red-dead-sakharine · 9 months
Tickles - Part 5
Raphael x Tav, RaphaelPOV, soft!raphael, gn!tav, fluff, hurt/comfort, body worship, relatable fumbling, conflicted!cambion, trans affirming*
mood music
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 & 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
*I found worshiping in vague terms somewhat unsatisfying, so I wrote three versions for the chest part: Female, Male, Transmasc. Pick your preferred color for that part, then proceed to the normal text :)
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They lay there for a while. His mouse on top of him, stroking his hair, holding his hand, smiling at him. He smiled back. If time would freeze in this moment, he would not mind. He felt good and happy, being blanketed by his mouse's warm body on top of him. They occasionally lifted their head to kiss his nose - kiss his lips - as if there was a supernatural pull they couldn't resist. He loved it. He loved to see his mouse so happy. Happy with him. He wanted more. More touching. More happiness.
He began to lift his body, and his mouse slid off him, looking at him searchingly. He sought the base of their shirt, slid his hands underneath and paused. Looked at them. Asking permission with his eyes, like they had done. They beamed at him. He pulled their shirt off, dropped it gently off the bed, then looked at them. Beamed back at them. His mouse, so vulnerable with him without fright. Only adoration. He explored their body, moved his hands over their torso, up their sides. He remembered how Tav kissed him, so he did the same. He wasn't sure how much pressure to apply. Worried his kisses were too wet. He looked at their face, and they smiled. But he didn't see the look in their eyes that he figured he himself must've had. He carried on, determined to reciprocate what they had done. He licked around their bellybutton. There was no change in response. He frowned. He was doing it wrong. Tav's licks sent his mind into the fugue plane. He didn't seem to be doing the same to them. He resorted to kissing again. He knew how to kiss - he hoped. His hands roamed clumsily over their body, down their thighs. Whenever he looked up they were smiling with their eyes closed, but nothing more. Some sort of magical component to all this was still hidden from him. He felt a little frustrated and disappointed. He wanted to make them feel like they did him!
He moved up and bent down to trail kisses across their collarbone. Down each breast. He gently cupped them with his hands, massaging them. A quiet moan. His face lit up with delight. He caused that! He felt proud. He payed taxes to their nipples. Gently sucked them, licked them, kissed them, just like they had done. They writhed under his touch, leaning back, eyes closed, mouth open. They enjoyed it. He felt accomplished! He gave the breasts more attention. Licked a nipple. They shuddered. He felt like a king.
He moved to the chest, remembering Tav's ministrations. He ran his nose through their chest hair, then looked up to check. Their smile was bigger. He looked back down, assaulted their nipples with gentle kindness. Kissed them, sucked them. A moan. His face lit up with delight. He caused that! He felt proud. He went back to it, trailed kissed from one nipple to the other, like they had done. Ran a gentle hand through the fluff in between. Licked the other nipple. They shuddered. He felt like a king.
He moved up and trailed kisses along their collarbone. His hands roaming their chest. Finding the scars. Tav stilled. He ran his fingers along the marked skin. Followed it with kisses. They relaxed, sighed. He smiled. His hands kept caressing their chest, while he payed taxes to their nipples. Kissing them. Sucking them. They moaned. His face lit up with delight. He caused that! He felt proud. More kisses, from one side to the other. He gave the other nipple a lick. They shuddered. He felt like a king.
He remembered the other things they'd done, and gently nudged them. Imitating them, he put his face close to their ear and whispered, "Turn around." They complied. He grinned. He ran his hands down their back. He felt clumsy. He didn't know where to go, what exactly to do, but he did his best. He liked the feel of their skin, so he focused on that. Made it as much his pleasure as theirs. Was this the secret? Did he finally figure it out? He enjoyed running his hands over their sides, so he did. He followed their spine with kisses like Tav had done. Kissed their shoulder blades. Kissed their neck. He remembered the other things and moved up, kissing their temple. A bright smile grew on their face. He felt accomplished. He kissed the base of their skull. Something primal in him wanted to devour the mouse. He restrained himself to not bite them. This was not the time for biting. He remembered their sucking though, so he did that. Sucked the soft flesh between their shoulders. They gasped. He felt proud.
He moved down, tugged at their pants. An unspoken question. They lifted their body slightly. An answer. He pulled the pants down. Looked at their backside. He smiled. It was like a delicious cake. He kissed it. They shivered. He was beginning to get the hang of it. He gently cupped their cheeks with his hands. He felt too small. He wanted to grab it all. He ditched the human guise. Tav lifted their head, glanced back, smiled, laid back down. He beamed in adoration at the back of their head. They accepted him no matter his form. He's never felt this comfortable before. He went back to thanking them. Cupping their butt cheeks with both hands. Yes. Better. He was large enough now to take in most of the soft flesh. He bent down to kiss the base of their spine. They sighed. He preened. They couldn't see his wings unfold, as he bent down to trail kisses up their spine again. Holding onto their butt with his big hands. Squeezing it. An amused sound came from the mouse. He looked up. They were smiling, eyes closed. He was confused, but decided this was good. He continued. Ran his hands up their back. More kisses. He tried a lick. They snickered. He frowned. Not the reaction he wanted. He was still doing something wrong! Frustration.
He gently turned them around again like a big spit roast. They looked at him. Beamed at him. Okay, good. He beamed back. His tail wrapped around their ankle. They looked excited. Oh? Okay. He caressed their belly with his hands, and slowly dragged his tail up their leg. They shivered under him. Excited. He grinned at them. Proud. Mischievous. His little mortal enjoyed his truest self - it filled him with joy and a warm comfortable fuzzy feeling.
He ran his claws gently up their sides. They flinched, coiling up like a spring and giggled. He looked at them with wrinkled brow. Question-marks in his eyes. They relaxed again and smiled, "That tickled." they explained. "Oh?" his mind went dark places, "Did it now?" He did it again. They snickered again, their elbows shot down to their sides, trying to protect the vulnerable zone. "Oh no..." he grabbed their arms - firm enough but gently, moved them out of the way effortlessly. Pinned them to the bed with his wings. "I figure you still owe me..." he growled playfully.
"Oh, no! Please no!"
This was no time for mercy. He started assaulting their sides with pokes and teasing strokes. They laughed and writhed under him. He grinned darkly, tickled more. They kept wriggling, giggling and laughing. "Stahp! Stahahahahap!" pleads for mercy in between laughs. He had none. He continued. They had tortured him with this for an agonizingly long time, so he felt justified in doing the same. He kept poking them. His wings held them. They tried to throw him off. His tail wrapped around their legs, holding their ankles together. They could do nothing but suffer. More tickles. More laughter. "Please, please stop! Have-" more violent laughter, "-have mercy! I... I can't breathe!" He slowed down. Gave them a moment of reprieve. They caught their breath, still wriggling in his unrelenting grasp, "I ... I figure I deserved that." they admitted, still an involuntary grin on their face. Good. He gave their side one last poke, listened to the wheezing snicker, then bent down to kiss them on the lips, relaxed his tail, lifted his wings. Their hands found his horns. Held him prisoner in the kiss. He allowed it. When they eventually let go and he broke the kiss, he looked at them with an impish grin, "I do love it when you beg."
There was a pause. Their smile faded a bit, and they searched his face.
He meant it playfully. He didn't want his mouse to beg outside of this setting. He loved how headstrong they were. Their unbreakable spirit was what had drawn him to them in the first place. He had scared them again, he realized. He frowned, "I meant to tease." he explained, and their expression relaxed a little. "Would you be this concerned about that statement, were I just a human?" he couldn't shush himself before the question had escaped him. His nature loomed over him like a giant vulture, ready to peck the happiness away, and drag him back into the bog of minauros to drown him. He looked away, scrunching up his face. He thought they accepted him, but he was still just a devil to them. A danger. A looming threat, underneath it all.
A hand found his cheek, turning his face back to the mouse beneath him. "Yes," they said and he looked at them with confusion and surprise. "We've not exactly plotted out any boundaries. I'd be cautious with anyone at this stage." they explained, with no deceit or judgement in their voice. His face must've been a mix of emotions, for they cupped it in their hands and looked at him with affection. "No pain or injury ...unless agreed upon beforehand. Does that work for you?" they looked at him, unafraid. Just asking.
His ears were ringing. He took one of Tav's wrists, gently plucked their hand off his face and placed a kiss on their palm, then nodded slightly, "I would never harm you." he stated. His words felt clumsy, but they came from his heart. His brain wasn't doing much right now, besides sabotaging his mind with foolish thoughts.
They looked at him and smiled. He looked back, glad he was wrong, but the doubt still gnawing at the back of his mind. Tav looked at him searchingly for a while. Then suddenly there was a spark in their eyes, as if someone had lit a torch. They pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear, "I trust you." A pause. Then, "You're perfect just the way your are, and I wouldn't have you any other way."
He wrapped his arms around Tav and pulled them up into a sitting position to hug them closer. He used it to hide his face, as he felt his eyes fill with unbidden tears. He had never realized - or admitted to himself - how much he had longed for someone - anyone - to say those words. To accept him the way he was. Half a devil, half a man. Not enough for one world, too much for the other. Disliked and feared for his nature in both. But his mouse... his little mouse... it saw him. It liked him. And it didn't judge.
He could feel his silent tears roll down his face and hoped they wouldn't land on Tav's naked shoulders, but he knew they did. A hand moved up to stroke his hair gently and calming. The other held him tighter. He hoped they wouldn't say anything. He had never been this vulnerable and he didn't trust himself not to lash out in defense. But his mouse was smart. Emotionally a lot smarter than himself. They didn't say anything. They just held him and loved him and supported him, while his protection was flayed away and his deepest insecurity and longing laid bare.
After some time, they did speak; and for a moment he worried they might say the wrong thing. Stab him, while his defense was broken. But they didn't. They whispered in his ear, their tone utterly serious: "And if anyone says otherwise, I'll rip out their eyeballs and make 'em eat them." He chortled and held them tighter. He loved them.
In this moment, his mouse was everything to him. He needed them. He would keep them safe and guard them, like a dragon does its hoard.
He pictured his mouse sitting on a pile of violently dismembered corpses of every devil who had ever mocked him, and he smiled in dark delight. This was a fantasy he could get behind.
He found his joy again - pulled out of the abyss by a heroic little mouse. His tears ebbed away and made way for a mischievous smile. "I could give you a list." he joked. Tav chuckled.
They both held each other tight.
Expelled the shadows with their light.
👉 Part 6
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gortashs-skidmark · 5 months
Tieflings DnD - variations for the fanfic writers and artists!! -
There’s a lot about tieflings on the internet. THESE ARE CANON, except for one thought i put in.
If you’re gonna do BG3 fanfics about Tieflings, please please please consider adding some spice with origin lore and CANON facts about their race :) it would be SO fun!
Pls I need more zevlor fanfic too.
PLS READ: I don’t believe in censorship or ignoring the subject of people who are oppressed, but be mindful of how you write and use oppression of dnd races on your tav pls.
- Orange; Canon Historical Events, Abilities, Bodily Facts, and Bloodlines. It means i think you should look into it.
Pink: I think it's cute. Red; Warning, Comment Purple; Headcanon (only one of them)
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- Tieflings are prone to bad luck, because of the Curse of Aasimar.
- Planar Proverb “don’t ever make a bet with a Tiefling” hey I already made one with Lakrissa.
- They’re arcanally gifted, most of them. Zariel Tieflings are much better melee fighters.
- Tielfling Blood; is tainted from the hells so they could have human parents. Be descendants of demon, devils, evil deities, night hags, and succubus!
