#check out the linked accounts and posts for SO MUCH MORE
mppmaraudergirl · 1 year
I have been away from the fandom for way too long and now the only updates I get are just the stuff you're posting. Do you have any good fic recommendations that you're currently reading? Cause I miss reading good fanfictions and because I love everything you write I feel like I would really enjoy the fics that you like as well
Hi there. Thank you for the lovely words and welcome back! 🥰 I'm sorry for the delayed reply. My reading time has been severely limited recently so I don't have a very active reading list to give, but I still wanted to take this opportunity to accumulate a rec list!
First off, the easy blogs to follow: @jilychallenge / @jilychallenge2023, @jilymicrofics, @jilyarchive which are all pretty actively advertising writers and fics! The archive ofc has great tagging so you can get really specific if you have a hankering for something. The jilychallenge is monthly and the microfics is posting pretty much daily.
I try to reblog fics I'm reading/plan to read with the tag "#jily fic recs" on this blog, and as I previously posted, the @jilyawards 2022 list is a fantastic place to start—already broken down by category which is super handy!
I am notoriously bad at bookmarking things on AO3 but there are a handful there that I couldn't recommend enough. Now for some specific recs/favs!
My forever first must-read is my bff @chdarling 's The Last Enemy series which is the best Marauders fic I've ever read. That's right. Ever.
I've been going batshit over @the-dream-team 's Who Knows Who Cares Muggle AU. It warms my lil heart
I'm feral when I so much as think about @wearingaberetinparis 's no body, no crime which sadoigjasidgj have to stop myself from spoiling but check it out!
I'm still awed by @nought-shall-go-ill 's The Light Come Shining which made me sob
Speaking of crying, you can't go wrong with @possessingtheproperspirit for your heartachingly sad angst needs. the way you left me is perfection. Perfection.
If you consider yourself a funny person, I can fix that for you by recommending @mabeltothknows 's We Have Buried the Putrid Corpse of Liberty which is next level
I absolutely loved @annabtg 's AO3 is Down which is as fun/silly as you'd expect for a little Jily AU
This is by no means comprehensive (my brain is useless most days lately) but perhaps a good start for fics! If you have a tumblr I also rec this awesome jily blog/author list created by the immensely talented @startanewdream (who killed me with her fic someday we'll know) which will likely overwhelm you lol.
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
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Artist: mugimugis3 Source: Twitter Archives: Original Post | First Image | Second Image
(Rough) Translation: Melia: "...Do not stare so much..." Shulk: "Your face is red!! Do you have a fever, Melia!?"
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nerdystarlightlove · 1 year
Hey howdy hey, neighbors! ❤️
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I made some ACNH custom designs for Welcome Home! <3 I've become really invested in the ARG, and it inspired me so much that I just had to make something for it! I'm still working on Frank, Barnaby and Poppy, but I was too excited to wait until all of them were done, so please take these! :0D
(Also: I know the name of the Custom Design Creator is different from the name in my bio, and that's because I made these designs on my sister's profile, which is the only profile on our island with connection to the internet and stuff like the Custom Design Portal. I just felt the need to clarify! <3)
Most importantly, all of the artwork - not to mention the wonderful Welcome Home ARG as a whole - belongs to @partycoffin! Their work is seriously so amazing, and I highly recommend checking them out!
If you're considering getting into Welcome Home, please be aware that it's a horror ARG with elements such as gore/blood, heavy eye contact and staring, unreality/derealization, and puppets/mannequins. It's still being developed, but if any of these may trigger you, then it's probably best to avoid it so as to keep yourself safe!
That's all for now, friends! Bye! :D
Edit: Frank’s Custom Design is now done! It can be found using the link below! ❤️
Edit: Barnaby and Poppy are finally here, meaning that the neighborhood is officially complete!
