#clearblue pregnancy test
zoinkssc00b · 7 months
Can’t wait for Pit Babe season 2 where they are sponsored by
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
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mrsreinhart · 1 year
My wife is pregnant! Hey, speaking of pregnancy, have you ever heard of Clearblue? #Ad
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dangerkeith3000x · 11 months
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I bet you could run DOOM on this.
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Maximum how many days to confirm pregnancy.
Pregnancy tests can usually confirm pregnancy within a few days to a week after a missed period. However, the most accurate results are usually obtained after the first day of a missed period. If you take a pregnancy test before the first day of your missed period, the test may not be able to detect the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in your urine, as the levels of HCG in your body may not yet be high enough.
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 If you are trying to become pregnant and have missed a period, it is recommended to wait at least one week before taking a pregnancy test to ensure that the test will be accurate. If you have taken a test and are unsure of the results, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.
When should i take a Pregnancy Test After Sex
There are a few different ways to confirm a pregnancy, and the amount of time it takes can vary. Here are some options for confirming a pregnancy and how long they typically take:
Pregnancy test: Home pregnancy tests can be taken as early as the first day of a missed period, which is about two weeks after conception. These tests work by detecting the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced during pregnancy, in your urine. Most home pregnancy tests are about 97% accurate when used correctly.
Blood test: A blood test can detect pregnancy even earlier than a home pregnancy test, but it is typically more expensive and may not be as widely available. Your healthcare provider can order a blood test to confirm pregnancy as early as six to eight days after conception.
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Ultrasound: An ultrasound can confirm a pregnancy and provide more information about the pregnancy, such as the location of the embryo and the number of foetuses. However, an ultrasound is typically not performed until at least six weeks into the pregnancy, or about four weeks after conception.
So, it is possible to confirm a pregnancy within a few days of conceiving, but it can also take several weeks depending on the method used. If you think you might be pregnant and want to confirm it, the best thing to do is to take a home pregnancy test or see a healthcare provider.
Pregnancy test name
There are many brands of home pregnancy tests available on the market, and they all work in a similar way. Some of the most popular brands include:
First Response
E.P.T.   (Early Pregnancy Test)
One Step
These tests are widely available at pharmacies, grocery stores, and online. It is important to carefully read and follow the instructions that come with the pregnancy test to ensure accurate results. If you are unsure which test to use, you can ask your healthcare provider for recommendations.
45 day cycle when to test for pregnancy
If you have a 45-day menstrual cycle, the best time to take a pregnancy test is about a week after your period is due. This is about two weeks after conception, which is when the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) first becomes detectable in your urine.
Most home pregnancy tests are about 97% accurate when used correctly, but it is important to carefully read and follow the instructions that come with the test. If you are unsure about when to take a pregnancy test or are having trouble interpreting the results, you can ask your healthcare provider for guidance.
It is also worth noting that irregular periods can make it difficult to predict when your period is due and when you should take a pregnancy test. If you are concerned about your menstrual cycle or think you might be pregnant, it is a good idea to see a healthcare provider for further evaluation.
Read More: The Best Pregnancy and Nursing Pillows for Sleeping Comfort
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kaliforniahigh · 27 days
Fic request idea? You and Noah have happily been together for a few years. Your next anniversary happens while he's on tour so you secretly coordinate a plan with Matt to surprise Noah in whatever city they're in. After you get to the hotel, you look for Noah. You find him outside by the pool area talking to a pretty girl in a bikini. The girl puts her arm around him and takes a selfie. She keeps her hand on him way too long and gets a flirty look on her face. You've seen other fans interact with Noah and are always unbothered but now you've never felt so jealous and sick to your stomach, so you go back to your room. What you didn't see was Noah politely remove the girl's hand and turn her down. After a brief nap, you still feel really sick and emotional (more so than usual) and Noah doesn't know you're there yet so you debate if you should just go home. You can fill in the next parts but include lots of angst, avoiding each other, avoiding calls/texts, reader still feeling sick, talking about that misunderstanding. It all ends with you telling Noah "I'm pregnant".
I love dad omens :((( Thank you the request. I hope you like it! Hopefully I didn't stray too much from what you wanted.
Warnings: pregnancy, vomiting, reader is insecure, jealousy, a little bit of angst, happy ending. I think that's it. Noah is ecstatic about being a dad.
WC: 4k (I haven't proofread this yet!)
Requests are closed for now.
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Eight years was a big milestone. It's been eight years since you've been dating the love of your life. Spending anniversaries apart wasn't anything unsual for you two. Noah was on tour for the most part of the year, and chances are he would be somewhere far away when the day of your anniversary arrived.
This year was no different, he was all the way on the east coast, while you stayed in your California home. But something felt different this time around.
It was no secret you and Noah had a very active sex life, that became even more active whenever he was about to leave for tour. However, you were both very careful every time. He always wore a condom, since you couldn't be on the pill due to health reasons.
A few weeks after he left, you started to feel the first symptoms. At work, you noticed you needed to use the bathroom so frequently, you sworn you were in the bathroom every fifteen minutes to pee.
You felt more tired than usual, almost being late for work a couple of times, since you couldn't open your eyes long enough to get up from the bed.
At first, you thought your immunity might be too low or that you needed to take some vitamins. But when the nausea and vomiting started, it got you more concerned. You decided to check your app to see when was the last time you have gotten your period.
You suspicions were confirmed when you saw that you didn't get your period at all this month. Running to the pharmacy, you thought that buying a pregnancy test was your best option until you could get a consult with your doctor.
While you were cruising the isles, you thought about Noah and how he would feel about this - if the test came out positive. You've been together for a long time, and you've discussed having a family many times over the years. Getting married and having kids were on your agenda, but not for right now.
You were both under 30 and he was so busy with the band, you could see the problem in trying to raise a baby when he was so far away for months on end.
You lived in a different state than the rest of your family, so having a support system here in California would be so difficult. You would be on maternity leave, sure, but at some point you would have to go back to work, and who would take care of your baby then? You didn't want to put them in daycare so early.
Your mind was running with a million thoughts, as you grabbed two Clearblue tests and ran to the checkout line. The cashier noticed your uneasiness and didn't attempt to make any small talk.
Now, you were sat on the toilet as you eyed both tests, gathering the courage to take them, because once you did, the situation would become very real.
You wished Noah was here with you. You didn't care if would freak out or stay calm, you just needed someone to do this with you. You debated calling him, but decided against it. You wouldn't tell him a life-altering information with him on the other side of the country.
You had no other choice, so you took your pants and underwear off to pee on the stick that would probably change your life forever. You watched the countdown on the stick with a bated breath. You looked away, not being able to look at it as it did it's thing.
You gnawed at your nails, biting them and even drawing some blood in the process, legs bouncing incessantly. After a few minutes, you grabbed the test again and looked at the little display.
Tears welled in your eyes as you put the test back on the counter. Crying was the best response you could conjure up right now, so that's what you did. You sat on the bathroom toilet and cried your eyes out, sobs racking through your body as it became difficult for you to breath.
After minutes of this, your body began to feel exhausted and you seemed to be running out of tears. You tried to breath more evenly now, standing up from the toilet, you washed you face and blew your nose. Not being able to do much else with how emotionally exhausted you were, you decided to just go to bed and sleep this off. Tomorrow was Saturday, so you had the whole day to think about this.
You went under the covers and grabbed your phone, looking at some pictures of baby Noah that he has sent you over the years, a little smile playing on your lips at the sight of him so cute and so small.
You wished for your baby to have his eyes, his beautiful voice and kind heart. You wondered if they would have his dark, straight hair or your light and slightly wavy one. You wanted them to inherit his height so you could get them in some kind of sport, maybe basketball or volleyball. Or maybe their dad would teach them how to play an instrument and they would be in a band as well.
Your heart felt a little lighter at all the scenarios you were conjuring up in your mind. Your eyes felt heavy from all the crying and soon you were plugging your phone to charge on the bed side table, cuddling up to Noah's blanket, drifting off to sleep thinking about the little human you were growing inside of you.
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The next day, you texted Matt and started to organize a surprise for Noah on tour. You knew they had a two day break next week, so you would use those days to surprise him and tell the - hopefully good - news.
You spent the week getting your bags ready and the house organized before you left. You even took the time to run to the store and pick up a baby onesie that said "rad like dad" on the front, along with a box for you to put it inside with the pregnancy test you kept.
You thought about scheduling a doctor's appointment before traveling, but you wanted Noah to be there with you, and since tour was wrapping up not too long after you visited, you decided to wait.
Even though you felt like he would be happy with the fact that you were going to have a baby, you still needed to be prepared to talk about your options if needed.
As you sat on the plane, thousands of feet up in the air, you willed the discomfort in your stomach away. You knew that the possibility of you feeling sick on the flight was real, but you would avoid it as much as you could. You rubbed your still flat belly, a silent way to tell your baby to settle down, as you closed your eyes and tried to nap.
The next time you opened your eyes, there was only an hour until you touched down. You coordinated everything with Matt. You had your room you would be staying in to get everything ready for your surprise. It wasn't much, you just planned on leaving the box with the onesie and pregnancy test inside on the bed for him to see when he came into the room.
It was a nice hotel, with a big pool according to what you saw online, and you totally intended on taking advantage of that, soaking in the sun and playing in the water.
After you landed, there was an Uber waiting to take you back to the hotel, Matt assured you they all went out for lunch, so there was no chance of you running into Noah in the middle of the hotel lobby.
Checking in, you took your bags up to your room, taking a few clothes out and hanging them inside the closet. You put your toiletries in the bathroom and took your airplane clothes off in order to take a warm shower and change into some new clothes.
You were drying your hair when your phone pinged with a succesion of text messages.
Noah: Hi, my sweet love. The boys and I went out for lunch and now we're sitting by the pool.
This is the life.
Wish you were here with me. I love you so much.
You smiled the biggest smile of probably the entire week. He had that effect on you every time.
You: Hi, baby! Enjoy the pool for me. Can't wait to see you again! I love you more <3
You replied and decided that a trip downstairs to the pool was in order.
You grabbed the box, onesie and pregnancy test you brought with you and set everything on the bed. You were glad you haven't messed up the bed yet by yanking the covers off, this way everything looked more put together.
You put on your bikini and before you put on one of Noah's shirts over your body, you looked at yourself in the mirror. The thought of having a baby didn't terrify you as much anymore, and you actually pictured yourself sporting a beautiful baby bump, a sign of the love you and Noah shared.
Snapping out of your reverie, you grabbed some sunscreen and your sunglasses and made your way to the pool area. You staked the place out first, trying to sneak up on him.
You saw him in the distance, along with Jolly and Folio. He was taking pictures with a couple of fans and you didn't think much of it, until you observed a little and saw that he seemed awfully comfortable with these barely clothed girls.
You were never jealous, you actually thought the pictures he took with fans were cute most of the time, and he was always respectful, mindful of his hand placement and avoiding getting too close. There were actually a few pictures out there of him doing the hover hand, not wanting to touch another girl's waist.
But this time, not only was his arm wrapped around her middle, his hand was clutching her waist, her body sticking to his, boobs - covered only by the thin cloth of her bikini top - smushed on his chest. You looked at his face for any sign of discomfort, but he was sporting a grin on his lips.
The girl wraps her arm around his torso as the other girl behind the cellphone snaps the picture. As they were separating, she took the opportunity to take his hand in hers, and you saw a look on her face that only another girl would recognize.
It was a look of hunger and she was blatantly flirting with him. His grin never faltered and you were left wondering why in the hell were his hand still holding hers.
You didn't stay to see the rest of their interation, a wave of nausea hitting you and you were sure if you didn't run back to the elevator you would throw up all over the place.
As soon as you entered your hotel room, you barely had the time to close the door behind you and ran to the bathroom, spilling all of the contents in your stomach into the toilet. You threw up until there was nothing left to come out, and you wondered if it was the pregnancy making you feel sick or if it was what you just witnessed.
Either way, you sat on the bathroom floor, all the energy and excitement leaving your body, as well as the confidence you build up about having this baby.
Noah was young, he toured the entire world and met so many new faces. What if one day he decided you weren't enough for him anymore and he needed someone new, someone more exciting. You didn't want to ruin the rest of his life by tying him to you because of your baby. You knew relationships like that always became bitter and hateful.
Your phone buzzed next to you on the bathroom counter and you saw it was a text from Matt.
Matty: We're by the pool. Noah went up to his room, do you want to surprise him there?
You sighed. That was your plan, but it all completely fell apart just minutes ago.
You: I don't feel so good. I think it was the flight.
Matty: I have some medicine in my room, do you want me to drop it off at yours?
You debated on what to tell him. It all felt so painful having to deal with all of this on your own. Maybe talking to someone would do you some good. Matt was always good at giving advice, and he knew Noah as well as you did, maybe he could shine some light in your situation.
You: ok, I need to talk to you, though, it's kind of serious.
Matty: oh shit, I'll be there in 5.
You only had time to brush your teeth before there was a knock on your door. You left the bathroom to answer it and sure enough, Matt was standing on the other side,
"I realized I didn't ask what you were feeling, so I grabbed the whole medicine bag", he held up a bag with a red cross on the front. You could always trust Matt with medicine, he always carried all sorts of things with him.
"It's ok, come on in", you stepped inside and he followed after you. You weren't actually gonna take anything, since you didn't know what you could and couldn't take due to your pregnancy.
"Hmmm", you heard Matt hesitate, before saying "Y/N, am I meant to see this?", you looked over at him and saw him poiting to the surprise on the bed. You have completely forgotten you placed it there before leaving to go to the pool.
"I was about to tell you about that, actually", you sat down on the bed and put your face in your hands.
"This is good, right? We're happy about this?", he questioned as he dragged one of the chairs in the room to sit in front of you.
"We were happy about this, until maybe fifteen minutes ago"
"What happened fifteen minutes ago?", he asked you, noticing the crestfallen look on your face.
"I went down to the pool area to surprise Noah, and I saw him taking pictures with those girls, and I don't know, I felt this monster grow inside of me and I just couldn't take it", you gave him the short version.
"Those girls were very pushy. What did you see?"
"I saw him very happy to be touching the body of a woman who is almost half naked beside him. His face wasn't exactly sad", you rolled your eyes, the images flashing back in your mind.
"Y/N, you only saw half of it, I swear that is not what happened", he told you and you gave him a look for him to keep going. "Ok, so we were sitting on the chairs by the pool, when these two girls approached us and asked for pictures. We said ok, because this happens all the time. They took pictures with everyone and Noah was the last one. He was standing next to her, both of his arms were placed in front of him, and he wasn't touching her at all", he really looked at you when saying this, and you nodded to show him you understood.
"But I guess she wasn't good with that, she grabbed his hand out of nowhere, and forcefully placed it on her waist. He was so shocked, he didn't know what to do. Her friend snapped the first picture and I guess she wasn't happy with that either, because she told him he needed to smile. So she told her friend to take another one. He didn't even share a word with her, because he honestly didn't know what to say or how to act in that situation"
You thought of every other fan interation you've seen him have. He was an introvert and sometimes didn't know how to react to things, specially when fans are involved. You suddently felt angry, not at him, but at the girl coming at him like that.
Was she even a fan? Or did she only want a picture to boast about meeting Noah? And the nerve she had, telling him to smile?
"He went up to his room after the interation, he was very overwhelmed", Matt finished his explanation.
"He must be feeling so bad", you thought out loud.
"He was just uncomfortable, you know how he is about his privacy and personal space", he observed.
"I know. I feel so bad for jumping to conclusions", you sighed out loud.
"Hey, don't feel sorry. You have a whole other thing going on here", he pointed to the pregnancy test.
"About that, I might need your help once again", you told him, a little nervous tilt on your voice.
"Sure, just tell me what to do"
So you told him to text Noah, telling him to come to room 305 - your room - and meet him there.
Matt left with a hug and a good luck, and you paced around the room, thinking about how these next minutes would play out.
A knock on the door came not too long after, you looked in the mirror, realizing you haven't changed out of Noah's shirt from earlier. But you hurried to answer the door anyways.
"Did you change your...", his voice trailed as soon as he saw you standing on the other side of the door. Jaw going slack and eyes widening in surprise.
"Surprise?", you said, opening your arms for him.
"Are you real?" he said in disbelief.
"Hug me and find out", it took him a few seconds for him to snap into action, crashing into your arms and hugging you tight.
"I can't believe you're here, oh my god", he said, hands roaming everywhere and touching every piece of you he could. You parted for a second and looked him in the eye.
"Yeah, I am", you giggled at little at his shocked expression.
"How did you do this?" he asked, taking your face in his hands. Neither one of you caring you were still standing on your door.
"I had a little help from Matt"
"Remind me to thank him later", he gave you a peck on the lips, both of you smiling into the kiss. "Get in that room, I have nothing to do for the rest of the day"
You stopped him from trying to walk you backward into the room.
"I actually have a surprise for you. I need you to close your eyes", you told him, a sheepish look taking over your face.
"Hmm, a surprise? I love that", he wiggled his eyebrows. You laughed and slapped him lightly in the chest.
"It's nothing like that, silly. Now close your eyes", he did as he was told, a smile still lingering on his face. You closed the door behind you and led him to stand in front of the bed.
You stood to his side, wanting to see his every reaction to this information, as you told him to open his eyes.
A million thoughts raced on his head, the first thing he saw was the onesie, "rad like dad" written on it, next was the pregnancy test and he has to lean a little closer to read "pregnant" written on the little display.
"You're pregnant?", he asked, looking at you. His mouth was agape and his eyes were even wider than before.
"We're having a baby?"
His hand flew to his mouth, attempting to cover his shocked expression, muttering "oh my god" to himself over and over again. You wouldn't lie, you were starting to freak out a little bit. A few seconds passed before something snapped in him. He gathered you up in his arms, your feet almost lifting from the floor.
"I'm going to be a dad? You're gonna make me a dad?" he asked, face buried in your hair.
"Yeah, you're gonna be a dad", you said, stroking his hair. His body shook a little and you could tell he was crying. You let him have his moment, so you just hugged him and stroked his hair softly. After a few minutes, he parted from you, with eyes glossy and cheeks wet with tears, but his smile was so big, it could light up a whole room.
"You make me the happiest man on this planet, I can't even believe this is real", he still held you close to his body. You suddently felt crazy for ever overthinking this.
"I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty nervous when I found out", you admitted, his smile fell a little at this.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I can imagine finding out you're pregnant by yourself was pretty scary", his hand stroked your cheeks.
"It's ok, you're here now, that's all that matters"
"Take your shirt off", he told you, taking hold of the bottom of your - his - shirt.
"Noah, I don't know about this. I haven't been to a doctor's appointment yet" you said, unsure if you should be doing this.
