#clean and clear spot treatment
hauntedwoman · 4 months
i love my cousin so much but last night she got too high so i had to spend the night at her place so i could watch her and i had to wash my face with makeup wipes. she just turned 24 and doesn't own face wash. she's like a chad stuck in a woman's body
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marybrownnaturals · 2 years
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slytherinsrule89 · 2 months
Hii how are you? Love your blog 🎀
May i ask for a request of the boys dating someone from hufflepuff or other houses?
Byye 🌸
Hello lovely, I’m doing well and hope you are as well :) I’m so glad you love my writing and I’m glad you requested this
Slytherin boys x Hufflepuff!reader
Hufflepuff Reader :)
Tom was quite skeptical of you at first because you were a Hufflepuff but it was soon after he had learned just about everything about you that he had asked you out. Well more manipulation happened than actually asking you out, but you know whatever works. It took him a while to get used to your bubbly personality and positive attitude but he managed, just so that he could say that your beautiful face belonged to him and only him. As we all know he’s quite possessive so when you are talking to your friends or even just strangers, with that great big smile of yours, he’s always there watching. Making sure that if the person you’re talking to even steps a toe out of line he will be behind you in an instant. You guys were an unpredicted couple that no one would have ever guessed but somehow you two still made it work. Plus it’s not like Tom would ever let you leave him.
Blaise had a soft spot for Hufflepuffs. He liked their positive personality and hardworking dedication. So it wasn’t much of a surprise when Blaise had started to fancy you. He had asked you out as soon as possible and when you agreed with that kind smile you always wore he was ecstatic. Blaise had poured his whole heart and soul into that date and it was a start to a great relationship with him. He’d often sit with you in the library when you’d help tutor the younger students. Always watching and admiring how good you were with people. Doing it all with such grace and confidence. Something Blaise admired about you the most was how humble you were. Most of the guys in his house were constantly bragging about this and that constantly trying to one up each other. So when he noticed you were quite the opposite he got comfortable with you quite quickly.
Originally Theo had only been talking to the Hufflepuffs to get some weed for the Slytherin parties and well, his own personal use too. But never once did he expect to come across you. When you had first started talking to each other Theo had made it clear to everyone that you were his only. Even before you guys started dating.He had a tendency to go a bit quiet when there were a lot of people in the room and a lot of talking. So when you guys finally started dating and he had realized just how much people enjoy talking to you on a daily basis he was a bit quiet. You were quick to pick up on it though and reassured him a lot. Eventually though Theo had gotten used to it and actually admired how kind and helpful you were to everyone. And it also wasn’t long before Theo grew comfortable enough to talk more while you were with friends. Theo was always cheered up at the way you face lit up when he had talked along with you and your friends and had simply talked more just to see it.
Mattheos first encounter with you was interesting to say the least. He had just finished a fight and was up in the Astronomy towers smoking a couple cigarettes to calm himself down. That was when you had come up there and saw him frowning at his busted up knuckles and his cut lip. You were quick to take out your small first-aid kit and sit him down on the ground of the tower quickly cleaning him up. He was shocked of course, being the dark lord's son and all he wasn’t used to this treatment but quickly learned to enjoy it. When he realized how much he craved to be near you all the time he was quick to ask you out and make it a special night as well. The whole time after that first date Mattheo started noticing the smaller things about you. Like how much you valued your friends, how loyal you were, and just how pure you heart was. He enjoyed the change in pace and didn’t want it any other way.
Enzo had had a few Hufflepuff friends that he’d hang around with when he got tired of the Slytherins rowdiness. One day when he was with his few Hufflepuff friends in their common room, he met you. You were very kind to him right off the bat and drew him in like a magnet without even trying. Enzo knew right away that he wanted to be with you and didn’t waste any time asking you to be his girlfriend. When you happily agreed Enzo did everything in his power to be the best of the best boyfriend. While Enzo thought all Hufflepuffs were more of perfect beings he wasn’t too far off but one thing he did notice is when you put others above yourself but he had no part in that. He started quickly making sure that you made time for yourself and weren’t stretching yourself too wide for other people. Something he’d do for the rest of your lives with no fault.
I really enjoyed writing it and am quite happy with how it turned out. Hope you all enjoy 😊
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nenelonomh · 3 months
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how to properly wash your face
this post is a bit of a spinoff from my last post, 'how you can reduce acne'. read it here.
now, properly washing your face has many benefits, such as:
removing buildup washing your face clears away dirt, oil and other unwanted debris, preventing clogged pores and acne breakouts.
boosting hydration regular cleansing can help to maintain proper hydration levels, which keeps the skin smooth.
maintaining clear skin it helps to manage the production of sebum and supports proper pore size, contributing to clearer skin.
enhancing the effectiveness of products clean skin allows for better absorption of skincare products like moisturizers and treatments.
promoting healthy skin by removing impurities and maintaining hydration, face washing contributes to overall skin health.
here's some steps, how to properly wash your face:
start by removing any makeup with a gentle makeup remover or micellar water. it's important to remove makeup because clean skin absorbs skincare products better, making them more effective. never, and i repeat NEVER wear makeup to bed. this will lead to breakouts and acne. your skin needs time to breathe.
2. wet your face with warm water. using hot water can strip your skin of natural oils and cold water isn't as effective at cleaning.
3. use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser suitable for your skin type and apply it to your face in a circular motion. make sure to be gentle. avoid scrubbing your skin harshly as this can cause irritation.
4. rinse off the cleanser completely with warm water.
5. pat your face dry with a clean towel. i use a face washer (which is like a tiny, thin towel) and change it every 2-3 uses. do not rub when you are drying your face, as this can irritate the skin.
6. apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type to keep your skin hydrated. personally, i only use moisturizer in the mornings, mixing it with my sunscreen. at nighttime, i prefer to just wash my face and if i have pimples, i will apply a spot treatment.
(images are from pinterest)
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sephifrog · 22 days
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so we're property huh?
sephiroth x reader
Cleaning the training room after the firsts destroyed it wasn’t how you wanted to spend your afternoon but after the stunt you pulled on your last mission you were surprised Lazard didn’t give you a harsher punishment. You knew you shouldn’t have left your post. Wiping away the sweat from your brow you almost smacked yourself when you heard someone clear their throat, you spun and saw Sephiroth in the doorway, a man who seemed so untouchable why was he here? Were you cleaning the wrong ruined training room? “O-oh? uh hey?” your stutter, something a lot of the soldiers joked about, caused you to narrow your eyebrows and clear your throat missing the small chuckle that left the man.
The silver-haired general was the whole reason you (and a lot of others) joined Shinra power company, you wanted to meet the legend but after years of only catching glimpses of him, you gave up on that dream and transferred from soldier candidate to inventory grunt, still a decent pay but less work at least that's what you told yourself.
So seeing him here was a shock. “I lost something when I was training you don’t mind if I look for it?” His voice was smoother than you thought it would be, hearing it through speakers didn’t do it justice and you could feel your face warm up as it rang through your ears. You almost couldn’t answer but willed yourself to choke out a noise that you hoped sounded like a “sure”
Tearing your eyes away from him you start to tidy again wondering what he lost, unsure if you should offer your help or if that would seem like you're trying to pry. In the end, you decide on just finishing the task the director gave you. While your back is turned Sephiroth peaks at you, he feels like he’s seen you before but can't place where, he hasn’t spent much time with inventory but he’s sure you weren't employed last time he worked with them. As he opens his mouth to ask an almost silent laugh is ripped out of him as you slip and start to grumble. Moving towards you he offers his hand and when your eyes meet he can't help but be taken by the colour, so beautiful, only snapping out of it when he spots the mako. “You had treatments?”
It was a whisper curious in nature almost childlike, his thin pupils seemed to have locked onto the remnants of mako swirling in your eyes. Interest is clear on his face as he observes yours closely.
You almost couldn’t respond to him, too lost in his eyes and feeling your heart race from him being so close but you cleared your throat.
“A while ago, before I transferred”
His lips press together as he pulls you up, eyes trailing over your body in interest.
“The mako didn’t take? I don't think I've heard of many transfers”
Again you noted curiosity in him as he asked, it put you a bit more at ease seeing him so human. He let go of your hand and started to continue his search but you could see he was still listening to you.
“Eh, they took but I didn’t want to stay so I transferred, I would have left but the contract says we can’t until the mako leaves our system, something that I don’t think will ever happen” you grumble the last sentence but snap your mouth shut realising who you're talking to.
He laughs nodding in agreement. “You would be correct, Shinra likes keeping their property close” His voice wasn’t harsh but his words seemed to be angry, you could tell it wasn't directed at you when he cleared his throat and looked away. the air seemed tense as you turned to continue cleaning the tinkering of metal rang out as you swept it up.
“We could continue to talk smack about Shinra over coffee?”
You froze as the words slipped out of your mouth, nervous laughter bubbling up but before it spilled out-
he responded.
