#chat we went from “secretly likes when their clothes smell like you” to “actually it irks them. it DISGUSTS them. stay AWAY.”
wambsgender · 2 years
How do you think Tom and Shiv spent their time together before the show?
Like I really can't imagine them going on dates and talking and having actual fun? i always get the vibe that they are like exclusively sex, complain about dad, and make fun of others kinda couple.
i am VERY glad you asked this, because my friends and i had a big long chat about this a few weeks ago.
in a good handful of interviews mattmac and co. have posited that they met when shiv was in a particularly fragile place, most likely after a terrible relationship (that in itself is very interesting to me, as it tells us she recognises the kind of dynamics she is uncomfortable in when it comes to romantic relationships but not familial ones) and tom was dependable and entirely adoring and all of that. i suspect that this previous awful partner was one from within the billionaire circles with all the associated awful traits of being young, rich, and untouchable.
so i think what drew her to tom was the fact that he was something entirely out of the roy sphere. it was a relationship with no business benefits, no advisor telling her the visuals were good, etc. it was something she could choose for herself and trust that not a word of her complaining about dad would make it back to him. but she could also trust that whatever they did together would be FUN. and that's what i think really particularly drew her to tom: he was fun! the silly goofy persona that we really don't get to see much of anymore must have been so refreshing in comparison to all these cold fuckers whose only highs are in the same kind of drugs and the same kind of parties over and over.
i think you're absolutely right that these days, and definitely in the period leading up to the events of the show, they've mellowed to sex and bitching. but i do also think that in the start his very earnest attempts to treat her well, to dote on her and do things by hand would have spoken to a woman raised without a cloth mother. i think he sort of took on that role for her, the cloth mother — i can see him cooking for her in the early days, and her sort of snidely remarking they could have just got this at a restaurant, but secretly watching every step in the process of washing and chopping ingredients, sweating onions, gently turning things over, adding spices and smells (though it amazes her how quickly the smells can go from beautiful and appetising to a stink lingering in her clothes...) peeling fruit for her as dessert — i can see her watching all of this with a rush of glee at the simple idea of someone having only her on their mind throughout all of these steps. and tom gets really really good at telling when she's enjoying it, and doesn't ask her to say "thank you" or "this is great", because he knows she's not trained to use those words, and he can see it on her face or in the way that she curls up against him later when they stay in to watch a show tom enjoys and shiv insists is silly, and she watches it anyway.
i also think they definitely went on tons of dates that she didn't enjoy, but she almost didn't mind retrospectively, because she had concrete proof that this man was racking his brains to figure out who she was and what she liked. she ended up quite liking the floristry workshop, especially when their bouquet is empirically, astronomically better than any of the uncoordinated disasters by the other couples, who are doomed to bin their flowers on the way out and argue the whole way home. they laugh about this. they laugh about the couple who are clearly doing this as part of a counselling exercise, the couple who are clinging to each other the whole time as though the class was a clumsy porn intro.
the worst date he ever takes her on is ice skating. but the way he pretends not to mind that she hates it is more romantic than any of the fancy candlelit dinners or rose petals in the bath or on the bed. the trouble comes when the novelty of all this wears off, and the cloth mother stops being comforting and becomes suffocating, because it's unfamiliar and scary when you've been raised on wires. and i think that's where we meet them in the pilot, where shiv is beginning to find him a little much, now that she's had her fill of a man who genuinely loves her. he knows her too well, and he's moving up the waystar ladder because he actually might be quite good at his job, and he's suddenly a real person in the roy world as well as her own personal one. and there's just no time for it anymore.
either this or . OR they were gay besties and did gay bestie friend dates until she realised he was not in fact not calling her 'girlfriend' or 'babe' or 'darling' in a homosexual way. (this is the better answer)
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floralguccistyles · 3 years
Tumblr media
prologue: soupe à l’oignon
Michel’s soupe a l’oignon was burning.
Michel had also been through a terrible breakup the night before in which he had found his boyfriend of almost seven years in bed with their personal trainer. Then Michel’s boyfriend had announced that he and this personal trainer were actually married, per a terrible ceremony in Las Vegas when they were both drunk. Therefore, Michel was technically the other man. Michel had never been the other man before. He was obviously having a rough time.
But the fucking soup was burning.
“Michel! The soup!” Italia shouted before the scent could officially assault all of my senses. The second the words left her mouth, however, I could smell it. The onions were burning to a crisp. There would be no saving them, of this I knew. 
“Shit!” Michel yelled, immediately turning off the heat of the stove. He went to go grab the saucepan and the hurried “no!” didn’t leave my mouth fast enough as he gripped the cast iron handle with his bare hand for approximately three seconds before he yelped and dropped it back down on the stove top with a slamming sound. “Shit, shit shit!” he repeated, clutching his wrist with his other hand. 
“Let me see,” I demanded, moving away from my own meal (which would be fine and not on the verge of burning for at least another five minutes) and towards Michel. He held out his hand to me with tears in his eyes and I honestly felt bad for the guy. 
I just also felt really, really bad for the customer who was waiting for their soup.
“Go run it under cool water. Cool, Michel, not cold. Ice-cold will damage the tissue even more. Then get a rag wet and hold it over. You can just go ahead and take your fifteen.”
“My soup—”
“Italia and I will handle it,” I interrupted. The more time we wasted standing here arguing was time that could have been spent trying to salvage the soup. It didn’t help that we were already down a chef, since Frederick’s wife was giving birth, but we would make do. Italia and I always did.
“Thanks, Dom. I’ll be in the lounge.”
Lounge was a loose term. It was a tiny little room in the back that looked dingy and unkempt. Still, it was enough to pass health inspections. Only about two people could fit back there at a time, which was why I usually just sat in my car for my breaks.
“Sounds good, Michel.” My eyes locked with Italia, who was already working on melting the butter and oil for Michel’s soup in a new saucepan. Isobel, one of our dishwashers, had already grabbed the pan Michel had ruined and was scrubbing it clean with her thick rubber gloves on her hands. At least I knew she wasn’t going to be burned. 
When Michel turned to go into the lounge, I grabbed an onion and automatically began chopping it. “Sorry, Italia,” I muttered under my breath, knowing she could hear me just fine. We had gotten used to the hustle and bustle of the kitchen.
“It’s fine. Tell Louis to offer them a dessert on the house because this soup is going to take at least another fifteen.”
I wanted to slam my head against the counter. Or better yet, use the pan Isobel was now putting on the drying rack to hit over my head. “Fuck. Alright.” 
Finding Louis was easy enough. He was making his rounds in the front of the restaurant, his pleasant attitude most likely earning him more than average tips. The kind of people who came to Lesauvage were wealthy enough to tip generously. Sometimes they didn’t, but for the most part, Louis wouldn’t be starving anytime soon. “Louis!” I hissed under my breath when he passed by the kitchen doors, cups in hands to refill. He jumped comically.
“Christ, Dom, you scared me,” he replied in a quiet voice, not wanting any of the customers to hear. “What?”
“Tell table eleven there was a complication with their soup and dessert is on the house.”
“What the fuck happened to their soup?”
I raised a brow. “Michel made it.”
Michel’s boyfriend drama had already made it around the restaurant. Twice. Chefs were a nosy bunch. Louis nodded in understanding and filled up a cup with iced tea as he looked towards where I assumed table eleven was. I actually hadn’t ever really paid attention to the front setup of Lesauvage because I had always entered through the back door.
“Fine. But I’m recommending the chocolate mousse because you’re here and you make it the best.”
“Compliments will get you everywhere,” I replied with a wink.
He grinned. “Got me into your bed, didn’t it?”
Louis and I had a fling when I had started working at Lesauvage. I was fresh out of culinary school, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and he was the experienced waiter who comforted me in the lounge my first day when my boss had completely ripped me a new one. He was the unattainable, three-years-older coworker who I was moon-eyed over for at least five months before we actually slept together. And once we had, it was like some switch had been flipped inside my body and he was suddenly nothing but a friend.
Thank the fucking lord he felt the same way.
“You’re damn right it did. Now go make me proud, Tomlinson.”
When I hastily returned to the kitchen, Italia was already ten times ahead where Michel had been with the soup. I sent her a thankful look and grabbed the beef stock, passing it her way as I grabbed a knife and began chopping the green onions for my own dish. 
As much as I complained about the hustle and bustle of the kitchen, I secretly thrived in it. It was what I had missed when I had been in culinary school. So many of my classmates cooked their meals silently. When I cooked at home, I blasted music and sang loudly and off-key to myself. At work, I had the conversation of other people. I liked learning about Italia’s kids and Isobel’s ex-boyfriend who kept trying to call her. I even liked Michel, even though right now he wasn’t my favorite person in the world. 
School had been lonely. At least here I felt like I belonged.
“They’re good for the chocolate mousse!” Louis shouted over the sound of Isobel doing the dishes and Italia chopping more vegetables. 
“You’re a saint, Tomlinson!” I replied, dropping the spices needed onto Italia’s cutting board. She slid them into the soup with her knife and the skill of a seasoned Lesauvage veteran. 
The chocolate mousse was luckily already in the fridge cooling from my prep this morning, so I didn’t have to worry about making it at that exact moment. I did finish the salad I was working on and passed it off to Sydney, who was another runner. She grabbed the plate and sped off to table seven. 
The time went by quickly when I was in the kitchen. My thoughts could roam  because the movements of cooking were muscle memory at this point. When I had first been hired, I had been terrified to mess anything up. The first time I had pulled a Michel, I had cried. My boss had yelled at me pretty badly, but had brought me into his office afterwards to apologize and assure me that I was doing a great job. Now, it felt like second nature to pour the green onions into the butter garlic sauce that was sautéing. And when Italia handed me the soup that she had completed, I sent her a grateful look and wasted no time in handing it off to Louis. We worked as a team here.
I thrived on that.
“Get those chocolate mousses out and ready,” I told Michel when he came back from his break. His hand didn’t look too worse for wear, but he looked decently embarrassed. I knew, at least for tonight, there would be no more mistakes. 
“I’m really sorry, Dom,” he said softly, preparing for my anger.
“It’s fine, Michel. Just work on desserts for now, okay? But this is the comp dessert for table eleven, so try to pay attention, yeah?”
He hung his head, but nodded and went to go prep the mousse. It wasn’t that Michel wasn’t talented. He wouldn’t have been hired if he hadn’t been a great chef. But the boyfriend thing was really getting to him. I hoped he had at least the next two days off to recoup.
“Dom,” I heard Louis say about thirty minutes later as he walked through the kitchen door. He had the empty plates from table eleven in his hand and handed them off to Isobel. “They’re ready for the dessert.” He eyed me questionably when Michel handed them off to me, as if it was wrong that I had let Michel touch them after his little mishap but I had faith in the chefs. “These better be good,” Louis said in a warning tone.
“I made them, Tomlinson, of course they’re good,” I snapped, clicking my tongue in annoyance. It was a bad habit I had done when I was a kid and never seemed to shake it. 
He shrugged, taking the completed desserts and walking back out to the restaurant. “They looked great, Michel!” I encouraged, turning to continue chopping the beef I had been working on before Louis had come in. 
When I cooked, time passed by without my notice. What felt like two minutes later but was really thirty, Louis walked back into the kitchen with a solemn look on his face. “They want to see the chef.”
“Table eleven.”
Shit. “You said they were fine with the soup, yeah?” Louis nodded, which meant the problem was with the chocolate mousse. And since Michel had done nothing but added the whipped cream and chocolate shavings on top, if they had a real problem with the mousse, it was on me. “Fuck. Alright. Italia, can you finish this dish for me really quick?”
Italia nodded, looking up from the celery she was chopping to examine the chicken I was seasoning to see how much she would need to do to complete it. Nervously wiping my hands on my apron after I washed them quickly, I tried to make myself look a little more presentable. It was rare that chefs were invited to the front of the restaurant, so we were usually unkempt and had food on our clothes. It didn’t matter to me what I looked like as long as the food was good, but I knew it was a shock to the high-end patrons of the restaurant.
Louis led me over to table eleven, where three people were sitting. There were two men and one gorgeous woman that looked like she could model for a living. She was happily chatting and holding hands with one of the men, excitedly waving around her free hand. He looked engrossed in her story, nodding and smiling and staring at her like she was the best thing in the world. Their companion was simply taking sips of his wine (a wonderful red that went really well with the chocolate mousse and I thanked Louis for obviously recommending it to them) and pursing his lips in response to whatever the woman was saying.
She stopped talking when she noticed Louis and sent a blinding smile at us. “This is the chef, I presume?”
“Dominique Blanchard,” I said, holding out my hand for her to shake. I was thankful I had run my hands under some soap and water. We weren’t allowed to have our nails painted in case some of the varnish fell off into the food, but her fingers were perfectly manicured and painted a vibrant blue. “I’m sorry again about the soup. We had an incident in the kitchen.”
She waved it off. “The soup was fine. That chocolate mousse, however? It was to die for!”
I felt my shoulders deflate. I had been so worried that they were upset with their experience or food that I hadn’t even thought they had wanted to chat because they enjoyed their meal. “Thank you. It’s a Lesauvage specialty.”
“Dominique makes it the best,” Louis supplied helpfully from behind me. I grinned nervously.
“We all loved it,” the man holding her hand spoke, and I was surprised to hear an Irish accent. “It was the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” And I was glad it took the attention off the fact that their soup was late. The other man stayed quiet, simply ignoring the conversation as he sipped at his wine again. 
“I have the weirdest proposition for you. Please feel free to say no if you don’t want to, but I would kick myself if I didn’t ask.”
My eyes strayed back to the woman, who was talking to me politely. 
“I’m two months pregnant,” she said happily, her hand going to her stomach like most pregnant women did when their pregnancy was announced, “and I’m so incredibly exhausted nowadays. I can barely muster up enough energy to come out to dinner, let alone make myself toast in the morning. And your chocolate mousse was the only thing I’ve been able to keep down for more than thirty minutes. I was wondering if you’d ever consider being a personal chef?”
Chefs at Lesauvage being asked to become personal chefs for celebrities or rich individuals wasn’t as uncommon as one would think. The chef I had replaced had left to become a personal chef for some actress who split her time between London and Los Angeles. As far as I knew, he simply travelled with her. But it was the first time the suggestion had ever been brought up to me, the first time that someone had liked my food that much.
Which was why my mouth comically fell open.
“I could pay you plenty!” she said, which led me to believe she was well-off. Well, that and the fact that she was eating at Lesauvage, which wasn’t exactly known for their cheap meal choices. “I just...I’m so tired all the time. The doctor said it was normal, but I don’t even want to get up out of bed sometimes. And I’m only two months along! I can’t imagine trying to cook myself meals when I’m eight months. You’d cook some things for Niall and Harry too, of course.” She gestured to the two males sitting with her. 
“This is...I’m sorry, this is just incredibly unexpected,” I managed to stutter out.
“Of course, I’m so sorry I’m just flinging this on you. How about I give you my number and I’ll get back to you in about a week or so? Will that give you enough time to think it over?”
“Yes, of course.” Taking her number wouldn’t hurt, I told myself. She had a little card in her wallet with her information on it, and I saw that she actually was a model. 
“I’ll be in touch soon. Thank you so much, Dominique. I’ll probably be dreaming about that chocolate mousse for the next six months.”
I was able to laugh at her joke even though it still felt like someone had shaken me into a concussion. I exchanged goodbyes with the three of them as they left the restaurant, leaving a more than generous tip for Louis. 
“Well that was nice of them,” Louis said, clapping me on my shoulder. “Think about it, yeah? It’s not the worst idea in the world.”
It wasn’t. But I couldn’t think about the proposition until my shift was done tonight.
Welcome to the world of Mise en Place! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and are as excited to read this fic as I am to share it!
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acnelli · 3 years
A Favourite
My entry for Ron’s Chessboard Fest 2021.
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: T
Summary: Ron discovers a group chat that is discussing just how handsome he actually is.
Thanks to TheUltimateUndesirable for organising the Fest.
This prompt had been submitted by @accio-broom​ who also happened to be the beta for this story. Your help and suggestions are always so much appreciated!
@accio-broom​ got inspired by this post by @headcanonsandmore​. So, thank you for the lovely idea! I wanted to write this ever since I saw this post and prompt 39 fit the bill perfectly.
You can also read this story on AO3 & FFN.
“Where are you guys meeting tonight?” Hermione asked as she and Harry cleared the table while Ron and Ginny set up the cleaning charms. 
“George’s place this time,” Ron answered and swooped up some foam of the soapy dishwater to smear it across Hermione’s cheek. 
Sometime after the war, the Weasley siblings established the tradition to meet up once a month. Just the six of them going out for a pint or simply getting pissed at one of their places. This resulted in another kind of meet up, consisting of the Weasley siblings’ significant others. Tonight, they would play a French card game which Fleur insisted on being a lot of fun. The rest of them simply agreed because most of the time, they ended up just talking and drinking anyway. 
Playfully swatting Ron’s hand away, Hermione cleaned her face with a tea towel, placing it neatly back on the designated hook. Kreacher liked the kitchen to be spotless, and letting them cook for themselves every now and then at all had already been a huge compromise from Kreacher’s side. So, they always made sure to clean up after themselves; otherwise, Kreacher would immediately take over all kitchen duties again. 
Ginny sat down on Harry’s lap when all the plates and cutlery were taken care of and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. She lifted Harry’s left arm to check the time on the gold watch the Weasley’s gifted him years ago. 
“Ron, we should’ve left already.”
“Gin, you know every single Weasley is a notorious latecomer. Except for Percy, maybe. George will probably be not even out of the shower when we arrive,” Ron reasoned as he rummaged through the fridge for the sixpack of Muggle beer he bought to bring to George, “or taking a shite.”
While Ginny and Harry snickered, nodding their heads in agreement, Hermione just sighed and rolled her eyes. At some point, she gave up berating Ron about his foul mouth. It was a lost cause, and while she would never admit it out loud, she would definitely miss it if he suddenly stopped cursing. Mainly because over the years, Hermione gathered some exclusive knowledge about what to do for Ron to bring forth a particular choice of swear words.
Ron hardly censored himself, except when Teddy, Victoire and Molly were in the room. Not only would Mrs Weasley twist Ron’s ear off, Hermione definitely drew the line when children were present. She could’ve also lived without the image of George sitting on the toilet. 
They heard the fireplace roar to life, and a few moments later, Audrey came into the kitchen, dressed in grey tracksuit bottoms, white trainers and an oversized blue shirt that sure enough belonged to Percy. Her outfit clashed with the fancy bottle of wine she held in her left hand. 
Hermione looked at Ron, who she had to talk out of wearing his trackies tonight, and into a pair of nicely fitting jeans instead, along with one of his old Cannon shirts. He lifted an eyebrow at her when he saw Audrey’s casual clothes, but Hermione ignored it. 
Audrey sat down with a heavy sigh. “I knew I’m too early. Why am I dating someone so over-punctual?”
“You’re not because Gin and I are leaving now.” Ron laughed as he gave Audrey a quick hug before kissing Hermione and wishing them a fun night. “Don’t do what I wouldn’t do.”
“I think we’re fine then,” Harry commented from behind Ron, where Ginny gave him a peck on the cheek before heading out of the kitchen. 
As Ron turned around, Hermione pinched his arse, not ashamed to cop a feel as she gave him an innocent smile, and he rewarded her with his trademark lopsided grin. “Is this why you wanted me to wear these tight jeans? So, you could properly feel me up?” He asked as he leaned down to give Hermione another kiss.
“ROOON!” Ginny cried from the living room before he could properly snog his girlfriend again. He sighed and gave her a quick peck on the mouth instead.
“Actually, I wanted you to wear them so I can ogle you from behind.” She whispered before he went out of earshot. Ron didn’t turn around, but he gave his hips an extra swing before vanishing out of the kitchen. 
“God, that was gross,” Audrey commented but winked at Hermione anyway, “How can you stand that every day, Harry?” 
Harry was just about to give her an answer when they heard several people arriving via floo, and he settled for just rolling his eyes instead. 
Accompanied by a cloud of some very nice smelling perfume, Fleur glided into the kitchen and right behind her appeared a tall, blonde man Hermione and Harry never met before. This had to be Charlie’s new boyfriend. Ron and Ginny met him last Sunday over at the Burrow when both Harry and Hermione stayed at home since they still had been recovering from a rather nasty case of the flu. 
Fleur took Finn –as he introduced himself in a thick Swedish accent– directly with her from the Burrow where she put Victoire to bed and where Molly and Arthur happily watched over their first grandchild. Harry was secretly happy to finally have another guy in their round again. Not that he minded the company of Hermione, Fleur, Angelina and Audrey. Actually, he always enjoyed their monthly gatherings, but it was nice to not be the only rooster in the yard.
“I’m here, I’m here! I just wanted to stop by the store to grab some more Butterbeer.” Angelina said and put the bottles on the kitchen table. As always, they had a good variety of booze to choose from; Angelina’s Butterbeer, wine from both Fleur and Audrey, the Firewhiskey Harry bought yesterday, and some Cider Hermione picked up from her way home from work. It was way too much already, of course, but that didn’t stop Kreacher from making so much elf wine that they’ll probably never had to buy alcohol ever again. 
As Hermione and Harry added some glasses and snacks, Audrey observed the table with a huge smile on her face. She clapped her hands in childish glee, grabbed a bottle of wine and started to fill Hermione’s wine glass. 
“Fleur, explain that card game to us.”
Ron was annoyed. 
Because his dear brother was utter rubbish at calculating what would be the appropriate amount of booze for six people, they ran out of beer and whiskey after not even two hours. Due to his bad luck at rock paper scissors, he ended up going back to Grimmauld Place to get them some more beer and one or two bottles of Kreacher’s wine.
The moment he walked through the fireplace, loud shrieks and booming laughter sounded over from the kitchen. Ron planned to just quickly walk into the kitchen, taking what they needed out of the fridge and go back to George’s place. He stopped in his tracks as the conversation filtered through to the living room because he didn’t want his presence to be known just yet.  
“…okay, okay, Hermione. Don’t look at me like that. I complimented your choice in men. Ron is a stilig karl.” Finn said, his booming voice carrying easily over to the living room. Ron didn’t know what stilig karl meant, but from what context he was able to overhear, Finn might’ve just said something nice about him. 
As silently as possible, he stepped out into the hallway where he could hear the conversation better but would remain undetected by the occupants of the kitchen. 
“I personally like his jawline, especially when he lets it go stubbly. It’s…,” Audrey snipped her fingers, “very tempting to touch sometimes. Remember Sunday afternoon after lunch? I kind of had to restrict myself from starring at his jaw when he listened to the Cannons game on the radio. Such determination.”
Ron was sure he was glowing in the dark as he felt the blush creeping up his neck, his face no doubt looking like a tomato. He expected many things, but he certainly didn’t expect to run into this kind of conversation. 
“What does Percy have to say about you lusting over his brother?” Hermione asked, and Ron had to stop himself from bursting out into a laugh because he could practically see her narrowing her eyes. 
“Oh, Hermione, don’t be such a prude. There is nothing wrong with admiring somebody else than your own partner. It eez only natural.”
Ron could not hear Hermione clear enough, but he thought he could hear her muttering something like ‘I’m not a prude.’ 
“Does somebody else has a favourite part of Ron they want to elaborate on? Or can we finally start the next round of cards?” Again, the red-head tried his hardest not to laugh when everyone just ignored Hermione’s sarcasm and, indeed, continued elaborating on the topic.
“His arse!” Angelina offered. From the way she was dragging the ‘s’ a little, he could tell she was already slightly tipsy. “Ron has a very nice bum. Do you guys train your arses in these weekly training sessions at work, Harry?”
Of course, this brought forth another wave of hysterical laughter, which only intensified when Finn told Harry to keep him in mind for these arse workouts. “Maybe I’ll learn something.”
When Angelina recovered from her giggling fit, she declared to Harry she too wants to sign up for that training then added, “But Ron had a nice arse before Auror training anyway.”
“And when did you notice that may I ask?”
“Hermione, it’s almost impossible to play Quidditch and not have a nice arse. Sitting on a broom for hours is no picnic for those muscles,” Angelina answered, unfazed by Hermione’s haughty undertone while Audrey let out something between a snort and laugh, resulting in a rather violent coughing fit. 
“Don’t you agree, Hermione?” Angie asked innocently as she clapped the still coughing Audrey on the back. 
