#i’m so nervous posting this because i’m REALLY not confident in designing this kind of stuff (or really designing in general) but i spent—
mroddmod · 4 months
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hi. i made a clone oc :3 i’ll post more of him, his men, and his generals soon 🫶
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fairy-switchblade · 10 months
Hi! I’m a femme. My partner is butch, and previously identified as stone butch but has been gradually moving out of that label over the past year. Something which has been really important for our relationship, and their healing, is having an emergency plan for when they become triggered especially as they have been re-evaluating their boundaries. I have a slightly different emergency plan from their emergency plan; mine is designed to help me help them, as a partner. I thought I could share it, as it might help somebody out.
❤️🚨the triggered state emergency care plan for a partner 🚨❤️
Identify - Recognise your person is triggered. This can be a little different for everybody, so if you’re not sure I suggest discussing with partner what a triggered state might look like for them at an appropriate moment, when they feel secure and comfortable to have that conversation. My partner is often but not always non-verbal when triggered. They will have stiff, controlled body language, sometimes not moving. They will not respond towards the sound of my voice, or touch. They will not seem like themself. They will stare at nothing. They will often be very pale and clammy. It can be quite scary if your partner presents like this- but do not panic! Take a nice deep breath and remember they’ve got this, and you’ve got this.
Remove - remove the trigger, as much as possible. Be calm and clear about what you are doing. My partner and I agreed that when they are in a triggered state, I have their permission to move their physical body away from what is triggering them if necessary, for example if they are on top on top of me I can roll them safely off and away from me, or get them from a chair to the floor. Please do not offer or suggest this if you are not confident that you can physically move your person safely and without potentially re-traumatising them. Do the best you can; there is 0 shame in not agreeing to do something if you’re not sure you can do it. The key thing here is that because my partner and I both know they may be unable to consent in the moment, we have establish an ongoing prior consent agreement in the interest of their safety. We both understand the risks involved, and have discussed the best approach to mitigate the risks. This is understandably a very difficult and complicated topic for them to discuss, so establishing this has taken a very long time- and I suggest you take your time talking to your partner about what they want as well. Examples of removing could include switching off the TV program or music, immediately stopping any kind of physical activity that had been happening (doesn’t have to be sexual but it could be), or removing something which has a particular touch or scent. I will always tell them what I am doing, regardless of whether they respond. It might be that this is a new trigger or you’re not sure what’s triggered them. Stay calm, and logically assess what happened immediately before. Chances are you can make an educated guess- for example, your partner might have gone into a triggered state in the middle of you watching TV together, something thats normally fine. What was on TV? Were you cuddling up together? If you’re not sure whats triggered them and they can’t tell you, don’t get too wrapped up in trying to figure it out. You can reflect on that later- right now you just need to do your best, and focus on them getting grounded back into the present.
Ground - Once the trigger is mitigated, I help my partner use their preferred grounding techniques. These are methods to help relax their nervous system and bring them back to the present moment. I can maybe make a separate post about what these are if anyone wants them. We have practiced their grounding techniques together, and expect their techniques to evolve over time. Sometimes it is enough for me to just sit and observe whilst my partner does their grounding alone, other times they need me to gently prompt them or do the grounding with them. I will speak calmly and clearly to my partner and maintain relaxed body language. I stay with them and let them know I’m going to stay. I respect their personal space. I let them know what I am going to do before I do it, and remain focused on their evolving situation.
Soothe - through grounding, my partner will come back into themselves slowly. They are usually tired, and not very talkative. At this point I offer compassion and understanding. I ask them what they need, ie: “would you like your warm blanket” *nods head* “okay I’m going to grab that for you. I’ll be upstairs for 2 minutes.” I might offer a soothing touch if they indicate they’d like that- more typically I would let them come to me and ask for it rather than suggest this. This is very often running my fingers through their hair, or gentle arm scratches with my long nails. Following a period of disassociation, I would encourage my partner towards self-care. They prefer to be alone for this, so I give them space. I do household bits and bobs so they’re not burdened by it later, like meal prepping and filling up their bike.
Re-assess - I check back in on my partner later. Once they’ve been triggered they will be affected by it for some time afterwards, and are more likely to go into a dissociative state again. If that happens remain calm, and go back through the process.
Reflect - I will invite my partner to come to me for reflection on what happened when they’re ready. In the meantime, I will take time out to privately reflect on it. I talk to my therapist and use my journal, and my art practice. I acknowledge everything that my partner being triggered brought up for me, and how I feel now. I observe my feelings without attaching to them. I make note of what worked and what didn’t, and try to recall what happened before, during, and after my partner was triggered. I do this away from my butch. They might speak to me about their experience of it, and they might not be able to. I accept that I am always learning and so is my butch, and I show myself compassion as we work this out together. You’ve got to remember you cannot care for your partner if you are not also caring for yourself!
Disclaimer: I do not suggest that this is for everybody, and I strongly recommend you seek support from a trauma informed healthcare professional if you’d like advice on supporting a loved one on their healing journey. I have learned so much over the past year and I am learning all the time- there is no such thing as the perfect supportive femme with this, and it is important you show yourself compassion, keep learning, keep communicating with your partner, and keep trying your best!
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mugloversonly · 6 months
Fresh Meat?
This was inspired by a post by @piratefishmama
Summary: Eddie goes to a gay club for the first time and gets unwanted attention. Steve steps in.
Steve slid into the booth with a round of drinks and passed the around to the group. Beers for him, Nancy, and Johnathon, a lemon drop for Robin, and a coke for Argyle. Steve was the designated driver, but Argyle didn’t cross-fade...in public anyway. He came back in the middle of a conversation.
“King Leer was a tragedy.” Johnathon was saying.
“Yes, and there is a common theme in Shakespeare’s tragedies vs his comedies.” Robin insisted. Great, a literature talk. Steve loved listening to them go at it, but sometimes he hated that he couldn’t contribute.
“The kings are the main characters in the tragedies?” Johnathon asked. Nancy let out the most put upon sigh and Robin face palmed.
“In the tragedies the ignored the women my man.” Argyle said with a slap to Johnathon’s shoulder.
“Thank you!” Robin yelled. Steve could practically smell the ramble coming and needed to change the subject quickly.
“Robs, that girl is looking at you.” He pointed to a pretty blonde across the bar. She whipped her head around so fast it was a surprise it was still attached to her neck. When she spotted her, she chugged her drink before standing up.
“I’m going in.” She said as she moved toward the blonde. As she walked off, it was like a dam opened up. Nancy and Johnathon took the dance floor together. Argyle slid out of the booth with a pat on Steve’s shoulder. He watched him go and saw him start dancing alone. Argyle was ridiculously confident. If Steve could bottle that confidence he would make billions.
Steve drank the rest of his beer and grabbed another by the time the others came back. He wasn’t much of dancer, he liked to come along for the atmosphere and to make sure his friends got home safe.
When Robin got back, she was alone. But Steve noticed a number on her arm. With a pointed look he lifted his hand for a high five. She blushed before reciprocating. Now that everyone was having a good time, conversation turned to more mutual interests.
Steve glanced around the bar and saw something that unnerved him. There was a guy on the other side of the bar gesturing broadly. His shoulders were relaxed, his long curly hair flew around has he talked. The man he was talking to was not backing down. The man turned towards the bar as if to dismiss the other guy and Steve nearly spit out his beer. He grabbed Robin cutting her off mid-sentence.
“Is that Eddie Munson?!” He asked pointing. Robin turned and followed Steve’s gaze.
“It is! The kids have a campaign this weekend?” Robin asked. The rest of the table looked over. Even though he wasn’t in high school anymore, Eddie still came around to Hawkins quite frequently to play D&D with the kids and visit his uncle.
“He looks good.” Argyle said. “Like living in the big city really works for him.” The others nod in agreement. They watched as the guy he was talking to took the hint and backed off. Not long afterwards, another guy came up and started chatting him up. Everyone else moved on from Eddie, but Steve couldn’t.
He watched as Eddie was flirted with left and right. Multiple guys bought him drinks and even one guy boldly grabbed hand as they talked. Eddie was blushing, obviously a bit nervous and overwhelmed with all the attention. Steve wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t. Just because he had a small crush on him after the few interactions they had didn’t mean he cared who talked to him.
They guy kissed Eddie and Steve tore his gaze away. It wasn’t his business. Robin locked eyes with him and glanced at Eddie over her shoulder. She winced sympatheically and pat his shoulder. “You okay?” She asked.
Yeah. It’s not my business. We barely friends.” Which was kind of true. The kids made sure they were civil with each other and they may have hung out with them at the same time, but they never had any one on one time.
As they are talking, Steve watches Eddie push the guy away and turn away from him. His shoulders are tense and pulled up to his ears. Steve watches as he fiddles with his glass, very obviously uncomfortable. The guy grabbed Eddie’s shoulder and forcibly turned him back to him, his anger palpable even from this distance. Eddie goes to stand up but the guy crowds him against the bar. Steve’s eyebrows furrow as he looks for the bartender. Unfortunately, he’s busy on the other side of the bar. His intense gaze causes the others to follow it.
“Hey, that doesn’t look good.” Johnathon said what they all were thinking.
“Go save him.” Robin said, nudging him and wiggling her eyebrows. “Don’t the kids call you a paladin? Go do your paladining.” She said. Steve rolled his eyes and raised his hands in surrender. He stood and made his way over to the men. As he got closer he could hear Eddie.
“I told you man! I’m here with someone, leave me alone!” He growled out, the frustration clear. Steve never knew Eddie well in school, since he was a year ahead initially. But due to the little butt heads, they knew each other a bit now and knew how to read him. And although Eddie was acting tough, Steve could see his hands shaking slightly. This guy was bigger than him and it was clear he knew he couldn’t win if they fought.
His eyes darted around the room frantically and Steve picked up the pace. He ran up to Eddie’s side sliding an arm around his shoulders.
Eddie tensed as he glanced at Steve. He saw as Eddie finally recognized him and relaxed. He leaned back into Steve’s chest. “Hey baby.” Steve said dropping a kiss to the other man’s cheek. He hoped Eddie’s DM skills would kick in and he’d play along.
“Hey love, there you are!” He exclaimed sliding his hand around Steve’s waist. “I was just about to order us another round.” He turned his back to the other guy, attempting to dismiss him.
“Hey! I was here first.” The guy turned on Steve. “Back off.” Steve snorted and put on his bitch face.
“Are you still here?” He raised an eyebrow. “Not only, is he taken, by me I might add, but he’s way out of your league.”
“This freak? He’s lucky to be noticed by me.” The guy sneered. Eddie stiffened at the word freak and Steve felt his protectiveness flare up.
“If he’s so lucky, why are you acting so desperate? Could it be that you know your comb over is super obvious?” He asked pursing his lips. The guy’s eyes hardened. Eddie snorted. “Or maybe it’s that you’re LARPing as a well off man. What with your knockoff Rolex? Seriously, you’d be better off not wearing anything. That’s not even to mention your smell. It’s called a shower. Or if that’s too confusing, deodorant.” Steve sneered.
“The fuck is your problem?” The guy spat.
“My problem is that you’re still here. Seriously, I’ve seen garbage cans with more appeal. Buh, bye.” Steve threw one last bitchy look and wiggled his fingers while gesturing away from them. The guy looked like he was going to try one more time before he stomped off. “Are you alright?” He asked, turning to Eddie.
“Yeah, thanks for the save.” He said shyly. “He just wouldn’t take no for an answer. I told him I was here with someone but he wouldn’t back off.” He took a big sip of his drink.
“Are you here with someone?” Eddie shook his head. Steve glanced over his shoulder at his table and made the decision to invite Eddie to join them. Eddie finished his drink then the two of them made their way over and everyone exchanged pleasantries. They spent the next half hour catching up, turns out Argyle knew Eddie from his drug dealing days, which was a surprise to absolutely no one.
“Looks like you’re pretty popular.” Nancy said with a wave around the bar.
“I think it’s just obvious that I’ve never been here before. Or anywhere like it.” Eddie admitted.
“This your first time in a gay bar?” He asked. Eddie nodded and took a sip from his drink.
“They can smell fresh meat.” He gave a self-deprecating laugh. Steve didn’t like that.
“I mean, sure but guys are probably lining up to talk to you.” He argued. At Eddie’s incredulous look, he continued. “Come on, Eds. You’re ridiculously attrative. It’s almost offensive.” Eddie blushed and glanced away, pulling a lock of hair over his mouth.
“Thank you.” He mumbled. Steve’s heart raced as he realized what he just said and he looked at Robin for help. Like the best friend she is, she stepped in and changed the subject.
“Another drink Eddie?” She asked.
A few rounds later, and it was Argyle turn, but as he got a count, Eddie started to sway. “Are you a light weight Eddie?” Robin joked. Everyone chuckled, including Eddie, but he suddenly grasped the table. His face paled and he turned to Steve.
“I don’t feel so good.” He said.
“How much have you drank?” Steve asked. Eddie held up two fingers. Steve may be the keg stand king, but Eddie Munson was known to be able to hold his liquor. Steve looked into his eyes and they were glassier than they should be after two drinks. Shit. “Nancy, get the car.” He said tossing Nancy the keys, his tone leaving no room for argument. “I think you were drugged, Eds.” Steve said as he wrapped an arm around him.
“Yeah, that’s what it feels like.” He said, slurring. “I need to go home.” He stood as if he was going to get there on his own. He made it two steps before he stumbled. Steve caught him and gestured to Argyle. The two each got on one side of Eddie and helped him out of the bar. Robin and Johnathon ran ahead to meet Nancy at the curb. The three men slid into the back of the BMW. Steve fished in Eddie’s pockets for his van keys. “Hey, buy a guy dinner first.” He said. Still, he pulled his car keys out of his jacket pocket and handed them to Steve, who handed them to Johnathon.
“I’ll follow you.” Johnathon said. Robin went with him stating that if Eddie decided to throw up she didn’t want to be here for it.
“Where to?” Nancy asked.
“My house.” Steve said. He knew his house would be empty. It would be the perfect place for Eddie to sober up. As Nancy started driving, Steve did his best to keep Eddie awake. Thankfully, Steve didn’t live far from the bar and they were soon pulling up to the house. Eddie was having a hard time staying upright so Steve carried him into the house.
“Carrying me over the threshold, Stevie?” He asked. “Don’t you need to give me a ring before that?” Steve’s face heated and he had to remind himself that Eddie was drugged. “Or am I a damsel in distress?” He bopped Steve’s nose as he said this. As he carried Eddie to the living room, he saw Robin trying to hold in a laugh out of the corner of his eye.
She’s never going to let him live this down. He laid Eddie down on the couch and ran to his bedroom to get him some pjs. He dug through his drawers to find something with an adjustable waistband since Eddie significantly thinner than him. He grabbed his softest shirt and ran back down the steps. When he got there, Nancy was forcing Eddie to drink some water and Argyle and Johnathon were in the kitchen cooking something for all of them. Robin, was anxiously rambling about side affects that could indicate that it’s getting worse not better. Eddie was nodding along with a serious expression, but it was obvious he wasn’t really paying attention. When Steve came in the room, Eddie’s eyes found him and his face lit up.
He gave him a tiny finger wave, a blush creeping across his cheeks. “I found some clothes for you. The sweats have a cinched waist so they should stay up.” He said, handing over the clothes. Eddie’s smile turned into a pout when he saw the shirt. “What? Not metal enough for you?” Steve joked. Eddie looked at him with those big Bambi eyes.
“I was hoping you’d let me borrow one of your sweaters. They always look so soft.” Eddie whined. Steve laughed and that made Eddie jut out his bottom lip even further. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned away.
Steve sighed and dashed back up the steps. He returned with his soft yellow sweater and handed it over. “Is that better, Eds?” He asked the older boy. Without a care in the world, Eddie stripped down to his boxers and pulled on the clothes. If sunshine could be a person, that was Eddie when he pulled on the sweater. It was a bit too big for Steve, so Eddie was practically swimming in it.
“Way better, Stevie. Thank you.” He said shyly. Robin gave Steve a knowing look and mouthed Stevie. She knew about his small crush on the boy and he knew she would be relentless later. Before Steve could respond, Eddie let out a jaw cracking yawn and his eyes began to slip shut. “Can I go to sleep now?” He asked. He laid down and curled up, seeming to not care about the answer.
“Do you want to sleep in a bed maybe?” Steve asked. Eddie shook his head.
“You can sleep in Steve’s bed.” Robin goaded. Eddie sprang up and nearly fell of the couch in his excitement.
“Lead the way to your rich people bed, big boy!” He shouted. The teens giggled at his antics. Even drugged up, he was still the life of the party. He tried to stand up but he was still a little wobbly so Steve gave him a hand up to his room. He tucked Eddie into bed and made sure he had everything he needed. He snuggled under the blanket on his back.
“Sleep well, Eds.” Steve said as he made his way to the door. He went to close it, but he heard a soft sniffle that gave him pause. “Eds?” He asked. He turned back to the bed and saw that Eddie was now laying on his side with his head buried under the blankets. Steve rushed back to his side and knelt down. “What’s wrong?” He asked, pushing his hair off his face.
“I’m sorry.” Eddie whispered wetly as tears fell over his lashes. Steve shushed him quietly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Steve reassured. Eddie shook his head.
“I ruined your night. You had to leave the club all because I was too stupid to pay attention to my drink.” He said wetly. “Sorry, you can go, I shouldn’t drop this all on you.” He rolled over so he wasn’t looking at Steve anymore.
“Eddie,” Steve began stroking the other boy’s hair. “You didn’t ruin anything. In fact, I liked seeing you.” He said. Eddie rolled back to him, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“Really. I like seeing you Eddie.” Steve took a deep breath and decided to be brave. “I just like you actually.” He said. Eddie’s eyes shined.
“Will you stay with me?” He asked hopefully. Steve smiled.
“Let me tell the others and I’ll be right back.” Steve did just that to the catcalls and wolf whistles of the others. He went back to his room and changed into his pjs. Looking at Eddie, he asked “do you want me to sleep on the floor?” Eddie grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it up, gesturing for Steve to slide in. Once he did, Eddie cuddled up to him and wrapped his arms and legs around him, like an octopus. “Goodnight Eddie.”
“Goodnight Stevie.”
The sun shined through his window right into his eyes, causing him to jerk awake. For a moment Steve was confused by the pressure on his chest, but when he glanced down and saw Eddie, the night came back to him. He gently shook Eddie awake. “Good morning sleepy head.” Steve whispered. Eddie shuffled around before opening his eyes.
His confusion quickly turned to panic and he jerked back from Steve. He frantically looked around before sitting up abruptly. He tilted to the side as the world spun and slapped a hand over his mouth looking at Steve.
Steve jumped up and opened the door to the bathroom and Eddie rushed in. He emptied the contents of his stomach and Steve rushed in to hold back his hair and rub his back. When he was finished, Steve handed him a cup of water and helped him sit back against the tub. After a few minutes, he spoke.
“Not that I’m not grateful for the help; but, what happened?” The panic was coming back. “How did I get here? Did we…” Eddie’s eyes grew impossibly wide. “Did we fuck?” He asked. Steve reared back and held his hands up.
“No, no. What do you remember?” He asked. Eddie closed his eyes tight.
“I remember, guys coming up to me and buying me drinks, um..a guy being pushy, and you coming over. But everything after that, is a blur.” He said shaken.
“There’s no easy way to say this. You were drugged at the bar last night.” Steve said. Eddie recoiled and slammed back into the wall. Steve leaned closer but Eddie shrunk back, so he pulled back again.
“Did you drug me?” He asked. At first Steve was offended. What kind of guy did Eddie think he was? But as he looked at Eddie, he saw that he didn’t really believe it, he was just scared and confused. In a bathroom he didn’t recognize, after having puked up his guts, with no memory of how he got here. Steve took a beat to calm down before responding.
“No, I didn’t. I was with Nancy, Robin, Johnathon, and Argyle. They can all tell you. We saw that guy crowd you against the bar. We think he drugged you.” He said, his hands held up where Eddie could see them. Still Eddie was tense.
“Where are they? Can I ask them?” Steve nodded. The group had spent the night and if he was right about the time, the boys would be in the kitchen cooking breakfast as the girls kept them company. Steve helped Eddie stand and they made their way downstairs.
The closer they got, the voices of the group filtered to their ears.
“Do you think Eddie’s going to freak out when he wakes up?” It sounded like Johnathon said. Eddie snorted behind him as they heard the group’s conversation.
“You’re worried about Eddie?” Robin snorted. “You know Steve has a huge crush on him. It’s him I’m worried about, hopefully he doesn’t embarrass himself too badly” she giggled. Steve felt his face heat as they stepped into the kitchen. No one spotted them at first as Eddie slid up next to Steve and gave him a look.
In the end, it was Argyle who spotted them. “Hey, man! How you feeling?” He boomed. The rest of the group turned towards the kitchen door.
“Like I woke up with a major hangover.” He replied. “Stevie said I was drugged?” He asked. The group all nodded.
“Yeah we think it was that asshole who was hitting on you at the bar. Nancy got his license plate number.” Johnathon said. Eddie looked impressed with Nancy.
“I figured if you wanted to take action, you’d need some information.” She blushed. Eddie walked over and gave her an exaggerated kiss on the forehead in thanks. He sits in the free seat next to her and Robin jumps up to run to Steve.
“How much of that did he hear, do you think?” She asked, doing her best to be quiet during her panic.
“I’m pretty sure he heard the last thing you said, at the very least.” He whispered back. He glanced at Eddie and found the other man’s eyes already on him. Shit. He glanced away quickly and moved to the kitchen to get some coffee. He made himself and Eddie a cup and took his own seat. Argyle and Johnathon plated the food and set it in front of everyone.
Eddie moaned at the first bite. “Holy shit pattern man! This is awesome.” He exclaimed. Argyle thanked him genuinely and jokingly blew him a kiss. Eddie caught it and put it in his pocket. Steve was not jealous, he wasn’t. The two men were just flirty in nature.
The group laughed and joked through the meal and by the end, Eddie was sure he could trust this group. The boys were the first to head out stating something about needing to help Joyce with household fixes. The girls followed, but were less subtle about why, what with Robin throwing an exaggerated wink at Steve and Nancy giving him a thumbs up. Steve loved his friends, he did, but god they were embarrassing.
As he closed the door behind him, he took a deep breath before turning back to Eddie. He jumped as he realized the man was right behind him.
“Thanks for the rescue, Stevie.” He said. “If you hadn’t been there, I’m not sure where I would have woken up this morning...if I would have woken up.” He admitted.
“It’s no problem.” Steve said. Eddie softly smiled at Steve.
“I heard what Robin said.” Steve stiffened.
“Oh..she was just...just messing around.” He hoped Eddie would believe him.
“Through out breakfast I started to remember last night.” He paused. “Including what you said to me before we went to bed.” No such luck, he knew Eddie knew he liked him.
“I’m sorry.” Steve began, squeezing his eyes shut. “I shouldn’t have told you. But especially when you were vulnerable like that. That was such a dick move, I…” he cut off when he felt lips on his cheek. “Why’d you do that?” He asked opening his eyes.
“Because I knew you wouldn’t.” Eddie replied with a smirk. Steve stared at him incredulously.
“Did you just quote The Breakfast Club?” Eddie cackled and nodded. “I thought you’d never seen it.” He accused him. He distinctly remembers the conversation about this while Steve was waiting for the kids to pack up.
“I hadn’t when we talked about it. But you mentioned it was one of your favorites so I rented it the next day.” He admitted. “It wasn’t too bad.”
“You rented it because I said I liked it?” Steve asked with a shy smile. Eddie looked away and blushed a pretty pink.
“You’re not the only one with a crush you know.” He said looking at Steve through his lashes. “Now that I know you like me back, I was wondering if maybe you’d like to take me on a date?” Eddie challenged.
“You’re asking me to take you out?” Steve teased. Eddie grabbed his hair and pulled it in front of his face.
