#clothes mike murdock own
briefcasejuice · 11 months
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[tags by @feenyreadscomics from my ask game]
basically i said that in my head, mike doesnt fit the gender binary in one way or another and can i just say that you get me so bad........ i made a post either earlier this year or late last year where i talked about how mike is literally the most perfect trans allegory from start to finish. when he first existed, matt became most comfortable being 'mike murdock' because mike was everything matt couldn't be while he was matt murdock; he was able to express himself freely and soon matt liked being 'mike' more than he ever liked being matt. it also speaks volumes that the person he was in love with also ended up liking mike more than matt. i like to hc that karen took a liking to mike because he was exactly like matt, just more expressive, emotional and was generally more himself, whether she was aware of it or not. then when he becomes a real boy he craved being seen for what he is, not just a fake Thing inherently related to matt; to him he had always existed but to everyone else he was just beginning to exist and he seeks to make life comfortable for him. it also doesn't help that, like i mentioned, mike is an inherently incredibly expressive person. his fashion is loud yet classy and he makes everything work. he talked a lot and makes a lot of jokes, even using it as a shield from his own emotions. im so abnormal how closely he mirrors the trans experience and if i ever were to write a comic run for him id definitely make the allusions more explicit
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daresplaining · 9 months
Mike Murdock's Sunglasses: On Character Design and Autonomy
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I've written a little in the past about character design in regards to the translation of zany alter ego 1960s Mike Murdock into slightly-more-grounded, at least 85% more real 21st century Mike Murdock. Specifically, I talked with artist Phil Noto about Mike's outfits in Daredevil #606-612, and analyzed the clothing choices made by the creative team in the 2020 Annual. However, one specific detail that I find interesting in Mike's transformation from Matt's hyperactive id to his own autonomous person that I haven't really written about yet is his sunglasses-- when he wears them, when he stops, and how this shift may or may not align with his journey.
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Matt: "Let's see now-- I'll just muss up the mop, to give myself that carefree tousled look! A fella like Mike wouldn't be caught dead with a simple Ivy-League hair comb! And, I'll have to give my specs a coffee break for a while, as I cover my sightless eyes in a more colorful way-- If the attorney-at-law business ever gets slow, I might just decide to open a school of method acting! Yessir! Stanislavsky had nothing on me! Now, all I've gotta do is change my personality! I figure a clown like Mike Murdock is sure to be on all the time!" Daredevil vol. 1 #26 by Stan Lee, Gene Colan, Frank Giacoia, and Artie Simek
Matt and his dark glasses were inseparable in the 60s-- literally, to the point that he even apparently wore them under his Daredevil mask (fortunately, he doesn't do that anymore). The clear hesitance of DD artists in this period to draw their blind protagonist's uncovered eyes is likely one of the reasons that when it came time for Matt to invent himself a fake sighted twin, the sunglasses stayed on. This has not always been the case. In the years since, Matt has taken on several sighted identities in which he does not wear glasses at all-- notably, con artist Jack Batlin in the 90s. Of the two approaches, the former makes slightly more in-universe sense. As someone with no vision at all, who was blinded in a physically damaging accident, logic suggests that Matt's eyes would look different from those of a sighted person-- most likely due to chemical burns/scarring, but at the very least from things like a lack of eye contact. Thus, the choice for Matt to simply switch up his style of shades for the Mike look, rather than taking the risk of foregoing them entirely, feels logical (even if it doesn't always match up with the way Matt's eyes are actually depicted, but that's a topic for another post).
As it turned out, the oversized, colorful shades ended up tying perfectly into the loudness of the rest of "Mike's" outfits, becoming a memorable staple of the look that Matt crafted for his fake twin-- a look that was as distant from the classic Matt Murdock suit and tie (and simple, dignified shades) as he could manage. These shades were iconically, undeniably Mike's. However, they were still born from the use of sunglasses as a visual shorthand for-- and Matt's in-character response to-- his blindness. A Daredevil reader in 1968 might have looked at ol' Loudmouth Mike and asked the question: If this guy were a real person, independent of Matt, with his own backstory and reasons for dressing the way he does-- would he still choose to wear dark glasses?
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Mike: "Well, as I live and breathe! You're Daredevil, right? Friend of my brother, if I don't miss my guess. Real pleasure to meet you at last." Daredevil vol. 5 #606 by Charles Soule, Phil Noto, and Clayton Cowles ("As I live and breathe" is such a funny thing for him to say in this scene.)
Enter: Fragment-Boy Mike, and the beginnings of an answer.
When it came to transforming the concept of Mike Murdock into a fully realized character of his own -- not to mention pulling him out of the 1960s and into the 2010s-- some core Mike Murdock elements were dropped by the creative team, both for the sake of streamlining the narrative and in order to match the tone of the contemporary comic. Fragment Mike is no longer Daredevil's alter ego; in fact, he claims in his first appearance in Daredevil #606 that he has never even met DD before. Gone are the loud clothes, the primary colors, the waistcoats, the fedora with the feather in it. Curiously, all that remains of his original Look(TM)...is the sunglasses.
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Foggy: "That is...correct. How did you...?" Mike: "Because I ain't him. I'm me. And now, Foggy...you need to call my brother." Daredevil vol. 5 #608 by Charles Soule, Phil Noto, and Clayton Cowles
Fragment Mike existed in a kind of limbo that neither he, nor Matt, nor even his "creator" Reader really understood-- a tortuous state of both being and non-being, in which he believed himself to be real and then had his worldview shattered by learning that no one else saw him that way. Mike claimed his autonomy and fought for his right to live throughout that story arc, but the simple truth was that he was born out of Matt-- specifically, out of Matt's case files, from which Reader accidentally spawned him-- and the memories he possessed of being anyone/anything else were false. He was nothing but a twisted, reanimated echo of an identity his brother had created, dark glasses included; Matt but not Matt, physically separate but still bound to his brother.
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Mike: "I'm Matt Murdock's twin brother, but...but I'm not. I've got some fake memories. I'm like a shell of a thing...but inside...I can tell I didn't live through anything...and I think...I think it's driving me crazy." Daredevil vol. 6 Annual #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Manuel Garcia, Le Beau Underwood, Chris Mooneyham, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Clayton Cowles
But! Fragment Mike, just like Matt, maybe because of Matt, is a fighter. He does not take being fake lying down. Through some Norn Stone magic, our fragment became a Real Boy, with real memories of a real backstory. And if we take a look through that backstory, we finally receive an answer to that 1968 DD fan's hypothetical question, because...
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Daredevil vol. 6 Annual #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Manuel Garcia, Le Beau Underwood, Chris Mooneyham, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Clayton Cowles
The moment Mike Murdock becomes a real person, the sunglasses vanish.
Look back through Daredevil volume 6. Once he is officially, cosmically real, the only time we ever see Mike wearing dark glasses is when he is dressed up as Matt (ohhh, the poetry of it all!). He is wearing them, standing in Matt's apartment, when he dies in Matt's place-- fated, in the end, to never entirely escape his brother's gravitational pull-- but what matters is that the sunglasses tied Mike to his origins as his twin in a costume, and the loss of them indicates fully and utterly that Mike has broken away and become his own person. We even get this fascinating scene at the beginning of volume 7:
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Matt: "...It was Matt. He came back from rehab, went to his apartment... I don't know what the #$@% Fisk was thinking, but I know they've got history and... Ah, Butch. He killed my brother." Daredevil vol. 7 #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Matthew Wilson, and Clayton Cowles
This is Matt Murdock, in the year 2022, once more pretending to be Mike...post-Norn Stone reality rewrite. And this time? No sunglasses. In fact, Matt claims that the key to a foolproof Mike Murdock disguise is in the eyes: "Not just making sure they faced the right direction...but that no matter what, he had kindness in them..."
Do I love Mike Murdock wearing smarmy shades? Of course I do. But I love a good piece-of-clothing-as-allegory just as much, and I love peeling back the layers of identity to discover who Mike really is when he is not his brother.
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descaladumidera · 1 year
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My contribution to @bangyourselfminibang! Big thank you to the organizers and my partner in crime @ultimateundesirable-bwpp, who wrote a fantastic fic for this piece.
You can read it here:
ID in alt text and under the cut.
A drawing of Mike Murdock (Earth-616), Matt Mur(der)dock (Earth-65), and Matt Murdock (Earth-616).
Murderdock is sitting in a wooden armchair with red velvet cushioning in the middle of the drawing. He is lounging, right arm propped on the armrest of the chair, head resting on his hand. His right foot is propped on his left thigh, while his left foot is placed on the ground. His red hair is neatly combed and parted in the middle, some strands hanging into his face. He is wearing red glasses and a red suit with a black tie and a white shirt, but no shoes and no socks. His cane is resting against the chair and he is smiling smugly, as his left hand is raised towards the height of his shoulders, holding a leash.
On the other end of the leash is Matt, collared and kneeling on the ground to the left of the chair, hands neatly propped on his thighs. The collar is red as are his briefs, which are the only articles of clothing he is wearing. His naked skin is on display, showing his freckles. He also isn't wearing his glasses, blue eyes staring ahead emptily, mouth slightly open, while red, slightly longer hair, is hanging into his face. The briefs are not hiding his erection, straining against the fabric, the tip of his cock peaking out, with precum dribbling down.
On the other side of the chair, half behind and half next to it, is Mike, standing with his arms perched on the backrest. He is standing with his right leg slightly bent, standing on his toes with that one, while his left leg is holding most of his weight. He is wearing a white shirt with a brightly yellow Hawaiian shirt with green palm trees over it, as well as blue jeans and yellow Converse sneakers. Sunglasses are pushed up into his red hair, which is a bit shorter than Matt's, and he is smiling, while looking down at Murderdock. Like his twin he has freckles and blue eyes.
End ID.]
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them--bo · 2 years
for the prompt thing, please can you do 13? it's my lucky number :) and any marvel thing is great!
God this one technically should have been at the bottom of my list because I wanted to go in order of requested, but I had two ideas and I couldn't not jump on this right away.
If I Killed Someone For You- Alec Benjamin
Characters: Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Mentioned Norman Osborn.
Paring: Peter Parker X Harry Osborn (Parksborn)
Word Count: 521
Rating: G
Warnings: None!
“Harry?” Peter’s voice trembles as stands frozen, brain struggling to process what exactly he’s seeing. 
“I did it, Peter.” Harry smiles at him, his smile just a tad too wide and his eyes looking crazed and the wrong color. 
Harry has always had eyes as deep and blue as the ocean, that could freeze you like ice if he was angry at you. 
Why are his eyes green now?
“Harry what- what did you do?” There’s blood splattered across his face, soaking his clothes, practically dripping from his hands. 
A cop car drives past Peter’s appointment, lights and sirens blazing. ‘They’re probably looking for him.’ 
As if he could hear Peter’s thoughts, Harry rushes over to the window and slams it shut, cutting off the airflow, yanking the curtains together so hard that he almost pulls the curtain rod out of the wall. 
“You can’t tell them that I’m here, Pete. They’re looking for me. You can’t turn me in.” He crosses to Peter and takes both of Peter’s in his own. On instinct, Peter tries to yank his hands away, but Harry’s grip is too strong and he can’t.
