#considering changing his teeth tho idk
yeosin-n · 4 months
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found my underwaves pap design i did in 2020 😩!!! still slaps
You can call him Thal!!! (Short for thalasso :3 )
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horromcom · 2 years
my god. i need to give ryan new names for the coma seasons too
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simpjaes · 5 months
mtl to have a tongue/lip piercing??
MTL: hyung line + having tongue piercings / lip piercings
note: yes i know about jake's phobia, this isn't real.
★ jay: i don't care what anyone has to say about this, jay is a fucking alt guy and you will not change my mind. he would likely have both a tongue piercing and a lip piercing. wouldn't flinch while he's in the chair at all, probably follow care instructions step for step and heal up reeeeeeal nice. also the type to wear a black hoop in his lip and 100% showing his tongue ring through his teeth as often as he can.
that being said, i think he would probably get off on the pain of piercings and the soreness after. also probably the taste of the little bit of blood that may spill during the piercing. the piercings will definitely carry through into the bedroom. temp play specifically, icing his tongue ring and freezing his tongue half to death just to give you that coooold cold shiver of a clit lick. AAAAAAAAAAAAA
☆ jake: alt boy number two, just more casual about it. probably more inclined to get a lip piercing but would considering a tongue ring solely because he thinks they look hot. def hates the healing process but takes a million selfies of his swollen lip because he knows he looks kissable. would DEFINITELY SUFFER not being able to make out or eat some pussy during the healing process lmao. literally the act of facial piercings would edge him for weeks.
after healing tho, he would always urge his girl to bite it, suck it, and play with it.
★ heeseung: idk i think he could be more inclined to do a tongue ring because it can be hidden if it needs to be. not that he'd be against facial piercings I just personally think he would prefer to get down in a way that shows he's a sweetie in the streets and a fuckin freeeeeak in the sheets. what's the best way to show that? flicking his tongue ring at a girl in the middle of church, or like, a business meeting or something. probably also not against getting other hidden areas pierced....*cough* nipples, cock, belly, etc.
☆ sunghoon: would also be similar to heeseung in a way where he'd probably prefer hidden piercings more than very visible ones. i think he'd sit well for them and heal them perfectly but he'd deeeeeeeef hate the process and complain about it the whole time. meaning, he'd probably only get one piercing, and that would also be his tongue bc, well, hidden.
is much like anyone else and loves when it plays into the bedroom, loves the aspect of girls wanting him to go down on them to see what it feels like, also loves trying those lil stimulating tongue rings bc...well............if he's gonna draw attention to his tongue like this when the time is right he might as well make use of it right?
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itsnotmourn · 4 months
CONCEPTS AND RAMBLINGS | "animal" cult pmv extras
thank you everyone for liking my pmv (and on yt and twitter) !! i got more attention than i thought it would and that means the world to me! <33
here’s some of my concept art + rambles for it!
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the first thing i made up, the character designs!
i didn’t think to refine them because they were good enough to use LMAO... so i scribbled colours down, threw a filter and called it a night
i wanted a sharp change from the verses and chorus (since the song goes from calm to... louder) so i made it greyscale (with a red filter) that changed to brighter colours!
also changed the text font/colour for ignacio hmm. the font was hard to read, in my opinion.
ignacio's design
ignacio loses his bandage colours because that was too many colours for my liking… i completely forgot his hair highlights tho
ah and he doesn’t get a mouth until the fire scene too…
it was only meant to be done for a few frames but i thought it be cooler if it was consistent.
the missing mouth represents his repressed feelings/silence, or something like that.
skidad's design
i got a few questions on whether skidad was a goat. despite looks, skidad’s design is actually based on the herbiadean/jacob sheep! four horns!
i have drawn skidad as a jacob sheep before as well!
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look at them ominous friends.
the resemblance to goats is something i considered as well (links with cult/sacrifice) so i think of it as a fun bonus
i gave him wolf teeth because the whole “wolf in sheep’s clothing” but also because i like it when prey animals are given predator features
i left the body as "human" because i only wanted the face to be censored… i considered clawed/darkened hands too but nah
skidad was originally going to be lined like ignacio, but i liked the lineless look for him so voila! makes it feel like he’s “not bound by anything”... actually, this is the same reasoning for the match to be “out” of the border, even though it’s ignacio’s hand
i rarely storyboard (most are locked in my mind) but i figured it'd be fun to try!
halfway, i got bored of drawing digitally so i moved onto my notebook. i think it was a good decision; since i drew with my ink pen, it forced me to move on with my mistakes instead of clicking "clear canvas" lol
i had a pretty solid idea of what i wanted after weeks of listening to the song over and over again. the only thing that really changed was the mirror, which was replaced with a shadowy ignacio
the coloured thumbnails i actually did first, just to figure out out what i’m doing for the chorus part… limited palette my beloved
i didn't know where to put the text so i was scribbling everywhere lol
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ratio changes
in the chorus, the ratio of ignacio and skidad’s frames changes! it’s more obvious if i combined them together, like this
less for ignacio, more for skidad
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did you notice that the fire in this shot look like the cult ?!!! why did i do that, you ask? well:
the fire is the same “red”as the robe
too lazy to draw fire without abusing motion blur
mmm symbolism idk. it's somewhere there
it wasn’t in my plans but i’m happy i made the choice in the last minute. this was the last thing i needed to finish before syncing it up with the music
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also this… i just wanted to point it out… make sure everyone knows... did you notice this? did you? did you did you? well now you do!!!
that's it !!! that's your trip into my mind!! okay byeeeee !!
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fandomsniper · 7 months
so this is my take on human Caine
keep in mind that this is all my headcanons and imagination, and I'm going with the theory that he is an AI and he wasn't a human before
(again it's my hc!) also minor tw for drvg mention
so going with that logic, man is an AI, for his whole life all he was, was lines of numerical codes and suddenly he's thrown into this world and becomes a human, as we all are aware a human body needs to comply to the laws of physics, biology, etc., it has needs that need to be taken care of for it to function right which an AI in a digital world doesn't need to do so imo all of that had to mess with his head a lot, I think that there is a high possibility that he would experience some kind of body dysphoria, he would feel that this isn't HIS body, that something isn't right, something doesn't fit etc., that would be pretty logical
complete change of how his brain operates (idk what he had as an AI but let's also call it a brain lol), human body operates on five basic senses, which is something that he didn't have to submit to, the list of "senses" he had as an AI in a digital world is probably long as fuck and now he has to lean on only five basic ones? that gotta suck and be absolutely difficult (which should be obvious, imagine suddenly becoming blind or deaf, now you need to learn to operate with even less senses than you had, fucking sucks), back in the digital world he could do practically everything with little effort and now? he is limited by this human body/world and all the laws it needs to obey
still on those senses, I think they are all over the place because of the sudden change so he would be prone to sensory overloads or something like that
he literally needs to learn all social rules, written and unwritten, and overall the basis our world works on, which we had YEARS to learn about as we grew up, and yeah as an AI he had some info about humans and our world 'cause he had direct contact with us back in the digital world but it wouldn't be even close to enough to live here among us (heh) completely out of nowhere
because of all of this, I think that he would be a total train wreck and he would be very prone to fall into some unhealthy habits, like for example imo he could easily get addicted to drugs (idk what kind tho), he takes some pills and he can "get back" to his old life at least for a moment? sign him up! for that short period of time, he could feel "right" again, he could have control again [I'm also leaning towards the idea that he could develop some kind of control issues considering who he was back in the digital world as an AI], drugs give you a high which on you can imagine/hallucinate/feel a lot of things so yeah, he could easily get addicted to those, especially if his trips would revolve around him being back in his digital world, his home
and nope, it's not me projecting onto my fav character yet again, not at all (I'm a big liar)
but fr tho, I think it would make sense if he actually was an AI who was never a human and somehow he got out of the digital world with all circus crew
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and I made a visual of him in a picrew! (if anyone will want it, I will drop the link to it)
I made some small adjustments in ibis paint lol, like the eye color and the roughly drawn Glasgow smile scars (for some reason it just fits him??? cause he was literally all teeth and it connected in my brain??? idk but my mental imagine of him as a human has those scars, can't do anything about it) + a bit longer lines under his eyes
he would look like he's in his really late 20's or early 30's
bonus, cause I found that t-shirt in the maker lol, Jax gave it to him
a playlist I made and some footnotes with fun hcs
he would love the movie "The Greatest Showman", can't tell me otherwise
I think he wouldn't have a specific music taste, no specific genre etc. but I think he would enjoy music from 80's and 2000's
he cried watching Bambi
his fav candy is Skittles
for the first two weeks the only thing he would eat was any variation of buttered bread, breakfast? toast with butter, dinner? buttered bread with salt, supper? toast with butter but this time with no crust, he would have continued this if Ragatha didn't step in and practically force feed him scrambled eggs one morning and then continued to do so with other foods until he stopped eating just bread
he likes Lady Gaga
he's not allowed caffeine, under any circumstances, never again, the circus gang decided that as a group
surprisingly, he enjoys horror movies
Jax showed him that one video of car driving through the hills (iykyk), he fell out of his chair
his room is very cluttered, messy but in this artsy-homey way
he picks on his skin a lot, especially when he's nervous and because of that his hands are covered in band-aids
he once saw Zooble smoke and asked if he can try, now he joins Zooble on "smoke breaks" because he picked on the habbit, Zooble kinda feels bad about it
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raindropren · 9 months
Hi Guys!!! new grian design YIPPPEEE!!!
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This is the same man that pushed Aphmau down a Hole to Sacrifice her to I think Cthulhu? I don't remember, that series was a fucking fever dream(And i didn't watch it at all <3 /gen)
Half of this Drawing was done with Tongues and Teeth(by The Crane Wives) Playing on Loop because I consider that Song very Grian like :] (It's still playing as I write this :3 )
umm design Choices? I like explaining this stuff :]
His wings!!!! I changed them(I made a post before about it but ima talk about it more) before this they were HUGE and I Hated having to draw them because they took up THE ENTIRE IMAGE!!!! and I hate doing fullbodys like that, So I changed it so unless he's forced to fly with them, they're tinier :D He can still glide with the smaller pair(Like with an Elytra) but he has to use rockets with them(LIKE AN ELYTRA!!!! O: )
In my AU Grian was born as a goose hybrid(lol) but because of Watcher stuff he can shift his Wings into other types of Creature's Wings <3 He normally keeps them Parrot wings tho :]
In my old design he had these Metal Claw things on his hands to imitate actual bird claws but they were really complicated and I hated drawing them so I changed them to actual claw-like nails, Because he's a bird so I let him have bird claws :] (I imagine that when Fighting without a Weapon he uses his Claws alot cause they are Sharp :3 )
His Shoes(Boots?) have metal on the tip(?) that are just slightly shaped like claws. On the old design the claws were Much more prominent but I decided I didn't really like em so now they're kinda more of a paw-like Indent? idk :P Also I might not have this in the future but on the Backs of his Boots there are a Moon and a Star, I didn't draw em cause I was lazy lol
He has those goggles for a couple different reasons!!!!
At first I saw the designs of other Grians with I think flight goggles on and I liked them so I decided I would put them on Grian but then I paired that with the watcher headcanon so basically Grian wears tech-infused goggles because his eyes are very clearly watcher eyes(They have the symbol in them, bright purple, etc etc) and he hates them so He covered them up (They were normal goggles at first but the hermits were having a hard time with not being able to see his eyes so Doc decided to make them have some sort of tech/Redstone in them so they match his actual eyes :D )
Also the Watchers... are... bad... people(they aren't really people???) in my AU... um kinda... evil-esc. Aka Grian is a Half-Baked Watcher :')
He's Immortal and has slight watcher powers but not many.
They were kinda half way in and then he escaped :3
OKAY!!!! I think that's it for my Design and au stuff of grian!! for now!! idk :3
I am proud of this design btw
i like how I did it :]
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waywardsalt · 4 months
Can you please tell more about your redeemed Bellum that hangs around with the main cast in post-canon? Or, like, your hum!Bellum ideas in general?
Ooooh, I have a lot I could say about Bellum. I'll go a bit off this ask and just talk about him in the context of post-ph and some other aus, since he's fun and because most of them share the common thread of him being in human form often. This will probably be messy, but I'll divide it into sections to force myself to stick to one topic at once to keep this from devolving into what might as well be a transcript of a discord dms infodump.
(there should be a keep reading just under here- there are a few thousand words under the cut- if it's lower than it should be then idk, even while drafting this i had issues with it moving further down than i put it)
Human Bellum Basics (mostly design stuff)
It's less of a human Bellum au sort of thing, and more like a design for what if Bellum had a human form that he could change into. Kind of like Oshus having his human form while actually being a whale, it's the idea that Bellum can switch between his human form and his demon form at will, and I have spent... way, way too long trying to figure out this design.