All the ruckus must have summoned Crooshanks because the ginger cat ran towards Ron. He quickly picked him up and started to scratch him behind the ear, successfully stopping him from running inside the kitchen and surely disrupting the conversation inside. And a shame this would be, considering Ron really wanted to hear his girlfriend’s answer.
“I certainly agree,” Hermione said calmly, “Ron hated his hand-me-down jeans, but I always had been very fond of them. Especially, their tendency to hug him in all the right places.”
So much for these new tight jeans, she talked him into buying, Ron thought, not being able to stop the huge grin splitting his face. Running into this conversation certainly was a pleasant coincidence. 
Apparently, the others didn’t expect Hermione to answer so smoothly because a chorus of approving whistles startled Crookshanks, and Ron almost dropped him when the cat clawed at his arm. 
“So, you guys are mostly fond of his arse,” Finn mused, taking a quick swig of his beer, “which is understandable but did you ever notice his shoulders? Ron has the best kind of build; slim waist and broad shoulders without looking burly. Please don’t tell Charlie I said that.”
“Tall and handsome, just like my Bill,” Fleur agreed, Hermione giving an annoyed groan that did nothing to stop the French witch from elaborating, “but I say, Ron’s arms and hands are ze best thing about him. Of course, I hate he got zis scars in ze first place, but I think zey accentuate his arms and big hands rather nicely.”
“Well, Fleur. That surprises no one, I think.” Harry said, joining the conversation for the first time since Ron listened in. 
“Don’t even encourage this, Harry,” Hermione whined, “How could find it not weird we lust over your best friend?” 
Ron knew full well that Harry would tease Hermione, and probably him too, forever about this, so Harry’s next words weren’t too surprising. 
“Well, actually…if I would play for the other team,” Harry obviously made a point to make a meaningful pause here, and Ron really, really wished he could see Hermione’s face right now, “…I mean, if we approach this in a logical manner…I have a thing for red-heads after all.”
The next outburst of laughter, surely about Hermione’s expression, sent Crookshanks in a frenzy for real now, and the bloody cat let out a loud wail and wriggled out of Ron’s arms, scratching the side of Ron’s neck before jumping down over his shoulder. 
If not for Crookshanks loud entrance into the kitchen (why he would bolt towards the noise that scared him was beyond Ron’s understanding), Ron’s colourful cursing tipped off the others about his presence. 
Well aware he had been caught, Ron followed Hermione’s cat into the kitchen, red-eared and shyly waving at everyone. “Hello…”
Before he could offer some kind of explanation, a furiously blushing Hermione jumped up from her seat, bolted towards Ron and without another word, took his hand and dragged him off towards the stairs. “Make sure to take good care of this new scratch on his neck, Hermione!” Audrey shouted after them, accompanied by the other’s laughter. 
With a loud bang, their bedroom door shut, and Hermione immediately pressed Ron against it, showering him with kisses and roaming hands. Slightly puzzled but equally enthusiastic, Ron took Hermione’s face into his hands, deepening the kiss and enjoying the feeling of her body pressed up against his. As they finally came up for air, Hermione nudged him towards their bed, but Ron didn’t move from his place by the door. 
“Hermione, you know they just said that to take the mickey, right?” Ron grinned at her and gave her a wink, “Riling you up is apparently not just my favourite past time.”
“You think they only said that to rile me up?” Hermione raised a questioning eyebrow as she took his hand and resumed her mission to get him into the direction of the bed. “
This time he complied, Hermione lying down onto the soft mattress and tugging on Ron’s belt, making him fall right on top of her. “Of course, you would think that,” Hermione whispered. 
“Think what?”
“That the others just said that to rile me up.” Hermione answered, her hands slowly roaming up and down Ron’s back, “I don’t get possessive over nothing, you know.”
“If…you…say…so,” Ron murmured between the kisses he placed on her neck. He paused his trail towards that special place behind Hermione’s ear to look at her with an awfully smug smile. “I did not plan to wear them again, but I’ll gladly dig those old jeans out of the wardrobe. You know, for the sake of making you happy…and also probably Angelina.”
“Shut up and charm the door!” she said as Hermione let her hands wander over his jeans-clad arse, silently marvelling about its firmness. 
As her hands and mouth wandered over his shoulders, his arms and his scars, and as his hands cupped her face and his blue eyes looked down at her with an expression that always spoke directly to her heart, she decided that every part of Ron was her favourite part.  
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rangergranger11 · 4 years
Headcanons (I promise these won’t make you cry)
Ok so on @eatyourdamnpears post there were a lot of headcanons, and I decided to put them all in one post, but just bear in mind, half of this is credit to @thedarkestcrew cuz she did some amazing HCs, and I’m by no means stealing hers, just putting it all in a better place.
- Liam sends packages to Ruby because he can't make a fool out of himself in person so it's the next best thing. 
-These packages include things like hand writing notes, stuffed animals, any ruby jewellery he finds, pictures of them on dates that he printed (he has matching pictures and keeps them under his bed)( Cole and Harry find them but it's too cute to tease him), and finally, videos to make her laugh
- He also keeps a menu from Ruby Tuesday, and LOADS of old CDs and rock band t shirts
-Cole and him borrow each others jackets all the time and it's not a problem because they live in the same house and they can just go over to the room next door, 
-But when ruby starts stealing Liam’s jackets that he stole from Cole? well now the Stewart house is missing 10 leather jackets and you can't just get them form the girl who lives a state away. So she has to send them back in the mail,
-keeps a few that smell like Liam because she can
-sometimes people are confused which Stewart brother Ruby is really dating. And the fact that they look like twins it adds to the confusion, and the Ruby and Cole literally love to watch people get so mixed up
-oh absolutely, they’ll walk in on ruby and Liam making out, but two second later see Cole smoothing Down her hair and calling her Gem, AND seeing her he friendly with Chubs and cleaning his glasses because her skirt has better fabric for it, AND seeing her joke around with Nico
-it becomes a bet to see who she's with
-Liam will give Ruby his jacket, but than Cole comes and notices it's his jacket and makes a joke about them dating, she just gives him the jacket because she'd rather wear lee'. bystanders are distraught
-  And then Clancy comes along and brags about how he kissed Ruby and then the people who bet are just like 'where. the. hell. did. clancy. frickin. gray. come. from???
-Ruby thinks most of the rumours are funny and will be really vague about who her boyfriend is. most of the time just seeing Ruby and Liam together will be enough for people to figure it out by how the are relaxed around each other and look lovingly at the other.
-But when she hears the Clancy rumour she shuts that down faster than Charles scarfs Down a pancake
- Also, Liam's mum and Harry have an ongoing bet about who Ruby is actually dating because it's just so confusing at this point. Grace is like 'are you blind???' and Harry Is like 'there's something with Cole, I swear!!' But eventually realised its Liam and gives in
- Grace thinks she’s dating Cole, because when she visited she hugged Cole first and than a minute later hugged Liam. Yes, she went out to the park with Liam but grace doesn't know that, also she spend 20 minutes in Coles room chatting. She thinks Liam just has a crush on her or something 
- Ruby's parents can't tell them apart for anything and made a rule of " announce who you are before talking" after Liam kissed Ruby on the cheek and her mom thought that was the same person who told someone to go-F themselves ten minutes ago and nearly faints. It takes them a while the even figure out there are two blond southern men that flirt with their daughter
 -Grace is always giving Liam encouraging mom advice like, 'there are always others' and 'you'll get there someday' and Liam is just like 'thanks, mom'
-Ruby's dad is just so tired of confusing Liam and Cole, he's like 'Stewart sr' and 'Stewart jr.' He tried to call them 'Ruby's boyfriend' and Ruby's friend, but Cole answered to both just for the fun of it
-Chubs does not think it's funny at all and spits out what he's drinking when he sees Cole look when her dad says ' Ruby's boyfriend'. almost strangles Ruby until he hears about it. 
-Vida thinks it's really funny but event breaks and tells everyone it's a joke the day after. she doesn't know how many more times she can see Liam pouting
-After the Cole fiasco is over. his parents wait about a week and try to get Liam with Ruby. it's a bunch of prep talks, buying new clothes, telling him how to not mess up. when the big date comes her kisses her as a hello and they feel betrayed
-When ruby’s dad says the jr, sr thing he has Harry looking too and now he just needs to have ruby in the room with him, whoever’s face gets softer Is Liam, the one who stands up to tease her about something is Cole
-One day they talk about it and their 70 percent sure it’s Cole because they think he’s more her type while Liam would be good for her. Anyways they see her making out with Liam and are shocked and think she’s cheating on Cole.
-Harry had to sit Cole down and explain that Ruby isn’t faithful and Cole is absolutely loving it. He’s eating it all up, goes along with it, calls ruby in-front of him and ‘breaks up with her’, she also thinks it’s hilarious because for crying out loud it’s been a few month into the new program and why not see how long they can keep going. I swear they have a whole plot on how they met, what line made them fall in love the, whole 9 yards. 
-Grams knows of course because she pulled her aside and threatened her to date Liam because he’s the poster ’ nice southern boy’. Liam does not enjoy his girl friend pretending to date his brother but she throws enough Liam flirting into the mix to make it even.
- when Cole ‘breaks up’ with her, they have a fully fledged fake argument, like ‘remember that time when we got ice cream and you told me you told me you loved me’ and ‘you never loved me!!’ And for Ruby this is easy, because let’s face it Ruby is a grade A liar (in a good way) and Cole should be a 5 star actor because he is so damn dramatic. 
-Harry is totally buying this, and in the end they confess to their parents that Ruby + Cole was never a thing, and Liam is just looking at his mum like ‘SEE, I TOLD YOU I WASN’T A TOTAL LOSER’ and poor Grace just bakes a bunch of things just to make it up to him, and they all have a laugh about it. 
-But it was getting to the point where Ruby’s parents asked Zu which one she was dating and she was like ‘I am not getting involves in this.’ and Cole is just giving her a discreet thumbs up for playing her part while she just rolls her eyes.
-Oh absolutely they get into it, everyone who knows their lying get popcorn and treat it like its a movie. Cole says something absolutely ridiculous like “ you can take my heart, and my dignity, but I’m taking back the popcorn I gave you that one time” and Ruby has to use all of her enegery to not burst out laughing. 
-Ruby can also fake cry quickly so she’s sobbing, and by the end schools her face within a second and wipes away to tears Cooly. Ruby’s mom can’t trust her after that. also still kinda doesnt belive she’s dating anyone because of the Cole thing. Liam comes over 5 times before she’s convinced that this isn’t another prank. Ruby tells her she’s going on a date Saturday and says “ ha ya alright I’m not falling for that again” and than on saturday spends 6 minutes looking around the house for her before calling her and realizing that she wasent kidding
-Vida definitely films the whole thing like it's some telenovela, while Chubs is rolling her eyes at her but Zu secretly loves the drama and her stupid family. And Rubiam parents mention this at their wedding as well like, Ruby's dad would be doing a speech 'today we are gathered for the union of my daughter and Cole- Liam, i meant Liam. Its definitely Liam. Right Ruby??'
-Cole shows up to Haven for a visit about to yell at Liam and Ruby for not inviting him sooner after Harry and Grace let the location slip
( I know cole being dead is one of the things that sparked haven being made on liams part, but let's just say the spark for haven was Ruby getting harassed and Liam not being able to see her like that and asking her to run away with him to the middle of no where. Good? Great)
-Cole is about to walk through the door before a kid puts a frog in his hand and another kid asks if he can beat the level on his game boy.
-he thinks it's really adorable and the kids start calling him Liam for a Few minutes so why not,
-anyways he sneezes in a lone hallway and lights something small on fire before quickly putting it out.
-Owen is coming out of his room but sees the panic in Coles eyes and says ' hey, I'm not one to judge' and walks back into his room.
-When Ruby gets home she stops and stares at him for a full minute like " that's..... not Liam????"
-he calls her gem and she can't decide between jumping a hug onto him or punching him.
-Liam gets home and the kids all do a double take like ' you changed shirts??? can got a hair cut????' before doing a double take between the two
-Loads of the kids gather around and start making daisy chains for Cole’s hair, and he freaking loves it.
-He’s surprisingly good with kids as they all hover around him asking questions, holding his hand and showing him random things and it warms Ruby’s heart so much
Again, credit to @thedarkestcrew for thinking all of this, and this post has been fun 
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slightlymore · 4 years
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Disclaimer: I do not consider Jaehyun a fuckboy in the derogatory sense of the term, he’s just very flirty and cocky in this piece for entertaining purposes okay lol alright let’s go; also, no, the snail title has nothing to do with the sexy situation lol dw, it’s a cursed one but not that cursed Words: 5K Warnings: mention of blood (regarding a little cut on the hand, nothing serious) related to the plot not the sexy bits | manhandling and rough | oral (both) + swallowing + face fucking 
As the floor trembled and your escargot went flying all the way until meeting the handsome face of a stranger, you promised yourself to learn how to say no more often. You had no idea why you accepted to be on a cruise in the middle of the Pacific. Wasn't the Pacific supposed to be, you know, pacific? Or were you just that clumsy? 
Your mouth was open and it continued to grow ever wider at the look of one escargot sliding slowly on the man's eyes. He was standing there, with hands wide open in front of him as if someone splashed a bucket of cold water on his whole body. "I am-" you got closer with the first napkin you could find, "-mortified" you added, trying hard to build up courage and wipe the garlic off his nose. But you didn't manage to as he preferred to wipe his whole face with his palm instead. You watched him with a sorry and disgusted face, while awkwardly holding the fabric with both of your hands. Then he suddenly opened his eyes and gave you the most assassin of looks. His wet eyelashes accentuated the growing redness and his furrowed eyebrows created a deep, scary shadow. You gulped loudly and jolted as he slid the napkin from your fingers with a violent movement. "I apologize, I didn't-" you tried to speak again but as the man finished to wipe his face he turned his back to you and walked away throwing the napkin at your feet. "-mean to…" you whispered without completing the phrase as no one was there to listen to it anymore.
Your sister laughed loudly for a solid minute into the phone. You sighed but you felt the chuckle warm up your chest and you found yourself grinning as well. "I can imagine his face even if I don't know what he looks like-" she spoke again but choking on the words as another laughing fit interrupted her. You shook your head as if pretending to be disappointed by her behavior. "It was terrible. I've been here for 20 minutes and I've already made a fool out of myself," you commented. "Y/N, I know you don't like stuff like this, but that fundraising party is vital for the image of my company," your sister finally was able to catch her breath. You rested your elbows on the iron rails and looked down at the shining water. "Yes, don't worry, I can deal with all of this". "Just smile and shake hands and tell people who is giving the money you're giving," you listened to your sister's voice through the phone. The sun was so bright that it was almost difficult for you to keep your eyes open. You suddenly started to feel hot and tired, already socially exhausted after interacting with only one person. Turning around, you stared at the colorful clothes people were wearing, yellow, red, green, white, pink, bright blue and your head started to hurt. Everyone was chatting loudly, holding drinks, telling each other about their last investments, yachts, airplanes, jewelry, celebrity parties, vacation plans. What in the world would you talk with them about when your dress was $15 and your earrings probably plastic? You sighed again. "-and remember to talk to the fundraiser. He's a pain in the ass but rather charming if you know what buttons to press," you listened to your sister's last words while wondering what she said before that. "Alright, get well soon," you replied, eager to sit somewhere in the shade with a nice refreshing lemonade or something. You walked around the deck, thinking about how nice it would be to put your hot feet inside the cool water of the pool. But no, the fundraiser wanted a chic, semi-formal look for the party. As if anyone cares. You rolled your eyes, having a full-on conversation with yourself inside your mind, hovering over the refreshments. You poured yourself whatever looked fresh and not too sweet and downed it all. It was only when you turned around, hearing the mic being hit as if someone was trying to grab everyone’s attention that you realized you just had a big ass glass of alcohol. “Thank you for being here,” said the man. He was on top of the small stage from where the live band was providing people with background noise. People clapped and you imitated them, trying to walk at the front and see the fundraiser’s face. Finally, he was speaking. Afterwards, it wouldn’t be that weird to just go inside your cabin and chill for the rest of the day until dinner, would it? You “sorry, uhm, excuse me, haha, mind if I just-, thank you” ed you way until being able to see the man’s feet. First thing: boat shoes. Okay, you were on a boat, kind of, but, honestly? Come on. Then you raised your eyes to see his cream shorts and sighed. In the end you eyed his red shirt with black palms on it. What a rollercoaster. But it wasn’t until you saw his face that you felt like falling down.  “Snail man!” you gasped covering your mouth with your hand. Curious eyes looked at you from left and right and the man himself stopped from talking and looked down at you. You didn’t yell that just now, did you? Now you were definitely going to be thrown off the ship. Snail man’s eyes were firing but his lips smiled when he cleared his throat and just continued the monologue as if you were a little fly not worth his attention. You pressed your lips together, hoping that your warm cheeks would be mistaken for sunburns instead of killing mortification. After everything was finished and the band started playing their music again, you debated whether talking to the fundraiser or not. He didn’t look very pleased to see you and you were afraid you were going to embarrass yourself even further, but your conscience didn’t let you just run away. You didn’t apologize properly and your sister would be upset that you didn’t talk to him at all. “Uhm, excuse me,” you spoke to him, rising your hand a little as when you’re too shy to call the waitress to ask for more breadsticks. He turned his head to look at you, one hand in his pocket and the other one holding a glass of champagne. His eyebrows got furrowed very quickly and you sensed that he was doing everything in his power to not roll his eyes. “Ah, snail woman herself,” he commented with a dry voice. You walked towards him hurriedly as if glad he gave you a chance to talk to him. “I wanted to properly apologize for the incident. I didn’t do it on purpose… uh…” you knew his name was Jung Jaehyun but he was too young for you to use honorifics with him. At the same time, he definitely looked like someone wanting to be called Sir. He sighed. “Call me Mr. Jung,” he told you. Yep. “Mr. Jung,” you repeated. He sipped on his drink again. You stared. Uhm?? He should tell you that he’s forgiving you now, right? That’s how human interactions work. I’m sorry. Oh no, it’s alright. “Is there something else you wanted to tell me?” he spoke after the awkward pause. Was there something else you had to tell him? You were kind of panicking. How do rich people talk? “I am Y/N?” you question, hoping it was what he wanted to hear. Nice to meet you Y/N, let’s just pretend that we didn’t have an abrupt first contact and let me help you feel less embarrassed. But no. He laughed at you. Yeah. Just like that. He laughed loudly for everyone to hear while your whole face got even more flushed than before.  The people that were close enough to you to hear your conversation, chuckled secretly, giving you weird stares.  You stared at his face.  If you didn’t feel a slow-boiling rage inside your chest, you might have considered his laugh charming, with those white teeth and deep dimples of his. But you were indeed starting to feel rather irritated. You did splatter him in buttery escargots and called him a snail, but you apologized and he definitely saw how mortified you were. Was this a way to make you pay? You looked around and felt the urge to hug yourself but you didn’t want to look more vulnerable that you actually were. “Okay, I’m sorry,” he talked again and you locked eyes with him again. He was still amused but a softer light adorned his eyes. “I’m messing with you. It’s fine. We’re cool, don’t worry about the snails,” he added, walking towards the refreshments table and looking around, unsure. You tailed him to be able to hear what he was saying. He was probably those types of people that were used to just walk around a company while six people surrounded him taking notes and helping him to take off his jacket. “Escargot,” you whispered. The man shrugged. “Snails that you eat. Besides, you called me snail man, not escargot man”. You took a glass of orange juice while he smelled some pastries. “Unless you wanted to say that I look like a snail,” he considered. “Oh no, you don’t look like one at all,” you assured him. “And how do I look?”. “Very handsome-” you sputtered before being able to stop yourself.  Okay, what the actual fuck? There were legit thousands of different ways to say it. You look fine. You look nice. You look good. Nonchalantly Y/N. More casual. As if you don’t care. No. You look very handsome. God. To the snail man that embarrassed you just 1 minute ago. Mr. Jung looked at you with the corner of his eye and smiled. Who knows how many times he has heard that before. “Honestly, you caught my eyes as you entered the cruise. I was there when you tripped because I was coming to talk to you,” he confessed. His tone was flat though as if he was talking about the weather. Your head jerked into his direction.  How does one reply to that? Thanks? Should you feel flattered? Okay, he was a very handsome man but if he needed only a piece of garlic thrown to his face to change his mind about you (when it was an accident) then you didn't want it. “I see,” you talked awkwardly while your hand tried to put down your empty glass. “Hey, caref-” Mr. Jung warned you but it was too late. Your nerves were so thin that you didn’t realize how fragile crystal glasses actually were. “Oh, shit-” you stared at the shattered pieces in your hand. One of your fingers was quick to bleed little beads of blood. “I am so sorry,” you apologized for what you felt was the 20th time that day. For no reason.  “Let me see,” Mr. Jung ordered, carefully cleaning the skin of any remaining fragments after you opened your hand. “I have a first aid kit in my suite. Let’s go,” he spoke again and taking your other hand he just walked away, as if completely sure you'd follow him. You tugged a little trying to convince him that you were fine. “It’s alright. I have a band-aid in my purse”. Mr. Jung just stared at you without saying a word as if his eyes were powerful enough to command you to do what he wanted. Not negotiable, they were saying. You softened your grip and let yourself be dragged away with a sigh.
His cabin didn’t look like yours at all. It was much more spacious and elegant. His bed was round and luxurious. It looked so sensual with its red and black bedding that you had to look away. Your heels got buried in the soft and thick rug placed in the middle of the floor. Mr. Jung’s perfume impregnated the whole room and you felt a little light-headed. He took you to the desk in front of the big windows that were showing the lazy waves underneath the cruise. Leaving you there to rest your hips on the wooden furniture, he opened a cabinet and retrieved what he needed to disinfect your cut. When he turned around and got closer you could see how his expression was serious and stern, no trace of the flirty light from before. Maybe he didn't want you to sue him for hurting yourself on his cruise? You breathed sharply through your teeth when he placed the cold and wet cotton on your finger and he raised his eyes to look at you. You returned the glare. “It’s alright,” you whispered, inciting him to go on. You had no idea why you kept your voice so low. Maybe because he was standing so close to you, almost touching your knees with his thighs, or maybe because he looked so concentrated, his plump lips slightly open and a little line between his eyebrows. As he was looking down on your hand, you looked at his face for the first time without feeling shy. You didn’t like to see blood or maybe it was the sun hitting your head but you suddenly felt all your limbs very weak.  When he was done and looked up, you swallowed and made sure to be caught gazing at the surroundings instead of the nude collarbones his unbuttoned shirt revealed. But maybe he wasn’t that stupid. “You look very pale,” he commented while raising a hand and brushing his thumb on your lower lip. “You also look a little shocked,” he added more amused when you jolted at his touch. Yeah, because you’re touching me, not because of the cut.  What was he doing? Do rich people think that they own people as well? You tried to express that with your eyes but he looked unfazed as if doing that was as easy and normal as to shake someone’s hand. You knew you had to move away, tell him that you just need to get some rest, maybe lay down for a bit. But your limbs wouldn’t move.  You cleared your throat. “Thank you,” you murmured moving your hand as to indicate what you were referring to.  Mr. Jung was just staring, apparently not used to reply to gratitude, eyes slightly narrowed as if analyzing you, then they went down and openly looked at your breasts. 