Also! Some of you have mentioned that you can't access these because you don't have Nintendo Online, so if you'd like me to post pictures of the patterns themselves in order to replicate them on your own account, then let me know and I'll be more than happy to do so! ❤️
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
History of Kashmir from 250 BC to 1947 [to understand Kashmir's multi religious history and how we got to 1947]
Broad timeline of events from 1947 to the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in 2019 (BBC) [yes, BBC. hang on just this once]
Human Rights Watch report based on a visit to Indian controlled Kashmir in 1998 [has a summary, background, human rights abuses and recommendations]
Another concise summary of the issue
Sites to check out
Kashmir Action - news and readings
The Kashmiriyat - independent news site about ongoings in Kashmir
FreePressKashmir - same thing as previous
Kashmir Law and Justice Project - analysis of international law as it applies to Kashmir
Stand with Kashmir - awareness, run by diaspora Kashmiris (both Pandit and Muslim)
These two for more readings and resources on Kashmir: note that the petitions and donation links are from 2019 and also has explainers on the background (x) (x)
To read
Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora? - about women in the Kashmiri resistance movement and the 1991 mass rape of Kashmiri women in the twin villages of Kunan and Poshpora by Indian armed forces
Until My Freedom Has Come: The New Intifada in Kashmir - a compliation of writings about the lives of Kashmiris under Indian domination
Colonizing Kashmir: State Building under Indian Occupation - how Kashmir was made "integral" to the Indian state and examines state-building policies (excerpt)
Resisting Occupation in Kashmir - about the social and legal dimensions of India's occupation
On India's scapegoating of Kashmiri Pandits, both by Kashmiri Pandits (x) (x)
Of Gardens and Graves - translations of Kashmiri poems
Social media
standwithkashmir and their backup account standwithkashmir2 (main account is banned in India wonder why)
jammugenocide (awareness about the 1947 genocide abetted by Maharaja Hari Singh and the RSS)
To watch
Jashn-e-Azadi: How We Celebrate Freedom parts 1 and 2 - a documentary about the Kashmiri freedom struggle (filmed by a Kashmiri Pandit)
Paradise Lost - BBC documentary about how India and Pakistan's dispute over the valley has affected the people
Kashmir - Valley of Tears - the exhaustion with the conflict in the post nineties
In the Shade of Fallen Chinar - art as a form of Kashmiri resistance
Human rights violations (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Land theft and dispossession (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
A note: I know annoying Desis are going to see this and go "Oh but Kashmir is Pakistan's because-" and "Kashmir is an integral part of India because-". I must make my stance clear: Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris, the natives, no matter what religion they belong to. Neither Pakistan nor India get to decide the matter of Kashmiri sovereignty. The reasons given by both parties as to why Kashmir should be a part of either nation are bullshit. The United Nations itself recognises Kashmir as a disputed region, so I will not entertain dumbfuckery. I highly encourage fellow Indians especially to take the time to go through and properly understand the violence the government enacts on Kashmiris. I've also included links to learn more about Kashmiri culture because really, what do the rest of us know about it? Culturally and linguistically Kashmir differs so much from the rest of India and Pakistan (also the amount of fetishization of Kashmiri women...yikes). This is not just a bilateral issue between these two nations over land, this actually affects the people of Kashmir. And if you're still here, thank you for reading
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elanorpam · 14 days
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it's been way too long since i last did wildly self-indulgent fanart, so of course i did it for an SVSSS AU that doesn't even have any actual fanfiction written of it yet. but what can i say! it's a compelling scenario! Just check the original post for details!
here's a workplace doodle for his mess of an outfit, too:
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Xin Mo is floating behind his back, wrapped in talismans. the collars are meant to be vaguely inspired on a flower bud.
Some notes i came up with for this version, copied straight from a month-old discord convo:
he may have protagonist halo now, but he's for sure not a stallion protagonist. he literally exchanged fates with his favorite person in the world in order to spare them a hellish trial-- that's romantic as fuck!! damn!! this is old CLAMP shoujo and no mistake!!
binghe may no longer be the protag, but he's still a half-heavenly demon. power-wise, heavenly demons can't be topped, and all the remaining heavenly demons are accounted for. so, SQQ can't be a heavenly demon, even in part.
HOWEVER, as a protagonist, there's a factor more important than power! it's the CHUUNI FACTOR. what's more CHUUNI™️ than being part demon?
one option is being part demon and part angel.
how would that even fucking work??????? IDK man, you can either pull from chinese folklore for fairies or heavenly beings or spirits, or you can blame Airplane and go "he accidentally implied the existence of christian elements by means of importing unexamined anime tropes"
Shen Jiu conveniently has a big fat blank on his parentage. We as fans can and have put whatever the hell we wanted there.
SQQ would jump into the abyss still under the impression SJ was a shallow villain. If his trip through the abyss involves recovering SJ's memories somehow, that sure would be fun times, huh?
so he awakens a mysterious ancestry and survives the abyss and takes Xin Mo, but he probably takes longer than Binghe did due to being squishier.
but Xin Mo isn't ACTUALLY his! so he papers it over with sealing talismans, and to battle the temptation to wield it he takes to wearing these longass sleeves. they're probably covered in talismans as well.
guessing Xiu Ya stayed behind to be mooned over by the clown trio in Cang Qiong. let's go full sparkle-sue here and say he's now fighting almost entirely via musical cultivation. i like swan-necked konghou harps so let's go with that, it'll look dope.
why is he barefoot? why WOULDN'T he be, is the question. fragile!! suffering!! dainty!! he's a shrinking flower, tormented by the weight of the One Sword To Rule Them All!!
also for extra pathos, his constant mental struggle against Xin Mo means he can't spare energy to front. it takes constant focus! he's still a bit in his delusional shit, but even when he's going "oh no, binghe is only latched throat-deep onto my dick because he's a good boy who's concerned about me and the danger i could pose by losing control" he'd probably… well, he'd probably say that out loud to anyone who asked. he's in a half-trance, mentally battling the crazy-making sword. lying is too much work.
Wouldn’t resisting Xin Mo’s influence be the mental and spiritual equivalent to training under 400x gravity or something? his wife-beam is going to be off the charts when he puts it down.
also also: who the hell dressed him like that? fucking shang qinghua, of course, after SQQ showed up in the northern palace to punish MBJ for hurting binghe in the conference. did the system explain shit to SQH? on the one hand, extremely funny if it updates him on the role change out of nowhere mid-alliance. on the other hand, extremely funny if he only finds out because Binghe is crying safely in Qing Jing while the scum villain apparently jumped into the abyss.
Here's another link to the original AU post! I've had it open on a tab all this time just so i could point to it when I was done, so make sure to check it out!
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w2sology · 3 months
harry, private but not secret relationship.