"I don't mean it like that. Just take your shirt off, please?", you did like he wanted, as he kneeled in front of you.
He splayed both of his hands on your belly and started talking to your baby.
"Hi, sweet girl, this is your dada", he started, and you could die happily in this moment. "I'm so excited to meet you, but it's gonna take a while until we get to do that. Until then, you'll stay warm and healthy in your mommy's belly", he tapped your belly twice to get his point across. Tears welled in your eyes at the sight before you. You have everything you could have possibly wanted in the world.
"Daddy loves you so much already, you're going to be a spoiled little girl when you come to the other side. And you're gonna have the most amazing and beautiful mommy in the world", he looked up at you, to see tears streaming down your face. He got up to kiss them away. "How do you feel about getting married with a baby bump?", he asked you, and you sobbed even harder.
"It sounds really nice", you crashed on his arms, and he moved the both of you to lay on the bed, carefully placing the onesie and pregnancy test on the bed side table.
He cuddled you closer, hand stroking your belly nonstop, a habit he would develop during your pregancy, along with talking and singing to your bump. When you calmed down a little, he got up to turn off the lights and grab the remote, turning the TV on and getting back on the bed, pulling the cover over the both of you.
"Thank you for being the most amazing man on the planet. I honestly wouldn't know what to do without you", you told him, he thanked you with a kiss on the lips.
"The band is taking a break after this tour, and there is no questioning about it. I wanna be there for you through everything. I wanna help decorate her nursery and go to every doctor's appointment", he told with determination.
"You keeping calling the baby a girl", you giggled as you pointed it out.
"I just know it's a girl", he started to draw swirls with his finger over your belly.
"Well, she's gonna be the biggest daddy's girl", you laid your head down on his chest, his soothing movements making you sleepy.
"Damn right she is"
You were about to fall asleep when you felt his body tighten underneath you.
"Oh my god, baby, I had the weirdest fan interation today, I need to tell you about it", you could hear the frustration and annoyance in his voice. You laughed at it.
"Tell me all about it"
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
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Starring: Frat boy! Sukuna and a (possibly) pregnant reader
Synopsis: Funny how something as small as a grain of rice can cause a shift so massive in so many lives. Deny all he wants, you're having a baby and now Ryomen has to comes to terms with being a young dad. While it can be read on it's own, this is also part of the Frat Boy Au, which you can read here!
Content Warnings: a pregnancy scare, other than that, it's mostly fluff ;)
(Also, if yall want a song to go with the fic: New Mistakes by Jellyfish inspired it)
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You had experienced time slowing down before. It slowed down as you walked across the stage for your high school graduation. It had slowed down again when you got your acceptance letter to college. It slowed down the first time you saw your now boyfriend, and when you met his mom for the first time. But it had never been slower than it was now, as you sat on your bed, staring at the Clearblue pregnancy test in your hand.
“Well, what’s it say?!” You roommate, Mei Mei, asked- arguably more nervous than you were. She knew Ryomen was bad news, but she didn’t think he was this fucking bad. She moved to try and take the test from your hand, only for Shoko to slap her shoulder.
“Stop making a bad situation worse Mei.” Shoko growled, irritated from not being able to light a cigarette during this high stress situation.
“Two lines…” You mumbled, not looking up from the stick, “Two lines, what does two lines mean!?” Their expressions told you everything you needed to know. Panic filled you as you dropped the test and grabbed a pillow to scream into. God, how could you have let this happen?! Your period was only a few days late, you had taken the test mostly to put Mei Mei at ease. You didn’t know if you were happy you took it or not anymore.
“It’s okay Y/n, we’ll figure this out.” Shoko sighed as she rubbed your back, failing to hide the disappointment in her voice.
“How am I supposed to tell him?!” You panicked as you ripped your head up from the pillow, “How do you tell someone you ruined there life?!”
“You ruined his life?!” Mei Mei scoffed in disbelief at the assertion, “You should be asking him how the hell he plans to make this up to you! He ruined your life!”
“Nobody's life is ruined!” Shoko snapped at the both of you. “It’s a baby not cancer, Jesus fucking Christ. And it’s not like you don’t have options. You’re the one in control here Y/n, whatever you want to happen will happen.” She said, motherly assurance uncharacteristically thick in her tone. It did make you feel a little bit better about the situation. You weren’t absolutely powerless here.
And it wasn’t like you were against being a mother. Quite the contrary, you liked the idea. Of course, you never thought it would be this soon in your life, but…the universe had a funny way of handling things. And if you were going to have a baby, you didn’t think you could have picked a better guy than Ryomen. He was loving, and kind, not to mention the fact he was guaranteed a good job out of college. But, you also knew that he was beyond nervous about being a dad one day, terrified by the notion of becoming his own father.
“I need to talk to Ryomen.” You sighed. 
“Dude, In what world does a theoretical physicist need to know about the themes of The Metamorphosis, so a dude becomes a bug, so wh-”
“Hey, shut up Y/n just texted me.” Ryomen cut Satoru off as he checked his phone, the buzzing alerting him to a notification. They were sitting next to each other on the couch, venting about classes they hated. Sugruru was sitting on the arm of the couch closest to Satoru, and Nanami taking up an entire love seat across from them as he played on his own phone. It was a relief to have an excuse to end this conversation really. Ryomen did not have it in him to try and listen to his frat brother straight up misunderstand classic literature for the millionth time.
“And you couldn’t wait to answer it until I finished my sen-”
“No, Y/n texted.” Ryomen said without looking up from his phone, but trusting his tone got across his annoyance. Satoru knew you took precedence, Ryomen didn't know why he was acting like you didn’t all of the sudden.
“And she couldn't wait for two-”
“Are you still talking?” Ryomen snapped. Satoru let out an irritated grumble, frustrated he couldn’t go on his (ill informed) rant about how classic American literature, and literature in general, was useless. “Y/n wants to come over.” Ryomen informed his frat brothers. “Like, now.”
“What’s up with Y/n?” Suguru asked from his spot on the arm of couch, deciding it was safe to enter the conversation now that there was no hope of Satoru going on his rant.
“No clue, she just says we need to talk.” He grumbled softly as he typed on his phone. It wasn’t like you to be this cagey about anything, and he would be lying if he said it didn’t concern him at least a little.
“Dude, shes gonna break up with you.” Satoru's mouth moved faster than his brain did, and for it he got a swift elbow to the stomach. 
“No she’s not.” Ryomen hissed. “She just wants to talk.”
“It’s probably to make plans for fall break, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” Nanami said, quickly getting irritated with all the arguing. 
“Yeah, the dorms close in, what, like two weeks?” Suguru confirmed, “She’s probably gonna ask to stay with your family so she doesn't have to fly back to her own.”
“You’re probably right.” Ryomen took a deep breath to try and calm himself down. That made sense. You got along great with his mom and brother, and your own family basically not at all. It tracked that you would rather drive a few hours and spend a week with people you liked than fly out to people you didn’t. Yeah, that made sense. Yeah.
So why did he still feel so anxious?
Ryomen had never been more convinced that you were going to leave him than he was now. As you sat across from him on the bed, starring at your fidgeting hands as if they held the secrets to the universe. Something was palpably wrong, he could feel it hanging in a thick veil between the two of you. He didn’t know if he should reach beyond it to hold you, or give you your space and let you come to him. He settled on nervously picking at his nails.
“So, uh, you wanted to talk?” He asked.
“Yeah, I, uh..I’m just trying to think of how to say this.” You muttered. He felt the color drain from his life when you said that. What did he do? Was it about Amy- or whatever the fuck her name was? That was a month ago now, surly it wasn’t that. Was it someone else? That thought made Ryomen realize that actually, he was capable of murder. 
He could feel his jaw clench at the thought of you with another man, white hot rage filling his hands and emotions while images of you with a stranger flashed in his head against his will. What the fuck did that asshole have that he didn’t? What made them think they were worthy of your smile, of your laugh, of you? Who did they think they were?
“Ryomen, I’m pregnant.”
“He’ll never love you like I do.” There was a thick silence of a different variety as they two of you spoke over each other, both of you trying to process what the other said.
“A-are you saying the…baby won’t love me?” You weren’t offended, you were just confused.
“You’re fucking pregnant?” Ryomen could feel his entire world shifting in real time. Thank god you weren’t leaving, but…Pregnant?
“Yeah, that’s what I said, what did You say?” You questioned again, trying to figure out where the fuck that came from. Of all the things you expected him to say, it wasn’t whatever he said.
“It doesn’t really matter what I said, forget I said anything, how long have you known?” He asked, finally pushing past the veil to wrap his arms around you. 
“Like…maybe thirty minuets?” You sighed, rubbing your face as the stress came back. “My period was a week late, so…I took a test, and well…Baby.” You still weren’t sure this was all real.
Ryomen felt the world freeze around him as reality took hold. A dad? He couldn’t be a fucking dad. He was in his fucking twenties, he still had two years left until he graduated, he couldn’t be a dad yet! He thought about his own father, who buckled under the pressure and ran off the moment things got hard. What if he inherited that kind of cowardice? Hell, he didn’t even have the spine to tell his dad to fuck off when he came back in his life after eleven years of radio silence just to completely take control of his future, how the fuck was he supposed to raise a child?!
“Babygirl, that’s amazing!” He smiled, pulling you into his lap and kissing your forehead, “You’re going to be an amazing mom.”
“You think so?” You whispered, taking some comfort in his confidence, It eased your own fear about the uncertain future. 
“Of course I do.” He assured you with the grin that got you into this mess in the first place. Ryomen was fucking petrified of what came next, and he could tell you were too. To him, easing your fear was the most important thing. He could have his own freak out later, right now he needed to be here for you. 
And his words did the trick. Slowly you could feel the tension melting from your shoulders as it settled in that he wasn’t mad, and you weren’t in this alone. “God, I was so scared you where going to leave.” You confessed, feeling the tears pool in the corner of your eyes. His arms tightened around you, holding you like he feared you might be the one to run.
“I’m not going anywhere Babygirl, I promise,” He swore to you, kissing the top of your head, “Wherever you are, that’s were I’ll be. Right next to you and our baby.” His smile was so reassuring, for a second, you actually felt hopeful for the future. He pulled your face to his, and you melted into his kiss.
Ryomen laid with you in his bed, cuddling and talking softly until you finally passed out. He insisted on you staying the night with him, if for no other reason than he found comfort in having you near. He waited until he knew you were in a deep sleep, breathing softly and steadily. He kissed your cheek before he slipped out of bed, into the kitchen for a beer, then out to the balcony to drink it. He was leaning against the old wooden railing, running a hand through his hair as he tried to visualize what his future would look like now.
“So a baby, huh?” He nearly jumped out of his skin at Suguru's voice.
“Jesus fucking Christ, a warning Geto!” He hissed as he took a drink of the cheap beer, giving Suguru the side eye as he leaned next to him.
“Sorry, I’ll make sure to yell at the top of my lungs everywhere I go from now on.” Suguru chuckled softly.
“How do you know we’re having a baby?” Suguru grimaced a little at the pink haired mans question, knowing he got the information through unethical means.
“Satoru listened in on yours and Y/n conversation.” He said as if his ear wasn’t pressed up against the door too, “Sorry.”
“Mmm.” Ryomen groaned, not wanting to accept the apology, but acknowledging it none the less.
“So…whats the plan?” Suguru asked the question no one really wanted to ask, but everyone wanted the answer to.
“The plan is I’m going to be a dad, I guess.” Ryomen grumbled, not really use to the idea yet. He took another drink.
“Well, in that case, congratulations then!” Suguru smiled, taking the cheap beer from Ryomen’s hand and lifting it up, “To the new dad! You’ll do great.” He said as he took a drink.
“Gee, thanks you’re too kind.” Ryomen scoffed.
“Hey man, I’m serious.” Suguru insisted, “I think you’ll be a great dad, if for no other reason than cause your dad sucked. You have the perfect example of what not to do.”
“No I don’t.” Ryomen argued, stress edging into his tone against his will, “My dad wasn’t even there to show me what to not do, he was fucking gone! I have no idea what the hell I’m supposed to do!” His panic was getting the better of him. He took his beer back and took another drink.
“No one does.” Suguru chuckled, still as calm as ever. “You think this shit comes with a manual? No parent in the long history of parenting has ever known what they were doing. But, you’re worried about it. You’re worried about being a good dad. And that’s further than any shitty parent gets. Probably further than you’re dad got. It shows you care man. And besides, you’ll have Y/n with you. She’s going to be a fantastic mom. If shes got the patience to deal with us, a toddler will be a breeze.”
“I don’t know man. What if…what if I am just like my dad?” Ryomen muttered. He looked just like him. He was going to take over his business. Hell, after his dad forced him to be a business major, Ryomen even changed his last name back to his fathers. It made sense at the time, a Sukuna should be the one to take over the Sukuna family business. But, now? Now that he had to pass that last name on? He wasn’t sure he wanted it. “What if it’s just…in my blood to be my dad?”
Suguru actually laughed at that, hard enough to embarrass the man next to him. “Ryomen, being a shitty person is not genetic I assure you. If it was, Nanami would be a lot more insufferable. It’s not up to our parents to decide who we are as people, that for us to decide and us alone. You’re not your DNA sequencing, you’re the actions that you take and the choices that you make. Your father has no control over that.”
“I mean…yeah. I guess you’re right.” Ryomen muttered, taking another drink before handing the bottle back to Suguru. As cliche as it may have been to say, he was starting to feel better. Maybe he wasn't doomed to be his father. Maybe the Sukuna name wasn’t a death sentence.
“Of course I’m right.” Suguru grinned as he finished off the beer. “So what are you going to do now?” He asked.
“Now?” Ryomen sighed, “Now I need to go talk to my mom.”
It was a week before Ryomen found the time to make the drive home. A week that he spent attached to your hip. A week making sure you didn’t have to lift up a single thing, a week of threatening anyone who dared smoke around you, and a week of coming to terms with his new future. The two of you had spent the time researching doctors, and on baby forums looking for advice. He was relieved to admit, he kinda became fond of the idea of having a little baby running around. 
He started to imagine what they would look like, what they would sound like, and what their favorite color would be. Money wouldn’t be an issue once he took over Malevolent Shrine International, so he wasn’t worried about that. Honestly, you wouldn't have to work if you didn’t want to, and if you did want to he could afford child care. The two- No. The three of you were going to be okay. He hoped it would be only three.
He knocked on the door of his childhood home, having forgot his key and not being willing to go all the way back for it. Much to his dismay, Yuji answered the door. 
“Sorry, sign says no solicitors.” He said, quickly trying to close the door. Ryomen was fast to push against him, trying to get his body through the crack in the entry. 
“Open the door brat or I’m going to wipe your hard drive.” Ryomen threatened,
“College hasn’t changed you one bit, has it?” Yuji scoffed, sticking his tongue out at his brother. 
“It’s made me more prone to violence, wanna see?” Ryomen growled as he pushed against the door harder. Yuji stood firm though, an immovable object to Ryomen’s unstoppable force. 
“I’m going to tell Y/n you said that!” It was Yuji’s turn to threaten, “I’m also going to tell her that you beat me up! And you’re mean! And that you kick kittens!”
“Why you little-” Ryomen finally got his arm through the small space, almost getting a hand on his little brother before his mothers voice brought the entire show to a halt.
“Are you two Trying to break my door?!” She sounded exasperated, “Yuji, let your brother in!” The moment their mother got involved the boys remembered how to act, with Yuji calmly opening the door and Ryomen walking in like he wasn’t just trying to strangle his little sibling. 
“Hi Mom.” He said, smiling warmly as she came up and hugged him.
“Hi Honey,” She said, giving him a soft pat on the cheek. “Wheres Y/n? I made coffee.”
“She had a test today, she couldn’t make it.” He said. That was a lie. You were completely free, but, he didn't want you here for this conversation.
“Mmm, you know your ears turn red when you lie, right?” His mom laughed as she walked to the kitchen. He followed her with a roll of his eyes, sitting at the kitchen table.
“She was busy, alright?” He defended himself as his mom put a coffee cup in front of him, sitting across from him with her own.
“Sure. So what did you need to talk about sweetie?” She asked. Ryomen took a moment to really study his mom. She didn’t look so different from how he remembered her in his childhood. A few more wrinkles, a lot more gray hair, but still his mother none the less. He wondered how she felt when she realized she was having a baby.
“So, um…Y/n is…” He couldn’t make eye contact.
“Ryomen, don’t tell me you got that poor girl pregnant.” She gasped, putting down her mug and looking at him with demanding eyes. 
“Why would you jump to that?!” He tried to deflect.
“Then tell me she’s not.” She said, looking at him with a scowl that dared him to try and lie.
“....She is.” He sighed, taking a drink from his coffee to get away from her disappointed gaze.
“Sweet Jesus...” His mom sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead. Then she laughed a little, shaking her head with a soft smile she tried to hide behind her coffee cup.
“What?” He asked. She shook her head again.
“Nothing just…well, I guess I was around your age when I had you. A little younger. You can’t really be mad at the apple for not falling too far from the tree now, can you?” She chuckled softly, and it put Ryomen at ease. So she wasn’t going to eviscerate him. Good. 
“Yeah, well…Gotta honor some family traditions, am I right?” He tried to joke, only to be quickly shut up by his mothers disapproving glare. 
“So whats your plan big man?” She asked, “You’re not going to leave her alone with this, that’s for damn sure.”
“No mom, I couldn’t even imagine-”
“Good, cause I’ll choose Y/n over you every time.” She teased. 
“I know mom.” He smiled, “Good to know you like her, cause that makes this question a lot easier to ask.”
“Oh?” He really caught her attention now.
“I was wondering, do you know where Grandmas wedding ring is?” He bit his lip as he finally said it out loud. Even before you were pregnant, every time Ryomen imagined his future, it was always with you as his wife. He couldn’t conceive of a life without you by his side, now more so than ever. He was going to make things right, and unlike his own dad, he wasn’t going to wait for the second baby to do it. He knew he was on the right track when he saw his mothers proud smile.
“As a matter of a fact, I think I do. I think I know where some of your old baby clothes are too, hold on.”
“Ryo!” You smiled as he walked into the entry of the frat house, carrying a walmart bag of old baby clothes. You were down the stairs and in his arms in an instant, laughing happily as you jumped to him. He caught you with a grin, spinning you around before putting you back on the ground.
“I could get used to that.” He teased. You smiled and rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“I’m sure you could. Ryo, I have amazing news, I- wait, what’s in the bag?” You asked as your brain finally registered that there was something in his hand. 
“Oh, yeah!” He smiled excitedly as he put the bag on the coffee table, “Remember how I went to talk to my mom? She says hi by the way, but look! She still had some of mine and Yuji’s old baby clothes!” He said, pulling out a truly precious onesie, covered in stars and a rocket ship, followed by a red, blue, and yellow stripped jumper.
