#clone oc jest
mroddmod · 4 months
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hi. i made a clone oc :3 i’ll post more of him, his men, and his generals soon 🫶
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ominouspuff · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
Tagged by @chiliger
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WIP animation — Young!Clones: Life after the war, on Alderaan
The idea is that, post RepGA-AU, part of the epilogue includes the remaining maturing clones in their new chance for a different future, most often being raised by the older vod’e in one new sort of home or another.
No-pressure tagging: @omaano @frostbitebakery @raphaerolo (or anyone who wants to — I tagged so many people last time)
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grimpisces · 4 months
hello there^^
Could you pls spare some more details off your clone/ bacteria of? The concept is so good *chefs kiss*
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I'M SORRY (this was asked back in October...)
I kinda just post and go back into my cave when I log on here....
But since I'm starting to post more I'll go ahead and answer.
My Clone Oc was kinda more of a test ngl, they're based off of an Oc I have for an idea of a game I want to build (so if you see me post stuff about it/or from a different account I might promote it's me lol)
As I was working on my Oc I was getting so into Clone Wars again so they kinda merged.
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I wont lie, I'm still kinda working on them (along with a few other clone Oc's I have to play along in the story for him) I changed their name because I didn't know a clone already took CT-0000, well it was more gonna be an 'error' type thing. However, I found that them still actually having the clones number would be nice.
I'm also not sure on the face/body, if I want to make them more monster-ish or more human, eyes around the body or not?
So the 'lore' for them is mainly CT-0410 (shiney not named due to being shy and not talking much with brothers) going out on his first mission with his Platoon but venturing out to far and getting killed by droids. However, this planet held quite weird bacteria living on it ( not to sure if I want to say a fungi? or not) , which came into contact with 0410's body and merged. Eating him almost entirely but left the brain, eyes and bones, then began to mimic the parts for a human (making more eyes/forming a 'body') due to the bacteria actually connecting with the brain and trying to remember/function like 0410.
So yes, that's the jest of it all, I'm currently working on a short comic series (I have never done comics lol) but I'm in a bit of an artist drought...well for like years lol so I'm hoping this helps with that.
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arctrooper69 · 2 years
Can you add me to your tag list for From Enemies to Lovers? And could you write a romantic fluff request with Wrecker x female OC, 13 & 25 or just one.
Thanks! I love your writing!
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get to your request, but here I am! ☺️ You asked for your OC!Summer x Wrecker so I hope I did both of them justice. Hope you like it!
Unexpected Surprises
Prompt 13: "Since we're dating, does that mean I can hold your hand whenever I want?"
Prompt 25: "You love me?" "I always have."
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Warnings: None. Just fluff. Also, apologies bc I haven't written in third person for awhile so it sounds weird to me.
"Ey Mesh'la, watch out!"
Summer stumbled forward tripping over some rocks. She would've fallen if not for Wrecker's iron grip instinctively reaching out to grab her collar.
"Thanks Wreck." She mumbled, face growing hot with embarrassment. This wasn't the first time Wrecker had saved her skin in a situation like this and it most likely wouldn't be the last.
Maker, he must think I'm a moron.
"No problem!" He grinned widely. "Just be careful. There's a lotta stuff out here that could hurt ya." He clapped her on the back in a friendly gesture, nearly sending her flying forward tripping over her own feet.
"Oops. Sorry, Mesh'la," he said sheepishly as he once again pulled her to her feet, "I sometimes forget yer not as big as my brothers."
She rolled her eyes playfully then looked around the lightly wooded path the pair were travelling down. "So where are we going anyway?"
To say the current planet was nice would have been a very big stretch considering it was supposed to have been a dreamscape.
Rolling hills of bright blue and green grasses connected perfectly flowered areas of shady forest. Even the trees - whose richly colored leaves were vibrant shades of reds, oranges, and yellows - blew gently in the warm wind. The weather always seemed to be sunny and the skies were filled with the sweet sounds of the native birds. The perfect paradise -
Or at least that's how the billboard that Wrecker found described the place as.
"Well it...the holo said it was supposed to be nice and all." His face fell. "But this don't look nothin' like it did on there." He kicked at the rocks Summer had tripped on earlier. The uneven dirt path that wound through the trees, was littered with them. Wrecker sat down heavily on a large rock, looking miserable.
"I'm sorry, Summer."
A sudden rustling sound emanated from the bushes behind them.
"Hey, uh, Wrecker?" Summer sounded nervous. "There's something out there." She pointed with wide, cautious eyes, over to where the sound had come from. "Look!"
The bushes rustled again and something flicked in and out of sight - too quick to see quite what it was. Some kind of animal? Droids?
Wrecker frown and shuffled over to get a closer look, standing protectively over the smaller woman. The rustling started up again and once again something flitted in and out of view. Wrecker gasped.
"Did you see that!?" He whispered loudly.
"Yes," Summer whispered back, slightly worried, "It's probably just some kind of animal." She shook her head, "Nothing to worry about."
Wrecker's cybernetic eye was dwarfed by his real one widening. "I hope it doesn't eat people."
Summer chuckled.
"Nah," she teased, winking at him. "Tech told me about these things. They only eat clones."
"Oh good." Wrecker sighed in relief but then stopped short as if something had just occurred to him. "Wait. I'M a clone!"
Wrecker jumped to his feet. "Don't let it get me, Summer!" He wailed loudly and mostly in jest. Mostly. The rustling grew loud suddenly as whatever was in the bushes rushed towards them. Summer let out a startled shriek, latching onto Wrecker with both arms and legs. He pulled her close to his chest with ease and jumped up onto the rock he'd been sitting on as if putting the short distance between them and the supposed danger would actually make a difference. Summer peeked over his shoulder cautiously. Wrecker had a blaster out, pointing it towards the noise. "Get out here right now or I'll shoot!" Wrecker demanded with a snarl.
The bushes gave another small shake and a small grey creature skittered out of the leaves. A beat of silence, then Wrecker burst out laughing.
"It's.....it's only....a little bunny!" He guffawed, barely able to get his words out. His belly laugh triggered Summer's own hysterical giggles.
"Don't worry, Mesh'la," cackled Wrecker, "I'll save you!"
Summer wiped her eyes, stomach aching with laughter. "Oh maker, I love you Wrecker. We always seem to get into some sort of adventure together, don't we."
"Yeah." He agreed, sending him back into giggles. "You'd better look out for that bunny though. It'll get ya."
When the laughter died down, Wrecker sat, leaning against a tree. He looked around and after awhile, his smile disappeared, replaced with a solemn frown of disappointment. He scratched his head, trying to think. "I'm sorry this ain't turnin' out like I thought it would, Summer."
She sat up, leaning against his leg so that she could see him better.
"Wrecker, you don't have to plan a fancy trip to go on a date with me." Summer smiled, gently resting a hand on his large knee.
He looked down at her with his mouth half open in disbelief, "You mean.... we're dating!? This is a date!?"
She giggled shyly. Maker, he was adorable.
She felt her face grow warm again. "Only if you want it to be..."
Wrecker's face lit up like a kid at Christmas. "Well heck yeah, Mesh'la! Of course I wanna date a pretty girl like you!"
"You think I'm pretty?"
Wrecker gave her an incredulous look, I don't THINK you're pretty. I KNOW you're pretty." He chuckled, "Besides, Tech's the thinkin one. Not me."
The two were quiet for a moment, taking in the atmosphere. Maybe it wasn't so bad out here after all, Summer thought. Sure, it was a lot more rocky and the leaves on the trees were just a normal green, and maybe there were more than a few wild animals, but it was still nice. Especially since she was here with her favorite person in the galaxy. Wrecker made her smile even when nothing else could.
"Did..." Wrecker began somewhat timidly.
Summer looked up at him expectantly.
"Did you really mean it?" He asked softly, looking down, not quite meeting her eyes.
Summer leaned into him, resting her head in his lap. "Mean what?"
"When you said you loved me."
She sat up, crawled to her knees so that she was facing him, and placed her hands on his cheeks.
"Of course I do, Wrecker! I always have. Ever since I first met you."
It was his turn to blush. "Oh. Well, then I love you too, Mesh'la!" He stood up excitedly, causing Summer to squeak in surprise. He picked her up into his large arms and spun her around.
"Hahaha, you looooooove me!" he teased. Summer laughed and Wrecker thought it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. To him, Summer's laughter felt like a warm summer evening and her eyes lit up and danced like fireflies. He kissed her.
"No clue why you'd love a guy like me," he confessed as he set her back down, "but I'm real glad ya do!"
Summer grinned. "So since we're already here, why don't we just do some exploring." she suggested. "Wanna go for a walk?"
Wrecker gasped suddenly, causing Summer to jump. "Hey! Since we're dating," he began excitedly, looking like a kid in a candy shop, "Does that mean I can hold your hand whenever I want!?"
Summer nodded enthusiastically. "I'd like that alot, actually."
Wrecker grabbed her small hand in his large one, pulling her close, "and don't worry, Mesh'la, if we see any more bunnies, I'll protect ya."
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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annwayne · 1 year
The Red Logs: Return to the Temple Ch. 15
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Chapter 15: The Mess
Last Chapter <- -> Next Chapter
Fem!OC X Crosshair
Word Count: 2225
Fic Summary:
There are benefits to owning a clone bar. Underworld lords don’t threaten you to pay for protection. Clones are great company. And the drinks taste great. However, there are also risks to owning a clone bar. Like, for example, becoming the fuck buddy of a special clone task force member so your life gets threatened when a Separatist puts out a bounty for your capture in order to use you as blackmail. Also your sleep schedule gets wrecked. But Anya Tougt is a little more capable than an average bar owner.
Ao3 Link Here
Warnings apply to whole fic:
Canon typical violence, descriptions of panic attacks, alcohol, swearing, 18+ themes (eventual smut), trauma, religious trauma parallels, mild gore
Authors Note:
Laughing at the title of this chapter. Didn't even see the double meaning when I picked it. Got another chapter finished so another chapter gets published. Even though I had told myself I wouldn't post another chapter till the whole fic was finished, well I didn't expect there to be another chapter to write. So in my defense, I've got yet another chapter to write before the fic is done... Also yeah, there will be a series. This story is no where near done. (Well, this part of the story is near done but-you know what I mean.)
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25 BBY. Unrest has sent several Jedi Masters and their Padawans out into the galaxy, but Tali requested we stay on Coruscant. When I asked why, she told me she doesn’t agree with making Jedi into enforcers. But, isn’t that what we’ve always done?
