#circuit bending toys
silkysong · 2 years
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moosenaround2448 · 1 year
Trying some circuit bending :)
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slutdge · 1 year
the thing about making music is you actually have to make the music
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Workshop Marzo 2023
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. Testing Electronics Workshop Marzo 2023 . Aguascalientes . . @uxa.mx @punto.ciego.art . Fotos: Lola Torres . .
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moongreenlight · 7 months
Have you ever seen that corny ass skit where it’s the girl talking to her husband asking him to fix things and he says “I’m not a plumber” “I’m not a carpenter” bla bla bla and then one day he comes home and the girl’s like “oh yeah I had the neighbor come over to fix the things you wouldn’t” and the neighbor says she can either bake him a cake or sleep with him as payment so the husband asks “so what kind of cake did you bake him?” And the girl says “I’m not a baker?”
Very much Neighbor!Price x stay-at-home-mom!reader coded :)
Mdni. Nsfw below cut.
Neighbor!Price who’s found a quiet little cul-de-sac to settle in when he’s got some time off. It’s a little neighborhood, mostly older people who’re thrilled to have a man like him around to help bring out bins and offer to mow their lawns or rake their leaves or shovel their drives when he’s around.
But somehow he’s found the only other younger family in the area living directly next to him. Parents are a few years his junior, and they’ve got two young kids. He assumes the boy, the older one, is early elementary age- sees you herding him into the car in the morning with a pack lunch and a backpack that’s nearly the same size as he is to and from the house in the morning and afternoon. And the girl, the younger, must be in pre-k, because she’s only out for half the day and doesn’t get the same pack lunch her brother gets.
He’s gotten to know you pretty well. When he’s around, the two of you will chat while you’re tending your garden and he’s working in his garage carrying out some odd project or another. He thinks you’re sweet. Likes the way you wear overalls with a little top when you’re planting flowers in the beds out front. How when you bend over or stand at the right angle he can imagine you’re not wearing a top at all.
He hates your husband. He’s crass and rude and never waves hello to any of the neighbors- odd for such a friendly little community. Leaves for work early and comes home late and leaves you to fend for yourself all day. Doesn’t know how to interact with you or your kids. And Price is almost certain he doesn’t fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked because his bedroom window looks over your living room and he’s caught you on the couch with your hand down your pants more times than could have been coincidence.
He’s known to be the neighborhood handyman. Got a little workshop set up in his garage and a general knowledge about nearly everything, so it’s not uncommon that he gets a knock on the door a few times a week. Usually it’s some of the older neighbors popping over to see if he can fix their TVs or help their grandkids connect to the Wi-Fi, but it’s a pleasant surprise when you turn up on his porch mid-morning.
You’re scrunching the ends of your soaking wet hair in a towel. Apologizing as soon as you hear him turn the deadbolt. Feverishly going on about how you must have blown a circuit in the bathroom trying to dry your hair and you’d usually be able to manage but your husband shoved a bookshelf in front of the breaker and you can’t get through to it.
He’s sweet about it. Always is, but especially for you. Follows you over to your place and promises you no less than ten times that it’s really no trouble. He’s happy to help. It’s a quick fix, but he drags it out as long as he can. Insists on following you up and down the stairs from the basement to the top floor twice to make sure everything’s working properly.
He notices that the bathroom door sticks and that the fire alarm in the hallway is chirping from a low battery. You apologize for the toys in the living room and the clean laundry pile on the couch and the state of your house. Say that your husband is racking up a hefty to-do list with a small laugh that’s just a bit too forced.
He’s thrilled to tell you that he’s got some free time later in the week and says he’ll come over if only to help out your husband. Makes some backhanded remark about how your husband is clearly a busy lad. You refuse- of course- sweet thing that you are, but he turns up the next day after you’ve taken your kids to school anyway.
He tails you up the drive so there’s no way you can shut him out. Shushes you when you try to apologize for one reason or another and takes off to fix not only the sticky bathroom door and the fire alarm batteries, but also the dripping kitchen faucet and the garbage disposal that’s been broken for months.
You try to stay clear of whatever room he’s working in, chirping short responses to whatever nonsense question he asked in an attempt to lure you over. It was only when he was about to head out and he saw you leaning on the dryer to keep it shut that he saw his golden opportunity.
You were clearly trying to hide it, but even with a small load of clothes in, it sounded like you’d thrown a pair of boots into a tin garbage pail and shook it hard as you could. You tried to shoo him off, but he wasn’t having any of it.
There’s enough skirting around the subject to give you chance to turn down his advances, but when he realizes you’re not outright telling him to go fuck himself, he’s essentially taking it as a challenge to see if he can’t push you to that point.
Hoists you up on the still clanging machine and pushes between your legs on the weak pretense of needing you there to keep the door shut while he works. The machine shook the straps of your top down off your shoulders and made him acutely aware of the fact that you hadn’t had the time to put on a bra yet. It made his pants near painfully tight on the crotch.
He’d try and make idle chat. Your kids and plans for the day, but it’s entirely too hard for him to focus on anything other than the way your thighs are pressing together as the dry cycle started to bang the machine around more. He makes a light comment about how he’s not sure how you get anything done around the house with the dryer in this state. Your laugh is breathy.
And when he leans over you to reach to the back of the machine, he can feel the way your soft panting breaths fan his neck. Confirms his suspicions.
You’re chewing the inside of your lip while you nod. Clearly starved for stimulation if all it takes is a dry cycle to get you off. Poor thing.
It’s stuffy in the laundry room. Adds to the appeal. Makes your shorts ride up and stick to your legs. Your thighs are dewy and glide together when you shift under his gaze.
“You sure, doll?”
The two of you are almost nose-to-nose. You’re leaned back, caged in by his big arms that look even bigger in his almost obscenely tight shirt. He’s smiling. Letting his eyes wander to your collarbones. The way your throat bobbed when you swallowed.
Before you could choke out your answer, the dryer stopped. Chimed the alert and slowly stilled. You took a shaky breath and nodded once more, looking like you couldn’t decide whether to be disappointed or relieved. He backed off, stretched out his hand to help you down.
You lead him to the kitchen. Ask if you can get him anything. Tea or food. He declines. You say something about stopping to get cash when you’re out picking up your daughter in a couple hours. He declines again.
“John, really, I appreciate your help. You have to let me get you back.”
You’re filling the kettle with water anyway, leaned just slightly over the sink. He knows it’s impolite to stare, but he’s never had very good manners when it came to things like that.
“Bake me a cake or somethin’, then. Sleep with me. Won’t take your money, though.”
You whirl around and end up sloshing some water down your front. Doesn’t seem to phase you. Your eyebrows are damn near at your hairline.
“I don’t know if that’s appropriate, considering…”
He snorts a soft laugh. It’s kind- not at all suggestive. Like he’s playing off a clever joke.
“What? Baking me a cake?”
You purse your lips and set the kettle on the stove.
“Never been a very good baker.”
He about hurdles the kitchen island like he’s running track.
“That right?”
You make a thoughtful sound before clicking on the burner. He can see you biting back a smile. You finally turn to face him. Leaned back on your hands with your head cocked slightly to the side.