“Sure am, big boy. The kids rave about your dating prowess.” He dropped his hair and stepped closer to Steve. He leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “I want to experience it for myself.” Steve had to suppress a shiver. Eddie pulled back and flashed a cocky grin. “Or I could take you out. Treat you like you deserve. What do you say, sweetheart?”
Steve made a bold move and grabbed Eddie by the hand, pulling him chest to chest. “I say, all of the above. But before all that, I have a question.” Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie glanced away shyly. When he met Steve’s eyes they were shinning and his smile was making his dimples pop.
“No one’s ever asked before.” Steve tensed, how dare people disrespect Eddie like that? Before he could get too riled up though, Eddie said “Of course you can.”
Steve leaned forward and closed his eyes. He gently pressed his lips to Eddie’s. It was a chaste thing, but intense. A promise for more.
When they broke apart, their eyes locked and Steve wished he could kiss Eddie like that forever.
Spoiler alert: he got his wish.
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
[Bakugou + Todoroki] are in love with the anime character [Name]. 
A/N:  Gender-neutral reader  Crackish?? 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
He’s sort of picky with the genre, be it fantasy, horror, shonen, but his favorite character has to be a super cool, super powerful one. No excuses. 
You know, the type of anime character that’s probably introduced through a silhouette of them posing dramatically with their notorious group whose image is teased throughout the first few episodes/seasons. 
He goes pretty hard for All Might, and he’s definitely the same for your character. 
Reads the manga (but he buys it super secretly, like in a hoodie at night and the cashier probably thinks that they’re being robbed until he brings the entire [Series] collection to the register). Watches the anime the moment it’s broadcasted, reads metas and watches youtube videos that talk about conspiracies/analyses of your character. 
He’s taking his anime phase to the grave. 
For some reason gets super aggressive when you’re being flirty or being shipped with another character?? He hates all the scenes that tease any potential romance between you and other characters. asdfgj He’s like, “No one is good enough for [Name]!!! Except for me.” 
He even tries to think up ways he can legitimately square up with them LMAO. Like he wonders how he could defeat your potential S/Os in a fight but y’all are like ,,, anime characters SO WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER LOL 
“Three-sword style?? Tch, I’d fucking blow that bastard to bits.” 
“Who’s this Gaara of the Sand looking ass and why is the author getting so bold.” 
He even tries to think of how well your abilities match up with his own Quirk, this dork. 
If you were a real life person and your dislikes are lets say spicy food or loud, overbearing people, Bakugou would be like, “Tch I’m right, they’re wrong. Shut the fuck up!!!” But if his ultimate wifu/husbando has those dislikes he would be like, “Omg...😳😳 opposites attract...👉👈” 
He honestly tries to be a low-key fan (as in, not be a fan at all to outsiders), but if one day during class Kaminari ends up saying that in [Series], you’re the weakest character in your group/squad, Bakugou would get super angry. 
“Hey, Dunceface!! It’s so fucking obvious that you’re an anime-only fake fan, so don’t talk as if you know shit!” 
Bakugou is those “um actually” ;; fans 
Bakugou is a manga reader, so by the time your introduction scene or Ultimate Attack scene is being aired he becomes super OOC. He’s hyped for it for days, incredibly nervous at how the animators handle the scene. 
By the time he watches it?? 
He’s legitimately sweating buckets by the time the episode is over. A whole-ass fire hazard. 
Probably knows how to play your character theme on the drums. 
Omg but if your character dies/is hinted toward dying/or the most recent chapters ends with a cliffhanger where you’re fatally injured he will become legitimately depressed. 
Like holes himself in his dorm room for a whole day without contacting anyone and with the blinds drawn type of depressed. 
When he comes to class the next day with eye-bags and is slouching and his classmates think that something horrible has happened, it’s probably only Izuku who knows what’s going on. 
He’ll say, “You’re upset about the most recent chapter of [Series], right? I know it must be hard for you right now.” He’ll give Bakugou an officially licensed rubber strap of your character and Bakugou will just ;; cradle it in his hands softly. 
In complete seriousness, your character is probably someone who is strong physically, but publicly rallies for things like, “Failure is fine.” Your character arc would probably explore what it’s like being not good enough or feeling constantly disappointed, so he feels comfort in your character. 
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Todoroki Shoto: 
In comparison to Bakugou, he’s probably a more low-key fan unintentionally, but goes just as hard. 
Buys all of the merch, limited-edition or not, has your picture set as his phone lockscreen and homescreen, has a little acrylic charm of you on his phone, follows several fanartists that draw your character on social media. He buys enough merch that his room looks like a glorified shrine. 
It’s canon that he reads manga, but I headcanon that he’s even less picky with his genres and willingly reads things like slice-of-life or shojo all the way to shonen or adult fantasy, so your anime could come from any possible story. 
Your character is probably someone who is sweet and kind but has a traumatic character backstory. 
He probably ends up thinking stuff like, “If [Name] was with me, I would never let them get treated like that.” asdhj he’s a dork too. 
Unironically dramatically quotes you during battle and thinks that it’s still badass because he’s a teenage boy in his anime phase. 
Doesn’t get into debates with people who don’t like your character. He’s like, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion :)) even though they’re wrong. >:(.” 
If you’re from a sports/competition anime he’ll try to learn all of the rules, and even try it out for himself (if it’s not fighting) but he finds out that he’s... not very good at it. That doesn’t make him any less amazed though! 
If your character is from a different culture with different customs and traditions, he’ll even learn more about them outside of your anime! 
Forces his siblings to watch the anime with him. They don’t necessarily have to, but the Todoroki household has one big TV and he hogs it all the time watching your anime over and over. 
Natsuo is begging him to watch something else and Shoto will just pout angrily from the other side of the couch.(  ̄^ ̄)
It’s so jarring because he doesn't look or appear like a hardcore anime fan, but sometimes he’ll just butt into conversations randomly and talk about you. 
Like you know those tumblr Naruto posts that talk about it as if it’s some sort of Renaissance literature. That’s Todoroki. 
[”Man, they’re so hot--!” 
“You want to see someone hot?” Todoroki asks with a perfectly straight face, and he’ll just... turn his phone around and show them a picture of an anime character.] 
When his dad tries to set him up with someone else: “You think they’re my type? Do they watch [Series]? Do they know what true friendship is?? Do they understand pining and love the way [Name] does?” 
Endeavor: who the FUCK is [Name]. 
Gets into fanfiction because of your character and series. He’ll just be reading on his phone during break times at school and everyone thinks that he’s being so well-read but he’s just reading pure smut with a straight face. 
Doesn’t mind when you’re shipped with other characters necessarily but he is super picky. If your character is hinted toward a potential romance with another character that’s pretty crass and doesn’t necessarily treat you well but you’re sticking together through the power of friendship, he won’t ship it. 
He’s just like “[Name] would be so much happier with someone else like me.” ://// 
And if your character goes through something traumatic or terrible during the series he’ll be so sad, like soooo sad. :((( Deku would probably be comforting him on the couch in the common room and everyone is concerned because he looks like he’s mourning a lost pet, but it turns out to be over some anime character pshhhsdfh. 
Deku would just be patting his shoulder trying to console him and Todoroki’s just sitting there with a big frown on his face going, [“But they’ve been through so much throughout the anime already...” 
“I know, Todoroki-kun, I know...” 
“The author can’t do that to them... It’s just not fair.”
“I get it,” Midoriya says mournfully.]  
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Plot twist: They like the same anime character 
They’ll probably find out when they have to retake the license exam together. 
Todoroki will just take his phone out during off times and Bakugou’s eyes looks over because it’s drawn by the noise but then his head just snaps to the side when he realizes its a little charm of you, like, he’s going to get whiplash from that. 
“What the -- is that [Surname] [Name]?!” 
Like they have never really hung out together before this, so when they both first realize that their favorite character of all time is [Name] they’re left ,, just standing there ,,, pointing at each other like the spiderman meme.
At first they’re both inwardly excited because FINALLY someone cultured and with taste. They spend the entire time talking about your stats, your attacks, your post-timeskip character design, and your personality, and then they delve a little bit deeper and then they realize ,,, oh. 
Bakugou says that you don’t belong with the dumb protagonist, you should be shipped with someone strong, confident and loud, but Todoroki is like noooooo they deserve to be with someone that treats them gently. 
They connect the dots. 
[“Bakugou, you aren’t compatible with [Name]. It says so in their trivia page.” 
“Says you! They won’t want some bland-ass pretty boy! They would want a real man!”] 
They’re such fanboys ;;; they do realize that you aren’t real, right asdfghj?
One day Kaminari and Sero separately invite them to an anime convention, but they both say no and that they have plans or “something better to do” that day. 
Then Bakugou and Todoroki both turn up to the convention at the same place because they both reach for the last limited edition [Name] figure and they just stare at each other wide-eyed (ʘoʘ╬) like that. 
They start verbally fighting each other over the last figure and then physically fighting each other andddd then they get kicked out of the convention. 
Izuku ends up swooping in and getting the last box. 
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gashinabts · 3 years
peculiar taste| (m)
Words: 2.8k 
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, pwp
Summary: Unknowingly, you find out that your feet pics are roaming around twitter just to find out that your room mate runs the page. 
Warnings: FOOT STUFF, foot job ( idk if thats a thing), foot fetish
a/n:  There’s a lot of foot stuff so if that makes you uncomfortable then don’t read it. Btw if there’s other weird kinks/fetishes that you think a member would like just comment or message me. 
Twitter is a scary place, you never had it until your friend from work told you to download it because there’s funny memes. So when you downloaded it you were not surprised that there were weird foot pictures. See you were not one to shame someone who has weird fetishes but this was different. Oddly enough the picture had the same pedicure as you and the same tattoo on your ankle. Deciding to go on the page you notice there were pictures of your feet, the black heels you owned were there too. 
Is someone spying on you? There is a sudden noise from the kitchen and you jolt in fear, holding the phone close to you as you walk towards the noise. The fear disappears when you see your roommate slash friend Taehyung eating pickles from the jar. “ Hey, wanna go to the park? We can have a little picnic,” Taehyung munches the last part before putting it back in the fridge. “ What’s wrong?” He notices your worried face.
Shaking your head, not sure if you should tell him your worries. Taehyung would probably freak out more than you, he’ll probably call the FBI to install high tech cameras around the apartment. “ Nothing,” you smile. “ I’m down but I’m making the food. Last time you just packed onions and capri suns,” you move him aside to pull out bread to make sandwiches. 
He gives you his signature boxy smile, “ Sorry you don’t have an acquired taste,” he shrugs. 
When you guys get back from the park you immediately lay in your bed tired from all the running that Taehyung made you do. It was supposed to be a relaxing picnic, however Taehyung forced you to play tag with the children in the park. When you first met Taehyung you thought he was a quiet and stuck up person because of his emotionless face whenever he was sitting with people. But that all changed when you got to know him better, he was just a funny and weird person but in a good way. Needless to say you don’t ever want him to move out because he is just a fun person to have around.
The ping rings loudly on your phone, you get a message from your mom. You quickly text her back and then go on twitter to the foot fetish page to inspect it more. Maybe DM the person to see where they get these pics. Your eyes widen when you see a new picture that was uploaded a few minutes ago, your feet in your sandals that you just bought last week. Along with the picnic blanket that you use when you go to the park with Taehyung.
Jumping out of your bed you run to Taehyung’s room to demand answers from him, but he is currently playing Uno by himself. “ I’m trying to practice so I can win next time we play with Jungkook and Namjoon,” he places the green card down.
“ It’s Uno. The easiest game in the world, it was literally made for children,” you groan in frustration. Taehyung shrugs then goes back to his game and places the reverse card to the pile. “ That’s why I’m not here,” you shake your head. “ Why are my feet on a fetish page on twitter?”
His sharp eyes widen, you can’t tell if it’s due to shock or confusion. The brows are covered from his wavy black hair, lips parted in an ‘oh’ shape. “ Okay, don’t get mad. I have been posting you foot pics in exchange for money,” he puts his hands up when you throw his pillow at him. 
“ Taehyung! I can’t believe you,” you sigh. You became a renowned foot fetish star without any acknowledgment. What if people start to recognize you on the streets? Now you can never wear sandals.
“ I should’ve told you but I knew you were going to be against it,” Taehyung gets, ignoring the Uno cards and going up to you. His large hands come together holding them in front. “ If you want to take me to the police I understand. But make sure you feed the racoon that’s been secretly hiding in the garden shed,” he gives his puppy eyes. You can’t ever get mad at Taehyung, no matter what. It’s like he has this power that doesn’t make anyone upset.
Sighing, you gently push his hands down to his sides, “ I’m not turning you in,” you say. His remorse features immediately vanish, now becoming gleeful, as he engulfs you in a bear hug. If he’s getting paid you wonder how much he is making off of your feet. “ So how much money have you made so far?” The bed sinks as you sit down on it.
Taehyung's finger scratches his head, trying to remember how much the thirsty people on Twitter paid. “ Hmm, like a couple hundred. I’m saving the money so we can get a new tv.” 
The TV you guys had was found by Taehyung who was riding his bike around the neighborhood. An old man was giving it out and Taehyung called you excitedly asking you to bring your car so you can bring it back home. Upon your arrival you see an old blocky Sony tv that doesn’t even have an HDMI port. Taehyung convinced you that it was vintage and it would match the interior design of the apartment. “ Do people actually like that stuff ?” You ask while looking at your feet. What a weird thing to fetishize you think to yourself. 
Taehyung's hair floofs as he jumps back on the bed grabbing his phone that’s beside you. “ Yes. A lot of people,” he quickly unlocks his phone. “ Look, this man was willing to pay sixty dollars for you to have a foot massage,” you look at the DM. “ There’s also other requests. Like you wearing heels, stockings, and other weird things,” he shrugs putting his phone away.
People pay money for this, and you guys do need some money. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra cash for stuff. No one is ever gonna find out that it’s your feet. “ Let’s keep doing it,” you look at Taehyung, whose eyes widen at your words. 
“ Really?” Taehyung asked in a serious tone. Wanting to make sure that you actually want to do it not because of his stupid mistake.
“ Yeah, it would be nice to have extra cash,” you nod your head.
“ This feels really weird,” you flinch at the stickiness of the honey pouring on your feet. Taehyung makes a hand motion for you to keep pouring it as he films it on his phone. Your face is not in view so no one can see the weird faces you're making as the stickiness goes in between your toes. Just another weird request from a person. This guy is paying sixty dollars for this, so who cares that you are pouring honey on your feet.
Taehyung nods and gives the okay sign, ending the video. “ I feel bad that the bees are dying and we are wasting their precious honey on your feet,” he pouts before leaving to retrieve a wet towel. He tosses it to you so you can wipe the honey off before walking on the floor. 
The wet towel doesn’t help much so you decide to wash it. “ Yeah, we should visit the bee sanctuary to give our condolences,” you joke as you run to the bathtub to wash your feet with soap. 
“ That would be nice,” Taehyung smiles watching you wash your feet. He hears you laugh, “ Oh you were kidding,” he laughs along with you. The phone pings and he grabs it from his back pocket, looking at the DM’s. ***800 dollar request *** Taehyung reads loudly, eyes widening at the words. He reads the request to himself, heart beating fast because this is actually a sexual request. Also because this is the most someone is willing to spend on a video. For the past month it's only been under the hundreds that people spent on your feet.
Your voice startles him, “ What are they asking for you?” Turning off the faucet you give your undivided attention to him. 
Taehyung gulps then scratches the back of his neck, “ Uh- he wants you to use your feet to fondle someone’s dick,” he coughs at the end. There’s a silence that washes over you guys. “ Yeah,  I can just decline-”
“ Would I be fondling you?,” you ask. Taehyung tucks his phone back in his pocket then sits next to you. 
Taehyung puts his hand on your shoulder, his eyes are looking at you seriously. “ We don't have to do this.” 
 It’s 800 hundred dollars that you guys would be missing out on.“ I want to do it. Our faces won’t be showing, right?”  You really don’t mind just as long as Taehyung is comfortable doing it with you.
Taehyung exhales, nodding his head, “ Yeah no faces.” His heart beats faster as he looks at your feet.
“ Let me wash my feet one more time,” you go get up to use the bathroom one more time. Taehyung tugs you back down the bed. 
“ You already did it twice before you came to my room,” he lets out a chuckle. “ Don’t be nervous,” he sits on his chair. He grabs your foot gently placing it on his thigh. Large hands rubbing your ankle to calm you down. “ I’ll give you a foot massage and we’ll go from there,” he says softly. There’s a different mood between the two of you. It’s not like the usual playful mood that you guys have. It's heavier, if that makes sense.
Nodding your head, his big hands rub your feet. Rolling out any tension on the center of your foot, you sigh not used to this kind of attention in that area. His hands are like magic making all the stress on your foot disappear. At one point you close your eyes in relaxation feeling your body get lighter. Immediately your eyes open when you feel lips kissing your ankle, his soft lips leave a few more kisses as your eyes meet his dark eyes. Looking down you see a hard on “ Taehyung,” you whisper. He puts your foot back on his thigh, “ Should I start recording?,” you ask. Your hands shake, bringing his phone into your hands. 
Taehyung lets out a quiet hum, indicating for you to do so. You hold the phone tightly, pressing the record button. Last night you did some research looking at feet groping and you feel kind of confident. Hopefully, you don’t embarrass yourself or make Taehyung immediately walk out of the room. Your right foot teasingly goes up and down his thigh, looking carefully at Taehyung’s reaction. He lets out a groan when you get close to his bulge but goes to the other thigh doing the same action as before.
“ Baby please,” Taehyung's voice is hoarse. The pet name surprises you in a good way but you quickly remind yourself that he is only calling you that so your name won’t be exposed. His hand goes to your leg, running his fingers against your calf. Listening to his request you trail your foot to his bulge, lightly brushing the tip of your toes. He lets out a breathy exhale, looking down at your foot taunting him. 
You never thought you’d be into this, maybe it is the position. There’s some kind of power you hold as you get to dictate whether you should make him feel pleasure by the pressure of your foot. The way Taehyung’s breath quickens when you apply more pressure, his eyes giving you a sultry look. Your foot applies more pressure, toes spreading feeling the outline of his bulge. Doing slow circles, trying to feel more of him. His hand tightens on your leg, “ Fuck, right there,” Taehyung closes his eyes for a quick second. The hardness of his cock turns you on, you feel the thickness of it beneath your foot and you know he probably has a big cock. 
“ Does my foot feel good, baby?” You condescendly ask. His eyes look into yours surprise of your tone and question. His jaw clenching, looking hot and bothered, a new look that you want to store in your memory. “ Look at you getting turned on just by my foot,” you tsk in disappointment. Applying more pressure you arch your eyebrow still expecting an answer from him.
Taehyung hisses in pleasure, “ Yeah, your foot feels good,” he tosses his head when you rub your foot harder up and down his clothed cock. “ It feels to fucking good,” he whispers more to himself.
“ Take your cock for me baby,” you command him. Taehyung gives you a face of relief immediately taking his cock out of his pants and briefs. And you were right about his cock being thick and big. Now you just want to feel it in your hands and your mouth, actually everywhere. The precum is leaking, begging to be touched. The heel of your foot meets his hard cock, and he flinches but then immediately going back to your touch. “ Spit on it,” you look down, indicating Taehyung to spit on his cock.
He groans loud at your assertion, not used to this. Taehyung never sees this side of you, having a higher authority. You're usually compliant and listen to whatever he wants to do. He follows your words, spitting on his cock, as he watches your two feet come together cupping the thickness of his cock. Jerking him up and down.“ Shit shit,” he curses at himself for wanting to come right now.
“ It’s not even my pussy and you're already a moaning mess,” you chuckle to yourself. His eyes are downcast to the slow movement of your feet. The small breathy moans are getting louder, and you love the sound of it. 
If your feet are this good he can’t imagine what your pussy would feel like. He wants to desperately ask if he can fuck it later but he puts his thoughts away trying not to moan your name loudly. The movements get faster and he thinks this is the fastest time he has ever come. “ I’m going to come baby. Can I come please?”  He looks up at your face, and notices a dark gaze, and he wants to kiss the evil smirk off your face.
You wouldn’t be surprised if you creamed your pants right now at the sight of his begging and climaxing. “ Mmm, so soon?” You teasingly ask. Taehyung shamelessly nods, his hands clenching at nothing. “ Come all over my feet dirty boy,” your eyes watch carefully at his pretty bottom lip getting bitten by his teeth.
Before you know it Taehyung is tossing his head back, “ Fuck,” he lets out a loud drawl. His head Adam apple is bobbing and his pretty collar bones are getting more exposed. White spurts all over your feet and you keep fondling him until he holds your ankle in place. He finally looks down at the mess he made, surprised at how much he come.
You stop recording, placing the phone down the bed. There’s a towel next to you, you pull your feet towards you wiping the come off your feet. “ Can you kiss me?” Your head snaps to Taehyung’s question. His eyes don’t have the same lustful gaze but some hint of fondness. 
Nodding your head, you are about to kiss him until you realize that you ate sushi about an hour ago. Fearing that he probably can taste it from your mouth you pull back shaking your head. “ Let me brush my teeth real quick,” you try to walk to the bathroom. Until Taehyung laughs brightly pulling you back and pecking your lips softly.
The kiss makes you swoon and want to kiss him more but he pulls away too soon. “ Why did you want to kiss me?” You ask him not wanting to get your hopes high. But your heart is already beating hard because it’s Taehyung who kissed you.
“ I like you,” Taehyung shrugs nonchalantly. “ Why did you agree to kiss me?” He asks you while holding your hand.
“ I like you,” you do the same gesture as him. Taehyung smiles and leans towards your lips and you clothes your eyes expecting a kiss until you feel him push you back. Opening your eyes you see him pull his shirt over his head, and you're surprised to his slightly defined chest and v line. 
“ Even when I annoy you and cause nothing but trouble for you?” Taehyung looks down at you biting his bottom lip, a nervous tick he has.
You smile bringing his large hand down, pecking it lightly, “ That’s the best part though,” then pulling him down to kiss him. 
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Phone Call Anxiety
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When wanting to make quality merch, one needs a quality team there to produce and work on quality ideas. Great minds think alike. Great eyes see alike and great hands make alike - the three keys to the formula of creating a clothing line that will be fashionable and up to his brand. Luckily, Corpse knows just who to call.
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your wonderful request, I absolutely loved the idea! Sorry you’ve had to wait for it to be turned into a fic for so long, but I still hope you come across it and give it a read in which case I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
He’s not a fan of phone calls. Anyone who knows him even remotely is very well informed on Corpse’s distaste for phone calls and upholding a conversation over the phone. He’d even go as far as to say talking to a person face to face is less stressful for him than that previous option.
But still, seeing as how the person he’s trying to reach lives in a different state and is rather busy all the time, arranging an IRL meeting is basically impossible at the moment, and sending her a text results in running the risk of having the text overlooked or completely lost in the sea of notifications she probably gets on the daily.
Therefore, a phone call was his only proper way of reaching her. And it’s what’s got him pacing the room with his nervousness peaking.  He doesn’t know anything about this girl, nothing concrete at least. He was referred to her by Jack who brought her up in their passing conversation when Corpse mentioned how paranoid he was regarding his upcoming merch project. He specifically stated he doesn’t want anything basic and he wants the clothes to be fashionable, suitable for anyone no matter the age or gender and to be endurable. With all the love he has for his fans, he doesn’t want to give them anything less than what they deserve - the best.
“My friend’s the person you’re looking for.“ Jack said enthusiastically and confidently, “She helped me design the latest merch line I put out and I’ve never been more satisfied with my own merch. I’m planning on offering her a position in Cloak for her birthday. Make sure not to let that one slip out if you give her a call though.“ He warned half-jokingly. 
Bottom line, with that kind of intro, Corpse couldn’t help but let his interest be piqued. And so, he asked for this girl - Y/N’s contact info from Jack before he went to surf through her social media where she thankfully posted plenty of pictures of her creations, never failing to mention specifications in the caption of each picture so the viewers would get the perfect and most detailed idea of how high the standard for her work is.
