#could be platonic or romantic either way
devils-little-sista · 4 months
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justaz · 2 months
arthur born of magic who lives where magic is outlawed and merlin who is magic and is forced to keep it bottled up recognizing each other without seeing the other. arthur who always feels a vague sense of numbness except when he’s around merlin bc the magic that is threaded through his very being wakes and buzzes in emrys’s presence, recognizing its kin. merlin who is constantly restless beneath his skin, his magic buzzing to be set free, finally feeling at peace with arthur, his magic warming and stilling beneath his skin. arthur feeling deprived of air or food or water when merlin leaves bc the life that flared inside him fades when merlin leaves. merlin feeling restless when he’s not with arthur bc his magic which has previously been content to reside within him is now lashing out, desperate for either constant release or arthur’s presence. arthur taking his aggravation out of his knights during training when suddenly he feels alive again and his frustration wanes and then merlin calls out across the field. merlin putting the restless energy toward scrubbing the floors until the itching beneath his skin suddenly fades and then the door to the chambers burst open and arthur waltzes in.
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 7
Danny sees a 30 minute video in his recommendations titled: Why Red Robin and Phantom should never meet, and honestly? The more he watches the more he immediately wants to fly to New Jersey and declare Red Robin and Spoiler his new friends
Tim sees the same video and is losing his mind cause this is how he learns about the Anti ecto acts and about a Lazarus hell portal being open in a small city in Illinois for two years without the JL knowing anything!
He needs to save this guy before he gets himself...okay. Maybe its a little late for that but his point still stands!
It has nothing to do to him liking how many unhinged situations him and Phantom could get away with. Nothing!
RR could hardly believe it when Phantom showed up on his patrol a few nights later, offering to give him a tour of the ghost zone (at least what Danny had mapped out already) in return for some assistance against Vlad, the GIW, the Fentons and help him get Danny and Jazz Fenton rights to thiwr parents patents and machines so the government can't steal them...and maybe set up a place for them to live until they're 18
Also he wanted to know how cool RR was with clones.
Tim gets a thermos and immediately sucks Phantom up, apologizes claiming he needed to test it to make sure it was legit, and they go one thier way. Dannys just glad he didn't give him a blaster.
They become best friends, prank the other bats, terrorize all of thier enemies, ect.
The real problems start when Danny "can't recognize ethics unless its actively hurting someone" Fenton and Tim "always one and a half steps from turning into a supervillian" Drake start taking things a bit too far riding off of eachothers excitement
The universe trembles in fear.
Constantine hides and puts his phone on silent.
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psychotic-nonsense · 2 months
"I'm sorry."
It's the first thing Steve says after everything.
After getting Vecna Cursed. After nearly dying. After a hallucination of Eddie saved him. After running through a looped forest. After finding sanctuary in Steve's memory of that Starcourt bathroom. After Eddie reveals himself as Eddie.
It's the only thing he can think of. It's not big enough to fit everything, but it's the only thing that fits in his mouth.
"Don't be."
Maybe that's the only thing Eddie can think of too. The only thing Eddie can bear to say.
Because don't be can't stop Steve's eyes from watering when he sees the vest in his closet. Don't be can't stop Steve's feet from dragging him to the cemetery every evening to clean Eddie's graffiti-covered tombstone. Don't be can't stop Steve from sitting beside Wayne and listening to him talk about the Eddie he remembers. Don't be can't stop Eddie's body from showing up in Steve's dreams, nor Eddie's corpse from his nightmares. Don't be couldn't keep the pain away enough, didn't stop Vecna from latching onto it while Steve was walking alone in the woods.
Don't be isn't enough for what Steve wants to hear. But even stuck here waiting, hoping, for someone to get Steve out, there just isn't enough time.
"I miss you."
Eddie says it back so quickly, so quietly, like it's just unfathomable to him. Maybe it is, considering their last memories. But their eyes meet and he looks just as sad, just as longing, as Steve.
"You were my friend."
Steve can't help but say it like that. Like they were friends for years instead of days. Like Eddie was that important to him in their final moments. Like his heart really aches for Eddie every second of the apocalypse.
