#club penguin fan comic
lethiepie · 2 years
CLUB PENGUIN ORIGINS PART 1 - The beta test (3/3)
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bdtastico · 1 year
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Little by little I am finishing it :')
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idontdanceisit · 11 months
Pov: It's March 30, 2017.
Yes, i know this meme is made around 2019 but I don't care. I thought It would be funny. The og video is at the bottom; also rip Club Penguin :(
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justajoshe · 2 years
RR Comic Backgrounds
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Here are two backgrounds for the fan comic I've been fucking around wi for the past year or so. I am finally at peace wi how it looks 🙏
Ya can read the new pages, publicly available, on my Ko-Fi :)
Please read it, even if ya not into club penguin. I did so much research and planning all because I daydreamed an insane story and then impulsively wanted a share it
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kawaiiaestheticceline · 4 months
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Lego Penguin!
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baby-xemnas · 5 months
Hi is me no Bepo fashion this time I'm afraid ,BUT I do have angst!(this is gonna be long and i apologize for that)
So I believe in one comic it was implied that shachi had a crush on law, I imagine that at some point he was just like "ok I NEED to het over this. It's ridiculous! He only has eyes for Bepo!" And just trying his hardest to just move on and it just not working damnit!!!!!
So he comes to the conclusion, " I need to tell him and get rejected,but will hurt but I NEED it!". This imaginary situation is after the Yuri incident.
And thus after days of hyping himself up he finds it in him to get a moment alone with law. "Law listen I know what the answer is but I just need to say this, I....I have feelings for you and I need ..I NEED to..."
And after a beat law just replied with a " No Shachi." Not COLDLY or anything but just that topical Law way. And Shachi just takes a moment to nod, apologies and walk away.
Later penguin just finds Shachi in their room just softly crying but looks at him and confirms to him that , he did it, the outcome they KNEW would happen did and now he needs to face the hurt and needs a hug from his best bro.
No one talks about it later, they don't need to. They all just move on. Stronger than ever.
Tbh I can see something similar happening with a strawhat too, probably sanji if I had to guess, and later he and Shachi kinda form a 'we were rejected by our captain' club and help each other move on.
Maybe make out a lil idk just a thought
Holy Shit this was LONG I'm so sorry have a good day.
if you have more like this im all ears, not guaranteed that ill agree with it all (i do agree here) but i love a long message thank you so much (this is @ you and @ everyone in general)
but omg holy shit i didnt even realize that the yuri incident (tm pending) ties to my previous comic w fem law..happy accident
yeah god you are so on point law really wouldnt make it awkward and try to beat around the bush to -not hurt his feelings- he is so matter of fact at least when he cuts you its with surgical precision there is barely any trace of it left
100% agree with lu*san and luffy's method of rejection is also matter of fact but with gentleness of a sledgehammer. i like sanji having a helpless crush, like he never managed to get along with zoro and zoro getting all of luffy's love on top of feeling inferior to zoro's strength, on top of not being luffy's first most important right hand man.....sanji would internalize all of that and drive himself crazy...he loves luffy and believes in him and being with luffy gives him strength to do anything cuz thats just THE LUFFY EFFECT - but you know..you know..insecure bitch :)))))) hehehehe looove love that you mentioned it im a big fan.
