#code lyoko fanfiction
time-travelling-chaos · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you for the ask! I only have 10 fics published on AO3, so here are the 5 I prefer among them. (And unfortunately, a few are in french)
To perceive the universe (English, G, 980 words, Good Omens), My most recent one, with an autistic-coded Azirapahale reflecting on his perception of the universe, it's one of the fics I put the most of myself in.
There are a thousand ways to love (French, T, 3620 words, Le Visiteur du Futur), After a love confession from Raph, le Visteur reflects on how he feels love, and explores what it means to be aromantic, another one in which I put a lot of myself in.
Lost and damned (French, G, 876 words, Le Visiteur du Futur), Knowing that he will have to sacrifice himself to save the world, le Visiteur leaves one final letter to Raph.
Do not enter the bookshop (English, T, 666 words, Good Omens), Crowley and Aziraphale's tricks, seen from an outsider point of view, a fic that's a bit silly, but also have some horror themes.
Glimpse of a messy life (English, T, 2201 words, Code Lyoko), The first fic I wrote in english, so it has quite a special place in my heart. In that one, Odd is trans, and starts to experience some dysphoria during the bodyswap episode.
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cecexwrites · 7 months
Code Lyoko Masterlist
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Name: Xeda Moriarty Story: Glitch FC: TBD
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shsl-box-worshipper · 3 months
I just had a light bulb:
Y'know how Odd gets turned into a surrogate Chat Noir in Miraculous fusion/crossover fics?
Well, I just realized that the same philosophy can literally apply to any kind of cat hero/villain in fiction.
So hear me out...
Spider-man Fusion AU where Odd takes the role of Black Cat and another character takes the role of Spider-man.
Or even better
A Batman Fusion AU where Odd's Cat-Woman and Batman's another character
Just food for thought.
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obsessedwithtodoroki · 6 months
Code Lyoko Fantasy Au: Aelita (16)
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The Princess of the Kingdom of Lyoko.
Her father was killed trying to protect her from XANA, and she was captured and locked in a tower deep within Lyoko that was once her mother’s lab. During her time in isolation, she developed her skills in alchemy and magic despite being locked away.
She finally brought a communication orb to life to talk to someone in the outside world!
She was able to get into contact with an elf named Jermey. She pleaded to help her, as during her time locked away she figured out a way to kill XANA and end the war.
Once she is saved by the growing group that Jermey made, they attempt to breach into deeper enemy lines. She and her friends fight the army and are so close, only for them to be injured and pinned down. She apologizes to the others for dragging them into this.
XANA began a monologue and during that time, Aelita felt a familiar presence, her father, in spirit, came and gave her the boost she needed to finally end the tyrannical dictator!
Her home was free and friends were safe.
She didn't want to stay at the castle and wanted to keep exploring and see the world she was denied for years.
One adventure ended, but a new, and hopefully calmer one, had begun.
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falling-pixie · 10 months
Sorry for the word vomit but I need to rant-
As a fanfic writer who only spits out things every once in a while... I can't STOP writing. My fic keeps growing. My one fic is up to 20k+ finished and STILL GROWING. Like, I have to delete scenes to make this work. I've never written this much before and I'm kind of glad and kind of scared that it isn't slowing down
*nervous laughter*
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purpleandstarlight · 5 months
What was the fandom you all read/wrote your first fanfics for??? Genuine question that everyone on tumblr is free to answer in the tags or comments.
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erosophic · 2 months
“This is too easy, isn’t it?” Yumi says, still holding both fans up to her chest as she waits for the next round of monsters.
The path ahead is clear. All Aelita has to do is take five steps and she’ll be through the wall of the tower. Easy, simple, like they forgot to boost the difficulty level before loading into a game. Odd stays suspended in the air, Aelita gripping his arm, as they all wait with baited breath for something to happen.
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thenixkat · 1 year
Honestly the fastest way for me to decide if yer Code Lyoko fic is worth my time to even finish the summery is if you use he/him pronouns for XANA cause if so then no.
Like if you cant even think past male default bullshit especially for an entity that at zero points gendered itself, then yer not even a halfway decent writer.
