#clowning on him is my side hobby
mikalara-dracula · 1 year
When the Sakamakis were children [IRL photos + hcs]
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with mentions of childhood fears/trauma. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
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Made with: @liannelara-dracula
Figured I'd put side-by-side photos for better comparison to real life and the anime.
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Started practicing violin a lot as a kid, but it was honestly a hobby to him. And this is probably when his love for classical music began.
He also started learning piano too. He has a natural talent for both, but violin came easier to him.
Began learning fencing as a child. (I have a post about Shu and Reiji hcs if anyone is interested. Click/tap here to check it out.)
Shu used to be taller than Reiji as a kid, but this changed later on.
Read poetry as a child and Beatrix also forced him to write some of his own so he’d develop the skill since the heir had to know how to do something finesse.
Since he’s the heir, he was expected to attend special balls and gatherings with Reiji by his side.
And here, you can best bet he was introduced to potential suitresses he would have to choose sometime later, but Beatrix thought it didn’t hurt for Shu to be introduced early.
She honestly hoped he’d become friends with one of his suitresses as children so they could grow up together and later be married.
It’s canon that Shu has a fear of clowns.
This fear probably resulted from Ayato and Laito jumping at him out of nowhere when they were kids, and scared him by wearing clown masks.
It’s also canon that he’s afraid of caterpillars.
This fear probably developed in his childhood through Reiji putting one in Shu’s tea once, and he’s been traumatized since due to Reiji’s scheming.
It’s canon that he knows Latin, so he probably started studying it when he was a child. Beatrix figured it’d be better for him to get familiarized with the human world since Karl was well accustomed, so through Shu being the heir, you can imagine Beatrix expected him to be very knowledgeable like Karl.
It’s canon that Shu used to sneak out as much as he could to get away from the castle.
Although, he would sometimes get caught by the servants who would immediately force him to come back and he’d be delivered to his mother for scolding.
But some servants looked the other way and let Shu go out and explore, mostly because they felt bad from how much pressure was on him as the heir.
When he met Edgar, he used to sneak out a lot to go see him.
In the manga, Shu said that he worked harder in his studies so he could finish them early and go have time to see Edgar.
Their friendship was so cute. :))
Had his first kiss at 13 (at least he looked 13) with some nobleman’s daughter since he was at the age of being curious as to what that would feel like.
Was quite close with some of his nannies and servants, at least the ones who let him get away with things his mother wouldn’t allow.
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Oh my gosh, look at our lil Rei. He was so cute as a kid. (Tbh, they all were.)
Apart from this, unfortunately, Reiji was alone for most of his childhood.
Read a lot as a kid, either for school or personal research.
Has gotten into literal fights with Shu, such as both them tackling each other and battling it out.
It usually took several servants to pry them apart.
They once ended up falling into a mud puddle during their fight and Beatrix was so pissed off that their suits had been soiled. You can bet her scolding was quite brutal and never-ending about this.
Probably started learning chess around this time as well. Lil Rei honestly found it interesting since it involved strategy, something that’s right up his alley.
His fear of ghosts probably developed as a child since he was always lonely, especially through always sleeping in his room alone as a kid and being considered foolish by his mother if he sought comfort.
It’s canon in one of the game routes that Reiji developed a healing cream formula as a child to aid vampires. So we can see how advanced his chemistry skills were even as a child.
Because there was a lot of pressure on him as a child by his mother he felt the need to perfect things so he was always practicing all his manners, tea pouring, dancing, and fencing skills.
He usually asks his servants to assist him and correct him if needed.
This is also why he is so good at dancing when it comes to the waltz. 
It doesn’t surprise me if he had a maid/servant who used to help him practice.
At balls and events that he attended with Shu, he always tried to make a better impression than his brother, mostly because he just wanted to be acknowledged.
It’s canon that Reiji used to spy on Shu in hopes of catching him doing something un-heir-like so he could report it to his mom and get Shu scolded so he could be viewed as the more “mature” child.
He used to have tea time with his mother because she’d want to know what was going on with Shu.
Reiji at first thought it was because she wanted to spend time with him but he later learned that these tea times were only to know what Shu was up to and if he was misbehaving or hiding anything.
Still, Reiji did what he was asked because he figured he could possibly get the chance to tell his mother some news about his discoveries or something interesting.
However, it was always short-lived because she used to change subjects and always focus on Shu.
This is also why Reiji prefers to be alone because he could never have one conversation with her, without her not mentioning his older brother.
All our lil Rei wanted was a friend who would listen to him 😭.
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It’s canon that Laito once stuck candy wrappers into Shu’s pocket to not get the blame for eating them. Shu’s still pissed at Laito for this since he ended up getting the blame along with getting scolded by Reiji.
Definitely developed his fear of bugs as a kid.
Ayato used to chase Laito around the courtyard with a bug in his hand and would try to get it on him.
He used to run around the mansion shirtless.
But also used to run around naked in the castle with his brothers.
Always took baths with his two little brothers, and he and Ayato always use to tease Kanato by pouring cold water on him or by stealing his bath toy.
This usually resulted in Kanato crying.
But sometimes they were nice to him and washed his hair since they felt bad. So they used to take turns washing each other’s hair.
Laito and Ayato always bribe Kanato with candy so they dare him to touch Reiji’s shoulder while he’s reading without being noticed or to mess with the cooks in the kitchen.
This way they can get a laugh out of it.
Laito used to have the servants read him bedtime stories before going to bed every night.
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Aww, isn’t he cute.
Let’s just pretend the bby in the photo on the right is Teddy lol.
It’s honestly funny how both are positioned in the same way.
Kanato wasn’t entirely alone during his childhood.
He mostly spent his time with Ayato and Laito, but sometimes he preferred to be alone.
Used to have pillow/stuffed animal fights in his room with Ayato and Laito. And they would usually end with pillows/stuffed animals ripping, causing a big cloud of fluff to explode about them.
Used to steal sweets from the castle's kitchen and was an expert at hiding it.
Little Kanato would usually sneak out of his room after everyone had been put to sleep and would sneak into the kitchen to grab a bite of whatever sweets the castle had prepared for tomorrow.
He once colored on the castle walls because he was so bored. Cordelia was so mad, but Karl honestly didn’t care since he claimed his son was expressing himself. Until this day, that wall remains with that design.
It’s canon that Kanato used to sing “Scarborough Fair” to Cordelia when he was a kid. He honestly had a natural talent for singing and finds it nice to sing on his own every so often as seen in the anime.
His brothers used to tease him about his height and he’d get sad and would claim that one day he’d be taller.
Sometimes Kanato would have nightmares as a kid. So he’d end up going to either Laito or Ayato’s room and crawl into their beds for comfort. Aww :’))
He used to be afraid of lighting as a kid.
He had a childhood crush once and Laito and Ayato teased him endlessly about it.
Used to finger paint with Laito and Ayato and they used to tease him by taking their fingers and dabbing their fingers on his nose to get paint on it. It would always make him upset.
Our poor little baby.
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Ayato usually spent his time with Kanato and Laito, but mostly Laito since sometimes Kanato wanted to be on his own.
Ayato once spent a lot of time with Kanato and Laito building this little motor that they could drive around.
Ayato decided to test it once inside the castle with Kanato and Laito.
And it actually worked! Ayato was having a lot of fun test-driving it around, and Kanato and Laito cheering him on and begging to have a turn.
But this was until Cordelia stopped Ayato and told him to go to his room for acting foolish.
In the end, their little motor ended up disappearing, and they later discovered that Cordelia had it burned.
It’s canon that Ayato took violin lessons as a kid, but this didn’t last long until Cordelia ended up breaking Ayato’s violin during her freakouts, to which his lessons ended. And he was honestly happy to get out of them.
Ayato always used to play monkey in the middle with Laito and Kanato. And you can best bet that Kanato was the monkey in the middle.
Kanato would always complain that he could never catch the ball and would throw tantrums about this.
Tbh, this hasn’t changed since the triplets play it like this until now lmao. xDD
Used to jump off the manor’s couches with Kanato and Laito with a cape and pretended he could fly.
Apparently, it’s canon that Ayato is afraid of bees. So with this, he probably developed this trauma because he got stung once when he was a kid and never got over it.
He used to grab little mice and release them into the kitchen because all the female cooks were afraid of them.
He used to get a kick out of it every time the cooks would start freaking out and throwing pots and pans and chasing them out with a broom.
He’s even done this to his aunt Beatrix but not his mom, he was too afraid. He knew she’d instantly catch on to it being him and suffer tremendous punishment for it.
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He was alone a lot of the time too.
As we know, Christa gave Subaru that silver knife he always carries around.
Whenever he was bored as a kid, he’d sometimes used it to carve or engrave things, or even weave bracelets.
He had a childhood crush! It was a girl (a child vampire like him) from a noble family that would sometimes come to court.
She was around his age and was pretty social. She noticed him at one of the gatherings and began hanging out with him since she found the gatherings boring.
So, they both would go outside since Subaru hates crowds himself. And from there, they developed a pretty cute and innocent friendship.
She actually got our little bby car to lighten up and would tag him out of nowhere so he could chase her around the courtyard.
And it was through this that Subaru developed a crush on her.
Sooner than later, he even went as far as carving his and her initials into a tree in the courtyard.
Their friendship lasted a good while throughout the years and through having such a connection, Subaru secretly swore that he’d marry her when they were of age.
But this all changed when the girl was forced to marry another suitor that was presented to her.
This left him pretty disappointed, but he figured it would end this way because he always thought it was too good to be true since he was raised to think he was “filthy.”
Used to engage in a bit of pottery making and he gave some of his works to his mom, which she gladly appreciated when she wasn’t having a mental breakdown.
Subaru keeps his little pottery works until now stashed somewhere hidden in his room so his brothers won’t find them.
And he can’t bring himself to throw them away despite part of him wanting to since he finds them foolish now. Whatever the case, he figures as long as his brothers don’t see nor find them, he’ll keep them.
Played tag with the triplets sometimes.
Would sometimes hang out with Shu, but it was rare.
They’d sometimes go on walks together in the courtyard or even carve things together, like a piece of wood from a nearby tree.
Shu once tried to teach Subaru violin, but it was a disaster.
Unfortunately, it was so bad that it was overheard by the entire castle ground and it resulted in a lot of people complaining. So with that, he never tried it again.
Despite this though, he still considered Shu his favorite brother since Shu never bothered him in an annoying way and was the only one who made an attempt to hang out with him every so often.
It’s canon that Subaru likes Kanato’s singing. Since Kanato used to sing to Cordelia when he was a child, Subaru probably overheard Kanato sing to Cordelia in the courtyard sometimes since he spent a lot of time there himself, and grew an admiration from there on out.
Subaru would sometimes use his knife to cut roses and bring them to his mom when she was feeling okay. It always brought a smile to her face.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
BJYX - Thursday Madness ( 12/7/23 )
I don’t know what’s with this date that they both decided to attack us with updates. We were prepared for WYB, because the event was planned tho he still surprised us with some bits. I swear when I saw the alert on my phone for XZS update I was 🫢🫢🫢. They are both feeding us so well.
