#chuck taylor ruined my life
jessmaybank · 1 year
Cardigan - Part one; hand under my sweatshirt
Based on the song Cardigan by Taylor Swift
Series Masterlist
Paring(s): Rafe Cameron x Fem! Reader.
Word count: 5.2k
Summary: in which coming back from college and seeing him again, ruins everything.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs & violence, cheating, SMUT (a little), mentions & implications of public sexual acts, nipple play.
AN: lots of mutual pining, angst, jealousy and everything in between. Ex’s to lovers again. Flashbacks are in italics!
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When you are young, they assume you know nothing
But I knew you
The day she had been dreading had finally come. Ever since she left for college, ever since she abandoned the life that was once all she knew, she wondered how it would feel coming back to outer banks. Coming back to the place where it all started.
She left for college about a year ago, eager to escape the harrowing memories of her past, and the people she lost along the way. That’s what she told her family anyway, that she needed a fresh start. That she needed to get away from all the familiar faces who chewed up her kindness and spat it straight back out, again and again, without a second thought. but in reality, the only person she was running away from was her ex boyfriend Rafe.
Her mind had been permanently plagued with memory’s of him since she left, tainted by the deep-seated pain of her first love, and as much as she would love to avoid him forever, summer in obx was something she didn't want to miss, and she missed her family. So, inevitably, she sucked it up and got a flight home.
She wished the memory of him would dissipate into the evening breeze as she sat in her mothers car, watching the horizon pass her by just as quickly as it came as they drove home from the airport. The radio played quietly in the background as she gazed into the golden skyline through the window, and the closer she got to figure eight, the more the memories started flooding back, like a whirlwind reminder of what could have been.
“3, 2, 1, go!” Topper shouts from his seat on the camping chair next to her, the light crackling of the fire filling her ears as the flames devoured the wood that they had gathered.
The beach was littered with drunk teenagers, and numerous crowds of tents to house everyone for the weekend, as part of the annual camping trip which graced the Outer Banks beach every year, to mark the start of summer. This tradition also just happened to be her favourite.
Topper opens his beer as quickly as possible, wasting no time in tipping the liquid down his throat, gulping it down swiftly. Everyone else followed suit in chugging down the beverage, and her eyes screwed shut as she got about half way, the questionable taste making her regret the decision to partake in these games.
As always, Kelce finishes his drink first, scrunching his can in his hands and chucking it into the fire, the smile on his face an indication that he’s clearly impressed with himself. She envied his drinking skills as she gave up, retracting her lips from the can when only about a quarter was left, her face scrunching up as she swallows the last of the liquid in her mouth.
“Has beer always tasted this bad?” She says, not sure if she’s asking herself or her friends around her.
“If your a pussy Y/N, just say that” a male voice taunts, and she didn’t have to turn her head to know who it was.
Rafe made his way towards the group, a backwards baseball cap sitting on his head rather lazily, as the sound of his footsteps trudging in the sand got louder and louder.
She was thankful she was wearing sunglasses as she took in his shirtless state, her jaw threatening to drop as she gawks at her boyfriends washboard abs, the defined muscles practically staring back at her.
He halted his movements as he stood right next to topper, just in time to watch her stick her middle finger up at him, a fake glare hidden behind her sunglasses. The corners of his lips turned upwards into a devious smirk, the sun painting his face in a golden hue, and she had to poke her tongue into the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling at him.
“I thought you couldn’t come until later?” She says, reaching to get another beer from the cooler, the condensation from the can running down her fingers, before she extends her arm to pass it to him.
“I’m good at sweet talking” he says smugly, sending her a subtle wink that only she noticed, before taking the beer out of her hand, their fingers touching briefly. She rolled her eyes, even though he couldn’t see it, but it wouldn’t of mattered anyway. All he was concentrating on was the small grin that graced her features, her sweetness practically radiating off her. Rafe couldn’t believe someone as sweet as her would want to be with someone like him.
He thanked her for the beer with a quick peck on the lips, ignoring the gagging noises from Topper at their affections. She had been with Rafe for a while now, and although they had got used to the teasing from their friends, she wondered how much longer they would keep up the act for.
“Debatable. I bet you just didn’t wanna help set up the tents, so you lied about being busy” Topper says, used to his best friends lazy tactics.
“You think so low of me, Top” he says, a cheesy grin on his face as he adjusts his hat, before opening his can. He takes a swig, relishing in the cool liquid which contrasted heavily to the beaming sun which reflected down on them.
“Right, I’m going for a swim before the beach gets too crowded” she says, standing up from her chair and finishing the rest of her beer. She took off her rings that previously decorated her fingers before lifting her shirt over her head, blissfully unaware of the stunned expression on her friend’s faces as they admired her body.
Rafe, on the other hand, was all too aware. His clenched jaw was hard to miss as he slapped Toppers chest, sending both him and Kelce a glare.
“Wait for me” Rafe shouts as he watches her begin to walk down to the shore, almost loosing his balance as he observes her hips swaying from side to side. God, he could get used to that.
“Wait for me” Topper and kelce say at the same time, the mocking tone in their voices evident as they both laugh. And if they weren’t making fun of him, Rafe would of been impressed at how unionised they were. Rafe held his middle finger up, trying his best to maintain a serious look when Topper raised his arms up in surrender, a small smirk painted on his face.
The water was cool when she got in, her muscles relaxing almost immediately. She sighed as she fully submerged herself into the water, swimming deeper into the sea, but her relaxed aura disintegrated when she felt something wrap around her foot. She screamed as she turned around, her fearful expression contorting into a glare as she realised it was just Rafe, clearly trying to fuck with her.
“you make it too easy for me, baby” he laughs, pulling her body towards him, in awe of the freckles which danced along her cheeks, and all the way along her nose. But as her chest was pressed flush against his, she realised just how exhausted he looked, the bags under his eyes making her cringe a little.
“Are you okay?” She asks, concern laced in her voice as she runs a thumb along his slightly sunburnt cheek, just below his eyes.
She knew his dad had been putting him under a lot of pressure recently, and it pained her to see him like this, all tired and deflated. Even though he did his best to hide it from her, she could always tell.
He nodded, melting into her touch as he tilts his head, relishing in the gentle feel of her skin. His eyes shut for just a second as he snakes his arms around her waist, and it was moments like this she realised just how different he acted around her, compared to everyone else. And as much as she wished he wouldn’t put on a front all the time, she was grateful he let her see the real Rafe.
“Nothing I can’t handle baby. I just needed to see you” he says, and she couldn’t help but smile at her boyfriends sweet words, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
“I can’t believe Topper and Kelce are going to be cock blocking me all weekend” he says, and she rolled her eyes at his vulgar statement, his sweetness evidently short lived.
“Like that’s ever stopped us before” she says, a tight-lipped smile on her face as she tries to hide her smirk.
Rafe had a shit-eating grin on his face as he recalled their past public escapades, reminiscing about the numerous times they indulged in public, even when their friends were too close for comfort. He just couldn’t help it sometimes, and neither could she.
She giggled as he grabbed her thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze before wrapping her legs around his waist. The gentle waves crashing around them drowned out her gasp as she felt his cock press against her clothed pussy, already starting to harden underneath her.
“Well, in that case…” he trails off, his smile never wavering as he takes a quick look around, making sure no one was too close before he tightens his grip on her waist, dipping his head to claim her lips in a harsh kiss.
And as she tangled her fingers into his hair, making him hum into her mouth almost immediately, she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him.
“Have you thought about the summer camping trip yet sweetie? Seemed like you really enjoyed it last year” Her mother asks, ripping her gaze away from the road ahead, and it was moments like this where she had to question if her mother could read her mind.
She turned her head to meet her mothers gaze, scanning her features as if to look for signs that she was in fact a mind reader. She noticed that she had a certain look in her eyes that she couldn’t quite place, but whatever it was, was tinged with concern.
“Im not sure, i'll think about it” she says, fidgeting with one of the threads on her jumper sleeve, one of the many tells of her anxiety.
“Okay. Oh- I forgot to say, I know you didn’t want to do anything big for your birthday, but I just couldn’t help myself…” her mother starts, and the side eye she gave her was unmissable.
“Oh god. What have you done?” She says, eyes wide with fear. She never really cared for her birthday, and therefore never made a big deal out of it. She hoped this year wasn’t an exception.
“I’ve invited some families around for a small party, nothing crazy. The Thorntons, the Cameron’s, the-“
“The Cameron’s?” She says, her voice raised as she draws in a sharp breath, head snapping to face her mother so fast, she could of got whiplash.
Her eyes were wide as she attempted to register what her mother just said, her muscles tensing with fear as she felt her heart practically sink to her feet. She was going to have to see him again. And as soon as her mother took one look at her daughters face, she knew she had fucked up.
She wanted to blame her mother, but she couldn't really. To her mothers knowledge, there was no hostility towards her and Rafe, and their breakup was mutual. In other words, she has never told her mother the real reason they broke up, or the fact that they don't talk anymore. At the start, it was just too painful, and telling her meant it was actually real. Now, it was like bringing up old news, and she didn't want to revisit the ghosts of her past.
She spent the rest of the journey pleading with her mother to un-invite them, but she wouldn’t budge, claiming it would be too rude to tell them they couldn’t come now, and the damage had already been done. Although she had always had soft spots for Sarah and Wheezie, she knew seeing Rafe again would break her into pieces.
But that didn’t matter now, she thought to herself, eyes trained on the raindrops which had started to trickle down the car window, the moody clouds a reflection of her own dismay. Using her mothers words, the damage had been done, and it was now time to face the music.
I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better
She tapped her finger erratically on her leg as she sat on her desk chair in her bedroom, trying drastically to calm her nerves. This was officially the worst birthday ever, and she knew the worst was yet to come.
She finished the last of the wine she stole from her parents cupboards, the alcohol warming her insides as she inhales a deep breath, exhaling slowly, before checking her appearance in the mirror once again, ruffling her hair to give it more volume. She had already changed her outfit multiple times, wanting to make sure she looked good. But no matter how many times she checked her makeup, or fiddled with her hair, nothing felt sufficient.
She practically jumped out of her skin as the sound of the doorbell engulfed the house, her breath hitching in her throat. She sprayed her perfume on herself as her mother called her name, and gave herself a small but reassuring mental pep talk, before making her way down the stairs.
Her shoulders dropped with relief as she saw it was just the Thorntons, and she extended her arms out to embrace Topper as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Happy birthday! How is my favourite mai tai drinker?” Topper says as he hugs her, reminding her of the time she threw up after a long night of Mai tai’s and joints at his house; something that seemingly, she has never been able to live down.
“God, don’t remind me” she says, cringing at the memory.
“But that’s what friends are for?” He says, more of a question than a statement. His features held a playful expression, and she realised then she had missed her friends more than she thought.
She greeted Toppers parents, the familiar faces calming her anxiety a little as they all made their way to the garden, the music from the speakers getting louder and louder.
“This looks amazing mum, thank you” she said, a bright smile on her face as she hugs her mother, admiring all the decorations. Although this is definitely not what she wanted to be doing on her birthday, she could tell her mother put in a lot of effort, and she didn’t want to be ungrateful.
“Of course. Happy birthday darling” she says, before retreating in the kitchen to sort out a few things.
Once her mother was out of the sight, she pulled on Toppers arm, dragging him further down the garden, away from his parents “Top, I’m freaking the fuck out”
"what? why?" Topper says, his eyebrows furrowed.
"because, my moms invited-" her blood runs cold as she hears the doorbell again, and just by the look in her eyes, Topper instantly knew what was going on. “Rafe?” He asks. She nodded her head.
Luckily, it was just some old school friends, and she allowed her body to relax once again. She wondered how many mini-heart attacks it would take for Rafe to actually show up.
Her question was left unanswered as an hour past, and the Camerons still hadn't shown up. She didn't know whether she felt relieved or disappointed, but based on the heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach, she definitely felt uneasy.
Despite this, she was actually having a good time. Kelce and the rest of her school friends turned up, and lets just say her mums wine stash was growing lesser by the minute.
"okay everyone, inside for the cake!" her mother yells, and everyone followed her inside promptly, taking a seat on the large dining table. She was just about to offer to help her mum cut the cake, when the doorbell went again. Her eyes shut in defeat, knowing there was only one family that was yet to turn up.
"ah! your just in time for the cake! come in, come in" she could hear her mother mumble from the hallway, and her heart dropped.
Low and behold, the Camerons waltzed into the dining room, and suddenly, she was stone cold sober. Ward was absent, which wasn't exactly unusual. He had missed so many of Rafe's important milestones growing up, so it wasn't a surprise he wasn't interested in hers.
Her eyes grew soft as they met Rafes gaze. He looked pretty much the same, although his hair had grown, and the way his dirty blonde locks fell in front of his face was doing something to her that she couldn't quite explain.
She hadn’t seen him for so long, that the memories she had of him where that of a timid ghost; one that always lingered but never pounced, and never allowed her to fully heal. But as she was standing in front of him now, in the flesh, everything felt so much more real. And it was clear his ghost had come back to haunt her, as vicious as ever.
But as he got closer, and she got a good look at his face, her insides started to twist in the worst way possible. The skin of his cheek was bruised purple, his eye was basically black, and the numerous cuts and scrapes that danced along his skin were accompanied by a cut lip. She bit the inside of her cheek to hold back a gasp, and she was sure everyone else was doing the same.
Rafe's heart skipped a beat as he saw her, his rationality crumbling before his eyes as he glanced at the girl who was once his everything. It was like their whole relationship flashed before his eyes in that very moment, and it was hard for him to breath. He tore his eyes away from her as the overwhelming emotions became too much, finding solace in staring at his feet instead. She wondered then if this was as hard for him as it was for her.
Wheezie was first to approach her, giving her a big hug as she wished her happy birthday, before Sarah and Rose did the same. And then, it was Rafe’s turn.
“Hey” she says, her lips turning upwards into a small smile. God, he had missed her smile.
“Hi. You look nice” he said in a soft voice, hands hidden from her as he fiddled with something in his pockets, a hesitant look in his eyes. It may of been a while, but she still knew the boy inside and out, and just by the deflated look in his blue orbs, she could tell he wasn’t doing well.
“Thanks” she said, giving him a tight lipped smile in response. There was so much she wanted to say. But with so many people around, she couldn’t.
The next twenty minutes were extremely awkward. Rafe didn't say a word to anyone, and you could practically cut through the tension with a knife. Her eyes were glossy as she blew out her candles, and it took everything in her to fake a smile and hold herself together. She had a good poker face, but Rafe could see right through her as he sat across the table, a pit of dread in his stomach as he observed the sadness that lay behind her eyes. He poked and prodded at his untouched piece of cake as he matched her dull expression, before Sarah decided to break the silence.
"so Y/N, hows college? are the people nice?"
"um, yeah" she says, swirling her fork around her plate. She really wasn't in the mood to elaborate.
"she's made lots of friends, haven't you sweetie? she even has a new-"
"mom" she says, more as a warning, looking up from her plate now.
"what? as i was saying, she as a new boyfriend" her mother says, as oblivious as ever, pausing to take a sip from her wine glass.
her eyes shut in defeat for a second, but she didnt miss the way Rafe's eyes snapped up, his jaw clenching at the revelation. she's moved on.
it was true, she had a new boyfriend. The relationship was new, but he was sweet. She would be lying if she said he made her feel the things Rafe did, though.
"oh, thats wonderful! whats he like?" Toppers mum says, blissfully unaware of the chaos she was provoking.
"um-" she was cut off with a clang before she could even start her sentence, everyones eyes darting to Rafe as the sound of him dropping his fork on his plate fills the room, his fists balled on the table.
"excuse me" Rafe says, not waiting for a response before he jumps up, storming out of the room without so much as a glance. She mumbles a quick "fuck" under her breath, her guilty conscience getting the best of her when she too sprang up, following him out of the room without giving it too much thought.
She walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, her movements coming to a halt when she spotted him outside, staring at him through the glass doors that led to the garden. She grabbed a random sweatshirt from one of the kitchen stools, and took a deep breath before heading outside.
He didn't look at her as she walked out, but he knew she was there. instead, he gazed at the pool in front of him. "new boyfriend, huh?" he says, shoving his hands in his pockets, his jaw still clenched.
"Yeah well, atleast he can actually look me in the eyes" she says, folding her arms over her chest. He took that as a dig, and turned to look at her then, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. It was painfully obvious he was still in love with her, hell, he probably always would be. But who could blame him? It was the kind of love you only saw in the movies, the same kind of love Rafe never believed in, until he met her.
"what happened to your face?" she says weakly, just above a whisper, as if it pained her to say it.
he opened his mouth and then closed it again, like a gulping fish, debating whether to tell her the truth or not. His mouth opened once again, ready to speak before his eyes trailed down to her sweatshirt. And just like that, he froze.
“You kept it” he says, and her eyes followed his, peering down at her sweatshirt before she too froze. Holy shit, she forgot it was his.