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Eventually, I found the mess hall. Bacta always made my stomach flip, but for a place to hunker down away from Kenobi I was willing to stand the stench of what they considered food on these ships. The clones left me alone, though their confusion was tangible through the force. The thought snapped my spine up. I hadn’t noticed emotions so strongly through the force in years. A glance through the clones confirmed that none of them were overtly high emotionally–something that’s easier to detect. Now it was tangible. Almost visible, but not like looking at something with my eyes. More like looking with my mind.
“Annie,” A voice calling out to me pushed away my thoughts. “We’ve been looking all over for you!” Wrecker waved at me as I glanced up from my hands to see four men walking my way. “We stopped by the general’s quarters, but he had no idea where you went.”
“Neither did I.” Irritation crossed my arms and brought a furrow to my brow. But then Wrecker’s expectant look forced a smile on my face. “Am I right to guess that you had a hand in this new look?” With flourish, I stood and gestured towards the new armor on my body.
“Yeah!” Wrecker grinned ear to ear. “If you’re going to be working with us, you shouldn’t look like a reg.”
“Oh?” Behind him I caught Tech’s hazel eyes watching me before flicking back down to his tablet. While the effort was appreciated, I hadn’t told Tech I was completely on board with his plan. He didn’t look back up. “So, Tech told you…?” I slowed my words hoping one of them would fill in the details I was unaware of.
Wrecker sat across from me, while Tech took the seat beside me.“That you asked Obi-Wan for assignments with us more often! In a way, that makes you our Jedi!”
“Not that we need one.” Crosshair sat beside Wrecker, giving his brother a light shove with his elbow in jest.
Hunter sat down beside him, exhaustion clearly written under his eyes. He said nothing, instead opting to shovel mush into his mouth. All the others had a similar tray of food before them.
“Already eat?” Crosshair asked.
I shook my head. “Bacta makes even the most appetizing food unappetizing…” With one hand I waved towards their trays. “That’ll require a stronger stomach.”
“So you came to the mess to sit around?” Again, the gravelly voice questioned me.
Beside me Tech shuffled. Wrecker watched me between bites. Hunter didn’t pay us any attention.
“Wanted to stretch my legs.” My arms crossed as I leaned back on the thin bench that made up the seating at the table. “Don’t usually feel so stiff after a night in the bacta tank.” I rolled my shoulders for emphasis.
The clones exchanged glances.
“What?” I leaned forward and uncrossed my arms.
“You were in the tank for three days.” Beside me, Tech answered with that attentive voice he gets when someone doesn’t know something. “Did General Kenobi not inform you of the complications with your healing?”
“What?” I had rushed off to the refresher for a bath before either the medical droid watching over me or Obi-Wan could get a word in. When I finally got out… “We had other things to discuss.”
“How’d you think we had the time to get your armor painted? Took two days of free time to do it.” Wrecker grinned at their accomplishment. “Another day just for Tech to round up the pieces.”
The lost time started to dawn on me as I recalled my stiff joints and the extra strong scent of bacta. “Complications?” The question was more or less rhetorical, but Tech was at the table.
“You were much worse off than I estimated.” Tech’s eyes avoided my own as a thin frown set on his face. “Due to your lucidness, I thought the injuries did not cut so deep. Looking back, I realize I saw the signs of deep injuries and I dismissed them. Apparently force users have a significantly higher pain tolerance than the other members of their species.”
“Tech.” Thanks to his modifications, there was finally emotion in my altered voice. “You didn’t know.”
He shifted his gaze to his tray. “Yes.”
Before I could try to reassure him further, Crosshair spoke. “Not that it mattered, she’s perfectly fine and got to sleep through half the journey back. Seems like a bonus to me.” He held his spoon out, pointing it at me, but gave a smirk to his brother.
“Some of us like to use our time more productively than just sleeping.” Tech shot an annoyed look at the sniper, but lifted his shoulders from their slouched position.
“Speaking of, commander, now that you’re healed you should join our training.” Hunter finally joined in the conversation. “We only have a few days of travel left, so we’ll have to make the most of it before we land.”
“Wait, you’re not leaving The Negotiator?” The surprise in my voice was not subtle. Each clone gave a shake of their head as I scanned the table for their responses. “That means you’ll be on leave when we get to Coruscant?” Again, I scanned. This time they nodded.
“We usually go on a few missions before going on leave again, but considering the complications of this one Obi-Wan specifically requested we be given time off.”
Helmets were really useful. “Oh, That’s good, that you get a break, I mean.” My eyes drifted with my swirling thoughts till I was looking at nothing in particular. What was that Jedi up to? “When’s training?” I asked, slowly pulling my eyes back into focus as I turned to Hunter.
“In a few hours, when the ship goes on Night Shift.” Hunter answered.
“We like to use the gym when it’s empty.” Wrecker added.
“Two and a quarter hours, to be exact, Annie.”
I nodded my head in response, still mulling over the implications of Obi-Wan giving the batch leave immediately. No chance I’d be able to go home right after we land on Coruscant. The council will likely require a debriefing. That means Crosshair would probably beat me to the bar. I won’t have time to get Stinky, fill in Jayas with whatever lie I’ve yet to come up with and–
“Have you got your room assignment yet?” Tech’s question cut off my spiral of thoughts, though part of me felt he didn’t even notice my change in mood.
“No.” My lips pursed under my helmet. “I left before Obi-Wan could say…”
“No worries, I’ll check the ship’s system.” Tech tapped away on his data pad. “If you’ve got a room assignment, it’ll show up here.” He tilted his screen towards me, showing me a list that looked like a mess of numbers and letters.
“Thanks, Tech.” I slid closer, trying to get a better view of the datapad.
Across from us I could feel someone staring. I glanced up to see a reticle aimed at me. Crosshair had finished his meal and was now sitting with his arms crossed while Wrecker talked to him. He didn’t look away when I caught him staring. Instead, the sniper twirled the toothpick resting between his lips. My head tilted down, an involuntary action as I attempted to guess what the sniper was thinking.
“Deck 3, Room 371.” Tech, once again, snapped my attention.
“Now I just have to find it.”
“Actually, that is why I asked in the first place. Since you are still unfamiliar with The Negotiator, I wanted to offer directions.” Tech swiped his screen, showing me what looked to be blueprints for the star destroyer. They didn’t help with my understanding of the ship.
“Didn’t you need to sync the nav system?” Before I could answer, Crosshair questioned his brother.
Hesitation parted Tech’s lips. “...Well, yes. But that will take me no more than an hour.”
“Tech.” This time Hunter spoke. “Last time you said that we were nearly three hours behind departure. Just enough time to finish before training.” Hunter’s soft expression clashed with his commanding tone.
“Leave the Commander to me, I’ll make sure she gets home in one piece.” Again, Crosshair met my gaze. Despite almost always wearing a glare, this piercing look dug deeper than usual. Movement beside me turned my head. Tech glanced between the toothpick wielding clone and myself. A look of uncertainty furrowed his brows together.
“That’s fine.” I answered in a tone that did nothing to help Tech understand my thoughts. All I could do was hope this was about something other than my identity. Even still, my stomach turned in fear.
With my acceptance, Crosshair stood, carrying his tray to the nearest bin. I followed, leaving Tech to watch us exit the mess. We matched stride in the halls, passing clones and a few droids, until we turned a corner into a less traveled corridor. Only our footsteps and the various sounds of the ship echoed down the long hall. Until, “My brother is off limits.” Crosshair spoke, but kept his head straight forward.
Relief escaped in a sigh. Then the confusion set in. “What?”
“You seem to have left an impression on Tech.” That earned a side glance. “He’s the one who orchestrated your new gear and has been pitching your involvement with our squad since you’ve been in the bacta tank. His attitude about you has significantly changed since your time in the escape pod with him.” There was a hint of accusation in that last sentence.
“Hold on,” I took an extra step forward and turned to face him. My movement forced him to halt, landing him a few centimeters from me. “You haven’t explained what ‘off limits’ is.”
A silver eyebrow shot up and the clone gave me the most confounded expression I had seen on anyone before. “Fucking, Annie. Don’t fuck my brothers, especially Tech.”
My helmet did not help me this time. “No! You think I want? From him?” That earned a frown from Crosshair and glare to match. “He’s not my type?” Unfortunately, my words weren’t muffled by the foot in my mouth.
Crosshair sighed and stepped around me, continuing our path to my quarters. His pace was faster than before. After a moment of internal screaming I chased after him.
“What I mean to say is, while Tech is handsome and most likely perfectly good in bed, I have not thought of him, or Hunter, or Wrecker, in that way.” Now I was the one forced to stop.
Crosshair turned suddenly, staring silently at me. His toothpick twirled slowly.
“What?” The scrutiny of his gaze was wearing through my patience.
“Tech, Hunter, or Wrecker.” Crosshair lifted the toothpick from his lips and pointed it at me. “But you didn’t say anything about me.”
“We weren’t talking about you.” I answered too quickly.
His smirk, that stupid pretty smirk I could get lost in, grew. “Uhu.” He returned the pick to his mouth. “Well, so long there’s no issue.” Crosshair turned on his heels, yet again leaving me behind to silently scream.
“There isn’t!” I called after him.
Luckily our journey was over.
Crosshair stood in the doorway while I entered the small room. It was stuffy, like a rarely used supply closet. My things laid on the bed, evidence that even Obi-Wan had a limit I pushed past. As I zipped open my bag, Crosshair followed me into the room. The slide of automatic doors pulled my head up.
“If you aren’t trying to get in my brother’s bunk,” The sniper cocked his head at me. “Then why’s he taken such an interest in you?”
My eyes returned to the contents of my duffel bag. “Me?” To my surprise my personal datapad had been returned to me. This had to be some kind of breach of security, right? I tucked it to the side. “You’d have to ask him about that.”
“I’m asking you.”
Footsteps neared the bed. My spine crawled. Before Crosshair could reach me, I turned on my heel. “Why? I told you nothing has happened or will happen between Tech and I. What more are you fishing for?” The words came out breathy.
Only a nose from me, Crosshair looked into my visor, seemingly trying to replicate the expression of an emotionless helmet. My question gave him pause. After what felt too long under his reticle, Crosshair spoke. “You’ve worn a bucket the entire mission. At first I thought you were smart; a Jedi wearing head armor for once. But then it didn’t come off in the ship. Or while we trained in the cargo bay. You never took it off.”
Anger and fear welled up in my chest and scratched at my throat. How could one bartender playing spy put me through hell? This wasn’t my life! I shouldn’t be here. I… I answered.
“Don’t ask me to. Not yet.”
