#clerks fanfic
myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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quirkyrahne28 asked:
Okay so this isn’t exactly an x reader type thing, but I thought I’d ask anyway. Can you do a platonic/family-like thing with Randal Graves and reader? Like Randal and reader form a bond and he takes them under his wing so to speak? He’s their immature, jerk of a dad friend, and reader is their equally immature and sarcastic surrogate kid? Idk, I just like jerk characters forming bonds like that, and Randal already reminds me of my dad anyway.
warnings: language, suggestive language
AN: I love this prompt because that’s how I see Randal too. I never thought I’d write something like this but here we are. Hope I do him justice.
I trailed behind Randal, listening to him talk about Star Wars as I nodded along. There wasn’t much we disagreed on and it worked to our advantage.
“So you wanna tell me about your week or am I just going to keep talking out of my ass?” I shrugged. “Talking out my ass it is.” Randal nodded as I laughed.
“Wait are we playing hockey with Dante today or are we going to the mall like you promised?” I nearly ran into his back as he stopped walking.
“First off I’m playing hockey with Dante. You’re watching.” He pointed a finger in my face. “Second off, I didn’t promise you anything kid. And even if I did, you have to learn when I promise something I always go back on that promise. Now come on.” We started walking again. Dante was already waiting outside the Quick Stop for us. He ruffled my hair before hitting Randal’s arm.
“Took you long enough.” I smirked and turned my head so he couldn’t see. “Did you bring the ball?” Dante looked exasperated. “Tell me you brought the ball.” Randal smirked and put his arm over my shoulder.
“Dante, you should know I always have a ball. In fact I have two.” I giggled as Randal smiled at Dante. I pulled the little orange ball out of my jacket pocket.
“I’ve got it Dante.” He took it from me with a smile.
“Honestly kid I don’t know why you hang out with him.” He patted my shoulder as I moved past him to climb the ladder up to the roof. “He’s a bad influence on you.”
“And you’re any better Mr. 37?” I called down as I leaned over the ledge. Dante looked over at Randal and then up at me in shock.
“You told them?!” Dante’s voice rose an octave. “How could you tell them?!” I laughed as I backed away and tossed the ball to one of the other guys before taking a seat on the air conditioning unit. “Fuck the both of you. You’re worse than each other. You deserve each other.” Dante climbed up grumbling to himself.
“Speak a little louder Dante. Not everyone can hear you.” I called out, earning the bird from him. Randal walked over and patted my head.
“Nice work kiddo.” I smiled up at him before he went off to join the game.
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thequickstopgrocs · 2 years
"You're a mess, Hicks,"
Dante blinked at those words, glancing over to find Randal staring directly at him with a buzzed expression laced with something Dante had only ever seen in fleeting moments with the blond.
"Yeah," he swallowed the anxiety that had twisted in his throat at Randal's words, simply lifting the can to his mouth for a sip in hopes that the drunker he got, the more the fear would go away. "I think I know that considering I'm currently sitting getting shit face drunk at the convenience store I basically live in."
Beer, drunk kisses, and burning spaghetti, what else would you expect from Dante and Randal's relationship?
My first clerks ficccc
Read it pls
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i’m gonna do it
i’m gonna write the angst
i’m gonna ruin my day and write the angst
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lastleaf · 7 months
thg fic recs
These are the gifts written for me in the various fic exchanges I've participated in. All four of them are so different from each other, and all so good.
Deterioration of a Smile - FortuneFaded2012 @fortunefaded2012
Katniss Everdeen has been on death row for ten years, but she is convinced she has only been there for months. Convicted of a triple homicide she must contend with her mental deterioration, glass wall visitations with her fiancé Peeta Mellark, and her impending execution.
Rating: M
Words: 13,101
A wedding in the district - AlwaysEverlark @alwayseverlark
Request: Non-reaped!Everlark. Katniss and Peeta interact as guests at a traditional district 12 wedding.
Another take on “it would have happened anyway”
Katniss is invited to her first Merchant wedding.
Rating: M
Words: 5,785
you make me feel - Word_Addict
Peeta and Katniss meet, not at the Reaping, but at a dance months later. Will they still find a spark, even without the Games to ignite it?
Rating: G
Words: 1,115
The Revival Tour - atleastmymomlikesme @atleastmymomlikesme
The last surviving member of the Covey returns to his nomadic roots only to find himself in the least musical place in Panem- District 13.