She walked with Sarah out into the garden at the Cameron house, taking a sip of her vodka orange as she walked past Rafe to the sun beds. He was watering the plants, no doubt a chore his dad asked him to do before he left the house this morning. But given his shirtless state, she definitely wasn’t complaining.
They had just started seeing each other, but they hadn’t told anyone yet, not wanting to deal with the agro from their friends. But again, she wasn’t complaining. As it turns out, sneaking around was a lot of fun.
“Have you no shame? Uncle Reggie doesn’t even drink this early” Rafe taunts, referring to his alcoholic relative Reggie, who had a reputation for always ruining family events.
“Debatable. I once saw him use tequila instead of milk in his cereal” Sarah says.
“Bite me, Cameron” she claps back at Rafe, smiling sweetly at him before perching on the sun bed.
I’d love to, he thought, but he bit his tongue at the presence of his sister. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her summer dress, the flimsy material just daring to be pulled down her body as he glanced at the flirtatious look that danced in her eyes.
“That’s a dangerous thing to say to a man with a hose” he threatens, his signature smirk gracing his cherry red lips. She wasn’t sure she could get used to his smile even if she tried.
“You wouldn’t dare” she says, confident in her words as she laid back in the chair with her eyes closed, letting the sun drench her skin.
“Wouldn’t i?”
her eyes shot open as she felt cold water being sprayed all over her body, a loud scream leaving her lips.
“Holy shit!” She screams, springing up from the chair to run away from him, a breathy laugh leaving her lips. He stopped eventually, once he had his fun, but the amused look on his face turned into a stunned expression, his mouth agape as he noticed the way her dress had become somewhat transparent.
“Perv!” Sarah says to her brother, eyeing the way he was shamelessly staring at her wet figure. She mentally cursed him then for his lack of control, he didn’t even try to hide it.
She went inside to change, grabbing the first thing she saw in the laundry room, which happened to be a pair of sweatpants and a blue sweatshirt. It wasn’t the most flattering outfit in the world, but it would do. When she opened the door to make her way back into the garden, she found Rafe on the other side of it.
“Scale of 1 to 10?” He says, a cheeky look on his face.
Whenever they would bicker or annoy each other, they would always ask the other to rate their rage in a scale of 1 to 10, as a way of gaging whether the disagreement was serious or not.
“A strong 9. I’m plotting my revenge as we speak” she says, a smile painting her face that made all of his defences crumble. He let out a genuine chuckle at her remark
“Your wearing my sweatshirt” he observes, a cheesy grin on his face as he raises his eyebrows.
At this point, their secret relationship was lacking a label, and she wasn’t sure if they were at the clothes-wearing stage yet. “Oh, sorry. I’ll take it off” she says, her voice weak. She went to lift the material over her head when he stopped her.
“No, no, keep it. You look good in it” he says, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling her closer.
“Plus…I want you wearing it when I do this” he says, guiding her backwards into the laundry room and shutting the door with his foot. She giggled as he began peppering sweet kisses on her neck, and her hands immediately clung to his hair, relishing in the feel of his soft lips. He just couldn’t help but smirk into her skin as her breathing got heavier and heavier, and it dawned on him then that, label or not, he was hers. “Your smooth Cameron, I’ll give you that”
“Of course I kept it” she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And to her, it was.
His features softened at her words, and he came to the realisation then that maybe, just maybe, all hope wasn’t lost. He tried to stop himself from stepping towards her, but he just couldn’t. And as soon as the smell of her perfume invaded his senses, he knew he was a goner.
“Does your boyfriend touch you like I did?” He asks, his voice low as he dips his head to hers, eyes focused on her glossy lips. One wrong move, and his lips would be on hers.
She couldn’t deny the way her insides melted as her eyes widened slightly, a certain intensity laying behind his eyes that made all of the blood rush to her head. The lust within his blown out pupils only added fuel to the fire as he brought his hands up to her thighs, tracing his fingers upwards along her skin, before his hands reached under the hem of her sweatshirt.
Her breath hitched in her throat as his hands dipped under the material, roaming around her bare hips, pulling her closer to him, if that was even possible. One hand then settled on the small of her back, whilst the other creeped up to her clothed breast. He swiped his thumb over her hardened nipple, and as she let out a small whimper, he had to bite his lip to suppress a smirk.
“I-“ her words turned into mush as he pushed the top of her dress aside, making her jerk against him as he pinches her nipple. The cold metal of his rings cooled down her burning skin as he touched her breast, and she felt like her knees were going to give way at any moment.
“I bet he doesn’t” he whispers in her ear, taunting her even further, even though based on her reaction, he already knew her answer. She could feel his smirk when he placed a kiss on her head, his familiar after shave making her question why they even broke up in the first place. She knew then that she was screwed.
The sound of the garden door opening snapped her out of her blissful trance, and she pulled away from him, ignoring every urge in her body that wanted to pull him close again. The loss of her warmth almost made him frown as the distance between them increased, and when he saw topper standing at the top of the garden, he never wanted to punch his best friend more.
“Uh, your mum wanted me to check if everything is alright” Topper says awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as he tried to ignore what he just walked in on.
“Yeah, um, we should probably head back in” she says, refusing to meet Rafe’s eyes as she turns on her feet, making her way back inside.
“Top, give us a minute” Rafe says, and she halts her movements, turning back around to face him. Topper nodded his head swiftly before treating back indoors.
“I just- I got you this. Happy birthday” he says, walking over to her, before pulling out a small box in his pocket. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper, finished off with a small white ribbon, and she couldn’t help the wide smile that escaped her lips. He got her a present.
“Oh. Thank you” she said, taking the box out of his hand. Their fingers brushed briefly, and she couldn’t ignore the butterflies she felt in her stomach.
“We should…” she starts, gesturing her hand towards the house.
“Oh. Yeah” he says, his voice somewhat shaky. It was strange how he could go from dominant to a nervous reck in the space of a few seconds. He hated what she turned him into. She was the only one that could break his defences by the click of a finger, and it was terrifying.
He wanted to grab her hand, or yell for her to stay, but he didn’t. Instead, he waltzed back up the garden steps behind her, before entering the dining room again with one question on his mind.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you miss me?
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danny-chase · 2 years
How many times has Dick been homeless/Alcoholic?
You're like the Wikipedia of the titans btw (compliment)
Thank you! It helps having friends who are just as obsessed with other characters on the team as you! So there's not really a short answer to this question, and it's going to depend on which timelines you're pulling from/consider canon and you're own interpretation of the scenes, image descriptions are in the alt text, i ordered these based on when the comics came out:
There's this time in NTT where no one's quite sure where he lives
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The New Teen Titans #33
So this one is very open to interpretation, but for me it was weird that Kory didn't know where Dick is living, because in #29 Donna says he's working with the Titans, alone, with Bruce, and going to college. At this point to my knowledge, he doesn't have his own apartment (I'd need to double check with Batman/Detective Comics to be sure though). Why Kory didn't go to his college, I'm also not sure. But clearly the Titans still thought he was living at home but he's not. He does have a room in Titans tower, so I would say he's not technically homeless, but he kinda disappeared for a hot second. This scene takes place during the Adrian Chase arc and sometime after that and before The Judas Contract, he moves into his own apartment.
2. Dick's post-crisis departure from Bruce
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Batman (1940) #416
Now what a lot of people get wrong about this era is that Bruce didn't kick Dick out - he fired Dick from Robin and as Dick describes it:
"For six years you trained me to be a crime fighter, then denied me that role. Of course, you assured me that it was for my own good. I lay there with a bandaged shoulder and my life in ruins. You smiled, kicked a great big hole in my life, then walked out of the room. I didn't see what option I had, other than to split. Alfred tried to talk me out of it. It was Alfred who forced money on me so I'd have something to live on. You couldn't even be bothered to say goodbye."
So while Bruce probably would have been okay with Dick moving back in after he dropped out of college, Dick didn't feel like he could come back home and he didn't have a permanent residence until he moved in with the Titans/rented his own apartment. This origin i think was retold by tom taylor but i'm not super paying attention to that run
3. Dick gets evicted, unclear living situation take 2
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The New Titans #97
Basically at this point the tower is destroyed and they don't really show where Dick's living after getting evicted and his stuff burning up :/ so whether he's crashing on someone's couch or figured something else out, i don't know
4. Dick gets sent to juvenile detention for being homeless
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Robin Annual (1993) #4
So technically he has a bed to sleep in, but post his parents dying, in this retelling of his origin (this one is by Chuck Dixon, who wrote a good chunk of his solo comic) he ends up sent to Gotham City's Youth Center, which is not really a home or an orphanage, it's more like a juvenile detention facility and some of the kids jump him like immediately after this panel. So, it's not exactly a safe place to be, but it's also not the street (although he can climb out and tries running away pretty quickly before being told to go back by Batman), he spent a month here before he moves to a permanent home with Bruce
5. Dick runs away
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Robin: Year One #3
Again, he's not explicitly kicked out, but Bruce neglected him after he got injured in the Two Face incident to the point where he felt completely unwanted/unloved, was miserable and decided to leave. He joins a gang soon after this. This story is retold later in the Nightwing run, and has Dick as 12 when the two face part happens and 17 when he runs away for different reasons (it's kind of like - two different authors reference two different parts of the story, one of which is Marv Wolfman, and he changes a lot about it, but i'm not bothering to count the incident twice, and this was the first time the running away bit appeared in canon)
6. The Blockbuster arc
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Nightwing (1996) #91
So this is the first time we literally see Dick sleeping on the streets. Basically the rundown is, his apartment got blown up, Haly's Circus was burnt down, and Blockbuster was killing people just for talking to him so yeah :(
7. Skaboom
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Batman (1940) #649
So at this point, Dick was drifting and living with the mob/training Rose Wilson and didn't exactly have a stable home life, and then DC decided to drop a bomb on his city, so all of that blew up. He proceeded to go on a cruise with Bruce and Tim and um. yeah sure that fixes things i guess (the only point in this cruise that we see, to my knowledge, is Bruce ditching the two of them to go live in a cave, and Tim and Dick having some fun international adventures, though to be fair, i didn't read the batman comics at the time, and the recap was in Tim's robin solo). when he gets back, he finds an apartment
8. Ric
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Nightwing (2016) #50
So during the Ric arc, Ric breaks into other people's homes to sleep, or sleeps in his cab. Points to Alfred for giving him money (again). I'm thinking this is where you're bringing in the problems with alcohol. This is the only arc that I know of where Dick/Ric drinks frequently (he has a bar tab, but full disclosure, I haven't actually read the whole arc, so i'm not sure the extent to which he drinks)
If i missed any feel free to add on
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 10, "The Bracebridge Dinner" Part 1
You can read my previous reviews here.
Brace-Bridge Din-Ner Brace-Bridge Din-ner Brace-Bridge Din-Ner YEAH!!!
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Motivational Plaque: In a Sea of Run Away Little Boy's, be a Bracebridge Dinner. This is my third favorite episode after "They Shoot Gilmores Don't They"?" and "Lorelai's Graduation Day"! (I know I said it was #2 in my previous post but I somehow forgot about LGD). I can watch it over and over!
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It's a beautiful winter's day in Star Hollow. There's a crisp chill in the air, the unemployed townies are hard at work building snowmen, Taylor Doose has assembled yet another front for his financial crimes ("The Stars Hollow Winter Festival", not to be confused with "The Stars Hollow Winter Carnival") and somewhere in North Carolina, Diet Logan is getting hazed at Military School. Ahhhhh. *breathes in* All is right in the world. For now. Lorelai and Rory are complaining that Snow's mouth is crooked and Rory says she has "stroke mouth" which is not a very nice thing to say, and all I could think about is poor Milo.
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Me when Dean shows up in a few minutes (but at least he mostly stays in his lane and manages to not completely ruin this episode for once).
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No, no, no, no. CHRISTOPHER is in this flawless episode? How did I black him out of my memory?
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Jackson's like, "Uh, come again Sookie?"
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Uh oh is right. Of course he has a sign that says OBEY. with a giant creepy eye. GTFO out of my 3rd Favorite Episode, what are you doing here you fucklenut? "I know Rory has a school break coming up and I'd like her to come and visit for a few days." How CONVENIENT. Summary: Crusty:Ask Rory if she wants to visit me. Lorelai: Okay will do. ANNYWAAAY Does anyone else wonder where Jess is whenever he isn't around? Just me? Okay..
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Have I ever mentioned how fascinated I am by the offscreen, unseen world of the Rory-less life at Stars Hollow High School? Yeah, I know, several times. I admit it's kind of weird that I'm obsssed with an imaginary world where Dean would be a main character.
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I am Jess Mariano's defense lawyer, and whatever this Chuck Presby did, I'm sure he deserved it.
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Those curly curls. "You saw it was me Jess, why did you keep punching?" *shrugs* "I had momentum." Valid defense. Free my client he is innocent.
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Thiiiin lips! Oh he mad. "Luke's coming to the dinner with Jess." "I'll put Jess in a room with Miss Patty." "There will be no Jess left in the morning." I'm starting to think Miss Patty is on a sex offender registry.
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Me to anyone who doesn't like my commentary.
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Who let Crustypher have a dog? Where is the dog? Should I call the ASPCA?
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An appearance by Babette makes any episode better.
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Clara is me. I am Clara.
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Is this the debut of Jess' Ugly Oversized Vomit Brown Coat? What wretched church donation bin did Liz find this thing in? The only inanimate object I despise more than the Stars Hollow Bridge is this coat.
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Dean: He better not do that all night. Do what all night? Wave at people? Shut the fuck up.
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(portrait of the author watching this scene)
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Jess & Luke reacting to "there are horse drawn sleighs outside and everyone gets a ride." Lorelai: There's something so magical about Stars Hollow this time of year. Luke: Yeah, there's the magical plumbing supply store where I bought a magical toilet float last year. Listen up everybody! Luke Danes has learned the secret of parenting and he's going to tell us what it is! Luke: I learned that sometimes you gotta lie to your kid to spare them a lot of hurt. Liz knew that Jess had some time off from school, but she never called, so I lied to him and told him his Mom wanted him to come home but since he was still adjusting here that I thought he should stay, and that his Mom was really upset by that but I insisted he stay here. He bought it hook, line and sinker. Heh heh. What?
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Also. Like Liz Danes would be sober enough to know or care that he was on winter break.
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Jess, sweetheart, my love, my darling traumatized baby boy, my little cupcake sweetymuffin cutiecookie with precious sprinkles on top, here's my credit card, go buy yourself a new coat. You deserve a treat after all you've been through. #BurnThatCoat
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I just think it's reaaaal shifty that they bought Liz into the show as a regular character and they made her surface level cute and quirky! Look at the goofy hippy making bracelets for the renaissance faire! Teehee! Did they think I would forget shit like this? NO. I HATE HER.
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Now, I think I should get something important out of the way in regards to these reviews. If it seems like I'm not saying much about Jess or Jess&Rory, it's not beacuse I don't absolutely adore the ever loving shit out of him. But everything that can ever be said about Jess and Rory has been said at this point. They have been analyzed, dramatized, scrutinized, gificized, lyricized, TaylorSwifticzed, FanficiSized and picked apart like a herd of hyenas going to town on an antelope. i don't think any other couple in the history of television whose tenuous and let's face it, quite unhappy relationship only lasted less than one season has been dissected as much as Literati. So if I don't put every little interaction, every line, every breath they take under a microscope and gloss over some things, don't hold it against me. Never you fret. Jess Mariano is always on my mind. Besides, my style is more about cynical mockery, searching for Millennial references, picking apart the things no one else cares about, coming up with new and creative ways for Dean Forrester to die, searching the background for misspelled signs, and begging Jess to buy a new coat. So yes I am intently watching the cute scene with Jess and Rory in the sleigh. I promise. With that out of the way...let's continue.
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'The gang's all here. So nice. Ran out of room, part 2 in another post, you know the drill.
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We desperately need another place to live soon. Send up your prayers. Send up your good thoughts. Send up something. We can't afford to keep wasting money on motel rooms or doing quick fixes on the van to extend its life some more, or paying money so places will simply accept our applications for housing(and then never get back to us).
On the side, Bethy has once again worn out her welcome somewhere. She can't keep staying where she is at and a distant family member of the family is making nasty comments about her all the time and making her feel horrible every time she comes around. Bethy is very likable and easily makes friends, so mom is sus of why this grown ass woman seems to have it out for a 15 y/o.
We can't afford to have Bethy with us rn though because it'll be another mouth to feed and room prices as based half on how many people are there and half the room itself. The same room's price will fluctuate depending on how many people are staying in it, and we'll be trapped in the van even more because there won't be any money to make up for the additional person and there will be less food bought because we're stretched thin enough as it is.
I just found out my bed(all of our beds tbh) and all of my clothes were eaten through by rats because the storage unit wasn't as fortified as it was hyped up to be. Bethy found the one bit of Taylor Swift merch I was able to get years back, and they literally tried to chew through the box. Half of our shit is ruined anyway and we had to chuck much of it, so it's not like we'll have much to bring with us now.
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I'm so sick of being homeless and being too poor for places to accept. I'm also sick of people demanding you pay them to accept your application and then you don't get the money back.