And so he’s finally managed to talk himself into dialing her number that’s been sitting in his phone for weeks now. As he paces his living room, his nerves chewing him out like a dog would with a toy, listening to the ear piercing ring of the dial waiting to get picked up by the girl he’s trying to reach. 
Just then, Corpse’s head turns so that his eyes meet the glowing red numbers on his digital clock on his desk and he damn near hangs up the call right away - it’s half an hour past midnight. Fast as lightning, he removes the phone from his ear, his thumb flying over to press the red ‘end call’ button. Just then, a faint ‘hello’ reaches his ears, coming from the phone’s speaker. She’s answered the call.
He hurries to put the phone back up to his ear.
“Hey, sorry for taking so long to pick up, I ought to clean my desk eventually cause my phone was literally BURIED under a pile of papers.“ A cheerful sing-song voice rattles his stale and sleep deprived consciousness, as if awakening him from a half-dream state. “You’re either a wrong number caller or a last minute client, aren’t you? Need something done urgently?“
Corpse is taken the hell aback by her strong and downright awing first impression. Not to mention her energy at an hour unsuitable for calls. Lord knows he wouldn’t have picked up if her were in her spot. With the intention of not wasting any more of her time than necessary, he hurries to explain his situation. “Y/N, right? Um no, I’m neither actually. I was told about you by a friend, he said you were a real miracle-doer with fashion design.” He trails off for a second, not completely sure of how to hold this conversation, “Uh, sorry for the odd timed call, I lost track of time. I’ve been meaning to call you for hours now but I...I was nervous.” He cringes the second the word leaves his lips, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He doesn’t know why he wants to leave her with a great, better than realistic impression of himself but he does and as of now he deems his attempts as ultimate failures.
He hears her giggle from her end, rifling through what sounds to be papers, “Yeah, I’m her. And boy is it refreshing to get someone who’s calling with an actual purpose.” She sighs as if a weight’s been lifted off her shoulders, “And don’t worry about the phone call anxiety. Makes two of us, to be honest.”
This catches him off-guard. The last thing he’d expect is for this girl to have phone call anxiety. In fact, she appears to be a natural, God-given talent at carrying conversations and upholding chit-chat with people. Maybe he’s a little too quick to judge - probably, considering he’s ‘known’ her for less than five minutes and knows nothing but her occupation, her name and the state she lives in - but that bubbly persona she greeted him with gave off the impression that it’s immune to any and all kinds of social anxiety - or anxiety in general. To hear such an honest and counter-to-assumptions confession on her part rattles him a tiny bit. In a good way though.
“How does that work for you? Isn’t your whole job depending on your phone conversational skills?“ He doesn’t mind that he didn’t phrase that too perfectly or that he straight up blurted it out. He knows he’ll be understood. She’s obviously a person who understands. Not just something specific, but everything. She simply understands. How he drew this conclusion and how accurate it is, he may not know until further notice.
“Well...“ she sighs as if genuinely looking to give him a proper answer, “You see, after doing it for so long and having been caught off guard quite a few times with some absolutely absurd orders, I’ve grown prepared of literally ANYTHING and I have a line prepared for anything the caller has to say. I just no longer let them catch me off guard and it’s fine. Helps avoid any possible awkward silences.“
Corpse’s eyebrows shoot up, her explanation only raising more questions rather than providing answers. But he’s not gonna be the annoying dumbass asking those questions at close to 1AM and bugging her. After all, if she agrees to this partnership, they’ll be hearing and potentially seeing a lot more of each other soon. “Impressive, honestly. You’re gonna need to teach me sometime.“ He’s unaware he’s smiling until he catches his reflection in the window. However, he doesn’t bother hiding it. This conversation is actually making him feel good, serving as a reminder that he’s not the only one who periodically goes through turmoil over small things. 
She giggles again, this time the sound manages to draw a blush out of him, coating his cheeks, “I’d typically stray for revealing my secrets to professional success, but I’m willing to make an exception for you...” she pauses for a second as though she’s just now remembered something, “Oh shoot, I don’t even know your name.”
He wheezes out a nervous laugh, realizing he never introduced him, “Oh yeah, sorry, that’s my bad. My name’s Corpse, nice to meet ya.”
“Nice to meet you too, Corpse.“ Y/N replies, sounding pleased but teasing simultaneously, “Now tell me, you didn’t call me about my phone call secrets, did you? What may be the real purpose of your call?“
Oh shoot, he himself almost forgot what he was calling for. Luckily, the reference designs displayed on his computer screen remind him. “Right, well, I’ve been thinking of launching a new merch line either this month or the next, depending on how long the procedure will take, and I needed someone great on my team to make some merch actually worth the money people are paying for it. And, as I said, I was told you were in that ‘someone great’ category.”
“Told by who, if you don’t mind me asking?“ She briefly cuts him off, her voice now giving away the fact that she’s half-absent-minded in this conversation, added evidence be the ruffling of more papers on her end.
“Jack. I mean, Sean. You know, Jacksepticeye.“ Corpse explains, contemplating whether he should’ve ratted Jack out like that. Hearing the sound of delight Y/N lets out eases his worries ASAP though.
“Oh Gosh, I haven’t seen that cutie in so long! He’s like a brother to me so a friend of Jack’s is a friend of min-“ this time she cuts herself off so abruptly Corpse thought the line was cut or she hung up on him. She doesn’t let him wonder for long though, “Wait, wait, wait....Merch? And you’re friends with Jack?“ She pauses for a second once again, once again not a long enough second for Corpse to speak up. “You’re a famous YouTuber, aren’t you?“
He was completely unaware of the fact Y/N hadn’t realized he was someone famous yet. In fact, he didn’t think of it because he thought it wouldn’t be a big deal to her considering she’s friends with Jack-fucking-septiceye! In his mind, his ranking is far lower than Jack’s - despite that mindset being absurd - so the last thing he expected was for her to have some sort of impressed reaction to have been talking to him on the phone this whole time. Hell, she doesn’t even know his full YouTube name or what kind of content he produces.
“WAIT!“ She shouts urgently, startling him a tiny bit, “You’re Corpse Husband, aren’t you? Oh my God, yes you are, how didn’t I put it together sooner? Ah crap, I really need more coffee for this.“
“No! No, you need more sleep.“ Corpse hurries to correct her but is very clearly ignored or overlapped with the many sounds that are coming from her end, “What are you doing?“
“You’re getting the first rough sketch of a design by tomorrow morning.“ She says, taking a sip of whatever beverage she’s acquired for the purpose of keeping her awake, “You go ahead and get some sleep, I know exactly what I’m doing. Don’t worry about it.“
“I’m not worried about the design.“ He hurries to say before she, God forbid, hangs up on him, “It’s 1AM, woman, you need sleep! I don’t need those designs done by tomorrow. Hell, I don’t even need them this week!“
“You don’t, but I do.“ Y/N says, sounding almost breathless because of what seems to be overwhelming excitement, “You don’t get it - I’m designing merch for Corpse fucking Husband! You have any idea how crazy that is?“
“I personally would say it’s underwhelming. I mean, I’m no Pewdiepie, after all.“ He says, now sat at his desk with his free hand rubbing his temple as he stares at the designs he’s pulled up on his screen, ones he probably won’t need given that he’s now working with a professional.
“Oh, shut it.“ She chuckles, “Shut it and get some sleep, ok? I’ll talk to you in the morning.“
“Noooo...“ He leisurely stretches the word, “Tell me, Y/N, do you have Discord?” She clicks her tongue instantly, giving him a signal that the question he’s asked is bordering into the territory of ridiculous. He playfully rolls his eyes, “Alright then, lemme find you. If we’re partnering up on this, we’re both staying up.”
“You know you can just straight up tell me you don’t fully trust me with this? Like, I won’t be offended, I get it.“ She murmurs in-thought, the sound of clicking evident on her end. 
“You know you can just straight up tell me you don’t want me bothering you and want me to leave you alone?“ He mimics her statement, smirking to himself as he pulls up Discord, knowing he’s already won.
She huffs and tells him her Discord info, quickly adding a small comment, “...but only because great minds think alike. I know we’ll be getting along on this design pretty nicely.”
“Yeah, yeah, right, sure, whatever you say.“ He laughs, “Accept my friend request and let’s drop this phone call.“
“Hey! - um, before we do that, I just wanna say a quick thank you.“ Y/N murmurs quietly, as if half-hoping he doesn’t hear her.
“For what?“ Corpse asks, his brows furrowing, unsure if they’re on the same page about this gratitude.
“For never once triggering my phone call anxiety.“ She admits, “I mean, I know I said I have lines prepared for every conversation scenario possible, but you totally caught me off-guard.“ She giggles a tiny bit, now sounding dangerously close to nervous, “But, not in a bad way, if that makes sense. Sorry if it doesn’t, I need more coffee.“
“No, no, it does!“ He hurries to reassure her, “It really does. And thank you too. Thank you for, you know, tolerating my BS at this hour. God knows I would’ve ignored your call if our roles were reversed.“
He hears her scoff and can’t help but laugh, “Huh ok, I see.“ She says, sounding greatly triggered and mock-pissed at his confession, “I’ll make sure to think of that next time you call me after midnight. Or at all, ever.“
Laughing his butt off, the only thing Corpse can think of in this moment is:
Damn, this girl and I are gonna get along
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
Can I request a teen mc who is like YUJI from jujutsu kaisen as in they are the vessel of SUKUNA PLSS? Like maybe they can manifest SUKUNA in his curse form as another being as well like megumis dogs? (If you don’t know JJK can you just do a chaotic teen mc? ❤️)
So let me tell you: I started reading the manga but have yet to watch the anime 😭 it’s really good though and I’m probably gonna start it this week, but I’m not sure if I’m 100% confident in writing Sukuna. BUT this request was too good to pass up, so if you don’t like it I will write the other scenario instead just let me know!
So for these headcanons, I made it to where MC is Sukuna’s vessel like Yuji, and that they can manifest him if needed. But, I still kept it to where he’s not exactly a good guy with MC’s best interest at heart. Reader is gender neutral and younger than the Bros, so the dynamic is more family instead of romance just a heads up! Hope you enjoy!
TW: Minor cursing, spoilers for Lesson 16 in Mammon’s, Beel’s, and Belphie’s part
The Brothers with Teen MC who’s Sukuna’s Vessel
Was very irritated with this revelation, but still curious
Still annoyed either way though
He already had to make sure that you stayed alive during your stay and not disappoint Diavolo, but now he had to make sure that you kept this curse at bay too!
He’s very skeptical of you: not only because of you being a young human but also being a human with essentially a demon inside of you
A very troublesome demon if not kept under control at all times
Honestly Sukuna was like an buzzing gnat who wouldn’t just go away, so Lucifer didn’t see him as a threat personally. More of a nuisance that could grow into a threat if remained unchecked
After you explained the whole situation, he still assigned Mammon to you, but he made sure to personally keep an eye on you too
Your presence was seen as a threat at first, but as time passed, he, along with his brothers knew you meant no harm, but the same couldn’t be said for this Sukuna
He wanted to have faith in you, but he couldn’t bring himself to fully believe it. After an incident at RAD with another demon attempting to attack you, your powers (or rather Sukuna’s) came out to play
He saw the markings, the extra eyes, the malice spread on your face, and he then realized just how serious this has become. You were able to gain control back, but the damage was already done. You were so distraught, sobbing before you, trying to apologize and swearing that you didn’t mean for this to happen, all the while Sukuna was laughing, morphing a mouth on your cheek
It was so bizarre to see, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity for you. You were such a kind person, always going out of the way to spend time and help wherever you could. You essentially became a part of the family, but he knew that you didn’t feel accepted because of him
After that, your “punishment” was to practice holding control over Sukuna with Lucifer, every day after school (which can just be seen as him checking in on you on a daily basis, and trying out different techniques to make sure repeats of this incident doesn’t happen again). Meaning that you trained on manifesting him at will, instead of him completely taking over
Not gonna lie he’s acting like a proud dad when he sees you making progress and Sukuna just sitting in your head tired of all this positivity lol
Lucifer cares for you, he’s accepted you fully even if you hadn’t for yourself. He wants to protect all of his family (including you), and he doesn’t want to think about what could happen if Sukuna becomes a danger to the Devildom or Diavolo...
Is impressed but also low key nervous
Humans are not suppose to be like this, ya know!
He’s not the smartest demon in Hell, but he definitely knows that you can’t summon demons without a pact, and he knows your baby face doesn’t have one with the King of Curses
You had to break down the whole deal, and it made him even more confused and distressed
Was still acting annoyed being your designated babysitter, I mean seriously, just how annoying can you be?!
Just kidding! You guys are totally partners in crime in no time and you both make Lucifer get 2x the wrinkles now
“MC, let the Great Mammon show you how’s it done!”
“Mammon, you’re going to be the reason why we’ll be strung up again for the third time this week.”
“It’s going to be both of your idiots’ faults. Such a pathetic display.”
He HATES whenever Sukuna makes an appearance, whether you call on him or he makes his own special appearance. He’s like a gritty and more sadistic version of Lucifer, minus the style and uptight personality (and honestly the finesse too), which made him 10x the more aggravating
He honestly hates Sukuna in general. Here you are, his MC, one of the only people to stand up and defend him always, struggling to live a normal life because of him. It was bad enough that you got sent down here with no warning, but now you got sent with him, and from what Mammon could hear with the conversations between you two, he wasn’t exactly your BFF
Denies being excited about seeing you perform your cursed techniques, but only because it brings him out (and he guesses it’s a little cool that you know how to do it). But human, you don’t need that lame curse, you got the great demon himself to protect you!
On a darker note, you made Mammon swear to you that if Sukuna took over and you for some reason couldn’t gain back control, that he would protect himself and his brothers first before worrying about you. He hated this even coming up, you should be worrying about what’s the next scheme you guys could pull off, not some weird sharpie colored entity causing problems. But you were dead serious, and you made him promise that if the worst case scenario ever happened, he would make sure it’s taken care of
Mammon realized you were the missing piece to their family. It felt nice to have someone depend on him, to actually treat him with respect and care for him truly. He refused to accept Sukuna as a part of you (really he just acted like he didn’t exist, which he didn’t in his mind), and he refused to let him or anyone else harm you
You’re family now, and he wasn’t going to lose anyone else ever again
Oh look, another normie
Wow, you’re such a normie that you’re even talking to yourself through a manifested mouth on your palm-wait WHAT
You broke it down to him, and you just...stared at you, with a blank expression on his face. Until-
How ironic lol
He practically had a fanboy overload moment whenever you showed off your cursed techniques to him after he begged asked you countless times
You guys remember that vine with the kid saying, “I have the power of God and anime on my side”? Recreate that while doing your moves and he’ll be in awe and dying laughing at the same time
Will post it to his Devilgram and DevilTube
His envy will start to show at first. How is it that someone boring like you get to have all these cool powers and have an actual king reside in you?? You’re living the Shonen dream and not even grateful for it!
But this reality for him would soon shatter after he saw Sukuna for himself, and the way that he behaved towards you. The way that the curse would just look at with disdain in his eyes just made Levi’s skin crawl. He was made well aware that you were in fact not living the anime dream he thought you were. The look in your eyes reminded him of how he would feel whenever he felt like a scummy otaku, and from that point forward he would find ways to cheer you up
You can plan on having anime marathons, game nights, even talking with Henry (I hc that he can talk and understand aquatic animals) when you get into these moods. Anything that helps him get out of his funks he’s hoping it helps you too. You don’t deserve this type of treatment from anyone, especially someone that even he can no doubt eliminate
You were honestly one of the coolest people that he knows, and one of the strongest too! Not just physically, but mentally too. He can’t imagine what could be going on in your head since Sukuna became a part of you, but he knows that you’re strong enough to overcome anything that he throws at you. And if you had moments where you faltered or doubted yourself, that’s okay! Levi would be right beside you the whole way, doing anything he can to keep pushing you forward
Be the teen anime hero that he’s know you can be MC! You wouldn’t be his Henry if he didn’t have any faith in you, you know?
Bonus: you don’t have to worry about your anime nights being ruined after one night when Sukuna somehow found a spoiler to an anime that Levi was really anticipating became a very visual warning for the curse. Levi convinced you to let him take over, and whatever was said resonated with him because you never heard a peep after that, both out loud and in your head
Oh he was BEYOND fascinated
We all know how much Satan loves to read and how smart he is, so while you look at your condition as a curse (no pun intended), he saw it as an opportunity
Could you feel this curse coursing through your body? Did you feel stronger? Could he see through your eyes all the time or only when you let him? He had so many questions it wasn’t even funny
Very understanding of your situation surprisingly (but still called you dumb for eating Sukuna’s finger)
Satan would be one of the only people you could really trust when dealing with Sukuna. Yes, you trusted all of the brothers, but if you were really in a bind you could count on Satan to come up with a solution quickly
The only issue was his anger. Everyone knows just how angry he can get, and to avoid him ASAP if you even think he’s getting frustrated. Sukuna knows this too, and will be more than happy to taunt him to truly bring out his wrath. While he does need you alive (for now), it wouldn’t hurt to have some type of fun around here. Plus, this could cause your bonds with these brothers to weaken, and the weaker the bond, the weaker the will to help you keep him at bay and defeat him
But Satan knew better, and you did your best in keeping Sukuna away. He may be the Avatar of Wrath but that didn’t mean he was stupid. However, he did have one slip up unfortunately
You see, he was just having a bad day and already got into a spat with Lucifer, and you sensed that he certainly needed his space. So while you slowly backtracked to your room and from his path, Sukuna decided to be the evil ass that he is, and proceed to provoke him. What finally made him snap was his comment that, “You would be a formidable opponent if you weren’t in your older brothers’ shadow, but oh well. Can’t help who you come from I see.”
It took Beel, Mammon, and Lucifer to properly restrain him from ripping Sukuna (really you) limb from limb, with him laughing manically and you scrambling back in fear. Which called for a very long, detailed family meeting (of course after Satan fully calmed down) that resulted in mediated meetings between you and him for the next month. You felt guilty, you should have done better containing him, but you couldn’t predict whenever he decided to pop up!
But after a long talk, Satan didn’t blame you. He blamed himself for losing to his anger and especially blamed Sukuna. He decided that it was time to get rid of this pest once and for all. Be ready MC, cause once he puts his mind to something, there’s no stopping him
Prepare for your bonding time to be deep into books and practicing new hexes and curses. But don’t worry, it’s not always boring and Satan makes sure that you’re having some type of fun. He’s really doing this to have some sort of protection for you: whether it’s against Sukuna or himself. He wants you to know something besides your cursed techniques just in case they fail for some reason
Will shockingly want you to manifest the curse, one main reason is to obviously collect information on him, the other reason is to test said hexes and curses on him
Can a curse be cursed? Let’s find out
You helped Satan with him realizing that anger isn’t the only emotion that you can feel, and with you being so young, he wanted you to experience life as much as you can. And while you had an extra...passenger with you, he will do his best to make sure that it doesn’t get in the way of you enjoying life. It was nice to see a joyous smile on your face
Also you guys did find a hex that made Sukuna meow for the whole day and it was the best thing to ever happen with him lmao
Honestly wasn’t really bothered with it at first. If anything, he treated it like hot gossip when you told him in the beginning
One thing he will say though: humans can be so revolting at times. I mean you ate a rotten finger, a cursed, aged, sharp, disgusting- you get the point. He did cringe at that, but everything else was pretty normal besides that
Still talked about your daily gossip, painted nails, the works. But recently, Sukuna’s name has been coming up more and more in your recent convos. Asmo, being quite the messy curious demon, wanted to know more about this curse
He really treated Sukuna like he was just your show and tell act and would want you to bring it out to see how he really was. He was amused with your cursed techniques, but he wanted to see more!
He heard you both talking with one another, and he wanted to see him in person! He hasn’t done anything and you’re among the seven strongest in Hell, so what could go wrong?
So much. So much could go wrong
And so much went wrong
After you manifested him, it went downhill from there. The large amount of control you did show caught his attention, but then it moved to the King of Curses himself. He was very delighted to see him up close for more than a couple of seconds, and took his time admiring his physique up close. It was fun for him, but not for you. Sukuna could feel your will slipping since your focus was being divided dealing with Asmo, so he took this as his time to shine
You had an exhausting day, and you were tired, which he used to his advantage. Asmo started to complain when Sukuna suddenly disappeared, but didn’t have a chance to voice it as your arm suddenly gripped the front of his shirt. He felt himself jolt, feeling his heart pumping. He looked into your eyes and realized that this wasn’t you, this was now Sukuna. The black markings that lined your face along with the new eye color (and the extra pair of eyes) came with a grin that stretched across your face
“What’s the matter? You were so eager to be in my presence, is it not to your liking now that the tables have turned? You claim to be one of the strongest, yet I would be able to kill you just being in this form-Ah, the brat is trying to come back, what a shame. Do me a favor, little Asmodeus, don’t insult me like this again. I am a King, and you will remember that. I might have to pay you another visit and take your heart with me next time to make sure you’re aware of that.”
He didn’t give Asmo time to answer, as his grip loosened and you were back. He saw you stumbling, shook out of his own thoughts and reached to catch you. He knew that this curse was an issue, but he didn’t understand just how serious this was, how serious it had gotten so quickly. The thought of Sukuna didn’t scare him, but the promise of him coming back just for him caused some worry. He wasn’t the weakest, but he didn’t want to hurt you! As much as he couldn’t stand his new found scorn of Sukuna, it wasn’t enough for him to take the chance of injuring you
You didn’t strike fear in him, rather the opposite. To see someone he has grown to care about be the one to try and bring his demise was...saddening. He could just feel his heart breaking at the notion. And if this experience taught him one thing is to be more understanding of what you’re going through
You remembered bits and pieces of the incident, and whenever you asked Asmo about it, he would divulge a tad in what happened, but wouldn’t go into too much detail. He didn’t want you blaming yourself, and he didn’t want you to distance yourself from him either. You already proven yourself of formindable you are ever since you gotten down here, and Asmo wasn’t going to let some jealous wannabe demon get in the way of that!
So no more talk of the thing, and whenever it did want to make an unsuspecting visit, Asmo would be ready. The thing was immune to most curses, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be charmed to some extent, right?
Has covered the eye slits up with makeup and other beauty products every morning, becomes both of your favorite bonding activity. Anything to erase any evidence of it existing and to hear your giggles brightens his day everytime!
Is very sympathetic of your ordeal
Has mad respect for you eating that finger though, even he doesn’t think that he would eat that
Maybe with some sauces and some Hellroast he might
Is another brother that tries to keep an eye on you. If this Sukuna really is as dangerous as you make him out to be, then he would make sure to be prepared if things went south
Beel’s motto: stay ready you ain’t gotta get ready
Will want you to practice your moves with him. Beel’s pretty powerful, and on muscles alone is one of the strongest brothers. He wants to make sure that you can recognize your full potential, and to always do your best. Expect to be in the gym or the HoL’s backyard working out and training majority of the week
Is thoroughly impressed with your cursed techniques
Beel doesn’t understand that while yes, you have a whole curse residing in you, doesn’t make you less of a human. He forgets that you still have some limitations, and you have to remind him at least twice a week. You gotten more powerful yes, but you still weren’t at Beel’s level
“You can do it MC! Don’t give up!”
“Beel this is over 500 pounds...are you forgetting that I’m still HUMAN-”
But you can never stay mad at him, he’s just too sweet and he means well. He genuinely wants you safe and prepared if anything happens with Sukuna, and if getting you buffed up makes him feel somewhat at ease, then you’ll deal with it
Shares his food with you sometimes. He makes sure that you eat properly too, so no skipping out on meals!
Great listener! Whether you’re complaining about class, talking about a new restaurant you’re interested in (he’s definitely tuned in), or venting about Sukuna, he’s all ears. Even gives you advice if you ask for it or if you really need it
Has encountered Sukuna while he took over your body once, and let me tell you, he was not happy at all
Beel is one of the brothers that are in touch with his emotions; he doesn’t really fly off the handle into a rage unless someone has done something to his family or if he’s being denied food. But now that you’re family and vulnerable not only to other demons but to this curse inhabiting your body, he wasn’t taking any chances
He made sure to be very clear when talking with Sukuna. He wouldn’t stand for anything happening to you, and he made sure that the curse would wish he stayed scattered if that boundary was crossed
Beel is a very protective big brother that’s constantly looking out for you all the time. Even if you feel like that you need to bare this burden on your own, he makes sure that you never feel alone.
