#clints all for this always
*hugs him like THAT*
@darehearts jim's the best; iowan alliance stands strong
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A BIG BREATH IS DRAWN IN, one that expands his chest to the fullest capacity; no more air could possibly be drawn in. An OMFPH leaves his lips at the brunt force that sends him leaning forward. A warmth settles against his backside, between his shoulder blades, and then there is a weight at his shoulder. CLINT KNOWS THE WEIGHTS NAME. Words are at the tip of his tongue about to chide the Captain not to get any drool on his shoulder.
However, his words die in his throat when an arm goes over his other shoulder and the other goes around his arm. Jim's got good arms, he knows he's gotten him to work out with Clint whose probably twice as much as others. They are strong, and they pull right around him. The one arm that traps his arm squeezes so tight that he thinks Kirk's hand may crush a rib.
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The hug that he is pulled in kills all jokes on his tongue, going still as he can. Shoulders relax and his hands go up. One to hold onto Kirk's elbow and his right hand clasps over the hand across his chest. Instead of letting his BROTHER go; he holds him him there. Jim's not allowed to stop now, the tightness at which he squeezes feels dizzyingly good. Another breath is taken in, long since accepting his need for this kind of affection shared; although it's not lost on him why Jim was hugging him in the first place.
❝ It's alright, buddy, told you nothing to worry about. ❞ Clint is still not letting go, taking the moment to just breath and let the adrenaline rush wear. A few pats to Kirk's hand, then he's clasping it tight. ❝ I had it; got all of you. ❞ The hug is definitely helping with his own internal anxieties; thinks he could maybe ask Jim to hug him like this on other days or when its all shades of grey?
Kirk's definitely not being let go of anytime soon yet. ❝ Your faith in me never fails. ❞ Clint says a little softer, barely a whisper because that's what friends and brothers were. Belief in the other gave strength.
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dinosaurraarr · 2 months
Guys y'all don't understand how much I love Clint and Bucky I just wanna grab them and put them in my pocket
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hellhoundmaggie · 6 months
Do you have any SDV hot takes?
Boy do I ever Anon! Thank you for giving me the chance to get on my soapbox about this.
Shane doesn't relapse when he is happily married to the Farmer. The popular "relapse" interpretation is based on faulty assumptions about what substance abuse recovery is supposed to look like and flat-out misreadings of the text of the game.
Shane doesn't "start" drinking again: he never stops, just reduces the amount he drinks. (Unless we are supposed to interpret the phrase "cut back" in the 7 Heart Event as meaning "quit” or "gave up” for some reason. Or if we ignore the new 1.6 dialogue about him drinking less after his 6 Heart event.)
Shane's mess is not a consequence of uncontrolled drinking, but a consequence of his depression and possible under-managed ADHD. His room at Marnie's remains exactly as messy when he's in recovery as it is when he's spiraling, so the drinking has no effect on his cleanliness.
”Okay,” you might say, “but he still shouldn’t drink, and he should pick up his room.” And sure, yeah. Ideally we should all do the same. But that’s not always a fair or realistic expectation for everyone. Not everyone can quit their addictions or bad habits cold turkey. Not everyone is going to be the model citizen. That doesn’t mean they can’t live happy lives. That doesn’t mean they don’t have value. That doesn’t mean Shane doesn’t have value.
So instead of complaining about the ways that Shane fails to measure up to typical adult standards, it may be more productive to ask: is he happy? Is he doing okay?
By any reasonable measure, a married Shane is living his best possible life. He‘s surprised and delighted to be your trophy husband. He doesn’t have to worry about taking a soul-sucking job or struggling with unemployment. His drinking isn’t causing him any problems, and if he can’t keep his personal space clean, at least he doesn’t let his mess spread to the rest of the house. He has his own little coop for Charlie and it’s just adorable to watch him bounce her up and down. He actually makes time for Jas. I am not requiring everyone to love Shane the way he is written, or to make space in their farmhouse for him. But please, have realistic expectations for the character that exists. And do make friends with him. He gives you an OP recipe and access to blue chickens!