“I won’t. I won’t, baby. I promise.” Peter assures him, forcing himself to look into those eyes that are all wrong. “Harry, you need to tell me what happened. Okay? Just tell me what happened.”
“I killed him.” Harry says cheerfully, a smile on his face. “I killed him, Peter.”
“Who did you kill?”
“Norman. He’s dead now. And he won’t come between us ever again.” He releases Peter’s hands and takes his face with both hands instead, pulling him in for a kiss. Peter can feel the blood smearing across his face. He doesn't struggle against kiss, he just lets Harry kiss him. 
“I did it for you. I did it for us.” Harry mumbles against Peter’s lips. 
“I know. I know you did.” Peter responds with a tight smile. 
“I’m a little different now. I had to change. I guess you could say I killed the old me too.” Harry says with a giggle. 
“W-why don’t we get you cleaned up?” Peter suggests as he takes a step back, but Harry counters with a step forward. 
“Only if you come with me.” Harry’s voice drops and he leans in to kiss Peter again. Peter places both his hands on Harry’s chest and gently pushes back, tilting his head back slightly.
“I should clean this up.” Peter gestures to the blood trail that's following behind Harry. 
He looks where Peter gestures and frowns and for a moment, just a moment, his eyes seem to fade back to blue and Peter feels his heart jump. 
But it’s over too soon and the green snaps back. With another slightly off smile, Harry kisses Peter’s cheek this time. “You’re too good for me, Pete.” 
Harry goes to where he knows Peter’s bathroom is and closes the door behind him. He waits until he can hear the water start running to let out a breath he had been holding. 
What the hell had Harry done?
And what the hell is Peter going to do?
Characters: Matt Murdock, Mike Murdock.
Paring: None!
Word Count: 425
Rating: G
Warnings: None!
“He’s dead.” Mike calls in lieu of greeting when Matt comes in through the front door.
The blind lawyer sighs, putting his briefcase down and loosening his tie. “You can’t keep doing this, Mike.” 
Matt makes his way toward the kitchen, pulling a beer out of the fridge. “Oh get me one.” His twin requests, not getting up from the sofa of their shared apartment. 
Matt tosses one towards him and pops his own open. 
“Come on, Matty, the guy tried to burn down the firm you and Foggy worked so hard to open.” 
“That doesn’t mean-”
“What type of brother would I be if I didn’t try to protect my baby brother.” 
Matt makes a face. “You are 48 seconds older than me.” 
“Like I said, my baby brother.” 
“That’s not what the Devil is for.”
“Maybe not when you’re in the mask. But on my nights, all bets are off.” 
With another sigh, Matt crosses to the sofa, kicking one of Mike’s legs off so he can sit. “Maybe you shouldn’t put the mask on anymore.”
“Matt,” Mike sits up. “You know the deal. Most of the time, you go out and wear the mask. But-”
“But whenever you decide I need a break, you make me let you put it on so I can rest or whatever it is you think I need to do.” Matt’s not pouting. He’s not. But he certainly doesn’t need his brother to be this controlling of his life. 
Mike is quiet for a second before gently putting his beer on the table. “Matt. When I found you that night-” He cuts himself off with a heavy swallow and Matt feels bad. 
Mike’s talking about the night he almost died. When he fought Nobu and Fisk and barely managed to crawl home to his apartment. When he collapsed to the ground in the living room, he didn’t realize that Mike was there. Nor did he think he’d ever wake up again. 
That’s when Mike found out about the mask. That’s when he gave Matt the ultimatum that he either let his brother help, or he would go to Foggy about what he saw. That’s also when Mike moved in with him. 
“I know.” Matt says softly.
“I can’t lose you, Matty.” There’s too much emotion in his voice. 
“Strange, I seem to remember you wishing to be an only child once.” Matt’s either expecting a laugh or a punch to the arm or maybe both. 
“You’re my brother, Matt. I can’t lose you.” 
“You won’t” Matt promises. 
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
Daredevil (vol. 1) #26: Stilt-Man Strikes Again!
Read Date: June 19, 2022 Cover Date: March 1967 ● Writer: Stan Lee  ● Penciller: Gene Colan  ● Inker: Frank Giacoia ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●   
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The story begins with Daredevil practicing acrobatics. He has taken the afternoon off in order to wander the city. He then realizes that he needs to return to the Nelson and Murdock Law Office, in case Foggy Nelson or Karen Page need him. He makes his way through New York City, while musing about how his secret identity helps him to avoid traffic jams. A passerby fails to recognize him, but figures that the man in the suit is yet another superhero. Another passersby comments that New York City is full of them.
Daredevil returns to his office by swinging through an open window. He fears what would happen if he ever forgot to open this window. He decides to switch from the role of Daredevil to that of Michael "Mike" Murdock, a "madcap" role that he is beginning to really enjoy. While changing his clothes, hairstyle, and glasses, Daredevil jokes about feeling like a "one-man repertory theatre". He is acting as three different characters in his daily life: "conservative" Matt Murdock, dazzling Daredevil, and carefree Mike Murdock. He figures that he could eventually open his own school of method acting, feeling that he is superior to Konstantin Stanislavski.
Fully changed into Mike Murdock, Daredevil comments that he feels himself changing while in the role. He feels very confident. He wonders whether he should quit his superhero career and get an acting job. Perhaps Hollywood is looking for another Cary Grant. Daredevil suddenly realizes that Foggy and Karen are about to leave the office, without seeing him. He does not want his transformation to be wasted without an audience, so he starts singing in Mike's voice to attract their attention.
Both Foggy and Karen are convinced that Mike is the real Daredevil, and the singing gives them the opportunity to discuss their views on the subject. Karen thinks that Daredevil is "fabulous", while Foggy considers him an "idiot", and a "loud-mouthed swell-headed showoff". The door opens and Karen is pleased to see Mike. Foggy can not hide his hostility to the man, though Mike claims that Foggy's words could never hurt him.
Mike Murdock flirts with Karen and compliments her beauty, while mocking the scowling Foggy. He threatens Foggy jokingly, while making an impression of James Cagney. Foggy fails to get the joke and considers Mike to be insane, but Karen does get the joke and names the actor Mike is imitating. Mike is impressed with her, and claims that her only flaw is that she can not use Daredevil's Billy Club. Foggy comments that Mike/Daredevil is a "fearless, full-time nut". Karen accuses Mike that he is never serious. He light-heartedly proposes marriage to her and she mockingly turns him down. The two are enjoying themselves, but Foggy is getting frustrated with their wacky attitude. Foggy grabs Karen and drags her away. He reminds her that they should prepare for the next day's case, the arraignment of the Leap-Frog.
Mike Murdock pretends that he has just heard of the arraignment and requests his own seat at the court. He wants to watch the "legal eagles" in action. He also reminds them that he was the one who bested the Leap-Frog and got them the case in the first place. Karen supports his request, though Foggy finds the request outlandish. Foggy drags Karen out of the office.
In the corridor outside the office, Foggy, Karen, and Mike meet Mr. Frank Farnum, the building manager. He is effectively their landlord. He wanted to see them for some reason. Farnum claims that he has learned that their office is going to represent the Leap-Frog at court. He reminds them that they work in a respectable building. He is not happy that his tenants are seemingly involved with despicable criminals. He asks them why do they have to defend cut-throats and knaves.
Foggy admits that he prefers corporation law to defending criminals. But he has a few words for Farnum. In the United States, every man is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Anyone who comes to trial is entitled to the best defense available. And the legal team of Nelson and Murdock provide the best defense. He then steps away from Farnum in order to exit the building. Farnum silently stares at Foggy's back. Mike congratulates Foggy for his words, but he informs him that Farnum is unlikely to renew their lease. Mike then informs Foggy that they will next meet at the court.
The story skips ahead to the following morning, at the court. Mike Murdock attends the arraignment, while Matthew Murdock is mysteriously absent. Murdock muses that he has started to really feel like two separate people. He fears that he might end up in a "funny farm" (insane asylum). The crowds at the court are surprised that Foggy Nelson is handling the case instead of Matthew Murdock, and speculate on the reasons of Matthew's absence. One person speculates that Foggy is tired of Matthew always holding the spotlight, and now wants his share of publicity. Inside the court room, Mike Murdock pretends to be bored. Karen speaks to him, and reports that his brother Matthew was supposed to handle the case, but then asked Foggy to replace him. She does not know why. Murdock thinks to himself that he decided to attend the court as Mike, so Matthew had to go missing.
The Leap-Frog attends his trial, while wearing a civilian suit. The district attorney presents, as evidence against him, the shoes of the Leap-Frog's Suit and explains how they work. The Leap-Frog claims never to have seen the shoes before, and never to have worn the suit. He claims to have a severe fear of heights. Mike loudly asks why the district attorney does not measure whether the defendant's feet are the same size as the shoes. He gets into an argument with another spectator, and Karen warns him that the bailiff will evict him from the courtroom.
The Leap-Frog next claims that these shoes are too small for his feet, and could never fit him. The district attorney challenges him to wear the shoes, which is exactly what the criminal wanted. As the Leap-Frog wears the shoes, Mike shouts for someone to stop him. The shoes fit the man, and he admits being the Leap-Frog. But then uses the shoes to leap away and attempts to escape. The Leap-Frog breaks through a window and discovers he has made a fatal mistake. His shoes have to be tightly fastened on his feet to work properly, but the district attorney had somehow removed the fasteners. The super-villain is falling from a great height, while one of the shoes falls away.
The Leap-Frog lands on the street and is in pain. His single shoe broke his fall and saved his life, but one of his legs is now broken. He hears someone calling him a fool for failing to wait for his rescue, and discovers someone towering above his body. He looks up and discovers that his would-be savior is the Stilt-Man, who the Leap-Frog considered to be deceased. The Stilt-Man explains that he had read about the Leap-Frog's capture and had decided to help the man escape. Stilt-Man was looking for a partner and thought the Leap-Frog could join him in a new career of crime. They could have been an unbeatable team, if the Leap-Frog had not ruined the plan by bungling everything like an an amateur.
Inside the court, Mike Murdock smilingly tells Karen that its his time to play the hero. In his haste to leave the court room, Mike almost collides with another man. They get into an argument and threaten each other, but Mike runs away. He has had considerable trouble capturing the Leap-Frog, and worries that the villain will get away. He quickly changes to wearing the Daredevil's Suit. He muses that this was Foggy Nelson's big chance to handle a defense case, and he does not want Leap-Frog to ruin it. Swinging out of the building, Daredevil overhears crowds speaking about the Leap-Frog being injured. He initially thinks his presence is not needed, but then discovers that Stilt-Man is on the scene and decides to confront him.
On the street, the Leap-Frog is immobile and possibly unconscious. The Stilt-Man tries to lift him, in order to escape with him and get some medical help for him. The Stilt-Man is convinced that the Leap-Frog's injuries are treatable. The Stilt-Man sees Daredevil approaching and switches his attention to his old foe. He apologizes to the Leap-Frog for leaving him behind, but he has an urgent matter to attend to.
