#christmas fi
cambria-writes · 2 years
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happy holidays! this is arguably a little late but i’ve had a rough go of it these past few days so i only just finished this tonight lol. Ii insist that i’m not late because we’re still in 2022 and the new year hasn’t hit yet!
anyways this is just a relatively short fluffy feel-good thing because i wanted to feel warm and fuzzy. so it’s absolutely self-indulgent.
word count: 3,229 warnings: swearing, it’s christmas eve and that’s important so that should probably be a warning, no y/n, no mention of gender but ravenloft reader is AFAB, minor ravenloft spoilers if you squint
for reference, this scene (with a bonus crown) is what the reader would’ve drawn.
and for the record, since it was mentioned on ao3, i'm very well aware it shouldn't have been a perception check! ravenloft!reader was never written with the intention of making them a tabletop rpg wiz, they just know enough to get by and follow along if they're sitting in on a game.
𝕽𝖔𝖑𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
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When the phone rang, you didn’t even greet the speaker. You immediately answered with ‘what do you want you fucking menace’ because there’s really only one person who’d call you near midnight like a heathen. 
“What’s your favourite colour?”
You snort and wedge the phone between your chin and shoulder and sit back down at your dining table to keep sketching. 
“Dunno. Like, all of them?”
“Dude that’s the epitome of unhelpful,” Eddie deadpans, and you can’t help but laugh. 
“Right, well like, is there any context to this? Cause you should know I don’t have a favourite colour,” you reply, frowning and erasing a small portion before swiping the eraser shredding away. 
“Come on,” Eddie whines, and you can practically see him throwing his head back in annoyance. “Not even one? Like, something that just always makes you happy when you see it?”
You hum for a second and put your pencil down. “I guess maybe black? I—“
“Nah, nuh uh. Boring as hell.”
“Rude, what—“
“Black’s not even a colour, that’s what you constantly say!”
You scoff and pick your pencil back up, switching the phone to the other shoulder. 
“Did you seriously just call me in the middle of the night to bitch at me for not having a preferred perceptible wavelength of light?”
There’s an unusually long silence on the other end of the line. You frown again and pull the handset away and follow the coiled line. Confused but satisfied that it hadn’t somehow gotten unplugged from the cradle on the wall, you wedge it back where it was. 
“Ed? You good?”
“Yeah, no. Yeah, sorry, just thinking.”
“Jesus, don’t burn yourself out there bud.”
“Oh fuck off.”
The rest of the phone call is relatively short, and colours aren’t mentioned again by the time you hang up. You don’t go to bed until nearly two in the morning, and by then you’re content with having gotten down the main lines of your portrait. 
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The snowstorm that rolled in on the 23rd was entirely unexpected but wholly welcomed. You were scheduled to work on the 24th, but with the state of the roads and the fact that nearly half of Hawkins was running off of generators, you were graciously allowed to stay home until the new year. And given that this is your first Christmas in your new home, you were more than happy to hunker down and, ha, weather it out. 
You’d had plans, sure; Harrington had already made sure everyone knew to show up at his place on the 24th, your parents had been expecting you on Christmas morning and the rest of the day would have been spent going around to see extended family. And though the thought of not being able to fulfill your annual Christmas traditions did dampen your mood, just thinking about the astronomical amount of energy you’d save made it a bit more palatable. 
If the same thing were to happen next year, though, you might cry. 
You’d already called Steve to let him know you were staying home. Pleasantly surprised, he’d admitted he’d had a whole speech prepared about how he’s have The Swarm tear you a new one if you even dared thinking about touching your car keys. (Which would have been an effective threat, honestly. You really had no interest in giving Dustin a reason to get uppity at you, and you definitely didn’t want to have to deal with Max’s ire. Girl held grudges like you did trauma.)
Your parents were only slightly less understanding, with your mother trying to insist that your father could come pick you up. A little resistance put that all to rest, though, and with a promise to call on Christmas morning, that was dealt with as well. 
You’d just settled down on your couch, swaddled in the fluffy blanket you’d gotten from Eddie the year before, mug of hot chocolate held in both hands for warmth, when the doorbell rang. Confused, you look at the time—just after dinner on Christmas Eve—and sigh before heaving yourself off the couch to buzzer by the door. You hesitate for a second before pressing the button to let the mysterious visitor in. You’re already on your way back to your couch, having assumed it was just a neighbour who’d locked themselves out again, when you hear heavy footsteps outside your door. 
You quietly walk back up and carefully lean forward to look through the peephole. 
“What the…” you mutter, leaning back, nearly jumping out of your skin when the knocking finally comes. You quickly unlatch the chain and unlock the deadbolt before pulling the door open. “Ed, what the fuck—“
“Merry Christmas,” Eddie blurts out, thrusting a box out at you, though it really sounded more like ‘murr cr’sms’. 
“Merry Christmas to you too but Jesus come inside!” You pull Eddie through the door by his arm, quickly shutting the door behind you and getting started patting the snow off of him. “The hell did you do, walk here? You look like a damn yeti!”
“Y-yeah I kind-kind of d-did.”
You pause in your patting before grabbing Eddie’s arm again and turning him around to face you. You ‘reabout to ask if he was serious, but a quick glance at his face—reddened cheeks and nose, frosted lashes, dry lips—tells you he has, in fact, told you the truth. 
“Fuck me, okay,” you whisper, before shaking your head and getting a move on. “Stay there and take your boots and coat off and then get your ass on that couch, I’m making you coffee.”
You don’t hear any complaints. And though normally you would’ve been glad for the silence, even perhaps proud to have shut him up, Eddie’s silence is, once again, unsettling. And this time you’re pretty sure it’s not because he’s thinking, and most likely because he’s borderline hypothermic.
You try to be quick; you grab that one pair of sweatpants Eddie leant you when you got splashed by a car outside of the arcade. That one metallica shirt you borrowed one time when one Friday movie night turned into an impromptu sleepover. You make your way back to the living room, where thankfully Eddie’s listened to you, and has made himself at home swaddled in the blanket you’d left on the couch. You throw a quick glance to the front door, where his jacket and boots are slowly leaving a growing puddle of snow water.
You definitely need to get a welcome mat or something if this is going to keep happening. 