I can't quite remember why I decided to give Bellum a human form (could've been anything from doing it for the hell of it to for shipping purposes) and it took AGES to decide on his final design.
Describing it would take a few paragraphs, so there's art! Commission pieces by @roskii specifically, he's great, he did great, check him out. (i dont know how to make these smaller :)))))) enjoy)
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Half of it is directly taken from his demon design, he keeps the tentacles (not always present, he manifests them at will and tend to have much less reach when he's human), his eye, his teeth, his hair color (kind of), and half of it is more... brought in by ideas related to Bellum in general, with some vague references to that demon design; specifically him being scarred all over is a mixture of the idea of him as a violent and almost warlike creature, while also vaguely referencing the markings on his demon body (in the earliest drawing I ever did of a human Bellum design, he did just straight-up have those markings. That picture no longer exists, I'm sure).
As a basic reference, I suppose, in the second image, the character to the right of Bellum (Damien Fletcher) is an oc of mine, and therefore a character I designed (totally worth mentioning tho that with both Damien and Bellum while I did technically design them and gave roskii my notes for how they look, he also took some small liberties with their designs and... ugh theyre great im keeping them), so those two could provide some insight to my character design sensibilities, even if they're just a small fraction of the (mental) character designs I have.
Bellum is made up of pieces of his canonical design, pieces that I think make sense considering what we know about him, and just pieces of other character designs. He has more or less the same haircut as Joker/the protagonist from Persona 5. His hair has been like that for a while, but seeing Joker's hair helped me figure out specifically what I wanted.
It's been... hard, trying to give him a humanoid design, I've seen a bunch of other human Bellum designs, looked at other Zelda characters with both human and inhuman forms, took inspiration for what I could do and how and what parts could be carried over. His hair is easy to explain, it literally is meant to look like he does as a demon. Easy. It is absolutely directly inspired by that bitch from Tokyo Ghoul. I'm not looking up the character name I don't care about Tokyo Ghoul.
I keep him having sharp teeth, I've transposed those markings on his bodies as being scars (which I'll elaborate a little more on later), kept his eye and that he only has one main eye (there is nothing under the eyepatch. It's just smooth. If you've seen The Goonies, it's like what's going on with One-Eyed Willy. That's probably where I got it from tbh), the yellow and black color scheme is further kept with a yellow tank top-esque shirt and black pants and boots, and while they're not constantly present he still has access to his tentacles.
He's not human, just pretending to be.
Leading me to some other little details, such as his lack of ears. And nails. And. Other things not visible that he didn't bother with. He pretends to be human, but doesn't care enough to look truly human- though he can pass as human. When he does bother to actually look human, he does have nails and ears, and changes his eye to a human one, with a color of choice. He goes by 'Warren' when actually pretending to be human. It doesn't mean anything in particular it's just a play on how 'bellum' is latin for 'war'. But, most of the time, he's not really trying. A sense of lack of real care is something I try to communicate with his humanoid design, hence him having generally baggy and plain clothes.
The 'war' thing about his character I think is decently expressed in game with him having an army of sorts with the phantoms and him just coming off as sort of violent but strategic. He also seems very scrappy, mostly attacks with direct contact including just straight up running into Link, and seems to put a lot of stock into sheer force and just fucking killing you at any cost after a certain point, but seems genuinely wary and cornered once someone is shown to be capable of actually posing an actual threat. I like the idea of human Bellum being a bit of a brawler in a sense, fighting with his bare hands and just being incredibly violent when he fights like a human, really only breaking out his more supernatural abilities when he just wants to get shit over with.
Part of the fun with Bellum is that there isn't much to him, so I'm taking a lot of liberties with him. His loose clothes are something that won't really get in the way of him fighting and do the bare minimum, and the boots he wears have metal toes for just a bit of extra ways to hurt people. He's built but still soft in places, not intended to be a muscular as Damien, he's intentionally designed his own human form to be a bit unassuming, so I've kept that he's made of a lot of circular shapes, his face is meant to be a bit of a round shape, his hair gives a round shape, and though he's fairly tall (he and Damien are 6 feet tall btw Linebeck throws off every post-ph cast height comparison) I think of him being a bit... small? If that makes sense? His clothes help with that, they're slightly oversized, and his posture isn't great; He's a bit like a delinquent, starting fights intentionally for the sake of violence and putting little effort into his appearance.
His scars are technically cosmetic. They aren't results of injuries; technically nothing but the Phantom Sword and things like it can hurt him. His scars are references to the markings on his demon body, and just further reflection of him being a creature all about violence and conflict. They aren't totally consistent between the times he uses his human form, but some of the bigger ones are, most notably the scar across his face.
I'll be honest. My earliest human Bellum designs were some Tumblr sexyman shit and I've been trying to ditch that SO BAD ever since. I think I've done well. The scar across his face is a big one. An added imperfection, a massive facial blemish that isn't really conventionally great to look at. His nose specifically has been though some development stages, at first I kept switching between different full nose shapes, then brought in the facial scar and decided that he'd be missing a chunk of that nose, then, decided, fuck it! I can't decide on a nose shape, so he gets no nose at all. I think it works pretty well and I like it.
I really tried to get in a lot of his personality to the design, and I don't want to go into all of it in this section, so just keep in mind that a lot of his design has been influenced by the way I've decided to write him, and some stuff I've already mentioned might be made a little clearer when I get into that. As a quick aside, he's pale partially because I've intentionally made him look halfway similar to Link, and partially because I figure he does not get a lot of sun; you literally meet him in what is effectively a basement, and from the way he operates, probably hasn't made himself seen in a while by the time the events of the game happen. He can't get sunburns, but, as he cannot change a lot of extremely major things about his human form, he can't manually change his skin tone in a major way, and it's likely that when he was considerably younger and newer and spent time in the sun, his skin tone would be closer to Oshus's, so a bit more tan.
In the Context of Phantom Hourglass and Post-PH
Moving swiftly on, as there is pretty much no real info about Bellum's background, I have taken matters into my own hands and decided a lot of it for myself in headcanon; Bellum is technically Oshus's son. Not in the traditional sense, but he was created by Oshus and can very much be considered his child, and to an extent, Ciela, Leaf, and Neri are all also Oshus's kids due to them being created by him (yea even considering Ciela calling him 'grandpa', in her and my defense she lost her memories and he is old as a human), therefore making (in some terms) Bellum to be Oshus's son and the brother of the three spirits. I think it's an interesting dynamic, to have Oshus be the one responsible for Bellum's existence, and for the three spirits you travel with and help you defeat Bellum to be closely related to him.
Oshus himself (when you get the hourglass in ph) says that the sand of hours is made of force gems of the ocean king (whatever... that wording means)- which then suggests that at the end of the day, all sands of hours are derived from the power of the ocean king, and Bellum dissolves into that sand at the end of the game, and I am standing in front of a wild-looking conspiracy cork board trying to piece this all together. I find it interesting if Oshus was the one who created Bellum before he created the three spirits.
(This is a topic for another post/fic but Leaf and Neri were neglected so bad in ph and it would be interesting to see more of how they feel abt Ciela before she gets her memories back and how they feel abt... anything else ig. I think they're neat, too, and I like tying the spirits together with Bellum in this way)
In Phantom Hourglass, it's strongly suggested (mostly through dialogue) that it's been a decent amount of time since Bellum defeated Oshus and took over the Temple of the Ocean King and created the Ghost Ship (though I suppose it could be possible that the Ghost Ship's existence precedes Bellum taking over that temple and defeating Oshus), but things across that sea are relatively calm, despite the new influx of monsters and the Ghost Ship making most people too afraid to sail. No one knows it's Bellum, though, and people do know about the Ocean King, so I wonder if Bellum is known about at all by the general public, or is a being that's more or less completely unknown? My personal theory is that he's vaguely known in some sense, as an obscure deity, and that he was behind the collapse of the Cobble Kingdom, since they were aligned with the Ocean King and Bellum appears to be his direct enemy and would likely then target the allies of his enemy.
Bellum seems to do a lot of behind the scenes stuff, never been seen until the end of the game and not even being mentioned until halfway through. As I think I've said before, he's practically won by the time he comes across Link and Tetra, the Ghost Ship going out and collecting people for him while he sits at the bottom of the temple and drains anyone who might be heading directly for him. He doesn't even seem to concerned about hunting Oshus down for good, and I suspect he likely doesn't even know about Ciela being split apart, so (asides from my idea that gods/spirits/stuff like that only being able to be sealed away, only properly killed under certain circumstances) I bet there's a level of confidence that he's got things under tight enough wraps that he's good to do whatever he wants.
Aaaand then he panics when he realizes how much of a wrench in his plans Link is, throwing two sea monsters at him and causing earthquakes, he's a procrastinator, I think. That, or he underestimated this kid. Both are very possible. Either way, it's interesting to look at what he's done and caused, hiding away the spirits and beating back the Ocean King, taking over his temple, creating the Ghost Ship to roam indefinitely, screwing with the Yook and wiping out pretty much all of the Isle of Ember, and likely being the reason behind the increased number of monsters. If you really look into it, while most characters don't really seem to realize, things are kind of fucked at the start of Phantom Hourglass, and it's interesting how Oshus himself seems powerless and even dissuades Link from giving it a shot, even if he secretly wants him to go and handle things.
With my idea of Bellum being a sort of technical relative to Oshus and the spirits, it opens up a handful of new avenues for motivation beyond just being after securing control and a steady stream of prey, I enjoy the idea of it being a matter of him becoming more and more ambitious, far beyond the station he was created for; going off of his name and ability to create phantoms, I imagine Oshus created him specifically to be warlike, perhaps initially with the intention of having him as a more violent protector of the realm, maybe to keep monsters in check or maybe just as a secondary deity for the world of the ocean king; I'll admit, I'm still a little foggy on what Bellum would've been initially created for, the spirits are easy to figure out, but I do figure it was something not as passive as just representing something, I imagine it as a deliberate opposite to Oshus himself to account for his weaknesses. Either way, I figure a part of Bellum's motivation involves him wanting more than he was given access to by Oshus, and deciding to fully wage war against him in a sense. The short and silly version is that Bellum is Oshus' shitty disowned son. Oshus isn't entirely innocent in whatever I decide caused Bellum to turn on him and the spirits, but Bellum does suck: that is important. The Cobble Kingdom looks like it's been destroyed for a while, I figure that was Bellum's first major target when he started outwardly going after Oshus and hunting the humans of the realm.
In Post-PH, he's the group's pet evil squid on a very very very short leash until he starts behaving himself and having a character arc.
Effectively, Bellum doesn't die at the end of Phantom Hourglass, instead being broken down into the sand of hours he's made of and being sealed inside the Phantom Sword- after all, after the final boss, the sand Bellum turns into goes into the Phantom Sword. I imagine that the Phantom Sword, after breaking and restoring Oshus, turns into the hourglass for Link to keep, while Oshus and the spirits keep the remaining sands, therefore keeping a hold of Bellum. (A bit like Oshus just being left alone after Bellum defeating him, they can't really kill Bellum so they just keep an eye on him while he's in a weakened state) They kind of just keep him prisoner at the bottom of the Temple for a bit, and Oshus finally decides to send him to Link's world as a punishment, since he's at his weakest and Oshus wants to get him to learn some lesson, it's a work in progress. Bellum is grounded in Post-PH.
It's basically that 'the villain when you unlock him as a playable character' bit, where he's quite a bit weaker than he is in Phantom Hourglass, though mostly for the sake of keeping things balanced, so Bellum can't break everything for everyone. He's still powerful, he still accesses his demon form, can't be conventionally killed or injured, and move through walls and turn people to stone, the whole deal, it's just that his demon form's size is impacted (i hc that the size of his demon form can be manipulated at will, but the largest size is dependent of how much power/stored life force he has. he's small at the start of post-ph, but his human form isnt impacted at all. i imagine that for beings like oshus and bellum, their human form is a like a 'low power mode' kinda thing) So Bellum is the Post-PH crew's fourth member, the swabbie on the ship and pet sea monster when they need it and when he has the energy for it.
Bellum is kept mostly in line by a vague fear of Link and his general fear, respect, and curiosity about Linebeck. Linebeck is usually the one holding onto Bellum's leash. Bellum is decently civil with the group from the start, since he's weak and unable to return home until Oshus permits it or he gathers enough power to make that trip, and works mostly as a fighter- when he wants to. The earliest limitation I came up for him, since he's the member with the highest chance of breaking things, is that he will just straight-up choose not to help. He decides he's busy, decides it's not his problem, or other limitations, such as his involvement likely to cause more problems that they solve, since he's rather destructive when fighting.