(i hope u understand what i mean 😭)
i know exactly what you mean and i LOVE this type of trope so so much 🤭
under the sheets, harry lewis.
summary: everyone knows that you and harry are together, yet no one really knows what goes on in your relationship. but when fans get little snippets, they can't help but fawn over you both.
warnings: mentions of sex
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having been together since before harry had started youtube, all his friends knew you, and of your status as his girlfriend. but with his rapid incoming fame, you thought it would be better to shy away from the spotlight.
and of course, harry respected this. but he was still gonna let people know that he was in a relationship.
it started off with small mentions of you in his videos. "my girlfriend got me this the other day... my girlfriend said that... i know my girlfriend would like to..." but never fully dropping your name.
everyone knew you were together, but hardly anything about your relationship was ever revealed unless harry said something or if the boys mentioned you briefly.
whether or not you had a public account on socials varied, you liked to switch between public and private.
harry, bot being the average active social media user, would hardly post things. yet most of the time when he did, it would always correspond to you.
a snap of a restaurant with your plate opposite his, a walk in the park with a dog you were dog sitting, your leg just about in the frame, or if he was bold enough, a mirror pic that you took, your face covered by your camera but his fully visibly as he stared lovingly at you through the mirror.
slowly but surely, you would join in too on the secret snapshots into your relationship.
it would start with a post on your story of a picture you took on harry's phone whilst he was on set with the boys, and it was clearly his phone because of how fucked up it was. then it would progress to making tiktoks while wearing clothes that were so obviously his.
it was cute to see you two showing bits of each other online whilst not giving away too much, but god did it have fans dying for more.
when thy'd run into you two in public, you found it so cute that they'd take the time to speak to you as well as harry, even if you'd shy away so as to not interrupt them and harry.
but harry would still have you close by; a fan once posted a selfie that they took with him, and his hand furthest away from their body could be seen in the corner of the picture still intertwined with yours.
when harry was on twitch, streaking either by himself of with his friends, you'd occasionally peak inside the room to check on him, not realising that you were on camera.
one time, you were so tired when you cane back from work that all you wanted to do was lay in bed with harry, but when you figured out he was streaming, you figured his arms would suffice.
so you quietly opened the door to his room, and found yourself snuggling into his arms. harry was surprised, probably putting two and two together and realising that you didn't really care what was on camera, and so returned your embrace. that stream absolutely rocked people's worlds.
and the dates !!! the dates would be the cutest things EVER. he didn't mind going all out but he also wasn't against the occasion cosy date indoors.
on the odd time you did get out, of course there would be pictures and videos of you two sitting in close proximity in a cosy booth at a restaurant, both you all smiles and harry not being able to take his hands off of you.
and if there was one thing about harry, he loved physical touch.
it pained him to not be all over you in public because you didn't want to showcase your relationship like that, but he still found a way to make sure he was either near you or touching you.
be that a hand on your thigh under the table or linking your pinky fingers together when you stood near him.
and the way he'd kiss you; he'd look at you to make sure it was okay to do so before gently placing his lips on yours, pulling you in closer to him.
and even though he can hear simon and toby's shouts of "ew" or "look at those lovebirds" he simply waves them off whilst you hide your face in his chest.
harry loved to have you as his little secret thing, it gave him an even bigger energy rush than he usually had; the idea of being caught was just so exciting to him.
like when he rocks up to filming with a few hickies around his neck, unable to have covered them with his compression shirt that he mistakenly wore.
the comments under that video were enough to you have you covering your face when harry brought it up, as well as the digs that the boys took at you and harry apparently "going at it like animals."
but harry didn't care, it was the best part of the relationship and he got to keep it all to himself, unless he slipped up in front of the camera that was.
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wongery · 5 months
The Wongery — A Site About Imaginary Worlds
Hi! Please check out our site about imaginary worlds!
The Wongery
We've been working on this site for fifteen years, but we've never told anyone else about it until today. Why not? Because we're not very bright, I guess. Is a blazed Tumblr post really the best way to get the word out? Probably not! Like I said, we may not be very bright. Still, I've been on Tumblr for more than a decade (not with this account; I just created this account recently; but I have a personal account I've had for a lot longer), so if nobody ends up visiting the site because of this blazed post, well, I guess the worst-case scenario is that we've just given Tumblr a little money to pay them back for all the time we've spent here. (Well, no; maybe the absolutely worst-case scenario is that somebody does visit the site, and hates it so much they devote their lives to hunting me down and eradicating me and everyone I ever loved, and then this somehow results in the destruction of the universe. But I think that's pretty unlikely.)
Anyway, the site is called the Wongery, and it's at https://wongery.com, and it includes a wiki called the Central Wongery where we post about our own imaginary worlds, and another wiki called the Public Wongery where anyone can post about their creations. It's not limited to just writing text content; there are places where you can post RPG stats for creatures and characters of your worlds, and LEGO models, and video game assets, and more. (Admittedly, there is nothing in those places yet, but they're there.) It's still very much a work in progress, and there are a lot of broken links right now and features we haven't implemented yet, but there's enough there that I hope people can get some enjoyment out of it.
Anyway, please visit our site and see what you think! And please refrain from doing anything that might somehow result in the destruction of the universe. Thank you.