Can't help but say it like he means it.
"I wish we could've had more time..."
Steve's voice cracks a little there as he turns away, hiding. It's all he wants. It's all Vecna used to entice him with. It's all that's keeping him going, to finally fulfill the last request Eddie made. It's all he has left to feel close to Eddie.
The Eddie that's sitting right next to him, silent, his sight weighing on Steve's skin. Conscious and aware and the real Eddie. Trapped in Vecna's head as a backup power source, yet who still risked everything to come save Steve. Who Steve will never see again because killing Vecna means killing Eddie for good, and his heart doesn't want it, is begging for another solution...
But for once, his broken head overpowers his shattered heart.
"Maybe we did."
Eddie takes Steve's hand. Meets Steve's surprised look with his own small smile of hope. They're both suddenly tearing up, eyes glistening with life in this gray stall.
"Maybe in another world, we got a second first chance. A first second chance. Maybe even a third, or fourth. Maybe in a different life, we had everything we wanted. Because you, Steve Harrington, are too good for me to be doomed to meet just once."
And for a moment, Steve sees it. Feels it. Versions of them connected through the universe.
Little kids playing in the lake. One with bruised skin and shaved hair, loud but unfathomably lonely. One with a bruised heart and soft eyes, timid but stubbornly hopeful.
A rockstar with glittering chains, center stage in the spotlight. A set of eyes in the crowd or behind the curtain, watching only him.
A werewolf and a vampire, two cryptids of horror, meeting in the dead of a full moon night to feel safe with the only other one who understands.
A future where they won, where the only death was the one that mattered. A process of healing and learning, coming home to a family every single day.
A world without pain, without their hell, where two high schoolers found freedom from their shackles and company in each other. Hiding away together in the dark corners of the town.
Steve even sees other versions of them. Versions that he knows were originally never supposed to meet, yet forces so much greater than them pulled them together.
A metalhead drug dealer, constantly getting into trouble with one nail-bat-weilding cop.
A criminal's fugitive nature leading him to a rugged trailer park, and the dangerous owner within one such home.
An eccentric king in an old coliseum, always choosing one particular warrior as his champion.
A young programmer being pulled away from his work by sobs above his apartment, running upstairs to check on the law student that recently moved in.
Two actors, finding an easy friendship in the months of filming one season of a show that would change their lives.
In that moment, Steve's overwhelmed by the closeness he suddenly feels with the soul beside him. Falling into tears, he pulls Eddie into a tight hug, holding him so so close to convey everything he can't say. Feeling Eddie hold him back, hearing everything Eddie can't say in return.
Familiar music comes on outside the stall. Robin's voice calls out to him, telling him to come home.
And when he does leave, Steve hopes that someone out there will understand that he never can. Because here in Eddie's arms is the only place that will ever truly feel like home.
"Thank you... for everything, Eddie."
Thank you, Steve. For everything and more..."
- List of AUs, in order, after, "Versions of them connected through the universe": Childhood Friends / Rockstar!Eddie / Werewolf!Steve & Vampire!Eddie / Eddie Survives / No Upside Down & High School
- List of Multiverse Steddie AUs, in order, after, "...yet forces so much greater than them pulled them together": Eddie x Gator / Baron x Michael / Geta x Sean / Keys x Eric / Quinn and Keery
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xbomboi · 6 months
5 times Apple hugged Raven…
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…and the one time Raven hugged back.
(see my previous eah comic here)
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feroluce · 1 month
I have finally finished 2.4 and oh my GOD watching Dan Heng be so protective of his friends nearly killed me, MY HEART.
And yes, the cutscene where he pushes the trailblazer out of the way and even cushions their fall with his own body, but I mean even before that! When he was already trying to protect them and March 7th from Feixiao and Lingsha!!
Because if you watch the dango trio throughout the main quest, you'll notice that they often position themselves in the same way, which is a detail that makes me super happy that Hoyo thought to include- when the three of them aren't evenly spaced, March 7th and the trailblazer tend to gravitate towards each other and stand very close together, frequently side-by-side. And by comparison, Dan Heng usually stands slightly away, and often even slightly behind them, where he can pull on their leashes to wrangle them keep an eye on them.