He's the least sociable most of the time, for obvious reasons, but can pretend, and has the least... casual skills to offer to the group, hence why he gets stuck as swabbie (also general disrespect/as a punishment for the ph thing) and it takes a while for him to properly warm up to the rest of the group. He and Linebeck start off on decent terms and get closer through them just initially trusting each other, he and Link take the longest to get used to each other for... obvious reasons, it takes a lot of fighting together and seeing that they can rely on each other and they learn to be decent with each other just by existing in the same space, and things with Damien start off half decent, Damien was not present during Phantom Hourglass (obviously) and doesn't have the full context of how much he sucks, but it starts decent, gets worse when he learns what happened, and then gets good again because Damien's kind of amiable in general and sees that Linebeck thinks he's fine.
SO! To actually address your question about him being 'redeemed'- he does have a bit of an arc that I'm still mentally workshopping. He isn't entirely redeemed, as the group's general morality is a big off-kilter when Link isn't looking or is willing to get a little gray with things, and there's not really a whooooole lot of atonement Bellum can do in terms of the volume of bullshit he pulled in the past. It's less him atoning or w/e for the bullshit he's done, that's not entirely feasible, it's more him just. being forced to Be Decent and learn some actual kindness and think about more than just his own survival, he's essentially forced to actually appreciate life and the world, it's more him actually... experiencing the world for a reason other than consumption and war and conflict and doing what he's been told, he's effectively just on this long voyage with Linebeck, Link, and Damien, going with them from island to island and seeing what's up. I'm going to try and keep empathy out of it, so he's not really relating on a visceral level, more just choosing to be kind and take gentler paths to solving problems and interacting with others. He's also the group gremlin.
The way I write Bellum is definitionally inspired by other characters, Power from Chainsaw Man comes to mind in how he has a kind of shitty brat attitude at times, he'd fling vegetables across the room because he's a piece of shit who likes live meat. He's got his shitty messy delinquent loser side, where he causes problems and acts like some asshole teenager, and he's got his more serious, calm, almost professional seeming side that reminds the group that he's a few centuries old at the least and practically a god in his own right; generally outside of Post-PH I would pick one of these two sides to focus on for aus, but in Post-PH I need to figure out how the two of them work with how Bellum generally operates.
He's interested in Linebeck and initially decides to go along because he wants to figure him out, but grows to enjoy the rest of the group and that curiosity expands to involve the world as a whole; he experiences things like art and music, where he can't just brute-force his way into a satisfactory outcome and has to learn and find his own style, he reads books and listens to stories and sees the different ways humans live on the seas and I want his arc to, in some part, be about him just finding meaning in the world beyond what he does to secure survival, and the other members of the group introduce him to those other facets of life that he has access to, has had access to. The other part is the group getting Bellum to see most living things as more than just prey for him to hunt and consume, but that generally goes hand in hand with the prior point, as he actually enjoys life and figures out what he likes beyond the basic things he was created for.
He can't fall back on just smashing through everything or creating phantoms, since he's far too weak to do either effectively at the start, and I intend to just force Bellum into basically just being a human character with some unusually powerful magic at his fingertips, first just wanting to build himself back up to what he was in Phantom Hourglass, then just getting to see things in a new light. I'm not sure how to explain it or even what I'll want to do when I get to it, but that's the general gist of his arc, I think.
Other than that, he's just the fourth members of the crew with a serious knowledge of... a lot of things as a centuries-old demon and the hardest hitter in the group who can't and won't cook for shit and kind of just learns to actually live without constantly gunning for those bare necessities long after he's gotten them. I don't want it to be 'he learns to be human' because he... isn't human, but just him appreciating life and seeing some value in it, especially as something with as much power as Bellum, it's a bit messy and I'm still figuring it out, but I've got the general direction figured out.
Bellum is effectively the ship's best defender, and ends up fitting into the group as a friend and with his own specific role with the other individual members of the group. Linebeck kind of kickstarts his arc for him and connects with him the most and Bellum generally stays the closest with him, but Damien and Link help him see other little corners of life, as well as other characters he has to interact with, and I think I want Bellum's side of the story to have the most outstanding mundane-ity to it- there's absolutely meant to be a slice-of-life aspect to Post-PH, but I want the biggest points of Bellum's arc to be comparably the most mundane. It's the little things with him. The others have little things, too, but... I'm not sure how to express the difference, but I promise there is a difference.
Outside of Post-PH, though, when Bellum is present in a big way, his arc either tackles a similar idea in a different way, is just about something entirely different, or he doesn't have an arc at all, either due to not being a big enough part of the story or just straight up not being present.
In the Context of AUs
Bellum is only present in a handful of aus, either fully present as a character, halfway present, or just being referenced. When he is present in an au, he's usually some kind of major character, and he's notable in the crimson king au, the space au, the murder mystery au, and the horror au and one of my 'ruined hyrule' aus. (the horror and ruined hyrule au will be put together for this bc bellum's role in both are very similar) (for reference, here's my au explanation post)
In the horror au and ruined hyrule au, Bellum serves juuuust about the same role, just with different capabilities, contexts, all of that, but it's more or less the same thing. He's frequently present, but usually not acknowledged, and is very close to Linebeck in both, and the two of them pretty much rely on each other to live due to circumstances out of their control; they didn't really go into this whole thing liking each other, but have been more or less forced to become each other's friends due to proximity and just. Needing the others' presence in order to survive. In both, Bellum usually is a character who knows more than the others, but doesn't bother sharing that information since it's either not totally relevant or he just doesn't want to, and he tends to be protective of Linebeck, half because he needs him in order to live, half just because he's ended up liking him. (there is. more to say. but since i may actually write one of these aus [likely ruined hyrule bc the horror one has to be visual and it is VERY plotless rn] i'm not gonna go into much more depth since it would require spoilers lol)
Can't say a whole lot about the space au, either, since the story of that one is still a work in progress, and Bellum isn't particularly a major character, though he is important to some B-plot stuff. Without digging up too much world building and background and general story stuff and important plot bits, he's got a fairly close relationship to Linebeck in this au, as a general beneficiary and friend, and he actually tends to mind his own business and just wants to hold his own position; he's not really antagonistic or anything, but definitionally morally dubious even if he doesn't really directly do a whole lot.
In the Crimson King au, though, Bellum is one of the main characters, and a bit different than in ph-related stuff. He spends a lot of time in his human form, only switching to his little demon form a handful of times, and usually just for fun. He plays the role of Linebeck's closest friend and beneficiary, practically being the reason why Linebeck is able to do any of the things he does in the story, helping him from behind the scenes at times and balancing that business with Linebeck with his more outward appearance as a mostly normal guy working for the person who runs his section of the city... who also happens to be him. The vague politics in this au would take a bit to explain in full, but Bellum in this au spends a lot of time keeping his actual identity under wraps, the basic premise being that he's decided to integrate himself into current mortal society like a normal person to see what trouble he can cause, how he could sustain himself while keeping things stable, and to see just how far he can go- essentially, the only danger he faces is if others figure out what he is, but even then, he knows he could very easily cut his losses and go back to what he's done best.
He's not very active in the main plot, mostly giving Linebeck assignments and pulling strings behind the scenes in order to help and keep him safe, but Bellum does occasionally meddle directly in Linebeck's situation whenever it relates to him, when he needs something extra done, or, later in the story, when he gets a bit worried about Linebeck. His general arc is essentially him owning up to the fact that he does, in fact, care about Linebeck's well-being. Crimson King Bellum is fun, because he can't really just be 'violent demon', and I just like the supporting role I've got him in. He's Linebeck's rich friend who hires him to kill people for him. It's fun.
How I Like to Write Him With Linebeck
Of course, Bellum is going to have stuff with Linebeck, both in aus and in post-ph. Bellum has interactions and relationships with other characters, but the dynamic(s) with Linebeck tend to be the most diverse and important.
With aus: There’s usually a general sense that Bellum is above Linebeck, both in the power sense and in the sense that he’s typically his boss or in charge of him, but in a handful they are on equal footing (specifically, the modern school one, where they’re just classmates.)- the most common dynamic is usually along the lines of Bellum hiring Linebeck to kill people for him. Bellum is typically someone that provides Linebeck with things like payment or equipment or safety- in the Crimson King au, he gives Linebeck a fair amount of money, and supplies his equipment and gives him a place to live when he does jobs for him.
I like to imagine there's a level of... recognition? Not empathy, trying to keep that to a minimum... He's almost gentle with Linebeck, and is uncharacteristically merciful towards him. In post-ph, Linebeck survives being possessed and this marks him as notable to Bellum, since most people he possess die very soon after being released, so he's initially motivated by curiosity and a desire to observe Linebeck when he acts less violently- that curiosity is the biggest reason why he's cordial with Linebeck across my aus as well.
With Phantom Hourglass-centric stuff (which is what I'll mostly just talk about here, since it's kind of the 'base' for all other Bellum and Linebeck stuff I do), Linebeck and Bellum start on halfway decent terms, I'm planning a Bellumbeck fic sometime in the future, which is a bit less focused on that actual fight and more on whatever's going on between Linebeck and Bellum. I'm still trying to pin down exactly what I want with Linebeck and Bellum's dynamic.
I’ve fallen back into shipping them, (Still iffy on ship name lmfao, Bellumbeck is taken by the game and ‘Linebellum’ is lame imo, so I’ve been sticking with just ‘bellum x linebeck’) but it’s not really typically romantic/sexual, though there are some aspects of both, it’s still kind of abstract and easier to define with example stuff rather than just trying to explain it in a concise paragraph.
They both go out of their way to effectively research each other before properly meeting, starting as just trying to find advantageous information, but eventually just doing research out of curiosity, especially on Linebeck’s end, hunting down any material that so much as alludes to Bellum while Oshus refuses to say anything extra on the topic. They have a mutual interest and curiosity about each other.
With Bellum, its a similar curiosity with how Linebeck survives being possessed, and a general interest in him as a person, as Bellum doesn't really care much about the world beyond how it can serve him, but felt the need to look into Linebeck. A lot of the time, Bellum starts with the intention of exploiting Linebeck in some way, then ends up actually caring about him, he usually goes through variations of the same arc regarding Linebeck. It works with Linebeck for me since I tend to read and write him as fairly morally gray, so he's more willing to reciprocate Bellum.
(There's also the whole bit with Linebeck being kind of a monsterfucker and having a thing for being tied up and just a handful of like. sexual stuff on Linebeck's end, but we're talking about Bellum's perspective here we can't be focusing on Linebeck)
Bellum primarily operates with survival on the mind, and at odds with anything that might get in his way, and secondarily treats mortal creatures as something to study. When his attempt to use Linebeck fails, he shifts to that studying, and therefore has some respect for him due to his survival. They both focus quite a lot on survival, and don't have the most interest in making connections, seeing most relationships as transactional. They understand each other; Bellum sees Linebeck's mind when possessing him, and therefore knows a great deal about him.
There are similarities between them; not-great relationships with their fathers, a strong desire for survival at any cost, generally low empathy and a habit of mostly viewing others for how they can be used, curiosity about anatomy, a higher tolerance for things like blood, gore, things that would likely make others squeamish, they both hate Ciela...
(As an aside to that last one, an idea I've decided to integrate into my ph stuff and may touch on in a future fic is that Linebeck calling Ciela 'sparkles' gives her a strong sense of deja-vu before she gets all of her memories back; it's something Bellum would call her, when he was more cordial with the other spirits)
Bellum hangs around on the ship, and he hangs around Linebeck the most, to the point of being annoying, but learns what boundaries are and ends up respecting them decently. I lean more into... things just working out, Bellum more or less being put in a situation where he chooses to change things up and be a bit kinder, starting with the guy he's decided was the catalyst for all of this.
He gets along well enough with Damien (damien ends up in that shipping, too, considering that he's already dating linebeck by the time bellum sorts his own feelings out, so in post-ph, bellum ends up being a sort of on-and-off polycule member), he is eventually friendly with Link, often because Linebeck likes him as well. It takes a very long time for he and Link to warm up to each other, so they'll likely end up in situations where they must rely on each other at the start of things.
Bellum is… very not used to social stuff or acting human, and isn’t even very used to his human form at the start, so he does spend that time with Linebeck while he figures things out, as well. Linebeck's not the best role model for decent social interaction, especially since he works on dismantling his own mask and figuring himself out for a bit at the start of post-ph, but he's the only person Bellum tolerates and respects at that start.
Bellum eventually gets roped into helping Linebeck cook, follows him around for ship maintenance, watches him patch up wounds, and just ends up as a crew member that can kind of fill any basic role, but he’s not making it much further than swabbie.
I haven’t actually written a ton of interaction between them yet, but what I have written always comes off as casual, almost humorous, they joke around with each other and Bellum is detached and unserious at times, but very capable of switching to dead seriousness. A lot of the time, Linebeck tends to take things more seriously at face value, but Bellum is more prone to joking around due to the fact that very few consequences mean anything to him.