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defsiarte · 2 years
Tips for artists coming back to tumblr from twitter
Have a pinned post with your name and links, like you would on twitter. You can also add links to your bio with html.
Find a blog theme that is very image friendly.
Create an art tag so people can find your work!! Especially if you also reblog others’ stuff onto your main. If you don’t feel like getting creative, #my art is a popular one.
Popular art tags here are # artists on tumblr, # my art, # illustration, and # drawing, or just simply # art. You can add as many tags as you want to a post, although only the first 20 or so are prioritized in search.
Pinned tags are now a thing? so like if you have a bunch of tags on your blog but only want a select few to show up, you do that in blog settings.
You can also turn on tipping on your posts to allow people to donate to you if you connect a Stripe account. I don't know specifics.
Create an art-only sideblog for people to follow if they don’t want to see all your reblogs.
Submit your art to blogs like @art or @artistalley for a chance at getting featured or reaching a wider audience!
You can use spaces in tags. Please use spaces in tags. It makes navigation much easier.
@tips has a more in-depth explanation of various functions and how to use them so check that out if the UI here is overwhelming.
Go to @changes and @wip for updates/help/whatever on what staff are doing with the site. You can also make requests for new features I think? idk
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unseelie-grimalkin · 1 year
I'm going for gold, lads, lasses, and other gendered classes!
Do you like visual novels? Do you like stories about the fey? Do you like your entertainment as EDUTAINMENT?
The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) is a lore-rich and choice-driven romantic visual novel inspired by Irish mythology. Play as an Irish tenant farmer from the mid-19th century, whose path becomes inexplicably entwined with fairy affairs after getting robbed by the roadside and lured into the mythic and war-torn world of Tír na nÓg: A once unified land, now divided into the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Will you escape with your stolen belongings? Or does fate have something else in mind?
6 wonderful romantic/PLATONIC options (each love interest can be pursued entirely platonically)
a visual novel whose philosophy is less on anxiety-inducing, arbitrary choices to get a good or bad ending, but instead focuses on if you, the player, are interacting with a character in a healthy or unhealthy manner, leading to player freedom and choice
intelligent and reflective writing that is reflected within character moments and dialogue
and MORE! (so much more!)
Here is the bio link, which has links for the indie developers' social media accounts (Tumblr, Twitter, Discord Server) along with the link to their official website, which has a deep dive into every main NPC and the philosophy of the game. The demo is out now and free on both Steam and Itch.io
(As an official statement: I am in no way employed or affiliated with Moirai Myths and I was not approached in any way to make this post. This is me being a feral fan on main, blazing this post)
They’re doing voice acting reveals this month, along with an early bird special to see blushing/flirty emotes!
WE HAVE REACHED FULL FUNDING WITH THE GAME! Which is excellent, because it means that my little hyperfixation is gonna be made!
It would be very nice if we could reach some of the stretch goals (which go into depth here: x). Not only are they fun (MC customization, a switch port, expanded voice-over work, more sprites, mini-games, side stories), but I think they'd spark a lot of serotonin for folks playing (myself included).
If this post has interested you at all, please, please, please check out the Kickstarter above! Thank you!
Since this is still getting notes beyond my wildest dreams:
Hello! It's been a while! The Kickstarter ended a bit ago (I did not update this post when it did end, due to being ecstatic to how much the project managed to get: 130% funding!), but development is ongoing and strong! The first two routes are in development right now. Please keep tuned at @moiraimyths for official development updates!
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 years
If you're reading posts about people who are being "treated unfairly" by AO3, I would like you to keep in mind that AO3 will never tell you the other side of the story. That means that you're only getting one perspective and you have nothing to compare it to.
All reports that AO3 receives are kept confidential. The person who was reported never finds out who sent in the report. The person who sent in the report never finds out details beyond whether AO3 agreed with them or not. The other volunteers within AO3 never find out, either. Just the ones on the Policy & Abuse team.
I'm saying this because I've been tagged in several different posts in recent weeks dealing with different cases and I'm not going to cast aspersions or anything. I don't know the details (see above). But I will say that I tend to be skeptical.
A few things to note: If AO3 ever receives a report about you and decides that you have broken the TOS, they will email you. Check your email. Make sure the email address associated with your account is up to date and one that you check regularly. In that email, they will tell you:
What part of the TOS you broke.
Why what you did was not allowed.
Where you did it (a link to a work or to a comment or to your profile page etc)
How you can fix it.
How much time you have to fix it (if you are suspended, the timeline will be longer than however long your suspension is)
That you can reply to their email if you have questions, if you want to disagree, or if you need to ask for more time.
You should also keep in mind that AO3 cannot delete accounts. Only the account owner can do that. And please remember that you are dealing with human volunteers.
AO3 doesn't pre-screen content, so it doesn't matter if the violation happened a long time ago. If it's being reported now, then they're dealing with it now. Also, other people doing the same thing doesn't mean you didn't break the rules. It just means those people haven't been reported yet.
If you want to learn more about how AO3 Policy & Abuse reports work, take a look at the pac takeover tag on this blog. One of the PAC volunteers answered questions a few months ago that might shed more light.
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fifarts · 11 months
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“it’s nice to know you work alone” 🪐⚡️
(click for better quality, more info and alt text below cut)
another jupeter piece and some recommended songs from my jupeter playlist!