It's been 15 months and still no progress, and we've been on some waiting lists as far back as May 2021. Over 100 applications for housing have been sent in across 7 states. Over $500 wasted on just 'application fees' and 'processing fees'. We've been open to anything.
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I Know I Can Treat You Better Than He Can
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x gender neutral!reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
Word count: 1,505
Summary: Upon catching your boyfriend cheating, you’re hurt and heartbroken so you go to your best friend, Chuck Taylor for comfort. When he finally admits his true feelings to you, will you feel the same, or will your friendship be ruined?
Warnings: Swearing, reader gets cheated on
A/N: I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible. Also, as I was writing this, Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes kept popping into my head, and I thought about it and realized how well it fit. So here’s the song if you wanna listen!
You knew you probably shouldn’t, but you couldn’t help yourself. You really needed him. He’s been there through it all; he’s your best friend.
You wiped your eyes the best you could. You knew he’d be able to tell due to your red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. You sucked in a breath and went for it, knocking three times on the door. You didn’t have to wait long before the door opened revealing the person you knew you could always count on: Chuck Taylor.
He takes in your appearance after he hears you sniffle a few times, not asking questions just yet, he ushers you inside his home. You’re aware he shares his home with his friend they call Orange Cassidy. You’ve met him multiple times, and you would consider him a friend.
Cassidy was on the couch when you entered the room. He looked up upon hearing the footsteps and, when he saw the look on your face, he knew the two of you needed the room. Never one for words, Orange gave you nod in acknowledgment and a pat on the shoulder as he passed by you to exit the room; his way of comforting you and letting you know he’ll help however you need. You give the quiet man a forced smile and a whispered “Thanks” not trusting yourself to say much more.
Chuck gently pulls you to the couch and you drop down on it, letting out a puff of air. He scoots closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into him, his chin resting on the top of your head once you settle against his chest. He doesn’t say anything for while, just letting you get it all out.
You feel so safe, loved, and comfortable in Chuck’s embrace; hell, you feel that in general whenever he’s around. Once you’ve calmed down enough to trust your voice, you wipe your eyes and look up at Chuck; you don’t know what exactly you did to have him as your best friend, but your damn sure glad you did it.
When he feels you move, he relaxes his arms so you can sit up, only to catch you looking at him; he feels his heart skip a beat and breath hitch. He knows now isn’t the time to be feeling like this, but it’s how he always feels when you’re around. He gathers himself before speaking, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
You thought about it briefly before ultimately nodding your head. “Yeah, I think so.” You watched as Chuck truly focused on you, giving you his undivided attention. “I… I caught him…. I caught him with some blonde at the cafe down the street from my apartment. They were sitting practically on top of one another…. I stopped on the sidewalk trying to figure out a reason. I ended up getting one when I saw him kiss her. It wasn’t a kiss on the cheek or the forehead; it was right on the lips. It was no peck on the lips kiss either; they were sucking face right there in the open.” You stopped to take a deep breath to keep from crying again, angry tears this time.
As Chuck listened to you recounting the events, he was fuming. How could someone do that to another person? More importantly to you? He was trying his best to keep calm, but he noticed your feelings changing from hurt to anger as you spoke.
“How dare he! How dare he do this to me! I gave him the best two years of his life!” You shouted, anger dripping from your lips and radiating off you. “I should have known he didn’t truly feel the same because he never put in the effort like I did.” You sighed, laying back in the couch, head resting on the back of the couch and staring at the ceiling. “I guess the past few months when he would go out with his friends; he was really going to see that girl. Why didn’t I notice sooner?” You asked, seriously curious; you had always been able to see the red flags in your friends relationships, but now you’re left wondering: how could you have been so blind when it came to your own relationship?
After Chuck knew you were done talking and he finally cooled off, he decided it was time to speak. “I know you already know this, but you deserve some who values you.” He couldn’t stop himself, the words fell out of his mouth before he could process what he said, “If I was your boyfriend, I’d pepper you with kisses and gifts and spoil you so bad.” He froze, eyes wide when his brain finally caught up. Did he really just say that? He wasn’t supposed to say that; only think it. He had decided he was going to tell you soon, thanks to Trent and Orange Cassidy constantly encouraging him; this wasn’t how he planned it though. He wasn’t sure how you felt about him, and he’d be completely devastated if he lost you because of this. He couldn’t look at you, holding his breath, hoping this was all a dream. When he heard you speak, he knew it was reality.
“I know I deserve better, I thought that—wait…” You cut yourself off, Chucks words registering slowly but surely. “Did you just indirectly say you want to be my boyfriend?” You questioned, wanting to make sure your mind and ears aren’t playing tricks on you. Turning to face him, you notice he’s looking everywhere but at you; you had heard him correctly. Chuck was mentally kicking himself for possibly ruining everything; how could he not catch himself, not stop his words, or think it through? You gently reached out and softly took his chin between you thumb and index fingers, turning his head and making him look at you. You weren’t mad or upset; honestly, you never really thought about your best friend like that, but now you’re thinking back to all those times he was the only one there for you, how you remembered feeling in those moments. Chuck had seen you at your highest of highs and your lowest of lows. He saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. You never noticed until this very moment that you were trying to fight those feeling that would float and flutter around when you were in his presence; it didn’t matter if other people were present or the two of you were alone.
Chuck let you turn his face towards yours, knowing that he has to face the consequences of his words. He finally built up the courage to look you in the eyes. He noticed you were lost in thought but still had your eyes on him. “I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that, especially not now. I get it if you don’t—” You cut him off, crashing your lips onto his. You realized that the only person that was going to value you, pepper you with kiss, shower you with love and affection, spoil you, and make you laugh was your best friend, Chuck Taylor. Your kiss was one-sided until, after a few moments, Chuck began to reciprocate, letting himself go, letting you feel every ounce of love and adoration he had for you. Now was as good a time as any. You were surprised at the intensity, feels overwhelming you so much that you had to break the kiss.
When you pulled back, you felt yourself tearing up and smiling like you won the lottery, and, in your opinion, you did. Chuck slowly opened his eyes, a smile plastered on his face, but that changed into a frown. Worried and concern, he quickly placed his hands on either side of your face, wiping away the tears that fell. “Was it that bad? I know I haven’t kissed anyone in a while—” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“No! It was perfect.” You reassured him, bring your hands up to hold his wrists. “Those were happy tears. I felt everything you put into that kiss; all the love you’ve kept to yourself. I’m so sorry I didn’t pay attention to my own feelings and listen to my gut or my heart. I’m sorry it took me this long to admit to myself what I knew deep down — it’s always been you.” You apologized, feeling terrible about coming to him with all your boy troubles and boy drama when he had to have been feeling like he wasn’t good enough for you.
“It’s always been you too.” He repeated your words back to you. “Let me treat you like you deserve.” He whispered. You couldn’t speak, too captivated by his sweet words and handsome face; all you could do is nod your head and lean forward pressing your lips to his one more time; this time the kiss was slow and sweet, filled with all the love could have ever dreamed of.
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theline-wecrossed · 1 year
i fold
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“It’s Nice To Have A Friend” by Taylor Swift
I don’t know how I feel.
I know how I feel. How I’ve always felt. How I’ve felt since I met you.
When did I meet you Dylan? I don't remember. That was so long ago, you kind of just appeared. I remember playing in a playgroup as kids. Hot wheels races and sweet iced tea. Coloring books on picnic tables. Fairy and toad hunting. Rock collecting. Dad called us inside after hours in the sun. Chasing after your dark tangled hair, shouting with laughter.  And then you were gone. I think it was July, because Mom left us around the same time. You know what? Maybe it was that house party. That's when we saw each other again. I had never really been a social person. I left Ridgecrest after graduation and was planning on never looking back. And then I came home over the summer, because I didn’t get into that research seminar. Damn I’m still pissed about that.
“Hey you look like you need a drink” you had said, handing me a red solo cup. And you know what. I did . I did need a drink. That semester was the worst. I don’t think I had left my dorm for weeks. I couldn't even bring myself to get out of bed. I had stopped taking my meds. Your hair was shorter than when we were kids. Messy black and wavy. You don’t anymore but you loved to wear your thick black eyeliner. You looked at me so intensely, your green eyes were like, like piercing my soul. Whoa okay that was cringey as hell. I didn’t know it then but you always do that when you get super drunk. You make the most unsettling eye contact and then you would read me like a book. You always get myself out of my own head. It’s like my anxiety floats away when I’m with you. You did that at that party, I remember you grabbed my arm and dragged me out of whoever’s dingy basement we were in. I think it was Cora’s. You dragged me up the stairs and out the front door onto Cora’s porch. Wait no it was Sylvie’s  because Sylvie’s parents had that green porch swing. I could hear the bass of whatever shitty song was playing, thumping from underneath my beat up chuck taylors as we climbed up the stairs. It was so hot that day. “ It’s so loud in there. It's so much better up here” you said, sipping your drink, slurring a little. “I think I remember you. I- I would play in your yard alllll the time…” you trailed off, head certainly in another realm, as you collapsed onto the porch swing, hand still gripping my wrist. And that was it. We talked for hours. I don’t even know what we talked about. I don’t even remember. The only thing I remember was wishing that you would never let go of my wrist. Your animated eyes that made me laugh for the first time in months. How we spent the entire summer together. How I couldn’t stop thinking about you when I had to leave again in the fall. Every time I come back again and leave I have to pretend it's fine. And now I’m leaving again. I can’t believe she feels the same.
So why did I not tell her? It was right there. She is right there.
Sawyer glanced over at the passenger seat where Dylan was sitting, restless. The stars were out now, and no signs of life for miles around.
Well I know how I feel but I don’t want to fuck this up. 
“Dylan, what if we let this happen and everything is ruined. I can’t lose you. I can’t risk losing this, losing us.”
Shit. Did I say that out loud? I guess I’m doing this.
Grabbing Sawyer’s hand Dylan chuckled.
“I’m not worried about it Sawyer, you need to stop worrying so much”
0 notes
plentyoffandoms · 3 years
Welcome Back
Trent? X f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me.
Gifs belong to @allelitewrestlings & @backfliptopancake
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Trent? Masterlist
Greg - Trent? ☆ Dustin - Chuck Taylor ☆ James - Orange Cassidy ☆ Jim - Wheeler Yuta ☆ John - Rocky Romero ☆ Austin - Adam Cole
Summary: f/Reader, who has a crush on Trent? is in for a shock of her life.
Kris and the guys were overly excited today and they won't tell me why and trust me I tried to get them to tell me.
"Why won't you tell me?" I almost begged Kris.
"Why ruin the suprise? Just enjoy it YN."
I even tried to get Dustin to tell me and even he wouldn't! And that guy doesn't know how to keep a secret even if his life depends on it.
No use asking James and Jim as I know they wouldn't tell me. So I guess I will just have to suffer and wait until the suprise reveals itself.
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Now Kris, James, Jim and I are walking out for Dustin and John. I already had a match earlier and I am tired but I have to go out with them.
I am one of the newer members of their group and have been ever since Greg left due to his injuries.
Which was really unfortunate as him and I were excited to be working together after all these years.
We have been friends for so long but never had a chance to work with one another.
Hopefully he will be back soon as video chats and text messages just are not cutting it anymore.
You see, I have slowly started to fall for the man and I tried to fight it, believe me I did, but he would send me gifts when he knew I was sad.
Always knew when to call and when we came to see him after his surgery, he just held my hand as we talked.
But we neither one of us talked about it and just pretended that stuff never happened.
I tried not to focus on him as I was watching the match infront of me. I tried to intervene a few times as I was supposed too, but someone in the crowd actually pulled on my arm.
Then security had to come and break me and some random guy up as he refused to let go. The match continued behind us but James and Kris were right there with me.
The guy eventually let go and was kicked out of the show. He was probably drunk but I didn't care.
For the rest of the match, Kris was near my side the whole entire time. I groaned once I saw Nick and Matt win.
Then James went into the ring, then Austin did. I was about to rush in there as well but Jim came rushing down the ramp and Kris held me back.
I gave her a confused look as she is usually one of the first people in there to back up our guys.
But then she pointed to the other side and my mouth dropped open at the white van pulling in.
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It can't be?
Oh my fucking God it is!
And fuck me he looks good. I mean Greg has always looked good, but shit.
"Girl, tone it down. You are turning me on with the look you are giving him." Kris said jokingly to me.
I shoved her away and she laughed as she watched me run to the side of the ring to watch him in action. Kris ran to meet up with Sue.
Dustin has joined me at the side of the ring, him too watching his friend return to wrestling.
"He has been talking about this none stop for weeks."
"He didn't mention it to me."
"Greg asked us not too. He wanted to suprise you YN."
I gave Dustin a confused look. He just laughed and shook his head at me. "Oh come on, you can't see that the guy is absolutely in love with you and has been for years."
"I hoped he did but whenever I brought it up, he just changed the subject."
"That is just how he is. He isn't that good at showing emotions and you know that YN. You will have to be the one to take the first step with him."
Dustin then began to climb into the ring and held his hand out to help me up. I knew what was going to happen and I am excited.
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I made sure I was right next to him, but that didn't stop Dustin from reaching around me to pat Greg on the chest.
I had my arms wrapped around Greg, my front against his side. "Welcome back Greg." He kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes.
"Thank you YN."
I did something I never thought I would ever do infront of a live crowd and on cameras, I pulled Greg's head down and captured his lips with mine.
No response from him and I thought I misread everything but he wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss.
James, Dustin, John and Jim were clapping and the crowd started to as well. "About damn time." Dustin said.
I gave him the finger behind my back and broke off the kiss from Greg. "Keep it PG you two." Jim said.
"You and me are going out for breakfast." Greg said as he whispered in my ear.
"Oh yeah. I have waited long enough for you. You are coming home with me tonight and I am going to give you the best night of your life."
I practically jumped him but held myself back.
Oh yeah this was the best suprise anyone could of asked for.
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey
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biisexualemma · 3 years
crazy. oscar diaz
word count: 1847
warnings: bit of swearing but mainly angsty/fluff
requested: ‘Hey boo could I ask for an imagine with spooky where him and reader fight like crazy with each other like they're friends but they get on each other's nerves a lot and one/both of them realised they actually like the other? And they confess? Idk yhis is dumb I guess but I like the idea of them annoying each other and arguing like crazy before realising they like each other more than they'd like to admit🥺 thank you so much if you go with this!! 💛💛’
plot: best friends / haters / lovers?
"suck my dick!"
"gladly!" he shouted back.
your frown deepened when he said this. you groaned with frustration. he always had better comebacks than you did, it drove you crazy in instances like this (which were pretty frequent).
you turned around to leave before the conversation could escalate any further. "you know, you should really watch your mouth, mami," he shouted before you could get to the door, and you couldn't leave it alone.
spinning around, you marched back over to him with a pointed finger. "don't tell me what to do, papi," you poked at his chest as you mimicked his little nickname.
oscars eyes widened for a split second, before regaining his composure. you faltered for a second, unsure of what had just happened. his nostrils flared a little and he closed his eyes for a second. "you're the most annoying hyna i've ever met."
you paused. "so you think i'm pretty?"
he rolled his eyes. "actually, shut up."
you let out a small smile, still kinda annoyed with him, as he was with you. he shoved you away from him, shaking his head and leaving the room.
"yeah, you go to your room mister," you teased. oscar stopped in his tracks and you knew you'd probably teased him one too many times for today. you cracked a proper smile this time, in fear of what was coming. he turned around and saw your face.
he immediately marched over, grabbing your waist as you squealed. he threw you over his shoulder before tossing you onto the couch. you let out a loud laugh as he did. your teasing worked every time, he was so easy.
"asshole," you breathed in between laughs. oscar picked up a pillow and chucked it at you.
"i can't believe it took me so long to realise how much i hate you," he towered over you, you held your hands up in defence.
"no you don't," you cheesed. oscar stared at you for a moment, you held the smile on your face, before picking up the same pillow and hitting you with it again over the head. "hey!"
"get a room, please," both your heads snapped towards the front door where cesar was now standing. he rolled his eyes, dropping his school bag at the door before quickly making his way to his room. "seriously, gross."
"at least i'm not sucking his face off like you with monse!" you shouted as he slammed his bedroom door behind him. "seriously, give the girl a break!" you heard cesar shout something incoherent back which you giggled at.
oscar watched with a smug expression as you interacted with his brother. you might be the biggest pain in his ass but there was something else there. you were the only person that could get away with speaking to oscar the way you do. he kinda liked it.
you averted your attention back to oscar, who you caught staring for a split second before he could realise what he was doing. you furrowed your brows for a split second. you noticed him do this a few times, more and more often.
"whatcha' staring at papi?" you titled your head, wearing a teasing smirk. you did kind of want an answer though.
he shook his head, a tortured smile on his lips when he did. "don't call me that."
"what? you can get away with calling me mami but i can't call you papi?" you sneered. "is it some kind of obscure double standard?"
he shook his head again, ducking. "call me that one more time and see what happens," he stood towering over you. you looked up at him quizzically. you were dying to know just exactly what he would do if you said it again. and you were exactly the kind of person to find out.
