#choose gift
quizconqueror · 8 months
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katherine-23 · 9 months
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Congratulation🎊🎉 our final winner at "Honda Civice"🚗🚘🚖 !! (Scout Paul) failed to respons.So we're giving it to someone..Qouickly register here⬇️⬇️
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haridraws · 9 months
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The Great Library: illustration for Into the Tower (x)
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zephyrchama · 2 months
Imagine going to an Italian restaurant with Beelzebub in the human world, and the waiter makes the simple yet horrifying mistake of asking if he wants cheese on top of his dish.
Beelzebub is like, "yeah." And so it begins.
When there's a sufficient amount of cheese on top of the pasta, the waiter says, "Just let me know when to stop."
Beelzebub nods his head. The waiter keeps going. There's a small hill of grated cheese. The waiter looks expectantly at Beelzebub, who is staring happily at his cheese-covered dish. They keep going. The waiter's arm hurts. You can't see the pasta anymore under all the cheese.
"Is this enough?"
"Keep going." Beelzebub says this casually. The waiter is terrified. This massive muscled man looks like he could crush somebody's head like a grape. Someone with such an intense aura is not a person to be crossed. If the waiter later found out they were serving a demon, they wouldn't be surprised.
Minutes feel like hours. The pasta is probably cold. They finally reach the end of the cheese. Just a small block remains, too little to safely grate. With cramped fingers and a sigh of relief the waiter drops it on top of Beelzebub's cheese mountain. Out of pure habit they ask, "Is there anything else I can get for you?"
Beelzebub asks, "Do you have any more cheese?"
Oh. Please, no. The waiter puts on their best customer service smile to hide the pain. "We're fresh out."
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inukag · 1 year
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『 INUKAG WEEK 2023 』  ➥ Day #1: Love Languages
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lukeskywhiskers · 17 days
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hindahoney · 2 years
Converts, please do not sell yourself short or underestimate the position that you hold within Jewish communities. Your love for Judaism, the Jewish people, and the Jewish culture is infectious and can make people realize the value of the culture they've simply grown up in. When people ask you, "Why did you want to convert?" don't take it as them really asking "Are your reasons for converting up to my standards, to which I will thereby judge whether you're worthy or not?" Most of the time, what we're really saying is, "Please tell me why you love the thing I just grew up in. Tell me why someone would choose this."
Many Jews grew up facing antisemitism in school. So it's baffling to think that someone would willingly subject themselves to this, and some of us grew up internalizing this shame and rejecting our Jewish identity in order to fit in. But you, as a convert, spark light within these people. You, as a convert, have boldly gone against the grain because you see the value in our way of life, one that is not easy. You've joined a people, many times at the expense of your friends and family, and your safety. You're something to aspire to. You rekindle the love and connection we have to our nation. If you don't already realize the value in this, you will when you notice those around you being moved by your words.
Being a convert is not a mark of shame because you're "different," it's a badge of honor. In many ways, you are lighting the torch for the next generation of Jews you come in contact with.
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souvenir116 · 6 months
vanilla carnations 🤍
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Alternate Universe- College, Love at first sight, Idiots in love, High Tension, Fluff, First Kiss, Max both loves kittens and Charles, so Charles does a favor for him
For lovely @sunshine-f1 🤍
Max wrapped his arms stronger around him, completely holding, suffocating literally. “Will you also remember if I say something stupid now?”
Charles let out a soft noise, snuggling to Max’s chest and nuzzling like a kitten, still sleepy. “I wouldn’t.”
“Yeah?” Max dipped his fingers to his hair once again. “What if I say I might be in love with you?”
Dimples settled on Charles’ face right away in an inhuman speed as his smile grew. “I love… you. Too. Three… Four?”