- i know y’all love aphrodisiac fanfics, succubus spittle is exactly what you need dawg. Someone make me a fanfic including succubus heritage.
- along with that, Tieflings are unable to breed with anyone except humans or other Tieflings. Literally. They can be Tiefling or human.
- Usually there is some tell to if they’re Zariel, Asmodeus, Mephistopheles by birth mark, or traits like cat eyes, or night hags bloodlines have red eyes without pupils or scelaras
EDIT: I thought the flaming pupils were cat-like slit eyes in the game, but Karlach does indeed have regular slits!
- Tieflings can be male, female, or without gender. It is a canon fact. A win for my gender struggling homies.
- They can have green, blue, purple, pink, yellow, red skin tones. With dark hair colors only like black, purple, dark red and blue. I don’t care for this, genes be gene-ing so have any color you want.
Mephestopheles is recorded as to having blue skin, pale blue whites and red eyes, soot black scales, with large wings in the 2nd Manual. BUT in a 3e version he is described having red skin, bat wings, being 9ft, with white eyes, and slick black hair. Both of these are present in Mephestophic Bloodlines in BG3. Raphael is the son, though cambion, is red.
Asmodeus rules the Nine Hells. Mephestopheles being his archduke, only rules the 8th layer. Asmodeus has a humanoid, and a scale-fiend version of himself. He's red, slim, 13ft tall, horned, vibrant red eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard. He is Lawful-Evil.
The Blood War (where Karlach escaped) is described as a "philosophical war" and which kind of evil would rule. Asmodeus plays a part but didn't start it, it's rooted in ancient Hell conflicts. Asmodeus claimed it was a senselessly bloody conflict from a militia standpoint. He really hates it, he's not a fan of it. INFERNAL POLITICS ARE FUCKING COMPLICATED. look into it :)
Zevlor was a Hellrider or Rider of Elturel! a Cavalry unit for Elturel during the 14th and 15th century. They ride horseback, and use spears and bows. They're well reguarded!! Zevlor should have more pride in himself for his service, being a refugee isn't his fault, or The Descent.
In the late 1400's striving for Paladin Knighthood in the Order of Companion was a rank of Hell rider. Before and after the year 1494, you could be a Paladin and join freely.
The Order of Companions was an Elturel, of Western Heartland, theocratic realm of Paladin Knighthood. It's just a region of Paladins that are highly reguarded. They typically worship Tyr, Torm, Helm, and Aumanator.
They kept order in the high capital of Elturel, preserving local civilization from outer destruction. They're super Lawful Good.
Typically an Oath of Devotion or an Oath of the Crown.
"For a City Guard, they outmatched the armies of the Whole Realm" - Forgotten Wiki Realms
They guard general land, they aren't really police, and can escort as far as Waterdeep if privileged to. It is a job they hold for life. I FUYCKING LOVE HELLRIDERS.
Shortly after Elturel’s descent into Avernus, the Tieflings were blamed for the fall, and expelled from the city entirely. Zevlor and any tiefling hellrider’s title has been stripped from them. Any hellrider’s were arrested at The Gate. And the reputation of tieflings sunk even lower.
Badlurian’s are Elturian’s rivals but Duke Ravenguard was tricked into coming to Elturel for politics and ended up helping and sending in troops to help fight. He’s extra important! I might find Wyll, all though lovely, useless, his father is very brave and noble and amazing for what he does.
- Tieflings can have feathers! Although rare. They can have fur, scales, or be bald like humans. They can be any variation of sorts!
- A more common portrayal of tieflings, is having solid colored eyes, whites and irises the same color. They can be black, red, silver, gold, or white.
- Tieflings are technically minorities and don’t live in the highest neighborhoods. It gives them an even worse reputation.
- Most of the Tieflings with famous status, also give bad reps. Climbing their way to the top in corruption.
- When Tieflings get nervous, experience anxiety, or are upset. They’re known to wrap their tails around their leg!! Super telling.
- They can use their tail like a monkey, very dexterous about it. It’s about 5-6ft long.
- Their ages, weight, height. All similar to humans. Idk how logical that is with 5 extra feet of meat behind them. Sometimes they can live longer, to about 120-150 years old.
- Tieflings can look just like humans. Though they can have their hellish features, those with strong hellish features are often killed at birth out of disgust.
- They can also have legs of a goat, tail akin to a horse or a lizard.
- Tieflings can be really good at thieving, hiding, and deceit.
- their diet consists of meat, marrow, gristle, fat, and bones. They’re highly carnivorous. They even eat roasted insects.
- Many worship Besheba, the goddess of bad luck, finding similarities in them and their goddess.
- Tieflings are as sensitive as humans, same hearing. They usually have dark vision. And their body temperatures can be colder or warmer than humans depending on their type of tainted blood. --Mephistopheles blood lines are from the frozen layer of hell, maybe their blood is colder.
- They don’t purr, sorry girlies. They’re closer to humans than Tabaxis or Driders.
- Tieflings don’t regrow horns unless they’re still young, though they do tend to file them down.
- They have a natural unsettling aura about them. Even if their heritage is unknown to others, it makes people uncomfortable. They also can smell of sulphur.
- There are so many Tieflings bloodlines. I love the Babau Tieflings bc they’re already known as uncanny creatures-- Babau Tieflings are gaunt and skinny, darker skin, and a small horn coming from the back of their head.
- Marilith Tieflings are known to be seductive- more than they already are, and have dark hair. They have snake-like half-bodies and have grey tongues.
- Succubus Tieflings! They’re like the ones you see in bg3, often have a small set of wings.
- Tieflings can have so many fucking variations it makes me dizzy.
- Tieflings can have bat-like wing shaped ears, that perk up and shit. I know yall think about ear movements. <zevlor has this>
Edit: Ya'll loved this :) I can do another on Tiefling politics if ya'll want. Or more bloodlines and fun facts if you want.
I have built another list of Canon facts about Driders and Kar'niss Headcanons if you monster fuckers are interested!!
Currently in the works; He Who Was Headcanons and Shadar'Kai canon facts and events.
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lovinglokilaufeyson · 5 months
The Devil You Know - A.A.
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Pairings: Spawn!Astarion x Fem!Reader (Mephistopheles Tiefling! Raphael’s Daughter)
Warnings: Abandonment by parent, implied loss of parent, BG3 Spoilers (set sometime in Act 2), Angst, Conflict/Yelling/Disagreement between Tav & Astarion, Past Trauma, Not Proofread
Wordcount: 1,364
Summary: You are Raphael’s daughter, who he disowned for her good nature. You are abducted from Baldur’s Gate and receive a tadpole in your head. You have bonded with Astarion, but you are not about to let him ask your father for help.
A/N: Requested by anon! I loved loved loved this prompt so so so much God! Thank you for requesting this, I loved writing it! Also, I did some research as to what race Tav would end up being. From what I understand, if Raphael (Cambion) had a child with a human, it would be either a Tiefling or a Cambion?? (Still really muddy for me) Therefore, Tav/Reader is a Tiefling for the sake of this story, and to make the fact that she is “good” more realistic. There will definitely be a part two of this (with substantial fluff, maybe even smut).
It had been years since you had spoken to your father. He was on the verge of abandoning you when your mother gave birth to you, a Tiefling. Raphael would have preferred you to be a Cambion, as he was. You still had similar appearance like he flourished, but you showed an innocence that juxtaposed his own behaviors. He tolerated your presence for a while, but the time came when he was unable to process you frolicking through fields of flowers, basking in the sunshine, the pure happiness that radiated from you. He tried to destroy everything you loved: the flowers, the light. And yet, you were still happy.
He hated it.
He dropped you off at the orphanage at once, you were maturing, but not fast enough for him. That, and he practically despised you. Perhaps, for what Raphael himself lacked. However, who ever claimed that devils were self-aware was definitely a devil themselves.
You spent much of your childhood wondering what you did to deserve to be dropped off at the orphanage that day. The truth was you didn’t. You didn’t deserve to be abandoned by your father. You were just too dissimilar, and that was something Raphael couldn’t handle. You spent a bit of your upbringing attempting to enhance your magical skills, your father had rescinded the vast majority of your abilities upon plopping you at the door of the orphanage with no explanation. However, you were able to regain a lot through your studies in Candlekeep. You were a bookworm, and you loved learning, not only that but you had an innate proficiency with arcana. You became well-versed in magic, but you didn’t know that your adventures had yet to begin.
You had a tadpole placed in your head, and suddenly you felt a kind of freedom you hadn’t felt previously. Then, you were able to escape, with the help of your Githyanki “friend” (you had grown closer over time, she could tolerate you now) Lae’zel. You recruited Shadowheart, Astarion, and Gale along the way. Later on, you met Wyll and Karlach. Karlach was most similar to yourself, being a Zariel Tiefling. Her skin was darker than yours, warmer, but if a stranger met you two they would have thought you sisters.
One person that you didn’t think you would bond with was Astarion. Astarion had his walls up very high from the very beginning, but something within you tore them down. Maybe it was your giddiness, or your general inexperience, but he felt the need to protect you, in a sense. Sure, you had fucked up in battle more times than they all could count, but you tried your hardest, anytime you misfired a spell you would study it over and over again with Gale until you could do it right 100% of the time.
You were perplexed on how you bonded more with Astarion than Gale, but the further you dug with Astarion the more you wanted to know. You had slept together a few times; little did you know that Astarion mostly pursued you for his own gain. He figured that if he got on the good side of the fearless, well-liked leader, she and the rest of the party wouldn’t turn on him. What Astarion didn’t realize was that he didn’t have to sleep with you to get on your good side. He just simply had to be him. You enjoyed his sass, his quips, the bantering that he tried to pursue with you. It never lasted long, which invigorated him, you were simply too easy going. A lover, rather than a fighter.
You were like a ray of sunshine. If he could, Astarion would douse himself in your rays every moment. Similarly to his newfound love for basking in the sun, you were intoxicating to him. Astarion hadn’t met many people who glowed as you did. Ironically, your contrasted, dark correspondent, your father, Raphael, had been following you and your crew around for the past few weeks. Of course, given the whole tadpole situation, the group reeked of desperation. And devils loved desperation. Desperation would lead to deals.
You were adamant that that would not be occurring.
It became evident, one night, that Astarion would be pushing you on that boundary. Astarion’s former master, Cazador,  had written a piece of infernal text on his back. You didn’t think much of it until Astarion became fixated on it one night. You could tell him what it said, but that would mean releasing the information that you were indeed Raphael’s daughter to the rest of the party, which you would have preferred not to do.
This, in itself, was a big step for Astarion. Talking about his past, his troubles, all of it. He felt comfortable around you, perhaps partially because you had shared so little with him regarding your past. You analyzed the scars on his back, running your fingertips over them as you did. “So, darling?” He inquired, pondering if you had an answer for him.
“I can tell you its written in infernal” you spoke simply, only giving him a glimpse into the answer he truly wanted. You bent down on the ground, drawing it on the sand for him, “here.” “I’ve never seen it before” Astarion spoke, and you nodded. “Infernal, you say?” He questioned again, as if an idea was coming to mind. You gestured in approval yet again.
“Darling, thank you. I believe we need to seek out Raphael, that devil who has been creeping on us the past few weeks. I bet he could tell us the meaning of the scars Cazador left on me.”
“Astarion, you can’t possibly be serious. Raphael is a devil. Devils always require a deal, and there is always a catch. You can’t pay that price.” You argued. You had wanted to do something nice for Astarion, given the horrific situation, but you knew one thing for sure. You would not be approaching your father for anything, not even over your own dead body.