He and Linebeck are typically close in one sense or another in most things where they're included, and I generally consider all dynamics between them to fall under the ship umbrella, because I don't consider it strictly romantic (though it usually ends up being vaguely like that), just more that there's some kind of intimacy between them at some point. It's a relationship whose dynamic I think is interesting given the... lack of actual interaction between them, but with just enough interesting conclusions that can be drawn.
I guess it's similar to the general stuff I have about Bellum, kind of just scraping ideas together from canon and then following whatever threads can be connected to them, while trying to make sure it still has roots in that canon. It's similar to my personal 'design philosophy' or whatever for my aus.
I've also considered making their relationship parasitic in someway, as a sort of homage/callback/reference to their canonical relationship, but it's not entirely a direction I really want to go in, and I feel like some aus get decently close.
Final Points
I think Bellum's really neat, so considering the general lack of information or depth to him, I've been playing with expanded ideas and building up my own ideas for him, specific within the context of Phantom Hourglass and a post-ph setting, while many of my other ideas with him tend to then derive from that.
His (human) design is one I've spent a very long time figuring out, trying to mix his demon design in with more human traits, trying to keep him distinctive without getting too complicated, and trying to have that design represent him decently with a fair bit of reasoning behind a lot of that design. It's something Bellum himself controls to a certain degree, so it's in a bit of a crossroads between portraying him based on his character, and being something he uses to come off as generally innocuous.
I've got a decent idea of what Bellum's whole deal is in Phantom Hourglass and afterwards, and I use him in a fair number of aus, often in tangent with Linebeck, whom I often give him some kind of intimate relationship, be it romantic or some other form of closeness, based off of ideas for ways they would interact and why.
Bellum's fun! He's fun as he is, and he's fun to build off of and develop further than what we see in the game. And giving him the ability to shift into a humanoid shape gives even more room to play around in. I don't know when I first came up with the idea, but I've had ideas for a human form Bellum for quite some time now, I've just only recently really started solidifying a lot of it. Even between the time when I got the ask and finished it, I came up with new ideas.
But for now, these are the broad strokes! Not just about post-ph humanoid Bellum, just about my ideas for him in general, though it all really relates back to that one in particular, honestly.
He's surprisingly fun to speculate about! I didn't really expect Bellum to end up as one of my favorite LoZ characters, but I guess any character can end up as your favorite if you spend enough time thinking about him. At the end of the day I think he's funky, and he's fun to use in a post-ph setting.
#asks#goopi-e#bellum#long post#salty talks#linebeck#he's important <3#phantom hourglass#post ph#i have like no excuse for why this took so long. initially it was bc i was waiting on that bellum commission but then like#the day i wrote this (+ the prior) tag i bought and played fallout new vegas for a few hours. it fell in with my other writing projects lol#i think rn myb iggest issue w/ post ph is that everyone seems to revolve around linebeck a bit much#idk if thats. terrible a breaker i mean hes their captain hes kinda the main character he's the one link (heh) between all of them#bellum probably has the biggest arc bc hes the shittiest at the start and everyone is already kinda partway through one#like i think links is gonna be abt him disconnecting from being a hero and just enjoying life on his own terms and doing non hero things#linebecks is uh. trauma recovery. among other things. like everyone has trauma recovery as a part of it but linebecks is the big one#damiens is... man idk hes just There i think his is gonna have smth to do with his relationship w/ linebeck and the others#damien is just some fucking dude hes not too terribly traumatized or has this huge place in the world he's jsut some trans guy#it kinda sucks that a lot of the stuff i think up for him relates to linebeck like i want him to have his own thing but i made him too...#hes too ok with things!!!!! hes just some fucking guy!!!! maybe i can have him just figure out his place in this larger world hes exploring#anyways bellum needs to be nerfed in a handful of different ways bc otherwise hes a get out of jail free card in a lot of contexts#ughhh this took too long im sorry but i just kept coming up with new stuff id practically classify this as a fic#this took a while to plan and this fucking thing is also so long and it still doesnt really cover everything#not even bc i havent fully figured out what i want to do with him like theres just stuff im uncertain on how to explain in a concise manner#the whole thing between link n bellum is kinda simple. they hate each other and then have to work together and decide that theyre decent#damien is just. pleasant most of the time. so hes kinda chill with bellum. he's had experience with minor gods n deities#his weird thing is that he is technically normal but he is on good terms with a lot of supernatural/godly beings#theres def a lot of random minor gods n spirits n supernatural creatures all over the great sea with the absence of larger gods' influence#kinda lost the point of the og ask so i hope thats ok
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lilyblossom-art · 1 year
Hey there! This is something very different from what I usually do. Tryna keep this short tho, so!
I wrote something (a loz fanfic?) and I wanna give a little context, so first off
Some background info you might need is that Link was adopted by Ganondorf and is therefore the Gerudo Prince and that's pretty much it. Oh and this is kind of a Ravioli thing because of course it is so there's that. It's pretty platonic though, i would say. Idk maybe not. I can't help myself-
As for warnings, ig there's a bit of dark humor? Not sure if you can call it that but whatever. There's also some mentions about um, killing and/or hurting people but nothing graphic in any way. If you notice anything that I should make a warning for, please let me know!
(1449 words)
The air in the open throne room was so tense, it felt like it was about to snap.
The Gerudo King was currently staring daggers into Ravio, who was standing just ever so slightly behind his friend. Said boy had managed to bring a decent amount of distance between the Gerudo and the Lolian. Ravio knew all too well that he was the only reason he hadn't yet been cut open by the king's blades, which said man was gripping tightly enough for his knuckles to turn white.
Cold sweat was running down his neck, but he knew it wasn't because of the scorching heat of the desert.
Ganondorf took a deep breath and exhaled slowly through his teeth, redirecting his gaze at the blonde, who stood protectively infront of the black haired intruder.
How the Gerudo Prince didn't even flinch at that glare was beyond Ravio, even so, blue eyes stared right back into golden ones, showing no sign of intimidation.
As per their king's command, all soldiers had left the room several moments ago, leaving the three men by themselves. Ravio had tried to offer an explanation, which, considering the current situation, didn't seem to have helped at all. He should have figured as much, seeing how, no matter what he would say, he was still an intruder in this town.
Ravio noticed his friend's shoulders relax and the grip on his weapon loosening slightly. Despite there being no visible change in the Gerudo King's state.
The Lolian jumped when he suddenly heard Ganondorf speak.
"Link.", his voice was deep and commanding, and at least as sharp as his blades.
Link nodded and sheathed his scimitar, before promptly grabbing Ravio's wrist and making for the exit of the hall.
Instead of descending the stairs leading into the town, they turned right and began heading up a set of stairs winding along the outside wall of the building.
Despite the sun burning on his skin, Ravio felt relieved to finally be outside.
"Where are we going?", he struggled to keep up with Link's pace, almost tripping when he decided to speak up.
"To my room.", Link didn't wait for Ravio to ask his next question. "He needs time to think and we're not to leave this building."
"So suspicious ol' me is allowed to be alone in a room with the Gerudo Prince?", he said with a grin, earning him a chuckle from Link. "Oh, but what if something were to happen to the king's most precious son?", he placed the back of his free hand on his forehead, almost tripping again in the process. "Shouldn't there be at least ten guards to ensure his safety?"
He had to admit though, that it wasn't like he'd have had a chance against Link, which his friend was either too polite, or too distracted to tease him with, as he would've had any other day.
They reached the next floor and headed towards a grand door, which Ravio assumed would lead them to Link's room.
Once inside, Link let go of Ravio's wrist and walked toward the bed standing in the center of the room. Nearly instantly he collapsed onto it and rolled onto his back, giving a long sigh.
Ravio slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, the tenseness from earlier returning to his body. He began stretching his arms in front of him. "So, how's it looking for me?", he tried to sound casual, but it was obvious that he was still on edge.
Link closed his eyes and hummed in response. "I guess there's a pretty big chance your head gets chopped off.", the boy did a significantly better job at feigning nonchalance, despite what he had just said.
However, his tone of voice did not keep Ravio from shuddering at his blunt words.
As if to sense his distress, Link's eyes opened again to look at his friend. The way his head was tugged between his shoulders made him wish he could take his words back. "Don't worry, you know I won't let that happen.", Link tried to reassure him. "At least not before my own head drops to the floor.", he added.
Ravio did give a little laugh at that, albeit a quiet one. He relaxed a bit, leaning back on his hands.
The blonde sighed again. "I definetly don't share his opinions- or rather suspicions- when it comes to you, but I can't blame him either.", he had shut his eyes again and intertwined his fingers underneath his head.
"He's trying to protect his people. You know, the Gerudo- don't have many allies.", he paused for a moment. "I should honestly be doing the same. But look at me, sneaking an outsider into the town. He must be very proud.", he laughed. There wasn't a hint of bitterness in his voice, he didn't regret the stunt they had pulled one bit.
They might even have gotten away with it, if they hadn't been so careless. The way that they managed to get themselves caught was honestly laughable, Link had to bite back a grin thinking about it.
Link knew the schedule of every single soldier by heart, but he hadn't paid attention to the numerous children roaming the streets. The poor little girl didn't even mean to alarm any soldiers with her shouting. She didn't even pay Ravio any mind at all, she had just been excited about seeing the prince.
The Lolian brought a hand to the back of his neck. "If it helps in any way.. the faraway kingdom I said I was from, isn't just far away, it's in a completely different world. Here.", he removed a bracelet from his left wrist and turned around to show his friend. "This is the only way, at least that we know of, to travel between the worlds."
Link reached out for the bracelet, which Ravio placed into his palm. The blonde removed his left hand from underneath his head as well to inspect the item more closely, holding it just above his face.
Ravio's hand returned to scratch the back of his neck. "So um, it's not like an army would arrive at your doorstep or anything of the like."
Link silently resumed his inspection. The bracelet was made of gold-like material and adorned with a purple gemstone. A soft light was pulsating from within, barely noticeable. He had been curious about the thing for a while now, but had never asked about it. He decided not to ask about this 'faraway kingdom' either, at least for now.
"To be honest,", he placed the bracelet beside Ravio, who immediately put it back on his wrist. "I can really only see two outcomes from this."
Ravio glanced over his right shoulder, waiting for his friend to continue.
"Either, as I've already mentioned, you're gonna be executed, or you can never leave again- at least not without supervision.", Link didn't think Ganondorf would ever let the Lolian leave the town, supervised or not, but he tried not to freak his friend out again. How succesful he was in soothing him with those words, was pretty questionable though.
"Well I really hope there's gonna be a secret third outcome.", Ravio went back to staring at the floor. He didn't know if he should feel calmed or unsettled by Link's indifference about the matter.
"Whatever the case, we'll manage to find a way somehow.", Link rolled onto his side, his long, braided hair was already loosening from lying on the bed.
He reached out to tug at Ravio's arm. "Now come here."
He continued gently pulling at the Lolian's arm until he too, lied down on the bed, back facing the blonde. Link scooted a little closer to place his arm over his side, willing the tenseness to go away.
"Just relax a bit. There's nothing we can do to influence his choice at this point. I doubt your trinket is going to offer him any comfort in the matter."
He definitely wouldn't take the Lolian's word on it being the only way, or the only one of its kind. That'd be too great a risk, which Link knew the Gerudo wouldn't take.
Ravio responded with a hum that turned into a long sigh. He tried to focus on Link's slow and steady breathing. Copying the rythm, he closed his eyes and let himself calm down.
He knew Link had been honest when he had said that he wouldn't let anything happen to him, or when he had said that they would find a way. They had managed to get out of pretty tight situations in the past, why would this one be any different?
Alrighty fkfkggk
I don't write as much as I draw and most of the experience I have in writing is in a different language so it's idk I can't even tell if it's good or bad haha
Not sure if this being like, a scene that clearly belongs in the middle of a larger story is off-putting or not. I don't have any more content for this, I just came up with this one scene and ig I was in the mood to write something. But I do really like this world so far i dunno👀
I could go on and on about everything that I'm unsure about but I better not do that and just post the damned thing-
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estbela · 1 month
I've always lamented the small female cast in hetalia so the idea of Nyo!Ro is really intriguing to me! Do you suppose you can share some headcanons about her?
I am glad you asked I love her so much eudfhsjshebsb
Honestly, I don't make her much different than (my probably canon divergent portrayal of) hws Romania but there are differences, of course.
I would see her as slightly more serious than her male counterpart, honestly. She's still just as silly and weird and whimsical, though.
I feel like she'd be considered in some ways "one of the guys" tbh.
I do see her as slightly more tomboyish/boyish than Ro is actually.
