#closet polytheistic wicca
weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
So I have found a new deity watching over me, her name is Ishtar! I never heard of her till I went to my local Wiccan store and found two lions then looked up noticing she was standing on top of them radiating a loving and almost familiar aura. It’s was weird because I kept being drawn to lions more often then usual I just thought I was just enjoying different animals more often or I was getting into my African roots a little more. Either way when I double checked with my pendulum I knew it was made to be.
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gladstones-corner · 7 months
A Brief History of Gladstone
I'm going to break some of my own rules here. 
Normally I don't talk too much about myself as an individual—mostly out of paranoia, but also because it's less relevant to the material I usually discuss. 
The exceptions are the Ask Games, of which I tend to enjoy interacting with you more than talking about myself.
At any rate, what follows is a brief history of who I am. 
I'll skip over most of the details and just say that I'm Mexican-American. I've spent most of my life on the United States East Coast, with brief stints in Germany here and there. 
I've always been into magic of some kind or another. I mentioned in an earlier post that one of the first books I remember owning is Wizardology. The little fortune deck it came with still brings me such joy and nostalgia.
I began seriously practicing magic when I discovered Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft at about 12 years old. I practiced in secret, given that my mother would react...strongly if she knew. It was during this time that I took the magical name Gladstone.
I studied Wicca and Witchcraft until I was about 18. In college I discovered Modern Magick (notice the trend with the big blue books?) and began studying ceremonial magic. 
Shortly after, I discovered Liber Null and Psychonaut, effectively beginning my studies in chaos magic. I practiced both ceremonial and chaos magics seriously until around 23 years old. 
At that time, my wife and I moved to Germany so I could study abroad. During that period, I briefly studied the Left Hand Path and adjacent schools of magic, but never dove deeply into any of it. 
Still 23, I returned back to the United States and resumed training in Wicca and chaos magic. I also picked up a copy of The Druidry Handbook and began studying Druidry.
However, having been changed for the worse by my studies abroad, I struggled to adjust back to normal life without copious use of magic. 
I gained a lot through this use; in fact, I gained just about everything I could want in my life at that time. But my abuse of magic eventually took its toll. 
At 25 I had a complete mental break. I gave up everything—my religion, my magic, even all my journals. All my materials went into a box and collected dust in my closet for months. That was, until I needed a new job. 
I built the ritual quickly, but made sure to remain firmly within the territories of Wicca and religious Witchcraft. It worked really well—I was back on my feet in no time, and I'm forever grateful for that. 
But I was warned in a dream shortly after: find a worthy path, or you'll land back at rock bottom. 
So I did. I created this blog, discovered all of you guys, and here we are. At the time of this writing, I am 26. I am a polytheist, occultist, and magician.
Today I am forging my own path. It's looking so far like a form of ritual magic, distinct from—but firmly embedded within—my larger religious worldview. I study all the paths I can, because each one contains something I can learn from, adapt, and use to help others. 
That's pretty much it, so far. Hopefully I'll continue to learn and grow. 
Thanks for reading. Blessed be~ 
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bbfloralwitch-blog · 6 years
Aphrodite Devotional Acts!
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• make art of her
• sing a song that reminds you of her
• if you play an instrument learn or play a song that reminds you of her
• go to a body of water (beach, creek, lake, etc.) and meditate or appreciate the area
• pick up trash on the beach or any other body of water. If you have a scuba license, step it up a notch and pick up trash inside the water.
• read some of her mythology
• cook food that has ingredients that are sacred to her
• give a friend relationship advice
• orgasms!
• eat chocolates or any sweet food
• wear a face mask (especially with wine or roses!)
• take a really nice bath or a ritual bath
• listen to a devotional playlist (I made one right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA0fbXXKU6bEiM9DKvAtLffvPh1HQ8eXL )
• grow some plants that are sacred to her
• make a bee garden
• donate to save the bees, or find out a way to help the bees
• and finally, think of her, even when you are doing the mundane little things.
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teawiththegods · 5 years
Hello Jessie!! I just recently found the path I want to take on my wiccan and pagan journey (Eclectic wiccan and Hellenistic polytheist), and I want to take my next step. I've learned so much thus far but I don't really know what to do next. I'm a closeted witch, as my parents are baptist christians... so please, anything to steer me in a direction will help!! P.S. your posts are so awesome and inspire me to keep going on this adventure! Love you! ❤️❤️
I’m not wiccan so I can’t really help you there since Wicca has very specific ways to go about doing things. So you’re probably better off speaking to an actual wiccan since my way of going about witchcraft (and devotion) is not at all based in Wiccan beliefs. 
