#autism sensory issues
fenetfox · 1 month
y'know what we need to normalize? NOT touching people to get their attention. when I want somebody's attention, I make sure I'm in their field of view and either say their name, 'excuse me' or other pleasantry to get the talk going, as well as doing a little gesture with my hand, so their eyes instantly know who is talking. I begun doing this, because I have sensory issues and hate being touched or patted on the shoulders, and decided that "hey! I don't know other people, they might have sensory issues too! let's not touch other people without consent!" and I realized how damn easy it is to do tl;dr - getting people's attention without touching em is easy and we should do it cuz autism lol
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faelingmagic · 4 months
Monster high G3 Twyla please
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I’ve never drawn a Monster High character before so I hope I did her justice!
I had to read up on her character to know about her and found out she is autistic so I made this one about sensory sensitivities!
Sometimes people with autism often have heightened sensitivity to certain sensory experiences, like loud noises. This means that sounds that seem normal to most people can feel overwhelming or even painful to them. Make sure you pay attention to your own needs and take care of yourself. If loud sounds are too much, it's always okay to step away to a quieter place to help you feel better and recharge.
This can apply to anyone no matter if you’re autistic or not, everyone is different and that’s okay! As an autistic person myself, some noises can be too much for me,and some not so much, but just because I can handle some doesn’t mean someone who also has autism can handle the same as me, we need different kind of care for ourselves. Make sure you’re attending to your needs. 💕✨
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nemo-bros · 21 days
sensory things i really really really like (I'm autistic):
water (looking at it, watching it on tv/youtube, touching/playing with it, swimming, anything!!!)
shadows (looking at them and making them and looking ay how they move)
light reflections & colored lights
spiky textures (and other raised textures like ridges or bumps, I like to run my finger and hand over them and on my body, fixes the "sensory feeling when I get to rub spiky stuff)
deep pressure (I want to be crushed under the weight of something- especially my chest)
big body stimming obviously
noise making stimming obviously (vocal sounds or toys that make noises)
different colors objects, especially if they are small and I can arrange them
touching & moving things & arranging things
toe walking!!!!!!!!! (also barefoot walk outside in different areas grass, concrete, etc)
muscle massage gun!
acupressure mat!
fidget toys!!!!
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trashpandafeminism · 1 year
Hey there! I've just finished collecting my diary entries from the past four days and I wanted to share them with you. As some of you may know, I have ADHD and Autism sensory issues, and cleaning has been a challenge for me. But I'm happy to say that I've been making progress!
In this collection of diary entries, you'll find my thoughts, struggles, and small victories as I tackle the daunting task of cleaning my space. From dealing with sensory overload to discovering new cleaning hacks, it's been a journey full of ups and downs. But I'm determined to stick with it!
I hope my experiences can help others who are also struggling with cleaning and organization. And if you have any tips or tricks that have worked for you, please share them in the comments! Let's support each other on this cleaning journey.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates on my life adventures!