law is direct and its brutal but its the best way to do it, he cares about shachi a lot but he doesnt need to say it, trying to comfort him saying shit like "this wont change anything about our relationship" to comfort shachi is also not his style
penguin watching the mess shachi made of himself cant really help him, yes ofc he's there for him OF COURSE but also it just sucks, feelings are hard you cant control them, and also, its understandable isnt it? their boss baby really is amazing huh
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notyoung-neil · 3 months
If you fucking know me or see my ACC (and my other blog accs) yk I love the OG ships like jophen/ startech (joseph x stephen) mobillce (mobile x wallace) and maybe a few other non-cannon ships like kimona (Kim x romona) and...fuck idk the ship name for hollie x roxie or Kim x Lisa but yeah those too. For neil, personally, I'm a nordegrim shipper :)) Sorry, neilphen fans :((
Since I imagine he's still on collage I assume he's taking sonthing/ changed courses into somthing more...movie thing? Idk. Mainly working with cameras, screen writing, anything movie based or whatever
Since for Joe I made him Hispanic, other scott as Chinese, I don't really know what to do for the quirky silly little guy like neil. Gimme some ideas if y'all ever see this
Has attachment issues. Or fear of being left alone or not included
He has eczema that flairs up during the winter. Sometimes, he cries silently because of how itchy he is and doesn't like the cream the doctors told him to use because it's a weird texture he isn't comfortable with
Whenever stephen is back home from work, they usually sit down and watch movies together or during dinner. Young neil yaps about a movie, and stephen replies with a dry and simple "mhm, " "yeah", "that's cool -" and sometimes the occasional questions. Neil doesn't mind since he knows stephen is tired
He sometimes steals money from stephen but not all the time. He pays stephen back quickly by making some dinner (that he fucked up)
Favorite games have to be anything RPG based and zelda. Maybe he also got into the virtual world hype like UB funkies, webkinz, neopets, or club penguin (mainly UB funkies)
If he dose have a job I imagine he'd work at the second cup just to hang out with Stacy more, maybe a comic book store, or at no account video with Kim so he can watch more movies for free
I imagine his interest related friends has to be hollie (bc I see hollie also being a cinaphile), Joseph (because he wants to learn how to operate cameras and stuff and make it look cool by editing) and Jimmy (fellow zelda and starwars fan)
He has acne/ acne scars and back acne (I think that's the term) and he always picks/scratches at it
Speaking of picking. He always picks at his fingers and sometimes peels off a good chunk to the point it is bleeding bad, so he has bandaids on his hands and fingers most of the time. He doesn't mind which sorta bandaid. He likes the colorful ones that have like a character on it, but he worries if he might be too distracting for him when he's in class
I love how ironic it is for him to wear a heart on his sleeve sorta shirt even though he doesn't really show his feelings that often. He has the same ass stare all the time, and I think it's silly. So I just imagine he would say whatever is in his head without second thought, or he would mumble it if he thinks it's weird. So whenever he talks about his feelings, like how he feels about the whole "band abandoning him" situation, he actually means It and doesn't really hide it at all.
Steph (Neil's older sister) got him a pair of headphones bc thier parents were always fighting and a Walkman so he can listen to some music. He still uses those headphones to this day even though their broken in half, the sound quality is terrible and the ear puff thingy is crumbling
Whenever he goes out to the mall or out with anyone, he either has his hands in his pocket or out, bc someone has to grab onto his wrist so he wouldn't stop and stare at things (it's mainly Stephen and Kim who has to grip onto his wrist and drag him along. He dont mind tho :/ meanwhile stacy just holds onto his hand and stares with him)
Whenever stephen has a day off and he sees neil playing video games, he asks neil if he finishes his homework. If neil says no, stephen takes away his Gameboy color, keep it in his room and tell him to do his homework. If yes then stephen would just shrug it off, ruffle his hair up and say "ight, cool"
Neil was probably the first to find out that stephen was gay when stephen brought Joseph over (make of that as you will)
He writes movie reviews online and hopes people will see em but his writing skills are ass and he just describes whatever he can and think "yeah that's good enough"
Stephen treats neil like family since well, steph (Neil's older sister) isn't in contact with him that much. And because of the name similarities, neil just treats stephen like steph
His "stuffy" are those hot rubber water bottles (I forgor the name but you pour hot water into them and they help you with cramps and aches and shit-) with a wool sleeve wrapped around it
Since this rp acc is a bit related to the stephen acc. He likes bone crusher a lot! Since he mainly stays home, he has a new buddy to talk to and hang out with. But he leaves all the chores to stephen like cleaning out the litter box or something
Ever since he found out stephen had a cat he was pissed that stephen named the cat "bone crusher" not Link, Skull Kid,Meowth,Litten or Shinx or somthing cool like that but he continues to call bone crusher, bone crusher.
He has a bike and takes it to his college campus. He has the gear for it, too. Helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves. Stephen said if he doesn't wear em he'll get into an accident, and that scared neil
Idk why, but i imagine him being the type to collect... something! Maybe anything to fill up his already messy room!