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professorsta · 2 years
Spirited was heartfelt in a way I didn't expect. I've read A Christmas Carol before and seen the many adaptions as I'm sure all of you have too, but I loved how this one tied in the Old Scrooge with the New One. Clint meeting Present who is so similar to him yet so different, for the fact that the whole time Present seems as if he's looking at a horrific fun house mirror, while Clint is meeting maybe the only person who has deeply and intrinsically connected with him. Clint learns that Present knows what its like to be a cruel controlling money hungry leach who desperately fears that when he tries to make up for it, no matter what he does, he won't ever be able to rectify the pain he caused. And yet? Present still tries, and inevitably is able to convince Clint to as well. Wasn't really a Christmas Carol beats wise but it was a realistic answer to the question; what happens after the story is over? Does the mean old Scrooge become a good man indefinitely? Or does he realize that it's not about desperately grasping at the idea of what is good, but instead about embracing and excepting his past, present, and future so he can move forward with honesty and without shame? Realizing he had to choose everyday to not say Good Afternoon, even though he knows he'll fail sometimes, and try to give grace when he does. It's the age old question; Can a bad person be a better one if they try? The movies answers, yes, everyone can do a little good.
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
I can't stop thinking about Clint with the Avengers in one emergency mission that is taking a lot longer than expected and Sally or Paul tries calling Clint and he has to shoot an arrow quickly so he hangs up while saying "Can't talk now, Steve duck!". And five minutes later Percy appears on Mrs. O'Leary, kills most of the bad guys and goes: "Hey, pa, you got mom and papa worried, please don't answer like that, mom had a bad experience with short phone calls because of me. Anyways, if you want to go home now, the casserole is still warm. Hi Nat! You can come too!" And that is how Percy meets his pa's coworkers.
After a couple of girl nights between Sally and Natasha they end up deciding that if Sally's baby is a girl, she will be called Natasha Estelle Jackson. Also Thalia starts leaving propaganda for the hunters in Percy's house in case Nat is interested
Clint pretended not to hear Stark, instead choosing to look Percy over. It wouldn’t have been the first time his hearing aid had gotten taken out in a fight after all. He was rather infamous for breaking them before Tony had taken over making them.
Percy was grinning, his hair tangled and a faint scattering of golden dust caught the light when he turned. Clint wondered if he had found the monster before or after charging head first into an Avangers Grade threat, then decided he didn’t want to know.
“Barton, you still show online. I know your ass can hear me.”
Clint thought about turning his hearing aids off, just to be petty, but Percy was turning, looking over his shoulder while he talked. “Mom and Papa are worried about you, just so you know. They’re kind of blowing up the group chat and I happened to be in the area so I thought I’d tell you.”
Before. The monster dust was from before.
“Perce, we talked about this…”
Percy flinched so hard at Stark’s sudden shout, in person now as he hovered roughly five feet above their heads rather than over comms, that he nearly tumbled off Mrs. O’Leary. Clint lunged to steady him, just barely grabbing hold of his leg. Sally and Paul would be upset with both of them if Percy got another concussion and ambrosia could only do so much.
(Not for the first time Clint wished he got more of his father’s talent for healing. It certainly would have made his life a lot easier, along with trying to keep up with Percy.)
“Stark,” Clint couldn’t keep the growl out of his voice, but Percy thankfully didn’t flinch again. “Stand down.”
“What do you mean stand down? That’s a hell hound! And a child! A demigod! Where the hell did you get a demigod child!”
Percy blinked, looking between Clint and Tony, then seemed to come to the conclusion that whatever was going on wasn’t his problem. “Well I told you mom and papa were worried so that’s my job done. Oh, and dinner is ready… which will be in the oven waiting for you when you’re done with all,” He gestured vaguely somehow managing to encompass mostly Tony. Stark let out an affronted sound. “Oh, hey Nat! Mom said you can come to dinner too. Well she didn’t but she will when I tell her! Love you! Don’t get ate!”