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This is probably a habit learned through experience, since March 7th said during Belobog she is the "queen of unannounced disappearances" fjdksajfkldjsak
And of course at least a little bit of it is just done for like, aesthetic purposes. It's a video game. Things have to look nice for the player. The trailblazer and Dan Heng are the same height, March 7th is a bit shorter, and Yanqing is even smaller. It makes sense to have the trailblazer and Dan Heng stand on the ends, with March 7th and Yanqing in the middle, it just looks nicer and more balanced that way. But still! Even when they're accommodating for Yanqing in this quest, they still all arrange themselves the same way, almost every time!
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But this changes after Dan Heng and Yanqing become suspicious of the visitors from the Yaoqing.
The dango trio still stand around relaxed and in their usual manner when they go to the artisanship delve and meet Skott,
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but Dan Heng takes notice of Lingsha when she arrives, and he and Yanqing mentioned her specifically when discussing their worries.
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Yanqing worrying so much about Jing Yuan got me right in the heart, he's such a good boy WEH
And when the four of them go out to the alchemy delve to meet Lingsha for tea, the pattern breaks. Suddenly Dan Heng is standing right up front, and even walks in and enters the scene before March 7th and the trailblazer to get to Lingsha before them. He stays a step in front of them the whole time, too.
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And then when Dan Heng and the trailblazer have to go be interrogated by Feixiao! The same deal! Dan Heng walks in ahead of them and stays in front of them! Noticeably so! Enough that even Feixiao takes note and voices it!
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Dan Heng is so so fiercely protective of his companions, and I love it, I adore hyper vigilance in the wake of trauma like this, I'm so excited to see what else he does in 2.5, I hope we either get to see him get fucked up or the trailblazer gets fucked up in his place, I wanna see them run through the meat grinder!!!
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just-wanna-draw-em · 2 months
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Yeah, sorry.
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syntiment · 6 months
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In a dark room we fight Make up for our love My love is wasted
Trying to put my interpretation of the Megatron and Starscream dynamic into visuals. I think they have a deeply complicated history. I think there's admiration and respect there in the same window that there's resentment and hurt. I think they make each other worse. I think at the end of the war they have so much to say to each other and neither will be the one to say it. I think they need to heal apart before they can ever address whatever it was they were.
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icespur · 2 months
(P5R Third Semester in a nutshell)
Akiren: So... what’s goin’ on? Akechi: You want the long version or the short version? Akiren, hesitantly: The short one, I guess? Akechi: Shit’s fucked. Akiren: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
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nebulous-rain · 9 months
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HAPPY LATE HOLIDAYS @ruebeary !!!!!!!!!!!!
you want lewis ur gonna GET it babeyyyyy. but i didn't wanna leave everyone else out so i kinda sprinkled them all over :) HOPE U ENJOY !!!
(thank you sm to @msaholidayspirits for hosting !!!)
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
When I said Jotaro was the gayest Jojo, I lied. It's Josuke. At least Jotaro can be bi for plot purposes but I don't think Josuke could even kiss a girl without feeling something's awfully wrong.
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devils-little-sista · 3 months
Percy: hey Nico
Nico: wHaT
Percy: knock knock
Nico: who’s there?
Percy: *smiles menacingly* interrupting fish
Nico: *not looking up from his book* interrupting fish who?
Percy: *throws a fish at Nico*
Nico: *looks up flabbergasted picks up the fish and stands on top of a chair*
Percy: see it’s a fish haha
Nico: *bitch slaps Percy as hard as he can with the fish*
Percy: *falls to the floor* AHHH NO NICO I SWEAR IT WASNT ON……porpoise
Nico: *murderously stares at him*
Percy: do you get it? Do you get-
Nico: *lunges to slap Percy repeatedly with the dead fish*
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lunawolfiefoxy · 26 days
Random Headcanon Time, part 2
Legend, because of all the loss he experienced during his adventures, has severe separation anxiety, and no matter if he can or can't admit it, he is terrified of being left alone. He NEEDS someone with him or else he freaks out and panics, fearing for them and shutting down himself, refusing to move until they come back.