He already lost Lilith, and he doesn’t want to lose you too. He won’t mess up this time
See, he knew that there was something wrong with humans, and you were living proof of that
How can you trust humans not knowing if they have another creature living within them?!
Whatever, he’s too sleepy to even care about it
And you weren’t one of the worst so...he guesses that you’re tolerable, but don’t push it!
In the beginning, he thought it was easy to manipulate you, but he could just sense that something wasn’t right with you (and no, it wasn’t because you were just human). He would hear you talking aloud to yourself, except that you were...responding to yourself too?
He thought you finally cracked up lmao
He brought it up as a joke once, but the way you reacted was tense and...ashamed? Oh, he just hit a gold mine. This could make things much more interesting. You shared a little bit of your story with this so called “King of Curses”, but he was smart enough to make a plan off of the information. Maybe he could take advantage of Sukuna like he is of you. Kill two birds with one stone
Well his plan backfired swiftly. After he was freed from the attic and went straight in for the kill, things went array. His hands were wrapped around your neck, he could-should see the life leaving your eyes, but instead he was met with Sukuna’s gaze. Belphie thought he planned this right, he made sure that he didn’t give you enough time to manifest him or to use your curse techniques, so how was this-
“You think I don’t recognize the look of bloodlust, you spoiled child? You were foolish enough to believe that you could get rid of me this easily like the brat?!”, and he was sent flying across the room. How was this happening, this wasn’t suppose to happen!-
“As much as I would like to see them die, they’re useful to me for the time being. Once they are of no use anymore, the only one who will be relishing in their demise is me. They’ll be dying by my hand, not by some weakened child.”
Those words still resonated with him still to this day. Honestly, the whole incident did. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that you forgiven him and want to build a real bond together, his mind refused to erase that horrid memory, and he deserved it. When Belphie remembers back to that day, he remembers the horrified and heart breaking looks on his brothers’ faces, the way that your eyes show how betrayed and petrified, and how you were gasping out begging him to stop, before he comes out and puts everyone in danger
He felt disgusting, guilty, mortified, regretful, a disappointment. Those feelings only escalated after having them explain the truth to him, both about yourself and being a descendent of his dead sister. He could see how much you touched his family, and you extended that kindness to him too, and he just exploited it
He stayed far away from you for a very long time. He didn’t try to approach you at all, only staying in the planetarium or even the attic, to avoid crossing paths with you. He didn’t deserve to make a connection with you like his older brothers, as much as he wanted to. He was remorseful, it wasn’t because of the whole Lilith revelation, but because you really didn’t deserve that happening to you
You made the first move to make amends, to have a fresh start, and he couldn’t have been more grateful, albeit nervous. He was so terrified of messing things up again, but you were there to help keep him grounded. “I won’t lie to say that what you did was okay, but I’m willing to move on from it. You aren’t completely forgiven, but we can work towards fixing things, together.”
Belphie was shaken by Sukuna’s words, but he wasn’t necessarily scared of him. In fact, he would personally find a way to cast him out of your body and destroy him permanently as the perfect apology and thank you gift; the thank you for reuniting him with his family, and for helping them develop healthy relationships with one another. They weren’t as separate as before, and it made him feel so warm every time he thought about it
Not that he would ever say that to anyone
You both spent time together either napping or plotting for future LYS (Lucifer You Suck) pranks. And since Belphie is pretty good with magic himself, he would be teaching you some new spells or curses that you could use to protect yourself, even against the curse inside you
Belphie will make sure to not make another huge mistake when it comes to you ever again. He’ll have his little slip ups, but you were never put into harms way because of them. He doesn’t want to sabatoge this bond, and he wants you to truly be happy spending time with him. He’s not the greatest role model (obviously) and may be tight lipped about how he feels most of the time, but he really does have your best interests at heart
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
last call | jjk x reader
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pairing: jungkook x reader
rating: 18+
word count: 4.4K
synopsis: jeon jungkook is the hottest bartender in the city. everyone has their sights set on him, but it seems he has his sights set on you.
warnings: oral (female receiving), protected sex, jungkook thirst, excessive jungkook thirst, hello we’re talking about jungkook here -- there is a jungkook-sized amount of thirst, unsanitary use of a space designated for food and beverage
A/N: this fic is a commission for the @ficswithluv​ special project “Changes with Luv”. The awesome @dee-ehn​ made a donation to BLM for this fic and she asked for sexy times with long-haired JK with tattoos and dammit that’s what she’s gonna get.  Thanks so much for making the donation, this is a cool way for authors like me to pitch in for an important cause!
Jeon Jungkook is the sexiest man in this city.
That’s not a matter of opinion, that’s an actual fact -- voted into law by you and the rest of the Council of The Thirsty after a night of downing shots at The Black Swan.  The four of you piled into the bar’s single-stall restroom to check lipstick and chat shit and it was decided, that was that.
The Black Swan is open long after the other nearby bars and restaurants have locked up for the night. After the tables have been cleared and the tips have been counted, it’s where just about everyone who works in the service industry in this part of town ends up for a post-shift nightcap. They’re drawn by the late hours and the strong drinks and, well --
Jeon Jungkook.
On any given night, his bar is packed with flirts -- men and women alike -- all hoping for just a taste of his attention.  You can’t blame them, really.  It’s far too easy to get lost in Jungkook’s massive, dark eyes, or that slow, confident smile.  And it’s far too hard to look away when he tucks an errant strand of inky hair behind his ear or when he rolls his sleeves up to reveal those toned forearms covered with tattoos.
Jungkook works his bar with the confidence of a man who understands his magnetism, a man who understands why people get sucked into his orbit and never want to leave. 
Suckers just like you.
Jägermeister is totally fucking disgusting and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
You’ve just bellied up to the bar to grab a drink when Jeon Jungkook drops a shot of the foul shit right in front of you.  The look you give him is equal parts confused and revolted.
“What’s this?” 
“Oh, come on,” he teases with a smile, “You work at a bar.  Don’t tell me you don’t recognize a shot of Jäger.”
“Oh, I recognize it,” you tease back. “I just refuse to acknowledge it.  Who sent this to me?”
Jungkook narrows his eyes playfully, pulls another shot glass from under the bar and pours himself a shot of the dark, thick liqueur.
He holds it up in the air and waits for you to do the same.
“I did.”
Your eyebrows shoot sky-high in surprise.  Jeon Jungkook buying you a shot? 
You’re probably just in the right place at the right time, you reason. The lucky recipient of a free drink because he’s in the mood to get one, too.  
Or unlucky, you correct yourself -- looking down at the glass.  But one more look at Jungkook and you know there’s no way you’re going to refuse the offering.  
You’re picky, but you’re damned sure not stupid.
You raise your shot glass in the air and Jungkook looks pleased.
“Bottoms up,” he says, eyes twinkling.
Something strange happens a few nights later.  
You’re seated at a high-top near the bar with your girlfriends when you hear Jungkook call something out across the room.  Your friends freeze, wide eyes and shocked stares focused on you for one awkward moment.
He says it again, this time louder -- and there’s no mistaking it.
It’s your name.
You ignore the frantic whispering of your girlfriends and stand up from your seat at the high-top to approach Jungkook’s bar.  He’s leaned over it, hands bracing the dark wood -- pen tucked neatly behind his ear.  His long dark hair is pulled back into a glossy knot, but one lock has fallen into his eyes.  
He looks insanely good -- but honestly, what’s new?
You clear your throat before you approach so you don’t croak your way through whatever comes next.  Spine straight, you get close, slide into a barstool and do your best to appear casual.
“What’s up?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna threaten you with any more shots of Jäger,” he laughs, flashing his million-watt smile.  You smile back, hoping he can’t hear the holy shits and what the fucks flying at the table behind you.  “I’ve got something else for you tonight.”
“Okay,” you breathe, dazzled by the personal attention he’s bestowing on you.  “What’s on the menu?”
Jungkook reaches for two fresh shot glasses and pulls a heavy amber bottle from the well behind his bar.
“Grand Marnier,” you answer for him, watching as he pours you both a shot.  “An upgrade from Jäger, that’s for sure,” you tease.
He laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkling in the most goddamned adorable way possible.  “I figured this might be more your speed.”
Figured how? As far as you know, he doesn’t know a thing about you -- apart from the fact that you usually drink a vodka tonic.
And your name, apparently.  How does he know your name, anyway?
“Cheers,” he says in that low, sexy voice, and you shiver.
“Cheers,” you agree, tongue swiping at the taste of the sweet liqueur on your lips.  
Jungkook’s eyes darken for a split-second and heat creeps up your neck.
“So, um -- how do you know my name?”
You can thank the alcohol for giving you the courage to ask.  Sober you wouldn’t be nearly so forward.
Jungkook shrugs.  “I’ve seen it on your credit card.”
“Ah,” you smile.  “Well, thanks, again.  Next time, I’ll be the one buying, okay?”
“Yeah, sure,” he grins.
But as you’re walking back to your table something dawns on you.  
You turn and head back to the bar.
“Hold on a second,” you say, eyes narrowed at Jungkook.  “I’ve never paid with a credit card here.  I always pay my tab in cash.”
“Hmmm,” he murmurs -- and fuck if the slow smile that spreads across his features doesn’t make your panties wet right then and there.  
“Is that right?”
“Jeon Jungkook wants to fuck you.”
“For the love of God, Tifa,” you hiss, ducking your head.  “Keep your voice down.  Jungkook and every last one of his ancestors can hear you when you’re talking that loud.”
Tifa shrugs, unbothered.
“I said what I said,” she sniffs, checking for non-existent dirt under her nails.  “You see any of us getting free shots from The Golden One? Or any of the other women in here, for that matter?”
Well, she’s kind of got a point there, doesn’t she?
You have no idea why you seem to have captured Jeon Jungkook’s attention, but you’re not going to question it, that’s for sure. You’re going to enjoy your good fortune while it lasts.
“He’s being nice,” you argue, and even you aren’t buying it the second the lame deflection comes out of your mouth.  Tifa rolls her eyes.
“You know what else would be nice? Getting dicked down by the hottest man in town.  Wouldn’t that be nice?”
You sigh.  
It would be, actually.  The part of your brain that entertains such outlandish fantasies has been working overtime these days, imagining exactly what that would be like.  Imagining the body that lies underneath that sinfully fitted shirt and the almost-too-tight-but-not-quite jeans.  
Jungkook certainly walks and talks and moves like a man who knows exactly what he’s doing in bed.  You’d love nothing more than to know if there’s any truth to that theory.
You chance a glance over your shoulder, back to the bar -- and Jungkook is deep in conversation with a patron.  She’s leaning over the bar, practically throwing herself at the man, but he looks away from her to catch sight of you.  His picture-perfect face breaks into a wide smile and you break into a sweat.
“See what I mean?” Tifa asks, brow raised when you turn back to face her.  “The man is trying to fuck you.  I’ll be right here after he does, waiting to say I told you so.”
You sputter a laugh into the rim of your glass.
“We’ll see about that, T.”
Nothing ruins the end of a night of drinking quite like last call.
All the fun screeches to a halt when the house lights come on.  No one looks good under the harsh fluorescents that hum to life as tabs are being paid and drinks are being slammed and tables are being wiped -- no one.
Well, no one except for Jeon Jungkook, of course.
He’s in the weeds tonight -- trying to settle tabs for at least twenty people all trying to cash out at the same time.  He nods in your direction to confirm he’s seen you, that he’ll get to you -- that eventually you’ll get your chance to pay.
So you wait.  And wait.
The crowd starts to thin as Jungkook closes tabs at top speed -- tip jar flush with obscene amounts of cash.  No one tips better than people who make a living on them -- and tonight is no exception.  From what you can tell it’s been a good night for Jungkook.  
Hell, every night is probably a good night when you’re Jeon Jungkook.
You sip what’s left of your vodka tonic and scroll through your phone while you patiently wait for your turn -- then promptly lose track of time.
How long have you been sitting here? 
It’s only when your ears pick up on the echo in this place that you look up from the screen.  Jungkook is cashing some guy out -- and as you take a look around you realize this guy must be the last person in this place. 
Correction -- you are the last person in this place, or at least you will be in about thirty seconds. 
Your pulse picks up as Jungkook wraps the transaction and sends the guy out the door with a friendly wave.  You’re definitely the only two people left in The Black Swan now, no doubt.
“So uh -- ” you drag the sound out on a nervous breath, “ -- I still need to pay my tab.”
Jungkook flips the house lights back off before sauntering to your end of the bar, wearing his most dangerous smile. He dries his hands with the towel at his waist then sets it aside.
“Your tab was paid hours ago.”
“Because you paid it,” you say slowly, forcing yourself to drag your eyes from the man’s muscled thighs and trim waist to his flawless face.  Your heart stops a bit at the smirk you find when you finally get there.
You grab for what’s left of your vodka tonic and slug it down.  
Jungkook laughs.
“You want me,” he says, fingers working the top buttons of his fitted shirt open.  You watch with wide eyes, so distracted by the action that you barely process what he’s said.
“Wait, what?” you ask in a daze.
“You want me,” he repeats casually, like it’s no big deal.  His fingers stop only a few buttons down, the tease -- but he chooses that same moment to pull his hair out of the loose knot he’s been wearing all night.  The dark strands fall into his face and you stare like a moron.
“What makes you say that?” you ask, weakly.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Jungkook teases.  “My vision is 20/20.  My hearing is pretty good, too -- though it would be pretty hard not to overhear the things you and your friends say about me.”
Dammit, Tifa, I told you to keep your voice down.
“Yikes,” you murmur on a shaky laugh.  “That’s embarrassing.”
“Doesn’t have to be,” he says with no hesitation.  “‘Cause I want you, too.”
You pull back from the bar so far, your stool nearly tips over. Jungkook waits for you to right yourself in amused silence.  Then he waits for you to speak.
“I’m, I  -- “ you sputter, searching for things like words and thoughts.  Jungkook’s brows lift as he awaits whatever is on the other end of that sentence.  “ -- I think I need another drink.”
Jungkook winks before reaching down to pull glasses from under the bar.  He sets a brown bottle with a familiar orange label down beside them.  You hold your breath when you see him walk out from behind the bar to slide into the stool next to yours.
“Fireball,” you say thickly, watching him pour the cinnamon liqueur into the shot glasses.  He nods, handing you your glass.
“Think this will help?” he asks, smiling wickedly.  
“No way to know but to do it,” you smile back.
You clink the glasses together before draining them.
You can almost feel the alcohol working its way through your veins.  The warm burn of it starts in your throat, slides low into your belly and spreads out through your arms and legs.  
“Think that did the trick?” he asks in a low voice, dark eyes fixed on your every move.  He leans closer.
“I don’t know,” you admit. He’s close enough now you can smell the warm cinnamon on his breath.  Between the booze and the hormones, you’re starting to feel a little reckless.  “That depends.  Are you trying to fuck me in this bar?”
“Absolutely,” Jungkook deadpans.  You suck in a breath.
“Then I think we’ll probably need one more.”
Jungkook chuckles as he refills your glasses.  His eyes glint with unconcealed mischief when you knock the second round back.  This time, the warmth that spreads down your throat seems to pool between your thighs.
You dip the pad of one finger into the remnants left in the shotglass, emboldened by the buzz you can feel coming on.  Jungkook watches rapt as you slip it between your lips.  You are weightless and shameless by now, more than prepared for the moment he slips two fingers under your jaw to tip your mouth up towards his.  
He tastes like the pleasant spice in the alcohol and he smells like sweat and bodywash and your senses are overwhelmed.  Your fingers dive right into his hair, desperate to feel the silky strands between your fingertips.
“Fireball was a good idea,” Jungkook groans between kisses, hands going to your back to pull you close.  You stand out of your barstool to position yourself between his thighs.  “I like the way you think.”
He pulls away to tug at the hem of your shirt. 
“Take this off,” he orders with a quiet authority that makes you desperate to comply. His eyes are heavy-lidded; glued to the nipples pebbling underneath the thin cotton.  You cross your arms across your body and lift the shirt over your head.
Jungkook doesn’t bother to take your bra off.  You jolt with surprise when he surges forward, mouth seeking the skin peeking out of the soft cups.  He plants hot, open-mouthed kisses across the heated flesh before leaning low to graze the outline of one nipple.  You jerk at the sensation -- at the way his lips and tongue and teeth make the fabric rub against the straining buds.
“Oh, God,” you hiss, “That feels good.”
Jungkook pushes the straps of your bra off your shoulders, eyes dark and focused when your breasts spill out of the cups and your nipples are exposed to the cool air in the bar.  You shudder.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, touching his tongue to your nipples now without a barrier.  You allow yourself to run your fingers through his hair again, anchoring yourself to him to keep steady in the onslaught.
It’s bad manners that you haven’t pulled yourself together enough to thank him for the compliment, but how can you be expected to think straight when his teeth are scraping against your nipples? 
Jungkook pauses to look up at you -- eyes smoldering, lips swollen with use -- and you squirm in his hold.  “You should take these jeans off,” he whispers, fingers slipping into the belt loops. He tugs at them gently. “I wouldn’t want them to get wet.”
Oh honey -- that ship has sailed.
You nod slowly and Jungkook leans back in his stool, eyes hooded as you unbutton the denim, slide it down your legs and step out of it.  
“You gonna take any clothes off, or am I the only one stripping tonight?” you tease, shivering at the loss of his body heat. 
A slow smile spreads over his face. “We’re getting to that, I promise.”
He reaches across the bar for the bottle of Fireball and your mouth falls open in surprise.
“Wait, are you gonna -- “
“Yeah,” he cuts in, dripping the cool liquid onto your breast.  His lips swipe at the liqueur that spills over your nipple and you groan out loud.  “I own this bar,” he teases, his warm tongue a stark contrast to the cold alcohol.  “I can do whatever I want in here.”
You certainly can.
He drips more of the liquid onto a nipple and watches with satisfaction as it slides down your skin.  He laps at the cinnamon taste as his hands roam the sensitive skin of your stomach and down to the band of your panties.  Your breath hitches in your chest.
“I can do whatever I want on here, too,” he smirks, nodding at the bar.  You laugh.
“You’re the boss, right?”
“Exactly,” Jungkook winks, before his hands drop to your waist. His grip is firm as he helps lift you on to the bartop. 
You brace your hands against the wood and watch as he slips his fingers under the satin seam of your panties.  In this position, you have a front-row seat to what is sure to be the hottest sexual experience of your life.  Jungkook’s brows knit in concentration and his tongue swipes across his lips as he pulls your soaking panties away from your legs.  The sight of him preparing to debauch you on top of his bar alone could make you come.
He steadies you with firm hands to either side of your hips before dipping his head down to test your taste with a light flick of his tongue.  You buck in his grasp and he muffles his laughter against the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.  “You’re not allowed to fall off of my bar,” he teases.  “Agreed?”
“Agreed,” you laugh, fingertips gripping the bartop for dear life.  
Jungkook pulls his mouth away from your aching center and you damned near whine at the loss of his warmth.  But in a split-second he’s back, and so is the Fireball.  
“Just a little,” he rasps, tipping the bottle to the side.  You hiss as the frigid liquid seeps down into the crux of your thighs.  Jungkook purses his lips and blows a puff of air against you, sparking an intense tingling sensation and earning a loud whimper.  He’s satisfied with your response, if the look on his face is any indication  --  but his wicked smile disappears from view when he lowers his mouth to your center again.
“Fuck,” you gasp, head dropping back between your shoulders. “God, that feels good.”
“Tell me what it feels like,” he whispers, slipping one long, calloused finger into your channel.  The added sensation makes you whine when he swipes his tongue against your clit.  
“Like --,” you gasp and try again to formulate a thought. “Like fire and ice.”
He hums his approval of that assessment right into your cunt and you nearly break your promise not to fall off his bar.  Your arms are shaking with the same tension that is building between your legs. Jungkook pulls back to drip more of the Fireball onto your sensitive center and you shudder.
The alcohol burns a bit, a pleasant pain that is somehow heightened by Jungkook’s warm, wet mouth.  He doesn’t rush, seemingly content to take his time as you slowly come undone. 
“I’m so close,” you whimper, elbows threatening to buckle underneath you.  Jungkook finally picks up the pace, tonguing you deep as your thighs tighten in anticipation.
“I can feel how bad you want to come, sweetheart,” he goads, finger crooking inside of you, stimulating that spot that makes you feel like you can’t see straight.  “Do it.”
The moans Jungkook pulls from you in those final seconds are made all the more obscene by the echoing inside this empty bar.  Every muscle in your body tightens and then melts as your orgasm hits with the intensity of a freight train.  Jungkook seals his mouth over your cunt to capture the wetness he’s earned, prolonging the sensations, prolonging your moans. 
It takes a moment for the roar in your ears to subside, for your ability to focus to return.  When you can hear and see and think again, you look back down to the space between your thighs and find Jungkook wearing a look of utter satisfaction.
“Believe it or not, that’s the first time I’ve eaten pussy on top of my bar,” he teases, dimples emerging as his lips quirk into a smile.  “How has your service been tonight?”
“Pretty good,” you taunt, a lot ballsier with a few shots and an orgasm under your belt.  “Would be a hell of a lot better if my bartender would take his clothes off.”
Jungkook feigns a wounded look as his fingers work the rest of the buttons on his shirt open to reveal a tight white tank underneath.  He pulls that overhead and reveals the body you’ve been fantasizing about for so long.  Whatever you’d imagined was lying underneath those clothes pales in comparison to the real thing.  His body looks cut from stone, his smooth skin the perfect canvas for the tattoos that run across his arms and onto his chest.
“Better now?” he chuckles.
“Not yet,” you say, savoring the power of your position on the bar.  You watch his one-woman striptease with the hint of a smile on your lips.  “The jeans have to go.”
“Bossy,” he mocks, fingers unbuttoning the dark denim.  Your jaw drops about the same time the jeans do.
“Well,” you laugh, slipping down off of the bar to stand in front of him.  “Your review has just improved.”
He smiles into the kiss you plant on him as your fingers snake between you to wrap around his cock.  He thrusts firmly into the tight grasp of your fingers as his tongue delves deep into your mouth.  He sucks in a breath when your thumb teases as the moisture gathered at the tip of his cock.
“My cock is gonna explode if I don’t bury it between those thighs,” Jungkook groans and you shudder from head to toe.  “Turn around for me.”
You do as you're told, turning away from him to brace your weight against the bartop.  You can see Jungkook’s reflection in the mirror that lines the back wall of the bar.  You watch as he grabs a condom from the back pocket of his jeans and makes quick work of rolling it down his thick length.
He presses the length of his warm body against yours, and you tense when the blunt head of his cock teases your entrance.  One hand lines up his cock and the other grips the soft skin of your hip.  He looks at you in the reflection of the mirror and your knees almost give out when he leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Let me in, sweetheart.”
You arch back just as he sinks inside -- going to the hilt in one firm stroke.  
“Shit,” he groans between gritted teeth. “Fuck, that’s a tight fit.”
“Oh, God --” you gasp as he begins to rock against you.  After a few languid strokes he sets a steady rhythm, hips smacking against your ass with the force of his thrusts.
He leans over you, bracketing you in with one arm braced on the bar while the other helps guide your hip.  Your eyes fall closed and your head drops forward as you push back against him, rendered boneless by the thick slide of his cock.  The sound of his skin slapping against yours echoes loud in the empty bar.
Jungkook leans down to take your earlobe between his teeth and you whimper.
“Look at me,” he orders in a whisper.  “Open your eyes.”
Your eyes snap open to find Jungkook’s reflection and the sight nearly makes you come undone for a second time.  His damp hair is falling into his face, body covered in a sheen of sweat and his mouth is curled into a dangerous smile.
“That’s it,” he murmurs when your eyes meet in the mirror.  “I want you to see how good you’re getting fucked.”