Okay.  Alright. You didn’t wear any bra because it would have ruined the dress silhouette and you were already anxious out of your mind wondering if your nipples would show or not, so you definetly didn’t expect people to just staring at it. You gulped and let out a little nervous laugh while shifting your body, trying to do something that would distract him from staring at your boobs, not because you hated it, but because you suddenly felt exposed, shy and, God save us, maybe a little turned on. You shouldn’t have drunk that glass of alcohol. “Your suite is very nice. The color scheme is intense but charming-” you started to cary the conversation but felt your breath hitch as he got suddenly even closer as if not listening nor caring about what you were trying to discuss. “Please, don’t stop talking,” he purred. “I love your voice,” he added distracted.  “You’re not even listening to me,” you replied with a tiny sound. “Mm, you’re right, I’m focusing on other things right now,” he smiled finally lifting his gaze on your face. “Your dress has a blood spot right here,” he pointed to one of your nipples, touching it, definitely feeling how it got hard because of it. You quickly dropped your head to your chest to see. Damn it!, that was a big ass spot on your fucking bright yellow dress. “Why did you wait so long to tell me that?” you jerked your head up again.  He shrugged. “I got distracted”. And you knew what he meant with that. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms on your chest and puffing your cheeks. He found that very funny and just laughed at you. Again. “I think I should go now,” you nodded to yourself as if building up the courage to get up. “Yeah”, Mr. Jung agreed. But you didn’t move nor did he. So, he tilted his head on the side and wetted his lips with the tip of his tongue,  getting as close as to whisper on your lips.  “Or maybe you’re waiting for me to help you get undressed?” he asked teasingly. His hands were pressed on the desk around your body, his arms feeling like a cage and his presence so intense that you physically shivered. “You- you should let me go,” you stuttered, even if you both already understood that you had no intention to go away. Mr. Jung let his dimples appear in a shiny smile. "What if I want to do something else?" he asked without breaking eye contact. You kept in a whimper, not used to hear people talking to you like that. "You'd have to at least buy me dinner first," you tried to joke and keep up with his vibe. "I'll fill you up so well that you won't want to eat anything else," he whispered and you've never felt your guts do what they just did ever before. Fuck.  "I-" you blinked unable to look at his eyes. What was happening? Why was the fundraiser flirting with you? Why weren't you already on your feet walking towards your cabin? Why were your fingers moving slowly to touch his wrist? Why did you were feeling the urge to let it brush his skin and follow the vein on his forearm until reaching the bicep then upon his shoulder, caressing it when it reached the soft part of the neck trying to understand if his pulse was beating as fast as yours or not. He let you do that as your eyes followed your hand and when it was close to his face you saw his jaw clench. You stopped.  "Go on," he ordered but you couldn't bring yourself to, feeling your cheeks suddenly burn. So he took your hand and forced it down on his chest, slowly, letting you feel his muscles underneath the thin shirt fabric, going down on his abdomen, making your breath hitch as he flexed his abs on your fingertips, not stopping, letting it slide on his cold belt until your palm was all the way on his turgid length. He pressed his hand on yours even harder, letting you understand what you were dealing with, not looking away from your face, loving your reactions. Oh, you were wet, fuck you were so wet. "Okay," you breathed out, "okay, okay, you won Mr. Jung". "But there is no game," he explained with a sly smile. "If you're trying to make me pay or embarrass me because of the incident, then I'm sorry again Mr. Jung-” you spoke trying to keep your composure that was holding itself on the thinnest thread ever. He chuckled. “I’m trying to tell you that I want to fuck you, miss Y/N,” he whispered against your ear, articulating every word, slowly, as if he was touching you already with his voice alone. You let out a tiny moan that became suddenly bigger as his tongue lightly traced the curve of your neck, making you stretch it to the side. Then he just bit down, hard, with no warning, sucking on the skin, grabbing your thighs, digging his fingers into your flesh and lifting you into his arms. You yelped and tightened your arms around his neck not expecting the movement and not expecting his throwing you on the bed either. You exhaled sharply as it knocked all of the air out of your lungs and he didn’t even give you a single second to breathe in again, that he was already on the bed, on his knees, between your legs. Oh, God. It’s about to happen. But he didn’t do what you thought he would do. His smile never flattered and his eyes never let you go while his palms caressed your legs slowly, from your calves, going underneath your knees, tickling your sensitive skin, then upon your thigh where the dress split started. You looked down at his hands and just gasped loudly when he held the fabric and just tore it apart. “It was ruined anyway, baby girl,” he assured you seeing your shocked expression. You jolted again when he touched your stomach and ripped your dress again, this time until the tear reached your chest and you felt the material sliding off your skin to the sides. Naked in one second, you shivered certain that your cheeks were burning. You wanted to say something, but you had no idea what should one say in these types of situations. “Would you help me take this off as well, babe?” Mr. Jung smiled. “I can’t possibly tear that apart,” you sat up shocked. Jaehyun’s deep laugh tickled your ears. “Just unbutton it, love, it’s enough,” he suggested and you obeyed lifting your hands to rest on his chest for a moment then slowly tackling the task. You felt Mr. Jung’s gaze on your body just as present as his fingers drawing little circles on your bare thighs. “You are so beautiful, miss Y/N,” he suddenly said making your hands tremble on the last button. His compliment didn’t linger in your mind too much though as the image in front of you knocked your thoughts out of your mind. You touched him, starting from the bottom, pressing your hands hard then going up scratching his skin with your nails. He breathed out as your fingers spread on his chest and you expected him to finally kiss you but he just raised one hand and cupped your face, feeling your cheek with his thumb then letting it descend on your neck, massaging your throat, applying some pressure, enough for you to open your lips in an attempt to breath better. Your legs squirmed around him, trying hard to get together, indicating him that something between them needed attention. But he just smiled and didn’t budge. His hand continued to go down on your body until reaching your soft breasts, cupping them, feeling the smoothness of your skin and the plumpness of your hard nipples. You whined at the touch and your eyes implored him to go faster. “Be a good girl for me, or I will stop,” he warned you softly. “You want me to stop?” You shook your head quickly, so easy to submit yourself to him. He smiled as if pleased and let your breasts go to unbuckle his belt. His pace was so calm and slow, so different from just a minute ago when he literally ripped your clothes off your body. He was a surprise and your core felt even wetter at the thought of what he might do next. When he let his thick cock out, pumping it slowly, licking his lips teasingly, you thought he wanted you to go down on him, and oh, you were so eager to do it, letting your tongue feel his veins and taste his flavour.  But he clicked his tongue with a dimpled smile as if reading your mind and directed his length on your breasts, hitting your nipples with the tip of his cock, little drops of precum smearing on them, making both of your breaths hitch. You looked down at how it moved and promptly grabbed your chest, tightening it around him, opening your mouth and letting a trail of saliva fall on it. Jaehyun hummed appreciatively and moved his hips between our breasts, loving the way your skin felt on his hot cock, grunting every now and then and biting his lower lip. You, on the other hand, were panting loudly, soon shut up by his fingers shoved inside your mouth to suck on them. Your tongue wet them well while looking up at him with lusty eyes as if asking if you were being a good girl or not. The answer was that you were so good that he had to feel that tongue on his cock as well. So he just grabbed your head by the nape and filled your mouth all in one go, hitting the back of your throat with the hottest groan you’ve heard a man do before. “Oh- oh fuck, fuck-” he managed to say as his adam apple went up and down, swallowing hard. He was so hot, rolling himself on your tongue, chocking you, thrusting fast, holding your face with both of his hands, staring down at how his cock disappeared between your lips. You whined at his size and you would have let him know that it was too much if he didn’t release right at that moment with a shudder of his hips. His expression was pained from pleasure and he tried to pull out but you grabbed his sides to keep him in place and he cursed again, feeling his cum slide down your throat as you swallowed around him, adding to the euphoria. A little trail of it came out your lips and down your chin that you promptly collected with your finger and licked off, slowly, not breaking eye contact.  “You are driving me fucking crazy,” his voice came out deep and dangerous just like the look in his dark eyes and just like his manners.  He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you down on your back but not giving you a second to catch your breath as you were already turned around on your stomach with a dull thud, his hands forcing you to get on all fours in front of him. Your panties were quickly dragged down your legs but your needy core wasn’t left bare too long as his tongue replaced the fabric, hugging your form tightly, vibrating restlessly on your bundle of nerves, smacking it by tugging it with his lip, caressing it with his thumb, stretching you out to fuck you with his fingers. Previously upright on your hands you just had to let yourself fall on the mattress, not having a single ounce of force in your arms anymore, pressing your face on the covers, mumbling nonsense as Jaehyun was sending you into pure bliss. His teeth followed his tongue on your thigh, biting the soft flesh and sucking on it hard, adding to the sensation his fingers provided so deep inside of you. “S-sir,” you whimpered breathlessly, “don’t stop, please,” you begged. And he didn’t. “Does it feel good, princess?” he asked before going back to tease your clit.  “Y-yes, yes, please, I want-” you whispered.  He knew what you wanted.  He kept on pumping your core fast even when you let out a high pitched sound, gripping the sheets underneath you and squirming restlessly. Your legs were still shaking in spasms when he rolled your over on your back again digging his fingers into your skin, not worried about leaving marks. You looked at him and whined seeing his cocky smile, knowing that nothing good would come out of it. Sprawled like that in front of him, letting him look at every inch of your body in broad sunlight, with your head clearer thanks to the explosive orgasm you’ve just had, you let your hands cover your breasts as if helping to cover you a little. A little tingle of shame caressed your spine and you couldn’t bear to look at Jaehyun in the eyes. He smiled placing his hands on your waist and dragging your body towards him, opening your legs around his hips with a rough movement. “Are you getting embarrassed for behaving like a little slut just now, angel?” he teased you, caressing your thighs. “Let me see everything, put your hands away,” he ordered. You looked at his face for a brief moment and gulped, nervous, still very turned on but so shy at the same time.  “I said,” he lowered his voice by a few notes, making your breath quicken, “put your hands away,” he added, intimidating as never before.  His expression was lusty but dangerous and you were about to obey, but he didn’t have much patience. He came closer as lighting and grabbing your wrists, he pinned them above your head, keeping them down in an iron grip. His chest was almost touching your breasts and his cock was laying between your wet folds. Jaehyun started to slowly roll his hips and you felt him harden at every movement, twitching on your raw clit, making you jolt. You breathed on his lips, thin moans forming on your tongue, mind starting to get foggy again, your everything telling you to just let yourself go.  “Please- please I want-” you mumbled choking on your breath while his other hand traveled south, kneading your hip and pressing your leg against himself even harder. “Yes, darling?” he whispered back, pelvis moving at a slow pace, driving you crazy. “Please- I want to feel you inside,” you confessed with a tiny voice before suddenly losing all air in your lungs as he penetrated you in one go, burying himself deep inside, thrusting hard as to make your body shift on the bed sheets back and forth. “Like this, baby?” he asked with a broken voice. “You wanted this? To feel my cock stretch your sweet little pussy like this, huh?”. You tried to hum back but only high moans escaped your mouth as he was pressing so hard into you, isolating his pelvis movements as if hammering, making your toes curl and legs tighten, all of your muscles tensioned and twitching underneath his weight. “My little disobedient princess had the courage to ask for my cock? Now, you’re going to get it” he got up on his knees again, caressing your stomach then sliding down and rubbing your clit with his thumb.  You arched your back, eyes rolling back in your head, hands shifting while trying something to hold onto.  When you lifted your hips so close to coming undone yet again, he descended again, stopping with a deep thrust. Remaining still inside and holding you tight, he wrapped your body with his, squishing your breasts with his hard chest. You whined, clenching around him, so so close, please, you were so close. Against your neck, you heard him breathing heavily and chuckle before leaving wet kissed on your skin. Reaching your lips he thrust in again, pushing you into the mattress, repeating the same movement as before, knocking the air out of your lungs, making you moan as never before. You wanted him to move, you wanted him to continue to hit that sweet spot again and again until you would lose your fucking mind. But you had no force to articulate any words so you just wrapped his neck with your arms and dragged him down in your first kiss, letting your tongue communicate what you couldn’t say, whining and wincing, making him growl as you clenched around his throbbing cock while he let his hips move again until they lost rhythm.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Congrats on 300 followers Hzael! You deserve it! Can I ask for 42 (I'm going to save you from the terrible date you're having) with Aizawa? Thank you! OwO
Hi love! Here’s some knight in shining armor Shota to save you from the other douchebags on donkeys! Hope you enjoy! 
Come save me - Shota Aizawa x Reader 
Cliche with bae event Prompt #42: come save me from the terrible date I’m having  Character: Shota Aizawa - Word count: 1.7k 
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Hunger. Regret. Embarrassment. More regret. Anger. Frustration. A whirlpool of emotions was going through you as you kept your expression as neutral as possible, aggressively cutting the piece of steak in front of you and eating a bit to try and distract you from the man sitting in front of you, talking while he barely made eye contact. You weren’t exactly sure what he was talking about at the moment, but you couldn’t care less. You wanted out of here. Now. How did you even get in this situation?
After dating around some in your circle of friends to no avail, you had finally turned to online dating. You made loads of profiles, installed all the apps, did the matching, the swiping, you name it. Out of the hundreds of possible candidates, you immediately deleted anyone that wasn’t looking for anything serious. You were no teenager anymore, you had a job and a home and you were ready to settle down completely.
Your biggest help in this adventure had been your coworkers and best friends, Hizashi and Shota. The three of you had gone to school together and now all three of you were teaching at U.A. Any guy you’d ever date had to go past these two, and honestly, you didn’t mind. Their protectiveness was endearing and they were pretty good judges of character.
They had been helping you weed out matches, even secretly (but not so secretly) tagged along on dates to make sure it wasn’t some creep. Even though you’d be perfectly fine fending off a creep by yourself, you were a capable hero after all, you really liked them looking out for you.
Now for this date, it had been a little different. You had gotten this match from one of the more expensive sites. The kind where so-called experts matched people based on their personalities and profiles. It took you a whole long time filling in a question list for them, but when you got your match, you were not disappointed. Dating apps and such made you a little more shallow, looks were the first thing you saw on those, but hell, you were pleasantly surprised. Your ultimate match was extremely good-looking. But almost insanely so. Shota grabbed your phone, said ‘probably a douche’, and gave it back. Hizashi only laughed at the remark and let you first read up on his profile.
Your match did a normal office job but had an intelligence-based quirk that allowed him to understand everyone regardless of the language they spoke, which he used in his line of work. He was two years older than you, stable income, own house. He did some volunteering in his free time and most of your hobbies seemed to line up or were compatible at least. It was almost too good to be true, which was exactly what Hizashi said.
“Well, who pays so much money for such a personal dating service and then goes around and lies on their profile? That’d be stupid.” You were zooming in on the pictures he shared, desperately trying to find traces of photoshop, but to no avail. Right as you were about to say something, he sent you the first message. You replied enthusiastically, and a nice conversation was born.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and your match had proposed to go have dinner somewhere. It was a pretty fancy restaurant he proposed, but you accepted, it was a nice change to maybe dress up and have an actual fancy date. You were keeping realistic scenario’s in your head but you couldn’t help but wonder if this guy was maybe the one you had been waiting for all along.
The date came along and you were actually in a sour mood before you even got there. Mostly because Shota had been increasingly mean about the guy the more you gushed about him. At some point, you had made a remark about jealousy, and that had caused quite a discussion until Hizashi broke it up and told you to get ready, and he’d be off for a guy’s night with Shota. It had been a while after all, and that way you wouldn’t even have to worry about either of them spying on you during your date.
How you were regretting that now. You wished they had spied on you because this date was a disaster. He had been over twenty minutes late, didn’t tell you the name of the reservation so you were waiting outside in the cold until he finally showed up. He looked great, just like in his pictures, but way less well-kempt than he had been looking on his pictures. You had dressed up in your best dress, had gone to the hairdresser to get your hair on point, applied a subtle amount of makeup to look your best, and appropriate for the date and the location. He was wearing some jeans, a T-shirt that had some spots on it that you didn’t even want to know about.
You smiled anyway, greeting him by holding out your hand, not too keen on hugging a total stranger, but he had gone straight in for a kiss on the cheek, and you noticed how he didn’t smell nice either. It really busted your mood, even more, were you only worth so little effort that he showed up like that? But you kept his hobbies, and all the nice things he had said in chat in mind, and went into the restaurant, putting all your hope in the person he was in your chat messages, which had been a terrible idea.
The food was expensive and way too little, and this man had not stopped talking about himself. The volunteering was a one-time gig, ‘always pleases the ladies’ he had smugly added to the story, and many other things on his profile weren’t exactly lies, but were mostly polished up truths to make him look better. He had gone as far as interrupting you multiple times even after he himself had asked you a question, degraded female heroes and generally any woman who worked because ‘you gotta let men do the job’. He expected his partner to drop their job for him, so he could be the sole provider. He was looking for a housewife, but the way he described it, was more a live-in-maid he could have some intimacy with as well, just whenever he pleased. It made you sick to your stomach and you wanted to leave, but that was not so easy in such a fancy restaurant without possibly causing a commotion.
You briefly excused yourself from the table, and he gave you a pissed-off look because you had clearly interrupted whatever very important thing he was saying. You made a beeline for the bathroom, contemplating for a second to just walk out but again, you had some kind of reputation to uphold. Once in the bathroom, you immediately dialed Shota’s number. He picked up within seconds.
“Let me guess. He’s a douche.” He wasn’t even trying to hide the smug tone in his voice. “He’s terrible… please come save me?” “I don’t know if I can. I mean… I cannot possibly interrupt your date with this perfect, wonderful, beautf-” “Shota I swear to god, get your ass over here. I need you right now.” It was silent for a few seconds, and then you heard a low chuckle before he spoke up again. “One rescue mission coming up.”
He had not put in the slightest effort to hide his annoyance, but you knew he’d show up. You refrained from splashing cold water in your face because you didn’t want to mess up your makeup and headed back into the dining room. He made some remark on how long you took and you focussed back on your plate, inwardly praying Shota wouldn’t take too much time in getting there.
Luckily for you, it was only about fifteen minutes later that you heard some commotion and before you could even look up what had made some other customers make surprised gasps Shouta was standing at your table. In full Eraserhead gear. Not that that differed so much from his usual clothes, but still, very recognizable. You frowned. “Wha-?” “No time for questions. It’s an emergency, got your costume in the car.” You nodded and stood up, apologizing to your date, who was too speechless and too busy comprehending what was going on to come up with a retort.
Shota looked him up and down once as you were making your way to the exit, sending the man one more apologetic look and wave. “You look like you can handle the bill. Hero duties call sir. Good night”
You got in the car, and not five minutes later Shota got in too and started to drive. You weren’t really sure what to say or what to do. “Where’s…” “Hizashi? Got drunk and got home. I just dropped him off when you called.” “Oh…” You were feeling strangely uncomfortable, but you were not really sure why exactly, probably because the argument from earlier was not really resolved yet. “Shota, I’m sorry about-” “Don’t mention it. I could’ve reacted more maturely”
You nodded, looking ahead again. No use for deep discussions when Shota had a road to focus on. You looked around and were surprised to not be going back in the direction of your house. “Where are we going?” “A decent place” “What do you mean?” “Well, it’d be sad if you dressed up all beautiful like that for no reason. I know a place.” You blushed a little and looked at him, his eyes focussed on the road as he said that almost matter-of-a-factly. “Like… like a date?” you almost didn’t dare as k. “Like a date.”
You were speechless. In all your dating adventures you had never even considered the option that the perfect match was around you already all along. “If you’re up for that, if not, I can just drop you off at home?” “No no…”, you smiled, “I’d like that. No surprises with you.” “No stupid profile needed.” He smiled a little from behind the steering wheel and you felt the corners of your mouth curl up too. “No stupid profiles needed indeed.”
You knew what you were going to do when you got home: delete all that bullshit from your laptop and phone. Cause this time, it could really be the one.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Title: Gifted (Sequel to Giftless)
Imagine that you are Stark’s niece and you secretly share a strong relationship with Loki since he entered the crew. One day you get hurt so bad during a mission that you are about to die.  Loki knows a spell that will save you and share his immortality with you but you and he will be linked forever sharing thoughts, pain, emotions…
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
You spent the next month bouncing between your classes where Loki hung out on campus with you when you weren’t actually in class, patrol, healings for the Avengers, and dance practice for the ball.  It was a lot of work, but not the most you’d been through and being with Loki helped.  
“Thor and Sif want to come visit,” Loki told you the day before the ball.
“Are they coming for the ball?” you asked him excitedly. It would be fun to have them there.  They obviously knew how to dance and a ball was something the Asgardians could understand easily. 
Loki nodded. “It will not be a problem, will it?” he didn’t want to upset Fury anymore than any of the rest of you did. You shook your head and texted Fury to let him know Thor and Sif would be attending the ball, and coming to town. “Great! Mother will be opening the portal for them in a couple minutes.” It was much easier now that you all had the portal spell to use that instead of trekking all the way to the bifrost.  
"We should get downstairs, then,” you commented dryly. It had been a late start that morning and you had neglected to get out of bed so far. It was nearly noon. Oops. 
You got out of the bed no matter how reluctantly and summoned clothes for yourself, a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt. You tied your hair back in a simple tail. You were getting stupidly fancily dressed up tomorrow so today was extra casual and lazy. At least that was the plan. Loki could just deal with you being lazy and casual today. He still pouted at you anyway. “C'mon, Lo. We want to be downstairs before our Lady Mother opens the portal,” you reminded him.  That didn’t stop you from still having to grab his hand and physically pull him from the bed.
You were both laughing as you made our way downstairs to the commonroom where the portal would open. “What are you two up to?” Tony asked at your laughing, looking up from whatever he was reading. “It was so quiet with you sleeping in,” he teased.
“Thor and Sif are coming to visit,” you explained. “We need to be down here to greet them,”
“Why are they coming here?” Tony asked, more curious than anything.  He liked Thor, so of course he didn’t mind that he was coming to visit. 
“They would like to attend the ball tomorrow,” Loki replied eagerly and a bit excitedly, which was strange for when he was speaking with Tony.  He was usually more wary around your uncle. 
Which sparked another question.  “How do they even know about the ball?” you asked Loki, turning your attention up to him. 
“Mother asked for an update about what was going on here, and if we’d heard anything from Balder. I mentioned that there was a ball coming up,” he replied, but there was something off about his explanation.  It wasn’t a lie, not really, thanks to him you’d have been able to smell if it was. But he was skipping something. 
You didn’t argue with him. 
But you did make a note that he was keeping something from you.  It seemed so unlike him. 
A minute later, the portal crackled open. You and Loki both stepped back from it to allow Thor and Sif to walk through. You greeted them with hugs as per usual though Loki gave them more formal greetings, until Thor squished him in a bone-crushing hug. “Welcome to Earth,” you told Sif, who hadn’t been to Earth in a rather long while, and never to the tower.
“Thank you sister,” she replied with a smile. She went over to greet Loki once he was free of Thor’s hug. Thor came over and gave you another hug. You didn’t get squished, since you submitted to it willingly. “Sister, we wish to go visit your parents to pay our respects,” Sif told you formally once she had greeted Loki. 
You nodded, expecting that.  It was their way after all. “Of course.” you looked over at Tony. “Do you want to come too?” you asked him. It had been awhile since either of you had been to visit. 
He nodded. “Yeah, just let you go change.” He was wearing lounge clothes since today was supposed to be a lazy day..
“Need me to-?” you asked, offering him a hand. You had already used magic to change into a green sundress which was much more appropriate for visiting your parents. 
Tony hesitated but finally held out his hand. “Fine,” he grumbled. You didn’t think he really liked anyone using magic on him, but it was a quick spell and would get you out of here sooner. With a flash of magic he was dressed and ready.
“Lo, take care of Thor, will you?”
“Of course, Sig,” he replied. You rolled your eyes. He was teasing you with your superhero name as a direct result of you calling him ‘Lo’ in front of his family.
You turned to Sif and offered her a hand. “Will you allow me to conjure you Earth clothes?” you asked her more formally than truly necessary. You didn’t know her as well as Thor and sometimes still found yourself unsure about her and about whether she’d appreciate your using magic on her behalf.
“That would be appreciated,” she replied with a smile. You relaxed then, and took her hand. You summoned her a very pretty maxi dress, which was very flattering to her figure. You took a look at her left hand, which was covered in the swirls of her own soulbond with Thor. You summoned a wedding ring set for her and slipped them on the appropriate finger. It was costume jewelry, but looked real enough for this purpose. You tossed the gold ring for Thor to him. He caught it and slipped it on, remembering it from the last time he was on Earth. “What is this?” she asked, indicating the rings.
“It’s a wedding ring set, the Earthen symbol that someone is married. The diamond ring is an engagement ring. Generally the man presents it to his lady when he asks her to agree to the Earthen equivalent of the soulbond. The plain bands are exchanged during the ceremony,” you explained. “I gave Thor the gold ring to wear last time he was here to protect him from admiring females,” you added with a grin. 
She laughed at that. “I am sure the females were very entranced by his form,” she added, smiling fondly at her husband.  You didn’t blame her.  Thor’s physique was very attractive. 
“Quite entranced,”
“Shall we, ladies?” Loki asked, drawing your attention away from discussing Thor’s body. You both laughed at him, but agreed that you should head out.
“You’re driving, Uncle!” you announced. Tony growled at you, but it was half-hearted at best. "I need to call the florist on the way anyway,” you reminded him.
