#cherik oneshot
beauiestars · 27 days
Cherik x Good Omens AU
Angel!Charles Xavier/Demon!Erik Lehnsherr
Word count: 1610
Warnings: Angst, Fluff (if you squint), Religious elements/imagery (Good Omens style, duh), Forbidden romance
Summary: In a world where angels and demons are bound by divine law, Erik, a fallen angel, and Charles, a devoted angel, fall into a forbidden love that defies the natural order. Willing to face any consequence, even death, Erik is determined to protect Charles from the dangers their bond brings, as they navigate the tension between duty and desire.
After several million years in Charles' company, Erik thought he knew the angel's moods like the back of his hand. However, that couldn't have been further from the truth. As Charles strode up and down the bookshop with an unreadable expression—and responded to Erik's questioning with nonsensical monosyllabic answers—the demon was left perplexed.
Less than a moment ago, they had been engaging in amiable conversation near the fireplace, which was gradually becoming less out of character for the two men. Yet, Charles' demeanour had flipped like a switch and he hadn't uttered a coherent word since.
"Charles, your tea is getting cold," Erik said in a poor attempt to coax the angel back to his side. Of course, Charles didn't spare him a glance. He was offended for only a moment before reminding himself that he hadn't done anything wrong and that Charles was the one behaving peculiarly. With a flick of his wrist, the tea steamed in the mug once again.
Erik watched Charles' erratic movements, only growing more bewildered each time the angel passed by with another stack of books. There was no rhyme or reason to anything Charles was doing; he moved piles of books from one spot to another, and then back again, all whilst muttering incoherently under his breath.
When Charles tried to move a bookshelf using brute strength—unsuccessfully—Erik had to step in. "Stop that. What on earth are you doing?" Erik planted himself between a red-faced Charles and the bookshelf. For the first time in almost an hour, Charles finally looked up at Erik. A huff escaped his pouted lips, and his blue eyes filled with determination.
"If you'd excuse me," Charles said, trying to budge past Erik to resume his secret agenda. Erik planted his feet firmly on the ground, a solid force against the interminable stubbornness of Charles Xavier. Exasperated, and unwilling to fight a losing battle on this occasion, Charles resigned himself to the armchair beside the fireplace, crossing his arms firmly against his chest. "I'll do that later."
"Do what, Charles?" Erik raked his hands through his hair. For reasons he couldn't quite discern, not knowing exactly what went on inside Charles' head unsettled him. Reading people—especially Erik—was always Charles's strong suit. Much to Erik's dismay, it rarely worked the other way around. "You're making no sense."
"To you, maybe," Charles scowled from his spot on the armchair. As far as Erik knew, he was an innocent man—though not really, but in the current situation, he certainly believed it—and Charles' attitude toward him was unwarranted. If Erik hadn't been offended before, he certainly was now.
"Charles," Erik's tone held a promise of dispute. Charles' name had never been uttered from Erik's lips so harshly, and it appeared to rattle him. He sat up straighter, and his hands fell into his lap. The demon approached him in long strides, planting his palms on either arm of Charles' armchair, trapping the angel in place. "If you don't tell me what I've done, I can't fix it. Can I?"
"I suppose not," Charles said at a hushed volume, preferring to keep his eyes trained on Erik's chest rather than his face. He bit down on his lip, continuing to shy away from eye contact. An inkling of hurt bloomed in Erik's heart. Opting to worry about the implications later, he hooked his thumb and index fingers under Charles's chin and turned his face up to meet Erik's softened gaze.
"Tell me what I've done, liebling." The term of endearment rolled off Erik's tongue before he could stop it—not that he would have. Charles sighed, his blue eyes finally meeting Erik's. The angel couldn't resist these moments of softness from the demon, no matter how fleeting. Charles' freckled cheeks grew redder, but Erik dismissed it as the heat from the hearth.
"When we were talking just now," Charles began, his eyes gleaming in the firelight. He'd been so shy to make eye contact a minute ago, but now his gaze was impenetrable. "Or a while ago—my fault—the way you spoke so passionately. I just..." Charles' voice trailed off, and he bit into his bottom lip.
Erik, overflowing with burning anticipation, urged him to continue. "Did I upset you? Was it something I said?" His overt impatience came across more intensely than he'd intended. Charles leaned back in his seat, creating distance as Erik's fingers dropped from his jaw.