"what? papi?" you quirked an eyebrow. oscar rolled his head back, laughing a little.
"don't say i didn't warn you," your eyes widened and before you could protest, he was on top of you. his hands moved to your sides and he begun relentless tickling the life out of you. you squealed, desperately trying to push his hands away in between laughter.
"ok!" you shouted, pleadingly. "ok, ok, ok!" you kicked your feet, knocking oscar off his balance and causing him to crash on top of you. you groaned, the weight of him crushing you. you let out a strained breath. "jesus christ, what do you eat? you weigh a fucking tonne," you teased. oscar choked out a laugh, pushing himself up and off you with his arms either side of you.
he paused, his face hovering just above yours. the smile slowly slipped from your lips, your eyes darting between his as he stopped to look at you. your cheeks were flushed from all the squirming and laughing, your eyes wide and stunned, and your hair was all over the place, falling over your face. oscar pushed the hair out of your face.
you gulped, before whispering. "what're you looking at—" you choked on your words a little when oscar's lips tilted closer to yours. he took this as his cue and kissed you. your eyebrows raised, letting him kiss you for a moment before you retaliated. your hand roamed to his shirt where you balled your hand into a fist around the fabric and pulled him closer.
quickly after you pulled him closer, you came to your senses and pushed him away. you squirmed underneath him, pushing him off you and standing up. oscar sat quietly, mulling over what he'd just done, he wasn't sure whether that was something he should have acted on.
"what— why'd you just kiss me?" you had your back to him, you touched your lips with your fingers. you were breathing pretty heavily. you weren't sure how you felt about it. it felt good at the time, no doubt, but now you weren't so sure it should have happened. it could potentially mess everything up.
"i—" oscar couldn't form a sentence. you spun around to see he was just as baffled as you were. you chewed your lip, trying to think of what to do or say. "i don't know— you just looked at me and i— don't know."
your heart was beating pretty fast.
"i look at you all the time, oscar," the frown on your face softened. this was oscar, your best friend. of course you knew how attractive he was, and of course you were a little bit in love with him. but you never ever considered doing anything about it because you loved your relationship the way it was, and you would never want to ruin that.
he rolled his eyes when you said this. "why do you always have to say something annoying? you were the one looking at me with your stupid brown eyes, it's not my fault i got lost in them—"
"you got lost in my eyes?" you were gaping at him. you couldn't help but tease him, it was how your relationship worked. "jesus christ oscar. we kissed once and you're talking like a— i don't even know— like a taylor swift song."
"you're so dramatic," he rolled his eyes again, gritting his teeth slightly. he hadn't given this much thought until it happened, it wasn't something he thought about too much. he'd always seen you as a friend, nothing more. he kind of had to shut off the part of his brain that thought you were unbelievably attractive because otherwise he'd be kissing you all the time. and he liked you as his friend, so that wouldn't work out. "it was just a kiss. i'm not proposing."
"damn right you won't be," you huffed, calming down a bit now the shock of it had passed through your system. "i just don't know what this means. we're supposed to be friends."
"i don't know—" oscar huffed. "does it have to mean everything? can't i just kiss you and that's that? do we have to talk about it?"
you rolled your eyes this time. "you want to sit on this and never talk about it again like you do with everything else? like that has worked out so well for you already?"
he groaned. "i take back the kiss. you're so annoying."
you were both kinda quiet for a minute as you thought about it. you didn't know how to not mock him constantly, you'd been doing it for years, you didn't know how else to talk to him.
"do you like me?" you tried to be serious for once in your life.
oscar shrugged. "i don't know— maybe. i haven't thought about it," you nodded, accepting his answer. it was pretty similar to how you were feeling. "do you like me?"
you moved to sit next to him on the couch. "i probably would if you kissed me again," you said honestly. "it was a pretty good kiss.”
oscar tried to conceal his smirk, 'cause he knew you'd make some sort of snappy comment if you saw. he hummed. "yeah it was."
you clenched your jaw, glancing at oscar who was staring at you again. your eyes moved down to his lips and back up again. you leaned closer, inches away from his face, and when he didn't pull back, you leant forward and kissed him again.
oscar kissed back almost straight away, his hands touching your waist and pulling you closer. you deepened the kiss, your hands roaming to the back of his neck so you could get as close as possible. you were practically on top of him before you had to pull away for air.
breathing heavily, you retracted your arms and stared at him kind of hopelessly. "yeah that was definitely worth doing again."
oscar couldn't help but let out a soft smile, which you couldn't help but mimic.
"you're actually really pretty when you're not being a pain in the ass," you scoffed at his comment.
"i'm pretty all the time," you nudged his shoulder, jokingly.
he hummed, shrugging. "maybe a little."
"what does this mean?"
he shrugged for a the millionth time. you wanted to shove him and tell him to use his words but you decided against it. what it meant was that he wanted to kiss you again and again, but he didn't feel confident admitting that yet.
"we'll have to find out."
"could you be more vague—"
"alright. so i like you, you like me, we just keep this up and see where it goes."
you nodded hesitantly. he reached, touching your arm gently. "don't overthink it."
you smiled a little, rolling your eyes. "alright fine."
his hand moved to your ass, pulling you over, mumbling come 'ere. which you did, you rolled over, straddling him where he sat. you sat back, watching him take all of you in. you felt like you could get used to this. it was definitely better than a smack in the face with a pillow.
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or-ng-c-ss-dy · 2 years
can i get ummm chuck taylor and an oc coming to the realization that after being best friends for years their relationship is much more? first kiss perhaps? no tongue of course. he's a gentleman 🥰
of course, anon 💖💖💖
something more :: chuck taylor x oc
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It was definitely a day at Daley's Place. The weather was sdoing something, but it wasn't like Y/N knew what the weather was doing on that particular day because she was wandering around the basement aimlessly, moving as silently as she could.
Which was really silently. Like a cat. Ninja style silence.
Doc Sampson had sent Y/N for some extra bandages, Cody Rodes had found the hidden box of blades that Tony Kahn was trying to hide from him. Why he was still there as opposed to at WWE where he worked, Y/N didn't know. Maybe he missed blading? But he'd made quite the mess, and Y/N had to find some extra band-aids. Cody wanted Superman bandaids instead of the Hello Kitty ones that Doc was currently working with, so it was up to Y/N to go find some.
Of course, the bandaids weren't in the basement. But Cody could wait, Y/N hadn't forgiven him from that time they shared a moment in catering and then he never called her back. So what if he had a wife, they shared a moment, you didn't just not call a girl back when you shared a moment with her! UGH!
So Cody with his dumb forehead cut could wait, we're living on Y/N's time now. She wandered through the basement of Daley's Place, sipping on a bottle of water that she'd found on the ground, when she heard a very familiar voice, lightly accented which she found very sexy.
"-- been friends for so long, I didn't want to ruin what we had." The voice said, and Y/N's heart beat faster.
It was Chuck Taylor AKA Dustin. He was speaking quietly and, from the sound of it, pacing around. Almost like he was practicing some sort of speech.
"I can't hold it back any longer. I care about you so much and I know it might ruin us if I say something, but I think it'll ruin it if I don't say anything." He continued, Y/N barely able to hear him from where she was hidden.
Tears sprung to her eyes. She liked Chuck a lot too and he was clearly rehearsing a speech to tell her that he liked her. It made so much sense to her, she had seen him looking at her sometimes when she was checking his eyes after a match to see if he had a concussion. Those pale blue or green eyes, looking into hers when she told him to. It was all so romantic, and Y/N couldn't believe that he wanted to go steady!
Maybe Brock or Orange or Sean Pears or that one FTR guy wouldn't like it, but she was ready to move on from all of those guys and go after who she REALLY liked-- that big country hunk.
"I mean, you've noticed that it's been so weird with us lately, right? It's because I don't want to be just friends anymore. I want to be with you because...I can't picture my life without you. I know I haven't always been the best person, but you make me want to be better. I...I love you."
Y/N rounded the corner, ready to exclaim that she loved him too, that he didn't need to practice such a speech for her. But, when she did, she saw that Chuck wasn't actually alone. In fact, he had Orange Cassidy pressed up against the wall, kissing him softly. Y/N could see the way he was kissing Chuck back, hand around the back of his neck where it looked like it belonged, Chuck's own hands cupping his face so soft and sweet.
Y/N felt horrified! She couldn't believe that Chuck wasn't into her, it just made no sense. But, before she could intervene and get that little blond JERK off of HER man, Brock Anderson busted through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man.
"Y/N! I was looking all over for you!" He cried out, startling Chuck and Orange at the end of the hall.
As Brock carried Y/N off, she could hear Chuck and Orange talking.
"Who keeps giving that girl her job back?" Chuck asked, laughing a little, tucking Orange under his chin.
And the last thing she saw before Brock rounded a corner was Orange shrugging and laughing, leaning back up for another kiss.
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hikarus-shida · 3 years
Hikarus-Shida’s Drabbles Masterlist.
Updated: 08/14/2021
here is my masterlist for my drabbles!
in this masterlist is every drabble i have posted so far.
Anna Jay
“It’s just you and me tonight, I was thinking we could have a little fun.”
Chuck Taylor
“D-did you just make that noise?”
“I’ll give you a massage.”
Eddie Kingston
“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.” (W/ Jon Moxley)
“Hold my hand so he gets jealous.”
“I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid.”
“Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society.”
Hikaru Shida
“I thought it was a one night stand...”
“Come over here and make me.”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“Ew, your hand is sweaty.”
“Is that my shirt. So is that...wait?/Take. It. Off.”
“You look hot in plaid./I thought it was a one night stand... and now we’re married..”
Touching Foreheads (W/Ricky Starks)
Isiah Kassidy
“We’re not playing strip poker, I don’t care what I said when I was drunk.”
Jon Moxley
“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.” (W/ Eddie Kingston)
Jungle Boy
DIY Crafts (W/ Kris Statlander and Leva Bates)
“Look! Fireflies!”
Kenny Omega
“Did they hurt you?”
“I just took a shower, I can’t dance. What if my towel falls off?/You got a cute butt.”
Kris Statlander
DIY Crafts (W/ Jungle Boy & Leva Bates)
“You can scream if you want.”
Leva Bates
DIY Crafts (W/ Jungle Boy & Kris Statlander)
Malakai Black
Flirting with His Tattoo Artist
Lifting the Other Up
Squishing the other’s cheeks
Wearing His Sweater
Marko Stunt
“Come over here and make me.”
“I prefer blondes.”
Matt Jackson
“Can I do your hair?”
Comforting You on Your First Plane Ride (W/ Nick Jackson)
“I’m pregnant.”
“I thought it was a one night stand...and now we’re married.../I’m your husband, it’s my job.”
“We’ve become the clingy couple you used to complain about.”
Cheering You Up After a Bad Day
“How long have you been standing there?”
Pinky Swear
Nick Jackson
Comforting You on Your First Plane Ride (W/ Matt Jackson)
“You haven’t even touched your food yet, what’s going on?”
“You’re so clingy, I love it.”
Ricky Starks
“Can we just watch a movie and lay on the couch?”
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold.”
Touching Foreheads (W/ Hook)
“You didn’t just wake me up at 2 am because you were in the “mood”.”
Tay Conti
“I prefer blondes.”
Tony Khan
“No more dogs. How hard is it to understand?”
“Your favorite superhero cannot be a villain.”
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hogarthwrites · 3 years
just friends
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pairing: young samuel drake/reader (m/f) 
genre: fluff
warnings: none
words: 3,155
Sam's your best friend, and you're hopelessly in love with him. It's cliche and it's stupid, but you can't help it. Is it really okay to be in love with your best friend even though you know it might ruin things between you two?
Hi! This is a two-part story. The first part takes place in the past, in 1989, while the second part will take place in the present day.
tags: unrequited love, best friends
You stared at your notebook covered in doodles as your history teacher, Mr. Phelps, talked on and on. A 90 minute class felt like three hours and you couldn't wait to just get out to see Sam.
Your vision kept blacking out as you tried to stay awake, something Mr. Phelps noticed right away.
“It was ironic that the British Empire condemned pirates when they pillaged and stole more than those buccaneers ever have, isn't that right?” The old man was looking directly at you and you blinked yourself awake and nodded.
“Yup, I agree,” you tried to act like you were interested.
“Welcome back,” he laughed.
You sighed and slumped further into your chair. 3 o’clock couldn't come any sooner.
As soon as class ended, Mr. Phelps asked to talk to you and you gulped as you picked your backpack up and walked to his desk where he was looking through papers.
“I'm worried about you,” he slid a paper across to you and y ou picked it up and frowned at the F in red taunting you.
“I'm gonna have to ask for a guardian or parent’s signature on this.”
“Really?” You sighed.
“I'm sorry, but it's just school policy,” Mr. Phelps shrugged. “Look, don't be afraid to ask questions, alright? I'm here to help.”
“Sure,” you pursed your lips and shoved your test paper into your bag.
Sam was lying on the grass in the park and reading a book when you found him, and you tilted your head to see what the book was. Treasure Island . Again.
“You know grass stains your jeans?” You nudged him with your Nike Cortez sneakers.
“Well look who the cat dragged in,” Sam gave you a lopsided grin as his brown eyes met yours.
You felt your cheeks burn and you quickly sat down next to him so you wouldn't have to face him. It was something you didn't want to admit, but you had a budding crush on Samuel Morgan, your cocky, way too ambitious best friend who was probably deranged.
“Fuck my life,” you groaned as you plopped down on the grass.
“I thought grass stains your jeans,” Sam tugged at your denim skirt.
“Fuck you,” you stuck your tongue out.
“Oof, cranky.”
“Sorry, it's just been such a shit day.”
“What happened?”
You pulled your test and put it on his chest. “That happened. Uncle Arthur’s going to skin me alive.”
Sam looked at the paper, and you almost thought he was going to laugh because he looked so amused, but instead he sat up.
“Let me help you,” he simply said.
“Help me?”
“Yeah! Like those tutor people.”
“What makes you the history expert?”
“My mom taught me, and pirates are kind of my thing. You know that,” this time it was Sam who nudged you with his worn out Chuck Taylors. “Come on, let me help you.”
“Fine, but can you do me a favour?” You propped yourself up on your elbows.
“Yeah, what is it?” Sam raised an eyebrow.
“Can you wait for me outside if Arthur decides to kick me out?”
It was a joke of course. Arthur wouldn't dare kick out his favourite -- and only -- niece. He did, however, lecture you about your priorities and banned TV for a month. As soon as you got to your room, you looked out your window and saw Sam smoking next to his red motorcycle.
You waved out a handkerchief to signify that things were good, and you could've sworn you heard Sam laugh before he drove away.
Sam’s apartment was actually a room he'd rented out in an older woman’s ( she’s just a friend , Sam had said) home near the city. It had a bed in the corner with an Indiana Jones poster above it and books piled on the wardrobe.
You sat on the floor, your back against the bed while you wrote the essay Mr. Phelps asked you to do while Sam read on his bed. Soft music played from somewhere outside and it was softly raining outside and all you wanted to do was lie down on the cool floor and take a nap.
“Done,” you announced as you finished your last sentence.
“Alright,” Sam plopped down in front of you, your knees touching. “Show me what you’ve done.”
Saying nothing, you held it out for him and buried your face between your knees.
“Hmm,” Sam grunted. “I mean, you’ve certainly memorised what you needed, but…”
“But?” You peeked up at him and saw that he was sucking in his cheek.
“But why was it important that pirates like Thomas Tew and Henry Avery pillaged the East India company?”
“For treasure?” You cocked your head to the side.
“Close, but you see, India’s economy dwarfed Europe’s at that time, and there weren’t any powerful navies in the Indian Ocean, which made a lot of the vessels there an easy target,” Sam explained, his hands flailing around as he talked. He did that a lot, and you thought it was kind of cute.
“Oh, alright,” you wrote what he was saying down on a piece of paper. “You make it a lot easier to understand than my stupid textbook.”
“Good to know,” Sam grinned. “If you get a good grade, I’ll take you out. My treat.”
Your face lit up. “Promise?”
“I promise. We’ll go anywhere… As long as I can afford it.”
“I’m holding you to that promise,” you stuck your tongue out.
It was quarter past nine when you were done rewriting your essay and Sam had fallen asleep. He was your ride home, but you figured if you walked fast enough you’d get home before 10 PM. You put your books away and looked at Sam who was gently snoring, his brown hair messy on his pillow.
He stirred when you covered him with a blanket, muttering something under his breath that you couldn’t really make out.
“Good night, Sam,” you whispered as you turned off the light and stepped out.
Sam was waiting outside after school with a smug look on his face. You held up the paper as you approached him, doing a little victory dance before giving it to him.
“What can I say?” He shrugged. “I’m a wonderful tutor.”
“Oh please, you were asleep for most of it,” you jokingly punched him in the shoulder.
“I think the A on this piece of paper makes your point moot.”
“Fine,” you giggled as you took your paper back and stuffed it back into your bag. “Where are you taking me then?”