“I would like that”
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adelheidsideblog · 4 months
How would the main 8 react to receiving head?
This one literally has taken me so long to write 🫣🫣 I kept having to take breaks because I kept becoming self aware so I had to pause and stare at the wall for a moment to feel normal again. You all had better appreciate this 😭
Every sound out of his mouth is a praise of how wonderful you're making him feel
Strokes your face and runs his hands through your hair but doesn't pull normally
He enjoys videoing his partner giving him head, especially videoing the part where he cums
Likes to cum in his partner's mouth and make them show him after before swallowing
Enjoys when his partner licks him clean
Groans occasionally, especially as he cums, but for the most part is quiet and very, very red
When he's dominant I think he would enjoy fucking his partner's mouth like a fleshlight
Always pulls hair, and when he cums he pushes his cock balls deep into his partner's mouth
Likes to tie his partner's hands behind their back when they suck hi off
Very apologetic and sweet after if he feels like he was too rough
On the quiet side: breathy sighs that border on groans, and calls out your name when he cums
He'll hold the back of your head but doesn't pull your hair (usually, at least)
Too overwhelmed to make eye contact, so he covers his face with his forearm (if he does make eye contact he risks cumming immediately
Really enjoys facials: he prefers to cum on your face or chest as opposed to down your throat
Extremely sweet and loving afterwards, and probably repaying the favor soon after
Moans like a porn star: good luck being discreet (Matthew has overheard on more occasions than either brother wants to think about)
Bucks his hips and pushes his partner's head down if they'll let him: you'll have to tie him up if you want him to hold still, though
When his partners have long hair he likes to wrap it around his hand while they suck him off
Prefers to give facials but usually cums before he has the chance to pull out
Usually when he receives blow jobs they immediately transition into fucking
Another blushing mess, and slightly loud (he almost could be described as whiny but hates the term)
He probably enjoys having his partner under his desk sucking him off
Enjoys a little bit of teeth: not enough to hurt but enough to feel
If he's feeling really dominant he'll make his partner kiss it after
Kisses his partner after to taste himself on their mouth
Usually Francis is on the quieter side so that he can hear his partner better, but since their mouth is otherwise occupied he moans and praises freely
His hands are either still or stroking his partner's face so he gets a clear view of the show
Likes getting blown in public, especially if others can hear, but hates the idea of making his partner get on their knees in a less than hygienic spot (not enough to not do it though)
Either cums down their throat or makes his partner stop so that he can wait and cum during penetrative sex
Rarely does he ever receive head without following it up by going down on his partner or having sex immediately after
Heavy breather until he cums, then he groans loudly
Likes to instruct his partner on how to suck him off
He's scared he might hurt his partner, so tends to stay very still aside from the hand on the back of their head.
If his partner has tits he prefers to cum on them, but really isn't picky as long as he cums
Takes pictures of his partner after, and loves if he's made a mess of their face (has a soft spot for messy makeup)
He's either quiet or dirty talking with no in between
His favorite position to receive head is sitting on the couch with his partner on their knees on the couch beside him and bent over slightly so their ass is in the air: he likes to reach over and jerk them off while they blow him
Enjoys being woken up by his partner blowing him
He thinks facials are gross and prefers to cum down their throat
Blow jobs are his favorite treatment for insomnia
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ooohh, alr,,! so can i pls request tan x crybaby and soft!reader. can it be abt how tan is always "mean" to everyone and then he is accidentally mean to the reader? (not wanting to ask too much but can the fic pls have some smut? i would love to see how tan would treat the reader) u can also do this w pietro if u want. Sorry that my request is long, luv ur work and baiii :)
- 😾
hii bby!! love love it! must admit I did kinda steer off course a little bit. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
tangerine x fem!reader
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word count. 1089
warnings. 18+ only!! tiny bit of arguing, tan being a bit of a turd, but a total cutie after!! fingering, horny brainrot from writer. mdni
Tangerine is always coming and going with work, that his mind is often detached - thoughts spread out in more than one place at a time. Sometimes, it's hard for him to adjust to his surroundings, especially when he's constantly filtering between locations. 
Though, when he's with you, he's home. Back in your shared house, he's finally settled. 
But that doesn't stop him from bringing work home - he'd spend hours locked in his office, planning schedules and routes for upcoming missions, never once giving you an ounce of attention during his minimal time at home. 
You knew what you signed up for, though you hated how insignificant you felt compared to his work. You didn't like how he'd be so blase when it came to failed, planned date nights, how he'd be casual about cancelling for the fourth time in a row. You knew work was important to him, but eventually, you were hoping his view would change - that he'd value you more than some silly little mission. 
Tangerine had returned home from an assignment a mere hour ago, and all he had given you was seven measly words. You were planning on allowing him some time to adjust to being back home - to clean up, to clear his mind, but he never joined you back downstairs. 
You weren't angry or upset about it - you just felt disappointed. You always gave Tangerine leeway, constantly allowing him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he was tired from travelling or that he saw something gruesome. You were always sure to see from his side, so you often felt wounded when you didn't get the same treatment.
You wait on the sofa, phone in hand, as you consider sending him a text. Sending him a slither of your frustrations, but you decide not to - not wanting things to escalate.
And just like that, you hear footsteps trickle down the stairs, Tangerine accompanying the sound. 
"Hi," you call out from your spot on the sofa.
Your greeting goes unheard, your voice blocked out by his phone call.
"Mate, gimme a sec," he says into the receiver, pulling his phone away from his ear as he meets you.
"Oh, you got time for me now?" you quip.
"What's that now?" he asks, his tone alarmed. "Mhm?" he repeats, brows furrowing. 
You hear his friend make a snidey comment through the phone - something that loosens a screw in Tan's head. You watch from a near distance, seeing the change on his face.
"Alright, mate. Yeah, that's enough. I got it," he angrily dismisses, ending the call.
"What was that about?" you ask, perching higher from your corner spot, showing interest.
"Why would'ya fuckin' say that?" he snaps at you, eyes narrowing. "Now, I got him in my ear giving me a fuckin' bollocking and you—" he cuts himself off, watching the way your bottom lip wobbled under his reprimand. "No, love. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that— he just got in my head, and I—" he rambles, quick footsteps carrying himself to you.
He sits at the edge of the coffee table, facing you, taking your hands in his. "Darlin', that weren't meant for you," he hushes, thumbing over the back of your hand. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," you shrug, wiping your eyes with your shoulder. "I know," you sniffle, blinking away a few tears.
"No, it ain't," he shakes his head and slips a hand from your grasp, swiping away the wet under your eyes. "Did you mean that a minute ago?" he asks, his tone hesitant.
"Mean what?"
"About me not having time for you," he asks, eyes following you when you divert from his gaze.
You shrug once more, closing your eyes before nodding.
"Is that what you think?" he quietly questions.
"Kind of," you whisper. "Sometimes I don't feel important to you," your words soften, speaking like you were reluctant to share.
"Love," he draws out, hushing you. "That's—" he sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I never want you to feel like that... I guess I have been neglecting you lately," he admits. "The work is never-ending. My head is always frazzled, and I always try to get it done fast, so I have more time with you, but—" 
"I know," you reassure, slipping your hand into his. "I understand."
"How about this..." he proposes, leaning in to give you a chaste kiss. "I take some time off. And I can take you away? Really show how much I love you."
Your smile widens, eyes practically lighting up. "Okay," you nod, leaning forward to kiss Tangerine's lips. "I'd love that."
"Yeah?" he grins, almost boyishly. "Good. I'll make some calls later."
He brings your face back towards his, cupping your cheeks and kissing your lips soft and sweet, guiding you backwards - pushing you against the couch so he can hover above. He rests a hand on the back of the sofa, using it as stability as he towers over you, caging you. 
He parts from the kiss, both of you breathless from the sudden desperation it had turned into. His grip loosens from the side of your face, and his palm slowly travels downwards, slipping over your tits as he continues down. He runs his hand down your t-shirt-covered stomach, halting when he reaches the waistband of your lounge shorts.
"I have some time now," he offers, his tone teasing as his hand slides down the front of your underwear, fingers dancing over your slit. "Would that get me out the dog house?"
"Maybe," you reply, voice airy when you feel his thumb press over your clit, slowly circling it. "Possibly," you add, spreading your legs.
He hums, a soft, sultry coo against your skin, lips barely brushing yours. Dipping the pad of his middle finger between your folds, delving slowly into your cunt til the last knuckle. Long, thick finger wedged into you so nicely.
You keep him close to you, hands engulfing the sides of his face as you meet his lips, copying his slow, sloppy kisses. He begins pumping his finger inside you, hooking upwards as he rocks it into you, swallowing those pretty little sounds you make so well. 
He slowly adds his ring finger, joining it with his other - spreading you ever so slightly, leisurely fucking you with his two skilled fingers.