Your first instinct is to chuck the clothes at Eddie’s head. What you would usually do. But it’s Christmas eve, there’s a god damn storm outside and this maniac walked to your place. For some reason. You feel like you owe him to be nicer than you usually would be. Call it the ghost of Christmas conscience. 
“Here,” you say quietly, holding out the sloppily folded shirt and sweats. “You can change in here. I’ll be in the kitchen.” 
Eddie mutters a very stuttery thanks and takes the clothes from you. You pause for a second to see what’s on the TV—seems like A Christmas Story is about halfway through—before hastily turning away when you see Ed starting to lift his shirt over his head.
Coffee, right. You said you’d make coffee.
You’re being so normal about this, it’s absolutely fine. You’re totally fine. 
By the time you return to the couch in the living room, Eddie’s clothes are exceptionally neatly folded on your coffee table and he’s even more huddled up in your blanket than he had been before. You place his mug of coffee in his waiting hands and have to bite back shocked laughter when, even outstretched, underneath the blanket, he looks like a frozen T-rex.
“Alright,” you huff out when you finally take your seat on the other end of the couch. “You wanna tell me what’s in that box that was so important that you felt you had to walk here in a storm?”
Eddie sputters in his coffee a bit. When he brings the mug back down, he does look a little sheepish.
“Yeah, y’know it sounds pretty stupid when you say it like that.”
You nod and take a sip of your own coffee. “M’hm. That’s cause risking hypothermia to deliver a gift that very well could’ve waited until the storm passed is pretty stupid. No offense.”
Despite your disclaimer and your attempt to sound light about it, Eddie lapses into silence, again. 
“Okay, you keep going quiet, is there something—“
“I didn’t want you to be alone.”
You stop yourself, mouth agape. You bring your coffee mug back up to your lips to try and shake off the surprise.
“I—okay. What, uh, what about Wayne?”
Eddie gestures vaguely under the blanket, and you assume he’s waving the issue of. “He’s with the Hendersons.”
“Oh. That’s…”
“Dustin asked me to go. I said no.”
You frown. “In favour of walking though the snow to get to me?”
“Yeah, well,” Eddie starts, but he doesn’t continue until he takes another long sip from the coffee mug. “Walking wasn’t the plan. Van broke down halfway here.”
“Oh thank god,” you sigh, leaning back into the arm of the couch and pulling your legs up and under you. “I literally thought you walked from your place!” 
“God, never,” Eddie laughs, pulling his own feet up on the couch to sit cross-legged. “But I was halfway here and there’s no power at the trailer, so.”
You hum and nod, but otherwise keep your silence. And you both stay like that for a few minutes. And while you’re taking the time to try and bring your BPM down to something a nurse might not scream about, Eddie seems to be appreciating the warmth that you’ve thrown at him.
“So,” you say after a while, clearing your throat and putting your mostly empty mug on the coffee table. “What’s in the box?” 
Eddie grins and puts his own mug down. The blanket falls away from his shoulders when he reaches toward to grab said box, and he turns it around in his hands before passing it over to you.
“Wait,” you rush to say, just as he opens his mouth. “Shit, wait, I have,” you trail off, and nearly jump over the back of the couch to run to your room. You quickly snatch the gift bag you’d left on your dresser and run back to the living room, nearly tripping over your own feet. You throw yourself back down onto the couch and shove the bag towards Eddie.
“Gift for a gift,” you explain shortly, a little out of breath.
Eddie laughs lightly but takes the gift bag from you, and you eagerly snatch the box from his hands. You’re about to start tearing into the tacky Santa-print wrapping paper, but glance up to make sure it’s okay. Eddie chuckles and nods and motions for you to go ahead. 
You make quick work of the paper and nearly tear the top off the box before turning it over in your hand and letting its content drop into your palm.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, turning over the giant cut glass piece in your hand. You hold it up to the do lamplight, and it looks like it’s shimmering from the inside. Every which way you turn it, it’s like each facet is a different colour that reveals itself to you with each new angle. 
You don’t miss the fact that there are nineteen carefully carved and painted numbers on each face, and the last one has a little flame where the 20 normally would have been. 
You look up to thank Eddie, throat a little tight, but you nearly choke on your own tongue when you see his expression. 
He’s holding your gifted frame in his hands like it might break if he holds it too tightly. You can’t really understand the expression on his face, and the more time he spends staring unblinkingly at it, the more unsure you feel. 
“I, uh, is it… do you not like it?” 
Eddie slowly shakes his head before lifting his eyes up to you. He tries to start a few different sentences before clearing his throat. 
“Is this—this is really what you see?”
You let your hands fall into your lap and nervously turn the massive D20 around in them and nod. 
“Yeah, I mean. The crown might be a bit much,” you chuckle lightly, looking up and away towards the TV. “But yeah. You look really, uh. You look happy, when you’re DMing for the kids. Really cool. Thought you should be able to, I dunno. See it for yourself.”
When you do muster the courage to turn to look back to Eddie, he still has that absolutely confusing look on your face. You lift the heavy dice in one hand and wave it around a bit. 
“This is why you asked for my favourite colour, huh?” 
Eddie blinks a bit owlishly at first, but laughs and shakes his head. Slowly, carefully, he puts your gifted portrait on top of his folded clothes. Leans forward to pluck the dice from your hand and gently put it down on the coffee table next to your mug. 
“Ed, what’s wr—“
You inhale the rest of your question when Eddie reaches out a hand to grab and pull at one of your ankles. You screw your eyes shut when your head meets the couch cushion below your with a soft ‘thump’. And when you open your eyes, Eddie’s hovering over you, hands braced on the couch arm just above your head. You swallow thickly and promptly forget to breathe for a second. 
The end credit music for A Christmas Story feels like it’s playing from miles away.
“You good?” Eddie asks, quietly, and all you can do is nod. “You sure?”
“Yeah, uh huh. Fine,” you whisper, holding your hands close to your chest. Close your eyes when he leans in to rest his forehead against yours. “Why did you really come over?” You whisper, hesitantly uncurling a hand to place it on his chest.
“Missed you.”
“You see me almost every day.”
“Worried about you.”
You snort and lightly slap at his chest. “Bullshit. I own more knives than you do guitar picks.” 
Eddie exhales sharply before pulling back a bit. When you open your eyes, you almost want to hide from the tenderness you see in his. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” you whisper, turning your head to the side to watch the TV turns from black to blue, now that the tape’s over. 