Example: Ravio goes out on a grocery trip without Legend, and the others aren't around, he'll sit down by the door and wait for Ravio to come back, refusing to do anything else until he comes back.
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verdantglow · 7 months
Okay, but so like.
SmallEtho/Boat Boys except Gem is Etho’s younger sister & helps Joel harass his ex-soulmate.
Just consider the shenanigan potential of Joel & Gem teaming up to mess with Etho.
Is Joel trying to win Etho back or is he trying to ruin Etho’s life? We just don’t know!
But Gem is 100% along for the ride & always ready to offer suggestions for whatever the scheme of the day is.
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g1rlr0b1n · 9 months
"Prepare for trouble" "And make it double"
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More commissioned work from the absurdly talented @ookamihanta!!! (because tbh, I'm kind of obsessed with them) 🤭
I know you're probably like "what? why? this makes no sense!" and that's completely valid but hear me out, this came to me in a dream. Like, wouldn't it be cool if Flatline and Respawn started working together? It's just too perfect because their names flow and sound like a really cool anti-hero or villain duo, their names together imply a never ending cycle of death and rebirth and that's both tragic and beautiful. I also feel like they would mesh well, she's in charge and he's all too willing to follow her lead, could be because he's in love with her or could be because he's desperate for a friend and a sense of belonging (this doesn't have to be a romantic ship, but it also could be).
Like, can you imagine if like things don't work out between her and Damian (🤞) and now one of the Super Son's enemies are his ex and his half-brother who hates his guts. Like imagine ALL THE ANGST! Damian might still be struggling with the loss of his first "girlfriend" (kind of one-sided tbh, he's a cringe little loser /affectionate) and NOW she's hanging out with his brother?! The brother that hates him!!! (also completely one-sided, cringe runs in the family) Anyway, they roll up on the Super Sons and Damian is completely off his game and Jon has to really step into the protector role, something that Damian doesn't usually let him do, but he's so caught off guard he can't even think clearly. Jon is just like, "what is happening right now? I guess I'm in charge? who are these people and why do they make bestie sad?!"
Anyway, go check out their page to see more art!!! Also, their commissions are still open so go check that out as well!!! I definitely recommend them!!! 😘💋
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tathrin · 1 year
An Elvish Lure
Somebody said “using yourself as bait” and my brain spat this disconnected snippet out, so: enjoy a scene in which the Three Hunters try an alternate plan by which to catch-up with the orcs and free Merry and Pippin.
"No," Gimli said.
"No," he said again, shaking his head hard enough to make the braids of his beard slap against his shoulders. "No, absolutely not."
"Gimli," Aragorn tried again, "this plan is our best chance to—"
"I said no!" Gimli roared. "I will not have it! Aragorn, I will not!"
It was not Aragorn who answered him. "Gimli, be calm." 
Gimli squeezed his eyes shut at that voice, as though he could shut-out the words as easily as he did the sight of the narrow, beardless lips from which they had issues; that golden head; those mithril-bright eyes. Fingers as long and spindly as bare twigs closed on his shoulder, their grip tight enough that he could feel it even through his shirt of mail.
"This is our best chance to save Merry and Pippin," Legolas said. "Perhaps our only chance. Gimli, I am not afraid—"
"Can I not be afraid for you, then?" Gimli asked wildly, grabbing those long fingers and holding them tight. He looked up at Legolas, then very quickly closed his eyes again. He pressed the archer's captured hand to his cheek and held it there, as though he might hold the elf back from this reckless plan as easily. "Orcs hate elves so much, Legolas…"
"That is why it has a chance of working," Legolas said. He sounded so unbearably calm, his woodland accent giving his speech the lilting cant of birdsong. He had sounded so strange to Gimli's ears, once. When had that fair voice stopped sounding strange?
"And if it does?" Gimli retorted. His grip on Legolas's hand tightened. "When it does? What then, Legolas?"
Legolas's narrow shoulders lifted in a shrug. "Then we will fight them."