"I'll let you cum if you forgive me," he teases, picking up pace, rubbing against that gummy spot. "Say you forgive me, darlin'."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
tan taglist: (tagging bc it’s not a blurb/drabble) @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @soradiccherryblossom @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor @honestly-who-even-is-this @simplyreflected @apxtowiris
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themushroomofdeath · 6 months
zoro x chubby F!reader | Roronoa Zoro, the Chubby Hunter
absolutely filthy, no plot - zoro appreciate your rolls (nsfw)
I didn't like the flow of the first one, as I wrote it so fucking fast and with a pounding headache. But @eelnoise and @kaizokuniichan liked it so much, I rewrote it for my goddamn beloveds. Enjoy. :kissahomie:
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Zoro can’t have enough of you. From your soft belly to your voluptuous bosom, the hypnotic shake of your thick ass and thighs against the vicious pounding of his hips, you are the most tantalizing woman he ever met. Kneeled behind you, his calloused hands held firmly onto your ample hips with enough force to leave marks shaped like his fingers on your skin, tempting him to blemish it further. In a possessive strike, his large palm came to meet your ass cheek - once, twice, soothing and squeezing it before giving the same treatment to the other, only satisfied when both sides grew feverish red. 
Smug grin wide with every moan of his name slipping from your puffy well-kissed lips, every little whimper from his actions filling his chest with pride. He never stopped his brutal pace against your backside, bed frame shaking under the force of it. Your mind fogged with how much pleasure he kept providing, overstimulation consuming your body to a third orgasm that night, as the proof of your previous climaxes dripped down your thighs and pussy, mix of your juices and his heavy load overflowing from it - and he fucked it right back inside of you.
You were not the only one losing their sanity to carnal desire, his mind hazy with primal urge of breeding you, marking and possessing you, to make you forget your own name if it means you’d chant his only. “S’fucking delicious. Pretty lil’ thing. All mine, fucking mine.” 
Without pausing the incessant sway, the swordsman reached one strong arm around your neck, holding it in a semi-chokehold to pull your body against his. Just a second to breathe, as you adjusted against this new position, before he was moving again, free hand coming to stimulate your clit as the other held onto your neck to squeeze gently. Warm lips mouthing against your ear, teasing but commanding tone explicit in his wants. “Gonna cum for me again, yea? Gonna cream all over my cock, then ya’ gonna lick it clean, huh, pretty girl?” 
And you could only nod and blabber a list of pleads and yeses, rolling your hips faster to meet his own, screaming in pleasure as he pinched your sensitive nub between two fingers, chuckling at your eagerness. “Do it then, needy thing. Cum for me.” With his rough voice directing you, his thick length hitting that sweet spot inside of you and the way his fingers rubbed stimule both at your clitoris and nipple - pinching and squeezing your chest, you did just as he commanded. Voice pitching a few octaves higher with feverish prayer of his name, body losing control with spasms from the incredible toe-curling pleasure overtaking your nerve ends and mind.
He only stopped pumping inside your folds as you started coming from your high, taking pity on your over sensitiveness - or perhaps having other plans involving your appetizing body curves. He let you go for a moment, gently (or as gentle as Zoro would) letting your limp body fall face first against your pillows, allowing a minute of breath before manhandling you onto your back, hands caressing and squeezing your hips and side rolls. 
As if you could read his mind - connected as you were to each other, you already knew what he expected of you, licking your lips in anticipation as he moved, glorious and muscular thighs caging your body under his. Devoted as you were to your man, he didn’t need to say a word before both your hands came up to press your heavy breast together, pupils dilated with desire to please.
Amused, he took pity on you, helping to clear your sweaty face from the few strands of hair clinging to it. “So eager, huh? Like my cock that much?” You didn’t mind how eager or dirty you looked, smiling pleased as you nodded in approval. Yes, just as much he loved your body, you loved every inch of his. From his strong jaw to the fullness of his chest, his firm abdomen to the happy trail following a path to his bushy and glistening shaft - meaty and ready to please. He was perfect. “A’ight, open up, then.”
He didn’t need to say it twice, your tongue already sticking out to taste the warm and fat head of his length, sucking the saltiness of it as he fucked your voluptuous breasts and pliant mouth. Half-lidded eyes and commitment to swallow every single drop of his cum hitting your tongue and throat, humming in contentement. “Attagirl. Take it all, baby.” 
It didn’t take long for him to give what you were yearning, holding your head in place by one hand in your hair, his erection forcefully sliding against the plushness of your chest, head in and out your warm cavity, he came with a final long push and a groan falling from his lips. Heavy load of cum shooting towards your mouth, neck and breasts - sliding and trailing his seeds with the push of his shaft as he chased his own high.
Zoro had half a mind to not sit back and squash your body with his muscular frame, instead opting to fall by your side, breathing heavily with post-coital fatigue. Somehow he sensed what (beautiful) mistake would be to gaze over at you, but he did anyway, watching the exact moment where you locked eyes with him and smirked, collecting his sperm from your perky nipple and taking it towards your mouth. A show of licking it clean and moaning in delight.
What a fucking minx you were. But what was he besides completely smitten with you, already huffing in amusement and moving to make you regret teasing him like that. Definitely a long night ahead for the both of you.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
do you have any tips on hormonal pimples? or like teen pimples (idk what they r called) because i have so much of them but none of these toners and serums are helping.
Make sure to wash your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser. Avoid scrubbing your skin too hard, this can make acne worse.
Look for products that are labeled as "non-comedogenic," which means they won't clog your pores. This is especially important for makeup and moisturizers.
Products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid may be helpful in treating acne. Start with a lower strength and gradually increase if needed.
Prescription strength retinoids can be very effective in treating acne, but they can be irritating to the skin. Talk to your doctor and start with a lower strength and use as directed.
Here are some product recommendations:
CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash
Cetaphil Oil Control Moisturizer SPF 30
La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat Mattifying Moisturizer
Salicylic Acid Products:
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution
Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment
Benzoyl Peroxide Products:
Neutrogena Rapid Clear Stubborn Acne Spot Gel
Acne.org 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment
Non-Comedogenic Sunscreen:
Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Sunscreen SPF 30
EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46
Spot Treatments:
Mario Badescu Drying Lotion
Kate Somerville EradiKate Acne Treatment
The food you eat is super important for how your body's hormones work. Hormones are messengers that your body makes to control your growth, metabolism etc. They travel through your blood and tell different parts of your body what to do. Eating a good mix of healthy foods helps keep these hormones in check. Things like protein, good fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals help make and control hormones. For example protein is needed for hormones like insulin and growth hormone, while healthy fats help with hormones like estrogen and testosterone.
Also, when you're stressed a lot, your body makes more of a hormone called cortisol, which can mess up other hormones. Moving your body through exercise can help with hormones by reducing stress and making you feel happy. Also, sleep is really important. Not getting enough sleep can mess up hormones that control hunger and fullness.
So, eating healthy foods, managing stress, staying active, and getting enough sleep are all really important. They help keep your hormones in balance and make sure your body works well.
Most importantly, don't let acne affect your self-esteem. You are beautiful just the way you are! Pimples are very normal and they do not take away from how amazing you are <3
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Violent delights
Warnings: Mentions child birth, still birth, miscarriages, swearing, and blood
Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x oc
Tears of joy stream down your cheeks as you hold your daughter for the first time. Her small lungs filling with air as she cries, you kiss the tip of her small nose. The midwives do their best to discreetly wrap your baby, who was born stillborn moments before his sister, from your view. Your first two pregnancies didn’t make it to term, but both were assumed to be boys. Your first baby was named Vaegon, the second Aerion. You had already decided on several names to choose from that would work for either sex.
An older midwife dabs at your forehead with a damp cloth and asks, “Have you chosen a name?”
“I decided on Rhaegar for a boy.”
“Prince Rhaegar,” she repeated with a sad smile. “And the princess's name?”
You go to answer but are interrupted by a loud knock on the door. A nervous-looking servant walks into the room and says, “Princess, the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her immediately.”
The midwives' faces were etched with confusion and horror. Nobody dared talk while your daughters' cries filled the room. It was incredibly wrong of the queen to request such a thing, but who were you to refuse her? The maester clears his throat, “Perhaps I can take the baby to the queen while you rest.”
“I will take her myself.”
“Your body has just been through something traumatic; you shouldn’t need to do this,” he says, giving you a pleading look.
“No, I shouldn't. But I’ll take her once I’m dressed.”
The maester nods, knowing he couldn’t change your mind. He excuses himself from the room, and your eyes land on the knight standing in the hallway, and you silently thank the gods it wasn’t Ser Criston. One of the midwives takes your daughter from your arms while the others help you stand. You breathe through the pain as they clean the blood pooling down your legs along with any afterbirth that’s left.
They helped you step into a silver gown that was light and flowed around your waist. It was a gift from your older brother, Jacaerys; he knew how self-conscious you felt during your first pregnancy and had it made specially with the intent of hiding your bump. Your fringe is quickly braided so your damp hair is out of your face as your long locks are swept behind your shoulders.