I have synesthesia which means my brain associates certain audio and music with different colors and shapes, so I worked a lot with the colors on this piece and especially the background to kind of translate some of the visualizations I get when I listen to these songs together! If you read the lyrics of both you’ll see why I heavily associate them with juno and peter!
I have another piece that I’ll hopefully post circa S3 that goes along with There’s No Secrets This Year (the most jupeter song ever) and a comic for Waltz in E-Major, Op. 15 “Moon Waltz” by Cojum Dip that I really want to work on soon! My playlist is still a work in progress and I’m currently in the process of moving my spotify accounts around but as of right now the full playlist link is here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6SP3sUjzSTBCPhouCe4xXY?si=277Hd2pqTGmRzPLcSx6dvQ
I organized it partially by season so hopefully it’s easier to understand the character connections of the songs. (The first song of the playlist is an instrumental guitar piece that my dad’s guitarist is doing as a side project which is super cool and you should definitely check out his stuff (and also please send some streams his way) If you love vocal-like sexy guitar riffs and weird time signatures and video game-esque music, Vision Swords is for you lol)
Alt Text:
A lineless digital art painting of Juno Steel and Peter Nureyev from the Penumbra Podcast. Juno's face is visible in a profile view as he holds his blaster in his outstretched hand. Juno is a short Black and South Asian person with dark brown skin, a scar across his nose bridge, and black hair that is lit with purple lighting. Juno has short locs and a high undercut with a star design shaved in. He is wearing a tan trenchcoat, a white button up, and black tie. He is also wearing a cochlear implant, hot pink star earrings, and hot pink acrylic nails. Peter stands behind him with his face partially obscured. He is a tall South Asian man with medium brown skin and dark shoulder length brown hair. He is pointing his blaster and wearing a black suit jacket with gold details. The background of the painting is hot pink, neon purple, and bright blue. The background colors mix in with one another in a perspective blur from the center of the painting. [end alt text]
Thank you so much for the support while I’ve been on hiatus! I’m going to college this fall for Robotics Engineering and I’ve been dealing with some pretty big health problems as well (I literally just got out of surgery today lol) which has left little time for art (fanart or otherwise) 😅 Love ya!
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marlenesluv · 9 months
Moments. Part 2. (LN)
summary: some more posts, but this time you make your own .jpg insta and share your boyfriend and friends
oc: ig im using lexi jayde as my oc for this little series, lol
this is part two! i’m not sure if i’ll make a part three or not yet.
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for the other parts ^
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liked by: landonorris, maxfewtrell, and 102,198 others
y/n.jpg: finally made one of these things..am i doing it rt?
view comments…
y/ns.fanpage: i’m freaking out, this is exactly what i needed to make my day better
danielricciardo: you’re doing great sweetie🤗
|> y/n.user: thx dan🤗
|> f1.updates: more of this duo pls
|> y/n.user: i wont deny this request
f1.wags: y/n is dominating the .jpg accounts
carmenmmundt: you are my inspo in the second pic
|> y/n.user: you’re mine all the time
|> carmenmmundt: stopp🤭
|> georgerussell63: ugh
|> landonorris: next time we go on a double date, y/n and carmen will be the ones acting like a couple
|> georgerussell63: don’t remind me
formula1.fan: living for this content rn
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liked by: chalres_leclerc, lilymhe, and 113,184 others
y/n.jpg: snow angels & skiing 🤍
view comments…
maxfewtrell: cutest couple on the grid
|> pierregasly: a bit biased, no? i mean, they are your bsfs, so is that rly true?
|> francisca.cgomes: they are the cutest couple, it’s okay
ln4fanpage: all hail, y/n for all of the lando content lately
p1formula: so cuteeee
lilymhe: these pictures are everythingg👏✨
|> y/n.user: i love youu
|> lilymhe: i love you moreeeee
f1page: you both ate in these photos🙏
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liked by: danielricciardo, landonorris, and 134,729 others
y/n.jpg: buddies🤠
view comments…
danielricciardo: buddy🤠🤠
f1pics: if you look at the photos above, you will see one of the greatest friendships to exist
y/nbiggestfans: y/n is slaying that cowboy hat
landonorris: my favorite ppl
|> danielricciardo: lando, don’t make y/n suspicious of us….
|> y/n.user: 🙄
wagsoff1: iconssss👏👏👏
carlossainz55: you guys look great in these hats
|> y/n.user: thanks carlos ☺️
|> carlossainz55: you’re welcome 😊
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liked by: alex_albon, landonorris, and 148,204 others
y/n.jpg: i’m a passenger princess through and through👸 he’s my driving prince🤴
view comments…
landonorris: i will drive you anywhere and everywhere ❤️
|> y/n.user: ❤️❤️
f1fanpage: if you look closely out of the window, you can see me crying while being single
olliebearman: mom and dad 🤗
|> y/n.user: OLLIE 🤗
|> ollibearman: i found your account 😆
y/n.lando.fp: their comments?? i’m sobbing
f1memes: lando is such a simp
|> y/nfanpage: aren’t we all a simp for y/n?
