#confession 89
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Confession #89
"I honestly hate how racist trek is. Besides not knowing how to deal with eugenics (space seed, ad astra per aspera and many others), trek keep trying to push that culture and race are the same thing. It makes me sick."
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St fandom would be a much more pleasant place if people would use tags correctly and filter for stuff they didn't want to see.
You like a character or a ship? Go to content settings and filter for the "anti that character" or "anti this ship" tags and you won't see anti stuff about them anymore.
Don't like a character or ship? Filter for the "this character" or "that ship" tags.
It won't catch everything because misspellings and people using random tags that aren't what most people use, but it helps.
(also? Stop tagging as #"ship" #"<target audience" when the characters in that ship aren't even mentioned in the main post.)
Confession #89
This is my biggest pet peeve in this fandom. People do not know how to tag anything correctly, and I genuinely feel like so many people do it intentionally to cause issues. I deserve to go into my favorite tag and read positive posts, and yet I can't because people will not tag things properly and I'm so tired of it. We all deserve to read positivity in the tags we like! Improper tagging ruins the fandom fun for everyone.
THE TARGET AUDIENCE IS SO TRUE!!!!!! I'm begging for everyone to learn how to use the tumblr tags. If your post is about Byler, tag Byler, not Lumax????? If it's about Stancy, stop tagging Steddie??? If your post focuses on Ronance...don't tag Rovickie??
And like...if you want to shit on a ship that's fine, but TAG IT RIGHT. If you hate Jancy...tag it anti. If you hate Mileven...tag it anti. It's literally not that hard of a concept to understand and yet...
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maqui-chan · 3 months
OH didnt think you can invite pure sydney to your side of the confession booth
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if you get caught
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thepixelelf · 2 months
Unfortunately the stuff that sells (cute bf scenarios) is what bores me
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we-tokyoboy · 6 months
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bookkats · 8 months
Narrative Lectionary, Year 2, Lent 4
March 10th, Lent 4Mark 12:28-44 Great Commandment, Poor WidowPsalm 89:1-4 Kneeling with ChristThe Promise of a New Kin-domBreaking [A World Beyond] Capitalism Lent 4: Serving God: Love God exactly as you Are Don’t need to change Nothing (anything) first. Breath Prayer OptionInhale: I am imperfectExhale: I am ready to serve Inhale: God loves meExhale: I am the Widow’s MiteInhale: God is…
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re4med · 1 year
The Morning Devotional: WCF 17.3
The Morning Devotional for May 25, 2023 The Westminster Confession of Faith 17.3 III. Nevertheless they may, through the temptations of Satan and of the world, the prevalency of corruption remaining in them, and the neglect of the means of their preservation, fall into grievous sins;a and for a time continue therein:b whereby they incur God’s displeasure,c and grieve his Holy Spirit;d come to be…
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pastel-paramour · 1 year
I have to get this off my chest because the requisite number of SKK posts have crossed my dashboard and I can’t hold it anymore.
SO everyone is familiar with the HC that Chuuya basically admitted to drinking about Dazai leaving the Port Mafia, but allow me to provide more context.
We know that Chuuya states he opened an ‘89 bottle of Pétrus wine the night Dazai left. And Dazai wasn’t kidding when he says Pétrus is exorbitantly expensive. It is a collector’s item. So even a polite 750ml bottle costs something to the tune of five or six thousand dollars or more.
Not only that, but it has an alcohol content of 13.5%, as far as all wine goes it’s a bit higher (average being 12%) with most supermarket wines hovering around 6-8% for scale.
That said, we know two things about Chuuya; 1) the poor lad can’t hold his liquor for shit, and 2) he would not open this bottle like this unless he planned on finishing it.
We also know that Dazai confessed to planting a bomb under his car the night he left.
So allow me to set the scene: Dazai had defected from the Port Mafia, without telling his partner of 3 years. Distraught, Chuuya pops his most expensive bottle because what’s the fucking point, and absolutely trounces it. Finishing the bottle, he stumbles out of the building, beeps his car and it explodes, knocking him on his ass.
And from the ground, in the light of his flaming car he mutters “a’right, a’right… I won’t drink’n’drive…” before passing out in the street.
Prosecution rests.
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artsy-alice · 1 year
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(they're on the same page but they're reading different books) (happy 100 posts to this lil au!) (inspo.)
the series so far: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 |  ★ | wallpapers: 1 | 2 | 3 | printable: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | snowglobe
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tinytennisskirt · 2 months
Summary: Art breaking up with you over something you never had a say in to begin with. His future. Reminiscing over exactly what it is he’s leaving behind and the bittersweet of it all.
Warnings: angst, mentions of sex, mentions of drinking and smoking, not edited from my notes app
Your stomach flipped at the sight of the text from Art.
You free? We need to talk.
It was this odd sinking feeling, your feet suddenly the heaviest things to lift, your stomach instantly in a knot, twisting, making you sick. It’s not like you didn’t know it was coming. His distance drastically increased the past three days, plans you made had fizzled out to nothing by the means of odd-seeming and strategically-placed obstacles in his path. And you were fine, you’d thought.
And it wasn’t a lie. It was good. And happy. And healthy- both you and Art were communicative and understanding and allowed each other space and peace of mind when needed. Nothing was better than your time together, not felt better than his arms around you after a long day, nothing could come close to the way it felt when he would plant a simple kiss on the centre of your forehead.