“I just don’t know that it would be appropriate given our- my- situation.”
It’s his turn to hum and nod. Take a few steps forward, slow and slinky like a predator stalking toward its prey.
You chew your bottom lip. Try to find some resolve in fussing with your wedding ring. It’s horrible. Small. He can’t help but think about how he’d be able to get you a much better one. He takes a few more steps forward.
“It’s complicated, John.”
Your voice is mousy now.
“I know.”
A few more steps forward and he’s back nose-to-nose with you. Pinning you against the counter.
“I just-“
“Then tell me to go home.”
The button of his jeans grazes your groin and sends sparks up your spine. You recoil slightly, but he’s got his massive hands on your wrists to keep you in place.
“My husb-“
“Don’t. S’not what I said. Tell me to go home. Tell me to go home, and I’ll leave. S’easy as that.”
The coarse hair of his beard brushes along your jaw. Visible goosebumps rise all the way up your neck and down your arms.
“John, he-“
A throaty growl from him.
“He’s not getting a lick of you.”
And then somehow he’s got you on your back on the couch. Shoved off the pile of laundry and pushed you down. His eyes are near pitch black and hungry. Ravenous. He tears off your shorts. Doesn’t wait for you to hoist your hips, just yanks so hard that you’re a little worried you’ll get thrown off the couch with them.
He is wretched. Planting wet kisses from the inside of your knee all the way up to your sex frustratingly slow. Big hands splayed over your hips to keep you from bucking up into his mouth. He’s got this maddeningly smug smile on his face like he’s waiting for the perfect moment to say I told you so. Like he knew this was going to happen from the start, you were just too stupid to see.
Your underwear is embarrassingly wet from your little go on the dryer. Your pussy puffy and sensitive underneath. You whine when he kisses over the damp spot. Laves his tongue over your folds without pulling them to the side. He makes some comment about the state of you that borders on snarky, but you choose to ignore it.
When he finally does rid you of your panties, there’s a moment of clarity where you realize what you’re doing. You push up on your elbows and try to roll out from under him, but he gives your clit a mean slap that forces you back onto the couch and ends your protest. Sends you to that liminal, clouded headspace where all you can focus on is how desperately you need to come.
It’s clear he’s savoring the moment. Running the point of his tongue through your folds. Teasing at your hole. Artfully swirling around your clit, but never close enough to give you the friction you’re so desperately craving. Planting hot, wet kisses on your inner thighs. Leaves a few love bites in his wake like he’s boasting; so certain your husband wouldn’t get close enough to notice that he had no problem decorating you as he pleased.
You’re a mess. Being taken apart stitch by stitch. Panting and whining and begging for more. Your orgasm is coiling tight under your belly without him having to do much. Any other time you’d have felt a little pathetic, but you were too preoccupied to care now.
He finally brings his hands up and you think he’s about to stuff you full, but he only lets his fingers drag slowly along your sensitive sex. Collects some of your arousal and pulls it up toward your naval. Watches the goosebumps form under his touch.
He rucks your shirt up with his free hand and immediately wraps his lips around your pebbled nipples. Tongues at them. Lets his teeth graze teasingly over them. And whatever one he’s not got currently in his mouth, he’s working his fingers over. Pinching and flicking until you’re teary eyed and squirming under him.
And then finally, fucking finally, he ducks back down and fixes his mouth on your clit. Sucks gently on the swollen bud for just a moment and then companies his mouth with two fingers bullying their way inside you.
The stretch is almost uncomfortable in its suddenness, but you quickly get used to it. The pleasure is blinding. Forces you to throw your head back against the cushion and screw your eyes tightly shut. A string of high, needy moans float through your gaped lips.
He’s sweet, Jesus, is he. Hums and groans with his mouth still on your bundle of nerves. Pulls away just enough to tell you how pretty your pussy is taking him before going back to work on your sensitive clit. You want to scream. You think you may actually come entirely undone on this couch if he doesn’t stop.
And then your orgasm coils so tightly within you that it explodes outward. Tears through you and leaves every square inch of your skin sizzling. He doesn’t let up. Pins you down by the stomach with his forearm and continues down his warpath. The sounds his fingers make when they sink into you are so pornographic that it makes your face hot.
You eventually find it in you to warble out something that sounded like please, too much. And he pulled off, still with that smug grin pulling his lips now surrounded by glistening slick caught in the hair of his beard.
He gives you one last kiss. Lewd and wet and so searing hot you’re worried it will actually blister the sensitive flesh of your cunt. He’ll sit back on his haunches and fuss with the button and zipper of his jeans before saying something horrible and cheeky like
“C’mon, doll. Thought you were set on payin’ me back.”
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dungeonpuppykai · 5 months
Hey lovely, I just want to say I love your bucky fics and especially dark bucky fics, it just hits the spot and it's so good so keep up the great work love. Now i'm not sure if you're still taking requests if so could you please do one of reader wearing absolutely nothing but bucky's army dog tag and him seeing reader like this makes him go feral.
And if you don't want to that's perfectly fine and i hope you have a great day/night and keep up the great work love 💕
Thank you so much! I am so happy that you like them and I know it's been a hot minute but the way this ask short circuited my brain omg!!!
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Warning(s): Dark!Bucky, stockholm syndrome, sir kink, use of makeshift leash, choking, rough p-in-v, power imbalance, m!dom, f!sub, puppy kink, humping, dumbification, cock riding, mention of somnophilia. Browse at your own discretion. Contains dark and mature 18+ content. Minors do not interact. 
Bucky was honestly skeptical at first. 
As you were still getting used to your new home he knew better than to fully trust you. 
But you were just so fucking irresistible and adorable. 
Sometimes he didn't know just what to do with you.
"Just trust me, sir!" Your tone was determined but demeanor shy when you had hurriedly pecked his lips and scurried off into the walk-in wardrobe after prying his hands off you. 
The night was quite silver with the moon on full display, the inside of your room dimly lit as Bucky took a swig of his chilled after dinner beer. 
When you took longer than was comfortable for him doing whatever it was that you were doing, he called out to you. 
"Puppy? What's taking so–"
The older man's voice locked in his throat and he had to do a double take when you did appear. 
Your cheeks were a bright red as you nibbled on your bottom lip, hips swaying but posture stiff as you came into his view. 
Bucky's hand reached for his neck in realization when he noticed the article– the only article on your otherwise nude body.
You sneaky little thing. 
He had been so busy and stressed because of his recent mission that he hadn't noticed when you had slipped his dog tags off him. 
A small smirk made its way on his face as he felt his cock harden instantly, feeling his head spin a little at the seductive way you leaned against the doorframe of the wardrobe, toying with the chain in as much a sexy manner as you could muster.
Just like that, Bucky made his resolve. 
Even if you had been sneaky (and he would definitely have to do something about it to nip it in the bud), it had been to give him a show. 
And who was Bucky to refuse you finally coming around and doing something out of your own free will. 
Or, at least, as free as it could get given your rather coercive circumstances. 
"Come here, puppy" his voice was dark and strained as he held back pouncing on you with all the force in his body and crushing you with the violent passion that was surging like electric currents within his being right now. 