Here’s my attempt at doing a recap of the candies ( and other things ) we got today. This may not be all inclusive, I only added the popular ones being talked about.
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let this lovely boy invite you in….
Our day started pretty early when WYB posted on his Weibo. All of the attendees of the event were actually sharing some pre show photos on their accounts and some of us were waiting what’s he gonna post. Everyone else were sharing professional photos but then WYB goes ahead and shares a b&w photo that tells us he is still in bed 😂😂😂 this bitch. I also feel like he didn’t want to shoot outside the exclusive “town” cause there are people going around and they may crowd if he does opening shooting. The night he arrived, 12/6, everyone saw Lele / Yanyan around but no WYB. So he was really trying to not be seen unless it was time for the show.
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The photo itself is kinda mysterious tbh. It’s like something you can send to your s/o and be — “im waiting for you” HAHAHAHAHA! Tho I think for WYB he can send a more explicit one to XZ 🫢🫢🫢 So we get the PG version. What we noticed is the channel he is tuned in is CCTV 5. He said this in an interview with XZ, that when he is alone, he keeps the TV open with CCTV 5 and Volume 3. So he’s still doing it! Also, this was taken using his Leica M11 b&w. I feel so happy knowing that! He is still on his photography hobby. Too bad he couldn’t go around the venue cause i bet there are lots of sights to see. The Leica CPN is only getting stronger. ☺️ ( I have already talked about the Leica CPN at length, so just search it on my blog ). Side note, even if the photo was so simple it went on HS #7 lol. His power.
Then it was time for WYB to make his appearance and he didn’t disappoint. First of all, he was in YELLOW. BXG color. Yeah, it could be a stylist choice or whatever. But this is a clowning space and I think we are free to interpret it as a sign for us.
But what’s more glaring is his hat. It looks so much like the one he wore at CQL concert & fan meet. Also reminds us of the whole One Piece CPN between them ( the post i’m linking is a starter but there has been more examples since like this one ).
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To be fair, WYB is someone who loves a good old hat/cap. from his bucket hats & caps — that is more for anonymity. It also extends to his performances like 11/11 finesse or the initial photoshoot for ROMW. What i’m saying is, we should not forget the fact that this is his personal preference as well and not entirely because of candy. Tho I have to say that the style is interesting. Why does it have to be so close to that? It’s like he is bringing us back memory lane.
WYB is honestly so beautiful today. He always is but there was something about his aura. He is chill. He was genuinely interested and i found it sweet of him, during the boat ride, he was clapping for Rocco, like applauding him for the event i guess. In the meantime, on Weibo, the top hot search were people criticizing the “boat” thing on GQ ( literally something like GQ boat embarrassment was the tag ) As soon as the live started it went on 1 or 2. I don’t know if Bobo saw that but I just like how he showed his appreciation to Rocco, and by extension, his team. That’s just my interpretation and it could be a completely different thing but knowing WYB, he is very generous with acknowledging people.
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I also want to address another “candy” some cpfs are laughing about, it’s a fancam where Rocco moves to sit with WYB before the boat sailed and WYB smiled and said no. They were interpreting that as WYB doesn’t want Rocco to sit with him. Speculating that as he doesn’t want to get close cause ZZ will be jealous. But if you look at it, he was asked if he wants to switch seats. WYB declined. He was okay with his position. I guess some people have some beef with Rocco & GQ and that’s fine. However, what we feel about certain things is not the same as what the boys would feel. I also think that at this point, It’s in WYB’s best interest to have a good relationship with people in the industry. For example him attending 10c Starlight, even if a lot of his so/os hate Tencent ( and with good reason ok sure ). He is only extending his reach and it’s better to not burn bridges.
That got serious, so here, have some comparison between the gremlin in 2018 to now. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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I was cackling at the comments that they should have invited XZ so they can be paired up and quarrel for 9 mins 😂😂😂😂
NEXT UP IS GG’s VLOG. I don’t know why it slipped my mind, they usually post on Thursdays, but anyway —
The first thing is the BGM for the exercise section of the vlog Hans Zimmer/Richard Harvey《Preparation》 which was used in the 2015 movie The Little Prince. A favorite CPN symbol among us. Another glaring one is Uptown Funk. Hello. Bruno Mars? That’s WYB’s thing. Yes, ZZ has his own team who edits these but I am one of those that believes ZZ approves the final cut. He is also asked about certain choices cause let’s be honest — his suggestions matter cause he knows what looks good. He is a professional in that aspect too.
Next is his hand held fan! It’s the same brand but a different design. They finally upgraded!!!! 🥹🥹
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This scene (p1) with ZZ’s fondness for leaning on railings and balconies. It reminds me of the fake rumor before that WYB hates it when he does that.
XZ has a habit of lying on the balcony guardrail in a daze. Sometimes on a higher floor, WYB feels unsafe and won’t let XZ get close to the guardrail. Except for shooting, XZ is prohibited from approaching the balcony guardrail.
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I would have loved to get some more day to day bits of his vacation cause there is usually more candy in that. I want to see him roaming around, like this part, these two love to mimic what they see and take a photo beside it. Tho this is mostly GG’s thing. They really have the same braincell.
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LASTLY, Let’s discuss XZS 🤝 YBO.
XZS starts talking about the hot wind, which is most likely talking about the weather in Singapore. But then minutes later, here comes YBO talking about a comfortable breeze. Lol. The the hot could also allude to that “summer” since WYB decided to remind us all with his photo and hat. Then YBO’s caption, drawing more attention to his hat, knowing that CPFs are clowning over it.
and what time did they post their last set for the day?? 00:38. These clowns. Zhan Bo. 🫢
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Some are saying it’s out of character for XZS to post stuff like this when there is an event going on. For example today, the hot search is filled with talk about GQ. Which I can agree on to some degree, but his team have been posting mostly on Thursdays and they are already “due” for a vlog. However, when they have a vlog ready, the fans can usually see it on Weibo, we know that there will be something coming and i didn’t see any talk of that today. Or maybe i missed it? Others are clowning that this is his “answer” to WYB’s strong candy today, i personally don’t think so but it’s all good for us cause we have so much content!!!!! 💛
BONUS: this transition 👀👀👀👀. Their editors are dating!!!!!!
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the-unlucky-hunter · 1 year
Hi, could you do some creepypasta x male reader? Maybe with LJ or Nina?
Nina the killer and Laughing Jack x Male! Reader
Nina the killer
Nina will learn and probably;y become better than you at all your hobbies, shes not sorry she just wants to be able to do things with you.
lowkey stalks you and your family members
at like 2am Nina will wake you up and drag you into the bathroom so that you can dye her hair some funky new colour. You're not mad at her for waking you because she looks so damn happy.
She lays on your chest in the bath and probably has a rubber duck named Toaster.
Matching scars, she has your name you have hers. if you won't do it yourself she will make you. no pain no gain.
she moved on from Jeff after she realised he was NOT interested, it's kind of embarrassing yo her so she won't talk about him and you can't either, you're her BF? Are you trying to get her jealous?
"look at my fuckin' husband, bitch!"
"Jesus... Nina NO!"
OMG back to the bath thing, she's sat in the bath, your next to her and gently washing the blood off of her skin. She's gonna propose right then and there.
will keep the creeps far away from you, but your gonna get quite a lot of nosebleeds.
Also hope you dont value the female members of your family, they won't be coming around. ever. she may kill them in a jealous rage. She's funny like that.
7/10 for slaughtering female family.
Laughing Jack.
this is just a random thing but i HC that Jack's heartbeat beats to the tune of pop goes the Weasel. so you laying on his chest is more musical then you remember.
Making sweets together!!!! only eat the ones you make or the one LJ gives you. trust me you dont wanna eat the wrong ones.
I dont know where i heard this but sm said that Lj was made outta stuffing so I Hc that he rips his chest open so that you can use him as storage. also cuddles? 10/10
Jack got bad abandonment issues, he won't leave you alone. you're at work you hear pop goes the weasel from around the corner, go on a walk you'll see him in the window reflection. busy street look he's selling sweets go say hello. my advice is to see it as sweet, and easier in the long run.
Jack will prank you 24/7 (if you dont like pranks cause of loud noises or jumpscares then you need to tell him soon as. he won't stop otherwise when he does know then pranks won't stop but it won't be scary, that salt thing with food or moving shit an inch to the left, or stealing on of each sock.)
supportive clown bf
MAGIC FOR YOU. MAGIC. card tricks anything. make a child disapper? done. this is him wooing you, yes he will pull off his thumb, love him or I will.
100/10 i love this clown
Side note! 8 take requests, please request :) please. I'm so bored
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 4: The First Night
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen to Easy Company the night of their Fall?
Words: 3,502
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Author's Note: Hi everyone! Hope y'all are having good days so far~ Also, I want to let you know that I'm open to writing Bonus Content for the series! If there's a particular scene you'd like to be written in more detail, or any specific headcanons, please don't be afraid to let me know! As always thank you a million times over for all the support and I love you all dearly!! 💖
Once at home, the boys all filed out of their makeshift clown cars, Chrys retrieving the black duffel bag she put the men’s things in from the trunk. “I’ll keep these in my room till y’all need them,” Chrys said.
Speirs, Guarnere, and Toye all started to protest, before captain Winters put a stop to it. “Men, we can clearly see that the atmosphere around weapons is different in 2023, I don’t like it either, but we need to follow our hosts on this one,” he explained to his men. The men grumbled but agreed with their CO.
“Alright y’all! Have we got everyone?” Zay asked, her “mom friend” instincts kicking in - she always had an instinct to take care of and protect everyone around her, maybe that is why she went into nursing.
Speirs performed a silent headcount before responding, “Yeah we have everyone, lead the way!” Zay smiled in gratitude at Speirs, turning on her heel before her bouncy saunter could be seen leading the pack. Chrys hung back to talk with Toye, probably about what kind of guns they have - it was a bit of a hobby for her. No one but Winters saw the subtle glare Nixon tossed at Joe after he started chatting with Chrys. Finally, he had something to fire back at Lew the next time the intelligence officer said something about Zay. Everybody, focused on their own conversations, missed Speirs pulling something out of his pocket. Ron inspected the colorful pens he had swiped from the receptionist’s desk, “Sharpie Premium Highlighters” displayed along their sides. Speirs had never seen pens with these colors before, so of course, he needed to have them.
Before they knew it, the group was at the elevator. While this was a larger elevator and could fit all twelve of them, they were once again squished like sardines. While Zay wound up being squished against the back wall with Liebgott, Chrys was squished towards the middle, Nixon on one side, Toye on another. Now, it was Winters’ turn to sit back and enjoy the show. Nixon immediately began to strike up a conversation, causing Toye to return the glare Nixon cast his way earlier. Dick let out a silent chuckle, unaware of the similar situation happening behind him. Joe Liebgott, feeling confident, subtly slung his arm around Zay’s shoulder.