And you felt things slowly unravel, like pulling on one string and having the whole sweater come undone. But it was quick. And it was unexpected. And he wanted to talk, asked you to meet him in his dorm room when you were done with your lecture and you just had that intuitive, gut feeling that this was it. You hoped to god you weren’t right. You were 89% sure but there was a 20% that was a pale ghost of optimism that laid overtop all of your doubt, co-existing within the one hundred.
If someone had asked you five days ago what the chances of him leaving felt like to you, you would have said it was a 4% chance he would go. Why would you have any reason to doubt him? He was your best friend and the man you were absolutely head over heels for. And him, he would hold you close all night if you let him, he would go out at four in the morning if you said you craved iced tea then and there, if you cried he would wipe your tears away and not let you go until you wanted and that would sometimes mean hours, and if you were sick he was there with soup and hands to hold back your hair.
But you felt the 89% in his sudden change of character as you knocked on his door and he opened it without pulling you into a hug or a kiss or anything of the sort. The same sort of hello just minus everything you knew and the cold of it was uncomfortable as you walked in and sat on his bed, pulling your feet up. He sat in the computer chair across from you, not on the bed with you, and you slowly felt the nausea creep up on you. Worse. His greeting was so empty of who he was. It was like even his room had lost colour.
“I wanted to talk to you about…”
“Us,” you finished. He met your eyes and then looked to the ground, nodding slowly. You knew it. You were confident enough to finish his sentence.
Art rested his elbow on his knee and allowed his chin to rest on his palm, fidgeting with his own lower lip. He paused for a moment, “I-um…” he started. Your stomach ached and you found yourself fidgeting with the ring on your finger. “I don’t know what I’m thinking, I’m struggling a bit.” He confessed, nervous smile on his face which you knew he had no control over.
“That’s okay,” you answered, smiling just a bit in response, though it was forced. Too forced, it almost hurt to make your muscles move this way when they resisted so hard. “Take your time.” You said. Gentle.
His hand rubbed over his mouth and then his eye, rubbing his left eye and coming to rest his hand along the side of his face, air blowing out through slightly parted lips. “I’ve been thinking about tennis.” He said.
You stayed quiet, listening patiently though the impulse to be impatient was such a threatening force. You hated the way you could feel the heartache already manifesting in your fingertips. What an odd place to feel it, you thought. Maybe it was the ghost of your optimism, trying to guide your heart to your fingertips so maybe you could reach out and keep him. What an odd thought.
“I think I’m leaving in the spring.” He said. You knew that he would be going on tour, pro, when the spring came. It was something you talked about often, his head in your lap and your hand in his hair. “And I was really wondering for some time what it would look like. Place to place and I-uh- I was talking to Patrick and he told me how tour is and I got to thinking…” he trailed off, meeting your eyes for just a moment. You pressed your lips together, trying to just sit still and listen quietly.
You nodded just slightly for him to continue, okaying the fact that you had listened so far. “Ive been losing sleep over it, how demanding it is and weighing that with how badly I want it and- I guess I don’t know how to do it all… with you.” He said. You saw it coming, you saw it coming as you walked over, you saw it coming from his text. “Badly phrased, I know, I’m sorry. I’m not good at this, I’ve never… done this.” He said, fidgeting more with his hands, trying to crack knuckles he’d already cracked as you just sat there absorbing it.
It was always obvious that Art loved tennis in a way that most people wouldn’t get. He wasn’t overly passionate about it, it didn’t consume his every thought, he wasn’t obsessed but it was a dream of his to go pro. Play big games with big names and it was a wonderful future he saw for himself but right now, feeling selfish, you wondered why he couldn’t see that future with you at the sidelines. You’d been to almost every one of his games at Stanford, you had been around for practices, you even tried to play a few times and you were awful but that didn’t matter, right? You loved what he loved because he loved it, even if you weren’t good at it. And you loved him for his aspirations and drive for success in something he loved and that was an amazing thing to observe. It’s not often you find a man who is so sure of what he wants, avoiding playing games with your heart, never hurting you intentionally and if he did, it was an accident and fixed, truly fixed. It never dawned on you that his idea of security didn’t involve you. Not the way your idea of security involved him.
No matter the variable of the future your idea of it was always with him. And the boys you’d known before him, you had avoided thinking about the future at all costs. You didn’t want kids with them, you didn’t want anything with them and you sometimes wondered why it didn’t come naturally and then Art came along and you found yourself thinking fondly over name ideas. And you were young- it was a bit far off from the time when you could truly have that future but you knew you wanted it. And you knew you wanted him and no one else to fill that role. He would be perfect, you thought, playing tennis with some little boy, some little version of yourselves and it was stupid, yes! Stupid because it was so far away but it wasn’t stupid to want. And you wanted a career and success, but not more than you wanted him.
Now when you looked at him where he sat you felt everything you’d ever seen for your future, every vision of your future home whether it be an apartment or a big White House, every vision of him coming home to you, every vision of him coming home to future children, it was fading. And your optimism with it. Why would he stay?
He just waited for your reply, his mouth twisted a bit to the side. “Why not?” You asked. Why couldn’t he do it all with you?
He looked at his hands, “It’s going to be a lot.” He said. “And it’s going to be hard for both of us and I just don’t think we’d survive it.” So he was giving up.
“Survive it?”
“Make it through.” He stated, fidgeting away. It was some peace of mind to know he struggled to say it. You felt the hot flush of impending tears wash over your body. “I think… the best course of action for us is if we go separate ways.” You bit your lip as the hot tears began to spring up in your eyes. You hardened your stare as to know show them, which you knew didn’t work but you still tried. “And I’m sorry.” He added.
