spicy-apple-pie · 3 days
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I know what I’m reading on the sub…
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spider-jaysart · 1 day
After late night patrol
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Clark and Lois didn't wake them for dinner so they could sleep😌...then they both later ran downstairs like the dang Flash as soon as they smelled that pie of Lois' for dessert loll
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devine-fem · 1 day
Save me old man Damijon… old man damijon save me… Damian with a scruffy beard please… Jon with long lanky old man hair please save meeeeee…
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askdamijon · 13 days
so…Damian and Jon…
When faced with only one bed, who sleeps where? Are you guys used to just sleeping in the same bed or does one of you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO take the floor or couch?
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g1rlr0b1n · 13 days
Spin the Bottle
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Commissioned artwork from the awesome and amazing @pechaghtlecha!!! I love this so much!!! 💖😈💖
Btw, go check out their page to see more art!!! Also, their commissions are still open so go check that out as well!!! I totally recommend them!!! 💖💖💖
Oh! I almost forgot, this goes with a fic I wrote!!! 👉Spin the Bottle by G1rlR0b1n👈
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zeynyukine3011 · 17 days
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You cannot, in any way, tell me they are not soulmates.
Jondami is the definition of "I love you in every universe."
Like look at them, they are with each other in every shape and form.
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In theory, not in practice because DC has officially wrecked Jon’s character beyond repair BUT these two are the platonic soulmates to ever. It’s not really a ship because I love them platonically and or romantically, but it’s just deeply imbedded into their characterization that they love each other and give each other what other people cannot. Even when the other person literally does not exist, they still find a way love each other. Jon and Damian give to each other quite literally exactly what the other person needs to grow. If they hated each other, loved each other, it doesn’t matter because regardless of it all, they are life partners. I have very conflicting thoughts about this ship, but I'll stand beside it, so childhood friends to lovers anyone?
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catb1tez · 23 days
im tired of ppl acting like DamiJon/JonDami is the most disgusting thing to walk this earth as if they’re hating on it for actually valid reasons. DamiJon is NOT A PROSHIP. Don’t even talk to me if u think it is 💀 I completely understand if you dislike DamiJon/JonDami for your own personal and valid reasons, and I’m not saying you have to ship it. Im just saying some DamiJon antis are a little too passionate with a ship they supposedly hate… just goes to say that my theory that DamiJon/JonDami antis are just shippers trying to disguise themself out of guilt or smth still stands.
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edledamianfan · 16 days
Small dumb jondami omegaverse idea. I have nothing else to give
New recruit: What goings on here?
Jai: The old married couple are arguing again
NR: Oh.. So okay?
Jon: Have you realized I've been using the same shirt and pants for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT DAME?!
Damian: I have eyes you buffoon. You look like a beggar... when was the last time you showered?
Damian: *Raises eyesbrows, eyes going up and down judgementally*
Jon: *scoffs* please i have no clothes left. I just tokd you, Dame I need my clothes back
Damian: ... No
Jon: DAME PLEASE I HAVE NO CLEAN OR DIRTY CLOTHES LEFT YOU TOOK THEM ALL FOR YOUR NEST. *points to his nest filled with his clothes*
Damian: *raises eyebrow* It's not a lot
Jon: *Are you serious look*
Damian: Besides- *about to retort*
Jon: Alright then just let me have some of this back
Damian: *panic* No i need that for my infrastructure!
Jai: Its like having first class seat on a romantic comedy tv show
Irey: Oh yeah fr
NR: Oh
Irey: Oh yeah its awesome *eats popcorn*
Damian: .... *His face his mad, hands his gripping on the bundle of clothes but his scent is clearly sad*
Jon: ... *sigh* "Fine" *he lets go of the bundle*
Damian: *D immediately clutches them to his chest but his scent is now happy*
Jon: But seriously dame i need some of those clothes back
Damian: No >:(
Jon: *Susah amat ni org anjirrrr* (translation: (Screaming internally) You're such a difficult person to please...)
(He went to buy new ones with D's credit card)
(Those got haggled again)
(He starts borrowing Kon's shirts)
(D didn't take them and J takes it as a victory)
(Dame is happily snuggling with Jon's clothes with no room speace left for jon. All the spaces are clothes stacked on top of eachother its overcrowded here. And Jon is just standing staring at him)
(D lets Jon in one time (shyly asked him) and it gave Jon a lot of stomach flips. He didn't forgive D for stealing his clothes tho (he forgot about his grudge in the end))
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super-sons-week · 18 days
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...What was the context for this?!