"Then you will fight them, all alone, until we can come to your aid," Gimli corrected him. "Legolas…" His voice failed him and he had to clear his throat twice before he could force the words out. "Legolas, what if we come too late?"
"It is a risk I am prepared to face," Legolas said simply. "And at any rate, Gimli, I do not believe you will. I have more faith in you and Aragorn both than to let myself fear that I will have to face all the orcs alone. And besides!" he continued with a sudden, fey laugh. "Should it not be the orcs who should fear to face my blade and bow? I slew many of their fellows at Amon Hen, and I will slay many more in these sweet green fields if they will but do me the favor of coming within range of my arrows!"
Gimli looked up at the laughing elf in sad, silent horror.
"We will not have to hide ourselves so far away from Legolas that he will be alone for long," Aragorn said, stepping forward to lay his hand on Gimli's other shoulder, the one that did not burn yet with the memory of Legolas's touch upon his mail. "Orcs are keen of smell, but their eyes are not so sharp in daylight, and their ears will have a hard time hearing anything over the thunder of their own feet upon these plains. Besides, Gimli, we have the cloaks given us by the Lady of Lórien; was it not said that they would help to hide us from unfriendly eyes?"
"It was," Gimli agreed heavily. "But these orcs are fast. And what if they have archers among them?"
"What of it?" Legolas shrugged again, scoffing. "I do not fear crude orcish arrows."
"A crude arrow can kill as readily as a finely-wrought one," Gimli reminded him.
Legolas tossed his head, his golden braids rippling in the dawn. "Only if they strike their target."
Gimli gaped at him in exasperation. "Legolas—"
"No, Gimli, I do not ask you to like this plan, but please. Are we not friends now?" Legolas dropped abruptly to his knees in the soft grass, a position which put his eyes nearly on the same level as the dwarf's. It was Legolas who looked up at him now, his pale eyes glittering as sharply as a sword. "Then please, my friend, cast aside your doubts. Trust me to do this."
"I do trust you, Legolas," Gimli responded automatically. "I do not doubt you. But—"
"Then it is settled." Legolas made to stand, to turn away, but Gimli caught him by the arm and held him still.
"But," Gimli said, his voice a stony growl, "I do not like the idea of you making yourself bait for orcs."
Legolas swiveled on his heels, elvish grace keeping him upright despite the sharp tug of a strong dwarven arm yanking him off balance, and stared up at Gimli. The smile he gave the dwarf was small and fleeting, and there was a heavy sadness in the curve of it that reminded Gimli, suddenly and painfully, of the grey woods of Lothlórien.
"I do not say that I like it either, Gimli," Legolas said softly. "But we cannot outrun the orcs. If they cannot be made to pause their march, they will vanish into Isengard with Merry and Pippin and all chance of saving our friends will be lost." He pressed his free hand to Gimli's cheek and gently stroked the downy hairs there. "I would risk a thousand such dangers for the chance to stop that foul fate from befalling those dear young Hobbits—and I know you would, too, Gimli."
Gimli swallowed, but the aching lump in his throat did not dissipate. "Legolas…"
"The fact that the orcs left the field of battle while the three of us yet lived worries my heart greatly," Aragorn said. His voice, too, was quiet, but a dark tension thrummed through his words like the warning rumble of stone on the brink of a cave-in. "That they put their need to carry away their captives over their desire for slaughter and torment…that worries me, Gimli. Worries me greatly."
Aragorn did not have the keen eyes of the elves, but his sharp grey gaze rose over the plains nonetheless and he stared off into the distance as though staring at the shadows of that terrible band of orcs nonetheless. "I do not know if even this will cause them to turn aside from their path…but if anything will entice them to delay their task, it will be the chance to make sport of a lone and injured elf."
"And so I shall play the bait," Legolas said, before he sprang to his feet, the movement too fast this time for Gimli to stop. He looked down and offered Gimli a fleeting, knifblade smile and declared, "And we Three Hunters will see if we can draw the hunt to us!"