“You think it’s best?” You asked. “For you or for me?” You immediately backpedaled, a single tear falling down your face but no real crying being allowed. “I’m sorry, that sounded really rude, I didn’t mean it that way.”
He chuckled, rubbing his eyes again, “No, I know. I get it. But I think for us, or I like thinking for us. I just… I know myself and I know that when things get tough and we would be apart so often… I would distance myself.” He nodded, continued, “I would hate for you to torment yourself over it because I know you’d worry. And I think it would be better to not have to deal with the heartache of it all then.”
“So you’ll deal it out now?” You asked. And you understood. He wanted to leave before it got messy, got hard to comprehend and live with. You didn’t see that coming in the slightest but when a man gets their mind set on something of the sort it’s hard to remove the notion from their stubborn mind. “Art, I don’t want that.” You told him. “I don’t want that future for us either. Distance wouldn’t matter to me, I could deal with the time apart.”
He buried his face in his hands, “I know and I’m sorry.” He said, muffled, rubbing his jaw as he lifted his head up. “I don’t want it either but I’m not ready to hurt you and I know the idea of it is going to keep me up at night just the fact that it feels like it’s going to happen at some point…” He sighed deeply. More of your tears streamed down your cheeks but you wiped them away and fought the urge to sniffle. “I don’t want to hurt you down the line.”
“So don’t,” you said, trying reason on the stubborn mind. “Don’t hurt me and don’t leave. Unless it truly doesn’t work.” You said. You wouldn’t beg, but you could try and get him to see reason. Your heart beat slow in your chest but with heavy, violent thuds. You wouldn’t never understand his mind, his true thought process. Just a week ago he was kissing your stomach on his way down, telling you that you were beautiful, just a week ago, you’d gone with his mom to lunch, just a week ago, you fell asleep in his arms and woke up still held just as tightly. And his reason was that he was afraid of something that was entirely up to him. But you’d take it. There wasn’t much else he could say.
“It’s the balance of things. I don’t know how I’d be able to keep up with us and tennis at the same time. And I hate that I don’t think I can do it, I’m so sorry.” Words of someone with their mind made up.
He didn’t even try yet. He was giving up before he even tried. Or even tried to try. And that was what you were worth, apparently. But you loved him, so of course you’d be happy to step aside if you were in the way of his dream.
“What did I do wrong?” You asked. “To not be worth that try?”
“No, no, you did everything right,” he said, leaning forward just a bit and you swore he almost reached for your hand. “It’s not that I’m not trying, I’m just trying to prevent more pain.” He said. “This is fucking killing me, I don’t want it but I don’t want you to hate me if I get too busy and ruin everything.”
“Art, it’s as simple as not hurting me.” You stated. “I want you and you… wanted me and I thought that was something.”
“No, it is something I just… don’t want to remember it as anything else. I don’t want this to ruin us.”
“You’re going to do exactly that. What am I supposed to say to that? Where’s the closure in that? You’re saying you want me but won’t keep me, that’s insane.” You tried again to reason and he put his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes again. “I thought I was worth more than tha-“
“You are. You’re worth so much and I hate that I’m doing this, but I don’t know how to go forward while maintaining us in the way that I know you want.” He tried to reason back, but it just didn’t work. It didn’t feel okay… or right. How could it? He promised forever, he was only saying it, he didn’t mean it. Every act that had led up to this point, the pre-relationship pining, the anticipation of a first kiss, first handhold, first time… Every act that had led up to him leaving what was it really worth if not some lead up to a perfect future. Or even an imperfect one, you would have loved an imperfect future with him. Another year, even. Or a good few months of him at least trying to keep your relationship intact, but he sat here saying he wouldn’t even try because he knew how it would end.
You hated knowing that if this was your situation, you would have found a way to make it work. You’d be trying harder than he was to keep him because you adored him and what other answer was there? When you want someone, you want someone and you would do all you could to keep them even if in the end it ended up being absolutely fucking pointless. You’d rather the fight than the abrupt ending on what was supposed to be ‘good terms’. He wanted to preserve the perfect people you were before the fight made you cold and mean but who was to say the fight wouldn’t have been worth it? It could even work out nicely, ending in peace. The peace you currently had… the peace you were losing.
You couldn’t stop him, that was evident. You knew what he wanted and it was his own peace of mind that he wouldn’t become a bad person, but you secretly hoped that this was a decision he would regret. And you did cry, just not loudly, you let yourself cry and he himself didn’t look so okay but there was good in that. It meant this was hard to do, it meant that you weren’t easy to leave. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I feel awful but I’d rather this over tearing us apart.” He said.
“It’s okay.” You said. And it was, it wasn’t a lie. His intentions were good and that was the worst part. He didn’t want to hurt you. He just had to give something up in order to achieve his goals and it happened to be you. As unfortunate as that was, you loved him enough to see his reason and still stay understanding even though it brought an end to the thing you wanted more than anything.
You pressed your lips together, then let another breath slip through them as they parted again, looking up at the ceiling. Than the wall. Then the window. The door. This would most likely be the last time you were in his dorm room and you found yourself trying already to convince yourself to let things go but it was just reflex. You were trying to protect yourself from the impending pain that would hit hard once that door shut behind you again. You were already trying to self-soothe, self-comfort as you felt the cracks spread throughout your body, getting ready to completely shatter.
You remembered the first time you were in his room. His walls were mostly bare, but now they were covered in posters you’d bought him. Pictures. Pictures of you, even. The pain in your fingertips flared through your body as you imagined him having to take them down. And what would he do with them? Where would they go? The same with the posters, though they were much less personal, would they remind him of you?