“Oh baby-” You sighed as you realized your good news might actually not be good news.
“I know it’s not a lot, and its all kinda old and used, but it’s a start, you know? Something to bring the baby home in.”  He said, putting the clothes down and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Baby, I’m not pregnant.” You dropped that like a nuke. He blinked at you as he tried to process what you just said.
“I’m not pregnant Ryomen, I’m sorry. I got my period.” You said, gently cupping his cheek. You did not expect a reaction like this at all. Confusion, sure, but not…disappointment?
“But I thought you took a test?” He asked, trying to catch up to reality.
“I did, but it must have been a false positive. Apparently that’s pretty common with my birth control.”
“Oh…” He wasn’t expecting to feel so upset about this either. Like the entire world he had build up in his mind was gone. He realized he was going to be mourning the death of someone who truly never existed, and felt so ridiculous about it. He didn’t realize he was tearing up until you brushed a tear off his cheek.
“I’m sorry Ryo…but, hey! Look on the bright side, we get to keep our twenties!” You chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. He smiled gently and nodded.
“You’re right it’s just…I don’t know. I kinda liked the idea of starting a family with you.” He confessed softly, an idea that would have made his skin crawl just a little over a year ago. You really did force him to grow up. You laughed a little more sincerely this time, and gave him a quick kiss.
“Sorry Ryo, if you want a family, you’re gonna have to upgrade from the girlfriend package to the wifey bundle.” You teased him. 
“Y/n!” Gojo yelled from up the stairs, “Nanami got tired of waiting for you, he un-paused the game!” You paled as you realized that Nanami was unfairly demolishing you at street fighter.
“Hey! That’s illegal!” You yelled as you ran up the stairs to try and salvage the round. Ryomen watched as you ran away, an unfamiliar fondness growing in his chest. Normally, he would have been unbelievably jealous you were hanging out with his friends- especially without him. Now though? He saw it as a good sign.
“Upgrade, huh?” He muttered, mostly to himself. His hand dropped into his pocket, clutching the ring box there. “Don’t worry Y/n. I plan on it.” He promised as he went up stairs to join you. 
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officialleehadan · 26 days
Writing Pregnancy
Hello darlings. I've been thinking about writing this for a while, and it seems useful to a lot of people who are planning to Baby or who have characters who are planning to, or currently are, Babying.
It's not exactly a story, but y'all seem to like these essays from time to time, so I hope this one is interesting too.
So here it is. A guide to being pregnant as written by someone who has recently done it, for writers who have not or will not do it themselves.
This post will be broken down by weeks, because that’s how medical people do it, and also because some of this stuff really doesn’t happen by month.
DISCLAIMER: Every pregnancy is different. Your mileage may differ, maybe a lot. This is based on my pregnancy and is written as a handy reference for people who haven't done this themselves.
An important note, doctors count pregnancy as having begun AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST DAY OF YOUR LAST PERIOD unless there are extenuating circumstances such as an extremely unreliable, or nonexistent period. If this is the case, they will judge it based on your first ultrasound (8 weeks or so) or by when morning sickness kicks in (6-10 weeks) depending on the tech level your character is facing.
Be aware, this guide will be fairly explicit and will talk about the squishy bits, since they’re pretty involved in this whole business. If you keep reading and discover the horrible truth, that pregnancy is profoundly icky in many ways, I warned you.
Anyway, on to the fun part!
I am in my early-mid 30s (early when newly pregnant, older now obviously) when I was pregnant. I am in sound, but not neurotypical, mental health, and good physical health. I do not have major allergies or food issues other than caffeine which I am allergic to. (This is also relevant. More on this later.) I have some notable back problems which will be noted here because they’re relevant too. This pregnancy was planned and I have a wonderful and extremely supportive spouse (husband) who is the baby’s biological father. I also work a lot, but from home, which very much altered my experience
Technically speaking, right now, you’re probably menstruating and not actually pregnant at all. This will feel like a normal period, because that’s what it is. You’re not pregnant yet. Business as usual. If you were planning to get pregnant, you’re already on prenatal vitamins.
Week Two:
Congrats! You got laid! You still feel normal because implantation hasn’t happened yet. You’re still not technically pregnant. Just horny. Get it while it’s hot. If this pregnancy was an accident, or you’re trying to get pregnant, you’re not eagerly awaiting the point where you can test to know for sure.
Week Three:
Okay this is where you might see your first symptoms if your cycle is very regular, like mine is, and you’re watching your body closely for “that’s new” stuff. In my case, my boobs started swelling like they do when I’m on my period, except I was two weeks out from my period. Cue “huh, I might be pregnant” montage.
Week Four:
If you can test and you’re using the good home tests, or you’re in a hospital, this is probably when you test positive for pregnancy. Congrats!
Cue the “oh crap I’m pregnant??” Montage. (Yes this will happen even if you wanted it, planned it, and were actively trying to get pregnant. There will be some panic. You very likely will consider getting an abortion even if you’re eager and wanting the pregnancy. Don’t beat yourself up. This is normal.)
Week Five:
If your cycle is reasonably regular, this is when you’re gonna miss your first missed period. If you knew you’re pregnant, this is cool! Menstruation sucks. Not having your period for nine months is one of the best parts of pregnancy. If you didn’t know you’re pregnant, you’re probably panicking about now and buying a home test.
The ClearBlue digital ones are good and they’re in most pharmacies. Get those ones. Buy your prenatals at the same time. If you don’t want them, you don’t want them, but if you do want them, making a second trip is annoying. Also consider taking D3, calcium, fiber gummies, and fish oil. They all support you and baby health and keep the pregnancy from taking more of the nutrients form your body than you can spare.
Week Six:
You feel like you should feel different and don’t, and it’s weird. For those with a longer, or irregular cycle, this might be where you hit the stuff from Week Five. If you’re having the boob inflation like I did, that’s still happening. Buckle up. It’s not gonna stop. Otherwise, you feel weirdly normal. For a character who doesn’t have access to good sex education, they may not even know they’re pregnant yet.
Week Seven:
Basically the same as Week Six. You feel like you should feel different, and don’t. It’s uncommon, but you might start feeling morning sickness around this point. It’ll start as vague nausea and food aversions. This will get worse.
Week Eight:
Your first ultrasound! Congrats! It looks like a gummy bear that twitches! If you have twins, it may or may not be detectable at this point. You can’t tell the sex yet. It’s a gummy bear. If you don’t get an ultrasound for reasons of fictional story, you still might not know you’re pregnant. If you’re going to get an abortion, this is the last chance in many places.
Week Nine:
So It Begins. The morning sickness. You have food poisoning all the time. You feel profoundly like hell and may be prone to puking, and still being hungry, so you go back and keep eating, because you need the calories. This is also when you start getting thirsty all the time. This is because you gain more than half again your blood volume while pregnant. You need that hydration to make blood and amniotic fluid for your baby.
I found ice cream bars with nuts to be very good for dealing with morning sickness, and ginger did absolutely nothing at all. I basically lived on tea for a while there.
Week Ten:
Congrats. You feel like crap basically all the time. My morning sickness was pretty mild and I was puking almost every day. More if I hit a trigger food, which for me was anything that tasted or smelled ‘green’ (zucchini especially but cucumber and most leafy greens too) ‘water smell’ (showering, rain, humidity in general) and the usual ick smells (the trash).
You’re also tired all the time. Naps R Us. If you get flat and comfortable, you’re gonna fall asleep. If you’re flat and uncomfortable you might fall asleep. If you’re reasonably supported and upright you might fall asleep. Just assume you’re gonna be sleeping a lot.
If you’re writing a character with morning sickness, they’re likely to be very cuddly, but also very reluctant to go more than a very quick jog to the toilet.
The good news is that this is also when the major risk of miscarriage is over, and is frequently when people tell their families they’re expecting. Cue lots of celebrations!
Week Eleven:
“What the crap did I get myself into?”
Week Twelve:
“When is this crap gonna go away?”
Your baby is moving now, but you can’t feel it at all. You’ll see it in the ultrasounds however, which is neat.
“I have been eating soup and applesauce for FOUR WEEKS and I want Mexican but refried beans went Badly.”
it’s not uncommon to get a UTI at this point because you’re peeing a lot and it’s tough to stay clean because water smell makes you puke. Your doctors will take this uncomfortably seriously. You will get The Good Antibiotics, not the piddly crap they usually give out.
You will also now have very strong opinions about what sucks to puke up, as dictated by your nose, which has opinions about everything. You will have safe foods. Unfortunately for you, you’re just about past needing them.
Week Fourteen:
“I want a sandwich with deli meat, and a whole plate of sushi, and I can’t have either of them. This sucks.”
If you gave up caffeine, this is where that will really get hard. If you were already caffeine free, like I was, you’ll be jonsing for stuff you’re not allowed to have, like raw fish and deli meat. Be strong, but if you waver, it probably isn’t the end of the world. 
I’m told this is where cravings kick in, but I didn’t get anything notable, so I don’t know.
Week Fifteen:
This is about the time you kind of start feeling better. They say morning sickness starts improving around Week Thirteen, but for me it was longer. The napping is still a thing, so just be okay with that. This also when I started to show. That really depends on body type. I went into pregnancy carrying a little extra weight because I knew I would lose some during morning sickness (I lost nine pounds and mine wasn’t that bad. Be aware.) so it took a little longer for me to show.
More interestingly, you can actually feel your uterus now. It’s kind of like a grapefruit below your belly button. It will grow. You will be very curious about it the whole time
Week Sixteen
“Hey, I kind of feel better now!”
You have energy again. It’s novel. You can do chores and drive, and generally be a person. It shouldn’t be as exciting as it is, but here we are. Time to decorate the nursery if you have one, and to put together a whole bunch of stuff. It’s also a good time to clean up the ‘first trimester disaster’ that is your comfy spot and the mounds of crap around it.
Week Seventeen:
Still napping a lot, but almost feel human. Watch out for the Icks (your pregnancy sensitivities, like ‘green’ for me, which didn’t go away for my whole pregnancy) but you can actually take a shower without puking in the shower now! Scented products may or may not bother you later, but you’ll want them after you give birth. I threw away my shower gel after it made me sick and I regret it now.
Week Eighteen:
“Wow, I have a Baby Bump!” Cue walking around with your hand in your belly so everyone knows you’re pregnant OR wearing your biggest baggiest clothing to hide it and still feeling like it’s super obvious.
Week Nineteen:
There’s a fair chance you felt your baby move at this point, but unfortunately you’re also farting enough to fill the Hindenburg and this early any kicks feel like gas. Stay away from open flames and you’ll be okay.
Anatomy scan! This is your second ultrasound and the one where you might find out the sex of your baby. This is also where they’ll look for birth defects and genetic conditions. You may also do a blood test here which can also screen for genetic issues, and problems such as RH incompatibility, which is totally treatable with modern science but could kill a baby in a more medieval story.
Note: you may not find out the gender at this or any point until birth. My little girl got her nickname of Wiggles because she was doing cartwheels and the tech couldn’t get a good look between her legs. We didn’t find out her gender until she was born.
If you do find out, and this is crucial, DO NOT tell anyone but your partner what the sex is, or what names you’re considering. Everyone has opinions and all of them suck. Lie through your teeth about not knowing, or just tell them you want it to be a surprise. Do anything but tell them what they want to know. You will regret it if you do
Week Twenty-One:
“Holy crap that was intense. Definitely a kick!”
This is called the ‘quickening’ and for a fantasy character, will be one of the big ‘you’re really pregnant’ signs, because miscarriage is common. At twenty weeks, that risk is much less, which is a huge relief. Plus, now you’re getting kicks, which are all kinds of fun. It’s your first chance to really interact with the person you’re building inside you!
Week Twenty-Two:
“I need to clean the whole house right now everything is dirty I might rearrange the living room.
Welcome to nesting. It doesn’t go away. Use it to your advantage and clean whatever needs cleaning. Don’t judge yourself for starting and not finishing a project. You’re burning everything you have. Shame isn’t welcome here.
A fantasy character may start cleaning if they’re poor, or making baby clothing.
Week Twenty-Three:
Okay here’s where I started having problems. I have hypermobile ribs and mild scoliosis in my lower spine, these together mean a lot of back pain over the years, which I am very familiar with and which is annoying at best and debilitating at worst.
The issue? Pregnancy comes with a huge dose of the natural chemical relaxin. As the name implies, this softens up your tendons, among other things. If you have hypermobility already, get ready for a whole range of fun new ways to pop your bones out of place.
The worse issue? During pregnancy, you’re not allowed any painkiller but Tylenol. If you’re like me and hyper resistant to most pain meds, you might as well be popping tiktacs for all the good Tylenol will do for you.
Buy a heat pad (NOT A BLANKET, you cannot overheat right now) it will help.
If you tell your medical professionals about this back pain, they will freak out and want to get your kidneys tested, because asymptomatic UTIs can turn into kidney infections very quickly during pregnancy and can get very serious very quickly. If you are familiar with your particular brand of back pain, have the “Chronic Pain and You” conversation with your doctor early. The earlier the better. They still won’t give you anything better than Tylenol, but they probably won’t try to test your kidneys unless you pop a fever
Week Twenty-Four:
Kicking! Those are real kicks! Holy crap! Kicking!
This is so much fun, but it's also pretty unreliable. Baby will kick when it pleases them, not when you want to show someone else, and it'll be sporadic, even until the very end.
You may be getting Braxton hicks contractions. They don’t hurt, but they make your belly tense up, which is amusing. Also, when you orgasm, your uterus will get all hard. It does this normally, you just can’t usually feel it. It might freak you out a little. Coincidentally you will be horny enough to hop aboard just about anything that holds still long enough. Get a willing partner and/or a very fine collection of sex toys and be prepared to spend a lot of time taking yourself in hand.
Week Twenty-Five:
Your Dr appointments now happen every two weeks unless they’re worried about something. Also, buy a really comfortable pair of slip on shoes. Your time of being able to reach your feet is coming to an end and you’re gonna want them. Pro: maternity clothing is super soft and comfy and you’re gonna be delighted to wear it. It does tend to come in an unfortunate variety of ‘little house on the preggo’ floral patterns with demure necklines, but there’s some good stuff out there
Week Twenty-Six:
The Eater Beast Appears. You’re hungry all the time. No really. All the time. Constantly. Nuts are good for a snack. I ate a lot of peanut butter and apples. You may be having cravings. If so, lean into them. Have fun with it. This is the good part of your pregnancy.
Plus side, EVERYTHING tastes good!
Week Twenty-Seven
You REALLY look pregnant now. People will start asking when you’re due and giving you bad advice. Don’t murder them. You can probably get away with it, but cleaning up all that blood is hard when you can’t actually get off the ground without help anymore.
Week Twenty-Eight: THIRD TRIMESTER
Final ultrasound and gestational diabetes testing. The ultrasound is fun because Baby looks like a baby now! Holy crap! There’s a whole person inside you! You contain twice the usual number of bones! If you’re having a boy, you have in fact grown a pair.
My baby had a tiny little heart defect, so we talked to a specialist at this point. Try not to freak out if this happens. Defects like that are very easy to fix, and often go away on their own as my girl’s did.
The diabetes testing is different for everyone. They’ll have you drink a glycerin drink (get the orange flavored one. It’s reasonably inoffensive and you have to chug the stuff) and will test your blood to see how you react to the sugars. Don’t freak out if it’s positive. Most of the time gestational diabetes goes away after birth. If you’re borderline, they’ll test you again but for three hours rather than one.
The glycerin drink made me really sick and I refused to do the three hour testing. They will get very grumpy if you do this, however, you can buy a diabetic testing kit and track your blood sugars four times a day for a week instead, and they’ll accept that too. (Don’t get the one they prescribe. The Contour Next is cheap, reliable, easy to use, and doesn’t cost $200)
They might want you to change your diet and exercise. You will want to murder them for this. Don’t do it. Go for the damn walks and eat less carbs. It will kind of suck, but it’s for your baby, and it isn’t permanent.
Week Twenty-Nine
Return of the Nap Demon. You will sleep SO MUCH. Let it happen. Your body is working hard to build another person. Have mercy on yourself. Eat. Be okay with the weight gain. A lot of it is the baby inside you and your placenta, and the fluid you need to support them both. You need the calories.
Also, LACTATION! This is when two more of your orifices, which previously did not leak, start to leak. This too, will get worse. You can save the colostrum for your baby though, which can be helpful.
Week Thirty:
The Final Countdown. You’re ten weeks off your due date and if you haven’t already, you need to figure out how and where you want to give birth. Talk with your midwives and doctors. If you’re high risk, they won’t want you to give birth outside a hospital. This will feel crappy, but is honestly the safest choice provided you’re willing to tell doctors to piss off when needed. Start figuring out your birth plan. Talk to other expecting parents.
Week Thirty-One:
“Ugh, I’m huge.”
At this point, your character absolutely is not getting on a horse without a lot of help, and cannot ride for long regardless without serious discomfort or even pain. A fall could mean losing the baby, or a serious injury, and the undercarriage is not gonna handle having that much weight on it for long without protestations.
Week Thirty-Two
“Why am I crying? I’m not actually upset about anything and yet, I am hysterical.”
Warn your partner about this phase beforehand. They won’t believe how bad it’s gonna get, but the warning is still nice to have. Remind them that you warned them between bites of your favorite ice cream.
Week Thirty-Three:
Everyone you know who has baby stuff will try to give it to you. Be prepared to refuse whatever you don’t want. Be merciless or you will be flooded with broken baby crap you don’t want until you find some other poor soul to pawn it off on.
Week Thirty-Four:
You’ve been talking names, but now it’s time to decide for real. Try to follow this guide with your baby name options. Your kid will thank you for it.
1. Easy to say (no weird pronunciations)
2. Easy to spell (you are permitted ONE silent letter and no more)
3. Does not require explanation (Cultural names of a culture you’re not part of, especially)
4. Sounds good with middle and last name
5. Initials don’t spell something weird or stupid (Dora Indigo Kennedy sounds great, but the initials spell DIK)
6. Has agreeable nicknames (Elizabeth > Lizzy)
7. Isn’t a gimme for bullies to make fun of (Pubert)
8. Isn’t in the top 10 most popular names within the last five years. (Don’t want five of them in the same class)
9. Is not the name of someone you hate, even if it’s also the name of a family member. (obviously)
Follow these, and you will have a happy child who does not resent you for naming them something weird and messed up that no one can ever say or spell correctly, and which they have to explain every time they introduce themselves
Week Thirty-Five
You’re huge. You’ve just about reached maximum size and if your baby comes early at this point, they’ll probably be fine. This is immensely reassuring, because you have spent the last several months panicking about what if the baby comes early. Nightly baths are amazing. Also, your hair and nails will grow super fast right now, so be ready for that.