“Fine, imp. I’ll drive,” Tony smirked and led the way out to where he was parked. You offered Sif shotgun, even though it was your to claim, but she refused, preferring to sit with Thor in the back. So you took shotgun and made a quick call to the florist. On the way, Tony, Loki, and Thor went into the liquor store to pick out something for your dad. You and Sif sat chatting in the car while you waited for them.  You still weren’t of age and didn’t want to make a fuss with the store thinking Tony was buying it for you. “Thor tried to pick out an entire case of beer for dad,“ Tony grumbled as he drove you to the florist which caused you all to laugh.
"What!? It is a warrior’s drink!” Thor protested, making you all laugh harder. 
Mary had your flower order ready when you arrived at her shop. It only took you a minute to go in and collect the flowers.  The order went on your tab.  
After that, you drove straight to the cemetery and to your parents’ graves. You and Tony went up first with your offering of flowers and alcohol and greeted your parents, apologizing for not visiting more often. You stepped back and Sif stepped up next, kneeling and murmuring a prayer. Loki was flipping the pages of a spellbook while she did. You looked over at him, but he was distracted with his spellbook. “Lo, you don’t have to do that-“ you started, but knew he wouldn’t listen as per usual.
"I would like to. Would you assist me?” he asked. You realized there was no arguing with him. He had a reason for wanting to do this. So you nodded and took his hand so you could recite the spell together. You kissed him when it was cast, but ran to greet your parents a moment later. You couldn’t help it.  You got to see them corporeally again, even though they’d been dead for years. 
You introduced Sif to them, and Thor properly since he could speak that day and hadn’t been able to last time.  You caught them up on everything you’d been up to, while getting lots of hugs in. At one point, you noticed that all of the boys took dad off to the side. You and Sif tried to ignore whatever they were doing and mom helped by asking Sif something about Asgard to distract you both. You had a feeling mom knew what the boys were up to, but apparently you weren’t allowed to know.
“Did you get the message from Frigga?” Sif asked you while the boys were distracted. 
You nodded, remembering that ominous note.  “Did she have any other hints or warnings to go with it?“ you asked softly. You still hadn’t told Loki about the note and knew that you shouldn’t. 
Sif shook her head, regret in her eyes. "No hints, but she said to ask for our help if you need it when the time comes,”
“What message?” your mom asked, looking between the two of you confused. 
“Loki’s mom gets premonitions of the future. She saw something happen and sent me a warning,” you explained a little of it. Mom didn’t need all of the details of this. Not of this.
“I’m sure whatever it is, it will be ok,” she answered instead of pressing the matter. You was grateful to her for not pressing it.
“I’m sure it will,” you answered her with a smile and changed the subject to the next day’s ball.
You spent a long time talking with everyone, sitting on a picnic blanket by their graves. “Loki, if you don’t end the spell soon, Thor’s going to have to carry you home. And me along with you,” you told him. You had been feeding him power to maintain the spell and could feel the effects. Loki nodded, though he looked sad that it couldn’t keep it going. “Lo, that spell is insanely draining. You know that as well as I do. Don’t feel bad that we can’t keep it going. We got to visit and actually see my parents,” you reminded him.
“Yeah, Loki, the fact that you can give us this at all is amazing,” Tony said. We all just stared at him for saying something complimentary to Loki, but Tony didn’t acknowledge it. 
You and Tony both said your goodbyes, with the usual bittersweet tears and promises to mom that you’d take care of each other. Loki ended the spell and you felt the backlash of power. You couldn’t stop it. All you could do was wrap your arms around Loki’s slim frame and offer your support so he wouldn’t collapse. Though you weren’t much better “I’m alright,“ he promised you. His power levels were so low. That spell was stupidly draining.
"Sure you are,” you replied sarcastically. 
Thor stepped toward you. “Allow me,” he bid you gently. “Go say your goodbyes,” you nodded and let him take Loki’s weight from you.
“Thor! I can stand!“ Loki protested a moment later, when he was thrown over Thor’s shoulder. You laughed and made your way over to Tony so you could say your last goodbyes to your parents.
"Thank you for coming with us,” you told Sif as we walked back to the car.
“Thank you for allowing me to come pay my respects,” she replied formally, pausing her laughing at Loki, who had fallen asleep on Thor’s shoulder while arguing for his brother to put him down.  He was adorable when he was so stubborn and pouty. 
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stuffedtight · 4 years
Stealing Seconds
Thought I’d get back into the lab and write something up! I kinda want to be more active in this lil community!!! Even though I’m such a big fe head I haven’t played some of the old games so I’ve been playing Sacred Stones on my WiiU! After Sacred Stones I wanna play the Blazing Blade so expect stuff of those characters! I’ve fell in love with sum boys and wanted to write about Colm! Feel free to send in asks about old and new characters and maybe I’ll get around to it? (Sorry for this being so long!!💖) (Also I haven’t finished the game so I don’t know the endings so I guess this is like an au?)
-[ As the clock struck 1, Colm let a sigh of relief come over him, as he knew his castle watching shift is over, and can finally enjoy his lunch with his best friend, Niemi. Colm had seemed to be looking forward to his meals more and more. On top of this, he’s never been known to train. He has a bit of a dad bod thing going on. A bit of chub, but it’s just something to work off, right?
“Colm!” Niemi called, waving her hand up to get his attention. Colm couldn’t help but smile when he saw her. “What’s up, Niemi?” Colm said in a warm tone, a side he doesn’t really expose to anyone but her. He constantly needs to know if Niemi’s in any trouble, but can also get her into trouble with his own schemes. Niemi talked about her shift as they walked to the cafeteria.
Colm loved the smell of the cafe food. The food the cafe served was, to be blunt, fattening. Niemi knew that was the cause of her friend’s weight gain, but she wouldn’t comment on it. She insisted that she make him his own lunches, as she does her herself, but he refused. He gives into his craving to easily and can’t resist a greasy slice of pizza or a juicy burger.
Niemi followed Colm to the cafeteria, as he leaned his arms against the counter and exposed his rather plump behind in his tight trousers unknowlingly to his friend, distracted more by the food. Of course, Niemi tried not to stare at it, but she had to sneak in a few glances. She’s been crushing hard on Colm since they were little. Today, Colm would be served chicken breast. His favorite, despite being more of a fatty, greasy mess. Of course, he asked for extra and recieved a whole nother breast and extra fries. He payed and sat with Niemi.
She couldn’t help but stare at Colm as he devoured his into his belly. “Niemi?” “Y-Yeah!” She got caught, but Colm didn’t seem to care. He kept eating and Niemi slowly dug into her lunch. After the meal, Colm was definetly full. He snuck a hand onto his now expanded belly, but would be too embarrased to give himself a rub. Niemi stood up, and now done with work, they had the day to themselves. Colm let out a hand to Niemi for her too help him up with a smirk. Niemi grabbed his hand, and with a grunt from Colm, got him on two. Now, with his big lunch, you can see his round belly bulge through his shirt. Niemi, not knowing what came over her, started to tease him. “I guess you liked it, Colm?” She giggled. “Whatever...” Colm said, embarrased, as he put his hands over his head. However, doing this, he revealed his under belly and blue happy trail.
Niemi couldn’t contain herself, and had to touch that belly. She reached out to touch and snuck a little rub in before Colm swiftly put her hand away with a “Hey!” She laughed it off but she felt silly. What she didn’t know is that Colm secretly loved the feel of her soft hand on his taut tummy.
Niemi and Colm spent the rest of the day as they normally, playing games, talking about memories, and even a walk out to the market. When dinner rolled around, Colm exclaimed how hungry he was with a pat of his belly. Niemi said he should have a much lighter meal, and grudgingly, Colm agreed. He didn’t want to say no but he did to avoid a crying Niemi. Colm ate one of her meals, and eventually came the night.
Niemi and Colm’s room was an admittally small room, more of a small apartment, with two beds. Sometimes, Niemi daydreams of their room only having one, forcing them to share a bed. Colm undid his belt, looking down at how much his belly had actually grown. And when Niemi wasn’t looking, checked himself out in the mirror and even looked at his ass. He’d definelty grown, and could even see his butt through his usually oversized boxers, now tightly constrained down to his plump thighs, which were usually skinny sticks. He didn’t show any expression on his weight gain, but inside, he kinda liked it. He liked filling his belly with food and having it rubbed and cared for. He liked his new fat ass and how it had the slightest jiggle when he walked, and now his butt pushes out his trousers.
Niemi was in her bed, in much more classy pajamas compared to Colm’s tight boxers. Niemi took quick glances to see Colm’s belly and even his butt when he bent down to grab something. Still, Niemi knew she had to sleep soon, or else she’ll be kept up all night by Colm’s snores. Eventually, she found herself peacefully dreaming.
Untill she was woken up. She was being shaken by Colm. A drozy Niemi responded, “Colm, what time is it?” “I don’t know but I’m sooo hungry.” Colm said, almost whining. His stomach let out a growl. He was a little embarrased. “See? Hear him?” Niemi thought his antics were cute, and didn’t know he was one for midnight snacks. “So?” “So, Niemi, I’m gonna go steal some food from the cafe! Can you come with me?” Niemi knew Colm had always had a habit of stealing, but she would never confront him about it, fearful of an argument, and would let him do as he please. But if Colm got a lot more fat, perhaps he wouldn’t be able to do some sneaking around. She let out a sigh. “Sure, Colm.” They didn’t bother to change clothes, Neimi in her cutesy pjs, and Colm in nothing but his boxers.
Their pantry raid was successful, to say the least. Colm managed to steal fries, chicken wings, pizza, and even a few drinks to bring back. However, their trip was cut short when a flashing light of a gaurd shined upon them. Colm, quickly covering his crotch, wanting to hide his now blown up body, then went back into theif mode, got his loot, and ran with Niemi. They managed to lose the gaurd and safely get back to their room. Colm out of breath, bent down and put his hands on his knees. Niemi even did a little bit of scolding about how dangerous that was. “I know, Niemi, I’m sorry. I promise I won’t put you in any more dangerous stuff like that.” “You too, Colm! We could’ve been kicked out!” “Your right. I promise.”
With that out of the way, Colm dug into his findings. The food already warm, he dug into the chicken wings first. There were about 8 of them and he douvred them. He loved the crunch and the juicy meat inside of them. He took his first bite with a loud “Mhmmmm”. As Niemi and Colm sat on his bed, he dug into the fries and the 3 slices of pizza he managed to grab. The silence of the room with Niemi looking Colm up and down as he filled his belly with food, went away as Colm let out a loud blech. He held his belly with a hand as he let out the pressure of his belly. He let out a short “Excuse me” before he began eating again.
Colm finished his meal with burps and regret. He stuffed all that food inside his poor belly, left with the view of him in his boxers. He rubbed the crumbs of his mouth. “Well, I hope you enjoyed this little midnight ‘snack’, but I seriously need some sleep. But I’ll admit...it was a little fun.” Niemi said. Before Colm began speaking he burped. “Ah, excuse me. It was, but I’m sort of regretting it.” They chatted as they both got into their beds. Colm, laying on his back, could see the shape of his packed belly through his blanket. He gave his belly a rub, feeling the tightness of it, compared to the soft dough of his empty belly. He let out another loud burp. Then, through the pain of his stuffing, put his arm over his head, and not believing what he was about to say.
“Niemi?” “Yeah?” He was interrupted with a small burp. “Could you, uh, maybe, r-rub my belly.” Niemi smiled at the idea. Colm looked over to see her reaction and let out a nervous laugh as he saw her smile. Niemi got up, and went into his bed, and slid her hand under the sheets to his belly. Colm let out moans and groans as he layed there. They could hear his stomach growl in protest. “Settle down, buddy.” Colm said. Niemi didn’t know Colm was a tummy talker. “He’s not to happy with me.” He said, facing down to her. “Haha, I can tell.” Niemi laughed. Through the slight awkwardness and Colm’s discomfort of his full stomach, they enjoyed their intimate moment. After about 10 minutes of Colm letting out burps, he leaned over to Niemi’s forehead and gave her a kiss. “Thanks.”
She was too flustered to say anything. But she didn’t need to. She laid there on his slightly chubby pec and cuddled. In the morning, Niemi was met with more love for Colm and Colm was met with new pounds of fat and a struggle to reach his pants over his butt, a result of his greed from his night before.
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minnuet-archive · 4 years
I’m Sorry, Logan
Rating: PG-13
Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, suicide, abusive family, homophobia (let me know if there are any more i missed!)
Word Count: 3,754
Fan-fiction or Original Work? Original Work
Story Type: Short Story
Notes: I wrote this a while back for a book that was going to be made, but didn’t end up happening. It was about suicide awareness and the different reasons for it. There was to be informative writing about the topic and cause and then a short story. This is the short story. Also, I spent a solid hour or two revamping and editing this for you all today since I couldn’t post much about my soon to be posted book. I hope you enjoy!
I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. My eyelids refuse to lift, the world a blurry mess.  I stumble into my uniform, the alarm still blaring.  Eventually, my patience runs out and I shut off the alarm. I snatch my backpack out from the corner of my room before hastily grabbing a granola bar and running to the bus parked outside.
I jump into the bus and walk down the aisle, all of the noise, ranging from random conversation to yelling and fighting, filling my ears and overwhelming my mind. I almost want to put my hands to my ears and drown out the noise, but someone’s bound to take offense. As I sit down in a seat next to the seemingly quietest kids, the horrible stench of what are probably 10-year-old raisins with a generous side of sweaty gym socks permeates my nose. I hate the bus. I decide to try spacing out. 
Arriving at school, I go into the girl’s bathroom and wait until everyone leaves. I look really weird waiting for people to leave, and I don’t care. Actually, that’s not true. I definitely care. 
Once everyone’s gone, I slip out of my catholic school skirt and into far more comfortable slacks. My mother had refused to get me anything but the “girl’s” uniform which consisted of a tight, long skirt and a blouse. 
I hear the bell and run to class, bursting into the classroom and sliding into my seat directly after my name is called. 
“Late.” I  groan and get out my homework. Why does it have to be me?
Vanessa and her friends snicker across the classroom. “Hey look, the plant’s here.”
My ears burned and I clenched my teeth. Those obnoxious jerks. I’m not a plant. “My name’s E-” My eyes widen as I catch myself. “-Ellie.” 
Vanessa gasps dramatically and then says, “It can talk?!”
I don’t respond and give her what she wants, but it takes all of my strength not to. God, how am I so stupid? I don’t care if I’m using the Lord’s name in vain. I already let them know I was asexual! And if I let it slip? “My name’s Elliott.” I can only imagine the crap they’d do and say to me. What would I tell them? “Oh yeah, by the way, I’m nonbinary.” That would totally work. 
I take deep breaths. I look at the teacher and then to the board, and suddenly, zoning becomes much easier. The lunch bell rings after a while and I walk towards the courtyard, finding one of the trees in the corner that no one ever sat by. It’s sad and droopy. I wish I couldn’t relate.
“Hey, Elliott!” I flinch at the noise. He smiles and sits down next to me. 
I relax and say, “Hey, Logan. How was the class?”
“Class was crappy,” I crack a smile and when I do, he adds “as always. I love how you did your hair today. It’s pretty.”
My mouth goes dry and I fidget with my hands, forcing myself to smile. I shove my (sadly, homemade) peanut butter jelly sandwich into my mouth and then spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to swallow enough of it to even be able to chew. 
We talk and smile, though he does most of the talking, and I force myself to listen, because he always has great things to say.
The lunch bell ringing is jarring and sudden enough to make me jump, but that isn’t saying much. I grin at Logan. “ I’ll see you tomorrow, man. Bye!” 
He high fives me and starts walking towards his classroom. I walk towards mine. After Mr. Simon takes role call and I raise my hand and answer a question once, I figure I’m safe and promptly space out for the rest of the day.
The bell rings and right as I’m about to walk out of the door, I heard Mr. Simon say, “Eleanor, may I speak to you?” A collective ‘oooh’ sound comes from what’s remaining of the class, suggesting I’m in trouble, as I walk up to his desk.
“Can I help you, Mr. Simon?” 
“Do you remember the dress code guidelines we went over at the beginning of the year?” 
I start to panic. “Uh, yeah.”
“Then you remember that girls are to wear skirts and a blouse and that boys are to wear a button down and slacks.” 
I mutter that I might remember something like that. “Why can’t I wear pants? I’m not wearing anything completely out of school uniform.”
“Yes, but we have a strict dress code and you, as a girl,” I flinch at the word girl. Of course, I can’t correct him. “are to wear a skirt. If you come to school tomorrow wearing pants, I’ll have you change back into a skirt, confiscate the pants, and then call your parents.” 
I nod my head as if I understand, which I don’t, and then walk out of the classroom. I know he hates me, but I had no clue he would go to these lengths to get me in trouble. What the hell kind of person would go to the lengths of confiscating pants? None of my other teachers cared! He’s just an asshole!
I really don’t want to wear a skirt and that was only the first time I wore pants. On the other hand, I don’t want them to get taken away because I had to save up for months to get them and I really want to avoid having to deal with my parents.
As I walk home, I approach the entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge and smile. It’s so beautiful. Late afternoon fog is quite unusual this time of year and most people don’t like it, but I’m secretly happy about it. 
I love walking along the bridge in the morning because it’s so easy to clear my mind. The wind can make my hair clothes flap wildly in the wind which is annoying, but the feeling of the cold wind can be comforting. The smell of saltwater in the air fills my nose as I approach one end of the bridge.  I start to cross the bridge, right into the fog. It’s peaceful and the moist air feels cool and nice against my skin. 
After around 45 minutes, I come out on the other side of the bridge. 
As I walk, I fantasize about laying down on the couch and not worrying about homework.  Not because I finished it, but because I’m planning on procrastinating. 
I turn down my street and see my house. As I approach it, I realize that my house has been egged. I see a note on the door and run up and grab it. Get out of here, fag. You don’t belong here. 
Vanessa, her boyfriend, and their horrible friends were right about the last part. I don’t belong here. I wish I could leave, but it isn’t exactly possible. I rip up the note and look up at the eggs that are covering my home. 
I don’t want to clean this up… but my parents will ask why it happened if I don’t. Plus, they’ll make me do it anyway. I sigh as I trudge inside to grab a mop and some other cleaning supplies. 
Opening the closet door, I grab everything I think I might need, which is a lot. I’ve never cleaned up eggs, so I’m just guessing. 
I turn back to trudge outside again and start to wipe the door with a random rag that I found. Once I finish cleaning everything that I can reach from the ground, I place all my supplies on the roof overhang, awkwardly climbing onto it. 
I get on my knees shakily and start to clean the roof. Damn, can these kids throw. It takes what seems like years, but is probably just a couple hours to finish cleaning the house. 
Taking a risk, I jump from the overhang. I didn’t break any bones! Yay!  I grab all of the cleaning supplies and shove them back into the closet as I walk to my room. I get changed into some paint-stained jeans and a band t-shirt that my parents begrudgingly bought me for Christmas. 
I walk back out and throw myself on the couch. I log into the only social media my parents let me have and open a chat with one of my best friends,  AchillesIsTheTrueGayIcon, also known as Bentley (or Ben). Sometimes I call him Benjamin just to annoy him.
Me: What’s up, Benjamin?
He responds almost immediately.
Ben: Asshole. But not much. You?
Me: You want to know who the real assholes are? The jerks from school who egged my house.
Ben: Oof. That sucks, dude.
Ben: Hey I gtg do homework. Talk later?
Me: Sure.
I turn off my phone and put it down. I hear my mom pull up so I sit up and take out my school binder. I place my homework from yesterday in front of me so I look like I’ve been doing homework since the second I got home.
As soon as I finish setting up my fake homework station, she walks in. “Hey, mom!” No. Too cheery. Calm down. 
She smiles happily, “Hi, Ellie!” I cringe at my old name. At least she didn’t notice my overly excited greeting. “How was your day?” My little sister, Adia follows her in and then runs to our room. 
I consider telling her that my day hasn’t been great, but decide against it. There are only two outcomes. The first is that she wouldn’t care and tell me to suck it up. The second is that it would just invoke a flurry of questions. Neither sounds particularly fun. “It was good. Yours?”
“It was fine. Busy as always,” I give her a knowing nod and then I see her smile slowly fade. “You didn’t make yourself dinner, did you?”
“No, not yet.” I smile sheepishly and she sighs loudly in annoyance.
“Alright. Dinner will be ready soon.”
I roll my eyes and she scoffs as she walks into the kitchen, tossing her bags onto a chair at the table. I hear Adia’s footsteps approaching before I see her jump onto the couch beside me.
“Hi, Adia. Did you have fun at daycare today?”
”Yeah! I played with Sammy!” 
“That’s fun.” She smiles proudly as if having a friend is something to be proud of, which in my case, is true, but in her case, not so much. She has a lot of friends. 
“I got to see all mommy’s friends, too! They’re so nice!” 
I’m contemplating how untrue that is when I hear my mom start to reheat leftovers from last night. She tosses all of the food on three plates the same way she did her bag. 
Wow. Soon really did mean soon.
My mom presses the power button on the remote and we pretend to watch a sitcom as we shovel food into our faces. Eventually, the episode ends. Too lazy to change the channel, we leave it alone and ignore it.
My mom is seated facing the screen and I watch her chuckle. I turn to the screen and freeze. It's a pride parade. All of a sudden I hear Adia’s excited voice.
“Ooooh! Rainbows!” I look at her and smile a little bit. She doesn’t even know. Sometimes I wish I don’t know what LGBTQ+ means. But that’s not really true.
“Those rainbows are for gay people.” She says gay in disgust as if it’s the worst thing you can be. 
Mom continues, “You don’t want to be gay. Being gay is bad. You’ll go to hell if you’re gay.”
Now she just looked confused. “Why is it bad?”
“Because a man is supposed to marry a woman. That’s how God created us.” Mom says.
I finish eating my food as fast as I can to escape this horrible conversation and then interrupt. “Can I be excused? I’m getting tired.”
Before my mom can respond, my father swings open the front door.
This time, it’s not just me who’s frozen. He’s holding a beer bottle. His tie is loose. The top button of his shirt is unbuttoned and it’s stained.
What makes it most obvious that it’s happened again is his eyes. They’re huge. And not in the caring way.
He smiles goofily and stares at Adia and I. “No hug? No ‘Hi daddy!’ or ‘Thanks for working your ASS off every day to provide for us’?” 
My first instinct is to pull Adia closer to me and step one foot in front of her, which I follow through on. My second instinct is to throw something at him so we can all run.
I hold back. Mom’s too close to dad. She would never be able to run away in time. He could hit her. Hurt her. Even kill her, if he wanted to. She’s not a good person, but she doesn’t deserve that.
“Go. To your rooms. Now.” I turn to my mom in utter surprise.
“But mom-“
“Now.” Her voice is sharp and cold, but filled with fear. The most confusing part is that I know the fear isn’t for herself. It’s for us. 
I grab Adia and make sure she’s safe and locked in her room before running to mine. I press my ear against the door because I might be able to get an idea of what’s happening. I can’t hear anything. 
I slump down and hang my head in my hands. Holy mother of God. What is wrong with my family? Why doesn’t she just kick him out when he’s hungover? Why don’t we leave?
I can't deal with this.
I'm sobbing now. I clench my teeth to trap the noise in my mouth.
Over the course of a few minutes, I draw myself up onto my knees and stand up, walking over to sit down at my desk. I start to scribble words that seem right on a paper. After a minute of writing, I reread it. It's not good enough. I crumple up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash.
I hug my knees tightly, trying not to make any form of sound. My breathing slows to its normal pace as I continue to sit there and I grab another piece of paper. I start to write once again, this time neater.
In the morning, I wake up the same way as yesterday. I put on my pants and even throw on a t-shirt instead of a blouse. I don’t care if Mr. Simon tries to force me to wear a skirt. I’m not taking anyone’s crap on my last day of school.
As I look in the cracked medicine cabinet mirror, all I can think of is my hair. I chew on the inside of my cheek for a minute while I go over all my options. I finally tug open the drawer and grip my father’s razor in my hand. There are lots of those weird plastic protectors that I think make sure you don’t accidentally shave off all your hair. I choose the one labeled number 4 at random and push it onto the top of the razor.
My heart starts to beat faster as I push it gently against my scalp, running it down my head in different places until my entire head is buzz cut. For the first time, I feel alive.
I peek out of the crack in the door and watch my mom walk into the kitchen. I run to my room, grabbing my backpack and binder.
I do this again and again until I’m out of the door. 
I step into the bus, a huge grin slapped on my face. The other kids stare and I don’t even pay any attention to them. For the first time, I don’t care. I hear a kid yell “Get off, queer!” and I resist flipping him off… well, I try to resist flipping him off. 