He always held back on you for he knew you were far too fragile to take his raw might. 
"Y- Yes sir…" You obediently answered like you had been trained to do so as you made your way to your captor and owner. 
Bucky bit his lip as he sipped on his drink again, reaching out towards you before he twirled the dog tags around the index finger of his metal arm and gently pulled you in, resuming his earlier position on the bed. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as your lips brushed against his. He had brought you in until you were bending over his form. Your heart was starting to thrum.
Excitement. Anxiety. Need.
"Puppy, you naughty, naughty fucking thing" Bucky rasped after making out with you a little. 
The older man didn't speak before he pressed his lips onto yours and when he transferred the beer in his mouth to yours, you knew why he hadn't praised you yet. 
The drink burnt its way down your throat.
Your nose scrunched a bit at the strong taste of his beer.
You weren't really allowed any adult beverages so they were almost foreign to your taste buds at this point. 
"N- Need you, sir~" you were becoming more and more hormonal by the day and the man wasn't complaining. 
"Is that why you put up this cute little show, huh? To seduce sir into playing with that sweet little pussy that's always so needy for him?" You couldn't help but lower your head and nod sheepishly, blushing under his dark and hungry gaze. "Aren't you becoming a cute little horndog?" 
He couldn't help but smirk at the way you whined under your breath, both aroused and embarrassed.
"Aw, you don't like that, puppy?" He gently tugged at the makeshift leash. "Don't want sir to tease you?" You softly pouted as you shook your head and avoided his gaze. "Awww…" Now his hand wrapped around the rest of the chain and he jerked your head closer. "Then what do you want, puppy?" 
"Y- You, sir…" You shyly looked up at him through your lashes although just for a second. "Want– need you… so, so bad."
"How bad, puppy?"
"Very bad, sir…"
He loosened up his grip but didn't let go of the silver chain. 
"Get on up here and show me." You didn't need to be told twice. 
"Yes sir!" You were eager as you scrambled onto his built thighs, whimpering out a shaky moan when your wet sex exposed itself due to your position and grazed against the material of his pants. "Oh…" A sound too vile for your personal comfort escaped you as you settled yourself on his lap, the upper half of your body being forced to bend towards him due to his hold on the chain. 
"You like that, my little baby puppy?" Your mouth was agape as you could only nod, your own thighs trembling as you begin to slowly rub yourself against the grainy fabric of Bucky's pants. 
"Love that, sir. Love it so much…" Your hand shakily grasped his metal one that was holding the chain for support, hips increasing their speed with this newfound stability and balance.
"Good puppy… good girl… good fucking girl" Bucky praised as he wrapped his hand around the chain once more, toying with one of your boobs with his other hand. "That's it, babygirl. Just like that… rub that slutty pussy all over my jeans like the desperate little toy that you are."
Fuck, he was too good with his soft, breathy praises as he stared up at you, mouth agape.
Your heavy breaths were restricted next and you could cum right there and then. As the oxygen slowly dissipated from your lungs, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and back arched when he suddenly twisted one of your nipples, eliciting a loud squeak from you. 
When he finally let go of your windpipe and eased his hold on the chain, you whined upon coming to your senses when you realized that he'd lifted you off his lap. 
You needed him so bad. 
He was way too good at fucking you.
Though Bucky quickly shut you up with a wet kiss as he lowered you onto his cock next, remaining his hold on the dog tags all the while. 
Your hands were removed from his bicep and metal arm and bound behind your back with his free hand that wasn't guiding you with your makeshift leash. 
Bucky loved to restrain you; there was just something so hot seeing you tied up completely helpless at his mercy. 
"That's right, fuck yourself on my cock. You look so fucking pretty when you're all dumbed out like a silly little puppy slut up on my cock…" His words had you clenching as you rocked your hips, moaning as loud as you could, shame forgotten and disposed of. 
"P- Please…" You begged, too weak and sensitive to increase your pace but in desperate need to do so. "Please, sir… please… Need you… so bad… please…" Bucky tightened the chain one more time, this time not letting go until your flushed face had turned red, veins bulging out against the skin of your temples. "Th- Thank you, sir…" You whispered out like you'd been taught to do so. You were so close. Your head was about to split with emotion and anticipation of what was coming. "... L- Love you so much…" The man froze for a few moments. 
He had not taught you that yet.
As oxygen was allowed back in to your brain, you almost halted when you realized that Bucky was quietly staring up at you now and had let go of both the chain as well as your hands. 
Your brows furrowed, since you hadn't even realized what you had just confessed. "W- What's–" 
But the man beat you to it. 
Before you could ponder over it and possibly change your mind.
Bucky had tackled you onto your back.
The movement caused his thick cock to bang all the way inside your cavern, causing stars to appear in your vision. 
"I love you more, puppy." Trapping both your hands above your head like he had done you -mind and body-, he resumed his hold on the dog tags and began pounding into you like an actual animal. 
You best believe he did not stop for the rest of the night. 
So what if you passed out a couple times?
You loved him, so he was sure you didn't mind. 
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sunkissedrafe · 3 months
enemy!rafe >> doesn’t really hate you but fucks you like he does!!
mmm wait this is so yummy
he does everything he can to make your life a living hell. spreads little white lies about having his way with you knowing damn well you hate his guts and wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole. all his boys at the country club only get his side of the story, the one where you bend to his every demand. telling them all how slutty you are. of course when the two of you interact and they see you rolling your pretty eyes in his direction he brushes it off with a “she’s just mad i didn’t give her any dick last night. girl was damn near blue in the face beggin’ me.”
he’s always in your way, always doing anything he can to get a rise out of you.
anytime you step into tannyhill to meet sarah and he hears your sandals smacking against the floor he saunters down the stairs with a grin. sometimes it’s putting things he knows you’ll need on the highest shelf so that he can sneak a peek at your ass when you’re on your tiptoes, your frilly little sundress working in his favor as it rides up. “need some help?” he casually strolls up, hands resting on your waist like it’s nothing. like he can’t feel the anger boiling in your blood.
“no, get the fuck away from me.” you huff and let your heels hit the ground with a thud, and he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s eyeing your tits as they bounce. he doesn’t really care if you think he hates you, all he’s thinking about is the way you’d look laying across his bed for him, pretty eyes rolling in the back of your skull as he fucks you into the mattress.
“fine, get it your damn self.” he walks away but not before giving you a little tap on the ass.
he loves getting under your skin and watching your face as it fills with anger. in a twisted way it turns him on. he knows for sure that you think he’s your sworn enemy, but he really doesn’t have anything against you. you’re just his sister’s hot friend.
he knew it was just a matter of time before you cracked and flew off the handle at him, pounding on his chest and squeaking out every insult under the sun after he ran off a guy you’d finally planned a date with. your little meltdown falls right into his lap, right where he wants you to be. “never wanna see your face again, rafe. GOD you’re such an asshole!” your manicured nails claw at the fabric of his polo shirt.
your brain goes all fuzzy and short circuits when his veiny hands wrap around your wrists with a squeeze hard enough to bruise the skin, his jaw clenched and his eyes dark. “never wanna see my face again, huh?”
you saw plenty of it that night while you bounced on his dick whining and crying to cum. he does a really good job playing the part of the enemy, treating you like a little toy as he lifts you by your hips and fucks you like a fleshlight. “see, just like i told the guys. beggin’ me. for what?” he pants and cocks his head to the side. “all for some dick? little fuckin’ slut.”
definitely cums on your face and takes a picture for safe keeping. you feel degraded, ashamed that you let a man that “hates” you do something like this. ashamed that you want more. he feels like he’s marking his territory.
˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
taglist: @stepbrorafe @bunnycvnts @hewwokitti3 @pinkribboncoco @rafesgiirl @beautifuldisaster88 @mousie101 @laniirackssss
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
diff anon than the og perv mc and levi anon but id like to build off it: mc purposely setting themselves up for easy panty shots and of course levi cant resist snapping the pic. then one day mc bends over in front of levi in their skirt and they arent wearing underwear and levi short circuits
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a/n: I must be in a mood 'cause I ran off with that idea.
levi x gn!reader | nsfw | mdni | 1.2k words
cw: reader in various types of clothing (skirt, panties, sleep/loungewear). flashing, taking dirty pics/videos (with consent but they're both pretending otherwise). mentions of masturbation, cum marking, voyeuristic behaviour (both).
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Neither of you are very subtle about what's going on when Levi invites you to hang out in his room. He fidgets with his D.D.D. nervously and glances at you from the corner of his eye. He wants to be ready in case he gets lucky with another show you accidentally (to his knowledge) put on for him.
You have no reason to be wearing skirts that short, and you should know better than to bend over with or without anything else underneath. It's too tempting to resist though. You know he likes it, and he might pretend to look away while your eyes are on him, but he drops the ruse as soon as you look elsewhere.
Even if the item you drop ends up at his feet, he doesn't pick it up for you. He knows you're going to slide off the sofa and bend over directly in front of him to get it yourself, even if you could reach it from where you're sitting.
(You used to stay sitting at first so you had an excuse to lean into his body and press your chest against him, but that got boring after a while - it's too hard to feel his cock through those thick pants he wears.)
For some reason, you're so clumsy when you wear those skimpy little outfits for him. He can't see the grin spreading across your face while he fumbles with his D.D.D. behind you. Sometimes he loses his grip on it with those sweaty fingers of his, but you can be patient. You give him all the time in the world he needs to get his camera app open and ready; you take forever to pick up whatever it was you bent over to reach. It's almost like you have butterfingers too. Oops! You can't seem to get a good grip on it either.
What a shame.
Besides, you'd hate to cut this little show of yours too short. How else will he get a good photo if you're moving around too much? That would leave your thighs and the swell of your ass far too blurry for him to appreciate later, and you wouldn't want that. There should be absolutely no doubt in his mind whose panty shots he's jerking off to later that night.
When you bend over in front of him, you can't help but wiggle your hips a little bit, as if you're trying to entice him to chase after you like a toy. It's frustrating that he's so content to look (and photograph and film) but not touch. Eventually you stand upright and turn around, pretending to tug down that wretched skirt of yours that just won't stay in place. You don't mention the pillow that's now laid across his lap and hiding his erection from view. His blown-black pupils and sharp, panted breaths are proof that he enjoyed himself.
Levi's still hard by the time you leave his room and sometimes he leans against the door in an urgent rush to touch himself. He comes with his D.D.D. in one hand and his cock in the other while he imagines what your bare ass would look like covered in his pearly-white release. It would look nicer than the way it looks on his fingers, he thinks. Fucking you once or twice wouldn't be enough and he has so much he wants to give. He wants to drain his balls inside you and all over you. If he fucks you from behind, he'll pull out and paint your skin with his cum at least once. It would be nice and warm and sticky, oozing between your cheeks and onto the little puckered rim between them.
A few more days of this little game might be the push he needs to indulge in the sweet treat you purposefully dangle in front of him.
Or maybe you're not the skirt-wearing type at all. It's a good thing loungewear can be just as teasing in its own ways.
There's a reason you keep all your threadbare shirts and sleep shorts kicking around when most people would've trashed them by now. The sleeveless shirt you wear to bed is practically see-through and it's so obvious when your nipples harden as your body adjusts to the cool temperature of his bedroom.
Your sleep shorts hang deliciously low on your hips, or perhaps they're a bit too tight. You lay on your belly and watch TV on the floor while Levi stares at you from the sofa; the thin material tightens when you squirm around and get comfy. He can tell by the way the material rides up your thighs and wedges between your legs that you're not wearing anything underneath them. It would be easy to pin you down and squeeze the soft, doughy flesh you're more than happy to put on display for him. He palms his cock through his pants when his mind wanders from whatever movie he's pretending to watch, and you pretend you can't see his reflection on the TV while he does it.
Late-night visits to Levi's room are always fun too. It requires a little pre-planning and a tiny lie, but it works flawlessly every time. When you show up at his door in the middle of the night, claiming you left something in his room by accident, he steps aside without protest. Your housecoat is tied loosely around your waist and he knows that's all you're wearing. The fabric swishes playfully around your legs when you walk - it's such a fucking tease. You flash him with glimpses of your bare legs and thighs, and if he's lucky, a little bit more too.
Sometimes he catches a whiff of something delicious in the air as you walk past him; you smell musky and sensual. He can only imagine what you were doing before you came to see him. The image of you laying naked between your sheets, with nothing but your hand and modest collection of toys to keep you company, flickers across his mind. His voice cracks when he wishes you goodnight; his throat is unbearably dry all of a sudden.
It occurs to him later that you probably didn't even wash your hands before you came to see him, did you?
(Of course you didn't. How else would you leave little traces of yourself behind for him to sniff out and taste later?)
With your task complete, you leave his room and wonder how long you'll have to wait for him to follow you down those creaky steps. You're not as sensitive now; you can go another round or two if you know he's listening.
As it turns out, he's not that patient and you don't have to wait very long at all. Before Levi spits in his hand and strokes his cock with his ear pressed against your door, losing himself quickly to the building heat in his guts, he reminds himself to come back and smell your sheets tomorrow if you won't be home to catch him.