Check out @death-witch-envy‘s blog! She’s not only wiccan but a Hades devotee so she can most likely help you better than I can. 
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gefdreamsofthesea · 7 years
So about the whole broom closet thing
Personally, as someone who is both a Pagan and queer, I can maybe buy the argument that witches and Pagans and polytheists are appropriating our language when they don’t share our struggles (kind of like certain people and their “Bacchic Lives Matter” buttons).
But I also find the counter-arguments kind of obnoxious, especially the whole “you can change! You can stop practicing witchcraft/Paganism/Wicca” argument, which is coincidentally the exact same argument I hear from homophobes regarding my queerness, but that’s another issue. As a student of religious studies, I’m actually appalled at the flippant way some of us queers treat religion as if one’s religion or spirituality is never integral to their sense of identity or that it doesn’t hurt to have to hide that part of who you are.
I would also really appreciate it it non-Pagan/polytheist/witch queer folks would stop speaking over Pagan/polytheist/witch queer folks on this issue, I love you all but you need to let us handle this.
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thewiccanwitchling · 7 years
105 Witchy Questions Answered
Disclaimer: I haven’t been tagged. I found this list here, so, thank you @prettyalice13. Having this in mind, I won’t tag anyone neither. And I love doing this sort of thing, and reading too. Tag me, I would love to read this about you.
1. Are you solitary or in a coven? Solitary. 2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other? At this very moment ‘wiccan witchling’. Chose to follow and learn both paths, but many others too (my answer didn’t help I know) like Paganism, Hellenism, Heathenry and so on. 3. What is your zodiac sign? I’m very proud to be a Sagittarius. 4. Do you have a Patron God/dess? No that I know. The idea warms my heart, but I have recent studying this subject and saw that isn’t that easy or simple. 5. Do you work with a Pantheon? So much yes. I don’t know if it will show another question like that, but my beliefs involves Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, Armenian, Celtic and oh my, many others. I grew polytheistic and is part of what I am. I grew loving the Gods and Goddesses. 6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or 
any other kind of divination? Tarot, Runes, Shufflemancy. I want to learn and practice Pendulum and just learn some others like lychnomancy, scrying, etc. 7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any) I have a little and loved herbs shelf that I’m learning their properties, but I love to have in hand cinnamon. 8. How would you define your craft? As a “baby witch” or “witchling” I’m in a place where everything is beautiful to learn yet. I’m too curious and wiling to learn. I want to Heal and Protect, but it do not exclude my strong will to learn about Demonology or Death Witchcraft or even Spirit Work (or even Conjuring). 9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do? Not yet. Or not thought that was necessary at this moment. Each witch or baby witch own his/her own path. If they thinks it’s necessary, so I think they have (or even ought) to. As I said in the previous question, every ramification of Witchcraft is beautiful and valid. And the one thing I will do is learn about other kinds of craft too.
10. How long have you been practicing? Less than a year. (Literally newborn) 11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars? I’m very unware of spirit work of any type. I have a kind of anxiety about this subject, so at this moment I say ‘no’ because of it.    12. Do you believe in Karma or
 Reincarnation? Both. Karma is very powerful. 13. Do you have a magical name? Actually, don’t know. I like to use “Sonata” in some situation, rather than my name, but I’m studying this better. 14. Are you “out of the broom closet”? Nope. I’m still a ‘secret witchling’.  15. What was the last spell you performed? Actually I do not remember. Just remember one I’m studying to write, it’s an anti-anxiety and protection from the Gods. 16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable? Yes, but I want to be more. 17. Do you write your own spells? Yes. To be honest, few, once I’m in the learning process, so... 18. Do you have a book of shadows?
