#clalec brotp
alekt · 1 year
Every time clary speaks in the show I just hear bibble noises I’m sorry
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 1 year
@atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @axelwolf8109 Alec saved Clary and comforted her when she broke down, this is the Clalec I like, Brotp
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Congratulations!!! You deserve it love!! ❤️❤️❤️
🍏 Alec and Clary please 🥰
Thank you so much Evie!! ❤️❤️❤️
Of course :)
🍏 - Clalec
Ok ok so clalec are one of my FAVOURITE brotps, literally I love them so much I can't even 💀 just like,,, they go for tacos together?? They've gone from absolutely hating eachother to being really good friends??? Just yesssss and they're so funny together, like the height difference is absolutely something they make fun of eachother for and obviously poking fun at Jace is also an essential cornerstone of their friendship, but I feel like they're able to be more serious with eachother too and talk to eachother and I just think it's really nice 🥹 like obviously they both have their parabatai and they both have their partners, but I still just love how close they are, and seriously their scenes together are so funny 💀
So in conclusion: 10/10, love them both as individual characters and putting them together into a brotp is just *chef's kiss*, I don't have even one bad thing to say about this duo 🌮
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westanwoo · 2 years
Alec: Where’s Rafe?
Clary: Jace’s playing dress-up with him.
Alec: What?
Clary: Yeah, someone in school made fun of Rafe.
Alec: Oh, that’s nice of Jace, distracting him like that.
Clary: Yeah, that’s totally what he’s doing
[Meanwhile, in Rafe’s room]
Jace: So these shoes have a reinforced sole, which means your kick is going to be twice as hard
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28onlythebrave · 3 years
we should really talk about how cc robbed us of alec and clary brotp content
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skylar102 · 3 years
Quick Act Natural!
Read on Ao3
“It has to be somewhere, Jace,” Izzy growls in frustration, flipping through another book on the shelf hoping the inside is hollow.
“Well, I’m not seeing them anywhere!” Jace grunts as he bangs his head on the bottom of the desk. He runs a hand through his hair as he sits up and starts going through the drawers. “He changed where he hides them!”
“Are you guys sure this is okay to do?” Clary asks the duo as they rifle through Alec’s office.
“I just feel like Alec wouldn’t want-”
“What Alec wants and what we need are two different things.”
“That’s harsh even for you, Jace.”
“Well if he hadn’t hidden the keys to the weapons vault, we wouldn’t be here!”
“Did it ever occur to you that he hid it because he knows you two would sneak into his office to  find it?” Clary giggles as the siblings turn their heads her way, looks of shock etching their faces.
“I think she’s right,” Izzy sighs, flopping on the couch. “Alec probably has the keys on him.”
“Nah, Alec wouldn’t carry those everywhere he went,” Jace reasons, trying to pry the drawer open. “He’s on a lunch date with Magnus, so he wouldn’t bring all of the Institute keys with him. Besides, what if Underhill needed access?”
“He probably gave Underhill his own set of keys,” Clary supplies. “Why don’t we go ask him?”
“No!” The siblings shout in unison.
“He would tell Alec we wanted them and then we’ll get in trouble.”
“As if we weren’t already going to get in trouble for stealing his set?”
“Clary you’re not helping the cause by using logic,” Jace states as he tries his stele on a locked drawer on Alec’s desk, cursing when it doesn’t work. “He locked me and Izzy’s weapons in there and we want them back.”
“Jace, he locked your weapons away because you guys got injured on the last patrol that you both weren’t cleared to even go on,” Clary muses, earning a light slap from Izzy and an offending sound from Jace. “Clearly he wanted to teach you guys a lesson.”
“Since when have you two been all buddy with each other?” Jace asks, leaning against the desk, giving up on the locked drawer.
“Since we started getting coffee in the morning together. I showed him this neat cafe down the street and we try to go once a week,” Clary shrugs. At the baffled looks they give her she rolls her eyes. “What? Is it that strange we get along now?”
“Yes,” they say once again in unison.
Clary was about to respond when the door to the office starts to open. She doesn’t even try to hide her laughter as Jace and Izzy rush to the couch, each picking up a random item on the coffee table. 
Alec and Magnus step through the door and immediately pause at the sight before them. Jace is reading a magazine upside down and Izzy is pretending like she was writing in a notebook. Clary still sits on the armrest shaking her head at the two. 
