You can tell Logyn stans are full of shit when they say Sigyn is not a self insert due to the fact that they can't bring themselves to redirect one third of the enthusiasm they have for Sigyn to Loki's other mythological wife, Angrboda. Maybe it's because, unlike Sigyn, Boda has a canon mythological personality (she's consistently described as though, fierce, and cold) and her own lore outside of Loki (she was a chieftess of her people, a warrior, and a soothsayer), which makes it harder to use her as blank slate to project on. She's also rugged, monster-like (she was a jotunn), and had a non nurturing personality that makes it harder to cast her as a romantic heroine in their fantasies with Loki. If it was truly a matter of being fascinated with Sigyn as mythical character why is the bowl lady that gets all the attention but not the badass witch chieftess mother of monsters? (it also reeks of GNC-phobia)
Yes! I fucking hate the "feminine women are treated worse than masculine women" bullshit Marvel Sigyn stans spew. That was definitely not my experience. Growing up, I was the butt of intersexist jokes about having been destined to be a man but my "balls never came down." Guys had less reservations harrassing me than they did feminine girls. And the classic by family members: "If you hadn't dated that guy I'd think you're a <lesbophobic slur>." Which also manages to be biphobic.
Angrboda for the win! She's actually interesting. She was finally mentioned again in the recent Loki comics series that I have not read and only seen panels from! I need to read it. Is the chieftess part based on the lore mentioned from the new comics or are you referring solely to mythology? Because I am not familiar with it.
I have seen some myth interpretations that she was the witch of Ironwood, Gullveig, whose burnt heart Loki ate and thus Loki became impregnated with monsters (making Loki the mother of their children). And I have also seen her referred as the mother of Loki's "monster" children that they hid away in a cave in Jotunheim, and the witch of Ironwood. Correct me if I am wrong and let me know if you have sources with more info on her because I'd enjoy reading them.
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saimincoatl · 2 years
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I loved Atreus’ vacation in Ironwood
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evilbeing · 7 months
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Ohhh She wasnt SUPPOSED to know how much U talked about her ? Sorry-
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lacm-ac · 2 years
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Later that day
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I guess the moral of the story is "Never ask your dad for romantic advise".
Got this idea for a comic yesterday, and I'm so glad I woke up early today to draw it!
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joyisoverparty · 5 months
Now, if you want to talk about a crossover that would really get along…
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Two fathers who were super distant (or just straight up not there) during the first decade or so of their child’s life that have their kid unceremoniously and unexpectedly thrust into their care ?! That have to learn to love and trust each other while going through big life-changing journeys together ?!?! That would absolutely die for their child and thinks the entire world of them even when they make mistakes ?!?!
(Bruce and Kratos would make the best father duo ever thank you for coming to my ted talk)
(Bonus: both of their sons have badass girlfriends)
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morgangalaxy43 · 2 days
Loki’s wives and children from Norse mythology deserve more attention and respect because he truly loved them
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acruelerdonut · 2 years
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Just a thought after that fight. 
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therese-lokidottir · 3 months
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sourpatchgrapes · 1 year
Can we talk about the fact that Loki loved angrboda so much he got her a knife that makes her able to tell if he lies..... Sigyn need to step a side lol I'm afraid he dosen't love her to this level
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nevermindigotthis · 1 year
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New Goddess of Thunder in town!!!
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lokiinmediasideblog · 3 months
Tournament of Lokis 2024
Friendly reminder that I'm currently taking submissions for the Tournament of Lokis until Jun 30, 2024 July 15,2024.
To submit a Loki into the Tournament:
-Any Loki is allowed. e.g. Goro Akechi from Persona 5 is allowed.
-Due to recent events, I won't allow Lokis from Neil Gaiman's works anymore. Consider it a precaution.
-Send me proof through DMs or asks of a donation of $5 or more to Gaza's Water Municipality:
Or any of these other causes:
-Every $5 is a Loki submission. If you wish to submit 2 Lokis you'll have to donate $10.