Rating: T
Words: 2,297
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bqu1nns · 8 months
intermittently - brian q.
my first fan fic ever!! [clap] [clap] in this fanfic, brian is a minor, 16-17 years old???? and the reader is a minor as well so no freaky stuff!!! leave comments on how i can improve PLEASEEE i love ya bye bye !
word count : 713
january 29th 1992
“i think i love you”, brian says to you, as the confession echoes through the late winter air. his words are pouring out more than he would have hoped. his gaze remained focused on your eyes only, observing your reaction with a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty. 
he is certainly not the type of highschool teenager to get all shy and nervous around other people but whenever he was around you, brian's demeanor shifted in your presence. he became a gentle and caring soul, a stark contrast to his usual self. from the first day you stepped into high school, he took it upon himself to ensure your well-being, guiding you through the hallways and making sure you found your classes.
the place of confession, in all honesty, isn't ideal. but, it does hold sentimental value – just right outside the back doors of your highschool that had witnessed countless moments between the two of you. from accidental hand touches in the cafeteria line, exchanging silly faces in the hallway and sharing lunches by the football field, this place held a trove of shared memories.
 you always thought to yourself that it was impossible to ever get bored of him. brian had a knack of turning uncomfortable moments into wholesome jokes, gently caressing your shoulder in hopes of making you feel better. everytime he leaves those innocent touches against your skin, you can't help but blush, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. 
with the help of the cold january breeze nipping against your neck, you snap back to reality. the very boy that you've liked for a year just said the words that you've spent nights fantasizing and giggling against your pillow about. the soft wind tousled his soft brown hair, revealing his furrowed eyebrows, still awaiting for an answer while you were daydreaming.  
a subtle tension lingers in the air between the two of you, like a red string tied to the both of you. brian senses that you felt contemplated in the moment, took a step back, and let you figure out what you were going to say next. he places his hands over his face in complete embarrassment, letting out a nervous laugh and says, “look, i didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything. i just wanted to let you know how i feel for you since i've been sensing some things have changed between the two of us.” 
god! hes sickeningly sweet.
“i.. i never would have expected this,” you say, trying to control your heart from jumping out of your chest. you finally look up to brian to see how beautiful he looks. the winter sun had casted a soft glow on his face, accentuating the sincerity of his brown eyes. 
i wanna kiss him. badly. 
brian, who can't stop smiling, stood in front of you, softly brushing the hair from your face with his fingers. his hands then moved down to your jacket, anxiously playing with the zipper. the awkward silence was filled with unspoken emotions. 
“you know, brian,” you begin softly, “this might sound crazy but, i've been trying to muster those words for the longest time myself.” his lips part gently, waiting to hear what you’ll say next. 
“i love you,” you confessed. his eyes, wide with surprise and joy, met yours, and the entire atmosphere shifted. brian’s mittens, warm against your gentle skin, cupped your cheek. “i've been waiting to hear those words for so long,” brian whispered against your forehead, pressing a kiss against it. 
a moment of hesitation flows through the both of you as your bodies are close against one another. everything is silent except for the sound of the two sounds of breathing and giggles leaving the both of you. he leans in closer to your face, merely inches away. without any needed words, both of your lips met in a kiss. 
you finally feel the lips you've been wanting to kiss ever since the day he lended you his coat when you were feeling a “bit cold”. since the day he held you gently in his arms as you cried in his arms. since the day he “accidentally” kissed your cheek when you accomplished something that you've been wanting. 
since forever. 
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danisbrainrot · 6 months
Here's a small little request!
Lucy Gray x Reader (Established Relationship)
Lucy Gray is really scared of how you will get along with the rest of the Covey cause their all really protective of each other. Reader meets the Covey on a journey to the lake and gets along with the Covey. The younger Covey members treat the Reader like an older sibling (annoying them as much as possible) and it just warms Lucy's heart.
Just a cute little idea!
lucy gray x reader
I'll always be such a softie for the covey <333 (I'll never forgive you, coriolanus, for stealing lucy gray from them.)
you stare in shock, mouth agape as your girlfriend invites you to go to the lake with the covey. "what?" she asks nervously, before you engulf her in your arms, embracing her tightly.