Sam hopped onto his motorcycle and patted the seat behind him. “I dunno, it’s your choice.”
“Hmm,” you tapped your chin. “I’ve always wanted to go on a picnic.”
“Really?” Sam raised an eyebrow. “Alright. But what about food? It’s not a picnic without food.”
You ended up buying burgers and a small cake at a local diner and without a picnic blanket, you laid out a little lace handkerchief on the grass where Sam meticulously set the food. It looked a little ridiculous, but it was the best you both could have done with what little budget Sam had and at short notice too.
It was a cool evening and you happily ate your burgers while Sam blabbered on about Henry Avery. When he leaned back, his pinky touched yours and you froze, unsure if you wanted to move away or not. It was funny how just the tip of his finger touching yours made you feel hot and all you wanted to do was take his hand in yours.
Sam kept talking, but you wondered if he noticed that you probably just stopped breathing. You read plenty of romance books, hell, you even ready Forever by Judy Blume, but you never knew what it felt like to actually be in love. No, you shook away the thoughts. I can’t be in love with Sam… This is just infatuation. Nothing else.
You practically memorised him, the way he’d run his fingers through his unkempt hair, how he’d talk with his hands, how he’d bite his lip when he was upset. You saw him fall in and out of love with a variety of people, and you were always there for him. It was almost pathetic how much you knew about Sam Morgan, and you wondered if he memorised you the same way you did with him.
Something cold dripped on your cheek and you looked up as rain started pattering down.
“Oh shit,” you frantically picked the mostly eaten cake up while Sam picked up whatever was left of the burgers and the handkerchief and followed you to a gazebo nearby.
“Well, that ruined a perfectly good picnic,” Sam had his hands on his hips. “Is the cake alright?”
You looked down at the soggy cake. “It had better days.”
Sam laughed before he stuck his paper cup into the cake to get another slice.
“Really?” You looked up at him.
“What?” He shrugged between bites. “It’s still a cake. It’s not like the rain is dirty or anything.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“It’s fine,” Sam shrugged again. “Thanks for the picnic, by the way.”
“Nah, you paid for it.”
“But it was your idea. I haven’t been on a picnic since…”
Since his mom passed away. He suddenly looked forlorn.
“I know, Sam,” you reached out and touched his arm.
“Do you mind if I steal this picnic idea? Nathan might like this too,” he forced himself to smile.
“Not at all. Tell him I say hi, alright?”
“Sure thing.”
The rain lasted long enough for Sam to mostly finish what was left of the cake and once the sky cleared up, he drove you home.
“Thanks for helping me, by the way,” you smiled as you stood by his motorcycle. You could hear the sound of a TV blaring inside and you knew Arthur was probably waiting up.
“That’s just what friends do, right?” Sam grinned. Right. We’re just friends .  “I’ll see you on Monday?”
You nodded and watched him drive away. Arthur was fast asleep on the sofa while an old western played. You were always grateful he took you in when your mother ran off to Europe and your dad felt you were too much responsibility, but it made you sad Sam and Nathan didn’t have the same privilege.
You turned the TV off and placed your somewhat damp essay on the coffee table before going to your room.
I don’t love him . It was a lie you constantly told yourself. Believing it was getting harder every time you were with Sam and you could barely look him in the eyes without butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You tried to make yourself stop, but you just ended up thinking about him more.
Your grades improved, much to Arthur’s delight and you hoped you could keep it up until after graduation at least. You applied to some colleges, but you were nervous with your mediocre grades and lack of extracurricular activities.
“And I can’t escape / I’m a slave to love…” Sam sang as he tossed a baseball up and down. He didn’t seem like it, but he was a pretty good singer. You were on the floor again doing your homework while he sang along to the song that was playing outside.
“Is there a bar here or something?” You asked.
“Nah,” his brown eyes followed the baseball. “There’s this old man who plays music on his roof. The lady says it’s because he misses his wife or something.” He shrugged. “It’s not too bothersome. He has good taste.”
“I guess it’s better than Arthur’s loud westerns at home,” you muttered. “That’s sad though. He must have really loved his wife.”
���Yeah,” Sam simply shrugged.
“What? You don’t think you’ll be an old man yearning for his spouse someday?”
“I don’t even think I’ll fall in love, to be honest,” he ran his fingers through his hair.
You laughed. God, I hope you’re wrong .
“What about you?” He nudged you with a socked foot.
“Gross, get your nasty socks away from me!” You shrieked, which made him push his foot against your back more. “Sam, stop, I swear you’re disgusting.”
“Come on,” he teased. “I bet you have a little crush. Was it Vicky? Whatever her name was? The one with the…” He gestured at his chest.
“No!” You grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. “Don’t be rude. Vix is just a good friend, and she’s dating some guy anyway.”
Sam gave you a smug grin. “Alright. Keep your secrets.”
It was quiet again while you went back to your homework, your heart pounding from the interaction. What a bastard, you thought. If he knew… If he knew I had a crush on him, this would all be over. You didn’t want to think about what it would be like without Sam.
“I got this fancy letter for you from the University of Texas at San Antonio,” Arthur strolled into your room and handed you a letter. “You really wanna move that far away from your ol’ Uncle Arthur?”
“It’s a good university,” you stuck your tongue out as you tore open the envelope. “Please, please, please,” you whispered.
You barely read past the “Congratulations!” when you squealed and jumped out of bed. “I made it!”
“I’m so proud of you, baby,” Arthur embraced you. He looked at the letter then frowned. “Biology?”
“Yeah, I think I kinda wanna be a doctor someday,” you bit your nail.
“And someday you will be,” he ruffled your hair. “Promise you’ll phone as much as you can, alright?”
“I’m still here, Uncle Arthur.”
“You’ve just grown up so fast,” he sighed. “What am I gonna do when you’ve gone off to be a doctor?”
“You could get a dog?”
“Huh,” he grunted. “Maybe.”
A week later, he came home with a puppy named John.
As graduation loomed closer, you felt excited, but you were left with a melancholy feeling of having to leave Sam behind. He was his usual, oblivious self, but you wanted to do it. You wanted to tell him before you left.
It was getting warmer again, so it was different to see Sam without a jacket on as he squatted on the pier, skipping rocks in the river. It seemed like there was something on his mind and he didn’t even notice you coming up to squat next to him. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a rock skipping far.
“Nice,” you said and he looked at you in surprise.
“Oh, hey,” he gave a weak grin. “Didn’t know you were here already.”
“Yeah, you seem busy.”
“Nah, just got a new job out of state.”
“You're leaving?” You felt your heart drop.
“In the fall, yeah, but not for long I hope.”
Sam fell silent, and you felt your heart beat quickly in your chest. Was this the right time? You were graduating in a few weeks, then you were off to San Antonio, unsure when you were ever going to see Sam again.
“Sam,” your voice was weak and he hummed in response. “I–I have something to tell you.”
“Yeah? What's that?” He looked worried when he turned to you.
“I could tell you anything, right? Promise you won't laugh?” Your cheeks flushed and you felt like your heart was gonna leap out of your chest. What am I doing?
“I won't laugh.”
At three, you took a deep breath. One... two…
“Sam, I like you,” you blurted out. “No, I think I'm in love with you.”
His expression softened at your words.
“I'm sorry, I tried my best not to let it get to me, but we're parting soon and I just thought–”
“I've always known,” Sam interrupted.
“That you have a crush on me.”
“I didn't wanna say anything because this is the best friendship I've ever had, and I don't wanna ruin what we have. We're great like this.”
Oh .
Best friendship.
The butterflies in your stomach turned into moths and you wanted to vomit. A lump in your throat grew and you held your breath. The last thing you wanted to do was to cry in front of Sam.
“I'm sorry,” you looked down at your feet.
“Hey,” he lightly nudged you. “We'll always be close. I'll write to wherever you are in the world. I promise.”
“Alright,” you nodded weakly. “Thanks, Sam.”
“Bring it in,” he held out his arms and you leaned into his embrace, trying not to sob into his shoulder.
You spent the night crying while you packed your bags, deciding not to bring anything that reminded you of Sam to college with you. You had to get over him.
Your chest felt heavy as you felt your heart break with every stupid lovesong that came on the radio. Why did you even bother confessing, of course Sam wouldn't be into you. Why would you even want to ruin your friendship like that?
The day you had to leave for the airport, Sam was at your window early in the morning.
“Mornin’, college student,” he smiled as he climbed into your room.
“I thought you were going to see me off at the airport,” you yawned.
“Just thought we could spend a bit more time together,” he looked around your now empty room. “Wow. You're really leaving.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “San Antonio, here I come.”
Sam didn't react, instead he turned back to look at you, his brown eyes scanning your face. “Hey listen, uh, a few weeks ago… I'm sorry about that.”
“Oh,” you sat on your bed. “No, it's fine. You're right, we're great friends.”
“I didn't mean to break your heart or anything.”
“I completely understand, Sam.”
He reached into his pocket and asked for your hand. There he placed a little medallion with a star engraved on it. It looked more like a little coin with a chain pierced through it.
“Here, it's a late graduation gift. I couldn't get out of work to buy it early enough, but I made it just in time last night.”
“Sam, this is beautiful,” you gasped. You made your way to the vanity and put the necklace on.
“It's just so you won't forget me, the most amazing friend you could ever ask for,” he looked smug.
“And it was such a sweet moment too,” you shook your head. “Thanks, Sam. I don't think I can ever forget you.”
You hugged him, feeling his arms around you tightly. At the moment, you felt your heart break, suddenly missing someone who was right in front of you. Your tears flowed, and you buried your face into his shirt as he soothed you.
“Promise we'll see each other next summer?”
“Promise you'll write and call?”
“I promise.”
But Samuel Morgan was gone by the next summer.
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mudhornchronicles · 3 years
dreamboat | greaser!frankie morales | part two
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diner cred to @thatretrobitch​
pairing: francisco “catfish” morales x reader; 1950’s greaser!frankie x reader
warnings: swearing, drinking, smoking, ya know… 1950s stuff + death and war, and being rude af
a/n: part two of dreamboat
dreamboat: part one | part two
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“If I didn’t know any better, Francisco, I’d say you were teacher in a past life.” You look up at him and smirk. He looks over to you and gives you a crooked smile. He adjusts his jacket and runs his left hand through his hair.
Frankie taught you a lot more history than the teacher. Frankie had a lot more patience and explained each topic that was covered in much better detail and simply enough to understand. Like when Hattie Wyatt Caraway of Arkansas became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate in 1932 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of her husband. Frankie compared it to the demonstration of the first long distance telephone service between New York and San Francisco in 1913 – surprising but needed.
You didn’t have Frankie for a third period, just first and fourth, but he made sure to meet you out each of your classes and walked you over to your next class. He had conversed with the boys about asking you to Rosie’s Diner on Friday night. Everyone knows when a guy takes a little darlin’ down to Rosie’s, she’s unavailable. Frankie knows you probably don’t know what going to the diner with him means but he assumes if you did, you wouldn’t go. So he decides that the less you knew the better – well at least that’s what Tom decided.
“Ya know, doll. I like the way you say my name, but how ‘bout ya just call me Frankie, huh? I don’t use the entire thing anymore.”
You cock your head to the side and your smiles turns into a slight frown. “Do you not like the way Francisco sounds?”
He tucks his hands into his jean pockets, shrugs, and looks down at his dirty Chuck Taylors. “Thanks, I do like it, but it don’t… it don’t sound cool, you know? I got a reputation to keep up – all the guys do.”
Frankie stopped using the name Francisco at the start of freshman year. Pope stopped using Santiago around the same time. Their teachers would call them Francis and Saint because they found it difficult to pronounce the boys’ names correctly. Frankie was too shy to say anything and Pope was still unsure about his accented English, so when Will laughed and told the teacher, “Ain’t that a bite? You got a degree, but can’t pronounce an ABC name,” the boys knew Will was going to be a great friend. The boys thought that would be the end of it, but then Benny decided to join his brother and say, “How ‘bout, since ya feel so high and mighty, you call ‘em Frankie and Pope? We got Francisco like that city on the west coast, so call ‘em Frankie. Then we got Santiago. You wanna call ‘em Saint, then give ‘em the highest honor.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better,” you stopped walking and placed a hand on his arm. “I like your name. I think it suits you very well.”
He smiles and nods. He doesn’t know if he’s nodding because he’s convincing himself he likes it too or if he’s nodding because he’s glad you like it too. He liked your company because you weren’t too invasive, but he could also tell that you wanted to get to know him. He knew he wasn’t the most open to people, he has his father to thank for that.
As young 19-year-old – about a year older than Frankie – his father was drafted and fought in World War 1 in 1918 as a US Army soldier and was then sent off to France a few weeks in to fight with the AEF, the American Expeditionary Forces. Because of this, Frankie’s father wasn’t the most expressive when in public but was easily the most caring when it came to his family. When Frankie was growing up, his father had spoiled his baby boy and made sure he worked hard as a welder so that Frankie wouldn’t want for anything. Frankie remembers his father coming home from work late at night, oil and bits of metal stuck to him, and always turning his frown into a smile when he laid eyes upon his son.
His father’s closure to the world only grew when he saw his family in danger. Frankie figured that by growing up within a military family, it would lead to him serving in the military as his father did before him. When Frankie was coming to the age of enlistment, he told his family about him wanting to go off to the military, but his father was very much against it. All his father wanted for his son was for Frankie to live his life the way he wanted to, so Frankie didn’t enlist. One day when Frankie was at school, recruiters came to the Morales home and were knocking the door down. Frankie’s father had informed them that his son would not be serving. He was told that because Frankie was able, male, and was soon to be of age, he had to enlist whether he was needed or not. His father complied; except he wrote his own name down instead of his son’s.
His father never regretted going to war. He still had nightmares, which Frankie knew all too well. He had met Frankie’s mother when he came back home in 1921 and after years of trying, he was blessed with a son in 1935. All was good in the world until the year 1950 – Frankie was 15 years old. In August of 1950, a letter came in the post reading the following:
You are hereby notified that you, on the 21 day of August of 1950, have been legally drafted in the service to the Armed Forces of the United States of America. You are to report to the Armed Forces station below and will be transported to Daejeon, Korea.
Frankie’s father never came back.
His body was never recovered – just his ID tags. Frankie’s mother was told that the last transmission received with the whereabouts of Francisco Morales Sr. were near the Nakdong River in South Korea. Frankie always carried his father’s ID tags around his neck no matter where he went. Those tags always reassured him of himself knowing that he was doing what his father wanted him to do.
Frankie walked you down the steps of school building and stopped at the sidewalk. “Ya know, if ya need a ride, I can take ya home – aint no trouble.”
You smile and shake your head. “I appreciate that. I told my mother I’d take the bus back home.” You knew your mother would have a fit if she saw you get dropped off by a boy, but she may still be at work. You looked back at Frankie and saw that he had a slight frown on his face as he played with a necklace hidden in his white t-shirt. You weren’t sure the reason behind it, but he didn’t want to pry. “Actually, I’ll take a ride.”
His eyes lit up and nodded. “Great but I do gotta warn ya, doll. I gotta take Ironhead and Benny back to their place. Pope usually goes back to mines.” A ride home in a car full of teenage boys – what can go wrong?
The pair of you walk down to the school’s parking lot and there you see students laughing in their cars – 4 to 5 in a car – all while having a smoke and others are drinking from beer cans. You have no doubt that it’s beer cans when one gets tossed towards you with left over beer splattering over your white skirt. Frankie takes notice of the yellow stains and the grimace growing on your face. He looks over at the teenagers in a beat-up Chevy.
“Aye watch where ya tossin’ shit, birdbrain.” The teens look over at Frankie and walk over to him. You place a hand on his arm and look up at him.
“Frankie, c’mon. Let’s just go to your car, huh?” you plead. His arm tightens and as the teens arrive in front of him, Frankie protectively put you behind him and adjusts his jacket – a tick of his you’ve taken note of. The three boys who walked over to Frankie look over at you and smirk.
“Well shit Frankie, pal.” One of them takes a smoke and blows the out towards his side. “You already smashin’ up this little new betty? Don’t you work fast… first Michelle, then Tiffany, now this one?”
Frankie’s jaw tightens and his hold on your arm shifts. “How ‘bout you stuff it, Jack? You know you ain’t even supposed to be here. This ain’t your turf.”
Jack removes his hat, a cowboy hat he’s become fond of, and fixes his hair. He puts it back on and laughs. “You’re right, but I clearly don’t care. Oberyn ain’t out the can ‘till Friday, so I call the shots. My boys wanna be here and screw all these chick-a-dees, then they will. I know you ain’t gon’ do nothin’.”
“He will,” you hear a click and quickly turn your head to see Pope and the boys, Benny holding up a pocketknife. “But he ain’t doin’ it alone either.” The Bandits circle the three men and puff up their chests.
“Alright,” Jack holds his hands up. “We’re gone but trust me when I say that Oberyn ain’t gon’ be too happy to hear this.” With that he snaps his head over to his boys directing them back to their car. They turn to leave and Jack walks away backwards. When he’s satisfied with the distance between himself and The Bandits, he turns on his heel and runs to his car. He jumps in the driver’s seat, gives his girl a smooch, and revs the engine – with that he’s gone.