If so, how is it written and/or set up? I’ve started with a Grimoire that isn’t finished yet, but I started a BoS too and a “witchy journal” (a notebook that I’m not whereas neither BoS or Grimoire). I treat them like a planner. 19. Do you worship nature? Yes, how I can. I live in city and green areas here are VERY rare.   20. What is your favorite gemstone? This is a hard question. So many... Love when they are very shiny! 21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work? For now, feathers dropped from my Calopsita/Cockatiel. 22. Do you have an altar? Yes and no. My images and some witchy stuff are in a shelf in my room, discreet. 23. What is your preferred element? Fire to study and Water to relax. 24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? Oh! I would love consider myself with this title some day. I would be so proud of myself! One day... One day. 25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch? ...Hm... No? 26. What got you interested in witchcraft? To find my place. To find mental and spiritual healing and balance. I’ve always loved the Gods and witchcraft but I never thought I could be able to be part of it, just because I’ve never considered myself capable for such wisdom. 27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? No. The only thing I usually make is talk about it with a friend that isn’t a witch and with my mom. She isn’t a witch too, but I consider her one. 28. Have you ever used ouija? No and I do not know If I would some day. I personally want to have one, but use... As I said, at this moment, my fear and anxiety gives me a invisible wall to this subject. 29. Do you consider yourself a psychic? Yes, at least a little for some experiences. 30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it? As Patron Deities, I don’t know. 31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? Actually, this is something that no one told me, but I knew already: This isn’t easy. And I would love to say this for someone who has a step back about Witchcraft: it’s not what you see in the movies or television is more personal and intense and... Beautiful. 32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite? Sort of... Sometimes I forget them. But I do love each one. 33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? If someday I can call myself a Witch or Alchemist or Herbalist or Spirit Worker, I would love to teach my children or someone willing to learn. 34. Do you meditate? Rarely. But I consider a meditation when I sit to listen my fav music or showers. 35. What is your favorite season? My heart loves with Autumn and Winter. 36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform? Related to Healing; Protection; Luck; Prosperity.  37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life? These tips that we cross here too helps a lot to incorporate this, daily. Like some little incantation when I’m going to shower, or got a crystal with me when I’m going to pay videogames, sometime I enchant the controller to give that boost in my matches online of Call Of Duty or Battlefield.   38. What is your favorite witchy movie? The Covenant, Immortals, Wrath Of Titans 2. The first one is a group of witches that are the last descendents of Salem and they discover a fifth member that was supposed dead. In another moment I will do a witchy movies list as I did already with my musics. The second one is about the king Hyperion search and having in his power the Epirus’s Bow, which is capable of releasing the Titans to realm of Man. The catch? Zeus, Athena, Poseidon and Apollo came down to help the mankind. The last one is about Hades and Ares releasing Chronos. Zeus had all His power drained to His father awake. Why I consider the last two witchy? ‘Cause my love for the Theoi is so strong in my heart. That the most strong connection and offering from me to Them is watching those movies (and of course, considering good enough for Them). And personally WoT 2 and Immortals are a strong view of how I see Them. Physical and mainly: personality. (and I cry very much watching these two movies). The first one is one of my views of modern Witchcraft. (and the cast is so handsome) Wrath Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3LuuxhQV0A Immortals Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE3yR8bZ1pY The Covenant Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGv1T4CiwKg
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why? The Book Of Moon Magick by D.J. Conway it was my first witchy book ever, have it for years. Fictional, I can’t think of any right now (besides Harry Potter and I do not like it anymore, so I’m not counting it here). Because all my witchy-little-library that I have in my room are all non-fic. 40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not. Charm Of Happiness. For me is very successful. 41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you? If you believe or not, was and is about my Tarot decks and readings. I was the kind of person of “tarot anxiety”, I had so much afraid to even think about it. Then I learned, practice and the results, still amazes me. Even when I do readings for clients, sometimes is so accurate that hurts. And some recurrent dreams I have about me as witch and with my Beloved Deities. 42. What is your favourite type of candle to use? White or blue. 43. What is your favorite witchy tool? My crystals, decks and runes. 44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools? Not yet, but I have planned working on Witches Runes. 45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fae or spirits? No. But In my house we already had some cute situations with Gnomes. 46. Do you practice color magic? Always. Color and numbers are daily basis. 47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind? No. I learnt all of I know, by myself.
