#could take off the mask and see her identity. …but she just saved my life. I can’t. that would be rude.’ and doesn’t ?? 100/10
ziracona · 1 year
Telltale Batman was right. Catwoman and Two-Face is an incredibly underutilized dynamic. In this essay I
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Thinking about redemption yesterday got me thinking about fallen heroes today, and how rare it is to see a character initially painted as a hero be driven to heinousness for legitimate reasons.
Often times, if a hero goes bad, it's because of an external force corrupting their mind. Or it's a misunderstanding and they were secretly still good all along. Or they were just having a rough day and they'll be good again in five minutes.
We rarely see get to see heroes go sour purely on their own merits. Maybe because their values weren't so benign as they'd seemed when pushed to a natural conclusion. Maybe because they expected too much of themselves or of others. Or maybe personal experience taught them to believe something else.
Whatever the case, as often as writers will attempt to examine the transformative power of better angels, we rarely get to see the transformative power of worse devils.
Which brings me to....
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Sayaka Miki is a character that holds a special place in my heart, not for overcoming her flaws but for being consumed by them. She's a cautionary tale into the perils of righteousness.
I need to preface this by bringing up that the characters of Madoka Magica are children. They're irrational, judgmental, ignorant of risk, and quick to throw themselves into horrible mistakes with absolute confidence. Because they're children. That's how this works. The villain of the series is a psychological predator who feeds on the impulsivity and poor judgment of youth, grooming them into self-destruction.
The entire system of Magical Girls exists to give these children enough rope to hang themselves with and then to kick the ladder out from under them. That is the plot, with Sayaka being the primary means by which the show demonstrates the complete journey from rope to ladder.
I just. I need you to understand that even at her worst, Sayaka is a victim of predatory incentives and calculated coercions meant to cultivate her worst traits while stripping her of hopes and dreams. To drown her in mistakes she could never take back. She didn't have the life experience to know better. That's why her predator targets children.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. It's not immediately apparent when we meet her, but Sayaka's fatal flaw is ego. Her moral compass is wound extremely tight, and it's only later that we realize it's wound around her neck.
Like many children, Sayaka is trying on an identity moreso than expressing her inner self. She wants to be altruistic. She wants to be selfless. She wants to be a true hero. She wants to live by nothing more than high-minded ideals, expecting no reward for her efforts (but receiving it all the same).
She wants to be the kind of person that Mami was.
But she has no idea who Mami was. She wasn't there to see Mami fracture. To see her break down in vulnerability and express the isolating misery she lives in.
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Sayaka didn't see that. She only saw how cool Mami looked when she was killing Witches. So when she tries on an identity, she's specifically trying on the identity of Mami - blissfully unaware that her interpretation of Mami was nothing but a mask. She is emulating the behavior of a victim already consumed by the predatory incentives she's accepting.
Sayaka was doomed from the moment she made her wish.
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Once again, the show does a brilliant job of concealing this at first. Right off the bat, it's easy for Sayaka to be the hero. She saves both her BFFs Madoka and Hitomi from a Witch in her debut adventure, before being immediately thrust into a moral argument that's super easy for her to win.
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This is what a hero looks like! Should we stand by and let monsters eat people YES/NO
Sayaka says no. Sayaka says letting monsters eat people is bad. Solid Bioware-level moral dilemma she's got here. Sayaka won +10 Paragon points for the choices she picked out of this conversation tree, lemme tell you!
Moments like this work to disguise what's going on here with Sayaka. Obviously Sayaka's making good choices and doing the right thing when the alternative is Kyoko going "Want me to break your crush's limbs so he needs you for life support?" That's awful, so since Sayaka's against it then that means she must be right. Right?
Kyoko is the devil. Sayaka is the paragon.
But this is a story about nuanced and complex people. Sayaka isn't that person. Sayaka likes the idea of being that person. She's being dishonest - With herself, with others around her, and with the universe.
She's trying on an identity, not fully understanding who she really is or what her limitations are.
Incidentally, so is Kyoko, which is what makes their Yin and Yang dichotomy so potent. Having never been tested like this before, Sayaka is more selfish than she truly understands - While Kyoko, damaged by trauma, is more selfless than she wants to believe.
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The thing Sayaka doesn't quite grasp is that, to an extent, it's okay to be selfish. It's okay to want things for yourself. Again, the identity she's trying to live up to was a lie to begin with. She only saw the mask; Never the humanity underneath. So she fails to recognize her own humanity; Her own needs and wants and desires.
She imprisons her own mind in a cage of altruism.