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miaqc1 · 3 months
Code Maverick (5492 words) by MiaQc Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Code Lyoko, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Rockman X | Mega Man X Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jeremie Belpois & Odd Della Robbia & Yumi Ishiyama & Aelita Schaeffer & Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar & Aelita Schaeffer, Aelita Schaeffer & Zero [Rockman X], Aelita Schaeffer & Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama & Aelita Schaeffer, Odd Della Robbia & Aelita Schaeffer, Jeremie Belpois/Aelita Schaeffer Characters: Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Yumi Ishiyama, Aelita Schaeffer, Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar, X.A.N.A., Sigma [Rockman X], Axl Rockman X, Zero Rockman X, X Rockman X, Rockman | Mega Man Rockman Additional Tags: Diary/Journal, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover, Screenplay/Script Format, Post-Season/Series 04, POV Female Character, POV First Person, Sharing A Body, Monsters, Partnership, Female Protagonist, Science Fiction, Friendship, Wordcount: 5.000-10.000, Robots, Artificial Intelligence, author is autistic, Cross-Posted from AO3, Betaed – No, POV Aelita Schaeffer, Wordcount: Over 5.000 Summary:
A cross-over between Code Lyoko and Mega Man X. I may expand this concept to a full story one day. Who knows? X.A.N.A. was destroyed. He should have stayed "dead" (well, if we can qualify that a virus can "die" like a human being) but, less than a year later, he’s back. Jeremy, Ulrich, Odd, Yumi, Aelita and even William have to expect anything from their nemesis. Lately, Aelita has been experiencing some strange things and, to clear everything up, decides to type a diary on her pink laptop. It was Yumi's idea.
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madamealtruist · 6 months
Hey, guys, Gwen here! With certain events having sadly reared their ugly heads, I am in dire need of some extra cash. So what am I doing? I'm opening commissions! Albeit, I'll be selling written work and not design work since I still lack any real visual artistic skills. But, my writing skills are still sharp, so I hope you'll be ready to see what I have to offer! But first I'd like to lay out a few ground rules!
I have the right to refuse any commission in violation of these rules. So, PLEASE respect and read them!
No graphic sex scenes. This includes heavy topics that I will not name at this moment.
No hate speech. Racial slurs or remarks against any groups of individuals will not be written in my stories.
If you want to have your story have gore, please tell me the amount of it you want in it. I cannot stress this enough, as I want to ensure you are comfortable with your results.
Payment will be made via PayPal.
I'm new to commissions, so please bear with me if I make errors.
Fantasy/Science Fiction/Science Fantasy
AUs that differ from existing material/reinventions of existing material
Nonfiction Drama
AUs/Fanfiction that makes little to no change from existing material
Assistance with Homework Assignments
Alright, with the ground rules all settled, let's move on to prices. Keep in mind, that I will be using flat prices, so don't worry about having to pay per hour. Moreover, I'll be offering typical story writing, so if you want me to write a short story, or help out with a longer series, I can do that. I'm also offering special assistance sessions for writers who have ideas in mind but might need a helping hand in fleshing out said ideas for their stories.
Small Work (Less than 1,000 words): 30 USD
Large Work (Over 1,000 words): 45 USD
Longer Projects: 25 USD per chapter
Character Creation: 20 USD
Worldbuilding: 50 USD
Plot Assistance: 35 USD
If you've read this far, congratulations! You're ready to begin! Now, if you'd like any examples of my writing, feel free to ask me over at my Discord (thegrimoiresvoice) and we'll be in business. I look forward to working with you all and hope to see you soon!
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zhinyart · 2 years
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I recently created some illustrations for a jerlita fanfic titled “Guilty Pleasures” and it was a lot of fun! For this project, I challenged myself and decided to do something different from usual. I combined 2D art and 3D (for the backgrounds), and I couldn’t be happier with the result! I didn’t draw as much as I wanted to during 2022, but working on these illustrations made me feel a little more satisfied as an artist.
If you’re interested in the story, you can read it on the following sites:
AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/44103069  (illustrations included)
FFN https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14180738/1/Guilty-Pleasures
To see all the artworks I did for this story:
Pixiv post.:https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/104283842
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cecexwrites · 2 years
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Glitch A Code Lyoko Fanfiction
It's been 5 years since X.A.N.A. was shut down. Now everyone is growing up and moving on and figuring out what to do with the rest of their lives. But Odd finds he just can't do it. After years of being a hero, being a normal teenager isn't enough. When a new girl showed up at school, he convinces himself that she was sent by X.A.N.A to orchestrate his big come back. No one believes him- until the old computer flickers back to life.
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shsl-box-worshipper · 3 months
A Grave Mistake
Hi, @vexfulfolly! I'm your gifter for @code-swap 2024! I honestly had a lot of fun with making this gift and coming up with ideas. The story I went with was 'What if XANA came back and Jeremie was the last LW after a horrible XANA attack and this is the start of his comeback?' and I ran with it lol.