“Clary! Jace! Isabelle!” Magnus greets with a knowing smile on his face. No doubt that Alec told him about Jace and Izzy’s ‘grounding’. “What a lovely surprise to see you here… In Alexander’s office.”
“Magnus, hey!” Jace says trying to sound nonchalant. “We just wanted some peace and quiet from the noise of the ops center and Alec always says we’re welcome here if we want some space. Right, Alec?”
Alec’s not even looking at Jace or Izzy, he’s staring right at Clary, both sporting the same smirk. 
“Guess I owe you a coffee,” Clary laughs, tossing a familiar pair of keys to Alec. Jace and Izzy’s heads whip towards the redheaded shadowhunter. 
“Guess so,” Alec says, twirling the keys in his hands, looking like he got the cream of the crop. “Thank you for holding onto these until I got back.” 
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warmthofrain · 3 years
Clary: Alec, just do as they say!!!
Man: Sir, I'm gonna need you to walk a straight line please-
Alec: and I told YOU, officer, there's nothing straight about me-
Clary: lord help me now is NOT the time ALEC
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half-bakedboy · 4 years
Clary gets hit with a spell that allows her to hear people's thoughts. She decides to go to Alec to see what dirty secrets he hides but instead hears his bad thoughts. She makes it her mission to let Alec know he's not as much of a failure he thinks he is. She starts by leaving him notes of encouragement in his office.
An Unlikely AngelRead on AO3
Clary tried to drown out the voices. It was like every single thought was leaving others minds and bouncing around inside her skull. Magnus gave her something to ease the headache and was attempting to find a cure for whatever magical annoyance caused it, but she could still hear everyone’s innermost thoughts. 
Including, but not limited to: the shadowhunters that looked her up and down and vividly described what they would do to her, Jace’s constant internal self complementing, Simon’s rambling thoughts of comic book ideas and why Captain America should have never been able to pick up Mjölnir, and Izzy’s repetitive death threats to the shadowhunters that looked her up and down. 
She snuck into Alec’s office for a little peace and quiet, sitting in one of his chairs and holding her hands over her ears, anything to drown out the noise. She still heard the door click and watched it open. In a panic, she jumped behind the chair and hid, pulling her knees up to her chest and holding her breath. 
I really can’t count on you to make this family proud, can I, Alec?
A warlock? That’s who you choose to, to, whatever two men do together. 
No one will catch us if we sneak out, just this once, Alec. Please, for me?
I will not ask again.
Clary chanced a glance around the chair and saw Alec with his head in his hands, not dissimilar to how she had been sitting moments before. With the luck she was having, she shouldn’t have been surprised that Alec chose that second to glance up, his eyes flaring with anger when he saw her. 
“What are you doing in here?” Alec shouted. Clary stood up quickly and inhaled deeply, ready to make up some excuse. Alec shook his head and walked to the door, opening it and waving his hand. “Just, get out, Clary. Go find trouble somewhere else before it inevitably finds you here,” Alec said dejectedly. Clary nodded and made her way to the door. She couldn’t stop herself from resting a hand on his arm before she left. 
“You’re going to be a great Institute Head some day, Alec. I hope you know that,” Clary said, her voice soft as if afraid to break him. Alec just glared, something Clary was used to and expecting, as she finally walked into the hallway. Before the door shut, she heard one last thought. 
It’ll be a miracle if the Clave ever lets you run an Institute, Alec. 
Alec found the first note hidden in the second drawer of his desk, one he thought he had locked. He stared at it blankly, the white of the paper almost glowing in the darkness of the drawer. 
The Institute is lucky to have you. 
He had to admit that the note made him smile, even though he didn’t quite believe it. After that, he couldn’t begin to guess who was leaving the notes. He tried, he really tried. He spent hours searching for whoever was leaving the small acts of kindness whenever he seemed to need them the most. He thought it might have been Izzy when he read the second one that was hidden under his pillow. It made him blush with every word. 
One day, you won’t be ashamed of who’s in your bed. 
Alec looked forward to the notes from then, a guessing game that kept his mind off of the circling negative thoughts in his brain. He would search around his office, his bedroom, even the bathroom. He found the third in the training room and he thought it had to be Jace. 
Don’t forget to wrap your hands!
But when he didn’t know who to turn to, his parabatai missing, his sister consorting with downworlders, he found another note, this time with a picture attached. It was one of him and Magnus, Magnus leaning against him after he had healed Luke. He thought it was impossible to have been taken, but there it was, as clear as a memory in front of him. 