She probably pretended to be a guy a lot since it was like. Easier to do whatever you wanted as a guy in the past. And also tbh she likes wearing clothes that in the past were worn mostly by men
So much genderfuckery going on with both Ro & Nyo Ro tbh
Her & Hungary are toxic yuri (don't have many thoughts on them tho)
Take me to war is one of the songs that really reminds me of her. Also Tongues & Teeth is so her (tbh I have a whole playlist for her & hws ro lol)
Her human name (in present times since in my HC nations have different human names over the years) is Ilinca Ioana Păduraru (Păduraru is her surname). I don't think she has a strong preference for her first name or middle name(maybe she did in the past tho), call her whatever
Perhaps at one point she was probably named something like "Maria". Maybe sometime in the middle ages. Idk it's a very popular name and I think it was pretty popular back then too, being a religious name.
Appearance wise, very similar to Ro but maybe shorter. I think her hair is of similar length to his, but I do think she probs regularily changes it up and has worn it at different lengths in the past
Idk thats it for now!
Thanks for the ask!!!! :]
Talking about her made me really happy!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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Jehan headcannons because fuck you
He has maladaptive daydreaming disorder and some form of neurodivergency but isn't sure what yet (he's just like me fr)
When he was a kid he used to have a lot of separation anxiety from his parents and being away from home but he wasn't completely aware just how bad it was until he got so scared he threw up at Grantaire's place when they were 11
Also R's parents are so nice to Jehan and he's definitely their favourite friend of Grantaire's. R tells him that whenever he sees his parents they're always asking when Jehan will be over
Anyway. He bit half of a guy's ear off one time
This man writes shit poetry. The absolute worst. He really enjoys it though and isn't going to let anyone make him feel like his art is worth less but yeah. He can acknowledge it's dog shit
My bestie @frhog came up with this one but Jehan was definitely a horse girl you're not changing my mind
My dude's legs are constantly in pain from all the pacing he does when he's daydreaming (which is a lot) and at the end of some days he needs to try and stop, pause, and sit on the couch with his cat and rest his legs cuz ouchie (he's just like me fr)
He gets intimidated by anyone under the age of say 5 or 6. He tries to excuse it with him being an only child but honestly he just doesn't know how to interact with young kids. He thinks they're cute and he might play cars with them for a bit but he will do so with a scary amount of anxiety
Also. he's a bad gardener, like all the plants he has die within a week no matter how long they're meant to last. Jack of all trades master of none still got a fat ass tho
He's transgender and this is because everyone in Les mis is transgender and this is because god told me
He's got 2 birds named Artemisia Gentileschi and Caravaggio
He breaks into cemeteries a lot and always brings back something, mf has crow-like tendencies. Sometimes he keeps them, sometimes he gives them to friends, sometimes he uses them in admittedly sketchy spells at 3 am. Usually he comes back with a feather, a broken piece of stone off a grave, a dead flower, but now he's started keeping a skull with an axe mark cut through the right side of it on his table and grantaire is close to kicking him out
His favourite movie is Fantastic Planet followed closely by SLC Punk cuz. Idk. What are you gonna do to stop me.
He cares a lot about the education system and how flawed it is, and it was him considering this that pushed him to join Les Amis. He remembers being a kid and getting ridiculed for bad grades, homework, and being himself, and he remembers how much he hated it, and how he never wants any kid to go through that ever again. He and Combeferre bonded a lot over youth rights and they have frequent discussions about changing the way schools run and the attitude parents have over their kids.
This guy sleeps so fucked up. One of his legs is always just sticking out, he snores so loudly, he can and will kick and punch anything in reach, he drools all over everything. Dude wakes up with the worst bed-hair ever. He claims he's comfy while joly is in the middle of diagnosing him with several back problems.
Anyway yea he has two pointy teeth on the top row that look exactly like fangs and everyone thinks he's a vampire. Which yea tbh he is
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
hello love! i loved your erron x innocent reader headcanons, could you pretty please do the same but for baraka? ilyyy
Yep! Thanks for for request and thanks for you words!! :)
Sorry if these are a little rushed lmao. It's so hard to not be cracked out or too serious when writing these, so I tried a bit of both?
Baraka X Innocent! Reader
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Alright so here we have a humanoid beast who's a scavenger so he pretty much eats everything, has blades that come of his arms so he's a fucking walking weapon, and the strength of three human men.
Then we have a sweet tiny bebe Y/N who gets really excited when she sees something on TV that she likes. But to be fair, that My Little Pony princess collection was a good deal.
So remember when D'Vorah's bitchass killed Baraka in Mortal Kombat X? If not, then looked up Baraka death scene MKX on YouTube I guess. I had to look that up since I thought it was Kotal Kahn who killed him lmao
D'Vorah had finished the battle, preparing to end the Tarkatan's life. Yet as soon as she was about to react, she heard shouts from Tarkatan guards. As they ran over, Kotal Kahn and D'Vorah were now distracted.
Passbyers and commoners glanced over but ignored the situation once they recognized him as Baraka. They knew they had no business with the general and authority of their realm so they just walked on by. But, there was one commoner who gasped open seeing the hurt Tarkatan.
A girl about Y/H with worried E/C eyes, the H/C hair colored girl ran up to the general. "Are you okay?" She spoke worriedly as she gripped his arm and tried her best to pull him up.
She's fkn weak tbh. But she did her best to pull him to his feet. He wasn't knocked out, but heavily dazed and injured. He grunted as a response to her question.
Y/N frowned before she walked him away from the area and to a safe place.
Baraka stumbled as he walked with the girl. He was a very dazed but he could smell the good intentions off her, if that makes sense.
The two didn't have to worry about being attacked as no one wants to fuck with with Outworld's authority like that. So within moments, Baraka found himself inside a rundown building that has just a bed, a few small tables, a few clothes, and a storage cabinet.
Baraka laid on Y/N's bed as she examined the general. He couldn't smell any sign of hatred or bloodlust off her, just anxiety and a feeling of generosity.
But he couldn't help but flinch when the girl wrapped his wounds then pressed her small hands against his head and felt his body change.
He was forced to relax as his headache slowly went away, along with other body aches. He eventually passed out this way
Y/N was sat down right besides him, eyeing his whole body and counting his wounds. It hurt her chest to see an endangered person getting treated so brutally! Since Kotal Kahn escaped the Flesh Pits, Tarkatans had disappeared daily.
Y/N spent five minutes every 2 hours healing him. It was painful for the body to morph, even it meant healing.
In one of these healing sessions, the Tarkatan asked who she was. She introduced herself with sweetness lacing her words. Baraka was quick to find comfort in Y/N's voice, but planned on killing her once she was done helping him.
In another session, Baraka got Y/N to talk about herself. His replies were kinda dry as he just wanted to be healed quickly and be gone.
Another session, he starts to realize how innocent this girl really is. She keeps on offering food and drinks every session, and asks if he's too cold or too hot. And she had already explained how she knows him, and seems to really respect him.
But how can someone so sweet to someone so evil? When asked that, she cocks her head and says that he isn't evil, just really loyal and determined.
Also, she may think that he only kills only some of his opponents and those are all accidents.
One of the last sessions, Y/N seemed to have completely proven her innocence and cuteness. He could tell she considered then friends so he decided that she must be very lonely. Poor girl
But anyway, by the next day, Baraka finds himself completely healed. He wakes up to a good smell of an Outworld meat, idfk, presented and cooked by Y/N. Along with a cup of water.
Baraka found it tasted well, although he prefers the traditional Tarkatan cooking. And he didn't smell nor taste any poisons either.
Once finished, the general stood up and examined himself. Y/N kinda smiled sadly as she would return to normal life and she quickly got close to Baraka.
Before leaving, the general placed an arm respectfully on her shoulder. "Thank you Y/N. You're to be rewarded by my people."
And yeah, he was right. Literally a week later, she found herself on the move throughout Outworld with Baraka and the other Tarkatans by her side.
Baraka was definitely sure to keep her safe and stay by her side. He didn't recognize how much he admired her happy face until he was questioned by his people after demanding "no violence around the [specy]."
Lmao he would be teased so hard if he wasn't their respectable leader
And the thing Baraka would get teased most for wouldn't be how he wants her to feel comfortable, but because of how he stutters and gets a little red when she'd get excited and hug him tightly.
Yeah, her holding his hand too.
And when he gets her to smile or laugh, which is like 80% of any time she laughs or smiles with the Tarkatans, the amount of pride he gains--
One of these times during her episodes, she accidentally blurted out how she loved him. Thank it was only Baraka and Y/N when she said that tho oml
But of course, Baraka returned the feelings. He plans to keep the relationship on a low though. He can't have his people know he's dating another specy just yet.
Although, if Mileena is considered acceptable than why wouldn't their kids be acceptable? Like imagine having kids who can both fight with fkn blades coming out if their arms and shapes teeth, but can also heal dangerous wounds in a day? Like- even if they don't want kids, that'd be pretty badass
Idk how to end stories but- Y/N doesn't need to know Baraka is a dangerous scavenger who feeds her human flesh and all else :)
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading process: chapter 196 (damn)
reading highlights: now with new and improved features
178 Yjh hesitating to fast ball special this weird little dude: pls dont die. kdj: look at me. bitch
179 Gah. can an author make a story so big even their monster cant eat it
180 I knew the 4th wall was gonna eat but i forgot IT HAS TEETH
shaking the no no can at 4th wall
gah okay yeah jesus lee sookyung [song accompaniment love run by the amazing devil]
the narrative will make you apart of it (threat)
181 '4th wall also isolated me from myself' DING DING DING
overall evaluation ⬛⬛... -> mood
gonna twach the sentient dangerous trauma response some... morals? interpersonal skills?
↳cant handle direct interaction, eats and sleeps. yea
↳im gonna take a nap right here
LJH: arent you and kdj.... yjh grimacing as being ask about his love life by his teenage ward
kdj funeral -> song accompaniment welly boots by the amazing devil (just because I left doesnt mean I'm not still there)
YJH sponsor -> praying for his fate eh?
182 [sponsors lhs 100 head pats]
SYS is literally your daughter 🥺. kdj dad who hates dads moment
183 lhs wants to be on kdj team :((((
(did hades make it??)
184 feeling differently after talking to 4th wall yeah pretty sure you had a break thru about dissociating there
yjh: looking with eyes not seen in TWOS -> kdj facial expression blindness trutherism
185 YJH: cause you know me sooo well kdj: starting to think i dont know this you that well
yjh thoughts: there have never been so many ppl who made it to here
"continue to live kim dokja now you have to save this world"
kdj u cant take your own medicine (yjh scheming)
LSK contemplating abt what shit is up with her son
Something lives IN THE WALL
186 other people feel pain with no wall. YES!
"I told him there is no such development [yjh death] in the ending i want"
'yjh desperate face' thats crushing to even read
187 hsy type cast as murder friend sorry bestie
god some classic kdj asshole moments -> guilting lhs and everything
"see the sight of a bearish man weeping" i would like to
jhw T.T oh my murder woman
188 making sys and lgy do this. your KIDS! -> generational Something or other
kdj to yjh: you cant change whats already happened -> this may be an unauthorized use of radical acceptance
your stigma is Literally self sacrifice based... DUDE
get killed by the narrative. your loved ones but also the story... for the story. AH
yjh im so sorry... this is devasting
Uriel... lol shes sweet ig
Demon king of salvation. so juicy (unionize hell lol)
189 LHS LGY YJH boy grief party
yjh widower era
min jiwon and han donghoon! yay
yoohan bonding?
190 Bihyung aw!
[I will pull all of you down from that fucking heaven]
191 a soul can't belong to anyone!
"I will destroy the world of the fucking dokkaebis"
192 ur still a jerk kdj. drama kid
193 yeah fuck the state jhw
do they all share a house 🥺
LHS is back with the army... okay putting a pin in that
yjh stayed in his room like a broken person... bruh
jhw was a bartender? did i know that? it makes so much sense tho
kdj ur story is told bc they love you!!
194 idk i was the only person reading this 1000 chapter work and when i left a comment some stuff changed
syswitz industrial complex... run that by me one more time
damn human life is just like hell, ive been saying this
195 demon trains? i know all about those
complete ur scheme. say somthing cool. pass out. kdj ur self parody at this point
rotation: recency bias is a hell of a thing. i want to partially tie up the parenting stuff with noting how often the constellation incarnation relationship was considered parental, how kdj views them (and indeed how weve seen quite a few be) really cruel, or exploitative, and well thats fitting for him to see that as parental isnt it. but then also. he has kids in his own care, and one is literally his incarnation. frankly im interested in both how attacking and dethroning gods is gonna impact his own godhood deal, his own parenting, and his view of his mothers job of parenting him
im not sure if i have any particular takes here but let it be know kdj is a bastard and a scoundrel and i shall not miss him. not from this distance. no but god that was a classic really jerk move level manipulation. need to re-calibrate the dials. whats worse is at this point i think he can fully understand how much emotional damage hes putting his loved ones through.
Also did you know we live in a society. this one is pretty nascent so far but the breaking of the Seoul dome is reminding us of normal human society, and its flaws, and with the demonic realm, blatantly stated, we live in hell on earth.