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies? Unfortunately, just online. In my ‘hood is very, VERY rare a witchy shop. And the religious stores that I have by, don’t of course, work with Wicca or my type of Witchcraft. So everything I have and search is gathering from some different places. 49. Do you believe in predestination or fate? I used to believe in those subjects more. Still do, but... Not with that strong feeling anymore. 50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice? Movies and Music gives me that witchy boost. 51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences? Yes. I’m a little sensitive with dreams. Already dreamt of crashes that already happened, premonitions and empathy. 52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve? I do not know. I... feel REALLY annoyed when someone come to me (in most of the cases non witch or hellenic related) to tell crap about Zeus, Odin, Loki, Ares or Hades. Once I got very irritated when the person talked crappy things about Athena. But “witchy pet peeve” I can’t tell anything that comes to mind yet. 53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? No, mostly because I can’t use. I have chronic allergies, and incenses and most of aromatic stuff triggers my allergies. 54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind? No, because my stress and anxiety disturbs my sleep. And can occur that when I wake in the morning, those problems can happen and destroys my days. 55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster? None, yet. 56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success? Being part of aaaall of this. I tell this with my heart. 57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about? Verbal conversations! 58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too? Actually, yes. I grew up in a catholic school, but in my religion classes, I’ve always studied about many other faiths and religions. So, for my, this World has place for many Faiths, Religions and Beliefs. In other words: This planet has place for everybody. 59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work? Yes. So much yes. 60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain? Frustration in it. Like... always stuck in the basics, or not feel that feeling of capable of pro witch. It’s silly what I’m writing, but it’s what I feel. 61. What is something witch related that you want right now? I miss my grimoire at the moment. My will is to write in it for hours. 62. What is your rune of choice? I really can’t pick one. For me, one complements the others. 63. What is your tarot card of choice? The Hermit! Sometimes The Fool. 64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite? The same situation about the Incense question. 65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses? Not yet. 66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public? Yes. People just look, some get curious in their eyes. Some tell nothing, like the day I went to a book store and the seller was wearing a Yggdrasil choker. 67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch? As a secret one, directly no. But I’ve always loved this path and my best friend once told something about Wicca that disappointed me. Edit: just remembered something that hurted me awhile ago, I did even deleted the post, I’m not here to argue. I posted about a dream that I had both with Loki and Hermes, and I had a response from a tumblr user. I did not lost my time to it, ‘cause were a White Supremacy/homophobic piece of sh*t replaying as a absurd the fact that I “mixed” Hellenic with Norse. He even said that I wouldn’t be serious with my dreams/words. 68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines? Not yet too. 69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft? Surely. It automatic envolves history. The same when you choose polytheism. 70. What are your favorite things about being a witch? Sorry, but everything. The Craft is a beautiful path. I love to see others conjuring, others with spirit work, others practicing Demon/Goetia/Death work, Deity Work, Green, Shadow, Black, Witch, Pink, Grey, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Ecletic and which tag or how you call yourself in Witchcraft. I admire you and I want to learn from you, and for me what you do is beautiful. 71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch? The hate. The prejudice. The phobia. It breaks my heart with such disrespect. With the spreading hate. It’s 20-fucking-17 and looks like the hate spreads more and more in the World. 72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band? Actually no. Certainly I heard some pagan singers and groups but not to being fav (If you consider Kerli as one... Some of her music are actually very proper to witchcraft and she is a “white witch”) 73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how? Same of the Sabbats question... Forgetful witchling. 74. Do you ever work skyclad? No. 75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how? Mentally, spiritual and to improve my knowledge. My Witchcraft if for me, ‘cause I found my place, you know? I can search, talk, worship without judgment. without someone telling and hurting my feelings using the words: “the old gods are dead”. No, They are in my heart. Always were and always will be, with or without being my patrons, or phone or spouse. It’s the more intense feelings I have and is where my heart warms and beats fast. 76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice? Could be silly, but from my love to it. The inspiration comes from my emotions and heart, to real. 77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc) Sure. Strong yes here too. 78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol? Pentagram, Vegvisir and  Ægishjalmr. 79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not? No, I do not use fluids in my practices. At this moment, I prefer not too. Maybe ‘cause I think that kind of ingredients are very powerful. Even hair or names I do not use yet. 80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice? No. I’m single and I prefer that way, for many years now. In friendship I hadn’t that problem yet. At least with someone who knew. 81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow? Alchemy, Herbalism and Study of Deities, I really would love to be better in these three subjects. 