He’ll drop everything to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask. 
He spent most of his nights up entirely too late, unable to think about the notes, let alone guess who was leaving them. He had too many things on his mind and too many problems to solve. His eyes were sore from reading reports and staring at the screens in the ops center, the headache so prominent that he wasn’t sure the pain would ever go away. When he finally wandered to his room, he found a note attached to a bottle of Aleve. He felt his headache alleviate just at the sight of it. 
A good night’s rest helps. 
He rolled his eyes at it, but took the Aleve just the same. A few days later, when he fell asleep, head in his arms at his desk, he woke up to a sticky note on his forehead. 
He found himself comforted by the notes. For days, weeks, months. Even in the darkest of times, they were there, a beacon of hope in chicken scratch. They were there even as he sorted through numerous complaints from the Clave. His name was highlighted in red on all of them, blaming him for all of the wrongdoings of an Institute he barely had control of. 
You are good enough. 
It’s not your fault. 
You are doing what’s best. 
Trust your gut. 
If anyone saw him wipe his tears after the reassurances, he would deny it. Adamantly. After a while, the notes seemed to stop. They faded out with every day, but he realized that he didn’t need them any more. He had his family on his team, his parents in his corner. He had Magnus in his bed, at his side, anywhere he needed him. He didn’t need the notes anymore. 
The last one came as he opened the second drawer in his desk, expecting to see the family ring, the one he asked his mother for a few days prior. Instead, he saw the glowing white of the paper and he felt his stomach knot at the sight. 
Magnus is going to be the luckiest man on earth (and in between) with a husband like you.
He felt a sense of finality when he shut the drawer and when he looked up, he saw Clary leaning in the doorway, a soft smile on her face, her arms crossed over her chest. He scrawled out a ‘thank you’ on a scrap piece of paper and walked up to her, placing it in her hand before pressing a kiss to her forehead. They smiled at each other, both of them thankful for what had formed into a friendship over that last few months. But really, Alec felt grateful to have a guardian angel like her. 
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Clary : Tall people need to remember that not all of us have freakishly long strides, and slow down so we can keep up when we’re walking together.
Alec : Put on roller skates and hold onto my shirt, we don’t have all day.
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 4 years
For The Love of Family
Read on AO3
Alec officially comes out to his family.
Simon and Clary argued back and forth, a fact that their respective partners found endearing, over what movie would be most 'culturally important' for the Shadowhunters to watch. Alec didn't care, really; he just wanted them to pick something already.
It was easy for Alec to tune out their little squabble and maybe that was why, curled into Magnus's side on their sofa, his thoughts began to turn to himself and who he was rather than the upcoming movie night with his sister, his parabatai, and their significant others.
He began to look around the room, a heavy fondness growing in his chest. Magnus on his right side on the sofa, his arm casually thrown around his husband, a title that Alec was proud to finally call his own. Jace on his other side, shoulder-to-shoulder with his parabatai, limbs sprawled out on Magnus's couch like a starfish, leaving a small space under his arm for Clary to crawl into when she was finished debating the movie with Simon. Izzy at his feet, his hand in her hair, playing with it, as she practically purred in delight. And of course, the two idiots at the front of the room who were now holding their respective movies and clearly about to make a dash for the DVD player. Simon, with his vamp speed, would be the obvious winner, but Alec wasn't sure Clary wouldn't try something underhanded to get her movie in first.
These people, ¾ of whom he hadn't even known a few years ago, were his family, his everything. He loved them, and they loved him, too. For the first time in his life, Alec opened his mouth and said exactly what was on his mind.
"I'm gay."
Simon and Clary paused mid-sentence, turning to him with similar looks of confusion on their faces. Jace and Izzy mirrored their expressions. Magnus arched an eyebrow at his husband.
"Yes, darling, I think we're all aware of that," he said with an amused smile, waving his hand with the Lightwood family ring on it for emphasis.
Alec felt suddenly very stupid for having spoken up. Of course they already knew that. There was no need to confirm it. A blush crept its way up his cheeks. A firm hand on his shoulder caused him to look up from his self-imposed embarrassment.
It was Magnus, his expression soft and questioning. His eyes spoke volumes to Alec, communicating everything he wouldn't say in front of the others: Clearly this is important to you. I didn't mean to make light of it. I'm sorry.
Alec smiled reassuringly at his husband to let him know it was okay, took a deep breath, and continued hesitantly.