Pope looks at you and gives your shoulder a quick squeeze. “You good? Hope those bumrats ain’t spook ya too bad.” You shake your head and smile shyly. You look down at your ruined skirt and shrug.
“Just a ruined skirt but that’s okay. I wasn’t fond of it.” Will laughs at your comment fluffs yours skirt from the bottom, earning a nudge from Frankie.
“Let’s get her home, huh? I gotta drop off everyone else,” Frankie says. Tom tells Frankie that he’s got detention and to go on without him. Tom goes back towards the building while everyone piles up in Frankie’s Cherry Red 1945 Mustang GT – his father’s gift to him for his 15th birthday, also his last gift.
Per usual, Benny and Will leans the driver’s seat forwards and get in to sit in the back while Pope goes to sit in his usual spot as shotgun. Frankie tuts at Pope and points to the back. Pope scoffs but shoots Frankie a wink. He gets in and sits in between the brothers, being the smallest of the three, and Frankie runs over to open the door for you to sit up front. He grabs your books and hands them to Pope. As you situate yourself and buckle your seatbelt, Frankie gets in and turns on his baby. He revvs the engine and backs up out the school’s parking garage, but not before revving his engine one more time for the freshmen per Benny’s request.
On the drive to the brother’s house, Benny grabs your notebook and looks through your notes of the day. He looks through the math notes you took during 4th period and immediately closes it. “You sure are smart if you’re taking this angle stuff. I’m guessing it’s college prep?”
You look over your shoulder and nod. “I’m currently taking college preparatory trigonometry. They unfortunately didn’t have any other advanced placement for me here.”
The boys let out a harmony of “ohs” and Will shakes Frankie’s shoulder. “Frankie! She’s smart like you, buddy!”
Pope smirks and joins in on the teasing. “Lo vez, hermano! Being smart doesn’t make you un-cool. Being you does! No te hagas ver como el tonto porque no lo eres.”
You see, brother… don’t make yourself seem dumb because you aren’t.
You look at Pope and smile. “I agree with you, Santiago. Frankie is very intelligent so he shouldn’tdumb himself down because he thinks that’s what people think of him.” Pope stops and looks at you. “You know some Spanish, angel face?” You eagerly nod. “I’m very familiar with the language. They had us choose electives at my old school. I took Spanish, Italian, and French. I had a lot of a free time.”
Pope looks at you in shock but happily hollers. “Well sugar you sound pretty good speakin’ ‘em”
You couldn’t explain it, but you felt giddy. You felt happy to be around the boys and you knew you wanted to continue to be around them.
With Frankie getting out of the car and moving his seat forward, Will and Benny get dropped off first, but not without teasing him about “asking the chick.” Frankie flips them off and Pope lets out a belly laugh. Frankie apologetically looks at you and mouths sorry. You blush and mouth that’s okay.
Once leaving the brothers, Pope tells Frankie to turn up the radio. Frankie looks at Pope through the rearview mirror and narrows his eyes. “Switch to 12,” Pope says with a wink. Frankie rolls his eyes and turns the knob so the needle hits channel 12. Once Frankie hears the recognizable melody from “Takes Two to Tango” by Pearl Bailey. Frankie goes to switch the channel, but you stop his hand. He glances over to you and he sees you mouthing the words. He looks back at Pope who wiggles his eyebrows and sings out loud and to Frankie’s surprise, you join Pope singing at the top of your lungs. He laughs at your attempts at dancing in your seat and looks back at Pope who was waving his hands in the air.
Frankie thought that you’d be this proper, shy little thing but here you were having singing and laughing with his best friend. You gave him the slightest nudge and smiled in his direction. “C’mon Frankie. Don’t be a sour puss. I know you know this song!” You were right. He did know this song. He and Pope sang it so much because Pope thought he could woo some girl – he didn’t really know what the lyrics meant so you can guess what happened. If you guessed he slept with her… you’d be correct.
You poked Frankie in the ribs light enough to not affect his driving and giggled as he sang out with Pope. You liked seeing this Frankie – not that big tough guy you saw at the parking lot. He seemed like he had a big heart but was scared to show it and you were determined, but you were ripped away from your internal planning when Frankie politely asked for your address.
“It’s a shame you ain’t hangin’ longer sweetheart,” Pope began. “I think you’d like being around us two mucks. You would definitely like Frankie’s mom’s cooking. She makes the best food in town.” You smiled as the two best friends bickered about whose mom had the best food.
“I would have loved to, but I have to be home and do chores before my mother gets home.”
Frankie looks over to you and gives you a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. Maybe next time, cool?” You smile at the invitation and nod. Frankie continues to drive as you and Pope make a conversation about the possibility of you tutoring him in math. With them being high school seniors, they are not failing one class.
You feel on top of the world, laughing and talking with your new friends, until you spot the yellow Pontiac in the driveway and your mother coming out of it. Your face drops and the boys immediately take notice.
“What’s wrong?” Frankie asks. You straighten out your top and ask Pope for your books as you ready yourself to run out of the car. You look at Frankie and offer a weak smile.
“My mother won’t be happy with me is all.” You’d ask Frankie to drop you off a couple of houses before your own, but you know your mother has already seen you. As Frankie pulls up to your house, the boys’ jaws drop. You wouldn’t say your house was big, but to the boys, it was huge. Your two-story home consisted of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The exterior of the home was beige with dark brown trimming and the river rock pathway leading up to your home was lined with grass so green you’d think it was plastic.
Your mother, dressed to the nines in a pale pink dress and white belt, looks at the hot rod parked in front of her home and places her hands on her hips as she sees Frankie run out and open your door. Your mother would normally love seeing her daughter be treated by a gentleman, but she isn’t very happy to see that it’s Frankie. She has always dreamed of her daughter being courted by a young man in polished Oxford shoes and ironed pleated pants not a worn out leather jacket and dirty chucks.
You thank Frankie for the ride and look over at your upset mother. The boys say hello to her as she gives them the ungenuine smile of hers you have seen many times. You wave goodbye to both boys and begin to walk up to your mother. You hear whispers behind you and then you hear your mother say, “Is there something else you’d like to say, boy?”
You turn and you see Pope shove Frankie towards you. His face turns red as he sees your mother staring him down and he knows that this may not be the best time to ask you.
“On with it, young man. My daughter and I have work to do.”
Frankie once again runs his hand through his hair and clears his throat. “I- I, uh, I was wonderin’ if ya wanted to hang with us at Rosie’s on Friday. The shakes are pretty good so we could ma-“
“What’s your name, young man?” You look at your mother. You narrow your eyes at her for interrupting Frankie.
“It-It’s Frankie,” he stutters, “my name’s Frankie, ma’am.”
Your mother gives her less than friendly smile again. “Well, Frankie, you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I tell you this – you are not the kind of person I want my daughter befriending. You just don’t quite… how can I put this nicely? You don’t fit a mother’s standards.”
“Quiet.” she tells you. “You will not be around these boys again, do you understand? Your father works too hard for you to just ruin your life like this. You asked to be taken out of the pristine private school we paid for you to go to and we allowed you to enroll in public school. Why are you bringing home some… some hoodlum! How can you do this to us?”
You wished this had surprised you, but it wasn’t the first time your mother disrespected your choice of friends. You huffed and you felt tears coming to your eyes as you saw Frankie’s defeated look in his eyes and Pope fighting the urge to get out of the car.
You mother calls your name, and you turn to look at her. She walks to you, heels clicking the pavement, and cups your jaw. “You will not associate yourself with these boys, do we understand each other?” You see Frankie nod to you and walk back to his car. You look back at your mother and nod. “Yes, Mother. I understand.” Your mother smiles at you and gives your cheek a pat. “Good girl. Now… get inside and put that skirt in the hamper. Your allowance is going towards a new skirt.”
She leads you into the house and you look back and see Frankie’s car is still there. You stop in your tracks and look at your mother. “Mother, may I please run back and grab a paper I left?”
“Is it school related?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Very well. Go grab it and say goodbye and come back in. We have to get dinner going.” You nod and run back to the car and your mother walks into the house.
Pope rolls down the passenger side window and both boys look at you. You smile at Pope and look at Frankie.
“Does Rosie’s Diner have sundaes?” Pope smirks and turns to Frankie while Frankie nods with a confused face. “Well,” you start, “If Friday’s invitation is still open, pick me up by the green house down the street at 6pm. She’ll be going to my grandmother’s house up north.”
“Sounds like a plan, doll.”
The light breeze surprises you as it picks up the more you walk down the street. You walk past two houses and you see the red backlights of the cherry red mustang you seemed to miss.
Your mother, thankfully, left to your grandmother’s home about two hours ago, much earlier than expected. She called not very long ago to make sure you were home and doing homework. You told her that you were planning to retire early as your homework began to give you a headache. She insisted you eat dinner and sleep as she didn’t want to see eyebags under your eyes when she got back tomorrow. She bid you goodnight and said she’d be home by tomorrow’s lunchtime. Once you hung the phone on the hook, you ran to your room and began to ready yourself for the night.
You grew giddy as 6 o’clock crept closer and closer. You had applied your blush and mascara so carefully you’d have thought you were dusting the finest of china. You did not want to wear too much makeup; you didn’t want to seem as though you were trying too hard. You picked out the pins out of the curls on your head you’d put up right when your mother left and watched as the soft and tight curls fell and framed your face. You grabbed your wide tooth comb and brushed the curls out, parting your side at a side so there was more hair and volume on one side. You sprayed a tight hold hairspray all over so you could make sure your hair stood – Frankie wouldn’t want to see frazzled hair, no man would, you thought.
As you went through your closet, you decided that a dress was the best choice as it was simple enough to either be dressed up or dressed down. You went with a white collared black dress with thin white windowpane patterned lines all over. You wore your black flats and added a black shiny belt running across the waist. You get closer to Frankie’s car and you see him get out of his car – you figured he had seen you coming.
“How ya doin’ there, doll?”
“Hello, Frankie.” You wave and get closer to him. Once you’re in front of him you fix his jacket lapel and look up at him. “Aren’t you sight for sworn eyes.”
His eyes widen then starts laughing loudly and your face goes red. He nearly falls in laughter as his hands catch himself on his knees. “W-What’d ya just say?”
“I said aren’t you a sight for sworn eyes,” you frown. “Is that not appropriate?”
He catches his breath and puts a hand on his belly. He reaches over and tucks your hair behind your ear with the other hand. “The saying is a sight for sore eyes, doll; not sworn eyes.”
You feel as if your face is about to burst as you start laughing at yourself. You just cannot believe you’ve messed up your first attempt at flirting with Frankie. “I was really sure it was sworn.”
He smiles brightly and shakes his head. “Hey… can’t say ya ain’t tried right?” You giggle and nod. He look you up and down and lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Te vez hermosa.” You look beautiful.
Have you ever had that feeling when there’s a puppy trying to get comfortable, but it can’t so it walks over to you and lays with you – falling into a deep and peaceful sleep? You know how it makes your heart feel as if it’s grown twice in size because the puppy chose you and trusted you to protect it while it slept? That’s how you felt when those words came out of Frankie’s mouth.
“Muchas gracias, Francisco.” Thank you very much, Francisco.
He playfully rolls his eyes at you and lets out a laugh. He points to the car and says, “get in the damn car.” He runs over to your door and lets you in, as per usual, and off you two went to Rosie’s Diner.
Frankie leads you into a bright neon-lit diner not very far from your home, about 25 minutes from your place. The diner stands out from the black concrete parking lot and pine trees decorating its background. He opens the light brown doors and places a hand on your lower back as you walk in – not too low or too high.
“Howdy’ho kiddos.” You’re greeted by a woman in her late 40’s or early 50s – the grey hair and sweet smile give it away. “Hey there, Frankie. Bandits meetin’ ya here?”
Frankie smiles at the woman, gives her a hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek; a kiss she smiles at and hums in content. “Hey Ro. Boys are comin’ in a while. You know they ain’t missin’ your special tonight.”
“There’s a special night every night for my favorite bandits, Frankie. Who’s this, huh? You finally bringin’ a girl for me to meet?” Frankie shakes his head from side to side smiling. He turns to you and introduces you to Rosie, the diner’s owner and one of his favorite people. “She’s new in town and I wanted to show her the best diner in the world.”
Rosie slaps Frankie’s arm and laughs. “Stop talkin’ sweet ‘fore your teeth rot, boy. You’re too pretty to be all gums now. I knew my boys were comin; your usual booth’s open, but take the table next to it, yeah. Ya need the extra seat ‘less you sittin’ the girl on ya lap.” Frankie begins to stutter a protest as you stifle a laugh.
“It’s very nice to meet you Miss Rosie. I’m in awe of your diner and excited to try your food.”
“Well it’s very nice to meet the girl who Frankie finally decided to bring to the diner. It’s a very special moment in his life ya know?” You cock your head to the side and take a quick glance at Frankie.
“Why’s that, Miss Rosie?”
As Rosie was about to explain the beginning of courtships of 99% of the teenagers in town, Frankie dragged you away with the dramatic excuse of being so hungry he can eat a horse and how he’ll drop dead if he doesn’t get a shake.
As you make it to the table Rosie had sent you to, you’d think that Frankie would have pulled out your chair, but a couple of some teens you remember seeing at school look in yours and Frankie’s direction whispering among themselves. You took a seat and looked at Frankie to ask if he knew them but as you were about to ask, you saw his face looking back at them with a deep stare. He gave them a single nod towards the door and to your surprise, they ran. Frankie scanned the room and he knew everyone would be taking in the scene. Frankie had never taken a girl out in public – especially not a girl like you. Sure people knew about other girls he’s been with, but everyone knew they weren’t together.
Frankie sat down after everyone in the diner turned their attention back to where it previously was and he passes you a diner menu, but still tense due to the eyes that locked with his back once more.
When the waitress you learned was named Vi and was obsessed with Will, Frankie had ordered a basket of fries for the two to share, a cherry soda for him and a sundae of your pick for you. Vi was also an older woman, best friends with Rosie, and had an innocent crush on Will’s blonde self. Frankie told you about the time Will brought Vi a bouquet of flowers for her birthday and Vi almost attacked the poor kid to the ground with kisses. Vi was sweet and she made you feel very good about yourself as she fixed your collar and fluffed your hair because “her Frankie needs to see what he’s got in front of him.”
You were nearly done with your sundae as you heard the distinctive pitch that is Benny’s voice as he said “What’s cookin’ good lookin’ don’t you look like a dream,” and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You greet each and every one of the boys as they take their seats around the table – Benny calling dibs on one of the seats next to you. Benny puts his arm around the back rest of your white chair and calls Vi over to place a new order.
As the night continues, you feel free. You feel so relaxed and at ease with the boys around you that you don’t even notice the dirty looks some girls were giving you. Benny puts his head on your shoulder and give his cheek a little pat resulting in Benny playfully trying to bite your hand. Frankie clears his throat and Benny looks over at him and smirks.
“I ain’t trynna steal ya girl, Frankie. If she hangin’ with us, ya gotta get used to us playin ‘round.”
Frankie turns red as Benny calls you “his girl” and rolls his eyes with a chuckle. He looks out the window and immediately tenses. You follow his gaze and see a 1942 black Ford with some boys in it – one of the being that Jack guy from school – revv its engine as it speeds back and forth through the parking lot. He grabs the boys eyes and directs them towards the window and Benny stands up immediately. The boys follow suit and Frankie turns to you.
“Stay here alright, doll? We’ll be back.”
You turn from Frankie to the window and back to Frankie with a worried look painting your face. “What’s going on Frankie?”
“They shouldn’t be here. This ain-“ You both turn at the sound of a crash and see Pope being held against Frankie’s car by a guy in a black tee with its sleeves rolled. Frankie runs out of the diner and you run after him. You know you shouldn’t be getting in between this, but you aren’t going to let anyone hurt your new friends.
Frankie runs up behind this guy, turns him around, and shoves him away from his car and friends. The guy smirks and nods at Frankie. “Did you miss me Frankie?”
“What the hell are you doing here, Oberyn? We already told ya friend there that this ain’t your turf.”
You had to admit, Oberyn had this strut to him that showed his self-confidence and the combination of his flirtatious smile and smoldering eyes only made him more attractive than he already was. Jack came to stand next to him and as he turned to toss some keys over to another friend of his, you caught sight of the word VIPERS with two snakes on the back of his jacket.
“Yeah… he told me ‘bout it. But ya anna know what else Jackie told me? He told me that ya got ya’self a knockout.” Oberyn locks eyes with you and winks. He tries to walk over to you, but Frankie pushes back and away from you.
“Don’t get near her.” Oberyn lets out a sarcastic chuckle and gets in Frankie’s face.
“How ‘bout ya make me, Morales?”
