#character: emmett cullen
deunmiu-dessie · 5 months
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he misses you. he misses you like a flower misses the sun. like the desert misses the rain. like you are the entirety of his being. as if you hold the key to his fierce, thumping bloody heart within the palm of your hands, like he is nothing without you— and perhaps he isn't. he doesn't feel like himself, no, in fact, he feels empty. like a shell of the man he used to be before you. he feels as though the world has lost its color, its meaning, and it makes him feel bare— it makes him feel.
he misses you. he misses the warmth of your perfume, a sweet and spicy blended aroma of saffron and sugared lavender. he misses your smile, all wide and pretty— genuine and charming, and always all for him. he misses the sound of your laughter, raw and boisterous, but sometimes soft and breathy, intimate. he misses your kisses, shy and cloying— yet fierce and angry at times as well. he misses the small things, like the scatter of moles across the expanse of your body that he finds himself counting when he can't fall asleep. or the way you fuss over him, mumbling curses and your love for him all in the same sentence.
he is nothing without you, and he knows it all too well.
the soft jangle of your keys in the lock makes him look up from his journal, the door swinging open. and despite himself, he finds that he's softened underneath your warm, loving gaze. ah, he also misses the sound of your voice, euphonious and soft, a tone you use for him specifically.
❝why are you looking at me like that?❞
he can feel his heart dance within his chest, pounding fiercely as you slant your hip to the side, the very same hips he adores holding onto when swaying with you to music. your eyes, which always seem to sweep him under with their intensity with no fail, are glittering with mirth, it knocks the breath from his chest. ❝ i adore you,❞ he utters— he sounds like a fool in love, and he doesn't particularly mind it. your cheeks flush with color and you playfully roll your eyes. that's alright, you don't need to say it back, he knows.
❝help me with the groceries?❞
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he? ⸺ SIMON, gojo satoru, DAMON SALVATORE, soap, older!TANJIRO, scott mccall, GAZ, clark kent, EMMETT CULLEN, leon kennedy, STEVE HARRINGTON, giyu tomioka, JOHN PRICE, loran, ULYSSES, rick grimes, KÖNIG, dick grayson, SPENCER REID.
honestly it can be anyone you envision.
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kaitlinamberxo · 2 months
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“Would you like to hear my story, Bella? It doesn’t have a happy ending – but which of ours does? If we had happy endings, we’d all be under gravestones now.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite female muses — 19/100: Rosalie Hale
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 22 days
(v.) to think about something deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Four: The Wolves
Now Playing: Heavy In Your Arms by Florence + The Machine
I followed Jacob’s instructions down a dirt road for a few miles before he told me to pull off the road.
I pulled over, cutting the engine as he and Bella jumped out of the truck. My sister pressed closely to his side as he came to stand at the front of my car, and I slowly made my way to his side as well.
Bella was visibly nervous, and I felt an unnerving sense of calm. I knew that, rationally, I should probably be afraid. But I just wasn’t.
I saw the four boys step out of the tree line, and I watched as Sam made eye contact with Jacob.
My eyes narrowed on him, but I couldn’t resist Turing my gaze to Embry. When I looked at him, he stared back. His lips pursed together as I watched him, my gaze accusatory and unrelenting.
He looked away first.
I swept my eyes to Jared, and finally to Paul. Both of them looked about the same, but my heart stuttered for a moment when I met Paul’s gaze.
He was as handsome as I remembered him being. His expression was still grumpy, but his eyes held more light in them. His hair was loose around his head again, much like Jacob’s. His eyes flickered from me to Jacob, then Jacob to Bella, and his face pinched with anger.
“What have you done, Jacob?” Sam demanded, his deep voice drawing my attention away from where I was transfixed looking at Paul.
My eyes were drawn back to him, however, when he pushed past Sam to yell at Jacob, “Why can’t you just follow the rules? Is she more important than everything—than us, than our people, than the people getting killed?”
His voice was accusatory, and my eyes narrowed on him. He started to shake, the trembling staring in his hands and moving up his arms.
“They can help—” Jacob tried to argue, but he was cut off by Paul’s mocking laugh.
“Help?” He demanded, “I’m sure the leech-lover is just dying to help us! And bringing her sister into this mess is callous, even for you and your tunnel vision!”
“Don’t talk about her like that!” Jacob snarled, reaching out to push Bella behind him.
I took a step back towards the door of my truck, watching everything unfold with a critical gaze. Paul laughed again, his eyes flicking to me.
“Yeah, protect Bella and not her sister, right?” He said viciously, “I suppose you’ve only ever had one sister in your head, huh?”