"Not at all. Quite the opposite, in fact," Charles laughed. It was a short and intrusive sound, but innocuous. Erik knew Charles wasn't laughing at him, per se. Even so, Charles didn't elaborate. The burgeoning expectation was driving Erik mad, and it must have shown on his face. "You captivated me."
Erik felt the tension ease in his shoulders, and he released his bated breath. "In that case, I can't possibly fathom why you've been pacing around the bookshop and avoiding me for the last half hour." The more Charles tried to answer Erik's questions, the more arose in their place.
"I was afraid of what it might mean," Charles said. Erik silently cursed Charles' prudence—which now seemed to be the basis for Charles' caprice. Keeping his mouth shut and his agitation restrained, Erik urged Charles to continue. "I was afraid of what I would have to admit and how it would affect us."
"Us?" Erik hoped that Charles would stop being so vague and verbose for one moment to get his point across. "What about us?" His confusion seeped into every syllable, his frustration palpable.
"For goodness' sake, Erik. I'm bloody in love with you," Charles finally confessed, his chest heaving and his eyes scanning frantically over Erik's expression. Suddenly, Charles' hesitance was warranted. The words lingered, suspended in the air like the beginning winds of a storm, heavy with the threat of something that could tear them apart.
Something forbidden—unheard of—had burgeoned  between the two men. Anything more than a reluctant cooperation between an angel and a demon was unprecedented. Their bond defied all realms of natural law regarding their kind. The punishment for such a crime, if there was even a concept for it, could be detrimental.
To say Erik didn't feel the same would be a sordid mistruth. Getting to know someone over the span of eternity leaves little to be uncovered, and although Erik couldn't predict Charles' moods, he knew everything that truly mattered. All of the good and bad—though the latter was negligible. Erik loved it all. He loved Charles.
The aphotic depths of this new territory offered no guarantees of punishment or forgiveness. Perhaps they would be pardoned, but one could never make such an optimistic assumption. Erik knew the wrath of God. Would she punish their kindred spirits and bleeding hearts?
"Erik?" Charles' anxious voice anchored Erik to the present. The contrite look the angel's face filled Erik with shame. Unaware of how long he had remained silent, he had left Charles to draw his own conclusions and assume the worst.
A fire lit behind Charles' lustrous eyes, catching Erik off guard. "I'm not sorry," Charles said. His tone tremendously assured, as if his attitude had changed with the flip of a switch.
"Pardon?" Erik shook his head, mystified by the other man's sudden impertinent countenance. Charles' stare was unrelenting, and Erik recognised the tacit agreement that Charles would not repeat himself.
Erik, at a loss for words, dropped to his knees in front of Charles. For the first time, Charles looked down at Erik, his blue eyes swimming with expectation. Erik had always been a man of few words, but he invariably made his intentions clear. "Charles, I worship you."
Charles' eyes widened, and an incredulous gasp escaped his perfect lips. He was unaccustomed to the way Erik unflinchingly uttered blasphemy. Once, the fallen angel had questioned the iniquitous rules of God, and she had struck him from the Heavens. But his angel could never be so cruel. "My devotion belongs to you. And you alone."
"Oh, Erik," Charles said longingly. Erik's beliefs scarcely aligned with those Charles had held since the beginning of time, but Erik selfishly hoped the angel might indulge him and embrace the forbidden moment. The thrill of defiance filled Erik with a desperate hope that they could make this work.
"I love you," Erik said like a prayer. Charles wordlessly sank onto the floor in front of him. His hand found its way to Erik's jaw, four fingers grazing the side of his face and his thumb brushing the apple of Erik's cheek. The demon leaned into the angel's touch like it was a sweet reprieve.
Charles leaned in carefully. His free hand trailed into Erik's hair at the back of his neck, and flames erupted within him. Their noses touched for a second before their mouths met, already soft and open. They fit together like puzzle pieces or missing ribs.
Erik kissed Charles as if he were desperate to memorise the feel of his lips and the taste of his sweet, warm mouth. Charles' lips were softer than anything Erik had ever known, and his kisses were all-consuming. Erik couldn't think or do anything but drink Charles in, savouring the movements of his lips and each breath as it came.