Taking my time, I walk into the classroom and sit next to Logan. He stares at me, dumbfounded. “What the hell did you do?” he whispers.
“I buzz cut my hair. I don’t even care anymore. I’ll deal with the consequences,” 
“I just needed to do it,” I finish.
His face is contorted into a mixture of dumbfoundedness and horror as he slowly shakes his head. “Yeah. Alright. Tell me if you need anything, I guess.” He can’t stop staring at me and I honestly find it kind of funny.
A kid walks up to me sitting at what is most likely his desk. 
“You’re sitting in my seat.”
“Yeah. I know. My seat’s over there. Feel free to take it.” He looks as if he’s about to say something more, but he turns to walk towards my actual seat. 
Logan looks at me. I wonder if he knows something off. That taking some other kid’s seat isn’t something I’d normally do. 
If he notices, he doesn’t mention it. “Anyways, how was your day yesterday?” He laughs and then adds, “Holy crap. That was such a mom question.”
I snort and answer, “Oh my god, you’re right. But it was good. I’m tired as hell, though.”
“No kidding.” I grin at him as the teacher looks at us again. I don’t really pay attention in math. I just talk to Logan. It’s relaxing to not have to care. To not have to worry about the consequences of my actions. 
When we walk to lunch, I start complaining to Logan about how much of the day we have left. 
“Uh, you know that we have an early day, right?”
“Oh! I do now.” He chuckles and smiles. I feel my cheeks warm up slightly at his smile. It’s a beautiful one. He starts to talk about some fandom of his and I try my hardest to pay attention. 
I don’t really know what triggers this, although I have an idea, but I realize something. I’ve never kissed someone. Okay, this needs to change. I feel weird thinking about it, but I know exactly who I want to be my first and last kiss.
He’s about to start another thought, but I interrupt him. I don’t care. “You’re amazing.”
He looks at me as if I said the strangest thing he’s ever heard. “I mean it. You’re always there for me and you talk to me about things we like. I feel I don’t thank you enough for that.”
He still looks confused and a bit weirded out but he just smiles calmly. “Right back at you,” he responds as he fidgets with his hands and looks down at his shoes. I gesture for him to continue and, without hesitation, he does. 
Logan sighs and packs up his lunch as the bell rings. 
“Hey, will you walk home with me? I know you normally hang out here for a while but I want to talk to you.” I know this is a risk. 
Just like before, he doesn’t say anything, but now I’m sure that we both know something’s wrong. “Yeah, of course.”
We grab our stuff and we start walking. He starts walking faster and gets ahead. This is not acceptable. 
I break into a full sprint and he starts to chase me. My breath is short and raspy as I laugh all the air out of my lungs with him. When we reach the bridge, we’re both out of breath. We start panting like dogs on a hot day as we bend over and try to distribute our body weight evenly.
I stand up straight again and look at him. His face is glowing and his brown eyes are big and happy. He runs his hand through his slicked-back (with both gel and sweat) hair and adjusts his glasses. What a dork. 
I know this is the moment. I move closer to him and press my lips against his own, my own brain not having a say in it. 
The salty air blows through my hair and I feel on top of the world. After a couple of seconds, I step away. He looks confused. He wasn't okay with it. Oh, God. What have I done? I'm about to keep running down the bridge when he hugs me.
This time, I'm the unprepared one. After a minute, he lets go and slides his hand into mine. We continue to walk across the bridge. There's nothing we need to say and it feels amazing. 
We don't have to explain ourselves. We can just walk quietly together. And it's not awkward.
My happiness fades away as I realize this is the first and last time I’ll be able to do this. I couldn’t change my mind if I wanted to. I already taped the note to his backpack when we left school. 
Today was the best day of my life, but the rest of my life will be a living hell if I go back home right now. Today was a good day. One in a million.
This has to be the last time. Nothing good can last forever. Nothing can last forever.
We reach the other side. “Goodbye, Logan.” 
He laughs. “You say it like this is the last time I’ll ever see you. I’m going to see you tomorrow.”
I feel my heart shatter a little bit more than it already had but I cover it up with a soft smile. “Yeah. It’s just goodbye for now.” He leans in and kisses my cheek and then twirls around like a ballerina. I choke back a sad laugh.
He starts to walk towards his house, but I just turn towards the water. 
Tears spill silently down my face. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs. I want to run to Logan and scream his name, but I can’t. This has to be done alone. 
I lift one foot onto the railing and then the other. This is it.
One last tear slips down my face as I whisper raspily, “I’m sorry, Logan.” I know it will be peaceful. A quiet ending. Not that I deserve one, but I guess it’s a favor to myself. I let go of the pole that I had been holding onto.
And then I’m falling. 
Tagging: @sunandshinee @writingamongthecoloredroses @ettawritesnstudies @rhycantspell @just-perhaps @etddivine @antisocialdragonenby  @crabsthinkfishfly @holdup-pause @gaydemiboy 
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shibereshu · 4 years
“and they were in quarantine” [3]
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Cao Yuchen // ‘OMG They were quarantined together’ AU
Neither of you talked much on your way to the house. You spent some time at first trying to come up with something to talk about, but then decided he could be the one to speak up. After all, you were the one having the hard time, so you would rather relax and stop worrying about the silence inside the car. He did start some smalltalk, but it died as soon as it started. It was okay, though, because silence didn’t bother either of you that much.
You finally arrived to Yuchen’s house, and, after moving everything to the room you were going to stay in, Yuchen decided to order some food from a restaurant nearby. While he called the restaurant, you walked around the house, getting used to the glossy floors and tall walls and making mental notes about where each bathroom and toilet was. There were way too many rooms for a boy who lived alone, but it was quite funny to realise that every room had a purpose after all: Yuchen slept in one of them, his dog in another one, then there was one were he could exercise, one where he could relax and watch TV, another one for gaming, and then one which was basketball themed, where you would sleep for a few days, Hopefully only one or two.
Yuchen’s dog had greeted you happily right after you entered the house. When you went back to the living room, he was lying down, waiting for someone to scratch his belly. Happily, you kneeled down and played with him. You had a soft spot for dogs as cute as that one, you loved tickling and petting them. You played with the dog for a while, and then Yuchen came back with the food and you sat down to have dinner together. The food was warm, right out of the stove, and you could hear your stomach growling when you saw the steam coming out of it in front of you. It smelled delicious. Yuchen’s stomach growled too, which made you chuckle, he was a real person after all… Usually people would think of famous actors and singers as perfect objects, but they were made from flesh and bones, just like yourself. Even though the house was huge and the car was really expensive, you could tell Yuchen lived like any other person you knew. He bought expensive food for his dog, but he ate regular food from a restaurant that you also liked to visit. His clothes were really nice when he went out, because he had to wear what the companies gave him to promote them, but inside he would wear a regular old sweater and black simple pants. His house was comfortably messy and wet dishes rested beside the sink in the kitchen. It was nice. You thought you would feel out of place, but the truth was, you could see yourself getting used to living in a place like that. I could, but I won’t, because I’m only staying here until I find another place You reminded yourself.
“So, (y/n), can you please explain me in full detail the reason you are here tonight and not wherever you used to live before?” Yuchen blowed on the steamy piece of chicken covered in sauce that he holded with his chopsticks, “I know they kicked you out… but why?”
You told him the full story, trying not to miss any detail, and noticed it was really easy talking to him. He would react when necessary, but he would not laugh at everything, only at what he really found funny. His stare was the one of someone who was really interested in what you were saying. Actually, his stare was the one of someone who was interested in you as a person. The thought of that made your ears turn slightly pink, just because you weren’t used to receiving that kind of attention. He also made fun of you because of your accent and the way you pronounced some words, but you liked to make fun of yourself too, so it was fine. It was really enjoyable overall, and when you had finished your meal, you felt both full and fulfilled at the same time. 
You helped him clean up the table and then he looked for some clean blankets for you to use while you washed up and changed into your pajamas. After that, he took a shower while you poured yourself a glass of water in the kitchen. 
    You were drying up the glass and putting it back when Yuchen came out of his room, wearing a full set of Mickey Mouse pajamas and a face clear of make-up. You let out a giggle at the sigh, and he squinted his eyes with annoyance.
    “Don’t you dare laugh at me. This is my house and I wear what I want to.”
    “Yes, sir.” You answered, while laughing quietly.
    “So, do you want to do something before going to bed? We can watch TV or play some games… I… don’t really know what you like to do…” Yuchen scratched the back of his head and looked around, thinking about any other options he could offer you.
    “Actually, I’m pretty tired. I think it’s for the best if I go to bed now and try to get some sleep.” You couldn’t wait to finally lie down and close your eyes, you were exhausted.
    “Oh… Yeah, sure! You must be tired… You had a crazy day after all hahaha.” He seemed to relax a bit, knowing that you weren’t planning on staying awake any longer, “Then… Goodnight. Bang on my door if you need anything… Will you be okay?”
    “Yeah! Thank you Yuchen… This is more than I could ever ask for…”
    “But… are you sure you are really okay?”
    “sUrE? I’m fine Yuchen. Goodnight! See you tomorrow! I wake up pretty early, so don’t worry about being too loud or anything.” Saying that, you walked into the basketball room and waved to him before closing the door. 
    You stood there, your back on the closed door, for a few minutes, overthinking everything that had happened during that day and feeling the weight of the uncertainty on your shoulders. You had no idea what would happen from that moment on, but you were grateful, because you knew you were really really lucky. There were people who had to live on the streets for their whole life, but there you were, in the guest room of a famous actor, living a life only the elite class was used to enjoying. 
    You closed your eyes and let your thoughts drift for a moment before making sure the door was locked and throwing yourself on the bed, where the blankets embraced you and made you feel like you were lying on a cloud. You fell asleep almost immediately, and dreamt about a huge house like that, where a nine year old that looked just like you at that age ran through the open doors, playing with a happy dog that resembled the one you had as a kid.
The next morning, you let out a groan when you felt the sun rays hitting your closed eyelids, creating a show of lights and shadows before your eyes. You had slept more than enough, you knew that because your body felt rested and full of energy. However, you didn’t want to leave the bed, it was so comfortable… But you remembered you would have to sleep on it for at least one more day, so you got up happily and put on a new set of clothes before walking out to the living room.
Humming a popular tune that was all the time on the radio around that time, you washed your face before heading to the kitchen area, where Yuchen was already working on preparing a nutritious breakfast. You stood at the door, looking at the bunch of dishes of multiple different colours and aromas, feeling your mouth begin to water. You would usually just drink a cup of tea or coffee and munch on an excessively burnt toast, since you didn’t have much time before having to leave for work. Yuchen noticed you standing there and greeted you.
“(y/n)! You woke up early… I still haven’t finished this… But it’s almost done. Did you sleep well?” As he said that, he looked up from the pan he was using to grill a pancake and looked at you instead. 
“Yes, thank you, it was really comfortable…” You hugged yourself, already missing the softness of the bed sheets and the firmness of the mattress, “I’ve never slept so well… Yu- Yuchen, the pancake!!” Without noticing, Yuchen had tilted the pan he was using, where the golden pancake was slowly but steadily slipping and already hanging halfway out of it. The boy tried to lift it and aimed to throw the pancake to the air and pick it up again with the pan, just like professional chefs usually do. However, he used too much strength and the pancake flew and landed on top of the fridge, before sliding from there to the floor. Dumbfounded, you both looked at it for a moment before you burst out laughing. Yuchen did too, just a second afterwards.
With tears in his eyes, Yuchen tried to recover his breath, “I… I cook well when I’m concentrated… This… This doesn’t really happen…”
“I was starting to think you were secretly a professional chef, looking at the amount of food on the table, but I guess you are not that cool” You couldn’t stop laughing at the scene, and your belly started to ache because of that.
“I am cool! This was just a slip in my successful career as a Michelin-chef, just you wait.”
After a few more pancakes, all of them successful after that, the breakfast was ready, and you sat down on the table and started enjoying it together. You chit chatted for a bit, and then Yuchen decided to turn on the TV so you could watch the morning news report.
You immediately dropped your chopsticks and asked him to turn the volume up when the reporter announced there are important news about the popular virus.
“...an emergency hospital is being built in the province, and people with minor illnesses and injuries are advised to call their primary care doctor instead of driving to the nearest hospital to prevent big groups of people and overcrowding…”
“Wow… Is this for real?” You looked at the woman stating the facts with a mix of disbelief and fear on your face. Then, the word important appeared on the corner of the screen, in bright bold red capital letters, and the woman stuttered before announcing the following:
“From today on, indefinitely, every citizen must stay inside their homes. This affects every area of the country, and every person. We remind you that it’s for the better, and that going outside could be immensely harmful, for you, your dear ones and also the citizens around you. Only supermarkets and first need stores will be open, workers must stay inside and children will have to take online classes. This is a message from the authorities. Please, take care and follow the instructions provided by the World Health Organization when trying to prevent the spread of the virus. Remember to wash your hands…”
You couldn’t believe your eyes. You couldn't believe what you had just heard. The reporter kept talking about the preventive measures, but you couldn’t hear her words anymore. You saw her mouth moving, but your head suddenly felt extremely dizzy and the room started moving in circles in front of you. You looked at Yuchen, who had a look in his face that you imagined was the same one you yourself were wearing. 
“Are… are we not able to leave this place?” You managed to say, looking at your untouched dish of food while doing so.
“Apparently not…” Yuchen gulped and you looked at each other, realising you would have to live together for the time being, until they announced the quarantine to be over.
Having no idea of what’s going on, Yuchen’s dog ran and rested his head on your lap, asking you to give him a bite of your breakfast. You looked at him and flinched before petting his head. 
Oh my god, little friend… What have I gotten myself into...
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writtingfiction · 6 years
From End, to Beginning
genre: Fluff, Angst 
pairing: Chrom x FemRobin
words: 5.4 k
summary: Robin wakes up in a field, with nothing familiar in sight. Where does she go with no one to guide her?
There was the soft sound of chirping birds, the gentle breeze swaying the golden fields. Hazel brown eyes open and flinch upon seeing the bright light the warm sun provided. Their hand reaches up, blocking the sun from their view, showing a unique brand on the back of their hand. They groan as they stand, stretching their limbs slightly as they look at field they were in. Vast fields of gold stretched out for miles on end. The view took their breath away, a small smile appeared but it quickly disappeared. Where were they, no, whowere they?
What even is my own name?
Dread and panic quickly filled them. What year was it? Wherewere they? How didthey get here? Whywere they here? Where washere? They were overwhelmed with their own questions. They mind flown into a crazy panic trying to think, but unable too. They had to find someone, anyone.
Their eyes searched the golden fields, the atmosphere was admittedly nice but the situation they were in made it hard to appreciate. Then, a faint smell of fresh baked bread was in the air. They turned, trying to follow the faint smell the best they could. Maybe they could find some answers there.
The walk there was not too long. They had reached a small town, a busy small town. People chatting happily with one another. Bartering with prices, chatting with neighbours and helping friends. That was when they had the sudden thought. Did they have money on them? They searched themselves to find a small pouch with barely enough to make adequate noise to catch the attention of someone beside them. How much was this worth? Did they have enough for a night at an Inn?
“Hey stranger! What’s your name?” A burly man in his late thirties had approached, large smile stretching across his hairy face.
“Robin.” They had said, like it was natural thing to say.
“Robin, eh? Well, it’s nice to meet yah, lass!!” The man gave out a hearty laugh. “The names Theo, I can tell you’re low on cash just by the look on your face. What do you think about making a quick buck?” Robin gave a sceptical look towards Theo, whom just laughed. “Fair is fair, lass. Have no fear, I won’t have you do something you dislike. However, if you could help us move some goods for us, we’d be highly appreciative of it.”
After hearing Theo’s explanation made Robin relax a little. Pausing slightly before nodding.
“I’ll gladly help you, Theo.” The man in response keeps his wild grin before patting her on the back. Guiding her to an open stall not far from where they were.
Here, she helped Theo and his wife move some goods from a cart that had come to drop off some vegetables delivered by his son. The atmosphere was friendly and kind. Robin had quickly learned that the poor town was plagued by brigands that would come to pass every once in a while. However, the Shepherds, a group led by the prince and youngest princess would come in to save the day. She had also learned that she was in a Kingdom called Ylisse, ruled by an Exalt. Whom was very kind and offered peace to her subjects. Ylisse seemed like a beautiful place, apart from the brigands’ attack but she was sure she could live past that. She could feel it.
“Thank you, Robin.” Theo’s wife, Arlessa, said in gratitude. Robin, in return, smiled greatly.
“It was my pleasure, Mrs. Arlessa.” Robin said respectfully.
“Oh, please dear, just call me Arlessa.” She waved off Robin, holding onto one of her hands gently.
“If you insist.” Giving an awkward smile in return.
“Say, Robin, do you have a place to stay?” Andrew, Theo’s son spoke up.
“Ah, I was planning on staying at the Inn for the night.” Robin said, however the looks she received from the family had given her second thoughts.
“Robin, how about I offer you a better option?” Arlessa speaks, hands resting on her hips. “That old man will try to rip every last bronze piece from your poor hands. Why don’t you stay at our home for the night?”
“O-oh! I couldn’t possibly!! I wouldn’t want to intrude–!” Robin said flustered, not expecting the hospitality from the family. Nevertheless, Arlessa just smiled warmly.
“You helped us out, Robin. Let us return the favour. Don’t want your hard working money to go down the river.” Arlessa spoke. Theo came up from behind, nodding, reassuring Arlessa in her offer. Robin stood there for a moment thinking and waiting before making a decision. She sighed and let a smile appear on her lips.
“Thank you, I accept your offer graciously then.”
The dinner that night was deliciously made. Robin ate more than she had ever expected, feeling a bit embarrassed in the family’s presence who just laughed it off and offered her more. It was nice, the comforting feeling of being accepted even though you knew barely nothing of your own self. Robin was beyond grateful for this family and how they offered up their home so, she could rest the night. In fact, when she went to bed on the extra mattress in another room, she thought of ways to help them. She giggled, thinking about how it could be an endless cycle of giving.
Although, she was never able to repay them for their kindness come morning. Royal Guards had appeared at their doors that morning demanding to see her. They put her in chains and dragged her off away from the simple and humble family. She never had the chance to fully thank them once again.
They escorted her to the capital, it was large and lively. However, she could not understand why she was arrested. She had asked multiple times why she was under arrest. Why had she been taken away. She received nothing from the guards that escorted her through the capitol, and through the castle walls, which were impressive. They arrived upon a throne room where she only could assume that was the Exalt sitting in it.
“Who is this?” It was a gentle tone, kind even. It made Robin slightly more comfortable under the harsh stares from everyone else in the room.
“She is believed to be a spy under Plegia colours, Your Excellency.” A guard spoke from ahead of Robin. “She was asking questions about our home and, not so secretly.” She received a harsh glare when he finished speaking. That was when the situation dawned on her. Plegia and Ylisse were at war, or maybe not, but there was tension there. Robin’s situation was not in her favour, she knew practically next to nothing about either country. Never mind the functions inside Ylisse. Panic started to fill her.
“Her clothing suggests Plegian, do we truly know she’s a spy from Plegia? Gangrel isn’t that crafty.” The Exalt murmured but every word could be heard. Robin looked around nervously, she had to say something, but how does one address an Exalt?
“If I may, your Exalt–Your Excellency, a word?” Robin spoke up, palms open facing the Exalt, pleading. Robin took one step forward, but only to receive the end of a lance pointing towards her neck.
“We will do nothing rash.” The Exalt quickly said. “Lower your weapon.” The guard was hesitant to put his weapon down but obeyed in the end. “You may speak.”
“I have no memory. I know nothing of my own life expect beyond my own name. The questions­—” Robin was cut off by the pegasus knight that was beside the Exalt.
“Do you really expect us to believe that?” It was a sharp tone, cutting through the air. Robin breathed as she tried to calm herself.
“Truthfully, no. However, it is the truth! The questions I asked that family was because I knew nothing. The only information I have is a response to common questions.” Robin said, pleading, begging for them to believe her. Her eyes nervously watched the Exalt stare at her. There were a few beats of silence before the Exalt spoke.
“Send her to cells below.” Dread filled her, her legs felt weak.
“Right away, Your Excellency.” A guard beside her spoke. Grabbing her arm roughly as they pulled her along to the awaiting cells below the castle.
To actually be down there, the cell door rusting away as you waited for anyone to greet you with news you were trying prepare for, was terrible. There was barely enough light to see the entire cell but there was a bed light up by the torch’s light. Light footsteps could be heard though, she took brief look towards the small window she had. It was dark, it must have been a couple hours since she had been there.
“This is her, the Plegian spy.” A familiar voice had spoken behind her. Robin turned from where she sat, the chains attached to her wrists dragged on the ground at her movement. It was the Pegasus knight from earlier that day. Someone by her side had stepped out into her view. It was the Exalt. She stood in front of the rotting cell elegantly, her slim green dress barely highlighted in the poor light. She wore a conflicted expression.
“Is it true? Are you a spy from Plegia?” The Exalt spoke softly, looking at Robin in a desperate way. Wishing, hoping but not in the way Robin had wished.
“Exalt, I don’t know what Plegia is. I could not be a Plegian spy.” Robin said, eyes watching the two women in front of her carefully. A snarl appeared on the Pegasus knight’s face.
“Do not lie to the Exalt’s face like that, Plegian. There’s no escape now.” A venomous tone hit Robin hard.
“Phila! Please.” The Exalt said, scolding by the knight’s behaviour. “Do you have a name?”
“Robin, do you understand the situation you are in?” The Exalt spoke gently once more. Like calming a wild animal. Robin looked to the blue haired knight before the looking at the Exalt and nodding. “Then you must understand the importance that you must say the truth.” Her words hit Robin like a bag of bricks. She was beginning to believe that the Exalt had truly believed her but, how wrong she was.
“I am!! Please believe me. The only thing I know is what the family told me. That their country, Ylisse is ruled by a kind Exalt while her siblings’ rule over an army called ‘The Shepherds’. And that brigands sometimes attack towns. By the Gods, I swear I am not what you call me!” Robin pleaded desperately, taking few steps towards them. “I don’t even know where Plegia is if you showed me a map. I could not tell you the ruler either!! Exalt, I beg you, please. I am not the guilty one you frame so!!”
Gods, I must look desperate.
The Exalt just looked at Robin with pity and sorrow. She sighed sadly and shook her head. Phila had given her a death glare.
“Let us hope Chrom and Lissa arrive soon. For your sake Robin.” The Exalt said, the disappointment filled her eyes. Robin felt wronged as the two of them walked away.
When she couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore, she tugged violently at the chains that felt heavier than ever in anger. Kicking at the stray rocks and throwing the pillow on the bed across the room. She let out a frustrated growl, repeating a mantra.
I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent—
One more pull at the chains before she fell to her knees. Her hands burned and bled, barely. The chains had cut into her skin. She looked down at them, frustration, pain, anger and somuch morefilled her. Her vision blurred, hot tears fell down her face. She can’t remember anything beyond waking up from that golden field. She tried, tried to remember but all she received was a head ache. She couldn’t remember anything. Nothing.
Her soft cries turned into sobs, shaking her body as she wailed throughout the night.
Robin woke the next morning to hear armour clanking down the hallway towards her cell. She stayed in the small cot, not bothering to get up for whomever came to see her. Probably another knight to spit in her face. However, the was a sliding noise. Metal against clay, most likely scratching whatever was sliding across the floor. Robin opened her eyes and turned to face the bars of her cell. There was a young maiden there, waiting patiently. Her eyes moved from her to the plate that had slide into her cell. It was a sandwich.
Robin was hungry. She could not deny that. Her eyes went between the young maiden to the food. Mind going, the kingdom was known for there peace keeping ruler. Well, from what she knew, which was not much. She careful left the cot to sit in front of the sandwich. It looked tasty.
“Please, eat. We wouldn’t want you to go hungry.” The young maiden spoke gently. However, her comment was quickly followed by the scoff from the royal guard. The girl threw a glare before looking towards Robin with a gentle smile.
“Thank you.” Robin said. “Truly.” Giving a small smile before slowly eating the sandwich. The girl smiled widely, happy to see her eating. Her hand slowly reached into the cell to grab the plate when Robin had finished eating, however the guard caught her by the shoulder.
“Do not reach into the spy’s cell.” It was firm, but it was not harsh.