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miizpah · 4 years
cₐₘₑᵣₐ wₒᵣₖ | suna rintarou
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anon asks: this is a long one lol... this is a suna thirst!!! send tweet. okay we all know how suna just loves to record things, right??? so this definitely translates over to the bedroom y’know ;) and suna has like hundreds of pictures and videos of the both of you fucking or with cum on various parts of your (and his) body. okay here’s the request tho. you find his album with the vids and shit, and you try to explain to him how it bothers you (even though it doesn’t rlly bother you at all, ur more worried about someone hacking his phone) but suna is not having it ;););) and he thinks ur trying to control him and shit like that and as punishment he fucks you on camera and sends it his friends chat. hahah rip y/n. female reader, thanks!!
!post time skip!
tw. degrading, manipulation, cnc recording.
authors note: ooof, suna makes me go whoosh. anyways, i’m trying out a new theme... idk how to feel about it. make include some pictures or sum, idk idk idk...
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Talk Shit Get Hit Bitch! 😎🤏🤬
four people are online...
best twin : ??? suna disappeared fast
bestest twin : where’d sunsun go? 👀
foxbutmakeitsexy : don’t call me that
foxbutmakeitsexy : n who changed my name?
jinbutwithouttheg : if we r talking abt stupid names
best twin : i think tsumu has the worst one
bestest twin : whatdja say?
jinbutwithouttheg : gorls don’t fight!!
jinbutwithouttheg : siriusly tho ... where did suna go?
foxbutmakeitsexy was online one minute ago
bestest twin : HUH?!??!
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it was as if you were meant to see it. the album stored amongst the many photo albums that rintarou had, only difference was that this particular album looked like something out of a hentai manga. photos upon photos, some edited into different colors, others blurry but still noticeably you, and videos upon videos of just you, some of both of you, some of him. there hundreds of them, all staring back at you, seemingly mocking you.
you were only trying to take the phone to him, after he practically screamed from the living room that he forgot it and asked if you could take it to him. it was almost as if he wanted you to see the album, his phone’s bright light enchanting your eyes after picking the device up. it was like he knew that your curious nature would cause you to look.
“uh,” your voice was a bit soft, eyes looking everywhere but the questioning expression being sent your way. you hand the phone over, hands immediately coming together to twiddle your thumbs. “rin, those pictures of me are rather... bothersome?”
in actuality, it stroked your ego knowing that rintarou considered you beautiful enough store photos of you in your worse states. but, being the usual worrywart, you couldn’t help but think of possible hackers.
what if they hacked rintarou’s phone?
oh my god, what if they post your pictures and videos?
sell them? that was even worse, possible old perverts would be wacking to them.
you shudder.
“bothersome?” you can’t meet his eyes, knowing what his tone meant. “but you were begging me to take those pictures and videos, baby?”
“i...was not.” your face became flustered, you don’t remember that. but, you are most likely half brain dead whenever he decided to fuck you silly.
“oh?” he’s up then, standing in front you. “you’re not?” the brightness of his phone is a bit blinding, and as your eyes adjust, you can see perfectly as the video plays before you.
the lewd sounds bursting through the speakers, the way your bodies move together is nearly hypnotic, your voice begging for more, for everything.
you look away, but before you did, you see multiple notifications from a group chat coming in. you didn’t register it.
“just delete them, or, or, print them out!”
his fingers turn your jaw, causing you to gaze up into his eyes. they’re narrowed, glowering at you. “but, you can’t print out videos, those are the best.”
your teeth grit, forcibly jerking your head away from his grip. “just delete them, suna rintarou! i won’t have my nudes plastering around the internet.” and with that demand, you turn on your heels and walk away.
which was definitely not your smartest idea. you knew how rintarou was, you knew how quick his moods could change, and how quick he could have you bent and choking on his cock.
you could only freeze when you feel his fingers slither around the roots of your hair, a yelp leaving your lips when he yank harshly, sending you trembling back into his embrace. his other hand came up, wrapping around your throat in loose hold.
“watch your tone, whore.” he whispered against your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. “you wanted those videos, you wanted those pictures.”
“i-i didn’t—”
“hm, you did. you begged for them like the good little slut you are,” his hand tightened around your neck. “you wanted them, yes or no?”
you breath in heavily, eyes watering. “no.”
“wrong answer.”
“rin-rintarou!” you squeal lightly when you’re suddenly thrown over his shoulder, the tall male practically kicking the bedroom door open, dropping you onto the bed and ordering you to stay put.
you could only watch as he closed the door before stalking towards you, something deep within his eyes that you couldn’t began to understand.
you only blinked and found yourself being dragged forward by your neck, forced onto your knees on the edge of the bed, rintarou glares down into your eyes.
shuddering, you open your mouth to say something, but is cut off by rintarou. “shut your fucking mouth, bitch.” your mouth closed immediately, brows furrowing before relaxing just as quick when he slotted his mouth against yours.
the kiss becoming messy quickly, your salvia mixing with his, teeth and tongues clashing. his hand loosen around your neck, both large hands coming down on your ass with a smack, enclosing around the fleshly meat tightly. you groan in appreciation, sticking your bottom further out.
your arms circle around his neck, pulling him closer to your body, your silk clad breast pressing against his bare chest. his teeth clamp onto your bottom lip, pulling softly before his tongue slips between his teeth and entangle with yours.
his hands knead and pull at your ass, smacking them a few times before sliding up your sides, hands latching onto your breasts. you hum, leaning back and giving him room to play around with your erect nipples.
his mouth leaves yours, “fucking slut, you’re enjoying this too much.” his words are warm against your cheek. “i can change that.” you can’t, you wanted to say. he wasn’t the best at giving out punishments, not when he, himself, enjoys fucking you a bit too much.
his lips trail down your cheek and jawline, before instantly attacking your neck with a sharp bite, you gasp and try to push him away, but just as quick as he bit, he was pulling away and giving soft licks to soothe over the harsh imprint.
“r-rintarou...” you whisper brokenly, the pain and pleasure mixing.
the taller pulled back fully, eyeing the teeth mark on your neck, humming in pride at his mark against your smooth skin.
“on your back.” his tone was rough, promising actual pain if you didn’t listen. so, you could only do as told, laying on your back and keeping your legs closed. his hands came down, spreading your legs and landing sharp slaps against both of them. you yelp, trying to close them, but he quickly slotted himself between them.
his phone is presented, his eyes staring deep into yours. “record.”
“n-no,” you deny, shaking your head.
he raised a brow, “now.” he ordered.
you gulp and take the phone, clicking onto the camera icon and sliding over to record.
rintarou smirked at you, leaving you breathless at the sudden heated stare, he’s fingers were pushing your panties away, blowing onto your heated cunt, your thighs tensing.
then, he’s devouring you. and your hands shake as the pleasure crawls from your core, extending through your legs and curling around yours toes, and your thumb accidentally pressed record and the ding sounds around the room.
your whimpers are already filling the room, free hand coming down and tangling through rintarou’s messy locks. his hands are tight around your thighs, squeezing and pushing them closer around his head, locking him in.
“ngh-ah!” your toes are curling, hand gripping tighter at his hair as you could feel yourself growing closer by the second. rintarou eating you out was always a blessing and a curse, he knew which parts of your cunt to fiddle around at to make you quickly.
he pulled back then, the camera catching the glistening of your arousal, coating his mouth and his chin, and the obvious satisfaction in his hooded eyes was daunting.
he wasn’t satisfied because he had you whimpering.
he wasn’t satisfied that he could make you cum almost immediately.
no, he was satisfied because he got you to record. he’s satisfied, and he smirked so devilishly at the camera that you nearly drop the device.
in a swiftness, he has the camera pointing in your direction. and you hide your face, not wishing for the camera to catch your already winded look.
he laughed, unbuckling his belt and his pants fall to the floor, he worked around like a pro, easily moving his briefs down. he steps out of his pants and briefs, and dragging you closer to the edge of the bed.
“look at the camera, [y/n]~” he teased, but you could hear the underlying threat. you shake your head. “don’t be shy, baby.” the tone sounded loving, but you could hear the threat.
look or suffer the consequences.
you move your head, revealing your flustered expression. behind the phone, rintarou grinned almost predatory.
the phone tilted, showing your body, still clad in your silky nightgown. the silk bunched around your waist, and you try to close your legs, but a single glance around the phone and you’re spreading your legs.
he crouched then, showing the camera your wet, dripping cunt. his fingers appearing, spreading your puffy lips. “so pretty.” he muttered, then his eyes are meeting yours. “i’m going to ruin you.” he said the magic words that would always send jolts of pleasure down your spine.
your eyes flutter, and you nodded eagerly. the phone in his hands long forgotten.
the next few moments are hazy, his imposing figure looming over you, legs hiking up around his waist, and you could only snap your eyes wide when he’s fully sheathed inside you.
“hm, b-big!” you sob, a few tears slipping from your eyes. no matter how many times you’ve taken him, he sheer size and girth will always leave you crying. your sob turns into moans of pleasure when rintarou began to move his hips, the pace slow and a bit tantalizing.
“you take me so well, pup.” you keen loudly at the name, eyes rolling. you can practically hear the smirk in his voice. “you’re a good puppy, huh?”
“y-yes, ‘m good,” you whine, hands clutching the sheets beside you.
you could feel the flutters in your stomach each time rintarou slowly dragged his cock out, only to push back in roughly and repeat the process. he was teasing you now, wanting you to turn into a whining, begging mess, and more importantly, he wanted to catch all on camera.
the lewd wet sounds were only growing by the second, the burning feeling surrounding your cunt causing more arousal to gush out.
your eyes flutter open, and for a small moment, you wish you hadn’t. the camera was pointed directly were you two joined together, catching the way his cock plunged into you, the way your cunt stretched around him, and the fucking wet sounds emitting.
you whine loud in the back of your throat, throwing your head back onto the pillow. the humiliation and embarrassment slowly enclosing you in its hands, yet it only burned like fire and your body felt too incredibly hot.
you almost felt delirious, the camera, his cock, the temperature around the room, the fucking silk gown clinging to you.
“rin — ngh, f-fuck!” you could barley get any words out, eyes hooded and mouth dropping open. the pace was too slow, too hot, you wanted to say something, tell him to go faster, but the small ounce of pride you had left kept those words locked up.
you wouldn’t beg.
you look up suddenly, whining when noticing him taking a step back and crouching down. you wanted to close your legs, but his shoulders were already there and his fingers were spreading your puffy lips apart, revealing your sopping cunt.
“looks so good, pretty girl,” rintarou groaned lowly. “who’s cock got you this wet?” looking to your left, you mumbled the answer. a sharp slap sounded, the pain in your thigh sending another gush of arousal and you moan prettily. “speak up, pup.”
“yours did, rin!”
rintarou hummed, rubbing your thigh as to soothe the pain. “my cock is the only one that gets you this wet, right?”
“y-yes!” you shudder.
you can practically feel his smirk as he asked the next question. “you want my cock in you?”
“rin!” you whine, tears of frustration forming.
“answer the question.” he was full on grinning now, watching your reaction over his phone.
“yes, i want your cock in me.”
“beg for it,” you could practically mouth the words with him. he was getting a bit predictable.
you wouldn’t beg, you reminded yourself. no matter how much you wanted his — he stood up, drawing your attention to his erect cock, and suddenly your mouth was opening.
“i... rin, fuck me,” you whine. “i need your cock in me, please.” if there was one thing you hated the most, it was begging.
dumb bitch, you weren’t supposed to beg! you insulted yourself, fucking dick whipped seriously.
the phone lowered from rintarou’s face, revealing the dark look in his eyes. the satisfied smirk. he shut his phone off, grabbing his pants and disappearing into the bathroom.
your eyes widen then, he had gotten what wanted. you stand up immediately, rushing after him into the bathroom.
“rintarou!” you enter the bathroom, seeing the male standing before the glass shower. one look over his shoulder, and you only gasp in horror.
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Talk Shit Get Hit Bitch 😎🤏🤬 | 200+ unread messages
foxbutmakeitsexy is online...
bestest twin : suna u little shit!
jinbutwithouttheg : not u suddenly appearing from the dead
best twin : 😎🤏🙄 and where have u been?
foxbutmakeitsexy : 😏
jinbutwithouttheg : i dont like that face
bestest twin : is that suna?
best twin : hol up smth aint right
foxbutmakeitsexy has sent a video...
jinbutwithouttheg : oh...
bestest twin : 😎🤏😌 ive been blessed ✨
best twin : 🤭 not me finna ask for a threesome
jinbutwithouttheg : miss y/n girl... whew
foxbutmakeitsexy : i was busy 🙄
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note — i am disgust 😎🤏😭 i rlly left yall without an orgasm. my sincerest apologies, but miss y/n girl, u got a bad boyfriend.