When the time arrived—if it arrived—that they would face trial for their crime, Erik would take all the blame. He'd lie to any jury, and say he coerced Charles; the possibility of Charles paying the price of their love was inconceivable. If loving Charles meant death, Erik would choose death every time.
Thankyou for reading my short lil oneshot! The idea was given to me by my good friend Dani when I was struggling to write for my main fic. This is my first time publishing any of my work since around 2020, so please be nice :.)
28th August 2024
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So Many Ideas....
I have SO many ideas for Erik Lehnsherr fanfiction. Or also including Charles Xavier, as well. In so many different capacities. Some just well, smut, others with a story or both. Fluff, comfort, I guess sort of angsty, and some I can't even define. And wondering if some should be an original character, and could be read all together or separately... too many ideas!! Where do I start??????
Honestly, any idea of what sort of thing you'd like? Fluff, angsty, smut? A combo? I have many ideas of how a first time could go, too... if you know what I mean. And any preferences? Let me know?....
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dandan-thegayman · 2 years
inspired off "Its Been A Long, Long Time" by Harry James
IDEA 1: fluff
okay so erik is like this army guy right? he and charles met and fell in love before he got drafted and basically the main piece is written as if you are given the notes he and charles wrote to eachother during the time period erik was serving. super sweet at sappy
IDEA 2: fluff (+ maybe smut)
basically, first part is erik coming home and they have a whole steve and peggy moment, listening to "Its Been A Long, Long Time" by Harry James. maybe they do stuff (b/c of that one implied sexual part in the song).
IDEA 3: angst
either format from IDEA 1 or 2 but maybe after a while of not getting any letters from erik, charles gets worried and he gets a visit from an officer telling him the bad news.
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gerec · 1 month
best long fics? i've only been reading oneshots lately. i like cherik which can be a book too.
To make this list even a tiny bit manageable I'm choosing to define 'long' as over 100k. There are a lot of superb fics on this list, Anon; happy reading!
Nine Eleven Ten by Subtilior (WIP - the definition of a fandom classic with fantastic worldbuilding)
Years later, Charles would remember that day. Sometimes he would wonder if he could have changed anything; other times he would despair over what he had since become. But he would always hold the image in his mind: Raven, laughing, and his thoughts flying alongside her on strong wings, silver-gold through the winter air. Once upon a time.
The stars incline us, they do not bind us by ikeracity, Pangea
Intergalactic Federation pilot Lieutenant Charles Xavier is assigned last-minute to a high profile mission: transporting over two thousand prison inmates from an old and overfilled prison complex to a newer, higher-capacity prison stronghold located on the outer reaches of the galaxy. Just as he's settling down for a long and uneventful ride, things take a turn for the worse after the inmates riot and stage a hostile takeover of the ship, leaving Charles to find himself at the complete mercy of cold-blooded killers and facing the chilling prospect that he might not ever make it back home alive.
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold by Etharei
Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik Lehnsherr, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited.
Also featuring a long-suffering sister, a foul-mouthed bodyguard, and a best friend with a heart that is definitely not gold.
In which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered. (An AU sci-fi fairytale)
Tessellation by nekosmuse
He had been following Xavier's career for years. He had read and reread and reread again everything the man had written. He had tried, on more occasions than he could count, to recruit Xavier into the Brotherhood, but each request for a meeting had been denied. Aside from his work, no one knew anything about Xavier. Not what he looked like, not the full extent of his power--though from what little they did know, he was by far the most powerful telepath in existence--and not what his intentions were.
The man was a recluse. As far as Magneto knew, Xavier had never once stepped foot outside his impenetrable Westchester manor. And now he was scheduled as the keynote speaker for the largest pro-mutant conference in the world.
The Marriage Bargain by kianspo
Erik Lehnsherr had made a fortune manufacturing steel in Europe. When he wished to expand to the New World, he discovered that no one would do business with him unless he was affiliated with one of the First Families, the creme de la creme of the NW aristocracy. When Lord Marko holds an auction to give away his 14-year-old stepson's hand in marriage, Erik sees his chance and takes it. He has no interest in Charles himself, but now that he has him, can they make it work?
Everyday Love in Stockholm by tahariel
Prompt: Magneto is the ruler of the posthuman world.