I won’t lie, his words did hurt, but I shoved the feelings aside as best I could.
Jacob said something, setting Paul off further. I watched in horrified fascination as he fell forward, his body shaking. Half way down, his body made an awful noise and dark, silver fur exploded from his body and he grew to the size of a bear.
My breath caught as I recognized him, and I swear that my heart stopped as Jacob rushed him and transformed into a massive black wolf.
“Oh my god,” I choked out, moving without realizing.
I grabbed Bella and shoved her into the truck, sliding over the hood and to the driver’s side to hurriedly get in. I locked the doors as Embry and Jared hurried over to us.
“Y/n, please let us in so we can take you to Emily’s and explain everything,” Embry pleaded, and I stared at him defiantly. Bella, making the choice for me, unlocked the doors.
I reached back to slap her arm, Embry getting into the back behind me and Jared hopping into the bed of the truck.
Embry and Hared made jokes as they directed me to someone’s house, Emily’s house? I didn’t remember whose name they said.
When we got there, I parked the truck and turned it off.
Jared hopped out of the back quickly, reaching out as he passed to open my door. I followed him and Embry towards the house, reaching out to hold hands with Bella.
Before we got too close, Jared stopped and turned towards us.
“Don’t stare at Emily’s face,” he said, “It bugs Sam.”
“Why would we stare..?” Bella asked, looking increasingly nervous.
“She’s Sam’s fiancée,” I said flatly, remembering what Jared and Embry had said on the ride here, “And baddies, it seems like hanging around werewolves has its risks.”
Jared’s lips thinned at my tone, but he nodded.
“Ok, well,” Embry said awkwardly, “Come on in. We don’t bite.”
It was a weak joke, and I wasn’t so easily amused by him anymore.
“Speak for yourself,” Jared joked back, glancing at me. I sighed, pulling Bella along and into the house as Embry held the door for us.
We got inside the house, and it was full of the smell of pastries. It smelled good.
Beside me, Bella was stiff. As we were led to the kitchen, I saw the silhouette of a woman. We got closer, and I saw that she had rich, warm toned skin and shining black hair that fell to her hips. When she turned, I saw her scars first.
On the left side of her face were three jagged, ruddy scars that curled around her face. One ran over her eye, cutting her brow in half and making her dark eye cloudy. Another ran from her hairline to her jaw, cutting roughly through her cheek as the final one ran down to her lips, crudely pulling the corner taught. Her scars were vicious, but she was beautiful to behold.
I observed her for a moment only, but Bella made a point not to even look at her.
“We’re sorry for intruding.” I said calmly, my eyes falling to the muffins in her hand.
She observed my sister and I silently before asking, “Who are you?”
“Y/n, and my sister, Bella Swan.” I answered, and her brows rose slightly.
“Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam’s orders,” she muttered before pinning Bella with a look, “So. You’re the Vampire Girl.”
Bella hesitated, blurting, “Yes. Are you the wolf girl?”
Emily’s face warmed, the right side stretching into a smile as she laughed, Jared and Embry snickering.
“I suppose I am,” she agreed, then glanced over to address Jared, “Where’s Sam?”
“Bella and y/n, uh, surprised Paul this morning and he and Jake got into it.” Jared responded, and Emily rolled her good eye.
“I was about to start the eggs, do you think they’ll be long?” She asked, and Embry smiled impishly.
“Don’t worry, even if they are late, none of the food will go to waste!” Emily chuckles, going to open the fridge.
“No doubt,” she said easily, pulling out a carton of eggs, “Bella, Y/n, are you both hungry? Feel free to take some muffins.”
Bella was quick to grab one, muttering her thanks, and I watched as Embry shoved his third muffin into his mouth whole.
“Try to taste it, Embry,” I said dryly, Jared muttering, “Pig.”
Emily hit him over the head with a wooden spoon, telling him, “Leave some for your brothers!”
Her word choice surprised me, but not by much. All four of them moved in such a synchronized way that if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought that they were all related.
I sat quietly, eating bites of a muffin that I had plucked from Embry’s hands as he and Jared fought over it.
They really were good. Maybe I’ll ask for the recipe.
In the middle of my thoughts, Sam came through the door and called so lovingly for Emily. She smiled widely as her fiancé came over to kiss her tenderly, and I laughed against my will as Jared and Embry made dramatic gagging sounds.
Jacob and Jared walked in soon after Sam, both of them playfully messing with the other. Paul snagged a muffin and Jacob sat beside Bella, across from me. Paul sat beside me, looking past me at where Embry and Jared were rough housing for a muffin.