(in order: lily, you, kika, carmen)
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liked by: lilymhe, landonorris, and 156,927 others
tagged: lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, carmenmmundt
y/n.jpg: little spa day before bfs do the vroom 🏎️
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landonorris: my job is actually just vroom
|> y/n.user: and how good you are at vroom, lan
lilymhe: i had so much fun💓
|> carmenmmundt: i did too🩷
|> y/n.user: my cutiessss
|> francisca.cgomes: it was so fun!!
y/nandnorris.4ever: was lando and y/n’s comment a barbie reference….
|> y/n.user: hehe, sí
|> carlossainz55: my spanish lessons must be rubbing off on you from lando!
|> landonorris: sí senorita sainz😊
|> carlossainz55: lando. i am a señor, since i am a man. señorita is female
|> landonorris: i meant what i said
formulaonevids: i need more girlie content
|> f1fan: no fr. feed me more plz
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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changes · 1 year
Friday, March 17th, 2023
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sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 5 of the Linked Universe Winged Au! In the last poll you guys all voted for him so here he is, Wild!
<<< Previous Next >>>
As always, there has to be a silly little bird fact to start off with so did you know that the American Kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America and only weighs about 3-6 ounces which is the equivalent of 34 pennies? This fact isn't actually important lore wise for this headcanon, but it did remind me of the one post where someone discovered that BoTW Link weighs approximately 8.5 apples.
Anyways, as you may have guessed, Wild is heavily based on the American Kestrel because of their beautiful plumage and their unique behaviors and characteristics.
An example of one of these behaviors is that American Kestrels are known for capitalizing on favorable soaring conditions, such as mountain updrafts and thermals while traveling. In this headcanon, Wild shows this characteristic primarily through his use of Revali's Gale and his tendency to make fires in order to more easily take flight. While his methods are incredibly effective, they do also tend to scare the rest of the group the first time he does them. After all, it's not everyday you see someone make a fire and then run headfirst into it just to take off.
While this specific habit of his may appear to just be a funny little quirk that he just does because he's WILD, it's actually a result of his near death experience with Guardians. The scars on his face and body may be clearly visible to everyone around him, but the damage done to his wings is actually far less noticeable. His various injuries and scars actually have a major impact on his ability to take off and effect his stamina needed to maintain flight for long periods of time. Because of this, he tends to use the aforementioned methods to aid his flight or oftentimes simply chooses to leap off high surfaces and glide rather than attempt to take flight.
However, despite having difficulties with the initial takeoff and his struggles to maintain flight for long periods of time, he's actually very adept and capable of fighting in the air. The way he fights allows him to deliver sharp, agile, and accurate killing blows to his enemies in a way that others describe as, "Witnessing time seemingly slowing down for everyone but him." In other words, he's a real force to be reckoned in once he's finally airborne.
Anyways, there's more I could explain but that's all for now folks! As always, kudos to all those who read all that lore dump and thank you again for always being so kind and supportive! All your words of encouragement always inspire me to worker harder! Thank you all and please feel free to reach out with any questions or requests for who or what you would like to see next!
P.S. After much encouragement I did recently make a TikTok account where I'll try to be posting regularly! Feel free to check it and my Twitter out at sass_squat3! Thank you all again for your support! :D
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blythsholland · 4 months
No More Secrets! - Part 5
Pairing: Tom Blyth x Actress!Fem!reader
Warnings: None.
Summary: You join the cast of TBOSAS, sparks fly between you and Tom, and fans are quick to notice some things.
AN: And here is the final part of No More Secrets! Thank you immensely for the support in this. I truly appreciate it and it means a lot to me 🤍 To read the previous parts and my other works, you can check my masterlist here! Happy Valentines Day 💗
(For the sake of this last chapter, let’s pretend Tom is promoting the full second season of Billy The Kid. )
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blythupdates & youruserupdates posted a photo
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liked by blythloverrrr, youruser, tomblyth, user and others.
tagged tomblyth, youruser
blythupdates This account and @ youruserupdates account wanted to say that in result of the current events, we won’t post those pics of them to respect their privacy. Remember to leave them alone and to give them time. They’ll confirm their relationship when they feel comfortable to do so. We are their fans and we should all respect them.
Comments on this post are limited.
tomblyth Thank you. It really means a lot to us.
comment liked by author.
youruser Thank you. 🤍
comment liked by author.
user They replied, I hope they’re both okay.🥺
*Few weeks later*
tomblyth added to their story.
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*Press Tour*
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liked by deuxmoi, blythfanz, blythupdates, youruser and others.
e!news Tom gushes about his relationship with actress @ youruser during press for his new show. More of the story in the link in our bio! (📸 Getty).
View all 500 comments.
user What’s the name of the show he’s promoting?
↪️ user73 Billy the Kid! Season 2 is releasing next week!
blythfanz This is such a clickbait post. If you really saw that interview you know what he exactly said.
↪️ userfan what did he say?
user1 Can someone briefly say what he said. I can’t see the interview right now.
blythfanz For everyone asking. The interviewer asked what’s something that you like to keep to yourself as much as possible and he responded by saying privacy. I’ll add the quote.