“Darling, please. I’m not stupid. I need to know what these marks on me say, and Raphael can do that for me. We can adjust the pricing, I’m sure. You’re just inexperienced.” He quipped, and you gasped at his remark.
“We are not talking to Raphael, and that is final, Astarion.” You were worked up now, Astarion could see it. Gods, even the owlbear across camp half asleep could see it.
“It’s not your decision to make, Tav. It’s mine. If I want to make a deal with the devil, so be it. You can stay out of it.” From across camp, you could hear both Wyll and Karlach trying to intervene and talk some sense into Astarion. He wouldn’t take it anymore. He was his own person, and he could make his own decisions outside of what Cazador – or anyone else – decided for him. You looked at Astarion with glistening eyes, on the verge of tears. He knew he had hurt you, as well as hurt his position with you. But part of him didn’t care anymore about that.
“You’re just too naïve” he spat, and with that, a Barbarian-like rage emanated from you, your typical glow radiated into a powerful force that was nearly too much for Astarion. Your eyes were glowing most prominently, your hands formed into tight fists, and your teeth gnawed against one another. “You want to know what the damned scars say, Astarion?! Do you!?” Astarion, for the first time in weeks, was mildly scared for his life.
He nodded ever so gently, careful not to push you further. “It’s a contract. One between Cazador and Mephistopheles. The rite of profane ascension to a fate similar to godhood, but for vampires. He needs seven thousand souls, and you’re one of them.” Astarion had to bite back a chuckle. You had to be kidding him, right? This was a joke. Right?
“I’m dead fucking serious Astarion.” Your eyebrows were shifted downward, reciprocating your tone of voice.
“How would you know?” He quipped, anxious to break the pattern of seriousness and – perhaps lies that you were spreading. He didn’t want it to be true.
“I’m Raphael’s daughter."
Part Two is now out! Read it here.
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hrefna-the-raven · 1 year
The devil you (suddenly) don't know
Masterlist - BG3 masterlist
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
Warnings: smutty stuff mentioned but technically no actual smut, at least not in the usual amount
Summary: You're having doubts on what happened between Raphael and you. Raphael seems to have his very own issues with the feelings he's harbouring for you.
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Raphael reclined on his bed, his legs casually apart and his gaze fixed on the ceiling, lost in deep in his own thoughts. Haarlep eagerly dragged his tongue from Raphael's chest downwards, teasingly twirling it around the tip of the semi-hard cock.
"My, oh my", the incubus chuckled, "is my dear master preoccupied?", giving the devil's cock frustratingly slow lick.
Raphael hummed absentmindedly, closing his eyes in a futile attempt to block out the world around him, desperately seeking the solace and structure his troubled mind craved since the discussion he had with you.
"I didn't think it possible but here you are, being even less interested and reactive than usual", Haarlep continued shamelessly, "not even able to get it up this time."
"You contemptuous creature!", Raphael spat as he hurled the incubus aside and on the bed, his hands closing around Haarlep's throat, squeezing tightly with a vengeful intensity, "don't forget your place, slave!"
Haarlep's eyes were glowing for a brief moment before the corners of his mouth twisted into a vicious smirk causing Raphael to loosen the hold on his throat.
"It's all about her, isn't it?" he croaked, his voice still hoarse from the choking yet carrying a subtle trace of mischief, "maybe I should take her form then, to please you more, master."
Raphael remained silent, simply waving his hand to dismiss Haarlep. If he had to deal a minute longer with this insufferable incubus, he would surely end up flaying him or worse. He would never confess that Haarlep was correct in this matter, not in front of him, nor anyone else. He was the offspring of Mephistopheles, a cambion fueled by grand aspirations and a reputation to uphold and this was Hell after all. In this realm, he couldn't afford to possess or exhibit emotions - love included. Revealing even the slightest hint of vulnerability would subject him to ridicule, exile, and ultimately, death. A defeated sigh escaped his lips as his hand wandered down, gently stroking his length, closing his eyes in a shameful attempt to experience that kiss once more. You might truly be the death of him.
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The eerie silence of the mausoleum hung heavy in the air as you fought through its dimly lit corridors, facing justicar avengers on your way to the Orthon while constantly feeling the weight of your companions' scrutinising stares piercing you.
When Raphael brought you back, they bombarded you with questions, seeking answers that you weren't sure you were ready to give.
You found yourself wrestling with your very own doubts, awash with conflicting emotions. The charming but usually self-absorbed cambion's actions had left you questioning everything you thought you knew about him. Were Raphael's feelings genuine or were they merely a ploy to manipulate you further? Or did you just imagine the hint of a tender gaze and the subtle trace of concern in his voice? The weight of uncertainty pressed upon your chest, making it difficult to focus on the task at hand.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 20: Canon Compliant
hunger | @autisticandroids Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,632 Main Tags/Warnings: Endverse Cas/Dean, Endverse, Bittersweet, Discussion of Lazarus Rising, Angel True Forms, Dirty Talk, Fade to Black Summary: Endverse Cas talks about what it was like to have Dean inside him.
There'll be peace when you are done - are you done? | @brainfuzz Rating: General Word Count: 3,216 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Finale, Post-Episode: s15e20 Carry On,Post-Canon Fix-It,Fix-It Summary: Like most fans, I thought the final episode was terrible. I also thought were gaps that made no sense, and not just the missing people (who was Sam's wife, really), but gaps in the story. The biggest gaps for me were the “find anything? Yeah I got something” leading to a pie festival, which somehow abruptly turned into a vampire clown clownpires, clowpires? hunt, with no explanation of how that happened. So, I figured it out. And fixed the ending so it made sense all at the same time.
no proof one touch | @watchinghimrakeleaves Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5,389 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Finale, Love Confessions, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Dean Winchester in Heaven, Castiel and Dean Winchester Reunion in Heaven, Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Everyone Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester Summary: When Castiel learns that Dean has entered heaven, he's determined to avoid him to save them both the pain of dealing with his confession. Dean is equally as determined to find him, leading him to put up signs for Cas anywhere he thinks the angel might be.
Day after day, sorrow in his heart | @silver-stake-through-the-heart Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 20,058 Main Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Alastair (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Mary Winchester, Sam Winchester, God | Chuck Shurley, POV Dean Winchester, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Canon Compliant, Canonical Character Death, Angst, Emotional Hurt, Mental Breakdown, Self-Loathing, Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempt, Pining Dean Winchester, References to John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Brief Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Self-Blaming Dean Winchester, Nightmares, Castiel's Handprint (Supernatural), Episode: s04e01 Lazarus Rising (Supernatural), Temporarily Human Castiel (Supernatural), Demon Dean Winchester Arc, Godstiel Arc, Dean Winchester's Season 13 Widower Arc, Castiel and Dean Winchester's Season 15 Divorce Arc, Episode: s15e18 Despair - Castiel's Confession Scene (Supernatural), Post-Episode AU: s15e19 Inherit the Earth (Supernatural), Hopeful Ending Summary: Everything begins when he crawls out of a tomb with no name, where he's been buried alone. So alone, in fact, there isn't a single living soul miles and miles around. Everything begins earlier, but he can't remember it. Everything begins later, in a barn, and each second of it is engraved in his memory. There are so many beginnings for this story, and so many ends—each and every one breaking his heart.
An Abundance of Light (WIP) | @presentlydean & catidono (AO3) Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 56,340 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Donna Hanscum & Jody Mills, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline, Slow Burn, Original Characters - Freeform, nephilim & cambion, Jack as God, hunter hub Sam Winchester, Eileen deserved better 2k22, Internalized Homophobia, Canon-Typical Internalized Homophobia, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Isolation, self-destructive behaviors, Communication Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, kissing for comfort and also gay, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Panic Attacks, conflicting love languages, They're stupid your honor Summary: Jack’s new rules for heaven are simple: no intervening in human affairs. But when Dean is mortally wounded on a hunt, that simple directive becomes impossible for Castiel to follow, so he does what he does best and rebels, returning to earth to save Dean. But life on earth after Chuck is more complicated than any of them could have predicted. Dean retreats from the world, Castiel struggles to meet Jack’s expectations, and Castiel’s deathbed confession still hangs unresolved between them. They are free now, but having freedom and knowing what to do with it are two different things. After years of trauma and pain, learning to make a different kind of choice—a kind that will allow them to heal—is easier said than done.
Far From Heaven: Part One | @Taymarpigeon Rating: Explicit Word Count: 102,086 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Heavy Angst, Gratuitous Smut, Fluff, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Top/Bottom Versatile Castiel/Dean Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Dean Winchester Has Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic John Winchester, Extremely Dubious Consent, Wing Kink, Canon-Typical Violence, Angelic Grace as Lube (Supernatural)Angelic Grace-Powered Orgasms (Supernatural)Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Dom/sub, POV Alternating, BDSM, Risk Aware Consensual Kink Summary: For years people have joked about Dean and Cas being boyfriends, Dean shrugged it off 'cause, well, reasons. As for Cas? Well he's Cas! Probably didn't even know what his dick was for before Metatron stole his Grace. But Metatron did steal his Grace. Cas is human now. And Dean certainly knows what his dick is for. Sometimes a relationship doesn't start with flowers and a boombox held on your shoulder outside your crush's bedroom window. Sometimes it starts with a homicidal Angel, a failed date, and arguing in a storm.
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cambion-companion · 10 months
Master of the Mouse
Yes yes there is really filthy shameful smut ahead. Adding this to Tumblr so I can keep my masterlist comprehensive.
Raphael x f!reader x Haarlep
Word count: 3174
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Crystal blue water cascaded in waterfalls from feminine statues that surrounded a familiar steaming pool.
You licked your lips, the warm water as inviting as the first time you’d stepped foot into Raphael’s boudoir.
“Back so soon?” Haarlep reclined upon a plush red chaise pushed up against the far wall. The incubus once again wore Raphael’s cambion visage.
Haarlep raised an unimpressed eyebrow, seemingly unbothered by your unexpected appearance. “We did have such a delicious time together.” He gave you a lazy smile. “Although your stamina is worse than Raphael’s, if you can believe it.” Haarlep sat up slightly, grinning at the internal conflict he sensed within you. “Did you come back for more of Haarlep? Seemingly the closest you can get to what you truly desire. Has my master remained distant? How preciously sad.”
Every word, spoken in that infuriatingly exaggerated lilt, hit every insecurity and frustration you’d been battling since your very first visit to Raphael’s House of Hope.
The demon rose with a knowing smirk, rolling his neck and stretching his wings wide. Your pupils dilated as they followed the languid movement, each action made purposefully sensual for your torment.
“I must admit, I am rather disappointed you didn’t follow through with retrieving that little contract of yours. It would’ve made for such a satisfying ending.” Haarlep took one step forward, pushing into your space, the heat rolling off his body already warming your clammy skin. “I may even be free now if it wasn’t for your…weakness.” He trailed a sharp finger down your cheek. “You’ve felt him, I assume? The heady rush in your pliable mortal body as Raphael took me in your form.”
You shivered, remembering.
“Speak, little trifling creature.” Haarlep caressed your neck, nails digging into your skin just enough to raise welts. “I wish to hear your voice. Raphael seems to appreciate when I speak using it.” His strong hand wrapped around your throat, resting gently against your collarbone with a dangerous promise.
“I…” You swallowed thickly, your hand closing around his wrist as he gave your neck a slight squeeze. “Yes, I’ve felt it. Multiple times.”
“It must rankle.” Haarlep laughed, his hand trailing down to your tattered disguise, cutting into the fabric of the dirty bodice. “He chooses not fuck you.”