With a click of Percy’s tongue Mrs. O’Leary bounded off down the street, leaving Clint alone with the rest of his team who were all looking at him expectantly.
Clint turned off his hearing aids and wished he had his own hellhound to help him avoid this conversation.
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brw · 5 months
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Hank Pym taught me that there are choices beyond programming! Janet Van Dyne, that there was beauty in the smallest of people. Pietro Maximoff, that if one's father is evil, it does not mean the child must be! Clint Barton, that there is no such thing as a powerless man! And Wanda, my dear Wanda... taught me that even an android can love!
Universe X #X by Alex Ross, written by Jim Krueger and drawn by Dougie Braithwaite
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tryalittlejoytomorrow · 11 months
perhaps I wouldn't need to tend to my grudges like Kaz Brekker if Joss Whedon hadn't planted the seed for Clintasha only to stomp on it like a petulant toddler
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cowboylikeyouu · 4 days
sometimes i wish trash tv AUs would be a thing like gimme the avengers in love island or sum, i would eat that shit up
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frereamour · 3 days
fake liamgirl incestina one of your favourite fics is noel centric and noel/liam is only a side pairing 😔
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silly-cheese-rat · 3 days
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A Star
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
hey, clint. what about those monster ladies (and guys), huh?
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What's that ⸻
Oh, is it the sound of groaning? The sound regret seeping deep into his bones, reminding him that he should have let that one d-listere villain sew his mouth shut. Honestly, if he had let that happen it would saved him from a lot of bad decisions.
Is he ever going to learn that when his mouth opens? Words are going to spewl out and the rest of the world is able bodied and hearing. So they are going to hear the things that come out of his mouth and remember it. Let's not get into his memory issues, he can only lose so much in one day from one question.
On top of the sound of groaning, there's the distinct mouth feel and taste of foot-in-the-mouth (no! not like that! that is not in his ⸺ please). That would be due to the fact that more than one person, and why did he ever confirm that to America, knew that he may or may not find some individuals with monstrous features attractive.
Clint has a chance now, right now (is he going to take it), to not open his mouth and say nothing. If he says nothing right now, he will have some dignity left. The bar was very low, he should considering upping his standards but he was a superhero after all.
Except. . . . he was Clint Barton, professional dumpster fire, master of word voice, and he might as well explain it. What's the worst that could happen? It gets out on the news and Helen has to call him in for a meeting about PR. He swears to the god-that-is-dead if he has to watch or see HR about this kind of thing (the avengers hr-made sexual harassment video has to be he worst thing he has even seen).
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❝ Well... Big tall women... or men.. ❞ or any way they identify. Does he need to mention the strange awakening he had after Venom held him by the throat while he was naked surrounded by super villains? Not he firsst time a big montrous man had their hand around his throat and certainly won't be the last. ❝ with... you know... green skin, or... claws and tiger stripes... scales and... t-tenta- uhhhh, aren't off the... ❞ Those first two of those sounded eeriely like a team mate or few that he's had. If they ever knew, well, they scare him and scarousal is a real thing for him.
❝ h-hairy... ❞
See exhibit a (venom) andd then see his concern about HR? He's not weird about it; he really wasn't. When Wanda generally turned down his advances, he accepted it. He tries to be a good guy about it; always more then ready to handle a creep, d-bag, or scum if they were bothering anyone with unwanted interest.
Shut up. Please, shut up, close your mouth.
❝ Doesn't everyone dream about big... tall... thirty foot not-entirely human entities sweeping you up and craddling you and... so what if they've got a long tongue, or extra limbs, or other features... ❞
You have a lot of dreams about giant monster women, Hawkeye? I refuse to answer that on the grounds that the answer is "yes" Gross, Barton. Also don't steal my lines.