“Like what?” Eddie asks, and you can hear the shit-eating grin in his voice when he nuzzles at your neck. 
You grunt. “Like, I don’t know. Like you—like…”
“Like you’re the only person I’d drive and walk through a snow storm to see?” 
You hum but keep your head resolutely turned away. Shiver when you can feel his lips ghosting against your cheek. 
“Like you’re in love with me,” you mutter quietly, screwing your eyes shut. 
Eddie slowly peels a hand away from the arm of the couch to turn your head to look at him. You still avert your eyes. He brushes the hair away from your face instead.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” he says, almost whines, tilting his head to try to catch your eyes. “You’re smarter than me, you’re not that dumb.”
You huff and cross your arms and finally look up at Eddie. There was some kind of combative quip on the tip of your tongue but it dies there as soon as the look on his face properly registers. 
“You’re not fucking around,” you say frowning. 
“I’m not fucking around.” Eddie sighs and moves up to kneel on the couch, both knees boxing in your legs. You move up on your elbows and scoot up a bit to lean your back against the arm of the couch. 
“Since when do you—“ 
“Dude, you literally saved me from a swarm of hell bats, somehow managed to team up with a super powered teenage girl to save the world, still don’t think I’m an absolute coward and show up at my doorstep if I call you when I can’t sleep,” Eddie lists off, starting to wave down at your a bit frantically. “And you actually listen to my shitty garage band music!”
“It’s not shitty!” 
“You’re proving my damn point, woman!” Ed shouts, swatting your hand away when you go to slap his chest again. “Merry fucking Christmas, I’m in love with you!” 
You let yourself slide back down to lie on the couch and laugh when you throw an arm over your face. 
“The fuck, this isn’t funny!” Eddie whines, trying to slap your arms away from your face. “This is serious!”
You choke your laughter down enough to say, “Roll for perception.” 
“Excuse me?” Eddie squawks, indignantly, pausing his assault on your arms. You lower them just enough to be able to peek at him. 
“You heard me, roll for perception.”
Eddie scoffs but turns to grab the massive dichroic dice from the table and gently rolls it along your carpeted floor. 
“Huh. 18. Do I get to add my wisdom modifier to that?” 
Though you bring your arms down from your face, you still cover it with your hands.
“You’re the only name and phone number I keep in my address book,” you start quietly, biting down on your lips before continuing. “That portrait of you isn’t the first one I’ve ever bothered trying to do. The photo of us Max took in the hospital is the only one I have framed. I hate cashews.”
“But you keep a tin of cashews in the cupboard on top of the f… fridge…” 
You nod and part your fingers to catch a glimpse of Eddie. He sighs before shouting and shaking his head. 
“Ed, what the—“
“Why are we so stupid complicated!” He shouts again, but it peters out into laughter. “Jesus, why can’t we just say shit like normal people?” 
“We hate normal people,” you deadpan, slowly letting your hands slide down your face. “So, uh,” you start, curling your fingers under your chin. “Merry, uh, Merry fucking Christmas, I lo—I love you too?”
Eddie closes his eyes and tilts his head back to sigh like you’ve just given him a glass of water after spending weeks in the desert.
You move to half sit up on your elbows again. 
“Hey, you—“
“Does this mean I can kiss you now and you’re not going to think I’m just doing it because it’s the holidays and there was mistletoe over your door?”
You blink for a second and pull yourself up on the arm of the couch and twist around to look at your door. Huh. Sure as shit, there it is.
“Oh. Mrs H must’ve put that up when she came over,” you say nervously, but when you turn around you’re shocked, both because of the still-freezing hand that comes up to your jaw and the lips that are pressed almost chastely against yours. 
“God bless Mrs H,” Eddie whispers, and your laughter is a quick huff before you loop your arms around his neck to pull him down against you for another kiss.
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mechatyto · 2 years
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24K notes · View notes
humanoidhistory · 9 months
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Lucasfilm Christmas card by Ralph McQuarrie, 1994.
794 notes · View notes
bumblebeesfromvenus · 9 months
Red Ribbon ❣️
Leon S. Kennedy x reader
A/N: The end of Fi's Christmas Market ☃️ is here! A bittersweet goodbye 😞 I hope you enjoyed my lil festive event! I had lots of fun doing it. There's much more planned for the new year! I hope you like this smutty parting gift!
~Fi 🐝
Warnings: NSFW CONTENT 17+. proceed with caution. Oral (m and f receiving), slight bondage, orgasm denial, PiV, creampie (don't be like them), very needy lovers, this is so soft and sappy.
Word count: 3.0k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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It all started innocently, you were just wrapping presents with Leon. You were seated on the living room floor, surrounded by a sea of wrapping paper, ribbons and gift bags. Humming along to the music in the background, you finished another bow on a present, handing it over to Leon so he could write the name on the little tag you'd attached.
"Who is this one for?" Your boyfriend asked, gold pen in hand. You glanced at the gift and narrowed your eyes at it for a second before answering.
"That one's for Jill." He nodded with a hum and went to write the name on it before you quickly stopped him.
"No, wait-" you took the present from his hands leaving him with his brows furrowed. You gave the box a small shake and listened closely before giving it back to him.
"Yep, it's for Jill."
"How do you- it didn't even make a sound." Leon said, his face contorted into utter confusion.
"Exactly." You gave him a proud smile, going back to wrapping the remaining gifts.
"You're a mystery to me, baby." He slightly shook his head, a smirk tugging at his lips.
"Well," you began, leaning in his direction and placing a hand on his thigh, "solve me, then."
He didn't miss the sultry tone in your voice or that playful and seductive glint in your eyes. A smirk settled on his lips, and there was a lustful glow in his sparkling blue irises.
Leon almost pounced on you, he'd never say no to an opportunity to ravish you. But, to his dismay, before his heated lips could even touch yours, you stopped him with a firm hand on his chest.
"After we get the presents done, of course." You smiled sweetly as you went back to wrapping up gifts like nothing ever happened. Leon slumped back into his previous position and grumbled quietly under his breath. He respected your decision, of course, but did you have to tease and rile him up?
Even the slight touch of your hand on his thigh had his cock throbbing in his pants. And the way your voice was so silky and suggestive made him want to rip your clothes to shreds.
Nonetheless, he continued being the good boy he was and tried his best to put all the names on the designated presents in his best handwriting.