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read more: pervy!mc x pervy!levi (part one) | leviathan masterlist
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hijackalx · 2 months
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
100% depends on how much she likes you LOL if you’re a one night stand you’re getting kicked to the curb 😹😹 BUT if you’re close enough i think she’s kind of sweet? she finds it a little embarrassing but she still wants to do it, so sometimes it might come off a little awkward lmao. kisses any marks/sore spots left on your body and tells you how good you were 💗
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
i feel like minthara has KILLER buns like is it just me……….. she has a really muscular, perky ass lmao, and she’s definitely proud of it. OH AND HER BACK is a close second. i think her favorite part on her partner is their chest. AFAB or AMAB doesn’t matter she loves to mark it up and play with their nipples.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
lowkey has a doting/maternal side that she has to suppress during sex. but you didn’t hear it from me (call her mommy and watch how she short circuits)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
she’s super experienced. had one night stands all the time before you and isn’t shy at all when it comes to sex. also do we think she let the goblins that were obsessed with her smash? yes or no.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
face sitting. giving or receiving. also likes bending you over surfaces.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i feel like she tries to keep it serious but every once in a while something will happen/be said and she’ll break LMAO she can’t help it she is lowkey sillay 💗
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
y’all already know my girl is rocking a bush stop playing. she’s too grown to be worrying about pussy hair 😹😹 probably keeps it trimmed though, and i’d say it’s slightly darker/coarser than the hair on her head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
okay i don’t feel like she’s PURPOSELY romantic. like she won’t consciously do things she considers romantic but some of the stuff she does instinctually is really romantic/sweet (holding your hand, brushing your hair out of your face, etc.)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
yeah i can see minthara jerkin it LMAO. but only if she can’t find someone to sleep with/just needs a quick nut. like i said she’s not really ashamed when it comes to sexual matters so if she’s horny that shit will be dealt with TRUST 💯💯
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
DACRYPHILIA. your sniveling/whimpering gets her GOING. do NOT go to her for a shoulder to cry on YOU WILL GET FUCKED !!!
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
she loves a partner that is typically strong and capable but can easily make them pathetic and submissive whenever she wants.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
not a lot she won’t do. up for most things unless it’s like….. really, REALLY fucking weird 😹😹😹 also anything that feels demeaning is a no. will humiliate you but don’t try to do it to her.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers to receive here, but if you’re good she’ll put in the work 😼😼
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
almost EXCLUSIVELY rough. only slow and sweet if she’s tired and had a long day. but that just makes those slow and sweet moments more special ☺️💗
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
def a quickie queen. if she’s horny she will be on the lookout for somewhere to fuck. doesn’t care if anyone hears/sees either so the spots are pretty easy to find 😹😹
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
can go multiple rounds with an interval in between. don’t try to go back to back immediately or she will throw out HER back LMAO. a little recuperation first and then she’s good to go.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
hell yeah boy. she uses them on herself and her partner. sometimes it doesn’t even have to be an actual toy— if she finds a random object that gives her ideas she will be using it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
SOOOOO MUCH. will actually tease you to TEARS (she was hoping that would happen). even outside of sex she likes to touch you/whisper dirty things to you out of the blue. loves how she can fluster you, it makes her feel powerful.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
likes to talk but i don’t see her moaning super loud. if she moans she tries to stifle it by biting her lip, so they’re pretty grunty and groany. i think moaning loudly is a little too vulnerable for her and feels kind of awkward.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
SUPERRRRRR high. like i think it can be legit exhausting sometimes 😭😭😭
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
prefers to stay up and read or meditate or something. getting the vibe that she’s the type to smoke after too lmao. but occasionally she’ll be out like a light— you wear her out sometimes 😹😹
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sopewr · 8 months
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back to work
ceo!jk x secretary!fem!reader
word count: 1693
warnings: nsfw (minors dni), porn with a little plot, unprotected piv (wrap it before u tap it!!!), dirty talk, he has a foul mouth, hints of size kink, harddom!jk, overstimulation, fingering, oral (f. rec), bratty reader if you squint, dumbification (sawryyyy), hair pulling, dacryphilia???, semipublic sex, use of petnames, tiny bit of breeding kink, bondage, jk has a ‘sir’ kink, not proofread we die like men
wow okay i think that’s all, tell me if i missed anything!
jungkook has been shooting daggers at her with his eyes all day. she wasn’t sure why her boss was angry with her; maybe it was the unintentional flirting with her co-workers, or the way her skirt — again unintentionally — rode up to reveal his favorite set of lingerie that he bought her.
and before she knew it, she found herself getting called to his office. when she knocked on the door jungkook was quick to answer. “do you need something, sir?” she uttered quickly, and innocently as one can be in this situation. she was already wet with the thought of what he would do to her the second she decided to tease him today.
“y/n, sit down please. also close the door, will you?” she quickly obeyed, not that there could be another notion in her head when she was with him. jungkook didn’t say a word, his eyes gazing over her. he then calmly placed his glasses on the desk as he got up from his chair. the room was too quiet, the only thing that can be heard was his steps as he walked over to sit in front of her.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“need your words sweet girl or are you already too dumb to speak? why so quiet now? you were flirting with those fuckers out there, letting them check you out?” he smirked at her mockingly. she could see the fury and jealousy seeking behind his eyes. she knew the one thing jungkook hated was sharing what was his.
“need your words sweet girl or are you already too dumb to speak? why so quiet now? you were flirting with those fuckers out there, letting them check you out?” he smirked at her mockingly. she could see the fury and jealousy seeking behind his eyes. she knew the one thing jungkook hated was sharing what was his.
“need your words sweet girl or are you already too dumb to speak? why so quiet now? you were flirting with those fuckers out there, letting them check you out?” he smirked at her mockingly. she could see the fury and jealousy seeking behind his eyes. she knew the one thing jungkook hated was sharing what was his.
“alright, you’re not gonna speak so be it, bend over.” he ordered as he got up, pointing to the desk with a nod.
when she did, jungkook’s hands immediately flew to her exposed ass; his fingers tracing the lingerie.
“you planned this didn’t you, doll?” his hand caressed her clothed cunt. “you’re already so fucking wet, is it for me or other men?”
“f’you, sir.” she choked out. “hm, but i don’t think they know that this pussy belongs to me.” she moaned at his words, clenching around nothing. “please…” she whined, pushing her hips backwards for some friction. he laughed at her mercilessly. “so needy.” jungkook slowly pulled her lingerie down, letting it fall to floor.
he toyed with her entrance. “already dripping for me, such a whore.” he was too much to handle. her body was hot and she was squirming. it was so empty without the feeling of him inside her. “need you, please…” he hummed quietly, “i don’t think you deserve it.”
his voice was low, something in her brain short circuited when the words spilled from his mouth. poisonous yet so sweet. the need to earn his praise.
“anything, sir, please. need your cock, need you to fill me up.” she whined. “oh, baby… you know you can’t take my cock, need to prep you first. either way you already know you’re not gonna get it so easy.”
“but— but i’m already wet, please.” jungkook sucked his teeth. “you talking back to me? need me to remind you whose in charge here or are you too dumb to understand?” she shook her head. “no, sir.”
