#cleaning with adhd
trashpandafeminism · 1 year
Hey there! I've just finished collecting my diary entries from the past four days and I wanted to share them with you. As some of you may know, I have ADHD and Autism sensory issues, and cleaning has been a challenge for me. But I'm happy to say that I've been making progress!
In this collection of diary entries, you'll find my thoughts, struggles, and small victories as I tackle the daunting task of cleaning my space. From dealing with sensory overload to discovering new cleaning hacks, it's been a journey full of ups and downs. But I'm determined to stick with it!
I hope my experiences can help others who are also struggling with cleaning and organization. And if you have any tips or tricks that have worked for you, please share them in the comments! Let's support each other on this cleaning journey.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates on my life adventures!
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myreyisbae · 2 years
Things I figured out recently that work better for me for cleaning as someone with ADHD that might work for you
Wearing Gloves while cleaning so I don't think about the texture of what I pick up/touch
Seeing what I can get done in 15/25 minutes at a time with breaks included (shorter times seem to be more manageable)
Put the radio on or a CD as background music instead of playing music on my phone as it can be distracting
or you could install a blocking app on your phone if you still want to use Spotify, YouTube music ect.
I recommend the app "stay focused" which is available on Google play (Android) and the App store (Apple)
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grungebutsoft · 1 year
I love ADHD because it’s like I’ve finally got the motivator I need to clean out my den but now I’ve said “I’ve got to clean this godforsaken room” in a Derry accent 8 times and no work has been completed and I’m about to say it again kdnfbfbfbdhjdjkkek
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dailyrandomwriter · 10 days
Day 701
I am reminded today that cleaning does not actually take that long. Especially since I do not deep clean, that requires far more awareness about what needs to be cleaned and discipline than I have.
Since I didn’t have to go out today, and I woke up at 8 a.m. in the morning (for some weird reason), it meant I was able to spend the morning chilling. Chilling and playing a bit of Book of Hours so it was a bit out of my system. This meant that by the time I had lunch, and chilled some more, it was 1 p.m. and there was no reason to not start cleaning. 
In a rare moment of pure focus (and probably because I had taken my ADHD meds an hour previous due to forgetting to take it earlier than that) I cleaned and did not stop. This is very unusual for me. Normally, due to distractions and the physical demand it takes for me to clean, especially on a vacuum and mop day, I sit down to rest, which is a trap. Sitting down means I won’t get up for at least 30 minutes at best, or an hour at worst.
The benefit is, I got 99% of my cleaning done by 3:30 p.m.
The annoying thing is, I got 99% of my cleaning done in 2.5 hours.
It’s a reminder that 1) I take forever to do things and 2) I have limited capacity. Part of the reason why I was able to do this was because I didn’t have a Pilates lesson today. Doing both Pilates and cleaning on the same day is a lot of work for me mentally. 
Yet I know I won’t change where my cleaning day is because frankly I have no time anywhere else. I have work during the weekdays and a game meet up on Sundays whenever I can manage it. At this point this is as  good of a routine as I’m going to get out of my life.
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sharkboy-starmites · 2 months
I'm deep cleaning my room and getting rid of stuff and OMG it's great. I cleaned a coffee stain that had been on my wall for MONTHS and I just feel so much better. I got rid of expired makeup, I'm cleaning trash out, I have a bug screen on my window again because I found it in the garage and put it back. Cleaning feels great when you have the motivation and it's fantastic to feel like you're fixing something.
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zanderlisle · 11 months
Cleaning with ADHD:
I sat down to clean our my drawers and there was dirt in them that I had to pour out so I was like oh I need to sweep and I got up to get the broom and I was like
Oh the counter is dirty. But if I clean the counter I may as well wash the dishes. Oh I need to put the dishes up before I can wash the dirty ones. Look over and - fuck, the trash!
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samwisethewitch · 1 year
*takes your face gently in my hands and looks sincerely into your eyes* listen. your home does not need to look like a showroom. homes are meant to be lived in, and that means a certain amount of mess. it's okay if there is clutter on your desk or if you don't remember the last time you cleaned your oven. mess is morally neutral. but at the same time, you deserve to live in an environment that is safe and comfortable, and that means someone has to clean sometimes. things like mold, spoiled food, and dirty litter boxes are genuine health hazards and need to be dealt with before they make someone sick. think of cleaning less as "my home needs to be completely spotless" and more as "I am an animal and I need a habitat that is free of hazardous material." it's okay. *kisses you on the forehead and tucks you into a blanket*
(and of course it is always acceptable and even good for you to ask someone else to help you with cleaning if it's physically or mentally difficult for you. even if you're paying them to do it.)