I decided to go for an art-fic mini combo, starting with the art and building a story based on that and finishing them both simultaneously. Named after a song by Ice Nine Kills (Which is based on the film The Crow (1994)). Hope you enjoy!
Three months.
That's how long it took. Just three terrible months of hell.
It started two years after they were sure XANA was dead. They had all thoroughly moved on from those two years fighting XANA in that time. They all stayed together of course, in one way or another. Odd was still Ulrich's roommate and Kiwi's owner, Yumi and Ulrich were actively dating, William had slowly been accepted back into their friend group to the point where he often shared the big sibling role with Yumi, and Aelita and Jeremie were both the best of their class and smitten lovebirds.
Everything was perfect. Everything was great. They weren't paranoid. They weren't scared for every second they were awake.
Then it happened. It was quite innocuous and almost unnoticeable at first.
Power fluctuations, news about blackouts in areas around former Replikas, phone lines going dead for hours and hours at a time. Two weeks in, multiple regional governments around the globe suddenly shut off all communication with the outside world, shut off access to their areas, and became communication-less zones.
Jeremie jumped at the idea that XANA could be causing all this. But the others calmed him down, reminding him that the multi-agent was dead. Jeremie himself sowed its destruction.
He wished, for once in his pathetic life, he didn't listen to his friends and that he booted up his old laptop. But he didn't, so he did nothing.
Then it began.
Disasters of all sorts struck. Floods, hurricanes, tornados, power plant failures. Infrastructure was failing all across the board and no one could figure out why.
Then they came.
Robots, cyborgs-whatever you want to call them, they stormed into every capital conceivable. Monsters of flesh and metal, attacking what Jeremie could only assume was their former friends and family.
It was at that moment that they all scrambled back to action. But they were unprepared for such a threat.
Odd was first, shot down while they were still at Kadic by the robots while saving Ulrich. He went out as he always did: Smiling and making jokes.
Yumi, Aelita, Ulrich, and himself made it to the factory, but they were hot on their tail. Ulrich stayed behind and tried to hold them off, like he used to. Jeremie knew he didn't make it.
William, meanwhile, stayed behind to keep Kadic safe. Jeremie hoped he was still alive. But even he knew that hope was fleeting.
Jeremie immediately virtualized Yumi and Aelita, but before he could give them instruction, they were onset by a new monster they hadn't seen before.
When Yumi lost all her lifepoints, Jeremie was expecting her to come out of the scanners.
But she didn't. She was nowhere on Lyoko and nowhere in the real world.
Yumi was dead.
Jeremie desperately tried to guide Aelita out of danger and toward the tower, but he lost contact with her.
And whatever Ulrich did to distract the robots failed. One was above him.
Pain filled his entire being as that one robot landed a blow to his gut, causing him to bleed profusely. And he could hear the elevator going down, carrying more of those things. Knowing his time was limited, he did the only thing he could.
He set up a delayed virtualization and crawled his way to the scanners.
That's where he found himself now.
Jeremie knew all for certain that he was the last Lyoko Warrior. The others were either dead or last seen in situations that could only logically conclude with their deaths.
He groaned as he tried to stanch the gaping wound in his abdomen. He nearly swore as his nerves once again screamed at the pain.
So, this was it, huh? Jeremie chuckled at how fate had led to where he was now.
Four years ago, he came to this factory for such an innocuous reason. He was an ignorant 11-year old who simply wanted to win a robotics contest.
He was alone. He was friendless. And he treated technology like his lifeline.
Then he found and turned on the supercomputer, met Aelita, and his whole world was flipped upside down. Friends, love, and a reason to live beyond the technology that was defining his life.
Now, he was back where he was four years ago. Friendless, alone, and with technology acting as his literal lifeline.
It's ironic. The last time he was like that, he was innocent, scared 11-year-old boy. He had done nothing interesting in particular, and was just continuing the status quo he had built for himself.
Writing programs, making robots, hiding from his bullies.
Now he was 15. Nearly 16.
Now he had experienced what he had missed out on. What he never got to taste because of his introvertedness.
And it was amazing. Never before had he had friends who actually cared about him. Never before had he have a reason to keep on living, to keep on fighting.
Never before had he ever fallen in love. Have a girlfriend. KISSED.