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Authors end chapter notes:
Is Crosshair being a presumptuous ass thinking Annie is into him? I mean, we know the answer but technically he doesn't. They weren't talking about him!.. right? 😏 Let me know your thoughts if you have any! Thanks for reading :D
Dividers by Djarrex   
Tag list: @midnight-sun-01
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8733bynn · 3 years
This takes place during the first half of the war before Bynn’s transfer to Coruscant, when he is still serving with the 91st.
Bynn sat on the shuttle ramp staring ahead blankly. He was cold, he was numb. How had it come to this? He’d thought it was safe, that for once letting his guard down wouldn’t result in someone getting hurt. First the Kaminoans and their torture sessions they called testing and taking his batchmate away in the night with no warning. Then the loss of his first squad and his captain. The nightmare that demagolka  had made of the ship he’d started to consider a home, the loss of two batchmates at his hands, and everything else.  He’d thought this was different, that falling for Sajun would protect him from this exact heartbreak. He wasn’t even crying. He just felt numb. He’d come to truly believe that Sajun loved him, that his heart was safe with the kind, exuberant Togruta. Even when Sajun told him about his illness, he’d believed that there was a solution. That somehow, someway, someone would find something that could help him. He was so good, surely the galaxy would shape itself to save him. Of all the people in it, the galaxy would save him. He’d even offered to go to his general, only to find out that Sajun had already been seen by Jedi healers, and that they worked in the Medcenter he went to for treatments. He’d taken care of him, fussed over him on the bad days, sure that some miracle would happen. After all, clones didn’t get miracles, but natborns did. He’d been blinding himself. So young and in love and devoted that he stopped imagining a galaxy where Sajun didn’t exist, changing it’s rules in his head to guarantee his survival. Everything he’d been through, everything he knew and had experienced, all the brothers lost, you’d think he would know better. That he would have been prepared for this. He had deliberately deceived himself. He knew that now, now as he held that blasted letter in his hands. He’d been at 79’s when he got the news. 
They’d shipped out months before, a campaign with an unknown ending. After a series of quick campaigns, arrive for a few days, leave for a couple weeks, then back again. It had been perfect for a soldier's whirlwind romance. He’d fallen the moment he’d seen him. It wasn’t like Bynn wasn’t used to attention. He’d had a few hookups and there was always someone if he wanted them. But Sajun had been different, from the very first moment there had been a spark. Something about him that made Bynn feel settled, safe, comfortable. He’d gone to his apartment as soon as he got off the ship, just like he always did. Sajun had given him a key for that reason. But it hadn’t worked, he’d knocked and knocked and when the stranger answered the door, they said they didn’t know him. But it was his apartment. He’d gone looking for help, a brother to help him find Sajun. Surely something must have happened if he wasn’t living there and not answering messages. He had to be in trouble, even in the medcenter he could answer messages.
It was one of Sajun’s friends who had found him instead. He’d shown up to 79’s to get his brothers, they had pointed him to the rodian woman. She gave him a letter, told him the news, maybe she’d been as gentle as she could, maybe she hadn’t been trying to hurt him. But telling him that Sajun had died while he was gone. That the only thing he had left of him was a few holo’s and a handwritten letter. It felt like someone had kicked his face in. He still wasn’t sure how he’d gotten to this hanger. He couldn’t muster the energy to move, to think. He could barely breathe. He felt frozen, for the first time in his life. He didn’t know how to go on.
He sat staring blankly into space when he felt a firm hand press down on one shoulder and a softer, shakier one land on the other as his commander and his closest vod, his last batchmate, sat next to him on the ramp. No words were spoken, they simply wrapped their arms around him and held him tight. He reached his own arms up to wrap around theirs, appreciating the support, just for a moment, a handful of seconds before his grip tightened and he broke. Deep, gasping sobs, pouring out every bit of pain he’d held so tightly back magnifying and amplifying his grief. The man he loved so deeply was gone and he’d never gotten to say goodbye. Not for real, not the way he would have, should have. Drift and Jest sat there, in the temporary silence of the hanger, staring at the Coruscant night as they held another mourning brother, another loss in a life full of it.
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side-vermin93 · 2 years
So after reading a (frankly unhealthy) amount of Murder Drones fan content i wanted to try and have a go at making my own idea of an AU. I dont have a name for it (i'll burn that bridge when i get to it)
The AU i made revolves around a single question: "What if there were Human survivors of the Core Collapse?"
Below is the draft of my AU, prepare for brainrot and blame the Heatwaves.
"Humans are pretty adaptable and stubborn creatures, surely there had to have been survivors of the collapse right? Whether in emergency shelters, natural formations or pure dumb luck a few thousand lucky survivors were able to make it out alive. And probably would've been able to rebuild given time.
If the Drones didnt take advantage of their creators weakness that is. Years of being treated unfairly had motivated the workers to strike out against the former employees, even outright hunting them down in some occasions. With conditions on the surface growing more hostile by the day, food reserves running low, and vengeful drones stalking the surface, many ex-employees turned survivors start turning to desperate measures. Cybernetics, cloning, genetic enhancement, all of these were tried in an attempt to adapt to the hostile environment and the drone revolts. Hiding in distant wastes and old cave systems for shelter while hell freezes over
And so that ends my AU idea for now. I also have a human(ish) OC from this AU idea that i could post at a later time if people are interested. A warm thank you for reading this far and not clicking off out of disgust (i jest, im obviously the best thing since cold water /s)
I'd also like to offer my deepest apologies for any grammatical or worldbuilding errors i have made.
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nibeul · 3 years
Please I want to know more about your clones 🤔🤔
I am so late to responding to this but GLADLY!! I love gushing about them though I have so many (like 50 I think) so I will try to stick to my main group ahh :)
Cross (he/him): Cross was my first clone OC ever, so he holds a very special place in my heart even if I do not draw him often enough. He’s a commander (CC-0044) and was present on Geonosis, though later returned to Kamino to help Alpha with the CC training program.
He got his scar in 21BBY and it’s actually not from the battlefield (none of his scars are actually from the battlefield). The scar comes from being whipped by a lightsaber hilt, which sounds funny out of context, but it wasn’t an accident.
He’s batchmates with @katanrocksketches ‘s OC Asch! The two were pretty close when they were in training, and Cross got his name before leaving Kamino. It was given to him because of his kind of uhhh, “cross nature” or disposition pfft. He softens up a bit between 22BBY-20BBY though the walls go up again after that :’)
Coming off Kamino, he was a stickler for rules and was not a big fan of clones tattooing themselves/dying their hair and whatnot (he didn’t even like having a name at first though his batchmates used it enough that it begrudgingly stuck). After meeting Sunny though, he lets him do one tattoo and ends up getting his number underneath his left eye. It is like, staying to how he believes they should be while also accepting that it’s ok to be individual.
Cross’s favorite color is red because for him, red represents Ando (my Padawan OC) and they are very close (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY. He sees Ando as his little brother or kih’vod to protect).
Cross actually does not know a lot of Mando’a because of his belief that they should not try to be seen as individuals. He distanced himself from anything that he considered “individualization”, and Mando’a was included in that. Sunny teaches him a little bit later down the line, and Ando also teaches him and Ten (another clone OC of mine) some Togruti, too
Part of Cross’s strict disposition comes from being subject to Priest’s death circles on more than one occasion (I might retcon that to Adral—a mando OC of mine—because I hate KT Ugh).
By the end of the war, he carries a lot of guilt. He loses a lot of the people he’s closest to because of his actions/orders, and he uh. Doesn’t live past O66 :’) he does get a very quick.. redemption.. arc.. kinda..
Sunny (he/him): Sunny was my second clone OC made around the same time as Cross, and he also holds a very special place in my heart :) I really love clone medics, there is just something about them that makes my brain go brrrr. I also think the irony of his name is great
Sunny’s name was originally Sers, but after writing him for a few weeks, I changed it because I thought Sunny fit better. His name was given to him by his batchmate, Aran, and while he vehemently protested against it, the name ended up sticking. He won’t admit that he actually likes it (though the tattoo and painting of his armor say otherwise anyway)
Sunny is the CMO of the 409th Corps (my OC military group basically). He’s a Lieutenant (or at a rank around there, definitely a CO at the least) and he does not back down. Ever. Even the people who outrank him will fall into line if he tells them to, Jedi included. He is not afraid to pull rank as a Medic, and his resting bitch face can be very scary
On the same line of thought as the rbf, he is basically perpetually scowling. He does not look approachable at all
Sunny loses the entirety of his batch on Geonosis, including Aran who he holds onto while he is dying. The Jedi leading Sunny’s company was.. not accustomed to war and failed to adapt when it was needed. Because of this, Sunny doesn’t necessarily harbor a dislike of Jedi, though he does not really trust many of them in leading positions. He also does not like that there are kids being put in the role of commander, he does see many Padawan deaths (he later comforts a dying Padawan that he was close to, I think I wrote part of that scene for myself and it was kinda upsetting oof) —> he gets his tattoo/paints his armor in order to honor his dead batchmates
Throughout the war, Sunny gets seriously injured only once after going down in an LAAT (where he nearly ends up dying too). Boost finds him, though he’s kinda accepted that he’s not gonna make it (I mean he does but it doesn’t look like he will for a bit). After Flip (younger clone OC) dies, he doesn’t really care if he kicks the bucket either :’)
Sunny is the only one out of my main gang to make it past O66. His chip doesn’t work at all, though he has to fight through his brothers (aha, the only ones who are still alive that he is close with) in order to save a Jedi youngling that was in the medbay at the time. After that, he goes on the run with the kid (clone dad clone dad) and offers his services as a doctor in the outer rim in order to keep them afloat
Boost (he/him) (she/her) [either or, there is no real preference]: Boost has gone through a lot of changes design wise. He started out as Dax, but then Dax became another OC, then she was Boost, though she had kinda short hair that was pushed back by a headband, then his hair was buzzed, and now we are finally at long hair Boost. Idk how to describe, but she is very shaped I think
Boost for his nickname from bear hugging his batchmates and lifting them off the ground when doing so. Also from fucking around in training where he threw another one of his batchmates in order to get from one ledge to another. All around just a name with silly origins that she liked and decided to keep
Boost and Sol are batchmates!