“I will not harm an innocent being.” Robin said in response to the action the guard took. Grabbing the plate and placing it gently by the bars, for it was as far as she could reach with chains holding her. The tension in the air had left but there was still an awkward feel. The young maiden had quickly grabbed the plate and left quickly, the guard right on her tail.
From then on, no one came to visit. It was quiet, room mostly light up by the sun’s warm rays seeping through the small barred window she had. She could hear the capital bustling in the distance. Faint laughter’s and cheers. It made her heart heavy. Did she have a family? Was there anyone out there that cared for her? What was her life like before? Was her memory like a closed book? Waiting for someone else to open and read the lines. That’s how she learned her name. Maybe she could learn more things by listening, talking to others, but that didn’t seem likely at the moment. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, it was boring and painful to wait.
She was innocent, she wasn’t any Plegian spy. She did not want to harm others, only to listen and learn. She tugged at the chains in a rhythm, making rattling noises that echoed throughout the cells. An amnesiac found wearing your enemies’ colours, Gods does that sound believable. They wouldn’t believe her, no matter how hard she tried. But, once more, one more time she would try to convince them. She had too, someone had to believe her. At least, she hoped.
It was hours later of uninterrupted tugging of the chain that footsteps once more echoed louder than the chains she pulled at. She froze, there were many footsteps approaching her cell. Fear had filled her, were they going to take her away and hang her or something worse.
“Prince Chrom, this is accused woman being a Plegian Spy.” Phila said monotonously. Robin’s head turned ever so slightly. Prince Chrom, the midnight blue hair, white cape and one sleeveless arm. He does not look like a prince.
“How long has she been here?” A man not much taller than the prince, spoke up. Giving her a wary look. Robin gave a disinterested look in return. Her head turned back down towards her hands, picking at the holds against her wrists as Phlia answered the man.
“Almost 2 days now. She was found south in a town where an attack by brigands not too long ago.” Phila said.
“That doesn’t explain how that makes her an alleged spy.” Chrom spoke, frowning. There was a flutter in Robin’s stomach.
“The brigands were sent from Plegia. She came along a week after they were chased out and helped out the folks. Asking questions about Ylisse. She proclaims to know nothing, an amnesiac.” Phila said in disgust.
“An amnesiac?” Chrom said, slightly surprised.
“That’s a lot to claim.” The man behind Chrom said seriously. “You, what doyouremember?” Robin breathed, preparing herself.
“Nothing. The only thing I remember is waking to the sky and surrounded by fields of wheat.” Robin looked to the three of them. “That was three days ago, I know nothing of my life before that, Your Highness.”
“It would seem the spy knows her etiquette.” Phila said harshly. Robin ignored her as she tried to plead her case for the third time.
“The only knowledge I know is what they told me, Your Highness. I couldn’t even tell you who rules Plegia.” Robin said, eyes training on the prince hoping wishing he would trust her.
“M’lord, I’m not sure we can trust her.” The man in behind once again spoke.
“We must at least hear her out Frederick.” Chrom said. Frederick gave a look to the prince which made him shake his head. “So, I’m sure you can tell us your name.” He gave a heartwarming smile.
“I’m Robin.”
“And I’m Chrom, although I’m sure you already knew.” He gave out a nervous laugh, hand rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, Robin, why don’t you tell me what you know.” Robin looked at him, searching for something that would make her believe he was trying to make her feel better. Have her think that he was lying, but he wasn’t. He seemed, eager, in a way to hear her out.
“Well… from what the family told me, this is Ylisse. There’s a small army called that The Shepherds lead by you and your younger sister. Looking after your country in a way that an actual army can’t. Also, that their town had been plagued by brigands from time to time… That’s, that’s all I know.” Robin said softly, tired of pleading for her life. It was silent for a heartbeat, she saw Chrom nod before Frederick spoke up.
“I do not think she’s telling the entire truth Milord.” The hope she held was all gone. She turned away from them, not wanting to see their faces anymore. She felt her body grow hot from the shame of her actually believing it would work this time.
“Frederick, what if she’s actually telling the truth?” Chrom said, his armour making noise as he turned quickly to face his friend.
“Prince Chrom, do not be naïve.” Phila this time, said something. “These spies will tell you anything to get you to believe them.” Robin’s hand gripped the chain holding her tightly. It was silent. She didn’t know why or cared, she wanted them gone.
“I see.” Chrom said and it broke her to a million pieces to hear it. “I’ll tell Emm my decision tomorrow morning.”
“Are you sure you need that much time Milord?” Phila asked, clearly convinced Robin was a spy.
“Yes, now, there’s still much to do with Shepherds. Did you hear about what happened?” Chrom said, starting to walk his way to exit the dungeon. Their voices echoed against the hallways. When, and only when she was sure that no one would appear. No one would dare walk down those stairs, she let out a yell.
Her chest felt heavy and it hurt. She felt a lump in her throat as she tried not to cry, she pulled once again at the chains harshly. Tears fell down her face like a waterfall as she tried to do something against the chains. She would rot down here before she’d let them take her. Again, the words repeated in her minds, over and over and over and over and over and over again.
I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent, I’m innocent—
I am notguilty.
She collapsed against the wall. Wrists bruised and bloodied, just like her hands. Her body shook with her sobs. Why wouldn’t anyone believe her? Why would they have forsaken her like this? What had she done to deserve this? But then again, who would believe the sobbing amnesiac against the wall screaming for their innocence.
A midnight blue haired man who had met her only hours ago showed up once more. After the terrible sobs had passed, however she was in no mood to deal with him.
“Ah, Robin! Are you still awake?” Chrom called out, holding a torch closer to the bars to see further inside the cell. He could see her curled up in ball by the corner of her cell. He frowned at the sight. Her white hair that had been pulled back into a ponytail was sprawled along her shoulders and back. Her thick coat tightly wrapped around her. “Robin?”
“If you are here to listen and only to mock me, leave. I am in no mood to deal with anyone.” It was harsh, she knew but had, had enough of being treated the way she had been.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Chrom’s voice carried through the cell, surprising her.
“Why? Why stay? You’re just going to tell me my stories a lie, all made upbecause I’ma Plegian spy!!”Robin growled out in frustration. There was a sad look on Chrom’s face. It was clear to see that Robin was angry, rightfully so. A question he asked himself earlier that day, why would someone guilty be so frustrated that they don’t believe them? Why would they give up trying to make people understand? Would a guilty person be as passionate as an innocent one?
“Because,” Chrom stressed, bending to his knees. “I am not like them. I’ve never seen anyone like you before, and there’s something about you. You’ve said the same thing multiple times already and to be shot down again and again will be frustrating.” Robin looked from her boots the prince, eyes still a bit puffy from the crying.
“What if it’s all an act?” Robin shot back, eyes as hard as steel. “You don’t know me.Idon’t even know me.”
“That’s not true. I’m sure you are so much more than a woman doomed to stay in the rotting cells below the castle.” Chrom said softly. His eyes seeing, taking in the poor condition she was in. “The young maiden that had given you lunch? I talked to her, she told me what went on between you two. You’re not a Plegian spy. You can’t be.” Robin relaxed, her tight grip on the thick jacket she wore loosened. Her feet slide out from underneath her.
“How can I trust you?” Robin asked, feeling soso small. Eyes wide and filled with vulnerability. There was a sense of relief, but she knew she wasn’t completely free. She felt she could never truly be. 3 days, she thought, 3 days and I feel condemned to death.
“A question I should ask you as well.” Chrom said chuckling. He gave Robin a warm smile, eyes sparkling. “Can I trust you, Robin?” Robin looked at Chrom for a moment. Taking the man in, he didn’t seem that old, in fact he must be quite young. Early twenties, at least. However, he spoke as if he was a veteran knight. He was a knight in shining armour, literally in this sense.
“Yes.” She spoke, staring at him in the eyes, never wavering. She could see the emotions in his eyes. Brightening in her response, sparkling in the fire light as he spoke.
“Good, then I have a request.” Chrom said, arm reaching through the rusted bars, palm stretched out. “Join the Shepherds. Fight at my side and serve with Ylisse. Prove my sister, the knights, the maids and others that you can be trusted.”
“And if they don’t?” Chrom smiled.
“If they don’t, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be here for you, Robin. Let’s get your memories back.” The way Chrom said his words with ease. Like, he was the moon that beckoned the tide to follow. Robin was amazed, she was shocked, surprised. He believed her, he truly did. She shifted, legs moving to stand but she hesitates.
“Would I be chained at your side? Locked and shackled like a prisoner and forced to fight for you?” Robin said, holding a hard glare at the prince. The offer couldn’t be what it seemed. Chrom faltered hearing her words, his face forming a frown.
“I would never…!” Chrom stood from where was, arm going back to his side. Robin stood as well, taking a defensive stance. He looked hurt at the suggestion of her being chained to his side. “You would stand beside me, my equal. Not chained by the ankle and forced to followme.” He was disgusted by the mention of her being chained. “You’re a human being, not some wild beast who can’t hold its bloodlust.”
Chrom defended his position hotly, upset at the mere mention of Robin being dragged around like a doll. It was clear Robin was a person his eyes, and she didn’t quite know how to respond to this. His eyes were filled with a defensive light, his grip on the torch just a bit tighter. He stared her down, waiting for a response but he became too impatient.
“I may be too trusting, or naïve, I know. Trusting a random stranger, but I know I can trust you Robin. Show me, my sister, the knights and everyone you have something to prove.” Chrom said angrily. He paused before sighing. “Don’t you want to be given at least a chance?” He was right, a chance is better than none.
Robin walked forward towards the cell doors. Chains dragging on the floor, as she walked and lifted her hand towards Chrom. A tug on the edge of her lips as she could see Chrom’s eyes softening just a little.
“I understand. Then, if you’ll have me.” Chrom’s hand quickly clasped over her own. Shaking it firmly before letting go.
“Perfect. Now, we have to get you out before Frederick finds out I’ve left.” Chrom said searching the cell key on his body. Confusion filled Robin.
“You left? Left what?” Robin asked. He made a sound of accomplishment as he found the key.
“There’s a council meeting,” Chrom spoke as he unlocked the cell door. Quickly opening it and coming in to unlock the shackles on her wrists. “it was going to start in 30 minutes, and I thought it was the perfect time to see you. Frederick keeps a good eye on my door so, sneaking out would have been trouble.” The shackles fell to the ground revealing the bruised wrists. Robin’s hands quickly put her hands over them, soothing them the best she could. “I’ll get Lissa to look at your wrists, promise, but for now, come with me. Join me in the council meeting, I’m sure we could use another brain in there.” Robin’s eyes went wide at the suggestion.
“Oh, but Prince Chrom, I couldn’t–“
“Please, no need with the formalities, and Robin, I’m sure your voice will be heard. I’ll make sure.” Chrom said giving a warm smile. “Let’s go.”
The two left the cells and travelled through the hallways. Winding staircases and some more hallways, passing a garden and one familiar hallway before reaching the desired room. The torch left abandoned at the edge of the dungeons when they had reached the exit, it would have been odd seeing the prince with a torch in hand. Chrom gave an encouraging smile to Robin, whom, in turn just gave a nervous one before he opened the doors. Just on time, were the words on his lips as everyone turned to look at him. The room was filled, Phila, The Exalt and even Frederick were some and the only faces she recognized. There was another girl with blonde curly pigtails, the sunny yellow dress. The reactions were at first welcoming before they spotted Robin just behind Chrom. Phila had called for the guards to seize her, but The Exalt stopped her.
“Let us trust Chrom, I’m sure he has a perfectly good reason releasing Robin.” Her gentle tone and smile, warmed Robin.
“Thank you, sister. Now, where was everyone?” Chrom asked. Body in front of a map of Ylisse, Plegia and the border with Regna Ferox. Robin came in beside him, a bit hesitant but gives some distance between her and the prince. Frederick’s glare made sure of that. Her eyes glued to the map, as everyone talked.
“We were talking about Risen, Milord. From where they seemed to appear from the southwest, there have been some reports of them being seen from the east of Ylissetol.” Frederick informed the two of them, the conversation flowing easily afterwards.
“Another threat, now?” Chrom said, worried. The small girl in pigtails sighed.
“We won’t be able to catch our breath at all if the Risen spread though.” The girl spoke, getting The Exalt and Phila to nod in agreement.
“You’re right Lissa. Which means, you and Chrom should head over to Regna Ferox, get the Khan to send troops to help us keep the Risen away from our people and theirs.” The Exalt said, already set on her decision.
“Are you sure, Emm?” Chrom said, concern filling his voice. That was when Robin spoke up.
“It’s not a bad idea. The Exalt leaving the capital suddenly off to see the Khan in Regna Ferox would bring a sense of fear to your people. Having you and your sister go in her stead would leave her more open to protect the capital, in case something was to happen.” Robin held her breath as they all looked at her. “And I’m sure the Pegasus knights are capable to protect the Exalt.” There was a heavy silence in the room after she spoke. She would be lying if it didn’t make her nervous. She wondered if everyone forgot that she was actually in the room. Then she saw the Exalt give her a warm smile.
“Thank you, Robin.” The Exalt said, soon saying her goodbyes and leaving the room but not before advising her siblings to move as quick as they can.
“So, you’re Robin.” Lissa spoke up, walking around the table before clasping her hand and shaking it. “I’m Lissa, Chrom’s younger sister.” Robin gave a light smile, introducing herself once more but in a more comfortable manner.
“Pleasure to meet you, Lissa.” Robin felt comfortably at ease in their presence, well, not exactly. She could feel Frederick’s stare from across the table.
“An expedition, Milord?” Frederick spoke, eyes wary of the stranger in the room.
“Yes, we’ll have to figure how many are going with us, then, figure out the fastest route to Regna Ferox.” Chrom said, eyes looking at the map in a tense concentration. “What if we took the path from the north and then took the path here.” Chrom pointed to the path he mentioned.
“That would work for a small scout group.” Robin said, eyes trained on the map. She made her way closer to the map. “If you had a larger group, taking this… path here, would do the trick.” Her fingers traced the along the map. “And if you had a smaller group, taking these roads here would make for faster travel but we may run into some brigands. It is a travelling road, merchants most likely take this road so there’s a possibility.”
When she finished speaking, there was a mild surprised look on Frederick’s face. Chrom’s eyes were absolutely sparkling as Lissa’s eyes were wide.
“Robin, what do you think of being the tactician of The Shepherd’s?” Chrom said excitedly, Robin was surprised with the offer, but she gave him a kind smile.
“If you’ll have me.” Robin thought, when she was down in that cell, she would not be out walking beside the prince and princess towards Regna Ferox with some of the Shepherds. It felt like a dream to feel the wind on her face and the welcoming conversations from the rest of them. She could get used to this, and so much more. She couldn’t wait to see what the future held for her.
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hoodoo12 · 6 years
I’m off to travel across state lines today, so needed something to daydream about whilst on the road. A little scene with @dorklyevil‘s  Patience Rick ought to do the trick!
Oh, and the book that is vaguely mentioned? It’s real. If you’re interested, hmu and we’ll chat about it.
NSFW. Patience/reader, sleeping, teasing, moderately hardcore, mild swearing
He’d gone to bed before you; you were too deep into your book’s chapter to quit now. It was only a few more pages, you told him; you’d be along shortly.
Well, a few pages turned into a few more chapters, because all of them seemed to end on a cliffhanger. Glancing up at the clock, you were surprised to find that more than an hour and a half had passed!
You promised when this chapter was done, so were you. It ended with two characters secretly having sex while the rest of their traveling group slept, which in itself was a shock, because nothing had been hinted at that before. Although the author didn’t go in to explicit detail--this wasn’t fanfiction, after all!--there was just enough to be titillating.
But you had made a vow to stop. So you did, and marked your place with scrap paper before going through your pre-bed routine. By the time you actually made it to the bed, It’d been almost two hours since Patience had left you.
During the walk  down the hall from the bathroom to the bedroom your eyes began the slow adjustment from light to dark. You shucked your clothing to the floor and groped your way to the bed.
You slid into it as carefully as you could. On his side facing away from you, Patience made a sighing noise, but you didn’t think you’d woken him. You snuggled down in the blankets and waited to drift to sleep.
Except . . .
The scene you’d just read played over in your mind. There hadn’t been a lot of detail, just enough to know that the two characters had been getting it on. It was a pleasant thought to accompany you to dreamland. You snuggled in to your pillow further.
Except . . .
Patience, nude, was warm next to you. You know it was kind of a jerk move, but you wiggled closer to siphon off some of his heat. You didn’t deliberately put your feet or hands on him or anything! Just wiggled closer to his back, into the pocket of warmth he’d created. He sighed again, and shifted slightly. He still didn’t wake up. Now you were comfortable; now you’d sleep.
Except . . .
He hadn’t showered. Patience had done some yoga today, and he hadn’t showered, and the entire bed smelled of him: the tang of his sweat, the deep musk that was uniquely his own. Pheromones that had one function.
To turn you on.
Maybe you didn’t put your cold feet on him, but slipping your hand over his waist to his stomach while he was sleeping would be a much more selfish thing to do. 
You did it anyway.
Your fingers circled his bellybutton, then found and followed the trail of hair that widened at his pubic bone. His cock was flaccid, of course, but you cupped it anyway as you pressed your mouth to his shoulder.
This time when he made a noise, it was much more aware.
Patience twisted on the bed a little, from his side to his back, dislodging your mouth. You kissed his arm, which he sleepily raised so it was over instead of between you. You kissed near his armpit, got a mouthful of the taste of sweat that lingered, and continued to his nipple. Catching it between your teeth and flicking the hardening nub woke him more.
You could tell because his cock grew in your hand.
He tried to continue to turn, to face you, but you didn’t permit him to complete the motion. Flashing him a smile you didn’t know if he could see, you threw the blankets over your head and kissed your way down his body. His large hand caught and stayed on the nape of your neck, squeezing gently as you continued southward along his body..
His erection bumped your chin. Reorienting yourself and taking a second to pull your hair back, you lay your cheek on his lower stomach and licked a circle around the head of his cock.
Above you, Patience gave a low moan.
At that, you took him into your mouth. There was the aroma and taste of sweat here too, but it wasn’t unpleasant and only served to turn you on more. You blew him gently, occasionally following an upward pull by your mouth with your hand for variety. It wasn’t hard or fast and his moans matched your pace, although occasionally his legs jerked a little if you held him in a few seconds longer, or swirled your tongue as you worked his cock.
After several minutes, you were out of breath but more aroused too. You paused. Patience’s fingers tightened in your hair, just for a second. You licked the tip of his cock again.
Then, despite what warm feeling had settled in your gut, you decided you’d disturbed his sleep enough and extracted yourself from the cave of blankets. Wiping your chin, you settled into the crook of his arm. Even though the blow job wasn’t hard and you’d wiped your hand on the sheets, it still left your palm wet, but he didn’t protest that you rested it rested on his chest.
“Sorry,” you lied in a whisper to him. “I know you were sleeping. I just couldn’t help myself. But we can finish this up later.”
In a voice roughened by sleep, he replied, “No. Now.”
The hunger and need in his tone, from the man who lived his life by the principle of restraint, was the sexiest thing you’d ever heard.
In mere moments you’d braced yourself on an elbow over him. Your mouths were locked on each other, tongues invading and retreating, lapping at and sucking one another greedily. One of his hands held you close by threading through your hair; the other, pinned under and around you, found the swell of your ass and squeezed you. Your damp hand went back to his groin and stroked him, paying special attention to adding a little more pressure just under the head of his cock that you knew he liked best. Patience broke off the kiss to groan. He caught his breath for half a second, then pulled you back in for another, just as eager, just as avid.
Your hand continued to caress him, albeit unevenly. He groaned into your mouth again, and wordlessly moved his hand from your head to your waist. He shifted you upward, using his core to sit up to keep his lips on yours, even as you understood what he wanted and moved to accommodate.
As he threw back the confining blankets and you threw a leg over him to straddle him, he told you, “Fuck me--oh god, fuck me--”
He’d barely had the order out of his mouth before you lifted yourself up, steadied his cock in between you, and sank down onto him.
Patience let out an opened mouth cry that rivaled yours at the sensation.
This wasn’t one of the slow and deliberate times he was so adept with. You’d woken him from a sound sleep; you’d teased him with your mouth and then your offer to wait for another time. It wouldn’t take much for him to intuit that you were horny. Maybe he didn’t care that you were being selfish. Maybe you’d interrupted a sensual dream he’d been having. Whatever the reason, Patience was anything but.
When you started slow, he growled and pulled at your arms to make you lower yourself to lay on stop of him. That position didn’t give you much room to maneuver, of course, but he planted his feet on the mattress and drove up into you, quick and hard. You squealed with each thrust, and laughed too, because yes, you’d wanted this after reading the end of that chapter, but you never expected him to be so receptive and forceful.
He moaned too, in time with his own pace. His breath was hot and moist on your neck. At one point he caught your earlobe between his teeth; that nip, plus his breath in your ear made you shiver, and you pushed yourself away from him a little.
You didn’t go far, however. You kissed him again, and when that didn’t last because his hips continued to drive up into yours, you simply panted and moaned into each other’s mouths.
This was good. This was divine. You’d never expected him to do all the work, however, so you shook his grip off your arms and sat up. 
Your eyes had finally fully adjusted to the dark, although everything was in grey tones. Below you, Patience grinned. His hair was loose and tousled on the pillow beneath his head. He wasn’t wearing his glasses, of course, so you weren’t sure if everything was blurry to him, but he reached up and took your breasts in his hands unerringly. He pinched your nipples, making you gasp.
Steadying yourself with a hand on one thigh behind you, you rocked and thrust over him. He threw his head back on his pillow, crying out at the new sensations you wrung from him. You understood; the feeling of his cock so deep in you was quickly becoming overwhelming. Foreplay may have been minimal tonight, but you were fast approaching an orgasm.
Your thighs trembled. You continued the blistering pace and neither of you cared you were gasping aloud, that half-formed words of encouragement and praise streamed unchecked from both your lips, or the fact that the headboard of the bed was slamming against the wall with each heavy thrust you made.
You released his leg and grabbed both his hands, still on your chest. Patience understood your unspoken request and pinched your nipples harder. Electricity shot through you and your back arched. Just a little more, a little more--
Patience surged up, unexpectedly, almost but not quite unseating you. In surprise, you opened your eyes to his. He let go of your front and wrapped his arms around your waist; you clutched at his shoulders. This new position negated much more movement, but his weight pulling you down on to him sent new fireworks of pleasure through you. He was so deep inside you, his cock stretching your pussy, and your clit caught against his pubic bone--just that extra stimulation sent you flying over the edge and you came, hard, crying out in a drawn out noise that you had no way of tempering for the sake of the rest of the household.
This position plus your pussy tightening around him rhythmically drew his orgasm as well. Every muscle in his body contracted, and his groan rivaled yours in strength and volume.
It took several moments for both of you to come back down from the pinnacle of bliss. Patience relaxed in stages, while you stayed atop him and attempted to catch your breath. He eased back to the mattress, the thin veneer of sweat on your bodies making you stick a little. After another moment, you pulled one leg back over him.
His cock made a wet noise leaving you, and you gasped again as your nerve endings sparked during the loss of it.
Before settling completely beside him, you stretched around to the bedside table for tissues. Two you shoved between your own legs; one you pressed into his hand. He wiped himself a little before balling up the soiled tissue and flicking it to the floor, even as you held your hand out for it to dispose of it properly.
“I’d expect that sort of thing from Sloth,” you giggled.
“Yeah, well, you woke me up,” he replied, but there was no malice in his voice.
“Sorry about that,” you lied again.
“No you’re not.”
“No I am not!”
He chuckled, then stretched a little. “Hand me the blankets, will you? I’m cold.”
You scoffed, even as you complied. “You’re hot and you know it.”
Patience made a non-verbal noise of agreement, or amusement. He pulled the sheets and blankets up to where he wanted them, and sighed.
“Good night, love.”
You leaned over to kiss him. He responded slightly.
“I’m going to go wash up a little. Be right back.”
“Mmm-hmm . . .”
You left the bed. This time you didn’t turn any lights on to make it to the bathroom, and didn’t use any to dab yourself mostly dry between your legs. By the time you’d made it back into the bedroom and slipped under the blankets again beside him, Patience was already asleep again.
This time, you snuggled in and drifted to sleep as well.