You clapped your hands together as you finished the last wrapping job.
"That's the last of it! They look quite nice, huh?" You smiled proudly, admiring the wrapping skills you had painfully acquired over many years.
"Good job, baby," Leon said with an equally as proud smile, placing a big kiss on your cheek, "now, about solving that mystery-"
You broke into a giggle.
"Patience, sweetheart, patience." You scolded playfully, waving your finger in the air. You leaned to one side and grabbed one of the many ribbons you had splayed out, along with a little festive tag. Shuffling over to Leon, you sat down on his thighs and began to tie it around his neck.
"What're you planning?" He smirked, his hands kneading at your hips.
"Just wrapping the last present." You smirked, finishing up the red bow. You had to stop yourself from drooling, the crimson satin band sat so nicely against his pale skin. The bow was peeking out from under his chin as the tag dangled from the ribbon.
"Hm.. and what does the tag say, huh, baby?" Leon grinned. The way his arms completely encased your middle and pulled you flush against his chest made your breath speed up, but hopefully, not enough for him to notice. With nimble fingers, you took hold of the tag and turned it over.
"Mine." You said quietly, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth to try and hide your smile as his jaw slacked slightly and his eyes widened. He squeezed you just a little tighter, and you
could feel his dick getting painfully hard as you were seated on his lap. The pressure of his hard on nestled perfectly against your pussy made your breath hitch in your throat. No matter how many times you would do this dance, he would always have this effect on you. All the blood rushed to your cheeks and to your cunt, leaving you light headed.
"S'only fair that I get to add a little bow to my present, too, right?" He breathed out. Even in his breathless state, there was nothing stopping that cocky smirk from creeping onto his face.
After you'd undressed, although it was actually more like tearing the clothes off one another, you'd dropped to your knees and decorated the base of his cock with a ruby band. You trailed kisses up his shaft, all the way to his tip. You gave it a gentle suck and Leon let out a small gasp, his head slightly tipping back as his hand found your hair.
It was so gentle, the way you dragged your lips up and down his dick, holding onto his thigh with one hand, and lacing your fingers together with the other. Your movements were slow, but calculated. Leon knew he wouldn't last long when you took him in your mouth as far as you could, and rubbed along the veins with your tongue.
"S-Shit, Baby... you really know how to make me fall apart, huh?" He chuckled breathlessly, which was quickly cut off by a groan when he felt your lips stretch into a smile around his cock. The hand that was tangled in your hair tightened its grip, but not to hurt. Never to hurt.
You gave his hand a loving squeeze as you moved up and down on his length, the bow at the base occasionally brushing against the tip of your nose. You pulled away for air, your chest slightly heaving as your spit dripped from his dick.
"I love you.. I love you so much. Want you to come in my mouth, Baby, please." You breathed out, pressing kisses to his trembling thighs.
"Y-Yeah? What my girl wants, she gets." Leon grinned, still breathless and all the love he held in his eyes for you never wavering for a second. He sheathed himself back into your mouth and gently began fucking your throat.
You hollowed out your cheeks and looked up at him with glazed eyes. His head was thrown back, his mouth was agape as whimpers and moans fell from him. The ribbon around his neck was being stretched slightly and the tag swayed with each thrust of his hips.
When the muscles in his stomach tensed and his moans became deeper you focused on his tip, swiping your tongue over it and sucking on it.
"I'm.. f-fuck, I'm gonna come.." Leon groaned, the sound being raspy and hoarse. He held onto your hand for dear life, grounding himself as the euphoria you brought him made his head spin. You gently stroked your thumb over his thigh, reminding him that you were here with him.
He came in your mouth with a strained cry of your name, stilling his movements as spurt after spurt of his warm cum trickled down your throat. You pulled away and swallowed all he had to give you, pressing one last gentle kiss to the tip of his cock before getting up from your knees and wrapping your arms around him.
"Are you okay, my love? Do you need to sit down?" You asked softly, stroking along his spine.
Leon chuckled.
"Fucking hell, woman. I don't need to sit down, I need a new pair of legs."
"Sorry." You giggled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"You're in for something, pretty girl," he leaned down and spoke lowly into your ear, "because I won't stop feasting on you until you need a new pair, too. Who knows, maybe we'll get a couples discount." With that and a sinister grin, you were dragged off to the bedroom.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
And that's how you ended up like this. Writhing, with purple and pink marks littering your skin all while Leon had his head buried between your thighs. Shuddering breaths tore through you as he lapped at your sopping cunt.
The red satin tied around your throat started to feel more suffocating by the second, the sharp edges of the tag poking into your flesh. The sting melded so deliciously with the sensation of Leon dragging his tongue through your folds, making you moan and whine.
The second ribbon he had decorated you with was tied just underneath your soft tits, stretching across your ribcage as the satin brushed against the underside of your breasts. Everything felt so overwhelming, there were too many sensations at once, making your skin raise in goosebumps.
The band around Leon's neck brushed against the back of your thighs and your ass. The last ribbon was tightly tied around your left thigh, some of your pudgy flesh spilling from the bound string. Leon was eating your pussy like it was his purpose, like it was the sole reason he was created; to bring you bliss with such carnal adoration that you'd melt before him.
"F-Fuck, Lee... slow down, I can't... oh God!" You cried out when he took your sensitive clit between his lips and started sucking. Your thighs clamped down around his head and you tried to push him away in a pathetic attempt. Leon growled into your pussy in a displeased manner.
He wanted nothing more than to pin down your arms by your side and knead at your chubby tummy while he was fucking his tongue into your hole. Unfortunately for him, you'd tied his hands behind his back and he was straining against the ribbon. He wanted to touch you more than he'd ever wanted to touch you in his life and he couldn't.
He couldn't, and it was making the determination to make you come undone without his touch grow even more. Leon ceased his struggling against his restraints when a particularly cute moan fell from your lips and your eyes squeezed shut. His cock twitched and he moaned into your cunt, bucking his hips up in the air in hope for some friction.
The tip of his dick was flushed and had a pearl of pre-cum running down the underside of it, meeting the red ribbon tied around at the base. Leon pulled away from between your thighs, his hair disheveled and his lips glistening with your slick. You whined and cried at the loss of his tongue on your pussy, having been so impossibly close to the edge.
