#constructions company
slaviccryptid · 4 months
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doghart · 5 months
i’m catching up on tsv, i think something that eskew prod does extremely well is using horror absurdism to capture the absurd horror of capitalism. it’s clear in eskew too, but i think it’s especially fantastic in the silt verses. the casualness with which sacrifice is discussed. how red lobster has a god that has and continues to take human sacrifice, and so do cereal companies, cops, and the grueling start up that has a “fun room”. it captures EXTREMELY well how it feels to live under capitalism, that you’re constantly bombarded with horrible things, discussed cheerily in a nice tone. the way it’s simultaneously numbing, hysterical, and horrifying. i think i was especially fond of how in ep 39, protest against sacrifice was taken as radical, a propostorus, idealistic thing that’s just so SILLY it’s not even worth considering, something that feels very real to revolutionary organizing/protest irl. i also liked how despite the face, when everything gets down to it, when everything is about profit, all people come down to are bodies. all capitalism is a gaping maw, and it eats the poor and marginalized first, but doesn’t STOP eating just there. the very literalized version of this, where the profit wheel (and all that includes— war mongering, the prison industrial complex, wage labor, etc) is given a very real literal set of teeth, but the body count is the same. so the electric company has a god, and so it takes humans sacrifice. do real electric companies not have a very real human cost? overworked and underpaid labors looking to make rent, or well off comfortable employees no less likely to get the axe under profit margins, or the blood shed when colonizing in the first place, in clearing the space for the electric company to move in. is that not also a very real human sacrifice? the commercial aimed at elderly people talking about “back in my day, we would just talk about all this human sacrifice and find a compromise :)” is so bleakly hysterical, but is that not very accurate? that you can put a good face on it, but in the end what it comes down to is that you’re being sold the chance to be human fodder? that there is no glory or honor on a battlefield or in working yourself to death, just mud and shit and bodies to throw at problems. idk! i’m rambling but it’s a deeply engaging podcast.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Phantom Contrustion Company
So, you know all those Memes about how Superman wrecks an entire City to beat a single villain? Well, who fixes all that damage so quickly? How does the City go back to being in near-pristine condition within such little time?
Well, you can thank Phantoms Construction Company for that! With a team made up of entirely Meta-Adjacent People, this company can rebuild entire City Blocks in a week at most!
Superman does his share of the work by helping clear out the rubble, but all of the construction is done by the Team.
They can fix an entire portion of a city in a Month, and build an entirely new city in less than a single year!
Basically, Danny sees just how much damage all of those other Heroes are doing when fighting their Rouges (couldn't be him, honestly), and decides to help out.
He gets a bunch of Ghosts from the Zone and starts up a construction Company to help rebuild after all those battles.
He is also richer than Bruce Wayne at this point. Yeah, they have a lot of work to do...
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tgtbata · 1 year
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for folks like me on the job from 9 to 5
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gentrychild · 6 months
AFO having a construction company,what are the chances he has something to do with the way Uraraka's parents are bankrupt?
... Headcanon accepted. That bitch is the source of all evil.
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geminialchemist · 1 year
I made a thing!
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I have spent the past few weeks working rigorously on this project. As soon as I saw you could make a house in Tears of the Kingdom, I knew what I wanted to do.
I made one of every room, except for the Garden Pond(which I might make, I just had difficulty figuring out where I would even put it) and the Outdoor atairs(which I refuse to make, because making stairs sucks!)
Each section of the house is held on by magnets. They aren’t very strong, but they were cheap and hold it together well enough. I might replace them with slightly larger, stronger magnets in the future, though.
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Here are the weapon rooms. Shield, sword, and bow rooms, in that order.
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The kitchen and bedroom pieces.
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The shrine and study rooms.
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And the paddock and flower garden. I didn’t have any flowers, so I used flock. And the only flock that I had that wasn’t green was fall orange. Something to fix later. I also need to find some hay bales for the paddock.
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construction-cat · 9 months
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the-ellia-west · 2 months
Can you do writing scenes in how to docs combat scene in battle/war, or just a fist fight between two people?
How to write combat for Dummies!
Unfortunately, I am dummies, and I'm also very sorry for how long I made you wait for this.
Step 1 -
For a fight, I know this sounds strange, but you'll need to think about your character's personality.
Decide what type of weapon they would use, are they more defensive or offensive? Do they fight honorably? Dual wield? Beat people with two shields? Try to avoid fights? Fight dirty?
Step 2 -
Who's fighting who?
Figure out how their weapons and fighting styles would clash.
Step 3 -
Write out some actions, change the phrasing and structure of the sentences enough to add variety.
Describe the surroundings, how your characters stumble over it or use it to their advantage.
Step 4 -
Idk, go off I guess?
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jackdaniel69nice · 1 month
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They were talking about a hypothetical apartment for them all to live in after graduation but got carried away and it’s not so hypothetical anymore XD
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heckyeahponyscans · 5 months
So apparently Evermore Park has finally shut down.
