#clown answers asks
cl0wnc4rzz · 5 months
hi hi do you like crenny perchance? WAIT HAVE YOU DRAWN CRAIG BEFORE OR!!!!!!!!!! anyway your art is beautiful thank you for blessing the world
i love crenny!! and i have i think? i don't draw him nearly enough... here's an old vampire crenny just for u :)
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cemetarial · 1 year
aw whyre u scared to talk to me?? i love talking to my mutuals, ur all so cool!!!
also i think i followed u the same day u followed me, hehe
have a cat pic that i found off google like months ago :)
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gokuisahimbo · 1 month
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And it felt like meeting the whole world.
Alt version, combined the layers!
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dreammeiser · 4 months
Kaloo, Kalay! Earl Conversational Sprites hastily put together for his Birthday Ask Session, which was on June 1st! Thank you to everyone that wished him a happy birthday and visited with him on his special day <:o)
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lil-lemon-snails · 4 months
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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lizaisdrawing · 5 months
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 7 months
The clowns are coming back
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ubtendo · 1 month
LET THEM KISS!!!! - briggsy and torbek ship enjoyer
You speak the truth
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(I've only saved the most ridiculous couple photos on pinterest cause I can't take them serious)
(This was actually my first time drawing Chuckles and I used his Stardust Rhapsody reference and I never noticed that he actually looks kind of cute there?? Like?? His eyelashes? Anyway ref below)
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the-magnusinstitute · 5 months
Hello! Would You Please Inform Your Archivist To Please Start Sleeping More? A Lack Of Sleep Is Very Bad For Your Skin! Skin Is important! It Is A Good Idea For Archivists To Maintain Proper Skin Care! As Well, Inform Him He Should Not Lock The Doors To His Abode, As it Is Very Rude!
How ominous!!! We can certainly show Jon this ask but he probably won’t take it well, especially coming from an anonymous clown on the internet!
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tethered-heartstrings · 4 months
Do you think Hannibal was in love with Alana and Bedelia the same way he was in love with Will? Or how do you see their relationship with Hannibal compared to Hannibal's intense love relationship with Will?
I think Hannibal cared about Alana and Bedelia when it suited him. He did care and possibly love them, but it wasn't that deep. He wasn't in love with them. They were pawns just like everyone else. They only knew the things about him they let them see and he made sure it was superficial at best. He shared more about himself with Bedelia than with Alana but it still wasn't all that much. It was vague, enough to keep her interested. She was only there because Hannibal intrigued her, like a bug under a magnifying glass, definitely not because she loved him or really even liked or trusted him. If they could ever accept who he truly was, then maybe it'd be different, but they couldn't (and wouldn't).
Will, on the other hand, he was in love with. Will saw deeper into who Hannibal was, down to the very core of him. And he understood it, and by the end he accepted it. From the very beginning, Will dissected him without knowing who the Chesapeake Ripper even was. But he still understood. How could someone already know more about him without even putting a face to a name as Will had done, and so effortlessly?
Hannibal looked Will in the eyes and said "I let you know me, see me. And you didn't want it." He had never let anyone know him so deeply. It was heartbreaking because not only did Will see it, he understood it, and pulled back. To be rejected is one thing, but to lay yourself bare and then be shot down is a pain Hannibal had never felt. A pain one can only feel if they really loved someone. We are hurt most by the people we love and let ourselves be vulnerable with. And then he held him as he gutted him, and kept holding on. That was a raw intimacy not granted to anyone else. Even when Will rejected him, Hannibal waited. and waited. and waited. He was patient. He'd never grant anyone else his freedom or his time like he has for Will, because he truly loved Will.
By the end, Will loved him back, and with that love, Hannibal let Will pull them both off a cliff. No one else would have the pleasure and chance of killing him so easily except for Will. To die by his hands, in his arms, was a reciprocation of love and confession all its own.
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"Eddie, what did you do to this thing? It's traumatised."
"I'm traumatised! It's got no business havin' that many legs!"
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cl0wnc4rzz · 6 months
Hello! I hope you have been doing well! I love your art sm 🥺💖 I saw you were asking for drawing prompts for Stenny and I was wondering if you could do a costume swap? Either their SOT or TFBW (or anything else!), I just think they’d be goofing together while wearing each other’s clothes 😂 I hope you have a wonderful week! 💕
oh my goodness i'm so late to this ack!! thank you so much!! i did do a request similar to this for sot over on twitter a while back!!
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cemetarial · 10 months
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DOG IN THE ASK BOX!!!!! in return i give you
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an image of my cat
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buggachat · 2 years
curious. how much did you spend on those pointless blue checkmarks? like actually
personally? $16. but then my friends paypaled me enough for the rest as a prank, because true friends buy each other clown makeup
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Ooh either spin the bottle or two truths and a lie for Cross Guild?