82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice? The same about allergies here. But, even with, I do use scented candles. Most of times I lit to make a test with its scent. If my nose aproves, so ok. My nose and me likes chamomile, pomegranate, passion fruit, cinnamon and clove.  83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? Sort of yes and no. I do love to use proper music when I’m doing Witchcraft-related things. (like now, answering these questions).   84. What real life witch most inspires your practice? Now, I can’t remember any names, seriously. 85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity? No spirit/deity work yet. 86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients? As a secret, I do have my shelf that I mentioned earlier, with images of saints and deities plus herbs. Besides that I have three medium to little boxes with my witchy tools and stuff. Everytime I use anything, I clean or dispose and keep back to its boxes. 87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of? “Hereditary” No. But as I said earlier too, I consider my mom, one.  88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it? I started my path with love. I fell in love with Witchcraft since I was a child, but I used to read about, movies, music, nothing besides and never had any crystal or incorporated anything. Fun fact: When I was young, I bought a pointed crystal. Years later I passed it on, I didn’t liked it anymore. A month or less, I made a haul from a witchy store and they gave me as a gift a pendulum. The same crystal, type, everything that I had in that time. Today I know one thing: that crystal I had was a pendulum and looks like the universe got it back to me. 89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they? Yes. I consider myself and already had some situations that prove me that I’m not alone, that supernatural exists and all this kind of “things”. Intuitions, emotions and some premonitions from my dreams. Sometimes I can know what people can tell me before I talk to them, I already dreamt about disasters that happened, and one of the most powerful situations was the healing of a family’s friend. He was in a wheelchair, we didn’t know it, and weeks passed and we didn’t saw him anymore. One night I dreamt that him was visiting us like he used to, walking, healed. The day after that dream, he knocked in our home, as I mentioned, healed. -One morning, I was in my bed, watching TV. I wasn’t making any movement. Suddenly, I feel like someone was sitting by my side, then it left. -In other situation, me and my mom went to get a pizza that we have ordered and when we got out of the condo hall, both of us saw a man (or sort of) in black standing outside. Was so strong the felling that me and my mom we moved like... We gave excuse to him to pass, like if he was entering the hall and we going out. -In other news, I passed in front of the Church Of Saint Jude here in São Paulo, and I saw something white, medium size and four-legged descend the stairs of its Chapel. “fun fact”: there was nobody using those stairs, and in that moment was so... clear, that I stood in shock for some minutes. 90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven? Being a witchling in a place there is no other witches or coven or anything in the middle, I have two options: not initiate myself, or initiate myself when I learn and feel prepared. 91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought? Clear crystal + amethyst and another pentagram necklace (since I was little I already had a silver pentacle that my mother gave me).
92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been? When I went to Cancun, Mexico, many years ago and met Guadualupe personally. Her statue was there that time, so splendorous. Since that time, She is one of the Beloveds that are in my heart.
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? Study. Learn. Patron deities is stil spirit work and you can’t play with it, you have to know what you are doing. It’s a serious subject even if you feel (like me) disappointed to know that in the moment you do not have one. And learning, you’ll understand how it works. The same advice goes to godspouse and godphone. 94. What techniques do you use to 'get in the zone’ for meditation? Music (mostly instrumental), No Talking ASMR and ambient sounds.   95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it? I have to practice it. For some reasons I get distracted easily, even with bad thoughts. 96. Do you prefer day or night? Why? Day. Is when I have more energy, boost and spoons. 97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work? Whenever you feel confortable and necessary. 98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly? I didn’t yet. I’m having a hard time to do visualization. 99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice? Yes and no. With time, you become more aware of what you’re doing. But the same time, you will have to know what you are doing. Witchcraft is study, learning, wisdom and knowledge. 100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces? Both visions. Seriously.   101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy? Yes and I’m addicted to eggs. 102. What is your favorite color and why? At the moment is Purple and mainly Maroon/Burgundy/Dark Red. Purple is a set of coincidences, my vision is highlighting so much this color in the past months now. And the other option always was my fav color, it’s a color that I feel, simple as that. 103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? I didn’t had this experience yet. with the few people I talk about, just listen to me. 104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest? I think it’s Vision. But I do not know how to explain it, really.   105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice? Some situations, like all time concentration for divination or cleansing. Having the will, I do the way it is, regarding the situation. Took me two days to answer this and I fricking loved it. Hope I could show you a little of what I am. I just a baby witch, but I’m eager to learn and to help with what I know. Congrats and thank you if you made until here.