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dooptown · 3 years
S2 Finale
for once i’m actually going to watch the episode again and get my thoughts down as i do cuz holy hell was this well done, i think
“Comet” playing first instead of the OP was brilliant. Also, as a note, the full music video of that came out, along with some killer animation inspired by the manga.
A detail i love about this music video is Ibuki spotting Free’s motorcycle light in the side mirror before he stops the car and, well, yeah
They actually show Louis reaching for his gun pretty early on into Ibuki’s monologue. I don’t think the manga showed that, but I could be wrong. He definitely has it pointed to him when it’s pitch black same at the anime, but the fact he reaches for it so early means he obviously knows what’s going on, even if he couldn’t pull the trigger.
predictably, the anime does the “darkness” as it always has, with the dark-blue background and bright lines for the characters. The Comet music video does this part of the scene better imo, but it’s not too much of an issue. Free’s whole bit is obviously rushed, and I think the anime suffers for that, but i understand that they couldn’t fit it in. We do miss him escorting Louis out of the BAM though, and also saying he’ll eat Louis if he comes back. That said, I don’t know how Louis gets back...I guess Free drives him back still but we just don’t see it
The Riz and Legosi fight has Riz getting the idea of eating Legosi in his head now that was seemingly missing before. In the manga he was thinking about how he’d become friends with Legosi by eating him, and that never came up in the anime until kinda now. Like I said before it’s an interesting part of Riz’s character so i’m glad it’s touched on a bit at least.
The moth scene is just as confusing here as it was in the manga...and without explanation or confirmation that it’s imaginary chimera (a part of the manga plot that was completely dropped), it just seems like...something. We don’t have Moth-san talking to Riz here or him questioning what he’s seeing so...it could be seen as purely metaphorical but it still remains a mystery (and just like in the manga it accomplishes nothing here cuz Riz just gets up and wails on Legosi) It looks fucking cool though! Word of Power: Respect for Life! It’s all one shot here, so we see every wound inflicted on Legosi, which is only a few slams. In the manga it’s implied he endured way more. That just follows the pattern of the anime, though, where violence is toned way the hell down. I’m not complaining, though. I don’t want to see Legosi hurt...
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I knew what i was seeing when it was in motion, but damn does it look fucking good! Orange really is showing how to do CG right by properly stretching models for intense movements and actions! They’ve done this subtly before but here it’s very clear, but not distractedly so (unless you pause frame by frame) However, I still do think the models look a bit stiff when just...like...walking normally sometimes. Like we have this great fight animation but then Riz picks Legosi up and drags him a bit and he looks...off. Ah well
The whole bit about Legosi exposing his stomach doesn’t have the subtleties explained here...and really the anime leaves out a lot of character thinking but i think if they left it in it’d be a bit too hammy and crowded, so it’s fine that they cut it out. But still...tell me more pose isn’t as funny here :(
Legosi’s voice acting shines again here. He sounds really fucking hurt...
The moon cut and then them laying together is nice. Also i do like how there hasn’t been music up until this point at all. Riz talking about everything is nice too...I don’t remember him saying he feels like he could cry in the manga, due to him not remembering anything about Tem but his taste.
Legosi says: “I almost went through the same thing Riz did. If someone hadn’t snapped me out of it, my love for Haru might have made me eat her.” I recall he says something similar in the manga too...but like the only time he ever got close to eating her is when he didn’t know who she was. It really doesn’t seem like the same thing at all...it ties back into Legosi really seeming to have a really firm grasp on everything, all things considered, and he’s just selling himself short. I guess he could also be talking generally but really, he never had a moment where he wanted to eat her again after that first night. And the “someone” who snapped him out of it...Zoe???? Like, I’m just a bit puzzled on this part. I think what it really is is a reference to what he says to Louis later, how he’s the one that guided him and ensured that he is the way he is. Ensured that he did so well to begin with. Like, writing it out like that makes sense, but I guess I’m taking the words too literally.
Anyway, was typing my thoughts out there. I don’t think it’s entirely clear that Louis’s influence is what caused Legosi not to eat Haru after they started spending time together, but if Legosi says that’s what it was, that’s what it was. I felt that Louis’s guidance for Legosi was more about him accepting himself as a carnivore and using his abilities for what he believes in instead of thinking he can only do harm with them...not about controlling his meat eating instincts. I guess it kinda goes hand in hand. Anyway
The hand touch is, well, touching like it was in the manga, however Riz firmly regrasping Legosi’s hand to hoist him up and continue fighting and Legosi sounding surprised isn’t what i pictured. In the manga i saw it more as Riz slowly doing it and Legosi just being too weak to do anything about it. Riz has the advantage, so he can afford to make the action slow and deliberate
Ok here’s where things get interesting. Louis’s appearance is entirely different in the anime, whereas in the manga he appears behind Riz while Legosi is talking to him, with Legosi spotting him and using a distraction to escape with him. HERE!!! Louis actively stops Riz from attacking Legosi again, clearly out of breath as he ran all the way there, but he still has the mind to appear cool and collected and make a lil quip that pisses Riz off. And then when Riz charges him Louis is just walking calmly toward him like!
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Like yeah, he does stop and react a bit, but he sees Legosi coming up to stop him so I suppose that’s why he stands his ground (honestly though was he gonna pull his gun? Did he have a plan? I feel like he just got there without one, which makes sense. He just had to stop what was happening no matter what)
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And Legosi ragdolls Riz aside to protect Louis. Love wins
Pina scene is the same here. Although previously we didn’t get his thoughts about how he never wanted to get involved with carnivores ever again cuz of these two, but that ties into the whole “anime doesn’t say every single thought that’s in a character’s head like in the manga” thing. I think it’s interesting that they even bother showing him retrieving his phone from the trash bin, since he could have easily just got it from his pocket but it shows that Riz was smart enough to take it away from him (but not smart enough to destroy it or chuck it somewhere or hide it where Pina couldn’t see)
The next scene with Legosi and Louis up on the outcropping..Legosi mentions how this is his last New Year’s. He’s more convinced he’s gonna die than it seems in the manga (although depends on the subs i guess) The part where Riz is looking up while Legosi is talking about their fight to Louis...i never knew if he was supposed to be hearing that or not, here or in the manga. I guess it’s up to interpretation.
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Legosi delivering this line in the manga: determined, stoic
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Legosi delivering this line in the anime: clearly in love
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we finally get one of these scenes for Louis! Season 1 had a few of these for Legosi and Haru when they had moments where they were deep in thought about the other. I thought that Louis’s would have been in his initial meetup with Legosi in the manga, but that scene got cut. It’s cool that they put his here, though! Also correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is the only shot like this in season 2
When Louis’s theme starts here when he’s acting strong, trying not to cry, I thought it’d slowly start to break down as he did and transition into a new track but it just kinda...keeps going. It sounds like a more somber, shaky version at the very least but I think the music at this part is a bit lacking...thankfully the animation and Louis’s voice acting more than make up for it
Boy, does Louis really cry. I’m glad they let him let loose like that but the bad thing about seeing it animated is...they don’t hug! I always wanted a hug here...one that Louis fully embraces unlike the earlier one on the balcony. It makes sense the Legosi doesn’t try to do anything and is taken aback, of course, but damn...and considering how Louis is treated later and at the end of the series...it stings a lot
Idk what to say about this scene...it’s done so well. Louis having his internal monologue, talking to Legosi...Legosi looking so damn guilty that he wants to go back and fight...the transition to the foot reveal...it’s all so good
A change here in the anime...Louis is a lot more steadfast. He offers his foot and is like, completely at peace with it. In the manga he’s still shaking and his expressions are like, more unsure, but here he seems a lot more convinced that it’s what he has to do
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Legosi’s thoughts about how eating his leg feels almost ritualistic and it actually makes him desire and hunger for it is gone...which like, idk why it is. We just hear Legosi say that he wants to but we don’t feel it (we do see his lips pull back and reveal his teeth tho)
Enter: Buffgosi. This happens in the manga but since Legosi’s model is so much smaller in the anime it seems like a much more drastic difference.
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Legosi doesn’t apologize for not being able to stop growling, but it seems like they did a lot to remove any humor Paru put into these scenes. I guess it doesn’t work that well in one continuous scene vs. chapters broken up by weeks
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Louis’s funny deadpool moment is changed with him just...telling Legosi to be a hero again. Guess he really likes that line. The way it’s delivered really feels like a video game, like Legosi is recovering from a hit and Louis pops in to heal him with some words
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Seriously, Louis just keeps making this face...after an entire season of being super serious and stone faced he’s looking softer
the Riz and Tem story isn’t changed at all, and can still be read as either romantic or platonic. Seeing it in motion makes it hit harder though, for sure
Legosi still wishes Riz a happy new year here. He seems a lot happier here than in the manga. Also Louis doesn’t berate him for it, instead opting to speak up and talk to Riz here after hearing about his heartbreak. He does it without the pressure of the cops being there, and it truly shows that he really does like carnivores and sympathizes with their struggles now.
Yeah, so the cop scene is gone, which kinda condenses and cuts out a lot (including Pina’s small appearance) but I kinda like it better. It allows all the characters to breathe. Legosi thanks Louis naturally for the meal, and Louis telling Legosi to wipe his face is done in a friendly, joking manner...it just all feels a lot softer and friendlier without the cops being there making it all fucked. Just like in real life
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I kinda thought they might put the aftermath in a sort of credits scene, and i think it works, even if it does pave over some important stuff
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god it’s just so validating to see Legosi care for Louis and Haru equally. Like we all know it’s the case but they’re both dear to him
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Now this is a far departure from his thoughts in the manga. I suppose it only fits with the ending of the season to make it more optimistic, but we skip the while “you can’t marry an herbivore cuz of your record” thing...but here he still cherishes it in a way. Very interesting. Wonder if they’ll backpedal on it in season 3
Legosi actually tells Haru he’s dropping out here too! He still does in the manga but it seems more abrupt there, like he already did drop out and then goes to tell her instead of telling her before he does. He’s also not suffering through his meat withdrawal here like he was in the manga at this scene (or at least the manga’s counterpart at Haru’s house)
The ending convo mirrors what Haru says to him in that scene too. It’s a funny way to leave off on the season without a stinger or anything. It just kinda makes the audience question their relationship (and now that Lougosi is pumping through everyone’s veins...hehehhehehe)
uh, well, anyway, i kinda wasted all of my time off after work writing this so...i hope you enjoyed it? Not gonna get one of these for a while...i know at least some of you like them
Also...what the hell was the extra “broadcast only” scene??????
Well, anyway, I hope you all have a good day, night, whatever, wherever you are. And remember: Legosi and Louis are in love
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i’m an idiot. i screw everything up.
Titans 3.03
still here, still doing this. these reviews take a fair bit of time that i cobble together across days (like, ten minute chunks during breaks, etc) and i tend to struggle to keep up with episodes as they come out. this means that by the time i’m done with one, most of my stuff is jossed (or geoffed in this case? idk) or outdated and the post sinks like a stone into oblivion. so! i’m going to change things up a bit with this one and write as i see the episode rather than collecting my thoughts later. in my experience with spn, that was a faster way to get them done. 
anyway. let’s see how it goes! *shadowboxes*
1. an auspicious start with some grave-digging!
digging up a grave and breaking open a coffin is some serious, back-breaking work--that dick did it on his own, likely straight after that fight with red hood, is a testament to the sheer intensity, stamina and discipline that he’s capable of. like, we like to joke about dick cooking cauliflower crust pizzas and making gar and rachel spar and memorise sun tzu--and despair at the obvious consequences of some of bruce’s parenting skills--but imagine crime-fighting almost daily without any superpowers, performing some of the most intense parkour in bulky, uncomfortable armour, doing detective work, pushing through every last barrier of exhaustion and then getting up to repeat it all over again the next day. dick probably thought he was going extra-easy on rachel and gar.
1.5. then again, dick probably had a hundred different easier ways to confirm whether jason was still buried or not, from using equipment to merely asking connor to have a quick look with his x-ray vision. but, no, he’s too caught up in confusion and terror, not really having come to terms with jason’s death in the first place, leave alone the possibility that he could be alive after all. he can’t possibly let the others know until he’s confirmed it himself, even if it means digging all through the night until his arms are jelly, thinking over and over again about jason’s eyes, jason’s voice, from behind that red mask. 
... besides, dick has good reason to believe that he could’ve been hallucinating. wouldn’t be his first psychotic episode, after all.
that just imbues this sweaty, desperate, fingers-scrabbling-in-gravedirt scene with that much more poignancy, and a fair bit of bone-chilling terror. dick is horrified to realise that jason’s grave is empty, but a part of him is also probably relieved.
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1.75 (... also it’s curious that we’re never shown any of the team asking to see jason’s grave after they come to wayne manor. i guess it’s because the writers--and the audience--know that jason is actually alive, but these people don’t know that. i don’t know if it’s sad or infuriating or both that they’re barely shown mourning him.)