He had faced trials and tribulations no child ever should...and he grew from them. He had turned from a cowardly, innocent, lost boy into a wise man, intelligent beyond his years and surrounded by everything he could have ever wanted or needed.
But he had to throw that away. He should've trust his instincts. He should've jumped at the opportunity and stopped it before it got worse.
But he didn't. He trusted his friends too much. He fell victim to his own logic and reasoning.
And now, they were dead.
Everyone Jeremie had ever known or loved...was dead.
Its the robots, Jeremie realized. They had found the hatch, whether by following his blood trail or using deductive reasoning, and they were coming down now.
At the same time, he could hear the scanner he was in start to whir. It was drawing power, something these things always did. Especially when he was beginning the transferring step of his process.
They were getting closer now. Jeremie from the distance of the sound that they were climbing the ladder now.
They were down the ladder now. All it would take was one shot and he would be dead. The scanners would not register his brain activity and would virtualize his corpse as a catatonic dummy.
All it took was one mistake...and his world had ended.
They were scanning the area now, Jeremie deduced. Probably to figure out which scanner he went into.
He purposely chose one that wasn't facing the ladder. Buy himself a few more seconds before they would inevitably find him. Maybe then, he would be safe.
He could hear their metal feet pounding outside the scanner, shaking the entire room and maybe the entire complex.
Knowing he would practically be a sitting duck if he stayed sitting, he tried to push himself up onto his feet.
His body was protesting his every move, his nerves practically begging him to stop. But he needed to stand. He needed to be prepared.
He had to. He made the mistake of not being prepared once.
It took some effort but he was on his feet now, gritting his teeth and trying to keep as quiet as possible.
He could see some of them now. His glasses were in absolute ruins, but he could still see out of one lense.
Metallic feet crushed against the otherwise hard metal of the scanner room, horrific visages of metal and flesh entering his view. He nearly vomitted when he saw his first one only a couple of hours ago. He didn't even know XANA was capable of such inhumane things, but then again, what has this AI not done up to this point?
One in front of him was male, in his 30s, and overweight. Other than that, Jeremie couldn't figure out much about it. Whatever person made up that mechanical monstrosity had their facial features practically rotting off.
The first one didn't spot him, thankfully. It was too busy heading toward the other scanner to realize Jeremie was there.
He left out a sigh of relief as it went. If his calculations were right, the delayed virtualization would be enacted in a few seconds. He just needed just a little more time-
A second nightmare stepped forward, one much more sloppier than the first one. Bits and pieces of it's tech were practically falling out of it.
The second one was smaller than the first one. Looked to be male...and around Jeremie's age.
It set off such uncomfortable feelings in Jeremie's stomach once he realized that. The fact that someone his own age was turned into one of these things...
He couldn't bear the thought.
This one was turning around. SHIT!
The sound of crunching motors and gears filled the air as the cyborg monster turned it's head to look into the scanner.
And at that moment, a loud, piercing alarm sound filled the air, the thing's eyes flashing the Eye Of XANA as it's allies gathered around Jeremie's scanner.
...But they didn't do anything. They all stared at him, eye to Eye as he held himself against the scanner.
It was at that moment that Jeremie realized what was going on, and with it, his remaining vestiges of sanity faded.
It was...toying with him. Gloating at its own success.
It had Jeremie surrounded, it was ready to kill him. And it was gloating. Four years of constantly fighting and it came out on top.
But Jeremie didn't break down into tears. He didn't submit himself to defeat.
In fact, he smiled.
Not a cheery one, no no. Not any that would be seen worn on Odd's face.
It was a look of madness. Insanity.
If XANA thought it had won, it was sorely mistaken. As long as Jeremie was still living and breathing, it would never win. As long as there was something against XANA, it would never be assured victory.
He may be bleeding, he may be alone, he may be even throwing himself to his own death...but in actuality, he wasn't alone.
They may not be among the land of the living now, but he could feel them. His friends. His true family and companions.
Odd's smile, Yumi's protection, Ulrich's comradery, William's devotion...
And Aelita's love. The girl who started it all. And who he shall avenge.
As he heard the scanners begin to rev, knowing that the virtualization process he had so carefully set up was about to begin, he stared directly at the enemy. At XANA's eye.
The eye of a monster, created a decade ago by a desperate man fueled by love and revenge.
Now it will be killed by a desperate man. Fueled similarly by love...and revenge.
Knowing the virtualization was imminent and stanching his wound as much as possible, Jeremie said one, last thing...to this monster.