How much pain would he feel when you left? You wondered if it would be anywhere near the level of yours. It all depended on things you didn’t and couldn’t know- how long had he been wanting to do this? Had he been thinking about it for weeks trying to find the right time or was it cut and dry, a quick impulse? How long did he know he had to leave and what did he allow as he had the thought of leaving you in the back of his mind. Last week you’d fucked twice and it was slow and it was perfect and now you wondered if he knew that was the last time. The pain in your fingertips began to become a crushing force on your ribs, clenching your heart and you sobbed once into your hands.
You sat in the silence that was once so comfortable and he was right there and he wasn’t immediately a comfort. He wasn’t immediately your safety from your emotion, he couldn’t be anymore. You weren’t so lucky
It was the very bed you sat on then that had been the setting for most of your easy evenings. Talking, kissing, touching, asleep. And you wouldn’t be able to escape it going back to your own dorm. Your dorm room bed carried the same type of memories. And it was all pain, it wasn’t much else other than bittersweet. You wanted him, he wanted you but he wouldn’t do much to keep you other than end things. Here, now, after all of this.
He first kissed you outside of the tennis change rooms and around the side of the building where you waited for him after a successful game. His hair was still wet from the shower and sure he still had gum in his mouth but it was everything, the way you’d never kissed before but somehow fit so perfectly together. No clash of teeth, no bumping heads. A perfect, clean, movie kiss. And you thought about that now as you were looking at his lips. You didn’t think that there would ever come a time when you had to try and remember when you last kissed. The reality of the last kiss was something you were glad was lovely, you remembered exactly when he last kissed you and it was a long one. Last night you’d questioned it just slightly for its length and its passion but you guessed that he knew today would be the day. You wiped your eyes. Who would have thought you’d ever have a last kiss? Not you. And you were sure if this was a few weeks ago, he wouldn’t have thought it up either. So you told him it was okay.
It didn’t feel much like it was but it would have to be. It wouldn’t feel okay for a long time but at its base, it was okay. Because you loved him and only wanted him to be happy and leaving you was what would give him the peace of mind to go and be successful. Tennis was everything to him the way he was everything to you. And just as he was worth everything and anything, so was tennis to him. That wasn’t to say he chose tennis over you- that’s not what he was doing and you knew that, even if it felt that way- but it was him prioritizing your peace. You could appreciate the sentiment even as the cracks it was leaving were beginning to open and ache.
“I just… I can’t believe this.” You said, smiling just the smallest bit. “I really thought this was it.” You sighed, crying quietly, trying not to. Begging yourself not to. …Things you said that you didn’t think through. You’d have time to regret it later but it just made Art look away from you. He couldn’t handle it. And you could see he had tears in his eyes, he couldn’t hide that. As much as you hated seeing him upset, it was good to know that this upset him and he wasn’t doing this emotionlessly. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you- don’t be sorry.” He said, sniffing, looking at you through his eyelashes, still fidgeting with his lower lip. “I promise it’s nothing you did. I promise you, you were perfect. You were everything.” The past tense killed you and you found it evoked a large breath from you. A sharp intake of air. You were perfect, everything, but not perfect or everything enough to stay and try. “Don’t be sorry, please.” He said.
But you couldn’t help it. Maybe there was some version of you that had done more that got to keep him. If you’d had been born into his world, money and tennis, maybe he wouldn’t have to sacrifice. “I’ll try.”
“You shouldn’t have to-“ he stopped himself just to wipe his eyes. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.” You hated seeing him cry. All you wanted was to reach forward and pull him in. All of the crying he’d witnessed from you, all of the emotions he’d been patient and kind with and now he was in tears and you couldn’t hold him the way he held you. It felt cruel and mean to not, but you knew it was wrong to, now that he’d stated what he wanted and it was no longer you. The ache in your chest felt magnetic to the feeling of comforting his matching aches and ills. It was all you wanted to do, wipe away his tears with your own. All you wanted was to make up as if this was some sort of weird fight and have him promise you the same thing he promised you a week ago. That he wasn’t going anywhere and that he wanted you. It could be so simple only if he tried. And none of this was fair- you didn’t get a say. You didn’t get to decide what happened with his future and you never did, but you should have had a say in the future of your relationship. You should have been allowed to fight to stay, even if everything burned down to the ground in the process. “I’m so sorry. I really am. Fuck.” He shook his head, still trying to hide how upset he was but it filled the room, both your feelings and his. Usually the words ‘I’m sorry’ were given a paved path by an ‘I love you’ and the silence beforehand was so empty. Too empty.
“This is it?”
“I know… I know it’s fast, I should have more to say but all I know is that you were perfect. And amazing, and I’m glad we got the time we did.”
Before he ended it. Right. You wanted to be upset, you really did. You wanted to talk the sense back into him, remind him of every time he said he loved you, remind him what it felt like to be loved by you. Remind him that what he is leaving behind are hot summer nights kissing in his car, the comfort of knowing someone inside and out completely and entirely. To remind him of your hands in his hair and his head in your lap and telling him secrets you’d never told anyone. Remind him what it felt like to be with you in every way. How he was your best friend, the one person in the world you could truly say knew everything about you just the same as you knew the most about him. All of him, every side of him. You wanted to kiss him and make him remember all of it.