He's a maximalist (I think that's how you spell it), as you can see from his room
I imagine he has those window markers to doodle on his window or to doodle out ideas for another screen play
I imagine him and Stacy are pretty much on the platonic and cute relationship wise. Holding hands, cuddling all that sorta stuff and stacy likes to listen to Neil's rambles about movies and how good/bad they are
Neil likes it whenever he receives gifts :DDD and tries to pay back by acts of service or something idk. Even if it's his birthday or Christmas he makes sure he owes everybody a equal amount. For example (*COUGH COUGH* DS SITUATION) he's gotta pay back stephen by taking care of bone crusher for a day maybe, doing Stephen's chores and stuff
Not a neil headcannon but I imagine stacy trying to watch the movies neil recommend her so she can catch up and talk to neil abt it and I think it's really cute and sweet :DDD
Yk damn well he's got a BIG ASS forehead underneath all that hair. Justin Bieber lookin ah. No wonder why young neil is Canadian/j
Also not a neil headcannon. But I imagine everyone calling stephen, STEVEN (IDK HOW STEPHENS NAME IS PRONOUNCED. IS IT STEVEN OR STEPH-EM WJKDWKDJWN) that includes neil but Joseph calls stephen by his last name (stills) (joseph just calls everyone by thier last names to seem fancy and shit expect for Neil's. He just calls neil, kid or just neil because he doesn't know to how to read Neil's last name nor say it so...he just calls neil, neil)
Bases around one headcannon I saw. I forgor what acc and where it came from (I'll go ahead and credit them if I find it it) but since neil had like parents who always fought or is strict as hell he perfected the ways of walking around the house quiet af and accidentally scars ppl bc of this
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fishtre · 2 years
Why do you not like Jason as a crime lord? I don't think I've met any fans who don't. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to. Thanks.
Thanks. Loaded question but who reads DC comics and doesn’t love to rant once in a while?    
People who want Jason to be a crime lord are a mixed bag, anon. From my experience, some are nostalgic of when Jason was a villain; they want this to be the hill on which Jason fights Bruce & co (and dies on). Some are just severely naive fans. Some are fans who want Jason to stars in gangster stories, etc... Nothing that interest me.
1. I'm okay with Jason killing traffickers and dealers, but not him becoming one.  That’s an actual deal-breaker for me. 
2. I don't want to see Jason becomes what he hates for no reasons.  
Beating dealers and crime lords, making them afraid to deal drug to kids... Jason achieves nothing as a glorified drug dealer that he can't accomplish as a vigilant. Affiliating RH to organized crime is more of a dead weight and a moral liability to his character than anything else.  
Also, anyone who think Jason is an actual crime lord in UTRH is basically telling me they don’t have enough reading comprehension to read/watch UTRH or a dictionary at this point. (More about that below the cut if you care.)  
3. Jason being turned into a crime lord is not going to magically solve how DC portray him. 
DC will never let a crime lord be the solution to crime their heroes can’t be, or imply that what Gotham need is a "good crime lord", or that such concept even exists... That shit is irl harmful. Such direction can only validate DC when they'll portray him as a scumbag or a cautionary tale; "he who fights monsters become the monster" and "Batman was right about Jason being a bad apple all along".   
I hope this delayed answer clear things, anon.  
A crime lord is someone who run and lead a criminal organization for profits. It’s the literal definition. Aside when Jason shortly takes over Penguin’s club during Rebirth RHATO, calling him a crime lord is a misconception or simply an informed attribute. UTRH never refers to Jason as being a crime lord. The flanderization happens after UTRH and my best guess is that DC went there to mark a distinction for their readers. So, they do not confuse RH (a vigilant but also a full-fledged villain for the rest of post-crisis continuity) and the ideal(ized) vigilantes Batman & co, whom readers should root for.   
So, yeah... Jason isn't a crime lord in UTRH.    
The only thing Jason leads there is his own operation, much like any vigilant. He blackmails actual kingpins into paying him so they stop working for BM. A "subscribe to my protection and policy or die" sort of deal. Then he kills and arsons underlines and stocks of the traffickers he didn't rope in. The goal is to weaken Black Mask’s empire, N°1 crime lord in Gotham and it's not to overtakes him.
RH has no hands in the drugs operations or business. He never touches that. He has no plans for some expansion or unification too. The actual crime lords in the story regards him as a madman, a big bully and a thug. He would have let that kingpin he roped in by force get burned alive by BM’s men if he didn’t have to pretends and keep BM’s manpower divided.  
I can't remember or care to check if the whole "regulate the drug market to control it” is fanon or also a direction that pop-up later in post-crisis. But UTRH!Jason isn’t leading a criminal organization. He’s leading a scorched-earth policy. There's no regulation of anything aside the "no child rule", and RH never claims such. He’s stirring shits in Gotham’s underworld, pocking at a hornet's nest, to get Batman's attention. UTRH is the story of a ghost coming back to haunt Bruce/Gotham.
