#christ inspiration
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psalmlover · 11 months
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1 corinthians 13:4-8
god is love
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kingdomreigns · 2 months
Whatever is of God, there is order and truth. Whatever is not of God, there is chaos and confusion.
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wordswithloveee · 2 months
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chiricat · 1 year
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is it a crime to steal your heart?
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rightshewrites · 16 days
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When the mouth doesn't know exactly what to say, God sees your tears and how you pray.
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ae-cha08 · 4 months
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Unconditional love is a gift from God that surpasses our understanding. It is a love that knows no bounds, that remains steadfast through every season of life. 💙
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arkashas · 5 months
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Hannibal + the wounds of Christ
The hole in his right hand - Jack The hole in his left hand - Hannibal The crown of thorns - Will The hole in his right foot - Hannibal The hole in his left foot - Jack
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galaghiel · 11 months
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a meeting of two mikes
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enden-agolor · 5 months
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erm idk do you think they like each other
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10yrsyart · 4 months
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(alternate music only video)
i struggle recreating the beauty the Holy Spirit shows me musically, with the limitations of my art. He always surprises me though, and i'm humbled at how lovely it turns out, despite me. but even so, nothing can compare.. nothing can convey the beauty of the Lord.
the most beautiful Being in the universe, our Creator, came down to be one of us and shed His blood for us. He knew we couldn't pay our sin debt ourselves, and He loved us so much He became the payment in our place. but death couldn't defeat Him and He rose on the third day.
it's only through faith in Jesus Christ and His blood that we're set free. He promises eternal life to all who believe in Him, and He's coming very soon to take us home. He is the only one worthy of praise; the only one Just and Loving and True enough to trust your life with. He will never betray you or abandon you. He has loved you unto the ends of the earth. don't wait to accept Him, time is almost up! ✝🕊
"And this is the way to have eternal life- to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one You sent to earth. I brought glory to You here on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do. Now, Father, bring Me into the glory We shared before the world began." (John 17:3-5)
Holy, Holy, Holy God Almighty
Holy, Holy, Holy God Almighty
Praise the Exalted Holy God
Maker of all the earth and the sky
Holy, Holy, King of Glory
Worship the Son of God Jesus Christ
Glory to the Holy Spirit will rise
You deserve all the honor
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
Praise the Exalted Holy God
Maker of all the earth and the sky
Holy, Holy, King of Glory
Worship the Son of God Jesus Christ
Glory to the Holy Spirit will rise
You deserve all the honor
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
“I Am the Alpha and the Omega- the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I Am the One Who is, Who was, and Who is still to come- the Almighty One.” -Revelation 1:8
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holyspiritgirl · 8 days
You told God that you needed a sign, and He made sure this came across your screen.
God has removed you from a table where you used to sit in order to save you from a host who was serving you poison. Let that sink in.
Continue to pray. Continue to trust. Continue to wait. Continue to heal.
Our Lord isolates you before he elevates you. It may seem like everything around you is falling apart, but He has more in store for you than you could ever imagine.
You’re asking for a rose when our Heavenly Father wants the whole garden to be yours.
As Matthew 19:26 says - “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
Therefore stop holding back, stop holding on so tightly onto the familiar pain buried inside your heart. Let the Lord clean your heart and your mind out in the image of his son in Christ, according to his will.
It may not make a lot of sense right now but if you just finally let go of what you have in mind, God can give you something better.
Many of us cling onto things beyond our control, internalizing them and causing ourselves stress, anxiety, depression…
Free yourself from these burdens by pouring out your heart to the Lord. Take a moment to be honest with yourself, acknowledge what troubles you, and then trust God enough to let Him take over. As you wait for God's help, remember He might be waiting for you to reach out to Him.
May God bless you all, in Jesus’s name ; Amen
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littlecrittereli · 17 days
Guardianship Au enjoyers I have not forgotten about you
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kingdomreigns · 16 days
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My headcanon being; With Tim sent to France so many times he gets caught up in the chocolatine vs pain au chocolat debate.
Him and Bruce entering a café for a breakfast run and he looks at the pastry label at the counter in horror. What follows is a 30min argument in very very passionate French with the owner that results in several unfortunate casualties including a waiting line of costumers and spilled tip jar.
Tim: the chocolatine insurgents are a fucking minority and live in the southwestern regions like barbarians! people only tolerate their existence, one tiny fucking provocation away from ethnic cleansing!!!
Angry elderly baker: Aux armes citoyens!
Bruce: *Stares in a combination of horror and..pride? He didn't even know Tim could speak French. Let alone argue in it for half an hour. And with the looks of it he might he winning..?*
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thewordfortheday · 4 months
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When Jesus cried out "It is finished." (John 19:30), Satan was defeated. And because of the cross, resounding victory is ours, in Jesus.
When we accept Christ, we have been born into the family of God, the Lord Jesus becomes the Lord of our lives, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in us and as a result, "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." That's our victory in Jesus and that's why we can say we fight, not for victory, but from victory. 
The enemy may frighten you---but he cannot touch you, he has been defeated on the cross of Calvary. He has been stripped of all power and authority. 
You are precious to Jesus, you are His child and He has engraved you in the palm of His hand! No matter what you may be going through today, remember the victory is always yours!
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