“atta girl, that’s what i thought.” his fingers teased her entrance first, then slid inside. she moaned at the feeling, his other hand held her hips in a bruising grip. he moved them for a few seconds before pulling them out again. she shuddered at the loss of his finger. “open your mouth.” his fingers pressed flat on her tongue. she could feel his erection pressing against her ass. “suck, baby.” her tongue spun around his fingers, tasting herself. “such a good whore, doing everything i say. my whore.” she hummed around his digits. he pulled out his fingers from her mouth before speaking. “turn around, doll.”
jungkook didn’t waste a second when she did. he got on his knees and pried her legs open. “no touching until i let you, got it?” he looked up at her with expecting eyes. “yes, sir.” he smirked before leaving a tender kiss inside her left thigh. he started slow with pepper kisses, then biting. still not giving her what she wanted from him. before she could whine the sound died in her throat as he licked a hot stripe up against her folds. he groaned at the taste which sent the vibrations right to her clit. he started licking small and paced laps against her core, causing her breath to come out as short puffs.
one of his arms moved to her stomach to keep her in place as she kept squirming under him. he slowly moved upwards, nudging her clit with his nose. she sucked in a sharp breath as she threw head back. his other hand once again moved to her entrance, pressing the same two digits against it, slowly easing them in.
the sound of his mouth on her bare cunt, and fingers moving inside lewdly accompanied with her moans — which she tried to keep as low as possible — echoed inside his office.
she was close, so close, clenching around his fingers. her hands instinctively moved to his hair, big mistake. jungkook pulled away almost instantly as he slapped her hands away. “what the fuck did tell i you about touching?” she whimpered at the loss of his touch. “i’m sorry— i— i was so close, please.” she cried. “was that my question, doll?” his voice was harsh. “no… no touching.” he nodded slowly. “that’s right, and what did you do?” his brows furrowed as he glared at her. “i disobeyed you.”
he stood up, and started to loosen his tie. “so? if you know what i said, why aren’t you fucking doing it?” jungkook’s words were deliciously degrading. she looked away in embarrassment and mixed emotions. one of his hands went to the back of her head, fisting up her hair to force eye contact. “look at me when i’m talking to you. why aren’t you fucking doing it? so eager for my cock that you can’t even do as you’re told.” tears filled up at her eyes, but she didn’t know if it was because of his harsh words or because he wasn’t fucking her. a mocking smirk appeared on his lips, “you’re crying now? god, such a fucking crybaby.”
“give me your hands.” she extended her hands towards him. he tied them with his tie then pushed her shoulders to lay her down on the desk, her hands above her head.
he finally unbuttoned his pants, pulling it down just enough so he could take his cock out. he held it with one of his hands as the other took hold of her hips. the tip slowly caressed her folds, collecting the wetness. without a warning he bottomed out, eliciting a loud moan from her. his now free hand sprawled on her stomach feeling himself. one of his hands still there, the other moved to her clit; drawing small circles as he started thrusting his hips slowly. she couldn’t help the incoherent words and moans spill from her mouth when he fastened his pace.
“you feel so fucking good,” he groaned. “gonna leave you leaking with my cum so everyone knows i’m the one breeding this tight pussy.”
the hand on her stomach moved to hold her hair again, harshly pulling it back so he could attack her throat; sucking and biting all over it, leaving his mark. “gonna let everyone know you’re mine and only mine. say it.”
“yours… only yours, sir.” she rambled. she could once again feel the tension build up in the stomach eager to be unraveled. “milking my cock so damn well, baby.” his pace was brutal, not faltering for even a second. “i’m— shit i’m gonna—“ before he could realize, she came. he didn’t stop the movement of his hips, instead roughened the attacks on her clit. “where are your manners, doll? not even asking me if you could.”
“too much— i can’t, too sensitive—“ she whined. “oh, you can and you will.”
the overstimulation was mouth-watering. she kept moaning relentlessly. “that’s it, baby, let everyone in the building know that you’re such a slut that you’re letting your boss fuck you right where everyone could enter.” jungkook was close to his release. with a loud moan he came inside her, still breathless he pulled out to watch his cum leak from her cunt. he pushed some of it back inside before pulling his pants up. jungkook then pulled her up to her feet, untying her hands. he fixed her skirt and hair as he waited for her to come back down to earth. “you okay, doll?” she nodded quickly. he smiled at her sweetly this time.
giving her a small peck on her lips, jungkook walked back his chair. “you can go back to work now, y/n, thank you for your time.” he was back to addressing her formally.
she chuckled breathlessly. she was right about to leave when she realized something was missing. “jungkook where are my panties?” he looked up from his glasses, his gaze dark. a small smirk on his lips which could easily be missed if you weren’t paying attention.
“go back to work, doll.”
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dave-me0wstaine · 9 months
thinking about 80s dave who comes home from tour to find out his girlfriend got nipple piercings and he goes absolutely feral over this revelation.
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like imagine its the night he's gotten home from tour, and the second he sees you he's got his hands all over you and kissing your lips, your cheeks, your neck; just everywhere. he's backing you up towards the couch, the bedroom, even the kitchen table; just anywhere where he can lay you down or bend you over.
dave's pulling off both his clothes and yours, and when he gets to your top, his brain short-circuits. glistening under the ambient light of the bedroom, are two metal bars running through your nipples.
"w-when did you get these?" dave stammers out, reaching out a hand to touch the new piercing.
"a few days after you left." you smile softly, "wanted them to be healed by the time you got home."
dave looks at your chest in silent awe. "you got these for me?" he asks. you lightly nod in response.
dave's face darkens with lust as he groans out, "fuckk, you're gonna be the death of me, you know that?"
the entire night he's got either a hand, his mouth, or both on your chest, toying with the piercing, biting and laving the skin around it.
the new piercings open up a pandora's box of sorts; if you thought dave was a horn-dog before, things have intensified 10-fold. he's always got a hand up your shirt, fiddling with your piercings. he's got his hard cock between your breasts, fucking them so he can see the pretty jewelry glisten with spit, cum, and/or sweat. and he loves cumming on your chest. he thinks it makes your piercings look even prettier (and he totally has a polaroid of your chest covered in his cum).
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vintgedoll · 1 year
genuinely thinking about Rudy and Alejandro having a cute little free use toy :’( being a little stress relief toy door them to fuck and them keeping a vibrator in you, or against you if they have you hidden away, tied on a bed waiting for one of them.
they might even keep you in one of their rooms so they can sleep with you, their cocks keeping you full all night 🥴
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they love how whiny you get when you start feeling overstimulated, body going numb and your brain short-circuiting.
alejandro is rough and typically more stressed than rudy. if you’re a normal civilian, he’ll call you up and tell you to touch yourself over the phone, heavy on the fact he wants to hear every noise you make, the idea of you spreading your legs and using all the toys he bought over the span of your relationship on your pretty holes is enough for him, cum getting on his hand and leaving his palm all sticky. gets frustrated he can’t fuck your brains out whenever he wants and has to wait until he gets home. he has a private gallery on his phone he'll use sometimes, too. videos and pictures of your needy body just being usedup by either him or rudy, sometimes even both if they wanna stuff you.
likes to finger your mouth while making you beg for him to fuck you, barely able to get any of your words out between his fingers forcing their way around your mouth and making sure to explore every inch of it.
like i said, alejandro is very rough; his grip will bruise, especially on your hips and wrists but he likes to think of it as marking, adorned with matching hickeys and bite marks.
if you are one of his soldiers, it's a different story. he's fucking you in his office, bending you over his desk, your forehead against cold metal as you are just relentlessly taken from behind.
aw, and he probably takes everything out on you during hate fucking. calls you such mean names, saying you are a stupid slut who’s only here to be good for him; and he’s so jealous of your accidental whines of his best friend's name.