His only secret? Charles Xavier, the human he's kept locked in his bedroom ever since his right-hand woman, Mystique, came to him pleading for mercy for her stepbrother, who accepted her mutant form and protected her as a child. The human he started fucking after Mystique was killed in battle, despite the guilt he feels at contaminating even this last promise to the woman who was integral to his life's work and happiness.
The Proper Care of Actors by afrocurl, Clear_Liqueur, Clocks, Etharei (series)
Erik is an A-list action star who is notoriously difficult to work with, until the day he gets cast alongside Charles Xavier, rom-com darling who can charm the pants off movie audiences the world over and apparently even one Erik Lehnsherr. The paparazzi catch them out and about soon enough, and their real-life Hollywood movie romance becomes instant tabloid fodder.
The Associates by ikeracity, Pangea (series)
Being a mob boss' associate has its ups and downs. Having sex in the back of a limo on Valentine's Day is definitely one of the ups.
The Sonnet Series by afrocurl, nekosmuse (series)
Erik Lehnsherr is a visiting professor at Columbia University, as well as an acclaimed and award winning poet. Charles Xavier is a lead researcher with the Genetics Department who is well on his way to tenure. But what happens when Charles has to cancel a class because half his students abandon him in favour of a mysterious new English Lit professor? Naturally he ends up sitting in in the class, where Professor Lehnsherr mistakes him for a student. It's really too bad Erik has such a strict policy against dating students. It's also too bad Erik doesn't seem to know how to use Google.
Space Oddity by MonstrousRegiment, Pangea (series)
Prince Charles Xavier is Deputy Commander of the TEF Heartsteel and the newest mission they've been assigned starts out less than desirable and quickly goes downhill from there. It's alright, though, he'll cope.
It doesn't help, though, that he's in unrequited love with his best friend and Commander of the Heartsteel, War-Prince Erik Lehnsherr.
Nation Building and other Diplomatic Negotiations by Pookaseraph
With the recent passage of a submissive registration law in the United Kingdom, there are now only two industrialized nation with a relatively stable government to have neither a mutant nor a submissive registration law. Erik Lehnsherr, the newly minted King of Genosha, and his Prime Minister Emma Frost intend to take advantage of this turn of events to bring the Xavier Institute to the island nation of Genosha. They both know bringing Charles Xavier, the noted activist of mutant and submissive rights, to the island will necessarily politicize the man, and create all manner of complications. With a constitution not yet finalized and external threats to Genoshan security all around them, Erik, Emma, and Charles will fight for what they believe in to shape Genosha into what it should be.
Do You Love Me by cgf_kat
Charles and Erik have been married for 25 years, thrown together by a mandatory post-apocalyptic pairing system attempting to increase and strengthen the population. They have seven children. They have never spoken of love, but change is on the horizon.
Ritual Self-Torture by TurtleTotem
For the following prompt: Shaw is King, Charles is his royal consort and Erik is a Knight/Lord. Shaw is sterile but his kingdom can't find out, so he asks Erik to impregnate Charles.
He doesn't know Erik and Charles are in love.
But I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles, And I Would Walk Five Hundred More by luninosity (series)
In which Charles isn't really an escort, Erik thinks he only wants a one-night stand, everybody's got a past, and there's quite a lot of sex on the way to the happy ending.
We Met At The Park by StarRose
AU, no powers, based on McAvoy's performance as Martin in Murder In Mind. Unable to sleep one night Erik takes a midnight walk in the local park. He finds himself being followed and propositioned by a rent boy named Charles, and begins to fall rather rapidly for his charms. Charles however has never known what love is, and doesn't recognise it even when it's staring at him in the face. As for Erik, he doesn't realise a creeping illness is slowly affecting Charles, and his dark past is something he couldn't have imagined.
Strict Machine by euphorbic
When Professor Charles F Xavier accepted a visiting professor position in Arizona, he did so in order to be geographically closer to his sister. What he did not expect to find was the living, breathing specter of the sportbike gang-oriented past he’d been trying to put to rest.
A tale of sport bikes, consequences, and sacrifice.