Christmas, meeting his grandma, the sweetest and most gentle woman you’ve ever met. Art holding your hand under the table at Christmas dinner and sitting with your legs overtop his. Sleeping in his childhood bedroom in his arms. New years with him and Patrick and too much drinking and the taste of a cigar when he kissed you as the clock struck twelve, how that kiss didn’t end until you were breathing heavily, sweaty on your dorm room floor. You couldn’t even make it to the bed and you just laughed. As well as the night that you fell off your bed and you and Art laughed for way too long over something so simple because it was just you both. Best friends and in love and there was nothing greater in the world.
Birthdays when his gifts were beyond thoughtful. Diving into things you wanted as a child, finding them, giving you them. And he hardly ever let you thank him, batting your gratitude away like it was nothing to do all of that for you. And you did the same, hunting down the signed racket of a resigned tennis player he loved as a kid. That tennis racket was on his wall above his bed.
When he would kiss you when you talked too much (he would still wait until you were finished talking) and sometimes not when the only thing you were saying was judgemental of yourself. He loved to shut you up and tell you the exact opposite of any flaw you swore you had. He’d hold your face when he said it but it was mostly kissing. And you did the same when he needed it.
There was also the day he said he loved you for the first time and it was just an accident. He hung up the five hour long phone call with ‘goodnight, I love you’ and you say processing it for a minute before leaving your dorm room in your pajamas, running across campus and saying that you loved him too and he kissed you at the doorway as you stumbled into his room. And after that you talked for five more hours. You’d do that often, too- talk for hours. As friends it was all you would do and it didn’t end when you were together, you loved to talk to him about nothing and everything.
And the fucked up thing about wanting him to remember it all was that he probably already had. And decided that in all of it, it just wasn’t something he wanted more of for himself.
So you would have to go without. Everything. You wouldn’t see his grandma again, you wouldn’t visit his childhood home, touching photos of him as a wide-eyed, big-eared little boy with tennis dreams. You wouldn’t spend another night in his childhood bed let alone any bed with him, in his arms. You had to say goodbye to the version of you who knew comfort in his reassurance of everything he loved about you no matter how much you hated them. He’d never kiss your eyelids again. No more holidays, no more birthdays. No more hearing those three words. It was a blow big enough to knock the wind out of you, but you’d feel it later. For now you had to pretend you weren’t feeling your heart physically ache, the heartstrings pull and your heart as a whole clench.
He weighed the scales and he would rather go without.
You looked at the boy you loved and knowing this, you couldn’t help but cry, really cry. And when you truly broke, so did he. You could hear him cry quietly as you tried so hard to stop. No more crying, you urged yourself. These were your last moments here and you were crying. It was over, everything was over and this emptiness would be what you carried with you on your way back to your dorm. Then you’d carry it day to day while he went pro in the spring. You wondered how empty this would feel for him. But you would never truly know.
There were so many ‘never’s at your feet. And they pulled tears from your eyes and they streamed down your cheeks and you were desperately trying to stop them. He cried into his hands. “I was lucky,” you managed to say. “I’m proud…” you spoke through tears, “of you. For doing this. For us.” You hated how it sounded. It sounded fake, it sounded weird. He just cried and you stood up from his bed. There wasn’t much else to say, though you’d think about it all night. Things like this would happen- you had no more words for him that weren’t desperate pleads for him to remember why he stayed so that he wouldn’t leave. But you respected him too much. You wanted him to have the best shot at his future. No distractions, no you. You just stood next to his bed, tears falling consistently but without sound. “If you ever… want to come back. Don’t hesitate.” You said and you watched him tense up more under the weight of his own tears falling. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too,” he said, voice breaking. You sobbed, turning to look at anything other than him, your perfect, lovely, sweet Art who you wanted more than anything. He looked at you and he stood up and you weren’t ready to say goodbye but you felt no other way to exist here anymore. You didn’t want to sob you didn’t want to have this be the end, you could say more, but you couldn’t think of anything that would change his mind and sure, you’d say it anyways but respect… you had to respect his decision, the decision he made without you, for you. There would never be true closure here. Ever. He would miss you, you knew that, how could he not? But life would go on. “You’re going?”
“I think so,” you replied. “But I’m not going anywhere, I-“ you couldn’t even finish what you were saying but he had to know it. All of everything came to this. “I couldn’t.”
He looked at you with those beautiful sad eyes and you couldn’t do much about them. You could have asked for a kiss goodbye but it would have been inappropriate. You couldn’t even bring yourself to ask for a hug or anything, not even a touch just to feel his skin with intention one last time. Not even his hand… you fought yourself.
He had more to say and you knew it but maybe it was best with things unsaid. They might hurt to hear. And you knew you wouldn’t need more pain.
Despite your better judgement, despite everything you were scared of- despite not even being sure if he wanted it, you put your hand on the side of his face. He leaned into it like he always did and that was the true breaking point. The cracks in you split themselves open and you felt like you were suffocating. It was the last time your hand would hold him in any way. “Goodbye, Art.” You said it first, though it was really him who made the first move. You felt his tear as it rolled from his eyes and onto the side of your hand just before you pulled it away, puppy dog eyes holding so much pain.
“I’m sorry.” He said again. “Goodbye, Y/N.”