Daredevil attempts to attack Stilt-Man, but Stilt-Man easily shifts his height to evade the attack. The two start to fight. Stilt-Man seizes control of Daredevil's cable and starts swinging Daredevil around. He informs Daredevil that the Stilt-Man's Suit has been modified since their previous encounter, and now has twice its previous strength. He throws Daredevil against a building. Daredevil struggles to hold on to a ledge, to avoid falling to his death. Stilt-Man draws an energy weapon and seems to fire at him. He was actually aiming at the wall next to Daredevil, and uses the shot in an attempt to intimidate Daredevil.
As the wall seems to be on fire, Daredevil uses his cable to escape and to launch a counter-attack. He kicks the Stilt-Man, but this seemingly has no effect. The Stilt-Man claims that his protective armor is too strong for Daredevil. Daredevil answers with a more powerful kick. The kick causes the Stilt-Man's head to collide with a nearby building. The story is then interrupted by a flashback, which explains how Stilt-Man managed to return from the Microverse.
In the flashback, Stilt-Man has been hit by a shrink ray. He shrinks away in front of Daredevil, while his voice gets weaker. Then he disappears completely, leaving empty space behind. He spend the subsequent period in a state of "timeless limbo". Eventually the effects of the shrinking ray wore off and Stilt-Man regained his normal size. He reappeared in the spot where he had vanished, realizing that he had been away for many months. Stilt-Man considered this a "harrowing experience", but he was healthy and still had control of his stilts. He decided to design a stronger armored suit for himself, before returning to a life of crime.
The scene shifts to a night scene, outside the Nelson and Murdock Law Office. The Masked Marauder uses an armored truck and a hydraulic lift to enter the office, through an open window. His past encounters with Daredevil have convinced the villain that his enemy is somehow connected to Nelson and Murdock. He searches the office for clues concerning the hero's true identity. He is certain that Daredevil is neither Foggy Nelson, nor Matthew Murdock. One man is soft and flabby, the other one is blind. But they must be aware who Daredevil is. An hour later, the Masked Marauder has found nothing. He tells his gang to depart with the truck. He takes off his mask and reveals his true identity, that of Frank Farnum. Farnum is determined to keep spying on Nelson and Murdock until he finds the truth about Daredevil.
The scene shifts back to the battle between Daredevil and the Stilt-Man. Stilt-Man keeps firing his energy weapon and missing. Daredevil realizes that his opponent is too nervous to properly aim the weapon. Daredevil kicks the weapon out of his opponent's hand. Stilt-Man retaliates by unhooking the other end of Daredevil's cable line. Daredevil falls from a great height, but uses the cable to tie himself to the Stilt-Man. A few swings of the cable, and the legs of the Stilt-Man Suit are all tied-up. The Stilt-Man begins to loose his balance.
Daredevil uses his own weight to pull the Stilt-Man down, while truing to avoid hurting the innocent bystanders. The Stilt-Man falls head-first to the street. His body lies in an alley. Daredevil tries to keep the crowd from approaching his foe. Meanwhile, Frank Farnum transports the unconscious Stilt-Man to the trunk of his car. Farnum has decided to recruit the Stilt-Man to his cause.
As Farnum tries to escape with his car, Daredevil urges him to take off. He warns Farnum that Stilt-Man is on the loose. By mistake, Daredevil calls him "Farnum", as if they know each other. The Masked Marauder realizes that Daredevil knows his true name. He also realizes that the man behind Daredevil's mask is someone he has met before. He smiles wickedly and drives away. Meanwhile, Daredevil checks Farnum's heartbeat to ensure that he is not Stilt-Man in disguise.
As the crowd of New Yorkers congratulates Daredevil, Karen Page observes the hero from above. Karen muses that only she and Foggy know that Daredevil is Mike Murdock. Foggy claims that their knowledge is worthless. Foggy is secretly convinced that Karen has fallen for Daredevil, and he dislikes this new direction in her life. The story ends.
FAN ART: (eee he's so cute!)
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STILT-MAN by hclix
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deniigi · 4 years
Do you have any soft Mike and Matt moments by chance? I know Mike is such a little shit, but ugh I always think of him as super over protective of Matt bc he is the ‘nice’ one. To me honestly I’ll take anything lol
Yes, anon.
I do indeed :)
It was always a treat coming back to New York. Bumming around Chicago and New Jersey and Minneapolis was never quite the same, no matter how similar the clothes or the drapes or the atmosphere of the city’s underbelly.
New York was just something right. Always exciting. Always pulsing with tension right underneath the surface. People were always checking over their shoulders. Tucking their bags tighter under their arms. Moving their wallets and phones out of back pockets and into front ones and breast ones.
Folks knew from the start that the city would take what it wanted when it wanted it if you weren’t vigilant.
And speaking of vigilant, New York City had the added benefit of being home to Mike’s dear, dear, violent, vigilante baby brother.
Well, baby was relative.
Eleven minutes of separation wasn’t quite enough to be throwing around words like ‘baby’ and ‘elder’, but you know what?
Matt had always been the baby.
Soft-hearted. Soft-spoken. Shy. Blind.
He’d needed more help. Always had needed more help. He didn’t want it. Never wanted it.
But New York City didn’t care about what Matty wanted or needed. It dragged him down into its gushing, oily depths, and left him suspended there.
Always drowning. Always fighting to get his head above water.
Matt was too soft for this world, still, no matter how hard he’d gotten.
He acted like he was someone else, someone different, someone unrecognizable when Mike came to visit him now and again.
And like, yeah.
Boy was more angry than Mike was used to seeing him. But the simpering and cowering had vanished in recent years for something that Mike was deeply proud of.
His baby brother.
The devil of Hell’s Kitchen.
Look at baby go.
Matt was used to Mike opening his window every few months for a quick place to crash. Mike thought he purposefully left it unlocked. These days, when Mike dropped by the city for a whirlwind adventure and a taste of roiling, boiling freedom, he usually found the apartment empty.
Matty was out with the best of them. Roiling and boiling.
Bless him.
Mike opened the window this time and stepped carefully over the sill and into the kitchen sink and immediately noticed a set of keys on the counter with no less than three different paper bags set in a line around them.
They looked greasy, but there wasn’t a strong smell.
He stepped out of the sink onto the tile and touched one of the bags.
Well, shit.
Matty always got the short end of the stick. It was how things were. It was one of the rules of the universe that twins never shared anything all the way through.
So Mike got the good luck and Matty got the bad luck.
Easy as that.
He was sleeping when Mike stuck his head into his room.
Not in a nice way. Not in a good way.
He was just sleeping.
Mike stepped in closer and slowly sat down on the end of the mattress.
Matt’s lip was scabbed and he had red and blue and purple all down the side of his face. He had stitches covered with sheer gauze on his neck.
The rest of him was swamped by his massive, heavy duvet.
“Rough times, Matty?” Mike asked his sleeping body.
Matt didn’t respond.
Mike patted the duvet over his shoulder.
“I gotchu, little brother,” he said. “I gotchu.”
The bags on the table were days cold. The fridge was nearly empty but for a few beer bottles. The whole place smelled of disuse. And Matt didn’t come out of his room in the morning.
Mike sat up from the uncomfortable couch, tossed the throw back over it, and went to hunt through the linen closet for a towel.
By noon, the place was aired and bright. It was early spring so it was a bit cold to have all the windows flung open, but hey.
Needs must sometimes.
Mike wiped out the inside of the fridge. Took Matty’s keys off the counter and borrowed a pair of sneakers—of course, the same size.
He went around the block to the bodega that he knew Matt favored above all the others in the area. Fresh produce. Local milk and butter. Matty was friends with the owner’s daughter; had stuck his neck out for her and her kids and her daddy.
He was soft like that.
The daughter thought Mike was him when he brought his garden of a shopping basket up to her register.
She asked him what had happened to his cane and if he needed help getting home.
Mike tapped down his glasses and smiled and told her it was mighty nice to know that folks in the neighborhood were looking after his younger twin brother.
She was shocked. Then worried because ‘Mr. Murdock’ always did his own shopping and was always asking her about these berries and those greens.
She swapped out half of Mike’s basket for better choices of fruit and veg for one of the place’s most valued customers. And then she impressed a load of health-nut-lookin’ snacks onto Mike and normally, he’d chuck ‘em and say that the two of them were brought up on PB&J and goldfish crackers like everyone else, ma’am, but they were already prepped and didn’t seem overwhelmingly portioned, so he decided that this time he’d spend his dime on that cute little brother.
Just this once, though. Don’t go getting any ideas, Matty.
He got back and dumped everything onto the counter.
So much green, Christ. It was as if he’d bought out the stock of the florist three blocks over.
Healthy body, healthy mind and all that.
He started twisting the greens off carrots and pulling off the outer leaves of cabbage. He found Matt’s Tupperware collection and the biggest bowl he had and set to rinsing and soaking and peeling and chopping.
It took some hunting to find the braille label maker and soon enough, the fridge was crammed with boxes and boxes of bright colors with labels all facing out.
‘Carrot rounds.’
‘Cabbage pieces.’
‘Minced Onion.’
And so on and so on.
Matt still didn’t come out of his room and that was too bad for him because Mike was working his way through the house’s linens now.
All of the towels went into the wash first.
As they went into the drier, the throws went into the wash.
The ballgame played while the towels were folded. Then the throws were replaced with all the pillow cases and a load of socks and clothes Matt didn’t notice Mike stealing from his still-darkened room.
Eventually Mike ran out of things to batter in the machine and so he had to bite the bullet.
He put hands on his hips and stood over Matty, still curled up in that damn duvet, facing away from the door this time.
When they were little, Matt had had a bunny which was kind of like his security blanket. God help them all if they left home without bunny. Dad used to swear Mike to secrecy when he caught him stealing bunny from his and Matt’s bedroom.
Mike had crossed his heart every time, and Dad had always swept him up and let him ride on his shoulders while he did the laundry and Matty napped in the other room.
Dad wasn’t here anymore though, so it fell to Mike as the oldest to do things while Matty slept.
Unfortunately, laundry waits for no man, sleeping, depressed, or otherwise.
“Heya bud,” he said cheerfully to Matt’s duvet. “I got good news and bad news for you.”
Matt mumbled something incoherent into the mattress.
Mike took the opportunity to start prying him out of it. He didn’t love it.
“Ge’ off,” Matt huffed, burrowing.
Mike lifted an eyebrow and balled his fists in the sheets.
“The good news is that its time for a bath, the bad news is that you gotta take it,” he announced.
“Mike, no. Just—go away,” Matt huffed.
“Sorry not sorry,” Mike said brightly.
Then he yanked.
Depression ran in their family like a river. Matty got the worst of it from their mama. Mike got the anxiety from their daddy. It was only fair.
It meant that Mike knew that making Matt take a shower and washing all his bedding against his will would result in tears and bitterness in the short term, but a happier and less apathetic Matt in the long term.
Matt came out of the shower and wanted to go back to bed.
Mike made him curl up on the couch in the sun and the fresh air instead. His room wasn’t done airing.