Anyway, this one could fit under:
Day One - School (maybe they're on a sports team?)
Day Two - Identity/Self-Awareness (as in they should be more self-aware lol)
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puppiesandnightlock · 27 days
i just want damijon to have one soft moment where can’t help falling in love plays in the background
they could be dancing in the kitchen or cuddling or watching the stars during patrol I do not give a single fuck i just need something good with that (and probably would be the Haley Reinhart version)
idk ;-;
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spicy-apple-pie · 4 days
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The man whose going to marry you~
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spider-jaysart · 23 hours
Any hot takes or unpopular opinions about super sons?
Here's some for the animated movie first:
Jon's voice doesn't suit him at all for the age he's supposed to be, it just kept throwing me off a little everytime he spoke with it. It's definitely not terrible though, it's just not for him at all
Idk about others opinions on Damian's voice though, but I really loved it. I felt like it fitted him pretty well and let his daring and mischievous side stand out really nicely. It's my favorite for him personally
I don't like that they white washed Damian in it once again when they could've definitely given him his darker skin and green eyes (I know this one's very popular already, but I just wanted to say it still). And when they showed the pitcher boy in the baseball game, he literally had EXACTLY those features on himself, which made it really feel like it was an actual annoying tease of some sort, since his model strangely looked way more like Damian than Damian himself did
And also besides all of that stuff, when Damian is in his Robin model, I feel like he looks perfectly fine and cool, but his civilian version looks a little weird to me for some reason. And I know that his hair is also a little funny too because of how long it is, but I don't really have a problem with it lol
Now for the ones outside of the movie:
I'm not so crazy about them being a Nightwing and Flamebird duo as adults. I want them to become their own identities, but not by using those mantles, cause it's still not completely theirs and isn't really fitting for them to me either, not even the Batman and Superman mantles either. Other characters like Dick, Chris, and Bette have already used them and made their names with it. Damian and Jon both actually deserve their own that let them shine in their real unique ways and stay independently remembered without their titles getting into the mix of confusion with other hero's. Everyone is allowed to have fun with it obviously though, no matter what I think
For a day job as an adult, Jon should become a scientist instead of a writer or reporter for the Daily Planet like his parents, because that's just totally boring and he's also his own person, not their twin. Just cause he's their child, it doesn't mean he's gonna be exactly like them and daydream about their hobbies. And it makes a lot more sense for science being his dream job too, because he's shown plenty of interest in it before
And for Damian, he should become a vetinarian as an adult, and credit to my good friend @camo-wolf for this next part here that I love, which is that he also owns his own company as a ceo to do it too, so he also has many more helpful clinics opened everywhere instead of just one
I'm not too crazy about their trinity with Lizzie and just can't see the boys having one either. It feels like it's just another thing to make them even more like their Dad's once again imo, but I think they're better off being kept as just a duo still. And unlike many other Damijon and Supersons fans, I'm also not crazy about Lizzie herself either :| (Not saying that I hate or dislike her though). I will say that the stories with the three of them together are pretty fun and cute though, despite what I feel about her. Oh, and for another little thing, even though it's Damian and Jon's thing in their relationship to fight and argue over things, it feels a little overdone in those books and feels like they're being more like just nasty to eachother with their certain comments and want to actually just get the other mad constantly
Speaking of groups, besides the boys having their little Supersons duo to themselves, as kids Damian and Jon definitely should've had their own awesome superhero team together a LONG time ago with characters their own age that could've grown with them like how it was originally planned for canon, instead of them both being shoved into ones like Teen Titans and other already established ones like that, because those groups have so much of their own stuff going on that just doesn't fit the boys and all of the members in them are usually much older than them too. For my idea about what they would have, I like to think that it's a fun group separate from the Supersons duo that both Damian and Jon lead and their main members could've been young close friends of theirs, like Maya Ducard, Kathy Brandon, and Colin Wilkes, and then for additional ones, it could be Tai Pham, Maps Mizoguchi, Flatline, Respawn, Suren Darga, Chris Kent, Irey and Jai West, Lian Harper, and even though I play around with their ages a lot in my own universes like randomly switching them both from toddlers to tweens whenever I feel like it, I'll say Mar'i and Jake too (idk if I'm forgetting any others). Then for the team name, I choose "Legacy's Youth" or "Youthful Legacy" or "Legacy's challangers"