Week Thirty-Six:
Mobility is a serious issue. Stairs are hard. So are curbs. Getting into and out of a car is a Process and getting up off the couch or out of bed takes a While unless you have help. Your balance is screwed and you waddle now. You’re a real fall risk and that does change how you interact with the world.
You also probably can’t unload the laundry if it’s a top-loader, and you might not be able to do the dish washer either. Bonus! Less chores
Week Thirty-Seven:
Remember the Nap Demons? They’re back and they brought a friend. Heartburn Hell. It’s been bad for a while but it’s worse now. Skip the tums and go for something stronger.
Week Thirty-Eight:
Your craps are gone. Baby is due in fourteen days and you have given up on your good habits. You’re probably still walking, but only because Baby has their head lodged against your cervix and is trying to burrow out. People call this lightning crotch for a reason because it really feels like you have a taser lodged up there that gives you a shock now and then
On the plus side, baby kicks like crazy now and that’s both awesome and kind of uncomfortable. You can play with their feet and poke them, and they’ll probably have a favorite place to hang out in your belly. Pro tip, if baby just will not settle, get a hot pack and put it against the side where they hang out. They’ll curl up and go to sleep on it. Just make sure you don’t overheat.
If you think anyone this pregnant is doing much of anything except growl about how heavy they feel and eat, you’re wrong. Nobody is leading armies to war like this. Anyone trying to fight because their life is immediately in danger will probably lose because they are large, heavy, clumsy, and their center of gravity is toast.
Week Thirty-Nine:
The last rush of Nesting and it’ll be a bad one. You’re gonna try to do all kinds of stupid crap, like scrubbing the floors (you get stuck) climbing up ladders (you are a fall risk, get down) trying to drive places (you get dizzy, you should not be driving at this point) and trying to lift heavy stuff (absolutely not). You might try to paint your nursery or hang curtains. I tried to plant my whole garden. Don’t be me
Week Forty:
The Due Date Has Come. You’re now on baby-watch. You’re probably having a ton of Braxton Hicks, but the big difference between them and the real deal is pain. Braxton Hicks don’t hurt and real ones kind of feel like period cramps. How uncomfortable contractions are at first will really depend on how you handle pain.
Week Forty-One:
“What the hell do you mean I haven’t gone into labor yet?? Get this child out of me!”
Week Forty-Two:
“Crap. I’m just gonna be pregnant forever, huh? …oh crap. I think my water just broke.”
The usual questions:
Morning sickness:
So, morning sickness isn’t puking all the time. In fact if you’re puking more than once a day it’s a serious medical condition called hyperemesis gravidarum and sometimes requires medication
More commonly it’s a general sense of not feeling well, followed by brief but dramatic puking. Honestly, the closest analogy is really bad food poisoning when you can feel the puke coming, but it hasn’t come yet
During the morning sickness phase, you HAVE to eat. Not eating makes it so much worse, so it helps if you set a strict schedule of eating a snack or a small meal every two hours you’re awake, and as soon as you wake and right before bed. Apple sauce good. Doesn’t suck coming back up. Same with most soups. Avoid spicy, acids, and crunchy stuff. They’re all miserable coming back. Drink a LOT of water.
Scents will be a problem. Your sense of smell goes haywire and cranks up to 11. I’m practically noseblind and I could smell the apples in my kitchen from across the house. Normally this would be fun. During morning sickness, it means fun new ways to puke in exciting places. The smell difference between being inside and going outside is sometimes enough, and any of your trigger scents or flavors will get you reliably. Scented products are a hard no. Pack them away for now. You’ll want them later.
The hard part is that doing anything strenuous, like hanging out with friends or going to the grocery store, will make it worse for the days following. The exhaustion compounds. You absolutely can’t borrow from tomorrow’s spoons and trying to push yourself will just lead to being even worse off the next day. You HAVE to rest. It’s not optional and your body will enforce it on you.
It does help to get an essential oil you like and wear it in a diffuser. I used lavender, but any smell you like and which doesn’t smell like death to you will work. Make sure it isn’t touching skin. A lot of oils are caustic, and some are toxic.
Other than that, just try to ride it out. It doesn’t last.
Body changes:
It starts out slow and then lingers. You’ll feel like you should be showing way before you are, but once you hit your second trimester, it’s very obvious you’re pregnant, and one you hit the third trimester they can probably see you from space. You waddle. Your coordination goes down the tubes, you’re hot all the time, thirsty and hungry all the time, and exhausted a lot of the time.
You will also stink. Your BO will spike with your hormones and unfortunately, you will absolutely not want to bathe until the third trimester, when you want to be in the water all the time.
Your hair will, however, be awesome. Preggo hair is a thing. So is post-partum shedding, so be ready to shed more than three long-hair cats. It’s a thing. Unfortunately this does include your body hair, which will grow fast and thick. If it bothers you, you’re gonna be shaving a lot.
Here’s where it gets TMI, but if you’re writing a pregnant character or you’re pregnant/want to get pregnant yourself, you gotta know. There will be itching. You will not be able to shave your undercarriage at all after a certain point, so if it matters that much, you’ll need help. Your cooch will also smell different. Weird, but there it is.
Being in water helps immensely I spent a lot of my pregnancy in the bath and I strongly credit that for helping to support my back and ribs, which were not thrilled about the temporary tenant. It also helps with the ‘ugh I’m heavy’ complaint. Spend as much time in the water as you can, but remember not to let it get more than 100 degrees, or you can put Baby and yourself at risk. You have a lot more blood in your body right now. That makes for certain issues, such as fainting.
You will feel heavy. This is most notable during the third trimester, but when it becomes a problem, it really becomes a problem.
This is a problem because the only pain killer you’re allowed is Tylenol, and not much of that. If you’re in screaming pain, you can go totally hospital but they probably won’t give you anything for it. There’s a serious risk to your baby; and while they won’t prioritize the baby over you, you’re the one who is driving the bus, so they’re gonna make you obey the metaphorical traffic laws.
Game day. You’ve been waiting for this for nine months and thank anything holy it’s finally here.
It starts as little flutters that kind of feel like gas, and you’ll probably be farting a fair bit anyway because you have a baby squishing your organs in every direction. After a while, it’ll start to feel more like cramping, and that’s when you know it’s game day. You start timing them at that point, and here’s where Hollywood starts messing up.
Labor is slow.
I was contracting for about ten hours before my water broke. If you’re pregnant, buy the adult diapers. Just do it. Put them on as soon as you realize you’re in labor. What comes out of you when your water breaks is foul. It’s not water. It’s slime, and it’s stinky. Sometimes it’s brown. It’s never something you want on anything you’re planning to keep. The diaper will contain it and you will be GLAD.
So ten hours in, my water broke. This is the sign that it’s not false labor. You’re ready to rock and roll.
This is also where my story differs from most.
Generally, when your water breaks, you’re about ten hours from pushing. Those ten hours will suck, but the nurses are mostly really nice and you can kick the mean ones out without repercussion. If you don’t vibe with one, switch tjem out. You don’t have to keep a nurse you don’t like.
The contractions will get stronger and they will get more painful. The nurses will call them “intense”. That’s bullcrap. It hurts. If you want medication, you have options. Ask for them freely and without shame.
Pushing is kind of a blur. You’ll be on so many endorphins and probably an epidural, that you’ll be in a haze. You push with the contractions for best effect. You’re gonna poop. This is good. Means you’re pushing right. You absolutely will not care in the moment.
It will feel like it’s not progressing at all, but your support people are gonna be on the ball and they’ll give you updates. If you have an epidural, it helps. If not, breathe through it and ride the endorphins. The worst part is when the head isn’t entirely through the cervix and everything is stretching a whole lot. Once the head is in the channel and you’re making progress, it gets easier.
It still hurts a whole lot, even with the meds, but you honestly won’t care because your whole body is designed to do this thing, and it’s GONNA do it at this point, whether you want to or not.
As soon as the head is out, the rest of the baby follows, and it sort of feels like you’ve been gutted. Things because you pretty much have. Birthing the placenta is entirely secondary to your tiny new baby and getting sewn up if you tear is uncomfortable, but after everything else, pretty negligible. Also, new baby!
So, postpartum recovery sucks. All those endorphins are gone, you’re no longer on pain meds, and you just squeezed a baby through your cooch. You probably have stitches, and everything hurts. Walking is hard and without help, it’s also dangerous. You’re a fall risk. Do not try to hold your baby and walk at the same time unless you absolutely must. That’s what your birth support person is for. If you don’t have one, they’ll provide one.
Peeing hurts. Pooping is worse. You will be passing blood clots and your underwear (remember, get the adult diapers. They’re way better) will look like that scene from The Shining with the blood tsunami. This is all normal but it’s pretty horrifying.
They will give you various products to help with recovery. Some work better than others. Use all of them. The compound effects help.
It will be about three weeks before you feel like you can pee without it hurting. It’ll be closer to six before you can poop without worrying. Either way, there will be some major changes to your squishy parts.
Me specifically:
Remember how I mentioned my story was different? Yeah. So I was in labor for 62 hours, and pushed for five of those before my daughter was born.
For most of it, it was just waiting for my body to get into gear, and then when I wasn’t progressing, for the pitocin to kick in. I didn’t want to be on pitocin, but I wasn’t going to risk my baby, and labor that long comes with some real risks to mother and baby.
I did have both fentanyl (which for reasons of my messed up biology doesn’t affect me at all) and an epidural, which did help, but was hindered by my scoliosis. (Having a curve in your spine makes it hard to put the needle in the right place).
I could have had a c section, but I was very against it and since we were doing okay, despite it taking a long time, they let me have a vaginal birth.
This is not normal and is a product of my messed up biology. Your experience may differ.
Okay babies do not come out of the uterus knowing how to do this. They’re really bad at latching at first and it will take a few tries to get them to latch. Even then, if they have a high palate or a tongue tie, they may struggle to latch.
Even so, breastfeeding really is an incredible feeling of knowing nature built you so right that you can keep your whole baby alive with just what your body makes for them.
This can make breastfeeding hard, and even if they have a good latch, it kind of sucks for a while as your nipples get used to nursing and your milk comes in. You’ll produce colostrum for the first few days, and that will slowly turn to milk over a week or so.
Baby will need to eat basically every hour for the first few weeks, then every two hours, but in greater amounts. As they get better at feeding, it gets easier, but there’s no shame in using formula as a support for your milk. The goal is to keep the baby alive.
Once you’re both used to it, you can even nap pretty well while you feed, especially once you’re in bed. Just make sure there’s absolutely no risk of dropping or rolling on top of the baby.
Your Baby:
Here’s the good part. Babies are awesome! They’re cute, they’re fun, and they’re deeply entertaining to mess with. Make sure you have a basket of toys for your baby, and let the good times roll, even when things are hard. They’ll only be this small once, The tiny baby clothes feel too small until you put them on. I’m keeping all of mine. I don’t know what I’ll use them for, but they’re too cute to get rid of.
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topguncortez · 1 year
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A Gift To Remember || Whumptober Day 10 - B. Floyd
whumptober masterlist
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synopsis: you and bob had been trying for a long time to start a family of your own. and right when you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it gets snuffed out
@ailesswhumptober prompt: abandoned
word count: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of miscarriages, failed IVF, mentions of female anatomy, cursing, grammar errors.
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You wanted to cry. The hot tears behind your eyes held both the excitement and fear you had been holding in for the past three minutes. You tried your best to not look at the ticking black dots on the small screens as you waited. It was only driving you crazier, but you couldn’t look away either. Everything that you had been waiting and praying for was about to be determined in a matter of seconds.
It had been three years of being treated like a human science experiment. Three years of being told your chances of conceiving were slim to none. Three years of doctor’s appointments, spreading your legs so some doctor could take a swab of your uterus to test the thickness of the lining. You didn’t even know that was something that had to be done. The lining of your interior organ was too thin apparently, not suitable for an embryo to latch itself onto. Three years of being treated like a pincushion, dropping your pants for Bob to inject you at the same time, in the same spot, every day. Three years of tears and failed transfers because your body decided to not do the one thing you were put on this planet to do.
Bob never blamed you. He had supported you, holding your hand through all the procedures and tears shed. He was right by your side, making sure you took your meds, that you were mentally okay, and injecting your thigh with hormones. Bob was your rock, always staying strong as you were broken after every “failed” appointment.
But your most recent transfer had been a success. Your lining was thick enough and your doctor went ahead with the transfer, transferring one of the three fertilized embryos. Bob held your hand tightly, watching the screen as the doctor implanted the egg into you. He had stayed up for hours, talking to your belly, encouraging them to grow, as if they could hear him, or if they had even stuck. It had been over two months since the transfer when you had started noticing the small changes. The constant headaches, the nausea, and the achy breasts were all signs you normally got but the one that stood out to you was the lack of a menstrual cycle. You had sprinted to the drug store, buying a 3 pack of Clearblue pregnancy tests and a bottle of water.
The small screens were haunting you as the words read back. The wording ingraining into your eyes: POSITIVE. All you could do was grab onto the sink to stop you from collapsing. They had never said that before, they were always negative. Not once did you ever get back a positive pregnancy test. You let out a squeal of excitement, covering your mouth as you cried.
The sound of a car door slamming shut, had you turning your head to the closed bathroom door. You could hear Bob greet your dog: Bosco as he came in. You quickly grabbed all three pregnancy tests and ran down the hall. Bob smiled as he kneeled down to pet his dogs and noticed your frantic running down the stairs.
“Whoa babe where’s the. . . “ All you could do was hold the pregnancy tests up, as Bob’s eyes did his best to read them, “. . . fire. Are those positive?”
“They’re positive!” You smiled big. Bob stood up from the ground and ran over to you on the stairs, taking all three in his hand.
“Oh my god. . . oh my god! They’re positive! Oh my god!” Bob yelled and threw his arms around your middle hugging you tightly. He kissed your cheek and nuzzled his head into your neck, letting his own tears fall down his face.
He had been waiting for this moment just as much as you had. He had never shown you his emotions throughout this process, to him, it was important he was the strong one. He wasn’t the one who was being injected and examined and their body was failing them constantly. Bob hid his emotions well, locking himself in the bathroom at night while you were sleeping, putting a towel underneath the door jam, and breaking down. Silent sobs would leave his mouth and he prayed that you wouldn’t wake up and hear him. He cried almost every night, feeling like a failure too. He didn’t understand, it was so easy for the people around him to get pregnant without trying, but for some reason, it was mission impossible for you guys.
Bob let you go, setting you back down on the step carefully. He leaned his forehead against yours, cradling your face in his hands, “I love you, so fucking much.” He whispered against your lips.
“I love you too, Bob,” You whispered back, your hands finding their way to his face. You two stood there in silence, in each other’s embrace, soaking in the moment. The moment that you had wanted since day one. Bob always wanted to be a dad, and you always wanted to be a mom.
You and Bob had been on cloud nine for a week after finding out you were pregnant. Bob had told the dagger squad. The boys had known about your guys’ fertility issues, they had also been a rock to help you and Bob stand tall after failures. Bob had confided in each of them, Jake more than his own brothers. They had gotten close after the Uranium Mission, Jake considering Bob to be one of his brothers. 
They were beyond ecstatic that you and Bob were pregnant. They all had their own little families, and could see the painful looks on your guys' faces anytime they would come visit. Jake and his wife did their best to give you time with their babies, but you had started to gently decline, your own pain becoming too much to bear, and didn’t want their pity.
Bob held your hand tightly as his knee was bouncing quickly. You guys were at your first doctor's appointment, the first time you will be able to see your baby. Bob’s hands were shaking and your heart was pounding in your chest. Usually, these appointments were disappointing, telling you guys that the transfer process was being halted or had failed because of you. But for once you were optimistic. The hardest part was over, and now you just wanted to see your growing little baby.
“Knock, knock,” The doctor said, poking her head inside the exam room. You smiled up at her as she walked in, “Y/N, Bob, let’s take a look at that baby, shall we?”
“Oh fuck yeah,” Bob breathed out. You smiled at him as he kissed your hand. He stood up from the chair he was sitting in, standing by your head, his eyes trained on the ultrasound machine screen.
“This is going to be cold,” The doctor said, picking up the gel and squirting it on your belly. You were used to the feeling by now, once a month you had an ultrasound to get lining measurements.
The doctor placed the transducer on your belly, and moved it around, getting the view of the inside of your body. You looked up at Bob with a smile, who shot one back down at you, before his coffee colored eyes went back to the screen. Your eyes went to the doctor, who had a puzzled look on her face. She clicked on several keys on the keyboard, while moving the transducer around to get a better look. She moved it around several times, pressing harder as she moved along. She glanced over at you, a grimm look on her face as she took a picture of the inside of your uterus, and put the transducer down.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, Bob, but I’m not seeing anything,” She said softly.
“What?” You asked, your voice light and confused, “B-But I’m pregnant. I took three fucking tests and they were all positive.”
“I’m sorry, it was a false positive. Your blood work sent up a flag, but there’s nothing on the ultrasound. I’m afraid you're not pregnant,” The doctor said. You bit your lip and shook your head, not wanting to believe anything she was saying. Bob’s grip on your hand loosened as he was absorbing the words the doctor had just said.
“T-this doesn’t make fucking sense!” Bob yelled and you flinched at the sound of his voice, “H-How can three fucking tests be wrong!?”
“I don’t know,” The doctor answered honestly, “But I do see some good signs, your lining looks within good measurements, your hormone levels do too. I know this transfer had failed, but things look optimistic for the next one.”
You nodded and looked away from her. She handed you a cloth to wipe up your belly, and you took it, mumbling a thanks. She apologized once again before leaving you and Bob alone in the room. The feeling of dread falling over the both of you. You were back to the beginning. The feeling of heartbreak and misery filling the room. Neither of you two spoke as you walked out of the room and back into the main waiting room, which was filled with expecting mothers. You felt like they were all mocking you with their protruding stomachs and bright smiles on their faces.
You two also didn’t say a word as you drove home. You didn’t even touch each other, being as far away in his car as you could possibly get. Bob pushed past the dogs, not greeting them like he usually would as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing the kettle and filling it up. You greeted the dogs and slowly walked into the kitchen as Bob had his back to you, looking out into the backyard. You sat at the kitchen island and put your head in your hands.
“At Least there was some good out of that,” You sighed. Bob scoffed, still looking out the window, “My lining is still thick and my hormone levels are good. That’s something is positive.”
Bob pushed off from his spot as the kettle started to whistle, opening up the cupboard and slamming it shut, mumbling something under his breath. You squinted at him, feeling the anger rolling off his body.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
“It’s nothing,” Bob grumbled. He still had his back to you as he poured water into two mugs, placing tea bags in both.