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gremlingottoosilly · 9 months
Been reading through your König fics and what if König x dumb fem!reader, like they are totally clueless about everything, gets lost 89% of the time, they're sweet and all but they can't do shit, she trusts literally everyone's advice and doesn't know when someone's joking so they just take everything seriously,
I have no clue who would be chasing who, but if it's König trying to court the reader, it's going to be a long ass time before they ever figure out what's happening, he could be throwing the most obvious signs and she be like "oh that's nice!" And moves on with her life holding the bouquet König gave or something, Bonus points if her whole aesthetic is just bimbocore
Oh, you people share like 3 brain cells between the two of you. Konig isn't stupid - he is a genius of strategy, as he proudly declares to everyone, he got his rank quite young and his achievements are nothing short of the greatest - the only problem with him, is that he is quite...well, silly when it comes to social situations. Our man never had much female attention growing up, he doesn't know how to play the relationship game, intimidations to him comes much, much easier than confessions, and he wouldn't really play with you before you would be certain he is interested. He likes you? He takes you home, no questions asked. he tried flowers one time, you were looking so surprised and adorable, telling him how thoughtful he is about giving you the decor for the apartment, there must have been a sale in a flower shop somewhere. He is devastated, completely, he is heartbroken and understands that you can't be trusted with your life. In his mind, unfortunately, as Konig has very outdated views on gender equality, there are two types of girls - his colleagues, the badasses that he can't ever see in a sexual way, and weak little angels who need protection. you and your dumb, naive eyes fall perfectly into the second category - and you could almost feel the way he strips away your rights along with your clothes. It's not even that he is annoyed by you being dumb - he loves it. You cry for him and ask why you can't leave, and he would just distract you with some dumb and nerdy monologue about his favorite lego set or something! He keeps you as airheaded as he possibly can.
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bad268 · 6 months
Can you please write a Pezzy x gn! reader for the truth or hydrate stream, where the reader admits that they’d date Pezzy & find him attractive (and maybe make some suggestive jokes), and how he & the others would react? I love your writing, by the way, keep up the great work!
Confess or Drink (Pezzy X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (did I start this the same way as the last one? Yes. Why? Because it’s from the same video, but trust, I did change it lol)
Warnings: Mentioned reader being on Adderall
POV: First Person (I/me)
W.C. 1547
Summary: A little too much alcohol and a little too much confessed.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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“What’s up gamers? How y’all doing today?” Droid started off as people began flooding into the stream. I was grabbing a couple of drinks from the fridge as the guys bantered back and forth before sitting next to Pezzy, closer to the computer to read the chat. “Someone wanna explain bruh? It’s a lot.”
“Bitch, it’s your thing!” Grizzy laughed along with Puffer and Pezzy while rolled my eyes and cracked open a Mike’s. 
“Geez, we’re doing truth or drink,” Droid explained, going into deeper detail. Puffer, jokingly, started snoring, so Droid said, “Aye, quiet down in the back, yeah?”
“Chat says it's a slumber party,” I laughed, pointing out since the message was highlighted. 
“Guys, take your shoes off, stay awhile. Slumber party!” Pezzy joked, enthusiastically. “Are your feet stinky?”
“Please don’t. I do not need chat spamming about feet for the next 2 hours,” I groaned as I leaned back. Droid was already pulling his shoes off and trying to smell them. “Can you not?”
“I can smell them from here actually! Those actually smell,” Puffer complained. Droid tried to smell his feet again, and he made a face before putting his shoes on.
“You realized they stink?” I asked rhetorically, chuckling as I took a drink. “Okay, what are we doing?”
“This is the dealio,” Droid started. “Truth or drink. If someone doesn’t want to answer a question, they have to take a shot.”
“Oh, this was meant to be hot sauce?” Grizzy asked, looking at the box.
“Yeah, it's a Hot Ones game,” I laughed, leaning over Pezzy to point at the box.
“He’s a pussy, dude,” Pezzy stated.
“Y’all keep it at 89 fucking degrees in this house. You think I want hot sauce right now?” Grizzy emphasized.
“That’s all Pezzy, bruh,” Droid muttered.
“Ok, ladies,” I interrupted. “Let’s just do the first card. Puffer can start ‘cause he’s at the end. Simple.”
“And this is why we have you,” Pezzy laughed. “Keep us on track.”
“Oh, yeah have the person who relies on Adderall to keep y'all on track,” You responded sarcastically. “Makes sense to me.”
“Okay, guys. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done?” Puffer read off the card before turning his attention to the rest of us.  
“I shit my pants in a car ride home with my friends,” Grizzy said immediately. We all started talking over each other until Grizzy interrupted us, “I was like 8, bro!”
“I got one,” Puffer paused as Droid said that he knew it. “I fell in the San Antonio River.”
“OH! What the fuck?!” Droid shouted. All of us started laughing as Puffer told the story of the bike breaking and flinging him into the river. “There’s no ladder, so once you’re in, you’re in.”
“My dad took me to the track,” Droid started, going into a long story about how he shit himself immediately after arriving home. “I think I was just relieved to be home and I made it far enough.”
“Mine was when I was in school and I trusted a fart too much,” Pezzy began. “I had to call my mom and say I shit my pants.”
“Holy shit, guys! Literally!” I laughed as I finished my first drink. “While I did not shit myself after age 6, I ‘fell’ into the fountain in Las Vegas during the national anthem once for $100. Try explaining you’re broke to the police and them not believing you.”
“That’s crazy dude,” Pezzy laughed.
“Crazy? I was crazy once-”
“NO stop!”
“Who would you trade lives with?”
“Puffer?” Droid and Grizzy eyed him.
“Nah, I’m good. My answer is I’m good,” Puffer said fast.
“I think I’d be down to swap with Pezzy,” I chuckled, looking over to him. I held up my drink as if to cheers with him. “What do you say?”
“I’m down,” He agreed, clanking his bottle with mine.
“Who have you fantasized about in your life that you shouldn’t have? No celebrities allowed,” Pezzy read. 
