janasojka · 4 months
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Moon landscapes, spring
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prokopetz · 6 months
Shout out to all the artists posting their Hallowe'en themed pieces in mid December because of Circumstances.
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tangledinink · 11 months
OK well now you know I need some Donnie absolutely nerding out and being adorable about Botany. You can't do this to me. How dare
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this is his snake plant, it's his favorite~
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wiirocku · 6 months
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1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT) - Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
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itz-autumn · 10 months
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Source : Pinterest 💫
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yourmoonie · 5 months
Let's talk about circumstances, perspectives, quanutm physics and Neville Goddard:
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1. Circumstances are irrelevant unless we give them relevance
Nothing and nobody exists in our 3D without our imagination & permission
Circumstances become relevant when we give them a specific meaning
(The observer effect)
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2. Let's say there are 2 people who have got SPs
Both of them are manifesting a relationship
But there is a difference between these 2 people and the way they view their circumstances:
(Picture 2)
Person A's sp calls them a friend:
Person B's Sp calls them a friend:
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3. Now let me bring Neville and quanutmn physics here:
ery single possibility, result, and every single scenario you can imagine exist right now, whether you can see them or not, in the quantum universe in which we live.
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4. There is no past, present, or future;
all that exists is the eternal NOW moment, where everything is happening at once. As a result, we are not moving through linear time; space time is only a human invention to keep track of events and memories.
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5. Atoms make up everything in the universe,
& each one of them is made up of 99.9% energy (empty space) and 0.1 percent mass (actually dark energy combined with dark matter).
The probability waves are atoms that are vibrating at a frequency so high that u can't see them
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6. BUT it really doesn't matter if you can or CANT see them
because you can manifest these waves of probability in your world.
And make the invisible-> VISIBLE
You achieve this by becoming aware of the possibility/result you would like to experience
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7. Since the waves have always existed
and cannot be imagined or conceptualised, they do not actually transform into physical matter or form. When Neville Goddard said that creation is complete, he truly meant it because nothing in the universe is physical or solid.
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8. The reason it seems like things are changing
is because when u choose to change ur state of consciousness around any specific outcome, your reality begins to inevitably match that state of consciousness where all of those events that already exist in that state happened.
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9. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed;
you are simply tuning into the reality where you are actually experiencing that thing. Some people refer to this as timeline shifting/ Mandela effect/reality shifting, etc
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10. The way you choose to consistently observe the waves
will determine whether or not they lead you to that reality or if they continue to be waves of probability. The waves do not have minds of their own.
You can choose ur path and your faith
You are the only person who can do it
11. The only reality that truly exists is Consciousness,
& everything resides in Consciousness, which in turn resides in everything.
As a result, everything u want to experience in your reality depends on you & the things u decide to believe, perceive, and consistently be aware of.
In conclusion, our circumstances ARE what we make them to be
So? Are you ready to take control and change the outcome in your favor?
It's time to stop letting the 3D world have an affect on you
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quotelr · 21 days
Tell me, who have never be knocked down by life’s circumstances? It takes grace and enough strength, to get up and begin again
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!
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serenityquest · 2 months
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bellonamanifests · 2 years
I’m the creator of my reality. Nothing has the power to frighten or silence me. There is no power outside of me, I’m invincible. I get what I want, because I say so(@electrasoul<3) and that is fucking law. This is my world and you have no choice but to conform to my wishes. Failure is not in my vocabulary. How could I not be confident, when this world just reflects me. I am free of fear and doubt because the only think I can ever encounter is myself. I am completely safe and secure. The physical world doesn’t limit me anymore.