"I’m not- it’s not- We're not dating," Charles tried to calm down his tachycardic pulse, green orbs shining under the weight of a huge lie. "We're just-" "Don't pull a 'we're just friends', Charlot." Pierre's jaw clenched harder as he raised a brow in suspicion. "Friends don’t get 'accidentally' married, friends don't get thrown out of the library because they couldn't stop kissing each other, friends don't sleep in each other's arms every night-" "Friends don't look at friends that way.”
Read on AO3
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no-light-left-on · 9 months
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A Day in the Life of Jelly, the Whaler Wolfhound
my @dishonoredgiftexchange gift for @exalok, I hope you like my take on a small peek in the life of an old, overly affectionate puppy
you can very much ignore the dialogue
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pix-writes · 16 days
"Ford is grateful for your patience and willingness to be involved in his life, especially as he knows he wasn't good at opening up to you when you were starting to become friends let alone a relationship." This is from Stanford HC, and I find it very interesting! How would he act at the beginning of the relationship? What does it take for him to become friends with someone, and that evolves into romance?
My thinking behind this part of my HCs is what Ford has been like through the series, he is shown throughout multiple media in the GF series, that he has continually pushed people away as part of his wound of feeling isolated due to his intellect and polydactly. Through this wound he's actually developed over the course of the series and his time in the portal a lone genius hero archetype that he wants to fit into, to compensate for the hurt he has continually felt from others and being an 'outsider'. (I could go into this in more depth about where this comes from in his childhood and how it affects his outlook when he comes across bill/building the portal, honeslty, but this is the jist of what I want to get across).
(rest under cut)
It's only really once we get to weirdmageddon and post-oddpocalypse, that Ford's arc comes full-circle into healing this wound for good --> as we know Ford has a fair few people in his life who love/care for him, in the past (Bill era) he was unable to see it, but once he exits the portal he begins to care for the twins and value them (and stan, even though he doesn't show it); this makes him take a similar route in trying to defeat Bill still largely on his own, because he doesn't want the people he loves to be in danger and blames himself for Bill's hold on their dimension, thus Ford thinks it's his problem to deal with --> Once they start working together to defeat Bill is the turning point for him to realise that he was wrong and that in order to defeat Bill, you have to work together. [I think he even says that he realises he was foolish for thinking he had to go it alone and that there are people who love him that he can share the buren with, I think in Journal 3 or TBOB (can't remember which rn).] I would argue that it's not until Stanley's great sacrifice in order to save the kids/the world, after screwing up the circle magic thingy, that reality hits him like a ton of bricks and he starts being more open and quickly starts to heal his biggest character wound.
So, considering this in a potential relationship, I think Ford, is generally closed-off, which hasn't helped him in the romance department in his life in the past! Whilst I can see the judgement of others and his outsider status socially would impact this as well, being closed-off and individualistic means that when he does come across someone who would be a good prospective partner, he just... assumes they'd not be interested or overlooks them because he's doing something important and isn't thinking of romance in the moment, so if the other person flirts with him he's not good on picking it up. [I'm finding this all terribly relatable!]
With the insecurity from his wound on top of this, it doesn't make for a good mix, Fiddleford, for example, was not only an assistant but quite a great friend to Ford that he didn't appreciate at the time and due to the added influence of Bill wanting to isolate him from people, Fiddleford ended up having his attempts of deeper connection being thrown back in his face! Whilst a lot of this was unintentionally done on Ford's part, he did tell him when he left that he "didn't need anyone". In the past at Backupsmore Uni, he says that there's not a lot of people he finds 'smart enough' to be on his level to be friends with - which is textbook classic defensiveness to reverse that 'no-one understands me' mentality into something that props up his ego instead. Pushing people away means that he won't have to face the rejection he continually experienced in his childhood, but it means he's potentially pushed away people who could like him as well!
So, I think that in the beginning of a budding friendship/potential relationship, Ford would not be the best at connection or communicating his feelings openly, he'd likely step on other people's toes (metaphorically) in social situations, without realising or meaning to offend someone.