↪️ blythfanz “Privacy for sure. We are in an industry where your personal life can be invaded by so little. One glimpse and privacy is out of the question and everyone wants to know your business. ‘What does your family do?’, ‘Where do you live?’, ‘Are you seeing anyone?’ And that’s why I like to keep my personal life as private as possible.” +
↪️ blythfanz “There’s always going to be that factor where paparazzi take pics whenever you are, invading your personal space, and then we have the tabloids making headlines just to get more people invested and it’s all a mess.” +
↪️ blythfanz “When it comes to dating, the only thing you will know from me is that yes, I am in a relationship and that’s it… I’m in a beautiful relationship with the most amazing and wonderful person I know but you won’t see me or us give details about it because to us that’s our most sacred thing and we want to keep it private and to ourselves. Maybe you would see a pic here and there shared by us because we want to, but other than that, what goes in our relationship is our business only, no one else’s.”
user1 @ blythfanz Thank you so much! The way he said everything so perfectly. Respect their privacy people!!
youruserlovers @ youruser liked this 🥺 Tom Blyth, the man that you are!!
user My respect for Tom went higher. That’s a man!
tomblyth posted a photo.
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liked by youruser, rachelzegler, hunterschafer, blythupdates and others.
tomblyth Incredibly proud of this season. Make sure you watch Billy The Kid season 2, now streaming on MGM+. 🤠🐎
View all 2,346K comments.
youruser So so proud of you, my love! 🤍 Gonna definitely binge watch.
comment liked by tomblyth.
↪️ tomblyth ❤️ I’ll go get the snacks!
↪️ blythloverrrr awwww 🥺
rachelzegler YESSSS LET’S GO!
lionsgate If Coriolanus Snow was in an alternate universe!
↪️ user95 bestieee what are you doing here???
blythupdates Finally! 🤩
blythfanz Save a horse, ride a what???
↪️ youruser a cowboy 🤠
↪️ rachelzegler @ youruser NOW GIRL.
↪️ blythyouruserlovers SO REAL!
joshandresrivera That cowboy got me feeling some type of way 😍
↪️ youruser @ rachelzegler come get your man!
youruser added to their story.
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*Few Weeks Later*
youruser posted a photo.
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liked by tomblyth, rachelzegler, zendaya, hunterschafer and others.
tagged: tomblyth
youruser Happy Anniversary to the one that makes me the happiest. Life is better with you in it. I love you more than words can describe 🤍🤍🤍 @ tomblyth
View al 4,765K comments.
tomblyth I'm so deeply in love with you. I love you. ❤️
↪️ youruser 🥹❤️
↪️ blythyouruserlovers I’m not crying my eyes are just sweaty.
rachelzegler MY LOVES 🥺
rachelzegler the way I witness you both fall in love in-front of my eyes. I’m emotional 😭💗
youruserlovers our girl is in love you guys 🥹🥹🥹
blythupdates Happy Anniversary! 💗💗💗
blythloverrrr TAKE IT DELUSIONAL PEOPLE! I know the antis are screaming and crying somewhere.
tomblyth posted a photo.
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liked by youruser, hunterschafer, rachelzegler, joshandresrivera and others.
tagged: youruser
tomblyth One year with you and to many more. Happy Anniversary, my love. I’m deeply in love with you and I won’t stop saying it. I love you. ❤️ @ youruser
View all 3,458K comments.
youruser How many times you’re going to make me cry today?? 😭 i LOVE you so so so much 🥹🩷🩷
comment liked by tomblyth
↪️ tomblyth i LOVE you.❤️
↪️ joshandresrivera Damn you are both cheesy.
↪️ tomblyth @ joshandresrivera you’re one to talk!
↪️ youruser @ rachelzegler come get your man… again.
↪️ rachelzegler @ joshandresrivera but babe YOU ARE cheesy, so idk what you’re talking about.
blythfanz The pictures, the third and the fourth one 😭😭😭
user can I join the relationship?
userfan con😭gra😭tu😭la😭tions😭
blythloverrrr the pic with the cowboy hats 🥺
hunterschafer CUTIES. I love you guys 🩷🩷🩷
rachelzegler I’m not crying, my eyes are just sweating I swear!!!
The End!
Again, thank you so much for all the support on this! I really really appreciate it 🤍
tags: @coconut-dreamz @bobgirllll @that-one-little-soybean @duckyyyx @spencerstits @kuromismom7
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glacierclear · 9 months
Having some mad fuckboy!Leon thoughts rn
After he's unlearned all the stuff he taught himself and is basically done with the whole fuckboy thing oh man he would be SO soft. Holding your hand? Check. Cuddling at his dorm? Check. Being more gentle and loving during sex? Also check.
Also, stealing his hoodies. He'd melt for sure
oh, for sure. healed fuckboy!leon would be a SIGHT TO BEHOLD.
he wouldn't be perfect...
progress isn't linear. he'd stumble a lot. make a lot of mistakes and backward steps. you would need to be patient. you would need to be careful. especially in the early stages. because damn, he's trying. he's trying so hard. and you need to acknowledge the effort, even if it's hard to see, because any praise towards this will mean so much to him.
it'd come out especially on his bad days. he's more impatient. short-tempered. lashes out over seemingly mundane things. you'll need to be firm but not demeaning. catch his tells, his habits, and figure out the real reason he's behaving the way he is.
you'll need to slowly teach him the true depth of his words. that they hurt you just as much as they hurt him. he's unfamiliar with the idea of accountability, so you need to teach him about consequences. let him know you're upset and angry at him. but just because you're upset doesn't mean he's irredeemable. he'll assume any pushback is you ending things permanently. he needs the space to fuck up and forgive himself.