Sayaka is warned multiple times against spending her wish on another person. But she doesn't understand the perils of it. She lacks the necessary perspective to grasp the level of sacrifice she's making. (Because she is a child. I cannot stress this point enough.)
When she makes her wish, Sayaka wants her sacrifice reciprocated. She wants to be rewarded. But she doesn't want to want that. She wants to be the selfless hero for Kyosuke. To silently grant him a miracle because it's the right thing to do for her friend. But she expects, without consciously thinking about it, that the universe will deliver her nice things because she is good.
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But life doesn't work like that. It doesn't give you things you aren't willing to reach for. Sayaka said she just wanted him to be happy. She just wanted to help people. She just wanted to dedicate her life to virtue and altruism, with no wants or needs or desires of her own.
Kyoko was being cruel and unfeeling when she suggested crippling Kyosuke; She was trying to express a mask of selfishness, the same way Sayaka's been trying to express a mask of selflessness. But she wasn't the only person telling Sayaka that it was a mistake to do this. She's just the only person who said it after the fact.
So the universe calls her bluff. While Sayaka waits for her sacrifices to be rewarded, fracturing more and more from learning what those sacrifices truly entail, someone else claims her prize. The work gets harder, not just physically but emotionally. And she only gets what she asked for. Nothing more.
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This is what a hero looks like. She wanted to be Mami.
Remind me. What was Mami's reward for her sacrifices?
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Oh. Yeah. That's right.
The thing of it is, there is a reward for a Magical Girl's sacrifices. There is a prize you're meant to receive for the unjust hardships and self-destruction that you're volunteering to undertake.
It's the fucking wish.
That she, in her righteousness, gave away.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. Her fatal flaw is ego. She was undone by arrogance expressed in ignorance, not of glory the way we often think of egotistic people, but of righteousness. She held herself to a standard no reasonable person could ever live up to, and it crushed her as it came crashing down.
And yet, she was a victim all the same. Because she was walked, hand-in-hand, to that pier by a predator. Children are meant to learn from their mistakes. Not to die for them.
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seonghwa10ve · 6 months
Protector of my life|01
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Pairing: ceo!Jungkook x bodyguard!reader
Theme: fluff , angst ,eventual smut, strangers to co-workers to???.
Synopsis: You saved a man when he was almost assassinated by two men but you save his life. What happens when you join an academy only for female bodyguards.
A/n: Finally started writing it and I hope you guys will love it and don't worry I'll be updating the rest soon anyways... enjoy 🥰💞
It was beautiful
The sky was so blue without clouds and the sun has never shun so bright in the morning making the view in the city with large buildings so breath-taking.
The cafe was rich with the aroma of coffee beans and the sound of the customers either ordering or talking to their loved ones was peaceful.
When you were younger, you always imagined having the best career and so many journeys you could dream of. But as some people say life is a bitch and that's how you ended up here trying to look for a suitable job but all of them were already taken.
Being the only child throughout your childhood was lonely but you got to understand yourself and even got a best friend , Yeji.
Yeji always had a cheerful personality till now and was always a supportive friend.
That's why you two became roommates. She came from a very wealthy family which is hard to believe that she actually made you her best friend. Yeji has been a humble human being since you two bonded. You didn't even know she came from a rich family until she brought you to her house when you two were in highschool.
When you came out of the cafe to head back to your apartment, You were lost in thought until you saw a man. He he was tall,had nice beautiful silky hair and was built because his jacket looked like it wanted to give up on him
You looked at his side profile while you were behind him but couldn't really see him properly. When you looked at his face again, you noticed a dot on his head not just any dot, a red dot.
When you looked at the direction the light was coming from you saw a guy with a cape and he wore a mask trying to hide his identity in the black car he was in and he was trying to aim the gun at the man in front of you. You did what any smart person would do and ran to him .
You pushed the man in the black suit which ended up with him falling down on the pavement with you on top of him how cliché
And that's when you heard the trigger and people on the street scattered while some stood in shock.
When you opened your eyes you first looked around for the shooter and he was nowhere to be seen. Then you looked at the man in front of you who you saved and oh gosh
He was absolutely gorgeous
He looked like he came straight out of a movie . He had a mole under his bottom lip with one piercing on his eyebrow and the other on his lip. His eyes were so memorizing .
When you you cleared your throat and stood up trying to find something to say or ask.
"A-are you alright sir?" You asked while trying to help him get up and he stood up dusting his suit that you're very sure costs more than your phone. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry. Thank you for saving me " he smiled at you with his cute bunny teeth that were pearly white.