Matt hated that. He told Mike to fuck off at least twenty times before falling back to sleep, but it was no matter. Mike was used to him being like this.
He kept the game on and sat on the couch arm and ran a few fingers through Matty’s hair when he was good and asleep.
Bed made.
Room aired.
Brother fed (somewhat).
Wounds examined and redressed.
“Why are you here this time?” Matt asked him as he guided him back to the newly made bed.
“Love,” Mike crooned. “I heard your distress and came running.”
Matt scoffed.
“Money,” he said.
“That too,” Mike beamed. “But the deals will wait.”
“I’m fine, just go,” Matt sighed. He pulled his legs back up onto the bed and set about burying himself in covers once more.
“Okay, I’ll go,” Mike said. “But I’ll be back in a few hours, yeah?”
Matt mumbled under the blankets.
“What’d you say, there friend? Some of us don’t got superhearing, remember?” Mike reminded him.
“I said be careful,” Matt spat.
Oh, right.
That was.
“I will be,” Mike said, maybe a touch softer than intended.
“Don’t stay out too long,” Matty huffed into his pillow.
“Will do,” Mike said, heading back towards the living room. He stopped with his hand on the doorframe.
Matt made a grumpy questioning sound under the covers.
Mike swallowed.
“You know I love you, right?” he said. “And you’re not alone right now.”
There was a long pause.
“I know,” Matt sighed. “I love you, too. Don’t bet on any horses.”
Mike laughed.
“Stallions only, got it,” he said. “Be back soon!”
He kept the sneakers for the time being.
An eye for an eye.
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starxdame · 4 years
Hey stranger
Matt Murdock x OriginalFemCharacter
One shot, angst
Fandom: Daredevil
Word count: 3194
Spoiler & Warnings: none
Language: english (i haven't checked for grammatical errors yet)
(gif, not mine)
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Matt walked in the shop, he was just looking for some groceries when he heard a voice he never thought he would heard again.
"What-" he mumbled while turning around, searching for the source of that sound
"Mike, don't touch that! Come here, we'll get ice cream, yeah?" that voice distracted Matt from feeling a kid coming his way and bumping into him, she turned around as Matt grabbed the kid before he could hit the floor, letting him go immediately after the boy had found his balance
"I'm sorry sir" the little boy said before running towards the girl who called him a moment earlier. A couple feet away she stood still, looking at the kid and the boy she found herself in front of, she couldn't believe it. "Matt" she called him.
"Lizzie" he was left spechless, a chuckle left her lips "You remember" she said, Matt frowned before talking against "Of course", she was quick to get closer and hug him tight "It's been so long". They chatted until the kid from before, Mike, said he wanted to go to his football practise, in that moment.
"Sure we'll go now honey, take my shopping cart" Lizzie pointed to the kid the cart, not too far
"I guess i have to go" she sighed with a little smile
"Is he yours?" Matt asked, maybe in not a touchy way but, he didn't really think twice
"Mike? No he's my sister's kid, i'm babysitting him for today" she replied
"Oh okay" Matt paused, she nodded and looked for the kid who was coming back to her
"You wanna go out for a coffee sometime?" he said tapping his cane on the floor a couple of times, a nervous tick he had
"Sure" she replied smiling, she caressed his arm lightly
"How about tomorrow?" he couldn't wait, he felt like a teenager again
"Sounds good to me" they both chuckled, and planned on the little date for the next day
[ten years ago]
Foggy ran to the bathroom, Matt and Lizzie turned one toward the other thinking the same thing, but no, he wasn't threwing up, the boy screamed at both of them to follow him
"I just hope he's not naked" Lizzie said laughing, standing up and giving her hand to Matt who agreed and took it
"I'm sorry but, you wouldn't suffer like i would" she pointed out, "Right" he laughed freely, they were so, SO, drunk, that they couldn't stand up by themselves, they stumbled at every step, risking to fall on the floor anytime.
As they entered in the bathroom they noticed Foggy sitting in the bathtub, his legs up to one side, in his hand the bottle almost finished
"It's SOOOO comfy, get in here!" he said jumping out and grabbing Matt's hand, dragging him halfway in, Matt held onto Lizzie who almost fell on him, the two boys hitting their heads against the wall.
"Okay, easy" she said keeping herself standing by resting her hand against the wall, right above Matt
"I don't wanna crack my head open like you two dumbasses", she moves them and sits down in between, passing her hands on their heads
"You two are really, really dumb" she commented shaking her head, inspecting their heads to see if they had actually got hurt. She was definitely the "momfriend", has always been, caring and keeping an eye out for them.
"And you just got that now??" Foggy asked, a confused expression on his face
"Fair enough" she said moving a little "It's weirdly comfortable" Matt pointed out, out of the blue. Oh yeah, they were wasted.
"I KNOW" Foggy screamed back, making the other two jump and laugh like kids.
They talked for hours, they were exhausted and at some point they simply passed out, leaning one against the other.
Not much time later Foggy moved, jumping out to threw up in the wc, groaning while going back to sleep, his head resting against the side of the tub. Lizzie moved too, waking up Matt, who confused and dizzy moved following her movements. She lied on her back with her legs stretched, Matt cuddled up on her side, putting his head on her chest and resting his hand on her stomach, she took off his glasses and randomly played with his curls, she always wanted to do that, the thin lock escaped her fingers as she moved her other hand to rest on Foggy's arm, who was sleeping too.
Hours later the strong light coming from the windows of the living room woke up Lizzie. Groaning she tried to move, but couldn't, a weight held her down, when she opened her eyes she found Matt holding her tightly, with both his arms around her body. She couldn't really remember much of what happened the night before and just the thought of trying to concentrate on it made her feel as if the headache started to grow in her head, pounding hard, she closed her eyes again. Her fingers started playing with his hair just like she had done hours before. She didn't notice but he had just woken up and a smile grew on his lips as she continued the touch, it was so relaxing and intimate, he didn't want to move, this had been the closer interaction they've had, ever.
His head was feeling heavy, and he could shut all the noises from outside only if focusing on her, her hand moved down to his jaw and gave it a caress, Matt who was still smiling got distracted, someone walked in: Foggy.
"ABOUT TIME!" why was he so loud? she groaned bringing both her hands to her hears
"Oh no, don't" he knew what she meant but scoffed and continued
"NO THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR THROWING ME OUT" again, he was hurting his own hears but he was enough stubborn to ignore it and keep doing it
"What are you talking about? You left." Matt commented while sitting, Foggy looked at him confused, non believing him
"You really did, you got out to threw up and then fell asleep outside" Lizzie confirmed, Foggy hummed and then talked "Mh okay", he simply said, disappearing behind the door and coming back a moment later "Ah and...just get together already,! Stop acting as if you didn't enjoy this night like crazy and took advantage from it, you pigs" he pointed at the two still in the tub and then left, they laughed awkwardly, later falling into a deep confused silence, did he just exposed them like that?
It's 3 pm.
She's waiting sitting on a bench when he comes her way
"Hey stranger" Lizzie says smiling,
"Hey to you" Matt hugged her, loving every second of it, he missed her, he smiles letting her go
"Let's go" They met and immediately hit it off, they stay for a while in a cafe, then they start walking around. They chat the whole time of good times, memories, difficulties, not many filters between em, it was as if nothing had changed, but they surely had. A couple of hours had passed when the temperature started to drop, the wind was cold, freezing. Sadly the date would have had to finish like that. They both took a cab, and when it stopped in front of Matt's building he realized he couldn't have let her go like that
"You wanna come and see the appartment, you can see my upgrade" he commented chuckling,
"Well, it would be mean of me to refuse, right?" they both got out after paying and he made it's way in the building.
They talked some more, until things got a little more personal
"It's not bad, maybe a little messy" she commented biting her lip lightly
"It's not like many people will come here anyway, so" the sound her mouth made, like her tongue had just clicked. He froze, sounds getting blurry
"Hey" she called him, her hands on his face brought him back, her cold fingers traced lines down his warm cheek
He moved slowly, leaning in, teasing her lips with his. She leaned in as well, pushing him towards her with her hands. The moment they connected, everything slowed down, they weren't rushing it, they were tasting every second until they had to stop, to split, just enough to breath, their forhead one against the other. They chuckled softly and held each other close for a while.
This was the moment every insecurities would collide and love, as simple as it is, rises.
Lizzie's hands were on him before his could leave her body, she reached for his shirt, Matt smirked as she quickly unbuttoned it, passing her hands through his chest, she felt something with the tips of her fingers: little flaws on his body, not that she had ever gone this far with him but it surprised her, if not for one quick mistake, she had never seen him naked, or ish and it was like he didn't have those at the time they knew each other, she couldn't knew but she felt it.
She stopped for a moment but he wanted this so bad, always have, this moment, her, he tried to bring her back. He took some steps back till he gets to the bed, he sit on the edge, bringing her closer by holding the fabric of her dress, snapping her back to him, to the moment, all her attention on his beautiful figure. His hands at first fell on her hips, guiding her to sit on his lap, then reached for the zip on her back, she ran her hands through his hair, caressing its way down to his neck, bringing herself closer to him, sitting closer. His lips connected with her shoulder, leaving wet kissed down to her arm and then back up to her neck, shivers left where his hands had just passed on her back, uncovering it, making the dress fall off. A light giggle made him bring his attention to her lips, grabbing a little roughly her jaw, intensifying the kiss from the start, she moved closer wanting more, they had missed so much of each other, today was the day, their chest touching, his hands holding her hips so close even their stomach were one against the other, short breaths, hearts never felt so full. Panting filled the room, the sound of clothes being thrown to the floor, the sheet been moved, grunting, the bed creaking, moans. Their names filled the room in a moment of pure silence. It was intense. They remembered every single time they had wanted more from each other and never had.
In the dark room Lizzie's fingers found her way to the marks she had found earlier on his body, but she didn' ask yet, she just sat between his legs, she leaned in
"I was in love you" Matt said quietly, just a moment before Lizzie's lips could connect with his. She felt like her heart had just skipped a beat, and Matt knew it, and it petrified him. Was. In all this she had completely removed all those years, she acknowledged the distance and left it behind for just that moment, but never imagined it would have hit her so damn hard. Why did he even say that.
"I fell a long time ago and never really got up" she breathed out all at once, she wasn't sure about anything in her life, but she never dubted her love for him, simply never needed to doubt, it was what it was. Of course, she lived her life but it was as if her feelings kept themselves alive under the surface.
"All these years?" Matt asked calmly, she moved back, sitting as she was before he took this subject into the conversation
"I guess" she knew it wasn't the true, she didn't need to guess, her heart started beating faster
"You guess?" he replied a little annoyed, and she panicked and so she took a moment to herself, she did what she always did best, escaped as long as she could, she stood up
"You thristy?" she asked already walking into the living room, looking back when she had arrived behind the kitchen counter, he just gave her a wave as to say no, she took a glass and poured some water
"This appartment is not bad at all, y'know?" she commented standing in front of the big windows in the living room, sipping her water
He hummed lightly, walking right next to her "I guess" his tone, these smartass answers are what she hated and loved the most about him, she scoffed
"C'mon, really?" she asked keeping her gaze and her half smile towards the glass, what did he have to be like that
"Do you still love me?" his voice was quiet, he cut the crap, straight up asking it, he was nervous and his voice made it so obvious, but she was so scared to admit it, to say it that she overthinked it so hard and made her hear annoyance in his voice, which there were none. She was being paranoid. She sighed
"Why did you wait after that, to ask?" her hand patted nervous against her thigh, they both knew what she was implying, he scoffed not believing what he had just heard, he moved in front of her and took her face in his hands
"Hey! I've changed alright but- i'm not like that. I wouldn't..." his voice was soft like his touch, his face had fallen, he was genuinely disappointed that he made her think that. He frowned and pouted with his lips.