"Buildings burn and people die...but real love is forever. And I'll say this, XANA...you've made a grave mistake letting me live."
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XANA didn't have time to react before the doors closed.
Its minions panicked and shot endlessly at the scanner, trying to destroy before the process had finished.
They succeeded in destroying it after 30 seconds of constant firing.
...But when they checked the resulting debris...there were no remains.
Nothing was left of Jeremie Belpois in the real world.
Now they were even.
For both, man and machine, good and cruel...had committed grave mistakes. And paid the ultimate price.
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obsessedwithtodoroki · 6 months
Code Lyoko Fantasy AU: Yumi (18)
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Her parents fought all the time, day in and out, it was up to her to pick up the pieces by taking care of the house and her little brother. She had to grow up fast because of her unstable home, and because of that she never made friends. Girls her age always whispered they didn’t like her because she wasn’t sociable. Yumi was okay with that, she didn’t care. She just wanted to protect her brother and shield him as much as she could from their fighting parents.
Then some raiders from the Dark Army came, they destroyed and robbed many, some were killed, and young boys were taken. Hiroki included.
She fought her parents and ran away, they didn’t want to try and get him back, it was a losing battle they said, so she ran to get him back. Along the journey, she meets a group that is also on traveling, they say they think they have a way to end the war. With the promise to help her get her brother back, she joins them in their travels. She ends up falling in love with the Swordsmen of the group.
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falling-pixie · 10 months
Fanfic Snippet: Never Like That
Just a cute clip from my current fanfic I'm working on!
Odd x Sissi from Code Lyoko; So far, it's 25k with 6 chapters. ❤
“What are you even doing out here?” she said, leaning back to sit fully on the bench.
Odd smiled. “Well, I have a duty to my dog- I mean,” he said, gesturing to Kiwi who was sniffing Sissi’s legs, intrigued by the new visitor. “My dog has a dooty. If you know what I mean.”
His smile widened as he grinned at his own joke. Sissi looked wide-eyed at his dog and suddenly stifled a giggling laugh.
“I’m guessing it’s a serious duty.” she said, rolling her eyes but finally giving him a full smile. 
Odd felt a warm pulse in his chest.
“Yeah, a really big dooty, considering his size.” Odd patted his knees in an attempt to get Kiwi to jump up.
Sissi laughed a little harder, a light bubbling sound that had never been present when they were around each other. The warmth in his chest crept up to his ears and he looked quickly down at Kiwi, trying to hide the effect her laughter was having on him.
At least she wasn’t sad anymore.
“You know,” Sissi said contemplatively, “I don’t think you’ve ever told me your dog’s name.”
Odd nodded, looking towards Sissi carefully. “You never asked.”
Sissi opened her mouth as if she was going to say something. Odd’s eyes darted to her glossy pink lips a couple of times before he was bombarded with several kisses from his dog.
Kiwi had jumped into his face, licking him as he wagged his tail.
“Alright! Alright!” he said, laughing. “This is Kiwi. I believe you two have met.” 
Kiwi barked in response.
Sissi chuckled beside him as he calmed his dog down. Looking at her again, Odd smiled. 
“Do you want to pet him?”
“Oh!” she said, a little surprised at the gesture. 
Odd was unsure if she would want to be licked by Kiwi but the soft lighthearted side of her was completely distracting. He was on unfamiliar terms when it came to gentle gestures between himself and Sissi. 
He held Kiwi up to her slightly. “He won’t bite. I promise.”
“Well,” she said hesitating, “I really do like dogs.”
Sissi smiled then and her hand reached out towards Kiwi’s head. Kiwi, who would usually bark at her, was behaving quite wonderfully. He sniffed her hand for a moment before letting her rub his ears. Sissi gently ran her fingers through his thin fur. 
“He’s so soft.” she said.
Odd nodded, watching her fingers as they moved against his dog.
“Yeah,” he said, “he’s great for cuddling.”
Sissi nodded and leaned into Odd’s space, giving Kiwi a small kiss on the forehead.
“I’m sure you are.” she said, her voice changing into something he could only consider a dog voice. “You’re just so cute, oh I wish I would have known how cute you were.”
Odd felt frozen in front of her. It was the closest they had ever been to one another, other than throwing back and forth insults. They were so close, even in the spring sun, he could feel the heat radiating from her body. Sissi’s demeanor was strikingly different from the harsh persona she put on in front of everyone. It was a completely new side to her that, frankly, Odd was finding hard not to be entranced by.
