#compressed being one of my faves
empty-movement · 10 months
Chiho Saito’s 1999 Revolutionary Girl Utena Original Illustration Collection
IT’S HERE. IT’S DONE. IT’S FINISHED. NOW…IT’S YOURS. Happy Holidays, my friends.
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Vanna here! I have posted some already about this project, and the responses I got, public and otherwise, have been absolutely incredible. Y’all have been reblogging and hyping this before it even finished…I haven’t felt so encouraged about an Utena project since the musicals! (Yes, streams soon, I promise.) You can read the other post to get more details, and catch my post here with more details about the process if you’re interested. The long and short of it?
This is the first artbook I ever scanned. I did it in 2001. In Photoshop, using multiple scans per page that took hours to process. But it was 2001. A half megabyte file that was 1250px wide was considered extremely hardcore and impressive. That’s just always been the business I’m in when it comes to Utena art, you know? 
It’s now the latest artbook I’ve scanned, and so much of the process, and effort involved, is unchanged. What has changed, is the result. Welcome to your new desktop background. Your new phone background. Your new poster print. 
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What I’ve done here is attempt to create definitive digitized images of Chiho Saito’s work as offered by this book--I have removed the print moiré of the original scans, and used my literal decades of experience to try and tease out as much information from them as possible. Without being physically in front of the original artwork (which is a thing I’ve had the great fortune to get to do) this is The Most Chiho Saito you are ever going to get. I’ve tried my best to make sure there is a way to get it that works for everyone:
Do you just wanna scope 'em out? Look at some disaster gays? Grab your favorite one or two? This is the path for you! Check out the ‘compressed’ (not very) 10k ‘web friendly’ (not really) copy at the Bibliothèque, the media archiving wing of the Something Eternal forums at Empty Movement*. All the following links are also available from here. Do you want these copies? All of them? Don't just grab them individually, friend. This batch is 375MB and can be downloaded as a zip of the individual files here on our Google Drive.
Do you like digital archiving? Are you looking for a copy that preserves the archival quality of the effort but sits nice and comfy in a single file? This is for you. A minimally compressed 10k, 513MB version worked into a PDF is now up, shiny and chrome, on the Internet Archive. Do you like the idea of the minimal compression, but want the individual files in a zip? Yep I did that too, here's the drive link.
Are you looking to print these in a larger size? This is probably the only reason on Earth you’d ever want them, and yet a bunch of you are going to go straight for these. Here are the zero-compression JPG full size copies, most of them are 15k across, like simply a ridiculous size. Pick your fave and download it from our Google Drive! 
I am genuinely really proud of this work.** I was able to tease out so much new detail from these…her incredible layering techniques, the faintest brush of her highlights, and the full range of her delicate hand at whites and blacks… details commonly lost in digitization. I sincerely hope you find something here that you’re looking for, as an artist looking for inspiration, as a weeb looking for a desktop, as an archiver excited to see incredible 90s manga artwork saved forever in the digital realm. I feel like I have already said so much about them, and could keep going, but you know what? This work speaks for itself. Enjoy, use, explore, and definitely tell us what you think!
We love y’all. ~ Vanna & Yasha
You might be wondering what any of that is. Something Eternal? Biblewhatawhat??? EmptyMovement.com? You might even have done a double take at the word ‘forum.’ And you should!!!
I have a confession. This artbook was my ‘side project’ as I worked on this, *the main project.* For a couple years I’ve been banging around with a new domain, and originally I had other plans for it, but Elon Musk ruined my Twitter and Discord is well along on its way to enshittification, and well….we joke on the Discord a lot about ‘reject modernity, embrace forums’ and you know what? We’re right. So Yasha and I are putting our money where our mouths are once again, and doing something insane. We are launching, in 2023, a website forum. Obviously, this is not the official ‘launch’ per se, but I cannot announce the artbook without directing you to the forum, since it sits on the attached very cool gallery system. Oops! Told on myself. Another post more focused on the forum will be forthcoming, but if you are just that motivated to get in right away, you absolutely can! (This will help stagger new arrivals anyway, which is good for us!) If you would rather wait for the ‘official’ launch, by all means that’s coming, including a lengthy screed about how and why we’re doing this. In either case, remember: this is a couple weebs trying to make internet magic happen, we are not website developers by trade. Give us grace as we iron things out and grow into this cool new website thingie…hopefully along with some of you! :D
If you do join up, naturally, there is a thread about this project!
** If you like this kind of content, consider helping us pay for it! We do have a Patreon! If you’re wanting to use these in some public-facing distributive way, all we ask is for credit back to Empty Movement (ohtori.nu or emptymovement.com, either will work.) 
I would like to say ‘don’t just slap these files on RedBubble to get easy money’ but I know that saying this won’t effectively prevent it. Y’all that do that suck, but you’re not worth letting it rain on the rest of this parade. :)
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
What was the purpose of the New 52? Was it really a failure?
There’s a loaded essay topic!
The purpose of the New 52, to my best understanding, was stated to be the opportunity to tell stories that were less weighed down with continuity and allow a clear starting point for new fans to hop on board and start reading comics.
Basically, COIE and Post-Crisis is a successful version of what they wanted! COIE did in fact reset the universe and make a nice clear boundary for fans, and while if you dig in, particularly to 1980s comics, it wasn’t always as clean or tidy as people think of it being, and it created some weird discontinuities requiring additional retcons (Donna’s everything being the most famous, particularly to tumblr), it created a 25 year long largely coherent story where characters grew and changed over about 5 in-universe years of narrative.
Let’s look at Wally, because he’s emblematic of it. Wally in 1986 was a young adult who just lost his father figure, was expected to step up and take on a role he had never expected to need to take, especially that young, and was a kid from a fairly conservative background who had never examined his views.
Wally by 2011 was a fully grown adult who had a wife, kids, extended family, a career, was fully respected in his role as the Flash, and had found his views becoming significantly more progressive over time as he was exposed to more of the world.
This is fantastic long form story telling. The problem is to tell long range generational storytelling is that you have to be willing to allow those legacies to occur and the character focus to shift. And that makes fans of older characters, particularly the ones giving up their legacies, mad and long for their faves to be back in their prime.
Enter the New 52.
New 52 was an attempt to cut this Gordian knot. If they created a new timeline where superheroes only had 5 years of history, then that meant that the classic Silver Age headline characters couldn’t be ‘too old’ to still be realistically running around doing what they do. They had to be in their late 20s-early 30s! Young! Hot! Spritely! Relatable to a new generation!
While some of these characters did have 70+ years of history, the thing is that nearly 50 years of it (1938-1986) had already been compressed and glossed down to basics. Nobody can actually tell you what happened the year Dick Grayson was 14 years old. You can build one from old storylines if you wanted to have it! But it's not as easy as pointing to a run of comics and saying "during this Dick was 14".