“Sorry, doll, it’s just so crowded in here,” he said in a quiet voice, a smirk evident on his lips. Zay simply snickered and rolled her eyes, letting Joe keep his arm around her. If looks could kill, Luz and Roe would have been accused of friendly fire. They were towards the front of the elevator, turned to the side to help fit everyone in. They were glaring at Liebgott, who simply returned to them a smug smile. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Zay moved from beside Joe to the front and led the pack on their way, unaware of the situations around her.
As the group filed out of the enclosed space, Roe made sure to wait for Liebgott, “It’S jUsT sO CrOwDeD iN hErE.” He mocked him with a low voice, ensuring Zay didn't hear.
"Hey, I'm the one that got to put my arm around her," Liebgott replied to the medic. The self-satisfied soldier continued walking ahead with the group, while Roe was fuming internally, praying it did not show up on his face. Meanwhile, Zay led the group down the hallway to a door that read 553. The door opened to reveal a modest but comfy apartment. There was a combined kitchen/living area, with the kitchen to the right of the front door. In front of the group was a coffee table with a full size couch against the wall. Flanking the couch was a loveseat and an armchair, framing the coffee table on their respective sides. Directly across from the couch was the entertainment stand, the boys trying to process all the electronics they have never seen before. Across the room was a sliding glass door that led out to the apartment's balcony. To the right of the TV was a small hallway with a door on the left, on the right, and at the end.
"Welcome to casa del Bennett!" Zay cheered as everyone filed into the apartment - there was an eclectic feel to the furniture and decorations. It was easy to see that Zay and Chrys collaborated on the decor, neither of them losing their styles to the other. The decor was a mix of bright, cheerful artwork and trinkets, with posters and models of cars mixed in all around, a perfect blend for the sisters. “Make yourselves at home!” Zay stood beside the kitchen as the boys took a look around, Chrys making her way back to her room, opening the door on the right side of the small hall and disappearing behind it.
“This is a nice place you’ve got!” Luz said, plopping down on the couch in the living area. Toye and Guarnere politely sat down on the loveseat, while the rest of Easy Company gathered to stand in the living area rather awkwardly.
Zay smiled and locked the door, a nervous habit, before walking off down the hallway. “Y’all get comfy, I’m gonna change my clothes really quick.” With her signature bounce, Zay went into the door on the left of the hallway. Easy Company was left to fend for themselves, at least for a few minutes. Roe helped Malarkey sit in the armchair, while the medic opted to sit beside Luz on the couch, close to Malarkey if he needed anything. Bull rested on an arm of the loveseat, while Liebgott took the last seat on the couch, securing Luz in the middle. Winters and Nixon stood off to the side, next to the loveseat, and Speirs rested on an arm of the couch, beside Roe.
“What do you think all that is?” Malarkey asked, motioning to the entertainment center. While someone from 2023 would recognize the twins’ internet router, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and bluetooth speaker as common electronics, the boys had absolutely no idea what they were looking at. As if on cue, the two sisters returned to the group, both having changed their clothes. Chrys was wearing a black sweatshirt with an Alfa Romeo logo the boys did not recognize on the front with a pair of plaid pj pants. Zay opted for an oversized, navy blue t-shirt with the band Queen’s logo on the front, though once again, unrecognized by Easy Company. The shock displayed on the men’s faces came from the fact that Zay seemed not to be wearing anything on her lower half. While Chrys sat on the ground, close to Guarnere and Toye, Zay stood confused at the boys.
“Is everything okay?” She asked, concern thick in her words.
“Um… I think you… forgot something in your room,” Luz mumbled out, bright red and trying his best not to stare at Zay’s legs.
“Hm?” Zay followed Luz’s eyes to the point of confusion. “Oh!” She let out a small giggle, slightly lifter her shirt to reveal her bright yellow pajama shorts. “This is the style for pajama shorts in 2023, helps to keep cool at night,” she explained, opting to sit on the floor - she wound up sitting at the feet of Richard Winters, merely intending to sit beside Chrys. Winters could not help but blush, seeing her so close to him. “How’re y’all feeling?” Zay questioned the group in earnest, looking at the men.
There was a brief pause, as well as a few glances around from the men, before Guarnere spoke up, “Still kinda shocked, I guess… it’s still so weird that this is all happening.”
“To be honest, I’m worried about our other guys,” Liebgott chimed in, his arms crossed and his leg bouncing anxiously. “There’s no way to tell them where we are, and we’re not there if they need us.” Joe said all this while staring at the floor, his jaw clenched. The rest of the men nodded in agreement - the soldiers relied on each other, especially in the winter wasteland of Bastogne. Knowing that they were so far away from the rest of their men hurt their hearts in more ways than they thought possible.
Zay and Chrys listened closely to the group. “I’m sorry y’all have to go through this, I can’t imagine the pain and anxiety you’re feeling right now,” the blue-haired girl said after a beat. “I wish I had answers to your questions, but I can assure y’all, Chrys and I will do everything in our power to help you get back to your men. For now, y’all have had a really long day, and you need to be at your best to-”
Zay was cut off by what sounded like the mating call of the humpback whale. All heads turned to the source of the sound - Nixon’s stomach. Lewis let out a small laugh before speaking, “I sure hope you still eat dinner in 2023.”
“Nope, eating as a concept stopped in the 1990s,” Chrys replied, her face and tone deadpan. There was a beat of silence, the boys unsure whether or not the woman was joking, before Chrys let out a snicker. Zay and Chrys began to descend into laughter, followed by the rest of the boys. The group continued to discuss dinner, Zay explaining the concept of Door Dash to the soldiers. Swears, confusion, and laughter abounded throughout the technology education.
“So we can really get anything we want? And they’ll just deliver it?” Malarkey asked, wonder in his eyes. Zay smiled and nodded her head. Malarkey looked at the boys before exclaiming, “We could get actual pasta!”
“Are you kidding? We could get warm juicy American burgers!” Luz retorted.
“Hey what about Chinese food? That shit’s delicious,” Toye argued back. The group descended into bickering, sounding like child siblings in their tones.
“Men!” Winters scolded, causing everyone to fall silent and turn their attention to their captain. Dick looked down at Zay, “We’ll take whatever you recommend.” Dick had a polite smile on his face, imitating Luz as he tried everything not to look at Zay’s bare legs. The girl looked back up into Dick’s green eyes, a blush rising on her cheeks, as well as a thankful smile.
“How about some fast food?” Chrys offered, “McDonald’s usually has something everyone likes.”
“Sounds perfect!” Zay replied before going to Door Dash on her phone. After what felt like forever while the twins explained the options for food to the boys and take their orders, Zay pressed the “Complete Purchase” button. “Alright! The food will be here in a little bit. In the meantime, would y’all like anything to drink? We have water and soda, but also beer, wine, and some other stuff.” Zay explained with a mischievous grin - she saw how the men loved to drink on the show, save for Winters, and was excited to relax and have fun with them. A chorus of intrigued “ooh”s and whoops came from the men of Easy Company as Zay stood up to go to the kitchen. After getting everyone’s drink orders, Zay headed to the kitchen, not noticing Dick following her.
“Thought you might want some help carrying everything,” he said more bashfully than intended when Zay noticed him. Zay returned his smile as they reached the tile of the kitchen area.
“That’s really sweet of you, Captain Winters,” she responded, blushing as she looked up at the man in front of her. Her mind could not help but wonder, what would he do if he knew how big of a crush she had on him?
Dick laughed quietly and smiled at the girl, his blush matching hers. “Please, call me Dick.” Zay’s smile widened as she shifted her gaze to her feet, praying futily that he did not notice her blush growing. “Doc was right earlier, you know, it is really kind of you to take us into your home like this,” Dick mused, grateful for the girl in front of him. Her eyes immediately returned to meet his gaze with a smile.
“Oh it’s nothing, really! Chrys and I have people over all the time, so it’s no trouble, I promise.” Zay went to the fridge as she spoke, starting to take out the bottles that were requested - a coke for Dick, red wine for Zay, Speirs, and Roe, and beers for the rest of the group. Once Zay had organized the eight bottles and three glasses, she bent down to grab her serving tray from the cupboard. Dick wanted to avert his eyes, he wanted to be polite, be a gentleman, but alas, he was entranced. The captain was just barely able to turn his head away before Zay returned to the drinks, acrylic serving tray in hand. Once Zay put everything on the tray, Winters was quick to pick it up, Zay shooting him a Look. “Thank you,” Zay said reluctantly, trying and failing to hide her smile. Dick simply nodded before following her out of the kitchen.
The night continued to devolve into drunken, chaotic fun, with laughter and Chicken McNuggets abounding. Soon everyone was burping and hiccuping with inebriation, of course save for Winters. “You guys wanna play truth or dare?” Chrys asked with a smirk as Zay clumsily emptied the group’s third bottle of wine into her glass, splashing a couple drops onto the carpet.
“Yeah! Let’s use the bottle to pick!” Guarnere said, gently plucking the bottle from Zay’s hand. The twelve made a circle on the floor, pushing the coffee table flush with the sofa. Zay wound up sitting between Winters and Roe, while Chrys was between Nixon and Bull. “Who wants to go first?” Guarnere asked, placing the bottle on its side in the center of the circle.
“I will!” Chrys volunteered, spinning the bottle. As Chrys leaned forward, shifting her weight to her knees, Nixon could not help but be floored by the dark-haired woman in front of him - she seemed so genuine, so down to earth, he needed her in his life. The bottle spun and spun before landing on, of course, Captain Nixon. A chorus of “ooh”s and chuckles erupted from the group as Chrys asked, “Captain, truth or dare?”
Nixon smirked and looked at the girl, heavily relying on his liquid courage. “Dare, doll,” he replied. Chrys, hiding her blush, smiled and walked to the kitchen, returning with a fresh bottle of beer.
“I dare you,” she paused as she used the bottle opener, “to drink this entire beer in 10 seconds.” She held the beer out to him, intrigued to see if he could do it.
“Done and done,” he replied casually, immediately starting to down the drink. It may not have been Vat 69, but Nixon still drank the beer like it was the best thing he ever tasted. Before Chrys reached five, Nixon handed her the empty bottle, covering his mouth as he felt the carbonation expel itself. The group laughed at Nixon’s belch but cheered as he spun the bottle in front of him. The bottle slowly came to a stop, pointing itself at Wild Bill Guarnere. “Alright Gonorrhea, truth or dare?”
Bill laughed as he finished off his fourth beer. “Truth, Cap’n.” he said assertively, leaning into the circle. Nixon thought for a minute before asking his question.
“Tell us about the worst kiss you’ve ever had.” the captain asked the staff sergeant. Guarnere thought for a minute before his facial muscles cringed with disgust.