If you go with the movie version, Jason also stirs things so BM pulls Joker out of prison and get his hands on the clown. Potentially, this is why Jason use the moniker of RH. If BM goes to Joker for help, it’s because he thinks Joker may know who RH is, or is behind all this, since the clown once used that alias himself.  
RH has no regard for any criminals involved, while actual crime lord Jason entails that Jason employs and works with a bunch of people who makes a living of smuggling and selling drugs. That he makes a profit over addictions and trafficking and he feeds that industry on some level. Regardless of how you justify this choice or not, he becomes an active wench in poisoning society and not just the underworld.  
That's a BIG side-step from what RH does in UTRH, and worse, in complete contradiction with his character or motives prior to his death.  
Drugs, thugs, dealers destroyed his childhood, his mother's life and jeopardized his by proxy. Jason doesn't idealize criminals or heroes. He doesn’t see anything moral about being a vigilant and thus don’t see a point in Bats’ “being better than them” mantra. Moral =/ Justice. His whole schism with Bruce steams from that.
So no, I’m not enthusiast about seeing Jason work with people he loathes, or turn into something he hates. For no real gain, again because he can do the same as a vigilant not affiliated to the drug business.To be clear, DC will never let him solve crime, obviously, but if turning Jason into a "he who fights monsters become the monster" villain so the moral can be "Bruce was right all along" isn't the point, going back to UTRH or crime lord Jason is not a viable direction.  
That's about cover my thoughts on the subject. :p   
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vioyume · 11 months
Rambling about an old defunct Disney site
So like does anyone remember Disney Create? It shut downed in 2014 but it was essentially a social media for drawing and it had it's own drawing program. Similar to Animal Jam's I guess but you can pick different themes for what you want to draw with by clicking on a show you want.
So the Phineas and Ferb one will give you assets such as character stickers, backgrounds, and music from the show, Club Penguin is the same thing but with their own characters and etc. (Btw there was this "Got Milk" thing happening before but I never understood what it was)
But getting back to the art program, some of it's features were a decent amount of different brushes as well as ones like vines or snowflakes. But you can make your own brushes and stickers too. There was a feature to make comics too, and when you're done with the comic you can read it like a slideshow/video, no layer feature but what do you expect from a program made for kids.
I frankly remember being like 7 and was tracing bases but never posted them as well as recreating mlp characters in a pet creator.
Besides drawing there was a music video creator, and these pet creator things as far as I remember. The pet one is getting parts and coloring on them to make a pet you can interact with (dogs, cats, fish, birds, etc), and the music video one is using assests from a show to create a cool slide show, I made many Phineas and Ferb ones when the movie was coming out.
I can't say much about the social media part of the website because I never made an account, but when I did it was late into the site's lifespan and I don't remember anything nor know how social media works, think one of the features was saving your work.
The site to me was not a huge impact, I would've find another drawing site somewhere else but it was certainly convenient when I wanted to draw silly ponies. Kind of sad to see that only screenshots exists and it's just something people barely remember but you can access it through the way back machine but it needs flash so you can't draw in it.
Anyways here's some screen shots from google, I'm pretty sure some Warrior Cats fans liked using it but I can't find any for the pet and music video creator.
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The toilet dog photo is the only thing I found of the pet creator but not the actual program itself and it was from someone's Wordpress blog but it gives you an idea how it works. Here's the link
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thecomicsnexus · 2 years
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The Penguin is dead... or is he? Batman will try to figure out the truth behind his sudden death, and foil his plans.
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Do you want to know why I have so many fond memories of the 90s? Just look at those covers.
There is something that I felt got lost over time in the comic book industry... and you can find it all in this story. Dark sense of humor? check, Dynamic style where people pose like humans? check, multiple characters with their own conflicts and motivations? check.
At least in mainstream comics.
In any case, this is one of those stories that I read as a teenager, but that I discovered late (and with late I mean that I read the issues around it before finding out this one existed). It brought back Kadaver from the “Night People” trilogy, and at the time I thought this was his death... but he would later appear in “Shadow of the Bat”.
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I am also a fan of Penguin stories where he isn’t running a club, or passing as a good guy. Everyone knows he is a criminal, and you would never trust him (that would change after “Batman Returns”).