MAD Dogs by ClarkeStetler, Goosenik (series)
Charles and Erik are (loosely) friends with benefits. They don't share personal details, last names, or anything concrete about their lives. This is ruined rather spectacularly when Charles gets recruited by the Mutant Apprehension Division of the FBI. Surprised is a bit of an understatement for their reaction to finding themselves partnered up and sent out on cases with the team.
Bit of a detective fic? Really just an excuse for us to play around with MAD (Mutant Apprehension Division) that we created in Playing House.
A Doll's House by lachatblanche
Welcome to the Dollhouse, where all your dreams and fantasies come true. At a price. Based on the TV show Dollhouse.
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capusciara · 1 day
this might be wierd but i NEED a oneshot of cherik playing monopoly for shits and giggles
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fassbendersflwer · 24 days
Recommend me Cherik things people 🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️PLEASE!!!
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Fanfic, imagines, oneshots… I need them in my life 😔 because Fox was too scared to give us what we all needed.
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I think I've reached a point where I've read all the cherik classics and all the good ones (of course i dont, I just don't know how to look for them) but anyway, I want to change since I've only been reading finished works (or oneshots).
so can anyone rec to me any ongoing/wip cherik fic? I wanna know the feeling of following each chapter of a story.
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x-populuxe · 3 months
Fingers-in-my-word-doc Friday:
In honor of Friday, gimme a line from your latest WIP or project that involves hands. (Search-find hand, hands, fingers, fingerpad, nails, wrist, palm, thumb, heel, lifelines etc)
I was tagged by the incomparable @arcanewinter, who is in fact the charity-auction recipient of my current WIP, a timeloop fic set less than a year after the beach divorce. Not a lot of hands in this one so far it seems lol—I guess because they're actively trying to put a great deal of space between themselves (unsuccessfully). But:
Erik narrows his eyes, and for a protracted moment, they glare at each other in silence. Charles is the first to break, glancing away and clearing his throat as he wheels back slightly. And he can’t help it then—the metal of the chair calls out to him, some unusual alloy that must be Hank’s creation. The whole structure would be interesting enough on its own, but he keeps catching the broad sense of Charles sitting in it, or the specific feeling of Charles’s hands on the rims of the wheels. Without thinking, the sensation is pleasant—but when he does think about it, it prompts a sick sort of lurch in the back of his throat, as he remembers exactly why Charles— “So what now?” Charles says, neatly slicing that line of thought in two. When they meet each others’ eyes again, Charles’s expression is unreadable.
BUT. Arcanewinter already knows that I actually procrastinated on this fic with a little oneshot that I'm hoping to finish in the next week. It is, in fact, a bodyswap fic, and there are a lot of hands. :-))
He wiggles a set of sturdy, blunt fingers that he unfortunately knows all too well, and then he raises his other hand and wiggles those sturdy, blunt fingers, too. They’re his hands—he’s making them move, and he can feel them moving—but they’re obviously not his hands. “For God’s sake, Erik,” his doppelgänger snaps. He points to the mirror above the fireplace. “Stand up and properly look.”
I have no idea who's actively working on fic right now because I've been woefully away from Cherik stuff for a few weeks (this was a great prompt to get me back on the...horse...wagon...idk lol), so please consider this an open tag for anyone!
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dracaelus · 6 months
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Angst (multiple levels of angst)
too close to the sun, by joshriku: 3, 683 words, charles pov, canon compliant to Jean Grey #1 (2023) (i think it's better to read the issue first, but it's not really necessary)
Jean Grey erases Magneto's mind - or so she thinks. When Charles finds his body, he brings it back to the mansion, and begins the arduous task of putting Erik's mind together. Of course, when it comes to Erik and persevering, it's always a lot more effective than he expects.
To Breathe Again (Impossibilities Remix), by Unforgotten: Erik's pov from the original movies timeline. The old men are old!!! It's a 3,879 words oneshot and it's beautiful
After Liberty Island, you think you must have burned that bridge at last. After Alkali Lake, you're even more certain. What once seemed so easy is now an impossibility, and the dream that once plagued you no longer comes.
Then Charles dies and you know: Going home was never truly impossible until now.
This is not easily described by a single genre methinks
superposition, by borninsideatornado: The racer car driver au! This one has some angst yes, but it didn't feel right to put it in the angst category bc there's so much more to it! This story is about healing. It's also about racing cars. And it's also a romance ! Charles and Erik have an amazing dynamic, but then so does Erik and Emma, Erik and Pietro (the father and son are father and son'ing!) and the entire team tbh. Really fun to read!
erik is a race car driver coming off the worst year of his life. charles xavier may be his last hope.