Boost is very tactically intelligent. She’s good at thinking on her feet, sees the bigger picture before focusing on details, good problem solver, etc. He is an ARC after all, there is good reason for his status and rank as a Lieutenant. That being said, he can also be very very stupid in the sense that off the battlefield, he’s oblivious. He does enjoy being the jokester of the group, and he sometimes plays up his dumbassery for jest, though yeah, a lot of people assume that he is not smart because of his demeanor which is very wrong
Boost is terrible. Terrible at braiding her hair. Sol is the best at braiding it, though she would never admit that even if everyone knows it. He started growing his hair out once they were off Kamino and hasn’t stopped since despite the fact that is technically not within regulations. Cross turns a blind eye and Ko (Jedi General) could not care less for inconsequential regulations like that
Boost is really good with kids, but good in the way a uhh.. chaotic uncle/auntie is. He’s a lot of fun to be around with, and being around kids makes him even more rambunctious than usual. He can be what is considered “childish”, pulling pranks and everything but like, he is very emotionally mature and knows when to be serious. Again, a lot of people kinda just boil her down to “dumb” which is really wrong, though it doesn’t bug him a lot.
Boost has a big sweet tooth!! He loves getting sweets when they’re on Coruscant, which they actually tend to visit frequently enough because of Ko’s status as a Sentinel (and also because Ko benefits what the Republic sees as the “propaganda machine” as a prominent General with a good track record).
Boost is romantically involved with @buttsalsa ‘s civilian OC Esta. I reblogged some art of them the other day, they are very cute :D
Boost doesn’t make it to Order 66 :’) I actually wrote out his death and cried after going back to read it LMAO It was rough
Sol (he/him): Sol was made as a package deal with Boost, and I feel bad because I think he gets overshadowed a lot but he is kinda like the rock for the group. When he dies, things really start to crumble but uh!! That is a sad thought for another time. Anyways, like I said, he is basically the rock and also a voice of reason for Boost’s shenanigans
Sol got his nickname after reading through some flimsi that their trainer had given him. He didn’t know if it had any meaning, but he liked the way it sounded and immediately began using it. Boost quickly picked up on it and the rest of their batch was very supportive
Sol loves reading. He specifically likes reading history, and Ando slips him what he can (fun fact, when Sol dies, Boost returns to their bunk to find a couple of holobooks that Ando had left and breaks down aha.. pain). Whenever he doesn’t feel like keeping Boost from causing trouble, he just sits in a quiet corner and reads his books while everything erupts in chaos around him
Sol’s favorite beverage is tea which Ko introduced him to. He has a few boxes he keeps with him when he can, and he shares them with Boost sometimes though he has to add a lot of sugar/honey in order to do that. If he could drink tea all the time, he could. On the flipside, he absolutely loathes coffee and doesn’t understand how Sunny can drink multiple cups on a day
Sol is kinda like the person that everyone is friends with even if they don’t realize it. He’s like.. the perfect emotional pillar, kinda the therapist friend in a group that desperately needs therapy. He’s more of a listener than a talker which is why it’s easy to overlook him, but he insists that he doesn’t mind much. That being said, it’s only once he’s gone that people start to realize just how much he did (aside from Boost who already thought the world of him)
Sol is also an ARC trooper, having gone through the training program together with Boost. He doesn’t have the same tactical knowledge that Boost does, but he’s good at mediating, long range combat, and also working through plans (he’s pretty meticulous). He and Boost balance each other out well, since he is like the “slow and steady” one out of them.
Sol is the first to go out of the main four (second out of my bigger group of six). He and his entire platoon are wiped out in a massacre as a result of false intel.. man :’)
Anyways, thank you for enabling to ramble about my ocs ToT I honestly just needed to infodump shdjf
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Ner vod
Relationship: Fox & Tailor (OC)
Rating: G
@transwomankyloren commissioned me to write something about Fox and his OC Tailor. Thank you so much for commissioning me, it was very fun to write!
AO3 link
“Life in the Guard isn't easy, but at least the vode can count on each other's support.”
Being a Corrie isn’t easy, despite what the vode may think, but even if you try to explain it to them, most of them won’t even listen. Fox knows, he’s tried it already; at least his batch takes him seriously, even though they can’t help but to sneak in a few jokes about it from time to time. Fox always tries to take them in good jest, but sometimes their words come back haunting him during the most difficult times.
What he would like, when it comes to this matter, is for Tailor to understand it too. This is already the fifth time in that month that he has to personally drag her out of 79’s because she was about to start a fight with some random vod whom she overheard talking shit about them.
“I wasn’t going to do anything!” she exclaims once they’re far enough to stop. “I just wanted them to understand!”
“I know you, you were going to make them understand with your fists,” Fox replies, taking none of her shit.
 At least he doesn’t comment on the irony of this: she’s always the first one to scold the fools she has to patch up because of these bar scuffles, and now she almost got involved in one. He doesn’t say anything about this only because it would make her even more mad and that’s not what he wants at the moment - he’s storing this bit for the next time she’ll tell some poor shiny not to get involved in these things.
She might act all no-nonsense and stern around the shinies, but she still loves the Guard dearly, and she’d do anything to protect them, like each one of them does. After all, if not even your brothers are with you, what else can you do if not stick with each other? At least they are a pretty cohesive group.
His gaze softens and he puts a hand on her shoulder.
“Let’s head back, ner vod, shall we?”
She doesn’t say anything but she nods, following Fox back home. Well, it’s not exactly a home per se, but it’s the closest they have - and probably will ever have - to it, so might as well call it that. The truth is that she’s not talking about the buildings, no, she’s talking about the Guard, about the rest of her vode. They are her true home, but she refuses to say it out loud to them; she has a reputation to uphold after all, she can’t allow people to see her soft side.
Fox isn’t just a random somebody, however; she trusts him enough to let her façade crumble, even for a small amount of time.
 It’s subtle at first, just a brush of their hands together, then Tailor goes to grab Fox’s, squeezing to the point that it hurts even with the gauntlets still on.
Despite this, Fox doesn’t point it out, doesn’t point out anything at all. What he does, instead, is to squeeze her hand as well.
“I’m here. I got you. I love you.” That’s what that gesture says. There’s no need for words, just silent companionship.
 Once they’ll get back, they’ll probably have to go their separate ways, but it doesn’t matter for now. They have each other’s back and they will keep things that way.
Even if they might not have the support of the rest of their brothers’ at least they have their own. They can always count on that.
  “Prison duty again, huh?” Foxtail mutters as she’s reviewing Fox’s schedule. She’s not supposed to have his datapad, but they were chilling inside Fox’s office during one of his rare moments of break and once she set her sights on it there was no stopping her.
Fox nods at her words, wordlessly, which to Tailor is most suspicious, because Fox hates guard duty and never wastes any chance to make it well known. The fact that he’s not saying anything means that he must’ve put himself there to escape from a bad situation - since nobody ever bothers with the clones stationed for prison duty - something that doesn’t happen much often to him, but it does for other officers that are a little less “polite” around the wrong people.
Knowing that she’ll have the drag the truth out of him, she asks:
“What happened?”
“Nothing happened,” Fox lies, and if Tailor hadn’t known him as well as she does, she would’ve missed the way his body tenses just for a moment, before Fox hops off the desk and begins pacing, a clear sign of nervousness. “I just had a… disagreement, with a Senator.”
“How big of a disagreement?” Tailor asks. That doesn’t bode well at all.
“… I might’ve insulted him.”
Tailor’s blood goes cold in her veins as she hears those words.
“It’s not as bad as you think!” Fox immediately says. “He’s been complaining about the ‘excessive security’, his words not mine, because he was forced to be followed by an escort and eventually I told him that this is our job so we know better than him.”
This has to be the short version of the story, but at the moment this isn’t what worries Tailor more.
“I know what you’re about to say, I know I was wrong,” Fox continues, “I just--”
He’s shaking more and more as he goes on. Tailor needs to act now. She gets up from the chair she kindly stole from Fox since the moment she set foot in there and she approaches him; only once she’s sure she’s not going to make things worse by doing this she wraps her arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
 “It’s going to be fine,” she says, trying to sound certain despite how much she too is afraid. “They’re not going to send you back to Kamino, alright?”
Fox nods, but he’s still unconvinced. This calls for a keldabe, which of course Tailor drags him into.
“The Guard would be lost without its Commander and you know it. They wouldn’t take away such a useful asset.”
What she just said is cold, very cold, but it’s also their unfortunate truth. Besides, Tailor knows this will get Fox more than any reassuring words, no matter how well-intentioned they might be. This time in fact he looks more convinced when he speaks.
“I know it’s just… Well… You know.”
“I do,” she says, unable to hold back her bitterness at that statement. It’s not easy to live with the knowledge that your life is disposable and that it takes very little for anyone to get sent back and get decommissioned. Still, they can’t let that fear overtake them.
 At least now Fox’s smiling, although sheepishly.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that, ner vod,” he says. Tailor rolls her eyes at him.
“Oh come on don’t go there now. How many times did I tell you it’s fine, you stupid di’kut?” she replies. By now Fox should know that he can count on her, but he’s still stubborn enough to always try to carry the entire weight of the Guard all on his shoulders, like Coruscant would fall if he so much decides to take a break.
It would be too easy if he just stopped with his workaholic tendencies, but it’s fine. Well, it’s not, but at least he can count on Tailor to keep him in check.
She’ll always make sure that he takes care of himself.
  Sometimes Tailor can’t help but to wonder if her brothers who are deployed in the war and not stationed in Coruscant get the same treatment they get: are they always treated as heroes by the inhabitants of the worlds they save, or are they considered freaks by them too?
Not that she thought they were ever going to be considered heroes here on Coruscant - that’s just not how things work - but still people treat them as slaves. Well, that isn’t really that far from the truth now, isn’t it?
She shakes her head, deciding to go back to work instead of letting her traitorous mind wander into dangerous territories. What was she doing before getting lost in her own head? Ah, that’s right! She needed to compile requisition forms for more hypos.
One would think they’d get plenty of those since they’re medics, but that’s unfortunately not the case and…
 She hears an explosion, then her comm begins to beep furiously.
Something must’ve happened, something very bad.
 A bombing to the Senate is something they all know to expect - one of the training scenarios for the shinies is exactly this in fact - but to think that someone would bomb the Guard precinct is…
Why? Why would they do that to them, the people who live and die for this city? They’re already bleeding them dry, and now this?
Agh, there’s no time to get lost in her thoughts like this! She needs to check on the men!
The wall that has been bombed has crumbled, leaving some brothers under the rubble. Tailor anxiously waits for the relief efforts to begin retrieving them, ready to go immediately as soon as someone comes up. The key in these kinds of emergencies is quickness and fast reflexes: if it takes too long for her to act, she might lose the vod’s life she’s trying to save.
Even with the medics ready to operate however, not everyone survives. Some are even already dead at the retrieval, others die later.