“Suzie Watson at my Senior Prom, we were slow dancing and next thing I knew her tongue was licking my lips,” Bill recalled. The group responded with sounds of ick as Guarnere flicked the bottle. The game continued to bring wild revelations and compromising positions to all in the room. At one point, Luz had spun the bottle, and it landed on captain Dick Winters. “Captain Quaker, sir,” Luz addressed Winters, earning laughs all around him, including from the captain himself, “truth or dare?”
Dick chuckled and shook his head. He debated whether or not to participate when the game began, but when Zay plopped herself next to his feet and looked up at him with the sweetest doe eyes he had ever seen, how could he not? The captain weighed his options, considering which answer is more of a risk. “Truth,” he answered, looking over at George.
“You got a girl waiting for you back home? And if you don’t, are you looking for someone?” Dick could see Zay's head perk up out of the corner of his eye; he could tell her head turned towards him, but he was nervous to meet her gaze.
“Can’t say I have someone waiting at home, but I would like to have a family, someday,” Winters replied quietly, his bashfulness and beet red cheeks warming Zay’s heart. In a moment of wine-fueled impulse, she laid her head on Dick’s shoulder as he spun the bottle. Surprised, Winters looked over at the girl, a content smile on her face as she rested on him. Now it was Winters’ turn to feel his heart warming. The game continued on until about midnight, when a few soldiers allowed themselves to yawn.
“Alright y’all, looks like it’s time to get ready for bed. For where y’all are sleeping, once we put up the air mattress, we can sleep four of you out here, then three in my room and three in Chrys’ room,” Zay explained. She wobbly tried to stand up, resembling a baby giraffe learning how to walk, before losing her balance and falling into Roe’s lap with a squeal. Eugene caught her in one smooth motion, looking at Zay with concern and amusement. “My bad,” the girl said between giggles. No one saw Liebgott and Luz roll their eyes at the scene, save for Winters. Roe helped the girl stand back up while they all discussed sleeping arrangements.
“I can sleep out here,” Speirs spoke up.
“I’ll take the couch,” Bull added.
“I can room with Zay, if you don’t mind,” Eugene looked up at the girl, who smiled and nodded her head.
“Hey! I wanna room with her!” Luz cried out, pushing Roe’s shoulder childishly.
Liebgott somehow got involved in the scrimmage as well, while Zay simply smiled down at the still-sitting Winters. “Would you like to stay in my room?” While she has not revealed the fact they would share a bed yet, Zay certainly preferred the idea of sharing a bed with a gentleman like Winters. Dick smiled and nodded, agreeing to her offer. Zay returned his smile before raising her voice to get the men’s attention. “Y’all! Dick already claimed a spot, so the other two spots go to Roe and Luz.”
Liebgott groaned and rolled his eyes, walking over to the loveseat - his bed for the foreseeable future. While all of the bickering was occurring, Chrys agreed to Nixon, Toye, and Guarnere bunking in her room. “Do you guys want pajamas? Our brother comes to visit us a lot, and he usually leaves his clothes here… his memory isn’t the best,” Chrys told the group, quiet laughter making its way across everyone’s lips. Chrys smiled and made her way back to her room, the rest of the men standing from the floor.
“I’ll go grab the air mattress,” Zay said over her shoulder, bouncing away to her room.
Ron stayed quiet until the twins left. “Sir? What’s the plan for tomorrow?” he asked Winters, everyone suddenly remembering the problems at hand.
Dick thought for a moment before responding, “We’ll go back to where we first arrived and see if we can find anything and go from there. If we don’t get any information, we’ll ask Zay and Chrys for input… maybe even watching the program we’re on could help.” Speirs nodded in understanding as Chrys came back into the room with a laundry basket of t-shirts, pj pants, jeans, and other bits of clothes for the men to use. Once Zay returned with the air mattress, she and Chrys set up their respective pull-out couches in their rooms while the boys changed, the clothes somehow being a good fit for everyone, even Bull.
Once the boys were all decent, Chrys and Zay set up the air mattress in the living room, supplying the four sleeping in said room with a plethora of pillows and blankets. Soon, the men were settled in their respective bunks - Bull on the couch, Liebgott on the loveseat, Malarkey and Speirs on the air mattress, Guarnere and Toye on Chrys’ pull-out couch, Roe and Luz on Zay’s pull-out couch, and finally, Captain Winters and Captain Nixon were, in fact, about to share their beds with Zay and Chrys, respectively. Since there was nowhere else for the boys to sleep, the four of them felt their own versions of excitement, nerves, and every other emotion under the sun.
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @love--persevering , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @xxluckystrike
Thank you again for reading!! Be on the lookout for Chapter 5 coming next week!! 🥰✨
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fanatical4creation · 2 months
Warning! Biohazard!
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Pestilence!Sans in InvertedVerse!
Hello! I'm here to talk about pestilence, he's so cool :D
Alright now, i didn't do a reference sheet bc 1- they're getting boring to me, 2- there's not much changes to show, all i did was reduce his color palette, buuut if the creator don't like my decision i'll do the og colors.
Alright, it looks like not that many people know him, so you can learn more about him here. But i can give you a summary, but you'll still lose some details.
I don't plan on getting too deep into his backstory in InvertedVerse bc he's just a side character so i don't see any need on doing so. But maybe i change my mind in the future, my mind is a mystery box...
He's a parasite-like being that feeds off the magic of other beings. He is an out-code Sans.
His role is the sickness and he has this passive that slowly makes people sick around him, it's something related to his death from infections and diseases.
Inside InvertedVerse:
Alright now, Pesti is on the Darkside, Nightmare's side, why? That's actually a short story, idk if should say it now, but he does have a important role, so important even that i'm afraid to spoil everything, like, help.
His host ain't Zoo!sans anymore, Zootale is finally in peace from Pestilence, bc Nightmare took him off there for.. uhmmm, a mutual share of favors.
I'm not sure who his new host is, it can't be Nightmare, neither anyone from the darkside, but i have no idea. Maybe because the place he's in now has so many people he just picked up someone random... like... like Anx (it's not a offense to him)! I'm a genious.
He's a side character as i said, he's more of a comic relief than a serious guy with a whole badass arc or somethin', but he's a jester not a clown.
He often spies the residents one of them the Undercop detectives, the detectives have some murder mystery going on, it's quite interesting to watch bc it doesn't happen often, oh yeah that's a big side plot for Invertedverse btw and it's through Pestilence that the audience finds out about it, maybe he even helps finding who's the murderer, who knows?
Also tries to make some "friends" to keep himself entertained until the day of depression happens... (just made out the name)
Sometimes he get into non-physical fights just for fun (idk if that's accurate), one of the fights he picked up was with Wine, the Sans from Fellswap Gold, Pestilence can pierce his skin like a needle and see what's inside, not all of it, but most of it, Wine despises Pestilence.
I have this headcanon that everywhere he goes he touches things to contaminate them like doorknobs, chairs or anything in public places that people often put their hands on, specially bathrooms. Idk i just think it's funny.
Anyway he's a funny little guy doing some funny little things with his funny little "friends" and funny little tricks and puns.
Pestilence (c) @hoshi-tsubasa
Hi, you said you wanted to read 👋😳
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j0kers-light · 7 months
Hi, how tall do you see y/n as?
Also could I please get a headcannon that's ledger!joker (ofc) with a short mixed fem reader if that's possible please (I'm 5'0)
Hey hi anon!! 🖤✨
Lol, I'm short (and petite 😭 like a whole kid out here) but proud! PSA: I love tall daddies. Therefore, Joker is written at least 6'0ft. Y/n is however tall you are since I write for reader insert. So yeah, he's towering over us girl. Buckle up!
Joker is forever making fun of your short stature in comparison to his. Its both endearing and annoying. Its not your fault your mixed genetics robbed you in the height department but he doesn't have to rub it in every day..
His favorite hobby is to move things in the apartment well out of your reach. J doesn't like you climbing counters and etc. to grab things and prefers if you call him to get it for you. It strokes his ego that he's providing for you. Keep in mind that he created the problem in the first place!
Cups, boxes of cereal, the tv remote (?), even your laptop-- nothing is safe from being stolen and tucked away 'safely' out of your reach. Oh the irony.. Joker thinks it absolutely hilarious when you get frustrated and try to grab things by yourself.
"Awwww is my wittle bunny too short? Need some help?" You flip him off and try to grab whatever he stashed away. You almost had it!! He just laughs and shamelessly enjoys the show. Your butt jiggles each time you jump and Joker can watch it shake all night.. that is until you trip and lose your balance.
Then he's rushing over to catch you before you break something and/or hurt yourself. "Easy there doll. All ya had to do was uhh, ask for helP." He hands over whatever you almost broke your neck for with a lopsided grin. God, you love this annoying clown.
Thankfully there are instances where you get payback for Joker being taller. Low clearance areas are your favorite since you get to watch J clip his head and laugh at him when he grumbles in pain.
Watching him squeeze into a tight space (he's more mindful of the places he drags you into for a quickie) is hilarious since he's all arms and legs whereas you are in your element.
The height difference is so comical that Mac and Neo have joked about your stellar climbing skills. It's clearly a sexual innuendo and Joker gave them the death glare for it. They haven't joked about your height since. Mac gifted you hiking boots in secret with a card that read, "Enjoy climbing Mt. Joker." You can't bring yourself to wear them. You must admit; you are an excellent climber..
Joker loves to rest his arm on your head or pat your braids like you're a puppy. It irks your soul and he learned the hard way that you are short and therefore closer to his balls. You punch them in retaliation every time he treats you like a kid.
You like bringing Joker down to your level. Literally.
A plus in being shorter than J is that you tuck adorably into his side. No matter how much your weigh, he's picking you up and tossing you around because, "You're uhh, fun size Y/n!" That applies in and out of the bedroom. The two of you snap together like the perfect puzzle piece.
But despite all the teasing Joker makes about your height, he loves being your protector. He's the one you run to if something is bigger and scarier. He's the tall, murderous bf, that'll scare off anything or anyone for his Bunny. It’s a new concept to be a savior and Joker isn't complaining.
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You'll never get used to being hit on. You get it; you’re very beautiful with your lighter complexion and the way you carry yourself.
Men and women are always hitting on you but normally after you utter the words, "I'm spoken for" they go away but this guy is rather persistent.
Years ago he would be your type. Tall, athletic, and cocky with white teeth and oozing lightskin fboy vibes. He was definitely the quarterback in high school and wears gold chains with black turtlenecks. The single Y/n would have your fun and kick him to the curb before he broke your heart. However you were happily involved with Gotham City's most infamous criminal who would literally kill anyone that dared to take away what was his.
You were doing this guy a favor trying to turn him down but the second he grabbed your arm and insisted you go on a date with him, you knew, he f__cked up.
"Let go."
"Nah just one date ma. You'll love it so just say yes. A dinner, a lil talking, then I'll take you home n' sweat your weave out." He grinned.
You arched an eyebrow at him assuming your hair was fake but before you could open your mouth, a shadow fell over the two of you. Your persistent suitor rolled his eyes and glared at the newbie.