And for another thing to do with groups, Dceased should've just let Maya and Kathy be the girls that teamed up with the boys, instead of forcing a deaged Cassie Sandsmark into it just to date Damian, create a trinity, and be the girl in a boys group, because unlike her, Maya and Kathy are the ones who actually have real relationships and history with Damian and Jon that were already made outside of that universe, so they both would've been much better picks. And without all of that dating stuff too, because them being boys and girls doesn't mean they should have to (plus, Damian and Jon seemed like they were the ones that were actually dating and also married to eachother instead in the story anyways lmao, so that's more proof that there was literally no need for it)
Jon's electric powers that came out during his Injustice crossover are so lame, cause that's not anything new. His solar flare is so much more dope and unique than that, what happened to it?!?! I prefer it way more
The team up reunion Supersons book that came out with Older!Jon and Damian in his new suit felt like their personalities were kind of swapped in some parts of the story, which was kind of weird to see and bothered me a little
During Damian's first time visit in the future, Jon should've been way more protective and stood up for him better when Saturn Girl and the other legion of heroes members began saying their hateful and nasty comments out loud about him right in front of his dang face. And even more defensive he should've been too when Saturn girl started messing with Damian's mind out of nowhere like it was okay and then put him to sleep, instead of just letting her like he did. He should've had complete second thoughts about the whole team right there and decide to leave after how uncomfortable they've made things, instead of still joining them anyways like they're still cool and forgetting about what had just happened. Jon's actual entire reaction during it all was just so naive and felt so ridiculous to me, it was disappointing
Jon and Chris Kent can both exist together at the same time, there is no problem with it at all. And just because Chris was taken away, that doesn't mean Jon's existence should be hated for it, it's the fault of DC writers for what happened, not him
Damian should also be able to finally have a sweet relationship with his Mother already instead of it still being dragged away from him all the time and also still being considered as an abusive one for him, because 1. being horrible to her child is ooc for Talia and 2. Damian deserves to have her in his life, not just Bruce as a Father. He should also be able to have a good relationship with the rest of Al Ghul's too and even a sibling relationship with Respawn as well, not just the ones he has with the Batkids. I know that some (or most?? Idk lol) fans don't like him because they say his origin made Ra's look bad for having him be abusive to him, but that's all very unnecessary blame on Respawn's character that he doesn't deserve at all, it was just a role he was put in as a victim, it's obviously the fault of the writers who wrote the story to be that way. I also feel like it would've made more sense that Slade raised him and was the one who had actually abused him, because he's done it to his other kids in the past anyways and him being a toxic parent is actually very in character for him
The Fortress of attitude is literally catching dust now that Damian and Jon have both completely forgotten about it for some reason, it deserves to make a comback!!
Jon used to have a dog named Ranger, I'm not sure what exactly happened to him (I guess he was forgotten about or whatever), but he shouldn't have been erased. He was adorable
I prefer Damian's pushed back spikey hair so much more over his current flat and long one, it fits him better. The current one does look nice on him and I get the reason behind why he has it, which is pretty sad, but it makes him look too similar to Tim and I don't like that. The same artist who made Damian's new hair that way in the first place also doesn't draw Flatline's spikey hair either, which makes me think they might actually have something against those kinds of hairstyles lol
Damian would so get along with Lois because of their sass and Talia would actually love Jon for how great he is to her Son
Annnnd I think that's probably all of my unpopular opinions about the boys for now lol
Thank you for the ask, anon!! I enjoyed answering this!
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devine-fem · 15 days
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Not anymore, buddy.
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askdamijon · 15 days
Hi damian and Jon do you both ever have to help each other when having panic attacks/nightmares?
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 month
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Yet another commission by the amazingly talented @ookamihanta!!! Go check out their page to see more art!!! Their commissions are still open so go check that out as well!!! I highly recommend them!!! 🦉
Into the Owl's Nest (Preview)
Damian's eyes snapped open and he jolted up in bed, gasping for air as if he had been drowning. His skin was clammy and his heart raced in his chest. As his senses returned, the cold, musty scent of damp stone and earth filled his nostrils. He strained to see in the darkness, but could only make out the faint outline of a room surrounding him. The distant sound of rushing water echoed through the space, causing a shiver to run down his spine. With a sinking feeling in his gut, Damian realized that he must be deep underground, and he realized where he must be. This was the Owl’s Nest.