Oooooh I wanna Mix Those, thanks nonny ♡♡♡
Spin the Bottle + 2 Truths 1 Lie
Nobody was quit certain how the situation had come to this, but it was undeniable now. Mihawk nursed his glass of wine, empty bottles at his hip as he lounged not unlike a panther across the lounge, sleep pants hung low and shirt unorthodoxically cut to show more skin than it perhaps should. Golden eyes cut to his equally dressed down compatriots.
Crocodile was taking the full couch with a mildly annoyed tinge to his brow, hair still slicked back perfectly despite the loungewear he himself had donned for this exchange. The man proved his commitment to his tastes even in his pajamas, it seemed, with the rich deep emerald silk of his pants offset against the nearly skin tight black tank top. It would have shown far more skin than he'd ever exposed before had it not been for the unbuttoned mate to his pants left to take place of his coat, though his arms filled the sleeves here.
Across from him, kneeling on the rug was the very one who'd proposed this meet up in the first place. Cerulean locks were held fast in a neat french braid, the tail trailing well past his shoulders to brush his hips. Sans makeup, it turned out that the clown's lips were either stained from his lip tint or simply far more florid than most, only his nose more red, and both bowing out to the pigment of his eyes and full lashes. As if the rare sight of a bare face were not enough, the other man had opted for a set of pajamas seemingly intended for women more than men by the cut of the shorts and thin straps of his top. The bottoms were plaid in a mix of neons over a midnight base color, either black or a highly pigmented blue or purple, while the top seemed perhaps a size or two too large with one strap continuously slipping along his bicep. The shirt was, at the very least, more modest in cuts than Mihawk's own, though the bright orange toed the line between tasteful and garish against such pale, surprisingly scarred and freckled skin and his oceanic hair.
The two ghost caricatures over the slight swell of his breasts with the inappropriate pun curling below may have been over kill, the swordsman mused.
Crocodile moved, earning his attention back as the man flicked the sideways bottle on the table. It spun and spun, a clear noise that tickled his ears brightly. Sharp eyes traced the movements, as it slowed and crept to a stop - the opening moreso angle to Buggy this time.
The clown brightened. "Okay," he cheered, swaying in place minutely, finger moving to tap at his chin, green nail polish glinting in the low light. "Hmm.... oh! Okay okay, so," he grinned, eyes glinting like arctic waves at twilight. "I'm allergic to pineapples, I have oversensitive observation haki, and I like swordfighting!" He clasped his hands, propped his elbows and dropped his chin upon the lattice of his fingers with a mischievous grin.
Mihawk, despite the small knot of fond affection in his stomach, pursed his lips. The pineapple comment seemed self explanatory - they'd seen first hand the reaction he had the one time he did eat something containing pineapple. Dr Delilah had nearly torn her hair out when Buggy, dotted in hives and pouting, poked his head into her office for the medication. It was by no means a life threatening allergy, but it was certainly dangerous on its own.
That left the remaining two statements to be the lie.
Turning it over in his head, Mihawk sent a glance to Crocodile. He seemed to be in thought himself, gnawing absently at his cigar butt as he looked over the clown adjacent to both men.
Buggy, for his part, seemed to have an excellent poker face.
Mihawk initially thought it would be the sword fighting bit, knowing Buggy preferred ranged fighting - but at the same time, he knew intimately that the other was no slouch with any bladed weapon he could get his hands on. An unchoppable man with a penchant for weapons that cut seemed ironic and near infallible.
Crocodile spoke then, nodding to himself. "The Haki," he grunted shortly.
"Sword fighting," Mihawk followed up, still uncertain but willing to take the chance if only to gain the point over Crocodile.
Buggy grinned. "Hawky wins," he chirped, handing the dot marker over so the swordsman could add another mark to his tally.
The logia user tilted his head. "The hell is oversensitive observation, then? Isn't the whole deal supposed to be an extra sense? Extra awareness?"
"Mostly," Mihawk admitted, "It is akin to a sixth sense born from your other five. It has a psychological component as well. Some even argue it's spiritual."
Buggy nodded along absently, toying with the neck of the bottle. "Basically, yeah. Observation Haki is technically a heightened sensitivity to your other senses anyway, along with a special other little bit. But when you have a natural affinity for it, it can seem over sensitive," he paused, nail clinking against the glass. He sighed. "To have oversenstivie Observation haki means that your senses are always turned up higher than most. It can develop as a trauma response or it can be innate. It's not common to have it, honestly, and what little we DO know about that is.... kind of complicated? But think of it like.... being in a big crowded room, all the time. And you can see and hear and feel and predict so many things for every single person within your area."