“No, what is it.” You demanded from him.
He sighed and finally turned around to face you, “I can’t keep doing this. The false positives, the tears, the appointments, the ounce of fucking happiness for it to get stripped away in a matter of seconds.”
You stood up from your spot, and walked over to him, placing a hand on his bicep, rubbing your hand up and down it slowly, “I’m sorry. But when it’s our time, it’ll be our time. We still have frozen eggs and you heard the doctor, things are looking really good right now.”
Bob looked you in the eye, his face unreadable, as he shoved past you, “Your optimism makes me sick.”
Your jaw dropped. He had never said anything like this to you before. Usually Bob was the one picking up the pieces after disappointing appointments like todays. You followed Bob into the living room, as he set his mug down on the mantle, and ran his hands through his hair. His body language looked like he was ready for an argument, but his head and heart were telling him to just let it go.
“What the fuck!” You sneered, “Why would you say something like that?”
“Because you don’t realize this shit is fucking with me too!” Bob’s voice cracked as he yelled, turning around to face you. Tears were running down his face, leaving red streaks down his cheeks, “I am here too! I go through this pain too! I lost a child too!”
“I’m not saying you fucking didn’t, Bob! Or you’re not in pain too!”
“You don’t fucking acknowledge it!” Bob yelled, and stepped back, running a hand over his face, “I told my brothers and my best friend. I told my mother. Now I’m supposed to say ‘sike! It was all a lie! Y/N’s still not pregnant, again.'”
“You’re not the one who’s walking around like a constant fucking failure!” You screamed, “You’re not the one who is constantly getting asked when we are having kids! Everyone around me has kids and everyone looks at me like I’m fucking broken!”
“That’s not my fucking fault,” Bob said back, shaking his head and pointing to himself, “I have done everything I can to help you, Y/N!”
“I never said it fucking was, Bob!”
“You’re fucking acting like it!”
You screamed and stormed back into the kitchen. Bob hot on your heels. You two had never fought like this before. You both had a mutual understanding that this was hard on both of you. It took two to make a baby, no matter how that baby was made. Bob had felt just as guilty and sad about the failures along the way as you did. Bob had promised you time and time again that he never blamed you for what couldn’t happen.
“Real fucking mature, Y/N! Throw a fucking tantrum!” Bob yelled, as you gripped the counter, your back to him to hide the tears running down your face now too.
“I’m immature!?” You yelled turning around, “You’re fucking immature Bob!”
“It’s not my fucking fault your body can’t do the one thing it’s supposed to fucking do! I’m not the fucking defective one!”
As soon as the words left his mouth he regretted it. The look in your eyes said everything you were feeling. Bob had felt like he had just punched you in the chest, and that’s what it felt like. You covered your mouth as you let out a sob. Bob said what you had been feeling all along, defective. From the moment the doctor had told you about your fertility issues you had internally labeled yourself as defective. You had even broken down to Bob, calling yourself out loud defective and broken. Bob assured you that you were neither of those things and that your time to be a mother would come one way or another.
You shook your head, digging deep to find your voice, “If I’m so fucking defective, how about you just leave.”
“Fine,” Bob scoffed, “I will.” Bob turned on his heel and walked out of the kitchen to the front door.
“If you walk out that door. . . don’t plan on ever coming back.”
Bob froze his hand on the knob. His mind couldn’t even think clearly, as he pulled the door open and walked out, letting it slam shut. The only sound in the house was the sound of your sobs as you fell to the kitchen floor in tears.
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taglist: @els-marvelvsp @sarahsmi13s @topgun-imagines @cassiemitchell @xoxabs88xox @seitmai @a-reader-and-a-writer @bradleybeachbabe @kmc1989 @senawashere @beautifulandvoid @ohtobeleah @rogersbarnesxx @oatmealisweird @dempy @devil-angel-winchester @gillybear17
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
In hindsight, sleeping with your best friend in a one-night stand wasn't the smartest idea. Reader contemplated that as she stared at the variety of pregnancy tests on the shelf, trying to figure out which one would be her best option.
Beside her, her best friend was reading on his phone.
Then he pointed at the shelf. "This one should be it."
"Like, it's one hundred percent legit?" she asked.
Hawk grabbed the box of two ClearBlue pregnancy tests and started reading the back of the box. After a moment, he said, "Yeah, this is it."
"Then let's get it."
When they walked up the the cashier, the woman - not too much older than them, probably just out of college - didn't say much. She told them how much it was, gave them a bag, and then said, "Good luck, you two."
Reader felt that. It sent a shiver up her back as she walked to the door. Hawk carried the bag with their single box of two pregnancy tests. He opened the car door for her and she glared at him, then slid into her seat and slammed the door shut.
When he got in, he put the bag in the backseat. "I know you're not weak if that's what you're thinking."
She huffed. "Then don't open doors for me."
"Excuse me for being gentlemen-ly," he sighed.
They didn't argue further. It was only a distraction from what they were really facing. They drove in silence, not even listening to the radio. The ride wasn't long and the pair of friends found themselves wishing it was longer, so Hawk took them to get lunch and brought it back to his house.
The entire time they ate, the bag with the box inside sat on a chair. Reader kept eyeing it, feeling as though it was watching her with no eyes. What it meant as it sat there was more than she could really picture or really encapsulate it. There was something scary about it, something neither she nor Hawk would talk about.
Instead, she thought about how they got there, eating fast food on his couch while they procrastinated the inevitable.
They'd hopped into bed together a few weeks ago on a whim one lonely night. Usually, two best friends sleeping together ended in the two becoming a couple but that didn't end up happening for them. They just didn't talk about it and thought they never had to talk about it again, but low and behold here they were having to talk about it and the potential outcome of forgetting to use condoms.
Hawk threw a balled-up wrapper in the to-go bag and turned to Reader. "You ready?"
She looked up at him, sucking down her drink. "No, but I'll do it."
He gave a nervous smile. "I mean, you kind of have to be the one to..."
"Yeah, yeah," she said and sighed. She slammed her drink down, stood up, snatched the bag from the chair to her side, and started walking to the bathroom. She only hoped he didn't see the way her hands were shaking before she slammed the door shut. "Goddammit."
After several minutes in the bathrooms, Hawk came to the door and knocked. "You know, you don't have to do this alone."
She opened the door and looked at him. "Good because I can't look at it. Just fucking look at it."
He nodded and slipped past her. She stood there, unable to turn around and even look at him as he looked at the tests. She'd taken both just to make sure, to be two hundred percent certain.
It was quiet for a moment and Reader closed her eyes, waiting.
Then she felt Hawk come up behind her. He put his head on her shoulder and his hands slipped around her waist, coming to lay on her belly. That was how she knew.
"Goddammit," she whispered, eyes brimming with tears.
"Hey hey hey," he mumbled, rubbing her waist and looking at her, but she wouldn't look at him. "Reader... Reader, look at me."
She still wouldn't, so he turned her around by her hips and held her. She stared at his collarbone instead of him, tears slowly slipping down her cheeks. He gently squeezed her wide hips in an attempt to get her attention but it didn't work.
So he took her face in his hands and brought her eyes up. "Hey, it's gonna be okay."
"It's not okay, though," she cried, hands shaking at her sides. "This wasn't how it was supposed to be."
"What do you mean?" he asked softly. He looked over her face, never wanting to see her like that. She was his best friend, of course, he didn't want her to be upset. "What's wrong?"
"You're my best friend. We're not... we're not together. We can't have a baby," she told him, looking away from him. She caught sight of them in the mirror and saw the way he held her waist, held her close, in his strong arms like he was supposed to protect her. She shook her head and cried.
He turned her face to look at him again. "It doesn't have to be like that."
She sniffled, trying to calm herself down. "What do you mean?"
"I love you, Reader," he told her.
She shook her head again. "You're only saying that because of the baby..."
"You're my best friend," he said, holding her firmly. "That doesn't mean I don't love you. I love you, Reader. And I should have told you that the night we slept together, the night I should have made love to you so you knew that. It wasn't just a one-and-done for me, but... I didn't know how to say it before."
She stared at him, still crying. He wiped her eyes with his thumbs and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and hugged him, and he wrapped his arms around her securely. He held her curvy body against his muscled chest, holding her safe and sound as he kissed the side of her head.
"We've got this," he whispered. His lips rested on the side of her face sweetly. "I've got you."
She calmed down slowly but surely. Once she was sure she could speak steadily, she took a deep breath. "I love you, too, Eli."
He pulled away from her and looked at her, then brought her into a kiss. She gave it back in full force, putting a hand on the back of his neck. It was deep and passionate, pulling them from friends to more. It was safety and love and like coming home.
He started leading her to the bedroom, never breaking from her lips. One hand slipped up her shirt while the other pushed the door open, carefully leading her. She carried special cargo now and he wanted to get her to the bed easily but didn't want to stop kissing her. She was too tantalizing.
But as she undid his pants, he knew they had time. He'd get to make love to her like he should have done a long time ago.
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missathlete31 · 1 year
Birds of a Feather- A Bradshaw Sibling Story
Chapter 1- Welcome to the World Baby Girl
Carole, still reeling from the loss of Goose, isn't sure how to feel when she learns she is pregnant. Thankfully she has the support of two Navy pilots to help her welcome her newest addition to the world and a certain blue eyed Lieutenant ends up being a surprising rock at her side.
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Notes: Once I get through the background information, this story will be told in a more story-like format (with conversations and better descriptions etc). Right now I just want to get you all to the point that movie begins with all the history (and drama) I've given these characters.
Welcome to the World Baby Girl
When Carole Bradshaw finally starts recognizing the signs of pregnancy, seven weeks after burying her husband, her first instinct is to just cry. She had been doing that a lot lately, barely able to make it to her son Bradley’s bedtime before she sobs deep and hard into Goose’s pillow. Now though, as she recognizes the churn of her upset stomach as not the flu but morning sickness, she has to fight the urge to not collapse to the kitchen floor right then and there. Bradley, oblivious to his mother’s struggles in the way only a small child can be, plays with his cereal, spooning the cheerios happily as he manages to forget once more what Carole herself can never; that Goose is never coming home again.
Carole has never thought of herself as a particularly strong woman but she concedes that perhaps she is tougher than she thinks. She keeps herself together, encourages her four year old son to eat instead of play with his food and manages to wait until a reasonable hour in the late morning to phone her sister and ask her to babysit for the day. Her sister Judy agrees immediately; all of her family in the walking on eggshells stage of caution around her that Carole is pretty confident she could ask them to help her commit a robbery and they would be there in masks just to never have to tell her no. She appreciates it, when she doesn’t find it maddening, but on a day like today she is particularly grateful.
After Bradley is dropped at his Aunt’s, Carole drives two towns over to pick up pregnancy tests. It’s not that she is ashamed, not at all, but their town in Western Pennsylvania is small and gossip travels fast. Carole might be stronger than she thinks but she knows she’s not strong enough for the rumors to start without knowing if she’s carrying or not. Besides, the possibility of carrying her late husband’s child could be a precious gift, something she won’t risk tarnishing by letting it out before she is certain.
She scours the shelves of the small pharmacy she stops at, pretends that she is there for the gummy bears she grabs for Bradley and the lotion she picks up for herself. Carole heads to the women’s aisle and finds the ClearBlue boxes, remembering when she heard about at-home pregnancy tests a few years ago and how she found the concept completely mind-blowing. Now she is thankful as she grabs three boxes and heads to checkout, gratified that the woman at the cash register clocks her wedding ring and smiles a good luck as she grabs her bags to leave.
She heads home and follows the directions to the letter, though the young blonde has never been known as a rule follower before. Energetic, fun, life of the party, if Carole took a moment to really think about it, she would realize that she not only lost her husband but a part of herself as well that day; the part that smiled and danced, that hooted in excitement regardless of her audience, the part that lived for joy as easy as one lives for breath; but that was all gone now, even more so when she noticed all three tests coming up with the same result.
She was pregnant.
Tears come, as she knew they would, and Carole isn’t sure if she should be horrified that she still isn’t sure if this is what she wants. One more piece of Nicholas Bradshaw should be the greatest gift in the world, but a baby growing up without a father also seems the cruelest. Is it fair for Carole to bring a baby into this life when she herself is already so close to floundering? Is it blasphemy to even think of not having this baby? Carole knows it’s up to her, that no one else in this world can make this decision for her, that no one can judge her for what she decides do as well. She clutches Goose’s wedding that she has moved to wear on a chain around her neck and places her other hand on her abdomen. It’s too early for kicks or to feel any movement, but Carole does experience a sort of calm tranquility as she stands in her bathroom in the silence, her hands connecting her past with her future. Goose always wanted a big family, had cried like a baby when they first learned they were expecting Bradley. He would want this child more than life itself, would have given his life willingly if he knew it would give her this blessing. Carole pictures a little baby, with Goose’s nose and smile, her husband’s amber eyes staring back at her as she rocks the newborn in her arms. It will never bring Nick back, will never lessen the pain of his loss, but maybe, just maybe, it can create some love with it too.
Everything moves quickly from there.
Carole tells her family first and more tears come. It’s different this time though, she can already tell, the grief still pressing but also lifting just that tiniest bit, her mother’s tight squeezes as they cry together healing in a way she wasn’t expecting. For a moment she feels traitorous, as though she is ignoring Nick’s death with the preoccupation of the growing baby in her body, but soon she realizes that perhaps this was Nick’s gift for her all along, something to help her through.
She tells Goose’s parents next and if she had any thoughts of not going through with the pregnancy, they die the minute Henry and Margaret fall upon their living room floor and hold each other, thanking her for telling them and begging Carole to let them help in any way they can. They spend the rest of her trip to Tennessee alternating between taking Bradley around their farm and making sure Carole doesn’t lift a finger, each sparing glances to her still flat belly when they think she’s not looking. It’s overwhelming at times but also weirdly comforting, Carole feeling closer to her in-laws than she ever felt before. She mentions her comfort of this type of living when the topic of Carole putting up her home in Pennsylvania for sale. The blonde isn’t surprised when the elder Bradshaws immediately offer her space on their land to live with Bradley and the new baby. It’s a kind offer, more generous than she could really say, but she declines.
She knows where she needs to make her new home.
Her family didn’t understand when she told them she plans to buy a house right outside of North Island and from the way Margaret’s face pales and Henry grows silent, it seems the Bradshaws don’t understand either. Carole expects this, she appreciates why this would seem so strange to everyone else, but the young mother can’t imagine bringing another child into this world and being so far away from her husband’s final resting place. Nick is in North Island, in a military cemetery not far from the waters he died in, from the air he flown in; Carole owes it to her children and her husband to not keep them any further apart than fate has already made them.
The move cross-country might break her, but it will be her cross to bear.
The bungalow she buys is small but homey, and perfect for the neighborhood they choose. It has the cutest garden, that Carole immediately starts to plant the most vibrant flowers she can, and a porch swing that she has a kind neighbor check its integrity of before it becomes her and Bradley’s favorite spot to watch the sunsets. As for the house itself, it has three bedrooms, one for each of the now remaining (and soon to be arriving) Bradshaws and is close enough to the beach that she and Bradley can walk every day across the sand. Her son loves it. His hair, which slowly starts to darken despite being consistently in the California sun, is always in a perpetual state of curly unrest from the sea breeze, his body tracking sand everywhere in their home. Carole only laughs, even when her stomach starts to swell and it gets harder to clean up all the time. Bradley has taken to the idea of a sibling remarkably well, all things considering, though he is sure in the way only a four year old can be when he pats at her stomach and asks how his little brother is. Carole decided not to find out the sex, not ready to see if she is getting a Nick or a Nicole, the names already decided as they feel only right.
During this time she wonders if she should tell Maverick. He writes her when he can, sending the letters to the family’s old address that her sister is kind enough to forward, but Carole makes sure to not tell him anything about what she is really going through, bringing a baby into this world alone. It’s not that she doesn’t trust Pete or that she doesn’t want him to know per say, she just doesn’t want to make him think he needs to take care of her. He’s young, so young, and though he feels responsible for what happened to Goose that day, Carole wasn’t lying when she told the pilot she didn’t blame him. She doesn’t, and she never will. She knew just as much as Goose did about the risks he took each day. Pointing fingers or tossing blame didn’t bring the man back; it just pushed those who remained away.
The problem with Pete Mitchell was that the man was a lot like a puppy who enjoyed punishing himself. She saw it when they first met and the kid was weighed down with the guilt of his father’s service records, and she saw it after Goose was declared deceased and Pete expected her to smack him instead of embrace him in a hug. Carole knew that if she told Maverick about the baby Pete would think it was his duty to put everything on hold and be at her side and she couldn’t ask him to do that. It wasn’t his responsibility, best friend or not. He deserved to live his life; he deserved to move on.
But sometimes life doesn’t let you make those decisions.
In her seventh month, Carole gets a knock on the door and opens to reveal one Iceman Kazansky in his service khaki’s. The man’s blue eyes immediately stalked down to her growing belly and his lips purse before he snaps himself out of his thoughts and meet her gaze. It seems he had come to apologize for his own actions that day, explaining that if he had moved out of the way quicker than Mav wouldn’t have been caught in his jetwash, ultimately leading to the spiral that forced both Pete and Nick to eject. Carole listens silently, allowing the man to get all his feelings out before she tells him the same thing she told Mav: she doesn’t blame him.
For all the coldness of his reputation, Ice gives a sharp nod before allowing just the barest of tears to fall, though he wipes the evidence away quickly. He stands then, expecting to be asked to leave now that he has said his peace but Carole just offers him to stay for dinner. The man accepts before she even finishes her statement. She expects some awkwardness but there is none to be found, Tom is nothing but a gentleman and the perfect guest, even taking the time to play with Bradley as the child shows the pilot all his favorite toy planes.
When dinner is over and Tom finishes washing and drying the dishes he insists on doing, he finally brings up Pete’s status. Carole had listened to the tall blonde pilot talk vaguely about the Leyton mission during their meal, classified though, so beyond saying it got a little close and Maverick had to come to his aid, Kazansky had stayed mum on the true details. Much different than Maverick, who discussed the mission at length in one of his prior letters, not adhering to secrets any better now than he ever did before, much to Carole’s amusement.
Tom takes the seat across from her at the now cleared table, fingers steeple in front of his lips. He is a patient man, she gages that just from this one night of interactions and Carole can tell that he chooses his words carefully. Finally, when he is ready, Tom tells her the truth, that despite getting over his trepidations in the sky, Pete was struggling again, finding himself in the rambunctious death-be-damned stage of mortality that leads to reckless actions and tragic conclusions. Tom was worried before but he is anxious now, admitting to Carole that he came to the house not only to apologize for his actions on the day that Goose died but also to ask the blonde for her help in reign Maverick in, afraid that no one else could be up for the task. Carole knows she has the right to say no, that no one could blame her if she was to say she has too much on her plate as it is to try and save a renegade 25 year old pilot with enough issues that he could fill the sky he flies in, but she also knows she loves Pete, he’s the little brother she always wanted, and she won’t let the universe take him away too. She tells Tom to give her his number.