"Let me touch you. Please, I need to touch you so bad." He begged with a heaving chest. You'd do anything he asked, but fuck if he didn't look divine like this. That whole growly attitude about feasting on you went out the window the second your taste hit his tongue.
"I'll.. I'll let you touch, I promise, just- please go back to what you were doing." You pleaded breathlessly, fisting the sheets both in frustration and anticipation. Leon would've made a smug remark or gave you that cocky smirk but he was so drunk on you, and on the lack of touching you, that all he did was nod dumbly and went right back to lapping at your poor cunt.
A shiver ran through you at your approaching climax, your ruined orgasm from before having you dangle on a string above a raging hot fire of love and lust.
"Don't stop, don't stop..." you moaned, your mouth falling open in a silent scream and your back arching. Leon circled your clit with his tongue and with one last flick against your sensitive bud, the coil inside you snapped. Your thighs shook and shuddered breaths tore through you as you were riding out your blissful high.
"Holy shit.." you breathed out, one of your arms falling over your eyes.
"Was that good?" Leon asked, kissing and sucking at your thighs that were drenched with your release. You could hear the smirk in his voice; he already knew the answer to that question.
"That was more than good. I might need to tie you up more often." You smirked, getting up on your elbows.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, pretty girl?"
"Very much so. But, I believe I promised you something." You said softly, shuffling over to undo the string keeping his hands behind his back. His hands found your thighs and he gently caressed the marks he'd left, brushing his thumb over the ribbon around your thigh in the process. You took his hands and pulled him up from his knees, pulling him on top of you.
"I've not gotten a single kiss, can you believe that?" You teased, bumping your nose against his playfully.
"We can't have that, can we?" Leon smirked, capturing your lips in a kiss that overflowed with so much desire and passion it almost made you melt. His hands that were finally free to touch you gently slid over your body, stroking and kneading at your flesh. His cock lay heavy against your pussy, making the fire in your veins ignite once more.
One hand toyed with your tits, groping them, while the other cradled your cheek so delicately as if you were made from porcelain.
"Can I fuck you? Please, I need you. Need t'be inside you.." Leon breathed against your lips. You nodded eagerly before stealing a kiss from him once more.
"Yeah. Wan' you inside of me, Lee."
He continued to kiss your breath away, reaching a hand between your bodies to line himself up with you.
"You.. are you gonna leave that on?" You questioned with your lips puffy, glancing down at the ribbon around his cock.
"Yeah, I was gonna leave it." He said breathlessly, going back to your lips again. You sucked in a sharp breath.
"God, that's hot." You whispered as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Yeah?" He chuckled against your lips, slowly starting to push inside your sopping cunt. You whined with a nod as he stretched you out.
"Fuck, Baby... you fit around me so perfectly... s'like you were made for me."
"I was." You whimpered, Leon's hips beginning to move slowly after he fully sheathed himself inside of you.
"Yeah, you were. My pretty, beautiful, perfect girl... all for me, all mine. For me to hold, to kiss, to love."
He groaned when you clenched down on him at his words.
He was stroking your hair while his other arm was around your back, pressing you close against his chest. His thrust became harder and you mewled when you felt the ribbon brush against your clit.
"Oh, fuck.. I love you, I love you, I love you." You cried as the tip of his dick rubbed against that spongy spot inside of you. Your lips were almost glued together, only ever coming apart to mumble sweet words to one another. He swallowed your every moan and whine, just as you did his.
"I love you too, sweetheart. M-My.. fuck... my angel, my princess.."
"Oh my god.. I'm so close, please..." you panted, your eyes falling shut at the feeling of Leon inside of you. He moved his hips just a little faster and trailed one of his hands between your thighs to rub at your clit.
"Come f'me, Baby... you can be good for me, can't you?" He breathed, cut off by a whimper when you tightened around him.
"Mhm, I'll be good for you.." you babbled mindlessly, the only thing in your head was how good he made you feel and how much you loved him.
His hand searched for yours, grasping it just in time as you came around him with his name falling from your lips. Leon spilled inside of you with a moan muffled by your lips. His cum flooded your walls, making a delightful and fuzzy feeling creep up your spine. His cock twitched inside of you, making you gasp softly.
Leon stayed inside of you for a minute to catch his breath. You were all hazy and smiles when he finally pulled out and situated himself next to you. He pulled you close to his chest and you kissed along his jaw.
"Are you alright, pretty girl?" Leon asked softly, running his fingers through your hair.
"Always when I'm with you. How are you feeling?" You smiled drowsily, ready to pass out for the next two hours.
"I'm okay, Baby. More than okay." He replied quietly with a smile on his lips. There was a comfortable silence, your synchronized breathing slowed and your eyelids began to flutter shut.
"We should take a shower." Leon mumbled against your hair, not wanting to let you go.
"I know... jus' gimme 20 minutes and I'll wash your hair."
"I love it when you do that. But I think we need a nap first." He yawned, snuggling closer together and pulling the blanket over the two of you.
"Agreed." You sighed comfortably.
"Is your neck itchy too?" You mumbled into his chest.
"Yeah, I don't-" Leon reached up to his neck but stopped when he felt the ribbon against his fingertips. You opened one eye to see why he stopped.
"We forget about the ribbon, didn't we?"
The two of you broke into a fit of tired giggles, and you helped each other from your bounds, kissing the skin in your wake.
The crimson bands were tossed out the bed, and now you were content, cuddled up with each other. The world was left behind as you were enveloped by the warm and pleasant tug of sleep, drifting into shared dreams.
And just like your bodies were a minute ago, so were your hearts; bound with a Red Ribbon.
This might be my last fic for 2023! It definitely won't be the last you hear of me, though.
My plan for the new year is to focus on the requests sitting in my inbox, maybe accept some more and throw in my own ideas here and there!
<3 🐝
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mikeywayarchive · 2 months
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mikeyway: @comic_con 2024 is in the books for me! I wanted to take a moment to thank everybody who helped make this one unforgettable. Huge thanks to everyone that took the time to make it to one of my signings. It never goes unappreciated that you waited on a line just to say hello - THANK YOU 🙏. Also big thanks to @darkhorsecomics & @jonrivera80 for helping kick off Christmas 365 in a very special way. And thank you to @idwpublishing for making a boyhood dream of mine come true in being able to write a @tmnt adventure! Here’s to many more comic adventures ahead!