2. oh GOD the sheer TENSION in kory saying, “i don’t want to say it, but--” and dick quickly interrupting, “it was jason. i saw him,” and hank giving him this loaded sidelong glance. i love how dick’s precarious mental health from last season is still this big elephant in the room but at least nobody’s blowing up in his face and questioning his every decision yet
2.25. i love the relative matter-of-factness with which they’re discussing a possible resurrection. and, of course, ra’s al ghul is brought up and quickly dismissed
(still wouldn’t put it past this show to bring him up at the very last second as the real real mastermind)
2.5. “maybe they can bring donna back” OH KORY
2.75. didn’t they have this same conversation about killing/not killing rose last season? man, the og titans make me tired.
and i don’t know if it’s just hank, but there’s a definite in-group/out-group vibe going on with the og titans, where they’re not only ready to consider killing anybody who threatens the group but makes it difficult for new people to fit in. donna and kory got along well with each other, but the dynamics between hank/donna/dawn and gar/rachel/rose were somewhat strained, and with jason, they were really fucking terrible. it makes sense when you think about how the titans started and how they broke up the first time--both were fairly disruptive events, i’d imagine, in that they probably got together to break away from their mentors and strike out on their own, and when they split up, it was the first time they felt directly responsible for the loss of an innocent life.
but the titans that dick is leading now is explicitly about mentoring a young generation of heroes, about second chances and found family. dick definitely wants to reach out to him first, and i have a feeling he’s going to be forced to make some sort of terrible Choice later on in this episode. 
2.8. (honestly tho, this also seems like hank struggling with his own guilt re: jason; if red hood is not the kid that he failed, it’d be easier to fight him.)
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4. honestly this season is already ticking off so many things on my wishlist, but i really wish dick would sit down with the newer members of his team and trust them with important information the same time that he’s telling them to the other members. gar searching for help and reassurance from a man who just dumped all of his responsibilities on his son overnight and went AWOL is a sad sight
4.25. has it only been just 48 hours????? wow! jason’s definitely been planning the red hood gig for a long time now...
5. ezekiel, my man! shady looking guy gets into your cab without a destination in mind... no problem, get right in! said guy gets a call to go to the observatory when he’s barely even looked out of the window so far at gotham... yep, a damn tourist! i want more ezekiel in this show.
5.25. (of course jason has upturned table lamps all along the floor... we have to *gritted teeth* balance the TEAL with the ORANGE don’t we?)
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5.5. “dick’s a fucking psycho--he could be following you right now.” hank... has no objection to that lol
5.25. hank, hank... this is bad-decision-palooza. i can’t imagine that hank actually thought that jason was reaching out to him for help, given that the last time hank and jason had any substantial interaction hank had been one of the people accusing jason of sabotaging the team. but for him to go seek out jason and go along with his demands without any backup, weapons or equipment? not the best idea he’s ever come up with.
(add to that getting into the swimming pool of a condemned gym... oh yuck.)
((yes, i have enough self-restraint to not cap his ass.))
(((cap his ass! HA!)))
5.5. do you think jason has bugs/monitoring equipment planted in wayne manor to monitor the titans, or remote access to the cave’s systems? wouldn’t put it past him.
6. oh man, hank came back before dick and the others could meet ezekiel! this is TRAGIC
6.25. i mean, it’s plot-convenient that connor was able to give so much information about the bomb from just looking at it once, but i also like to think it’s the luthor-side of him coming to the fore. it also reminds me of that (in)famous scene from the new52 run of Nightwing comics, where a bomb was attached to nightwing’s heart and luthor disabled it by killing nightwing (temporarily). it’s a neat little callback. 
6.55. “where i come from, you go after family? there’s no mercy.” BUT THAT’S THE PROBLEM ISN’T IT
6.75. i mean, dick’s making sense: this is a game, and they need to get it off playing out on jason’s terms. but having a member of his team in his face, doubting his reasoning and every decision? a very familiar sight. 
6.8. krypto with an a+ sense of humour? also a very familiar sight.
7. wayne enterprises... providing the military with... bombs that can be implanted in humans? a BIIIIG yikes. i guess it’s not too many steps above developing clandestine intra-dermal trackers and implanting them in your own sons, and bruce probably thought they could be used as part of negotiation tactics, but still... YIKES.
7.5. on the other hand, conner being asked to build a deactivation advice seems part of a growth arc that started from last season... he knows so much, but part of growing is learning, and part of learning is using what you know to create something new.
8. oh man, my heart broke at hank going “i’m an idiot... i screw everything up.” like. for him to go like this, after being brought down to such a low last season? struggling with pain and addiction and his relationship with the love of his life? it’s so sad.
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9. oh, oh, oh! ronnie from schitt’s creek! i love her!
9.5. “one of jason’s minions” took his body out of the morgue... how deliciously morbid that he planned out his own death like this!
honestly, tho, i’m quite impressed with dick here. trying to think beyond just the most alarming part of the crisis at hand, keeping his cool, delegating tasks, frequently touching base with different members of his team... well done. 
10.25.... whoops, spoke too soon. i’m genuinely confused here, tho. where did the van full of gold bars come from? why did they stop there and get out? how did dawn even know about this?
on the other hand, it’s cool to know dove has bulletproof feathers!
10.5. eh... curran walters isn’t really selling red hood’s menace to me so far. but then again, if titans version of red hood is vulnerable-kid-with-father-issues-trying-to-overcompensate, then yeah! yeah, it makes sense. 
11. “when bats have sex, they gotta have something to hang from” OH GOD HANK
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... because i want smiley!gar on my blog :)
11.5. awww. i feel sorry for hank but NONE of these fuckers deserve gar except maybe kory
12. ohhh FUCK! look at jason being exactly one step ahead of the titans at every turn. nice.
no really, i love the building stakes and the building mystery - i feel like the deathstroke arc from last season should’ve been more like this. the flashbacks about jericho and rose came too late and after too much build up, which resulted in a very underwhelming and confusing season throughline.
“you’re doing your best by me. always have.” WAILING HERE
it also kills me to think that hank thinks that his imminent death is because of his failure to keep the team together (when he was clearly struggling with his own issues and was spiralling towards rock-bottom) and his fear that he will once again be the cause of the team falling apart. 
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14. “i grew up... you can, too. you just have to face your fear.”
yep, got scarecrow’s grubby little fingerprints aaaaalllll over this. 
14.25. nightwing’s got specialised batarangs! yay! (somehow i can’t see this universe’s dick calling them “wingdings”)
oh man, that was devastating. well done, show. fuck, well done, jason.
this is going to bring up all sorts of “if onlys” for the team. i can’t wait for some fucking aftermath. 
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coweggomelet · 3 years
i apparently enjoy putting down my thoughts on the off chance someone will read it and enjoy it so here’s rwby rewatch vol 3. i’m ready to be sad!!
(note: it’s long i’m sorry, i have many thoughts and i tried to narrow it down but oh boy do i think im funny)
- ruby you’re so precious. so sweet. so eager. so earnest. c’mere and i’ll protect you from all the bad shit that happens to you later
- hi cardboard cutout tai
- i keep getting an ad for a rooster teeth show called camp betrayal and the way this man says “hoo hoo hoo” will haunt me for the rest of time
- oh shit the fact that it’s called amity has such insane implications for what it’s used for later. jesus.
- “bffs!” “No.” “…/yessss/” love them
- yeet the yang
- god ruby’s admiration of emerald is so sad in retrospect like… oh boy ruby you’re in for it
- “even if you know how a story ends, that doesn’t make it any less fun to watch” wow cinder are you psychic
- ummmm they’re having a talk can you please respect their privacy
- thor whomst??? i only know nora valkyrie
- hiiiii gavin
- so much mid battle banter. in the middle of a big important fight they just have to make jokes and argue. i love teenagers
- awww winter you’re a disaster and you’re horribly emotionally repressed because of your bitch ass dad but jesus christ you care about your little sister and you wanna know she’s doing okay and i’m emotional about it
- PENNYYYYY my love just keep being you
- jeez i forgot how early on ironwood was talking his shit about being “someone who will act”, the “only person” who will do what needs to be done, as if his course of action is what needs to be done
- every single person who underestimates emerald and mercury gets so fucked up. like so many people look at these youngerish teenagers with some funny one liners and banter and go “oh they seem capable and they’re confident and funny so i like em but i can take em” and then absolutely get the shit kicked out of them. and i think that’s why they’ve been so successful, cause nobody takes them seriously enough to consider them a threat.
- see this is why i love rwby. coco just turned her handbag into a gatling gun and cut down a field of grass with it
- god the way they hint at emerald’s semblance before fully showing what it is. *chef’s kiss*
- winter marry me
- we love an uncle who absolutely destroys his nieces at video games
- “they do and they’re called silver!” ruby i love you
- top heavy. heheh
- this dude’s weapon is a trumpet!! she’s got glowing nunchucks!! i love this show!!
- this battle music is AMAZING what the FUCK they’re fighting to JAZZ
- cinder if you keep having vague ominous dialogue people are gonna get the wrong idea
- oh yeah great idea asking a child to take on immense power which sends her into a stressed out panicky spiral and alienates her from the people she finally feels legitimately connected to and for once didn’t feel alienated from
- oh fuck. oh fuck the finals. oh god. oh no.
- she’s so happy. she’s so ready to have a good fight. i’m gonna cry
- and with one moment, the entire show flipped on its head
- god when i watched that the first time i fuckin freaked. i was not prepared man. i was warned. but i was not prepared for this much of a fucking tone change man. that quickly. like tone changes (in my experience) normally happen gradually, but this one happened in, what? 30 seconds?
- fuck
- god this is so bad
- and it GETS WORSE i can’t do this
- love that we can see yang’s distraught eyebrows through her bangs
- after this episode was the first time my friend asked me “how we doing buddy?” and i’ve only wanted to kill her more since then
- oh god emerald’s backstory. this poor child. she was so alone and cinder was there and said i can give you a place i can give you a purpose i can give you security and emerald latched on so hard.
- hiiiii laura bailey i wish you had more than a lil baby line and some sounds of effort
- god that little anklet
- god what a fuckin backstory episode man. backstory? evil plan explanation? idk but it was good
- great parent move. telling your kid you’ll only save them once.
- jaune you sweet good boy. what a good boy. i love him
- god this poor child. she doesn’t deserve this. FUCK i’m so sad. is that the last conversation they have?
- oooooh shit this song is so good. what the fuck i have chills it’s so fitting
- god everyone else is so happy and excited and then there’s ruby who is one of the very few people who knows how bad a fight between penny and pyrrha could be and pyrrha who’s got to decide if she wants someone else’s aura smushed with hers, which could turn her into a different person. FUCK
- peeeennyyyyy “salutations!! it’s an honor to meet you!” it huuuurts
- it makes me so sad but damn was this a good diabolical plan
- god im so sad. penny is so good. and pyrrha’s fuckin eyes. and ruby just collapsing. jesus christ. it’s all fuckin falling apart
- oh fuck here we go. those klaxons are so terrifying
- it makes me so happy that torchwick gets rescued and then like maybe a couple episodes later just gets swallowed
- the fuckin adam fight is coming up too. jesus. really piling on here
- and she doesn’t even hesitate to save pyrrha
- the one and only time (to my memory) that ironwood is gentle is when he says no one would blame the students if they left. that might be the last time he actually remembers that they’re all teenagers and feels sympathy for these children with all this pressure on them
- oh yeah the big boy
- the first time i watched this i was LOSING MY MIND this whole time. like yang attacked mercury and from then on man. just freaking out.
- eurgh grimm juice
- c’mon blake you got this. i mean. technically you don’t. the fight goes poorly. but you fuckin try and you’re so brave about it and i love youuu
- shut the FUCK up adam you GROOMED her you ASSHOLE
- aahhhh i love velvet!!! her semblance and her whole fighting style is so goddamn cool and has such interesting implications for using weapons and powers of people who are dead
- get fucked, torchwick. GET FUCKED. get fuckin chomped
- a backhanded slap feels so much more violent than any fighting with weapons
- uh oh evil katniss
- god. the fucking blood splatter turning the whole shot red. just their silhouettes. the slow motion. the arm slowly separating.
- my friend was also a big fan of “how we feeling?”
- bad. the answer is bad you fuckin sadist
- oz is… a lot of things, and one of them is a goddamn good fighter
- oh god oh noooo she’s gonna kiss & yeet AWWWW FUCK this is heartbreaking
- pyrrha i love you
- if i don’t look it’s not real
- oh pyrrha my love
- awww hey tai. what a good dad. love tai
- i’m so sad. everyone’s so sad. and then salem just has to do an ominous lil monologue where she lays out her whole plan to divide them and makes a fuckin semblance pun. she’s such a good villain
- jacque you stiff bitch
- they’re all fuckin scattered and depressed
- love team rnjr tho
- there she is. god what an ending
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