Your eyes sparked fury and you pushed at his chest angrily, not budging the towering fiend an inch. “You’re just a cheap imitation. How does it feel to have been stripped of any free will and identity?”
You’d made a mistake. Taken one step too far. Only realizing your fatal error when his grip on your throat became suddenly tight as a vice, cutting off your air flow. You scrabbled futilely at Haarlep’s hand, your eyes widening in fear. The incubus’ face was a mask of dark intent, grim and deadly.
You released a jolt of magic, channeling lightning energy into the fiend. He twitched and gasped in pain, loosening his grasp enough for you to suck in several mouthfuls of air.
“The kitten does have teeth after all.” Haarlep sneered, tail lashing. “Be aware in this house we yank them out.”
You withdrew your radiant dagger, taking a defensive stance, drawing an amused laugh from the demon.
“My dear, you were foolish to return.” A new voice joined, the familiar cadence of Raphael. The cambion leaned casually against a marble column; arms folded over the chest of his human disguise. His keen brown eyes observed your standoff with raised brows. “Don’t damage my property.” He straightened and strode to you, addressing you and Haarlep. “Or I will be forced to take drastic measures.”
Raphael gave his incubus a sharp look over your shoulder. You felt the demon shrink back, temporarily cowed.
“Haarlep isn’t as magnanimous as I.” Raphael tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, taking a moment to consider you archly. “You truly have a death wish, my errant mouse.”
“You are impossible to reach.” You said, slightly breathless, the skin on the back of your neck prickling under Haarlep’s glare. “I need to speak to you.”
“Thus, you think it prudent to break into my home, in violation of our contract.” Raphael tucked his fingers beneath your chin and tilted his head at you. “The only reason you are not cinders beneath my feet at this very moment is because you chose to not pilfer my belongings.”
“Haarlep doesn’t count?” You asked, your shoulders relaxing slightly.
“Haarlep never counts.” Raphael answered firmly. “I admit to being pleased by the little surprise you left for me.”
You flushed, though your eyes did not waver from his. “Something you’ve used plenty to your advantage.”
“Naturally!” Raphael chortled, a devious twist to his lips. “Just who do you think you are dealing with, my dear?” He leaned in close, his cheek brushing yours. The air around you grew thick with heated tension. “Surely, this isn’t you complaining?”
“Not exactly.” Your eyelashes tickled your cheeks as you turned your face just enough for your lips to graze the corner of Raphael’s mouth. “Though I certainly have no interest in being second to a demon.”
“Bold little thing.” Raphael withdrew just enough to have a clear view of your face. “I do so like it when my clients have some vim and vigor.”
Raphael took a step back, his eyes roving your body. “Such rags you wear. The better to not draw ire from the residents of my house?” He smiled knowingly at you. “Such a blight upon your body offends me. Remove them.”
He could’ve just snapped your clothes away, baring you in an instant, but it was clear Raphael wanted to savor having you in this position. You slowly began unbuttoning the front of your blouse, heat blossoming pink across your cheekbones as you stripped in front of both fiends.
“Your embarrassment is darling.” Raphael slid a hand across your side, resting it upon your hip. “However superfluous. I’ve seen and felt all of your flesh while my incubus has worn it.”
You gave the devil a measured look from beneath your lashes. “You’ve never yet touched me, however. Not truly.”
“Nor you, me.” Raphael seemed to be suppressing his amusement, cocking his head to the side with a gleam in his eyes. His visage shimmered, wreathed momentarily in hellfire as it grew and transformed into his cambion form. A slightly mocking smirk tugged his crimson lips. “I have it on good authority you prefer me like this. A quaint little quirk I find endlessly endearing, love.” Raphael took a measured step toward you, leaning down until your noses brushed. “Do as I say, to the letter, and you might still get out of this alive. Yes?”
You swallowed, reading the fine line between danger and desire you now tread.
You nodded, nerves fluttering in your stomach. “Yes.”
“Good.” Raphael gave your hip a final squeeze before guiding you towards the familiar bed. “Now, lay upon your back and do not move until I permit it.”
Your obedience was the only option you had left, Haarlep followed and sat at the corner of the mattress as you laid down. You shuffled back toward the headboard until only your feet hung over the edge. Haarlep leaned forward and began stroking along the length of your legs, teasing the inside of your thighs. The demon gave you a deviously discerning look as you shuddered in response to his attention.
You turned your head as Raphael approached the side of the bed, holding a glittering decanter filled with dark liquid. Notes of a rich whiskey wafted on a warm breeze to your nose and your muscles tensed, knowing where this was going.
“Hold still. Don’t twitch, little mouse.” Raphael’s hand pressed firm upon your shoulder, Haarlep moved to hold your ankles together in one hand. “This spirit is hellishly expensive. It would be unfortunate for you if a single drop was wasted.”
With a flourish, Raphael unstopped the glass bottle and tipped it slowly and with finesse. You felt the warm liquid filling your belly button, the drip of it splashing your skin as Raphael finished his pour.
“What a sinful delight you are turning out to be.” Raphael bent over your quivering form. His breath ghosted hot upon your chest. “Now hold perfectly still for me.”
You tried valiantly to remain still, a futile attempt, your skin shivering as his tongue circled each breast and threatened to bite at your pert nipples. You tensed slightly in mild trepidation.
“Good girl.” Raphael murmured and chuckled, knowing exactly the effect his praise had. His tongue moved slowly down from the valley of your chest to your navel. You felt his tongue swirl against your skin as he slurped the whiskey down. Raphael groaned with satisfaction and gave your waist a sharp bite before withdrawing, squeezing your thigh approvingly.
Hands gripped your waist; you weren’t sure if they belonged to Haarlep or Raphael. You were maneuvered like a doll onto all fours, the hands on your waist slid to your neck and hair as Haarlep positioned himself on the pillows beneath your torso, guiding your hands to support yourself on his lap.
You knelt over Haarlep, your fingers digging into the flesh of his thighs, smoothing your thumbs over the various ridges marking his infernal nature. You glanced up at the demon wearing Raphael’s form, hellfire eyes gazing back down at you with a cocky grin.
“Now, pet. Enough words.” Raphael instructed, the bed dipping behind you and his warmth pressing against your rear. “Put that lush mouth of yours to better use.”
The tip of your tongue wetted your lips before you pressed a tentative kiss to the angry head of Haarlep’s member. Precum coated your mouth, the heat of it simmering and stinging your lips.
“Now is certainly not the time to act the part of a wilting flower.” Raphael murmured in your ear, his chest and hips pressing flush against you from behind. His words were laden and dripping with lust. “Pleasure me.”
You obeyed, taking the incubus into your mouth, the answering groan from both fiends reverberating through your own chest. Raphael began toying with you from behind, spreading your thighs further apart with one hand and circling your heat until he deemed you ready.
Raphael pushed his hard length into you, drawing a moan from deep within your throat, the sound choking around Haarlep as the demon guided you by the hair further down against him.
Your body began rocking beneath Raphael’s weight, he hissed against the nape of your neck, unable to reconcile the combined pleasure you and Haarlep were giving him.
“Enough.” Raphael’s hands gripped your hips possessively, partially holding you up as your thighs began to tremble. “Kiss her.” Raphael said, his voice lowered in pitch as he continued to thrust into you.
Haarlep obeyed, withdrawing his length from your throat only to take your lips in a scorching kiss, his hand beneath your chin. Haarlep’s long tongue delved into your mouth, your eyes rolled back in pleasure while Raphael fisted your hair from behind and tugged until your neck arched back for Haarlep’s hand to wrap around.
The incubus licked his spittle into your mouth, not releasing you until you swallowed. The effect was immediate. Fresh heat pooled in your belly. The fiends surrounding you laughed as your sounds of pleasure heightened in pitch, a buzzing molten sensation overtaking your limbs to the point of near collapse.
Raphael’s arms wrapped around your torso, grasping a breast non-gently as he lifted you and pulled your body back against his chest. “There you are.” He purred, licking the shell of your ear as you watched Haarlep begin stroking his cock still shining wet from your own saliva.
Raphael turned your head forcefully to him, licking his way across your jaw before his lips and tongue began tangling with your own. You gasped at the ferocity of his touch, your bodies rocking together, the friction building to a crescendo as the incubus spit coursed through your veins. Turning the edges of your vision white.
“So eager, a perfect jewel in the palm of my hand.” Raphael murmured, taking your bottom lip between his teeth until you whimpered. “My treasure, not yet. You still must be punished for interloping uninvited.”
Raphael withdrew completely from you, gesturing for Haarlep to follow suit. A strangled cry caught in your throat at the sudden absence of pleasure and warmth. You twisted around with surprising dexterity given your current state, glaring daggers at both fiends. You were able to tell which was Raphael by the especially amused smile on the smug bastard’s face.
“Ah, ah.” Raphael raised a finger to you, commanding you to sit back down upon his bed. His tail swished back and forth as a sly grin tilted his lips, showing off sharp white teeth.
You made your displeasure known by the petulant expression you gave him before settling back cross-legged, having no choice but to obey the devil’s every whim.
“Watch and squirm, little mouse.” Raphael kept his eyes on you even as Haarlep began biting and licking down Raphael’s body, deep red as a ripe cherry. “Keep your hands upon the sheets.”
Your gazes locked, your whole body flushing as the sounds of Haarlep pleasuring his master filled the room. You fidgeted, trying to gain some sense of friction, especially after Raphael closed his eyes and moaned low in his throat. “Be still, my dear.” His eyes opened to burn once again into you.
Haarlep continued moving between Raphael’s thighs, his wings stretching to either side as he knelt upon the luxurious rug. Raphael continued voicing his pleasure, to torment you more than anything it seemed.
After what seemed to you an eternity, the cambion pulled Haarlep by the hair away from his body. “Change.” He instructed tersely.
A glimmer of orange light surrounded Haarlep, the fiendish form shrinking into a smaller feminine shape. Your eyes widened as you saw your own visage blinking owlishly back at you, the second time you’d had such a disconcerting view.
The demon had the gall to blow you a small kiss, grinning as the blood drained from your face.
Raphael arched an amused brow as well. “Hands on the bedspread, pet.”
You felt the familiar tingle from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. The incubus in your form turned to face you and pushed their hips back against Raphael’s.
All three of you made a soft sound of pleasure.
Raphael didn’t bother to move.
He made Haarlep do all the work, the incubus riding back against his cock. All the while the cambion’s eyes remained fixed on you sitting meekly upon his bed, your aching fingers twisting in the silken sheets.
You bit into your bottom lip, tasting the iron of your blood. Your gaze became pleading, not able to look away from Raphael’s sharply angled face. His tail wrapped around Haarlep’s leg as he growled a command for them to move faster.
Haarlep bent forward, grasping the bedpost, the lewd sound of lovemaking teasing your ears and making your mouth water.
“Now, your turn to watch.” Raphael spoke, his teeth gritted from the effort it seemed to take him not to spend himself there and then. “Observe how I treat a playmate I actually desire.” He pushed Haarlep unceremoniously to the side and strode to you. His body pressed you back against the mattress as he crawled over you, his massive wings extending and falling either side of where you lay prone.
“Raphael.” You didn’t know what you intended to say, all thoughts silenced as his mouth found yours. All teeth and tongue, demanding a claim to you that no amount of magic could wash away.
He hungrily swallowed your moans and whimpers, his sharp nails digging into the flesh of your hip until beads of blood blossomed. Your hands touched and pressed against the thin flesh of his wings, his body shivering in response as he slowly began grinding down against your writhing hips.