The midwives return your daughter to your arms. You take a deep breath before slowly making your way to the queen.
Whispers filled the hallway as lords and ladies stopped to stare at you; a few of them congratulated you while the rest had a look of disgust on their faces. You momentarily stop at the bottom of the steps, already dreading the walk up them.
“Princess Lyarra,” Ser Erryk offers you his arm. “Allow me to help you.” You gripped onto his armored arm for support as you made your way up the stairs. He was patient with you every time you stopped and never questioned why you had to do this. He stays by your side until you reach the queen's quarters.
“Thank you, Ser Erryk,” you say sincerely. He was one of the few who had shown you genuine kindness since moving back into the keep. The knight looked as if he wanted to say more but simply nodded before announcing your arrival.
“Ser Criston,” you say politely when he opens the door. Sheepishly, you walk into the lions' den, hoping the questioning on the other side won’t last long.
Queen Alicent is seated beside her father and your grandsire, who looked paler than normal. Alicent stands when she spots you, but the amused look on her face quickly fades when she notices your weak appearance. “Lyarra! You should be resting after your labor.”
“I have no doubt that you would prefer that, Your Grace, but I do not wish to part with my daughter moments after I birth her.”
Alicent stares you down as her own father glares at her. Otto wasn’t a fool and knew his daughter's cruel treatment of you would spread quickly.
Seeing your grandsire in pain while standing, you go over to him and present him with his great-granddaughter. He looks at her proudly. “She looks just as your mother did when she was born. Such strong Targaryen features,” he says gleefully. “I can tell she’ll be a fearsome dragon rider one day.”
Alicent and Otto share a look. You were the only daughter of Rhaenyra and Laenor, and unlike your three brothers, Jace, Luke, and Joffrey, you didn’t have ‘strong’ features. You looked like a traditional Targaryen, with silver hair and lilac eyes. The rumor was that while your brothers were fathered by Harwin Strong, your father was either Laenor or Daemon, based on how ‘Targaryen’ you looked. A rumour the queen never tired of circulating, even when you were forced into marrying her son.
Alicent clears her throat. “The maesters believed you were carrying twins. Was he wrong?”
“No, your grace, the maester was correct. Unfortunately, my first baby, a son, was stillborn.” You push down the lump forming in your throat; you wouldn’t allow yourself to cry. Although you felt a pain no parent should endure, you couldn’t show any weakness. You needed to be strong. “However, the gods have blessed me with a daughter, and I will be forever thankful they have.”
Your grandsire squeezed your free hand and asked, “Have you chosen a name?”
“Yes, her name is Aemma.”
Alicent scoffs into her hands, shaking her head. while your grandsire's eyes light up in a way that usually only happens when he sees your mother.
“Lyarra?” a familiar voice says from the doorway.
“Aegon,” you mutter, eyeing him suspiciously; he still appeared drunk from the night before. Forcing a smile, you ask, “Did you pick a dragon's egg?”
His eyes darted between you and his mother, and he nodded. “Yes, I chose three from Dreamfyre’s clutch for you to pick.”
Lucerys had picked two eggs from Syrax's clutch many moons ago. Your husband has most likely returned from a bar or a brothel; that’s where he spent most of his time. Even though your relationship with Aegon was far from perfect, you still found yourself trying to protect him from the queen's harsh treatment.
“The maester told me what happened. I'm sorry,” he softly utters.
Aegon looks down at his newborn daughter for the first time and remains silent. For a split second, it looks as if he might smile, but his bloodshot eyes well up. He blinks the tears away when Alicent hugs him; she kisses his forehead and says, “Do keep trying. Soon or late, You may get a son.”
“It was just meant to be harmless fun,” Aegon’s voice was deep and still cloaked in sleep, laced with a sense of entitlement. He was insufferable. “I didn’t think I’d be gone so long. If I knew... I would have returned sooner.”
“Of course.”
He looks around the hallway, making sure no one else is in his line of sight. “You didn't think to ask me what I thought before you named our child?”
You scowl at him. “I did ask you! And you told me you didn’t give a shit.”
“This is hard on both of us.”
“Only one of us is bleeding,” you hiss, clenching your teeth.
Aegon looks confused until he takes a step back to look at the back of your dress, seeing the dark shade of crimson growing on the fabric. He looks grossed out and asks, “Is that normal?”
“In the last hour, I’ve given birth to two children.”
The rest of your walk is in silence until you finally place your daughter down in her crib, which you had placed next to your bed. Once she is settled, you finally sit down, feeling a mixture of pain and relief. Two handmaidens hurry to get you a bath and fresh clothing. You look over your shoulder to see Aegon still standing by the doorway; the look on his face leaves you feeling uneasy.
When the handmaidens leave the room, he licks at his lips and asks, “What did you name him?”
Sighing, Aegon pours himself a cup of ale. The handmaidens must have assumed he would be joining you because you didn’t consume any ale or wine. He wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve after downing his drink and asks, “What now?”
“Our previous agreement still stands. We will perform our duty when needed.”
“But continue to live separate lives,” he says sarcastically before pouring himself another drink.
“Dear husband, it was your idea.”
Aegon pouts at your words.
You didn’t have the energy to argue with him. When you were first married, you tried to build a basic friendship with your uncle, but he took every opportunity to tease you and humiliate you. Aegon would try to get a rise out of you by calling your brothers bastards. This unkind treatment only stopped after your first miscarriage; you weren’t sure if he took pity on you or simply grew bored because he no longer got a reaction. Watching him top up the cup with more ale, you knew he would soon need to leave before becoming too drunk to do so.
You clear your throat. “When I’m strong enough, I wish to take Aemma to Dragonstone to meet her grandmother.”
He looks puzzled by your words. “Why doesn’t she just come here?”
“She’s heavily pregnant.”
Aegon pulls a face and says, “I see.”
“I do not wish to keep you from your daughter; it would mean a great deal to me if you bonded with her. You could come with us to Dragonstone,” you suggest, mostly to humor him.
“No,” he laughs mockingly. “I’d rather spend my time with whores than bas—”
“By now you must understand you’ll always have whores but not children.”
He rolls his eyes and says, “When she’s older, I’ll introduce her to Sunfyre and take her riding on dragon back with me.”
“Very well,” you nod, knowing his words were empty. Before the conversation could continue any further, your handmaidens returned and Aegon excused himself.
You’ve been biting your bottom lip long enough that you can taste blood. Its sting was painful, but it was the only way you could stop yourself from crying out in pain as you rushed back to your bed chambers.
When the wet nurse took Aemma, you became restless, thinking about all the ways team green could screw you over, and you decided to find out for yourself. Using a secret passageway, you found yourself back at the queen's chambers, listening in on her private conversations. Alicent very colorfully shared her concerns about you taking your daughter to Dragonstone to her father. Fucking Aegon. She didn’t want her grandchild associating with bastards either.
“How do you propose to stop this?” Otto chuckles. “The princess isn’t a prisoner, and I don’t see Aegon rushing to stop her from leaving.”
“The princess can come and go as much as she likes, but her child will not leave the red keep. I will simply not allow it.”
“And why is that? You do not care for any of Rhaenyra’s offspring; why should this child be any different?”
“Because as of now, she is Aegon’s only heir!” The queen's face flushes red with anger. “And as long as she’s here, Lyarra will stay. The last thing we need is her reporting back to Rhaenyra and Daemon.”
Replaying everything you overheard caused your blood to boil. Your eyes turned towards the nursery, which was only next door to yours, but you noticed Ser Criston standing outside it. He must have posted there to stop you from taking your daughter during the night. You turn to open your chamber door, ignoring the knight posted outside your own room.
Once inside, you grab a pillow from your bed and scream into it. You were Rhaenyra Targaryen’s only daughter, and the blood of the dragon runs thick through your veins. Your once gentle nature, for which you named the heart of Dragonstone, has vanished, and all that is left is a burning fire filled with hatred and regret.
You should never have left Dragonstone. You should never have agreed to marry Aegon as a way to heal the broken bond in your family. Most importantly, you should never have let your inner dragon die. You had become weak and easy to manipulate, but you wouldn’t allow your daughter to suffer the same fate.
With your head held high, you stroll towards Viserion, who was lying upon a small hill, smirking as Ser Criston chased after you, “Princess! Princess!”
You stop momentarily and press your hand against your lower abdomen, feeling a cramping pain. It had been two days since you gave birth, but your son's funeral was only hours prior. It was no surprise to you that the queen organized it so quickly that word of what happened didn't reach the rest of your family. The only people that attended were the queen, her father, your husband, and his two siblings. Your grandsire was apparently too weak to get out of bed; no doubt it was from consuming an overload of milk from the poppy.
“Viserion, huha gevives.”