The point has been thoroughly gotten, at least, he hopes so. Clint's tried not get into the details or specifics, because they'd be damning. And he really was trying to repair his whole reputation. What kinks, who he was into, his preferrences and positions.... That'd be a nightmare of a twitter swarm.
Can the ground swallow him up now before Clint Barton is a monster fucker is trending? Not, that he actually has. Fantasy does not make reality.
❝ That's normal... normal people... I bet you were dreaming about Godzilla and the Mothman last week ❞
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"Wait, does this mean you've read fanfic about us?"
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❝ Bruce baby ❞ was a terrible way to start this answer. It's a question that no one should ever ask because no one wanted to hear the answer from Clint. They didn't want to know the things that he knew. Whoever turned Clint Barton onto the wider world of fanfiction made a grave mistake that'll haunt the minds of many for decades. ❝ I had a very haunting dream after reading Sparkleheartfartz37's fanfic about gaping holes in the avengers kink list two shot featuring yours truly and Mr Big and Green. It also featured some side Thor and Tony. ❞
He is not going add that was included with an extremely confusing wet dream to follow. Some people were good writers, should pursue careers in erotica. He needs more cowboy erotica writers out there. ❝ I perruse, on the occasion, no one quite captures how dark your humor is. You're mostly just a nerdy teddy bear and Hulk's well... ❞ He coughs, because he is sure Bruce's imagine can figure out what Hulk was to the kink world.
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Yelena hearing Natasha tell her not to spike the engine, looking at Natasha with love and regret and then doing what she has to do.
Natasha seeing Taskmaster approaching fast, looking at Yelena with love and regret and then doing what she has to do.
Natasha, letting go, falling to save Yelena.
Natasha, letting go, falling to save everyone.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 10 months
"This is going to sound like an incredibly stupid question, but how would I go about 'flirting' with someone" Bruce @ Clint
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❝ OH, BANNER! ❞ He says as he puts together what Bruce was asking him here; DATING ADVICE. That either means there's someone he's into, which mean the little birds (himself) will have to get nosy and find out more.
Now to answer that question, what better way to explain it than to teach by example. ❝ Anyone else mention how you LOOK all aloof, pen stuck between your lips, tapping as you think about a note you want to scribble down? ❞ He asks, thinking he's pretty smooth for noting the observation that he's made. SHOW THEM YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION. Clint takes Bruce by the arm, looping his arm to start to walk them off as if he is leading him down the learning lane of flirting.
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That's another page taken out of the book on how to flirt. PHYSICAL TOUCH. Touch them in a little ways to show interest. ⸻ ❝ It's cute. ❞ Third thing, A COMPLIMENT. ❝ You're cute. ❞ Okay, only Clint has been so bold to double down. And well, it was cute.
❝ See, flirting's easy like that ⸻ why or who are you trying to flirt with? ❞ He asks with a grin, leaning into Bruce's arm. Clint was not going to let this go.
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Kate Bishop!!
Ever since the very first Avengers movie, Hawkeye and Black Widow have been my favorites to learn more about, especially from their comic book origins. When I began my pursuit for knowledge into Hawkeye I began noticing he often had a second woman as his right hand (and sometime his brain and common sense). This discovery lead me to Kate Bishop, and from the first sarcastic comment I was hooked. Seeing her come to life from page to screen was truly amazing and I couldn’t have asked for more, I’m excited to see more from this duo of Hawkeyes.
P.s. I always loved how she never had a “girl indicator” with her superhero name. It was just Hawkeye, no Lady Hawkeye or Ms Hawkeye or something like that.
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cag3dsong · 1 year
My friend has been giving me one of my fave ships for Nadia via discord and while it's technically not a ship yet I am vibing so hard, like I am simply OBSESSED because it is 👌👌👌 EVERYTHING.
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