This left two significant problems in tension with each other:
The intention to make Bruce, Clark, Hal, Barry, Ollie, Arthur, Diana etc about 30ish years old and the key adult members of the DCU to revolve stories around.
Everyone from the Titans on down therefore had to get significantly younger to fit into a 5 year history, but a lot of these characters ALSO had active fans and writers wanted to use them.
And then, on top of that? Because the intention for resetting to a new universe was to remove the burden of backstory from storytelling, the editors and various offices...never sat down and worked out together what the new history contained.
This led to the wild situation where The Flash, for instance, was reset to a pre-1986 state where there wasn't even a KID FLASH, and basically every member of the Garrick-Allen-West-Chambers-Mercury Flash Family not named Barry Allen or Iris West had ceased to exist (and uh, given it's the Flashes, only ONE character with each of those names existed). While over in Batman, the writers tried to hang onto everything and they cut ten years out of the timeline mostly from discarding Dick's history, so that Bruce had 4 Robins in 5 years.
This obviously created a lot of the issues. Because there was no structure as to what was in or out in the new universe, writers just...did whatever. And contradicted each other. And when they realised the contradictions, tried to write retcons to excuse it. (Was Tim Drake Robin or not? Depends on which writer you ask!)
Was it successful?
In the short term, in terms of sales? Yes, absolutely. DC managed to get a bunch of new readers in, as was the financial intention. It also did allow for a shift in focus on some characters: it's where basically all of Damian Wayne's stories that people like as stories (and not as concepts) exists; it's where Jason Todd's modern characterisation as an antihero and dynamic with the other Bats was established; it brought back a bunch of older properties that hadn't been seriously used in years back into the spotlight; due to the fixation on having 52 titles running at all times it gave a lot of characters opportunities to headline titles that hadn't got that in a long while, and the opportunity to try out different styles of storytelling; it provided the opportunity for modern rewrites of origins for some characters that needed some retcons applied - Morrison's Superman is well regarded and both Aquaman and Green Arrow's origin rewrites for instance put things together more coherently and discarded some outdated elements. Blue Beetle's rework of Jaime's history to keep the main elements but excise the fact it was so reliant on Infinite Crisis was actually better considered than people give it credit for.
The bigger issue was the lack of planning meant that the timeline became a burden on the whole initiative, particularly given how many fans were asking for the return of beloved characters and dynamics that had been wiped away or rendered unrecognisable in the reset. On top of that, there was the conception that they could just abandon the whole timeline again at the end of 5 years and start over, so large radical changes were fine and wouldn't have ongoing effects.
Also, the initial boost of sales from being able to announce brand new titles, like every time an #1 is announced, trickled away. Yes, it was the entry point for a generation of new fans. But also it wasn't any more turnover in terms of new fans than in any other period, on the long term view. There were still more people who were comics fans of DC who were long term fans than there were new fans, buying comics 2-3 years in, and those are the sort of fans who DO want the continuity back. They've got decades of favourite stories that they were told no longer mattered, and they wanted them to matter. And they lost a whole chunk of fans who reacted to New 52 like it was a contact poison and...stopped buying DC comics.
And so, like a pyramid scheme or a shell game or a company expanding too fast, it started to fold in like a pack of cards. DC found itself frantically relaunching more and more titles in 2014 and 2015 as they tried to regain the new feeling momentum of 2011. Their timelines needed people who cared deeply about the characters to go over things and reinterpret them to make things flow, and most of the people interested in doing that were trying to reinstate pre-Flashpoint continuity elements.
And that's why eventually, in 2016, we got Rebirth.
I don't think it was an outright failure. There are salvageable elements. But I think the damage it did to the company reputation and to their ability to exploit what makes cape comics distinct and unique as a storytelling form far outweighed the benefits gained.
And the recovery process from trying to turn the situation around has been long, drawn out, and is still ongoing for some characters.
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konigsluvr · 1 year
Omg thanks so much for getting back on my request so fast! The NSFW bit was a nice bonus 😏 tsk got me simping more on this man
Yes 6 months ago way peak Avatar, there was an endless supply of fics to binge but the past 2 months it's dwindled down a lot huh
Can i request more König HC if that's okay, but about his domestic preferences. Like his morning routine, his fave food, how he likes his coffee, his fashion sense etc
Thanks, and no rush! Take care x
I'm so glad you guys liked my recent headcanons, I was nervous it wasn't gonna get any attention but the amount of reposts and likes warmed my heart smmmmm<33 and I miss avatar so much, I've been deep in the cod stuff that I haven't read anything about avatar in agessss. Anyways here is könig headcanons, domestic version (sorry I took so long xx). Reblogs are highly appreciate <33
★ navigation ★ masterlist ★
König Headcanons pt2
Includes: König being a cutie at home.
☆ his bed is probably in his top 3 favourite things in life. Like they would be 1: You, 2: you again, 3: his bed. Like there's nothing better than coming home from a long and stressful mission and finding you sleeping in his queensized bed. You make sure to wash the bed for when he comes home so he has the best nights sleep. You'd hear him let out a relieved sigh when he gets in bed and cuddles with you. Nothing better.
☆ I picture him as a morning person. It's just way more peaceful, calm, and bright. Plus, whenever he sleeps in, he feels a tad bit guilty due to "wasting" seeing a beautiful morning.
☆ the type of man that shuts his blinds in the evening, makes his home cosier and he feels a lot safer and private.
☆ he wears those compression shirts at the gym or when he's training at base... omg I'm just imagining how beefy he looks.
☆ black coffee, he probably likes the bitter taste but will probably switch to a more milky coffee once you convince him that its just way better. Probably won't take any sugars because he will be scared it will ruin his godly physique.
☆ for breakfast, he eats cereal because most of the time he can't be bothered cooking as soon as he wakes up. Sometimes he'll forget but you'll always be there to make sure he eats <33
☆ I'm sorry, I gotta include this. Apple juice>orange juice. You two have definetly had a heated debate on which one is better but he won, of course.
☆ könig probably won't leave the house much, if he does it's just for a small walk around his neighbourhood or in the park, and going grocery shopping.
☆ he would like to be comfy so wearing a hoodie or a jumper suits him and on a good day he'll wear his jeans, but mostly just joggers. (Grey Joggers *wink wink*)
☆ if you two are going out to a fancy dinner, he'll try to dress up for you but you tell him its fine as you don't want him to feel too causcious or vulnerable in public.