That said, I think it'd be easy for him to become interested in someone who is clearly talented and intelligent, someone who similarly values higher education yet also has a similar love for that which doesn't fit the norm/is bizarre. Perhaps someone who is also deemed a societal 'outsider'. He's been feeling lonely for so long that if you're persistent and kind and can get him to talk on the subjects he loves, he'll start to see you as a friend. I think that being kind and thoughtful with gestures (acts of service) and gifts either to him or his grand-niece/nephew are other things that will make you stand out from the crowd, too, for him to see you as a genuine good person and friend.
However, he will struggle to open up and to let out his natural self (nerdy, passionate, dedicated, 'weird'), so it will take a while to deeply connect to Ford if you're friends, and even longer for him to realise you're interested in him romantically and to act on it.
I think in that stage of 'good friends that are attracted to each other', he would have fallen for you fast; but at the same time he doesn't trust that you are romantically interested in him, even if you have said that you are, part of his mind tells him that it's a trick, a joke. You might think you want to be with him, but you'll leave him soon enough when you realise he's so inexperienced in romance/relationships etc, etc. I think a lot of his old wounded mentality would surface and he's try to push you away, if you get together post-weirdmageddon, or would just shoot you down intentionally/unintentionally if you get together beforehand. Furthermore, he has been a 'loner' for most of his life, particularly after 30 years in the portal, so it's difficult at first in a relationship to share the more mundane things, since he's used to being on his own.
Ford would overthink things to the point of anxiety at the very beginning of a relationship and make it more awkward than if he just relaxed! ^^' He's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to planning dates, too (reminds me of dipper with the list lol), though it's sweet, cause he cares so much to make it good for you! Once it goes wrong a couple times, you'll both find the humour in it and he'll realise he's being foolish again and relax a little. You'll have to give him reassurance and go at his slow pace in the start of a relationship and he'll find some confidence, probably quicker than either of you anticipated too! He's liked you for a long time by the time you get together, so whether he intends to or not his passionate nature leaks through ;)
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pollsnatural · 6 months
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kittykalliarts · 10 months
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A little hc I guess or theory that I have that after the 4.2 archon quest, all hydro visions would have little draconic features that reflect the Neuvillette's sovereignty regardless where they get it ;w;
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harriertail · 10 months
actually realising how bullshit the 'nightpelt didnt get his lives because brokenstar was still alive' decision was. i initially assumed it was not a choice by StarClan, as Brokenstar was still leader even in exile, but with further books having the 'alive but chose to leave Pinestar' let Sunstar get 8 lives, and recently alive Bramblestar 'step down' and let Squirrelstar presumeably get her lives, it becomes a choice that StarClan made- and a fucking stupid one.
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lanymme · 5 months
Hey. Kiara sure likes ohagi, doesn’t she?
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It’s a cute quirk, but it’s also deeply, deeply tragic in a very subtle way that's hard to piece together unless you know about japanese sweets or Kiara’s personal history.
So let’s learn a little bit about ohagi, and why Kiara loves it so much!
Ohagi, and the very similar sweet botamochi, are traditional japanese sweets made from glutinous rice with a coating of sweet red bean paste and, optionally, a dusting of something else, often ground black sesame or soybean flower.
Here’s some that I made for Kiara’s birthday last year! They’re very doable and pretty tasty.
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Higan is a Japanese buddhist festival celebrated around the spring and autumn equinoxes, and ohagi or botamochi is eaten as a ritual food during that equinox. Sources I found indicated that the difference between ohagi vs botamochi is not easy to pin down, but some say that the sweet is called ohagi when eaten for the autumn equinox. (This is beside the point, but the red spider lily, with which Kiara is strongly associated, also blooms around that time.) If you want to know more, check out this article I found on the history of ohagi and its ritual connection.
Kiara was born as the heir and savior to a mountaintop Buddhist cult. Her upbringing was deeply abusive, and despite the fatal illness she suffered from, for which her community and her father gave her no treatment, she was denied any semblance of a normal childhood while she was molded to be their perfect savior.