A week and one overly emotional reunion later, Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell becomes a permanent fixture back in their lives. He’s stationed at Top Gun again so it’s easy for him to be at their house for dinner every night, pulling a reluctant Iceman with him; an ecstatic Bradley more than happy to welcome them both with open arms. Carole feels as though maybe she was wrong not to tell the younger man about the pregnancy right away as he takes one look at the not yet built nursery furniture and he and Ice roll up their sleeves; building everything themselves in record time and then hanging model planes in Bradley’s room as a nice surprise for the future big brother. They become a family, the five and a half of them; dysfunctional in their abnormally but aren’t those always the best?
As her third trimester progresses either Pete or Tom is there for every one of her doctor’s appointments, sometimes even both go, earning her skeptical looks from some of the other patients and nurses that don’t know her whole story. She doesn’t care; Carole has never been one to desire people’s approvals, and she welcomes the Naval Aviators’ dual support as the realness of becoming a single mother to two children gets closer and closer.
But then again life deals her a harsh hand.
Pete is fired from his position with Ice teaching at Top Gun. If it didn’t hurt so much, Carole wouldn’t have been surprised; Pete is not someone that should be teaching anyone about rules or regulations, but it still wounds the pregnant blonde when he is re-deployed to a carrier in the Pacific. She wants to be angry, at him, at the Navy, at the world, but it won’t help the situation and she knows that. She’s two weeks from her due date; she has to accept that Pete won’t be at her side.
Tom will be though. Tom who has taken to her family as easy as Pete did all those years ago. Tom, who buys her baby clothes and toys, never forgetting to get Bradley something too so the kid never feels left out. Tom who makes her dinner when she can’t seem to stand for too long, cleans her house when she feels the anxiety of nesting deep in her chest, and entertains her crying tantrums about how she misses Nick and wishes he were there.
Tom is a god sent.
Carole wondered at first why he was so willing. Guilt is powerful, but the man is giving up his whole life for her little family, without getting anything in return. Or so she thought. She comes to learn that Tom has no family of his own, his parents both passed, his mother just less than a year ago, and that besides Slider, who has also become a permanent fixture in her life now when he’s in town, Ice has no one. Wounded hearts tend to find each other and Carole is happy to open her home to one more lost soul, if only to heal them all.
Her water breaks on the beach of all places, as she stops to pick up a seashell and Bradley laughs that mommy peed her pants. It’s only the two of them of course; Ice teaching for the day, so Carole walks herself and Bradley back to their little house and manages to call 911 and the air base Ice is stationed. A neighbor she has gotten close to takes Bradley to play with their own children and Carole is loaded into the ambulance alone. She tries to hold in the emotions when the nice paramedic holds her hand through the contractions, tries to pretend it’s Nick, or even Pete or Tom and not this virtual stranger, but the sobs roll easily, the heighten hormones leaving her gasping in their intensity.
She is brought to a room and encouraged to relax, treated like a first time mom though she’s been through this before. Carole figures in a way this is like a first; Nick was at her side all through Bradley’s labor and delivery, cracking dumb jokes to make her laugh and promising her that she could kill him later for the pain his actions put her through. She remembered threatening a lot of bodily harm, even a threat to cut off a body part but the minute Bradley was placed in her arms she only felt love. Pure, unadulterated love in its strongest form. Would it be the same this time? Would she be moved to bliss like she was the first time she gave birth? Or would this poor little baby be placed in a crying mother’s arms, a mother filled with grief and pain? Was it fair of her to do this?
Carole doesn’t have time to dwell on those thoughts because Tom arrives then, flustered and out of breath like the normally composed man never seems to be. He zeroes in on Carole, seems to recognize her barest attempt at keeping herself together, and just goes right to her side. His hand grabs hers and squeezes, as though he hopes to transfer all the strength he holds in his muscles to her, as though he is willing to transfer his very life himself if only to help her through this. Carole manages a smile, albeit a small one since a contraction decides this is the best moment to strike, as she looks to the blond pilot next to her and thanks him for being here at her side. Tom only says there is nowhere else he’s rather be.
Tom is the rock at her side through it all. He calls her neighbors to check on Bradley and informs not only her own parents but Nick’s as well about how the labor is going. They all try to catch the next available flights but they won’t make it in time, something that Ice has the good graces to not correct her on when Carole foolishly hopes her mother will be in California in time for the baby’s arrival. Tom even manages to get a message out to Mav, using some favors he stockpiled to have the call made through all the way in the middle of the ocean. There’s nothing Pete can do from the ship but it still brings a little relief to Carole’s jumble of emotions that at least the dark haired pilot knows what’s going on.
As the hours progress, Carole expects Tom to leave but he never does. He takes a few breaks to relieve himself or take a second to sit but otherwise he’s with her through it all, though he makes sure that Carole knows if she wants that to change, if his presence isn’t welcome, he will leave at her slightest hint. It warms the blonde woman’s heart in a way she can’t imagine feeling, this man devoting so much to her and she rewards him by just holding his hand tighter. Carole asks Tom to tell her stories, anything to get her mind off the pain and the wait and Tom, though preferring silence and listening, spends hours telling stories about his beloved mother Emily. He admits that Carole reminds him of her, perhaps being why he clung so much to her and her little family, and how the pilot will never forgive himself for not being at his mother’s side in the end. When she sees tears in the man’s eyes, Carole doesn’t call attention to it, instead allowing Ice to pretend he is going for another coffee, instead of getting some air to get out of his own memories.
She’s in labor for 18 hours, pushing for two when the doctors start to contemplate a c-section. It’s the last thing Carole wants, and she tries to tell everyone in the room her opinions on the matter, but no one seems to be listening. Finally it takes her trying to physically get herself out of the bed for the doctor to allow a half hour more of pushing before they make the call. Determined now, Carole pushes with renewed vigor, burning up a sweat as she clenches and tightens her muscles trying to get this baby out.
When finally the pushing starts to work and the doctor lets her know that the time has come and the head of her baby is visible, Carole doubles down and uses every ounce of energy she has left to get this baby out. The pain is unimaginable, worse than she remembers with Bradley, though she’s not sure if it’s also from the ache of her broken heart that is making everything throb harder. She screams as loud as she can each time, so loud that she can’t even hear the doctor’s words from below her, but Carole can make out Tom’s voice over the white noise of it all. His tone is calm, almost commanding, though his icy blue eyes look widened and wild as he watches the miracle of childbirth right before his eyes.
Tom continues a mantra of how strong Carole is and how she’s almost done, how the baby is almost here when the call for one last big push is announced to the room. Carole yells as roughly as her body can managed, squeezes Tom’s hand with a pressure that feels like it could crack bone, and finally pushes with all her might when suddenly all the pressure that has been bearing down on her is relieved with a sudden clarity. The cries of a newborn join Carole’s own as the woman can’t seem to figure out if she’s happy or sad as tears run down her cheeks. Her limbs are so exhausted yet the blonde still manages to start flailing as she’s unsure if she’s grabbing for her baby or running away from it. She doesn’t move from the bed though, she physically can’t, and when the tiny human is placed on her chest, covered in blood but so very alive, Carole sobs as she realizes she has a daughter. Welcome to the world baby girl, is all she can think as she filled with the same love she had with Bradley and the same protectiveness. She is willing to do anything for this baby in her arms, this beautiful gift from Nick that she has been blessed to receive. She never wants to let her go.
Unfortunately, chest to chest only lasts a few minutes before the baby is taken away from its mother to be checked over. Carole moans when the little weight is removed from her hold and she looks up to see Ice’s eyes follow her daughter’s movements with the same worry Carole herself is experiencing. She urges Tom to follow the baby, and the man nods, stepping across the room to watch the clean up and weighing of the newest addition to the world. He is silent, eyes icy, posture straight and imposing, and Carole knows that her daughter will have a protector in Lieutenant Kazansky until the end of time. It’s not the same as a father, nothing will ever be, but it still warms her heart.
Carole doesn’t realize she’s crying again until Ice comes back over, wiping her checks easily and then grabbing a new towel to dry the sweat off her brow. He has been unfazed by everything she has thrown at him this day. Her tears, her screams, and her cries not scaring him but instead making him compliment her strength and resilience. Even now he congratulates her on her good job, on what she has managed to do, but Carole finds it hard to listen. A part of her wants to shove his hands off because he’s not the man that should be at her side, but another relishes in the touch, in the companionship, in not being alone.
She cries again as the overwhelming need to hold her daughter returns. She needs to hold her; she needs to see something of her husband before she rips out her own hair. The nurse brings a tiny bundle back, her daughter clean now and much quieter. She places the baby right on Carole’s chest once more and smiles, congratulating both Carole and Tom and informing them the baby is perfectly healthy. Carole sucks in a sob, taking in the widened eyes and soft lips of this beautiful baby girl in front of her. She can’t stop staring, can’t stop looking for the similarities between this baby and Nick, and can’t stop the tears at the similar nose as though it is the greatest gift she could ever receive. After what must be a few minutes but only feels like seconds, a new nurse informs Carole that she needs to be cleaned up before she is brought to a room, asking if Dad wants to hold the baby while they work on getting mommy settled. Carole immediately breaks down into harder sobs, to the point her baby is removed in fear she could hurt her with the way Carole’s full stomach constricts with her emotions. The nurse looks confusingly over at Ice and sees that the man has blanched and paled, looking guilt as though it is his fault that such assumptions of the baby’s paternity was made.
Before anyone else can react, Carole’s mother enters the room in scrubs, having blown more money than she ever spent in her life to get to her daughter as quickly as possible. Carole cries anew at the sight of her mother, and Tom uses the distraction to slip out of the room, sure that he is not needed anymore. He doesn’t leave the hospital though, staying in the waiting room until Ann Kramer (Carole’s mother) comes outside and inform Ice that Carole and the baby are both fine and resting; mommy in her room and baby in the nursery. Ann gives Tom the tightest hug her small frame can manage and thanks him profusely for everything, saying how Carole admitted tearfully that she would have been lost without him.
Tom brushes off the praise easily enough, just happy that all the Bradshaws are doing well. He offers to relieve Bradley from the neighbors, knowing the little boy must be worried about where everyone went. Ann looks thankful and then says she should get back, no doubt wanting to help her daughter through the emotional gauntlet her hormones are probably raging within her. She heads back to Carole’s room and Tom moves towards the elevators before he decides to take a pit stop before he heads to the Bradshaw home.
He finds the nursery easily, standing by the glass window at the few babies housed inside. Tom spots the Bradshaw baby easily, her face already memorized to him; not needing the card to tell him which one she is. There was a tiny tuff of brown hair when the little girl was born, but it is covered now in her newborn cap, her body wrapped up just as snuggly in the hospital issued blanket. Her eyes are closed and her little face peaceful, creating an image of angelic serenity in a sea of hospital craziness. Tom knows he might never see another image so beautiful in his life, perhaps only if God grants him the miracle of having his own kid, but even then he’s not sure. He is so in awe of this child in front of him, so in awe of the strength of her mother, of how life can be so cruel and yet so kind to the same people. Tom finds that he loves the little baby slumbering in the nursery with every part of his heart, as though she was her own. He will protect her for life, feels he has to, and finally Ice begins to understand what Pete meant when he explained his own feelings of love and protectiveness with Bradley. Both Bradley and his new little sister have experienced the suffocating loss of a parent at the youngest of ages, it is the rest of the world’s duty to not let them drown from this loss, and Tom intends to exert this job until the end of his days.
Then his eyes catch the name card.
He knew Carole wanted to name the baby Nick for a boy and Nicole for a girl after their father, and there on the card is the name Nicole.
But there’s another name in front of it.
It seems his stories about his mother made some kind of impact because the name Emily Nicole Bradshaw is written in a lovely print right there on the basinet in the nursery. The sight of it takes Tom’s breath away. The letters in Emily are purple and swirling in a whimsical way that reminds Tom of a princess in the fairy tales his mother always loved to read to him. His heart pings with the ache of remembering his mother, and of the gratitude towards Carole for giving him this tiny gift. She had already mentioned him being godfather, a title he was beyond honored to be asked for despite the fact he didn’t think he was worth of, but this, this little name for this little girl, was the most amazing present Tom could have ever received in his life. He doesn’t think he can ever thank Carole enough.
Knowing the best way to start is to make sure her son is just as safe and taken care of as the rest of the family, the blond pilot decides to take his leave. Tom takes one more glance at the sleeping beauty resting peaceful within the basket before he heads for the exit of the hospital, his own tears falling silently upon his stoic face.
He looks up naturally to the sky once he’s outside, sees the warm halo of the sunshine above and hopes that Nick Bradshaw is up there, looking down on his family. “I promise I’ll always protect her” Tom says aloud, not carrying if anyone else hears as long as the WSO can. “I promise I’ll always protect all of them” he amends and then, as though someone is actually listening or perhaps his exhaustion decides to play tricks, the sun seems to get brighter. Taking it as a sign, Ice smiles and continues to his car, hopeful that Goose approves of his new vows.
Notes: So now we see the start of Emily and her godfather Ice. I love writing a soft Tom and IcePops is going to be a growing theme in this story. Thank you for reading and let me know what you think!
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Baby talk (part 2) (evan peters x fem reader)
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Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth
Taglist: @spill-the-t @iluwmycats @lili-tate @evanpeterswifeyy868 @jademunson @evanpetersfansblog @howtobesasha @lustforeverrrr
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
Months flew by but nothing, you went to doctors to check if maybe something was wrong, but no both you and evan were fine, you were beginning to give up on the dream you both set on becoming parents till Saturday night.
You were laying on your bed feeling down, like you let your husband down, evan was in the shower for work in the morning you played with the hem of your nightgown something screaming at you to check again, a gut instinct.
You heard the shower stop with a soft sigh you got out of bed carrying yourself into the bathroom seeing your husband with a towel wrapped securely around his waist, "Hey babe" he smiled planting a kiss on your temple immediately taking notice of your nervousness, "What's wrong?" He asked his eyes scanning your every feature.
"When was the last time I took a test?" You asked already knowing the answer it was less than a week and a half ago, "last Thursday I think why?" Evan asked  he didn't give up hope on you becoming pregnant but he agreed on maybe putting it a rest for now.
"Maybe we should take another test" you initiate twiddling your fingers, "if you think we should then I'm all for it honey" evan smiled you went into your cabinet above the sink grabbing a clearblue test doing your business.
Evan never left your sight making sure you didn't feel alone but also felt comfortable, after you peed on the stick you then went to wash your hands placing the pregnancy test on the counter beside your sink waiting for those five minutes.
Evan was already changed into grey sweats sitting on the cold marble floor, evan guided you to sit between his legs his arms wrapped around you holding you close waiting on those minutes coming to a close, "do you think we might get lucky this time around" you asked the anxiety ripped through you wanting the time to end.
"I hope so" evan whispered against your hair holding you closer to him, evan couldn't lie he was hopeful obviously but with failed tests he didn't want to get his hopes up, the thoughts rushing through your head like every other time what would your child be like, would you be good parents, what if you had a terrible pregnancy hearing all the stories your friends told you.
"If we are pregnant what would you think the baby would look like?" Evan asked to try and calm you down, you thought about it for a second with a smile on your face, "well I think they would look like you mostly they would have your eye shape but my eye color, your nose with the little freckle, my cheek bones and chin but they would definitely have your smile without a doubt" you said the image more clearer in your head.
"You really think so?" Evan chuckled the light tint of pink on his cheeks became more visible to you, "i know so" you replied "what about you?" You asked curiously, "they would have your eyes and nose, my lips, they would have your bright personality and shyness but would definitely be daddy's little guy or girl" he teased making you swatt his chest pretending to he shocked.
"I think it's been five minutes" evan stated checking his phone you got up picked the test up making sure the result was facing the ground, you sat back between Evans legs your hands were shaking, breathing shaky you looked at evan to see if he was ready for the possible future.
With a nod from evan you turned the test, the tears immediately welling up in your eyes, "Oh my god" you whispered in a gasp evan took the test from your hands reading it, you were pregnant, "we're having a baby" you shrieked your arms wrapped around evans neck planting your lips on his, "I can't believe it we did it babe" Evans smile shone he couldn't believe it, it's finally happening.
His hand on your non existent bump a single tear rolled down his cheek the feeling surreal, "we're having a baby" he whispered he couldn't quite believe it even though you both were trying for a baby you finally did it your carrying his child.
(14 weeks later)
You had a scan today you felt nervous so far your pregnancy was a bit of a breeze except the morning sickness, your bump was starting to show evan couldn't keep his hands off it never leaving your side not missing a thing.
You never lifted a finger every since evan found out you were pregnant which was nice but sometimes you wanted your independence, he was so sweet and caring with you every scan he attended asking all sorts of questions to the midwife.
"You ready babe" evan asked helping you out the car, "I'm nervous but regardless of the gender as long as the baby is healthy that's all that matters" you smiled cradling your slightly showing bump, making your way into the doctors and up the maternity unit.
You went up to the reception the lady greeting you with a smile, "hi appointment for y/n peters" you said giving her the same smile, she started to type on her computer till she found your name "Alright Mrs Peters have a seat" she said you nodded taking a seat beside your husband holding his hand chatting about anything.
"Y/n peters" you heard your name being called out, standing on your feet making your way to her followed by evan, "if you'll follow me" the nurse smiled walking into the ultrasound room.
"Okay mom if you could just lift your top up and I'll apply this gel on" she smiled once you laid on the little bed, evan on the seat beside you feeling nervous, "and are you dad?" The nurse asked evan starting a conversation as she applied the cold gel to your small bump, "uh yeah I'm the dad" evan smiled always feeling proud to now say those words to anyone.
Within a few moments the nurse had the little machine thing on your stomach searching for your baby on the screen, "there they are" she smiled finding your little growing baby on the screen, you watched the little screen seeing your bundle of joy you couldn't help but have a little tear in your eye the feeling more surreal.
"And your 16 weeks today right?" She asked, "yes 16 weeks" you smiled glancing at evan who had his eyes fixated on the screen, "would you like to know the gender?" She asked your heart felt like it was doing Summer salts in your chest you and evan have been dying to know the gender for a long time doing all those old wives tales that determine the gender of the baby.
"Yes please" you beamed the nurse looked closer into the screen moving the little thing on your belly, "well by the looks of it Mr and Mrs Peter congratulations your having a little healthy baby girl" the nurse smiled you couldn't believe it a baby girl you always wanted a little girl and now you were having one.
