#child abuse consequences
furiousgoldfish · 2 months
Kids instinctively test their boundaries and challenge authority; not to be annoying and cause trouble on purpose, but because they need to know where the boundaries are, what are the consequences for breaking them, and who actually is the real authority that can bring forth the consequences. This is normal and healthy human behaviour; if they don’t try it, how will they ever find out? It's curiosity, courage, need to know exactly where they stand, how much freedom can they get, what they can get away with, it's something we all have to test in life at one point or another, and childhood should be the safest, most protected place to test this out.
Based on how well they manage to establish their own place, their own rules and figure out what will and won't have consequences, they'll continue to develop this knowledge in the adulthood; they'll fight for their needs in their friendships and relationships, they'll stand up to their teachers and exploitative bosses, they'll follow their sense of justice and sometimes defy authority in order to do what is right. And if they learned something is a hard limit in childhood, they'll be careful not to cross that limit where it would come back to harm them. And those limits should be along the lines of causing physical harm to others, hurting smaller, more vulnerable people, using their power for cruelty.
In abusive households, children are not allowed this test of limits. Abusive parents insist on complete authority, punish something as small as 'talking back', and thus take away the child's ability to explore boundaries. In abuse the boundaries are usually uncertain, undefined, so the child can never know what could be taken as an offense, as a provocation or excuse to harm them. Abusers prefer keeping children not knowing where they stand, so they would assume anything could be taken as disobedience, even lack of action could be punished. This enables abusers to change the rules at will and to punish child who hasn't done anything wrong – they can retroactively decide something offended them and take their anger out on a child. The child learns that even if someone just perceives a transgression, that didn't even happen, they will be punished for it. They learn to live in absolute fear, analyzing their every action, anxiously trying to figure out how everyone around them is feeling and reacting to them, trying desperately not to give anyone a reason for offense.
So how will this child deal with an unfair teacher, one they get in that situation? How will they handle an exploitative boss? How can they fight back a bully, navigate an abusive friendship or a relationship, how can they stand up to anyone? They've learned that even doing nothing can have devastating consequences, and doing everything sometimes isn't enough either. All they know how to do is to try to please everyone, desperately overthink everything, accept blame and punishment even when it wasn't their fault, even when they're being exploited and harmed. Their needs get forgotten and neglected completely, in their endless quest to protect themselves from harm, by trying to avoid it with their every action and word. They've been taught, by pain and torture, that other people's authority over them is final, that refusing to please others means pain. So they'll accept being exploited, neglected and violated, because to refuse would mean even worse type of pain. And the abusive boss, partner, teacher, friend, will revel in realization that this person is afraid, that anything can be done to them, that rules can be changed on the fly, exploitation can be endless because this person won't ever test what's been said to them; they'll assume other's authority is right, and that to fight back would mean severe consequences.
That is what authoritarian parenting teaches, that's what forceful, demanding, aggressive and punishment-eager parents do to their kid's lives. They lie every time they say it's to make the kid strong, or to prepare them for 'the real life', it's anything but. It's creating a person who cannot fight for themselves or stand up for themselves because they've been tortured for their first attempts to test the boundaries.
Let your kids try stupid shit. If they can't figure out boundaries by testing them out with you, they won't be able to figure it out any other way. Adults do it all the time, because they've learned as children that this testing can bring them benefits, certainty, fairness and needs fulfilled. As it should be, children should try and see what happens if they ask, if they demand, if they try to get their way, if they protest, if they fight back. They need to know that sometimes in life it's worth it. That sometimes it's necessary. They need to know life won't end if they try it. They need to know it's okay to try. They need to believe they have every right to.
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moodyvoid · 2 years
The irony of Endeavor crying and saying he can’t fight his fully grown adult son, but he was completely okay with abusing them when they were children.
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deservedgrace · 4 months
cult jokes are a symptom of and contribute to the simultaneous sensationalizing of cults (cults are all dark cloaks and animal sacrifices and devil worship and group suicide and despicable/unhinged beliefs) and diminishing of cults ("uwu come join my CULT XD we're gonna make cookies and WORSHIP SATAN teehee"), but i'm realizing how they go so hand-in-hand with the mindset of "only ~stupid/evil/crazy/etc.~ people could possibly join a cult. if it were me i would simply not fall for cult propaganda."
the diminishing part means that people don't take you seriously if you say you're an ex cult member or talk about your experiences in a cult or believe you are a current victim of a cult, because cults are just silly little groups that have weird beliefs but are otherwise innocuous. the sensationalizing part means people will also not take you seriously because if it was Actually a cult cult, that does harm and has evil beliefs, you should've known better because any reasonable person would have seen through it. the other side of "only an [xyz] person joins a cult" is "i am not an [xyz] person so i will never join a cult or be victim to propaganda and other cult tactics." the other side of "if it were me i would simply not fall for propaganda" is "someone falling for propaganda is fully a choice and a personal failing on their part." and combined they make: if you were [xyz] enough to join a cult and fall for propaganda, that means you deserved it.