Since Viserion was the dragon to light your son's pyre on fire, he was already saddled, awaiting to be flown. At your request, your lady in waiting had a harness brought to you the night before so your daughter could be secured to you safely while riding on dragon's back.
“Princess, you cannot—”
When Ser Criston attempted to grab your shoulder, Viserion roared loudly, causing the knights to jump back. As your hand glides over the dragon's scales, you finally look back to see how many men have followed you. Nine. All of them, including the queen's favorite, looked petrified. The only one who seemed unfazed was your uncle Aemond, who had an amused expression on his face.
“What is it I cannot do, Ser Criston?”
His eye twitches with anger as he struggles to compose himself. “Prince Aegon—”
“He's too drunk to lift his own head,” you say. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I am currently in the middle of something.”
“I cannot let you leave.”
Tilting your head back, you snort out a laugh. “And how do you propose to stop me?”
“On your return, you’ll need to ask for her Grace’s forgiveness.”
Something inside you snaps; you turn and stand toe to toe with the knight. “And whose forgiveness will you ask for?”
He scowls at you, “Lyarra—”
“Princess,” you correct him. “There are two ways this can go, Ser Criston. I can leave now without any more drama, or I’ll stay against my will.”
“I think the second option would be wise, princess,” he smirks.
“Hmm,” you step even closer to the knight so he could hear your words clearly. “I am the daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, heir to the throne. Granddaughter of the king and the sea snake. My stepfather is the Rogue Prince himself, Daemon Targaryen, and bastards or not, my brothers are skilled dragon riders, as is my Grandmother. So I’ll ask you again, Ser Criston: Whose forgiveness will you ask for when I tell them that you personally kept me here?”
Ser Criston clenches his fist in anger. Before the situation could escalate, he takes a step back, forcing himself not to reply.
“Also, next time you attempt to put your fucking hands on me, I’ll feed you to Viserion.”
You mount Viserion, ignoring how your hands tremble. Putting on a strong front while breaking inside was a lot harder than you thought it would be. You are about to tell Viserion to go, but hearing your name being called, you don’t.
“Lyarra.” Hearing your uncle's voice, you look down at him; he looks embarrassed. “Your um-leg.”
While mounting your dragon, your black dress caught on the straps, riding up far enough to expose the lower half of your leg, which was coated in dried and fresh blood.
“Let's jikagon lenton.”
Once in the air, you let out a deep breath, allowing your tears to fall freely.
Hearing soft cries, you look down at Aemma and smile. She was so beautiful. so innocent and full of light. You knew leaving was the right thing to do, but it didn’t shake the uneasiness you felt.
You felt your heart flutter when Dragonstone came into view. You were almost home. You were feeling hopeful at the promise of being reunited with the rest of your family, but when the sun started to disappear, the uneasiness washed over you again.
Confused by the sudden darkness, you look up and clap eyes on Vhagar.
Aemond had followed you.
Viserion, huha gevives - Viserion, my beauty
Let's jikagon lenton - Let's go home
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Surgeon!Eli Moskowitz thoughts 🧑‍⚕️
He works as a pediatric surgeon specializing in plastics, like clefts and reconstruction. He works hard to make those situations for kids not so scary and always wears a smile so kids don't associate scars with scary situations or bad feelings like insecurity.
He also lets kids call him Dr. Eli.
Kids adore him and parents love him. He's great with everyone and gives everyone the best care and attention. No one gets special treatment but he does have a soft spot for the kids that come in with clefts.
He gets recommended so much he doesn't know what to do with all the families that come to see him. He often has to recommend other surgeons because his workload is a lot. He also travels sometimes for special cases where his expertise is needed. It's a lot but he loves the work.
He's doing a great job but then a new pediatrics doctor transfers to the hospital he works at. Things become a little complicated after that... at least in his personal life.
Reader is a phenomenal doctor and he's rather admiring of her work with kids. She was head of the peds department at her old job but gave it up for some reason that she won't disclose. That's okay, that's no one's business, so long as it doesn't interfere with her work, which it doesn't.
She and Eli see a lot of each other. They pass each other in the halls, give second opinions on cases, and eventually have lunch together. He likes her a little more than he thinks he should. But he can't help it. She's amazing.
It doesn't take long for them to start flirting with each other. Sometimes when they're just standing around, he puts his arm around her and feels up her pudge waist (away from childrens eyes ofc) and makes her giggle. All while keeping the childrens ward as happy and bright as possible.
And then she asks him to cover her patients for a few days while she's away. He doesn't ask questions and lets her be. There's no reason for him to snoop through her business. And then she's back and things are as if it didn't happen to begin with. She seems fine, so he doesn't ask.
Then they end a shift together and he drives her to her apartment. She invites him inside and they hook up, like they didn't see that coming. But it's in the morning that he learns what she's been hiding.
A brick comes through her window early in the morning, waking them up and she screams not knowing what's happened. Eli being Eli takes a protective stance and searches the house in nothing but his boxers. He finds the brick but nothing else and he thinks its just some pranksters or something, but she tells him no.
She admits that she's been going through divorce proceedings and just signed the papers those few days she was away. That was weeks ago but she tells Eli that her ex-husband is a bit obsessive. Even though he's the one who cheated and caused them to divorce. He's mostly upset she left and moved across the country to get away from their old life together. She makes it clear they were separated before she ever started talking to Eli romantically, but he isn't worried about that.
"I'm only worried about your safety," he tells her as they look at the brick and broken glass on the floor of her living room. "I don't have to tell you this, but if that would have hit you, it would have seriously hurt you."
She nods. "I know..."
They call the cops and make a report, but there isn't a lot that they can do now since it's so early and no one is around. She understands and they spend the day talking to cops, cleaning up glass, and covering up the window. They hardly have a relaxing day before they have to go in to work the next.
Despite what happened, Reader acts happy and smiley around her young patients. However, Eli can see she's not okay. And that behavior goes on for weeks as she has trouble sleeping in her apartment. He wants to do something about it, but what can he do?
He ends up staying at her apartment a lot more. They're unofficial but he doesn't care. He wants to be there in case her ex-husband or anyone else tries anything again. They don't. It seems to have been a one time thing, but he doesn't care. She tosses and turns in her sleep every night she's there and it gets to the point that she isn't getting any good sleep whatsoever. Not good for a doctor.
She's downing a double shot expresso one morning, rambling on about how she can't move because of the lease and she wouldn't even know where to go. Eli is with her, listening to her, being her person to lean on, when he suggests that she move in with him. She stops in her tracks and looks at him.
"Yeah, I mean, I pretty much spend every night with you already," he laughs.
She hugs him tight and kisses him, calling him, "My knight in shining doctor's coat."
He gets her out of her lease agreement and she doesn't even ask her apartment manager for her any money back. She just wants to get out of there. He even paid for the window to get fixed and that was enough for the apartment manager. They were on their way out and it was great.
They never really talk about what they are. They are just what they are. If co-workers or parents of patients perceive them as being together, they don't stop them. They don't mind it but they won't talk about it. Both are worried talking about it will ruin it. So neither of them talks about it. It isn't something that they have to talk about... until their chief asks them whether they're going to make it official for the hospital's records. Then they have to confront what they are and whether it's something worth putting a label on.
Spoiler alert: it totally is.
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harmlessghosty · 5 months
Hi, Ghosty. I've been wondering if you can do demon brothers with mc that is insecure with their eczema 👉👈
As someone who grew up with (granted, mild) eczema, I feel this in my soul. Even with a little, it can be embarrassing and unbearable, so I can imagine how hard it is with more. Hugs, because it absolutely sucks, and sometimes there’s SO little you can do about it. I usually treat it with creams, but I’m sure everyone varies.
I’ll preface this with the very clear statement that the Obey Me characters do not care what you look like, as long as you’re comfortable and happy. Being insecure of your appearance means you aren’t comfortable and happy, and they’ll each do whatever it takes to change that into something that empowers you, or at the very least helps you feel better in your skin.
More often than not would notice early on that you’re self-conscious of your appearance. Long sleeves? Pants? Turtlenecks? All in summer weather? How unusual, and you even seem to be sweating uncomfortably.
At first suggests gently that you should dress for the weather until he realizes that something more must be happening for you to behave so unusually. He asks directly what the problem is, and you decide to tell him—but only in absolute privacy.
Nods in understanding. You don’t want people to see your skin, and he relates to that. After all, the scars from his fall are…
Well, we don’t talk about the scars. All you need to know is that he understands.
Offers to help you find creams, spells or other treatments to settle flare-ups. Lessens your stress so that it doesn’t get worse. Offers his office and bedroom for you to lounge in without covering yourself—whether he’s there with you or not. If he is there with you, he treats you as he would normally—respectful and calm, without acknowledging the rashes unless you want to talk about them.
What do you mean you’re not burning up in that get-up? C’mon, take off that sweater. It’s a million degrees and you’re making him feel like he’s sweating!