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dragunflies · 10 days
⤯ 𝐈𝐧 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 ->
Ellie Williams X Fem Reader
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omg, my first fic, eek! so scared lowk but I have so much saved in my docs that I need to spill soon. Ok, love ya, lmk what u think, constructive crit is welcomed per usual <3 ⚢
  It was a cool mid Autumn morning. You sat there with the open window breezing against your flushed face and loose hair. It was an empty one-bedroom house, the cold air accompanied by the hollow walls made it eerie but relaxing. Wearing simply a baggy t-shirt and underwear you rose from the nest of a bed that formed while you slept. Although you snore, you sleep like a baby. With a head full of messy dark brown hair, a quick finger comb through your hair evens out the texture and density to some extent. Rolling out of bed, you crack your back, letting out a groan of relief, slowly easing your way out of your cozy bed. Come the fall time, the need for patrol hits its peak, most infected don’t stay out in the cold, so they tend to be the most active at the cusp of autumn.
As your eyes adjust to the light from the outside, so do your ears, the muttering of Jackson echoed through the neighborhood and led into your home. You reach for the hairbrush next to your bedside and try your best to aggressively claw out the knots left.
While you brushed and brushed your long hair, you heard the voices becoming more distinct. One specific member of the town, Ellie, became particularly known very quickly and very shortly. Her voice was raspy and stuck out quickly from the crowd; you could pinpoint it was her instantly. Not only did she just arrive a few years prior, but she was quick. With a quick tongue and a quicker fist, no one fucked with her. She was like a chihuahua, all bark and bite. Intimidating, but intriguing and sometimes weird to look at for too long. But oh did she piss you off, getting cocky and assertive in the smallest of tasks. She always insists on signing the postbooks, never shares her rations, and complains about hypothermia despite only wearing thin canvas sneakers. 
God was she the fucking worst.
Hearing all the commotion outside, you persist, throwing on a pair of jeans, a belt, and a long-sleeved black top, rolling up the sleeves to your elbows. As you get to the door, you swing on a pair of your best and only boots and slide into a pocket-ridden jacket. You searched for your lighter and handgun, striking the white lighter to double-check its usage. You then make your way out of the suburban make-shift home and easily make your way to Jackson, the city you grew up in. 
The leaves crunched below your boots as you made your way to the town center, where the majority of the town gathered that morning for the patrol assignments. Looking around you see familiar face after face, lining the circle surrounding Maria and the handful of men who surrounded her. Fortunately, you missed the entire meeting, but unfortunately as you have zero idea what the fuck you’re assigned to do. Surprisingly, Maria didn’t call you out like she usually does, by now she would've had your neck for being this casually late to a meeting like this, especially such an important one- 
“Y/n.” Maria states assertively, the loud chatting turning to a shushed mumble.
You look around trying to avoid the piercing eye contact but falling back into her stone-cold stare, it went right through you, sending shivers and goosebumps.
“Yes, ma’am?” You ask, never using such proper language when addressing someone, ever in your life, you shuttle at the look Maria gave.
Her boot steps sounded louder than they ever did before.
“This is the 5th time this month.” She barked, the surrounding crowd turning away and quickly sharing chatter with their cliques. 
“Yeah, I know, just trust me, I was in a rush, I didn’t even put my hair up,” You say, placing your hands in your pockets in the hope of hiding your anxious picking.
“I watch you stroll into the center all relaxed, you seem in no way of a rush,” Maria stated, her voice lowering as she raised a single eyebrow.
“Okay and?” Y/n mumbles, “Guarantee it wasn’t anything important.” 
She lowered her eyebrow, crossed her arms, and raised her head abruptly, “You missed patrols, you were assigned the post north-east of Kelly,” Maria’s lips curled, looking y/n up and down as she walked away to her office building, “better get packing, that’s nothing important, right?”. You could hear the smile form on Maria’s lips as she walked away.
Are you fucking kidding me? Kelly, the farthest post owned by Jackson, all because you missed one meeting? Not even just the Kelly outpost, the farthest fucking post all the way up in the peaks- oh my fucking god. 
Growing up in Jackson, you were trained for all different kinds of situations. Though you weren’t born here, it was where you learned everything you know now. Combat, shooting, hunting, gathering, and all the basics. Yeah, you weren’t always at the top of your class in everything, but you were a damn good aid. Knowing each medicine by its prefix or suffix, biology, and medicine is where you shine. Yeah, not combat, but you can survive, that’s all that matters. 