people who would never make jokes about any other kind of abuse but feel perfectly fine making cult jokes used to kind of baffle me, because why is joking about personal abuse a problem but large-scale/group abuse is fine? why is it suddenly funny when you're the one that wants to perpetuate the abuse? but if your belief around cults is: "your experience wasn't that bad [diminishing], and if it was that bad [sensationalizing] it was your own fault and personal failing [i would simply not fall for propaganda], which means you deserved what you went through [only stupid/evil/crazy/etc people join cults]" and you don't understand how cults or cult tactics work, cult survivors/victims probably feel like a fair target for jokes (they are not, to be clear).
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trappedinafantasy37 · 1 month
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The last DeVir and the forgotten Baenre. Two noble drow forever exiled from their homes and abandoned by Lolth.
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bonefall · 10 months
"Back in my day we loved our abusers or just disregarded them. We would never smash their heads against a wall until they agreed with us"
So... so you're just admitting you tried to Love and Kindness the abuse away?? You did that??? You think it's BAD to fight back against someone who is BEATING YOU?
Or does that mean, "we never demanded better treatment or justice. We just waited for our abusers to realize the error of their ways, like good victims."
I REALLY hope they get paid enough to go to therapy, this is actual factual abuse apologia. I am once again legitimately concerned for the mental health of these writers
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traumasurvivors · 5 months
I really, really hate the TikTok trend where kids/teenagers tell their mom to “shut up” in front of their dad as a prank. The reactions of some of the fathers before they realize it’s a prank are really unsettling. The rage and impulsive responses are scary honestly.
I will say I had one video I liked. The dad was so shocked that he turned to the mom and said “is she okay?” Like it was so out of character and alarming to him and his immediate reaction was concern and why is she doing this instead of rage and she must pay for it.
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hopeworth · 8 months
i could never understand people disliking characters for their bad decisions. like. that’s the best part about their character!!!!!!
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blorboazula · 3 months
You know that soulmate au where the soulmarks are scars? Like, what would scar you shows up in the other person's body. So, that with Azutara.
Katara thinks her soulmate is a few years older than her, and an Earth Kingdom soldier with some torture experience. Lots of burn scars that look suspiciously hand-shaped and such. Burned fingers and feet, a messy back, shit like that.
So when the Agni Kai happens, she's like "hm, weird, what's that?" when she feels the burns. And all "really? REALLY?" when Zuko redirects the lightning and it's like she has a whole through her chest. And all "thank you, Ozai, for ruining your child" when she needs multiple healing sessions for her throat.
Might incorporate it as part of the background of the fic I should be writing instead of procrastinating here.
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God gave you so many chances to obey before punishing you, well he gives you your whole life as a chance to repent so counting to three for a toddler hardly seems like a big deal to me but go off
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y’all imma be honest, i dropped the show
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furiousgoldfish · 7 months
If you're often wondering why do abusers do this to kids, and why they don't change their behaviour even when it's pointed out, I have a few insights to share.
I believe abuse is an easy way for people to get out of parenting their own kids, while still getting credit as if they're doing it. And even more, they get special privileges and resources that normal parents wouldn't try to get, because the price of them is too high for the children to pay.
For instance, in order to take care of a child, you have to deal with their development needs; meaning you need to be educated enough about human development to know why the child is acting the way they do, you need to know if they need guidance, support, boundaries, stability, schedules, or entertainment, fun, play-time, attention, comforting, more resources, more interaction. You also need to deal with their random behaviours, like children will sometimes get loud and careless, break stuff, cause damage, turn against you, get sick, get into bad moods, get sulky, throw tantrums, get stuck in bad groups of people or be predated upon, have trouble at school, wander off, develop mental illness, and as a parent, you are expected and required to be there for all of that, on top of regularly caring that they're well-fed, bathed, that they have fitting and functional clothing, that they're well socialized, and that their living condition is clean and functional enough for them to be happy and safe.
Now, if you're an abuser, and your child is struggling or giving you any of the random behaviours that annoy you, and you lash out at them, tell them nobody is ever going to love them, threaten to 'give them a reason to cry', yell at them until they get frozen in shock and pain, they're not going to come to you next time for help. In fact, it's unlikely they'll feel safe around you to exhibit half of their normal behaviour, instead they'll be sheepish and too scared they'll accidentally annoy you, so you won't have to hear about their day, their bad moods, their worries, their loudness, them making any trouble for you; in fact, your mental energy will be yours only and you will effectively not have to emotionally raise a child anymore, it will be just another human who is too scared of you to ask you to fulfill any of your parental duties.