Tournament of Lokis 2024: Nominations so Far (will update w/each submission):
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corinnetheanime · 1 month
WIP, wanted to show full ref sheet so far. Now that the third comic page is done, I can pour more into this. I liked the initial concept of the early drafts/design of Danny's Angrboda battle-suit, but decided it wasn't... I dunno, good enough? If it's gonna be high-tech, might as well make it look a lil more high-tech. Cool highlights and whatnot. Anyway, so I'm redrawing it. His spear is still the same relatively, just showing an "inactive" and "active" mode, so to speak. (You don't want it to be active, trust me).
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My Favorite Moments in God of War: Ragnarok
[Inspired by my favorite moments in God of War 2018]
- Watching Atreus slowly break through the fog with a fresh kill that he hunted himself, a head or so taller than we’d last see him, and clearly much more confident in himself. 
- Atreus and Kratos’s immediate display of affection for each other, in stark contrast to the previous game, with Kratos gripping his son’s shoulder in acknowledgement and Atreus smiling to his father.
- Mimir “sitting” inside of the house, on a pillow with a candle next to him and a book to read and a nice pipe to smoke. He clearly has become part of the family.
- The fear in Kratos’s voice when he searches for Atreus’s after Fenrir’s death
- Kratos shouting Atreus’s name as he lies limp in the snow and you see, for just a moment, Kratos wondering if he has once again killed his own child with his own hands.
- Thor just casually stopping by their house and pouring them some mead
- The way Thor just launches Kratos, just like his brother did in the game before
- The way the ground crackles like thunder when Thor slams his foot down
- Thor shocking Kratos back to consciousness to continue the fight
- The frozen lightning bolt that stays for the rest of the game
- Sindri and Atreus being besties
- Tyr finally standing straight once Kratos snaps some sense into him and he’s towering over everyone 
- Atreus constantly messing up when he’s trying to bond with Angrboda
- Thrúd
- Just all of Thrúd
- “What do I call you?”
- Atreus running into Kratos’s arms and staying there, holding tight, face buried in his dad’s chest even when Kratos lets go
- Kratos’s gentle “What has happened?”
- Kratos standing up for his son when all of the other companions tell him how much of a massive fuck up it was to release Garm
- Fenrir, now resurrected in Garm, and his floppy wittle ears
- “I am sorry.”
- “Do not be sorry. Be better.”
- The bar fight back in Asgard
- Thor actually listening to Atreus and being affected by it. The visible shame Thor felt. Atreus’s honest desire to help.
- Ingrid saving Atreus
- “Which way are we headed?”
- “In the direction of deer.”
- Sindri’s entire character arc, starting from a loveable comic relief character to a bitter, vengeful brother in mourning, unrelenting in his rage towards Atreus and Kratos
-  Thrúd and Atreus making back up in Asgard during Ragnarok
- Atreus pushing his father out of the way during the blast in a final attempt to save him from his prophesized death
- “Does it scare you?”
- “Yes.”
- “That is why you must do it.”
- The HUG 
- Kratos finally crying openly when he sees what his wife painted for him at the back of the mural
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worthitino · 2 years
I HAVE OFFICIALLY FINISHED ALL THE GOD OF WAR GAMES + LORE. THE COMICS, THE COOKBOOK, THE GAMES. so, with my new knowledge, i present a very special headcanon post.
* kratos has murals of the people he honoured in greece, including orkos and deimos. he had wanted to show the glimpses of hope of his bleak past to the realms to show things can, in fact, get better.
* he has a small festival in honour of faye! it's celebrated primarily in the old marketplaces and jötunhiem. the festival serves traditional jötnar food and it honours her victories and what she had done as the last guardian of the jötnar.
* kratos plays the lyre to mimir after many years of the head begging to hear some of his tunes. he can also play thz flute and a few other greek specific instruments.