The faint clicking of heels echoed on the stone ground, growing closer with each step. He strained his eyes against the darkness as he searched for an escape. Too late. The door creaked open and a woman glided in, her form encased in a skin-tight nylon suit, feathers adorned the top of her cape. Her blonde hair was pulled back tightly, emphasizing her fierce features, while a mask obscured her eyes. Damian maintained a stoic expression as she spoke, her words dripping with disdain, "so, you must be Talia's brat," she spat. Her eyes roamed over his form, obscured by the mask she wore. The coldness in her voice matched the chill in the air, sending shivers down his spine. Her eyes narrowed behind the intricate mask, scanning him from head to toe with a mixture of curiosity and contempt. The silence between them was thick with tension but Damian maintained his composure.
When he did not speak she continued, “your father wishes to see you.” Damian's muscles tensed at the mention of his father but he remained still, not daring to give her any satisfaction. Not even when she glided across the room, her movements fluid like a predator stalking its prey did he move to get up from the bed. With a swift motion, she pulled him up by his arm, her long nails digging into his flesh. He gritted his teeth against the pain, knowing better than to show weakness. She dragged him along, her grip unrelenting, until they reached a large open space. A wall was lined with computers and equipment, and there, behind the glow of computer screens, sat a man clad in all back. The Owlman.
The man slowly turned to face him, his expression unreadable. "I hope you don't mind," he began in a smooth, almost mocking tone, "your mother and I decided it would be best if I took custody of you." Damian felt a surge of anger rise up in the pit of his stomach, a rage that was only met by the man's cruel smile.
"You killed my mother," Damian growled through gritted teeth, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
“I suppose that’s true,” he shrugged carelessly, “it pained me to do so, I loved her-”
"Obsession is not love," Damian spat out bitterly, his control slipping as memories from last night flooded back. "That's not love...and when you couldn't have her..." His voice trailed off, trembling, as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Damian had loved his mother more than anything, and this man had taken her away from him without a second thought.
The man's eyes hardened and for a moment, Damian could see the darkness lurking behind them, "let it be a lesson to you then," he sneered. "You may share my blood, but if I have no use for you, you can join her."
Damian was smart enough to know when someone was bluffing, and this man was not, he was well aware that this man would snuff him out the moment he stepped out of line. Refusing to show any weakness, Damian stood tall and pushed aside his emotions. "What use do you have for me then, father?" he asked, maintaining a calm and collected façade despite the turmoil within.
His features twisted into a smirk, “I’m glad you asked,” he stood from his chair to tower over the boy, “As you may or may not be aware, Ultraman was our esteemed leader until his most recent and unfortunate demise. His twisted obsession with his other selves was finally his downfall. Ironic.” The glint of joy in his eyes betrayed his words. “There are a few would be successors but of course I have my preference.” 
Owlman paused as if waiting for Damian to ask a question but Damian knew there was only an answer he sought. And Damian was nothing, if not adaptable. “Naturally, it should be you, father," he replied smoothly. He’d play along for now, he’d tell the crazed man whatever assurances he needed to hear. Afterall, he was somewhere underground surrounded by enemies, and if he hoped for any chance of survival, he’d have to be smart about it.
“Smart boy,” he scoffed, then continued, “Ultraman leaves behind his wife and son, Lois has already begun pushing for Jor-El to claim his father’s seat but he is just a child. Barely 19. He needs…” he paused again as if searching for the right words, “a friend more than a title.”
Damian raised an eyebrow in question, “you wish me to befriend him?”
“Sure…and who knows what may happen once you two become close.” Owlman shrugged, a wicked smirk spread across his features, contorting them into a menacing expression.
Damian racked his brain for meaning. Did his father want him close to Jor-El to distract him, to manipulate him, or to kill him? Did his father even care as long as he could take power? Finally, Damian broke the silence with a slow, measured voice. “I can only assume you have some means for me to arrange a meeting with him?”
“Of course,” he motioned toward the blonde woman who had been lurking in the corner. “Beth, please ensure that Damian is presentable for this evening's introduction to the rest of the Syndicate. Make him look…enticing.”
Damian suddenly became aware of another possibility.
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