She sighed "Right...sorry" it felt like a punch to see him like that. Lizzie looked away, her gaze not anywhere specific, everything was just blurry and dark, his hands resting on her shoulders now.
"I love you Matt" she added, nodding for herself "I do" her low voice cracked, she was quick to escape his hands, he stood still for a moment, just what it took her to go back to the bedroom and slip inside her dress, wear her shoes and take her purse. Matt stopped her by gripping her wrist, he should have said something, but he got distracted, she waited longer than she should have, in silence, waiting for him to do or say something. A kiss, even if it would have been bitter, would have been better than to walk out shattered like she did. She slipped from his touch and he listened to everysingle step she took, down does stairs, the way her heart was beating fast, her shaky breath, the long breath she took once she was out on the side walk.
"Such a heartthrob" Elektra commented appearing coming down the stairs, he knew it
"I told you not to come here" he said, his mind still with Lizzie
"Oh but this was so much interesting than just calling" she brushed his arm lightly, making him snap and slam her against the wall
"You shut up." He insisted, the rage was growing inside of him, he takes a deep breath
"Now, this is the you i wanna see when we're fighting out there" she added chuckling but he was in no mood to keep up with anyone's crap
"Get the Hell out of here" he insisted before letting Elektra go, his voice was low but firm.
"Whatever, see you Grumpy" she added walking out, she was intrigued but it took so little for him to go back to being boring that she didn't care to stay.
Matt got dressed and called Foggy to meet him at Josie's. The moment he walked in the other could tell it had been a bad day
"Hey, we would have liked your help, you know? A new client came in this afternoon, seems like a good one-" Foggy tried to put it out there, to test the ground, but Matt stopped him halfway through
"Lizzie" Matt voice betrayed him, breaking, he took a sip from his drink
"Lizzie?" Foggy asked confused, then he realized "That Lizzie!? What happened?" he asked lifting his eyebrows in misbeliefs
Everytime her name was being said it felt like a punch in the guts, and Foggy couldn't really, why was he acting like that, what had happened.
"You mean...The Lizzie that brought you back to yout feet after the thing with Elektra, who is still in town?" Foggy had just blown his own mind, and was still confused, Matt nooded ligthly
"Damn Matt, it's the come back of your exes" it was a little funny, but he didn't laugh, just smiled a little, just because he knew, Matt was not really there with his head
"She never was" Matt stated with a low voice and a sigh, exhausted, still not really there
"What do you mean?" Foggy asked confused again
"We were never together...Liz and i" again, her name
"But you two liked each other, admit it" Foggy commented, he waited a while but it felt like Matt wasn't even there anymore
"Listen, she really cared for us, she was our friend. She spent almost a month trying to help you get your shit together, Matt. She never left you not even when you told her to, she was a hell of a friend, a keeper." Matt didn't say a single word, so Foggy kept going
"I think she was just our friend at first, but then you swept her off her feet, all those times i left you two alone, you grew close, it was obvious."
As Foggy kept talking Matt's face gave many different signals, he remembered perfectly what he was talking about, he never found the courage to tell her, and she never did either, until he asked, and acted like an asshole
"I met her" Matt finally spoke
"I figured that out...and?" Foggy leaned on the table
"We catched up a little and then we-uhm" Matt wet his lips, now he imagined her, he could have just let it go but, no, he had to ask and ruin it all
"Oh!" Foggy exclaimed "Wow, well, it was time!" Matt had stopped again, full of thoughts, he should have done something
"And then something obviously went wrong...what was it?" Foggy waited for more
"I told her that i was in love with her and-" Matt stopped, his head was spinning, his thoughts were blocking him
"Wait. So she knows now" Foggy stated
"I said i was" Matt pointed out, he repeated it, in a lower voice, why did he say it like that
"I acted like an asshole, i asked and asked until she said she still loved me and then i didn't say anything, i didn't stop her and she left" he sighed bringing his hands to his face
"What?" Foggy was following but was hoping to have it got it wrong, the other sighed again
"I love her Foggy" Matt murmured, before taking another sip from his drink, he zoned out again. Foggy was not surprised but he also did not know where to start, he sighed ordering other two drinks.
I gave it a try.
I haven't posted my work in so long and might start to post more. Please, feel free to give me some advice.
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lit-works · 5 years
Atomic Rough draft
It is September, 1954. The orange sun burns down on the still smoldering wreckage of a fire-engine red 1932 Ford Roadster. Inside are the earthly remains of Danny Byers.
Byers was a bright lad, a recent graduate of UCLA, come to New Mexico to put to use his freshly minted knowledge of science in a small United States department of Agriculture think-tank. The future was boundless for this young man and his death is a tragedy, for both his parents, and for his country.
But why was Danny Byers even on the road at this time? Shouldn't he have been busy in the lab, performing experiments, conducting research, and documenting the results? From the look of the wreckage, its apparent he was traveling at high speeds. Why? Where was he going? Was he being followed, or even chased?
I have been called to the sites of this grisly wreckage for professional reasons. I'm a detective, specializing in traffic for the police department. My name is Nathan Dewitt, and I've lived on this earth for 31 years. I've decided to record my thoughts and the details of my cases as i perform my investigations as a memory aid. I don't really know why i need to explain that to myself.
The flashing lights mirrored in his aviator sunglasses, a tall lanky man in a Chavez county police uniform stands beside the wreckage. Nearby another man in uniform is taking notes on a pad of paper. Him and i share the experience of doing the same thing at the same time.
I get out of my Pearl white Mercury monterey, and approach the man standing nearest the wreckage. I recognize him as i get closer, it's the Sheriff Jack Lawrence. A man with skin like leather from the sun, with a wide stomach and a thick moustache. Once he sees me he explains that “another motorist spied the wreck at around 5:30 this morning. My deputy, Buck Rhodes was the first to report to the scene, and confirmed that the driver was dead.”
“Daniel Byers.” i say
“Yup,” Jack says. “Was last seen alive at his place of employment for the last year, the New Mexico Botanical Research facility. Last seen by Mike Murdock.” when mentioning Mike Murdock, the sheriff's face twitches a bit.
“Anyone question Mike Murdock?” i ask.
Jack explains in a sardonic manner that Mike Murdock used to work for him. A savvy politician, Jack says no more about the man.
“Anything else you care to add before i look around?” i ask.
“Yup. I'm thinking this Daniel Byers kid had communist sympathies.” Jack flatly states.
I nonchalantly dismiss Jack's claims. The red scare.
Danny Byers body is still in the vehicle; an ambulance is on the way to transport it to the morgue. I examine the body to no protest from either attending officers. The body itself reveals little, except for the state of my own sanity. Casual observation shows that it has been severely burnt and suffered several broken bones. He likely died as a result from the crash, and the burns were post mortem. Lucky break. Burning isn't a pleasant way to go.
By looking at the gouges in the earth and other similar physical evidence i can determine the vehicle left the road, then rolled end over end before coming to rest at its current location in the desert. This suggests a high speed, but does not reveal whether it was crashed accidentally or forced off the road.
The passenger door of the vehicle was jarred free of the main wreckage. It lies about 25 feet away. Examining it, I've discovered a soiled towel. The towel is stained with what appears to be blood and some weird purplish substance that gives off an acrid smell and is always warm to the touch. At this point i can't identify the chemical.
About midway between where the wreck lay and where the vehicle originally left the road sat a patch of flattened desert grasses and mangled cacti. Closer scrutiny revealed trace amounts of blood. A few feet away from the disturbed flora, i see a trail of footsteps leading away from the site. These are rather unusual tracks; one was apparently made with a work boot, the other is a narrow dragging track, quite indistinct. These tracks continue towards the road, at which point they are lost. Just prior to vanishing on the unyielding pavement, a single well-defined print is visible. This appears to be a narrow, exceedingly long human foot with very distinctive nails that pierce the earth.
About 100 yards away, nearly invisible against the surrounding landscape is a shredded shirt sleeve. It is caught on a cactus and flaps forlornly in the wind. A strip of common khaki cloth. I pocket the strip of cloth for later.
I walk back to Sherrif Lawrence, to gauge his opinion on the matter once again.
“Looks like just another tragic accident to me.” Jack drawls.
I show the sherrif the strip of torn khaki cloth i had found nearby the wreck. “Wind blows all kinds of things across the desert.” Jack shrugs as he lights a fresh cigarette and tilts his hat against the gust.
There are two things that i must now do. 1.) I'm curious about Byers’ personal life, and must stop at his place of residence for a compulsory search. 2.) The most likely course of investigation into the possibility of foul play leads to the lab, located only several miles south of the crash site.
Danny lived in Roswell, in a small single-bedroom home with a well-equipped garage. Searching his place reveals very little. A young bachelor, Danny Byers had plenty of automobile magazines, dirty dishes, and soiled laundry lying about. He did not take his work home; no lab materials besides a few pens and notepads are present in his home. His neighbors all recall a bright, and friendly young lad who spent his free-time working on his hot rod in the garage.
The New Mexico Botanical Research Institute is a small cluster of newly-constructed, whitewashed, cinderblock structures standing forlornly in a barren expanse of desert. The facility consists of a central building, a small storage-shed, and a few well-tended greenhouses and garden plots. The parking lot holds 5 vehicles as i arrive.
As i exit my car i am met by a short mustachioed hispanic man, who seems friendly, that speaks english fluently with only a slight spanish accent. I tell him my profession, and reason for being at the labs. He introduces himself as Ray Ortega. “Danny was a good boy. A very intelligent and hard worker. Him and i spoke alot about cars, it was a shared passion for us, and i loved his hot rod.” Ray expresses.
Ray is a chatty fellow and talks to me for as long as i like, a little bit longer even. Ray was born in Texas and has lived in New Mexico for only a few years. He has no family in the area, but mentions being good friends with a 'Perez’ family. I ask who i should speak to in regards to my investigation and Ray directs me to the main building and tells me to ask for Mike Murdock, the head of security, or Dr. Schmidt. As i begin walking towards the building Ray adds, “Be sure to talk to Lupè. He and Danny were good friends.”
Upon entering the facility i am greeted quite gruffly by Mike Murdock, according to his security badge. A man i recognized as a former deputy, working under Sherrif Lawrence, until he had been discharged from duty. After checking my credentials murdock stepped into a nearby office to announce my presence.