"That is typical Observation, though unfiltered," Mihawk stated.
Buggy nodded. "Now imagine you can predict inanimate objects. You can hear the winds, the grass, the walls, the cobblestone. And now expand it. It's not the crowd. It's the town. The city. The island itself. You can hear and feel and sense every wave against the shore, the sea screaming, the cloud cover and winds and plants and people. Every grain of sand has a voice, every stone, every drop, every gust, ever piece of the world around you. And then the people, their feelings, you can damn near read their thoughts. It's everywhere, everything, constantly."
Silence reigned for a moment. Mihawk had paled, leaning back into his seat. He recalled Shanks admitting to information like that before in passing, grieving slurred words that he'd though were about a man dead. Instead, he realized in dawning concern, it was for a man livelier than most.
Crocodile snorted. "Sounds overwhelming and honestly kind of fake."
Buggy's eyes cut to him, studying for a moment. Mihawk shivered as those glacier blue eyes darkened, seemingly crackling as he tilted his head. Crocodile blinked as Buggy spoke. "Annoyance. Anger. You feel slighted and indignant, believing your first guess was right and we're playing you. That's something anyone who knows you can guess, Croco-chan, so here's something else." His eyes went marginally glazed. A lone curl drifted to kiss his cheek. "Daz is currently at the breeding tents. He's taken a liking to one of the blueberrywani that hatched with the latest batch. He's happy and content right now. Mohji is doing the last of the work in the stables. He was cleaning with Ritchie, Keeler and Misha. Baron should be helping too, but he's unwell, in the medical tent. Cabaji is currently with Alvida, they're happy and bright at the moment but also slower. Drinking, I think. They're in her tent-"
Buggy went on, describing key guildsmen or commanders in varying places, their actions, what was around them, their emotions. Some of them, he had no way to know of before hand. Two wide eyed gazes locked onto him.
When he began paling, a hand moving to tap-tap-tap in a familiar way, Mihawk reached out, slotting this fingers together to squeeze. Buggy jolted back. They all breathed together for a moment.
Then the clown shook his head. "Test however you need to," he said at last, glancing at Crocodile while Mihawk's awed gaze trailed over the tendrils of awareness he carefully folded back inwards. He took the bottle gently, cracking a smile. "Let's just play the game, okay?"
And maybe, the swordsman mused absently, maybe playing some silly little games to "get to know each other better" really was a brighter idea from their chairman. Skills, talents, powers and niches were paramount to portray to show a unified front. Any shortcomings could be twisted, supplemented or covered in turn by the rest. This game likely would be full of much to learn for all parties involved.
Including, he sighed as the bottle landed on him, he himself as well.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
15 with Buggy the Clown please 🙏
Stay with Me Tonight. Please - Buggy
notes - AHHHH ME AND YOU BOTH WITH THE BUGGY BRAINROT DAWG! Literally super glad you asked for him because tee hee word count - 336 ~~BUY ME A KO-FI (COMMISIONS ARE OPEN)~~
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Not often did you and Buggy run into each other on islands. Especially since you two were sworn enemies or whatever.
You were pirates, so that automatically put you at each other's throats, but even so, sometimes when you two did see each other, you would end up doing something romantic. Whether that be cuddling or sharing one kiss, it would always happen before you left.
It was odd to see Buggy again. It had been years since you saw him last and you could've sworn it was your last time seeing him.
But strangely, he didn't turn to look at you once, even though you parked right next to his boat.
It's like he didn't even know you were there.
You weren't upset about it or anything (though you totally were), you had stuff to do anyway.
But it was honestly getting really upsetting when you knew you had to leave soon.
You sat in his captain's quarters waiting for him to get back and he looked shocked when he saw you there, his face flushing red.
"Wh-What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to avert his eyes.
"Were you avoiding me?" you said, ignoring his question.
"N-No!" he lied.
"Why? A 'hi' would've been nice or something."
"Look... I just..." he sighed, running his hand down his face. "I knew this would happen."
"What are you talking about?"
"I didn't wanna see you and get attached, okay?!"
You froze. What an idiot. You smiled and then giggled a little. "What? You like me or something?"
"Shut up."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, my crew and I are leaving any minute now."
"What?! Why the hell would you do all this then?!"
"Do all what?" you asked innocently.
"Visit me like this!"
"Fine. I'll leave then."
You turned to leave his room, but he grabbed your shoulders and sighed. "Just... stay with me tonight. Please."
You threw your arms around Buggy and he held you tighter, breathing you in.
"Of course, Buggy."
one piece masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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