☆ fave food... I actually have no idea. He enjoys a good steak, especially if it's cooked by you :))
☆ he's a good cook, he can chef up a really good meal if he's in the mood. If you can cook better than him, he wouldn't even be mad. He would find it really attractive and would just watch you from the kitchen counter or stand right behind you looking over your shoulder, watching you cook. And if you burn something by mistake he'll either prevent it from happening before you even notice or he was too distracted by you and would laugh and tell you it's okay, and convince you he likes it a little crispy to make you feel better.
☆ his home probably didn't have much things lying around, such as decorations and random objects, but as soon as you moved in, you made it more homely with your random makeup there or your dropped clothing here. He's a tidy person but wouldn't be mad if you forget to put something away, he would most likely just leave it there in case you need it again later on or remind you kindly that it's there.
☆ movie nightssssss!! Imagine cuddling up with König on a Friday night when you two can't be bothered going out for a drink at the bar. You both choose a movie line up for the night, go out and buy some of your favourite snacks, get your most cosy blankets and share them together. Goals. Literal goals.
Sorry this pretty short. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself xxx
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
ur notifs are dealing real & true damage to my psyche ♥️ everytime i remember he’s six ft three i pray for immediate amnesia bc i feel myself losing decorum the more i ponder on it ♥️ been thinking a lot abt how he’d probably claim to not have a love language but do small gestures for u and play it off like its nothing.
example i imagine oliver being only your unofficial 🔌 but only bc he’s a freak abt u getting shit from anyone else and insists that his ppl have stuff with good quality control. which is sweet but obnoxious in a way only he can be. always insists on rolling for you. having your fave snacks for the inevitable munchies and when u press him abt the cost he claims he can think of 100 better ways for u to pay him back.
being so genuinely honest i think its hilarious imagining how his pr ppl might have tried to push him to shave. maybe to help with a better image in the press or for an awards ceremony or ad campaign that he got signed to but i would do smth drastic if he lost the scruff like……being forced to admit u liked it…..i hate that man
and u mentioned the babytrapping/roleplay (?) in response to another anon. i know that man is such an enabler during ovulation week like actively provokes u to get a reaction bc he loves that particular brand of desperation…. think of the WORST most smug individual u know and its probably oliver aiku. i want to tenderise him with a mallet!!!
resident oliver gremlin
he's a lot of things you know... a scumbag... a jackass.. and for all the fights you get into over his loud mouth he is always kind of paying attention to you. he gets you the good weed, and his house always has the snacks you like (though he insists he just picked whatever no matter what) and when he can't keep up the facade - he'll act his usual self which is crass and off-putting and deliberately irritating
no one really gets why you and him are such a thing. why you can't leave him alone when he bugs you so much - but he really does just care in these very small and pointless ways that make u want to be around him despite all the other bullshit.
the whole shaving pr fiasco happens and oliver comes to tell you about it. he doesn't even really fuck you, you just kind of hang-out. he makes a one-off joke about keeping it just for you - it's not the same eating your pussy without giving you some rugburn. and you laugh and you're a little too close to him and brush his face and he kinda stops and goes "you really do like it though, right?"
its a little surprising but you nod and say yeah and he seems to like. almost visbly relax. his throat bobs and he hums, pleased and goes "i knew you did," but you kind of want to ask if that's true. does he really care that much about how u feel on how he looks? did that ever matter to him? it's not like he's not hot. he knows he's hot.
(oliver does not bother telling you that he indeed keeps the facial hair after a long night where you told him he's unfuckable without it. he also does not mention that sometimes, when you sleep against his chest - you push your face up and rub against him in a way he likes. he keeps these things to himself constantly)
ovulation week when ur schedule lines up.... u are not seeing daylight. he purposely wears his tight ass compression shirts and sweats and makes u paw at him like a cat in heat and then bullies you a bit before fucking you about it bc he's so nice. i need to go lay down.
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
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Hello everyone!! Today I grow a year older :3 (and I hate it lmao) FEEL FREE TO REPLY BIRTHDAY WISHES IF YOU WANT :3
So, over the time I've come back here, I've become pretty confident and proud of my once hidden passion about sick characters, sickfics and sick comfort/whump... 🌡️
And you all have been so supportive and sweet despite my weirdness so I thank you for that. You helped me feel more confident in my otherwise weird fixation <3 So, for my birthday I thought I'd try and make up a little drawing challenge for anyone who wants to give it a try... There are soo many talented artists on this site (and in this fandom)
So... It's your turn to target your faves now. You will see how fun it is and hopefully understand why I love doing it so much. 😈🌡️
(plus it's my birthday and I require some sustenance LMAO JKJK)
But yeah anyone can join in. This is just for fun though! You don't have to if you don't want to! I think its okay to ask for some food on my birthday though...right?? X'D So if you wanna do sth for my birthday...then... 👉👈 💦
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(Mmmmkay, I am lying to myself when I say this isn't mostly aimed at the RainCode community... X'D Can't help myself. But anyone can join regardless of the fandom!!)
So here's the challenge and the rules!! (featuring my two main lil targets ofc :3)
Regardless of who it is, put your fave through some sickness hell >:3c I'd love to see it! Make em' as miserable as you want!
destroy them 😈 jkjk XD
If you're in the RainCode community you can target anyone, but as you know, my main targets are Yuma and Makoto. If they're also your faves and who you decide to use, that will make me extra happy!
Some tips for anyone new to drawing a sick day scenario art. A few things that make it look convincing are the following:
Pajamas or Loungewear
Messy Bed Hair
Fever flushed face w sweat or at least a red nose
Tired Eye bags
Shivery body
Ice Pack or a Compress on the head
Thermometer sticking from their mouth
Tissues or medicine surrounding them
Tea or Soup (or both)
Those are just to name some from the top of my head. If you'd like some pointers on how to make a character look ill, check out my Fever Coloring Guide. This is for digital artists but traditional artists can try it too!
You can add injury or angst to the scene but I'd like illness to be the main focus of it.
The scene can be anything you want to, it can be fluffy and wholesome (with a caretaker) it can be angsty, or it can be silly. Its all up to you! Do it for the sake of fluff! Caretaking scenes are the best for any kind of relationship >w<
Either way, have fun with it!! I look forward to see what people make if they decide to give it a try! It doesn't even have to be a full on picture! Doodles and sketches are fine too! Just show me something >w<
(feel free to tag me and say happy b-day and mention my challenge, I am proud to be known for this and would love for many to participate :3) I wanna see you take a go at it :3 Show me your style! :D
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(wow look at me misspelling the word writing on text when I did it fine with my own hands lol)
Now, I know not everyone can draw...