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jdketchwrites · 7 years
Coming Out of the Broom Closet
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With all of the turmoil and division in our country lately. Between the election, the violence in Charleston, and now the tragedy in Houston. I’ve noticed an increased amount of discussion surrounding religion. This has traditionally been a sensitive subject for me as I've only just recently been able to be open and honest about my beliefs within the past 10 years or so. 
Surprisingly, I've found that by being open and honest about my own beliefs, I’ve seen them begin to change in a very organic way to a place where I am the most comfortable with my practice and faith than I ever have in the past. I am, however, concerned by own continued temptation to explain or justify said practices to anyone who feels differently or is on a similar but different path. For anyone reading, I apologize, as I'm being intentionally obtuse here, I will get to some specifics in a moment. One of my core beliefs when it comes to religion is that there is no 'one size fits all' solution. Everyone finds their own way to peace and enlightenment. Be it through the bible and Jesus, the Torah and Yahweh, or a Book of Shadows and Gaia.
For years I bristled against Christians of all stripes. Primarily because of my resistance to rules and dogma, but also because of a significant amount of negative experiences with various churches in my youth. It would take me another decade and a half before I would meet anyone of the Christian persuasion that I didn't feel like they wanted to crucify me or burn me at the stake for daring to not adhere to their beliefs. That was when I went to a Jesuit university to finish my bachelors in English and was required to take a theology course taught by the wonderful Jean Weber. She was a Sister of Ignatius and one of the top Bible scholars in the world. When we were asked to go around the room and discuss some of our feelings on faith, I took a chance and came out of the broom closet, so to speak. At that time, I was still identifying as Wiccan. Dr. Weber's response to my honesty was so remarkable that It stuck with me forever. Here's this dyed in the wool member of the Catholic church, and here's this thirty something non-traditional student in a night course declaring that he's a witch in front of a class of theology students and her response is,"That's fantastic, I don't have a lot of experience there but I'd love to learn more from you." This has been my own go to response to anyone of a faith I'm not familiar with ever since. I've responded this way to everyone from Mormons to LaVeyan Satanists, and have found that this response garners me more respect than scorn.
But as I've stated in the beginning, my openness to talk about my particular belief and religious leanings have allowed me to examine it and allow it to evolve. When I was asked in that class almost 10 years ago, I was still identifying as Wiccan. I had been identifying as Wiccan since college as at a time when I needed spiritual help the most in my life, I was met with not Christians offering to help, but a group of novice Witches, who embraced me with no judgement, and were willing to answer any questions I had, yet did not seem adamant on recruiting me. It would be several years later that I would self-identify as a witch myself. In my time since meeting that group of Wiccans in college, and adopting the practice myself, to coming out openly as a Witch in my 30's on a Jesuit campus, I've picked up a significant amount of study in the area and have adopted an eclectic and singular practice and ideas on faith and belief. I no longer call myself Wiccan. I know many Wiccans and I respect their practices and their structures. However, those practices and structures do not work for me spiritually any longer. If I'm being honest, I don't think they ever did. However, at the time that I was finding myself magickly and spiritually, I lacked the confidence, and the vocabulary to identify as anything else. The way in which I identify currently is simply Pagan. Being neither Christian nor Jewish belief and adhering to a pre-Christian polytheistic mindset. Even that is an incomplete description of my beliefs. Though Pagan is the easiest way I have to answer the question, "What is your Religion?" If I were to be more specific I would state that I am a Fictionalist Chaote Weirdsmith. If some of those words sound made-up to you, you're correct. At a certain point, my spiritual ideas and identity reached a point in which I had to find new ways to identify it. I'll break it down one by one.
Fictionalist: This one, above the other two, is probably the core of my beliefs. So much so, that much of what informs my belief in this instance supercedes and even contradicts the other parts of my own spiritual identity. I refer to myself as a fictionalist because, I feel all fiction, that being the classification for any story or setting that is derived from imagination, to be sacred. To better illustrate my feelings here, let me use a quote from Neil Gaiman in his book American Gods.