Time to Grow, by zarah5: 20K oneshot, Charles pov. Fluffy fix-it
In which you'll find chess dates which aren't dates (or maybe Charles is wrong about that). -- Based on First Class, this turns (slightly) AU during the beach scene.
Fathers and sons, by M_Leigh: 6K oneshot, Hank pov. So fucking funny
“I have an – interest – in Peter Maximoff,” Erik said, somewhat grudgingly, glaring. “A – familial – interest –”
Everybody stared at him.
“In that – mutantkind is one – large – family –” Erik said valiantly, if pathetically.
“Oh, shit,” Alex said. “No way. No way.”
i guess i should say thanks or some shit: au but they do have powers, 17K oneshot, charles pov
believe it or not, charles has a well-thought-out moral philosophy. he doesn’t follow it. but he has thought it out. alternatively: charles and erik douche it up in amsterdam
Frosted hearts, by aesc & palalife: 29K oneshot, multipov, the main focus is cherik, and it comes with art!
Emma Frost has 99 problems, but a date ain't one. Specifically, she has no time to play the dating game--which is fine with her, because she'd much rather run it instead. From a set of sleek, silver and white offices on Fifth Avenue and with her trusty, stylish, and silent partner Janos Quested, Emma has built Frosted Hearts into New York City's premiere dating service, built on the principle that money, and a sufficiently rigorous psionic scan, can, in fact, buy you love.
Somewhere in Frosted Hearts's server is one Charles Xavier, genius and geneticist, with the kind of nicely-starched good looks that sell well on brochures for New England prep schools. He's also a telepath who's decided to give up pursuing serious relationships and instead spend his thirties doing what he should have done as a teenager: have a lot of sex with random people. Fortunately for him, Erik Lehnsherr, metallokinetic and engineering executive, has absolutely no time in his heart or his schedule for anything more serious than... well, absolutely nothing romantic at all.
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Hello! Requests:Open!💕
I’m Sunshine, and this is my yandere request blog! I write yandere oneshots, headcannons, and scenarios for your entertainment with a maximum character limit of four. Below is a list of rules and what I will write for!! :)
I will write for:
nsfw (fair warning, it may not be very good) ❣️on that note, I only write for sub characters. ❣️
suggestive content
most kinks, with exceptions for watersports, spit, and degradation
I will write for GN, afab, and explicitly fem readers only, because I don’t know enough to write about male readers to feel comfortably, sorry!!
FNAF (games only):
Michael and William Afton
all animatronics (specify if you want human or natural form)
Asa Emory
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
OG!Michael Myers                                                                                           
Bo Sinclair                                                                                                             
Vincent Sinclair                                                                                                     
Bubba Sawyer                                                                                                       
Thomas Hewitt                                                                                                       
Brahms Heelshire                                                                                                 
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Bertholdt Hoover (early 20s)
TWISTED WONDERLAND (actual college)
Riddle Rosehearts
Azul Ashengrotto
Rollo Flamme
Claude Faustus
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive (early 20s)
William T. Spears
Tanjiro Kamado (early 20s)
Yushiro Yamamoto
Muzan Kibutsuji
Judge Claude Frollo
Captain Hook
Erik Destler (Phantom of the Opera, Musical!Erik and Book!Erik, plus a sprinkle of Cherik.)