[Jul 28, 2024]
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bigmsaxon · 10 months
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Happy holidays! Cyberpunk 2077 official discord was doing a christmas postcard competition thing so I gave it a shot.
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fiprobably · 9 months
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Something short and sweet for the holiday feels.
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tygerland · 10 months
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Christmas with Lovecraft and Friends. 2010, by Nelson Evergreen.
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cat-cosplay · 2 years
Be it Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Oldschool Cool, or just pure Halloween-y...
Reblog with your Halloween pet costumes! Let's see them, and get a huge post rolling for Halloween!
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dwcmarshalarts · 9 months
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It's still Christmas somewhere...
Commission for Greenfox
Original art by DWC Marshal Arts
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)
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toonirl · 9 months
Made some fun phone wallpapers in honor of Gävlebocken Gogoat's 2nd birthday.
Buy them here on Ko-fi☕
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humanoidhistory · 9 months
All I want for Christmas is a $32K spaceship recliner pod from Neiman Marcus, 1982.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 9 months
Deck the Halls 🎻
Bale!Bruce Wayne x Wife!reader
A/N: This is the ultimate crossover, Bale!Bruce and Christmas, what more could you want??? I don't know quite how I feel about it mainly because I wrote most of it at 3 am lmao. Love-hate relationship, I guess. I hope you like it, anyway!
~Fi 🐝
Fi's Christmas Market ☃️
Warnings: implied angst?? Mention of his parents' death (very briefly), so much fluff omg, starring Alfred, Selina, and Lucius, Bruce is obsessed with you <3
Word count: 3.6k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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"A Gingerbread house contest?"
Bruce gave you a skeptical look as you explained your idea for the annual Wayne Yule Ball. You were sitting at the meeting table in the office of Wayne Enterprises, brain storming ideas to make this years Gala a little more interesting. The events were always quite boring, the only thing keeping your spirits up was the bar most of the time.
You'd occasionally hang around on the side lines with Alfred, people-watching Gothams wealth. This year had to be different. You were sick and tired of the fad and dragging evenings.
This was the Yule Ball, after all. The Manor would be decked in lights and ornaments, the lovely tunes of Christmas would echo through the halls and you'd actually have some fun for once.
Bruce would try to make them more bearable for you, inviting you to dance as much as he could, even if it earned him detesting looks. He wasn't a huge fan either, but it was his duty. He'd rather be curled up with you, feeling your warmth against his skin while doing your favorite festive activities.
Selina was seated next to you, twirling a pen between her fingers, looking like she was about to collapse from boredom. Alfred sat next to Bruce with a notepad, writing down any ideas that had come forth. Lucius was there too, of course, hoping to aid in any technical things.
"Yeah, why not? We need to do something interesting this year, and a making Gingerbread houses is a pretty classic activity, no?" You responded, shrugging slightly.
"I'll definitely come to the Ball if you pull through with that." Selina smirked. Bruce sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, honey? I mean, most of the people that attend aren't really ones to get their hands dirty."
"If I may, Master Bruce, I think it's a great idea." Alfred interrupted politely, making you smile. "I think it's important for the rich of Gotham to not lose touch with the average life. And, it'd be quite sweet, wouldn't it?"
Alfred grinned, proud of the pun he just made. You let put a small giggle while Selina and Lucius were smiling slightly. Bruce, on the other hand, sighed as his brows pulled together.
"Alright, so if we do this, who's going to be the judge?" He asked, finally caving in to your request.
"I knew you'd come around," you smiled, watching as a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth, "I think it's pretty obvious. Alfred should judge the houses."
"Me? Miss, I'm flattered but I don't think I have the expertise to-"
"Nonesense, Alfie," Selina cut him off, "We've all seen what you can do in the kitchen. If anyone's going to judge anything, it should be you."
"I agree. He does make a mean Victoria Sponge." Luscius agreed, his reasoning strong enough to make Alfred ponder for a moment.
"It doesn't just have to be houses. We can just give them creative freedom, let them go at it." You suggested, earning nods of approval.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this," Selina mumbled, inhaling a sharp breath,"What if we make it a family event? Let them bring their kids. They'd probably be more open to the whole idea that way."
"Good thinking, Miss Kyle."
Bruce chewed on his lips as he thought. This would be very different than most years. His parents had started the tradition of a yearly Yule Ball, and he was afraid to make changes. But then he thought back to how his parents always tried to keep a somewhat humble life to be able to help the people in need more efficiently. Also, he could never say no to you.
"Okay. Why not. Even if they don't enjoy it, at least we'll have a good time." He smiled softly, looking at you. You almost beamed with excitment.
"We need a price too, right? What's the point of a contest without a price." Selina intervened. A silence fell over the room as everyone was thinking of what the price coule be.
"I say we give the winner an hour with Bruce's credit card and see how much damage they can do." You snorted, meaning it as a joke but when you weren't met with disagreement a surpirsed expression took over your face.
"Fine by me." Bruce shrugged. You forgot that he was a billionaire sometimes.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that but that just upped my determination by 100%." Selina grinned, making Bruce roll his eyes.
Bruce started talking to Lucius about the organizational aspects while you discreetly high fived Selina under the table. You'd talked about this idea before, your friend mostly finding it funny that the most esteemed people of Gotham would have to struggle with sprinkles and sticky icing.
She was quite impressed you pulled through, although that Bruce agreed wasn't a surprise to her. He'd do about anything you asked, which she sometimes used to her advantage.
"You truly have him wrapped around your finger, huh?" Selina mused, sending a sly smirk your way. You leaned back in your chair, inspecting the shimmering wedding band on your hand.
"Well, he wouldn't have put a ring on it if I hadn't." You grinned, making Selina shake her head with a chuckle.
"When do I need to be there to see Gotham get down and dirty?"
"December 25th, 8:00 pm, Wayne Manor."
"See ya then." The brunette gave you one last grin before taking her leave, claiming she had some 'business' to attend to. The so called 'business' would surely end up on the front page of the Gotham Gazette tomorrow morning. She was a great friend despite her passion for her illegal hobby. You couldn't really blame her, though. She'd grown up with nothing, and had to fight to survive.
You were the last one to complain if one of Gothams renowned business men mysteriously lost a couple of million dollars, which then appeared donated to a charity the next day. She'd never steal from you, or Bruce.