Your rhythm falters at his provocation but Jungkook refuses to let either of you get off track.  He drops both hands to your hips and begins pounding into you with relentless strokes, huffing a laugh when you squeak in response.
“Just like that, sweetheart,” he groans, thrusts going frantic.  “Can you come for me again?”
You nod -- completely out of words -- reaching one hand down to the aching button between your thighs.  Jungkook pulls your body back against his, angling deeper into your aching cunt at the same time your shaking fingers manage to apply a light pressure to your clit.  
That’s all it takes.
You come apart a second later and Jungkook pulls your hair back to expose the column of your throat as he rides you through it.  His teeth scrape against the sensitive skin of your neck as his own orgasm starts to ignite.
His fingers grip your hips so hard you’re certain there will be bruises in the morning.  But it’s worth it -- so damned worth it when you get to watch Jeon Jungkook come undone for you.  You’ve never seen anything sexier than Jungkook with brows knit in utter concentration, mouth slack with pleasure and coming for you.  Inside of you.
 You lean against the bar, legs like noodles as he comes down from his high and seconds later, he’s slumped over you, body lax against yours.
“Hey,” he says after a moment of silence, as you’re catching your breath.  He leans his chin against your shoulder.
“Yeah?” you manage, craning your head to face him.
“Come back tomorrow and we can break open my bottle of Goldschläger.”
You wake with an ache between your temples and an ache between your legs. 
The pounding in your head is your punishment for drinking way more than you should have last night.  
The pleasant soreness lingering between your thighs is an entirely different story.  That’s the only souvenir you get to keep to commemorate the best sex of your life.  And it’s not going to stick around.
You roll over in bed and reach for your phone.
Tifa picks up on the first ring.
“I’m not even going to play the game with you, girl,” she says, in lieu of a proper greeting. “I just wanna know how it was.”
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
One of a Kind
@amazingmsme I didn't want to post the thing you sent just because of the minor minor spoilers (I hate that we've lost a grip on spoiler culture on the internet so I am overcorrecting to keep my blog safe!) but what you sent was too goddamn cute. Have an unedited thing I wrote in one go. This takes place in the nebulous, non-existent gap between episode 5 and 6! I still haven't see the finale so....this is canon-adjacent-adjacent I guess. Enjoy!
Spoilers for the Loki series under the cut!
Cataloguing variants had always been time-consuming, but somehow Loki was making it take longer. Mobius knew that Loki should’ve gone through his stack already, especially with his reading speed, but he was just staring at one particular file and huffing at increasing volumes.
Alright, I’ll bite.
“I’d ask what you’re thinking about, but I know you’re gonna tell me.” Mobius thumbed through his file on another Loki, one who’d defected from Thanos in 2012 to join the Avengers. They’d pruned him pretty early. Mobius still regretted not being able to pick his brain for a little while longer.
“These other variants are incredible,” Loki scoffed.
“I agree.”
“I don’t understand it.” He stared at Mobius, brow furrowed, and alright, they clearly weren’t getting any more work done.
“Lokis tend to be extraordinary. It’s kinda a thing with you guys.” Mobius slid his files aside.
“Right, but in comparison, I am at the lower end of the bunch.” Loki frowned, gesturing as if this was a matter of grave importance.
“Okay, you lost me.” He folded his hands on the table and squinted at Loki.
“We have an alligator, an illusionist whose powers dwarfed my own, a child who killed Thor, a President--though I can’t fathom wanting to be a part of the American political system--and an enchantress. Those are the variants that we know about. So why am I here helping you?”
“You’re the best of the bunch.” The simplest and truest answer. Loki didn’t seem to buy it.
Mobius dragged his chair around the table and put it in front of Loki, effectively pinning him against the table--well, he could just stand up and walk away, but Mobius knew he wouldn’t. It was part of their thing.
“What are you doing?”
“Just gettin’ closer.” Mobius slotted his knees between Loki’s and pulled his chair as far in as it could go.
“I can see that. Why?”
“I just wanna be close to you, that’s all.” He gave his best convincing grin. Loki visibly softened.
“Loki, you are a genius with a good heart. You’re here because you are, at least in my book, a hero.” Mobius gave his knee a steady pat. Loki puffed with pride.
“Go on.”
“Wow, you are on a perfect swinging scale of narcissism. From self-deprecating to king of the world in no time flat.” Mobius laughed.
“Thank you.” Loki adjusted his tie, missing or ignoring everything but the word ‘perfect’. Mobius bit his lip on a chuckle--he really shouldn’t inflate an already dangerously-large ego, but Loki needed it, he thought. His confidence was all air, after all--smug posturing designed to fill the void of something genuine. Loki could use genuine, for a change.
He looked Loki up and down slowly, deliberately, and an absurd little idea took root in the back of his mind. It had worked in the Time Cell, so maybe...
“Why are you looking at me like that? Wh--Mobius. Mobius. Stop it.” Loki leaned back as much as he could. Mobius grinned and hovered his fingers just over Loki’s torso, dangerously close. Loki sucked in his stomach, looking frantically between Mobius’s hands and his face.
“This r-really isn’t necessary.” The wobbly smile on Loki’s lips told Mobius the exact opposite.
“Nervous giggler, huh?” Mobius twitched his fingers and Loki jumped.
“Perfect! Then you’ll hear what I have to say.” Mobius set his fingers adrift, passing languidly over Loki’s spots but never landing anywhere.
“Sylvie’s my favorite because she’s wild and unpredictable. I can never quite figure out what’s goin’ on in that head of hers, regardless of her being a Loki, and it fascinates me. You know I love my puzzles, and cracking open her head like a walnut has been a real highlight of my career.” Mobius’s fingers over Loki’s knee got the first giggles to bubble out, sweet and fluttery, and it took all of his strength not to chase them down.
“But you? You’re incredible. Quick wit, a quicker knife hand, and a will to survive that I haven’t seen in--” Mobius whistled lowly-- “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it. Plus, you’re pretty cute. Or, so I’ve heard.”
“You had me wrapped around your finger when we brought you in. I mean, you could talk a desert into bloomin’.” It was the first time in a few thousand Loki’s that he’d genuinely almost been fooled--something about this one, his Loki, just got to him in a way that the others never could.
“I still have you around my finger.” Loki’s smile and rosy cheeks ignited a gentle warmth in Mobius’s chest. Gentle, rolling chuckles flowed steadily from him, walls completely broken down, and if Mobius could keep one memory forever, it would be this.
“Oh, and that laugh. I’m almost jealous. Literal music to my ears. Y’know, the other Loki’s never laughed like this? It was always this fake, snooty chuckle that used to make my skin crawl.
“But not you. You’ve got this damn beautiful giggle. It’s like the old saying goes: every time a Loki laughs, a puppy is born. Or angels get their wings. A little bit of both.” Mobius let his fingers drift upwards to Loki’s ribs and he whined, pitching forward until his forehead hit Mobius’s chest.
“T-That’s not a thing.” The color on Loki’s face had matured into a wonderful shade of cherry, his voice pinching from the sheer volume of emotion--Mobius could actually see him working through it in real time. Another favorite thing that he could never express aloud--how earnestly and easily Loki wore his emotions.
“He speaks!” Mobius swooped his hands in, never touching but threatening, and Loki yelped around some more giggles.
“Stop it.” Loki swiped at his hands, but even at close range, he couldn’t coordinate enough to catch Mobius.
“You’re right, my bad. It’s rude to keep you waiting.”
“Wh--no, nonono, that’s definitely not what I meant--”
“You make it so easy for me,” Mobius sighed wistfully, seeking out Loki’s trick rib as easy as breathing. Loki shrieked, crumpling in Mobius’s arms, and Mobius held him as he deftly took him apart.
“You are a Loki, alright? There’s no doubt about that. But you’re you, and I like ya. Stop worryin’ about the others.” He wormed his fingers under Loki’s arms, then spidered across the backs of his ribs and up towards his shoulders.
“Excellent point. You also have me. That’s a pretty big deal--I’m one of a kind, y’know. Limited edition. So there’s that.” His hands found solace beneath Loki's jaw, pulling forth jumpy squeaks between...purrs? Huh. He made a note of it as he scribbled his fingers up Loki’s thigh, dodging swatting hands like a stubborn bug. Loki pulled his knee up to his chest, head tilted back in open-mouthed laughter, and Mobius followed him.
“Who’s got an ego now?” Loki smirked, eyes crinkled, and Mobius summoned his best dramatic gasp.
“You take that back!”
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hiiro-writes · 3 years
zhongluc single dad au part 4 :D
heya! i thought it would be nice to post this on father's day so here's more of my zhongluc brain vomit
also i decided on making this a fic when it's all over and i'm gonna call it "a cup of you" because i'm cheesy like that
so diluc and zhongli have been going out together a lot these days and everyone's been talking about it and/or noticing the subtle differences
for zhongli, ningguang mentioned he smiles a lot more to himself during their meetings and likes how his smile suits him
even her wife, beidou (who sometimes brings their son kazuha to visit) says he changed
while he was hiring his niece yanfei, who just recently finished her master's degree in law, as one of the company's lawyers
she comments how happy her uncle looks these days before making her way to her new office
but the ones that notice the change most are childe, xiao, and ganyu
he atmosphere at home is a lot livelier than before too
sometimes zhongli would catch xiao and ganyu whispering amongst themselves and laughing
childe would even join them whenever he was at home
zhongli himself can feel that he's in a better mood. how diluc is able to bring out this side of him is a mystery he's willing to discover
meanwhile diluc sometimes gets distracted and daydreams during work
other times kaeya catches him smiling more when serving his customers, which brings a smile on his face
since lisa was so perceptive, she asked kaeya what was going on and decided to tell her
who told jean
who in turn told eula, who used to be her roommate in college (omg they were roommates)
rosaria (who's also working part time like eula) find out soon after when she snuck into the break room during her shift, to find lisa and eula talking about it
then there would be constant gossip among them whenever diluc was out on a date
then it devolved into placing bets on when they'll get together and bone (kaeya is pretty confident that he will win since he knows his brother best)
everything was going great. perfect really. it all felt so good, and maybe even too good
lately when zhongli and diluc were on a date they would go to guyun stone park afterwards (which was a good distance from the cafe and about a 30 minute drive from zhongli's office)
they often talk about mundane things and then have such deep conversations while walking around or sitting on a bench with a cup of coffee in hand
diluc had never felt love like this before and zhongli didn't think he'd be able to love like this again
every time they're together they would forget about their worries and troublesome responsibilities
after going out together every week for 2 months they both decided to have a family dinner together
diluc will bring kaeya and bennett while zhongli will bring xiao and ganyu (when childe heard about this family dinner, he insisted on being the designated driver so that he could join. but let's face it, he wants to have a nice dinner with his boyfriend kaeya)
the dinner was simple but it was probably due to the fact that zhongli and diluc only talked to each other and basically ignored everyone else
the rest would just glance and wink at each other whenever the two would smile
bennett, xiao, and ganyu are still wondering when they would kiss
while kaeya and childe are wondering when they would bone already
it was cute seeing the two together and it was kind of a pain seeing them as a couple even though they hadn't made anything official...yet
which took diluc another month to summon up his courage
he decided that today, after three months of dating they could make their relationship official
also he was kind of fed up with the ladies (mostly lisa and rosaria) referring to zhongli as "mr hot shot ceo" and "not your boyfriend"
he wanted it to be perfect of course, and so he decided to dress well, get his hair done, and even bought a gift along with zhongli's favourite flowers, glaze lilies
unfortunately zhongli had an important meeting that day but they both agreed to meet at their usual place at guyun stone park
it made diluc nervous but karya reassured him that everything would turn out just fine since they both evidently like each other already
after zhongli finished his meeting he headed towards the park right away, only to discover that diluc wasn't there yet
when he checked the time he realised he was an hour earlier than expected, which was also fine
he didn't want to call diluc and make him rush (in case he had to do something prior to their meeting) so he decided to just stroll around the park
there were still a lot people there going about their day and zhongli wanted to observe them
a few couples, a family packing their things after a picnic, someone walking their dogs and—
"morax? it's been a while."
at the mention of his childhood nickname, zhongli spun around to find retuo
he was different. a lot different when zhongli last saw him in person. the more he stared the more he realised that even though he changed over the years there were still some things about him that never changed. such as the fond look in his eyes whenever he saw zhongli
"morax?" retuo chuckled, and when zhongli finally snapped out of his thoughts he smiled
retuo and zhongli used to be neighbours when they were younger and did everything with one another
they clicked so well together since they had the same interests and hobbies
some people around them even joked that they're glued them together
at the beginning of high school they both started to have feelings with each other and their love only grew deeper as the years passed
retuo and zhongli were together all the way through high school except on their second year of college
they hardly spent time together (even though they shared the same apartment) but classes kept piling up, and so did the workload
college was already too much for them to handle along with their crumbling reltionship
they never made anything official so they often miss each other (due to miscommunication) and would often fight about the little things
zhongli was satisfied with their relationship while retuo wanted more out of it
retuo would often be possessive about him which made time spending with friends really uncomfortable
one day they had a really bad fight and retuo mentioned the dream they had together back when they were children
zhongli shouted "you're still dreaming about that? what are you a child?"
retuo with tears in his eyes replied with "you don't have to be a child to dream"
both of them agreed that day to never see each other again since even looking at one another would inflict pain
retuo also decided that he'll move out of their shared apartment instead since he told zhongli "you bought it, you keep it"
the first few days were quiet. almost too quiet for zhongli to bear
every morning was devoided of the sound retuo cooking them breakfast while humming to their favourite song whenever zhongli would come back from his early morning walks that the other despised so much
he started to notice how everything he finds in the apartment reminded him of retuo
the table set they bought together, the matching mugs, the couch they spent 10 minutes debating over the colour, the table for two, everything
it somehow served as a "wakeup call" because after that zhongli became destructive and did things the thought he wouldn't do for a time
his friends (especially venti) would do their best to try and cheer him up and help him whenever they can, such as visiting him in his apartment and cleaning the mess he would make
he thought that he wouldn't be able to recover, that is until he met his second love, guizhong
she was patient and kind with him and accompanied him at the time he needed it the most, which filled the hole in his heart that was left behind by retuo
a few years after graduation college they decided to settle down and get married
guizhong started to get more sickly years after having ganyu and it took a toll on zhongli because he didn't want to lose someone important to him again
he had another period in his life where he had no idea what to do anymore
guizhong was gone and he hasn't heard from retuo in years but luckily for him, he still had the comfort of his friends and the company of his kids
he met retuo once again during the funeral and from there they made amends and became friends again
he told zhongli that he moved on after seeing pictures from his wedding since he saw how happy he was.
he wanted to stop by as well and pay his respects to the person who made his first and last love whole again
and of course to see how zhongli and his kids were doing
for a few days retuo stayed at their house to keep zhongli company in case he needed someone to cook with or a shoulder to cry on
retuo even took on of being ganyu and xiao's godfather, who never failed to send them gifts from overseas on their birthdays and on christmas
it was years before they met in person again here at the park but they never failed to keep in touch at least once month
they sat down together on a bench nearby and zhongli told him all about diluc and how the kids were doing
retuo was happy to hear his dear friend all happy and excited when talking about a certain someone
he even joked about wanting to attend the wedding this time to which zhongli turned red, but tried to laugh it off
they talked for a while until zhongli realised it was time to meet with diluc when he noticed the sun was nearly set
as much as retuo wanted to meet diluc, he told zhongli that he needed to be elsewhere but promised to make time if he wants to introduce his new love
before they parted they hugged each other and gave zhongli a kiss on the forehead for good luck
what they didn't know was that diluc was some distance away and saw what had happened
at first he tried to make sense of what was happening but then his mind started going off
who is that man? why is he with zhongli? are they close? why do they look perfect together?
that last question struck him and felt everything come crashing down beneath him
as he turned around and walked away his heart felt heavy yet somehow the small bouquet of glaze lilies he bought felt just as heavy as well
things can't get any worse right?
that is until he got a call from kaeya who told him not to panic
he explains to diluc that he was on the way to the hospital since bennett fell down a flight of stairs and possibly broke his arm
he also asked how his son was doing and kaeya mentions that he passed out due to the pain and that he didn't need to worry too much since bennett didn't hit his head and they were 5 minutes away from the hospital
diluc dropped the flowers and started running back to his car, telling his brother that he was on his way
there was a small traffic but fortunately diluc made it in time after the x-ray was done
the doctor told them that bennett would require surgery since his elbow hit the ground first and fractured his arm
after thanking the doctor, diluc didn't notice his knees giving into stress when he nearly sank to the floor
kaeya was able to catch him just in time and made jim sit down on a nearby bench so he can regain his bearings
he also reassured his brother that he didn't have to worry so much since barbara, jean's sister who happens to be a nurse here, is keeping an eye on bennett and making sure he isn't feeling uncomfortable
when kaeya asked about how his confession went to brighten up the mood, diluc only looked at with with tired eyes and shook his head
as much as he wanted to get answers from zhongli about what he saw, his son comes first above all else
meanwhile zhongli decided to go back home after trying to call diluc several times and waiting all by himself
he also stumbles upon a bouquet of his favourite flowers tosses aside
happy father's day :D
okay yeah i'm a slut for angst that's all
and just to clear things up retuo is azhdaha since his name in chinese is 若陀 which is ruotuo but pronounced as retuo i believe but correct me if i'm wrong
i used the name retuo more since it felt more natural?? and because i wanted to give that name more justice
part 5 will be the last one!! hope ya'll enjoyed the series as much as i did writing it and i promise to give a happy ending to this series (not sure about the other one tho but we will see)
zhongluc single dad au series:
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 5
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anxresi · 3 years
I could line my wall with all the posts Thomas has made about Chloe tonight. (around 50, by my count)
If you wanna read them, don’t bother.
I certainly won’t be sharing any of them
What would be the point?
Because basically, they amount to one thing...
Chloe is bad, and we’re bad people for liking her.
That’s it.
And for anyone thinking that he kids around a lot with his comments...
I’m pretty sure this is something he feels VERY strongly about.
Or he wouldn’t expand so much energy in constantly talking her down.
So no, I don’t think we’re going to get a Chloe redemption.
No, I don’t think she’ll be Queen Bee again. 
No, I can’t see any real change in her behavior.
She’ll just remain the same ol’ hatable Chloe, the ‘evil’ girl that young kids apparently ‘get’ that adults don’t understand...
Yep, apparently we’re ‘dumb’ for wanting her to improve and develop!
To provide a good example for bullies out there that they can be more than just abusers all their lives!
Children couldn’t possibly grasp the delicate subtleties of self-improvement as you grow up!
It’s all so clear now!
Stupid us!
Also, her merchandise doesn’t sell very well.
Another good case for her staying as a villain, I guess.
And she’s compared to a monster and a domestic abuser.
This damaged teenage girl.
Yeah, sounds about right.
And all those tender moments where she showed empathy and love were just ‘fake outs’ all along.
Makes total sense!
And anyone who wanted more from her is just ‘delusional’ and is ‘writing the show in their head’.
That’s not the way it seemed on screen at all.
When she hugged Miss Bustier
Or had a heart-to-heart with Ladybug
When she risked her life as Queen Bee
Showed genuine concern for Adrien
When she finally appreciated Jean-something
And shared moments of friendship with Sabrina
These did NOT come across as part of an elaborate plot twist
From a show which isn’t exactly known for its complex writing.
They seemed to form part of a ladder...
Which would inevitably climb to a true character shift.
Where this flawed teenage girl could take a long, hard look at her life.
And realize she didn’t HAVE to be like her awful mother.
Or as power-hungry as her father.
She could learn lessons from her favorite superhero Ladybug...
Become a better person...
And an even greater superhero.
She could still keep her sassy attitude.
Just be a bit kinder and selfless, that’s all.
But, nope.
EVERY bit of niceness we witnessed on screen...
None of it was real.
It was all influenced by ‘class’.
Even her childhood friendship with Adrien was nothing.
If he was as poor as the rest of his classmates, she would’ve bullied him too.
Straight from Thomas’s own mouth.
One of the best relationships in the show, gone just. Like. THAT.
He also said to ‘redeem’ her at this stage would be too ‘unconvincing’?
I hate to return to critical mode...
But the show ain’t exactly known for its consistent writing.
One minute Marinette is confident around Adrien...
Next she’s a nervous jumble of words.
It sets up two new ships for Mari and Adrien with great fanfare...
Only to ditch them both two eps later.
(Also, what the **** did they plan to do with Lila?!)
In other words, this isn’t a show that plays the long game
Whether this is to satisfy the networks’ demand to air the eps out of order idk.
The point is that trying to tell us that Chloe’s ‘arc’ was some grand scheme...
Where she’d have a few sympathetic moments only to emerge worst than ever afterwards....
I simply don’t believe it.
Either this is terrible, amateurish writing of the worst kind...
Or Thomas flexed his influence behind the scenes...
And put an abrupt end to Chloe’s development before it really got started.
It doesn’t really matter which reason I guess.
What DOES matter is this petty and spiteful man sees fit to bash her in around 70% of his online interactions right now.
He could just ignore the posts but nope, he goes right in there, full throttle. 
You can just tell how smart he is with his intimate psychological breakdowns of why Chloe is the way she is...
When we all know the actual reason... he just couldn’t be bothered.
Far better to create a whole new character, give her none of the depths that could make a developed Chloe such a pain to write...
And then 'reward’ her with the position of Queen Bee, for being super-sweet and as shallow as a puddle.
And oops, make her Chloe’s half-sister or whatever to further rub salt in Chloe stans’ wounds. 
Is the show even gonna tackle the angst that would arise from Mayor Andre discovering his beloved wife had an affair?
Or Chloe discovering her much-loved mother is in fact a cheat?
What about coping with the SHOCK revelation that she... GASP... has a long-lost sister?
Forget it. All that rich potential for human emotions sounds B O R I N G.
Don’t forget that if there’s a major event in this show that doesn’t include the words ‘Love Square’, the makers just don’t care.
Let’s cut straight to a giant golden Zoe (who now looks like a giant golden Chloe) trying to smoosh her now much smaller sister...
While Chloe pushes Marinette and her parents towards the beast to save herself. 
Because of course she does.
Never misses a trick to make Chloe look bad, does Thomas.
It’s a skill you can tell he’s very proud of.
Anyway, back to Zoe...
Despite my harsh words above, I harbor no ill-will towards you.
Your design is decent and you seem like a stand-up gal.
But I hate to say this...
You shouldn’t exist.
It was completely unnecessary from a storytelling POV to create a sibling for Chloe, and your mere presence will diminish the show.
I can say this with utmost confidence after looking at the situation from every conceivable angle...
Without even needing to watch your eps or know why you were created.
(Although, I have a pretty good idea)
Some people might say WELL GIVE HER A CHANCE!!!!
Hmm... no.
Everything the show needs to be successful with Chloe’s character...
It’s already right there.
She does not need a secret sibling
She does not require a sweeter counterpart
And she definitely DOESN’T need Thomas constantly bashing her to impressionable fans online like she’s the Antichrist personified!
Seriously dude, if you hate her so much why bother creating her?
And if you hate her so much... why spend so long talking about her?
Despite his repeated denials, I think something another user here said is very true...
She DOES live ‘rent free’ in his head.
It sickens him that, despite his best efforts, she still has so many fans.
Not to worry, Thomas.
From what I see, there are still plenty of sycophants who agree with everything you say (even if they actually don’t)
After all, it’s enough for some to get a reply from the ‘great man’ himself
Why jeopardize that by trying to engage with him in a meaningful debate?
Especially when we know how handsy he is with the ‘block’ button.
Anyway, this went on for about a thousand more words than I meant it to.
I guess me and Thomas have just ONE thing in common (Thank God)
This is a topic which we both feel VERY strongly about.
The differently is of course, I have far less power in the process, and preach to a much smaller audience.
Still, I won’t let that stop me ranting away like a loon.