General yandere nsfw headcannons 💜
Self indulgent nsfw post💜: part one and two
Erik getting reader pregnant headcannons 💜
Desperate Erik oneshot with cowgirl and facesitting 💜
Erik with a mommy kink headcannons (cannon in all my works) 💜
General kissing with Erik 💜
Erik with voice kink, auralism, and scent kink headcannons 💜
Erik’s nsfw alphabet 💜
Would Erik like to be called babydoll? 💜
Forever and Always, You. Valentine’s Day oneshot (unless someone requests another part and gives some ideas 👀) 💜
Erik with a mommy kink oneshot 💜
A Chance With You series: one💜 two💜 three(in progress)
Cherik general yandere headcannons 💜
Musical!Erik with mirror sex oneshot 💜
Reader making Erik a scarf and he gets whiny because they aren’t paying attention to him 💜
Rollo Flamme
Fragile: Rollo slips you a sleeping potion so he can have your affection while you’re asleep 🔔
Brahms Heelshire
Reader who flinches when he raises his hand 💷
Eyeless Jack
Nsfw alphabet 💙
Ticci Toby
Soft reader headcannons 🪓
Mandela Catalogue
Mark Heathcliff headcannons 🔫
Adam and Jonah x reader from irl 📹📼
Human Cesar Torres headcannons ☎️
Michael Afton
Ghost Michael headcannons 🔦
Withered Bonnie
General headcannons🐰⚙️
Funtime Crew
Touch starved reader 🎉🎈
Soft reader 💉
Ebenezer Scrooge
Nsfw alphabet 💰
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imusayo-oyasumi · 1 year
first language
by OYASUMI_OYASUMI / imuoya05 on ao3
Cherik, Autistic Erik Lehnsherr, Oneshot
"Here, you have the chance to be a part of something bigger than yourself."
Erik Lehnsherr has never been a part of, always other. There was the world, humanity... and then there was him.
(Or: When you care enough about someone to try and understand them, telepathy is just icing on the cake.)
Wordcount: 4,070
read on ao3
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See populuxe’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: x-populuxe
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: I'm open to writing most canon-related scenarios or AUs!
Will not create works that contain: I won't write omegaverse or other biological determinism, slavery, or major character death. I also don't really write explicit sex scenes so if you're specifically looking for PWP/smut, I'm probably not the writer for you!
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1121
Will create works for the following relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier - X-Men movieverse Erik Lehnsherr-centric - X-Men movieverse Charles Xavier-centric - X-Men movieverse Mystique-centric - X-Men movieverse Emma Frost & Erik Lehnsherr - X-Men movieverse
Work Description: I cannot write short (my shortest fic ever is 13K words lol) so I'd likely write a longish oneshot based on the bidder's preferences (for example, I wrote this fic for my Fandom Trumps Hate bidder this year). Re: ships, I'm primarily a Cherik writer but happy to write gen or additional ships, just not particularly interested in writing C or E with others. I also love exploring ensemble dynamics.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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dick-helmet-magneto · 8 months
i have an idea for a cherik fic as soon as i find the motivation to write something longer than a oneshot
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nerdywriter36 · 1 year
POTO Fluff Week Day 4: Rain and Redamancy
After a night at the Opera, Erik and Christine don't want their romantic evening to end, so they decide to go on a bit of a joy ride.
Here’s my oneshot for Day 4 of @textsfromthefifthbasement’s POTO Fluff Week 2023, with the theme ‘Joy Ride’!
I co-wrote this one with my best friend @brendadaaedestler and we had a blast with it! It serves as a sequel to a oneshot that we wrote together for POTOber 2021 (hosted by @coatntails)! You can read part one here.
Both oneshots are part of what will (hopefully) become a full-length modern Cherik AU, but this is a little something to whet your appetite in the meantime! @sloanedestler, we haven’t forgotten about this AU, I know you get excited about it whenever we mention it 😂
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jackyjango · 2 years
Hi when you get the chance can you tell me more about your headcanons for Erik and Charles living in genosha. Also I have a question in one of your oneshots Erik showed Charles blueprints for a school in Genosha does Charles ever come around to the idea of teaching again in Genosha?
Thank you so much for the ask!! 😬
Hey, I'm extremely sorry that I'm answering it this late...Listen, I can go on and on and on about cherik leading a happy, domestic life in Genosha. It's literally my happy place. I won't bore you with how they get back together (Because of course they back together!!!)
And YES!! It takes some time, but slowly, the more he mingles with the Genoshan kids, the more he embraces the idea of guiding them and teaching at the school.
As for the headcanons, here are some of the headcanons I have for Charles and Erik in Genosha.
-First of them is that Charles' hair grows back, because I really can't even imagine Charles losing his luscious luscious locks. So in my imagination, his hair grows back to what it was back at the beginning of Apocalypse. Erik doesn't mind either way, he likes Charles with or without hair.
-Erik has modified his home and most of Genosha to make it accessible for Charles to move around freely. And that's even before Charles agreed to come with him to Genosha.
