#clover lawns
Exploring Caswell Hill
To the residents of this vibrant neighborhood, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation for the incredible work you do in nurturing this unique and established community and preserving the natural beauty of the surroundings. Caswell Hill truly stands out as a haven of greenery and connection to nature, thanks in large part to your dedication and efforts.One of the jewels of our neighborhood…
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
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guineapiggies · 3 months
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Via oups_le_chon
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bleaksqueak · 1 month
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Made a new yard pot since the ivy outside was blooming. Will probably grab the coffin planter thats currently under this one and do something new with it. I was keeping pennywort in it but one of the bad babies ate it all (animals are generally forbidden from my work desk, but they sneak on sometimes… that’s why all the toxic plants are high display only)… so it’s just sitting there empty.
Yard pots are fun tho, and look quite nice.
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dragoncuspid · 1 month
Ppl who feel the need to trim their lawns and give it the military cut every week are so annoying. Like bro what’s the big deal. You think ur a tough guy but ur so scared of some long grass touching your legs or some little dandelions? Grow up.
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iwontloveaghost · 2 months
went outside today
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urbansoulfarmer · 4 months
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I’m restoring a backyard that needs some love. I decided to fill in the bare areas with 3 types of clover instead of grass. I’ve been spreading seeds between the rain.
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when i watch other people garden i’m like wow what a nice normal hobby. it’s an art and a science. very cool, very impressive. but when i garden it’s like a gremlin activity. i’m just this fucking gremlin covered in dirt, digging and moving the plants around in my backyard in some sort of chaotic ritual, muttering about soil.
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Exploring Caswell Hill
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guineapiggies · 1 year
Via goobertheguineapig
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frozenhi-chews · 25 days
Thinking about the only "anon hate" I got was someone coming in and saying "straight girl." Like. Okay, yes, I'm a girl who likes men. Just im also asexual. So it's like saying that a lawn was green. Like no duh, you thought I was gonna be upset about that?
I've gotten some other things since then, but it dealt with other stuff. Not necessarily hate on ME personally. So yeah, fun times!!
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oneleggedflamingo · 11 months
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The notebooks I'm writing my story into.
- Vivera Rossi
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learnwithmearticles · 2 months
Lawns and Variation
Lawns most often consist of grasses and clover kept short by mowing. For decades in the United States of America, they were an important aspect of conformity. To this day, lawn maintenance is a key focus of many Homeowner Associations (HOAs). Through media and HOA policies, lawns grown out of control are associated with neglected land and poverty.
A short, well-kept lawn can be very aesthetically pleasing. It also reduces concerns about ticks and other pests. Maintaining one through regular mowing can provide homeowners a reason to spend time outside, and be part of important routines that help people keep their lives on track. Additionally, a short lawn is ideal for outside activities for pets, children, and adults. Of course, not maintaining one’s lawn can also lead to fines if part of an HOA.
The negatives of monoculture lawns, however, far outweigh the potential benefits.
The Negatives
Reducing biodiversity is the best-known way in which typical lawns cause damage. Persistent mowing keeps many species of plants from succeeding. Low biodiversity directly contributes to low ecosystem resilience1. For example, when a pest or fungus comes along that wipes out one type of plant, an entire field or dozens of fields will be wiped out because they are all the same plant. That leaves the land susceptible to erosion, flooding, and desertification (i.e arid land).
Low biodiversity means worse conditions for other forms of life, as well. Regular mowing to keep the grass short and uniform also keeps different floral plants from growing, thus reducing resources for pollinators1.
Persistent mowing also acts as an unnecessary addition to greenhouse gas production. Gas-powered lawn equipment contributes significantly to CO2, NOx, and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions3. The amount of carbon equivalent pollution from lawn mowing and fertilizer use more than negates the benefit of carbon sequestration (CO2 kept out of the atmosphere) in grass yards2.
For many, yard maintenance also involves fertilizer and pesticide use. Fertilizer use contaminates waterways, primarily through rainfall, and causes algal blooms and decreased oxygenation in waterways. Pesticides can also pollute waterways. In fact, a majority of applied pesticides end up in soil, water, and air, and end up entering the food chain where they negatively affect a wide range of animals, including humans5. Pesticide contamination in humans has been linked to conditions like cancers, neurological issues, obesity, and neurological issues, to name a few5.
Lastly, lawns can need excessive amounts of water. On average, about 9 billion gallons of water goes to watering lawns in the U.S.A. every day6. This is made worse by poor watering practices, causing much of that water to be lost to evaporation and runoff. Water is considered a renewable resource, but that is contingent on proper maintenance and management.
Grass lawns around the world consume an abundance of resources and toxic materials to maintain. Maintaining a grass lawn is ecologically harmful because of pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum pollution, low biodiversity, erosion, and water use.
Cultivating native flora instead nullifies the need for these measures. Native plants are physiologically adapted to the local climate and conditions, and thus need less, if any, watering7. They are less likely to need pesticides or fertilizers, and their deeper root systems decrease soil erosion8. The reduced use of lawn equipment vastly improves air quality, and provides a much more interesting view than a monoculture yard8.
Transitioning a lawn from short, uniform grasses into a more biodiverse, environmentally healthy yard can be very difficult, and potentially impossible for some people. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, though. Fostering the growth of clovers instead of grasses, for example, can be a good step for your soil.
Clovers include about 300 species with native varieties in many parts of the world, including Europe, central Asia, North America, and Africa. Clovers generally need minimal maintenance and, if allowed to flower, provide valuable resources for native pollinators9. Clover is also esteemed for its nitrogen-fixing properties. Like many legumes, clover species pull nitrogen from the atmosphere and increase nitrogen availability in soil10.
Converting grass lawns into areas for various native flora has many benefits for the environment and the land-owner, who can enjoy beautiful flowers and bushes while improving air and water quality. While a clover lawn is not as beneficial in these aspects, they can still be an important way for people to start improving their lawn. Fortunately, many more websites now exist to guide land-owners in cultivating native plants. There is always something you can do to help.
Additional Resources
1. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/1365-2664.13542
2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00267-012-9967-6
3. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-09/documents/banks.pdf
4. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/kaufmana/downloads/Kaufman%20Lawn.pdf 
5. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40726-018-0092-x
6. https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/www3/watersense/pubs/outdoor.html
8. https://archive.epa.gov/greenacres/web/html/index.html#
9. https://www.oneearth.org/the-various-advantages-of-clover/
10. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/its2.19
11. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1618866715000436
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urbansoulfarmer · 3 months
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Before and after pictures. I planted 3 types of clover seeds to fill the dirt areas. It actually blends well with the grass after a mow.
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BPD culture is feeling like violets are growing from your knees, like clovers are sprouting in your lungs, like dandelions are blooming around your nails. i want to be pretty, and nice, and smart and kind and funny and thoughtful and worthwhile and enough! but i’m just a weed!
i’m just a weed
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undeadlobster · 10 months
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