and damn it all, he's the jealous type. possessive. protective as all hell. it's toxic, and you need to teach him boundaries. it'll be tough. he worked so fucking hard to get you, doesn't he deserve to have you the way he needs? but no. you need freedom. he'll learn eventually, but be prepared to send a lot of "im safe and i miss u" texts to him when you're out with friends.
speaking of toxic. the toxic masculinity will be hell to unpack. sometimes it's nice! he insists on you being passenger princess. he insists on picking up the bill (well, once you're actually dating). he doesn't mind taking care of spiders (and fine, just because you asked nicely, he won't kill them). but...the bads get real bad.
displaying any kind of vulnerable emotion is like pulling teeth. when he's nervous, scared, anxious...he'll take it out on others. or himself. early progress will be made when he's blackout drunk and spilling everything to you. he reveals the deepest, most fragile parts of himself on these nights. it's like he's an entirely different person. and the next morning he'll do his best to sweep it all under the rug, but you have to fight for it. accept him and love him despite how "totally fucking lame" he acted (his words, not yours).
that being said. the good parts? oh yeah. Boyfriend Material 100%.
he'd do anything for you. anything. don't even say shit as a joke because he'll do it. at a certain point he doesn't even care if his friends think he's being stupid. you're his whole world. he'd wear stupid t-shirts for you. go to that concert you're dying to see even if he thinks the music sucks. he'll bash his head into a wall and learn to bake french pastries if it'll get you to smile. through hell and high water, he'll follow.
and yeah, he weans himself off social media. stops posting thirst trap photos and cuts ties with his sneaky links. but the lack of external validation is felt, and it kind of falls on you to fill the void. clingy won't even begin to describe what he is. he'll resort to begging. he will. late to work in the morning? that's not his problem. you're staying in that damn bed and you are cuddling him. you think him wearing tank tops in the middle of December is just a dumb mistake, but you catch on quick when he starts to shiver and needs to huddle you for warmth. "you want me to die of hypothermia? c'mon, babe. get closer." and yeah. those ice cold hands are going straight on your stomach. have fun.
part of the excitement will come from truly learning who he is as a person. most of his herculean facade is a persona. he doesn't actually like beer. he likes dry whiskey and refined clear liquors. he doesn't actually enjoy parties. the crowds make him nauseous, and he can always blame it on the alcohol. he's not actually all that into sports. you figure out he has a well-loved public library card and he knows the mystery section like the back of his hand. he's vibrant. shockingly intelligent. gets that light in his eyes when you nudge him about his interests. it'll be hard to get him to admit it, but his favorite part of the week is huddling on the couch watching nature documentaries with you.
and it's a two-way street. he remembers everything about you. early on in your relationship you casually assume he'll never keep track of the important dates. that's the stereotype, right? you couldn't be more wrong. birthdays. anniversaries. doctor's appointments. your fucking dog's yearly vaccine. he won't necessarily go all-out, not until you're more of a long-term thing, but what he does is meaningful. sincere. you won't get $500 of flowers and chocolate for valentine's day, but he'll abduct you from work, drive you out far, far into the countryside. lay out a patchwork blanket and stare at the night sky. he brought your favorite brand of pita chips and sneakily worms a gift box in your hand. it's that stupid $15 thing that's been sitting in your online shopping cart for weeks that you could never justify buying. and yeah, he'd appreciate a blowjob under the stars, but seeing you happy is enough.
and you could never begin to imagine how loving and passionate he can get during sex. it's totally different than his usual flavor. casual hook-ups and one-night stands are merely a fraction of his power. he tends to avoid intimate gestures on those nights. no eye-contact. hardly any kissing. he likes it rough and he likes it fast. but with you? he takes his time. commits your body to muscle memory. his gaze is intense, and he watches every reaction, trying to map out your flesh like a cartographer. he'll happily make out with you for upwards of a couple hours before you even begin the real foreplay. and you always cum first. always.
oh, but if you're not a fan of PDA...he might be a problem. he's proud of you. you're the hottest thing on two legs as far as he's concerned. he'll have no issue grabbing your ass, wrapping a hand around your waist, kissing along your neck, whispering the most obscene things in your ear. it's not even to make a point. there's no rhyme or reason. he just wants to. and you're right there. and what right does the world have to tell him to stop? does it make people uncomfortable? who cares. he'll lay off if it really bugs you that much...but if he catches anyone staring at you too long he'll ramp it up. it's almost aggressive. you turn to scold him, noticing how his eyes aren't even on you. he's staring at someone else. someone who's looking at what's his.
he's a yes man, too. if you need restraint and careful guidance in your life...he's not the one. he'll support any weird, out of the blue hobby you want to pursue. if you even joke about quitting your job he'll egg you on. "i'll drive right up there and tell your boss i'll fuck his wife!" and you have to talk him down. he'll punch the sun for you. he'll be behind every impulsive purchase. every 4am trip to walmart. every instinct to feed your id. any "little treat" you want to have he'll get it. because you deserve the best. if you ever want to have a stable bank account you need the be the voice of reason. because it's not gonna be him.
yeah. he'll have a lot of problems. don't worry about that. but, at least with fuckboy!leon, you'll almost never have any doubts that he loves you. once you manage to pin his heart on his sleeve, it's there for life and it'll always be yours.
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