The next thing you knew, you were yelling and crying with Will held you away as you saw Frankie and Oberyn duke it out on the concrete while Benny and Pope tried to pry Oberyn away – Jack and some other guy pushing them away. You caught a glimpse of Frankie’s bruising cheek and Oberyn’s bloody nose. You only noticed the officer’s arrival once Will dragged you back in the diner and making sure Rosie held you back as he ran back to be by Frankie’s side when the local sheriff gets out the car.
dreamboat taglist:
@ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @funerals-with-cake @seasonschange-butpeopledont
65 notes · View notes
darktammy · 3 years
Right kind of love (ch10)
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Tag : @bss-babygirl @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @living-the-life-1996 @fabulousrockstar @sausagefest1996 @bluepunkrock @moxleybabe @angiem91 @quipsykaylz @lghockey
[Chapter 10 lots of things are starting to come lose]
{Enjoy my friends}
It was the big day for Y/n as she just finally moved into her new apartment. With the help of her boyfriend Cassidy she was able to unpack everything in two days. Once she was all settle down Y/n alone with Cassidy can now have the best time ever.
Once at the show Y/n watch Cassidy with Chuck Taylor do some comedy promo for the show. “So I heard you moved.” Penelope Ford told Y/n. She look up at her and smile. “Well yeah I mean I had to.” She told her. She sat next to Y/n with an evil smile on her face. “So you had too because Jon and Renee are having a baby girl, and you don’t want to be a burden to them right?” Penelope look at the screen then back at her. “Oh yeah I heard you and Cassidy are pretty close.” Y/n started to get annoyed by Penelope’s attitude. “Ok what’s this really all about?” Penelope smile as she got up and walk away.
Later that night Y/n was waiting for Cassidy to come so they can go home together. Eddie shows up. “Hey their sweet heart.” Y/n look back to see him walk up to her. “Hey Eddie what is it?” She sigh. Eddie smiled as he spoke to her. “Hey I know this place really great pizza shop were we can talk and stuff.” Y/n shook her head. “No thank Eddie I’m waiting for someone.” She explain. “Oh well…hey look I’m trying Y/n ok. Look I really really like ya ok, just give me chances.” Y/n shook her head to Eddie. “I’m sorry Eddie but, I’m already seeing someone.” Eddie look down as he nodded his head. “Alright then later.” Eddie walk off making Y/n feel a little bad about turning him now.
Cassidy was walking to the parking lot seeing Y/n standing by the car. He smiled as he headed over there. “Hello their Cassidy long time no talk I see.” Penelope said stoping him dead in his tracks. “What do you want?” Cassidy ask. “Oh I can see that you have the hot for Y/n am I right?” She ask him. Cassidy shook his head while looking over at Y/n waiting for him. “Does she know about us?” Cassidy look down at her. “Does she know that you slept with me before you left to Jersey with her? Does she know about us still being together?” Cassidy pulled her to the side. “One Penelope you and I are done. Two that night after what Eddie did to me shouldn’t ever happen. But the last time I check the person who told our boss Tony that Y/n left with me was you.” Cassidy explain which only made Penelope laugh. “Oh Cassidy come on you and I both know I’m better than her. I mean come on she’s nothing more than a plan old Jane.”
Cassidy push Penelope up on wall. “If you ever try to interfere between me and Y/n, I promise I’ll ruin you. Remember I wasn’t the only man you slept with. How would love for everyone in the lock room to hear that you try to sleep with Cody while Brandi is at home?” She was in shock. “How did you know…” Cassidy smile as he move back. Stay away from her I’m warning you Penelope.” Cassidy warning Penelope to stay away from Y/n. Cassidy walking away to meet up with Y/n.
Once at home Y/n was writing the next story line for her brother Jon and Eddie for AEW Dark. Then she heard a knock at her door making her stop what she was doing just to answer it. “Who?” She ask. “It’s me the living nightmare that won’t go away.” She rolled her eyes as she open the door to see Kenny standing by the door. “Hey their champ come on in.” Kenny walk right in.
She smile as she gave Kenny a soda knowing that he dose’t drink beer. “So how’s the story coming alone?” He smiled. “It’s coming alone fine you know you and my brother with Eddie with this fight for the tile. It’s hard work but, I’m getting there.” She said. “Ok well I had this idea for the next show and I was thinking about putting your boyfriend Cassidy vs Pac and the winner will face me for the title.” Kenny said. She smiled. “Ok I’m listening.” She sat down with him as they talk about what to do.
The next show Y/n and Kenny show Tony the story about what to do which was a hit for the fans. Now it was going to be a triple threat match for the title, the show ended which Y/n stood there watching Kenny walk in with a smile. “How was it Y/n?” She smiled at him. “It was great Kenny I can’t wait.” She gave him a hug as she waited for Cassidy to come in. Eddie was watching then he walk away to meet up with Jon. “Hey man we need to talk about your sister Y/n.” Eddie said walking up to Jon. “Hey slow down what the hell are you talking about?” Jon ask. Eddie told him about what he saw with her and Kenny.
Y/n woke up the next morning looking at the time. “Cassidy I have to get up.” She told him. Cassidy grab her and pulled her close to him. “Not yet babe I need to do something first before you leave.” Cassidy slowly lay Y/n on her back. He smiled as he slowly opened her legs. “I need you before you head back home.” He spoken to her in soft tone moving his head close both er ears making her breath heavy. “Oh Cassidy yes.” She told him. Cassidy slowly pulled his shorts down pulling out his cock. He slowly enter her making her moan out his name.
Slowly Cassidy was thrusting Y/n they both where looking into each other eyes while she was keep calling his name. Y/n thought time was moving slowly while Cassidy was inside her. She felt her body relaxing with every thrust Cassidy gave. “Baby I’m getting close please.” Y/n cried out making Cassidy go a little faster. “Wait for me baby.” Cassidy told her. They both start to breath heavily until they both came undone. They both look at each other kissing with some passion. “I love you Y/n, I want you to know that.” Cassidy told her. She smile. “I love you more Cassidy.”
Kenny was sitting in the house with Don talking about what to do with the match next week. Then Don look up to see Eddie walking up to them. “Yo what’s up with ya two?” Kenny shook his head. “What do you want Eddie?” Kenny ask. Eddie shook his head. “Nah I mean wats up you know. I mean I can see you and Y/n are having some fun time together right? Hey man I saw her first so back off!” Eddie yelled to him. Kenny got up as Don got in between them. “I have a boyfriend Eddie who I miss dearly in Japan. The only reason why I have talk to Y/n is because she is the only one who can help me get him here to America!” Kenny yelled. “Plus why does it matter to you about her anyways. She doesn’t like you.” Kenny told Eddie.
“Yeah right Y/n told me that she was seeing someone and they way you both seem very close.” Don look at Eddie. “Eddie for heaven sakes Kenny is trying to get his boyfriend to come over. What makes you think he wanted to date Y/n?” Eddie look Don then back at Kenny. “Alright then bro, alright if it’s not you Kenny then I need to know who this other guys is.” Don walk up to Eddie. “Let it go Eddie. If she’s happy with the guy/or girl then let it go.” Eddie look at him confuse. “Girl? Who said anything about a girl?” Kenny shook his head. “Dumb dumb you said ‘she was seeing someone.’ That could mean a guy or girl.” Eddie nodded as he walk away. Don look over at Kenny. “Really Y/n?” Kenny look at Don, “ I have to let Cassidy know.”
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thegraystreaks · 2 years
thanks for tagging me @rosesau and @malinaa!! i did not make a graphic but i’ll share the tracker i made in my lil notebook ☺️
Tumblr media
1. Where the Crawdads Sing - Delia Owens
2. The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
3. Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
4. Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo
5. Ruin and Rising - Leigh Bardugo
6. One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston
7. With the Fire on High - Elizabeth Acevedo
8. We Were Liars (reread) - E. Lockhart
9. Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
10. Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
11. Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo
12. Beach Read - Emily Henry
13. The Unhoneymooners - Christina Lauren
14. The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue - V. E. Schwab
15. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
16. Daisy Jones and the Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid
17. Daughters of Sparta - Claire Heywood
18. Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
i tag anyone who wants to do this!! happy reading!!
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Late Nights
Andrew (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, a bit of Angst
Summary: Late nights are famously accompanied by deep conversations. The type to keep you up like a full dose of caffeine. Those are the best, most relaxing and freeing conversations you’ll ever experience. Good thing Andrew and Y/N are the perfect company for each other when it comes to those exact talks.
Requested by Anon. Hello! I’m sorry there is no specifications on your request. You requested for some Andrew x Reader fluff and this idea immediately dawned on me haha. I hope you like it and I’m so terribly sorry for the wait. Hopefully the final product makes it worth your while. Looking forward to hearing your feedback and receiving any other requests you may have! Love, Vy ❤
A random notification sounds from my phone, scaring me out of my peaceful, dreamless slumber. Oh wait, I’m not in my bed. I’m sitting at my desk, surrounded with sheets of paper with notes I’m supposed to memorize by my 8 AM exam. Speaking of that exam, it’s in less than five hours. I’ve been studying for what feels like days, but my head still feels as empty as it was at the start of the semester. The way I see it, I have two options: I can either die from a caffeine overdose or from the heart attack this exam will cause me. No in-between and no other options. Just death. Maybe not in the literal sense, but if you ask me, burn-out should be considered death and that’s exactly what I feel right now. And the fucking exam hasn’t even happened yet, for fuck’s sake! 
I lift my head to look at the clock on the wall and instantly get dizzy. Thankfully, I’m still seated. Damn, this calls for more caffeine.
“Hey T, can you -“ I look behind me in search of my roommate who’s supposed to be pulling this all-nighter with me. Needless to say, she has perished. 
I already have an idea of where she might be, but the sticky note she has left on my dresser confirms it.
~ Daniel has more notes. Come to the floor lounge 
Oh, hell no. I am not that committed to passing this exam. I am not about to be a third-wheel for five hours and feel miserable afterwards. Correction: More miserable than I’m already going to feel. Good thing there are two staircases on either side of the floor so I don’t have to pass through the lounge in order to get to the dining hall. That’s the only place I could obtain coffee and if I don’t I might just die right here on this desk.
I put my slippers on, throwing a jacket over my pajamas as well. It’s January and the dorms could not be colder. I swear to God, they are trying to build our immunity and resistance to cold one freezing night at a time. The heating doesn’t do much even if it’s on, which is a rare occurrence considering it’s faulty and doesn’t work 80% of the time.  I leave the dorm, quietly shutting and locking the door behind me before taking the right hallway instead of the left. I wander around the dimly lit hallways, some of which don’t have lighting at all, my arms folded over my chest in a pointless attempt to bring myself more warmth than the jacket is able to provide me. No matter what I do, I can’t get rid of the intense shaking that started from my torso and has now spread as far as my bottom jaw.
I navigate the halls, mumbling curse words to myself while doing so. Having taken the long way, I have an extra two minutes or so of freezing before I can find myself in the warm and cozy dorm. Taylor and I bought a small heater for Christmas cause we were not having it with the shitty heating system. Must say, that’s a better investment than all the money I threw to be here.
The dining hall is dark as usual. The only lights are the exit sign and some small lights on the vending machines. And the glorious coffee machine! I can just imagine myself turning into a heart-eyed emoji looking at it. 
The voice is so sudden and so out of place, it startles me to the point of letting out a half-scream and immediately backing away towards the entrance of the dining hall. 
“Hey, it’s ok. It’s me.“ A light appears at one of the tables, illuminating the person holding it.
I sigh in relief when I finally get a good look at the person opposite me. It’s Andrew - a classmate and friend of mine. We have creative writing together and a few other classes. We’re in the same friend group as well. I started hanging out with him more through Taylor’s boyfriend Daniel who’s roommates with him. I’m glad I met them both, they are really fun to be around. However, recently, Andrew hasn’t been himself. It might be a stretch, but I think it’s because of the upcoming field trip our creative writing professor John has organized. I have tried asking him what has been bothering him but he always brushes off my concerns by claiming nothing’s wrong.
“Jeez, Andrew. You scared me half to death.“ I place a hand over my racing heart, taking a deep breath to calm myself down, “You’re lucky I didn’t chuck anything at you.“
He has the audacity to laugh. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out.” He puts his phone on the table, flashlight facing up at the ceiling, “What are you doing here, anyway?”
I return to my previous task, “Getting coffee, can’t do without it. What about you? Do you just hang out here, waiting for student-zombies to scare?” I get my four cups of coffee, balancing them in a very risky way to where he’s sitting. “Want one?”
His eyes widen, “These are all for you?” I nod, “And they are all just straight espressos?” I nod again, “Are you trying to kill yourself?”
I scoff, “That’s plan B. For now, I’m just trying to stay awake.” I knock back one of the cups, trying hard not to cringe at the unpleasant flavor due to the lack of sugar. “You didn’t answer my question.” I say after getting over the initial battle to get the coffee down without puking.
He hesitates, rhythmically tapping his fingers on the tabletop. I can tell he has spaced out, leaving me unsure of weather I should nudge him again or let him return to reality at his own time.
“I, uh....I had a nightmare.“ He says despite his eyes still carrying that thousand yard stare. “Daniel wasn’t there, and I didn’t want to stay alone in the dorm, so I came here. A lot more open. Not so suffocating.“
I frown, “What was the nightmare like?” I don’t try to hide my concern, there is no reason to do so. I want him to know I care, that I am and I always will be there for him. Even if it’s just as a friend, I will take what I can get. This is not the time to be thinking of anything more than being a good friend and helping Andrew.
He shrugs, his eyes slowly lifting to meet mine. Unfortunately, it doesn’t last cause he shakes his head, breaking eye-contact again, “You’ll think it’s ridiculous.“
I put my hand on top of his, stopping the repetitive tapping of his fingers. This causes him to reconnect our gazes. After a two second confirmation that he won’t look away, I speak up, “You could tell me elves chased you around with axes and I still wouldn’t say that, Andrew. Come on, talk to me.”
He sighs, nodding his head. I take this as a positive sign and give him an encouraging smile. Instinctively, I start withdrawing my hand as I lean back in my seat. To my surprise, he turns his hand, taking a hold of mine when he begins to speak.
“They started a week ago, when John told us about the trip to Little Hope.“ he still hesitates, but I still consider it progress. “It’s always one of two nightmares - it’s either a housefire which non of us survive or...I can’t even explain the other one.“
I give his hand a comforting squeeze, “Take your time. I know it’s tough.”
“Um, we are at this ruin of a house and we, well, you guys get attacked by these deformed, demonic monstrosities. I can’t get to you. I can’t save you. Darkness takes over my brain and all I hear is horrified screams and calls for help. And then I wake up. Terrified.“ 
I am terrified just picturing it, let alone experiencing it. I’d probably sob like a baby and refuse to go to sleep ever again. “That’s horrible, Andrew. I’m so sorry you have to go through that.” I pause for a second, “Little Hope is a place with terrible history, I can’t blame you for being so hesitant about going. I’m a sucker for these types of places, but I completely understand your angle.”
He chuckles, “Yeah, I believe I overheard you saying you’d like to visit Centralia.“
I can’t help but smile, “Oh, I’d love to.”
Suddenly, completely out of the blue, he gets a spark in his eye. He becomes livelier, almost like new life was breathed into him. Pushing back his chair, he stands up and takes the remainder of coffee cups. “Well, that’s not gonna happen if you kill yourself.” Without batting an eye at my baffled expression, he throws the cups in the trashcan near by. “Let me help you with the studying. Two work better than one, after all. I’m sure you’ll grasp everything better if you have an actual person explaining it to you. Also, I’d like to make up for the time you wasted here with me.”
I get up as well, “No need, seriously. I can figure it out. Apart from feeling so energized I could run a marathon, my brain is working a lot better now. You go try to catch some z’s.” I wave my hand dismissively but he catches it mid-motion, mumbling a quick ‘come on’ before leading me out of the dining hall and towards the staircase I took earlier.
                                                           *  *  *
It’s been about two days since that night and history is over here repeating itself. I am, once again, pulling an all-nighter, this time alone because no one else from my friend group shares this class with me. You’d think I would have learned my lesson and would start studying at a reasonable time, granting myself both peace of mind and a better functioning brain, but NOPE. Actually, I’m beginning to think I can’t study at any other time of day. The late nights/early mornings give me the best atmosphere. Those hours before dawn are the quietest I’ve ever had the chance to experience - for studying and just chilling on the roof of the dorms. The dining hall is still a place I frequent. I can’t help but hope to run into Andrew every time I walk in that big, eerie room. I haven’t been so lucky, though. We got the results of our last exam today and I was, and still am overjoyed for the grade I got. Not only was it a passing one, it was a SOLID passing one. I can swear, if it wasn’t for Andrew’s help, I would’ve failed it with the lowest score in the class.
“How does this work...?“ I mumble in frustration, reading through the poorly written notes I’ve made. Full disclosure - this is my nap class. This is the class I spend spacing out and - as its title suggests - taking naps. I am surprised I have as many notes as I do. 
Taylor, being the great friend she is, refused to budge from our dorm, determined to help me in any way she could. I appreciate the gesture, don’t get me wrong, but having another person would defeat the purpose of being up this late, so I talked her into sticking to her original plan - hanging out with Andrew and Daniel at their dorm while I fry my brain cells.