Gimli should have cheered; the words were spoken in the sort of tone that rallied hearts and lifted spirits blazing into battle. But all Gimli could see in his mind was the terrible sight of Legolas left standing all alone, waiting for the orcs to come and find him while his friends hid and watched from safety.
"Peace." Elvish fingers pressed against Gimli's lips, stopping his words but not his fears. "Give me this chance, Gimli, and I will turn your doubts aside."
"I do not doubt you—" Gimli started to say again, his voice thick and strangled with the heavy feelings of his heart, but Legolas was already springing away, up the short and stony hillock. Gimli watched him go, his steps as light and swift as the flutter of butterfly wings.
"I do not doubt you, Legolas," he said, the words spoken now in a whisper so low that even elvish ears might struggle to hear them now. "But I fear for you."
Aragorn's hand closed on his shoulder again, warm and steady and lacking the silver-fire touch of Legolas's smooth brown skin. "Come," he said softly. "Let us get under cover, Gimli."
Gimli allowed himself to be drawn away, but his feet scuffed heavily on the uneven grass as he turned to stare behind him at the silhouette of Legolas standing tall and thin against the dawn, pale cloak and golden hair streaming out behind him. He made a fine target for arches up there, Gimli thought sourly; a fine target indeed.
Legolas drew his white knife, and Gimli turned away. He knew that the scent of elvish blood would be needed to draw the orcs' attention; knew further that only with the wind blowing strong and swift towards their quarry did this mad plan have any chance of success, and so he cursed the breeze. Had it only died or shifted, Aragorn and Legolas would have been forced to give up this chance; would have had no choice but to simply run instead, run until they dropped perhaps and even yet fail—but run together, rather than risking Legolas's life alone.
Gimli could not bear to watch Legolas take his blade to his own arm, spill his own blood, to lend verisimilitude to his role as bait; yet he fancied he could hear the sharp glide of knife over skin nonetheless, and he squeezed his eyes shut tight and let Aragorn lead him, stumbling, to the hollow in which they would hide together while Legolas stood out there, tempting danger, alone.
They huddled in their grey cloaks, hands on weapons and breath in their throats, and waited.
And then—and then Legolas screamed.
Gimli started upright, his own breath drawing in for an answering cry of rage and vengeance, but Aragorn grabbed his arms and held him fast. "No, Gimli!" he hissed, hauling the dwarf down bodily back into the small depression in the earth. "No, he is not hurt. This is the lure, Gimli! This is the plan. Be still!"
Gimli let himself be drawn back despite the thundering of his heart against his ribs. He pressed one bare palm against the earth, trying to draw strength from the touch of stone against his skin; trying to find the endurance for which the dwarves were so renowned. But he could not stop trembling; could not stop hearing the echoes of that terrible shrill scream inside his ears.
"I have never heard such a cry, Aragorn," he whispered.
Aragorn's grip on his arm tightened. "I have," he said. His voice was low, almost haunted in the shadows of their hiding-hole. "I am sure Legolas has as well, for his people have long fought the Shadow in Mirkwood—and," Aragorn added, swallowing hard as though against some terrible memory, "he could not have sounded so convincing, if he did not know the sound of an elf in torment."
Gimli's gut twisted and he bit his lip hard enough that he tasted a coppery spill of blood across his tongue. "I would that he did not know it," Gimli said hoarsely. He glared up at Aragorn and added in a sharp voice, "I would even more that he should never experience it himself."
"We are not far," Aragorn insisted. "If the orcs take the bait, we will know it; we are near enough to help. He will not stand alone."
"Not for long," Gimli muttered, "but perhaps for long enough." He held his axe very tightly and wished for a whole host of doughty dwarven warriors at his side—or better, at Legolas's side.
Another cry rose, more warbling than the first piercing shriek; more plaintive, like the screamer was weakening.
Gimli's grip on the haft of his axe tightened until his hand ached. "Aragorn…"
"He is not hurt, Gimli."
"Not yet."
Aragorn had no answer for that.
They sat in silence, straining their ears for the pounding thunder of orcish feet upon the earth; waiting to discover if the enemy would take the bait.
Waiting to learn if the three of them would live through it, if they did.
{read more gimleaf stories here}
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