"No need to thank me sir I was just saving someone's life" you said while you noticed a bruise on your arm and winced as you touched it. "I guess I should be the one asking you if you're alright" he lightly chuckled and look at you as if you two were not just strangers who met not even three minutes ago. "I'll be fine it's just a bruise. I'll clean it up when I get home."
"I should repay you for saving me." He insisted and you brushed it off saying that anyone could have done the same thing to him but he was stubborn and refund until you gave in. "Fine, okay you can just not today." You agreed and he smiled while walking away and he stopped his tracks and turned to look at you "I didn't catch your name by the way" he looked at you , hoping you would answer and luckily you did " I'm Y/n " you replied and he repeated it just to remember it . "I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you." He smiled at you "Nice to meet you too, Jungkook."
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"So how did your day go?" Yeji asked while bringing the popcorn for the movie you two were about to watch." It was alright just saved a random guy in a suit" you explained while stuffing the popcorn in your mouth.
"Was he cute?" Yeji asked forgetting about the movie you were supposed to watch.
"I guess, I just feel guilty because you have to pay more for most of the bills that I was supposed to pay for." You told her while she looked at you a smiled "Hey Y/n, don't feel bad I actually saw a flyer a few days ago it was for a job asking for a bodyguard." You looked at her and she looked at you with sympathy in her eyes .
"Wouldn't that be for males or something?" you asked her while trying to process the information you were being told."No it's all genders plus they get paid at a very high amount. Why don't you try." She looked at you with convincing eyes and you wanted to protest but you though of the salary plus you took training way back when you lived with your parents.
"Okay .....I'm going tomorrow did you take a photo of it?" " Yeah I'll send it to you."
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You woke up early , took a shower got dressed up and ate some breakfast before you went to the company .
The company wasn't far from the apartment so it didn't make anything better because you were nervous. What if the CEO was an old creep or something.
When you reach you were stunned by the huge building in front of you.
The sun only blinding your eyes due to the glass that the building had plus the big name of the company on top.
'Damn.....they surely get paid a lot here' you thought while entering the building. The lobby was even more beautiful than the outside of the building and you went to the receptionist and told her you came for the interview. She checked the system and you read her name tag Park Chaeyoung. She was so gorgeous and tall no doubt she would be a model. "Lim Y/n?" She asked "Yes that's me " "Okay, the interview is on the 20th floor and I wish you all the best" she bowed at you and you did the same before you left.
When you had your interview you were nervous and you hoped that this was the only chance you to avoid life biting you in the ass . "We'll tell you about our decision when we're done have a good day" The man who you found out was Mr. Kim Seokjin said and you left the building hoping for the best.
You went home, thinking about whether you would get the job or not while Yeji kept on encouraging you not to overthink and that everything would be fine.
After a week or two passed, You got a notification congratulating you that you got the job and man did you scream your ass out of happiness .
"Are you alright what happened did a thief try to attack you?!" Yeji came in full panic mode until she saw no one and was confused. "No I got the job!!!" You yelled out of excitement and she screamed while running to hug you. "Congrats bestie, see I told you everything would work out" she said while she was still hugging you.
You read the message out to her while you forgot to read one part and your smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong?" Yeji asked and you were trying to find the right words to tell her "I-i'm going to have to leave for two months and live with the rest of the other females." You said failing to look at her in the eyes or else you would cry ."Maybe I should just turn it do-" "Don't I'll be alright Y/n okay?" "I guess you're right" you said lowering your head trying to fight back tears
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"Welcome ladies, today you're just going to arranged your luggage and mingle with your fellow co-workers but before that , I would all like you to meet the CEO of JEON CO."
People were all wondering who he was and everyone was thinking about all the things he would do to us .
"Sorry for delaying, Oh, hello everyone my name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm the CEO of JEON CO I hope you ladies will feel comfortable and please feel at ease." He bowed and smile at everyone while you looked at him wide eyed and he tried to hide that he was shocked too but he failed and you looked away.
No way the man you saved is your boss
Part 2
A/n : I finally managed to write the first part but I'm wondering if I should have a tag list if so please tell me . 🥰💞
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Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Season 2 Episode 11 Discussion
- Martin was me the entire episode, freaking the fuck out
- Eri vs Suletta is such a great fight. The two love each other, but their viewpoints and morals are on such opposite wavelengths. Eri, much like Suletta in the past, is doing everything for her mother because she wants her mom to be happy. The Eri we see is simply lines of code reconfigured into what could possibly be construed as a human being. She has Eri’s memories and feelings, but she hasn’t, can’t, grow up, unlike Suletta. Suletta loves her mom, she wants to be there for her, but she can’t accept killing people. She’s realized just how much heavy a life is and so she moves to protect it.