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gainerstories · 7 years
Holiday Heft: Thanksgiving
Click here to read prior chapters
I woke up Thanksgiving morning to find myself grinding my morning wood into my pillow on the verge of orgasm. This had become a fairly normal occurrence since I moved back home. I hadn’t gotten laid for almost three months. This was due to various reasons. Admittedly, I had been gaining a good deal of weight living with my family over the Holidays. A few days prior I weighed in at 177 pounds which was an all time high for me. I was living in denial of the weight gain, and kept telling myself that getting fat wasn’t as bad as relapsing. There was no question that food became my substitute for substances. Another contributing factor was that I was living a much more sedentary life. I had picked up writing again, which I stopped doing once I graduated college. Back in my days as a creative writing major, I would produce work while chain smoking and sipping whiskey; nowadays I kept a bag of chocolate chips and a glass of milk next to my computer. In fact, I was blowing through about a bag or two a week. That shit was better than crack. The bright side was that my writing had never been better. I was starting to feel like the person I had been before I started partying.
Needles to say, the changes in my appearance were becoming a bit noticeable. There was no doubt I was achieving dad bod status. My gut was spilling over the waist band of all my pants and I even had the soft curve of love handles developing. My thighs and ass thickened up a bit and a double chin became the bane of my existence. Every time I broke a sweat, which, admittedly wasn’t very often, the roll on my neck became sticky and claustrophobic. It was a constant reminder that my weight was snowballing. I also completely gave up on tanning and body grooming. I figured it was acceptable to be pale in the winter. I rarely shaved my face, maybe once a week if I could be bothered. My cheeks were almost constantly scruffy and unkempt. In addition, I had grown quite a bush above my cock, but who cared if I wasn’t getting laid?
I was becoming increasingly embarrassed of my rapid weight gain and even tried to hide it from my parents. All my tees had become pretty tight and accentuated the fact that I now wobbled when I walked. I began to exclusively wear sweatpants and sweatshirts to hide this fact. Plus, I rarely left the house and when I did it was usually to pick up food, so I didn’t see the point in squeezing into uncomfortable jeans that barely fit. In a further attempt to hide my unbridled gluttony, I would sneak to the trash can in the middle of the night to throw away the wad of fast food bags and candy wrappers that amassed each day. The only thing I couldn’t hide was this pesky double chin.
My cock was positively throbbing as it pressed into my pillow. I had to take care of it before I started my day. The problem was that my stomach was growling and I knew that my nut wouldn’t be satisfactory if I wasn’t at least partially satiated. I knew I had to have a snack somewhere in my room. Coincidentally enough, there was a half eaten king size Twix next to my bed. I shoved the rest in my mouth and went to town. It didn’t take long before my body was convulsing in the throws of orgasm, causing my the layer of fat over my body to wiggle like a jello mold. After I came I threw gulped down some chocolate chips and dozed off for a few minutes. When I awoke, cum was crusted into my body hair. I didn’t bother washing it off and threw on some sweats. I walked into the living room and my mom was already prepping for Thanksgiving dinner.
“Levi, I’m glad you’re up. Can you and Emily fetch a few things from the grocery store for me? Here’s a list.”
I grabbed the list and we headed out. On the drive Emily informed me that multiple guests would be joining us this year. Our parents had a friend coming over and Emily’s two friends were coming: Jeremy and Violeta. She informed me that Jeremy was a cute and single gay. I shrugged off her implications but was secretly filled with excitement at the prospect of getting laid. Hopefully he was a top because I needed some dick.
When we returned home I immediately began trying on outfits. If I wanted to get fucked I needed to look the part. I squeezed into the only pair of pants I thought would fit: black corduroys that barely buttoned. All of my button ups were obscenely tight. Sure, I could get them on, but it looked like I hadn’t gone shopping in twenty pounds— which was the truth. T-shirts were just as unbecoming. It’s not that I was even that fat, but my wardrobe consisted of clothes that were intended to be skin tight forty pounds ago. I went to Emily and asked for her advice. There was no way I could wear any of my clothes and I didn’t have time to go to the store.
“Wow big bro is really going through his second growth spurt huh?” She laughed. “I actually didn’t realize you were getting so puffy underneath those oversized hoodies.”
“I get it, I’m fat, now can you help me figure something out please? People are gonna be arriving in a couple hours and I wanna look decent.”
“Okay okay,” she giggled, “why don’t you just throw one of dad’s old sweaters over that button up?”
“Brilliant. Thank you!”
I ran off to my dads closet to rummage through his sweaters. There was no hiding my little spare tire, but I did find a sweater that cloaked it for the most part. The next two hours I spent nervously fussing over my appearance and refusing to eat. The not eating part was particularly difficult given all the delicious smells wafting about as well as the fact that snacking had become my new stress relief. I shaved my face to discover my double chin was bigger than I thought. Then I shaved my junk to realize that I had gained weight down there as well. I didn’t even know that your pubic area could get fat, but there was no arguing the appearance of a noticeable bit of padding above my cock. My self esteem was dwindling and I began to lose hope I would ever have sex again. I poured a glass of eggnog to calm my nerves.
All of the guests arrived early, so we broke out the spiked cider and had an impromptu mixer while my parents toiled away in the kitchen. I stuck to my eggnog. Jeremy arrived and was unexpectedly attractive. I was intimidated. Back when I was in peak form, I would’ve been all over him. Jeremy was a bit taller than me, maybe six foot? He was slim with broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw that was covered in the perfect amount of dark brown scruff. His hair was a mop of curls. Although he was a bit more pale than what I usually go for, these were desperate times. Plus, despite his slender frame, he appeared well endowed in all arenas. That is, he had both a bubble butt and a healthy bulge between his legs.
We got to chatting and I was pleasantly surprised to find he was quite flirtatious. However, I couldn’t discern whether he was a top or bottom. You see, I was a strict bottom and there was no way that was ever going to change. Regardless of his preference, I figured there was no harm in flirting.
After about 45 minutes of endless chatter, we ended up getting to know each other fairly well. By the time dinner was served, I was delirious with hunger, for food and for Jeremy. I was becoming increasingly forward with him and my advances were well received. Jeremy touched my arm multiple times and even called me “cute” after I made a self deprecating joke about my weight. When he sat down next to me for dinner, I knew I’d be able to seal the deal.
The problem was that I was absolutely starving, but didn’t want to pig out in front of this cutie. My first plate of food was decidedly sparse. I ate slowly while making conversation with Jeremy, but couldn’t deny the ache in my stomach for more food. I paced myself with the rest of the table and held back when everyone went in for seconds.
“Don’t tell me you’re full already?” Said Jeremy.
I was taken a back and fumbled for words, “I uh um, yeah, I’m uh tryna cut back.”
“Aw c’mon it’s Thanksgiving,” Jeremy responded before placing his hand on my thigh and whispering, “Plus, I like a man who can eat.”
His hand gently traced the inside seam of my pants and up to my crotch. I didn’t know what was happening but I knew that it felt good. Without thinking, I piled my plate high with food and poured Jeremy a healthy glass of red wine.
“That’s more like it,” winked the cute twink.
Something clicked inside of me after that. It was as though my brain had acquiesced to the physical pleasures I was experiencing. The sensations of delicious foods in my mouth and the supple hand massaging my cock was all that I cared about. It was a strange sort of ecstasy that left me hungry for more than just food; I wanted Jeremy’s ass on my lips too. Before I knew it dinner was coming to a close, several slices of pie were packed in my belly, and me and Jeremy were going for a walk.
“Fuck, I’m so full I can’t believe I’m actually moving right now,” I complained.
“Well if you want, we could go for a cruise in my car instead?” Suggested Jeremy.
We got into Jeremy’s small SUV and drove to a look out spot nearby. I craved his body immensely and within minutes I was cupping his sharp jawbone to pull him in for a kiss. His kissed me softly and placed one hand on my swollen midsection. As we began to make out our hands slid into each other’s shirts. He immediately grabbed my love handle with a strong grip. Strangely, instead of shrinking from embarrassment I felt even bolder. I lifted him up a bit and slid my hand into his pants to grab a meaty handful of ass. He let out a slight moan and suggested we move to the backseat.
We crawled back and removed our pants. I placed Jeremy on his back, lubed up my hole with spit and mounted his cock. I bounced twice on his girthy member and felt the food inside my distended stomach slosh around. The sensation was very uncomfortable and gave way to a stomach ache. Jeremy responded by flipping me onto my back. My dick pressed into my belly, leaving an indentation in the pool of flab. Jeremy took my cock in his mouth and pushed back my fat, squeezing it with both hands.
“I know what you want, daddy,” he said.
Jeremy sat up and began to slide my cock into his ass. This was exactly what I wanted. I’d never wanted to fuck someone like this before. I wanted to blast this twink’s hole full of my jizz. He began to bounce on my cock as I gripped his bubble butt and he gripped my paunch. Our pace began to quicken and I began to slam his ass onto me. The car windows steamed over as Jeremy moaned uncontrollably.
“Fuck me. Fuck me daddy.”
Every time he said daddy I pushed my cock in as deep as it would go. I was getting so worked up that I began doing all the work. Jeremy clung to my body with his face in my chubby neck while I pounded away at his hole. Our bodies were covered in sweat, and his bony form sunk into my softness. He grinded his huge cock into my belly as I blasted his hole. His body began tensed as I hit his G-spot and I knew an orgasm was imminent.
“Fuck!” He yelled. “Come in me you fat fuck!”
I could feel his cock begin to pump out semen in between our writhing bodies. I couldn’t take it any longer and also began to nut inside him. My orgasm seemed to last forever as my vision went blurry.
Glued together with come and sweat, we laid motionless and caught our breath for several minutes.
“That’s was great,” said Jeremy. “I haven’t been fucked like that in a long time.”
“That’s funny because I’m a bottom. This was only my second time topping.”
“No way. A hot dad like you should be plowing boys left and right.”
“I mean, I know I’ve plumped up a bit but I’ve never really thought of myself as the dad-type.”
“Honey,” Jeremy place a hand on my stomach and gave it a jiggle, “with these curves and this body hair... you’re at peak dadness. You should embrace it. All the boys are chasing dadbods now.”
“Is that so?” I replied.
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Midnight Circus pt.3
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☾pairing: Jungkook ♡→  reader ☾genre: Angst. Fluff. Mature content. badboy summer fling au ☾summary: “You’re ten times hotter this summer, you know that?”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | coming soon
He stood in front of the kitchen counter, pouring milk into his bowl of cereal. The rest of the guys were still asleep and he woke up uncharacteristically early—curtesy of you. He found himself thinking about you anytime he looked out that window—replaying what had happened the previous night. It was nothing in hindsight, he's kissed countless girls, but not like that. He's never done anything like that, not with a girl like you.
He scooped a spoon full of cereal into his mouth, looking through his phone as he chewed noisily. He was going through his texts messages when he looked down—he wondered if he should text you about your body wash, or body. 
You rolled out of bed, not making a single sound as you tiptoed to the bathroom. Everyone decided to sleep in but you woke up on your internal clock. You thought you'd shower before everyone got up. Of course, Jennie miraculously awoke from her deep slumber, rubbing her eyes as you brushed your teeth.
“Hey, good morning...sorry I fell asleep on the movie last night.” She got up, still attempting to rub the sleep from her eyes.
“All of you guys fell asleep, I knew you couldn't hang.” You giggled, squirting toothpaste on your toothbrush. The other girls were sleeping and Jennie looked like she was about to go back to sleep, you secretly hoped she would—you needed to run out for a little bit. You closed the bathroom door, stripping your clothes and turning on the water. Shoot. You don't have anybody, and you can't use just anybody wash, you have sensitive skin. You threw on a robe and that's when saw a missed text from Jungkook.
[1:04] Jungkook: you forgot something babe
[1:05] Jungkook: it smells good, it litterally smells just like you
[1:05] Jungkook: i might just keep it if u dont come and get it
The fact that he even bothered to tell you that surprised you a bit, normally he could care less if it meant helping you. Him threatening to keep it was just a bluff, he talked like that all the time—you’ve built an immunity to it. He was being pretty flirtatious, but then again he was like that to you sometimes. Instead of sending back a heated text, you decided to be an adult about it. You tied your robe tight and decided to walk right over there and get it. With a pair of slippers on, you marched over to their cabin, not bothering to knock, knowing they didn’t lock the doors. It was surprisingly quiet, they’re asleep. Suddenly, you saw Park Jimin, walking from the second bathroom with sleepy eyes, he looked so cute in the morning. You sighed, sad to see him go back to his room, but you were here for different things.
You gave yourself a mental high five for making little to no sound. You walked into the bathroom and to your dismay, it was gone—why would he tell you to come get it if it was gone. You looked around and peeked into the kitchen, where he sat at the bar stools. Shirtless with a bowl of cereal, and your body wash on the counter beside him.
“Pervert.” You stood there, arms crossed with a frown on your face—he had the audacity to look good this morning. His fluffy brown hair, his slightly puffy cheeks looking all too adorable.
“You’re no better than me, you’re a peeping tom.” He retorted, leaning back in his chair too with your body wash in his hand. You walked over to him peacefully, extending your hand to grab it.
“No, I'm not.” You gave him a sour expression, bunching your brows together at the accusation. “Give me my soap.”
“I saw you peeking in to look at Jimin, you're really not stealthy.” He laughed, seeing a heated blush come to your cheeks. You weren't even peeping per se, you were just looking until the cost was clear—it's not your fault Jimin happened to be there. 
“I-I, I was not.” You snatched the body wash, turning around to walk away but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist, making you try to pull your arm a little.
“Wait. As much as I surprisingly enjoyed that kiss last night,” He bit his bottom lip, sort of swinging your arm a little as a gummy smile appeared on his face. “You interrupted my swim, and you were rude to me. I think you owe me an apology for that...” He got off the chair and towered over you, mirroring you with tightly crossed arms.
“No. You owe me an apology, for pulling me in with your evil ass and then infecting me with your ‘kissed everything but the kitchen sink’ lips.” You were actually equally upset about another issue—a more visible issue. You two sort of stared at each other like he was attempting to get something out of you. Out of absolutely nowhere, he pulled your robe for a split second, revealing the small fading red mark. He smirked, opening that big mouth of his to say some crap about it.
“You can easily hide that, you’re lucky you weren’t that bitchy last night, I would’ve left a darker one.” He laughed, taking his bowl to the sink and rinsing it out. “And for the record, you didn't try to fucking stop me Y/N, not even a little...” His tone sounded a bit lower, he looked at you with knowing eyes—you don't have time for this.
“Goodbye Jungkook.” You decided to leave him and his immaturity right in this cabin. You knew you'd have a later conversation about this, he wasn't gonna get away with leaving this mess on your skin—not today. Jin walked out of his room, glancing at you as you ran out the front door. He was probably wondering why you just ran out of here with a pink robe on and slippers.
“Y/N, please drive us, please~” Nayeon had started pestering you when you came out of the bathroom. They started talking about the movies and somehow it was mentioned that you'd be excellent to drive everyone. Your plan was to take a jog around the lake and then go to the sauna—not play chauffeur.
“Yeonie, I really wasn't planning on doing that, I wanted to spend a little time alone.” You plopped down on the couch, propping your feet up on the center table with your phone in hand.
“You didn't come here to spend time alone, you came here to spend time with us,” Naeun said from the recliner, scrolling through her phone mindlessly.
“Yeah, so you don't have a choice but to come.” Beah chimed in on the conversation, coming to sit on the beanbag in the corner. 
“Whatever...” You groaned—this wasn’t so bad, going to the movies was actually something you’ve wanted to do. You started to think about last night, and how you were going to avoid letting something like that happen again. Jungkook was sending you really mixed messages, quite literally—he sent really random texts. One minute he’s blatantly ignoring you, the next he’s trying to get in your pants. 
Everyone got up of and finally decided to go out. Jin, Beah, and Tae took one car. Namjoon, Naeun, and Jungkook took the other. And you were left with the pleasure of riding with Jimin. And Nayeon tagged along.
“Get in the back, I call shotgun.” You smirked, she shot you a bitter look before getting in the back. You happily got in the front seat, suddenly feeling a tinge of excitement—or nervousness, from sitting in the car with him. He got in the driver's seat, put his seatbelt on and put the car in drive—why was that the most attractive thing you’ve ever seen. All he did was Joon himself in and you were practically red-faced when he glanced at you with a small smile. 
“Jin had suggested we go to get something to eat first, that sounds good to me,” Jimin said, pulling out of the parking space.
“Mm, me too...” Thanks to Jennie, everyone is in a group chat and she sent directions to the restaurant. Jimin said he would just follow that car in front, which was Jin’s car. A few minutes went by and you were making small talk, you asked what he liked about his dance academy, he asked about college.
“So, what university are you going to?”
“That’s a tough question.” You thought, trying to think through your answer. “I haven’t decided yet, I have a few in mind.”
“Do you want to go out of state?”
“Definitely not. Paying dorm fees to room with a stranger I might hate, not my cup of tea...” You chuckled a little, thinking of how odd that must’ve sounded. 18 years old but not dying for 100% freedom—it just wasn’t something you thought was necessary.
He laughed. “I figured as much.” He smiled, seeing your expression turn and your cheeks blush slightly.
“What's that supposed to mean?” You glared a little, what the heck did he mean by ‘I figured as much’?
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” He giggled nervously, instantly realizing how he went wrong in his wording. “I just meant- You seem like you have your head on straight, that’s a good thing, you know what you want in life.” Nice save, he thought to himself.
“Oh...” That should’ve flattered you, it was a compliment after all but instead, it made you upset. For some reason you didn’t want to be known for that, you weren’t sure what you wanted to be known as but you knew it wasn’t that. “Well I’m not walking on sunshine or anything, I have my issues just like everyone else...” You glanced at the mirror in the middle of the car and saw that Nayeon was fast asleep, you were glad she wasn’t hearing this.
“See, that’s what I’m talking about. You’re so mature about this kind of stuff, you even admit that you have issues.” He grinned at you. “Y/n, it’s attractive.” He gave a smug smile, one similar to one Jungkook would give you. You two shared eye contact before you were rudely interrupted by the beeping of a horn. 
That little moment was over—it was nice while it lasted though...
A few more minutes and you were at the small plaza, fussing at Nayeon to wake up. She got out and texted the others, telling them that we’ve made it. “I have to pee...” Nayeon groggily walked inside, not caring to wait around for you and Jimin. You got out and stretched, bending forward and to the side to get the crooks and stiffness out of your muscles.
“You and Jungkook are close right?...” You really didn’t know how to make that question sound and less random and nosy. He nodded his head, smiling a little, why was he smiling? 
“Yeah, I thought you were pretty close friends with him?” How dare he insinuate that you’d have any interest what so ever in that overgrown rug rat.
“More like acquaintances...” Your eyes drifted to the pavement as your mind recalled the odd run-ins you’ve had with that boy. The conversation ended on that and soon you saw the others arrive, all heading for the food court. You walked with Jimin to get some food and you just talked and talked. He was genuinely interested in what you had to say. He let you talk, he was respectful, sweet and kind. 
That was getting on a certain someone’s nerves—he just wouldn’t stop glaring at you.
You smile at Jimin, glared at. You glance at Jimin, glared at. You so much as breathe the air near Jimin, glared at. Jungkook was sitting at the table opposite from you and when you got up to go get more napkins, you could assume who would be walking right behind you. You grabbed a few napkins and Jungkook freaking shoved you into the counter subtly enough to make it look like you’re just clumsy.
“Ouch!” You hissed. “What the heck Jungkook?” You shoved his chest, but he barely moved a centimeter; why did he have to be so dang solid?
“You don’t want any more bruises from me so I suggest you quit being so fucking forward with him.” He was seriously trying this right now, you couldn’t believe how he could shove people into counters and expect that person to be chill. And why would he care if you got involved with Jimin? He didn’t like you anyway, so what’s the problem???
You started to laugh, legitimately just tickled by your sudden realization. “So you mean to tell me, Jeon Jungkook, the guy with a disturbingly extensive booty call list, is jealous? Of me?—I’d say I’m flattered but I’m just, not.” His face contorted in almost disgust, he was either offended or shocked and you were acting like you were on some high horse.
“Bitch? Deflate your ego for a second, I’m not complimenting your crazy ass. I’m telling you to stop throwing yourself at people.” Jungkook just stormed off, muttering something under his breath as he went back to his seat. You giggled, you felt like you really had the upper hand today. He’s sitting around moping for no reason and you think it’s fucking hilarious. You took your happy hips and sat extra close to Jimin, batting your lashes and smiling from ear to ear when Jimin started laughing at something Jungkook had said. How could he talk about your ego? 
After everyone ate we walked to the movies, you paid for your ticket and so did everyone else. You’ll be in a dark room, for almost two hours, with Jungkook, who you just provoked. Whatever, you shrugged.
“I’ve been waiting for this to come out in theaters.” You sat next to Jennie and Jimin, holding the popcorn in your lap for the three of you to share. You actually got into the movie and for the first time, you actually relaxed. You were enjoying your little vacation. And some time within the movie, Jimin leaned on your shoulder, your heart couldn’t take how cute that was.
“My lips are so dry...” You looked down and Jimin was licking his lips, and being the dry lipped human you were, you had lip balm in your bag.
“Here...” You whispered, holding your lip balm up for him to grab. He grabbed it and thanked you for opening it up to put it on those perfect peach like lips. When he handed it back your cheeks could help but get rosy at the very indirect kiss. “Thanks.” He sorts up sat up a little.
Suddenly you regretted drinking that 32 oz cup of water. The movie was right at the end and you couldn’t wait, you had to pee or this was going to end badly. You handed Beah the popcorn. “I have to pee.” You got up and ran out to the bathroom. Little did you know, Jungkook decided he’d follow you, he had some things to tell you that just couldn’t wait.
You went to the first stall and did what you had to do. You stood at the sink and washed your hands, looking in the mirror to see the mark on your neck. It wasn’t that noticeable, but it was annoying to know where it came from. Who it came from, to be specific. You were appalled by Jungkook, yes. But would anyone even believe that after what you did?...
You heard a sing-song whistle when you walked out of the bathroom, you looked around to see where that voice was coming from. He stood in the corner beside the boy's bathroom, hands in his pockets and his eyebrows slightly furrowed. You ignored him, walking back to the theater with the role of your eyes.
He didn’t follow you, he assumed you’d figure out that the movie was just about over and you have to pass him eventually. He smirked when he saw you walking back to your friends by your side. It was around 8 or 9 and that meant the night was still young. 
And all throughout the night, you felt a buzz going around in the atmosphere. A bunch of young people with an attraction to excitement, a craving for the unknown; that’s what it felt like. You all weren’t sure where you were going but you let the night lead the way. You were now in the car with Naeun and Jennie, the windows were down, the air felt refreshing to your warm cheeks.
“Why is he turning? Doesn’t he know where the cabins are?” You asked, seeing the car turn to an odd direction and speed off. For some reason, your stomach just twisted at the potential outcomes of this seemingly innocent right turn. 
“Mhm, but let’s follow him.” Naeun sounded too okay with ending up wherever the universe decided, you thought maybe you should feel the same—there’s nothing to lose honestly. Soon you caught the eye of an old carnival-like park, it was sort of hidden by the trees but the closer we got the more it looked kind of scary. There was a medium-sized parking lot and it was vacant, and there was an old tire place across the road. 
“What is this place?” Beah got out of the other car and Namjoon, Taehyung and Nayeon got out too.
“I don’t know, ask Jungkook, he suggested this place.” Jimin got out the back and Jungkook got out the front seat.
“Jungkook, what is this place?” Jin asked, stretching his arms and yawning.
“It's an old fair or carnival thing, it only opens it in the fall.” He smirked, looking back at the Ferris wheel and other rides and stands.
“Wait, let’s get ice cream first.” Tae suddenly spoke, he explained that there was an ice cream placed behind the fireplace. You were sure he was trying to avoid going in. “Then we can go in there...” He sort of awkwardly smiled and you were surprised everyone actually agreed to go.
“Come on Jungkook.” Namjoon signaled for him to follow but Jungkook shook his head.
 “Nah, you guys go ahead, I’m gonna check it out.” You weren’t sure if anyone else saw it but he just gave you the most suspicious look—what was he planning?
 It seemed you were stuck in the middle—either go get ice cream with friends you loved and always had a good time with—or go see what Jungkook was doing. Of course, you chose the safe and smart choice—follow Jungkook. 
Everyone assumed you would follow them so they starting walking off, Jungkook shot you a dashing grin before disappearing through the old ticket stands. Suddenly you were a lot more scared than you initially thought. There were a few lights from some of the rides but it didn’t really lighten your path. 