My attention was torn between trying to dodge stray limbs and paying attention to Jacob’s questions, and for the moment that I was paying attention to Jacob, Embry’s muffin slipped out of his hands and went flying towards the side of my head.
I flinched when I saw it in my peripherals, but Paul had reached around my head to grab the air-born muffin, stopping it from hitting me. He beaned it back at Embry, smacking him in the face with the dense pastry.
“Quit playing with your food, morons.” He said grumpily, and I thanked him for catching it. He just shrugged, going back to eating his own muffin.
As he reached for another muffin from the tray in front of me, I saw jagged scars on his forearm. They looked weeks old by now, but I knew they were from his and Jacob’s fight.
Without thinking, I reached out and touched them, gently pressing the skin with my finger. As soon as I touched him, he froze.
His skin was warm, like Jacob’s, and soft. The scars on his skin weren’t rough, like I expected them to be. Instead, they were only slightly indented into his skin and just as smooth as the rest of his skin.
“How…?” I asked, trailing off as I watched the marks slowly, so slowly, start to fade.
“Wolf thing.” Jacob answered, watching as I traced the angry red marks.
Paul watched me, still as a statue.
“We heal quickly. Part of the raised temperature thing,” he said slowly, “We run warm, we don’t get sick. We also burn through pain killers fast enough that they’re basically useless, since our body heals itself faster than they can keep up.”
“Huh,” I said, unsure how to respond. It was fascinating, but so, so odd.
“Jacob,” Sam starts, “Tell us what you know.”
Jake looks up, quickly swallowing the rest of his muffin. He clears his throat, then begins, “I know what the Redhead wants. She’s trying to avenge her mate, but it’s not the one with dreads that we killed the other day.”
I listen closely, my eyes fixed on Jacob as he speaks.
“The Cullens killed her mate during Bella’s sophomore year, after he tried to kill her. Now, she’s after Bella to get back at Edward.” He says gravely, and I wonder if that means that I’d be in danger, too.
“Will y/n be on her radar, do you think?” Paul asks, voicing my own concerns. Jacob sighs, and worry bubbles in my chest.
“We killed her spy before he could report back, so we don’t know that yet.” Sam replied, “She likely doesn’t know that Y/n is here, but in the event that she does, we’d have to keep a close eyes on you both.”
The last part was directed to me, and I nodded, my lips pursed together.
Jared claps his hands together, “Well then! We’ve got bait!”
I watch as Jacob, faster than I would have thought possible, whipped a can opener at Jared’s head. To his credit, Jared caught it, but he didn’t see Paul’s hand coming down on the top of his head.
“Neither of them are going to be bait!” Jacob said angrily, and Jared muttered about knowing what he meant.
Sam cleared his throat, gathering their attentions again.
“We’ll need to change our patrol patterns.” He says, serious and grim, “I don’t like it, but we’ll have to split up into groups to make sure Bella and Y/n are safe, while maintaining the safety of Forks and the Rez.”
“Quil’s likely close to changing now,” Embry muttered, “We can split evenly when he does.”
I watched mutely as each of them looked morose. How odd that they all seemed so comfortable in their own fate, yet so unwilling for their friends to share it.
“Well, we won’t count on it.” Sam said with a sigh.
“What do you want us,” I gesture between Bella and I, “To do?”
“About?” Sam asked, and I looked at him flatly. Embry snickered, having been on the receiving end of this same look.
“Where is most convenient for us to be?” Bella clarifies, her mind in the same wavelength as mine.
“It would be most convenient for the two of you to be here for as long as possible.” Sam replied, “So that we can be on our own land to trap the Redhead and destroy her.”
I nod, and Emily butts in to ask, “What will the arrangements be for patrols?”
“Three of us will be patrolling the perimeter at all times, the other two will be here to guard you three.” He answered, “We will likely have to cycle out to keep the Redhead on her toes.”
Bella worried her bottom lip before asking, “You’ll be careful, right?”
Most of the boys burst into laughter, hooting and snickering. I rolled my eyes and got up to go to the bathroom to wash my hands as Emily announced food was ready.
I got back after a moment, and the majority of the food was already being scarfed down.
“Good lord, I forgot how much food you eat,” I muttered, about to scape together any leftover food when Paul reached out to hand me a plate.
“Oh,” I said, “Thank you, Paul.”
He nodded glancing at me before going back to eating.
After a while, Charlie came down to fetch Bella and I. I said goodbye to everyone, hurrying to the truck and heading home with Charlie on our tail.
I went to my room and grabbed a notebook, writing down all my questions to ask tomorrow.