Hey, if it’s good enough for him... ;)
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theleftovertaco · 4 years
The HP Boys trying nail polish for the first Time  
(This can be seen as romantic or platonic we love friendship)
We start with my boy Fred
Freddie here, as earlier discussed is already getting into skirts (or not honestly this post is kinda independent of the last one)
And after a long week of cramming for your classes (three essays and 4 tests, for merlins sake) You and your girls decide to paint your nails
So Angelina, Katie, Alicia and you gather with a box of polishes to paint each other’s nails
Around 11 pm, Fred and George walk in, because of course they skipped curfew
George goes up towards his dorms, but Fred stays down
“Why do girls insist on painting their nails”
“Well for one, they don’t, and two, it’s fun and it looks pretty”
That catches his attention. Fred’s always liked the idea of looking pretty
“Can u paint mine, then?”
So he picks out this red nail polish because of course he does and you start painting his nails
“Stop moving your hands! Your gonna fuck up the polish” “I cant help it” “you definitely can”
Finally the polish, albeit a little messy, is on, and throughout the next week fred does that thing that all people do when they first try on polish
He starts talking with his hands, he just starts acting a little more delicate
So Fred gets added to the bimonthly girls night and gets his polish redone
Mostly in reds, garish oranges and purples
Now we got our boy Georgie
George didn’t walk in on a girls night
Of course, living in a house with mostly boys, he never really grew up with girly things
He noticed that you always wore some
And he liked how confident you got when you had polish on
But he was too nervous to ask you himself
So he nicked one of your polishes and tried putting it on himself
Big. Mistake. 
He spilled some on his comforter, and he hadn't been able to keep his hands steady so the polish gets all over his fingers, and he forget to find some nail polish remover, so he realizes he’s now stuck with light blue fingers
The next morning goes about like this
“Why are your fingers blue?”
“Backfired product?” “No” “spell gone wrong?” “No” “A really oddly specific curse got put one you-” “I stole your nail polish!”
You were kinda confused
But then he explained, a little worried that you would be pissed off at him
You were just a little sad he didn’t think he could tell you
“You come to the common room after class today and I’ll repaint them for you
The next day he walks into breakfast with the biggest grin on his face
George tends to favor pinks, yellows, and other pastels
Next is Harry
Harry grew up in a very, uh, traditional family
The Dursleys are very conservative
They’re the kinds of assholes who use the f slur 
So he grew up afraid of anything that would make him appear feminine
But you notice him always admiring your hands and running his fingers over the smooth polish once it's dry
But his stubbornness overruled his bravery in this case and he never told you
You actually had to ask him, not the other way around
And, to be honest, at first he’s kind of defensive
“Why would I wear that?” “Because it’s fun and pretty” “So?”
Until he finds out that you noticed him looking at yours
So you get him to admit that he likes the way it looks
And a week later he admits to wanting to try it
You start with a pale, kinda cream color, something most people wouldn’t notice because he's still a little insecure, but later, he really gets into it. Bright pinks, reds. He loves gold nail polish cause it's bright
Before every quidditch match, he asks you to paint his nails gold as a good luck charm
The one time you don't Gryffindor loses and you never miss a painting session again
almost exclusively gold, red, and black nail polish but likes other colors
Malfoy also grew up in a traditional family, albeit less homophobic
His family didn’t care about sexuality of other people, but the whole obsession on bloodline continuation meant that he got the pressure to marry a pureblood witch and have a son because he was the only heir
But pansy and you always wore polish, and he liked how intricate the patterns could be
You always spent hours free handing designs
Snowflakes and lace, flowers and crystals, you even drew a little serpent on your nails once during the first Slytherin quidditch match of the year
He knew how to appreciate art
But he didn’t pluck up the courage to ask for a year
You started him with a dark green polish with black and silver accents, to let him show his house pride
Very quickly he started liking all the different patterns you put on his nails
He even began growing them out a little bit
He liked how delicate they made him feel
Though he almost always stuck to dark patterns, he liked black the most, since it coordinated with his clothes 
Unofficially, Draco actually started a trend, soon Blaise Zambini, Theo Nott, and even Goyle at one point start wearing polish
When you finally put snakes on his nails, you put tiny little crystals on the eyes
He puts a protection charm on his nails and refuses to switch them for a month and a half
Yeah, Draco really likes painting his nails
I’m gonna start with these four, if you want more  HCs or people, please send me a message or an ask! 
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killing-all-joy · 4 years
I got inspired to write after Virgil wearing a skirt. Prinxiety with blink-and-you’ll-miss-it implied Moceit. I finished this late last night so I thought I’d post it today. I hope you like it!
cw: vague mention of food, self deprecation
Virgil stood in front of his room’s mirror, pivoting on his heels to turn his body left and right forty-five degrees. Patton and Logan had recently picked out skirts to wear, and Virgil decided in a (rare) rush of confidence that came after a particularly persuasive conversation with Patton to wear a skirt himself. His best friend was so excited about the skirt he wore, and Virgil had to agree that the skirt looked quite good on him (so didn’t Janus). Virgil figured that he wouldn’t be ridiculed so severely for wearing a skirt considering Logan, Thomas’ logic, had done the same recently.
He was in a purple and black plaid skirt, short sleeved hoodie, white shirt, white and black vertically striped tights, and black shoes with purple laces. He knew the look was adventurous, and was now trying to decide whether he looked okay. The anxious thoughts screaming in his mind that he looked terrible were momentarily muffled by his love for the outfit.
But, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and the negative thoughts started to get louder. As they started to get to a volume and intensity that started to pull his hands to his hoodie with the intention of removing it and changing back into his old outfit, his door slammed open.
“Viiiiiiiirrrgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil,” sang the most familiar and distinctive voice Virgil knew. Roman was in his room.
Virgil started to panic. He forgot to lock his door (of course he did, things always go wrong), and now Roman, perhaps the least considerate of a person’s privacy (excluding Remus) in the mindscape, had opened the door without knocking and was now able to see what an absolute moron Virgil was to wear a skirt, I mean what kind of misplaced confidence-
Roman almost wished he’d knocked. That way, he would’ve been prepared for the sight that awaited him when he opened the door to Virgil’s room.
Why ‘almost’? Virgil was the most anxious thing to ever come to existence. If he knocked, Virgil would have snapped his fingers to change his outfit (they were imaginary, after all, and could change their clothing at will), and Roman would never have been blessed by the most beautiful sight ever to grace his eyes.
However, those things did not obscure how embarrassingly not composed Roman was after he laid his gaze on his fellow side. He couldn’t really blame himself, since he expected Virgil to be scrolling tumblr (as he normally was). It’s not like today was a special occasion either. Just that the afternoon had now become the evening and it was time for dinner.
Patton had made chicken and broccoli that smelled like heaven, and Virgil was nowhere to be found. Roman had volunteered to look for Virgil, his first instinct being his room. He had heard the quiet sound of shoes sliding against wooden flooring, and decided that Virgil was in his room. So, he did what any person would expect him to do and threw the anxious side’s door open while singing his name, holding out the vowels so long that only someone trained impressively well in breath support could be able to manage. 
“Time for di-oh,” Roman said, voice loud at the beginning of his sentence but starting to lower in volume as he noticed Virgil (particularly his attire).
Virgil was decidedly not in his normal outfit. Or his old one. No, the emo now donned a short-sleeved hoodie, a white shirt, tights, and the ultimate killer of Roman’s composure, a skirt.
Sure, Patton in a skirt, while adorable and attractive, did not surprise Roman. At least, not after he saw the design. Roman had smiled when he saw Patton’s skirt and told him that he looked quite good. Logan was a bit more (very) surprising, but Roman just gave him a teasing remark and then a more serious compliment without any gay-related problems. But Virgil....
Roman’s ultimate wish was that he could’ve received a heads-up before this. That way, he could have prepared. If he’d received a warning, he, well aware of his crush on Virgil and how much that could affect him in any given situation, would have been able to enter Virgil’s room without half the issues. Or maybe not. But still, it seemed like anything would have yielded better results than what was happening in the present.
Because Roman’s eyes were wider than the sun, his jaw dropped lower than the Mariana Trench is deep, and his movements ceased faster than someone turned to stone by Medusa. He was thankful he wasn’t holding anything, because he would have dropped it then and there. Roman wasn’t fully sure he was blinking or breathing, hell, his heart could’ve stopped and he wouldn’t have noticed or cared. All he could do was let his eyes stare at Virgil.
So, yeah. Roman almost wished he would have knocked.
“Roman?” Virgil asked, voice too quiet and shy to be a sign of anything positive. “Are you okay?”
Roman wanted to reply, say either “yes” or the truth. But, his brain failed him and he was unable to make any noise.
Virgil blinked. “A...um...I imagine you came to tell me about dinner. I’ll be right down, just let me change.”
Roman walked into the room slowly, not saying anything. He stopped in front of Virgil, grabbing his arm. Virgil had the tendency to slouch, so Roman had to look down slightly to meet his eyes. He tried to speak again, to tell Virgil that he didn’t have to change and could wear his outstanding outfit to dinner, but he found himself unable to find the words.
“Roman? You’re stopping me. Have I done something wrong?”
Roman shook his head.
“Wh- oh god, it’s the outfit, isn’t it. It looks bad. Too much. I know, I’m sorry. Patton and Logan did the whole skirt thing so I thought I’d try it out but that was obviously a terrible idea because now I’ve made my already bad appeara-”
Roman’s mind started to go on full alert when Virgil started explicitly voicing his self-deprecation.
Virgil’s words died in his throat. He blinked. “What?”
“Do-...don’t...don’t change,” Roman managed to blurt out in a croaky voice. “Not unless you...you want to.”
“B-but I don’t loo-”
“Yes. Wait- no.” Roman threw his free hand to his forehead. “You look good.”
Virgil’s face pinkened. “Don’t just say that to be-”
“I...I’m not-” Roman took a deep breath, forming his next sentence carefully. “If you want to grade your appearance for some godforsaken reason even though that is very unhealthy, base it on me from two minutes ago unable to speak or move, hell, base you can base it on me now: unable to articulate my thoughts properly. Virgil, you need to...um...I am very very gay, and you need to understand that...that’s why I am acting this way. Be-because...because you are very pretty. Handsome. Beautiful.”
“Huh?” Virgil’s voice was two octaves higher.
“Yeah. Don’t change,” Roman repeated, “unless you truly don’t like it. Please.”
Virgil swallowed, looking back down at his outfit. “Alright. I won’t.”
Roman’s phone vibrated, signaling a text. He opened it and found that Janus had texted him saying he and Logan had been working all day without food so they started dinner already, and that Roman was a “slow jerk who takes his time” for not being at the dinner table faster.
“What is it?”
“They’ve already started eating.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry. That’s my fau-”
Roman, still looking at his phone, put a finger in front of Virgil’s mouth. Virgil stopped talking, and Roman kept his finger there as he put his phone away. “Don’t apologize. This is good.”
“We can have a dinner date in the Imagination together tonight,” Roman suggested, staring lovingly into Virgil’s eyes. “Just you and me. If you’d like.”
“I’d, um, really like that,” Virgil said, cheeks red and eyes cast down to his skirt. He started to play with its hem. “A lot.”
“I figured, since this incident is basically my, albeit terrible, love confession- wait, you would?”
Virgil turned his head back up and met Roman’s eyes. “Yeah. It sounds cool, or whatever, to go on a date with you,” he cringed at his awkwardness, “romantically.”
Roman’s eyes widened as he grinned and his entire face alit with happiness. “I am so glad, Stormy Knight!”
Virgil bit his lip. He looked a bit nervous for half a second, but then straightened his posture and stood on his toes, planting a kiss on the tip of Roman’s nose. “I’m glad you’re happy, Princey.”
Roman’s face flushed and his brain went blank at the kiss, but as soon as he registered it, he (somehow) grinned wider and picked up Virgil, spinning him in his arms. Virgil shrieked at Roman to put him down. Roman could tell he only did so because he was blushing up a storm.
Roman set Virgil down, then gently pushed Virgil back two paces so his back was against the mirror. Roman’s expression turned sincere.
“Virgil,” he said softly, like the name was fragile and could break if uttered at a louder volume, “may I, perhaps, have a kiss before we eat?”
Virgil nodded, unable to speak.
Roman put his arms around Virgil’s waist and brought their lips together. He kissed him intensely, but not roughly, and held him like he was a glass case holding all the things Roman treasured most. Virgil kissed back, wrapping his arms around Roman’s shoulders.
Dinner could wait for a couple of minutes.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff
My first fic published to this account! Yay! I’ve always wanted to write another side being gay about one of the sides in a skirt, and I finally got the motivation to tonight with Virgil’s cool outfit! I hope you liked it!
189 notes · View notes
Secrets | Joshua
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Joshua | Secrets
Words | 9,180
Notes | Bodyguard!Joshua, mentions of alcohol, mild cursing. Angst/Fluff; 
I’m back-ish with a very rough (I think) piece, mildly edited. I’m excited but nervous to be posting here again and I don’t know how often it will be that I will be posting but.... here’s this; my first svt piece in 8 months. This is a repost since... the tagging system on this site... yeah... 
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The fake smiles and peach Bellinis, the overdone cologne and extravagant attire, the crystal chandeliers and table decorations all brought a sneer to your face when you assumed nobody was paying close enough attention. The solitude didn’t bother you so much, it was nice to not feel like you were being suffocated for at least ten minutes; ten minutes of breathing to yourself was all you ever asked for. Always being tugged this way and that for photo ops got exhausting. The photo ops weren’t even the most taxing part, it was the fake relationship you had to keep up with one of the most prominent up and coming jewelry designer’s son, who you had happily dated at one point.
Big chunky bracelets, rings that looked too heavy for fingers, necklaces layered to the hills, and earrings that may have ripped anyone’s earlobes open was the type of gaudy jewelry you always had to put on display with a disgusting fake smile while your now-ex-boyfriend dripped with confidence, somehow, that made your skin crawl. Being in his direct vicinity all the time to keep up the image of this perfect shining couple for the sake of jewelry promotions quite frankly made your stomach turn, but the perks may have made it worth it—occasionally.
Some of the more elegant jewelry picks, a lump sum of money, some days wiping that egotistical smirk off his face were a few things that made it all worthwhile since you were frequently the one being interviewed at events about the jewelry line while still not being the heir. That boiled his blood in a way that genuinely turned your lips up in an almost unnoticeable smile. The couth you had to sit there in front of him and take all the questions with such grace—you could feel the way his fingers dug into your hip when he sat with you a bit friendly, but it was all for show. The two of you were business partners now, and that’s really all it boiled down to.
But you’d had your run-in with his less than stellar attitudes, at galas and showcases when he lost his temper with you being a show-stealer, and often forcefully kept you around to keep the cameras on him. That’s when you found Joshua. You’d found him and his specific skillset in a newspaper ad—it was unlike you to read the newspaper but you perused the ad section for job listings, animal adoptions, and all kinds of other things when you came across his blurb:
Full or Part Time Bodyguard. Trained in hand to hand and weapons combat, CPR certified, available for any/all events. To Inquire, call Joshua Hong.
While you had entertained the idea of a bodyguard for a while, it never really became a necessity until the business partnership you had was getting a bit more aggressive. There was little you could do to complain, because leaving was always a viable option, albeit they begged you to stay for publicity purposes—they being the family after hearing of your falling out. But Joshua became a harsher reality as the partnership became most hostile.  
When you first saw Joshua at a consultation, he was the last type you’d ever suspect. You wouldn’t say he was far from intimidating looking, but he didn’t radiate a whole ass-kicking like you had expected. He was quieter with soft eyes but very professional. He spoke to you matter-of-factly, laying out all your options and drafting contract ideas in case you wanted to go through with hiring him. You figured it couldn’t hurt to have him around, particularly at events where anything could have gone unnoticed in such a large crowd, especially with the way you were treated.
Bringing Joshua to the table for a showcase rocked the boat a bit. It turned into an escalation by your ‘business partner’ about how it was unnecessary to have a bodyguard and that it would only bring suspicions about your relationship, to which you retaliated, “As if you harshly pulling me around isn’t enough.”  His parents could do little to object. You had Joshua there with you, or you were out of the deal, which would bring their publicity and the whole story of a budding couple getting into jewelry design together to a screeching halt and they would undoubtedly lose the following and media support they’d gained because of it.
Joshua became even less favorable by the end of the first confrontation between him and the egomaniac. He was demanding you around at a photo-op, even sternly in front of the photographers—most of which by now were suspicious of the condition of your relationship because really how dare he talk to you like that much less in public—and often grabbed you by the arm and placed you exactly where he wanted you when he wanted you to be there. It was in Joshua’s contract to tolerate minor things like that, but he ground his teeth at just the sight but kept his mouth shut for the duration of the shoot. But when it was finally time to go home, he sure gave a piece of his unsolicited mind.
“Next time, how about you try keeping your hands off,” Joshua commented a bit harshly in the direction of the man who quickly became an enemy.
“Joshua,” you pleaded with him as you were packing your things, but your ex had already turned face to chest Joshua up. He ignored you for a moment, knowing you weren’t in any danger because the only danger to you was currently right in his face.
“I’ll put her where I want, when I want,” was the confident reply.
“Actually, you won’t,” Joshua spat back, eye to eye with the slightly shorter male in front of him. “You will keep your hands to yourself.”
“Mister Hong,” you almost barked, his full name flowing from your lips like a command to a soldier, which was in essence what he was. He choked off the growl in his throat as he turned face to return to you while you finished gathering your things, but not without giving the other man—who looked as if that was a battle he’d won instead of a battle he’d just been saved from—a glare that would make his mother pale. You picked up your bag after Joshua helped your jacket on and you left the building.
He did his best to bite his tongue in situations he knew he should just be quiet and wait for your cue or follow the contract to a T. The first gala was an absolute trip—there were hundreds of people, too many asking too many questions, flashing cameras in your face, people crowding left and right and that same smile on your face even he could tell was fake. But he played the part well—he donned a pressed black suit with a lovely fuchsia carnation pinned on his lapel. The only thing that made him out of place was the clear earpiece he had tapped to the microphone in the clip of your hair. If he was too far to see you, he could at least hear you if there was a problem.
It was obvious enough that it deterred people from asking him questions, or even talking to him really, but he wasn’t the only guard on duty so he spent most of his time playing wallflower, lined up with the others as they observed the gala. It was clear that it was strictly forbidden to interact with you under circumstances not outlined in the contract, by direct request of the family of honor. You figured it was fair, as the whole reason you were there was to portray an image and Joshua wasn’t part of it.
Most gala’s he spent gritting his teeth as he stood tall against the wall, watching the way your partner manhandled you just within the boundaries of the contract until it was finally over when he would follow you close out of the venue and take your hand to step you off the curb to let you fall into the passenger’s seat of his car brought around by valet just to get in and grip the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grasp and silently take you home, and be paid out on your doorstep—what soon became the routine.
But the routine changed when you grew a little fonder of Joshua when you lingered to leave when you were no longer in need of his services, when sometimes you sat in the passenger’s seat of his car to just sit and process, or to vent, or to just enjoy being in the company of another without the stress of a business agenda. When you finally talked freely about interests outside of this partnership you had with him.  When he walked you to your door and had a little more to say, irrelevant to being paid—things as simple as sleep well, or stay safe, or until next time, things other than thank you for your business. When it seemed as though he was growing fonder of you, too.
And then, the door once cracked opened a bit more when a late conversation turned into a disagreement turned into something else.
You knew he’d been disgruntled with the inability to do anything about the situation, with the way the boundaries were teased and tested and Joshua’s investment in you continued to grow beyond the confines of said contract. It brought on a lot of tension between the two of you, as if there hadn’t been tension on car rides home after parties or showcases or reveals or fundraisers—it didn’t really matter, he took you to and from almost every event.
He was quieter than usual, something you tried to ignore as you tended the bruise against your arm from where you’d been grabbed multiple times throughout the night, mostly minding your own business and exchanged your attention between that and the passing of the city outside the car window. The air conditioning was cool on your skin, soothing on your feet from being pressed in heels all night that you’d slightly kicked off in a bit of relief before he finally broke the silence.
“When are you going to let me give him what’s coming?” Joshua asked you, his tone a little urgent, and startled you a little bit in the deep leather bucket seat of his car. “It’s been five months and time and time again you let him tug you around like a rag-doll and only half the time can I see the discomfort on your face, but a hundred percent of the time I can hear it when you grunt or wince or yelp.”  
You sighed heavily—this wasn’t particularly a conversation you wanted to have.
“He’s within the contract,” you replied.
“Any malicious touch should be outside the contract,” he growled.
“Well then it’s a good thing you didn’t write it,” you replied as he pulled up to your place, shutting the car off after throwing it into park to walk you up to your door like he always did. You had a bottom floor apartment, which made slipping your heels back on and stepping out of the car less of a battle since you wouldn’t have to climb any stairs.  Even though he was a bit put off with you, he still rounded the car to gently take your hand to pull you up from the seat, double-checking to make sure you had everything, and walked you up to your door.
“I wish I had,” he finally replied as you turned the key in the handle to tumble the look to unlock your door. “I wish I had because he would have stopped testing the both of us months ago.”
“That’s not your call to make,” you replied, grabbing the envelope that sat on the table just inside your doorway which already had a predetermined amount enclosed with his name written in fine script across it the same way that it always did. “I hired you to do a specific job, you agreed to adhere to the contract; if you don’t like the contract, we can discontinue this partnership at any time,” you finished.
Part of you couldn’t decide if he hadn’t heard anything you said, or if he was just taking his time to reply, because his gaze was effectively all over your face, refusing to reach up for the envelope. You could see the look in his eyes that generally meant he was thinking, but what came next you almost couldn’t prepare for.
Both his warm hands cupped your cheeks, tilting your head up towards his just enough for him to gracefully take your lips with his. Your back softly hit the frame of your door as his envelope crumpled in your hand, and you found yourself instinctively leaning up into his mouth while your free hand momentarily cupped the back of his neck before you came to and nudged him away.
“Joshua…” you muttered a tad breathlessly, breaking the kiss. There were a million things that should have been going through your mind at that point, starting with how unprofessional all of this was, continuing with the image you had to maintain and how this whole thing would interfere with that, and finishing with grappling with your feelings that were turning your stomach over like a fish on deck.
One of his hands had slipped away from your face to hold you steady, warm and wide on your hip, but the other continued to tenderly stroke against your cheek while you looked at each other. His envelope was still clutched in your hand against his side, your other hand sliding away from the back of his neck and down his lapel—you could push him away, you should push him away. You wanted to tell him how many problems this would cause, how complicated this just made everything, but somehow all you could think about was the glitter in his eyes, the mint tones of his breath, and the taste of his pomegranate chapstick.
He must have known it wasn’t a good move because he collected the envelope from your hand without much more delay for thought—your door was already open so he didn’t have to wait any longer as he bid you goodnight, reminded you to sleep well, and turned to be on his way. You found his name stuck in the back of your throat, dying to come out, but also dying to stay in. The implications of the situation swirled in your head, and you gave a rickety exhale before finding your feet enough to retreat through your door.
Business continued as usual, Joshua attended with you as usual, but the only difference was that you were getting progressively more infuriated with the way you were being treated as another month passed. The jig had to have been up, the publicity you were gaining from keeping up the relationship lie had to have faded by now, but the numbers didn’t lie.  Joshua was still at your side, in the background, observing, wherever he needed to be to ensure his job was done correctly.  
You had taken a nasty fall on one of the sets of a photo-op because of an impatient and tugging hand of the typical problem male. Joshua lurched from against the wall as you cursed, the floor hard against your knees, and you stayed on the ground for a moment while your nails clawed against the tile, pushing away the sting.  A sweet voice whispered your name, and you knew who it belonged to, along with the hand that was extended in front of you. You stared at it for a moment before sitting up enough to dust your hands against each other, and daintily place one in Joshua’s large and warm one. He slowly lifted you to your feet, wanting to check your knees which were hidden behind a floral maxi-dress.
“Pathetic, can’t even get up on your own,” your ex-boyfriend spat in your direction, and the sigh that left your lips could have been a call from hell itself.