You agree on the condition that he doesn’t tell anyone and that he doesn’t laugh or make a comment. After all, he won’t shut up forever if you don’t let him see what the problem is.
Oh. Ohh, that explains it.
Tries hard not to stare because ouch, that looks painful. He’s gotten his fair share of rashes and wounds from…Well, being an idiot with spellcraft. But that just means he has tons of sympathy for your condition.
Offers for you to use any of his special, expensive products as you want. He even goes out of his way to find things that’ll settle the flare-ups, even if that means spending more money. “Forget about it. Ya made me itchy, so start usin’ it before I go crazy.”
Doesn’t shy away from physical contact, and doesn’t treat you like you’re a pariah. If you suddenly feel anxious without covering your body, he offers his jacket to lay across your lap or cover your arms or neck. It’s the least he can do, and you look kind of cute with his clothes on. Just make sure ya give it back, and it better smell like those lotions he’s lettin’ you use!
It’s okay. He looks weird too, especially when he’s in his demon form. I mean, have you seen all his scales? They’re super itchy too when they shed off, and he’s got a mess on his hands making sure they’re cleaned up and not giving him even more skin problems and you must think it’s so weird and inappropriate that he’s comparing his stupid problem to your totally valid one and—
You hush him up quickly, but somehow, his anxiety helps you feel somewhat better?
He sighs and covers his reddened face. “I-I mean, I don’t know if it’ll work on humans, b-but I have…ideas of what works for me.”
Totally understands the social aspect of wanting to cover up or not go out, especially when your eczema is worse than usual or in an obvious spot. Always keeps his door unlocked for you to come and go as you please, and tries extra hard not to stare at your rashes when you’re there. It’s not that he’s judging you, but they just look so painful, and he wants to help so badly…
Absolutely offers to distract you in any way possible. If that means he has to t-touch you to rub on creams, or he just listens to you complain and offers his room as a place of comfort, then he really hopes you take him up on it. He even researches and buys tons of stuff online to try and help, though maybe you’ve tried it all. It’s the thought that counts, right? Right? Tell him he did good.
“Oh? I’m not familiar with that, but it looks uncomfortable. No wonder you’re insecure about it.”
While it doesn’t help you feel better at all, you respect his ability to be pragmatic, realistic and honest about your eczema. Yes, it’s painful and itchy and really obvious, but did he have to say the quiet part out loud?
So he researches. And he researches. And he asks questions that make no sense, some that do make sense, and others that even researches in the human world probably never thought of. And in the end, he comes up with a game plan that’s…not really what you wanted, but you appreciate the thought behind it.
Maybe you’ll take him up on the offer, or maybe you won’t. It’s totally your decision, but the door is always open. He’ll make all the potions and spells you could ever want to try if it means you’re more comfortable with yourself.
He’s a bit pushy on asking about it sometimes. He wants to help, but he’s not always sure how he can, so he needs a little direction. Once you tell him that you need a place to rest, or some lighter clothes to cover up, or maybe just someone to complain to, he’s always there to listen and offer a shoulder to lean on or a lap to rest on. Please, take advantage of it. It’s the least he can do.
Very quickly notices your outfits are too uncomfortable for the weather and the season. “Darling, you really must dress with the times! You know that long sleeves should be reserved for after September, and you shouldn’t be wearing those pants when they don’t flatter your figure hardly at all, and—“
Will literally pull a jacket off of your shoulders. Try him. He’s trying to be helpful and playful, but he doesn’t realize you’re insecure because of your eczema until it’s too late.
Is confused. He doesn’t have a comparable idea for what that is in Devildom. He doesn’t have creams or treatments for anything like that,, but damn it, he’s going to find something that helps you feel better.
If you’re going out, he offers to help cover it up with makeup or a light shawl that matches your skin well enough to hide. If that upsets your skin and you don’t want to go out, he plans an elaborate indoor date and makes sure that the brothers aren’t home to ruin it. Trust him; they won’t be anywhere nearby. Don’t ask how he managed that, love.
Will give you all the oatmeal baths he can possibly offer. Maybe they help, maybe they don’t, but it does give him an excuse to see you au natural or in a bathing suit, and that’s something to appreciate, isn’t it?
His first concern is that you’re allergic to something you ate. He’s heard of people breaking out in hives for allergies, and he’s worried. It doesn’t look good, and he’s pretty sure that humans can’t have reactions like that without getting sick, and—
When you explain to him that it’s something you’re basically born to suffer, he nods in understanding. So it’s like a battle scar, he thinks, because that’s about the only comparison he can make. Maybe it’s even like a sweat rash; he gets those on occasion if he doesn’t take care of himself after exercising, so he gets it.
Lets you wear his oversized clothes to help cover up. If you’re in public, he’s absolutely not above stripping shirtless so that you can cover up, or even carrying you around so that no one can notice your eczema but rather look at you for being carried. Hey, at least they won’t notice the thing you’re worried about.
Tries to find foods that would help inflammation and will offer them to you on a regular basis. It’s something he knows will help in the long run, though it’s not exactly the most quickly helpful.
The best at making sure any creams you use are rubbed in perfectly. Have eczema anywhere on your body? He notices it quickly and offers to help cover it right away, whether with clothes or a treatment. Whatever makes you comfortable.
Doesn’t care about the rash at all beyond a simple, “What’s that? Oh, okay.”
Secretly wonders if he can do anything to help. Is honestly a bit worried to touch you when you cuddle because he doesn’t want to irritate your skin further.
If you’re nervous about napping with him, don’t be, because he really doesn’t mind how you look as long as your shoulder or lap is available to him. It makes you feel good to be needed by him, doesn’t it? Then accept his generosity.
Really tries to listen to you talk about it, but he just…keeps thinking about ways to help. He’s smart; it shouldn’t be hard to come up with something that works, but surely you’ve been trying to work with it for years. In the end, he defaults to whatever you want, and does whatever he can to listen to what you need from him.
Constantly reassures you that the appearance doesn’t matter to him, as long as you’re cozy in his arms.
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mirrorsmoonlight · 6 months
☆ ~ giving you some sugar
pairings: victor!treech x mentor!reader summary: your love language is gift giving and now that treech won the games you feel like showing him how much he means to you warnings: fluff, reader takes care of their bbg, gn!reader, this is before they’re in an established relationship, they want each other so bad but they’re oblivious to each others feelings, second person, reader uses pet names, treech ditches his hat (just for today :0), in this they’re still in the capitol
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the last few weeks for treech were hell. if getting reaped wasn’t enough then the humiliating treatment he gotten from the capitol citizens definitely was. killing his pride, and leaving a broken shell of the man that he was before.
and when he was announced as victor he was almost grateful, but the overbearing amount of blood on his hands left him unable to fully embrace that feeling.
that’s how you found him when you entered the infirmary. eyes glassed, as he was unable to pull his gaze off his hands even as the surrounding nurses patched up his injuries.
you waited until they were finished, patiently with the clean stacks of clothes held in your arms. you strode towards him, gently placing the clothes on the spot next to him before gently cupping his cheeks.
“hey,” your eyes scanned every part of his face, taking in the scratches ranging from small to large on his cheeks to the sheen of dirt mixed with sweat illuminating his face, “ ‘re you with me sweetheart?”
his eyebrows crinkled as he squinted, trying to get a clear view of you as tears began to pool in his eyes. the intensity of the situation leaving him exhausted and willing to take comfort from anyone at this point, anyone that would hold him.
you let him grip onto your waist, burying his head onto your chest as your hands rested on the back of his head. staying silent as you let him release all his anguish and anger of everything he was forced to do to survive.
once his sobs turned into sniffles you brought your lips down to meet with the mess of his hair, before cupping his face again so he could look at you. “after you bathe i brought these for you to get changed into,” his clothes were stained with a mix of dirt, sweat and blood, “you haven’t gotten the comfort of a shower for weeks. and i assumed you wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing this any longer, like you had for the past weeks.”
the words were stuck in his throat, so he resorted to an affirmative nod. “ ‘kay let’s get you in the bath then.”
he didn’t know the last time he was this clean; his skin and curls lacking the dirtiness it held before, smelling rich from the expensive suds he lathered them with. his wet fingertips grasped the softness of the towel, removing the dripping water from his skin before lathering himself with the lavender scented lotion you left with the rest of his things.
once his skin was left moisturized and soft he pulled on the fresh undergarments, before pulling on the black pleated slanted pocket pants. uncapping the deodorant and smoothing it on his underarms before pulling the white dress shirt on and buttoning it.
the creak of the door opening brought your eyes away from your book, your eyes widening once you saw him. “feel like that shower stripped me a whole new identity,” a tiny smile appearing on his face as he made his way towards you.
in return a smile was brought to yours, dropping your book into your tote before coming up to him to brush away stray curls hanging infront of his forehead. “you do look good,” you looked into his eyes, that just moments prior were red and puffy, “i’ll have to keep you close to me, don’t want anyone stealing you since you were mine first.”
the capitol’s streets were packed tight as you two walked through the shopping strip, having to grab onto his hand to make sure he wasn’t whisked away. your eyes widening as you spotted the shop you’d planned to take him to.
the sound of the bell ringing overhead echoed through the bare space of the store, alerting the shop owner of your arrival. “oh (name), i didn’t expect you to come back too soon,” her attention later drawn by the man on your side, “and you brought a handsome young man with you, never thought i would see the time.”
you ignored the teasing comment she shot your way and smiled as you introduced him, “this is treech, he was the tribute i mentored.” her eyes crinkled as she smiled, gesturing for us to get closer, “treech from district 7, so your the man they’ve been yapping about.”
an embarrassed blush washed over your face, treech looking back at you in shock almost like he couldn’t believe it. a laugh pouring out of the lady’s - your aunt’s - mouth as she watched the two of you.