Well never fear! I accept writing as well! ✍️✍️✍️
(hi vivia lol sorry for giving you a cold, at least you have an excuse to read and do nothing now haha x3)
Sickfics are one of the biggest things I live for! Any little drabbles or full fics with more than one chapter are welcome! Again target who you want any fandom you want, but I'll def be super happy if you make a RainCode fic. And even happier if you target my faves as well, but again, anything will do! Just make a cute story about your fave being miserable and being tended to! Trust me, it's super fun!
You can add injury or angst to the scene but I'd like illness to be the main focus of it.
Feel free to post your writing here and tag me or mention my AO3!
If you need a start to your fic, look on my blog for illness prompts! Maybe it can help give you a good start or give some inspiration! (thats why I share 'em :3)
I look forward to anything you try to write!
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That's about all!! I hope you decide to participate! ✨
Good luck, have fun, and godspeed you future whumpers! 😈
(nah jk XD)
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mrcowboytoyou · 1 year
Star Trek: The Fotonovel
So TOS fotonovels are a thing that exists. If you've never heard of them- they're comics composed of stills of the show episodes. A couple of the first six movies were also made into fotonovels BUT they're both a little different than the ones based on TOS episodes and I will get to them in due time.
Right off the bat there are a couple of things that need to be said. For one, why do these exist? Well I imagine they made for a good way to consume your fave episode without having to wait for it to come on TV again. With that in mind, these fotonovels work perfectly. They're very true to the episodes with some exceptions. These differences come from the fact that these aren't comics drawn based on an episode, they just take stills directly from the show and the show was not intended to be read/viewed in this way.
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Some things cannot avoid being abridged or compressed in favor of this new format but for the most part this is never really distracting and nor does it take away from the reading experience. After all, it's supposed to be a very detailed reminder of the episode you already know, so you can just relive it with the pictures.
Additionally, sometimes the fotonovels have extra lines and these are mostly found in the way of thought bubbles the characters have. Overall they're very charming but don't have a lot of utility now a days. I own some because I have problems.... They make up almost a fourth of my ST TOS book collection.
If you are interested in them my general thoughts are that the ones made from the episodes are really well done for what they are. They're also basically just some of the most popular episodes from the show using only episodes from the first two seasons. They're delivered in their own order adhering to neither the release of the show nor its intended release.
TITLES (ones i own)
The City on the Edge of Forever
Where No Man Has Gone Before
The Trouble With Tribbles
A Taste of Armageddon
All Our Yesterdays
The Galileo Seven
A piece of the Action
The Devil in the Dark
Day of the Dove
The Deadly Years
Amok Time
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Photostory
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Photostory
Now, you'll notice I said that the ones made for the episodes are good, and so far I have been sure to separate the ones done for the movies. This is because there's a bit of a quality drop.
For starters, they kept them the same length as the fotonovels of the episodes. Right away that presents a pretty big quandary because the movies are over twice as long. So if you're looking for something that adds to the experience of seeing the movies, these last two fotonovels will not do that- rather they will take away. A lot of scenes just don't make it into them and neither of them are adding from the novelizations either.
And then we have their page quality. All but one of these have shiny, coloured pages. Wrath of Khan is unfortunately in black and white and not even composed like a comic but is rather movie stills with accompanying dialogue. That's sort of like a massive let down given how big of a deal that movie is.
I intend to really get into the nitty gritty with each of these- especially the movie adaptions.
And, if you're worried about the loss of homoerotic subtext- you're all good... plus its just a tad funnier this way.
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korcariiwitch · 8 months
oc(s) meme. ✨
Tagged by: @laezels! Tysm for the tag! <3
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(So uhhhh I decided to fill this out for both my OCs, since I haven't really posted much for Skora and needed to flesh both of them out more, so umm don't mind me 🖤)
name: velwyn melarn name: skora aldisian
nickname(s): vel, v, wynnie (hates the last one though) nickname(s): kora, sko, allie
pronouns: she/her pronouns: she/her
star sign: scorpio star sign: virgo
height: 5' 4" / 162.5cm height: 5' 9" / 175.2cm
orientation: pansexual orientation: pansexual
race: drow (bhaalspawn) race: half-elf (sun elf/human)
romancing: astarion romancing: shadowheart (might be karlach depending on how her playthrough goes 👀)
fave fruit: cherries. fave fruit: dates.
fave season: less so a favorite season and more so she likes whenever there's a storm going on. something about the feeling of the rain/snow on her skin feels invigorating and the catharsis of everything being washed away. fave season: winter, preferably indoors and cooped up next to a hearth.
fave flower: orchids (ones that grow in the dark especially). fave flower: irises and hyacinths.
fave scent: iron, mint, and eucalyptus. fave scent: sea salt and cedar wood.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee to compensate for the lack of rest most days. prefers it black with a minimal amount of sugar. coffee, tea or hot chocolate: many various types of teas. she's a bit of a snob about it actually (affectionate).
average sleep hours: it would be the standard 4 hours of trance, if not interrupted nightmares or the debilitating migraines brought on by suppressing her bloodthirsty urges. average sleep hours: skora is adept at quieting her mind and can reliably/consistently get six hours of sleep even under the most dire of circumstances.
dogs or cats: quasits, owlbears, intellect devourers. pre-events of the game it wasn't sustainable for durge to have pets, and she finds herself drawn to the more unconventional ones. dogs or cats: skora has a fondness for dogs, having grown up with many hunting dogs in her youth.
dream trip: pre-tadpole there was no point in dreaming of travel for pleasure, outside of her father's vision of a world covered in corpses. post the events of the game i think she'd just like to see more of the world beyond what the underdark/bhaal's temple has to offer her. dream trip: i think she'd like to return home to the isle she is from, she hasn't been there since childhood due to ~certain events~ and i think having a partner/friends in tow might help make that journey palatable.
amount of blankets: it doesn't matter how many you put on her because there's a 98.7% chance she's going to end up kicking them off at some point. secretly, velwyn prefers the compression of her partner acting as weighted blanket. amount of blankets: one, no more than two. barely moves in her sleep and wakes up in the morning with the blankets exactly where she left them the night before.
random fact(s): velwyn ❤️
velwyn is quite the sketch artist, and she keeps a journal (almost like a book of shadows) in the game chronicling her journey. some of the sketches can be a bit disturbing, though, especially if she's a fondness for the subject. (e.g. a rather gruesome sketch of astarion because she didn't know what to do with her feelings towards him)
fluent in common, undercommon, elvish, deep speech and knows some abyssal and infernal as study for a certain heist.
likes to collect weird shit for study and experimentation later. has led to some 'accidents' around camp during the squad's downtime.
knows how to stitch wounds together exceptionally well, will stubbornly insist upon patching herself up half the time until she becomes more comfortable with the concept of other people taking care of her.
enjoys being challenged and called out on her own shit by others, even if she'd never admit that.
random fact(s): skora 💙
fluent in common, gnomish, celestial, primordial, elvish, draconic and also knows common sign language.
knows how to sail from her family's business, but actually gets incredibly sea sick.
while in school, she double majored in abjuration and divination with minors in illusion and necromancy magics.
has an astigmatism but refuses to 'correct it' with magic, so she'll pull out glasses while reading.
she has a natural calming presence and a quiet confidence, she doesn't feel the need to gloat but will put someone in their place if pushed.