This is the second vod that Tailor keeps close in her arms, trying to give them at least a bit of company before they eventually close their eyes and march on, and while she keeps asking herself why this has happened and what they are going to do now. There’s surely going to be an investigation, but she doubts it will produce any result: if it had been any other natborn building exploding, then people would have cared, but they are just clones, not enough to warrant a proper investigation.
 The body in her hands has already gone cold when she hears a familiar voice barking orders to the rest of the troopers. Kark.
As she gets up to follow the voice, she can’t help but to be glad that he was under the rubble, but this doesn’t mean that he wasn’t involved in the explosion in any way.
When Tailor finally reaches Fox in fact, she can’t help but to curse the fact that she had to take care of the injured ones first. Even though he doesn’t look injured, the poor vod’s shaking, even though he stubbornly acts like he’s not. Nobody has had the courage to point it out, at least until Tailor got there.
She didn’t even wait for him to acknowledge her presence before grabbing him by the shoulders and dragging him away, knowing that there are other CCs that will take Fox’s place.
“Where are we going?” Fox asks. The fact that he’s not even trying to resist Tailor speaks volumes.
“Your office,” is the laconic response. There’s no need to say anything else.
 Once in Fox’s office, Tailor begins to do a medical check-up just to be sure, but Fox pushes her away.
“I’m fine! I just got there…” he says, but he begins choking on his own words.
Tailor draws him immediately into a hug, holding him tightly. His shaking worsens, and Tailor can hear the sound of sniffles coming from him, but she doesn’t say anything.
She lets him cry all he wants, and maybe she cries a bit too, who knows - she’s not going to tell. The despair this job gives them pours out all at once, with Tailor and Fox unable to do anything about it if not trying to support each other at the best of their abilities. That’s how things work in the Guard.
 Eventually they both stop, pulling away after what feels like an entire day, if not even more.
“Thank you, Foxtails,” Fox says, drying what remains of his tears with one hand. Foxtails, not Tailor.
She smiles.
“Anything for you, ner vod.”
At those words, even Fox manages a small smile as he replies to her.
“Anything for you too, ner vod.”
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Insulting Romance
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A/N: Let’s kick this blog revival off with a holiday appropriate shitfic eh? It’s an old one from the depths of my google doc hell, and it’s involving a mixed up ship mess from a very old dead multi-fandom roleplay forum.  Characters involved: Dean (SPN Canon), Sam (SPN Canon), Maebh (SPN OC), Deadpool (Marvel Canon), Fives (Star Wars Canon), SD-630 (Star Wars OC). Warnings: none, there’s mild threats of bodily harm and sexual jokes but nothing actually happens.
“Hey, you ready to go yet? Sam is freaking out being alone with Maebh.” His voice echoed up the stairs with mild annoyance etching his words.
“I don't get it, isn't this weird earth holiday all about couples? Shouldn't he not want you there? Why am I being dragged along?” Her questions barely preceded her down the stairs as she asked them in rapid succession.
“It is, it’s a dumb ‘earth holiday’ but Sam likes her and I'm just in it for the free lunch and to keep him from being… Well, Sammy.” Shrugging he leaned against the lobby wall and occupied himself with his obsolete car keys oblivious to being watched from the stairwell.
“Doesn't explain why I'm going… I don't want to be stuck in some pink plastered café surrounded by grotesque displays of adoration and happy couples.” She made a fake puking sound as she came into view to emphasize her point.
“You jealous? That's cute coming from little miss ‘let me introduce your face to my fist’. C’mon, we’ll cash in on a free lunch, make fun of all the happy couples, and then go drown our loneliness at the bar. It’ll be fun.” Alerted by the proximity of her voice he looked up in time to provide a lop sided convincing grin before ducking to avoid the boot thrown at his face.
“I'm not jealous!” Closing the distance between them she grabbed her boot and stepped back to sit on the steps to put it back on. “I just like to keep my food in my stomach where it belongs. Republic Clones and Jedi are bad enough on their own, Republic Clones and Jedi in love, out in public, on a romantic holiday? Throw me to a sarlacc please.” She couldn’t have rolled her eyes any harder as she let her thoughts stray to the blonde Jedi that had stepped in and shoved her out of the picture with a certain clone captain that she had since been avoiding.
“Uh huh… Either way, let’s go, I'm starving.” With that he opened the door and stepped out of the apartment complex into the sunny streets of the island's main town.
“Still never answered me. Don't you have any other friends you could drag along to this torture?” Catching up to him she nudged him playfully.
“None that are single, and I'm sure Jett would just love if I invited Teal along.” Rolling his eyes and dragging out Jett’s name unfavorably he continued, “Which leaves Maebh, who’s already there, and, oh look, you. So can you lighten up just a little and have fun for a change? Or are you programmed to not have fun?” 
“I'm a stormtrooper not a droid, I am perfectly capable of having fun.” With an almost growl like reply she nearly shoved him into a wall as they walked.
“Right, prove it then short stack.” Stopping at a door covered in hearts he grinned and opened it to a cacophony of slow soulful music, giggling chatter, and a familiar red masked mercenary singing along to Frank Sinatra’s The Way You Look Tonight. 
“Damn, Wade outdid himself this time…” Ignoring the jab at her height, or lack there of standing next to the 6’ giant beside her, she scanned the crowded diner until she spotted the date they were crashing. “Look, there’s Sam and Maebh, so glad they took the corner booth, no one has to see me here with you on this puke worthy holiday.” 
“See you with me? I’m the embarrassing one? Didn’t you wreck your chances with a certain clone by being the embarrassing one?” Swaggering along beside her he nodded and grinned at each person that looked up at the pair of them with expressions of confusion or shock. 
“I did not! He was a pushover and that saber wielding witch used her damn dirty jedi mind tricks on him I know it.” She hissed as she slid into the booth seat opposite Sam and Maebh before narrowing her eyes at him for additional confirmation that he was being an idiot in her opinion. “You really know how to treat a lady don’t you?”
“A lady? Where?” He slid into the booth seat and immediately doubled over to rub his shin under the table. “Dude, ow.” His previous grin was replaced by a look of shocked indignation as he glared at his brother sitting across from, ignoring the muffled chuckling coming from both women at the table.
“That's not a very clever pick up line, no wonder you're single.” The blonde managed between her stifled laughs.
“I'm single. You're single. Coincidence? I think not.” he leaned over closer to her smiling broadly with a wink.
“Ok, if you are going to start that right now, you two are going to have to find your own table.” Sam coughed drawing their attention back to the collective group.
“Hey, you asked me to be here, I wasn't going to suffer alone. Besides, I figured maybe you could tell me, you ever danced with her?” His usual cocky grin secured in place as he asked.
“No… Why?” Sam, as well as Maebh and SD, stared at him with mixed looks of confusion and worry.
“I just figured someone that’s hot as hell, had to have danced with the devil a time or two.” The trio of groans were accompanied by howling laughter from the next table over, garnering their attention to see who was listening in on their conversation.
“Oi, Fives, unless you want to eat blaster bolts and leave your date with the check, act like this entire table doesn’t exist. Got it?” SD glared between Sam and Maebh at the clone trooper sitting behind them.
“Don't be like that SD, I'm sure your date wouldn't enjoy you taking time away from him to kick my ass today. I think it’s kinda sweet you found someone to share this earth holiday with.” Fives smiled while draping his arm over his own dates shoulder smirking back at her.
“My date?!” the rest of his words fell on deaf ears as her eye twitched in aggravation. “Move your ass Dean, I'm going to make him eat those words.” 
“Ouch, shot down by the droid captain herself. Knew you didn't have a heart SD.” With a wink he turned back to his table and continued to focus on his date.
“I really hope you got health insurance Fives, cause you're going to need an entire hospital to help you when I'm done with you!” Trying to physically push Dean out of the way she was determined to at the very least punch the clone in the face a few times if not outright stab him.
“Hey, if you were a droid, at least you'd be a HOT-obot. Can I just call you Optimus Fine?” Wiggling his eyebrows in a jesting manner he tried to defuse the situation before SD really did get up to start a fight with Fives.
“Wow Dean, and I thought we would be the ‘gross cute couple’ present. That was just, wow man.” Sam shook his head as Deadpool sauntered over with a tray of drinks in hand to take their order.
“So what can I get the barbershop quartet of murder and mayhem today?” Setting down the tray, he handed a beer to Dean, a glass of water to Sam, and a soda to either SD and Maebh. Tucking the now empty tray under his arm he smoothed out his apron. It was a baby pink thing with red hearts printed across that worked better than Dean's latest pick up line as both women at the table started laughing, even Sam and Dean couldn't help but chuckle.
“We all know you don't do menus, so what's the special today?” Maebh asked after composing herself.
“I'm glad you asked! Today we've got every assortment of pasta you could imagine, I highly recommend the spaghetti to share,” even with his hood on, his eyebrows raising suggestively did not go unnoticed, “as well as all the usual dishes. I focused more on the desserts than the entrees. Sundaes, giant brownies, cheesecakes, basically anything you can imagine is being whipped up!” 
“I don't know what ‘the usual dishes’ are… I'm assuming Earth food?” SD asked with one brow quirked displaying her obvious confusion at everything being said.
“Do you have Alfredo in that ‘every assortment’ of pastas? Been awhile since I had a good Alfredo. You'd probably like it SD, it’s just noodles and sauce.” Maebh gave her order and offered her suggestion to SD.
“Actually that sounds pretty good, make that two please.” Sam chimed in before Deadpool had a chance to answer. Without bothering to verbally confirm their order, he pulled a notepad from his apron pocket and jotted down before looking at Dean and SD.
“I don't even know what pasta is in the first place…”
“You wouldn't like Alfredo, it’s basically vegetarian. You’ll want something with red sauce, more meat.” Dean interjected knowing that someone with a love for carnage like the captain sitting beside him would not be a fan of anything even remotely vegetarian. 
“So the spaghetti to share for the killer couple, got it!” Deadpool didn't give them time to reject his choice for them before he skirted away from their table shouting towards the kitchen “I NEED TWO GREENS PEACE PLATES AND ONE LADY AND THE TRAMP!” 
“Oh hell, he better bring that out on separate plates I swear.” Dean sighed as he took a drink of his beer, grateful the mercenary always magically knew what everyone wanted to drink at least.
“Don't count on it.” Sam chuckled from his side of the table.
“While we're waiting, I got another question for you.” The second the words were out of Dean's mouth Maebh hung her head knowing no good was going to come from his statement.
“Uh, what?” Already not looking forward to whatever stupid thing he was about to say.