"Is there a problem?" He asked Joker.
Joker's left eye twitched as he glare at this pathetic stain touching you. J wore a mask to conceal his identity yet his scowl was evident. "Is he hurtin' you doll?" Joker asked you.
You shook your head no but that wasn't enough to save a life.
J pointedly eyed the hands holding you until the guy wisely let you go. If he hadn't, Joker had no issue removing them by force.
You hid behind Joker's towering frame and vanished, you were so short. Joker made sure you were safe behind him before focusing on the idiot.
"Uh yes. Lots of errr problems. Let's see.. You talked to my bunny, you touched my bunny, and the worsT of all. You. Made. Her. Uncomfortable. Its been ten hours since I killed someone. I'd hate to break my errr record.."
The guy must've understood that Joker was serious for he backed away with his hands up. "Listen man I didn't know she was your girl. Have at it, I'm out."
Joker waited until the guy left before he turned around to check on you. "You good?"
J wasn't expecting you to hug him so tightly. Your head barely came to his chest and for once you didn't get offended when Joker patted your head. "Say the wo~oooord and he's dead, Y/n."
You laughed and stared up into Joker's eyes. "Don't break your record, J." You tapped your lips, making Joker furrow his brow.
"What? Ya wanna kiss?" You nodded and Joker made a noise. "I dunno Bunny. If ya can't reach my lips.... do ya deserve a kiss? Maybe if you were hehe.. taller?"
You rolled your eyes and shoved Joker away. He laughed at your little temper tantrum but stopped you from walking away with meaningful kiss. Your attitude melted away and Joker left you speechless when he pulled back.
"You're soooo spoiled. Is that whatcha wanted short stuff?"
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Pain and Bliss
A/N: Being in the Mafia was too much work sometimes, and Dazai wanted to let off steam.
Pairing: PM!Dazai x Fem! Reader (Implied Dazai x Chuuya)
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The colorful lights and low bass of the music seemed to pulse in time with the headache behind his eyes. Despite having Aoi poised damn near naked and ever so eager on his lap, and several shots of whatever colorful concoction Hana had whipped up for him swirling in his guts, the desire to let loose and put on the clown mask still didn't come. He still felt the hooks of Mori's authority pulling at his skin, the weight of his responsibilities bowing narrow shoulders, and the disdain for it all burning a hole where his patience would have been. 
Dazai sighed as another tremor of pain burrowed in his brain. He knocked back the syrupy drink, and pushed the Aoi off his lap, making her spill onto the wood floor of the club with a loud thump.
"Hey, Dazai! What the hell is your problem?"
He ignored her cries as he slammed his shot glass on the table and stood up. A few heads turned in his direction, but were quick to look away when he tossed his coat over his shoulders. Even with the dim lights of the club it was clear to anyone with half a brain that he was Mafia Black.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and made his way through the elegant velvet couches poised beside glass topped tables, girls dressed to the nines, and drooling men that stared with a lust so strong it even made Dazai himself feeo ill. 
He made a beeline to the closed office door, and didn't bother to knock as he kicked open the door. He was unsurprised, maybe even amused, to find you sitting on Chuuya's desk. Your legs were spread wide enough for said mafioso to fit comfortably, hiking your leather skirt up your shapely thighs. Your head was tilted to the side as Chuuya suckled at the tender skin there, no doubt leaving violet bruises that they all could admire later. His large, gloved hands gripped your waist with something Dazai figured was either possessive desire or a desperate want for restraint. 
Dazai placed his devil may care smirk on his lips as Chuuya pulled himself from your neck with a glare that would make a lesser man piss himself. "Well aren't you just having a gay ol' time? Aren't you supposed to be working?"
You jumped and pressed yourself into Chuuya's chest, clearly trying to cover up what Dazai had seen a dozen times before. "Dazai! God, you scared me half to death."
"Awe, don't disappear so soon, Bella~. Not without taking me with you."
"Is there a reason you're in my fucking office?" Chuuya snapped. Dazai couldn't help but notice that the pipsqueak still rubbed gentle circles in your hips. 
"Other than to indulge in my most favorite hobby which would be to annoy you? Nope!" Dazai leaned against a nearby wall, his smirk growing wider. "Although it looks like I had such wonderful timing as well seeing as how you were attempting to fuck our favorite hostess."
"Yeah? So what? Get the fuck out!"
"A spy for a drug smuggling ring is here. Oops, did I forget to say something earlier?"
Chuuya's eyes narrowed as he clicked his tongue. He removed himself entirely and buttoned his slacks back up. You whined, but were ultimately ignored as Chuuya grabbed his coat, tossed it over his shoulder, and left the office with anger so palpable it made Dazai snicker. The door slammed shut behind him, and Dazai and you were left in silence. 
If Dazai felt a little less like boiled depression he may have even gone to follow Chuuya for the hell of it. There was no drug ring spy, of course, another small way to annoy Chuuya and bring himself a twisted taste of joy.
"You know, you don't always have to be an ass, Dazai."
Dazai raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then what would you suggest I become instead?"
You sighed as you hopped off the desk. "Well, for one thing-"
Anything you said went in one ear and right out the other.  Why would he bother to listen to tour sermon when your body was far more interesting? He watched you pull your skirt back down your thighs and adjust the sad excuse of rhinestones and leather that counted as your top. He had seen you naked plenty of times by now. Whether it was splayed under his own while he pounded into your warm cunt, or whenever Chuuya bent you over any available surface to take his frustrations out on your ever willing body
Your skin was so soft and pliant, perfect for grabbing in tight fistfulls to keep you in place while you were bent, abused, and used for their pleasure. Whether it was just sexual fun, or perhaps something darker that you didn't dare name aloud but Dazai considered a hilarious blessing.
"Dazai? Hey, Dazai!"
He blinked when he heard his name again. You were practically chest to chest with him now, peering up at him with narrowed eyes amd your hands on your hips.  "You're ignoring me, aren't you?"
"Absolutely. Couldn't you tell?" 
You sighed and shook your head. "It wouldn't kill you if you took me seriously every once in awhile."
"You?" He laughed deep and low in his chest. "Why in the hell would I take you seriously? You're a lot of things, Bella. Sexy, a good hostess, even a gaijin. However, first and foremost, you're just a holr that I rut into when I'm bored and need something to stick my dick into. If you’re looking for compassion or a relationship else I suggest you bother the pip squeak-"
A loud smack filled the room, and pain erupted on Dazai's cheek. It was the burning sort that only lasted a moment or two, but it was still  pain none the less. 
The darkness that always seemed to swirl just below the surface of his thoughts bubbled and expanded. On instinct he grabbed you by the shoulder and shoved you back on the desk. You yelped and collided with a dull thunk. In your hurry to catch yourself, you smacked a jar and it tumbled to the floor, fancy fountain pens clattering everywhere. 
"Dazai! What are you doing?
The fear that tainted your voice only seemed to fuel him further as he grabbed your skirt and hiked it up and over your ass, exposing a neon pink thong. You pushed at his shoulders and he ignored you as he snapped the thong off with ease, and shoved two fingers into your pussy. 
Bella, are you getting off to the person hurting you? It's just as I said: You're just a dirty fucking hole."
More pain lit his nerves on fire, this time along his scalp. His head was forcefully jerked down and Dazai was forced to look you in the eye. 
You glared up at him, teeth bared, eyes narrowed. He rumbled in his chest at your defiance in warning only for you to spit in his face. Saliva dripped down his nose and back onto your exposed chest.
"You fucking prick."
"Oh cry me a river. You knew what I was before today." He snapped a hand around your neck, despite the increased pain on his scalp, and squeezed experimentally. "You wanted this."
"Fuck you."
"Oh don't you worry. I'm getting to that, Belladonna." 
He hissed and his shoulder muscles tensed and strained as the nails dragged back towards his neck. He could feel something warm and wet run down his ear.
For someone that despised pain, Dazai was injured fairly often. The usual result was a rage filled focus on his rather unfortunate target. As the Port Mafi saying went: The misfortune of Dazai's enemies was that they were his enemies. Here, however, was a rather different result that even he, the Demon Prodigy, hadn't expected. Dazai could feel his cock harden in his slacks and saliva pool in his mouth. As if this was just one of his normal booze and chemical filled romps with you, and not you lashing out like a whining bitch because he didn't want to listen to your sermon. 
You, the sly minx, seemed to notice right away. Your hips bucked into him despite the hand still clasped around your neck. The friction was delicious, and despite your laughter ringing in his ears and your nails still embedded in his scalp, he allowed himself to indulge just a touch. He jerked his hips, just for you to dig a heel into his ribs. 
"Absolutely not, Osamu Dazai. You don't get to just do whatever you damn well please. Not after all that bravado."
He flinched at the pressure against some older bruising he had hidden between the bandages on his ribs. All of the stinging swirled down through his nerves and down, down, down to his twitching cock. He opened his mouth, but you pressed your heel to his ribs once more, making him bow his head, his forehead pressed to your own, your breaths mingling.  
You grinned up at him looking every bit like the cat that ate the canary. "You know, if you were nicer to me I would help you out with your little 'problem'. "
He grit his teeth as you leaned up and licked a long stripe from his jaw up to his blood coated ear. He could feel his will to fight waning as you nibbled at the lobe, meanwhile your hips moved in slow, almost gentle circles against his dick giving him just enough stimulation to make him shudder.  
"C'mon 'samu. I know you wanna cum. Need it, even. You got a call before you could cum down my throat last night, and you didn't get to me first this evening either. We all know you're just a little pent up."
As if to prove your point, you bit the point between his neck and the beginning of his bandages, and an unabashed moan left his lips. She was right and he knew it. If Mori didn't need something then Chuuya stole you away from him. He could dump his cum anywhere else, but they didn't let him make them bleed all over their sheets, to place cold metal to their temple, to use them as he saw fit. 
For what he needed in that moment. 
Finally, as if someone had cut his strings, he released the hand from your throat. You smiled sweetly and finally released his scalp with a gentle pat to his head. Then, without any warning, you tackled him.
The two of you sprawled onto the ground with you on top of him. Dazai's vision burned stars into his brain for but a moment. He could hear the clink of his belt, before something warm and wet swallowed his cock whole. 
His back arched and he bucked his hips, just for sharp nails to dig into his hips bones. He muttered a curse and opened an eye, just to see your cherry red lips pressed against the base of his dick. 
And then you swallowed. 
Dazai hissed and his toes curled. Everything felt so fucking tight, and his hips stung, and you were so fucking pretty. Another moan was pulled from him, this one higher than the last. 
You pulled back and crawled up his body. Your fingers tangled in his hair, your nails digging in his scalp once more. 
"You taste so good, dummy." You licked his lips. "Kinda surprised."
He canted his hips up. He wanted more of her. More of her warmth. More of her body. More of getting the fuck away from the darkness that stood just on the edge of his brain. 
Just for one fucking day. 