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obsidianmama · 1 year
I've spent most of the last week barely sweeping the floor and keeping people fed. Dishes got done before I needed to use them, but the kitchen had seen cleaner days. And I was starting to feel bad about myself for it. This morning I woke up and swept the whole apartment, mopped a few areas where it was needed, cleaned both bathrooms, did a load of laundry, took the trash out, walked to the store and back with kiddo, did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen (not entirely, but significantly), and it's not even noon yet. Maybe that's not a lot for some people but personally I feel like I deserve a medal. Sure, L was watching videos of herself on my phone for most of that time, but I don't need to beat myself for letting her have prolonged screen time this morning, if it helped me take care of what needed taking care of. She'll be ok.
That's just how housekeeping with my ADHD is: I'll barely keep up for a while, then I'll do almost nothing for a few days and start to get down on myself, then I'll wake up one morning with the spoons to go on a cleaning frenzy and feel like a champion afterward. Rinse and repeat for eternity.
I've tried a few things to manage my ADHD better, but anything that works does so only briefly. Trying to rotate coping skills to keep them fresh is a chore in and of itself, and maybe I'll master it one day, but I don't have it yet.
And that's ok. It's ok for me not to be the Instagram or Pinterest or TikTok parent who cleans their house top to bottom and cooks 3 balanced, nutritionally-complete and aesthetically pleasing meals every day and bakes on the weekends. It's ok to do my best and not be "as good" as someone else, or even myself on another day. It's ok. I am managing, one day at a time. I've got this. If not today, then I'll try again tomorrow.
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coraorvat · 7 months
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SAVOIR FAIRE: I'd worry in Necktie's place, lieutenant can get quite creative with a piece of fabric~ I have seen several cases where people were mixing Electrochemistry and Horrific Necktie and tbf they're pretty easy to mix, but there is a slight difference: EC is your pleasure center which wants you to feel good no matter the source, while Necktie is your imaginary drinking buddy who want's you to party hard like young people do (by getting drunk/hight, sleeping with younger women and doing stupid shit for lulz).
So I'm pretty sure our *bratan* won't be Kim's biggest fan (and vice versa), EC on the other hand…
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snazzyjazzyazzy · 7 months
My AUDHD ass: “Surely if I put my clean clothes on my bed I’ll remember to put them away before I sleep, right?”
Also my AUDHD ass: Moves the clothes to my computer chair and sleeps, moves the clothes back to bed when I’m awake
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calebsrottingcorpse · 6 months
Collector redraw with Kid Belos 🙏
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myreyisbae · 28 days
ADHD/Cleaning Help
Cheap Room Divider
⭐Could help with Focusing on a certain area of the room/diving the room in half especially if the clutter/ area is overwhelming and overstimulating
Room Dividers do exist but have pretty high prices and there are other ways you could divide the room as well but I just wanted to share something that worked for me
Adjustable Rolling Garment Rack
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Shower Rings
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Shower Curtain (will definitely be long) I bought the one pictured but I do think cloth shower curtains work pretty good
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Anyways I do hope this helps anyone who sees it
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poopsadaisies · 28 days
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serrph · 5 months
Hey everyone, if you're someone who's disabled, low on funds, or have a disorder that makes cleaning difficult or haven't been properly taught how to clean or what to use, Midwest Magic Cleaning has a great video going through how he cleans and what he uses without spending a lot of money and in as little steps as possible.
I highly recommend his channel in general. Not only is he funny, but he cleans hoarder houses for free, and explains his process as he's cleaning. He's also autistic and cleaning is his special intrest. He's great background noise.
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yardsards · 1 year
"just put it in the same place every time and you won't lose it" 🤝 "just clean everything up immediately after you use it and you'll never have mess pile up": advice that is functionally useless to me as a person with adhd
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adhd-worlds · 5 months
Adhd ppl should have adhd friends where you just go and clean each other's house/room for them bc its easier to tidy up someone else's place than it is to tidy up my own
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