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Now... is his plan really that genius? Nah, it’s kind of meh, but the fun aspect of the story is in how he cheated death by entering an hypnotic trance (by Kadaver). It has so many moving parts that could go wrong, but by the time Batman and Penguin find each other, there’s like this climatic relief.
And this is one of the strengths of Alan Grant, I think. The dark comedy was a good fit for Batman, and to this day, I still think he is probably one of the most influential Batman writers of all time.
It helped a lot that Breyfogle hardcoded the panels in our memories, I think. These pages are all iconic, and I think it has a lot to do with his layouts.
There are some empty backgrounds here and there, but I can live with that.
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lethiepie · 2 years
CLUB PENGUIN ORIGINS PART 1 - The beta test (1/3)
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bdtastico · 1 year
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In a few days or weeks I will be uploading the first pages, since I am finishing them with pints and adding the lines of the script but it all depends if the work does not take up my time. Even so, remember this is a fan comic made with love and nostalgia for the game, without further ado, enjoy and wait for the update in a few days or weeks.
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frostbite-the-bat · 1 year
shout out to whoever asked me "is that a furry" when i posted the almond comic on the ncp server
An Anthropomorphic Dog Very Clearly Walking On Two Feet And Is Dressed Up And Does Human Things as a Fan Character for Fucking Club Penguin where Anthropomorphic Animals (Birds Specifically) Who Dress Up And Do Human Things not like You Were Playing That like do you people forget club penguin is an Play As An Anthro Animal game
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cafalla · 4 months
Game Informer Magazine (November 2019, Issue 319) Scans
I try to focus on mainly scanning older items, but I found this Game Informer magazine and couldn't pass it up.
I mean gosh, anything pre-Covid may as well be a relic, right? (jkjk)
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Unfortunately the front cover is a bit damaged, but I still really love this art collage of Pikachu and the Sword and Shield starters!
Here's some scans from this issue that I like!
Starting off, here's the fanart page.
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These fanart/personal creation corners are my favorite pages in hobby magazines. It makes me so nostalgic for being a preteen and wanting to make and submit my own art in hopes of it being featured!
When I was about 13, I was obsessed with DeviantArt. My dad showed me how to use the scanner so I could scan my own art and post it (on the family computer, of course). My sister came to me one day and asked me to scan her comic that she wanted to submit to the in-game Club Penguin newspaper/magazine.
I didn't play Club Penguin much (I was a Neopets girl), but I fondly remember her being so proud of that comic. I helped her scan and submit it, and asked her every day if it got put into the paper. I don't think it ever did, but it was a fun time waiting to see if it would.
Speaking of Neopets, I also really loved the Neopets paper. I'd spend hours browsing backlogs of the paper to look at the fanart and read the fanfiction that was posted there.
Good times!
I thought this League of Legends art was super neat, but the whole premise of this article is hilarious to me.
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Like...ok, Riot/League. iykyk.
I'm a fairly new League of Legends player - I started playing after watching Arcane. My bf has been an on-again off-again League player, but I was always too intimidated to get into it. I actually got into it first from Team Fight Tactics, and then started playing ARAM, and only recently started dipping my toes into Summoner's Rift.
Anyways, as much as I love the game, people can be SO mean. So just seeing the article title and thinking of all the rudeness I've seen in-game is pretty funny. I know a lot of good people play and work on this game though, so I appreciate the optimism and work to make the community better.
Granted, this article isn't only about League of Legends. But I think having them as the front cover for the article is kind of hilarious.
As a Pokémon fan, I thought this top ten page was a fun look at past gym leaders, especially considering the cover story for this issue is about the new (at the time) Pokémon mainline games.
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The judging criteria is not clear at all. That's ok, there doesn't need to be a reason to do a top ten list - I'm assuming these are just this guy's favorite gym leaders. It is refreshing to see some leaders who don't normally wind up on these kinds of lists though, like Wulfric, Maylene, and Korrina.
This is really wanting to make me go back and play Let's Go! Pikachu lol.
Ok, so admittedly I knew nothing about Baldur's Gate 3 until the day it came out and I was like 'What the heck is this game everyone on my friend's list is playing?"
My bf ended up buying it for me and we played it co-op. Definitely deserved all the hype and praise it got.
So color me surprised when I was flipping through this magazine from 2019 and saw mention of Baldur's Gate 3.
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There's a whole interview in here with the founder of the BG3 game studio. I knew this game was in development for many years, but I just completely missed the hype leading up to it.
Now some scans from the main cover story about Pokémon Sword and Shield.