"of course I want to go," you reply, feeling her relax against your body. "I never thought you'd ask, honestly," you admit.
she sighs, pulling away gently and shrugging, "of course, it's about time you visited my favourite place in the world," she smiles widely. this relationship was still new—it was delicate. you didn't want to scare each other off just yet by being too forward. so when lucy gray asked, your heart warmed as you realised she was finally comfortable enough to consider inviting you to the covey's hiding place.
she kisses you passionately, before hearing her cue to go back on stage. "bye, darlin'," she whispers, before running on stage—leaving you to stare at her in awe.
the next day, you trudged along the dirt path that led to the forest from the seam with a backpack over your shoulders. once you get to the meadow, you spot the small group and wave out to them. you ran up to kiss lucy gray on the cheek, before being introduced to her family. maude ivory pulled you into a tight hug, smiling widely and nudging her cousin's side. lucy gray rolls her eyes, brushing off her younger cousin. barb azure offers you a kind smile while tam amber nods softly. clerk carmine smiles brightly and hugs you as well.
all six of you hike to the lake, chatting along the way. they were practically grilling you, "what do you do?" or "what did you think of last night's performance?" causing you to feel flustered. you answer honestly, occasionally looking for help from lucy gray, but other than that you were already getting along like a house on fire.
when you finally make it to the lake, everyone strips to their swimmers and runs to the pier. "I'll race ya!" maude ivory calls out, sprinting to the water as your eyes widen in shock. without hesitation, you chase after her—clerk carmine, wanting to feel included, not too far behind—and manage to jump off the pier before she could.
lucy gray's laughter echoed throughout the small area, as she watched you play with the younger children in the lake. she enjoyed watching you get along with her family, especially maude ivory. her younger cousin was an excellent test of character—and she'd taken an immediate liking to you.
as the day progresses, you become closer with the other members as well. tam amber and barb azure, while often quite soft spoken, found they could be comfortable around you and would engage in conversation eagerly.
at one point in the afternoon, you lock eyes with lucy gray, who intertwines her fingers with yours and rests her head on your shoulder. "well, they sure seem to like you," she teases.
"yeah. I'm glad you asked me out here today," you reply, kissing the top of her forehead.
"boy am I glad you came."
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glittermintghost · 10 months
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The boys are sooooo normal, nothing weird here!
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iwanturkidneys · 1 month
some tbosas modern au headcanons, mostly just the pack tbh, some of them are ooc but uh… shush
gonna be real with u, some of the headcanons r like partially stolen from other ppls fanfics or posts that ive read so if u see something on this list that u came up with plz dont be angry or anything i just stole it cuz it was cool💔
family headcanons🎉
coral and mizzen r half siblings with the same dad, mizzen lives with coral, her mom, and their dad bc his mom is dead 🎀 mizzen has a cat that he’s keeping secret from their parents, gee sure this wont turn out to be a big disaster in one of the fics im writing
dill and reaper r cousins, they live in the same house bc reapers mother wouldn’t let him come back to live with her after he got out of juvie or something i haven’t put too much thought into this, other than them the people in the household r their grandparents, dills parents, and dills older siblings, as well as two dogs
treech lives with his parents, grandmother, and his siblings, hes the middle child tragically. dont have a whole lot of thought put into this one ngl, i dont think about treech very much
lamina lives next door to treech, she lives with her dad, and like three cats, her mom died when she was younger and her relationship with her dad is pretty strained since
tanner and brandy r twins, brandy’s older, they have two younger sisters, their parents should definitely be divorced but they won’t fsr. on their farm they have a few chickens, a herd of cows, and two horses
lucy gray obvs lives with the covey, her parents r still dead tho I’m not sure quite what killed them in this universe but its not that important. idk if they have confirmed ages but i made barb azure the oldest. barb azures gf is over to their home so frequently that she doesn’t even bother knocking b4 coming in
teslee lives with her mother, and two older siblings, she took over the garage for her projects, one time her sibling tried to park their car in the garage and she screamed at them for thirty minutes bc they knocked over one of her drones 🎀
circ is teslees cousin, he lives with his parents and siblings, two older, one younger, also haven’t put a whole lot of thought into him and teslee bc i only recently realized how silly they were 💔
bobbin and wovey r cousins, wovey and her older brother moved in with bobbin and his parents after their parents died. bobbin takes his job of protecting his little cousin at school very seriously, they’re very close
alrighttt i haven’t thought about any of the other tributes enough so we’re gonna move on to regular various headcanons 🫶