“Who am I posted with?” Y/n called out, a scoff leaving your voice as you exhaled, her eyes closed hoping for a big group where she could simply sit back and watch.
With Maria’s back still turned, she answered with a pause. “Williams, she has the experience you don’t, trust me, you won't be that screwed.” 
You stood there waiting for more people to be announced on your patrol. Nope, just Ellie. Fucking. Williams. 
With a groan of dissatisfaction, you turned around, looking through the crowds of people, with everyone holding warm mugs and staying clumped together, it was hard to find that short mother-fucker. You still couldn’t believe it, peering between each conversation, trying to find the auburn-headed girl. She was so obviously loud this morning, how could you not find her now, when you actually needed to get ahold of her. 
Suddenly, after walking around town center for a minute, you overhear a group of chatter, 
“I can’t believe Maria would pair you two up like that,” One voice echoed down an alley.
“I know- like out of all of us standing there, she picks y/n.” Another states.
“I’m fucked.” Says another. 
That was the voice. The raspy and obvious voice stood out so quickly to your ears.
You followed the group of voices, walking down a strip of self-owned stores, the in-between of the two buildings had voices spilling out of it. You walked closer, and upon turning into the alleyway,
There she was.
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euphoriajeon · 1 year
The Circumstances Doesn't Matter:
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Let's take as your bank account is empty, you are not in your favourite school, or your sp is not talking to you and not texting you blah blah blah. IT DOESNT MATTER.unless you make it matter. Does it matter? No it doesn't matter!What's in our subconscious, what our mind believes , what our subconscious is constantly thinking about will manifest and will show up in the 3d but here's the trick.
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Our subconscious doesn't have eyes, your subconscious can't see your sp looking at you saying "i literally don't wanna date you" , it doesn't see that! It can only hear and know what your thoughts are saying. So if your sp is looking looking at you "i literally don't wanna talk to you , you're disgusting and ugly" DON'T repeat that in your head! Don't let that linger because then your subconscious will be like " oh! That was said ! Ok got it !" You are just a messenger for the 3d. So if something like that happens and then you go " my sp just looked at me with so much love in their eyes! Oh my god , literally they love me so much, they just confess that they are so in love with me". Your subconscious is gonna be like "oh this is working and sp likes us! " It will only focus on what you tell it !
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No matter what is showing up in the 3d , no matter what is shown to you , it will not continue to stay around or manifest unless you continue to persist on it and think about it and persist and have it linger in your subconscious . If it happens what your gonna do is revise. So you look at your bank account and it's empty! What you're gonna do ? Just don't be sitting there and cry! instead Be like " I'm a millionaire and i just have so much money"
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This is not your reality for long , it's not if you're manifesting you're not going to be in this reality for long. You're going to be in the reality where you have all your desire. Stop focusing on the thing that you don't need. This is not your reality for as long as you make it your reality, so don't focus on it ! Don't give it the power to stay here and stay like this for longer, it doesn't matter.
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You need to hold yourself accountable for your thoughts . You need to hold yourself accountable for your reality . You need to hold yourself accountable to get what you want and it will literally happen because circumstances don't matter. You can be in the worst circumstance , it doesn't matter! None of that matters unless you let it. So STOP letting circumstances matter because they don't.
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janasojka · 2 months
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moon landscapes, spring.
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"Everything that God brings into our life is directed to one purpose: that we might be conformed to the image of Christ." - Erwin W. Lutzer
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the-stoic-goat · 7 months
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wiirocku · 4 months
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Ephesians 6:16 (ESV) - In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;
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kamala-laxman · 7 months
No matter our circumstance, if our hearts are always ablaze with hope and courage, filled with the spirit of challenge, we will brim with joy and vigor. This is true happiness.” Daisaku Ikeda
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