Like the rest of his fiendish body, Raphael’s cock had ridges all along its girth. You experienced the dizzying stretch of your body accommodating his intrusion, the ridges catching and rubbing against your most erogenous parts. Your toes curled in response, your legs wrapping instinctively around Raphael’s torso. He answered with a growl as his sharp teeth found the base of your neck, marking you as his possession.
Hellfire surrounded your twisting bodies. It licked harmlessly against the sheets and your skin, framing the lurid scene in flickering light and shadow.
Pain and pleasure mixed with desire and fear.
Your fingers sought him, wrapping around his lower right horn. Raphael took your wrist and pinned the offending hand to the bed, giving your neck a reprimanding bite. “You are here to serve me.” He reminded you, his tongue soothing over where he’d broken skin. “Careful.”
You wanted to say something witty and stinging as a retort, but your mind was far too lust addled for such a feat.
You were his. He was not yours.
The igneous tension in your belly began seeping down into your legs. Your tired muscles tensed. You cried out your release against Raphael’s neck, clinging to the cambion as his body became the anchor to your own.
Raphael followed soon after, unable to withstand the way your body milked him. His seed burned into you as he slammed against your hips, each thrust drawing a cry of pained pleasure from your aching throat.
Raphael sat up slowly, observing the mess he’d made of you upon his own bed. He caressed a hand through your hair before digging his claws against your scalp, drawing from you a final mewl.
Looking conceited as ever, the devil stepped to the floor and rolled his shoulders, admiring his reflection in the standing mirror. “The wanton woman waltzed blithely to the devil’s den. With the sole aim to feel pleasure beyond mortal ken.”
Raphael grinned at you, self-assured and smug while you continued to desperately catch your breath, struggling to sit up. He tilted his head, gesturing lazily for Haarlep to approach from where the incubus had sat back against the chaise.
“Clean our guest.” With another wave of his hand, clothes reappeared upon Raphael’s form, his appearance collected and coiffed as though nothing untoward had occurred. “I have important business to attend to.” Raphael hesitated a moment, his glowing eyes looking you over then flicking to Haarlep as the incubus walked to where you still lay. “Keep her here. Our time together is not yet done. Oh, and Haarlep…” Raphael’s tone lowered to a menacing timbre. “Speak to Him about this little distraction and I will find out. I demand your silence, or I will personally strip that twisting tongue from your wretched mouth.”
Long fingers snapped and a shower of sparks enveloped Raphael, whisking him from the room and leaving you alone once again under the piercingly judgmental gaze of his incubus.
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
Fic recs
In light of some stuff I saw, I decided to make this post to briefly talk about some fics I really like and recommend them. All are BG3 related and most are Raphael. Also, there's some authors that write a lot of great fics, I'll try to keep one fic per author or else we'll be here forever (but definetly go check everyone and their other works out!)
Cheerful Oblivion by @sassyandsodone - Read the tags before reading this but Love me dark stuff, the writing is amazing (legitimetly gasped at a few points) and the mix of Tav not remembering what happened and the dehumanization aspects were the cherry on top. It
I Don't Think About You Anymore (But I don't think about you any less) by @sky-kiss - This fic put me in a lot of different feels, ESPECIALLY SAD (which i do like, love when stuff makes me feel) and the ending was unexpected to me but it made it all worth it. Shed a tear or two
Devil's Debauchery by ChildofYugotth - One of the first fics I read on the Raphael tag, the first chapter lives in my mind rent free for many, many days, and I really like how the three chapters kinda go like regular raphael, haarlep and then ascended fiend, like a progression. Also read the tags.
Fallen in Flame by @cambion-companion - Love the dynamic between the two characters and how their relationship developed and the conflicting feeling that Tav has of like, being an aasimar and dealing with a devil
The Devil that knows you by @timesthatneverwere - Cat!Tav was not something I knew I needed before reading this. The relationship between Tav, Raphael and even Haarlep in this one is VERY interesting to me (and has lowkey inspired me some times) and I love seeing Raphael keeping secrets and manipulating people (also i have to mention, this fic gave us the mephisto fuck chamber)
Let the dream begin by DiscordsMuse - POTO inspired, this has hit me in the feels with relating to Morrigans struggles of feeling rejected, and honestly, Raphael as the Phantom was amazing.
finirà bene by @inaconstantstateofchange - A Halsin/Astarion/Tav one for a change, this is such an interesting and heartbreaking concept, but there's also this sense of mystery that I think is really well done. Also, beware the ANGST
Her soul will burn all the way down by khapikat222 - Read the tags, another dark fic that I loved, and this one had this manipulation and fucking with someone's fears that I really liked. Also, props to the author for making the lullaby fit, it was a great cherry on top.
Baldur's gate 3 infernal oneshots by @hrefna-the-raven - chapters 1-4 are a little story between Raphael and Tav that I really liked. The dynamic of raphael being more protective and the cat and mouse analogies were really fun!
The Intimacy of Pain by @bearhugsandshrugs - This is an Abdirak/Tav fic which I found so delightfully good, like the descriptions of how Tav was feeling and the mix of pleasure and pain were really well done
The Devil's Hour by @adarlingwrites - Also one of the first fics in the tag that I read, and what made me like OC x Canon, love the complicated but also interesting to read relationship between Fortune and Raphael, and another aspect that I really liked was Fortune's relationship with art and her parents being brought up like (like idk why but those two things really stuck with me)
Sweetening the Deal by @adevilyoudo - I have to admit that I'm a bit behind on some chapters BUT it's a great work, love seeing this side of Raphael of trying to convince Tav to take this deal (and in a way, almost confusing her even more) and I loved to see the side of the Emperor constantly being in Tav's head, I think it really conveyed well how that feels like when playing the game
The Devil You Share a Room with by @djmorn - Really fun concept and the shennanigans between the two in the beggining, when Tav is reluctant to share a room with Raphael, was a delight to read and really really fun.
Damaged by @dark-and-kawaii - This is a Rolan/Tav one, it's dark but it also tugged at my heart in a sad way, with Rolan feeling all these things and doing what he does because of the abuse he suffered and Tav also trying to understand that. Like aaaa it just, it's some good stuff this fic
Who's the Daddy by Follyfall - This fic is the definition of fun and a good time, I legitimetly laughed a lot while reading it. The writing is fun, the concept is hilarious and the relationship between Raphael, Tav, Haarlep, the baby and Wyll is really really fun.
Also, keep in mind that there's A LOT of amazing writers in the bg3 community and i haven't read every single written work in the tags ever, so feel free to also reblog and add reccomendations of your own, or make your own post!
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atrueneutral · 7 months
Secretly pining Raphael reacting to Tav saving his life, but when he asks why she did so or what she wants in exchange for saving him, Tav very clearly almost admits that she did it because she cares about him, but she catches herself and, even though it's very obvious that the both of them know exactly what Tav was just about to say, the adventurer "corrects" herself ("I did it because I- Because you're my ally."). Tav then quickly tries to excuse herself; poor thing feels awkward and embarrassed because the cambion has not made his feelings for his little mouse clear at all.
(This became a Part II to the Iron Flask ask)
Three days later, Tav was called to the Devil’s Den to receive her reward for saving Raphael from the unknown depths of the iron flask. Neither of them sat; it was an offensive move on his part - so as to not invite her to get comfortable, and a defensive move on her part - it was in her best interest to leave once her ‘wish’ was granted.
It was thus that they stood appraising one another from a safe distance.
“I’ve come for my reward,” Tav prompted. She then decided to get a bit cheeky. “My reward for saving you, lest you forgot.”
Raphael’s face darkened alongside a grimace.
“And you’ll have it, Little Mouse, as soon as you answer a question.”
Her gaze turned suspicious.
“Alright…” she said, full of caution.
“Why did you come for the flask?”
Tav found humor in the way he avoided calling it what it was - a rescue effort. Then again, she found humor in a lot of what Raphael said and did; his overly verbose nature at times, his theatricality, the way his face shriveled with displeasure more often than not when it came to her retorts, the way he seemed to make a special effort to butter her up when he wanted her for a task–
“Because I care about y–” Tav froze for a fraction of a second, but it was a fraction of a second that was not lost on Raphael. “Your rewards. And because you’ve become an ally. Who gives me rewards. I like rewards. Your rewards - not you.”
“Not me,” Raphael repeated flatly.
“Oh, I see,” he said, looking suddenly too smug for comfort. “Yet you like that my rewards come from me?”
Her face was burning.
“I meant that I like rewards only, Raphael, and I’m long overdue for my latest one, so please…”
“And what is to be your reward, Little Mouse? Hm?” Raphael asked with a tilt of his head. His voice was low, too low - dangerously low. “There is little I would deny you, as long as it’s in my power.”
The kind of low that caused arousal to flare in her lower abdomen.
He was teasing her, and his teasing was making her mouth go dry.
“Gods! Would you believe me if I said I had a conflicting appointment that I just now remembered?” Tav realized how terribly unconvincing she sounded as she stepped backwards towards the exit. “We’ll have to do this tomorrow. Or next week. But not now, so I bid thee farewell. Goodbye.”
She turned, fled out the door, and left Raphael in the Devil’s Den with a pleased smile on his face.
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rielzero · 3 months
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Look at this handsome man, he's also on artfight: https://artfight.net/character/4027934.nymrod
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And with this, I've reworked Nymrod's backstory!
Nymrod thinks he's a tiefling that was once a half elf, but his story is a little more complicated than that.
Before Nymrod, he was Ardere, the draconic sorcerer. He is a dragon hybrid, the child of a red and silver dragon, with an egg-twin brother named Ishard. He and Ishard took the forms of Half elves while his father presented as a high elf and his mother as a mortal human. They lived far away from other dragons in order to live unbothered, appearing as a rich and noble family of wizards and sorcerers. Ardere's sorcerery was highly unstable and powerful, just like his nature, like two dragons clashing inside of him, unfortunately this lead to an accident that resulted in the death of his twin brother. Not being able to cope with the loss, his personality distorted and took on traits of Ishard, while completely becoming uncomfortable and fearful of his own magic prowess. Taking advantage of his mental state, his parents sealed his awareness of his own nature away in hopes of protecting Ardere from himself.
He lives as a half elf for about 40 years, completely clueless of his losses and takes on the desires of his dead brother to become a fashion designer rather than a powerful sorcerer.  He particularly grew to dislike his innate magic as he had gained the tendency to freeze things when he got nervous. As a result of his unstable powers and clumsiness, no one would take him as an apprentice so he had to teach himself how to sew. Struggling with what to do with his misfortunes, he briefly joined a band of friends on a few adventures. During a tour to Elturel, he got really drunk and passed out.. Only to awaken when Elturel was pulled into avernus. The sudden shift of planes made him subconsciously shapeshift into a Dainty, soft looking Tiefling, unrecognisable to himself and his friends. They swiftly abandoned him in order to flee. Left with little else to hold onto, Nymrod is who he became. Acting docile, foolish and helpless, his appearance and behaviour gave him his name, a combination of ''Nymph'' and ''Nimrod'' Passed around several devils as a pretty pet to look at. Hiding his intelligence and using his charm to remain unharmed. He sold his name ''Ardere'' to a fairy in exchange for a luck blessing, which further distanced his memories off his family and made all those who knew him before forget about him. When Nymrod was about to be sold to one particularly cruel Devil in exchange of dozens of soul coins, Raphael ended up coming to his rescue. The Cambion recognised what Nymrod is even if he doesn't, becoming the only safe space were Nym could form a new identity. Nym is very indifferent about the conflict surrounding Avernus as he had to prioritise his own survival. Due being abandoned by his only friends in his time of need, he stopped caring for those who do not value him. Since then he has gotten used to his body, still feeling somewhat strange about it. His sense of self is greatly warped due everything he has been through.