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 year
for the nsfw headcanon, can I request for Jason
L = Location
S = Stamina
T = Toy
X = X-Ray
from Headcanon Game - A to Z (NSFW)
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⚠️ cw: smut (⚤)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Pre-Batman: Arkham Knight Jay:
Jay's super self-conscious of his many, many scars. He's definitely not into fucking in public. He won't even take off his clothes in private unless you're blindfolded or the lights are out 😞
But once you showed up at one of his safehouses dressed in his militia's fatigues, your hair tucked beneath a red beret with his Arkham Knight insignia stitched on it. One glance at you wearing his mark turned him feral, his cock straining against the zipper of his cargo pants. He raked off the top of the workbench where he'd had one of his spare helmets splayed open, scattering circuit boards, screws, bolts, nuts, spools of solder wire, tools, sketchpads to the floor in a chaotic clatter, before shoving you down on your back, hooking his fingers into the waistbands of your pants and panties, then tearing them off your hips and legs and ankles like a kid on Christmas morning. Wrapping his massive arms around your thighs, manhandling you like a sex doll, he dragged you down on his fat cock, slamming inside you to the hilt in one blunt thrust, stabbing so deep you felt like he was splitting you in two. You screamed… in misery… in ecstasy… while he fucked you at a punishing pace, grunting and growling like a beast savaging his prey, like he could fuck away all of the pain, all of the blackness, all of the scars, all of the laughter. You wanted him to stop, to never stop. You wanted him to consume you, to destroy you, to leave your pussy raw and aching for the rest of the week, the month, the year, the rest of your life. It was rough, violent, carnal, bestial, and magnificent. And by the end he knew the entire complex heard you screaming his name.
Post-Batman Arkham Knight Jay:
When Jay's terrorizing Gotham as Red Hood, he's started to heal. He's started to accept that his scars—both mental and physical—don't define him, that they're proof he survived the worst that Gotham's gravity could thrust onto him. He still prefers to fuck in the privacy of his safehouses or your place, but he won't deny that he enjoyed himself immensely that one time you convinced Red Hood to bend you over the Batmobile and fuck you senseless.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Jay's your little Energizer bunny... he keeps going and going and going... 😁 It's partly due to his trauma that it takes him longer to cum than other guys, but you and your multiple orgasms certainly aren't complaining.
Once he finishes though, he's done for a while. He sometimes struggles with excruciating orgasm headaches (a side effect of Joker's bullet grazing his skull) that leave him weak and exhausted. Again, you aren't complaining since you get to snuggle with your big muscly teddy bear, stretching him out on the bed, cradling his head in your lap, combing your fingers through his soft black hair, massaging his broad shoulders, placing tender kisses on his crown, until he drifts off into the comfortable peace of your arms: warm, safe, needed, loved 💕
(A/N: I know AK: Genesis shows Joker shooting him in the chest, but I stick with BAK: Annual's explanation. If you want to know my reasoning just ask 😉)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You're the one with the toybox. Jay's not interested in using them himself (the Clown had a toybox of his own, after all) but he's more than willing to play with you. He loves to watch your toes curl and back arch, to see you squirm, hear you whimper and whine while he forces orgasm after orgasm on you with your rose (N S F W link).
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Pictures you say? Let's see here... *consults Dropbox folder full of naughty Jay fanart* (The following links are N S F W!!)
My FAVE by JustTheMeatTM 🤩
Honorable Mentions: by goblinromp, by phaustok, by cr0ques 🤤
He's a big boy: at least 7 inches erect and thiccc 😋
(Thank you anon for giving me an excuse to go rewatch one of my fave pornos for inspo 😂)
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redstonedust · 1 year
im watching neil cicierega stream him pov circuit bending an old toy of some sorts while his wife and daughter talk about corn off camera and this really is just selling my thesis that joe hills and neil cicierega are the same genre of guy
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void-botanist · 3 months
Rose's Kiss Week Day 6: Home Alone
OCs: Sierra Callawel and Ian Carlisle (Spinder's oldest sister and her husband)
Words: 1189
Content warnings: none
Notes: Ian's canid form is a common raccoon dog. It is also well-known that shifting to that form makes you itchy.
When Sierra looked up from her computer, she could see the full moon hanging too-large over the faraway trees outside her window.  She’d lost track of time.  Ian would be transformed, now, and she hadn’t seen him at all.  She locked her computer and stood up.  The kids were out, so making a circuit of the house wouldn’t draw them out of their rooms and interrupt the nice night she wanted to spend alone with her husband.
“Ian?” she called as she started up the stairs.  “Where are you?”
She heard a mournful squeaky-toy noise from somewhere down the hall and smiled to herself as she went to find the source of it.  When she flipped on the light in her bedroom, she got a louder and angrier squeak from the bed, where a golden brown and black fluff of a dog was burying his little face under his front paws.
“Sorry,” she said, going to turn on her bedside lamp before turning off the overhead light.  He didn’t raise his head until she sat down on the side of the bed, and then he tried to crawl in her lap immediately.
Laughing, she held him back gently and got fully onto the bed, leaning back against the headboard before she let him snuffle his way into her space.  He seemed content to put his paws across her legs and rest his head on them, but she scooped him up all the way, holding him close against her.  His response was to put his paws on her arm and set his head there instead.  He was probably just tired after transforming, but he always looked so cute and sad in his dog form, and it made her want to hug him tighter.  So she did, pressing her cheek to the top of his fuzzy little head and then kissing him there.  He let out a longer squeak, stretching his neck out further, and as she petted his head she followed his gaze to the brush he’d set out for her.  Oh, of course.  Grabbing it was a bit of a stretch, and she almost dumped him out of her arms accidentally, but once it was in her hand she settled him in her lap and began running it through his fur in long strokes, head to rump.  Instantly he was a dog-shaped puddle in her lap, his only reaction little snuffles of pleasure.  
When she paused to pull out the mat of hair that had collected in the brush, he rolled over onto his back, cradled in her crossed legs.  She scratched behind his ears while she drew the brush along the contours of his ribcage and haunches and arms.  He didn’t even tense as she carefully brought it over his neck and chin.  As soon as she set the brush aside, though, he was getting back out of her lap, jumping down onto the floor with a cacophony of clicking nails and pausing in the doorway to look back at her.  She smiled and followed him back downstairs to the kitchen, where he waited by the table while she got their dinner out of the fridge: sliced chicken, lentils, and a touch of cranberry sauce.  For him, at least.  She could have as much as she wanted.  His was already in a bowl, so once she pried off the lid she set it in front of him on the floor.  He wagged his tail but didn’t move.  While she made her own plate from the main bowls of food, she saw him bend down and sniff his bowl, his eyes never leaving her.  
“You can start without me,” she said.  
He made a sound somewhere between a shriek and a growl and sat straight again. With a laugh she returned the food bowls to the fridge and brought her plate to the table.  
“Blessed be the fruits of the earth, and us among them,” she said, and he squeaked out the same cadence before shoving his face in his bowl.  She ate with half an eye on him inhaling his food, mostly because his enthusiasm was adorable.  