What about when your child is sick? You know you have to care for your sick child. Except, you're an abuser, so to you this is a drain on your energy and you'd rather not have to deal with it, because a child to you is not a real person but an object that is in your way. So, you yell at your child that they got sick on purpose because they hate you, you tell them it because they did 'x' and 'y' (which they maybe did because you failed to watch out for them) and inform them that you will not be taking them to the hospital. Now your child will not expect any care while they're sick, and in fact, they'll be too scared to even come to you next time they're sick. Again, you got out of childcare and have all of your energy for yourself, at the expense of your child's health.
If you continually call your child a financial burden, ask them when they're going to pay rent, force them to work in order to deserve to eat and sleep at your house, complain about how 'money doesn't grow on trees', then your child will be too scared and ashamed to confess when their things are broken, clothes no longer fitting or torn, their shoes too small or breaking apart, their hygiene products at their end, or for anything they might like or want from the store. Now your child will try to make ends meet on their own, and you can financially save up and buy yourself what you like, and then buy the kid something when it's convenient for you, maybe for like a birthday present. Maybe at this point you are starting to see that if your child runs around looking very rugged, people are going to notice the visible lack of care, so you either make sure the kid does have some new-looking clothes, or, you tell the kid explicitly what they're allowed to wear outside, to not bring shame on you and the entire family, once again putting the responsibility on the child to look 'cared for', while you do almost absolutely nothing to make it a reality.
Now you're having a child who is, out of deep-seated fear of you, acting politely and socialized in company, giving you ever chance to pretend that you care for them daily, while you're effectively living as if you didn't have a child at all. But maybe that's not enough for you. Maybe, you also want to use that child to earn money as well; after all, they're scared of you and will do as you say. You can put them up to any kind of labour and call it 'chores', and tell them you're just 'teaching them work habits', while they're doing your part of household chores, heavy physical labour, maybe even your job, if they're good at it.
But maybe this is not the area where you need assistance, but you're looking for a free, non-judgmental therapist who will be on your side completely and never dare to call you out or confront you - and voila, this child is so desperate to make any sort of connection to you, they'll carefully listen to all of your woes and trauma, even when it's deeply inappropriate for them to hear it, and they'll of course, be on your side as you're the only person in the story they care about, so you can cry to them as much as you want and even encourage them to fix you, to run around looking for ways to cheer you up, make your life easier to you, influence other people to give you what you want. And if they ever dare to stand up to you or defy you, you can just snap at them and call them something that makes their blood freeze in shock and they'll back down and become even more obedient.
Neat, isn't it? Not only you don't need to parent this child anymore, but you can draw any kind of benefit out of them, groom them into any kind of behaviour, extract physical and emotional labour from them, take their anger out of them, control their life so it benefits you and not them, all while convincing them it's their duty to give it to you.
As a result, you will be untouched by the chore of parenting, and your child will grow into a terrified, deeply insecure, always wondering why they're not enough, never feeling good enough, neglected but not aware of it, hyper-independent, ashamed, desperate, unloved, depressed, traumatized, engulfed by grief and loneliness, never understanding why their own parent didn't want them, care-deprived adult. Because it's all that effort, all that responding to child's needs, all that attention and care and warmth and energy put into a child, that is necessary for them to have proof that they're a worthwhile human being, that they're not only alive to be filled with emptiness and serve others.
But that's also why the abusive parents will never stop what they're doing. The benefits they get by abuse far outweigh the cost (the cost being the well being of their child, to them cost is zero), so they will not suddenly become willing to do the job of parenting, after they've spent so much time successfully avoiding it, and only put the energy into gaslighting the child into believing this is normal.
This is also why they put so much effort into making the child dependent on them, and sabotaging the potential escape - they're benefiting from having that child around, they're actively extracting what ever they want from this young person that they barely have to cover the living cost for, who doesn't know or understand how many of their human rights are being violated. There's truly no easier way to isolate, trap, groom, brainwash and then control a person.
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undertheredhood · 11 months
at this point, jason really needs to cut bruce out of his life forever, because i honestly don't see their relationship ever getting better after what bruce did
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hexastitchimera · 3 months
How genuinely fucking sick in your rotten heart do you have to be to not only be intimidated by queer children, but to hurt and even kill them.
You're grown ass adults who are terrified of CHILDREN. That's the most fucking pathetic thing I have ever seen. Take your own advice and "grow the fuck up, snowflake."
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randum-famdoms · 11 months
JK Rowling’s books are a building. And she stopped after creating shitty, waterlogged, deeply structurally unsound blueprints and half the scaffolding. Then left it to the elements (aka her Twitter), damaging it nearly beyond repair.