That's not to say she hadn't tried, but Selina did find that Martha's necklace suited you just a tad better than her. She had quite the soft spot for you, you weren't like the rest of the wealthy people she knew. You were honest, understanding and kind. Selina put a great amount of trust in you and she knew you'd never break it. If that meant having to put up with Bruce once in a while, so be it.
Alfred slipped into the seat next to you, Bruce and Luscius still discussing the guest list, when to send the invites, and to order all the necessary things for the contest.
"Truly a marvelous idea, Mrs. Wayne. He never dared to make any changes before you came along, you know?"
You turned you head towards him, a slight blush on your cheeks. Did you really have that much of an impact on him? To think that you were the one that made the Bruce Wayne soften and be more open to change made your heart swell with pride.
"Really? I thought he just never cared that much. For the Ball, I mean." You said, intrigued of what you were about to learn from Alfred about your beloved Husband.
"No, no, not at all. It was his favorite thing as a boy. What I'd do to see him happy like that again." The older man sighed, a melancholic tint in his eyes.
You smiled at the thought of Bruce being excited for Christmas. Just being a boy. You reckoned all of that changed after his parents' death. The warm and loving holiday was now left in gray dullness and the emptiness that he felt in his heart when he'd sit under the tree, all alone, yearning for a hug from his father and the gentle touch of his mothers lips on his cheek.
You were determined to fill that void, shower him in all your love until the gaping hole in his chest was fixed. Who knew if it was possible, but you were willing to give it your all.
"You will, I promise." You replied softly, gently placing your hand on his arm. Alfred gave you an appreciative smile, the sadness in his eyes wavering slightly. He softly padded your hand, resting it on it for a moment.
"You make him so happy already, though. I suppose I can't complain too much, can I?" He joked, making you laugh softly.
"I'm just loving him, that's all."
"That's all he needed." Alfred smiled softly.
Bruce glanced over to you, his heart pouding with pure love as he saw you laughing with Alfred. His two favorite people were getting along so well, it made unbridled joy bloom in his chest. You had changed his life, only for the better, you made him feel like a person again.
For years he'd been aimlessly wandering, hoping to find himself. He was lost in the dark, going through life pretending to be someone he wasn't. Or was he? He didn't know. But you were his guiding light, your gentle flicker lighting up his path. Your soft warmth getting him through many a cold night when the thoughts of self doubt and fear were gnawing at him.
All he needed was you pressed against his chest, your soft breathing like a sweet lullaby to him as you slept peacefully in his arms.
"Mister Wayne? Mister Wayne-" Lucius voice broke him out of his daydream, his back straightend and he cleared his throat, hoping no one caught him. You were still chatting on with Alfred, so you hadn't noticed, good. But when he looked over to Lucius, there was a knowing smirk on the man's face.
"Yes, Mr. Fox? Do you have the guest list ready?" Bruce questioned, fiddling with his fingers. He looked at Lucius expectantly, trying to hide his slight embarrassment.
"I don't blame you for staring. She fills the role of Mrs. Wayne perfectly." He answered, a gentle smile on his face. Bruce's shoulders immediately dropped, the tension fading away. He let out a small huff through his nose with a tight lipped smile.
"She does, doesn't she? It's like she was made for this. Made for me." He said quietly, the adoring look in his eyes as he admired you not being missed by the Inventor. Lucius placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
"Why don't you spend the day together? I'll take care of everything." He said reassuringly.
Bruce's eyes widened slightly and he turned to face Lucius.
"No, I won't hear it. Go on, spend the day with her." He gave him chuckle before patting his back and gathering his things.
"We're done here, Mrs. Wayne. You can have your husband back." Lucius laughed, packing up the last of his documents. You giggled, which immediately set Bruce's heart aflame.
"How gracious of you, Mr. Fox." You teased, getting out of your chair, Alfred by your side.
"Let's go, my love. We have Christmas movies to watch and a dog to cuddle." You chirped, dragging him out of his chair.
All he could do was smile as he let himself be taken by you and wonder how he got this damn lucky.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You were now curled up on the couch, Bruce by your side, his arm draped around you. Your dog, Rudy, was snoozing on your lap as you scratched his head. The extra weight and warmth of your pup made it hard to keep your eyes open.
You were resting comfortably against Bruce, who traced gentle patterns on your arm as he was tentatively watching the TV. A smile tugged at your lips at Bruce's soft breaths, his strong chest falling and rising, lulling you to sleep. Your smile was cut off by a yawn. You lifted your hand from Rudy's head to cover your mouth, but he let out a whine, immediately nudging at your hand.
You chuckled groggily, trying to keep the sleep at bay so you could enjoy your moment with Bruce.
"'M sorry, buddy." You cooed, going back to petting your fur baby.
"You're tired, honey, I'll take over. Go to sleep." Bruce said softly in your ear, gently moving your hand and replacing it with his, making Rudy's tail wag slightly.
"S'your fault for being so warm and comfy and- you." You mumbled, letting your head fall against his shoulder.
"I mean, I can stop." He teased, taking his arm away from around you. You caught his wrist in a surprisingly tight grip.
"Do it and see what happens." You slurred, eyes still closed. Even in your sleepy state, you were still your feisty little self.
"Alright, I'd like to keep my arm, please." He laughed, wrapping his arm around you again, just a little tighter this time. You nuzzled closer to his side, making Rudy begrudgingly adjust his position as well.
"Are you excited for the Yule Ball?" You asked quietly, looking up at your husband as best as you could with sleep tugging at your limbs.
"I am. For the first time in a while, actually. Thanks to you." He replied with a soft smile, placing a chaste kiss on the tip of your nose. A lopsided smile crept onto your face, and you stretched your neck a bit to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
"I love you." You mumbled before finally dozing off with a smile on your face.
"I love you too, honey." Bruce whispered gently, his lips pressed to the top of your head as he sunk into the couch.
He couldn't wait for the Ball. Something he loved so dearly that was tainted for him for many years was now coming back to him brighter than ever. All thanks to you, the lovely woman he chose to marry.
He'd marry you anew every single day if he could.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The day had finally come, and you were a nervous wreck. You really didn't want to mess this up. You had big shoes to fill; Martha Wayne was loved by Gotham, and now that you held the title of Mrs. Wayne, you didn't want to disappoint anyone.