Fiction allows us to slide into these other heads, these other places, and look out through other eyes. And then in the tale we stop before we die, or we die vicariously and unharmed, and in the world beyond the tale we turn the page or close the book, and we resume our lives.
In my own words: 
Fiction is the story of how we see ourselves, told without the constraints of empeirical evidence or plausibility. Our turest selves, without the burdens or banality of experience. Fiction is the experience of life with the boring bits edited out. Fiction demands empathy as you expeirence life though another's eyes. Just because something is fictional, doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because it never happened, doesn't mean it's not real.
Often, Christians will bristle when I state that I believe the Bible to be a work of fiction. What they don't understand is that, for me, that is stating it is sacred. Whether or not the people and places depicted in the book really existed as living breathing people is not as important as the story they tell or the lessons they teach. I also believe that one can learn as much from Tolkien, Jane Eyre, Douglas Adams, Jane Austen, and any other work of literature as you can from the Bible, the Quran, or the Torah. To me, all fiction is Sacred. When I describe myself to others as Pagan, they will sometimes ask if I believe in other gods. I will say I do, I believe in all gods. Does that mean that I believe God or gods exist? No, not empirically, I believe that a deity is a fictional construct that we humans create in order to interact with the world beyond comprehension. That leads me to the second part of my spiritual designation.
Chaote: an easy definition of Chaote is one who practices Chaos Magick. The Wikipedia description of Chaos Magick is
A contemporary magical practice which emphasizes the pragmatic use of belief systems and the creation of new and unorthodox methods.
Which I find fairly accurate. I ran across the concept of Chaos Magick when I was first learning my way around Pagan beliefs. I had a few friends who had dabbled in Discordianism for a time. Finding that to be insufferable, I slowly discovered that my own magickal practice veered away from much of the ritual and methods of traditional witchcraft and Wicca. Still adhering to the basic tenant of Do No Harm, I began experimenting with my own instinctual methods and settled in on a practice that is singular to me, simple, and unorthodox. In my research of Chaos Magick, I learned Sigil Magick from the magician and author Grant Morrison. I came across cartomancy on my own, through exploring my own fascination with playing cards and stage magic. I combined the two and began recording my findings in my own book of Shadows. I understand that there may be a lot of jargon there and what I've just typed may not be exactly informative. Though I hope the bit about fictionalism is at least straightforward enough to be intriguing. The Chaote bit is a bit messy by design. It is chaos after all. Finally, Weirdsmith: This is a term I made up for myself as an identifier that sums up the other two combined. It is also a reminder to myself that whether I regularly practice anything else, be it magick or prayer or anything. I could give all of that up, and as long as I continue to contribute to the general weirdness of the world, I'm still being true to myself. The purpose of this little missive isn't to sway anyone to my side of the fence or anything. I have had a number of inquiries into my particular belief structure, and I also feel that describing something in writing is a good way to explore and study it. And in my experience, beliefs need to be studied and explored, and ultimately questioned on a regular basis, if they are to be trusted at all. So, whatever your belief, be it Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, or something else entirely, I find it fascinating and hope to learn more from you.  
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allwicca · 8 years
Witchcraft & Raising Vibrations
By: Natalia Awasty
I think we’ve all read accounts of witches identifying as “white” or “dark” witches. I’ve really never given that much mind, as I had always connected those terms with magick. And I don’t think there is white or dark magick, I think there is just magick. It’s up to the practitioner as to how to use it.
But thinking about that recently, I wonder if those witches might be referring to their basic outlook on life, and how that is expressed through their magickal practice? In those terms it makes more sense to me.
I bring this up because I am making a huge attempt at changing my life outlook. I’ve written about my depression in the past, and to a large extent, that has shaped my life. It has been more-often-than-not, the filter through how I view life. I’ve often called it a “sepia-toned lens.” This outlook is why a goth path has called so loudly to me. It’s not that goths are depressed all the time, rather for me, it was a lower expectation of constant happiness and joy. For me, it took off the pressure to be happy all the time.
I will say I love the goth side of my life. However, it had become increasingly apparent to me that the scale was tipped way too far toward the darkness. I was having trouble finding the light.
So for some time now, I’ve been wearing the white witch hat. I have been trying to increase my personal vibration by embodying the traits and practices that feed a higher frequency. I started this quest about 6 years ago, but got sidetracked. At that time I purchased Penney Peirce’s book Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration. I found it to be very informative, with lots of practical advice. But at that time I just wasn’t ready.