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amandajoyce118 · 6 years
Daredevil Season 3 Easter Eggs And References
I somehow managed to watch the full season in about a week. Probably because I actually had a day off of work in there. These season of Daredevil borrows heavily from two very famous comic book arcs, “Born Again,” and “Guardian Devil.” If you’re familiar with the comics, you probably saw a few things coming. That being said, there aren’t a huge amount of Easter eggs in the season.
As usual, the Easter eggs are broken down by episode so if you want to read as you go without being spoiled for future episodes, you can. This is spoiler-heavy though, so if you’re trying to steer clear and haven’t watched the season yet, look away. I’ll understand.
I didn’t spend a lot of time explaining who people are if they’ve appeared in the show before, maybe just a reminder here and there in case they didn’t make a huge impression on you.
So, onto the Easter eggs!
S3E01 “Resurrection”
Father Lantom
I’m sure we all remember him from earlier seasons, but this is just a reminder of his role in the comics. In the comics, he also provides a place of refuge for Cloak And Dagger as well as the Runaways. Taking in heroes with sad backstories is kind of his thing.
St. Agnes
Again, sure everyone recognizes it, but also just a reminder that on Agents of SHIELD, the orphanage where Daisy Johnson AKA Skye AKA Mary Sue Poots spent her youth was also called St. Agnes. I’d still love a connection.
The Timeline
Despite Matt waking up and seemingly thinking he just made it out of a collapsed building, it’s actually been “several weeks,” which probably puts this happening right around the same time as the events of the most recent season of Luke Cage or Iron Fist. More episodes will likely clear this up.
Sister Maggie
She is a comic book character, plucked from the pages of the “Born Again” story arc. There’s likely a big reveal coming with Sister Maggie, so I won’t spoil that for you. She also features prominently in the “Guardian Devil” story arc.
Ben Donovan
This lawyer certainly gets around. Taking care of Wilson Fisk still even though he was devoting so much time to Mariah Dillard over on Luke Cage.
Fisk And The Wall
After he gets bad news, he stares at the white wall of his prison cell. You’ll remember in season one, he liked “White Rabbit In A Snowstorm” because it helped him think. It’s also how he was forced to deal with his father abusing his mother.
Rymon Cable
The van that has bad guys Matt decides to test himself against? It’s full of clothes even though it has the Rymon Cable logo on it. There’s no comic book connection to Rymon, but Holly S. Rymon is a “production executive” on the series. She’s also worked on Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and The Punisher over the last two years.
S3E02 “Please”
Fisk’s Deal
This deal isn’t unlike ones he’s made in the comics to further his own ends. During “Civil War” he actually passes information about Captain America to Iron Man, which briefly makes him a target for other criminals. He tries to get his stature back by putting a hit out on Spider-Man and his family, which backfires when Spider-Man shows up in prison and beats him to a pulp.
Karen’s Backstory
In the comics, she’s an only child, but she does have darker and darker side stories. She becomes a drug addict and a prostitute at one point, so I’m curious to see how much the writers reveal of her dark backstory here.
Blackout Cripples NY
This headline appears on a new newspaper clipping on the wall in Karen’s Bulletin office. Now, all of the other clippings were there before the office belonged to her, courtesy of Ben Urich. That means this new headline is likely one of her stories. That story is likely in response to the blackouts that happened all over the world in Agents of SHIELD season four when a hate group was making a statement about Inhumans.
Blake Tower
You all remember Blake Tower, right? He’s been showing up on multiple shows, just like Ben Donovan, Claire Temple, and Turk Barrett.
“Hell’s Kitchen is ground zero for vigilantes…”
Foggy’s not wrong. Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage have all been around in the last few years. Iron Fist promised to protect Hell’s Kitchen, but the events of his last season changed things up a bit.
S3E03 “No Good Deed”
Kingpin’s White/Grey/Lavender Penthouse
The color scheme for Wilson Fisk’s room is very reminiscent of his clothing choices in the comics.
The Presidential Hotel
Was it just me who noticed the hotel, combined with the “Lock Fisk up,” the fake news comments, and the fact that the owner was convicted of fraud? I think those are a lot of real world shoutouts right there, and I appreciate every single one of them.
Fisk’s White Suit
Matt might be hallucinating Fisk, but this is Kingpin’s comic book look. It’s perfect.
I couldn’t make out the second name of the electrical/plumbing company Matt sneaks into the hotel with, but the first in the logo is definitely Millar. Frank Miller is typically the name associated with Daredevil, but I feel like Millar is a shoutout to comic book creator Mark Millar. He’s better known for the Kick-Ass franchise and his work for DC, but he’s also written on some X-Men books, some Fantastic Four, and some Spider-Man, as well as the “Civil War” arc.
Vanessa Hiding In Spain
Vanessa frequently has to hide out in the comics to escape the wrath of Wilson’s enemies. Spain isn’t usually a big spot for her, but Wilson lived there for about a year in the comics before Lady Bullseye caught up with him and sent a bunch of Hand ninjas after him.
Agent Poindexter
He seems to like the nickname Dex and he has a great skillset - never missing his mark. Benjamin Poindexter is the main alias of a villain named Bullseye in the comics, and I don’t think that’s spoiling anything for you since casting rumors and trailers should have done that already. He’s probably Daredevil’s biggest enemy, not Kingpin. So, that’s going to be fun to watch develop.
Matt’s Clothes
Not his vigilante ensemble, which is a callback to him first starting out in season one. His walking around clothes. It looks a lot like how Stick used to dress when he was in New York, huh? Guess Matt is taking cues from his former sensei.
Matt Picking Foggy’s Pocket
Okay, so I realize this is just a means to an end for Matt, but I like to think of it as another connection between Matt and Daisy. Both orphans at St. Agnes (possibly the same one), both steal the ID of someone who meets with them in order to get more info. (In Daisy AKA Skye’s case, it was Mike Peterson in the Agents of SHIELD pilot.)
S3E04 “Blindsided”
District Attorney Foggy Nelson
Foggy was District Attorney of New York City for a while in the comics. He also became Chief of Staff for the mayor for a while too.
The Prison Fight Sequence
Less an Easter egg and more a reminder that Daredevil is known for doing a spectacular single take fight sequence every season. This one, where the cameraman literally just followed Charlie Cox from room to room lasted nearly a crazy 15 minutes. No cuts. That’s impressive.
“We were just being friendly.”
And Karen pulls a gun on some guys up to no good. I feel like she and Jessica Jones need to hang out more. They could just intimidate skeevey guys in alleys for laughs.
Trucks Full Of Chemicals
The FBI agent’s story about her dad hauling chemicals, I think, made a nice nod to the fact that both Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones got their abilities from trucks full of chemicals hitting them in the comics.
Felix Manning
“Felix” has been the name of the person in charge of Vanessa’s location, so I’m going to wager they’re one in the same. He also appears in a whopping two comic books - Daredevil issues 230 and 231. He wanted Melvin Potter, who appeared early in the Netflix series, to make him a duplicate of the Daredevil costume. He was actually killed by a Daredevil imposter. Foreshadowing? We’ll see.
A Taxi To The Water
A version of this happened in “Born Again.” It didn’t get rid of Matt, but it did make him a little more loopy.
S3E05 “The Perfect Game”
Fisk Giving Matt’s Name
There is a story in the comics where Fisk implicates Matt as a vigilante and gets him arrested. The FBI, however, decides not to take the deal with him, and they put Fisk in prison for numerous crimes as well. This clearly isn’t playing out exactly the same way, but, when Matt and Fisk try to break out of prison during a riot, it’s Bullseye who has to save them. I can’t help but wonder if there was a little inspiration there.
Felix Threatens Karen
Again, a little hint of her backstory here. In the comics, she’s also from the New England area. Her father, Paxton Page, who gets namechecked in the threat, actually became a villain named Death’s Head in the comics.
Baseball And Bullseye
Cute that little Dex has a bullseye on his baseball cap in his childhood. Funnily enough, comic book villain Bullseye claims to have attempted to become a major league baseball player, but he got bored pitching a no hitter and threw the ball at the final hitter to kill him in a minor league game. Killing his coach when he pulls him from the game is a bit of a twist on that.
S3E06 “The Devil You Know”
Matt Doesn’t Take Karen’s Coffee
Luke Cage’s “coffee” has ruined he drink for everyone. Karen offering Matt a cup when he comes to her for help, and Matt refusing could be a sign that anything romantic between them is officially over. Or it means nothing. Who knows?
Karen Is Way Too Comfortable In A Drug Den
Karen is around drugs a lot this season. A lot. And it all seems to give a nod to her comic book story, but I feel like we’re inching toward more of her family backstory with just how comfortable she is buying drugs and making her way around other addicts.
“Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll lock me up next to Fisk.”
This did actually happen in the comics, as I’ve mentioned before. It’s a nice nod.
Felix Manning Getting Dex The Suit
Likewise, I also mentioned Felix being the one to get a copy of a Daredevil suit in the comics. Looks like his appearance was some foreshadowing after all.
Dex As Daredevil
Bullseye has actually dressed up as Daredevil in the comics as well. He’s not the only one. So has Foggy.
Karen Between Bullseye And A Victim
If Karen stepping between Dex and the witness gave you pause, it’s probably because you know how she loses her life in the comics. She gets between Bullseye and Matt in a fight, taking a lethal blow to save Matt’s life. This imagery is not going to be fun for Karen fans.
Side note: I’ve never really been a Karen Page fan because the comics put her firmly in the slot of victim. She never really outgrows that no matter who writes for her. But I love her this season. Maybe it’s because we got to see more of Karen being Karen than of trying to fill someone else’s shoes.
S3E07 “Aftermath”
The Hidden Room
Kingpin officially has a supervillain lair. Less of an Easter egg here and more of it being about time.
All of the news networks Fisk sees the Bulletin carnage on exist within the MCU already. WJPB is the news station most often seen in Luke Cage. WNEX is the station that aired Trish Talk. WHiH is the one most often seen in the movies. You get the idea.
Melvin Potter
AKA Gladiator in the comics is something of a gentle giant. He kind of fell into a life of crime, which is largely what Daredevil has done with him in the show as well. The shirt he’s wearing when Matt confronts him is a nod to his comic book costume. So are the saw blades. His girlfriend Betsy was, I believe, a social worker in the comics, not a parole officer. (BTW, the comic that features Matt, Fisk, and Bullseye breaking out of prison during a riot? Melvin’s in prison at the same time as well. Matt advises him to stay in his cell so he doesn’t get hurt.)
S3E08 “Upstairs/Downstairs”
As Karen nears the front door of her apartment, there’s a piece of paper from a legal pad that says “KEYS.” I love that she’s so focused on her work that she has likely forgotten to take her keys with her enough that it warrants a giant reminder.
Fisk’s Plan
His plan, of putting himself in charge of the criminal groups, is essentially what he wanted in season 2 as well when he gave Frank Castle a means to escape prison.
The Maggia
This is the first time the Italian-American version of the mafia has been mentioned in the present day in the MCU. I say present day because it did have its fingers in Agent Carter season two. In the comics, the Maggia gets the ire of quite a few heroes and antiheroes, but most often, the Punisher.