Your gaze turned up slowly, away from the ground, and up to his face like the inferno was ready to take him through the earth’s crust.  There was a snarl turning at the corners of your nose, and it was clear as day you’d had it up to your eyeballs. Your hand gripped Joshua’s with all the strength you had, and he could only look at you, waiting for your cue, waiting for you to cut him loose before you brought your free hand up and clapped it against the side of the face of your unruly business partner. It was a sound that rang through the room, and by the sound of the cry that exited just a moment after, you caught him upwards on the jaw and probably snapped his teeth together.
He yelled profanities at you, but the exhaustion of his antics were clear in your eyes. Joshua snarled at him when he attempted to approach, but you almost begged for it.
“Do you want another?” you asked him, a tinge in your voice that startled even Joshua. The blood from your split knee was trickling down your leg at this point, you could feel it go, but your one hand clutched the hand it held unwaveringly.  
The way your voice softened when you turned your head to speak to Joshua was like night and day. “My knees are bleeding,” you informed him, feeling them quiver as you continued to stand, bruising imminent. He didn’t hesitate to place your hand against his shoulder to slide around his neck and lift your legs out from under you. Your wicked ex-boyfriend took a step, but Joshua was quick and turned to check.
“Try me,” he growled and waited for an advance that never came before he turned to take you out of the room. One of the photography hands followed the two of you out with a first aid kit but stood aside to let Joshua take care of you. You pulled the dress up past your knees—it was worse than you thought. He requested some water to begin to clean your leg before cleaning the split that was already black and purple and swollen to the hills.
“You must have gone down pretty hard,” he commented, gingerly tending to said wound, but diligently nonetheless to get it cleared away enough to assess. At that point, all you cared about was the bloodstain on the knee of your pretty white dress. The pain was ignorable, your ex was ignorable, Joshua was mostly ignorable, but the pain you felt in your pride from letting him treat you like that which manifested in the stain on your dress was not. You looked at the stain with such disdain as you held it in your hands.
“I’ll get you a new dress,” he muttered after noting the look on your face.
“That’s not the point!” you yelled back harshly. He looked at you calmly, knowing your outburst wasn’t directed at him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied quietly and turned his gaze back down to bandage your knee, at least well enough to complete the shoot because he knew you weren’t going to leave without finishing it.
And so you did; the blood on your dress could be edited out, so that posed little concern. What did concern you, however, was the attitudes in the room and how they would shift. From then on, every move was checked with Joshua, both your eyes and your ex-boyfriend’s eyes meeting him if he ever even reached for you. Something in the way you’d whole-hand clapped him and the look on Joshua’s face after the fact—he had to have known at that point that he wasn’t ‘safe’ anymore. It was as if he could see that Joshua had been unclipped from the figurative leash.  
You finished the shoot with no further altercations but definitely needed help with some of the positions as your knee was unable to bend certain ways anymore, for the time being. When the shoot was finally over, you stayed on the set couch for a lingering moment as Joshua gathered your things and brought them over to you, but not without clipping shoulders with the trouble-maker himself.  
He had your duffel over his shoulder, creasing the jacket of his suit but refused to let you take it when he was able to get you on your feet again. You looked up at him with a scowl, almost as if to say that you could carry it yourself, but he gave you a skeptical look, not skeptical that you could carry it but that you were injured and he would just as well carry it for you.
You paid the photography crew your respects before beginning to hobble out of the set and eventually out of the building. Joshua offered you his arm as a crutch multiple times that you refused, stubbornly, until he’d finally had enough.
“Please take my arm, or I’ll carry you out of here,” he almost threatened as a gave a smile to the man at the security desk while you passed him, who gave you a curious look as you limped. You wanted to growl, but begrudgingly took his arm anyway; admittedly, it relieved some pain. He put your duffel in the back seat once finally arriving at the car and then opened the passenger’s door for you. Gingerly you lifted your damaged leg into the car first before all but falling in after it and let him close the door behind you.
As usual, he turned on the air conditioner a bit high—you needed to cool off after every interaction you had with your ex on any business excursion you needed to attend. You kept your rage entirely inside which boiled your blood and made your face hot and the cool air was quite helpful to bring it all back. Joshua delayed in starting the car for a moment as he looked over to you to make sure you were okay, but you ignored the pain in your knee and looked out the window, waiting for the car to start moving.  He sighed, noting the bloodstains on the knee of your dress before finally bringing the car to life to take you home.  It was already late into the afternoon, and he knew you’d want time to prepare dinner and shower and other things to relax for the evening, so he didn’t waste any more time.
He took you and your bag up to your front door the way he normally did, only this time with one of your hands wrapped around his arm to steady yourself as you hobbled slowly with your heels in your other hand before you were digging for your keys. Once your door opened, you threw your shoes in and took the duffel bag from him to toss that inside the doorway as well and reached for his envelope on the table, and turned back to him.
Joshua stood tall and respectfully the way he always did, alert with his shoulders square, hands clasps behind his back. Somehow his hair was always immaculate, his suit always pressed with zero hints of wrinkles, too professional; but his eyes looked at you softly, eyes you were looking into deeper and deeper every time you got the chance, eyes that captivated you like nothing else. You clutched the envelope in both your hands, a thought stirring in the back of your throat as you looked up at him.
“Joshua…” you started, trying to get the thought out as the envelope crumpled in your fingers.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied respectfully, only for you to remind him of your name even though you knew he hadn’t forgotten.
“I don’t pay you for this…” you started, crumpling the envelope a little more as you looked down at it, “but I would, if you wanted; I just don’t have any near family and I don’t want to be alone after all that and—”
“I’ll stay, for a bit, if that’s what you need. I’m here to serve you,” he replied, the tenseness in his shoulders dropping a little bit as his hands came forward to cup over yours, stopping you from nervously crinkling his envelope, “And don’t worry about compensating me.”
You weren’t sure how to reply as he finessed the envelope from your hands, setting it back down on the table you always retrieved it from as he walked you slowly back through the doorway of your apartment and kicked his shoes by the door. “Do you mind if I take my coat off?” he asked you, and you were a bit taken aback by the question—he was always dressed professionally, and this was the first time he would be taking his jacket off in front of you. All you could do was nod as you peeled yours off, too, a sweet dark washed cropped jean jacket.  
At some point you remember getting him a glass of water, you remember excusing yourself to change so that you could spot treat your dress and assess the damage on your knee yourself as Joshua made himself at home on your couch. It was the first time Joshua would see you in more casual clothes instead of dolled up for some event, but it was fair because you were seeing him cut a little loose too.  You remember flipping on the TV to drown out the somewhat awkward silence that loomed between the two of you for a bit, before agreeing on what to order for food. It was still a bit early for dinner, so some mindless TV was in order for a little bit. A part of Joshua had expected something else; maybe some feelings dumping or something similar, but he didn’t mind the fact that you just wanted to relish his company.  
That didn’t stop him from consistently looking at you, consistently noting the way your eyes would get a bit glassy before being controlled—you refused to cry in front of him.  He wasn’t there to comfort you, that wasn’t his job, and you didn’t want to make it seem like it was.   But when you could feel him looking at the side of your face a little too hard, you turned to look at him with the intention of asking if he wanted to order food, but ended up getting trapped in his eyes again.  
You could feel your breath hitch in your throat, meeting his gaze, but he didn’t seem surprised. His eyebrows rose for a split second, hardly even noticed as he looked back at you—your eyes were still a bit glassy from the forced back tears. He wouldn’t dare ask you to speak, much less speak about what was on your mind; he had unclear instructions of what he was there for, but it took everything in him to just sit there and say nothing, do nothing.  
He took a leap, and reached over to retrieve your hand closest to him, which happened to be your left hand, and cupped it in both of his.
“I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through; I can’t even begin to imagine how hard and taxing it is, how unbreakable your resolve has been, how strong you have been, but I know that you are.  I know that you are gracious and kind and patient. I know that you are so much than I get to see, so much more than anything he’d ever deserve.”
It was meant to be comforting, to be encouraging, and it was. Somehow, your fingers threaded between his and squeezed, trying to stave the tears that he had inadvertently pushed up to your waterline, and to avoid having him see them fall, you finally turned your face away from his.
“I’m going to order dinner, what would you like?” you asked, voice cracking a little as you quickly stood from the couch to the dismay of your injured knee as your hand left his. You quickly made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a paper towel to dab under your eyes, trying to save the makeup you had left. Vaguely, you heard him say something about getting whatever—he would eat whatever you ordered for him—and pulled out the small book of menus from nearby places.
Joshua sat on the couch, the lack of your hand between his somehow more intense when he knew you needed some comfort as he listened to you flip through some pages and eventually dial a number to place an order. He didn’t expect you to return immediately, or even within a reasonable amount of time, which was good because you didn’t.  You continued to stand in the kitchen and grip the counter, pushing your tears back and back and back while trying not to agitate your leg too much; the burn was real from your rush to get up, so you stood on the leg that was still good and bent the other to give it a rest.
Eventually, he was going to have to check on you. He spent plenty of time glancing over to the kitchen to see if you were emerging yet, but it didn’t happen to be the case, so before too long he pushed himself up from the couch as he quietly cooed your name. You had just been rounding the corner out of the kitchen and he’d caught you by surprise, causing you to stumble over your own feet and crash right into him. His anticipatory hands were able to catch you, for the most part, one able to catch your elbow while the other controlled your fall into his body. Your hands were a little more unceremonious, one furling in the fabric of his white dress shirt and the other grabbing onto his bicep while you crash-landed into his chest, staggering him a bit.
It was the first time you were really getting a lungful of his fragrance, swirling around you like phantom chains. The first time you were really feeling the solidity of his body and how protective it was capable of being. The first time you were really feeling the largeness of his hands as he steadied your balance by hulling you up against him to set you fully back on your own feet, the second time his wide palm was placed against your hip, which brought back many memories of the first time just outside your front door. He could have been able to hear the way you swallowed, looking right at his throat, adorned with a perfectly knotted tie and a finely pressed shirt collar.
And for a moment, you stood there with complete silence looming between the two of you while your hands found a more comfortable place to rest which happened to be right on the curve of his chest while the other continued to hold his bicep. It was always hard to see under his immaculate jackets, but now that it was just his dress shirt and an undershirt, you could see the way your hands curved against him.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he finally spoke, throat shifting particularly with how low he was trying to keep his voice, his bicep flexing under your hand as his hands slid a little further around you.
“Thank you for catching me,” you replied, “so I didn’t have to fall in front of you, again.”
For some reason, that hit him painfully. He couldn’t decide if it was because he felt guilty for making you feel embarrassed about what had happened in front of him, or because he felt guilty for not being able to prevent it in the first place. Although it felt like a sting, he was fully aware that you were making no effort to move from his grasp which was still settled somewhat around your waist until you had decided it was long enough and shuffled out of his grasp.
Joshua never dared pry about what was on your mind, even as he continued to watch you push tears away. At one point, you did close the gap between the two of you on the couch and sat with him, hip to hip, at least until your food arrived. You ate quietly, really just relishing each other’s presence outside of business hours, and sometimes caught him looking at you a little too long which he would dismiss with a soft smile. But dinner was quick, and you were cleaning up almost as soon as you sat down, it felt. And the sooner you were done with dinner, you feared, the sooner he would leave and that just wasn’t a thought you were ready to deal with yet. You had been grappling with saying something, giving him anything about what was going on with you—he already had a pretty good idea and made that very apparent, but you got nervous and pulled away.
You cleaned up in the kitchen quickly and grabbed Joshua’s empty glass to refresh it after he insisted the water was perfectly fine, before joining him on the couch again. This time you’d switched over the TV to just play music which was also perfectly fine because it seemed to ease the tension that was bubbling between the two of you.
“You know, I know we’re not that close, and I know you hired me, but if there’s anything you want to say, or if there’s anything you want me to do—”
“Does that anything include hauling a body away?” you joked, trying to lighten the mood since it had been a little dark since you first invited him in. He seemed to find amusement in your joke because he chuckled.
“I just want you to feel comfortable with me, like you don’t have to tiptoe around me or like you can’t experience emotions in front of me—I couldn’t even detect a semblance of pain on your face earlier although I know it hurt,” he reminded you.
“I do feel comfortable with you,” you replied, driving the point home by subconsciously leaning over to cozy up to him, resting your head against his shoulder as you were already sitting hip to him. He seemed a bit shocked, jarring for only a moment before relaxing into the way you pressed against him. “If I didn’t, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago.”
“Ouch, so expendable,” he jested, resisting settling an arm around your shoulder. He knew from the last time that there were lines that shouldn’t be crossed, even if you were crossing one right now. It was on you what to do, but he couldn’t just take a moment of physical contact as the go-ahead, especially as you pulled away.
“You’re off the clock; you don’t have to be so alert,” you finally added.
“It’s in my nature,” he replied quietly, his gaze casting from your lap and back up to your face. “I can’t help wanting to jump to your defense, even from the threat that’s in your head.”
“At least that tells me that you take your job very seriously,” you replied just as quietly, your voice fading off a bit at the end as his face neared yours a bit more.
“You asked me to come in because you didn’t want to be alone; I think that warrants attention,” he answered. He had a point, but somewhere in the feeling of his warm breath against your cheeks, that point was lost. You knew what was coming, but somehow didn’t have the mind to stop it, or the want to stop it from happening. Your fingers furled into the upholstery of your couch as he came into your space.
“Joshu—” you tried, but the tender way his lips touched against yours cut that off.  There was a familiar touch of his fingertips against the cut of your jaw while his mouth gently slanted against yours. The sigh that exhaled through his nose was exacerbated as one of your somewhat panicked hands took a grip of his tie and tugged, encouraging him to tilt your jaw to his will as he readjusted the kiss.
He broke the kiss for a moment to gauge you, a little too in the moment to remember the first time this happened and what a mistake it was; somewhere in the back of his mind he knew the implications, he knew the conditions of your contract with the jewelry gig, he knew the media was keeping watch on your fake relationship, and he knew how much this was forbidden, but that only made him want it more. And you must have felt somewhat the same, because you leaned in to tease his bottom lip with your teeth, feeling the exhilaration of the fleeting freedom from that fake relationship against Joshua’s lips; the way the stress of all of that melted away at the taste of that familiar pomegranate chapstick.  His breath was warm against your mouth, anticipating your next move but you made it clear you were waiting for him as you hesitated while his lip slipped from the gentle grip of your teeth and, tentatively, he took your bottom lip to swipe his tongue against it to delve into another forbidden lip lock.
Breathless, you gave a deep exhale against his mouth as you’d finally come to your senses. Somewhere in your subconscious, you knew the two of you were dancing around this chemistry because you knew it would have to be a secret. You’d had all the forethought in the world after the last time about any time you could catch him away from the crowd how badly you wanted to take the lapel of his coat in your hands and melt into him. The last thing you needed was for rumors to start going around about you and him, but in this very moment, as your lips trailed away from his to kiss against the line of his jaw, you seemed to care not. And you knew you would have continued to kiss down his neck the way you’d thought about more times than you’d like to admit out loud if you didn’t know better. But the way his breath hit the air and the way his head tilted back just a bit just begged for a little more.
“Joshua,” you whispered against the slender column of his neck, or what you could reach that wasn’t covered by his completely buttoned shirt as your lips slid up to his ear, “If you don’t knock it off, next time I might not stop.”
A shiver shot down his spine at just the implications of your words. He knew it was wrong, he knew it was complicated, but now he knew that you felt the same way he did, that you knew he just couldn’t help it. His breath hit the air in a huff, a semblance of a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips but it faded just as quickly as his head came back down to meet gaze with you.
“Maybe I don’t want you to,” he replied, the glimmer in his eyes like the entire galaxy condensed. You agreed on the conditions of your current situation from a simple look, but you could also tell in each other’s eyes how much that didn’t matter. All that mattered was not getting caught. All that mattered was that it was a secret. Even still, something ate at you about the riskiness.  
You stood from the couch for the sole purpose of creating some distance before you completely lost your resolve, although it was still breaking the more you looked at his eyes, the features of his face, the curves and sharpness of his jaw, and his mouth which you were already so acquainted with.
It would be tough, but you knew already quitting Joshua would be harder already, so you both vowed to keep it as down low as possible, and that meant entirely in the ground in public of any kind.
That meant you attended galas and fundraisers with even more disinterest than you had before, and the tugging persisted but now you were being bombarded with questions about your fake relationship—you did your best to remain quiet and let the star of the show answer. You continued to work on designing pieces in the comfort of your apartment and develop them into fine pieces of jewelry and you were still raking in design rights left and right from a company you wanted to break from entirely. It was slowly becoming apparent that no matter what happened between you and Joshua, that company would owe you royalties for your designs, and undoubtedly would ask you to continue designing since you were the top contributor much to your partner’s dismay.
To do your best to avoid suspicion, Joshua often stayed behind at times he would have typically accompanied you. He spent more time playing wallflower than he was used to, especially as you were being bombarded left and right by people who wanted nothing more than your attention than to pick your brain about your designs, but despite the new dynamic of his investment, he was still your bodyguard.   And the more he got invested, the more he hated seeing you put in that fake smile in the arms of a man he already detested; but he vowed to keep his word, and keep his word he did.
Some galas, you just couldn’t take it. Joshua always had a watchful eye on you when you were seated even while Mr. Self-Important was wandering about and entertaining guests, trying to butter them up for a sale or investment of some kind. Occasionally, you’d meet eyes with him before finding your way to your feet and began to weave through the crowd. It wasn’t unusual for him to follow you, as it was agreed he would be keeping eyes on you at all costs.  You made your way through many hot bodies crammed in a too-small room as he tried to keep track of your head bobbing through the crowd before making it into a back room. Still, he followed the sound of your heels against the ornate tile. He followed you quite some time before leading him onto the balcony of a backroom you doubted anyone would be finding even if they were adventuring on their own.
“What do you think you’re doing, taking off like that?” he asked you a little roughly, trying to figure out exactly what was going through your mind to just get up and storm off as if that wouldn’t gather some attention.
“I can’t take it anymore,” you replied desperately, looking back at him as you exhaled sharply. The look in your eyes was enough, an inextinguishable fire burned in your very soul. He almost melted under that gaze, daring to shuffle towards you. You let the fresh air wash against the skin exposed by your evening gown—it was refreshing, to say the least; but the way Joshua was looking back at you made it hard to distinguish the cool air from the fire in your veins.
You begged to step passed him and return to the gala—being out here with him alone spelled bad news for the secrecy of your intermingling lives because you could tell the more that you looked at him, the more you couldn’t stop the way your gaze flittered down to his lips for only a moment before trying to recompose yourself.  But you went to step anyway, not quick enough for his wide hands which strongly took your hips and backed you up against the railing of the balcony.
“Is that why you lead me out here? You had to have known I would follow you,” he asked, a ghost of a whisper in the slight breeze as he leaned down to capture your gaze again, bringing your eyes up to his and you could feel your breath caught in your throat, hands anticipatorily on his forearms through his suit coat.
You wanted to protest, you wanted to tell him this couldn’t happen—not here, not now. The way he continued to step closer to you made the lump bigger and bigger, making it even more difficult to get words out before he was leaned in too close, and only then were you able to squeak anything out.
“It’s dangerous,” you muttered against his mouth, the familiar taste of his pomegranate chapstick and the plush warmth of his lips against yours broke any semblance of control and your hands ruffled through the hair on the back of his head.  It was feverish at first, as if you’d been deprived of him for so long before the actuality of his lips against yours, of his hands on your body tugging you into him finally set in and you calmed down; as did your hands which combed his hair back into place before sitting daintily across his broad shoulders until he broke the kiss off, hypocritically trying to remind you that you were still in public but it didn’t stop the way he placed gentle kisses against your forehead as you leaned into him.
His scent, which you had grown so accustomed to, seemed to be amplified in the quiet wind as you took a deep breath through your nose while his forehead found yours—your eyes remained closed, and it was the most serene moment you’d experienced at a gala to that day. Everything felt at ease, everything felt simple, everything felt right.
But in the following days, a different kind of panic was settling into you when your boss’s son showed up on your doorstep with the front page of a magazine with a photo of you and Joshua out on that balcony that night.  He was red in the face, demanding an explanation from you about how you could be so careless, essentially informing you that he had already had ideas about you and Joshua but trusted that you wouldn’t blow the work you had going.  The thought of being caught had crossed your mind on so many occasions, but late-night talks after late-night talk when he stayed over to calm your nerves, to rub your shoulders and shower you with kisses, you concluded—what were they going to do? What did you care about that fake relationship? What did you care about the publicity of a company you had no investment in other than design rights? Regardless of popularity, you would continue to get royalties from every sale of your designs.  
“This is simply absurd; this is the last thing I had anticipated waking up to. This ruins so many things, in fact, it ruins everything! All the publicity we had going for this startup, you so selfishly ruined!” he screamed at you while you stood in the doorway of your apartment. For a moment, you didn’t care. He had screamed at you many times in the past, so you looked at him unfazed.
“I’m sorry, I’m the selfish one? I’m the one who demanded we keep up a fake relationship for a publicity stunt to… what… keep the jewelry line directly in the media at all times? I’m the selfish one?”
“You have gotten every last bit out of my family and this business and then you go and blow it, getting caught like a fool!”
Your knuckles were turning white with the way you were gripping them under your crossed arms as you looked at him. Your blood was boiling.
“I worked my ass off to provide your family with very successful designs for their line! Remind me again who’s the selfish one!” you spat back in his face, the burn on your tongue feeling like actual flames with how irate you were at this point. “And remind me, what have you done, at all? Have you made any contributions to this business other than providing the media a pretty face to look at?”
He pushed his hand against the door of your apartment and stepped towards you, enough for you to take a few steps back and unfold your arms in the case you had to defend yourself. And you would have, but the rumble behind you that was deep enough, menacing enough to open a rift in the earth’s crust came from behind you.
“Get out,” Joshua threatened, having been standing just behind the door to listen to the exchange. He wanted you to give you your space to deal with it on your own—you deserved to deal with it on your own; it was your position, your designs, your royalties, your contributions to defend. He was there, however, to defend your being.
“You! You are at least half the—”
“Get out!” Joshua repeated, taking a step forward before ripping the magazine from shaking fingers. “I don’t think I have to tell you again. Your little charade is done, and the only one who will suffer is you and you alone. Now get out, or I’ll escort you out.”
“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer about this—”
“I don’t think that’s the route you want to go,” you interjected. “I own those designs; I am owed royalties on every sale of those designs; whether you like it or not, I have a legal cut of this company which is not contingent on how successful our media façade is. So, if I’ll be hearing from your lawyer about Joshua who has a legal and contracted right to remove you from my property, then you’ll be hearing from mine, who will bury you.”  
There was a shakiness in your voice, indistinguishable between anger and nerves, as Joshua escorted him out of your home and slammed the door behind him.  You stood just beyond the entryway, safe distance within your house to avoid any conflict, but your shoulders heaved.  You could hear the heavy deadbolt flip, locking the door tight before Joshua turned around to face you. He gave you some space for just a moment, but he wasn’t too keen on leaving you standing there looking like the very life had been sucked from your bones for too long.
“It’s over,” he cooed to you, “you don’t have to hide anymore.”
Your gaze crossed the flooring to his feet and ran up his legs, up his body to his face. His mouth housed a tender smile, eyes soft as he looked over you, and somewhere deep in there he could see the relief, the surfacing of tension to let it all go, and for a fleeting moment, you granted him a soft smile as well before he wistfully crossed the floor to take you against his chest.
“I’m proud of the way you stood your ground. You’ll never have to stand it alone again.”
It seemed like a slightly inclined battle for the first month or so. You did hear from his lawyer, and he heard from yours, and it was a winning battle in court to discuss your role within the business. You came to an agreement to keep a position, much to the dismay of your now ex-business partner, and continue working on designs with minimal pressure, and that, the final marker of the decisions, was the nail in the coffin for all the tension to finally free from your body.  You stood in a mostly empty courtroom in a fine skirt-suit as you awaited the verdict—you were too relieved to cry, but Joshua’s hand squeezing yours almost elicited those tears.