Just some clarifications just in caseeee- Because I am a nervous wreck.
-When I mention ''personality warping'' I'm more talking in the reigns of how untreated mental health problems sometimes changes someone's entire identity, people's personalities can shift over time, ''warp'' is when he becomes somewhat opposite to how he used to be. He used to be proud, flaunting, and very much in love with his magic, now he is insecure, uncertain about himself and averse to casting magic. He's not entirely stable. -When he takes on traits of his brother, this is a subconscious coping mechanism, feeling the need to keep his brother alive somehow. This doesn't mean he ''splits'' or creates an alter, Nymrod is Ardere, with Nymrod being his mask. He does not have Dissociative Identity Disorder. The amnesia is a result of sealing, cptsd / selling his name to a fairy. He is somewhat aware of his brother's absence but convinced himself there never was a brother by taking on his traits. He does not experience plurality, just dissociation. -When you have friends, or people you love, or heck, even despise, sometimes you unconsciously take on little traits from them. He'd likely take on traits from Raphael as well. -Not thoroughly mentioned or stated, but Nymrod is kind of an alcoholic (Even before he became Nymrod.) As a dragon (even if unaware that he is one) he can hold liquor pretty well so it takes a lot of effort to become drunk or to stay drunk for an extended time, as his blood burns it out pretty fast. -Struggling with your sense of self is a pretty common experience, trying to find your own identity when your brain is messed up is difficult.
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thecampjuicebox · 10 months
Imagine how frustrated Haarlep would be with themself if they legitimately fell for someone. I think that might be the only way to fluster the dirty fiend. Lust and passion and indulgence, they know how to deal with. But love and tenderness and even the smallest inkling of emotional intimacy? I imagine Haarlep wouldn't hate it, just hate that they don't know what to do with it.
I mean, just imagine Haarlep puzzling over someone complementing their wit and just enjoying their company. Imagine Haarlep reacting to receiving aftercare for probably the first time in a long while. Imagine Haarlep receiving a thoughtful gift (like maybe Haarlep off-handedly mentions wanting to pursue a hobby and they later find supplies needed for said hobby gifted to them) with no string attached or any expectation of paying back the gift-giver. I would eat that kind of stuff up as if I were starving.
Anyway, thank you! Sorry for the paragraphs! Rambling over! Bye!
You are truly on to something here. Haarlep fluff is my weakness and I am so so so so so excited to write about it whenever I get the chance. Baby deserves some lovins too!!!! (Might do a few parts to this, but for now I think Tav giving Haarlep a lil bath after sex just sounds so sweet)
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Inferno Pt. 1
Pairing: Haarlep (m) x Tav (gn)
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
POV: 3rd person
Warnings: Fluff, angst, very light smut, mutual pining, trouble accepting genuine affection, slight game spoilers (this fits in a weird spot canonically)
Chests heave in the throws of passion, sweat and sex mixing into a scent cocktail of epic proportions. Skin to skin, mouth to mouth, Tav and Haarlep ride the waves of their pleasure, completely enraptured by the sounds and heat between them. Frantic thrusts rattle the large bedframe holding the mattress up beneath them, Haarlep's wings creating a protective cocoon around their otherwise vulnerable bodies. It's become a normal occurrence, the two of them. Late nights. Early mornings. Enjoying each others' company and the animalistic fuck sessions they've grown so fond of. With Raphael constantly being busy after the fall of the absolute and Tav finding a new home in the House of Hope, Haarlep searched for newness. For "fresh meat to feast upon in trying times", as he put it originally.
Tongues wrestle for dominance in a display of conflicting power, Haarlep's hips quickening their pace to chase his end. Quiet grunts break through the warm air of the boudoir. Breaking their kiss, Haarlep takes a moment to stare down at Tav, a strange and unfamiliar warmth trickling through his limbs. Strange.. But almost comforting. Tav whispers sweet nothings into the cambion's perked up ears as they both finish and topple over the edge of ecstasy, Haarlep collapsing in his usual way against Tav's tired body. Trembling arms snake around Haarlep's torso as the two attempt to find oxygen once more, gentle fingers dancing along his spine, feeling the rise and fall of each vertebra and ridge on his hot skin. Now they lie there. Quiet. Enveloped in each other like lovers, a concept that is all too foreign to the Incubus. Love. Lust; Haarlep has known for centuries. But love.. Love is so new. So fresh, like a deep bite or the stab of a dagger. Sweet words and caring gestures typically feel like salt in the cuts. Not with Tav, however. Everything feels natural with Tav. Organic and gentle. As he relaxes into the being beneath him, his mind wanders. Their quiet breaths and the thumping of their heart nearly lulls him to sleep. A tired Tav slides their way out of Haarlep's grasp to move toward the bath, the sticky residue of sweat and spend coating their skin in an uncomfortably thick layer.
"Mm, care to join me, Haarlep? I hope it's still warm.. Hells, we're in the Hells.. Of course it's still warm."
Tav chuckles sweetly to themselves, their air of comedic cluelessness forcing Haarlep to crack a smile. The incubus lifts his head, eyes narrowing on the naked elf before him. A bath? How romantic. A shiver rumbles down Haarlep's spine at the thought and he stands, sauntering slowly toward the tub, fingers reaching out to wiggle into the eternally hot water.
"Wouldn't hurt, I suppose.."
The two settle their aching bodies into the water and Tav immediately moves closer to Haarlep, fingers searching the edge of the tub for a bar of soap and a rag. Haarlep's eyes flutter closed and he focuses on the warmth around him. The steam. The scents enveloping his senses. The gentle swish of the hot water as Tav moves about the tub. Why is Tav.. The soft brush of a soapy rag across his chest startles Haarlep from his rest, his hands moving out to quickly guard himself from the assumed intruder of his space. Panic creates a flurry in this chest, pupils blown wide. His wings spread out and fling water out of the sides of the large tub. Tav gasps loudly and takes a step back, teeth clasping down onto their bottom lip, hand barely keeping a firm grasp on the slippery bar of soap they'd used to lather the rag. A mixture of embarrassment and shame paints the saddest expression on their face and Haarlep's fluttering heart falls deep into his stomach.
"What in the Nine Hells were you just doing?"
"I was trying to.. Wash you.. I'm sorry, I-"
Regret settles itself into the crows feet at the corners of Haarlep's eyes. He frowns at the frightened elf, wings settling into the water now after their terrifying display just moments ago. Large hands reach out to Tav's wrists and tug them closer, the bar of soap slipping and falling into the tub, a small splash coating Tav's lashes in water. Haarlep chuckles. A sound Tav hasn't heard in such a genuine manner. Is he upset? Worrisome eyes lower to the rippling water between them. The reflection of Tav's face on the surface forces their eyes closed anxiously. The rag remains clutched tightly between both hands now, suds and bubbles slipping out through the cracks in their fingers and spilling into the water beside them in a mountain of sweet smelling foam.
"Well don't just stand there. Keep going."
Confusion bubbles up in Tav's throat but they oblige, approaching the sleepy cambion with the rag once more. Little swipes clean the mess from Haarlep's chest and he lets out a content sigh. He's never been taken care of this way. He's never been taken care of at all, as a matter of fact. The feeling is both comforting and so disgusting. He lies rigid now, lids blinking as he stares up at the ceiling, his hands carefully resting on Tav's hips to keep them steady in front of him. The rag moves carefully up his neck now. Gentle strokes swipe away the sweat from the night's previous activities. Pausing for a moment, Tav fumbles for the bar of soap. They huff in frustration as it slips comically out of their hands and back into the water multiple times, droplets of water landing all over Haarlep's chest, face, horns, and wings. He grins and swiftly reaches for the bar, sinking his claws into the slippery surface.
Laughter erupts from the two occupants of the tub. Genuine laughter. Tav carefully takes the soap from the incubus's claws, rubbing the rag around its surface to create a soapy lather. Haarlep retrieves the bar once more and sets it on the side of the tub as a precaution, a grin from his previous laughing fit still lingering on his thin red lips. For a moment, all is okay. The normal rumbling in Haarlep's brain is calmed. Soothed, even. The rag moves along his cheeks to clean them off. Tav's free hand moves around the back of Haarlep's head to direct him to look at them.
"Don't want to get soap in your eyes.."
"Yes, that would burn like, well, Hell."
Another sweet giggle leaves Tav's throat and Haarlep could burst into flames right there, leaving nothing but a puddle of floating ash in the tub where he sat. He adores everything about Tav. Their smile, the shape of their body, their sweet voice. Their eyes, Gods, their eyes. Piercing and gentle, staring right through him. Reading him like a rare old Tome. Most importantly, their interest in him. Not his cock. Not what he has to offer in the sheets. Him. Haarlep's claws gently rake down Tav's sides, earning a shaky moan from the elf's parted lips. Their resolve falters for a moment before the rag makes its way toward Haarlep's wings, rubbing gentle circles around the cherry colored leather skin. Haarlep sighs happily, his tail subconsciously wrapping itself around Tav's plush thigh. The tip rubs against their sex, making their knees buckle beneath them. With a swift tug, Tav falls against Haarlep, his hands moving to the globes of their ass now to hold them tightly against his lap, one hand moving to adjust their legs to wrap around him. Their eyes meet, and it's like the room around them catches fire. Sparks, lightning, flames, all igniting at once. Haarlep's stomach turns.
The unfamiliar feeling rises up again. It burns in his belly. Snakes its way through his arms and legs. Tingles like Weave in his spinal cord. He clears his throat, pressing even further into Tav while his tail continues the slow back and forth friction against them. The sounds he earns from the specimen against him just fuels his fire and he sinks his teeth into the top of their shoulder, little rivulets of blood pooling in the indentations he left there. With a grin, he licks the broken flesh. Tav writhes in his arms in excitement, reaching their arms up to give Haarlep's horns a gentle tug backward, forcing his gaze to fall upon their needy expression. With a huff, the incubus licks his lips, eyebrows knitting together apologetically.
"I'm sorry, I can't help myself.."
"You don't have to. Not with me.."
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red-dead-sakharine · 3 days
Tickles Masterpost
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Raphael!POV. soft!Raphael, lots of body worship, hurt/comfort, Raphael x gn!Tav, asexual relationship
The Story:
Part 1 Raphael is tortured with tickles and then worshiped for the first time in his life
Part 2 Raphael makes a mistake
Part 3 & 4 Raphael lashes out in pain & Raphael tries to fix things and fails
Part 5 Raphael tries to repay the worship
Part 6 Pains and worries
Part 7 Raphael visits Tav in the night
Part 8 Raphael bathes the mouse and the mouse bathes him
Tickles AU:
Tickles - The tragic timeline 1 (drabble)
Tickles - The tragic timeline 2 (drabble)
Tickles fanart by @octarinecat
& colored version (the "Tickles cover")
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Mephistopheles's Deal - Devilish Hierarchy in the Forgotten Realms
[Spoilers for Astarion's personal quest and also pretty much the entirety of the game.]
So, I have a lot of thoughts about the devils in Baldur's Gate 3. I think in general, Larian has done a pretty solid job of drawing from and referencing the Forgotten Realms lore as it relates to their characters and storylines, but with the devils is where the most has been lost in translation to the broader audience.
There is a big difference in the Forgotten Realms between devils and demons - it's more than just semantics. This is one area where the alignment charts are actually useful - Devils are Lawful Evil, while Demons are Chaotic Evil. What this means in practice, is that devils are evil, yes, but they are also intensely bureaucratic and bound by specific laws, structures, and hierarchies. Demons are the exact opposite, misshapen monstrosities (for the most part) that do not belong in the world and are driven to lash out at it for its existence alone.