“Is that a mirror in your pocket?” With one brow raised and his shit eating grin back in place he waited for her answer.
“No?” Looking down at her pants oblivious to the punch line she wondered why he would have asked that.
“Because I can practically see myself in them.” His other brow raised as he mimicked Deadpool earlier suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
“You'd have better luck seducing her blaster man!” Fives chimed in between laughs.
“Both of you can shut your mouths right now!” She hissed as it dawned on her what he said. “I only came along because you sounded so pathetic and desperate when you asked. This isn't a date, we are not involved romantically or casually, cut it out Dean.” 
“Oh come on, lighten up!” Playfully nudging her shoulder trying to get her out of the sour mood she was in he added, “I just like to stay on top of things. Want to be one of them?” 
“You're going to get stabbed-” Sam started up before Maebh interjected.
“Or shot.”
“Yes, or shot, and ruin the day for everyone here. I'm sorry he's like this SD. He's never had a woman actually say yes to spending Valentine's Day with him and it's clearly gotten to his head.” Sam explained trying to justify his brother's behavior and lower the tension. 
“How sad, makes sense though.” She didn't elaborate and even looked out the window when she caught the confused look on Dean's face.
“How the hell?” He asked looking from SD to Sam and Maebh completely bewildered.
“Because on a scale from one to ten, you're a one, and I'm the nine you need.” A slight smirk crept across her face as she refrained from looking back at him in a poor attempt to keep from laughing. Maebh cracked up though at her retaliation and in turn she couldn't help but start laughing as well.
“Oh! The stormtrooper thinks she's got jokes! That's pretty cute coming from someone who must've sat in a pile of sugar.” He almost started laughing when she scooted over in the seat to see if he was being serious or not. “Because you've got a pretty sweet ass.” 
“Tell me something I didn't know Darth Obvious.” With an amused snort she picked up her soda before noticing Deadpool coming back towards them with a tray of food. “Oh good, at least if your mouth is full you can't make anymore dumb jokes.”
“I got something that could fill your mouth.” He muttered quietly as he watched her start choking on her drink. 
“What the kark!” Having nearly snorted out her drink through her nose she had to take a moment to get her breath back as Deadpool set out their plates.
“Alfredo for you, Alfredo for you, and please wait until you're back at your own place before you start choking on things that are hard to swallow SD, my other patrons don't need to see that.” Setting down their large shared plate of spaghetti he made a quick exit away from their table to go check on other lunch dates before SD could retaliate amidst the rest of their table laughing heartily. 
Still coughing on her drink she could only glare at him as he walked off before she could reply or at least throw a knife at him. She knew it wouldn't have done any real damage to him, but it would have made her feel better that even he had gotten a jab in at her expense. 
“Hey, calm down, you'll want to save your energy for tonight after all.” Dean grinned as Sam and Maebh groaned. 
“Can you at least keep it clean so I can keep my food down?” Sam pleaded as he took a bite of his food and mumbled about how good it was, to which Maebh mumbled back around a bite herself. 
“I make no promises, it's hard to keep it clean when you've got a health hazard sitting next to you.” 
“Hey Dean?” The almost innocent nature of her question was concerning all on its own.
“Yeah?” Watching her nervously he had a nagging thought in the back of his mind to get out of the way but he stayed sitting anyways.
“You dropped something.” Looking past him at the floor beside their booth she kept up the casual tone and calm façade.
“What?” Following her gaze he didn't see anything and became confused. “No I didn't?”
“Yeah, you did…” taking advantage of him leaning towards the floor, she shoved him out of the seat before adding “your standards.” While he flailed futility to try and keep himself from falling, she took a bite of the weird mess of food sitting before her and grinned. “At least your taste in food isn't terrible.”
“You just called yourself low standard, you know that right?” He asked as he got back into his seat.
“I never said mine were great either.” She muttered as they continued to eat their meals with minimal conversation. 
When their plates were mostly empty, and after a short battle for the last meatball, Deadpool came back around with drink refills. “And what can I get you all to satisfy your sweet tooth? Brownies? Ice cream? Both? Cake? Pie? -”
Almost simultaneously SD and Dean's faces lit up at the mention of pie as they perked up and asked “Pie?” Gaining them a chuckle from Sam and Maebh who both knew Dean loved pie more than any other food except maybe burgers. Looking from Deadpool to one another skeptically they spoke up at the same time again.
“You actually know what pie is?!”
“Pie is an Earth food?!”
“If I hadn't already met God, I'd think he was real now. A woman after my own heart.” He wiped away a fake tear as Deadpool took the moment to throw a handful of candy hearts in the air above them bringing both out of their shock to glare up at him in annoyance as the hard candies pelted them mercilessly. 
“What the kark Deadpool! What are these things?” SD hissed as she picked one up and saw that it had words on it. “Cutie Pie? Is this some kind of joke?” 
“The only joke here is that you might have actually found someone SD.” Fives piped up after being silent for too long. “Ouch! Those things hurt!” He ducked down before she could throw another one at the back of his head.
“So I think it's obvious they want pie, but can we get a Sunday please?” Maebh interjected before SD and Fives started up again.
“Of course! All the toppings?” He asked, looking at Sam and Maebh ignoring SD and Dean shaking candy hearts out of their shirts.
“Yeah? Sam?” She asked not sure if he had any allergies she should be considerate of.
“Anything you want, I'm not a big dessert person anyways.” Seeing the slightly dejected look at his words he quickly added “I'll still have a few bites though.” 
“HEY SLADE I NEED A BANANA BOAT AND A COUPLE SLICES OF YOUR GRANDMA'S BLUE RIBBON!” He shouted as he started down the row of booths to take other dessert orders and shower more unknowing patrons with hard sugary treats.
“Seriously though, what are these things?” SD asked the rest of the table as she picked a few more up to read them. Pulling a disgusted face at one that read 'soul mates’ before flicking it away from her.
“They're candy with silly messages printed on them,” Maebh answered as she picked a few up to read as well. “Though there's some X-rated ones mixed in… not surprising coming from Deadpool though.” 
“Hey, SD…” Dean held out a heart that clearly Deadpool had somehow managed to make and mix into the regular cutesy ones that read ‘nice ass’. 
With a grin she picked through the ones on the table and held one up in reply 'eat me’. Of course she had meant it in a 'go fuck yourself’ kind if way not knowing it was intentionally one of the dirty ones mixed in.
“If you insist, we'll need that pie to go though.” Leaning closer to her he held out another ‘lets bang!’.
“I may not have a heart, but know a few other ways to get blood pumping.” She grinned as she spoke up enough for Fives to hear. The resounding sputtering of a drink was all the response she needed to start laughing her ass off. For additional effect, added for Sam and Maebh's benefit, while pushing Dean out of the booth she tacked on a “Sorry to have to bail on you guys early, but I can think of better places to enjoy a slice of pie among other things.”
“Wait, seriously?” Stunned by what was going on he didn't really have the mental capacity to object or question her as she flagged down Deadpool and dragged him along. 
“What just happened?” Maebh asked Sam, equally confused.
“Dean just met his match is what just happened.” He chuckled as he leaned back into the booth seat to relax.
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padawanprotege · 4 years
Hi everyone. After stumbling upon a beautifully chaotic Jedi Oc I became inspired to write a fic about my own Oc making a new friend. After many early morning and late night discussions, I finally came up with a little something on how Jedi Knight Ayelet Ebele and Master Tiin Orat first met.
Tiin Orat belongs solely to the lovely @queenofbeskar​, and this fic is dedicated to them for inspiring me.
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Into the Forests of Arorua
Arorua was an inconsequential planet in the Sertar Sector. Being a back-water world in the Outer Rim regions, meant that the Galactic republic often overlooked the lone planet. However recent reports of regular separatist movement on the forest-covered world had sparked immediate action. Upon investigation, a small stealth team confirmed the presence of separatist battle droids, along with the location of a new droid factory still under construction.
Once the news had reached the Jedi council, the members of the High Council wasted no time and immediately summoned the 822nd Battalion General, Jedi Master Tiin Orat along with the Young Jedi Knight Ayelet Ebele.
“Scouts have confirmed the presence of a separatist base on Arorua. We can waste no time in dealing with this threat. If the separatists are given the chance to complete the construction of their new droid factory, they could easily seize control of the surrounding systems.” Mace Windu announced, comfortably slouched back in his chair as he addressed the two Jedi standing before him. Around him sat many empty chairs, some filled with the blue projection of a hologram but most lay dormant. A telling sign of the growing demands of the war.
“Suit you well this mission will, Master Orat.” Master Yoda chimed in, pointing to the Zabrak hybrid with the end of his gimer stick before turning it back down towards the floor and returning to silence. His cryptic words revealing no clear answer for Tiin to decipher.
Returning the conversation back to himself, Mace continued “Master Tiin, your battalion will be deployed immediately to Arorua to regain control of the system. Knight Ebele, you are to accompany the 822nd with your own battalion and aid them in any way. The destruction of this factory is vital for our successful occupation in the outer rim.”
Turning his attention away from the tall Jedi Master that stood in the centre of the high council chambers to the smaller figure standing slight behind Tiin's right shoulder, Mace's gaze focused on Ayelet. “This is your first mission since being knighted Ebele, we will be watching your performance closely.”
“Watch and listen you must, learn much from Master Orat you will, young one.” Yoda chimed in once again, his eyes also focusing on the young knight, however, the hint of a smile on the old masters face reassured Ayelet that although she was young and less experienced than the Jedi that surrounded her, she was prepared to face whatever this battle would bring.
At the conclusion of the debriefing, both Tiin and Ayelet bowed deeply to few Jedi Masters present in the council chambers before walking out into one of the adjoined hallways. “Arorua. I haven’t had the chance to visit it yet. It’s quiet far out in the outer-rim regions. Very beautiful from what I’ve researched. Do you know anything of it Knight Ebele?” Master Orat asked as they walked in sync past the large windows of the corridor, her distinct man’doa accent lacing her words in a tone that Ayelet was so used to hearing from the clones that she was slightly taken aback by the sound of it in Tiin’s voice.
Ayelet took a moment to consider her answer, as a padawan she'd spent much of her time studying lost languages and forgotten civilisations with her Master so knew much about the ancient planet. She decided to keep her answer short and not allow her excitement about travelling to the remote forest world turn into a history lesson.
“It’s a world covered in a dense forest. Centuries ago, there were cities and temples scattered across the planet, but over time the woodlands consumed them in their roots and drove most of the population to neighbouring systems.” Ayelet couldn't help the small smile that grew on her face as she spoke of the forest-covered world. Nature had always been her biggest strength in the force. As a youngling, she would often venture away from her crèche mates to spend time in the temple gardens, and once she was taken on as a padawan and encouraged by her master to pursue her interest in botany, she found her true passion.