It wasn’t long before you moved in together to settle down.
You spent long nights sometimes in the studio working on big sketchbooks loosely doodling designs across the entire page. A lone lamp that illuminated a desk behind your easel was hardly enough to sustain healthy eyesight, but it never seemed to stop you especially when you were struggling to push sleep away from those eyes.  Often, Joshua slipped out of bed to come find you, well into some hours after he’d retired for the night just to sneak into the studio behind you.
He watched the way your hand effortlessly moved across the page, flicking lines down on the paper to craft those rough sketches he knew would eventually turn into fine pieces of jewelry. You had a knack for it, serious vision for jewelry only the elite could afford.
“It’s not light enough in here for your eyes,” he whispered to you, rubbing his hands along your shoulders and upper arms before he’d dig his thumbs in.
“You tell me that every time,” you reminded him quietly, eyes closing to relish the way he pushed some knots away from your shoulders.  
His chuckle was smooth in your ears, dripping down your spine like refined syrup before he pulled up a stool behind you and nestle his arms around your waist, leaving you free enough to continue to work on some sketches, but not without some attempts at wooing you to leave them.
“Come to bed with me,” he whispered just behind your ear, only to place a couple of kisses against your neck and nuzzle against your jaw.
“Five more minutes,” you replied, only to feel his arms tighten around you.
“I fell for that too many times; I’m not so naïve anymore,” he reminded you. “They’ll be here for you another day.”
“And so will you,” you answered.
“Ouch, so expendable,” he teased, knowing that you were teasing, too.
“Joshua,” you whined as he kissed down your neck and across your shoulder, only lightly clothed by a loose-fitting tee that was slouching off to the side anyway. But he wouldn’t stop. Especially not as he got up to flick the lamp off, the only light remaining for vision was the hallway light outside the door, which was enough for him to scoop you from your stool to bring both your legs up around his waist and your arms to dangle over his shoulders. He could feel the sleepiness in your body, but your stubbornness persisted as you protested some more. He carried you from the small studio room and down the hallway to flick the light off with his elbow before he was gently laying you in the cool sheets of the bed you shared with him, sealing off any further words with a couple of sweet kisses against your unsuspecting lips.
Despite all your hawing a few moments prior, the soothing sheets underneath you coupled with the warm body that was settling in next to you settled you quite a bit when he turned you into him and you settled into his shoulder, the same way you did every night.
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katfox · 4 years
Oh, Baby!
Glimpse: Jumin and his wife get to celebrate this sweet Valentines holiday with the person they love more than anything in the entire world. The end brings along a little surprise that will change their lives forever, in the best way possible.   
1400+ words
Valentine gift post for @juminsmysticmc c:
It started happening mid-January where you started feeling less energetic. This wasn't a huge cause for concern as you’d normally stay up late to help Jumin with work. He loved you for staying awake to calm him through the night, although he knew how stressful it was. This was a stressful time for anyone honestly, from people high up on the corporate ladder to those buying products in the shops. Valentines day is very touchy holiday that either left you feeling loved or feeling heartbroken. 
As the days and weeks fly by the fatigue passes by with extra sleep but you seem to start feeling under the weather, maybe the flu? What a bad time to be sick.. Once home and seeing your current condition Jumin offers to call a doctor for a night visit but you gently brush the idea. “Don't be silly darling a cold wont harm me.” For the sake of relaxing you he gives in and offers the idea that you go to the doctor if you're not feeling well after a few days, to which you agree willingly. 
He kisses your forehead before leaving the room to run you a warm bubble bath. Lucky for you he brought home a new luxury bath set that he was gifted from another company. He treated you like the queen you are, waiting on you hand and foot in hopes that he would make you feel better.
As the days progress you start to feel a bit better if it wasn't for the feeling of being nauseated. You felt love you couldn't eat because you weren't able to keep anything down. Although you couldn't help it you'd always apologize to the chefs, as it seemed kind of like a slap in the face to their cooking. This was the last straw. You needed to go see what was wrong, there was no way that you'd pass on whatever sickness this was to your hardworking husband.
With one phone call, Jumin sends a car to take you to your doctor. He wishes to be there with you but had so many meetings scheduled. You appreciate the thought of him wanting to come but you assure him that you'll be fine to go alone, with the guards of course. The ride was quick but the nauseous feeling only grew with the motions. This was really getting under your skin, you've never felt this way before.
Getting to the doctor was nerve wracking, you didn't know whether you were just sick or dying. It was getting hard to tell. The doctor calls you in for a few questions; she does a physical exam to see if there's anything she can feel. She asks a few intimate questions to start narrowing down what your sickness could be. With the answers you gave, she's pretty confident she knows what's going on.
She requests a machine from one of her nurses that happily obliges to get it for her. She suggests that you expose your stomach for a clearer look into your abdomen. You do it with a bit of haste, just happy to know that this will tell you what's been ailing you. An ultrasound machine strolls through the doors making you feel a little nervous. She smiles and does the procedure with gentle hands, locating the issue at hand. 
You come home, you weren't expecting that to be the cause of all this. Thinking about everything that happened so far does start to connect the dots for you. What will you do though? You run your hand along your stomach, eyes closed picturing the future that you will share with the love of your life.
Jumin rushed home from work as early as he possibly could he wanted to make sure that you were okay. "What did they say, my love?" You hushed his worry by telling him it was just a simple sickness, you loved the way he cared about you. Sometimes he cared too much but you knew its because he loves you so much. He was happy to know that you were fine, although he'd pay anything to heal you if that weren't the case.
It's the day before the big day, the day you'd stop holding this big secret. You wanted to make it special for him. A few calls were made for supplies to aid you in your gift to the most amazing man. You'd hope he likes it as this gift wouldn't be refundable. "How could he not, it was with our love after all." You smile to yourself and shake off the nerves as you prep for the surprise.
Part of you felt like you should've known since Elizabeth was all over you during the past few weeks more than she ever had at one period. You thought it was just her being adorable and wanting to cuddle more. Either way you both appreciated the closeness. The click of the lock alerts you to the door, seeing Jumin step into the penthouse. His eyes search for you as he had great news. He was going to stay home for a couple days to treat you for the holiday.
Last night's dinner was amazing, you couldn't really keep all the food down but you were happy that Jumin was there. He kissed your head before heading out to get you a few gifts to show yo his love and appreciation. You woke up to the smell of roses, opening your sleepy eyes you catch a glimpse of a huge box of fresh roses. There had to be at least a thousand roses in this designer bouquet. He was so thoughtful, you never asked for a thing but he just spoils you anyway.
A card catches your attention and you fetch it, reading the sweet nothings he’s written for you. He's prepared a dinner out at the fanciest restaurant he could get at late notice. He bought you a new satin dress, it was beautiful and slightly hugged the contours of your body. You were in awe thinking that today was the day that you would change Jumin's life for the better.
You treated yourself with a warm bath and a massage to relax you as much as possible. Your nerves were testing you and you were determined to leave them behind. As the hours flew by you grow flushed, feeling flustered as the second biggest moment of your life was coming up. You slip on the dress, it was soft and fit you perfectly. How could you expect less from Jumin Han?
A kiss gets planted at the nape of your neck bringing you out of space. You look in the mirror seeing Jumin behind you, his smile is out of this world. You turn to face him as he leans down and presses a gentle kiss against your lips. Something in you just sparked and you couldn't contain yourself. He pulls away to grab your gifts and the words slips past your lips before you can stop them.
"I'm pregnant-" Jumin doesn't know if he heard correctly or if he just imagined it. You grab a small box and reach out handing it to him. Your nerves grow as he opens the box, what greets him is a test that read positive. His body seemed to move on it's own as he dropped the box onto the bed. He rushes to you picking you up in his arms swinging you around gently.
All he ever wanted was a family of his own, to raise a loving family like the one he never had. He was so overjoyed, letting a few happy tears slip as he held you close. You cried tears of happiness as you celebrated this huge milestone. He sets you down on your feet, kissing you deeply before caressing your stomach. He couldn't be happier that you're going to be the mother of his children.
You both spoke, simultaneously speaking the same words effortlessly. "I love you~" The overwhelming happiness was growing between the two of you, so much so that Jumin laughed so warmly. One that you haven't heard very often if at all, it was sweet and contagious. You both spent the rest of Valentine's day in blissful joy. The man of your dreams, and the baby you made with love.
The most amazing Valentine's day, neither of them will ever forget.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 15~Part 2
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I made a small mistake in my previous posts. I know that Kurama calls Yoshino his toy in his main story but it was not until this chapter, Before this, he kept calling her prisoner. So I have to go back and edit my posts.
Warning!! Sexual content below!! (Because Kurama just finds any reasons to make out with Yoshino.)
Part 1
---------Part 4---------
Kurama: "I don't understand. But I approve of the way you think."
He looked straight at me and my cheeks heated up when he touched it.
Kurama: "Include that as a 'Thank you' too."
Yoshino(blushing): "......Thank you."
(The way I think is completely different from Kurama.)
(There were times when I thought there was no way to bridge that gap....)
The depth of the ditch remains the same, but the bridge was built there today by Kurama.
(So now, I wanna cross the other side.)
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Yoshino: "I still want to know more about Kurama. Because I want to know you for who you are, not just as a demon or an enemy."
As the cherry blossoms quietly fall, I remember as if it were yesterday what I said to him that night.
Yoshino: “Instead of having wings that can fly you to your destination like Kurama, or the power to kill an enemy with a single blow. Humans value their beliefs and the bonds they have with those around them. Isn’t that why you didn’t take Yoshitsune’s life right away, because you knew that? Because if he really wanted his soul, Kurama could have taken it without question.”
Kurama: “I don’t get it. I don’t understand you.”
Yoshino: “I want to understand Kurama.”
Kurama: “…………….Shut up now.”
Kurama: “I must have been mistaken in thinking you were in any way interesting. Understanding is an emotion that does not contribute strength. Will you still be able to think like that when you’re overtaken?”
(I know I offended Kurama at the time with those words, but I want to tell him straight again.)
Kurama: "You want to understand me, huh?"
Yoshino: "Yes. Can I?"
Kurama reaches for me with a speed so gentle as the petals fall.
The gesture seems like he was giving me a chance to run away, but----
(If I want to run away, it's probably now or never.)
(But that means, Kurama and I can still have a close yet distant relationship. But....)
(I won't run away.)
Kurama's fingers finally touch my cheeks.
I put my hand on his, with an impulse that came from the bottom of my heart.
Kurama: "....... All right. But you have to pay me."
Yoshino: "Pay you? What do you want?"
Kurama: "It's not something you should do. I'm going to do something to you."
He pulls me close and sets his teeth on my neck.
Yoshino(blushing): "Ohh...."
Just before I felt a strong pain, his tongue slithered over the spot.
Yoshino(blushing): "Ku...rama..."
Kurama: "Don't move."
Yoshino(blushing): "But....Mmm.....Ahh...."
His lips gently slide down to my exposed breasts.
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Kurama: "The face you're making right now is not bad, I'll give you that."
(Is this what I have to pay....?)
Yoshino(blushing): "Mmm....that..should be ahhh....enough...!!"
Kurama: "No. Don't look away."
As if to cut off my feeble words of resistance, a strong look was screwed into the depths of my eyes.
(I feel...hot...)
His long fingertips pull my kimono further down from my shoulders.
My body shivered in the open air.
Yoshino(blushing): "...But, in...place like this...."
Kurama: "Does the location matter?"
Yoshino(blushing): "I mean...It's just...!!!"
When I realized that I had implicitly affirmed the act itself, my body burned with shame.
Kurama: "From the very beginning, I put up a barrier to prevent anyone from interrupting our time together. No one will ever see it."
Yoshino(blushing): "Even if you say that...."
(Embarrassing things are EMBARRASSING!)
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Kurama: "What does it matter if someone sees us? All you have to do is think about me and writhe in agony at the stimulation I give you."
-------Part 5------
Kurama: "All you have to do is think about me and writhe in agony at the stimulation I give you.
Yoshino: "....Hmmm.....Ahhh......"
His lips start to peck the soft skin that I usually cover.
(Why can't I resist....?)
The tip of his red tongue slowly goes down, as his fingers kept opening my kimono.
As I realized on the verge of revealing myself to the point of no return-----
Yoshino(tomato red): "No! No more....."
I grabbed his hand desperately and Kurama stopped moving.
Kurama: "Still not surrendering? Well, for now, I'm satisfied. This is a better way of satisfying my hunger for battle. Keep up the good work and relieve me of my boredom."
Yoshino: "Again, you're just being selfish...."
Kurama: "I know."
Kurama continues as if he has just thought of something.
Kurama: "Oh, by the way, after last night's party, I said I had reservations about your treatment....I've decided now."
Yoshino: "And that is?"
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Kurama: "From now on you're my toy.....Entertain me to the fullest instead of Tamamo."
Suddenly, his words were accompanied by another memory....
Kurama: "I don’t know about you, but know one thing. Yoshino, from this day on, you are my prisoner."
(I feel like I've come a long way even though not much time has passed since then.)
Yoshino: "From a prisoner to a toy....I don't know if that's an upgrade or a downgrade."
Kurama: "Rejoice, because I've become more pleased with you than ever."
(I really can't help it, but Kurama is so arrogant....)
Kurama respects the person as much as the value he acknowledges.
Knowing this, I could no longer see Kurama, who smiled arrogantly, as just another tyrant.
Ten days after that incident, we were at Heikichiro-san's house......
Heikichiro: "Welcome, Yoshino-san."
Yoshino: "Thank you for having me. You suddenly said we were going out, so it was to Heikichiro-san's. house, huh."
Kurama: "You're right. Sit down quickly."
Kurama points to the floor of the hut, where the sun has set.
Heikichiro-san, who seemed to be used to his attitude, offered me a cushion.
Yoshino: "Why did you bring me here, Kurama? Heikichiro-san's check-up was over three days ago."
(Kurama must have been by his side to keep an eye on him, right?)
Kurama: "I know. Because today is----"
Heikichiro: "His order has been completed."
Kurama(glaring cutely): "Don't interrupt me."
Kurama glares at Heikichiro-san.
Kurama: "But I'll give you credit for completing it by not killing you."
Heikichiro: "I'm honored. Also, thanks to you, I'm very confident in my work."
(Kurama......I knew your attitude towards Heikichiro-san was different from that of the other humans.)
Even if Yoshitsune-sama and the others are exceptional, they are clearly not treated in the same way as the servants and retainers of the mansion.
Yoshino: "Congratulations!
(Umm, but.)
Yoshino: "But, why am I here?"
Kurama: "You said you wanted to know about me, remember? "
Yoshino: "Ohh..."
Kurama: "What? You forgot.....?"
Kurama looks at him as if he is looking at me in shock, and I shake my head in panic.
(Of course, I remember that, silly.)
Yoshino: "And you remembered it too!" (They're literally flirting in front of that old man.)
Kurama: "I've told you before, I'm not the type who goes back on my words after I made a promise."
(He did. Once Kurama said it, he never said it differently.)
My heart starts to feel warm.
Yoshino: "Thank you, Kurama."
Kurama: "You don't have to thank me."
Kurama scooped up my chin with his fingertips and intertwined our eyes.
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Kurama: "In the first place, this work would have been unfinished if you had not helped Heikichiro. So I'll give you the opportunity to see the brilliance of what you have protected."
~~~~ "I Won't Ever Be Kind to You." (Normal Story)~~~~
Kurama: "In the first place, this work would have been unfinished if you had not helped Heikichiro. So I'll give you the opportunity to see the brilliance of what you have protected."
(I know it sounds pompous, but it's frustrating,.....and I'm very happy.)
Kurama looks at me with a smile on his face and calls out to Heikichiro-san with a sour look on his face.
Kurama: "Come on, get it out. You know I don't like to wait."
Heikichiro: ".......Yes."
Heikichiro-san, looking very nervous indeed, placed the paulownia box gently in front of us.
Heikichiro: "Here."
The moment the lid is opened, I gasp at the silvery glow.
Kurama: "Wow...."
Inside the box was an ornament in the shape of a bird's wing.
Yoshino: "It's beautiful, but what is it?"
Heikichiro: "It's called a crown. It's almost like the ones worn by royalty in foreign countries but I've never seen a real one before."
Yoshino: "Is that what you ordered Kurama?"
Kurama: "I only ordered him to make what I would like."
Heikichiro: "I looked at him and after a lot of thought....I came up with this."
(Yeah, when you say "Royal Crown" it sounds like a perfect fit for Kurama.)
Heikichiro: "I knew at once what I wanted to make, but for a long time I was struggling with deciding on the designs. The designs of the pair of wings on either side of the crown were changed and are placed in the middle....after I had fallen and been rescued."
(That means...)
Yoshino: "----You mean, they're Kurama's wings?"
Heikichiro(blushing): "Yeah."
Kurama: "My wings are the color of darkness. There is no resemblance."
Heikichiro-san gave a wry smile to Kurama who looked confused.
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Heikichiro: "Well, what you see is not always what you get. At least this is how dazzling your wings were to me that day."
Kurama: "......"
His eyebrows twitching, Kurama takes the crown from him and looks at it suspiciously.
The silver decorations on the wings glittered brightly in the light of the candle.
Kurama: "I don't understand. Yoshino, explain to me." (My baby Kurama is trying his best!)
(Huh, me?)
I suddenly panicked and then thought for a moment, before replying.
Yoshino: "I don't know if my explanation will work, but....The emotions you're feeling at the moment can change the whole landscape around you. It's like when you feel sad, you'll feel the sky looks gloomy. Or when you're happy, you can hear the birds and the trees buzzing."
Kurama: "Hmmm..."
Looks like I have to come up with another analogy-----
Yoshino: "It's the same as....when you fall in love with someone, the other person might seem beautiful to you."
Kurama: "I don't understand that either."
(You have said that before.)
Kurama: ".....Have you never been in love?"
(You've lived for centuries and never once?)
Kurama: "What good is love to me? If you just want to spit out your lust, there are many ways to do it."
Heikichiro: "Certainly, it is of no use. But love is a precious thing. It can change people in amazing ways."
He had a warm look in his eyes as if he was reminiscing about the past.
Kurama: "No matter how precious it is, it's no use if we'll rot in solitude, as you are now."
Yoshino: "Wait, you're a bit----"
He raised one hand to block my protest and Kurama turns to Heikichiro-san.
Kurama: "But the crown you've made is....magnificent."
Heikichiro-san and I both caught our breath at the sound of his voice, which quietly melted in the night.
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Kurama: "Do humans make something as brilliant as this because it contains incomprehensible emotions?"
Yoshino: "Kurama...."
(Is Kurama trying to come to terms with human emotions....?)
Kurama asks himself a question but didn't let us answer it.
Kurama: "I like this. This crown is mine and I will pay you as much as you want. I will also reward you by allowing you to continue to create shiny items like these in your few remaining years."
Heikichiro(smiling): "Haha...thank you very much."
Hekichiro-san smiled with relief, tears quietly welling up in the back of his eyes.
It's midnight, and we rushed back to the Rebel Mansion----
It was already dark and there were barely any people, so we flew back home.
I looked up at Kurama who was walking by my side, in the quiet garden.
Yoshino: "Are you not going to hide your wings, Kurama?"
Kurama(smiling): "Why should I? No one is awake at this time."
The sliver crown in his hand shined brightly in the moonlight.
(He looks very happy. He seems to love it very much.)
Yoshino: "Don't you want another box to keep it safely?"
Kurama: "I won't be able to see it shine under the moonlight if it's inside the box."
The simple paulownia box that Heikichiro-san had prepared for us had long since been thrown away. (#RIPpaulowina)
(It's very beautiful, indeed.)
Suddenly a simple question comes to my mind and I ask.
Yoshino: "But crowns are for wearing, aren't they? Are you going to put it on?"
Kurama: "What are you talking about? If I wear it, how can I see it myself? (Don't you have mirrors?)
Yoshino: "What a shame. I was curious as to how Kurama will look like wearing that crown."
Kurama: "Really?"
Kurama stares at me for a moment.
Kurama: "Yoshino."
Yoshino: "Hm?"
Kurama: "Come here."
Suddenly, Kurama sits down under a tree and invites me in.
As I approached him, he handed me the crown.
Kurama: "Put it on."
Yoshino: "!"
Kurama: "Don't make me repeat the same thing over and over again."
I kneeled in front of Kurama in a hurry.
I boldly reached out and touched his jet-black hair, which was the same color as his wings.
Yoshino: "Okay...."
Running my fingertips through his soft hair, I gently adjust the crown.
Kurama: "...................."
Kurama's slight tilt of his head made me nervous for no reason.
(I'm way more....nervous than I thought.)
The silver of the moonbeams, the elegance of his black hair.
It doesn't detract in the slightest from the intensity of the blood-red eyes.
Yoshino(blushing): "....It's done."
Kurama: "Now, come closer."
While I was admiring him, he pulled me by the waist and I found myself riding on his lap.
Yoshino(blushing): "What do you want!!?"
Kurama: "Don't squeak."
He puts his finger on my lips and my cheeks heat up.
(Why are you acting like it's my fault....)
But any small complaint is swallowed up by the glint in Kurama's eyes as he moves closer.
Kurama: "----In this distance, I can see my reflection in your eyes." (Get a mirror! For god sake....also there's a huge pond in the garden. Look at that. Don't stare into my eyes....you make me nervous!!)
Yoshino(blushing): "Ah..."
(You want me to act as your mirror?)
Kurama: "Don't move."
Kurama stroked the nape of my neck as if I was a kitten.
Kurama: "Good. If you keep staying like that, I won't do anything."
Yoshino: "I'm glad you won't do anything, but.....can I at least get off your lap?"
Kurama: "Not possible. Now be quiet or I won't keep my promise."
Yoshino: "Fine."
(This position is embarrassing, but it's better than playing his games, right?)
I relaxed and entrusted my body to Kurama.
(.....I'm still feeling restless.)
Yoshino(blushing): "How long should I stay still like this?"
Kurama: "Till I'm satisfied."
Yoshino(blushing): ".....Will Kurama be satisfied if we stick together like this?"
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Kurama: "I just do it on a whim. But, it feels good it's with you."
Yoshino: "Liar! How can 'the Kurama' be committed to someone?"
Kurama: "You insolent little puss."
I giggled lightly, as Kurama glares at me.
Kurama: "But, it's true....I never thought I would feel good talking to a little human girl, before."
(......It's not fair when he suddenly says something so sweet.)
Kurama: "But, you're always treating me like a toy."
Kurama: "Toys will always be toys. But there are also special toys."
His mischievous long fingers followed my cheek and went down to tickle my throat.
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Kurama: "No matter how much I play with you and make you cry, you always look straight at me in the eyes. .....I'm strangely intrigued by that."
He whispers to me in a seductive low voice and it made my body heat up.
(If I think about the meaning of what he just said.....it's dangerous.)
Yoshino(blushing): "Ah....."
I felt Kurama's face slowly approaching under the moonlight.
The approaching red eyes made me forget how to move and I unintentionally closed my eyes in time.
Then I felt a soft touch on my eyelids.....
(That was....)
By the time I realized that the kiss on my eyelids was over, I opened my eyes in confusion.
Kurama(Pikachu meme face): "..................."
(Why are you surprised? This is what you always do, right?)
Before the heat of the kiss could sink in, I noticed that Kurama's eyes widened in surprise.
Yoshino(blushing): "Kurama....?"
Kurama: "Shut up."
In the depths of his red eyes, which were unusually downcast, some great impulse flickered like a flame. (This scene is so great. I wouldn't mind if they go to the room and make out.)
Kurama: "-----Why didn't you resist? It's boring if you don't resist."
Yoshino(blushing): "Whaaa----"
Kurama stands up and turns his back to me.
Kurama: "Your room is just around the corner. I won't have to babysit you for today anymore."
Kurama left without saying anymore or even looking back.
(What the hell....was that right now?)
(It was like that night. The way he touched me and kissed me today was genuinely caring.)
A step later, the shock catches up with me and I slump to the ground.
And I could also hear my heart beating faster.
Chapter 16
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