You turned your head to evan who already had the tears in his eyes, "a baby girl honey we're having a girl" evan couldn't grasp the thought of it being too surreal and overwhelming, evan couldn't picture it a his little baby girl growing up infront of his eyes him wanting to protect her from anything in the world.
"I can't believe it" you said entering the car looking at your scan pictures, even though she was tiny and still developing inside you she was perfect to you and evan, "that's our baby" you whispered your finger tracing over her little silhouette, "Oh evan look at her little hand there" you smiled showing your husband who couldn't help but smile at how cute you were being.
"I can not wait to meet her she's going to be our perfect little princess" evan stated beginning to drive back home so you could show your friends.
(4 months later)
And evan was not wrong, a Friday night laying on the sofa with evan eating ice cream that evan went out and bought you since you were absolutely craving it, all of a sudden you felt a sharp excruciating pain in your stomach.
"What's wrong?" Evan asked alerted by your sudden reaction, "I think it's the baby I'm in labour I think" you panted recovering from the pain only for another shooting pain to take you aback, your waters now broke as soon as you stood up from the sofa.
Cradling your stomach trying to keep your breathing steady whilst calming evan down from almost having a panic attack, "evan help me into other pj bottoms before we go to the hospital" you panted throw the pain, evan rushed to the kitchen knowing you put some clean laundry there earlier to put by.
Helping you into new bottoms and underwear it was time to go the hospital, your contractions now closer apart, "evan the bag don't forget the bag" you said "oh shit" evan gasped grabbing the hospital bag by the door and the house keys, helping you into the passenger side of the car another contraction ripped through you making you well in pain.
Evan rushed into the driver side starting up the car and rushed to the hospital, "this is excruciating the pain evan" you groaned taking deep breaths, "I know baby we're almost at the hospital it will be over soon I promise" evan stated his eyes fixed on the road but his free hand went on to your bump trying to comfort you.
Before you knew it you were on a hospital bed in the delivery room, "Mrs Peters your 6 centimetres dilated only 4 more to go then you can push" the nurse stated checking you, "can I get something for the pain please I can't deal with it" you asked your face all red the sweat dripping from your forehead.
"We can give you an epidural" the nurse offered you immediately said yes to the offer, within 5 minutes you got an epidural, the pain slightly fading but not much, evan sat on a chair beside you on the phone to your parents letting them know how you were getting on.
A few hours later the delivery room was flooded with nurses telling you to push, but you refused the epidural wore off the pain was 1000 times worse than the labour pains, you squeezed Evans hand he was sure you would end up breaking his hand, his free hand stroking your hair "come on babe you can do it just push" he encourages Sarah your best friend now in the delivery room with you both.
"Come on y/n can you do it for me" Sarah asked you looked at her nodding, "I'll do it for you not him" you said your hormones all over the place and evan getting the brunt of it all, you started pushing screaming in pain,"your doing amazing babe I love you" evan praised you shook your head about to give him another mouthful of abuse.
"You fucking did this to me" you snapped your grip on both his and Sarah's hand tightened, "one more push Mrs Peters" the nurse stated with one more push you felt the wave of release hearing the little cries of your baby immediately made your eyes well up in tears.
"A happy healthy baby girl" the nurse smiled handing your new baby in your arms, "she's perfect" you cried your eyes fixated on her you were right she was a little evan, his nose and eyes his lips she was perfect.
A few minutes went by the nurse took your baby to do checks on her, coming back she was perfectly healthy, in your arms your daughter slept evan beside you mesmerised a whole new type of love for you invaded him your brought his child into the world he couldn't be more proud of the two loves of his life.
"I need to get a picture of this" Sarah smiled taking out her phone and snapping a photo of you both, "this melts my heart" she cried her new niece was born it was too surreal for all of you, "do you want to hold her?" You asked evan, he was so scared to she looked so small and fragile but he said yes.
In his arms evan held his daughter his finger on her little hand which she grasped, "she's beautiful" evan whispered tears in his eyes, "so do know what your doing to name her?" Sarah asked snapping more photos with evan and the baby, evan smiling away when Sarah mentioned about the name.
"Well my grandmother's name was Susan and so Susan Sarah peters" you smiled tiredly, but your heart warmed when Sarah's face light up, "you gave her my name" she asked also welling up, "of course we did and we wanted to ask you to be her godmother" evan stated, "I'd love to be this little angels godmother" Sarah smiled.
Evan handed you back Susan you couldn't take your eyes off her, "welcome to the world susan Sarah peters" you whispered to your little bundle of joy.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 7 months
Sushi Night (Wedding Planner AU)
Happy Valentine's Day! Here's some cute and silly fluff (and some misunderstandings), including the great return of Pregnetra :)
The drabble that goes along with this comes out tomorrow!
Read on Ao3
Beep Beep Beep
“You read it.” 
“Me? It’s your test.”
“But I want you to read it.”
“Are you too nervous to read it yourself?” 
“Netra, you’ve taken so many of these. Why are you so nervous about this one?” 
“That’s the thing.” Anetra stood up from where she sat on the bathroom floor, leaving Marcia to sit alone. “I’m worried that it’s going to be another negative.” 
She glanced at the Clearblue test on the counter underneath a facecloth. She didn’t want to peek at the results until she was ready. 
Anetra never thought that trying to get pregnant would be this hard. She and Sasha wanted a baby for months before finding a sperm donor and starting hormone injections. 
But after every insemination and waiting for the right time during her cycle, it was always a negative test looking back at her. 
There were so many negative tests that Anetra broke down in tears in the car on the way to another insemination appointment, and she and Sasha agreed to take a break from trying to conceive. 
She thought she was ready to start trying again once the holidays and New Year celebrations were over, but this test seemed like the hardest to look at.
“Didn’t you say your period is almost two weeks late?” Marcia said as she adjusted to sit on the side of the bathtub. Before Anetra could say anything, she continued, “And you threw up this morning out of nowhere?”
“What if it’s just my body thinking it’s pregnant? I saw it on a TV show once.” Anetra pointed out. 
“Wait, you paid attention when we watched Glee?” Marcia said, feeling dumbfounded. “But that’s beside the point. Did you want to look at the test or not?”
Anetra took a deep breath before shaking her head. “I don’t think I can handle another negative.” She frowned before leaving the bathroom, “Just toss it. I’ll wait until Sasha comes with me to the doctor next week.” 
The redhead was about halfway down the hall when she heard Marcia call her name from the bathroom.
She sighed, turning her head down the hall while staying in place, “Marcia, I said I didn’t want to see it.” 
“It’s positive.” 
She wanted to tell Marcia not to joke about it or get her hopes up, but she knew her better than that. She felt her heartbeat quicken once Marcia told her fully sunk in. 
After over a year of trying to get pregnant, she finally had a positive test result. 
Anetra didn’t realize her feet were moving again until she saw Marcia holding the test in both hands, staring at it wordlessly. The blonde let her take the test strip from her hands to see it for herself.
 She read the simple eight-letter word several times until the tears she didn’t realize were leaking out fell on the test. But she had to be sure this was real, no more false hope. 
“I need to call the doctor’s office.”
Tears of joy still leaked from Anetra’s eyes when she returned to the car. She didn’t care if any of the passersby could see her. She felt beyond euphoric now. 
The doctor’s office had a cancellation for the mid-morning, and Anetra took the opening as soon as the receptionist told her over the phone. 
After a short blood test and an internal ultrasound, her doctor confirmed the pregnancy. She was having a baby, and the baby was happy and healthy.
She wanted to wait for Sasha to come with her to the first ultrasound appointment. However, the doctor was concerned over the many months before not being able to conceive and wanted to make sure the pregnancy had no issues. 
Anetra made sure to take a picture of the ultrasound screen before leaving. A more official first ultrasound was scheduled for the next week when Sasha could go with her.
Once her eyes dried up enough, Anetra looked at the time displayed on the car. 12:30 pm, meaning Sasha would still be on her lunch break. She glanced in the rearview mirror to see if her eyes weren’t noticeably red and puffy and clicked the FaceTime button next to the contact. 
Sasha answered the call quickly, sliding the fork out of her mouth before speaking, “Hi, beautiful,” she greeted Anetra before she chewed the rest of her food. “Are you calling me from the car?” she asked. 
Anetra felt flustered as she forgot she was still sitting in the parking lot. Thankfully, Sasha couldn’t recognize the location. “Oh, yeah. I was just at…” her voice trailed off as she looked at the Target across the street, “I was at the store, but I wanted to ask you something.” 
“Which is?” 
“If you wanted to go out to dinner tonight, just us. For Valentine’s Day,” Anetra said, hoping to sound inconspicuous. 
Sasha’s eyes narrowed in confusion, “But Valentine’s Day was ten days ago,” 
Oh, yeah. That’s right. It didn’t help that she and Sasha never really celebrated Valentine’s Day anyway since Sasha was too busy with work at that time of year, Anetra needed to think of something, fast. 
“Why can’t we celebrate it late? You can pick out wherever you want, and I’ll meet you there tonight.” Anetra said, sounding hopeful. She wanted this night to be memorable for both of them. 
Sasha thought and then shrugged, “Sure, Kylie was telling me about a new place downtown. She said it was pretty good.” 
“Awesome, I’ll meet you there tonight.” Anetra smiled as she and Sasha exchanged goodbyes and ended the phone call. 
Anetra put her hand just below her abdomen, right over where the ultrasound said the baby was. “I can’t wait to tell Mama about you, little one,” she said as she was giddy with excitement.
Her excitement soon ran out when Anetra discovered that out of all places to eat, Sasha chose a local sushi bar. 
Raw fish and alcohol were two things Anetra knew she had to avoid in pregnancy. This dinner might be a little trickier than she thought. 
After a quick Google search outside the restaurant, Anetra was disappointed to learn she could only eat vegetables and cooked fish. She couldn’t even enjoy real sushi this evening.
But it wasn’t about the food. Whatever was for dinner didn’t matter when their little family was about to grow soon.
Anetra found Sasha sitting at a table by the front window, reading over the menu. Her wife’s eyes brightened when she spotted Anetra walking to their table. Anetra wanted to blurt out the good news and celebrate with Sasha already, but that would have to wait. 
“I hope you don’t mind that I already ordered us some drinks,” Sasha said after Anetra greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. 
“Of course, what did you get us?” she asked, expecting (and hoping) the answer would be a soft drink. But before Sasha could answer, the server arrived at the table with two brightly colored cocktails with oranges on the rim. 
This was already looking like a tougher night than Anetra hoped. 
“It’s an orange and mango sake cocktail,” Sasha said as she sipped from her glass. “It sounded good on the menu.”
“It…does sound like it would be good” Anetra awkwardly said as she drank from the water glass on the table instead. “But I can’t drink tonight.” she quickly said. 
“Why not?” Sasha asked, glancing up from her menu. 
As much as it would be easier to say the real answer and show Sasha the test from her jacket pocket, this wasn’t the time or place. Announcing her pregnancy to her wife in a busy restaurant wasn’t ideal for such a special moment.
“I’m driving tonight, and that has a lot of booze in it,” Anetra explained. Luckily, Sasha seemed to accept that answer as she picked an appetizer of gyoza to share. 
The rest of the dinner went better than Anetra expected. Sasha never questioned why her wife was filling up on miso soup until her cucumber rolls arrived. She did, however, feel slightly jealous when she watched Sasha happily enjoy her plate of salmon and tuna nigiri. 
At the end of the dinner, Anetra counted the tip and signed for the check, waiting for Sasha to return from the restroom. She was relieved that the night went without any bad roadblocks.
Now she couldn’t wait to go home and tell Sasha the happy news.
Sasha returned to the table and grabbed her jacket and purse from the chair, placing a paper to-go bag on the table.
“What’s that?” Anetra asked, assuming Sasha got something to bring home to Kerri.
“I noticed you didn’t get your favorite, so I got some spicy tuna for you to have later,” Sasha explained with a smile. “Ready to go?” she asked casually.
Anetra nodded as she stood up and followed Sasha out of the restaurant. For the first and last time, Anetra felt loathing toward her wife’s thoughtfulness. 
She put on her best forced smile and hoped Sasha couldn’t see through it, “Yeah, I’m ready.”
The next morning, Anetra thought Sasha already left for work by the time she woke up. Sasha told her as soon as they got home last night, she had an early vendor meeting in the morning, so she showered and went to bed.
Anetra didn’t even have the chance to say much after Sasha thanked her for the date night and went to get ready for bed. 
Sasha thought the night before was just a normal evening out, and Anetra needed to think of a new plan for telling Sasha about her pregnancy. 
Anetra just stood up from her position on the bathroom floor, trying to catch her breath from her morning sickness that forced her out of bed. After brushing her teeth, she thought to try out if saltines would help her lingering nausea.
Sasha’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts when she walked into the kitchen. Her wife poured the sickly sweet creamer into her coffee, barely glancing up to look at Anetra. Her demeanor felt more guarded than usual.
“You’re up early.” 
“I thought you had an early meeting today?” Anetra asked, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights.
“The vendor canceled,” Sasha simply said, stirring her coffee with a teaspoon. As much as she loved the smell of fresh coffee, the smell of the kitchen made her nausea worsen. 
“Oh,” Anetra said as the room filled with an uncomfortable silence. Sasha sipped her drink as she looked straight ahead, making glances at Anetra as she rummaged through the cupboards for saltine crackers. 
She found the box and tried to make a quick exit back to the bedroom, but Sasha finally spoke up, nearly forcing her to stop in her tracks.
“I see that Kerri liked the spicy tuna, even though I got it just for you,” Sasha said, turning to look at her. Anetra slowly turned around, staring at Sasha with wide eyes.
Anetra tried to swallow her nerves, realizing she may have waited too long to avoid Sasha getting suspicious. “I didn’t want it to go to waste,” she said in a small voice. She felt guilty for not saying anything to Sasha before about her pregnancy.
Sasha sighed, slight frustration in her voice, “I got it for you because it’s your favorite. If you didn’t want it, you could have just-” she stopped for a moment before continuing in a lighter tone. “Are you crying over sushi?”
Anetra knew her eyes were filling with tears as soon as Sasha confronted her. This was her least favorite part about pregnancy so far. Her out-of-control emotions weren’t getting much easier. 
Her impromptu rambling seemed even more difficult to control.
‘It’s not the stupid sushi. I wanted last night to be special for us, but I didn't even get the chance to tell you about this baby that’s making me puke every morning and cry over everything. Now I can’t even think of a new plan to make it special again, but you’re mad at me-” 
Anetra stopped when Sasha put both hands on her arms to get her attention. She didn’t realize that Sasha had gotten close to her while she was rambling. 
“I am not mad at you, okay?” Sasha said in a gentle but firm voice. “You’ve just been acting a bit off and I didn’t know what was going on.” Anetra visibly relaxed as Sasha continued, “But if it’s about…Hold on, did you say baby?” she asked, eyes brightening with hope. 
Anetra’s breath hitched when Sasha pointed out what she had accidentally said. But luckily, this was turning into a happy moment for both of them.
Anetra nodded as she tried to wipe her tears, “I need to show you something.” 
She led Sasha to where she left her jacket the night before, barely hanging onto the coat rack. She carefully pulled out the stick and folded paper from the doctor and handed it to Sasha. Her wife hadn’t stopped smiling since she heard the word baby. 
“I-I can’t believe it…” Sasha said as she looked at the test and the paper, both women in tears now. “We’ve been waiting for so long,” she said as Anetra gathered her in her arms and Sasha’s never hugged her tighter before. 
“The doctor said I’m five and a half weeks along. The baby is due in November.” Anetra said as she and Sasha were joined by the hands, standing alone in the mudroom. 
“And you and the baby are both okay?” Sasha asked, trying to keep the worries at bay. 
“We’re both healthy. The doctor wants to keep a close eye on us, at least until the first trimester is over.” Anetra explained. 
“That’s great.” Sasha beamed as she kissed Anetra on the cheek. “I guess picking sushi and drinks last night wasn’t a great choice, huh?” she joked as she and Anetra started to walk back to the rest of the house. 
“Get me a huge platter of spicy tuna after I give birth, and we’ll call it even.”
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amberjazmyn · 1 month
how did you not notice?🫶
pairing : daniel ricciardo x fem!reader, platonic f1 grid x fem!reader
summary : based on my two prompts: "oh my gosh, eww, you peed on that... wait, are you serious?" and "you fucking peed on that and you made me touch it!", the f1 grid, girlfriends and wives find out that gianna and daniel, are pregnant with their first child.
warnings : fluff, pregnancy announcement, swear words
a/n : decided to write a happy pregnancy one for danny ric after the depressing pregnancy/miscarriage fic that i wrote! i promise this time this one is pure fluff! and reader's name is like mentioned in the summary, gianna <3
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gianna couldn't believe her eyes. for maybe, almost close to a month into the f1 season, she hadn't been feeling too well, causing her to have to take certain races during the season off and other times have to watch it from hospitality so she wouldn't feel sick in the paddock. it scared gianna some that she couldn't figure out why she was so dizzy, lethargic, tired and nauseous but it wasn't until she caught up with kelly, max's girlfriend, her husband's former teammate and her best friend during a break in the race season that everything seemed to make sense to the younger girl. 
"...gianna, you okay?" kelly's voice had suddenly come through gianna's ears again and she maintained eye contact with the older brunette
"hmm? yeah, i...i'm fine kelly, just....i...i am so sorry, i'd truly love to stay longer but, i just forgot about some errands i got to run for daniel! can we raincheck lunch for a later date?" gianna seemed in a hurry, rummaging through her purse for a twenty pound note for the coffee and kelly didn't want to prolong her lateness, nodding her head enthusiastically 
"oh, of...of course, babe, don't even apologise! we can totally take that raincheck for a later date! stay safe and, i hope you get better soon!" kelly smiled sympathetically after the girls talked about gianna's symptoms and that was how kelly found out she was pregnant with her little girl penelope, which ultimately got gianna in a sprial without the woman fully realising it or intending it 
"thanks so much, kelly and, i'm always safe, you know that. especially considering who my husband is!" gianna chuckled, her angelic laugh making kelly giggle too as they joked about daniel, gianna's husband, fellow driver and former teammate of max 
"of course, i was just making sure!" kelly called out as the two ladies walked their separate ways to their cars, gianna shook her head as her smile never once faltered 
later on, that day after kelly and gianna had parted ways, the younger blonde walked herself into a pharmacy and bought herself a handful of clearblue pregnancy tests. after her conversation with kelly about how sick she had been feeling and how worried she was, it truthfully now made so much sense that she would be pregnant when she also suddenly realised that during this entire time she had been unwell, she hadn't gotten her period like she was supposed to during the second week of this month of the f1 season. she just hoped to some degree that she was pregnant and that daniel would be just as excited. even though this was a topic that daniel and gianna would have almost daily due to constant questions about it in interviews and things, it still somewhere in the blacklights of her head worried her that maybe, right now, they shouldn't be trying to settle down so soon. 
however, the moment that all ten of the pregnancy tests, yes ten, showed their results, gianna was so relieved and almost fell to her knees. all ten pregnancy tests had come back positive so, there wasn't a single doubt that daniel and gianna hadn't conjured up a junior ricciardo. because they did and the ten pregnancy tests proved all the evidence needed to support that claim. now, all that gianna needed to do was to tell her husband and then later on down the line, tell the rest of the grid and their significant others. with a small pep in her step, gianna decided to buy some infant unisex converse and decided that she'd announce her pregnancy to daniel with a youtube video challenge idea that she had seen her influencer sister do years ago. reminding the girl of how her elder sister georgia announced her pregnancy to her and her family, which was done in the same way.
daniel had very clearly noticed the new pep in his wife's step as he arrived back at the hotel after his day off with the lads. smiling with confusion at the set-up of a film camera, the couch and a box with a piece of fabric that covered a small side opening and then an open opening on the other side, he didn't question it and just followed his wife to the couch. 