"I know," he said, "but I just…" He trailed off, not sure how to put his thoughts into words. Simon, Clary, and Jace waited patiently for him to find his voice; Izzy gave him an encouraging look, and Magnus squeezed his hand supportively.
"It's just...that's the first time I've ever said it out loud."
He watched as, one by one, the expressions of everyone in the room changed to a sympathetic understanding. Clary smiled softly at him and said, "Congratulations." A few years ago, he would have taken her words as sarcastic, and shot out something scathing in return. Now, he knew how she meant them, and he gave her a grateful smile.
"Dude, hell yeah!" Simon stepped forward and held his hand up in front of Alec, clearly waiting for something.
Alec raised his eyebrows. "Is it a mundane thing to do some weird handshake after coming out? Because if that's the case, you can forget about it."
Simon turned to Izzy, distraught. "Shadowhunters don't know what a high-five is?!"
Simon groaned in protest. "That's like, a crime against humanity!" He put his hand back down again and strode closer. "Come on, I'll show you."
Alec grumbled a little but watched the other boy slowly put his palm up again, lifting Alec's with him, until their wrists were lined up with each other. "Now you slap my hand," Simon instructed, reaching over to slap Jace's palm, which happened to be open, to demonstrate.
"Hey!" Jace cried out indignantly. Clary stifled laughter from her place at the front of the room.
Alec rolled his eyes, but indulged the vampire and connected their palms with stinging force, smirking when Simon winced.
"What was the point of that?" he questioned.
"The point?" Simon sputtered, incredulous. "It's a high-five. It's celebratory!"
Alec opened his mouth to reply, but Izzy hushed him with a look, smiling fondly at her boyfriend, who gave her a damn near illuminating one back.
When Simon returned to the DVD player to continue his argument with Clary, Izzy reached up and patted Alec's knee, smiling softly at him. "Good for you, big brother," she said. She rocked forward on her knees to press a kiss to Alec's cheek. Alec carded his fingers through her hair, smiling appreciatively down at her. If there was anyone he would always crave the approval of, it was his little sister.
Jace, on his left side on the couch, wrapped his brother in an awkward side-hug. They didn't need words; Jace's happiness for Alec filtered clearly through their parabatai bond.
Magnus didn't say anything, instead opting to squeeze Alec's hand. Alec's attention slowly returned to Simon and Clary, who were now going over the finer points of both Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, movies that no else in the room, perhaps with the exception of Magnus, had ever seen before.
Later, when they were all settled on or near the sofa watching a movie that had been proposed as a third option by Izzy and Jace, Magnus leaned over and whispered in Alec's ear.
"I'm so proud of you, Alexander."
Alec turned to face his husband, who tilted Alec's chin up to press a soft kiss to his lips. The seasoned Shadowhunter sighed and felt whatever residual tension he might have been feeling leave his mind and body.
This was his family, and as long as they loved and accepted him, that was all that mattered.
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Tripped and fell into Clalec BrOTP feelings, fair warning
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arialerendeair · 5 years
CLALEC BROTP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! It can be them roasting Jace, or eye rolling at stuck up Clave officials. Or Clary goes up to defend Alec first, even before any of his siblings, against a begoted Shadowhunter.
Clary reading the riot act to some bigoted shadowhunters for Alec?  Defending Alec, especially?  SIGN ME UP LETS DO IT! 
It was irritating enough to book one of the training rooms for sparring with her parabatai and not have that time respected, but even more so when the shadowhunters visiting from another Institute didn’t bother to let her warm up.  Clary gave them a look as she focused on the punching back in front of her, ducking under an imaginary blow before she landed two more punches.  
“Hey there, what’s your name?” One of them called. 
Clary rolled her eyes and scoffed in his direction.  “Busy,” she grunted, landing another hard punch.  
“Come on, come talk to us while we wait for your Institute Head,” Another one called out.  “Not like you’re busy.”  
“I’ll be sparring with my parabatai in a few minutes,” Clary said, giving them all a look.  “And you’re interrupting my warm ups.”  
The tallest man in the group snorted.  “Look at that, little kitty got claws.”  
“This kitty will show you just how sharp her claw are if you don’t cut it out,” Clary said, narrowing her eyes.  
“Oh please,” The tallest man spoke again.  “You’re Clary Fairchild, aren’t you?  You think someone who has been a shadowhunter for a couple of years stands any chance against one of us?  We’ve been training since birth!” 
Clary stood upright and glared at him.  “Well, you know my name, and it would be a pleasure to learn yours....” 