Nothing that inspires attachment was allowed to her. The book of fairy tales she ended up with was deemed inappropriate and taken from her because she spent too much time reading it, liked it too much.
It’s hard to imagine her being allowed sweets like a normal kid, since they’re designed for stimulating flavor.
But, of course, ohagi isn’t just a sweet. It’s a ritual food. So they couldn’t deny her that, could they?.
As a child, those 7 days surrounding the equinox twice a year were probably the only time she ever got to have sweets.
And of course, she probably learned to be very careful about not letting on that she was enjoying herself. Not overindulging.
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Like fairy tales, it was a tiny piece of happiness that accidentally slipped through the cracks and gave her something to latch onto. And, like fairy tales, she carries it with her into adulthood.
It’s not coincidence that she makes ohagi and tea instead of chocolates for Valentine’s. In this new place where she can heal a little bit from her past and grow, she takes the chance to make ohagi herself, instead of waiting for the proper holiday; and to share them with someone else as a thing she loves, instead of hiding them away.
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smilesatdawnmain · 10 months
Spurred by Macaque's question, Wukong does the only thing he can think of to make his intentions and feelings known. He lifts Macaque's hand upward, planting a firm kiss against it.
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Macaque goes quiet, eyes wide.
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Macaque seems to still be processing. He understands the intention, he just finds it hard to believe. One can't really blame him after all these two have been through.
He seems nervous and unsure. However, there is something in his eyes- a sense of quiet hope he dare not speak. He quietly tightens his grip on Wukong's hand.
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Macaque stands there for a while, shifting his weight. Finally something seems to spill over in his heart and he yells.
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Prove it? How would Wukong prove it? How would he prove what he is feeling for Macaque right now?
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doodleodds · 2 years
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Happy Valentines, Akira. Happy Valentines, Asshole.
If you can’t read what Akechi’s secondary inner-dialogue says cause I obscured it too much behind his regular dialogue, here’s a transcription in panel order: Hello, you fucking- Ah- Hello, Akira! Fuck off, why should I tell you- Just a soda- there’s a new flavor.
I don’t want your shitty gift. Oh- haha! You’re so sweet.
I hope I choke. They’re lovely, thank you.
Like hell. Likewise. There’s no way it’s just a coincidence. Still though, it’s a funny coincidence.
#p5#akeshu#akechi goro#kurusu akira#wow- me?? posting a valentines comic... actually on?? valentines????? wack. absolutely wack#it's a short one! I purposefully tried to keep it short. it was a challenge and it still ended up being 3 pages. but i blame my canvas size#also in case u can't see what akira is holding out to akechi: theyre chocolate covered strawberries on sticks!#i saw them irl and was like oh god i want those. i am going to project that feeling on my favorite characters so help me god#and now! here we are! but my shitty-ass coloring & line quality make it hard to discern them so. sorry about that lmaooooo#ANYWAY i don't do enough post-maruki stuff so. i made this one a little bittersweet. :)#why did i put akechi's scarf in a bow? honestly i dont know! i think i saw some art a while ago that did that too and i thought it was cute#well. plus i guess there's the symbolism of 'akechi being alive and reciprocating your feelings (however involuntarily) IS a gift' part#hence that hes wrapped up in a bow. like a present. :)#also god. the first panel is supposed to be akechi's reflection in a vending machine window. I could NOT get it to look right#so for reference!!! just so you guys understand!!!!!! thats what that panel is supposed to be!!! he is NOT in fact a ghost. (sigh)#hope you enjoyed and had a lovely valentines!! for my part i have eaten nothing but sweets today and hoo boy will that have been a mistake#ALSO in terms of the audience-participation comic...hopefully coming soon. if i can ever gain the will to draw it.#but at least tumblr has polls now so i can do the audience-choose-y bit without needing to use a separate website! so thats good i guess#anyway anyway anway thanks for listening to me ramble if you made it this far! have a lovely rest of your day and hopefully see u again soon
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