Just as I’m about to take a sip of my third coffee for the night, my phone starts ringing. I look at the phone screen that’s displaying Andrew’s name and straighten up in my chair, ready to launch myself out the door in case he needs my help. Screw the exam.
“Hello? You ok? What’s wrong?“ I blabber into the phone after picking up the call
“Hey, sorry for bothering you. Hope I didn’t wake you up. Um, I had another nightmare....never mind. Sorry for calling.“ His voice is shaky and hesitant, almost as if he’s speaking with zero air in his lungs.
My concern shoots through the roof, “Don’t you ‘never mind’ me! And don’t apologize! Meet me in the dining hall in five minutes.” I jump to my feet, pulling my jacket on with my unoccupied arm.
He sighs, “I’m already there.“
I nod distractedly, momentarily forgetting that he can’t see me, before leaving the dorm. I power walk the familiar hallways, the only reason I’m not running being the late hour and the trouble I’d get in for the noise.
I stop right outside the dining hall doors, giving myself five seconds to compose myself so I won’t look absolutely unhinged when I walk in. I get that it’s pointless, considering I have massive bags under my soulless eyes, but a girl can try.
Pushing the door open, I am met with small, flickering dots of light hovering over one of the tables. The outline of Andrew’s silhouette is also visible, but nothing more. It takes me a second to realize the lights I was looking at were three small candles.
“Andrew?“ I whisper-call his name while I’m still at a distance of about ten feet, cautious not to freak him out by approaching without making my presence known.
As I near the table, the candle-light illuminates his face enough for me to be able to see that he doesn’t look at all like what he sounded like over the phone. Something about his gaze when his eyes meet mine screams ‘I’m so glad you’re here’, but then again, that might be wishful thinking. Apart from that, he looks rather normal - not like someone who just had the most horrific of nightmares. Actually, I think I can see a hint of a smile forming at the corners of his lips.
“Hey Y/N.“ He greets me, “Ready to study?“ He points to the several notebooks and sheets of paper neatly stacked on the table. Next to that pile is a similar one of snacks. 
My eyes widen, “Wait, what? What is this?“ I narrow my eyes at him, “Is this your way of dealing with the nightmares or something? It’s completely ok if it is, don’t get me wrong...“
He shakes his head, the smile now fully formed on his face, “No, Y/N. I actually haven’t had a nightmare since that night you found me here. This...” he motions to the table, “...is several things. First of all, a celebration for your passed exam. Second, a thank you - cause I believe you’re the reason the nightmares stopped. I just needed to talk to someone about them and you were the only person I could do that with properly. And third, I know you have an exam in a few hours, so I wanted to help. We make great study-buddies, don’t you agree?”
I’m honestly speechless, “You schemer.” I’m smiling and blushing like crazy and I couldn’t be happier to be surrounded by darkness at this moment. “How did you even get these notes? You’re not in that class.”
He gives me a conspiring smirk, “That’s classified info.” He hands me a coke can, “No more coffee for you tonight.”
“You interrupted me on my third cup, but better late than never I guess.“ I giggle taking the handed soda and taking a seat on the chair opposite him. “Thank you so much, Andrew. Really, it means a lot to me. How am I supposed to repay you for this?“ I can tell he’s about to protest so I hurry to stop him, “No, no, no. You can’t change my mind on that.“
He sighs in defeat I can only guess is fake, taking the smirk on his face into consideration. He contemplates whatever’s on his mind for a second, buying himself time while he opens a soda can for himself. I copy his action, opening mine as well. “Um, well, there is one way I can think of....” he trails off, avoiding eye-contact. The brief moment I manage to catch his gaze I give him a nod, encouraging him to go on. “How about calling this a date?”
I am shocked. No, ‘pleasantly surprised’ is a better term to use. ‘Overjoyed’ an even better one. 
The blush I thought couldn’t get any darker or more wide-spread just proved me wrong. Despite the chilliness of the dining hall, my face, neck and ears are on fire. Once again, a big thank you goes to the darkness that surrounds us.
Instead of showing off how surprised and happy I am, I lift my soda can in the air, “It’s a date then.”
His smirk turns into a relieved smile as he takes his can, clinking it against mine, “It’s a date.”
@sparrow-gg  @artlovingbre  @chairtiger
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 4 years
Sweeter Than Ice Cream
Summary: Virgil is feeling good about his body for once. Leave it to assholes to come along and ruin the feeling. Luckily his boyfriend is there to cheer him up.
Contains Thvi, mentioned Demus, mentioned Logicality, mentioned Rosleepmile, chubby trans Virgil, and mentions of bullying.
A/N: Alright the birthday fic is going up a bit late but who cares cause it's adorable. Really I just wanted something ridiculously sweet and comforting so here we are. And if people like it I can totally write more for this verse cause I already have tons of ideas.
"Hello handsome."
Virgil was getting his text books out of his locker when he felt a familiar pair of arms slide around his waist, a hand stopping to squeeze his round bottom before continuing on it's way. He smiled and turned around to greet their owner, giving his boyfriend a smile before he spoke. 
"Good morning to you too, beautiful." He wrapped his arms around Thomas' neck and him a kiss. "Glad you're here today, I was worried about you yesterday." 
Thomas gave an apologetic smile and pecked his nose before speaking. "I'm sorry Virge. I tried to text you, but I had a dentist's appointment yesterday." He flashed his freshly cleaned teeth in an exaggerated grin. "How are you today?" 
"Well let's see:", Virgil began to list off.", today is a friday, dad offered to make my lunch today which meant I got an extra half hour of sleep, I have leftover mac and cheese for lunch, today is a Friday, I'm having a sleepover with my amazing boyfriend tonight, and said boyfriend is holding me right now. So I'd say it's about as good as it gets. Not to mention I'm feeling more body confident than I have in months. How about you?"
Thomas smiled. "As perfect as possible. Especially now that I have you in my arms." He squeezed Virgil's sides gently. "And I'm glad you're feeling confident right now. You deserve to.", Thomas smiled at his boyfriend and took note of his clothing choice for today., "And you look great in what you're wearing, sweetheart. I mean you always look great, but you look adorable right now. I don't think I've seen you in something pastel since you got this."
Virgil blushed at the mention of his unusual outfit choice. While normally he wore baggy and dark clothes, not only to match his emo personality but to help deal with his insecurities about his weight and dysphoria, but today he'd felt confident and comfortable in his body and went with a different choice. He wore light purple overall shorts and a cute black top underneath along with knee high socks and purple chuck taylors. He'd finished off the look with a black heart choker and his usual makeup. He'd been excited to see Thomas' and his friends' reactions to him something so different from his usual style. 
"I liked how it looked on me and I wanted to wear it. Besides I thought it would be the perfect outfit for our sleepover tonight."  Virgil reluctantly pulled away from the hug to finish grabbing his textbooks, "I'm glad you like it. I was hoping you would." 
He felt arms wrap around him again and warm breath tickle his neck as Thomas leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "Well I like you in anything. Or nothing. Especially in nothing at all." He pressed a kiss behind Virgil's ear. 
Virgil held back a groan before shutting his locker and turning around. "You can't just say that when we have 10 minutes til class." 
"Fine. I'll tell you tonight while your parents are out. For now I'll ask you about the homework from yesterday." The pair made their way down the hallway to their first class. 
If Thomas had to pick a favorite part of school days it would have to be lunch. Not only because it served as a break between classes or because it was when he could finally eat, but because he shared a lunch period with his boyfriend. He got a solid half hour everyday to just sit with Virgil and spend time together. It was nice. 
Of course it would be nice if he hadn't drank an entire water bottle during his last period and was now rushing to the bathroom. He'd gotten lucky that the one closest to the cafeteria was empty and he didn't have to search for one. 
At least, he thought it was empty. Until he heard a sob coming from one of the stalls behind while he washed his hands. Thomad froze at the sound. He really should be meeting Virgil for lunch. But what if someone was hurt? What if they needed help? Fuck it, he thought, it couldn't hurt to ask if they're ok. 
"Hey?" He called. "Are you ok? Do you need me to get the nurse or something? It's my lunch period so I have the time." 
He heard a gasp and some movement before a familiar voice spoke. "Thomas?" 
Virgil. Shit. What could have happened in the time that they had been apart? Thomas rushed over to the stall and opened it to see his boyfriend curled up in a corner looking at him. His hurt beat painfully when he saw his black eye and bloody nose that Virgil was pressing toilet paper to. He felt a hot rush of anger when he saw that half of his face appeared to be covered in what looked like cake. 
Thomas grimaced and got up to wet some paper towels before setting to work with cleaning Virgil's face. Afterwards he pressed some more toilet paper to his bloody nose and sighed. "What happened?" 
Virgil kept his eyes down. "The usual shit. I went to use the bathroom and was ambushed. They said that they felt uncomfortable with me using the same bathrooms as them. That I'd probably try to force them to be gay. That freaks like me shouldn't be allowed in the school period. After that they beat the shit out of me." Virgil gestured to his bruised face. "And then they…. They brought a piece of cake with them. Said a whale like me would probably love it. And they shoved it in my face."
Thomas felt molten hot anger wash through him but pushed it aside for now. Virgil needed him. He stood up and pulled his boyfriend up with him. "Come on, Stormcloud.
"Where are we going?"
"Well first we're going to stop by Holy Cow's and get sundaes because you deserve something as sweet as you are. Then we're going to go to your place and call your dads to tell them what happened. And then we can cuddle and begin our sleepover early." 
Virgil raised an eyebrow at him. "And what about class? You've already missed yesterday." 
Thomas shrugged and held Virgil's hand as they left the bathroom. "I'll tell your uncle what happened and ask him to get our homework for us." Thomas knew that Virgil's uncle, the school drama teacher, Roman would be fine with it. He'd probably claim that what happened to his nephew was a huge offense and demand to know who did it. 
They signed themselves out for the day and got into Thomas' car. He made sure to send a text to Roman explaining what happened and asking him to get their homework for them. He received an almost immediate response saying of course and that he would be by after school with it and then they could tell him who it was. 
First stop was ice cream. Virgil ended up dozing in the car and Thomas didn't have the heart to wake him so he just went in by himself. Besides it wasn't like he didn't know Virgil's favorite sundae. His boyfriend was a chocolate lover from way back.
He smiled as he entered the shop. Some of his favorite memories were here. Coming here as a kid when he got a good grade, his dads taking him here on his birthday. He even went here with Virgil on their first date. He still remembered how nervous Virgil had been to eat anything around him at the time. It had taken forever to assure V that his weight was fine. It could still be a struggle, with Virgil's confidence fluctuating. But Thomas would never stop showing him how amazing and beautiful he was. 
Thomas shook off those thoughts and gave a wave to Remy, the shop's owner. Thomas looked at the menu vaguely even though him and Virgil always got the same thing. 
"Girl, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" 
Thomas shrugged and gestured out to his car. "Virgil got beat up by some assholes so I'm taking him to get ice cream as a treat." 
 Remy crossed his arms and smirked, "Mmmhmmm. So where is my favorite customer?" 
Thomas gave a pretend shocked gasp, "I've been coming here as long as Virgil has." 
"Like I said he's my favorite customer.", Remy grabbed two styrofoam bowls, "The usual for both of you?" 
Thomas snorted and nodded, "Yep. He fell asleep in the car and I didn't want to wake him. So just me today.", Remy nodded and began making Thomas' birthday cake sundae and Virgil's chocolate brownie s'more sundae. 
"Well because this is comfort ice cream I'm giving you each an extra scoop. And it's on the house." Thomas went to object but Remy cut him off, "Hun, last time you were here you tipped twenty bucks. And the time before that you tipped ten. You've got some free ice cream points saved up. Enjoy it." 
Thomas sighed and put his wallet away before smiling, "Thank you. I figured this would be a good way to cheer him up. Worst part was he was feeling confident today too. I was so excited for him." 
Remy grimaced and went to roast two marshmallows for the ice cream in question, "That's how life is sometimes. You're feeling great and it kicks you where it hurts. But you just gotta be there for him now and hope his confidence stays up. And if not, be a confidence booster.", He finished off the sundaes with some hot fudge and caramel on Virgil's and rainbow sprinkles and cake crumbles on Thomas', topping both with whipped cream. 
Thomas nodded and took the ice cream gratefully, "Thank you. I'm sure Roman will tell you and Emile all the details later tonight.", With that he went back to the car and drove to Virgil's house. 
Virgil awoke to Thomas kissing his cheek and saying that they had to get out of the car. He blinked groggily before wincing at the feeling of his bruised eye and got up slowly., "Did you message my parents?", He asked through a yawn. 
Thomas nodded and picked up the ice cream containers before answering, "Yep. Remus is working late tonight at the hospital but Janus should be home at 5 and he said he'd get take out. And he wanted to talk about what happened." 
Virgil nodded and got out his key before letting them both in. He went to go to the kitchen but was stopped by Thomas who guided him to the living room. 
"What are you doing?" 
Virgil gestured to his eye., "I'm going to get some ice and painkillers." 
Thomas nodded and got up. "I'll do that. You sit and relax.", He was handed a cold styrofoam bowl. "Here's your sundae. I got your usual." Virgil smiled and Thomas headed into the kitchen. 
Virgil stared at the sundae on his lap hesitantly. Sure, it sounded great after the day he had, but did he really need it? He was fat enough as is without it. He could still hear those asshole's jeers in the restroom, calling him a whale and laughing when he fell. 
Before he could do anything though, Thomas came back and was handing him a water bottle and some painkillers and pressing some ice to his eye. Virgil gladly took several large drinks of water and went back to looking at the ice cream nervously. 
"Hey." Virgil looked at Thomas to see him giving him a concerned look.  "Whatever those assholes said about you… None of it is true. You're amazing and beautiful and your weight is fine. You deserve some ice cream after the day you've had."
Virgil winced internally. Dammit. He hadn't meant for Thomas to know how he was feeling. But that's just how Thomas was sometimes. He could take one look at Virgil and was able to figure out exactly what was bothering him and made it his mission to make him feel better. "It's just… Sometimes I think I would get so much of the bullying if I was thinner, y'know. And maybe I deserve it, cause I could probably do more to try to lose the weight. Like I could go on another diet-" 
"Like when you ended up passing out in gym class because you were malnourished?" Thomas interrupted him. Before Virgil could say anything else Thomas was pulling him onto his lap. He tried to do his best to not put any weight on him but Thomas wasn't having it. Virgil found himself tucked snugly in his boyfriends arms. "Babe you eat healthy and are decently active. And your doctor has said you're healthy even with your weight. I know firsthand that it can be hard to love yourself, but please… Never listen to those assholes. And if you're feeling insecure come to me. I'll always be willing to reassure you." 
Virgil was blushing and Thomas kissed each of his full, red cheeks. "Now I think we have some well earned ice cream and feel good movies waiting for us." Virgil nodded and snorted as Thomas put on Hairspray. 
He leaned up to kiss his boyfriend and took a bite of ice cream, moaning at the taste. "I love you." 
Thomas laughed and kissed Virgil back before grabbing his sundae as well.  "I can't tell if you're talking to me of the ice cream but I love you too." 
Virgil smiled and hummed along to the opening number and took another bite before speaking. "Both. I love ice cream because it's delicious and I love you because you're easily one of the best things to ever happen to me."
Thomas smiled and took a bite of ice cream and kissing him. Virgil could taste frosting and bits of vanilla cupcake on his lips. By the time they pulled away they were both breathing heavily. Virgil pressed several quick kisses on Thomas' face. And smiled. "I love you. So much." 
Thomas only responded by kissing him again with just as much intensity as before. Virgil smiled when Thomas finally pulled away and whispered. "I love you. I… I was going to give this you tonight, I figured that it would be the perfect time. And it still is of course I wanted you to be happier when I did it but… Will you go steady with me?" He held out a silver ring with a purple heart shaped gem. 
Virgil looked at him with a mixture of shock and happiness. "Really?" 
Thomas rubbed the back of his neck and gave an anxious smile. "Yeah. I know it's old fashioned but I thought it would be cute. I was talking to my grandpa about it and he said that going steady was supposed to be a promise that you wanted to spend forever together even if you weren't married yet. Of course back then people got married right out of high school. But I thought that that meaning was perfect for us. I want to spend forever with you, and obviously neither of us are ready for marriage." 
Virgil smiled and nodded rapidly at his boyfriend. "Of course. I'd love to go steady with you." Thomas put the ring on his finger and kissed his hand. "It's beautiful."
Thomas smiled. "I got it down at my cousin's shop. I thought it was perfect for you. And now that I'm seeing it I'm happy to report that I was right." 
Virgil smiled and made a mental note to go see Toby this weekend and pick out an equally beautiful ring for Thomas. For now however, he had a boyfriend to snuggle and movies to watch. He pulled Thomas closer and pressed several kisses before burrowing his face in his neck. 
By the time Janus, Roman, and Remus all burst in at once, the pair were asleep, the credits to the movie rolling unnoticed.
@forever-forgotten-angel, @anxiety-ismy-name
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