The "Blood War" that Karlach and a few other characters mention in Avernus? That is devils vs. demons. In fact, devils were originally celestials themselves, that became corrupted in their efforts to stop the tide of demons. The remaining celestials turn a blind eye to the Hells (or actively encourage its existence) because the devils are the forces holding back the encroaching Abyss, a far greater threat than they themselves could ever be.
The major area that we see this hierarchy expressed is in the layers of the Hells, the different dominions. Zariel is the least powerful Archdevil, ruling (and fairly recently come to power, too) the First layer: Avernus. The second-strongest Archdevil, of the Eighth layer, is Mephistopheles, superseded only by Asmodeus, the Archdevil of the Ninth layer.
With regard to the overall power level of the archdevils, this is where the exact answer gets a bit fuzzy. It has varied by edition, and personal take on the lore, but the ultimate point of agreement is this: no matter how powerful you personally think the Archdevils may be, Asmodeus is the exception. He has at least the strength of a greater god (one with a wide and expansive domain crossing multiple worlds), not even including the additional power he would be able to bring to bear by virtue of his domain, were a conflict to take place within it.
Raphael and Mizora, the two "devils" we have the most direct experience with as players, are not true devils at all, but rather cambions: half-devils. This allows them to skip some of the steps of power development usually required for devils to increase their power, but also stratifies them a bit with that development. Their primary advantage is freedom of movement between the planes, granted to them by their mortal parentage.
(The above is just part of the reason why Raphael's "plan" is so laughably doomed to abject failure, but that is a meta for another day.)
On to souls: why do devils need them, how do they get them, and what do they use them for?
Devils have an entire society based on backstabbing, conniving, one-upmanship, and, most importantly: paperwork. The devils - especially the Archdevils - are always looking for ways to get one up on each other. Not even necessarily to take their positions (although if it so happens to work out that way, all the better), but just to have information, leverage, even one point of superiority over them, etc.
One of the primary ways devils can bolster their power levels is based on the number (and quality) of souls under their command. Those souls, when willingly signed away, do not go to the usual Fugue Plane upon death, to be taken by whatever god values them most highly to their own afterlife. Instead, they go directly to the Hells. There they begin the standard progression of lowest-ranked devils: tortured to wring out what magical energy can be gleaned from them, then starting as lemures on the lowest rungs of the hierarchy, contributing to the infernal economy and adding to their ruling Archdevil's power, ranks, and influence.
Unwilling souls can be used, but they are generally considered to be the lowest quality, used mostly for things like soul coins, etc.
Note: this is where this is going from primarily lore-backed meta to meta I am extrapolating onto a bit, based on what seems logical to me.
If souls can only be willingly signed away, why can Cazador pay for his contract with Mephistopheles by trading the souls of others? Based on the legalistic evil of devils, my take is that, by the properties of magic and vampirism in the Forgotten Realms, "legally" speaking, the spawn he creates are enough a part of him that he is able to speak for their souls in their stead.
Based on this property, and the aforementioned power scale of the devils, the thought arises: does it really make that much sense for the Dark Urge to just be able to waltz into the Eighth layer of the Hells and steal the Crown of Karsus? It would make much more sense if it was willingly given - or at the least, allowed to be taken - by Mephisto, who stood to gain something much better than a bauble of not much use to archdevils: souls, and a multitude of them.
If Cazador is able to sign away the souls of his spawn, due to them being magically recognized as a part of him, I believe the same would be true for mindflayers turned by the controlled Netherbrain. The goal of the Dead Three was to ultimately transform an untold number of denizens of the Forgotten Realms, to take their souls and the power from their worship away from the gods (they never claimed to be brilliant strategists, we'll leave it at that). Mephisto, then, would stand to gain a great deal in being able to make use of those souls himself.
I do think that rather than a heist, Durge and/or Gortash made a deal with Mephisto for the Crown in exchange for the souls of any transformed mindflayers. A win-win for both parties, by all accounts.
Shame about the unforeseen brain damage and/or ragtag team of meddling do-gooders - and their owlbear, too.
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luniidae · 6 months
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~ Feelings ~
Chapter VIII
Note: Hi everyone! It was a bit long but I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter ✨
Raphael had joined his office, thinking about the latest events, over and over again. He was furious since Enver managed to escape because of Nubaldin's neglecting. This little bastard even tried to accuse Luvia and said she helped the boy to leave. But the devil didn't believe a single word of it. It didn't match with the Lackey's version anyway, who had been disfigured by the young girl herself, and so he made the gnome burn to punish him. Even if Luvia seemed to like Enver, he knew she had nothing to do with his fleeing.
But he was mad at her too, because she dared to stand up to him and had desobeyed him. What an arrogant brat.... Did she thought she could disrespect him without endure the consequences ? "Offering" her to Haarlep sounded like a good plan. But he was feeling something else now, something different... Something he couldn't manage to name because it never happened to him before. He was pacing back and forth, trying to focus on the situation, to calm himself down and to make his mind clear. All of this was more impactful to him than he could have thought. Actually, he was feeling kind of bad, but it had nothing to do with the anger he could have felt earlier.
No.... From a "mortal" perspective, it could have been seen as something close to... Sadness ? But why would he be sad, anyway ? He didn't do anything "wrong", or at least nothing extraordinary for a devil of his kind. But still, he couldn't find out why he was feeling this way and that was almost tormenting him. It was like losing a bit of control, and he hated that.
He was still lost in his thoughts when Korilla entered the room.
"Excuse me Master but...."
She wanted to ask if everything was alright, to know where Luvia was... But she knew that these questions would potentially make her boss even more upset than he already was.
"..... Can I do something ? The House of Hope is safe again and I can take care of urgent matters now, if you need"
The cambion jumped slightly, surprised by her presence since he had not noticed her. He hesitated, looking for something to say.
"Oh, well...", he pointed the pile of contracts which was on his desk, "This needs to be archived. They are sealed."
"Alright, consider it done. Is there anything else ?", she asked with an expectant look, almost apprehensive.
Raphael looked at her suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.
"..... Is there something in particular you wish to ask me, Korilla?", he said, his piercing eyes on her.
"Oh, I just.... Wondered where was Luvia since I haven't seen her"
"She's in the Boudoir", he answered coldly.
"In the...", she looked confused for a second, but she tried to remain calm. "Let's just say that the mouse got caught and should reconsider her mistakes...", The devil added.
He wasn't looking at her. Actually, he was annoyed by this hangdog look of hers, "We're done, now go".
The dwarf stood here for a few seconds before taking the pile of contracts and leaving, considering Raphael's words and trying to understand what he meant. But she already knew, she just didn't want to accept it yet. Korilla liked Luvia... The girl was at first nothing but a tool to serve her master, but she eventually had considered her as a little sister over time. And a better one than Hope, in her opinion...
Anyways, she couldn't do anything to save or protect her now, but she could be there for her once she would be "done" at least...
Raphael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he was trying to put aside his own emotions, coming to a few conclusions he refused to accept.
"This is ridiculous...", he whispered to himself. He rejected his conflicted feelings, pretending it wasn't there. It seemed easier this way but he couldn't avoid it forever.
He tried to keep his mind busy by doing some paperwork, but he couldn't concentrate properly on his task. He tried to drink some wine to relax, but it didn't change anything either. In fact, he couldn't help himself to think about Luvia, and how her "I HATE YOU" hurted more than he wanted to admit.... Since he couldn't manage to do anything productive, he eventually returned to the Boudoir sooner than he had planned.
He felt a kind of apprehension growing within him as he made his way through the corridors, and the feeling was far more intense once he stood before the magic barrier. He looked at it for a few seconds... Why so hesitating ?... He thought.
Then he took a step forward, confidently, and had no difficulties to find Luvia. She was curled up under one of the pool's faucets, letting the water flow upon her. She was perfectly still, holding herself tight in her own arms, but as he approached her, Raphael could notice she was actually slightly shivering. Whereas he was getting closer, a voice called after him.
"Greetings, Master.... Thank you for this delightful little gift of yours", Haarlep said with a malicious grin, looking down at the young woman, "That was very...", they took a deep breath, "..... Entertaining."
The incubus was standing behind a golden grid above which separated the pool room from the bedroom. They finally locked their gaze on Raphael, making their body move in a seductive way against the grid.
"Have you come here to have some fun with us ?"
"No", the cambion said with a monochord voice. They looked disappointed.
"Oh you're not funny..."
Raphael ignored them and kept approaching Luvia slowly, observing her carefully. She finally opened her eyes to look at him without moving her head, her eyes seemed redder than usual. And when she saw him... Her body tenses as she was trembling more and her fingers pressed her skin more tightly. He couldn't explain why, but he had a sudden pang. He frowned at this strange sensation, but he couldn't bring himself to make her more uncomfortable than she already was. So he simply snapped his fingers and she immediately fell asleep. Her body relaxed, revealing the mark of her own hands on her arms. He managed to get her out of the water, and whereas he was holding her in his arms, Haarlep spoke again..
"Oh, you put her to sleep ? An interesting choice, but it was far more enjoyable to see her fight back against the inevitable, if you ask me", they giggled.
Raphael gave them an exasperated look and wrapped Luvia in a large towel in order to bring her back to her chamber.
"I didn't ask you anything right now", the Cambion answered.
Haarlep stared at them silently, their eyes animated by a primal hunger towards her.
"I hope to see you later... Master"
Once Raphael and Luvia were out of the Boudoir, he headed to her bedroom. He remembered the last and only time he carried her like this.... She was less than 10 and he had forced her to watch Enver being beaten almost to death in the prison. Several years had passed since this event, and Luvia was no longer a child now, but she wasn't a woman yet either, despite her appearance... Raphael wasn't particularly regretting his acts, but he was surprised to feel a bit worried about the future events, and about her. He made his way to her bedroom and opened the door, then he placed her delicately on the bed, snapping his fingers again to give her new clothes, warm and dry. He stared at her for a moment, siting on the edge of the bed.
There was no anger or terror on her face. The only remains of the terrible event she had been through a few hours ago were her half erased dark lipstick, and sort of black tears on the sides of her eyes. Despite those details, she seemed peaceful... He put an hand on her cheek and rubbed it gently with his thumb. Her pale skin was so soft, just as much as silk... He took a closer look to her face: her traits were more mature of course, but she was still... Well, she was still Luvia. He never really took the time to observe her beyond her intellectual capacities. For example, he never had noticed she had freckles on her cheekbones before. He suddenly frowned, wondering why he was now paying attention to such minor and insignificant details, but he also felt kind of relieved. It was reassuring to see her here, in this very room, far away from the Boudoir....
It's been several days now that Luvia has been confined in her room and she didn't want to go out. Raphael had asked Korilla to check on her everyday, though. And the dwarf kept reporting the same informations to him.
"She doesn't react to anything. She's still breathing of course, but... Well, she doesn't seem "here", you know ..."
The Cambion didn't reply. Actually, he wondered how long this little comedy would last. But he could have forced her out, right ? He could, as the master of the House, have treated her as he saw fit, just as he had done two weeks earlier. And yet, he did nothing. It was also surprising to see him show so much patience. While he was deep in thought, Korilla broke the silence.
“Can I make you a suggestion?”, she dared to ask.
The cambion looked barely intrigued, his chin resting on his fist.
“Speak, what do you have in mind?”
The dwarf hesitated for a moment, thinking about how she could explain her idea to him. But in reality, there weren't really a ton of ways to say it.