Sister Maggie
Unless you never read anything related to Daredevil at all, you were probably spoiled at some point that Sister Maggie was really Matt’s mom. People started speculating about the reveal being imminent as soon as there was a “get Maggie” at the end of The Defenders. In the comics, the reveal is a little different as Matt already suspected she was his mother before he found out for sure.
Apartment 131
Dex lives in apartment 131. What comic book did Bullseye make his debut in? Daredevil #131.
S3E09 “Revelations”
Wilson Fisk finally officially gets his codename. I like that we’re back to the season one idea of his lackeys not wanting to name him because someone is always watching/listening.
Karen’s Running
In the comics, Karen basically runs whenever things get hard. I’m kind of surprised she stuck things out this long on the show.
Rosalie Carbone
The woman we see Nadeem take in was last spotted in season two of Luke Cage making a play for Harlem. She’s the one with the Maggia connection. The other names we get are Hammond and Star. The only Hammond I know of in Marvel Comics was the original Human Torch. I’ve got nothing for Star, but the other names could have been picked at random. I don’t recognize the other two people at the table either.
S3E10 “Karen”
Karen Selling Drugs
At least this explains why she’s so comfortable in drug dens. I like that this gives us a nod to her comic book tragedy, but here she’s the seller instead of the addict.
Fagan Corners, Vermont
This is where Karen’s from in the comics as well. The name of the fictional town is an homage to Tom Rutland. Rutland organized an annual Halloween parade in Vermont themed around superheroes. He was actually written into Avengers comics in the 1970s.
Penny’s Place
Named for Karen’s mom in the comics, Penelope.
“... two lines away from doing blow jobs on the street for heroin…”
Maybe this isn’t true on the Netflix show, but yes, this happened in the comics.
Bullseye And Daredevil In The Church
Their in-church fight actually happened in the comics when Matt and Karen were hiding a baby in the church. The big difference here is that when Bullseye aimed a fatal blow at Daredevil with his own billy club, Karen got between them and died from her injury. Father Lantom takes the hit for Karen here.
S3E11 “Reunion”
Custos Diaboli
This is inscribed above the gate to get to the basement where Matt and Karen hide out. From the Latin, in translates to Guardian Devil, one of the comic book arcs the series draws from.
These are two of the networks I could make out on the mics in front of Fisk when he has a press conference outside of the hotel. KTTA is a television station from the comics that frequently reported on the Thunderbolts. ZCN already exists in the Netflix universe. They offered Trish Walker a job in the second season of Jessica Jones.
Nelson & Murdock: Attorneys At Law
Leave it to Foggy to formally name them as they were named in the comics (and the first season of the show).
Side note: I love the Holocaust survivor standing up to Fisk and refusing to give him her family’s painting. It very much reminds me of the scene in The Avengers when Loki demands everyone kneel, but one man reminds the crowd, “there are always men like you,” and refuses. It’s a great reminder that so many comic book creators, during an era when comics flourished, were Jewish, and their relatives were being persecuted and killed half a world away.
S3E12 “One Last Shot”
Vanessa Embracing The Kingpin
Not a lot of Easter eggs in this episode that I noticed, but I thought it was important to point out that in the normal timeline of the comics, Vanessa isn’t a part of Wilson’s criminal undertakings. In alternate timelines though, she’s the Kingpin herself. Her embracing his work and wanting to be a part of it feels like the writers are trying to find some middle ground there.
Side note: Some fans pointed out on twitter that the Morales vs Parker poster in Fogwell’s Gym is a nod to the Spider-Man characters of Marvel Comics. I find that unlikely only because there are plenty of boxers who have shared those names. It’s more likely a coincidence, especially since most of the names in previous seasons were nod to production team members and writers.
S3E13 “A New Napkin”
The Rose
Interesting that Vanessa specifies Fisk should pick the rose. Why? In the comics, Fisk’s son Richard became a vigilante who used the name the Rose. In fact, he wanted to overthrow his father at one point. His mother was the one who killed him. Will Vanessa become the Rose instead? It would be a nice touch.
The Crystals Bounce Off Fisk’s Suit Jacket
In the comics, Fisk actually wears kevlar under his suits to prevent any of his enemies from surprising him with bullets or knives. In the first season, his body armor that he was wearing were designed by Melvin Potter and he wore them under his suits. It seems he might have gotten an upgrade as everything just bounces off of it instead of tearing it, and he gives his jacket to Vanessa to prevent her being hit by anything.
Karen’s More Stable Than Jessica Jones
There are probably a lot of people more stable than Jessica Jones, Matt, jeez. That doesn’t mean she’s not a great detective.
Dex’s Injury And Cognium
In the comics, Bullseye did some time paralyzed. Of course, like all comic book characters, it didn’t last forever. Something else Dex had in the comics? A spine laced with adamantium. Yep, the same stuff on Wolverine’s bones. It’s what made him so indestructible. The MCU probably can’t use it since it’s reserved for the X-Men movies. At least not until everything about the Disney-FOX deal is official.
Dr. Oyama
This doc goes by another name in the comics. Kenji Oyama is Lord Dark Wind. This is the comic book doctor who found a way to make adamantium bond to bone. Wolverine and Bullseye have him to think for their bone structure.
Dex’s Eye
That final shot of Dex’s eye makes what we’ve all been waiting for clear. Dex is definitely officially Bullseye now.
Side note: The milk crates in the freezer with the bodies that have ice all over them? Must have been there for years. I’ve got milk crates used to store product in my freezer at work, and they never build up frost. And our freezer is kept far below zero. Also? I love how much Rosalie Carbone appreciates theatrics. And how Vanessa just wanders around in the background after Fisk repeatedly tells her to leave while there’s a huge fight going on. That’s all.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Big plans for Murdock Village, Charlotte Harbor | News | yoursun.com
I have learned something about these people is there idiots living a lot of people mad they're very little reason and they don't try and fix it and they're getting a lot of fights and get beat up a lot it's rather easy to get rid of them if you want to. It says it all the time you're a rich person getting in a fight with a poor person are you stupid and they don't get it and hardly understand what you're saying happens all over the place and they always lose this s***** people now trash Mike is a good example smokes around the house being a dumb a****** ruins his facilities and ruins his people expects something that is a mental patient.
If people are ridiculous we went down there last night we put our equipment in a bunch of showed up with guns too started hollering yelling and screaming so he shot you and they're gone so what came out we shot them it's only about a hundred people that came out and then all dead and gone. No waves. Only two and they're all completely missing and we hold them off when she starts grading the evidence is gone
I don't hear any police sirens or anything what they're doing is illegal but we're pretty sure the house or attached to it and other people who are Coulter so we're going to prep for that s*** we're going to get rid of you no matter who you are you can get your reveals from straws not the case you don't have to eat anymore he'll be going to be in a vase.
You started off slide out it's light out so we're starting up our machines and we're working no houses out there. I was sick of you people you say we don't have to recognize any ordinances and a whole bunch of drive by and saying stupid things all day so I'm going to pick off anybody who's saying something stupid the ones we're looking for so tired of you people you're a bunch of assholes r mean and you're stupid and they're annoying. It's one thing I can't stand too so what you're saying and doing to him you get so pissed off it's not even funny but so do we she's going to come in there and pick on you and once in awhile to see if you get it at night I'm going to come in and pick on you so you can't sleep so you keep waking up in the middle of the night. It says it very clearly to us if you're not using gear and you're not looking for us and you don't have stuff to replace with but you mostly don't we're going to come in there and do what we want to you.
Well we found is you're not really defending yourselves you're saying you are and the Yeager don't ever show up and your jets are not doing the job either if they were they probably couldn't get here so wondering what you're talking about all the time in the ball says you're the balls that. You find out you have nothing behind it so you're going to come in there and do what we want to we're doing it now I'm so sick of hearing from you you're bothering him for no reason at all you don't even get stuff what you have you lose and you're losing territory by doing it and you just don't seem to care what we do we want him out of there.
Thor Freya
Who put in 50,000 more restaurants for a total of $300,000 restaurants here and we're closing down tons of yours actually ripping them out if they refuse to go tired of hearing from people are so stupid they want to eat their own s*** I'm sick of you people the fiasco with Tijuana flats is like this sometimes the bread stinks it stinks because of what's in it and sometimes your hands are very clean in this case it was the bread cuz he watched the guy putting the gloves on and sound washed his hands and we know the gloves are new. I figured out that you don't believe us you satanists and we went in and grabbed the gloves to check and his clothes are fine I took yours too. They're fine and then over your stuff you people complaining that it wasn't dirty and you made a mess in the kitchen last night Joe your hands weren't really that clean so I made you clean it up and had to clean everything and all sorts of people say doing it couldn't figure it out but you wanted to sort of then we went ahead and decided to check his stuff on Sean and he was unclean too so we have to clean up his stuff using him and I cleaned everything so you cantamjnated again so we went in there and hit him it happens every night. And we're going to change this roster to see people are pest the Mac Max are horrible people such a jerks.
Last night I'm Mac won the tournament again and there are several of his boys there and they lost
At one point he was barely winning and the weren't getting up on him but he wasn't doing well he was trying to call here and he forgot to and he did better he started to think of something it's kind of a fool who does that looks over and saw the idiot so just trying to do that you remembered something that you're not the one to call if you want to win something for sure so it caused one of us and he has this new stuff and start cleaning the stuff out that's how it went so the next casino is opening shortly and we have the funding and we have the place it's in Miami and they gambled to own part of it and they won the same guy.
They're off to other places yes we are because we're going to build a new casino and it's a new location and this first casino finishes up today I'm bringing the buildings in and we're going to move them over there by air yes and during the day but from the glades so people won't see them coming in there's a whole bunch of people who want to go gambling there they were kind of interested to see because they're a ton of people who say it a lot of people in Miami want to go to a real casino they're tired of this little one room places that are nasty and set up against them and it's not a people in there to win $5 and they're no fun either no shows Miami is kind of blase these days it doesn't have the stuff in it that our son was saying don't have any shows the condo places so just condos only it's kind of weird so it's starting to move in stores and shops and they're kind of getting interested again and having a good time and he says it should open a big Warehouse party I've got to do it so it's they can say it's my place as well so looking at that and we can have rules and we can make it since I dance floors and stuff and fix it up a little put things in it that's just an open space but he says you start out with an open space and people get the idea so we're going to try and see what happens kind of makes sense people spend so much money on booze our place to sell it cheap enough this might put people out of business down there and it will take them over and God thinks about it says it's a good idea we'll try it I'm going to have picnic tables at least so I put in some seating and pick the tables and somebody else like that start thinking about it I have a huge floor hockey games or even rollerblade hockey amateur rollerblade I have to put in the actual barriers some people that suit up that's just the tops but that's kind of a hefty game so thinking about more team games people can play and line dancing and other stuff I was trying to figure out what we're saying we could have break dancing contests and the place he was pretty huge but she has the first party tonight
Innocent restrictions on people here you s don't like it you're going to get hurt.