"can we film a quick youtube video, babe?" gianna asks her husband as they pull out of a hug and peck each other's lips as he nods his head grateful he hadn't drunk his entire body weight as some of his bandmates had regrettably (but hilariously) had done
"course we can, no wonder why i was smart and didn't get drunk! should i be worried though?" daniel sarcastically said with a wink as gianna giggled after the memory of the last youtube challenge the husband and wife filmed went through her head (yes, daniel was drunk in that last video, hence his comment about him being glad he wasn't drunk this time)
 "not at all, i don't think..." gianna trailed off as daniel smirked before taking the seat next to his wife, a small four-legged chair sat in front of them, the box laid on top 
"...okay, babe, the first item is in the box, are you eyes closed?" gianna smiled as daniel giggled softly as he nodded his head 
"mhm," he vocalised, letting his wife know that his eyes were closed as she continued 
"ok, the fans who are watching the video can see what's in the box except you. so, just, stick your hand in and, feel around, pick it up, and see if you can figure out what it is, okay?" gianna explains as daniel laughs at the slight innuendo before nodding his head 
"o...kay...." daniel trailed off, his australian accent peeking through as he placed his hand into the opened side of the box as he slightly hesitated, flinching his hand before placing it back in 
gianna had placed in the infant unisex converse first because the pregnancy test would have been too obvious and easy she felt and then it wouldn't be so much of an amazing surprise, in gianna's opinion. so, starting off with the converse would act as a good clue to the fact that the shoes are for a baby - meaning that gianna is pregnant without telling him straight away with the pregnancy test. 
daniel chuckled, his head falling back as he felt the pair of converse, "are these like, converse for infants?" gianna sucked a breath in before a small chuckle left her mouth 
"can i pull it out to check?" daniel then queried as gianna vocalised a small "yeah", daniel then grabbed the infant converse and opened his eyes 
laughing at the infant converse, it seemed to gianna that it hadn't registered in his head that it was to announce the news of her being pregnant and the couple being parents. so, due to daniel's confusion she just set aside the infant converse, told daniel to close his eyes again and that she'd put the next clue to her surprise announcement into the box. 
biting her lip and willing away her joyful tears, she announced to daniel that he could place his hand in the box again and guess the next clue. it obviously stumped daniel as, unlike the first time with the infant converse, it seemed as if daniel hesitated in guessing what the item in his hand was. i mean, surely, it wasn't the first time the man had felt or even seen a pregnancy test but, it flew right past his mind because he didn't think he wouldn't notice if his wife was showing the symptoms of pregnancy or recognise that for the past month, they were the same ones that their best friend kelly and the other f1 mum's had when they were pregnant. however, it seemed as if five minutes later, he kind of figured it out since it was obvious that he hadn't noticed his wife's symptoms like he thought he wouldn't have missed.  
"is...is this a pregnancy test?" daniel finally calls out, his eyes adorably crinkled shut as gianna giggles softly as she watches her husband open his eyes and turn to his wife, his hand still holding the test 
"wait, it's been used?! ew, you fucking peed on it and you made me touch it!" daniel freaked out as he then brought the pregnancy test out of the box properly before he decided to take a better look at it after just touching it 
thinking it didn't have an answer on the panel thingy, he looked at it before it registered in his mind what it said. "gianna, are...are you serious?" daniel's voice trembled as tears shed his eyes as gianna smiled, nodding her head with a tender look at her husband 
"are you actually serious?" daniel's chin wobbled as he tried not to cry, gianna smiled brighter and nodded her head 
"dead serious," gianna smiled as daniel chucked the box, chair and the pregnancy test all to the floor as he pulled his wife in for a hug, letting his tears stream down his cheeks onto gianna's shoulder, hoping they wouldn't get a noise complaint from the hotel manager 
"we're having a baby!" daniel quietly sobbed out as gianna giggled and nodded her head, pulling out of the hug as she ruffled her husband's hair before stroking his cheek 
"mhm, we're having a baby, daniel!" gianna confirmed again, knowing that it was going to take a lot of confirmation for daniel to really believe his dream of becoming a father was going to come true 
after another two confirmations of the pregnancy, it seems as if daniel still hadn't cried all of his tears out as he continued to cry in his wife's embrace. daniel couldn't help the smile that was tucked away, hidden by gianna's sweater as she made small, rubbing motions of comfort on daniel's back to comfort him. finally though, thirty minutes later, it seemed as if every single tear that he could have shed, had been cried and the couple were now just coming up with ways to surprise their families and then the rest of the f1 grid family after getting the go-ahead by their ob-gyn. 
a week or two had passed since daniel and gianna had found out about the pregnancy when it had been decided that they could tell their families and everyone else since gianna was now in her second trimester. telling both families, the ricciardos and the saints at the same time was so casual that it actually had such a delayed reaction that daniel and gianna thought they didn't hear them the first time. 
the way they told them was that, because georgia, gianna's sister is a nurse, gianna decided that after being offered wine, because she always does, she'd make a joke about the fact that her sister should know that drinking alcohol when pregnant is a big no-no. hoping that it would give the normal sometimes clueless families that gianna was pregnant. 
"wine, gianna?" georgia offers as gianna smiles, shaking her head no, confusing georgia as it was very well known how in love gianna was with alcohol
"ah, no thanks georgia," the pregnant girl responds which confuses everyone as daniel tries his hardest to not outwardly react or pull any attention onto himself in a way that could further clue everyone into the surprise 
"why? gia, you never turn down a glass..." georgia trails off as gianna decides to just tell her since no one had thought to look down at her slightly protruding stomach 
"...you're a nurse georgia, i thought...well, i'd hope you would know that pregnant women are highly advised to not drink..." gianna trailed off, hoping that both families would react but, it seems as if they weren't at all 
that was until georgia finally realised what her younger sister had just revealed. 
"...wuh...wuh...wait, gianna! no fucking way!" she squealed, almost dropping the wine bottle and rushing over to the other end of the table, pulling her younger sister in for a hug and almost out of her seat as the older sister held back her joyful tears as the sisters giggled, swaying side to side 
despite georgia's dramatic and loud realisation, it seemed as if everyone else was still so clueless that daniel and gianna were pregnant. so clueless in fact that it wasn't until gianna and georgia's mum finally looked down towards her youngest daughter's tummy, noticing the slightly curved baby bump that had been forming but wasn't totally hidden when she then announced out loud in a question that gianna was pregnant. 
"gia, you're pregnant?" mrs saint squeaked out as tears welled up in the mother's eyes, gianna nodding her head as daniel placed his hand on the small of her back 
"yeah, i'm pregnant," gianna confirmed as finally, the rest of the ricciardos and saints reacted in due course making gianna and daniel chuckle at the very delayed reactions of their families 
she couldn't hide the nervousness that was welling up inside her as gianna waited for the moment the wags (kelly, carola, lily z, lily m, luisa, rebecca and alex) realised what it was that kelly was fiddling with. exactly in the way that gianna surprised daniel, the couple were surprising the partners and fellow f1 grid about her pregnancy with the "what's in the box challenge" with the other spouses being told first. 
kelly was extremely hesitant to place her hands inside the box with her eyes closed. due to her being a mother herself with one girl, she was extremely nervous to see what her best friends could be making her touch right now. and having the rest of the f1 girlfriends watching on in anticipation was making her feel more anxious about the item that she was trying to guess. however, it shocked gianna that kelly was so oblivious to the fact that she was literally fondling a positive pregnancy test that would announce gianna and daniel's first pregnancy and not be responding immediately with the answer of it being a pregnancy test. 
"--what is this?" kelly chuckles after nearly fifteen minutes of fondling the pregnancy test and not guessing it, the rest of the spouses chuckling at kelly forfeit
"are you seriously giving up, kelly?" gianna giggled, daniel biting his lip so he wouldn't laugh or again potentially give it away as he stood behind the camera that was filming the video
kelly giggled in defeat as she nodded her head, "yes, i give up, gianna! what is it?" kelly squeals out as she then furrows her eyebrows, her eyes showing a flash of recollection 
"wait, wait, i...i think i know what it is!" kelly called out in excitement as her eyes widened with joy, looking at gianna if she could take the item out, gianna nodding her head 
immediately, kelly yelped out, similar to daniel's initial reaction, the pregnancy test landing on the raised table in front of the group, gianna trying to keep kelly quiet so it wouldn't clue the f1 boys, "oh my gosh, eww you peed on that...wait, are you serious?"
the wags laughed at kelly getting grossed out by a used pregnancy test before it all clicked in their heads that it clicked in kelly's head that it was gianna's used pregnancy test. kelly had since let out a semi-muffled squealed sob, attacking gianna into a hug, the two girls falling onto the couch with the table that had the positive pregnancy test fall to the floor. the other girls' brains were slowly clicking in realisation when they noticed the way daniel was watching his wife and friend celebrate together, the other girls jumped up to pull daniel in for a hug. 
"you're pregnant, gia?" kelly whimpered out as she and gianna stood up off the couch, kelly wiping away her tears as the two girls saw the other girls hug daniel as they celebrated 
hearing kelly say if gianna was pregnant and seeing daniel's joy that they could finally tell everyone made the entire group happy. it was tears and joyus laughter all around for a while.
after calming down and the tears stopped, that was when gianna and daniel had to tell max, checo, oscar, alex, charles, carlos and lando.
similar to how they told kelly, gianna had max guess what was in the box. like his girlfriend, max fondled the pregnancy test for a few moments with no clue about what it was when a couple of minutes quicker than kelly did, he had the same exact freak out as his girlfriend had before him. 
"hold up, is this...is this a pregnancy test?" max chuckled, hanging his head low as he chuckled as neither gianna nor daniel responded at first which seemed to make max freak out even more
"gianna, are...are you pregnant?" max all of a sudden got emotional and teary-eyed, the other drivers still unsure about what was going on that was until they heard the part where max questioned if gianna was pregnant
perking up, lando then asked, "gianna, are you pregnant with you and daniel's first baby?!" lando smiled with the possible exciting thought of a new f1 grid baby being introduced into the world 
shrugging her shoulders, she nudged at max to reveal what it was that he was holding in the cardboard box, "i dunno lando...max, am i pregnant with me and daniel's first baby?" gianna teased with a shoulder shrug as an emotional max reveals the pregnancy test that did indeed reveal that gianna was pregnant with her and daniel's first baby 
immediately, carlos, lando, checo, alex, charles, oscar and then max, after throwing down the pregnancy test, wrapped their arms around their best friend and congratulated her on her pregnancy. daniel then joined them after it was then revealed that girls had already been told too. 
it made butterflies flutter throughout both daniel and gianna's tummies that they were finally getting the blessing of being parents for the first time after it being a point of talking after their marriage. after all the happy tears and squeals and jubilation over gianna and daniel's announcement, gianna couldn't help the jokingly snide comment that fell out of her mouth as she drank a mocktail. 
"how did you guys not notice? i thought danny and i had made it way too obvious for you!" 
when i wrote this for the first time, i didn't like it as much as i thought i would. then i wrote a kian egan version and i liked it a lot better. now that i've done a danny ric version, i think i know which one i like better! and now like i've done the last two times since writing this one-shot, here is some context for the title that's so vague. because gianna is married to daniel and daniel is an f1 driver who travels constantly during the f1 season in the beginning of the one-shot, i mentioned that for some of the season that gianna had been sick. mr and mrs ricciardo then thought that after finding out about their pregnancy and not trying to keep it a secret but not telling everyone, people would realise a lot quicker that potentially, gianna could be pregnant. however it wasn't until they literally had to spell it out for them that they realised she was pregnant. hence the 'how did you guys not notice?' title and comment. because they hadn't really tried to keep it a secret like supposed to so it was just a funny little jab at their friends lol.
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lightsoutf1writing · 2 years
Hi! May I request one with Lewis where you’ve been married for three years but no one knows, just his team and his closest friends so everyone thinks you’re part of the Wolff family… and after a while trying you’re pregnant and try to keep it secret but him being more protective to you during races and with all your symptoms the team realises and explode in joy so the media connected points and you became the most followed couple… sorry my English 🫶🏽💕
His Little Secret
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Warnings: Mentions of intercourse, pregnancy, and its symptoms
You and Lewis have been married for three years. He was always the perfect man. He would always check up on you, give you cuddles and kisses during your period, make you food if you were in pain, and just always cheer you up. You tried your best to be a good wife. You were always loyal, sided with him even if he was wrong, but talked to him about why he was wrong, supported him through everything, but there was one thing you didn't like. You were his little secret. Only his closest friends knew and his side of the family. No one else. Yeah, sure, it hurt. But you knew that some might go crazy if they knew. ESPECIALLY TOTO, so he just never told anyone in his workplace.
On the night of your 3 year anniversary, you guys had crazy sex, and a week or 2 later, you didn't have your period. It was supposed to come the day after you guys had sex, but you were now officially 2 weeks late. You decided to go to your local drugstore in Monaco and get 3 ClearBlue pregnancy tests. You bought them, went home, and used them. Once you were just sitting there, waiting, that's when the anxiety hit you. If you really were pregnant, how would you play it off to Lewis like you weren't? What if he didn't want a baby with you yet... Or ever?
It had been 5 minutes. You reluctantly look over to the three tests. Positive, Positive, and Positive. Your heart was feeling 2 things at once. Excitement, and fear. You were excited because you were pregnant with Lewis' child, but scared because of how this would play out. Soon, you threw out the pregnancy tests and the boxes. You covered up the evidence with paper towlettes. Lewis was out that day to the Tommy Hilfiger HQ in Monaco to talk about his new clothing line. You were going to wait until he got home. It was a... uncomfortable and awkward 4 hours. You made his favourite food, Kimchi, with a side of another one of his favourite foods, veggie fried rice! You set the table, and waited for him. He walked through the front door, and you ran to him with a huge smile on your face, hiding your agony.
You yelled, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you, bringing back that neverending feeling of safety for you. You loved that feeling. Lewis got changed, sat down and enjoyed the food with you. You guys talked about his line, but then it was time to tell him.
"Lewis.. We need to talk..."
You mutter, your heart dropping to your stomach once again. Lewis immediately got concerned. He placed his hand on top of yours, and looked into your eyes.
"My love, what's wrong"?
You take a deep breath and decide you gotta go for it. You're in too deep right now.
"My love, I'm pregnant..."
His eyes light up with joy. He starts laughing, and he comes over to your side. He kisses you lovingly and holds you tight.
"I'm so happy, baby. We're having a kid!"
You giggle and hug him back.
it was time for the USA Grand Prix! You always come along with him to Grand Prix's, and so you were sitting in the plane with him when you felt really sick. You knew this was a symptom of pregnancy so you got up, and ran to the bathroom where you tried to throw up as quietly as possible. Lewis immediately understood, and walked to the door. He then knocked on it.
"My love? Are you okay?"
You flushed the toilet, coughed and got up to rinse your mouth out with water. You sprayed some Febreeze in there, chewed on a piece of mint gum, and opened the door with a smile.
"I'm fine baby."
You then mouthed the words.
"Just symptoms..."
He nodded and you both went back your seats when you stood up and tapped a fork on a wine glass.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. There is something I have to say, with Lewis' permission."
You looked over to your darling husband, and he knew you were going to tell them everything. He nodded. It was about time.
"Me and lewis have been married for three years. Yes, Shocker, but now.. We're waiting on a baby. I'm pregnant!"
You said happily and everyone clapped, smiled and says congratulations. Even Toto! He was the happiest of all! You all agreed to keep it a secret, but as soon as you got off the plane, Lewis had posted it on his instagram. Silly Lewis. You didn't mind, you just didn't want the public to go crazy. They did, and everyone was OVER THE MOON!
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton.. Amazing, ain't it?
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Day #36 of Leahs journey to becoming a mum.
-> Dear Diary, the two week wait fucking sucks. I think the two week wait is the worst part about trying to conceive.
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-> I tested this morning & tonight. Both showed up negative. I’m 9/10 days past ovulation. Which is still classified as early testing days but it’s so utterly draining seeing negative after negative are negative. It makes you wonder if you’ve done something wrong.
-> That Clearblue test I posted the other day had to have been the worst indent line I have ever seen. That test prompted me to take a digital test and ever since then my excitement for the possibility has dwindled? If that makes sense. I just want my period to arrive so we can try again. Because I’m going to confidently say I don’t think it’s happened for us this cycle.
-> Digital tests, I’ve come to find out, send me into a spiral. There’s something so upsetting about reading ‘not pregnant’ spelled out across that screen. I have two left and aren’t touching them. Fuck that. There’s no room for interpretation or hope with those ones. It’s a clear answer and a loud answer at that. I was really upset after taking that test—especially after seeing what I thought was a positive on the clearblue blue dye test.x
-> And I know a lot of you are probably thinking the same thing, Leah—it’s only your first full cycle trying, give yourself some time. Yes, I 100% agree with you and I knew going into this that it would be a process. However—you need to remember it was drilled into me that if you had unprotected sex even ONCE you were literally pregnant. No ifs or buts. I’m relearning all that crap. And the irrational part of my brain is at the helm tonight.
-> 0 symptoms today. The last five days I’ve had cramps and just have been so hungry. I’m starting to believe that all the symptoms I’ve experienced are all related to my luteal phase and not pregnancy. 
-> I will do another test in the morning and that will be my only test if the day. With work and having to travel to Forster for my grandma’s birthday dinner which is just over an hour away I don’t think I’ll have any time to sit and ponder.
-> I’m glad I have you guys to talk to about this stuff, I don’t know how other woman go through there journeys alone.
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