“Pezzy. Next question,” I said quickly.
“Why? Do you not want to admit who you’ve fantasized about?” Puffer laughed causing the rest to start laughing as well.
“What? I answered already,” I replied confused, ”It’s y’all’s turn.”
“Wait, you’re blushing!” Grizzy pointed out as he started wheezing.
“You’re answer was Pezzy?!” Droid shouted in disbelief. Everyone was still cracking up, and Pezzy was leaning back against the couch, hiding his face behind his hands.
“Yes!” I shouted back. I leaned forward as I pointed back at Pezzy. “Have you SEEN him? He’s hot!”
“Can we not talk about this live and drunk?” Pezzy intervened.
“No! This guy thinks it's so random that I find you hot!”
“It’s because of his nose right?” Droid shouted as he pointed at Pezzy, “I fucking told you! I knew that shit was pleasing someone!”
“Okay, I’d rather not talk about my sex life on live, my guy,” I drew the line. Despite being pretty drunk, I knew that would be a slippery slope.
“Well, it looks like you’re gonna have to. What was your most recent porn search?” Droid asked. Everyone started complaining, saying they were going to take a shot.
“I will take the shot dude,” I laughed, already downing the Crown. “Wait I got a question. Do any of you dabble in the hentai?”
Immediately, the boys responded with “Yes.”
My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as I cringed at all of them. “Y’all are fucking gross. Do y’all feel disgusting afterward because damn that's actually nasty.”
“I have gone so far down that rabbit hole, it is not even funny,” Pezzy admitted. 
“You are really feeling those drinks, huh” Grizzy laughed. 
“Yes, I am,” Pezzy responded definitively.
“We did not need to know you that personally, Pezzy,” I laughed, taking a shot.
“Seems like you wanted to know him pretty personally,” Puffer muttered as he took a drink.
“Yes, but not that kind of personally,” I laughed. “I’m gonna head out before I destroy my career more than I already have. If someone wants to follow me,” I jokingly coughed out Pezzy’s name, “I’ll be in my room.”
“I don’t think I want to continue living in this house, knowing what you two will be doing in there,” Grizzy grimaced as he stood up and left the room. 
“Meg’s gonna pick me up. Yall can stay the night if you really need out,” Puffer offered as Droid ended the stream and started cleaning up around the living room. 
That’s when they all noticed that Pezzy was still sitting on the couch. He was not making any move to move either, so naturally, Droid, being the nosey guy he is, asked about it. “Are you really gonna let this opportunity go? They practically asked you to meet in their room.”
“We’re both drunk,” Pezzy groaned. “I’m not gonna take advantage of them like that. We’ll talk in the morning or something.”
“Are you sure you’ll even remember it in the morning?” Puffer asked as Grizzy came back with water bottles for everyone.
“The love of my life just admitted that they found me hot. I will definitely remember this in the morning,” Pezzy sighed before standing and heading to his room for the night.
The next morning, the house was eerily quiet when I walked into the kitchen. There was a note on the table, saying that Grizzy and Droid went to Puffer’s house for the night. I just shrugged to myself and moved around the kitchen. I opened a bottle of Sprite and left it open on the counter while I started making breakfast. Not anything too complex, just simple eggs.
It did not take long for Pezzy to come walking into the kitchen and sit at the island. I turned my head back to see him with his head resting against his forearms on the granite. I chuckled to myself before asking, “How do you want your eggs?”
“Scrambled, please,” He groaned as he turned his head to look at me. That’s when he noticed that his view was blocked by the Sprite bottle. “What’s with the Sprite? Isn’t it a bit early for soda?”
“Flat Sprite is the best cure for a hangover,” I replied as I mixed up and cooked the eggs. “I think I ran out of ibuprofen last time, and we could split it if you want. We’ll need to talk about last night at some point. Grizzy and Droid won’t be back until later.”
“Why don’t we go for lunch?” Pezzy offered as he took a couple of drinks of the Sprite. “We could take the bike.”
“I literally just made eggs,” I groaned holding out the pan for him to see that they were almost finished cooking. 
“Give it to the dog,” He laughed, standing up to wrap his arms around my waist as he leaned his head on my shoulder. “It’ll be my treat.”
“As long as I get to rev your bike at least once, I’m down,” I countered, leaning back into his chest. 
“You can rev it all you want,” He smirked, rubbing his face in my neck.
“Okay, you ruined it,” I laughed as I pushed away from him. “Go get ready while I give this to the dog.”
~~ Part 2 ->
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naughtybg3confessions · 5 months
For those curious, as of today...
The top most popular confession on our blog:
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And out of our top 12 most popular confessions, Gale is the subject of 9 of them. The remaining 3 are about Astarion.
Unsurprisingly, this trend is also reflected in our top 10 most confessed about characters:
Gale (89)
Astarion (83)
Zevlor (79)
Halsin (61)
Gortash (37)
Wyll (34)
Rugan (29)
Karlach (28)
Shadowheart (26)
Rolan (25)
Is it that Gale fans are the most numerous, or just the most shameless? Either way, Galefuckers are engaging with this blog the most by far, submitting the most confessions and making the most reblogs and comments. As a Galefucker myself, I hope my bias isn't influencing the blog too much! I do submit my own confessions about characters other than Gale sometimes, I swear!!
The rizzard might be the most popular for now, but who knows where we'll end up? There is still time to pump up numbers for your other faves. Eventually, we will do an in-depth statistical analysis of the entire blog, once we've compiled enough data. Perhaps as a New Years celebration!