Ayelet often thought of what her life would be like when she completed her trials of knighthood and could peruse her passions. She dreamed that she would travel to exotic worlds, studying the different flora that inhabited the far reaches of space and tending to the gardens in the Jedi Temple whenever she wasn't on leave. At no point in her apprenticeship had she expected her knighthood to result in her becoming a soldier in a war she didn't understand.
Ayelet's attention was brought back to the present at the sound of Tiin's naturally loud voice. “A jungle adventure? Sounds like something out of a holo-film." Master Orat jested as she grinned cheerfully down at the young right beside her. Although Ayelet couldn't see her eyes behind the mask the Zabrak wore, she could tell that Tiin was also smiling with her eyes.
'Perhaps this mission won't be so difficult without Master Aziza’s help if I've got Master Tiin to keep me company.' Ayelet silently mused while craning her neck back to match Tiin's eye-line before replying with a humoured smile on her lips, “Yes, I suppose it does sound like that.”
As they continued down the hallway to the nearby hanger bay, the two Jedi continued speaking, the conversation slowly turning into one reminiscent of old friends as they began to grow more comfortable in each other’s company.
'Yes. I think this mission will go quite well.' Ayelet silent thought to herself as she followed Master Orat into a waiting speeder. She couldn't deny that she missed her master's familiar and comforting presence, but Ayelet could sense a similar nurturing presence residing within Tiin, and hoped that during their time spent together on this campaign a new friendship could be formed.
Ayelet would normally delight at the opportunity to immerse herself in the natural world if it weren’t for the suffocating darkness that consumed the forest of Arorua.
After stepping off the gunship and into the forest she felt herself lose one sense while her others heightened in the unfamiliar environment. It was disorientating to be almost blinded but given the ears of a wolf. Even the soft susurration of the branches felt heavy in her ears. The blackness surrounding them nurtured a sense of claustrophobia even though the woodland stretched unbroken for miles.
As her clone troopers unloaded the gunships and prepared themselves for the battle ahead, Ayelet took the moment to stow away amongst the thick woodlands. Wandering a few steps away from the temporary camp they had established, Ayelet found herself staring upon the massive truck of an aphor tree. The young knight could feel the spirit of the old tree and the wisdom that it carried.
Approaching tree, Ayelet reached out a gloved hand and placed it softly upon the trunk. Sparing a glance back towards the now fully lit campsite the clones had constructed, Ayelet convinced herself she’d have enough time to meditate before General Orat arrived to discuss the assault plan.
Gently, Ayelet boosted herself up to one of the high branches on the old aphor tree to stare out into the dark woodlands ahead. The forest was ancient. The trees thick and old. It might once have been filled with bird-song and animals that roamed. But now long centuries had pasted since its former glory.
Ayelet felt her expression soften into a small smile at the familiar sensation of sunlight dancing across her face through the leaves above. Settling herself on the branch, Ayelet crossed her legs and placed both hands on the sturdy limb beneath her. Taking slow and deep breaths Ayelet allowed herself to open up to the natural world around her, letting her own spirit intertwine with the ancient spirit of the forest. Listening closely, Ayelet could hear the spirits of the forest whispering around her, their hushed words of wisdom barely reaching her ears.
A sudden disturbance in the force shock Ayelet from her tranquil state, shaking her physically back to the real world. She felt the force ripple through the tree beneath her. No, that wasn’t the force shaking. It was the tree she was in shaking. She’d become so entwined with ancient trees lifeforce that she had felt the strike to the tree as though it was to her own body.
However, Ayelet came to her senses to slowly, noticing too late that the world around her was slowly slipping upwards as her body sluggishly tipped backwards off the branch. Suddenly aware of her compromised balance, Ayelet tried to quickly pull herself back up onto the strong tree limb, but the reaction came too late. Ayelet felt her fingers lose their loose grip on the branch, causing a sense of panic to flood her as she frantically looking around her.
Perhaps there was another lower branch she could cling to to break her fall or a hanging vine nearby that she could latch onto. All Ayelet achieved as she fell gracelessly out of the tree was flailing her arms around frantically as though she would grow wings to stop her crashing into the rapidly approaching forest floor.
At the last possible moment, Ayelet called upon the force for help, wrapping its loyal embrace around her. Although she hadn’t experienced the full damage of the fall, her body ached as she made contact with the rough terrain. She laid there, completely motionless for a moment, focusing on inhaling serenity and exhaling her discomfort.
Slowly lifting her head to see what had caused the tree to shake, she had expected to see one of the AT-RT’s clumsily crashed into the trunk. To her surprise, all that greeted her was the sight of a tall figure carefully prying their large pink horns from the trunk of the tree, then proceed to gingerly rub the area atop her head. Ayelet tried to convince herself that perhaps she had hit her head harder than she’d originally thought and was simply hallucinating, that would explain the scene before her.
Sealing her eyes shut tightly and shaking her head, Ayelet slowly raising herself to sit on her knees, not fully trusting her legs to support her weight so soon after falling. Ayelet took a moment to steady her thoughts and bridle her emotions before reopening her eyes. To her disbelief, the horned figure was still there and was closing the space between them.
“Ayelet, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.” Tiin’s voice was loud enough to have started the young knight in the quiet of the forest if not for the man’doa accent and the nurturing tone in the voice. Ayelet felt herself begin to smile as she watched the Zabrak hybrid kneel before her. Even when the Master knelt down to match Ayelet’s height, she still had to crane her neck back to view the Jedi Master’s face.
“That was quite a fall, must have hurt like a shabuir.” Tiin continued as she gently placed a hand under Ayelet’s jaw and moved her head around to assess the damage, pausing for a moment when she saw the slit on the knight’s chin. Ayelet didn’t fully understand what Tiin had said but recognised the tone to know she was implying that the fall must have hurt a lot in a very colourful way.
Without warning Tiin wrapping one of her large arms behind Ayelet’s back and helped her to her feet, holding her close to her large frame in a half embrace to help support her. The sudden contact unsettled Ayelet, the feeling of someone, particularly someone that she had only spent a few days with, so close to her made her slightly tense in surprise.
But she never uttered a word in protest as the Zabrak guided her back towards the encampment. Ayelet could sense the nurturing care radiating off Tiin as they walked, like a crèche master tending to one of her charges, and began to relax into the Master's gentle hold around her.
As they slowly crossed the camp, Ayelet could hardly hear the sound of herself moving, Tiin’s loud footsteps drowning out the sound of her own light footsteps beside her. Ayelet recognised the familiar sight of the medic tent, under normal circumstances, Ayelet would be the one guiding one of her troopers into the make-shift hospital.
“Perhaps you should stay with me. Get your head checked out. You hit that tree pretty hard.” Ayelet proposed as they made their way into the shelter of the tent, a playful smile present on her lips as she continued while pointing to the top of her head. “You’ve probably left a few holes in that tree.”
Ayelet hadn’t prepared herself for Tiin’s reply as she listened to the Jedi Master laugh in response to her words. The laugh was loud, like her voice, and quickly drew the eyes of everyone inside the tent onto them, but Ayelet could feel that the laugh was genuine, so simply smiled along as the medics stared across at the two Jedi.
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sakuraitsu · 5 years
Umbrella Under the Moonlight - Pt 6
Genre: Supernatural, Romance, Humour, some crack
Pairing: Demon OC (you) X Jin
Summary: You are a demon bound to a Jeoseung Saja named Jung Yunho to assist 10,000 restless souls in the human realm in clearing their karma in order to send them to him to ferry them into the Afterlife. It all started from the day you met him by the river fighting against the Imugi, Changmin over the Yeouiju which had fallen from the Heavens. Now that you’ve met again, would the wish you’ve made then be granted?
Parts: Pt. 1 , Pt. 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5
“My goodness the smell.” Changmin gasps while trying to cover his nose while they were approaching the venue for the Supper. “Just how many people did all of you extract?” 
Jieun and Yunho seemed unaffected by the thickness of death and decay which is being masked by the flowers in walkway towards the venue. In fact, Jungkook caught Jieun swallowing hard several times while Yunho remained rather pokerfaced. Namjoon too, caught Jieun licking her lips while making their way through the forest beside him and he is starting to wonder if she is the same as the thing which had imprisoned Jin.
While it smell horrendous to Changmin, Namjoon and Jungkook, it seems that everything is fine for the Jeoseung Saja. Perhaps that might be because Yunho is a Grim Reaper; he must have been in contact with death and decay to the point of being desensitised to this type of environment. 
However, what Namjoon and Jungkook could not understand was how and why would Changmin be so disgusted to such an environment when he is a certified doctor. 
“90... 92...” Namjoon heard Yunho’s counting while they were venturing deeper into the woods.
“Wait! I need a break!” Changmin manages before staggering over to a tree for support. Jieun and Yunho sighs at this and signals to Namjoom and Jungkook to stop. 
“103. At least there’s improvement this time.” Yunho chirps while passing Changmin what it seems to be some kind of inhaler except that it seems to be made of clear crystal which contains some kind of glowing fluid. 
Seeing the confusion on Namjoon and Jungkook’s faces, Jieun decides to educate the boys. 
“It contains the water from the river that he lived in mixed with some water from the Buril Falls.” She drones while Changmin is using the inhaler. “He’s a relatively young dragon so he can’t stand places with a lot of impurities like death, decay and anguish. Especially not after he had used up some energy in blasting Hoseok’s room open.” 
Jungkook gapes at the man (with Hoseok’s appearance) who seems to be so relieved after using the inhaler, looking like he is in a mess before. He could hardly walk fast after getting deeper into this forest and this person is a dragon? An almighty dragon?! Just how much RPG shit is he going to encounter within a span of less than a night? He was captured by a literate Grim Reaper and now he is looking at a wheezing dragon. 
Changmin picks up a bunch of dead leaves from the ground and hurls it at Jieun’s direction after seeing how disappointed Jungkook was. Jieun stands at where she is and gave him the finger at the failed attempt to get back at her. 
“I’m sorry. They’ve been friends for more than a thousand years.” Yunho informs them while watching them. 
“We have a Jeoseung Saja and a Dragon. What are you?” Namjoon questions the person who is extremely engrossed in throwing dead leaves at a dragon named Changmin. 
“My family name isn’t Kim and I don’t go around challenging people to ssireum. Is the break ending soon though.”