1. Is there a way to mask our scent so Victoria can’t track us?
2. Does it hurt to change? What causes it?
3. What’s it like being a wolf? And what does it mean that you can hear each other’s thoughts? Is that always?
4. Why do you all turn into grown men after you change? Second puberty?
I wrack my brain to think of more questions, but I’m so tired from this emotionally draining day that I can’t. Instead, I take a long shower and go to sleep.
As I fall asleep, I wonder about Paul. I wondered about his words before he had changed, in the forest: why was he so sore over Jacob protecting Bella and not me? She was the one he had been angry about, after all, so it would make sense to protect her over me. I wasn’t the one in danger, not that she really had been.
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imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
something I thought of in the shower, picture any male you like, no specific character for this.
warning - lots of swearing.
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“Hey bab—“ Your man steps into the shower, wanting to join you before you and him seperate for the day (for work) “Shit! What the fuck, ow!” He screams before you even turn around to greet him, he immediately jumps out of the shower and runs from the bathroom.
After you finish up, having to take a good ten minutes to try and stop laughing. You get out, wrapping a towel around you and your hair/head. You find him dramatically sitting in front of a fan, fanning himself. “Why’d you leave so fast?”
“Why’d I… What do you mean why did I leave so fast?! Are you preparing for hell or something?! The shit was that? That wasn’t even a hand like when you do the dishes, no this was your whole arse body! Do you not feel that shit?!” His hands wave around, brows furrowed as he looks at you like you’re crazy.
You shake your head, walking over to him and kissing his head. “You’re so dramatic. It’s a good thing I love you.” You huff.
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have you done your daily click
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nightingale2004 · 7 months
Can everyone who has seen all the twilight movies answer me one....simple.....question?
Someone please answer me this
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palmofafreezinghand · 2 years
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emmett cullen's instagram.
the rest of the series here.
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onlytiktoks · 6 months
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alexyskinnerstories · 6 months
Bella's Aunt Characters Information pt. 2
- Uncle-in-law Marcel Gerard ( Alive)
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- Aunt-in-Law Davina Claire-Mikaelson ( Dead)
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- Aunt-in-Law Keelin Neveah Malraux-Mikaelson ( Alive)
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- Biological Uncle Henrik Mikaelson ( Dead)
Picture Here
( A picture will be put here or shown in future chapters when I bring him back to life in the story when I find my face claim for him.)
- Biological Sons Carson and Camron Swan
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- Future Aunt-In-Law Hayley Marshall
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More info
Sexuality: Lesbian (G!P)
Height Difference
Annabeth- " 6'5"
Esme- "5'6"
(Upgrade Original Vampire, Werewolf , Witch and Succubus )
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- Soulmate: Esme Cullen
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- Best Friends : Sue Clearwater, Harry Clearwater, Charlie and Billy Black
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zenmasterlover · 5 months
Rosalie deserves to have a baby of her own :( Emmett also had so much potential to be such a good dad
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kaitlinj16 · 1 year
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🦋365 Days / 365 Characters🦋
[270/365] Characters 》 Emmett Cullen
"I vote hell yeah. We can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way."
Requested by: @caitlyn-dreams
Hope you like this ;)
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0averysillygoose0 · 16 days
I can still make the whole place shimmer (with the skin of a killer Bella) - Prologue
Master list
Summary :
Angelica Cullen was supposed to have died over 300 years ago, but now she gets to watch as her adoptive brother stalks some girl from Arizona.
Born in the 1600s to one Carlisle Cullen and his first wife- a woman whose name has since faded into obscurity, Angelica was never supposed to amount to much more than marriage and children. Now a perpetual sixteen-year-old who wants nothing more than to be able to paint her nails in peace to the Mama Mia soundtrack, she finds herself with little to occupy her time.
Her relationship with her family is growing more strained by the day. The cycle of high school has long since become dull and draining, and despite her desperation for something else, she's forced to stay stagnant for 'the good of the family'.
A family who's wearing her patience thin.
Then Bella Swan moves to Forks and Angelica's pressure is suddenly raised as the Cullen family is thrown into a potentially life-ending challenge every five business days. The Quillute are watching closely, as are the Volturi for any slip-ups, and in the world of the supernatural, Angelica has the grace of a baby deer.
♡ ♡ ♡
Angelica Cullen had devoted much thought about how she would die throughout her short sixteen years of life.
Her parents had been taken so quickly, her father suddenly in the night under mysterious circumstances, and her mother by a cough that left her chin bloodstained and her body hollow. Angelica had always hoped she would be different. That when her time came, she’d go with dignity. She pictured her hair tinged with gray streaks, laugh lines creasing by her eyes and grown children standing by her bedside. She’d be asleep, peaceful and free from the pain that usually accompanied life seeping out from one’s body.