The owner of Evermore, Ken Bretschneider put out a vague statement about unforeseen challenges, but the guy who owns the land which Evermore sits on (Brandon Fugal) was like "Yeah, they hadn't paid rent since December so I'm evicting them".
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necronatural · 11 months
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tiermaker lets you do alignment charts now
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i-am-church-the-cat · 4 months
Me: I’m probably not going to get into IndyCar, I don’t even have a ship to get unhealthily attached to
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Me: oh god he’s bullying him on main
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wizardsoup · 10 months
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loose sketches as i try to noodle out some designs. my best murderbot hc is that it kind of looks like a little cutie pie and for that reason i shall continue to draw it with cowlicks and big moe eyelashes. thank you for listening to my ted talk.
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awkward-teabag · 9 months
Love (cannot emphasis how much sarcasm there is in that word) that an official Canadian government response to high cellphone rates is to switch carriers.
Switch it to what? We basically have three companies since one was allowed to eat the forth (with the government saying it wasn't anti-competition and the company eating the other pinky promising they wouldn't jack rates up). Even the smaller companies have to rent infrastructure from the Big Three so there's only so much they can do if that rent costs an arm and a leg.
And that's not touching on how many "small companies" are actually just subsidiaries of the Big Three. You may save $5 but you're still with Telus/Rogers/Bell.
Or that the actual small companies tend to have shit coverage because they don't have the infrastructure available to them and are prevented from getting it. Or their traffic is throttled in favour of the Big Three's customers. Or both.
Or that they're extremely regional thus aren't an option for a huge chunk of Canada's population.
We have no true options and the government has shown time and again that they're fine with monopolies, in multiple industries, and don't care when said monopolies jack up prices to make shareholders and the c-suite more money at the expense of everyone else. At most there will be a verbal slap on the wrist and a giftcard for $25 that people have to register for, for a decade and a half of price gouging.
It's not talked a whole lot about outside the country from what I've seen and heard but Canada is a country of monopolies. A handful of companies own nearly everything, every province has a family or two that owns a hell of a lot (Nova Scotia is basically owned by one family at this point), and our government ignores it. Even the branch that is supposed to be against monopolies is fine with mergers and takeovers in most cases.
Because, you know, the company said it totally wouldn't use consumers' lack of options to increase prices.
#canada#so much of our infrastructure and critical construction such as housing#has been pawned off for decades to private companies#and i forgot to mention one (1) family owns the bridge that is a major international corridor between canada and the us#which is apparently fine even though they fought tooth and nail to stop a bridge they don't own from being built#like our housing crisis can be traced back to the government deciding to stop building public housing in the 90s#because they figured private developers would pick up the slack#affordable apartments don't bring in much money so we got decades of cheap-ass 'luxury condos' instead#and once airbnb became a thing we got entire buildings with units <300sqft#and of course when the party in charge rotates between conservatives and neolibs nothing changes and that can gets kicked down the road#and keeps getting kicked until something collapses and they see the chance to fully privatize an industry#something similar is happening to our healthcare system too#it has been left to languish for years/decades with funding freezes and cuts#and private companies are quick to jump in and get the government stamp of approval to do [thing] that the public system clearly can't do#when [thing] would absolutely be possible if it was actually funded and/or staffed#so many communities were cut off when greyhound closed up shop because there's no government inter-city transportation#we lost internet/banking/cell service/etc nation-wide because one of the big three decided to push an update to live without redundancies#and it bugged and took the entire company's network down#even the government agency that demands major companies have a backup on a different network was taken down because they ignored that#and they got a deal if they kept their backup with rogers while their main network was also rogers#so they couldn't even make an emergency statement or anything about it#half my province also lost all digital infrastructure because it's a private company and making a redundancy line would mean smaller bonuse#it's just so bad#joke all you want about how canada is nice and friendly#but you are wrong and it's hell if you actually live here#the only reason canada is seen as nice is because it's hard to not seem like the better option when the us is your neighbour#and because of decades of pr work to make canada seem friendly and nice and not at all problematic#in some countries you actually have to try to hide you're canadian because of how much we colonize and the damage we do to other countries#yes these tags have derailed from the post but ugh#i take major issue with people who insist canada is nice and has never done anything wrong
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i feel like property flippers could just follow around cullen. like, wherever he goes, you know there's going to be Events, and things are going to need to get wrecked and then need rebuilding.
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beartitled · 7 months
Fellas need your opinion >:D
I’m continuing my uni grind 💪
My task is to design a logo for Chief Custom Construction company (this is a real company I believe, but this is not a legit order, just a task for practice)
I designed a mascot (the silly in question👇)
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I sketched a lot of logo options and narrowed it down to 3
And now I have no idea which one to choose 💥
The requirements for logo were:
has to revolve around chief’s head
has to incorporate a circular saw blade
(I still have to do what my prof says, but I wanna know what ppl think >:D)
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