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These aren't all the scans from the spread, but I just wanted to show some of them off! I love multi-page stories about things where they feel almost like scrapbooks with how the graphics are arranged.
Here's a preview about the Final Fantasy VII Remake.
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I've never played a Final Fantasy game, and though I'd love to someday, I'd have no clue where to start. I do love the character designs and I thought this game looked beautiful when it was announced.
And some more previews for various games.
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Little Town Hero was actually on my radar at the time, as it gave big Fantasy Life vibes (and I LOVED Fantasy Life). Also, I just learned from this article that Toby Fox was brought in to compose? Amazing.
I looked it up and it's available on Steam, but disappointingly the reviews seem pretty mixed. I'm gonna add it to my wishlist and grab it when it goes on sale.
Here's a couple of reviews from the review section.
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And an ending fluff page about creepy Pokémon pokedex entries.
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And that's it for this one!
The full magazine is available to read over on my Internet Archive account.
Thanks for reading!
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kawaiiaestheticceline · 5 months
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kudosmyhero · 10 months
Birds of Prey (vol. 2) #2: Endrun, pt. 2 - The Rage of the White Canary
Read Date: January 09, 2023 Cover Date:August 2010 ● Writer: Gail Simone ● Penciler: Ed Benes ◦ Adriana Melo ● Inker: Ed Benes ◦ Mariah Benes ● Colorist: Nei Ruffino ● Letterer: Steve Wands ● Editor: Janelle Asselin ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● It's been a minute since I read issue 1. Argh, and there's no synopsis and I didn't take reaction notes back then. I'll just have to see if my memory gets jogged. ● (pg 2) I mean, these women all look great, but I can't help but think how unguarded their femoral arteries are considering their lives of fighting crime. Do you know how fast a person bleeds out from a wound to the femoral artery? Fast. ● Poor Penguin. I'm sure he'll be fine, though. ● this White Canary is cool as a cucumber
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● Lethal hair accessories. Cool. ● Fishnets do look amazing, ngl. ● Oof, hopefully Dinah didn't lose any teeth there… ● Narrative: She's not Shiva. You never feel Shiva's emotions when she hits you. This lady seems to hate my guts. ~ curiouser and curiouser ● If looks could kill… ● Hawk and Dove are here along with Lady Blackhawk (I forgot she's from WWII and misplaced in time) ● Hawk didn't expect that… ● Hawk has a big handful of her hair, though. Is that why his name is Hank? Geddit? Hank … of hair… nevermind. Ahem. ● Meanwhile, Oracle hears a news bulletin about a Gregory Chasco dying of wounds apparently undetectable by medical science. ● Oops, the bulletin named "former Justice League member the Black Canary" is the cause of death. ● The Channel 8 chopper has eyes on Black Canary now ● Oracle yells in the intercom: "Black Canary! Quit fighting! Get out of there!" ● 12 squad cars and a police chopper are on the way. Oops. ● Before White Canary leaves, she says: "One of you will die every hour for the next six hours. You choose. Or I will." ● GCPD ain't playin'. ● Before they can decide on whether to be shot or to surrender, Penguin regains consciousness enough to tell the women weakly, "My place. Get us to my club. Safe there." ● Fight or flight? Canary chooses fight and unleashes her canary cry ● omg, Oswald has a facefull of Dove's tits and he's living for it 😂😂
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● Oliver Queen was mayor of Star City? Huh. I'm not up-to-date on my Green Arrow lore. ● new person calling in to Oracle… Brian Durlan a.k.a. Savant a.k.a. Creote? ● the coloring of Oracle's eyes up close is gorgeous ● "Savant is dead, Oracle. He's dead." ● Oh, so this Creote is a different person. And he's blaming Savant's death on Oracle. ● Oh, fuuuu… I hope Barbara has a good therapist. ● Penguin needs a hospital ● "softly pillowy bosom" - hahah! ● the crew runs into a random tv set up in an alley, where another news bulletin has breaking news of Black Canary's true identity. Oh shit. ● is White Canary the child who was "abandoned"? That would explain some of the hatred… ● the girl's name is Sin and she was almost adopted by Black Canary ● Oracle: "I am the grid." Badass mode unlocked. I mean, she was always a badass. But now it's badderass. ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: {none available… dammit}
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Fan Art: Black Canary and Huntress by spidermanfan2099
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batgirl to Oracle - episode 09
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