly to face her. 
The healer didn’t waiver in her smile, but rested a hand on his back. 
She spoke softly, but it was loud and clear for Emeline.
“Lyall, stay focused. It’s time to get you back to your room, dear.”
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gabrielewhisperwind · 2 months
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Descontente com o casamento e frustrada com o rumo que sua vida tomou, Bellatrix Lestrange pondera sobre suas ambições e anseia por liberdade, sem encontrar alternativas viáveis para escapar da monotonia que a consome. Contudo, sua existência está prestes a sofrer uma reviravolta completa ao receber um convite inesperado, capaz de alterar o curso de sua vida de forma irrevogável.
Uma Shortfic Siritrix.
Os personagens pertencem a J. K. Rowling, exceto: Freesia Travers.
Plágio é crime!
Fanfic registrada no Sistema Avctoris.
© All Rights Reserved
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megadramaqueenme · 1 year
Ch. 4 is up!
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years
Escape https://ift.tt/OtsKLy1 by oddsoul The three of them are brought to their knees before him, and it’s surreal. These are the Wizarding World’s best hopes, and they are reduced to nothing in front of their school bully. He surveys them as he is asked more than once if it truly is Potter. Canon-compliant up to Deathly HallowS: Ch 23, Malfoy Manor. Draco just wants to live, and he wonders if this might be his chance to do so. Words: 7703, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed, Aftermath of Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Malfoy Manor (Harry Potter), POV Draco Malfoy, Generous use of last names, Tent Lyfe via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/bUJ0hlX November 19, 2022 at 05:31PM
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vera-farmiga · 5 years
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She was a witch, as Harry knew, with prodigious skill and no conscience.
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BOOK POSTERS: part two || nothing gold can stay
Aurelia Black, had come out of the Triwizard Tournament a winner and survivor alongside the famed Harry Potter. Dealing with not only the loss of her dear friend but the return of Lord Voldemort as well, Aurelia is holding everything together with a piece of thread and it's on the verge of snapping.  She's not sure just how much longer she'll last but once she takes a look at the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, she knows it'll take a miracle for her to make it to the end of the year. And if she's not going to make it through this year, you bet, Aurelia will take that pink toad down with her.
Everything has changed, Aurelia has changed and she's afraid that she's too far gone at this point and once that thread snaps, it'll be too late for her. And she supposes this is oddly fitting, considering her name and what it means — the sun-faced star, the golden one — perhaps Robert Frost was right when he wrote Nothing Gold Can Stay. Of course, that would mean she would have had to be golden and she never was — a copper-filled girl trying so desperately to live up to the name bestowed up her but never quite reaching that goal. Perhaps, now she never will . . .
updates every saturday!
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button-house · 5 years
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The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black; + constellations
— toujours pur
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dramiones · 6 years
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THE BLACK SISTERS (bellatrix lestrange, andromeda tonks, and narcissa malfoy) 
“ family over everything ”
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Can you tell us more about The Death of Regulus Black, The Prophecy, and the Hurt/Comfort??? ❤️
Sure thing, my dear!