“Maybe you should go talk to her ?”
Raphael frowned.
“And why ‘should’ I do such a thing ?”
"Well, you've always had a certain influence on her. It's a safe bet that your intervention will have more impact than mine. She doesn't even bother to look at me."
"Keep your advices for yourself, Korilla", he answered sharply
The dwarf remained quiet.
"Don't expect me to indulge in such sentimentalism, would you. I'm a mentor, not her mother. Understood ?"
The dwarf didn't mention this idea ever again.
A few days later, in the Boudoir...
While laying on his bed, Raphael was trying to enjoy himself with Haarlep, but he wasn't very concentrated. The incubus noticed it.
"What is troubling you, Master ?", they asked, "You seem quiet off these days..."
Raphael didn't have the time to say anything, since his "replica" approached their face to his and stared at him straight in the eyes, smiling slyly.
"It is about the girl, isn't it ?", they leaned back, returning to their original position next to him. "Ooooh, it is true that I didn't talk to you about our little rendezvous yet. Oh you should have seen her face... She looked so terrified yet so eager to sense me", they looked daydreaming for a second, sighing with pleasure, "And she was so nervous and so tight... Well, I wasn't expecting less from a virgin of course, but I must admit that was particularly delicious. Also you should have seen her rushing to the pool just right after, thinking it would help her to get rid of my scent and presence on her", they laughed.
"Could you stop talking about that ?", Raphael grumbled, an annoying look on his face.
"About what ?", Haarlep climbed over their master's body to sit on his hips, "How I sensed her shivering under me ? How she begged for me to stop while her eyes were challenging me to do more ?", they slowly caressed the devil's chest while they were talking, "How I took all the innocence from her frail body, and how she ended up undulate against mine while screaming everything she could ?"
Their face got closer to the cambion's again.
"Don't tell me you don't feel anything knowing that I gave her a first time she won't never forget... With your body."
Raphael looked indubitably irritated,
"I'm not in the mood to appreciate such things...", he finally said.
Haarlep looked at him with a surprised look.
"Is that so ? My my....", they kept their eyes on him a bit longer before smiling wide.
The cambion raised an eyebrow, "What ?"
"It seems you grow fond of her"
Raphael looked surprised for a second, and frowned instantly.
"Stop this nonsense, you're being ridiculous"
"Really ? You don't look very convincing...", they said playfully, "But if you really don't care about her that much, so you wouldn't mind if..."
Without finishing their sentence, Haarlep's shape started to turn into a more feminine silhouette, horned, with dark long hair cascading down her breast, and two piercing scarlet eyes slyly staring at Raphael.
The cambion's eyes widened in disbelief. He immediately pushed the incubus next to him and caught their throat, standing above them. Haarlep chuckled, a teasing look on their face.
"Never do that again... ", Raphael raged.
The incubus laughed slightly, touching the devil's forearm sensually with their thin and delicate white hand.
"Oh ? Don't you want to take a bite ? To know how it feels to fully own her, body and soul ? I'm sure you'd enjoy it.."
Raphael tighten his grip and his eyes darkened, "Get back to your old form, now !", he shouted.
He couldn't bear to hear those words with this voice. Her voice.
"As you wish....", Haarlep finally said grinning. Then they turned back to their Raphael-ish form again.
"Don't ever take this appearance again... Never"
"Alright, alright....", Haarlep said without conviction, a glint of pleasure in their gaze. They were really enjoying the effect they had on the cambion at this very moment.
Raphael released his grip, furious.
"Leave me alone now....", he said bitterly.
"As you wish, Master", Haarlep answered, amused by the situation. Then they disappeared in a swirl of flames, miming a kiss.
Raphael lay down again, all alone, staring at the ceiling above him and biting his own lips in anger and clenching his fists.
What should he do ? He reconsidered Korilla's words, but he couldn't bring himself to go to talk to Luvia. It was like admitting a mistake he didn't feel like he had done. But he couldn't just stand by and do nothing either.
Everything seemed suddenly so complicated....
To be continued
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shewolfofvilnius · 7 months
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Me a month ago: *Has my former-cambion-turned-tiefling Tav convert to Ilmater in Act 3*, potentially adding a conflict point when romancing Mr. "No Gods No Devils Just People" Wyll Ravengard. It honestly made sense with her own character arcin particular.
Me today: WAIT A MINUTE. You're telling me in the Duke Wyll epilogue, Wyll and Tav adopt a baby...that had been orphaned at the Ilmater temple. (Oh AND they summoned Wyll and were friendly enough that both of y'all getting the 2am courier calls not just you AND *both of y'all* trust this church to babysit your infant daughter for a night. (And THEY, who clearly had at least some clerics with issues with tieflings and/or refugees, has clearly undergone reforms given THIS couple).
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DANG that worked out well. (yes I know in looking it up before this post that she's always found there, just, dang, it's wild it worked out like that.)
"Stick to your cause if it is right, whatever the pain or peril...Stand up to all tyrants, and allow no injustice to go unchallenged."
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cambion-companion · 11 months
(I'm sorry for bothering, I read you were open to prompts... and I'm dying, since I found out about this, for Raph finding out a very, very stupid Tav who screwed up against Harleep. Like. A Tav who is so random she-or he- found her way into the HoH completely randomly, or thought it would be a good idea to surprise him there. Really anything, as you wish, if you can, if it inspire you, if it amusé you ^^ have a great day !)
Not a bother at all, my dear! I am indeed open for Raphael prompts, always ;)
Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock.
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"Oh shit. Oh shit." A chill ran up Tav's spine as they sensed a sharp atmospheric shift inside the House of Hope. The air thickened and grew laden with the scent of sulfur and musk. Raphael stepped through a whirling portal of flame, his human face set grimly in an expression of anger.
"I am disappointed to see you here, pet."
"Raphael, it's not-"
"An errant mouse wreaking inane havoc in my house."
"Raphael I promise I didn't-"
"Silence." His voice was a dangerous purr, holding the promise of tortures unimagined. "You're being here is in direct defiance of clause three section b of our contract."
Tav had never felt his presence carry such fury before. They stammered for a moment, desperate to avoid conflict with the cambion. "Raphael..." Tav tried once more, tongue heavy around their words. "It was an accident! The diabolist in Baldur's Gate sent me here."
Raphael, still frowning sharply, allowed Tav to speak. Incendiary sparks of ash still floated around his form, but he seemed to calm somewhat as they tried explaining their mistake.
"The diabolist and I got into an altercation. She serves Mammon...pretty sure I remember that right." Tav continued. "I didn't know she was going to banish me here."
Raphael tilted his head, listening to the desperate squeaks of his favorite mortal. When Tav began rambling about the state they had found his house in when they'd arrived, he held up a quelling hand. "Enough. I believe your being here was not by your own volition however..." His voice lowered again. "...you brought with you the wretched chaos of your own world into my home."
Tav hesitated, tucking hair behind their ear nervously. "Not to be...blunt, Raph. But your house was kind of, um, disorderly when I got here." They pointed down the hallway in the direction of the dining room. "Your dinner table? An utter mess."
Raphael made a long low noise in the back of his throat, Tav ceased speaking at once under his piercing gaze. After a long moment he spoke again.
"You have not done lasting damage, nor pilfered any of my treasures. I know everything that happens in my house, little mouse. Every movement, every whisper does not go unmarked." His cunning eyes now swept the foyer carefully, lingering on each soul column. "After all, when the cat is away the mice will play." In one stride he took Tav's chin between his finger and thumb and tilted their head side to side. "Someone gifted you quite the disguise, sweetling." He pulled, causing Tav to stumble a couple small steps toward him till their chests brushed. "Did it give you a morsel of hope perhaps?"
Tav winced guiltily, gasping slightly as Raphael's fingers tightened in response, his aura darkening again.
"I have been so generous with you, Tav. Over and again forgiving your wayward insolence." Raphael's nose almost brushed against Tav's as he lent down. "Am I to believe you agreed to help my little Hope escape her shackles?"
Tav bent away slightly, the color draining from their face. "Only so I could obtain the disguise, Raphael. I never intended to help her."
"You lied?" Raphael sounded almost amused now. "And Hope believed you? What a desperate little Nightingale. Her cage is well-appointed. You were wise not to meddle." Raphael almost sighed as he released Tav with a slight push. "I do love the delicious sound of a soul being stripped bare and broken. However, such will not yet be your fate if you agree to assist me."
"In more than retrieving the Crown for you?" Tav asked, a knot forming in their stomach.
"Oh yes." Raphael placed a careful hand on his hip as he gesticulated with the other. "Restoring precious order. First accompany me to the soul cages, to converse with our Hope. Second, I will escort you to your Material Plane and you will deal with the diabolist of Mammon so that none will trespass in such a way again."
Tav frowned slightly, but nodded, they had little choice. "Thought you'd be more happy to see me." They frowned slightly.
"Don't pout, pet, it's unbecoming." Raphael seemed much more his charming self now, amused at Tav's muttered reproach. "After your journey is complete and the Crown is mine, you will be welcome in my house at any time." His smile twisted and his eyebrows arched. "You have my word."
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bitethedevil · 5 months
So we know cambions' relationship with sex, especially Raphael. I'm curious about his interest in Tav, or another s/o, who is asexual. He thinks he can seduce Tav, and kind of does through everything that leads to the deals he wants to make in the third act. Maybe Tav even made the deal right away to be saved from the tadpole.
But if he catches feelings for Tav during the game. He flirts, Tav even reciprocates, if a little nervously! Tav doesn't take the deal with Harleep, obviously, but that can be explained away. They don't take up the twins' offer in Sharesses Caress. They don't seem to be involved with their companions either. Raphael starts showing up more frequently to check on his little mouse, favoring them and advancing when he can.
Finally, he sets up his office in the House of Hope with the intention of a real date. His mouse is a little oblivious, but surely they'll notice the rose petals, good wine, his doublet already unbuttoned at the top. Surely his little mouse will finally see where he wants them: at his side.
But in the midst of flirting and wordplay, Tav finally says that they have no interest in sex, for their reasons. It isn't just Raphael. It isn't something he can blame himself for, isn't something he can make a deal to change, it's part of who his little mouse is. They offer themselves anyway, because other feelings are reciprocated. A relationship with no sexual intimacy but everything else soft that Raphael has never tasted in the hells.
He is conflicted, and maybe his feelings for his mouse disappear (Tav's own nightmare), or he embraces it because he still has Harleep for his sexual needs. Tav holding his head to their chest and playing with his hair is still intimate, and he could get used to cuddling and already loves their conversations. But does he still yearn for his mouse in selfish ways he can't have? Or does he embrace them as they are? As an asexual myself with a crush on the cambion I'm curious to see what other people have to say!
I do think that Raphael himself has a interesting relationship with sex, in my headcanon at least. I think in 99% of cases that it for him is either 1) something that is simply to sate urges and getting it over with (Haarlep) or 2) used as a way to establish control over someone or manipulate them in some way. A devil like Raphael actually isn’t supposed to participate in sex at all (Explanation in my post here).
I think asexual love might be odd for him in the beginning, because he would be trying to work out how else to manipulate someone romantically, dark as that sounds. But I think after a while he would still like getting that affection from somewhere. All he really wants is someone who is obsessed with him and who needs him, I think. Does he reciprocate those feelings and the affection though? Meeeh, eh…If he does it isn’t out of anything that we would call love, at least not according to my headcanon of him. But yes, I think the sex he can definitely do without, because as you said: he has Haarlep for that.
(Thank you for the ask <3 And I really loved to hear all the thoughts you had made about it. Very well written and an interesting concept)
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