coral needs glasses to read bc shes farsighted (whattt me? projecting? nooo never)
lamina always wanted a little sibling but never got one so she borrows corals 🫶 mizzen doesn’t mind being assigned a second older sister except for when lamina tries to get him to let her do his makeup (a well placed bribe of candy can convince him to let her on occasion, treech saved a picture for blackmail 🎀)
the pack as a friend group includes lamina and brandy, lamina and coral get along pretty well in this universe
if mizzen decides you have wronged him he will never forget about it, he still brings up the time treech accidentally hit him in the face with a door like four years later
teslee, dill, and circ have been friends since elementary school, they haven’t been in any classes together since sixth grade tho bc teslee and circ r both in advanced classes and dill is in remedial english bc of her undiagnosed dyslexia
mizzen is a weird kid, he’s been bullied pretty much since he started going to school, this leads him to get in a fights, which is why he was expelled from his first middle school 🎀
dill and mizzen have remedial english together bc both of them r dyslexic
sejanus’s ma teaches english and remedial english at their school
coral is the captain of her schools swim team
reaper and coral aren’t exactly friends but if they run into each other they’ll chat
mizzen and dill both thought the other hated them when they first met
cc takes orchestra a bit too seriously, if he hears u refer to a viola as a violin or something he may jump u
bobbin is in robotics with circ which is how they met, bobbin was once asked to sit out of a robotics competition bc he was too competitive and started swearing at the other team when they accidentally broke off a piece of his teams robot
teslee is in advanced english with cc, cc loves creative writing and teslee likes analyzing books. teslee and cc are friends but that all goes out the window when it comes to their grade in this class, teslee gets very upset when he gets a better grade than her on an assignment and cc has that little brother tendency to tease her when this happens. they aren’t allowed to sit beside each other anymore
mizzen and teslee have beef but they have to tolerate each other bc they’re both close friends with dill
coral has mommy issues bc her mom’s lowkey a narcissist and refuses to get therapy for the generational trauma shes passing on to coral and mizzen 🎀
brandy is the fastest to crash out when someones bothering her, if she doesn’t like you she will make sure yk and she will start throwing hands with no warning
teslee secured an internship with beetee for during her freshman year next year and she won’t stop talking about it
mizzen doesn’t believe in sunscreen
reaper loves painting flowers, he keeps his watercolor palette on his person at all times
the pack all borrow each others clothes
coral had a huge crush on persephone at one point but she never said anything and their friendship started to fade
mizzen does NOT know how to care for himself, his skin is sun damaged, his lips are perpetually cracked, his hair is outrageously dry from how much time he spends in salt water
coral is a barista
dill and reapers family are the caretakers for a graveyard, they live in a house in the graveyard and reaper helps to dig the graves, dill’s embarrassed of living in a grave yard and has never invited anyone to her house b4
wovey likes making friendship bracelets, all of her friends have at least four bracelets by this point
dill’s that one friend whos out of school sick like every other week, one time she had to be hospitalized and mizzen skipped school to come hang out with her
bobbin likes sewing, he makes outfits for mizzens cat sometimes
mizzen has braces
i have more but i can’t remember them so i may reblog this with more later, hope u enjoyed :3
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Hi guys :D Some days ago I did a silly writing of an interaction between Clerk and Club President and I kinda liked it 👉🏼👈🏼 It has a lot of headcanons about supervisors and their bondings, so I hope that you like it (And I hope it fits their personalities) hehe
Summary: Club President visits the Clerk for doing the security review of the DA Offices, but before that, they have a long talk which ends focused on another supervisor (👀)
English is not my 1st language, so if there are grammar mistakes, I'm sorry :'D
— Good afternoon, my dear friend~
— Good afternoon, Miss President.
— You know why am I here, don't you?
— I do. While you are checking the office, I'll keep working by myself. You can ask me personally about anything.
— Eh? Does CJ give you so much work?
— It's a mutual work, besides there have been a lot of trials recently. — Said while she was coming back to her seat to keep writing.
— Okay, okay, keep working, I'll be doing my check...But you know that you can skip this review for a simple price~
— President, I ask you to not insist with the Virtual Skelecogs. You don't need them and the CEO already said that you won't have them. Besides, bribery is punishable by law.
— At least I tried... — She started to walk through the office. — By the way, it wasn't necessary that you deactivated the security while I was on my way here...
— I activated it back when you got here, with me. — She sighed. — I know you. I know that you would test my security by blows and I don't have time to repair whatever you break. I don't even have time to ask the Factories for spare parts, so I want to keep my cogs and skelecogs the best as I can.