-Erik's bed is low and narrow. But Charles likes it that way. They wake up everyday snuggled close in each other's arms.
-Erik decides to build a small school for the children of Genosha, which also doubles as a place for orphaned mutants by parents in the mainland. Erik hands over the blueprints of the school to Charles as a present on Valentine's day. Charles is reluctant at first, but later agrees to teach the kids. Slowly, Charles takes over as the school's headmaster. They somewhat become the parent figures to the kids. (What's new there though?)
-Erik trains with the teenagers and the youngsters in the mornings-- his own military in the making. Though Charles accompanies him on most days, on days that are unreasonably cold, he chooses to sleep in. Erik brings him breakfast and hot tea from the community cafetaria on such days.
-Charles has taken to gardening. He has a herb garden outside their home by the pond. It has all the plants to make a strong herbal tea, and Erik makes them just how Charles likes it.
-Erik makes them dinner on some nights when he has the time. They sit on their balcony table and eat under the stars.
-They take long strolls on the beach on leisure evenings and sleep huddled together under the stars (Erik's even re-designed Charles' wheels so that it doesn't dig into the sand).
-Erik returns on some mornings after his run with hand picked flowers from Gwen's flower bed. Charles treats them with at-most care. He places the flowers in a vase by the bedside and is greeted by their scent when he wakes up.
-On one side of the beach is a secluded nook shrouded by the shadow of trees and grass. Between two stout trunks of a tree, Erik's tied a hammock. Charles and Erik snuggle in it on hot days.
-On cold nights, Charles' back acts up. Erik makes him got chocolate, tucks his legs under a heavy blanket and messages his neck and back.
-Summers in Genosha are scalding hot. While Erik just tans under the sun, Charles pinks and frails in the heat. Erik gets Charles a straw hat at the market and they both chuckle under the awning when Charles puts it on.
-Though the Genoshans are weary of Charles at first, they warm up to him readily. Soon, he becomes fondly known by everyone as the Professor.
-Under Erik's insistence, Charles begins to involve himself more and more in the affairs of Genosha.
-While Erik is a master military stratergist, he isn't a very good diplomat. That's where Charles steps in. They're yin and yang. An unstoppable force when they come together.
-At their school, a little girl named Cora-- with brown hair and blue-green eyes-- sits on Charles' lap one afternoon and asks, 'Professor, are you and Magneto our parents?' 'Yes,' Charles says, smiling, 'I suppose we are.'
-That evening while Erik prepares dinner, Charles says, 'Darling, did you know that we've started a family of our own?' Erik chuckles fondly and says, 'Really? Tell me all about it.' And Charles does.
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willows-escape · 2 years
☄. *. ⋆ m.list + requests
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❁ - hi! my name is willow, my pronouns are she/her and i write for the phantom of the opera on this blog! 🍉 i’m accepting requests for:
✧ headcanons
✧ oneshots
✧ mini series’
if you want to be added to a tag list for my writing then let me know! :)
other writing accounts:
@willows-pity (genshin impact)
@willows-lost (bts)
personal account:
*+:。.。 notes for requests 。.。:+*
✧ i can most comfortably write for female and gender neutral readers, if i receive a male request i will try my best but i have no guarantee it will work out very well
✧ character x character isn’t really my thing, sorryyyy
✧ i have no issue with writing about dark topics, i will write about practically everything. hit me with your worst.
✧ i am a college student, meaning i do have to split my time wisely. if i don’t respond to your request, i promise i’ve seen it, i just don’t have the time to write it. but i’ll get to it eventually!
✧ i will add more to this section as necessary
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˗ ˏˋahs´ˎ˗
✎ tate langdon
彡 love, love, love - angst, fluff, smut, jealousy
彡 hell hole - angst, no comfort
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˗ˏˋphantom of the opera´ˎ˗
✎ erik carriere - 1990
彡 symbolic part 1 - angst, fluff, suggestive content
彡 symbolic part 2 - angst, fluff, smut
彡 cherik with a chubby reader - fluff, smut
彡 my angel - fluff
✎ erik destler - musical
彡 carpe diem - angst, smut
✎ erik destler - book
彡 nothing yet
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✎ jeon jungkook
彡 lips - smut, short drabble
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