No pressure/obligation tagging: @anderwelt, @malewife-mansplain-magus, @topaz-carbuncle, @phasebun, @starryjuicebox, @elminsters, @vspin, @tavsboots @asharaks, @bhaalbaaby and anyone else who sees/wants to do this!
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epickiya722 · 7 months
While I won’t deny that there is some misogyny in Hori giving Mirko and his other female characters costumes that expose more skin (mainly for fan service) whereas male characters get costumes made from their dna so they don’t have to be half naked, people hating on Mirko BECAUSE of her costume is so laughable since her leotard is meant to look like the one-piece bodysuits wrestlers wear and her hero alias was even inspired by a real life wrestler
It is very damn laughable.
At most, the female characters do expose skin.
But the male characters also service fanservice, if not more. It's just that people are so use to male characters going shirtless during fights, I feel like it just flies over their head that some of those moments are fanservice.
Need a whole board to count the amount of time Midoriya and other male characters went shirtless. That one shot of Todoroki after he almost killed Midoriya after their match? Yeah, the way it's shot, even in the anime, that's fanservice. The costumes are tight, and there are scenes to showcase how tight to give emphasis on the muscles. Crust's costume exposes his abs and thighs and Vlad King's got a whole cleavage window.
That AFO scene when he regenerates his body and he's all buff and nude? That was fanservice.
That scene when Mr. Compress shows his face? Fanservice. Shigaraki and Dabi have became walking moments of fanservices.
What reason does Shigaraki actually need to be shirtless?? After season 5, he can't keep a shirt on. Dabi? "It's to show his scars." Oh, that, too! But it's obvious the team caught on that he has fans that want to lick him. Hence, his recent costume change.
If people gotta talk about the fanservice over Miruko, then bring the same energy for the male characters and the female characters more. That's what bothers me.
Miruko is designed to reference an actual kickboxer. Mirko Cro Cop is a real person (even referenced in the first chapter of JJK which tickles me because it was for Itadori, who is my other favorite. Yeah, Horikoshi and Gege read other's stories and are friends). If the wrestling gimmick wasn't clear enough, her backstory has her wear a mask like a wrestler does and she fights others... in a wrestling ring!! She fights like a wrestler!
So her costume actually makes a lot of sense! Both in the case of her fighting style and aesthetic.
Yes, some of the designs for the female characters could be a little better, but it's the amount of energy people want to bring to voicing their hatred about Miruko's actual pretty tame costume to everyone else. She ain't the only damn body in the story serving fanservice, so stop acting like she is.
And considering that Miruko is also a grown woman is always what make me even more confused.
In the case of Yaomomo and Hagakure, it makes sense people would be uncomfortable. They are still teenagers, just 16. I'm sure we all are tired of the teen girls being half nude for fanservice trope.
But Miruko? That woman is almost 30. I would expect for people to thirst over her just as much as they do the other characters. Grown women are allowed to be sexy.
Oh, my bad. Apparently not. I forgot how people get upset with women who are confident in their sexual appeal and want to show it off.
The same people who complain about Miruko being sexy are the same people who probably read smut posts about Bakugou.
The way the fandom acts towards Miruko is the point of my post from yesterday.
Y'all hate her costume, but don't mind it on your character for your obvious horny reasons. A lot of the fics and art was horny.
Call Horikoshi a "misogynist", but some of you ain't even no better because of your treatment of Miruko. If you're gonna complain about her costume being "too much", then I need to see that for almost every single body on that same post. People like to say "You're just horny for her", well, what's the problem? Same people who complain that Miruko fans find her attractive are the same people who find their own faves attractive and only that. Some of you probably can't remember your fave's favorite food or their birthday. So I'm trying see what's the problem.
"Oh, here's another Miruko butt shot."
That's the only butt shot you noticed? Hm... kind of odd to be specific about a Miruko butt shot instead of "Oh, here's another butt shot". Is it just me who smells the absolute bullshit that this fandom is sometimes? Just me? Could be just me.
And it's not even just the costume that bothers me.
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rdbrainz · 1 year
nnoitra is my absolute fave and i adore your art!!! id love to see some kind of dynamic fighting pose of him in your style, but im also curious about any art or headcanons you might have about him if he had experienced the living world somewhat- like what foods would he like, or hobbies, or how would he spend time w others? sorry for the long ask love you bye!!!!
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Thanks🤧❤ !!! And ohh that's a good ask! I have like a couple of answers for different turns of events on this one... Might as well also share some of the other ideas I have so it's a lot and even more.
But well if we're talking about regular hollow Nnoitra I think he'd be interested in all kinds of entertainment. Mainly music. He always struck me as a music person tbh especially since I firmly believe he'd be involved with goth subculture in some way or the other. I can see him collecting CDs as a hobby. Considering that my version of Nnoitra absolutely HATES thinking into things too much if they have something to do with his relationships, himself or the hollow existence as a whole I guess doing nothing when he's not asleep is hell for him because there's not much to think about in Hueco Mundo anyway. Maybe background music would give him some peace of mind while he's musing to himself. I mean even if his mind would wander back to these topics AT LEAST it won't be as painful to think about it as doing the same while you're surrounded by silence and lying on a hard surface locked up somewhere in Las Noches so no one would gnaw into your damn throat on your free time.
Him being a melomane/an avid music lover would work in any AU or story. I think he'd love A Perfect Circle. You know... considering the crescent moon and circle patterns and the music theme Kubo chose for him.
If we're talking about a bit worse turn of events where - let's say - he ends up in someone's home in the world of the living after he got his ass handed to him by zaraki, had to flee and now he feels worse than ever... watching TV is his other go-to. He'd be in front of it 24/7. It's stupid, sometimes even curious, sometimes confusing and he can either catch up on things or just complain about something to himself. His mind is occupied with something all the time either way.
I also think hollow Nnoitra would be very sceptical about trying human/shinigami food. It doesn't seem appealing to him, unnatural even. Especially if he has someone to feed off of. I believe that arrancars can work like vampires. Shinigamis are just compressed spiritual power so transfusing reiatsu would have the same effect as actually eating a shinigami. What's the point of choosing between flesh, blood and reiatsu if it's all the same in their case 😭. If he ends up living with a human then. Well. Blood sucking it is I guess lmao. Anyway yeah when it comes to food he's more prone to sticking to his hollow side. Though maybe he'd be tempted to try a soda or two.