“Bridgestock.  Kyle Bridgestock,” he said, raising his chin.  
Clary hummed and turning away from the punching bag.  “I think I absolutely stand a chance against you.  Training with the best shadowhunters in the world does give you that advantage.”  
“The best?” Bridgestock asked, snorting.  “You think Lightwood and his siblings hold a candle to any of us?” 
Clary laughed.  “I know all three of them could wipe the floor with you in under a minute.”  
“Shows how little you know,” he mocked. 
Clary crossed her arms over her chest and raised an unimpressed eyebrow.  “Maybe you’ve forgotten who they are?  Isabelle Lightwood, my parabatai,” she grinned, watching their eyes widen.  “Absorbed Holy Fire and used it to kill Lilith, nearly at the cost of her own life.  Jace Wayland,” she stressed the name and took another step forward, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder.  “One of the greatest shadowhunters ever to live.” 
Motion behind the men made her glance up as Alec and Izzy joined them in the room, but she wasn’t about to stop now.  
“And Alec Lightwood-Bane, youngest Head of an Institute in centuries, Jace’s parabatai, and a man who didn’t hesitate to walk into a demonic realm to rescue his sister and husband,” Clary finished, smiling at them.  
Bridgestock rolled his eyes.  “Oh yes, precious Alec Lightwood,” 
“Lightwood-Bane,” Clary corrected.  Far too many shadowhunters liked to conveniently forget about Alec’s name change, and she, Jace and Isabelle were on a crusade to make sure it stuck. 
“Lightwood,” Bridgestock continued.  “Who decided to tarnish his family name by marrying a downworlder.  A, ah, “well-known” downworlder, known more for his parties and partners than any-” 
In an instant, Clary had the Seraph blade at her hip pointed at Bridgestock’s neck.  Her voice and eyes were hard.  “Magnus Lightwood-Bane is the warlock who saved Idris.  He closed the rift and saved everyone in Alicante and beyond.” She took a deep breath and tightened her hand on the sword in her hand.  
“Don’t let me catch you insulting any of them, or you’ll regret it,” Clary promised, her eyes dark as she lowered the sword, turning back towards the punching bag.  
“Alec Lightwood took me in, and despite reservations and me making life very, very difficult for him in the beginning, has helped to support me in a way that almost no one else did,” she continued, looking over her shoulder at Bridgestock and his friends.  “I owe him my life, and more importantly, he is a friend.  You insult him again?  You answer to me.” 
“And what are you going to do about it, little miss Fairchild?” Bridgestock taunted.  
“Enough,” Alec snapped, striding forward, glad when all five men jumped to attention in an instant.  
Clary had her stele out in an instant, drawing a rune in the air before she launched it at the five men, knocking all of them to their knees, smirking when they opened their mouthes to protest and no sound came out.  
Alec turned to Clary with raised eyebrows.  “New rune?” 
Clary hummed.  “They didn’t have anything nice to say, so I thought they didn’t need to say anything at all.”  She looked to the group of men, now staring at her in fear and winked.  “It’s a variation on the soundless rune, but it silences voices rather than movement.  I’ll draw it for you later.”  
“Sounds good Fray,” Alec said, winking at her.  “Enjoy your training with Isabelle.”  He turned back to the men, crossing his arms over his chest.  “Let’s go.  You are all on ichor duty for the remainder of the month, and when that rune wears off, I expect you to keep your opinions to yourself.  Understood?”  
He waited until he got nods from all of them before leading them out of the training rooms.  
Clary turned to Isabelle, about to make a comment when she found herself being hugged tightly.  
“Thank you,” Izzy whispered.  “And he won’t say it either, at least not right now, but that’s a thank you from Alec, too.”  
“You’re my family,” Clary told her, giving her a tight hug back.  “I’ve got your backs just as much as you have mine.”  
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consulalexander · 5 years
Your stunning ass better get to writing that brotp fic cause there’s people waiting to read
Also yes, thank you, my ass is stunning
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herestotheunknown · 5 years
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Countdown to Season 3B - Alec and Clary Season 1, “Moo Shu to Go”
Why do you always look so miserable? I don’t.
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"I wouldn't say Alec is my friend. I say 'Hi', and he says 'Shut the fuck up'."
-Clary Fray, probably
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You know that quote "Never let anyone treat you like regular glue. You're glitter glue."
Well... I think Magnus Bane said that at some point of his life.
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