* freya and kratos fly together when they are both falcons (as i hc'd kratos to learn 'falki' for more efficient travel). they both use this ability to watch the realms above and protect the people from potential threats.
* kratos decided to assist thrúd with her valkyrie training by being an outside source to her sparing to make sure that she begins to be more confident to fighting other people. she practically lives there now. (thank you to my friend who inspired this!! it's a huge thrúd fan.)
* when kratos blesses people, he speaks greek. he decided that his culture should be honoured despite his past. it was the gods fault, not what he was interested in as a younger man.
* his beard? oh, it is so long. it's so long and nice. very braidable!! he has a few flowers stuck in there thanks to thrúd, lunda, angrboda, sif and freya. they use it as an excuse to hang out.
* kratos, as allfather, finally takes naps. he has a little sleep. he has dreams about faye, but they're very positive after he realised that she would be very proud of him.
* when atreus comes home, the both cook together. it's one of the things they both enjoy and will continue you enjoy as father and son.
* kratos carries around helka like a baby because she makes him happy.
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depleti · 6 months
Apparently, April 4th is Gumroad day! That means Gumroad is lowering their fees from 10% to ZERO percent and the creator gets all the money (well excepting other fees lol).
I've got three items on my Gumroad shop: the TMK volume one book, and two bonus comic PDFs. Go check out the store and see if there's anything you might be interested in! (link) Every little bit helps.
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The bonus comics in particular feature Loki and his two lady loves, Angrboda and Sigyn. They're original stories not inspired by any mythology, but they are canon to TMK's universe.
(The Loki and Angrboda comic is included in the Volume One print book.)
If you've already got these comics, please spread the word and tell your friends! And make sure they're reading Thistil Mistil Kistil too!
Thank you!
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lieutenant-teach · 8 months
Read several books about Loki and Sigyn, which were marked with hashtag ‘justice for sigyn’. All of them are written by really talented people (I’m often baffled by situations when fans write better stories than professional writers – why do the latter get their money?). After reading I can’t agree on some specific points in these books that rubbed me wrong.
Contains spoilers!
Cat Rector ‘The Goddess of Nothing at all’ – the story is strong. A well-written book, pleasure to read. But. Even here, on Tumblr, I read lots of meta and criticism ‘Angrboda wasn’t Loki’s mistress! She was his wife before Sigyn!’. And the author goes this standard way ‘Angrboda is Loki’s mistress’. It works for this story, but it’s in lots and lots of books about Norse myths! Why NOT make her a mistress? Why go a typical way? The ending – I loved the ending. A new All-mother Sigyn – chef’s kiss.
Nicki Chapelway ‘The Harbinger of the end’ (1st book) – an interesting take on Volsung saga, the adventures were really engaging. But, frankly, I didn’t understand why Sigyn fell in love with Loki. I mean, they never had any meaningful conversations or actions between two of them to start love. She just decides ‘I’m a wife, I must love him, and also he’s handsome’. That’s it! Next morning she acts as if she’s deeply in love with him. It seemed as if the author wanted to go into slowburn, but didn’t manage to pull it off and just jumped to the moment when they’re already in love.
Lyra Wolf ‘Truth and other lies’ – again, where’s Sigyn as the Goddess of Victory? So much for all these cries in the internet and on Tumblr specifically ‘but she’s not the Goddess of Fidelity! Marvel just made it up!’. Then WHY use this trope? Not saying it’s a bad idea in and on itself, but it’s so established in general public’s mind. Why not change it? Why not at least combine these two elements – fidelity AND victory?
Surprisingly, only Melvin Burgess writes Sigyn as the Goddess of Victory. Burgess! It was the single thing I liked in this book. Of course, he didn’t give justice to her, but at least he named her title right.
Of course, I guess, nothing can beat the Marvel comics – they’re the first to blame for this Fidelity mess and general treatment of Sigyn. Lots of nowadays popular books are based on comics portrayal. I believe fan books should go as far from these typical Logyn tropes as possible.
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