“auntie, you promised you wouldn’t tell,” you looked at her, betrayal mixed with the blush on your face. “it’s okay, guess no one is able to resist my charm,” you were too focused on your embarrassment to realize just after he’d found out a smirk played itself on his face. reminding you of the charm he’d displayed to gain the favor of the capitolites watching the games.
you pushed his shoulder at his comment, but his playful smile made your eyes shine with fondness - happy you were able to distract him from the dark thoughts that’ll haunt him later. “yeah yeah, you’re irresistible now let’s get what we came for.”
“what you came for,” his head tilted towards you with a knowing look, “all i’ve been doing was following you around, in these unfortunately good-looking dress clothes.”
“what i came for to get you,” you rolled your eyes before taking his hand to lead him to the jewelry section.
you scanned the jewelry adoring the shelves and table top before grasping the the macrame bracelet holding multiple spheres of tigers eye. turning towards him with it hidden between your palms.
“can you guess what it is,” your eyebrows raised up as you challenged him. his eyebrows furrowing before he shrugged, “i’m not too caught up in the materialistic goods capitolites indulge themselves in. but since we’re in the jewelry section i assume it’s a product produced by district 1?”
a frown overtook your face but you continued nonetheless, “well yes, it is a piece of jewelry but no it wasn’t produced by district 1.”
you uncapped your hands to reveal the bracelet, setting it down in his palm to let him mull over what might’ve been the reason for this sudden present. but when he looked at it, it stole his breath. something that only his name getting picked in the reaping had done.
it was a bracelet that held tiny beads of tigers eye; a crystal that aids in releasing fear and anxiety, promoting mental clarity, heals the emotional body and produces insight into internal conflicts. he remembered you telling him about it when he’d asked, when you’d visited him to bring him food.
“seeing how interested you were when you first saw it i asked my aunt if i could take one for you,” you loosened the ties of the bracelet so it’s opening was big, so he could slip his hand inside. his eyes gleaming like the crystal that now sat on his wrist as he admired the piece.
“it’s also good because i know despite you arising as the victor, you’ve been dealing with a lot mentally too,” you paused as he looked up into your eyes. seeing him so vulnerably open as if now you’d broken every obstacle that kept you from seeing the true him, “so, i wanted you to have it. i wanted you to atleast have one good thing from the capitol.”
his hands clasped with yours - more intimately than it’s ever been before, as if the tigers eye was already bringing clarity to his mind. him now able to see how much you meant to him.. - for a few seconds before he cupped your check, “the second good thing. nothing materialistic could ever take your place.”
you paused momentarily out of shock before breaking out into a tearful smile, “yeah?” he shook his head up and down into a nod, “yeah.” at that you leaned in, placing your plush lips on his chapped ones. lips moving fervently until slowing to feel him smiling into the kiss, yeah he could get used to this.
you spent almost a month together, who said you couldn’t spend a few more?
a/n: the first time i’ve written something that’s not sad! i wanted to get it out of my drafts as soon as possible cause winter break is coming to an end :(
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
What’s in My Skincare Train Case? 🎀
Tumblr media Tumblr media
effaclar salicylic acid wash by la roche posay
rice wash by tatcha
pigmentclar by la roche posay
kale + green tea spinach vitamins superfood cleanser by youth to the people
2% bha liquid exfoliant by paula’s choice
dark spot toner by olehenriksen
retinol fusion pm night serum by peter thomas roth
buffet by the ordinary
advanced snail 96 mucin power essence by cosrx
glycolic b5 serum by la roche posay
multi action super c retinol by strivectin
capture youth matte maximizer by dior
squalane + vitamin c by biossance
alpha arbutin 2% + ha by the ordinary
15% vitamin c + clean caffeine energy serum by youth to the people
ceo glow oil by sunday riley
dhc cleansing oil
cicaplast baume b5 by la roche posay
advanced snail 92 all in one cream by cosrx
squalane and omega repair cream by biossance
caffeine eye cream by the inkey list
relief sun spf 50+ by beauty of joseon
potent-c targeted spot brightener by peter thomas roth
face razors by schick
gua sha
disposable sponges
rose quartz roller
microfoliant by dermalogica
eradi-kate by kate somerville
supermud clearing treatment by glamglow
lip scrub
face-lift-in-a-bag by skyn iceland
aha 30% + bha 2% peeling solution by the ordinary
lip masks
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oh-its-souichi · 8 months
Marry Part 3
Sakuna x Reader
This is not edited warnings- the usual, death, emotional manipulation
It had been days since he had last seen you, he had barracaded himself away, thinking.
He sat in his tea room now, staring blankly at the wall. He didn't know what was coming over him, what was scratching its way through his chest. Hie eyes bore into the wall, and he gritted his teeth. Why did he stand up for you, and why did he insist you come and see him after you were clean.
You were just another stupid sacrifice, and he cursed the elders who chose to send you. Maybe he would be better off to kill you, snap your neck like the other women, and leave you to bleed.
He didn't like the thought of that, though. He imagined the feeling of your neck bones breaking under his grasp, and it made him nauseous. He signed adjusting his posture and dropping his head into his hands. "Fucking bitch" he mumbled. There had to be something he could do.
He cast his eyes out the window towards the thick green forested mountains, a malicious smile spreading across his face.
"Lord Sakuna" he heard a women say.
"What is it?" He replied.
"Your wife has grown ill again" she spoke again.
He sighed and rested his head in his hands. "I really dont care. Just leave her outside. It's a full moon tonight. The wolves will take care of her. " He was too busy to deal with or kill another woman. He was preoccupied with thinking of how to get rid of you. The women behind the sliding door to his tea room hesitated, and that annoyed him. "Do not make me repeat myself," he sighed, then stopped, "you said again?" He hadnt realized what women she was talking about before.
He got up from the floor and walked across the room with a smile on his face. "You're talking about that idiot woman, the one in pink?" He smiled, and your maid nodded. He had thought you would get an infection from being thrown into the pond and that he guessed that was what happened. "Maintain her treatment," he said, simply looking down. You maid stammered, taken aback by his words, but bowed "yes my lord," she said and walked away. He slid the door shut and returned to his spot by his table. He cast a look out the window and sighed again. "So much for getting rid of her" he mumbled a slight feeling of worry in his chest.
He found himself walking down the hallway it was mostly quiet but as wrapped around the corners leading to the chambers his wives resided he heard a distant commotion, it atarted with random thumps then as he got closer he could hear panicked voices. When he walked across the corridor and into the wives' chamber, he was met with disaray. Women were huddled in their doorways, their eyes cast down the hallway, not having noticed he stepped in. There were maids and servents rushing in and out of your room. Bloody sheets and gauze was stacked up along the hallway across from your door. Calmly he walked down the hall and into the room. The doctor he assigned to you was sweating profusely and trying to mix something up, the vanity in your room having become a sort of medical lab. You maid stood beside you, gripping your hand and his eyes widened when they finally found you.
You were barely covered, a sheet wrapped around you breasts and your lower region. Your hair was sprawled out around your head and your skin was ghastly. Your eyes were glazed over, and you were staring up at the ceiling. "Hes up there I know he is" you whispered, and your maid shook her head. "Hes not Y/N, please stop," she shushed, her voice tremmbling. There was so much commotion that no one seemed to notice. Something he had to fix.
He cleared his throat and the doctor and your maid snapped their heads up. "Would anyone care to explain what is going on here?" He smiled. The dr looked back down and continued mixing up a white liquid. "Shes gone into septic shock. Her wounds are badly infected, but shes not responding to the medicine. It is not touching the swelling nor her fever." He rushed slamming down the spoon in his hand. He carefully held the cup and rushed to your side. "Please help me ipen her mouth" he said to your maid and she nodded. "Y/N time to take your medicine" she whispered and he pondered at the sound of your name. He had never heard it before, never thought to learn it.