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felixknow · 3 months
felixknow's Invisible Ask Game Masterlist, part two <3
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51. period complications + Lee Know + Bang Chan, Changbin, Felix +
52. birthday gifts + Han +
53. "He was so close I could smell him." + I.N +
54. "Your outfit looks really good on you." + Changbin +
56. "Why does he keep staring at me?" + Han +
58. "He's so attached to you. It'll break his heart if you leave." + Felix +
60. "I'm ready to have sex with you. Can we talk about it?" + Bang Chan + Han + Lee Know + Changbin + Hyunjin, Felix + Seungmin, I.N +
61. "Did I make you uncomfortable?" + Felix +
63. "Did you steal my hoodie again?" + Hyunjin +
64. "Please pretend to be my boyfriend." + Felix + Lee Know +
65. "You won't have to kiss me." "Can I anyway?" + Bang Chan/Lee Know/Felix +
69. "Bestie, can I see your boobs? I'm sad." + Changbin + Han + OT6 + Bang Chan (small 🍒 version) +
70. "Can I take your virginity?" + I.N + Lee Know +
71. "I've never had a blowjob." + Changbin +
73. "I don't want to have sex. Like, ever." + Seungmin +
75. "You're all I've ever needed." + Hyunjin +
77. "Why are you awake?" "Why are YOU awake?" + Lee Know +
78. another idol confesses to him, but he wants to talk to you + Hyunjin +
80. he's (wrongly) jealous of your friend + Lee Know +
81. you're (rightly) jealous of his friend + 3RACHA + Seungmin +
82. he's (rightly) jealous of your friend + ot8 +
83. you're caught cheating + Seungmin + Changbin +
86. "You'd look better with my hands around your neck." + Han +
87. He kisses you and then runs away + Han/Hyunjin + Changbin + Bang Chan + Felix + I.N + Lee Know + Seungmin +
88. He adds someone to the chat and asks for a threesome + 3RACHA + Hyunjin/I.N + Felix/Chris, Seungmin/Felix, Minho/Han +
90. sending your friend nudes "accidentally" + Han + Hyunjin + Felix + Changbin +
91. sending your friend nudes, but someone else is your bf + Bang Chan + Han +
92. He tries to convince you to cheat on your bf + Bang Chan +
94. Pregnancy cravings + Seungmin + Lee Know, Felix + Han + Hyunjin +
95. He (as your friend) sends you a nude + 3RACHA + OT5 +
96. "u up?" texts + Hyunjin +
98. Someone is caught masturbating + ot8 + ot8 inverse version +
99. Accidentally texting that he did something bad to you + Changbin + Han +
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masterlist home
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offbrandkyoya · 2 years
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Lights, Camera, Action! - scaramouche x reader smau
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you’re best friends with the famous band of all time, 5WIRL. however, DCKZ are rising to the top which are leaving your friends in the dust. the solution: add a new member, a new face to start some attention! it did cause attention alright, especially for your heart.
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pairing: scaramouche x gn!reader
genre: band au, smau, fluff, crack, celebrity x reader, angst
warning: cursing, scandals, false rumors, kys jokes, mistreatment
status: completed!
taglist: closed :(
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5WIRL the lovers DCKZ
Prologue: 1 & 2
01: congratulations! (you’re fucked)
02: common venti L
03: todays the day
04: childe has 0 rizz
05: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, SIX
06: let’s do it
07: << egg sandwiches
08: not your wife
09: fake birthday
10: scarapoo
11: sandwich kisses
12: stay mad
13: kaeyas delusional era
14: yn’s love life
15: SCARA!
16: therapist venti
17: the first show
18: bitchy woman
19: cricket cricket
20: just a friend
21: oh
22: strong
23: retweet
24: im glad to have met you
25: the delusions won
27: yes
28: TEN?????
29: giggling
30: hoe list
31: date night
32: together 4eva
33: bf reveal
34: enough is enough
35: best friends
36: sugar booger
37: marriage arc
38: fucking kids
39: by my side
40: kazurizz
41: oops i did it again
42: suck it up
43: stupid + stupid
44: = scarayn
45: angel from heaven
46: jealousy jealousy
47: boy what
48: fine then
49: feelings suck
50: hopefully
51: I’m Sorry
52: two weeks!?
53: he’s everywhere
54: bitchless era
55: good luck (you need it)
56: the artist named “….”
57: bye boyfie
58: love confessions
59: yn the widow
60: scara the widower
62: TAY
64: horrible people
65: pussy
66: big fan
67: what about us?
68: ten kids confirmed
69: crashing down
70: sleeping beauty
71: Goodbye Moon
72: new you new me
73: rattled cages
74: Better luck next time
75: Here Goes
76: Therefore, you and me
77: communication is key
78: the art of love
79: last show
80: thoma ache
81: masked singer
82: think about it
83: haters gonna hate
84: mamas boy
85: you hafta
86: it’s over
87: 2 brothers 2 men
88: Yns Mona Lisa
89: star
90: horn dog
91: win or lose
92: fight club
93: warmth
94: This is Life
95: Epilogue
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bookkats · 2 years
Dec 4th Love and Justice
Dec 4th Love and Justice
Dec. 4Esther Love CandleEsther 4:1-17For Such a Time as This, Esther was Made QueenMatthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light Psalm 89:1-13 Advent Candles Liturgy Call to WorshipGod we need your justiceFor such a time as this to light our wayWhen salt and light is not enough, Jesus we need youCome, let us look for GodGod we are looking for your loveCome, let us love God together Call to Confession: God…
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