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
What about the chubby y/n, who performs on a children's show, performing two roles? A funny clown for young children, who teaches safety to have fun, and the second show, where the sad clown y/n for teenagers, helps them with their experiences and the restructuring of the body, and so on. I will hope that you will answer , this is my own old fantasy, so I will be grateful if you don't ignore it (although do as you want, I like everything you write :)).
Mmmm so like two roles on the same show?? Let me take a Crack hun! I made this more fluffy comforting and with Joseph embracing the role of Jack a little too well in mind.
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When you were first hired to The SunnyTime Crew Show you were supposed to be childrens entertainer. You were a beautiful colorful clown named Tiny Tatters. You knew of the irony of your name, but you couldn't complain when they were signing those pretty checks you needed to survive…..not they would listen to you anyway. Despite that little hiccup you quite enjoyed your job. You taught kids how to safely do tie dye art, and other fun crafts with clothes
However as the show progressed it oddly enough attracted a teenage audience along with a children audience. So as an experiment they made you play the side role of Patches. Patches was the twin of Tiny Tatters, and they never seemed to fit in with the others. So they were often alone, and were only spotted in Tiny Tatters Tailored Emporium when tiny wasn't there. The teens were quick to attach themselves to this character, and through little crafts, and hobbies they were able to teach the Teens good ways to handle emotions, body image, and acceptance. 
They children and teens were not the only ones attached to you it seemed. As some of your female coworkers have pointed out how Joseph likes to watch both of your bits off stage, a smile adoring his features. It was hard to believe those rumors until you caught him yourself one day. During your Patches role you had to look off to the side to grab one of your materials when you saw him. His eyes met yours shamelessly before looking away a blush dusted his cheeks as he chuckled. 
Your head was still spinning from that interaction as you undressed and washed off make-up. The day was long over and yet you could get the way he looked at you out of your head. He looked at you as if you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen. You've never had someone look at you like that. Did he mean it? Or was it another sick joke? Honestly you were scared to find out.
Seemed fate other plans as you sat in front of your mirror in your little dressing room brushing out your hair when a knock came from your door.
“Who is it?”
“Ja-Joseph.” you could feel your breath catch in your throat. You don't know if you can face him so soon. You knew he would give you the answers to the scary question that has been haunting you all day.
However, you also knew you didn't have it in you to keep him standing out there. So shaky sigh you called him in. He was hesitant at first, but he eventually walked into your dressing room. Upon entering he couldn't help but smile. The room was entirely you from the decor to the smell. He liked it a lot. His eyes traveled down to you, and he watched your fidget with your hair for a bit. Seeing as nervous as he was put him to ease as he sat in one of the chairs behind you.
“D-did you need me for something?” making eye contact with him through the mirror was easier than looking directly at him. 
He watched you for a bit longer before he finally responded “yes actually.” He reached over and put his hand on your shoulder indicating he wanted to look at you directly. Nervously you turned to him as he left your shoulder. “I need you for this date I've been planning for the two of us….this saturday.” 
You could feel your jaw drop to the floor. He was interested in…actually into you. You wanted to accept, and throw yourself into his arms, but instead what came out of your mouth hurt both of you. “Are you sure….?”
You watch as his eyebrows scrunch, and his look goes from hope to worry “What do you mean?”
You look down as you feel your face burn with shame. “I'm nothing like some of our other coworkers….or the moms who come to visit you on occasion…surely you could do better?” You hear Joseph stand from his seat as he closes the gap between the two of you. He knelt down in front of you taking your face in his hands as his thumbs rubbing soothingly across your cheeks 
“You know sunshine you should listen to your own advice you give the kids….I think you're beautiful the way you are, and you're the one i want to woo and make mine.” he titled his head down so his red eyes met yours “If you let me.”
You weren't sure what came over you, but you pulled him into a hug and held him tight. This was real. He really wanted to go on a date with you….and possibly more. How could you say no?
“I would love to go out with you…” you mumbled into his shoulder hoping he heard you. He did and he could help but hold you a little tighter.
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terrovaniadorm · 6 months
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“[ The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist. ]”
ʚ♡ɞ ✑ General Information
Full Name — Elara Cessair
↳ [ Name meaning ]
Elara -> A cheerful and happy individual. 
Cessair -> Sorrow; Affliction.
Japanese Ver. — エララ・セセア
Romaji Ver. — Erara sesea
Tarot Card: The Moon — XVIII
Age: 18
V/A(日本語): Kumiko Noma / Sanae Kobayashi
V/A(英語/EN): Marilyn Horne / Stephanie Sheh
Species: Wolf beastwoman
Height: 176cm/5'8
Hair color: Porcelain White
Eye Color: Silver
Tarot Rank: XVIII/18
Gender/Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Sexuality: Bisexual
ʚ♡ɞ ✑ Extra Information
Dormitory: Etteilla (@rosietrace)
Class: A
School Year: Third year
Family: Aldrin Cessair (Father figure, deceased)
Best class(es): Any Class that gets her thinking.
Worst class(es): Psychical Education
Club: Choir
Likes: Luxury, people falling for her tricks, having all the juicy information she can use, rumors and gossip
Dislikes: Working for people, people telling her what to do, sweating
Hobbies: Gossiping, Lying
Talent(s): Singing
Flaw(s): Dishonest, disloyal, egoistical, too full of herself, underestimates others.
ʚ♡ɞ ✑ Personality
Elara Cessair is a diva with no management, a woman who follows her own schedule. She's playful and whimsical, a friend you can trust despite her eccentricities, a friend with the right advice. Of course that's an lie, Elara simply likes knowing people's weaknesses to use it against them, she's good at making people belive her truth, her illusions instead of what's real and true. She really doesn't take anything seriously, everything is a game and she is winning.
ʚ♡ɞ Unique Magic: [Under the moonlight] (月光の下で.)
Under the moonlight works for persuasion, using this Elara can learn any secrets. Target won't remember telling Elara about it, or her magic at all. But Not all secrets are easy to learn....
ʚ【 ♛ 】ɞ Mistress Alliette's Thoughts on them
“Whenever she accompanies me, it feels like I'm playing a game of chess. I'm well aware that she sees everything I've planned as a game, and I'm not one to stop her from thinking that way. How Elara feels about my plan is not something I consider to be a concern.”
— Mistress Alliette
ʚ♡ɞ Their thoughts on Mistress Alliette and fellow Arcana
“My my my, i LOVE some good ambition! It never ends well, her plans are like an opera play and as long as i am entertained i could entertain her ideas. A completely transactional businesses relationship.”
— Mistress Alliette
“Poor Nori, guys just HOPELESS! Imagine having an end so miserable you throw all of your morals for a woman who saved you. What's so special about her? I don't know but watching them is entertaining~ Noriko should've get into the clown businesses”
— Noriko , The Justice
“Haruka Haruka Haruka... It's fun watching him fight with Noriko, it's good entertainment but who drives a chariot in this day and age really? At least he's funny so he gets a pass in my book.”
— Haruka , The Sun
“This girl. She keeps asking me what i wish for, i told her I'm not interested but she is persistent! I guess in a way that's a good thing but lord. If it doesn't get annoying”
— Stella Vega, the Star
ʚ♡ɞ — Additional Trivia!
— Elara will never admit but she misses the fame she used to have years ago... It's nice to be remembered.
— Visits opera houses in her free time because of that, she enjoys it. Knowing no one will reach her fame in art of opera.
— She does NOT like being compared to other, newer musicians.
— If Elara was in Night Raven, she'd be in Octavinelle dorm.
— She enjoys being around sea side or beaches but she's not a big fan of the heath.
— Likes being on magicam, reading gossip about the new celebs, it has nothing to do with her job but it sure is fun.
— She can be heard singing during night time, especially if the moon is out.
✑ Main Theme: Villain - Stella Jang
✑ Backstory: 『 Dancer of the moon 』 (SOON)
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mmothmanners · 7 months
So I wanted to know a bunch of little things and I hope throwing them all into one ask is alright. As always, answer what you can/want and I will eat it up!
What’s Ris’ favorite color?
Does he have a favorite song to play or does he go based on vibe?
Does he like his hair being played with and does he like playing with other people’s hair if they’re just chilling side by side?
Opinions on jewelry and favorite stone to wear? (Funnily enough, he and my Tav have the same earring set.)
Cats, dogs or both?
(This is one can be skipped over without a second thought.) Sexuality? Any specifics to it? And would he be open to a polycule?
If he had to dye his hair two colors, what would they be?
Favorite traits in a potential friend? Most disliked traits?
Does he like sweets? If so, does he prefer them to be baked or no?
Does he have any hobbies?
Is he a sit-down violinist or does he Lindsey Sterling his performances?
I will always have more little questions if you enjoy silly bits. I’m always interested in every detail someone can provide in a character so please bear with me!!
And to just share a thought of mine, I’ve already absentmindedly headcanoned my Tav and him as friends and them playing Fairytale by Alexander Rybak as a fun little ditty. Or something like that song if not Fairytale specifically. But I thought it’d be neat with them both preferring violin and all. (Though, Talanova ends up playing something else when I think about them performing together.)
Heck yes! Alright I can answer all these (after a billion years of sitting on them):
What’s Ris’ favorite color? Contrary to his wardrobe… His favourite colour is blue. Because it is the prominent colour of two incredible things he only saw after leaving the Underdark: The Sky and the Ocean. He waxes a lot of poetry about them.
Does he have a favorite song to play or does he go based on vibe? He plays based on vibes and energy given back to him. But he often loves singing older songs in Undercommon he learned back in the Underdark. Often haunting and melancholic (though he saves those songs for when he's alone and away from others).
Does he like his hair being played with and does he like playing with other people’s hair if they’re just chilling side by side? Oh yes. He's very tactile in both his own affections and open to receiving it from others. It makes him exceptionally content and connected as it was something of a novel concept until quite recently (post Underdark).
Opinions on jewelry and favorite stone to wear? (Funnily enough, he and my Tav have the same earring set.) He adores being bejewelled. Probably remnants of his old life but the aesthetic truly sates a desire to look good. His favourite gem stones are rubies.
Cats, dogs or both? All. All animals. He loves them all because they tend to love him in return (dogs especially).
Sexuality? Any specifics to it? And would he be open to a polycule? Pansexual! Absolutely finds beauty and attraction to all folks - as for a polycule, it would have to be some very special folk that he feels a deep connection to. Honestly he's very single minded (usually) when it comes to love. But again, he wouldn't outright oppose it.
If he had to dye his hair two colors, what would they be? Hrmm. He likes White & Black - keep the natural and add something completely opposite of it.
Favorite traits in a potential friend? Most disliked traits? He loves a great sense of humour in another. Also the type of person who will turn to you without missing a beat after you teasingly say 'i might murder x for being a clown' and then say 'i'll bring the shovel to help you hide them'. As for disliked traits… Pretty standard things but especially someone who has no love for music.
Does he like sweets? If so, does he prefer them to be baked or no? Yes. He loves all food. He's like a vacuous void of hunger but especially for sweets.