“Jungkook...what’re you doing? You know you’re trespassing...” Your voice was like a little kid, he thought it was hilarious. You kept quiet, walking over to the mirror maze—you peeked inside, he wasn’t there.
“Ah!” You jumped when heard a loud stomp on metal and you turn around to see Jungkook, playing around on the swirly ride with a giggle. You frowned, watching him come down to you with a smirk. “What is wrong with you?!”
“What the hell are you doing here?” Jungkook walked down the creaky old metal stairs to get to you. “Did the baby girl give up ice cream, just to follow me?”
“Shut up. You’re on private property and you’re gonna get arrested.” You spoke in a matter of fact tone as if you weren’t standing here with him.
“And so are you.”
“True...” You had to agree, if the police came now you’d be in the same amount of trouble. 
“You are unbelievable sometimes.” He started walking off and you followed him. 
“What? What are you talking about?” He just scoffed, glancing at you before running off to the Carousel. You walked over to the carousel slowly, intrigued by the colorful and gold horses and cute little sitting areas. He leaned on one of the horses and you could’ve sworn he was pouting. 
“I don’t know why I followed you...You’re so immature.” You sighed, standing on the edge of the platform.
“Oh, you know why y/n. You followed me because you want what I gave you last night, don’t you?...” Your brows furrowed and you’re cheeks flushed. “I knew you’d follow me. I wanted to talk to you while you weren’t trying to undress Jimin.”
“Excuse me? Fuck you Jungkook. And what happened last night was a mistake and it’s never happening again, bastard.”
“Yes, the hell it will happen again. I liked it, and you did too.” He fluffed his hand through his hair to give you a breathtaking view of his face. “Of course that’s the only thing I really like about this situation, everything else is too much of a hassle.” He came to stand beside you, looking up at the sparkling stars just like you were doing. “I fooled around with you and you didn’t have a problem with it, don’t you find that weird? Don’t read this the wrong way, I’m not trying to date you but I do want your body.”
“That was disgustingly blunt Jungkook.” You distorted your face in disgust but he just laughed.
“I just want to touch you, and all that physical shit, that’s the shit I keep coming back to you for.” A few weeks ago the last thing on his mind was you, he could’ve cared less, and he still doesn’t really care—so what was he trying to do? “And so do you.”
You attempted to hide your shock but it was pretty evident on your face. “No, I don’t. You’re not irresistible...” You scoffed. “In fact, you’re sickening, and you don’t appreciate women. You think I’m here to satisfy your nasty hormonal urges and I, for one will not contribute to this!” You got louder the angrier you got. “I can’t believe you, of all people, were my first-...” You paused, hearing the others come near with the sound of giggles and lively conversation. “I’m leaving.”
“No, you’re not.” He grabbed your wrist and started pulling you. “I’m not done talking to you.” He hissed.
“Hey! Stop!” You winced as his grip got tighter and he groaned in annoyance. He took you into what looked like a bathroom, you pulled away when you caught sight of the men’s urinals, you almost gagged. “We are not talking in this bathroom, or doing anything else in this nasty place.” You looked up at the dim lights and eerie dark stalls—he had no class at all. 
“Shut the fuck up for one fucking second.” He pushed you against the wall, the dirty, probably 15-year-old brick wall. He kissed your jaw and you kneed his thigh.
“No! Leave me alone!” He was taken aback when you pushed him and ran out of the bathroom—knowing he liked to chase, it wasn’t the best idea to run. 
You ran out, seeing Namjoon and the others looking at you weird—and Jungkook running after you. 
“Y/n! What’re you doing!?” Nayeon shouted, watching you run off somewhere. They watched Jungkook run after you and your heart was racing, what if they saw you and assumed something? 
You ended up in some arena that you assumed was used for performances. You ran up to the bleachers and hid in the outside portion, attempting to see if he’ll come. You sat there for a few minutes, it was dark and there was a slight breeze. Sitting here was starting to freak you out a little bit. You heard a creaking sound.
“Jungkook?” You looked around, actually hoping you’d see him and not some demonic clown or something. Slowly, you walked down the stairs, looking left to right for anyone who might be lurking around. You left the arena, anxious to leave this creepy place.
“Jungkook?...” The sound coming from you stepping in the grass was creeping you out, the clown paintings and old carnival games only made it worse. Abruptly, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and turned you around. 
Jungkook quickly cupped your face and smothered your lips with a very quick peck. “Let go!” You kept trying to get away but he was literally dragging, taking you to some corner. “You're so fucking cute.” He laughed, his hands finding their way to your wrists, pinning them against the concrete wall. “Why do I like that so much? You run and I just want to catch you and eat you up.”
“If you like it so much you should find someone else, someone who doesn’t want to kick you in the balls 24/7.” You smiled coyly, trying to free your arms, but he wasn’t having it. “Jungkook let go, someone’s gonna see-”
“Let them see, I don’t fucking care.” He gave you a predatory look, chewing his bottom lip out of habit.
“If you’re gonna force me to kiss you, do it already so I can go...” You were blushing so much from the situation, he just had to laugh. You looked down, swallowing, the air suddenly seeming thick and hot—you couldn’t breathe.
“I want you to kiss me, then you can go.” He grabbed your chin, bringing your lips but a centimeter from his. Jungkook looked so young, so beautiful and you knew you shouldn’t give in to him—you couldn’t.
He pressed his forehead to yours with a wicked smile. “I'm not kidding. I want my apology kiss...”
You scoffed.“Wow. You’re apology kiss? Someone’s a little desperate.” You smirked. “There are plenty other girls here, yet you choose me to do this too, the one that hates you.” 
“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?” For some reason, he looked a bit hurt, like he forgot he was talking to you. He let go of your arms, tonguing at his cheek in frustration. 
What do I have to lose?
To his and your surprise, you pulled him down by the back of the neck and kissed him—what am I doing?
His eyes fluttered shut and his head was spinning. His arms snaked around your waist and there was no way you would be able to get out of his grip. He groaned this was what he wanted, this is what he’s been thinking about for the last 24 hours. It was all good until you felt his hands travel down to your butt and deemed it was time to stop. It was quick and painless.
“There’s your kiss...” You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand—you weren’t sure what to do now and he was as flabbergasted as you. 
Was the infamous Jeon Jungkook—....blushing? His cheeks were pink from the heat and his lips were flushed. Why was that such an ego boost? Suddenly he leaned down and pulled your collar towards him so he could give you a peck on the lips, making you widen your eyes a bit and bite your bottom lip. 
“One more, baby girl...” He chuckled a little, he wanted to see that look again. He pecked the corner of your lips this time, making your stomach turn in excitement.
“Hey, we’re headed back to the-...” Namjoon paused, looking at Jungkook then you, very close to each other. He gave an awkward smile as Jungkook scratched the back of his head. “To the place...” He cleared his throat.  
“Oh, um,” You glanced at Namjoon with a red face.“ok thanks.” You ran past Namjoon, covering your mouth in embarrassment. The two of them watched you run offl—this was too awkward to endure. 
“So uh Jungkook, what did I just see? Do you and Y/n have something going on? I thought you guys really hated each other but apparently not. Since you were just kissing her.” Namjoon gave Jungkook a look as he just shrugged, walking past his hyung to avoid any questioning—but Namjoon was determined to get to the bottom of this. 
“We don’t have anything. Why would we have something going on?” Jungkook shrugged once again, a slight dissatisfied look on his face. He could tell Jungkook was getting defensive and irritated. 
“You were just- Look, I’m just gonna let you know that I saw you last night. I know you're used to it but I wouldn’t put your body where your heart isn’t willing to go with her, that’s all I’m gonna say.” Namjoon patted his shoulder before walking from the get to everyone else was. 
They watched Jungkook walk out of the middle of nowhere, shortly after you, and get in the passenger's seat. Jimin got in the front seat, peeking over to see Jungkook and his evident attitude change. That had to mean something had happened. When he saw you run to the car with your girlfriends, he got curious. Did Jungkook do something with you? That would be weird, given the fact Jungkook didn’t speak highly of you—or of you, at all.
“Jungkook, do you know where y/n was earlier? I know she didn’t-”
“Why would I know?” Jungkook retorted. “Ask her.”
“Why didn’t you get ice cream with us Y/n, where were you?” 
You had a feeling this question was coming. “I went to- to the bathroom...”
“For 30 minutes? And you just happened to show up when Jungkook did...” Jennie gave you a look, knowing she’s was one of your best friends and could see right through you. 
"There's nothing going on. You know Jungkook isn’t my type.”
“Are you sure?” Nayeon added.
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“I saw you were pretty friendly with Jimin too, you must have something going on with one of them. Jungkook was eyeing out since yesterday, and you two do some pretty major flirting.” 
You wanted to gag. “Flirting? When are you people gonna learn that fighting with someone isn’t flirting, it’s fighting? We can’t talk to each other without fighting, I don’t like him. So drop it, okay?”
“If you say so...” They got out the car and you felt like you were just hanged up on. So what if you were with Jungkook for a little bit, they didn’t mean anything. That’s what you tried to tell yourself at least. But Jungkook was known for things and you didn’t want to be associated with that
...but when you see his face when he smiles, the mere fact that someone like him had you coming back to him—you swear it has to be illegal.
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alia-turin · 7 years
Next chapter is here! More cowboy hats and spurs. 
Fic Title: Take It and Run Chapter: 2. Cards and Guns Previous Chapters:  Prologue | Chapter 1 Rating: G (later chapters might be NSFW so I will write individual warnings for each chapter) Characters: Cor, Luche, Noctis, Glado, Ignis, Prompto, Tredd, Nyx, Luna, Ravus, Libertus, Crowe. Tagging: @birdsandivory @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @lazarustrashpit @jojopitcher (some Noct comingf or you in he next chapter) @themissimmortal @kairakara101 @fromunseeliecourt @ladychocoberry @theyearofdiamonddogs @littlestfangirl
If you want to be tagged or untagged please let me know.
Cor walked in the saloon with Ignis, nobody paying attention to them beside Cid behind the bar who nodded at them. The place was already full, cowboys and locals drinking, playing cards and trying to get under the skirts of the girls.
As they reached the bar Cid didn’t even ask what Cor wants he just poured a glass of whiskey and pushed it in front of him.
“What can I get you, boy?” Cor smiled a bit seeing Ignis been taken by surprise by Cid calling him ‘boy’. Then again everyone was a boy for Cid.
“Agh,” Ignis cleared his that. “Whatever he is having.” He pointed towards Cor.
“It’s your funeral.” Cid poured him a glass and both of them stared at the younger man with curiosity.
Ignis caught their gazes and he knew there was something amiss, but he kept his straight serious expression. To his credit he kept his expression even after he drank whatever Cid poured in the glass and managed to suppress the choke that was in his throat and not spit everything out.
“Is that lamp oil?” Ignis finally asked after taking his glasses off to clean his eyes.
“It’s my homemade moonshine, the best in the west.” Cid said proudly and poured Ignis another glass. “Cures everything from cold to snake bites.”
Cor was just smiling with the corner of his lips while observing the saloon which was the main reason he was here, not to drink Cid’s rat poison. The locals were the locals, sitting together chatting and playing cards. Farmers, ranch hands, railway workers and builders were most of them. Insomnia was growing quickly, but Cor was making an effort to know who everybody was. He was trying to create that habit in Noctis as well, teach him that he needs to know the people around to know what to expect. To his credit the young sheriff was learning, but Cor was worried it wasn’t fast enough. Then of course there was the cowboys waiting for the next train North to load the cattle. Three different groups of cowboys in three days and that was rubbing Cor the wrong way. Too many people he didn’t know, too many people who could potentially set the town on fire and wouldn’t lose anything.
His eyes fell on the group that had arrived two days ago. First ones that were greeted with Nocts new law to relinquish their guns and first ones that were unhappy about it. They were playing cards in one of the corner tables seemingly getting used to the situation in town. Plus whenever the train arrived they were going to be first to load and first to leave. The second group was mostly drinking and hanging out with the saloon girls, Cor assumed that was going well for them. And finally, the guys that had arrived today. Cor studied them from his place wondering what to expect. They seemed pretty normal with the one expectation they had a woman with them. Under the dusty clothe he could tell she was a pretty thing, her brown hair was tied up in order not to be in the way and she seemed more than comfortable in the company she was in. There were two other guys on the table and two empty chairs.
“You play poker?” Cor asked Ignis.
“I’m a decent player.” The young man said, Cid’s drink was already getting to him.
“Let’s go.” ‘Decent player’ in Ignis’ language meant excellent player and that was good enough for Cor.
He walked toward their table, Ignis following him. Cor had no plan what he was going to do exactly, he just wanted to get to know them and asses how much of a danger they were.
“Can we join you?” Cor asked as he reached the table.
“Sure thing, Marshal.” One of the guys answered and pushed an empty chair toward Cor. “My name is Nyx, Nyx Ulric. That’s Libertus and Crowe.” He introduced everyone.
“Since you already know me, that is Ignis, he is the deputy sheriff here.” It was Cor’s turn apparently to deal and he dealt the cards.
“Yeah we know.” The man called Libertus said with a wide grin on his face. “One of your sheriff’s deputies made two of our guys rethink their life choices today.”
Cor didn’t say anything, it wasn’t his business to get in the sheriff’s business and most likely whatever Noct and his deputies did it was deserved.
“Where are the rest of you guys?” Ignis asked as he was looking calmly at his cards.
“One is upstairs with a girl.” Crowe explained. “Two are with the cattle and the third one went to deal with some personal business.”
Her words weren’t ignored by Cor, but he wasn’t going to ask anything further on the topic. Personal business could mean anything from having a lover to robbing a bank.
The game continued with some light-headed jokes and Cor highly recommending Cid’s special which they ordered and regretted probably more than Ignis.
“You are in my chair.” A deep voice came from behind Ignis and Cor had to turn around to check how that would go down. A tall broad-shouldered man with red hair was standing behind Ignis obviously on the verge of kicking the deputy out of it. That was going to be entertaining.
“Tredd, calm down.” Nyx told the man before Ignis could even react. “There is an empty chair there grab it.”
The man stood there just a moment and Cor could swear he was going to do something stupid. Part of his was hoping that would happen, he would feel better if all of them slept in a jail cell till it was time for them to leave.
The man called Tredd didn’t object any further just grabbed chair form the table behind them and sat next to Nyx and the woman.
“Deal me in I guess.” The redhead said and Libertus dealt him in the game as well.
“That was pretty quick, losing your touch?” Crowe teased the newcomer.
“Shut up. She was no fun. Just like you right now.” Tredd looked at his cards and made his bet.
“Don’t blame the horse, blame the rider.” Crowe continued taunting him and Cor was secretly grateful. He wanted to see what Tredd would do in anger.
“Sometimes it’s the horse.” The man said silently not going any further n her taunts and Cor couldn’t decide if he was just giving up the fight against her or was behaving because of him and Ignis.
 On his way back Luhe couldn’t stop thinking about what Titus had told him. It could work. If the information was right it would work but where would he find that one missing person. Actually, he knew where question was who.
“Nyx or Tredd.” He whispered in the night knowing only his horse could hear him.
Nyx was better rider, Tredd was better with guns and explosives. Nyx could keep his mouth shut, Tredd wouldn’t be worried to use brutal force against anyone. Nyx had consciousness, Tredd had none.
He had to make the right choice, because that choice was his future. This one job will sort out all his problems and help him buy his plantation back. He could see the moment when he wouldn’t need to sleep rough anymore and would have his own bed, bed that he owned.
Insomnia was already asleep not counting the saloon and he knew that he can find the man he needed there. He tied his horse to the front and calmly walked inside. It was packed and noisy but he quickly located Nyx and the rest…sitting with the Marshal and that one deputy that looked out of place.
“Fuck.” He said to himself realizing he had four revolvers in the bags of his saddle. That has to happen as elegant as possible.
“Hey, look who is here!” Libertus shouted. “How was the personal business?”
“Pleasant.” Luche forced a smile on his lips, his eyes shifting between the marshal and the deputy sheriff.
“Told you it’s a woman.” Libertus folded his cards. “I’m out you are robbing me blind.” He told the deputy. Luche had to say he was impressed. Both Nyx and Tredd were good card players but the man was robbing them judging by the money he had in front of himself.
“Yeah, I am losing more money than I can afford to lose.” Nyx pushed his cards as well.
Tredd was saying absolutely nothing and Luche could smell trouble. Two things were going to happen, he would throw the cards and walk away pissed or accused the deputy of cheating, both scenarios unpleasant.
“Are you going to join us?” Crowe asked. “Since these two quitters are leaving…”
“No, I’m actually tired, I just needed some help from Tredd with the cattle. It’s about that calf that was giving us trouble earlier.”
Tredd turned toward him looking at him absolutely blankly and Luche was praying the man was not too drunk and will figure it out.
“Oh.” Was the only thing coming from Tredd’s lips and that was a good sign. “Excuse me.”
Luche tipped his hat at the Marshal and the deputy and walked out calmly followed by Tredd. Neither of them said anything realizing that if the Marshal walked out of the saloon he would probably hear them. They jumped on their horses silently and rode toward their camp out of town.
“So….” Tredd started as they were far enough and nobody was following them.
“Have two revolvers for you, but you keep them out of sight or we are both in trouble.” In fact, they were in more trouble than Tredd could imagine if the guns were found.
“I’m not stupid. I just look the part.” He couldn’t see Tredd’s smile in the dark but he was sure the other man was smiling. He knew him far too well.
“How do you feel about making some extra money?” Luche finally asked after some long silence. Tredd was a gamble and Nyx was a gamble as well. He had to choose and he was doing just that.
“I have never said no to money or a pretty woman so why do you ask?” Tredd pulled his horse closer realizing it was probably some sort of secret they were talking about.
“I have a friend. He used to be in the army, a major of some sort. He has information about a stagecoach carrying something of great value. We need a fifth pair of hands.” Luche was trying to explain and mention as little as possible, he wasn’t completely sure how far he can trust Tredd.
“How much is great value?” judging by his voice, he was certainly interested.
“After expenses and some payments we need to make about two thousand per head.” The number Titus had told him was a bit higher, but better to surprise Tredd at the end than to disappoint him.
“That’s a lot of money.” Tredd didn’t say anything for a bit then continued. “What do I need to do?”
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theliterateape · 4 years
The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 4
By J. L. Thurston
The storm raged all night. But that following day in the house found me determined and strong. I had a plan. Once Nyla left for work and I got Jane cleaned, fed, and interested in a stuffed animal, I put my plan to action.
This was not my mother’s house anymore. But with every room full of her memories, it would always feel that way. I had to shake whatever imprints she’d left behind. I had to remove her from the atmosphere.
I began to empty the house. At first, I was just filling the laundry basket with books, trinkets, dishes, and clothes. Then I started prying the shelves off the walls, sliding the bookcases out the door, and tearing the couches and chairs apart piece by piece. Everything I touched ended up in a pile in the wet gravel driveway. I scratched the floors, put holes in the drywall, and shattered two lightbulbs in my wake. I was an animal. Anything that wasn’t mine had to go. Even the television, the toiletries, the cleaning supplies- though there weren’t many as my mother was not the cleanest person who ever lived.
I worked while the attic creaked, the piano played. I stopped for Jane often. I stopped to walk just inside the tree line and call for Bones. I stopped to chat with Nyla on her break. I stopped to greet her as she pulled up into the crowded driveway.
She eyed the mess I was making. She eyed my sweating skin. She called her three brothers. Two were free to come by and help. Nyla bribed them with beer and pizza. Isiah and Jordan were good guys. They teased, laughed, and made a lot of noise. I don’t like noise, but the sound of the breaking of my mother’s belongings was like music. Especially when the four of us hoisted the piano and inched it out of the house and into the pile.
I bet they thought I was crazy. I bet they thought Nyla was crazy for liking me. They were surprised to see us work kisses into our tasks. Nyla told me I wasn’t the first woman she’d liked, but it’d been a while. She thought her brothers would be happy to see her with someone after so long. Judging from the little smirks they kept exchanging, I think they were.
I could have told her how I felt. I could have told her that I’d never dated a woman and never felt romantically about anyone, male or female, before her. I should have let her know that before her, I was only interested in fulfilling my needs. Before her, I didn’t want anything from most people at all. I didn’t tell her any of those things. I was not in a talking mood. I was busy.
Anne Frank wrote that people feel regret stronger than they feel gratitude. I know what she meant.
Jane was happy to see Nyla. She babbled and cooed in her arms. I wasn’t the only one falling in love with Nyla.
While we worked, nothing odd happened. Well, if you read all the accounts, the interviews from Isiah state nothing happened, but Jordan likes to tell everyone he saw a person walking around in the corner of his eye. If that’s true, he never said anything to me about it. But there was one thing that really did happen that was pretty weird. When we moved the china cabinet away from the entryway hall, we revealed a door. The black paint was chipped and flaking off the wood. I tried to open it, only to find it locked.
Honestly, we all figured it was probably a forgotten hall closet. Considering the heavy cabinet that’d been hiding it, I was certain my mother didn’t have anything in there.
Regret, regret, regret.
Lastly, but most importantly, I went to the entryway hall. The stain on the floor from my mother’s decomposing corpse had to go. Isiah let me use his crowbar. Everyone watched me pry the floorboards up and throw them outside. The hole would be dangerous, as it was just to the side of the stairs and only lent a little space for passing by.
I felt better with that hole in the floor.
We ate pizza. Isiah and Jordan liked lots of meat toppings. Nyla and I both liked ham and pineapple. We were alike in the best ways.
They drank a lot of beer. I only had one. I was already so tired. So tired from working hard all day. But my day wasn’t done. Nyla stayed behind with Jane and her brothers. They were playing music, having laughs. I promised I wouldn’t be gone long.
Trusting near strangers with my child, I left to get a cat. I don’t think a good mother would have done so. But I did, and everything turned out fine. More than fine, actually, because the shelter was getting ready to close for the day but the lady was so happy that someone was there to adopt a cat, she was prepared to stay late for me.
She showed me into the cat room. It smelled and wasn’t very clean. There were way too many cats. It was totally different from when I adopted Bones. His owner had died, they told me. I had to fill out an application and come back three times before I could take him. But cats were tossed in and out of shelters like trash.
My mother gave me up before my second birthday. I knew the feeling.
There was a cat watching me from the windowsill. He was orange, black, and white in no particular order. He blinked one amber eye at me. His other eye was missing. He had one and a half ears and less than half a tail. His name was Scarecrow. He was perfect.
The shelter let me adopt him for free, but I paid twenty dollars for a litter box, a bag of litter, and a bag of food. When I returned to the house, Nyla and Jane were alone. I didn’t have any dishes inside the house, anymore, so we shared a bottle of wine while Jane and Scarecrow became friends on the empty living room floor.
It had been quite a day, but I felt so good. Nyla gave me strength. We stayed side-by-side while we fed Jane and gave her a bath. We put Jane to bed on her little mattress. We made a nest on my bedroom floor and watched movies on my laptop with Scarecrow purring himself to sleep right beside us. Our voices echoed in the empty space, so we found ourselves whispering.
Those perfect moments with Nyla were few and short, but they live forever in my heart.
Creak, creak, creak.
Jane started to cry. Breaking out of the little happiness bubble I’d formed with Nyla, I went across the hall, mentally going through the checklist of the baby’s needs. As I was bending down to pick her up, a horrible crash sent hot pain all over my back.
Nyla came running into the room. She lifted something heavy off my back. Jane was shrieking. I looked her over and found that I could hardly see through all the dust in the room. The baby wasn’t hurt, as far as I could tell, but I was shaking all over. I felt as though a car had hit me from behind. I stood in confusion for only a moment before I realized that the ceiling fan had crashed down upon me. It would have fallen on the baby if I’d been a second too slow.
That shouldn’t have happened. It was impossible. I had Scarecrow, now, so the activity should have stopped.
Nyla begged to leave. She wanted us all to stay at her apartment.
We retreated down the steps to the front door. I was utterly exhausted. My head was swimming. My back pain sent thunder into my skull. The realization that I was under attack from my own house caused tears to well up in my eyes.
We stayed the night at Nyla’s apartment. Jane and I slept in her bed, soaking in the comfort and peace we’d been without since entering the house on Deer Creek Road. I secretly wished we could stay forever.
I didn’t realize Nyla had a roommate until the morning. Her name was Ariel, and she was anything but a Disney Princess. She was not happy that Nyla had invited me and my baby to stay the night. I took Jane and departed quickly.
I had no choice but to return to the house.
Return to the dawn of the final day in the House on Deer Creek Road
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