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superdumbfan · 1 year
I've been up for hours. I have always had the sensory issues but it wasn't until I got out of my dad's abusive house that they really hit me and now I'm up right now literally coughing up loogies that are pink from blood and fighting the urge to literally claw my skin off. It sounds like some edgy thing some kid would have put here on Tumblr in 2008. I hate everything I want to die it sucks so fucking bad. I clean and clean and clean off my bed before laying on it I make my bed I make sure everything is to a tee. And no matter how many fucking time to do with the bed still has something on it it could be as clean as marble and it's still feels like I'm laying in the fucking desert. Always starts off feeling like I'm laying on Sand then it gets itchy to the point that it's unbearable and I just want to claw my skin off and it hurts it stops being itchy and just straight up hurts. I am so tired and I'm just crying Non-Stop and I can't even stop myself from crying and it sucks. I'm tired I'm always you never feeling comfortable in my own skin in a literal way not metaphorical not oh I look in the mirror and I'm ugly literally feeling uncomfortable in my skin I want to be skin I would pay for someone to find a way to live without skin. This is literal agony and it's always hits me when I'm vulnerable. It never hits me in the middle of the day when I'm just chilling relaxing it's always when I'm trying to go to sleep or do something important it's always in the middle of a test or some other bull like that. It's always there I don't know what I did I'm not a good person I know I haven't taken it. And no matter how much I look stuff up we can't find any way to fix this I don't have money to buy a weighted blanket. And my next therapy appointment in this until Wednesday. Sometimes I think if I didn't make a promise that I made my mom I probably be dead. I just said melatonin and I'm hoping that I've been to just get worn out from crying and fall asleep. But it sucks that I even have to do that I want to be a normal person so waiting to sit on my bed and go to sleep. No crying no tantrum no painful itching sensation no need to literally sit as still as possible just hope that it can fall asleep without literally crying so hard that I can't speak anymore.
I just want to be "normal" person i feel bad I don't want to be neurodivergent. I want to be able to do things normally without my brain trying to punish me. This is like living hell. And it's so much worse cuz I never never the problem when I'm like distracted throughout the day I sit on the same bed all day and watch TV and do other things I work on my bed because it's the only thing I have and there's no problem the second that I actually got to go to sleep it's like oh no now your bed is made out of needles and sand and bugs. If I didn't promise my mom I wouldn't kill myself I probably do that right now. I hate everything I hate this I'm going to sleep so badly I'm literally writing this while crying and so tired that I could fall asleep but my body won't let me I'm so so tired this isn't fair.
Please please please please please please if anyone knows anything that can help please tell me I am literally having panic attacks and I can't do this. I am on the verge of just scratching all my skin off Jesus Christ and I don't even know why my brain would act like this why am I so faulty that my brain actively makes my life worse what is the possible reason that my brain would act like this
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specks-of-time · 5 months
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shreyajainblogs · 2 months
Children with autism often experience sensory issues that can significantly impact their daily lives. These issues can manifest in hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to sensory stimuli such as sound, touch, taste, and smell. For instance, a child may react strongly to certain textures of clothing, loud noises, or bright lights, leading to distress or discomfort. These sensory challenges can affect their ability to socialize, communicate, and participate in everyday activities. It is crucial for parents and caregivers to seek specialized care from clinics like Kids Neuro Clinic that understand these unique needs. Such clinics offer tailored therapies and interventions designed to help children with autism manage sensory processing difficulties effectively, improving their quality of life and enhancing their overall development.
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tlcautism · 4 months
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
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Life in an Autism World
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charlie-and-mushrooms · 6 months
A really big sensory ick for me is dry liquid soap. Like, if you have soap in a dispenser, and some stays on the spout, it'll dry. If that comes off into my hand, I will gag. This goes for shampoo, body wash, and lotion.
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yellowyarn · 1 year
i always see sensory avoidant autistic people talking about how their favourite foods are all plain carbs but where are the sensory seeking autistics who live on garlic and spicy foods? the ones who will eat a straight lemon and hate buttered noodles.
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skulandcrossbones · 6 months
wikipedia article on human senses for definitions and clarification
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auschizm · 3 months
Autistic sensory issues aren't just "this bothers and annoys me", it's very often much closer to "my brain is responding to this sensory input as if it's causing me physical pain." And that's why we often genuinely can't just ignore it and get used to it.
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marimboy404 · 1 year
ummm autistic ppl of tumblr help my ears are extremely sensitive and now wearing noise canceling headphones really hurts and i overheat from wearing them super easily and its not like i can get other headphones these were like $118 so idk what to do 😿😿 does anyone have any cheap suggestions for like ways to cope with it or whatever 😿
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Weighted blankets aren't enough I need to be crushed in a hydraulic press
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
It’s definitely sound for me. As always reblog for a bigger sample size please!
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