Ch.36 - The Death of Regulus Black 1979. Still unwritten. I already know that it will be more than 10K words long. I haven't yet decided if there is one last Bella-Voldemort scene before everything goes downhill. Regulus disappears in late August; N.E.W.T. results still haven't come. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black is on the verge of collapse after the tapestry in 12 Grimmauld Place confirms his death. Bella already knew, though. She had asked the Dark Lord to call him through the Dark Mark and He had told her he felt no connection there at all. Like a severed cord. Walburga is in hysterics. This cold, haughty woman is crumbling to pieces. She is not the only one. Bellatrix is mad with grief; Cissy too, maybe even more so, but Bella can't help but feel personally responsible because she was supposed to look out for her baby cousin (she had sworn to do so when Sirius had left and Orion and Walburga say nothing to refute this). Walburga is also convinced that Voldemort is responsible for her son's death. As everyone descends upon n°12 to try and make sense of this tragedy (and decide what the fuck happens now since Sirius is a traitor and there are no Black heirs left), Bellatrix is alone without the Dark Lord by her side (and her aunt is being Very Mean). Both Barty and Rabastan, who had loved Regulus, are not doing well at all. In all of this, Rodolphus ditches his mistress (the Lestranges aren't exactly living together at the moment) because his wife needs him (and his little brother too, although Rod doesn't know that they were more than friends). She is NOT happy about it at all. The task of consoling Bella is left to her estranged husband because the Dark Lord is nowhere to be found at the moment and the Lestranges' marriage starts to improve. Before leaving Grimmauld Place, Bella goes up to Reggie's room in search of answers, a trail, anything. She only finds a series of journals that Kreacher is attempting to destroy. Later, she asks the Dark Lord if he was responsible for Regulus' death and he denies any involvement. The scene is from his pov and we get confirmation that no, it wasn't him, but at the same time he really doesn't care what happened to the boy who was a mediocre Death Eater at best and a weakling at worst. Once again he is not the centre of Bellatrix's world and he is (irrationally and selfishly) mad at her for it. (#thegirlsarefighting, once again) [I've debated on whether or not to give him an on-screen death or not, between chapters 35 and 36, and while I might write it in, I am more inclined to say no at the moment. I feel there are hundreds of Reggie death fics, since that's basically the only bit of character info we get on him in canon; it's already been done, time and time again, and I wonder if I can make it more impactful by having it happen off-screen]
Ch.40 - The Prophecy February 1980. Severus Snape goes for a drink at the Hog's Head (where he might or might not have a side hustle selling dubious potions/poisons) and overhears the first part of the prophecy. He then goes to his best bud Lord Voldemort to tell him what he heard. Suffice it to say, he does not take it well. Harry's birth is about five months away. Do you know who else's birth is about five months away? Draco Malfoy's. Narcissa is absolutely terrified that the prophecy could be about Draco and she gets into a furious argument with Bellatrix, who is always on the Dark Lord's side. Horrible things are said. In the end, Bellatrix says something along the lines of 'I would gladly give any child of mine up to the Dark Lord' and Cissy is like 'Even if it means their death, Bella?' and well. Rodolphus is not pleased with the answer. He goes to see Elizabeth (did I mention that's his mistress' name?) who is tutoring Severus at the time (in potion-making; loooong story). She feels guilty about things that have happened in the past and makes an effort to be there for Rod but at the same time, she is pissed because lately he seems to only seek her out when he wants to bitch about his wife and how poorly she treats him. [this chapter is unwritten, it hasn't been completely fleshed out yet and to be honest I don't really love it; I have a clear picture of how it begins, which I like, but I'm not sure of any of the other scenes. I hate filler chapters. I want it to be snappy/interesting but I can't figure out how to make it work. Bella's fight with Cissy and Rod's bitching to Elizabeth are both scenes that don't really progress their characters/have happened before, so they might get scrapped. I also have no idea what to do with either Rabastan, Evan or Barty in this chapter because I suck at side-plots and this story is in desperate need of them. So this chapter might get entirely re-written based on story needs; in all of this, Voldemort still has no idea what his last Horcrux should be] Hurt/Comfort is not even a draft, just a file with jotted-down ideas in my WIP folder. It's Bellamort. It's explicit. It's basically smut-with-psychological introspection where Voldemort tries dominatrix therapy. I have a very clear idea of their sexual dynamics and in this story I wanted to subvert all of them. I wanted to make him submissive and her dominant. I also wanted to explore his childhood trauma (and give him sexual dysfunctions in the meantime??? who knows, it's like three lines of meta and that's it). I can't see him being into humiliation, honestly, but I can see him having a fucked-up relationship with pain. Anyway, good stuff. If I ever get around to writing about it again.
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unsqeakable · 5 years
The Black Heir
Summary: Regulus Black: A pureblood wizard. The Heir of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black. A husband. A teenager. A Death Eater. Desire for revenge leads him right into the Dark Lord's arms, and allows him to cross the boundaries that once crossed cannot be undone. All actions have consequencs and now it's time for him to pay for his sins. So his unborn child can be proud of him.
Status: completed
Chapters: 3
Words: 18k+
Read on fanfiction.net
Read on Ao3
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