The solar flares going to hit at 9:00 a.m. it's going to take out tons of your satellites the third blast at 4:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. today probably ruin your ISS hopefully they'll send her up get this crap going and starting to suck really bad you idiots are morons here I'm going to straighten you out for yesterday
Thor Freya
We have more restaurants going in than I thought I could ever handle a lot of them are full service and full size and then seat 30 plus people each many of them sit 100 and we put in about 500 and sit about a thousand or more those are huge Chinese food restaurants huge and he's been in one it is a fun experience and go back he said it's a great time and he likes it because of big country got lost cuz when you go out to eat you're kind of the focal point a little but what is that big you can just go in and enjoy the food and you have to worry about people bothering you know something he likes to do that like a regular person and we have chairs reserved for him is waiting to go right now ask her where it is she saying I don't know I said well you got to sit right there she's laughing so how's that going to happen I'm going to look like you're a Japanese grandma this is not a bad idea so she's not smiling now but I'll get confused supposed to look like Jim or Martha not Jim Jen and you can go there and need to take care of his ass after I could be this wimpy guy so she's smiling now she had it close it's not close at all it kind of a weirdo to stop talking okay that's better the ground rules are I'm going to kick ass no matter what's happening these people suck so bad it's fun because I know the Chinese place I don't think I'm from there and look at their associated to them Hera says not like we need more heat. It's a huge deal if tons of people coming up to our place and looking at it I want to go eat there later so might do that have a little breakfast area and a big places cuz I have all this weird breakfast things Chinese eat that's us he didn't say it's a little strange looks like a Chinese donut everyone likes so one guy is honking cuz he says waiting and we're bringing out some samples and he's going wow that's not bad because is there a place to park I said yes and so he's parking and we're going to serve him breakfast you just serve breakfast at some Chinese food places I'm going to start doing that it's not a bad idea capture the market
We are going to work now I guess
Uriel and Goddess Wife
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briefcasejuice · 1 year
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these go on the mike murdock!daredevil suit btw
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daresplaining · 4 years
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[ID: Excerpt from Zdarsky’s Daredevil run. Jack Murdock is boxing with late teens/young adult-ish Mike Murdock in a boxing ring in an empty gym. Both are wearing boxing gloves and drab, baggy clothing. Jack punches Mike in the side.] 
Jack: “Elbows in! This is your life, Mike! How’s it feel?! Lesson two is tomorrow. Now go hit the showers! You stink of booze and sweat and you know Matt--”
[ID: Mike punches Jack in the head, then walks away while un-velcroing his own boxing gloves with his teeth.]
Mike: “I’m not Matt! I never was! But at least I don’t take punches and falls for a living!”
Jack: “That’s not--”
[ID: Mike pokes Jack in the chest with his finger.]
Mike: “No more lies, Dad! You take falls for mobsters! You rough people up for them too! And you lied to Matt and me about our mom!”
Jack: “Son, I--”
Mike: “I may not be my law school brother-- but I sure as #$@% ain’t you! I’m not Matt, I’m not Battlin’ Jack, I’m just--”
Daredevil vol. 6 Annual #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Chris Mooneyham, Rachelle Rosenberg, et al.
    I’m not even sure where to begin analyzing this issue, because there’s so much going on and so much to pick apart, but this seems like as good a place as any because this scene wrecked me (in a good way).
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, and I think it’s extra important to say it now, given everything that’s happened: my fascination with Mike comes from a fascination with Matt. It was true when Matt was play-acting as his fake twin brother, and it’s still true now that Mike is real and has begun separating himself out from Matt and asserting his own personhood; that overlap, the way in which Mike reflects and comments on Matt’s life and experiences, is key to his character. In this issue, via Mike’s memories, we are given a brand-new perspective on Matt’s childhood. We don’t get that very often, and it’s part of what makes this issue, and the concept of Real Boy Mike himself, so compelling. 
    One of the recurring concepts in this issue is the idea of Mike as an outside observer-- someone who sees what Matt does not (I mean... well, you know what I mean). Mike lives Matt’s childhood alongside him, but his experience of it is very different, and is largely characterized by losses of innocence. Mike beats up the kids who make fun of Matt, even after he’s been told not to. Mike loves his father, but does not idolize him to the degree that Matt does, which leads him to recognize Jack’s human flaws. Mike secretly observes Maggie visiting Matt in the hospital, thus discovering that their mother is alive years before Matt does (I’m going to write a separate post about that, because holy moley.) Mike provides us with a new experience of familiar events and characters. We see Matt as he sees him: the smart goody-two-shoes to whom Mike, with all his cynicism and rascally-ness, cannot measure up. And we see a Jack who is suddenly confronted about things that Matt never discussed with him, embroiled in a new relationship dynamic with a troubled, angry son who did not exist before. In this issue, Zdarsky has chosen to lean into the concept of Mike invading a pre-existing space and bringing with him a new perspective on it and on the characters who already inhabit that space, and I love that. 
    What makes this even more fun is thinking about what Mike doesn’t know. Yes, Mike notices important things that his brother misses, but at the end of the day, we as Daredevil fans know what “good-two-shoes” Matt Murdock is actually up to throughout all of this, and for all of Mike’s awareness of the world around him, these flashbacks suggest that he has no idea how much stuff his twin is hiding. (Whether this is actually the case is a tantalizing question that could potentially be explored later...). We’re accustomed to being in Matt’s head, and so it’s fun to watch his childhood from someone else’s point-of-view; to see his secret-keeping in full operation, from the perspective of someone who seemingly doesn’t have a clue. It’s not something that’s directly pointed out in the narrative (it’s actually easy to not think about Matt at all in this issue), but it’s a fun aspect of the story, and there are a few little details stuck in to remind us that this is still Matt’s superhero origin. One is how freaking buff Matt is compared to Mike in the later flashbacks (more on that in a future post), and another is Jack’s great comment in this scene about how Matt won’t like that Mike smells bad. This ties into another of my favorite pet DD ideas: that people who spend a lot of time with Matt know about his powers, even if they don’t actually know about them. We see this a bit with Foggy: in the years before he learned about Matt’s double life, he would sometimes comment on weird things Matt would do, but without actually thinking about them too hard because he was so used to it. And it would make sense for the same to be true of Jack and, now, Mike. Obviously, “Matt is sensitive to smells” isn’t a direct awareness that Matt has superpowers, but it provides us a glimpse of the ways Matt’s powers manifest in his daily life in spite of his secret-keeping. 
    And finally...
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[ID: The same panel from above, showing Mike angrily undoing his boxing glove with his teeth.]
Mike: “I’m not Matt! I never was!”
    It’s a small, silly thing, and it’s something that Mike would logically say in this scene, etc. but I love it. It’s thematic. It’s satisfying. It’s basically the tagline for the "Real Boy” Mike story arc, and it’s fun to have him say it-- not only the “I’m not Matt”, but the “I never was” which is really what this issue is all about. It drives home the wild, mindblowing thing has been done here: Mike, who was Matt, is now really, truly his own person-- and not only that, but he has made it so that maybe (again-- we’re still waiting on confirmation) he has always been his own person. He is not Matt, he is not his father, he is himself. And he has found the power (literally) to claim that autonomy for himself. 
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ucanbeasurvivor · 5 years
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PREDATORS IN THE PULPIT!! I AM DISGUSTED AND APPALLED AS I SEE THESE FALSE PROPHETS, FALSE TEACHERS AND COUNTERFEIT, PHONY PASTORS ON T.V. WHO LOVE THE 'FAME AND FORTUNE' and do not preach the True Word of God but twist and pervert it in order to get people to send them their hard earned dollars while they lust after riches and live luxurious celebrity lifestyles. They use smooth words and promise people miracles and riches only if you send them your 'seed-faith gift'!!!!
1.They prey upon people with their false promises. They appeal to those who are desperate and to many who have itching ears. They do not represent the True God who is holy, in fact they have no understanding of the true character of God and they do not walk in the fear of God. Their 'god' is money, riches and material possessions. Their cravings can never be satisfied.There is no limit to their greed and are disqualified from ministry because a real man of God is not a 'lover of money' but a 'lover of godliness.'
2.Mike Murdock, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Jakes, Copeland, Paula White, Savelle, T. B.Joshua, Hickey, Brian Houston, Osteen and a host of others are 'prosperity pimps' and pervert the Word of God. There are false teachers like this all over the world. Rod Parsley is one of the worst. On his 60th birthday he pleaded with his TV viewers to 'sow a 60.00 prophet seed' into his ministry and promised all a 'prophets reward'!!! What utter nonsense and false teaching. He has promised divine healing if you give 'your money' to him. This is sick, evil and disgusting! Some sell their 'holy water' and 'anointed prayer cloths' and always pushing their books full of false doctrine. They use TV not to preach the Word of God but to teach a false gospel in which they use to fill their bank accounts.
3.2nd Peter 2:3' And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you, whose judgment now of long time lingers not, and their damnation slumbers not.' 2nd Peter 2:14' Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls:a heart they have trained with covetous practice:cursed children.' 1st Tim.6:5' Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such turn away.' These false teachers have corrupt minds and they do not preach the Truth.
4.Rod Parsley told his T.V. viewers to sow a Isaiah 54:17 seed, a 'no weapon formed against you seed'. He says 'right now' send me 54 dollars and 17 cents and God will work a miracle for you!!!!!!! After this they ask you to give 100.00, 300.00 and 1,000.00 USA dollars. If you follow these preachers then you are deceived and gullible or have itching ears. Even lost sinners can see that they are crooks! These men are scam artists of the worst kind. They pervert the holy scripture in order to get your hard earned money and many unstable souls send these crooks their money. The Bible teaches us to not be lazy, to work hard and earn our money while these thieves do not work and deceive you with false promises and steal from you!
5.If what they teach works why don't they get all their money and get their big mailing list and send checks to all who get their magazine so they can get the BIG FINANCIAL BLESSING? Why not give away their millions of USA dollars to those who are poor and destitute and really help them and then lets see if they get their BIG FINANCIAL REWARD. They will not do that because their teaching is heresy and only works if you give to them and enrich their bank accounts while you lose money and get nothing in return. You cannot use God like a 'slot machine' in Las Vegas! He will not be used and answer to puny man. He is a holy God that hates greed and covetousness and you cannot serve God and money at the same time and these prosperity pimps worship money and lust after the things of this world. They are greedy!!!
6.THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL IS NOT BIBLICAL!! BEWARE OF GREED AND COVETOUSNESS! A.Hebrews 13:5 'Let your conduct be without covetousness and be content with such things you have...' B.1st Timothy 6:8-9 'And having food and clothing let us be therefore content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and harmful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.' C.1st Timothy 6:10 ' For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves with many sorrows.' D.Prov.21:26 'He covets greedily all the day long, but the righteous giveth and spareth not.' E.Isaiah 56:11' Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand :they all look to their own way, everyone for his own gain ..' F.Col.3:5 'Mortify [put to death ]...covetousness which is idolatry.' G.Exodus 18:21' Moreover thou shall provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness...' H.Luke 12:15' Take heed and beware of covetousness, for a man's life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.'
Brother David C.Cooke (Share post as the Lord leads you)
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briefcasejuice · 6 months
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shirt mike murdock owns
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briefcasejuice · 11 months
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briefcasejuice · 1 year
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today in 'clothes mike murdock own'
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