Does he have any hobbies? Poetry writing, Song composition, classic ballroom dancing… He also adores archery and fencing. He was raised pretty typically with noble hobbies and lessons drilled into him. Luckily he found love in all of them.
Is he a sit-down violinist or does he Lindsey Sterling his performances?
Definitely Lindsay Sterling. He just gotta move with his music.
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awesomeart-83 · 17 days
Decapolice Ocs
Elle Yale
“Hey ya, guys! Welcome to my crime lab! Find clues, solve the mystery, but don’t mess up anything or you’ll be banned!”
Age: 23
A very pink-focused forensic scientist who is very popular among the police station. When she is a child and as she grew into a young woman, she was obsessed with science. While her parents didn’t agree with her career (more information later), they tried to give her the best education to pursue her dreams.
“Why is Harvard is so insufferable? His loud voice! His stupid personality! Don’t tell him this, but he better choose a different forensics scientist or else!”
While she gets along with most of the team, he despises Harvard with a passion, due to his smug attitude and Harvard….. thinks she is just a cute scientist who might have a crush on him and very good at hiding it. On the other hand, she has a crush on Carl, due to his sweet personality and his sense of justice. Carl, when he discover this, tries to not rush it and worries that it isn’t the right time, but still tries to flirt with her.
Appearance: She is a young woman with a two ponytails that are medium length and are stuck together with a scrunchies. She has some hair clips on her to kept her bangs.
Main tactic: Special attacks
Ultimate move: Perfect Cell Attack
Retsu Tohuko
Age: 25
“This corpse………. It must have really suffered a lot of hell. Like me. I can tell from its expression.
A weird mortician who the team mets throughout the game. He is a mortuarist who checks on the dead bodies. He is hated around the station due to his disturbing vibes and creepy appearance with only having one friend (Yale) but despite this he tries to be a nice person around with a very creepy hobby.
As a child and throughout adulthood, he has been through near death experiences, leaving him feeling isolated and making an outcast even with his family (but that’s for another day). As he grew up, he became obsessed with the cycle of life of death and studied death and how people died through ways. When he got into college, he went into forensics
“Everybody dies somebody, maybe even you, Marks. Whenever it is, we all have to be prepared because death always comes no matter what
He doesn’t join the team until much later in the game when the team are investigating the Clown and has him check out the bodies of the other victims which includes Harvard’s mom. When Harvard finds out about this and freaks out, he is able to calm him down and deduces that they are related. He then tells Harvard that whenever that goes down, he mustn’t kill the Clown or he’ll be kicked off his job.
Appearance: He is a scrawny and thin man who is quite tall, but not to pass as a giant. His hair is short black that looks like it has cut off recently and has blue eyes. He is always shown to wear a mask on his face, making people believed there was a horrific scar on his face. They’re…….. half-right with having a scar cover the left side of his face which he covers up with his mask and makeup.
Ultimate Move: Grim Checkup
George Cornwell
Age: 32
“With your brain and my knowledge, we are going to make a great team, I am sure of it!”
A criminologist who doesn’t work at the police station but runs into the gang many times throughout the story before getting wrapped up into the search for the Clown. He wants to talk to the Clown (not to a obsessive degree) and wants to understand why does he kill. He isn’t a part of the police but Granger and Maise let him in to talk to the team over the criminals they captured.
He is pretty wholesome and quite understanding to many people (sometimes criminals). When he discovers Harvard’s past after the game ends, he decides to take up the mantle of Harvard’s moral compass and gives him a therapist to help with hi: trauma. He shown to be protective to his loved ones, but not to point of overbearing.
“Hey, there’s been something in your chest for a little long time. You think that you keeping in it’s chest and refusing to let it out, but you’re wrong. If you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine. But if you are not going talk about this to me and your team, you need to talk to somebody else.”
However his past is mysterious and he refuses to tell anyone not even his close friends about it. And it turns out he has a pretty good reason, but we’ll see later. He’ll explain it to Harvard near the end of the game
Ultimate move: Let me take a look in your mind.
Stanford Williams
Age: 24
“There’s a line between the ideal detective and the insane detective, and Harvard Marks you have crossed the line to insanity.”
He is a high ranking serious officer who is a deep rivalry against Harvard. He isn’t well liked due to his serious attitude towards most of the staff but he isn’t outright hated due to his contempence in the field. He has a hidden side to him, caring for his family and friends off the job and taking them to nice places to relax and have fun.
His father was a officer who WAS excellence in his job and WAS actually chosen to be the police chief instead of Granger. But, notice the emphasis on WAS. A few years (possibly in Stanford high school days), he was found dead in a murder similar to the Clown style. While it is now unknown if the Clown or a copycat of the Clown and the killer was never found, it still effected him and made wanted to hunt down other serial killers like them and bring them to justice so nobody would have to suffer what him and family did.
“The reason why we are looking for the Clown isn’t for revenge you fool, it’s for justice for those who were suffered in their hands!”
So you think with their history, him and Harvard would at least connect or be friends? WRONG. While Stanford views Harvard with great potential as a detective, he despises him for his willingness to break the rules in missions and cases and his wild insanity. While Harvard would have chosen a different career if his mother hadn’t died (unless the game discredits this), Stanford has wanted to be to become a detective ever since he was a child. With Harvard, he only met with him at police college for the 2 years he was in along with Carl and Stanford was at his last 2 years. Harvard found him annoying due to his overshadowing anybody in their class and overly aggressive attitude towards. (Funny thing is that one of the reasons why Stanford hates Harvard.) So when they both of them (and Carl) end up stuck in the same police station in the same city, none of them are pleased.
Ultimate Move: Sharps Slashes of Justice
So, here’s them all! What do you think of them? Which one is your favorite?
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manofthepipis · 7 months
Here are my own Addison/Spamton headcannons to add on! :]
(buckle up cause I got a lot)
If Spamton tries to talk about personal memories that he tried very hard to bury, (like his puppitfication), he physically cant. If he talks about a memory that overwhelms him his body would spaz out in glitches and error signs. (kinda like a system crash)
I feel like if the Adds were to get the grasp of healing magic, the first one to perfect it would be Clicks. (bc he already makes tea that heals you!)
Sponsor owns a motorcycle! (because they thought it made them look cool) And regularly takes it out for a spin when he's done with work for the day.
Survey is a secret horror fan, and when having movie nights with the other adds, they would always recommend horror movies that they personally like.
I feel like Banner really focused on clothing after Spamton went missing, (he only really did this as a side hustle/hobby beforehand) as it was a good distraction and a way to cope, and he found out he was really good at it! And made it his primary business.
When an addison gives a gift with no underlying intention/price tag attached, it is seen as a sign of a genuine friendship, familial, or courtship relations, (like when they all gifted Spamton the new phone) as all addisons are selfish in nature
Clicks 1000000000% cried at the Barbie movie and has a poster of her in his room lololol
Sponsor absolutely LOVES those shitpost videos on TikTok, like that smurf-cat that's been trending recently? his feed is FULL of videos like that
Its hard for Spamton to open up for a variety of reasons, because he HATES it when people give him pity, he's been dealing with that his whole life, and knows that bigshot's don't get those looks.
Along with fashion, Banner is CRAZY good at makeup, and that's when he and Clicks have most of their gossip sessions when doing Clicks makeup when they're hanging out together
Survey has a soft spot for holiday seasons (not just because of shopping sales and spike and sales, cause all addisons are scrambling when october hits,) but also because it's a time they feel all warm and fuzy with their family :]
To add on to the motorcycle thing, Banner was very against Sponsor getting one, as he heard about horror stories on those "death traps" (his words)
to add on to the one above, Sponsor didn't wear a helmet once, (cause he only needed to go like, a street down to grab something,) and Banner gave him HELL. bro went on a whole rant about Bike saftey and Sponsor always wore a helmet after that incident (a mad banner is very scary! cause i hc that he always keeps his chill) (Banner is not beating mom friend allegations)
Jevil LOVES messing with Clicks the most, as he's the drama queen, and his reactions are hilarious cause he HATES the clown. Jevil will do things like change his wallpaper, take secret selfies, or just flat out jumpscare him because it never gets old...
Sponsor is a BEAST at Just Dance, like, bro is doing breakdancing for every single song, and he WILL make EVERYONE do the dances correctly, (as clicks likes to half-ass it by just moving the controller correctly)
Banner is the strongest physically out of all the addisons. Y'know like, that punching bag game in arcades where the harder you punch the bag the more points you get? Banner DEMOLISHED that, and has one of the highest scores still.
Clicks secretly plays dating sim games as a guilty pleasure
also have you seen eviction day yet? If not, I HIGHLY reccomend! I will add a warning for flashing lights and disturbing imagry though, https://youtu.be/fzzGtz4v3YU?si=6-AD5j8qrGARbdM3
but yea! here are my silly lil headcannons for the silly lil guys :]
i'm incredibly happy with the energy we've created in the studio today
also known as omg i love these headcanons like this is great food hfjdksjdjdks
the first one i also share! and it's a bit of why i headcanon swatch feels distant from spamton out of everybody he talks to. Like they were rlly close at one point and talked a lot, and swatch was his shoulder at high stress points in his job. However when the Horrors happened, he physically couldn't explain anything, leaving swatch to wonder what exactly happened to him and then build up resentment for keeping them in the dark. They even tried to help at first, but help turned to hate real fast when neo got involved.
i love the idea over clicks and spamton maybe bonding over some healing magic, like i had something similar in mind for a future chapter but this rlly has me smiling at the possibilities. spamton would maybe give him some tips- for a price. He IS thinking about trying to capitalize the whole healing gig after all since he's good at it.
banner going into clothing after spamton disappeared makes sense, especially with keeping busy trying to forget about him (it's awful hard to with the mannequins looking the way they do, but maybe that's a good thing in the long run) also i adore the mom friend vibe these headcanons have about him. i'd love to add on to the helmet thing, as I feel Clicks would join him on this (he's protective) but sponsor (and maybe even survey) claims it's fine if it was just once.
i completely agree with surv and the holidays. honestly i feel like they're the most ambitious with holiday sales and are unmatched, kind of peaking during seasonal sales in general (seeing how many survey ads are in place when customer shopping is at an all time high). spamton was indifferent to the holiday craze (cuz even when addisons were at their busiest, he wasn't) but liked when everything settled down after they weren't as busy to talk with him again. I have a picture in mind of survey chilling with spamton and realizing this, how happy he is when they're not busy (and feeling as if he was supposed to be), and being happy in return, if not sympathetic to him.
jevil pranking the adds and being a general nuisance is just so funny to me. gosh i can just imagine the absolute chaos he'd bring to a tea shop, mixing up the names and flavors, upon the other things (especially the wallpaper that has me cracking up with ideas). spamton, at the request (and payment) of clicks, gets jevil to stop (maybe. it's unclear if hes actually stopped completely or if there's smaller pranks here and there) but he secretly finds it hilarious.
overall these headcanons are great and i'm so happy to see them shared
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happy-mokka · 3 months
Tag game!