And the fandom looked at this, and put on hard hats. And they tore down that scaffolding, and took those blueprints and changed it into something that would work, and they built the most beautiful building you’ve ever seen.
The building JK Rowling designed was deeply flawed, it would never pass inspection, it would collapse under its own weight and lack of structural integrity within seconds of being built. The aesthetic design was tragic and hideous and offensive. But the fans looked at all of that, and said to themselves, “this building is fucked up, it will never be good if left like this, and everything about it is terrible and makes zero sense. But goddamnit, I have trauma and I can fix it because it must be done and no one else will.”
JK Rowling may have designed that original building. She may have had the initial idea. She may have built that unfinished scaffolding. She may have drawn those blueprints.
But this building is no longer JK Rowling’s.
#harry potter#jk rowling#this rant brought to you by someone who can and will go to jail for aggravated assault of jk rowling#people say her worldbuilding is good even if the books aren’t#newsflash: a lot of the best worldbuilding in Harry Potter is just headcannons we have forgotten are not in he books#we took her scraps and we made them great#but to her the scraps are enough. to her the scraps are what are great#when in reality the scraps are the part that stop Harry Potter from being great#in reality the characters are one dimensional#in reality hogwarts never faces consequences for the child endangerment#in reality dumbledore is a manipulative and evil fraud#in reality the house elves are abused and only dobby is saved#in reality Snape is an incel and abuses children#in reality dumbledore knowingly left Harry to be abused by his aunt and uncle and sent him back every summer#in reality remus lupin never went to see Harry as a child and never spoke to him after third year beyond the order of the Phoenix#in reality Sirius only broke out of prison to kill worm tail and even if he cared for Harry he stayed in prison for twelve years#never trying to escape#and he may have had reasons but we do not know them#we never get depth for the characters who deserve it#we get depth for an incel of a potions teacher#Draco Malfoy is one of the most fleshed out characters and he’s still a piece of cardboard it just has shitty crayon scribbles of colour#we think the character have personality but it’s just flashes of it filled in by the great acting in the movies#we think the books have worldbuilding and fleshed out character arcs when really it’s just nostalgia and headcannons we think are real#THE BUILDING IS NOT JK ROWLING’S. THE BUILDING IS OURS.#randum thots
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bonefall · 1 year
Do Birch and Alder ever learn of what happened to Misty? Actually, how would stolen kits (I feel like there’s an actual term for this but I forgot) throughout clan history in general feel about their… stolenness (I mean, that is if they ever learned about it) sorry if this is worded poorly hah
There was an old word for Stolen Kits before its outlawing; Honor Child. Kurrnia in Clanmew. They are not called that word anymore.
Through history it was a very bloody thing. Those children got harshly indoctrinated, and the "6 month" apparentice age originally came because that was thought to be the "age of loyalty".
that's just a cutesy way of saying it's harder to brainwash teenagers than children, by the way. To the point where it's not worth it to try.
When Birch and Alder found out, they're going to be old enough to get the "justifications." That they were won fairly, their mother was threatening them, that they were "saved." Petal Claw is the only parent they've ever known at that point... so, they were happy to take those excuses.
I don't think it lasted forever. I want them to both eventually leave SkyClan and find their dad, who desperately misses Misty. BUT, I want one to remain.
Because, that individual is going to get used as an excuse for why Kit Claiming is a viable solution to the Law of Loyalty later. The others are ignored.
In the Code Era and beyond, it's an accepted part of their culture. It's something talked about openly, framed as being taken by STRONGER warriors. Why would you go back to someone who was too weak to keep you?
That would be a terrible choice, so they say, because then you would be part of a worse Clan. It's a normalized part of their culture. So it's very rare that a Stolen Kit ever went back.
One less warrior for them. One more warrior for us.
This is as psychologically damaging as you think it is. "Honor Children" were notoriously violent to prove their loyalty. Their birth family would suffer guilt and pain for years, seeing them as adults and apprentices of other Clans, often stealing from other Clans themselves to fill empty nests and assure their own worth as warriors.
Parents and kits would die in these events. Kits trying to get home, parents laying down their lives to stop raids. Darkstar herself lost a sister, Aspentail, and still had two out of three of her nespring stolen. Only Perchpaw remained.
It was a long, bloody period in their history. The Queen’s Rights started a new era.
Fire Alone cats don't think it went far enough.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
So often, when people say that somebody is "thin-skinned," what they mean is "this person will not give me permission to abuse and/or bully them." Be weary of the people who demand that you stop being thin-skinned when they are being abusive or putting you in compromising situations.
If it comes down to it, being "thin-skinned" is better than being abused. If you have the chance to choose, I hope you choose to be thin-skinned.
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