If he's human/a shinigami then this guy would eat and/or drink literally anything. Especially if it's sea food, meat or something spicy. I had an AU where he was a captain in Gotei 13 and one of his hobbies was visiting karakura and other cities just to absolutely rob food establishments of their supplies. If a restaraunt has an "all you can eat" offer then it might as well be fucking bankrupt. If a cute cafe has a special Valentine's Day offer where couples only pay half the price then "Well I guess I could give someone a call". Cooking though..? Nope. Can't be bothered enough to cook something for himself.
Someone I know also had suggested once that in this AU he'd have a shit ton of hair products. And well it does make sense.
In a Shinigami Academy AU I had he's much younger and edgier LMAO. Goth enough to care about his appearance and wear makeup but too insecure to not stick out too much. He'd love collecting good cool-looking clothing but would literally bite off his own limbs if he had to wear something skin-tight or god forbid skinny jeans. Him and his toothpick legs could never!! Anyway there he wasn't so wary and disdainful towards other people. Desperate for some affection but sadly too air-headed to care enough. So he was sleeping around a lot just for funsies with Shinji as his partner in crime (sorry). I think that's about all I have on this topic!! Tnx again!
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mhacentral · 2 months
14 Days of MHA - Day 7 (July 29th): First Impressions, Just One Bad Day
I genuinely don't get this one, its kinda a weird mix of phrases, but I am thinking its about Villains.
So here are my thoughts on the main LOV members, and unfortunately its generally not good
Shigaraki - First impression was he was cocky and childish but I liked him. Last impression isn't great and this is due to Horikoshi not sticking to what HE WANTED to do. I wish Shigaraki had more time to develop in the series, like I feel like for most of it he was gone or he was AFOs pawn. It would have made his real dream more relevant and that is being a hero for the "villains" or the underside of society. But Horikoshi kissed Japan and Shonen Jumps ass too much, and tried to swipe him and the LOV in general to the side. Aoyama was supposed to be revealed as the traitor in the training camp arc, but the Japanese viewers "don't like villains" so he shortened the arc, and the villains never got much of anything for the middle of the series, and I think it really dulled MHA a lot
Twice - Weird and goofy, I love him, he is my fave member. He wasn't a bad guy, and wish he got given a chance sooner
Spinner - pathetic and sad
Toga - psychotic and I hated her story, it was even worse done than Shigaraki
Dabi - love him, love his mysteriousness at the beginning, loved the theories about him, his reveal fucking out trended the US election on twitter LOL that will never not be hilarious, and I love how he is so similar in many ways to Shoto who is one of my fave characters
Compress - I literally forget about him all the time
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riptide-if · 6 months
What are the fashion senses of the ROs? What do they wear on a day to day basis?
ANON. im seriously so glad u asked u dont understand.im actually going to attatch the long descs i wrote of their everyday outfit (like in a vn..) also theres more fashion/makeup inspo on their boards on my pinterest! there's also boards for bg charas on there:33 so if u r interested in lee's band or aria there u go;p
HILO: an orange tank top with a ruffle trim paired with an off white maxi skirt. A pair of dark brown double strap sandals are on their feet. A gold ring with an infinity symbol is on the pointer finger on their right hand, accompanied by two thick threaded bracelets; the first one being yellow and orange, and the other [MC fave color] and orange. They have long almond shaped acrylic nails; colors varying. They tend to get a new set every three weeks. They wear a pair of orange bead earrings with a gold moon charm on the left ear and a gold star charm on the right ear. A pair of gold hoop earrings goes through their upper lobes in both ears.
LEE: a black shirt that’s cropped just above their stomach, with a graphic of a black skull outlined with white. A black zip-up hoodie is either halfway zipped up, tied around their waist, or discarded. A black and grey striped fingerless glove is covering one hand the other is covered in an assortments of rings including a silver skull ring and a silver ring with a red garnet stone, gifted to them by MC on their one year anniversary. Elijah wears short black cargo shorts while Elaine wears a black cargo miniskirt. They both have (optional) distressed tights underneath them. They wear two black earrings on each upper ear, a pair of silver skull earrings, two black rings on their lips, silver eyebrow stud piercing, silver septum piercing, and a silver star shaped tongue ring.
NOEMIA/NIKITA: a white long sleeved compression shirt is worn underneath a yellow, purple, and white color block windbreaker; either unzipped or balled up and put in their bag. A pair of black athletic shorts with a white adidas logos in the corner is covering their legs. They normally carry a yellow crossbody bag with an assortment of different pins on it (bisexual flag, mang, surfboard, bmo, spiderman, no pain no gain, shark, pufferfish, wave). They wear a pair of green pair of star skate shoes over a pair of colored socks; always mismatched. An anklet with white beads is around their right leg, a similar one with teal beads underneath it. A gold ring with a white teardrop shaped opal ring given to them by their grandma sits on a leather chain around their neck. Two to three hair ties are always around their wrists.
ARLO: an untucked white short sleeved t-shirt is usually worn under his rotation of lightly colored button ups, sweater vests and cardigans. A pair of light denim overalls is over it; with some barely visible paint stains here and there. He wears a pair of black oxford shoes with this. On his wrists are a few braided leather bracelets. He wears a gold vintage coin necklace around his neck along with matching small gold hoop earrings. A thing elastic headband is sometimes holding back his bangs while he works.
as for key words in my notes i have; hilo is whimsical, lee is emo (lol), n is sporty, and arlo is cozy!
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television-bodies · 1 month
💖📥🏅and 💖 again :)
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
i gave an answer to this here! another one: less about the actual writing but i like my fic titles :) each one feels clear and separate to me and i like that about them
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
anything! absolutely anything! i'm not picky! a comment on any fic will make my day always. this being said it is always extra thrilling when it's on whatever my most recent fic is at the time, because the writing experience is fresher in my mind -- with revenir being my most recent at the moment, i feel so lucky to have received such lovely lovely comments on it <3 i really didn’t know if it would interest anyone and the response kinda blew me away
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
posted for the first time since january! i’ve also written SO much more in the past month or two than i had been doing beforehand and it’s solely down to discord writing sprints, my beloved. i owe finishing revenir to discord writing sprints and i owe my current wip to discord writing sprints. changed my life for real
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
remember when i said that you and jamie are trying to give me an ego
ummm. let me think. i’m just going to give a little example of something i wrote that i still think is good and hope that this suffices <3 in suckerpunch: how enjolras originally thinks of grantaire as cynicism, classics, conflict and then changes it to cynic, boxer, dancer a little later. i didn’t want to keep that going throughout the whole fic as i feel like it could very easily be overdone, but i like trying to do things like that: to compress a point i’m trying to make, to make it succinctly. that was kind of the whole aim with suckerpunch to be honest and i hope it worked
thank you for the ask!!
ask game
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nightcityvngel · 5 months
An interview with Vngel
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Vngel: Angel but spelled with a V instead of an A since my real name starts with a V. Someone pointed out that would be a funny way to spell it and I agreed. Some people have started calling me V because of that which I actually hate. Please do not call me V. Interviewer: What is your real name? Vngel: Guess. Interviewer: It would be faster if yo- Vngel: But not as much fun. Interviewer: You're not going to tell me are you? Vngel: Nope Interviewer: Right moving on.