On the way back to bed she carried him up the stairs, letting him jump down on the bed before she got into her pajamas.  He didn’t stay on the bed, though, since she had to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and he apparently had the energy now to not let her leave his sight.  He brushed against her ankles where she stood in front of the sink, hopped in the bathtub, and started rolling around on the textured treads on the bottom of it.  That was why he was accompanying her.  He’d told her before that there was something sublime about the feeling of the bathtub treads specifically that he really couldn’t explain.  He didn’t feel that way about them in human form.  She didn’t care as long as he didn’t leave his fur in the tub, though she was often the one who cleared it out to take a shower anyway.  But it was worth it to see him being so happy in there.  When she left the bathroom, he followed, and she scooped him back onto the bed.  He curled up right next to her while she read her book for a bit.  After she turned out the light, he yipped along with her presleep prayer, and she gave him a last pet on the head before relaxing into the dark.
At the crack of dawn the sudden weight on the bed woke her.  In the light that sifted around the edges of the curtains she could see Ian, now fully human, getting under the covers.  He turned his back to her—he might not even remember that his transformation always woke her up—but she came over to him anyway, putting a hand on his side as she kissed his shoulder.  When he shifted onto his back, she kissed his scratchy cheek, then gave him a peck on the lips before leaning back on her elbow to look at him.  There was always something a little canine about him to her, but it was stronger when he’d just come back—the way he blinked at her like a sleepy dog melded with the way he still smelled of fur.  And it was his smell, because he smelled the same if she met him in the middle of the hallway, or raiding the fridge downstairs.  After he took a shower it would fade, but for now she breathed it deeply.  She could never explain it to anyone but him, but these were the hours when he smelled most like himself, like her Ian.    
His hand slipped into the curls at the back of her head, guiding her into a deeper kiss.  She wrapped an arm around his warm chest as he smoothed his other hand over her shoulder.  He kissed her a second time, then ever so gently pushed her away.  
“Okay, I’m sleeping now,” he said with a tired smile.
She caressed his cheek, then laid back on her side of the bed.  “Goodnight.”
RKW taglist: @jezifster @kk7-rbs @vacantgodling
Shifters taglist: @outpost51 @kk7-rbs
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Need A Hand?
A Shouren X Reader
Requested by: Anon
18+, Improper use of a prosthetic arm, sex toy(?) voyeurism, teasing, No Regrets
Commissions are open
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“Shouren?” You called into the tent, looking around. Seems like he wasn’t home, at the moment anyway. Your boyfriend was always running off somewhere. Saving orphaned dragons, hiding bodies of poachers, feeding said poachers to the dragons at Hogwarts, just normal stuff.
Left you with more free time than you liked. Sure, he’s off being a hero, but you needed attention to! You swore he loved dragons more than you. Deep down, you knew that wasn’t true. His name is literally Long Tian Shouren. Wasn’t that literally what Celestial Chinese Dragons were called? Was he a dragon-?
Those were the thoughts that often kept you busy, as you would lay around in the cozy tent. He could have moved into the actual hut at the padlock, but he was a boy of nature. You won’t lie, there was something so nice star gazing together. Also meant you could hog the hut all yourself, and have some nice healthy alone time. Healthy relationship goals.
Still, you didn’t like being alone all the time. You had needs, and he had needs. Seems the need to save dragons overpowered any libido he ever got. Lame. You have a huff, as you went snooping around. Seeing if you could find out where he ran off to this night. Maybe some mysterious map to a fantastical land. Maybe even secret letters for the underground. Or maybe….
“Must be here on the grounds-“ You muttered, as you saw his arm on the bedside table to his futon. Probably going to collect more healing potions, or watch his daughter’s Quidditch practices. You loved that about him. Such a supportive dad. Had you smile, as you played with his arm.
You would play with the joints, and admired the way it moved. Fascinated on how it worked. How much life it had, when attached. Most likely a special charm to make it connect to his nerves. Charms were so cool. You would just smile, as you would bend the fingers. Enjoying how it moved so smoothly, just to lock into place when no longer making contact.
You won’t lie, it was giving you ideas. The joints locked into place after all, so maybe……No. No that’s such an invasive thing. Just because it wasn’t attached to him right now doesn’t mean it’s not any less his hand. That’s just not right…..But he did say his arm was just as much yours as his. Some romantic word fumble when his English short circuited.
You would give a look around, before quickly closing the tent flaps. As if you wanted anyone walking in. It felt so dirty to do this, and that was what was so thrilling. Using your boyfriend’s own arm. So taboo. Then again, you were wizards. What really is taboo for a wizard anyway? Better to not over think it, or factor in the laws and morals it takes to enjoy the comforts of a Animagus.
You quickly shook your head, before sneaking behind the room divider. The beautiful cherry blossom designs casting pink shadows over you, as you got cozy in the shared futon. Snuggling into the pillows you shared, and taking in a deep breath. How rich it was with him.
You would hesitate for a moment, before you said screw it. Literally. With your bottoms removed, you would spread your legs. You took in a few deep breaths, as you would make the hand form a shape. Two fingers, with a hook curve. So it could hit you just right.
With one more look around, you would let the hand’s fingers slide into you. The cold metal sending sharp shivers up and down your spine. The thrill of the taboo was exciting, as you kept a good grip on the metal. Moving the arm up and down. Letting it move in and out, as you covered your eyes with your free arm.
The thrill of it all was the exciting part, more so than the actual pleasure. It was so dirty, and so strange. You knew you shouldn’t, and that was the fun of it. To just close your eyes, as you used your own boyfriend’s prosthetic to pleasure yourself. Had you biting your lip, as you felt it rub you just right.
It was so easy to get lost in the moment. It was all so nice. To just feel the cool metal move inside of you, as you relaxed into the cushions. As you did, you let out a shakey breath. You felt the fingers move, and straighten out. You must have pushed to hard, and changed the position. That was what you thought, until the wrist started to move on its own.
You gave a gasp, as the fingers started to move on their own. Starting to speed up, and spread you open. Your eyes quickly opened, only to see your boyfriend standing above you. His working arm on his hip, as he was in his messy casual Hanfu. Those soft greens to accent that salt and pepper hair.
“Need a hand-?” He asked, as the hand started to finger you faster. You were so embarrassed, to have him walk in on you like this. You were so flustered, only to be left moaning. Learning he had more control over that arm than you thought. You would just toss your head back, as you kept the arm close to you. Not wanting the pleasure to stop.
“I know you enjoy toys, but this is rather silly.” He laughed at you, as you were so embarrassed. Just trying to hide your face, but unable to let the arm go. You were so close. You just had to ride on a little longer, and it seemed your boyfriend gave you mercy. Letting those mechanical fingers move faster, and even slipped a third finger in.
It finally got too much, as you came across the metal arm. He finally made it stop moving, as you rode out the high. He would tsk at you, before taking it away from you. “I just cleaned this-“ He playfully said, as you just enjoyed the after glow. “I suppose I should have seen this coming.” He teases, as you rolled your eyes.
“Just remember to do that again to me, sometime.” You offered, as he smiled. “As long as you promise to clean it afterwards.” He offered, before he planted a sweet kiss to your cheek, as he playfully had his metal hand pat your cheek. You stuck your tongue out at him, and those almond eyes smiled. This was going to be fun.
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