Not the people of Gotham, not Martha, but most importantly, not him. You'd been running around like a headless chicken the entire day, double checking everything so nothing could go wrong.
The decorations were being set up, and you might've snapped at a poor worker for hanging one of the garlands a little too much to the right. You were stressed out of your mind, regretting ever suggesting this. Right now, you were checking if all the sheets of Gingerbread had arrived and if all the decorations were set up.
The gentle touch of Bruce's hand on your shoulder snapped you out of the frenzy in your head. He guided you to a quiet corner with a hand on the small of your back.
"Bruce, I have to get back to-"
He interrupted you with a firm kiss, cupping your cheeks.
"No. You're completely stressing yourself out, and we can't have that. I'll take care of everything. And now you need to take care of yourself. Take a bath, get ready, do whatever you need to do. Please, calm down. Everything will be perfect, I promise." He said it so softly you could feel all the anxiety and stress fall away.
You let out a deep breath as you leaned into his touch.
"Okay. Thank you." You sighed with a small smile.
"Good. You know very well that tiring you out is my job." He said lowly with a glint in his eyes. You huffed and playfully hit his arm.
"Go check on the sprinkles."
"Yes, Ma'am."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You did as he said, you took a bath to ease the tension in your muscles that had been building up throughout the day.
Now, you were sitting at your vanity, adding some final touches to your make-up. The guest would arrive soon, and you were glad the excitement took over the anxiety.
Bruce walked into your shared bedroom, fixing his cuffs.
"Are you almost ready?" He asked, not looking at you, still fiddling with his suit. You responded with a small 'Mhm!' and walked over to him, brushing some wrinkles out of your gown. When he did look at you, he visibly stopped in his tracks.
You were wearing a green velvet gown with lace accents, and he was completely enarmoured. When his gaze trailed upwards, he caught sight of his mothers necklace sitting around your neck. If you weren't already married, he'd would've proposed right now.
"You look stunning." He breathed out, hie pupils dilated. You chuckled softly, brushing your hand over the lapel of his jacket.
"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." You teased, earning a small smirk from him. His hands settled in your waist. Bruce hastily pulled you in for a passionate kiss.
The air was knocked from your lungs as his lips moved so perfectly against yours. You melted into his touch but caught yourself before you'd do something that'd make you two very late.
"Alright," you breathed heavily, steadying your hands on his chest, "that's enough, Lover boy. We have a Ball to host."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
All the guests had arrived and Bruce stepped into the center of the room, beginning his welcoming speech.
"Welcome, Everyone, I'm very glad you could join us here today for the annual Wayne Yule Ball. This is a tradition that my parents started that I wish to keep on as long as I can."
"This year will be a little different. Courtesy of my lovely wife, Mrs. Wayne," he looked in your direction and reached out his hand for you to take with a gentle smile, which you did without hesitation,"there will be a gingerbread house contest. I see you've brought your little ones and I hope that this will be a pleasant and memorable evening for us all." He ended his speech with a soft smile.
"Feel free to take as much times as you desire. Everything you need is provided, so all you need now is your imagination and creativity." You spoke up.
"Your delicious creations will be judged and the winner gets a nice reward. I hope you have a lovely time and a Merry Christmas!"
There was a small round of applause before old and young scrambled towards the tables decked with gingerbread, sprinkles and icing, to begin their gingerbread builds. You participated too, you'd teamed up with Selina, who had been nursing a flute of champagne until now.
Bruce and Lucius decided to indulge as well, already planning out their engineered masterpiece.
"Let's show 'em our claws." Selina smiled slyly. The lights made her dark blue dress embroidered with sparkling stars stand out. She looked very good this evening.
And Bruce might've paid for that dress... unknowingly.
"You got it, kitty." You replied with a smirk.
You were going the classic route. It would be a house, but more of a whimsical cottage type. Vines if icing were woven around the gingerbread walls, blooming into blankets of Ivy. The roof would be decked in sweet snow and delicate sugar flowers.
Selina couldn't help but add a tiny cat hidden at the back of the house. The atmosphere was delightful, laughter and chatter whisked through the room accompanied by the tunes of Christmas songs.
The decorations that adorned the walls and ceilings of the Manor dipped the room in a warm glow. You decided to glance over at Bruce and Lucius, to see what they'd come up with. When your gaze met their creation the piping bag of icing slipped from your hands and your jaw slacked.
"They built the goddamn batmobile." You said in disbelief, making your partner perk up.
She scoffed and went back to, now aggressively, pushing small sugar decorations into the icing.
"Show offs." Selina grumbled.
Bruce noticed your staring and shot you a toothy grin.
"A sweet ride, don't you think?"
You groaned at his terrible joke and shook your head.
"Unbelievable." You muttered, going back to perfecting your little house.
The chattered had died down as the judging began. Everyone watched in anticipation as Alfred made his way through room, inspecting each Gingerbread sculpture carefully. He made some small comments here and there, mainly on the ones the children had made.
In the end, a little girl and her sister won- they'd built, or at least tried to, a castle. Alfred thought it was very charming, and it reminded him of home, so naturally, he picked them as winners. They were overjoyed, jumping around excitedly, gushing it about it to their parents.
The girls earned a round of applause, and an arm slipped around your waist.
"A shame we didn't win." Bruce sighed playfully.
"I can't believe you built the batmobile. I expected a lot, but not that." You laughed, the lights reflecting off of you perfectly. Or at least that's what Bruce thought.
"But it was fun, don't you think? Thank you, again, for agreeing." You said softly. Bruce smiled at you, and gentle squeezed at your side.
"Anything for you. I can't wait to see what you come up with next year." He kissed your cheek, pulling you closer as you watched the joy and holiday cheer fill the room.
He truly couldn't wait for next year, to deck the halls with you by his side.
It didn't turn out as Christmas-y as I wanted it to, but I hope you enjoyed reading it nonetheless! <3
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sjonni33 · 11 months
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another tiny cow on a tiny painting (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ this is the only thing i can actually paint apparently <3 this time she's brown though :)
[prints & stickers] [support me on ko-fi]
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nat-20s · 11 months
Red Dwarf is probably my favorite media of All Time where like. Large fucking swaths of it are absolute dogshit lol. And the Good Stuff is only Good if you have very Specfic Tastes (a deep DEEP love of sci fi bullshit and putting guys in the world's dumbest situations)
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