Haven't a clue. Wasn't aware it was a thing till like three years ago. That goes on birth months right? So whatever it is for August.
Straight? I think. I dunno. Never gave it much thought. I guess if we get along and the vibes are good and all that then that's all that matters.
American. Born right here in Night City. Same as my parents.
Oh man I gotta pick one? Guess I'll just be real simple and lame and say strawberry. Haven't had any since I was a child. Should try to get some sometime.
Spring. It's perfect light wise as it doesn't stay dark or light too long, it's the right temperature most of the time and everything just seems to come back to life. The colors are just my thing as well.
Don't have one. I do prefer very colorful ones though.
Unicorn fart*. Yeah yeah unicorns aren't real but it's what I call it. I have a bunch of candles with this scent. No clue what it actually is other then a combination of things and I don't really care. It's really sweet and I only burn these candles on special occasions since I don't have many or know where to get more. Interviewer: Wait if you don't know where to get them then how did you acquire them in the first place? Vngel: Found them. Interviewer: You found a bunch of candles with an unknown scent? Vngel: Yup. Interviewer: And you just decided to take it with you despite not being able to identify the smell? Vngel: Would have been a waste to leave them there. Interviewer: That's not what I meant, you know what never mind, moving on.
Hot chocolate all the way.
Six-ish hours I'd say. Odd question by the way.
How do you go from favorite things to sleep to dogs or cats? Doesn't matter I suppose. I actually don't know. I never had a dog or a cat or even interacted with either.
Hmm...somewhere with snow and mountains. I'd like to try snowboarding or skiing sometime. Yeah go to one of those fancy ski resorts and give it a go. That's the only way you could willingly get me to go somewhere cold.
You know those old comic books? The marvel ones that had their own whole universe? One of the characters from those comics is Jessica Jones. She's strong and doesn't take any shit from anyone. Love her sarcasm. So I would say she's the closest thing I have to a favorite.
One but I do have different ones to switch out. Thick ones for cold weather and thinner ones for warm weather and some in-betweens.
You are about 1cm taller in the morning when you first get up than when you go to bed. This is because during the day the soft cartilage between your bones gets squashed and compressed.
This was fun! Thank you @dreamskug for tagging me!
I don't really know who hasn't done this yet so consider yourself tagged if you haven't done it yet and want to!
*the unicorn fart is actually a combination scent consisting of raspberries, blueberries, mulberry, elderberries and some drops of lime, caramel and vanilla. It's a scent I use for one of my own candles that smells very sweet and what I would imagine a unicorn fart to smell like XD
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Attn: Talk of death and dying of babies. Please feel free to scroll on without reading (I also wrote a lot, so I doubt many people will take the time to read it).
I ended my three night stretch by being a post-mortem photographer since the last two nights at work have been madness.
Really classic full moon shift on Saturday. Our one kid that had come in during day shift and soft crashed onto ECMO (I say soft crashed because they managed to never lose a heart rate and need compressions because of many doses of Epi). I was support nurse both nights (aka I didn't have a patient assignment, I just help everyone out if/when they need it) and on Saturday my other support nurse and both charges spent most of their time with the patient on ECMO that wasn't doing well. Then at 0620 they lost their HR and a code was called. Which would have been less of an emergency if the ECMO machine was circulating well, but it really hadn't been all night. I was on the opposite side of the unit at the time and I hustled to get over there. Ultimately the code was successful in that we got the ECMO to work, but we never got the HR back. From the ECHO we did the heart was bad, we'd done a bedside CT during dayshift and it wasn't great. They did eventually did withdrawal and the baby passed.
Last night started out pretty slow. Then the little 500g preemie that had perfed their bowel and had bedside surgery on Friday to place drains (they usually opt to do that with the very little ones instead of fully opening the belly to remove any dead bowel) decided to start acting up. Their pressor had been turned off during the day, it was back on and higher than before. Their blood gas at midnight was terrible. The attending got very hyperfocused on thinking that it was maybe a pericardial effusion because they had had a deep PICC (though, she admitted later, her perception was skewed because of a baby that had recently had that happen). What was actually most likely happening was more of their bowel was dying. Although we didn't lose the HR for the first couple of hours (though there were a few deep bradys when we were putting the Bovi pad on to prep for another bedside surgery) because, again, we were giving Epi boluses and had started a drip. Unfortunately once the surgeons got the belly open the baby started to brady, we lost the IV access we'd been using for all our IV push drugs, and then they were asystolic. Per the conversation the attending had had with the family prior to starting surgery it was decided to just quickly close the baby up so family could hold before they died (though they were already mostly gone). After they had stopped manipulating the bowel we did get a bradycardic HR back (not sure if it was PEA or not since no one checked for a pulse, though we might not have been able to feel on either way since the BP was so low). The complexes fairly quickly became wider and slowed down until they again flatlined. Unfortunately they had fully passed just before we got family into the room. A while later after they'd had their bath and spent time with the family, I went in with the bedside nurse to get hand and footprints for the legacy boxes we make for these situations. Once we were done with that we started taking some pictures including some with parents. I'm not really much of a photographer especially with just an iPhone, but I got some fairly good pictures. My faves were close-ups of their tiny little hands and feet... probably because they look quite dead in all the pictures. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the picture printer to work, so that became a day shift opportunity because it was like 0650 and I had to give report so I could go home.
It's been a while since I've had a group of shifts like that. I'm hoping this isn't starting another grouping of patient deaths like we had a while back. I have one day off and I'm back as support again on Tuesday night. I did have plans to maybe be semi productive today and make it to the gym, but I never got a break last night and I'm a little behind on sleep from the last few days... so I'm just going to nap and chill today.