“It will end once you stop throwing things at one another.” Yunho tells the pair who had a few pieces of stones that they were preparing to throw at each other. 
Both of them stops at the same smile that he had flashed to them prior to entering the painting. Namjoon and Jungkook found it chilling to see such an expression on Jimin’s face though; Jimin never smiled in this way that made them feel any way threatened before. Perhaps Jimin did but Jungkook could hardly remember it at all. 
The air got denser as Namjoon guided them through the woodlands and he notices that Jieun (with Taehyung’s face) seemed to get more severe. By the time they were close, they had stopped to let Changmin use his magical inhaler as he was breaking cold sweat and panting. Jieun and Yunho agreed that they would not want a dragon which is getting out of breath to join them so they had decided to wait for a while before stepping into the venue. 
Jungkook stops Yunho before they continue on with their journey. 
“You will help Jin-hyung right? Without hurting him.” 
Yunho was about to reply to Jungkook when Jieun walks into the venue without much thought. Jungkook was about to stop her when Yunho stepped up. 
“She will be the last person who will ever want to hurt him.” 
“I don’t think I can trust her after what happened before.” Namjoon interrupts Jungkook while passing Yunho and Jungkook to catch up with Jieun. 
The moment she stepped into the venue, the clothes that she had been wearing as Taehyung changed to a plain white shirt and a pair of black pants. She turns to Namjoon who followed after her had the same colour scheme. 
Your Jin-hyung has strange tastes. Namjoon hears her voice in his head. 
Namjoon was planning to ask her something when her attention shifts to the dining table. 
He looks a lot different compared to the first time they met yet the same. 
Instead of having his dark long hair up in a half ponytail secured by a burgundy silk sash, he has it short with bangs parted to the right framing his face... Jieun is not used to the light pink hair. 
He was quite confused to have Taehyung gazing at him as if it is the first time they had seen each other. He could not pin down what it is from Taehyung’s intense gaze but it is both disconcerting and familiar at the same time. It is not the same sense of familiarity that he recognises from the usual Taehyung; it was as if he is looking back at someone who looks like Taehyung but he had known for a very long time. 
Even longer than his entire life. 
Namjoon and Jungkook were thrown off by how their eyes were locked onto each other to the point whereby they felt that they are invading their bubble if they inched any closer. 
Yunho walks up to Jieun to nudge her subtly in the side and it snap her out from gazing Jin. 
“Oh. Taehyung-ah. Did I become more handsome?” He smirks, emphasising his point by doing a flower pose at her; she had no idea on how to respond to his question on his good looks and gapes at him. “Ahahahahaha...” Jin laughs nervously, slapping Jieun’s shoulder after noticing how stupefied Namjoon and Jungkook are after breaking eye contact from her. 
This time round, it was the trio’s turn to be surprised. 
That question in jest did snap her completely out from her reverie. What is wrong with the laughter? Did he used to laugh like this too? Yunho, after recovering from what he had heard from Jin, pauses to look at Jieun and back at Jin who is still cackling and he bursts laughing at Jieun.
Namjoon looked pretty bummed by Jin’s comments while Jungkook was pretty entertained by the look of shock and disgust on her face. 
Is this even the same person or he just looks like him physically? Yunho hears her. 
What do you think? 
She gathers her nerves once more and takes in a deep breath while Jin is still laughing. 
Well...we did not have windshield wipers back in the Goryeo era... she heard Changmin and Yunho’s laughter intensifies at the comment. She casts the evil eye at the dragon’s direction and was about to say something when Namjoon sets the clone Yunho made on the dining table. 
Jin stops laughing instantly when he sees the clone. 
The lady seems to be around the same age as him and he wonders...if she will be carrying on with her life without much worries if she had not walked into this place. He wonders if she has a loved one who is waiting for her return and how would that person feel if he or she learns that she will disappear altogether from their lives after stepping through a painting that she stumbled upon. 
He bends over to inspect the clone and Jungkook could hardly keep his expression under control. Jieun shifts over him and pinches his arm discreetly. Knowing that the Taehyung doing this to him is a woman, Jungkook’s eyes widens and gapes at her with his ears getting slightly pink. While he is able to look at Jieun in the eye because she is taking Taehyung’s form, physical contact is something that flusters him. 
“Everyone, gather at the table now.” Jin instructs them and Jieun stops immediately. “Namjoon, do you have this noona’s name?” 
“Jieun.” Jin nods and shifts the clone on the table so that he will not be knocking into stuff when he is doing the extraction. 
“Jieun, I hope that you will forgive me for doing this. I know that you may have people who are waiting for you from where you are from but please forgive us. I hope that you’ve had a great time before being brought over here today.” Jin whispers to the clone while the Namjoon and Jungkook sat at their respective seats, looking stern. Jieun had peeped into their memories to extract information on where everyone is supposed to be seated and informed Changmin and Yunho to take their respective places at the table while Jin is still doing what it seems to be his little prayer before the Extraction. 
She could tell from the pain and struggle in his eyes that this is indeed the same person that she had been looking for. 
There is a glimmer of pink lacing his eyes before he continues speaking and a dagger materialises in his right hand, preparing for the next step. Changmin and Yunho takes this as a cue to act; Namjoon had mentioned to them that Jin would recite a spell to wipe off the memories of the victim from the people who knows them so that they are able to carry on with the sacrifices to the yokwe. However, Yunho knew that while a human is capable of performing such spells, they are not able to wipe off the records on a Jeoseung Saja’s handbook. While people might forget those who are killed, it is temporary for no force is capable of erasing another person’s existence from the universe at all. 
Jin might feel that he is helping out the victims’ friends by doing this, it is actually doing more harm than good as it chips off part of their souls. They will have to do soul retrieval for these people and the soul retrieval team had been overworked recently thanks to Jin’s actions.  
Also, Jin will have to work harder if he is going to erase a Jeoseung Saja and a Dragon’s memories of their friend. 
Yunho taps the underside of the table and the clone dives into Jin who had the dagger being knocked out from his hands. While Jin was struggling against the clone, Changmin and Jieun undoes their transformation and the other copy of her disguised as Yoongi scatters into petals. Jin’s eyes widens at the sight of the events unfolding in front of him but he manages to gather enough energy to blast off the clone which had been holding him down. 
The woman bursts into ink and ashes which returns to another stranger’s outstretched palm. 
Yunho takes out his notebook and flips through several pages to realise that this young man isn’t on his records. 
“The medium.” Changmin orders. 
Jin’s eyes darts to Namjoon and Jungkook who seem passive and there was a hint of helplessness in both of their eyes when their eyes met. 
“Yunho, can you open a portal from here back to the entrance?” Jieun questions while cracking her knuckles. Jungkook was terrified when he saw that expression and Yunho took the ink and ashes that he had collected from the destroyed clone to draw another few sigils in the air. Jin screams as part of the room shatters to reveal an opening to the main entrance where the rest were. 
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Namjoon snarls at Jieun who grabs them by their arm and drags them over to the portal that Yunho had opened upon her request earlier. 
“You promised us that you won’t hurt Jin-hyung!” Jungkook snaps at the Grim Reaper while struggling against the woman who is unbelievably stronger than what he anticipated and was dragging them over with seemingly little effort.
Changmin deflected another blast from Jin who is trying to stop Jieun from bringing Namjoon and Jungkook away from them and was quite taken aback to have his fingertips singed. Jin’s irises glows once more and Yunho starts scribbling on his notebook to conjure a wall of stone to fend Changmin off from another pink energy blast. The stone wall cracks and it alarmed Changmin who reinforced it with his own gi to prevent it from shattering. 
What is he on? Meth?! Jieun hears Changmin. 
He had been feeding off the yokwe’s aura for too long. Remember, he had been the person who’s responsible for bringing sacrifices to that thing. Jieun, I’ll need your help with something. 
What will that be? I’ll have to bring these kids out before they are caught in the crossfire. 
His full name.
Jieun manages to drag Namjoon and Jungkook to safety and with a wave of her right hand, she manages to weave a net made of flames over the opening. Ignoring Namjoon and Jungkook’s looks of confusion, she rushes over to Jimin and heaves him over her shoulder. Then she moves over to Yoongi and drags him by the back of his collar. 
She stops short in front of another portal opened in the mirror and turns to them. 
“Move them.” She commands the pair who did not really like what they are hearing from the other the side of the room beyond the net. “Kim Namjoon.” 
“Yes?” Namjoon responds after slinging Hoseok’s arm over his shoulder while Jungkook did the same for Taehyung. 
“Stay outside until we all arrive.” She informs him while walking through the mirror. 
Both of them followed her and ended up in what it seems to be a storeroom. Jieun had placed Jimin and Yoongi on the floor and she seems to be in the middle of drawing some kind of circle using her own blood. Jungkook gulped at the size of the spell circle and the amount of blood she had lost from her actions while she was focused on setting up the space for them. 
While Jieun is setting up a safe space for the 6 of them outside in the regular world, Changmin and Yunho were engaged in combat against Jin who got more unstable after witnessing Namjoon and Jungkook leaving him. It came across as no surprise to both men that the entire space is an extension of Jin’s consciousness but they were pretty shocked when Jin almost warped Changmin’s left arm off after shattering the stone barrier that Yunho had erected. 
Changmin hated to admit this but today had really not been his day at all with Taehyung blasting his suit into smithereens, the really badly tainted surroundings and now Jin almost tearing his left arm off. However, he had promised Jieun before that he will not hurt this person; just what in the world had happened to him after all the time? 
“Hyung, can’t you do anything?!” Changmin snaps after another warp zone appears a little too close to his neck. 
“We’ll have to wait till Jieun arrives.” Yunho manages while parrying Jin’s strike with his dagger with his own sword. “I will need his full name so that we can drag him out of this state.” 
Changmin clicked his tongue and Jin flips off from Yunho’s swipe and another dagger forms in his free hand. He launches it at Changmin who’s preparing to blast him off with another stream of water and he notices hairline fractures forming on his neck. He had managed to hit Jin square in his chest earlier with his purifying stream of water when he was dashing up to Jieun and company which threw him off for a few minutes to let Jieun weave a temporary seal on the portal to buy some time. He had thought that it barely had any effect on Jin but he was wrong. 
Yunho also notices steam rising from where Changmin had hit Jin earlier. 
“We were doing fine. Why do all of you have to take away this happiness from us?!” Jin growls with black eating up his sclera and covering his entire eye. “All we wanted...was to be together...” his voice distorts and that black substance  takes over his teeth as he spoke, “Like last time.” 
The seal Jieun weaved on the portal shatters under the impact of Jin’s roar. 
Kim Seokjin.
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