I was tagged by @santacoppelia . Muchas gracias!
So, here we go...
1. Were you named after anyone? My grandpa on my mother's side. Died far too early. Sadly I never got to meet him.
2. When was the last time you cried? I tear up A LOT. Sad things. Beautiful things. A sunset. It's pathetic but I wouldn't count that as crying. Last time I really cried, was 9 years ago, when my Dad died.
3. Do you have kids? Nope. I guess that ship's sailed. I'm a passionate uncle of 5 and for some reason kids adore me. Guess it's because I turn full out into Goofy mode once some are around...
4. What sports do you play / have you played? Played table tennis for 15 years in a team on low regional level. But stopped long ago, when I moved away and started to work. Never picked it up again. Now I just watch Soccer from time to time.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Sometimes more often than I'd like. Can irritate people that don't know me well enough. That's why I try to be more careful with it.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? I think I have pretty good antennas for general moods and micro gestures. Generally I m always first drawn to the eyes...windows to the soul. Always trying to read people...it's a gift and a curse sometimes.
7. What's your eye color? Variations of blue, depending on my mood. Ranges from more greyish blue to deep dark blue.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I watch scary movies mostly in company, almost never on my own.
9. Any talents? Don't know. Not really. Others should answer that. My self esteem is not too high when it comes to such a question. When the situation allows it, I make a pretty good clown. Not to put myself in the center of things. More when I feel a party needs some loosening up or someone needs desperately to be cheered up.
10. Where were you born? Southwest part of Germany, near the border to Switzerland and the Black Forest. 
11. What are your hobbies? Reading. Going to the movies old school in a theater. Taking pictures on long walks of everything that catches my eye. Have a thing for sunsets.
12. Do you have any pets? No. Had birds for quite some time. Now I'm just part-time Dad to my Mom's dachshund and spoiling the cats in my neighborhood.
13. How tall are you? 1.78m or 5'10
14. Favorite subject in school? Arts (drawing), English and History.
15. Dream job? Always wanted to teach. Became a software developer though. However, in the meantime I'm responsible for our apprentice program, so made it to teaching after all, to a certain degree at least.
Tagging with no pressure whatsoever
@uncleadelheid-will-eat-your-soul @sublimeobjectenthusiast @amagnificentobsession @simonezitrone79 @cryptic-queer-cryptid @eugenoid @joycrispy @kaiannanthi @notalostcausejustyet @paperclipbean @queerfables @reloha @shaggydogstail @yowlthinks
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jester-japery · 11 months
I'm back!
If you're wondering why I've been away for a while, in short, I've had my hands very full with a new clown I've adopted.
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This is Mr Sarousch. He's a pierrot/scare clown mix. I adopted him from a friend of mine who was struggling to care for him. They originally had taken him in off the streets (he showed up in their house one day) but found that he was too much for them to cope with. Scare clowns and scare clown mixes are not suitable for everyone.
As you can see, he takes most of his physical appearance, such as facial markings and clothing choices, from his pierrot half, with a few outliers heralding from his scare clown half, such as the wild hair and mouth packed with sharp teeth. He does also engage in scare behaviours that lean towards the creepy subtype. From what I have witnessed so far, and from stories from his previous owner, he practices looming, mask scares, and haunting mimicry (making strange noises and moving objects around).
Don't let scare clown prejudice fool you though, this boy is very sweet natured and is eager for approval and affection from his owner! 🖤
Despite my best attempts to encourage him to play outside in my tent, he seems to take his preference for being indoors from his pierrot side. His favourite place to be is in my attic.
Mr Sarousch's favourite hobbies (so far) include:
Playing eerie tunes on my penny whistle (as can be seen in the image)
Listing to the Phantom Of The Opera original soundtrack on my vinyl setup (over and over and over)
Watching black and white french cinema on my attic room TV
Doing little dances in return for head pats
His diet is mostly meat due to his scare clown constitution, however his favourite treats are beef jerky and blueberries.
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valyrou · 1 year
hi there, dear! i saw you were doing matchups 🙀🙀 if it’s alright with you, may i please have a bsd matchup? please take your time on this!
my name is ren and i use she/they pronouns. write this with either one! i am omnisexual, but my preference is men at the moment. i am an aries, as well as an intj 6w5!
personality: my personality really depends on my mood. i am usually hella awkward when i first meet a person, and before we really get close i will be quiet and polite. but once you really get to know me, i am positive and energetic, and objectively funny. i’m incredibly kind and sweet and caring i think are the words, and i always put others before myself. i’m what one would call “a gifted kid”, i am very intelligent. i’m very responsible and i am the “mom friend”. i’m very clingy unless you make me uncomfortable. i can usually mask my emotions but if i bottle them up for too long I’ll just break down. i have ADHD and have the shortest attention span known to man, so I’m always off in my own little world. i need someone who can keep me grounded. i LOVE to talk and if you give me a chance, i won’t shut up. i am very insecure and have severe trust issues, unless you have proven to me time after time i can trust you. i fear that people find me annoying and i cry very easily, especially if someone raises their voice at me.
hobbies: i love to read, especially classics and fantasy novels. give me a good book and i can finish it in a day if i work hard enough. i play piano and i do theater and honors chorus, so i love to act and sing. i love writing and always am writing something, whether it’s in my head or on paper. i am an amazing cook and baker and will housewife if i have to 😼😼. i love to have conversations on politics and world debates. i like to play chess (but i suck) and pool (i don’t suck at pool), and i play tennis.
likes: i love music and literature in general. i am definitely a cat person and will pick up a cat off the side of the road and bring it home. i love drama and am a bit of a gossip. i also love fashion and will have a heart attack if i am not wearing something that matches. i love shopping and video games (i am a smash bros and mariokart GOD)
dislikes: i HATE bugs. if there is a bug in my house, i will scream and jump onto the counter to get away from it. you kill a bug for me? you have my undying loyalty. i can’t stand scary movies, especially clowns. i am somewhat of a picky eater. i also hate second chances. it’s not worth it to give hundreds of chances to someone who breaks your trust and heart every single time. i also hate the ocean. you take me to the beach? i will be sitting in a chair under an umbrella reading, looking absolutely disgusted 💀💀
love language:
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A/n: THIS WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER LOLOL BUT NO WORRIES IT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME!! Also we are quite similar :0 thank you for requesting love, stay hydrated yourself and sleep a good amount <33
I will pair you up with…
Kunikida Doppo!
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(Bro looks soo majestic <33)
Kunikida isn’t patient with Dazai since Dazai teases him on purpose, but he would be incredibly patient with you
He understands the struggle that comes with ADHD so he’d make sure you don’t zone out to much, maybe take you places and let you talk as much as you want
He‘s a great listener
Distracts you with something to fiddle with, so you don’t zone out on him
Maybe physical touch isn’t his biggest love language, but Initially warms up to it. PDA maybe too, depends really
Hand holding sure, except you guys work together (If you would work in the ADA as well that is) then it’s just an initial squeeze on the shoulder or a kiss on the head
Kunikidas love language is quality time fr fr
Takes you out all the time, art galleries, museums, ancient library, the park etc.
You don’t have to feel insecure around Kunikida as well. He loves you for you, not for who you‘d wish to be
He would make sure you understood that
Compliments all the way, long talks
He has a literal description of his dream partner like?????
He loves you the way you are and he promises you every time you doubt yourself that he loves the current you <3
As loyal as you Are
Get a bigger beach chair, because this guy won’t play in the water either.
Please give each other book recommendations???????
Would start off very shy and akward in the relationship but once you two really get to know every detail about each other honestly anyone would be jealous
Idk if it’s canon or not, but I picture Kunikida a great cook (not so good baker) too, so DUO COOKING
Baking with him is more complicated tho because he has absolutely zero clue what’s going on
He‘d probably even mess up half finished muffins (yk the ones were you only need to put in the eggs and oil and then the muffin mix? Yeah that one)
Kills the bugs for you <3
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aesolerin · 7 days
guess what heartwrenching Leper/Jester implications I found out about today!
So, you know how in both DD1 and DD2, various lineups have a chance to have an associated/relevant nickname attached to them? Well, check out this one:
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YEP. For Jester, apparently just being in a lineup with the Leper brings up memories so bitter that they are equivalent to the memories brought to Junia when she's put into lineup with the man who tortured her.
Which like, understandable, insofar as Sarmenti's years in court were legitimately torture and abuse, but Baldwin's connection to those times is a whole lot more tenuous than the connection Vestal has to bitter memories with Flagellant. Leper was a king of his own kingdom, yes, but: 1) it wasn't the kingdom Sarmenti was the court jester for, 2) Baldwin was legitimately a good king unlike the Jester's Tyrant, and 3) Other than the gold and perhaps his bearing, there's nothing about Leper that really screams 'king' and should bring that association to mind for him. And from what little we know, The Tyrant's bearing was likely a whole lot regal. (Unlike Damian's memory association for Junia, as he's still identically batshit compared to how he used to be- he just looks like a corpse now and is afraid of death.)
So, I like to think of this in two potential ways: 1) either it's like Dreams and they met before, and that's what tints it bitter, or 2) it's like how someone once put as a (now paraphrased) caption for a (really good) fancomic about the two (that you should look up, as i can't think enough to find it atm); the bitterness doesn't come from the fact that Baldwin was a king. It's that he wasn't Sarmenti's king, as Baldwin is sure to have been a lot kinder and more appreciative of his skill if only he was at that court instead.
Of course, I may be reading way too much into it, but you know me well enough by now to know that overanalysis is basically my main hobby. xD
You got any thoughts on all this, yourself? If not, no biggie!
oh good heavens that is delicious and painful.
side note, i love a lot of the party combos in DD1 and DD2. where else are you gonna get Clown Car (vestal-jester-jester-jester), Tank 'N Spank (occultist-vestal-crusader-leper), Chain The Beast (plague doctor-bounty hunter-abomination-maa), Fire And Steel (vestal-duelist-runaway-crusader), Insane Clown Posse (grave robber-hwm-maa-jester) and Ballroom Blitz (grave robber-jester-duelist-crusader)?
even though characters don't have special barks for each other (save for Dismas' Lost Crusade barks when looking for his boyfriend Reynauld)- which is understandable as i imagine it would be a massive pain in the ass- this one single party name says a lot about what might be going on in Sarmenti's head. he's fine, don't worry about it. don't worry about the way he stares at Baldwin every free moment. He's Fine.
the 'wishes he was his king' idea is the more likely one, honestly. what kickstarted Dreams for me was the thought that maybe they'd crossed paths at least once, and it still doesn't seem to be a widespread idea from my corner of the fandom. as you pointed out, Baldwin is very much not like the Tyrant Sarmenti knew. a king but not a tyrant. bitter memories indeed.
this is probably how it's meant to be read!! and i love analyzing things, it's fun and painful at the same time
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