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
What a lovely writing meme, thanks for sending it my way! And thanks to @bittermoonswrites and @draphrawrites for thinking of me as well! I'm answering you all at once 💙
First I have to mention my one longfic, Butterfly Effect. If you're new here, it's an exploration of Dabi, Hawks, and the Todofam. It began as a dabihawks project but then sort of muted into my own idea of how all of these plotlines could've intersected and given the characters closure and healing. As my first and only longfic it has a lot of imperfections, but I hold it very dear to my heart. I even printed a copy for myself and I reread bits of it from time to time
Then for sure Stitches deserves a mention. As you may know from my meta, conflicting relationships rife with miscommunication and ugly feelings are one of my fav things to write about, and here I did just that. Set in a canon divergent timeline, Dabi is taken captive by the heroes instead of Compress and does his time in Tartarus. There, the monotony of his captivity is interrupted by a visit from his mother, and they finally have a chat after 10 and some years
Cold feet is another big favourite of mine. This one didn't get as much attention as some of my other dbhwks works, and I wonder if it's because I write an unpopular, canon-adjacent Dabi that the fandom doesn't much vibe with. But that's exactly what I love about this story! :') Personally, I think this is one of the best Dabis I've ever written. I tried to explore the duality of his need to be noticed and valued for who he is vs his fear of being vulnerable, all filtered through Hawks' similar self-repression & devil may care mask. If you want to make me happy, give this a read. It might not be your cup of tea in the end but it would bring a smile to my face to know you gave it a chance :')
A thousand paper cranes is one of my most self indulgent works, and for that I must mention it. It's an AU where Touya and Keigo were trainees in the same HPSC hero program, until something went horribly wrong. basically it's a childhood friends to villain boyfriends journey with a twist :') I published this way ahead of its time. It would've done numbers if posted today. Smh.
My last fave is a still unpublished work, but if you're curious about it shoot me an ask and I'll share a snip. Since basically all recs on this list are character study pieces, you guessed it, so is this one. This time it's Todosiblings-centric. Pov Touya, post canon, deals with Touya's healing post war and explores his dynamic with all his siblings in an attempt to get them to finally talk about their problems. Actually, someone should kick my ass and tell me to finish it. I exhausted all my meta energy with ch 2 but the Fuyumi chapter needs to be wrapped up so I can post this 😭 smh the writer is such an ass for leaving me hanging like this (I'm the writer)
Thanks again for sending me this question! 💙💙
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crisp-ta · 1 year
fanfic appreciation post!!
(recs and appreciation under the cut!)
Hi! I've been wanting to make a fanfic appreciation post for a while and herreeee it finally issss!!
Just wanted to let you writers know that you guys inspire me a lot and have gotten me through the toughest times. When I feel like I'm not enough at school or at home, I have a character that relates to me and I feel less alone. Or when I'm just feeling down, there are those oddly specifically humored fics that make me feel a million times better. There are also ones with the 10000/10 vibes omgggg. I literally have so many Pinterest boards set up so I could make fanart for them. And I love this about fandoms, people's art inspires others to make art and we support each other.
So as more appreciation, I wanted to share a few of my favorites! Just as a warning, these are mostly bad guys-centric! Also most of these are SFW! Ill put this emoji 🔞 if it isn't! (also these aren't in any order! I love them all) Also feel free to share your faves!! :))
Take it or Leave it by Smileyjack (The Bad Guys) Snake can't sleep bc he's cold so he cuddles with Wolf to warm up while he's sleeping. Snake, the denier he is, can't get over how in love he is with Wolf, and when Wolf asks him about it. Snake is such as dork about not wanting to admit he wants love and attention and this fic DOES IT JUSTICEEEE (epic echoey voice) also I love Snake and Wolf's mannerisms and dialogue in here. Mwah so good such a good fic to go to bed to👩‍🍳🫶
lighthouse by jjsworld2021 (The Bad Guys) Snake angst where he is molting and gets sad and remembers his past through a notebook and Wolf is soooososo sweet comforting him. It's got angst with a whole lot of heart, Wolf being such a sweetheart (also snake being a loving softie), fluffyvenom kisses and cuddles, and snake lore.
Sick day by daniel_lee and TotallyNotALemon (The Bad Guys) Wolf is sick and Snake takes care of him and it's sooooo sweeeeettt. Wolf is also a brat and it's hilarious. Wolf's smug ass is something I'll never get tired of.
Chocolate haze by @shelli-gator (The Bad Guys) Mostly where Snake tends to a cut on Wolf's face. It kinda has some lore about how Wolf got the scar on his eyebrow and how the bad guys made it a thing to not make their criminal acts personal. This fic kinda took it that the bad guys were more of a gang, but it doesn't bother me too much bc it was mostly fluffyvenom-centric. But MMMMMMM I love the way the author wrote this. They described things in a style I've never read before?? it lowkey reminds me of the way the author of Peacekeeper writes. Their tone was so beautiful, serious, but also hoootttt. Also they described the surroundings and how Wolf/Snake looked at each other (physical appearance) and I could just imagine how this could look in my head
Divorce Drive by daniel_lee and TotallyNotALemon (🔞 for explicit sexual content) (The Bad Guys) Ugh these two are a writing power couple I swear. This one's where Wolf and Snake have recently divorced (not from each other but Wolf from Diane and Snake from a snake lady) and Wolf meets Snake in a bar and asks to hook up. It had everything I needed and more. Wolfs rizz the beginning and throughout was soooo hot my hot compress could not. I soo want to do fan art for Wolf being at the bar, GOD. Also, I thought this would be straight up pwnp but I WAS VERY INCORRECT. It had lots of feelings. Anyways I loved this one a lot!! It was especially comforting during crappy period feeling time :(
Go Bad or Go Home by @bloomtoy (The Bad Guys) A series where about how Wolf and Snake met. It follows their early heists and I love their conversations. This is the one where they met bc they were trying to steal the same diamond and teamed up to escape.
The Enigma Project by SpookOrSpectre (zootopia) (beware this is unfinished but there's more chapters on fanfic.net) UUGGHHHH this has literally been my personality for a while. Also got me thru a lot of school depresso hours. This takes place after the movie where Nick and Judy art buddy cops. They are assigned a case by Bogo that turns out to be a supernatural thing. There's this org called A3I with deals with those sorts of cases and Nick and Judy end up joining them in their cases. It's a very detective mystery but also suuuUUPPER SPPPOOOOKY. I had to stop reading this at night at some point bc I got too scared. I love the way they wrote Nick and Judy in the first few chapters. They got such good chemistry and it sounded SOOOO like the original movie and it even added more. IT WAS GIVINGGGG.
Daddy Long Legs by MidnightStrix (Helluva Boss) (🔞 for explicit sexual content) Where Stolas and Blitzo are doing their monthly hookup but Blitzo gets caught up thinking about never being able to be loved. I looove the writing in this one! It was so sarcastic and I loved reading about Blitzo's internal monologue. Just a warning, it is pretty explicit (i just started getting into the Helluva fanfics, if yall have any recs please send them :'))
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