Sissi smiled brightly, scratching under Kiwi's chin. She looked up from her cooing and froze as well, finally noticing how close they had become. 
Her smile dropped, only briefly, as her eyes darted around Odd’s face. Slowly, nervously, she brushed her hair behind her ears.
Odd had never felt so completely compelled to kiss someone before.
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lyokotyper95 · 2 years
Code Lyoko: Odd and A Stray
This is an idea I had for a code lyoko episode. Just something I wrote up for fun. Might continue/edit might not. Yolo
Odd and Ulrich walk side by side down the block. The streets are filled with people walking about, chatting idly, and cars honking. Odd pats his stomach
“I’m glad we were able to grab a bite! As much as I love Rosa’s cooking, it can get boring having the same old food”
“Your only saying that because we now have to eat salmon and Brussel sprouts”
“My body was craving for something fried and battered! That hamburger sure came in handy”
“It was ok. The fries really hit the spot”
“They were alright. Though that special ketchup sauce made it all the better”
The two stopped at the end of the block. The streetlight turned red. Cars drove up and down the street. As they’re standing, Odd feels something brush against his leg
“Hey! Your on top of me!”
“What? I’m not even standing close to you”
“Huh? Then if that’s not you then-“
Odd looks down. He sees a grey cat brushing against his leg
“What the? Hey! Stop that!”
The cat continues to brush against Odd, purring softly
“Aw. It likes you”
“Well, I don’t like it! I’m a dog person!”
“Says the guy who’s a cat on Lyoko!”
“That doesn’t matter! Besides, cats are just weird”
The light changed to white. People started to walk across the street
“Maybe if we move fast enough it’ll stop”
Ulrich shrugged
“If you say so”
The two walked briskly across the street. The cat arched its paw towards Odd, only to bring it back and sit. It stares at Odd only to follow him across the street
Part 2:
Yumi, Jeremy, and Aelita are standing by the soda machines. Jeremy checks his wristwatch
“What’s taking them so long? We have classes in 10 minutes!”
“They’re probably taking their time. Its fun being in town” said Yumi
“And they have a lot of nice restaurants. Knowing Odd he’s gorging himself on food!” said Aelita
“Well, they need to hurry up. We have a math exam”
“Look! They’re coming!” says Yumi
Odd and Ulrich walk up to them
“Hey guys. Hope we didn’t make you wait too long”
Jeremy pointed to his watch
“We would have been late for the math exam!”
“Um, since when is Einstein, all worked up over an exam?” asked Odd
“He’s just a little upset because he got a lower score than Herb last exam”
“No way. Is that true Jeremy?” asked Ulrich
Jeremy sighed
“Unfortunately. And by one point too. I made sure to study harder so hopefully I’ll do better”
“We know you will. You’ve got this” said Yumi
“Yeah. We believe in you buddy” said Ulrich
“Thanks guys. I’m gonna try not to get so worked up”
“Speaking of worked up, you guys won’t believe what worked me up back in town!”
“What happened?” asked Aelita
“Odd attracted a stray cat. It was brushing against his leg and purring while we waited by the crosswalk” said Ulrich
“No way!” exclaimed Yumi
“Yeah. It had no right bothering me! I just don’t know why it was so attached to me!”
“They say animals can sense auras. Maybe it liked something about you” said Jeremy
“Do you actually believe that?” asked Aelita
“No. But it’s a popular theory” said Jeremy
“Theory or not, I’m just glad I don’t have to see that cat again”
Everyone turned towards the meow. The same gray cay was sitting beside them
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” said Odd
“I can’t believe it followed us all the way from town” said Ulrich
Aelita kneeled down. She patted the cats head
“It seems friendly”
“Well I just don’t want it around me. Besides, if someone finds out it could get me in trouble”
“Not if you take care of it”s says Yumi
“I can’t do that! And Kiwi would hate it!”
“How do you know? Kiwi might like having a companion” said Jeremy
“Out of the question!”
The bell for classes ring
“Looks like its time for class” said Jeremy
“We’d better go. We can’t be late for the exam” said Aelita
“I have English. I’ll catch you guys later” said Yumi, who leaves
“Guess we outta go. Odd?” said Ulrich
Odd stared at the cat
“If someone finds the cat, they’ll shoo it away”
“But I thought you didn’t care about it?” said Ulrich
“Right! I don’t. Well, let’s go”
Odd walked with the others to math class. The cat stretched and laid down by the soda machines
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