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cerealesbians · 8 months
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Cinnabons Sweet Retreat Recap Part 1
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fatty-food · 9 months
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cinnamon roll (via instagram)
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It would be funny if after finally becoming a dragonlord Merlin kept finding dragon eggs and just goes to Arthur and be like "Hold this for a minute, I'll be back" then runs off to do chores or fight off another sorcerer attack with Arthur just standing there with a "wtf? Why am I holding this giant egg?! Is this a dragon egg!!?"
Then Merlin returns and thanks Arthur with a quick kiss on the cheek (my boy don't realise he did it) before running off with his egg to find a safe place to store them; this goes on for a while, Arthur wants to question Merlin but if he does would Merlin stop giving him kisses on the cheek? Because he might not admit it out loud, he likes it and looks forward to it everytime Merlin unconsciously does it which is whenever he holds those giant eggs or when he does something unexpectedly nice for his manservant.
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lastlifeinuniverse · 2 years
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Cinnabons Sweet Retreat Recap Part 1
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Businessman Arthur: [frowning] Where were you last week?
Barista Merlin: At work.
Businessman Arthur: No you weren't.
Barista Merlin: I was. I had early shifts.
Businessman Arthur: [frown deepening]
Barista Merlin: [finishes making Arthur's drink before noticing the businessman's expression] Arthur?
Businessman Arthur: It's not permanent is it?
Barista Merlin: [blinking] What?
Businessman Arthur: You working earlier.
Barista Merlin: [slowly speaking] No, I'm back to my normal schedule.
Businessman Arthur: [nods, then takes his drink] Good. [Walks away quickly]
Barista Merlin: [staring confusedly at Arthur's back] What was that about?
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Brioche Cinnamon Rolls Recipe
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lustingfood · 1 year
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catfindr · 3 months
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nikswonderland · 1 year
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brattylikestoeat · 11 months
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sad-blue-deer · 4 months
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itsdefinitely · 8 months
hey if you still do art requests can you draw Gerald with 100 Cinnabons? :)
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it's like it's his birthday!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
I went on a date with Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. We went to Cinnabon together, and I got very offended when he ate half of my cinnamon roll just as I picked it up. He then magicked me into a magical girl costume and teleported us to a rooftop, where we looked over my hometown as the sky grew dark. Overall, one of the best dreams I’ve had.
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Need a fic where Arthur has to get married before he is crowned King, so he's invited countless noblewomen and royal princesses to a competition for his hand in marriage. He doesn't want to however he cannot ignore the traditions set by his ancestors.
Merlin is of course jealous but also amused. He wants to see Arthur happy and if it means helping Arthur find a suitable bride and hiding his feelings of love deeper than before so be it; that is until Arthur pulls Merlin to the side and asks for his help.
Merlin nods, he probably shouldn't have nodded, he should have ran when Arthur began grinning mischievously.
Oh no...I'm not going to like this one bit. Merlin thought.
The Crown Prince tugs Merlin along the corridor towards his sister's chambers where Morgana and Gwen were waiting for their arrival.
Morgana has a sly smirk watching him with eager eyes as Gwen stands beside her with a helpless smile as all three told Merlin, in great detail, what his mission was to be should he choose to accept it. Or should they say the illusion of accepting...they had already decided Merlin was perfect for it.
"You want me to enter the competition as the only male—in a dress might I add—to marry Arthur!?"
Morgana's smirk widens her gaze gleeful as Gwen sends him an encouraging smile, dear friend that Merlin adores but is currently in cahoots with Morgana and Arthur, is now an enemy in his watery eyes. He totally won't make blueberry muffins for her ever again! And don't even get him started on Arthur, that prat. Can't believe he felt sorry for him and wishing him happiness.
Oooohhh I'm so mad! No doubt the dress is Arthur's idea! It was one time, ONE TIME, and he thinks I wear dresses!?
"First off, I'm not a noble. There. End of story. Now if you would excuse me—" Merlin turns around to leave but Arthur quickly grabs him and throws the lad over his shoulder.
"Don't worry ladies I'll convince my—" Arthur fondly pats Merlin's bottom, "—future queen of his role and what he needs to do to win."
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dqllgarden · 2 months
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