— You're right, and it's better to not associate with the Factories, they are so neglected that I wouldn't be surprised if you received a defective part.
— I trust in Foreman's work, he has never let me down in the times he has offered me his help.
— You shouldn't! He doesn't do his work right...
— Really? So you did his security review, then...
— Exactly, so I know what am I talking about! Besides, he is behaving worse each time...
— Is this another meeting where you vent to me about him?
— No...
— Anyways, I'm already used to listen to you doing that. At least, I know I'm not the only one who does.
— Eh?
— Some time ago, I had a meeting with the Auditor and we could talk a little.
— I didn't know about that...
— You didn't have to. He needed help to program and write some accounts and documents by computer, so he asked me for it.
— Did he come here?
— No, I had to visit him. He was afraid of being robbed.
— I guess you did it in exchange for something, right?
— That's right. He didn't pay any money to me, but he said he could pay me back by a favor between the CFO and the CJ, which is fine for me.
— And why are you telling me that? Does he also has complainings about Foreman?
— No. I think you don't know about this, but they don't get along so badly as you may think. I could tell that their bonding is similar as ours.
— What a bad taste the Auditor has...
— So he's also used to hear a lot of Foreman's ventings.
— What would he need to vent about? His bad work? His inefficient facilities?
— You.
— ...What?
The Clerk stopped looking at her screen for a moment to look Club President directly in her surprised face.
— The Foreman doesn't stop talking about you.
— WHAT!?
— How can you tell me that, Clerk!? — Said in a lower voice.
— It's what the Auditor told me. If you have any doubts, you should talk to him. — She turned back to her screen to continue typing.
— Of course I'll do it, when I have a step in that mint...
— That's why I told you that I'm not the only one who is fed up of hearing complains about another supervisor. I think that your relationship is very equally.
— I don't talk about Foreman all the time! It's just criticism about the bad work that he does.
— And you do it all the time, as he does it about you, according to the Auditor.
— It can't be possible, what would he have to complain about me? I do everything perfectly! Maybe he couldn't handle the criticism...
— Talk to him about it, President. That problems needs to be solved between yourselves.
— There isn't any problem besides his immaturity.
— President, you and the Foreman are the ONLY supervisors who have a conflict this intense, you are the ONLY one who doesn't trust in his work and you both make me and the Auditor know that you can't tolerate yourselves.
— You know that we all don't get along well, or perhaps you will say that you made friends with the Auditor?
— No, we are both still distrustful of each other and his loud voice still annoys me, but have you ever heard any comment from me about it?
— ...No.
— That's what I'm talking about, President. I suggest you try to solve this conflict with him before it escalates to something worse which can involve the VP or the CEO. We need to have them on our side and that bond can't break.
— Don't be dramatic...
— Are you going to continue your review?
— Yes, I will.
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acidkillz · 10 months
does anyone have a good archive of jay x silent bob fanfiction? i’ve cleaned out the ao3 tag like 3 times and trying to find any by googling is not working for me. i know these motherfuckers gotta have a shit ton somewhere.
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thequickstopgrocs · 2 years
Writing Clerks oneshot, sneaky peeky,
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It's Dante/Randal too 🥰
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and by meat i mean i make so many excuses to get them fuckin’ in the passenger seat
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wat-the-cur · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Askewniverse, Clerks (Movies - Smith) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jay/Silent Bob (Clerks), Jay & Silent Bob (Clerks) Characters: Jay (Clerks - Smith), Silent Bob (Clerks - Smith) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Butch/Butch, Raves, Recreational Drug Use, Cuddling & Snuggling, Neck Kissing, Suggestive Themes, Teasing, Affection, Fluff, Purple Prose, Short & Sweet Summary:
Jay and Silent Bob take a rest at a rave.
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nonbinary-bitch · 5 months
Hey I thought about making a fanfic about Clerk adopting Lucky guy and Emma deciding that Freddy is her daddy now (not in a sexual way btw) and he's down.
Oh end Emma is an age regressor because I say so.
Just a thought.
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obsessedwhim · 1 year
Late Night Shift
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"Hey, feels like it's gonna be quiet for the night" You swung in the all-important Security Chair, glancing through the store's cameras and seeing that- once again for the fourth time in the hour and a half you'd been checking- there was none there. Not a soul wandering through the half-filled shelves while they wailed to be skimmed through.