Apparently, that had been too kind of a fate.
Lying in the forest, covered only by a torn and dirtied dress, her bones bent out unnaturally and her face bruised beyond recognition, Angelica looked anything but dignified.
She ached horribly. The tightness of where she’d been gripped and held down by rough hands still lingered, tingling like a phantom across her wretched flesh. Blood streaked down her legs, pooling into her worn leather shoes, making its way in between the crevices of her toes. Patches of it had begun to dry, leaving the raised skin below stinging and itchy.
Through the cloud of white searing pain that muddled her thoughts, she tried to pull forth the prayers her grandfather used to have her recite. She once thought she’d never be able to rid her head of the repetitive lines. Now, they struggled to rise up through the blurred space of her mind. Her hair was matted to her forehead by sweat.
Once golden autumn dry leaves that lined the forest floor were soaked a murky scarlet below her. Wind pelted carelessly through the trees, rustling the branches, carrying her pleas away with the breeze. Her cries, once a myriad of pain and desperation, had long ago petered off into pathetic little whimpers. Now, they slipped from her chapped lips insignificantly, cutting in between indiscernible prayers.
“Oh God.”A pained, choked whisper came from above her.
She was too late for any savior, but she forced open her swollen eyes as best she could and was suddenly struck with confusion as to why the pain was persisting.
Angelica must be dead by now, she realized. The blurred face of the man hovering above her was one that had been stolen from her over ten years ago. She heard twigs beside her snap and groan as he crouched beside her. Blonde hair and a narrow nose peeked out through her swampy vision. She consoled herself with the fact that she’d at least made it to heaven if he was there to greet her.
“I’m so sorry, my girl.”
You’ve done nothing. She wanted to tell him, but she had yet to regain the ability to speak.
Angelica figured she must be hovering in some limbo between the afterlife and earth. He had come to retrieve her.
“I will fix this.” He promised brokenly, and his voice was far raspier than she’d remembered.
She closed her eyes once more, inky blackness replacing his features. This was it. She was going.
Angelica felt the ground beneath her, solid and lined with the forest’s discarded branches and foliage. Through broken lungs she took a final, shaking breath. She wondered if they had woods like this in heaven. She’d used to take strolls through them in the daylight. There was nothing left in them for her now. There was nothing left at all.
Something sharp punctured the last unmarred patch of skin on her neck and a burning pain ruptured into her veins, dashing what had come before it to pieces like waves against jagged rocks. A scream tore from her throat, carried away by the wind and muffled by the icy cold hand that was clasped over her mouth.
Her dead father’s eyes gleamed an eerie gold in the pale moonlight, blood staining the pearly whites of his teeth.
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twitt3rpate · 1 year
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Amelia "Mia" Catherine Cullen
div: " Cara Mia " available on Wattpad & ao3
— original twilight character
• biological daughter of Carlisle and Esme
• human (b. 1990)
• "baby of the family" - mia cullen
• enfp, enneagram 9, gemini
• highly sensitive and immensely self aware
• ambitions to become a pediatric surgeon and concert violinist
• head and heart girl, old soul with a love for jane austen
• immensely protective of those she loves and quick to befriend
• angelic but angry
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pettytiredandjewish · 27 days
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saja20 · 2 months
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Twilight Series - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Emmett Cullen/Harry Potter, Alice Cullen/Jasper Hale, Carlisle Cullen/Esme Cullen, Regulus Black/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Rosalie Hale/Bill Weasley, Jacob Black/Bella Swan, Edward Cullen/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Emmett Cullen, Harry Potter, Alice Cullen, Jasper Hale, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Regulus Black, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Charlie Swan, Billy Black, Jacob Black Additional Tags: Creature Fic, Domestic Fluff, Vampires, Kitsune Harry Potter, True Mates, Regulus Black Lives, Regulus Black Raises Harry Potter, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent Summary:
Regulus is Harry's bearer and not Lily. Severus saves him when he goes to get the horcrux. James wastes no time replacing Regulus with Lily and claiming to the world that Harry is Lily's baby and not Regulus. So Severus and Regulus plot to steal back his son and disappear to a small town in Washington.
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yeomking · 3 months
Boa noite, pessoal. Que tal acompanhar a trajetória de um vampiro recém-criado e sem memórias de sua vida humana nesse friozinho gostoso que se alastra pelo país?
Nathaniel é um vampiro recém-despertado que ao buscar a verdade sobre si mesmo e quem foi antes de acordar para uma nova vida, se depara com uma família de vampiros excêntricos que tem residência fixa em Forks, na Península de Olympic, Washington.
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