But now, with a gaggle of grandchildren, I feel it’s time to change. If I were to stay mired where I was, I suspect that there would be many more years of self-loathing or pity, which I would simply be bringing on myself. I would be missing the joy of those children.
Coincidentally, I came across the chart I’ve used above on this really great Twitter account. It actually reminded me to pull out Ms. Peirce’s book and read it again. It’s also a great pocket guide to the feelings and goals that one should reach for in order to raise vibrations.
This takes work. Other than specific frequency techniques from the aforementioned book, I’ve made some spiritual and life changes that I’d like to share with you.
First, I’m treating my spirituality as a religion. I call it Wicca because I worship the duality of the God and Goddess. At times I become more polytheistic, but ultimately I respect that duality. I’ve also taken hold of the Shamanistic aspects of Wicca, and am trying to be more mindful to connect with the earth. With dirt, grass, trees, and stones. There have been far too many periods of time where my Wicca lived in the second story of our home..
Secondly, I have taken a page from chaos magick, and embodied the paradigm of a joyful person. This has been expressed through social media too. Those who follow me on Twitter, know that I try to post a daily greeting with some sort of positivity. I have become a “blessed be” Wiccan. That used to drive me crazy when people said it, but you know what? It feels good to say that to others. It expresses my appreciation for whatever involvement they have in my life.
Thirdly, I’ve changed my musical choices. I listen to a lot of Pagan music. Also, lots of comforting New Age music. Those bring me joy and peace.
Fourth, I’ve been coming out of the broom closet further and further. While I love my dedicated witchcraft Twitter account, I have been adding some of my Pagan & witch friends to my personal account, and posting Pagan related content there. Every personal social media account of mine now identifies me as Pagan, interested in earth based spirituality.
I understand that talk about vibrations and frequencies can be interpreted by many as New Age. I know that it bothers many Pagans to be called by that term, or say that witchcraft is New Age. I don’t think witchcraft itself is New Age at all, but I do think that a large majority of today’s witches use some practices that are shared with New Age practitioners. Hey, I think whatever works for each of us is useful.
So that is what’s going on with me. I’ve been working hard on this, which has left me little time to write lately. I hope to post more often from now on.
Thank you for reading. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or experiences to share, please leave a comment. Thanks so much!
Blessed Be
  The post Witchcraft & Raising Vibrations appeared first on Familiar Territory.
from Witchcraft & Raising Vibrations
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weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
Not trying to be weird (even though I am Ngl) but I realized my guides been telling me to work on self love and care now. I started wearing my Rhodochrosite today and now I feel my little space coming back. It’s so odd but fascinating lol been years since I’ve been in little space.
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weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
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I just don’t cuss in front of my parents 😌
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weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
My first time sage-ing my room and let’s just say it smells so damn good! As a person who is in the broom closet I do not use white sage because I’ve been told it’s a closed practice. I only use incense sticks. I’ve also told my religious parents I just bought different incense sticks because I love the smell and lasts better than most of my candles.
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weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
I don’t know if this is part of my healing journey but my sexual side is just unhinged atm And I’m so needy for affection. Damnit I want my boyfriend to come down here asap 😫
Just some nice cuddles and steamy make out sessions seems like will be the trick 🤭
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weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
I love my new tarot deck so much! 😍 it’s sweet but it’s also very very sassy which I love. The pronouns are They/Them. I wanted to bond with them by having them sleep with me but I asked them first. I simply got a “no thanks 💜” lol they like hiding with my crystals.
I know it’s very risky to have them in my house but I’m hiding them in a pouch which is hidden in a box of clothes. When my pay check comes in from work I’ll put them in a discreet lock box.
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weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
So I haven’t been researching Wicca in awhile because of my room being renewed and having to hide all of my stuff but just two days ago I started reading into it again and now I am left feeling kinda at peace more even though I’m not in the safety of my room yet.
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weepingtyrantblaze · 2 years
Hello it’s been awhile!
I have been currently using the internet to learn more about Wicca and Paganism. So far I am a little confused because I see me following in line with Wicca but as a polytheistic Wiccan because I am currently working with Brigid at the moment and I learned there is a speculation that Wiccans are supposed to be duotheistic. Can you still be Wiccan and be polytheistic?
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