"You wanna go home? You got exams right?" You asked the younger worker who leaned on a nearby wall with phone in hand, his brow cocked at the question, "You gonna use this against me later?" He quickly retorted, not stopping in his relentless screen swiping.
Leaning further into the chair's back you hummed to yourself, "As long as you don't piss me off, probably not"
He took a moment to reflect, and argue with himself but with a final glance at you, he accepted and left with a jean jacket in hand.
Now it was just you and the shop, and the eventual strangers that would later begin trailing in through the door at random times during the night.
You only had around three hours left till the end of your shift so it's not like they'd be overwhelming you at any point. It was a good time to start getting the paperwork and cash lifts out of the way, and then dumping out yesterday's old food, which was an easy task to take care of. So why not do it now?
The current Supervisor, who was doing little supervising, stood with one last glance at the split screen and eyed the back building camera to make sure it was empty of any wildlife, but as you picked up the stuffed trash bag you failed to notice a strange claw mark which scraped itself onto one of the buildings further walls.
"Mami don't know... mhhmhmhm.. dropping it.. poppin it.. mmhmhmhmm, something unhoooly" you mumbled, listening to the local radio which echoed throughout the construction. A hand reaching out to the back fire escape and groaning when said escape refused to open to the outside world, "What the, I was out there earlier.."
Thinking for a moment you released a dramatic sigh before going with plan B, "Front door it is" You switched the bag to your other hand before making your way out the side of your place of work and dropping the trash to the ground.
The space behind the shop had been thoroughly beaten up, as if a large creature had thrown an awful tantrum in your short time between leaving the office and now. Bizarrely there were large claw marks littered everywhere- not to mention the dumpster had also been... thrown? It looked like.
A nearby bush ratted unnecessarily and you held a quick Karate move, effective? Probably not, life-saving?... We'll see.
The shrubbery shivered as something grew closer and closer and you began glancing around you for a weapon. Your sweat output increased as you recalled the monstrous marks left behind by.. something, could that be what was coming? What on this Earth could make something like that?
Maybe Bigfoot?
You couldn't take it, reaching for a handy stick on the floor you yelped as something grabbed your shoulder, "Don't! Get Off Me! HEEEL-"
Though you were happy to see it was a human hand covering up your screams, it quickly became a very horrid feeling, and then just like that whoever held you yelled, "Stop Screamin' Already!"
Fearful orbs sharpened in anger as you licked his hand and began slapping the male with your makeshift weapon, "Why! Would! You! Do! That!" You scorned through the slaps, Ichigo was quick to grab the twig and pull it from your hands. "You shouldn't just scream at things movin' close like that, it could just be an animal y'know"
"Do you not see this?" You waved out a hand to the ransacked dumpster, "No mere animal did this!"
"Don't get all weird about this, it could've just been a bear" he shrugged, and you glanced over your shoulder, "Kurakara has bears?"
"Maybe" Ichigo united his shoulders for another unhelpful shrug and glanced to this side, trying to act nonchalant about the whole situation.
"And what're you doing out here anyway? I thought you were getting up early tomorrow and here I find you being as shifty as ever"
"Huh? Shifty, me shifty?" the ginger growled, really regretting showing himself now but damn if you didn't have the ears of an elephant. Why didn't he just pretend to be a cat and be done with it?
"Yeees Ichigo, you. Shifty" you pointed at the male as you both made your way through the sliding doors. A cheery welcome served your return to the workplace as a customer snarkily mentioned how long he'd been standing in front of the till, and so the customer assistant dance continued.
Ichigo had passed off a half-hearted goodbye before leaving to go back from wence he came, one hand held up in a weak attempt of a wave. "I'll see ya later" he sighed as you focused on the customer, only able to slip out your own quick, "Byyye Ichi"
It's safe to say the ginger left with flush cheeks, good thing he was faced the other way and you were dealing with current complaints.
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I don't not mean this offensively at all but is blows my mind that you are a lawyer but also writing jjk fics bc I work at a law firm and cannot for the life of me imagine any of the lawyers that work there writing fanfiction LOL kudos to u seriously I know how busy schedues can get due to court dates haha
im working in like. big city criminal law stuff right now and have been told by people in my office that i come off as a very deadpan and straight-laced legal nerd so i don't think the people who know me from my attorney life are imagining me writing jjk fanfic in my free time either
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