You didn't reply, just smiled weakly up at them. "I miss my father," you croaked. They ignored what you said and dumped the liquid down your throat, the aggression of it making him cringe. "This is fixable, I assume?"Sakuna said, and the dr. looked up at him. "At this point, I dont know my lord," he said with the face of a man that had accepted his own death. It almost made him laugh. "You know what happens if she dies doctor" he seethed under his sharp smile and the dr nodded. "Im well aware my lord." He said rushing back to the medicine table. "Has she swallowed it?" The dr called back and your maid looked into your mouth. "She has but it looks like-"
For a second time, it slowed down, and it was the scent that hit his noce first. It was the smell of rot, death. It came from you. He snapped his eyes up, and before you could return his gaze, he noticed your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your limbs began to shake, and he swiftly came to your side, shoving your maid away. "Leave us," he commanded. He worked on impulse, placing his hand on your chest he attempted to use reversed curse energy to take down your infection. It was a new technique to him so its effectivity would vary. He hoped it would take the edge off of the infection because after this seizure passed, he knew you would die. You were weak and he hated that. "Pathetic" he mummbled placing his hand on your chest. He focused his energry and suddenly he felt your body inflate underneath his palm. You took a deep breathe in and your eyes shot open. They immediately snapped to him but they didnt look grateful, nor happy. You looked horrified.
He felt a twinge of anger at the expressiona nd had half the mind to keep healing you until your body simply quit. "Im healing your wounds," he mumbled, but your expression remained the same.
You looked at him now like he was a monster and he hated it. 'I hate it?' He thought to himself, a chuckle bubbled up in his throat, and he began to laugh. He hated when you looked at him like a man, he hated when you looked at him like a monster. "Its best you dont look at me" he smiled but your eyes stayed locked onto him. He stared back at you feeling the challenge in your gaze. His smile slowly fell and he felt himself lift his right hand and strike you across the face. "I said enough!" He yelled.
Your eyes fluttered closed, and a welt of his hand swelled up on your face. Blood trickled down your face where his nails had dug into your cheek.
He had hit you harder than he meant to. He stood breathing heavily and took his hands off your body, staring down at you. The thoughts that had been in his head had vacated, and now he was left with a deafening silence and a nauseating sickness that churned in his stomach. He sighed and turned around, leaving the room.
This time, he left his palace and didn't return. He walked out the palace doors and down to the nearest village, pumbeling it to the ground, from the top of the hill all his wives heard the screams of those below but the snuggled deeper into their blankets avoiding the sound. As he drained the men and women of the village of their blood, snapping their necks and making them shreik, he felt his stomach turn in disgust. He felt angry at himself for hurting you. He wanted to march up the hill and heal the welt on your face. He wanted to swoop you under his arms and keep your from the world. It seemed you were better off untainted by it anyhow.
He sent no word of where he was going or how to contact him. He just left. Spending the next couple of months, basically killing and pillaging. He hungered for more power, and it was through this he was able to obtain it.
The day he returned, it was snowing and dark. The warm yellow lights of his palace looked cozy and comforting. A smile spread across his face when he thought of seeing you again. You had occupied a good part of his mind in the calmer times of his "vacation," but he tried to avoid the subject. It always led back to the memory of his hand print on your face, and he hated that it bothered him so. He walked up the wooden steps and swung open the doors. A gust of heat hit his body first and he took a deep breath in enjoying the stark difference in temperature.
Things looked the same on the inside, the smell as well. It's as if time had frozen since his departure. There were no sounds either, no people in sight. He closed the door behind him and started walking the palace. On his way around it a few maids scurried by, dropping their heads when they noticed him. "Welcome back, my lord," they squeaked. He ignored them and kept walking. His feet took him to your hallway. It was completely quiet, and all the lights were off, darkening the walkway to the point of pitfh black. He found his way to the end of the hallway and slowly opened your door. He half expected you to be gone. An empty mattress was the only thing left, but that wasn't the case. You were tucked neatly in your bed, facing the window. He snuck in, sliding the door behind him, and found his way to your side.
He slipped two of his arms under your back and two under your legs and lifted you easily up. Your eyes popped open, a gasp leaving your mouth but he shushed you.
Without a word uttered between you, he carried you back from where he had come, making his way to the main entrance and out the front door. His personal room was hidden underneath the palace from a different exit. It would be too obvious to sleep in the superfluous building. He covered your eyes and made his way to a mossy stone carving. It was of a dragon, a horrid looking one. The surrounding area was thick with trees and shrubbery, so someone would have to be pretty hard pressed to notice the statue. He harshly twisted its head, and a vaulted door opened beneath him. He stepped down the stairs, and it closed quickly behind him.
It was a long staircase and much more dingey than he remembered. He didn't spend much time down here. Rest at this point for him was somewhat of a pleasure activity, so he usually found himself busing himself with his studies or training. At the bottom of the stairs was another door. He opened it, being met with a blast of warm air. It smelled good as well, a deep perfume smell, along with the hint of smell the fireplace gave off. The carpet was plush red, and though the room wasn't huge, it was big enough to keep a red pit coach as well as a mahogany canopy bed on the far right corner. It was surrounded by whispy red fabrics that matched the theme of the room. He chose to keep things red and black. The coach was a dark perfect black along
You stared seemingly at nothing, not having said a word the entire way. "You will live here from now on" you said lowly and you snapped your head towards him, your eyes locking onto his. He saw your mouth open slightly to protest but you quickly closed it and turned your head back to it original position. "Yes, my lord," you said, your voice cool and calm. He smirked. "Am I not your husband?"
You nodded "Yes, my husband" you said your voice robotic now, lacking the same livelihood it had the first night he met you. It burned him and he felt rage well up into his throat.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Nighttime Routine
Prime your space for rest and sensual relaxation. Lean into your seductive, dark feminine energy. Set the tone to pursue self-care and pleasure after hours. 
Wash Off The Day: Get out of your mind and into your body. Transition into the evening with a luscious shower (or bath) to help you feel your best. Use your favorite shampoo, conditioner, exfoliating scrub, and body wash that suit your hair and skin type. Savor the various scents, steam, and the blissful feeling of clean, smooth skin. Follow up your shower with a body lotion and a hair leave-in conditioner. Make sure they’re hydrating. Enjoy the lingering scent. Change into a silk robe or matching loungewear set in a luxurious fabric – satin, lace, or cashmere – that glides over your freshly pampered skin. Prioritizing yourself is sexy. 
Listen To A Seductive Playlist: Create a rich, indulgent and serene environment. Depending on the mood (or how early you start your nighttime routine), tune into a playlist of sensual, slowed-down songs, a French playlist to unleash your inner je ne sais quoi, a slowed-down playlist, or an extended mediation music video to tap into your feminine energy. A few recommendations are below: 
French Evening Playlists:  Playlist 1, Playlist 2, Playlist 3
Slowed & Seductive Playlists: Playlist 1, Playlist 2, Playlist 3, Playlist 4
Divine/Dark Feminine Energy Meditations: Meditation 1, Meditation 2,  Meditation 3
Do Your Skincare Routine: Build an evening skincare routine that feels like a relaxing ritual (and also offers lasting results). Find a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer that works for your skin type. Consider using skin-nourishing products like hyaluronic acid or vitamin C serum, retinol, and eye cream. Exfoliate your face 2-3 times a week. Use a rich, hydrating face mask once a week. Add a jade or quartz roller to your routine to massage your skin, release any tension, and debloat your face from the day. Do your skincare routine in the following order: Cleanser, Toner, Serum(s), Eye Cream, Spot Treatment, Moisturizer, and Face Oil. Try using disposable face cloths to prevent bacteria from causing breakouts. My favorite ones are linked HERE (they have an exfoliating side, too). 
Make Some Tea: Indulge all your senses. Steep some bedtime or ‘sleepy time’ tea. Options with notes like vanilla, cinnamon, almond, cocoa, and chai offer a luscious and spicy aroma to help you embrace your sensuality (and satisfy any cravings before bed). 
Indulge In A Creative Outlet: Add to your vision board on Pinterest, spend a few minutes browsing on Tumblr, draw, or write some artful prose – tap into your late-night creativity and imagination. Clear this brain space for a more enjoyable evening and better sleep. 
Journal For 20 Minutes: Write out your feelings on a blank page or use a guided journal prompt. Practice some shadow work if you’re up to it. My favorite shadow work journal is linked HERE. 
Stretch & Meditate: Take 5 minutes – on your couch or bed – to do some light, full-body stretches and a 5-10 minute meditation to relax your body and mind. 
Read A Book: Choose a captivating philosophy, psychology, self-help, or a spicy novel. Try to read at least 10 pages daily to seduce your mind one last time before bed.
Make Bedtime Alluring: Have comfortable, loose pajamas, soft and clean sheets – both in smooth, luxurious fabrics – grazing your skin. Keep the room cool. Use a cashmere-scented, lavender, or chamomile pillow spray if you choose. Indulge in self-pleasure to help relax your muscles. Recount joyous memories to soothe your mind, help you unwind, and ease into a restful slumber. 
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