- Peil and the SAL have taken the mantle of final boss. If they really cared about punishing the Benerit Group, they would arrest the leaders, not shoot them with a giant fuck you laser while children are on board all while supporting the people who make nuclear child body doubles. The League is doing exactly what Delling did during the Vanadis incident, right down to the “I’ll take responsibility (but I really won’t)” shtick.
- However what’s interesting is how out of place Elan seems to be. He isn’t sitting down with the Peil ladies, he’s standing off in the corner, staring at his own reflection, and I think this shows a lot of us got his character wrong. Elan is just another child the Peil ladies are taking advantage of. He only got where he was due to sheer luck that the AI picked him, if not, he probably would have either ended up as the other body doubles or dead and discarded. It’s common with abusive parents that they’ll choose a “golden child” and use that child to put down the others, and Elan seems to fit in that mold. I hope he breaks out just like El5n and creates his own life.
- God the Schwarzette is the best fucking Gundam. Between it and Calibarn, how are they ever going to challenge it in the future? It has space rave lasers, it’s sword is the GUND bits and it can become a wing, and it has bisexual lighting.
- Lauda is too good for every one of his haters. He’s been second string to Guel for his entire life, his very name “Lauda Neill” is just a reminder of how he’s a mistress’s child. But here he proudly proclaims himself as “Lauda Jeturk.” His feelings for his brother come from both admiration and self-worthlessness. He puts his entire identity into being Guel’s brother so when Guel falters, he does as well. He wants Guel to rely on him. He wants to be his equal. He put Guel on such a high pedestal because he was everything he wanted to be.
- My poor son Guel. He’s always loved his brother, no matter the fact that they come from different mothers, but as always he has trouble understanding others. Also, we get to see a far darker part of his psyche that most others might have missed. In his fight with Shaddiq, despite being stabbed, he managed to eject and save himself, but here he waits for death. Guel has been keeping himself moving with the idea that his family still needs him, but once Lauda seemingly rejects him, he loses all that energy. He hasn’t recovered from the trauma and pain he’s been through, he’s only simply masked it. But in that moment, he’s perfectly fine with dying because he believes it would be better for everyone
- But best girl Felsi says fuck that! She reminds Guel and Lauda that the world is so much bigger than them, and that there are people who still care about them. They can’t ignore their problems, they need to talk through it. Lauda’s insecurity and Guel’s suicidal nature and guilt, these are things that can’t be held within or else they’ll bubble over and end in tragedy. Felsi the hero says cut the bullshit, and I love her so much for it. I need Felsi merch right now
- El5n was another MVP of the episode. I’m surprised just how talented he is with a gun and shoot outs. Does he have experience, either from his past life or current one? And the fact that he didn’t hesitate to get the head shot off of Prospera says so much. He’s ruthless because he has a purpose. He ain’t letting anyone die unnecessarily, but he also recognizes when the doing needs done
- And Belmeria really stepped up as well. She’s spent the entire series running away from the consequences of her actions but here she finally stands up and protects the children who have been abused by the system she supported. Her diving to protect Miorine from getting shot was beautiful, and you can tell El5n really appreciated the gesture.
- Miorine is the best wife. That’s it, that’s the tweet
- Right when Eri was about to merc Miorine and co, something interrupted them, and I believe it was Notrette, Miorine’s mom. We never learned how Miorine’s mom died, so it’s possible she also got sucked up into the data storm and resides in Quiet Zero, and that’s why Delling was working on the project. She also added a failsafe so her daughter could shut it down, one that speaks words of love. Mother of the year
- The fact that Eri’s final act is to protect her sister and mother is so sad. She never had the chance to grow up, she’s forever stuck in stasis inside a giant hunk of metal. Quiet Zero offered the hope that she could finally escape and travel the world as herself, but it still wouldn’t give her herself back. However, Suletta can still live on, and so she valiantly protects her from the big laser, giving one final smile to her little sister. I hope she can finally rest in peace.
- But will Prospera allow that. She’s watched her daughter die twice now. Everything she worked for, all the lives that were sacrificed, they now all mean nothing. The world has rejected her once again. Whether she can accept it and become a better mother to Suletta is to be seen, but I don’t think she’ll follow that path.
Really hoping we get that second half so I can see the Peil girls get fucking incinerated. Also can we paint the Schwarzette red and give it to Guel? Double the points if it’s revealed he’s bisexual.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 16 hours
A Life in the Hands of the Enemy -- Villain reluctantly saves Hero's Life part 22
Warnings: captivity whump, cruel Villain whumper, forced living weapon, captive Hero whumpee, shock collars
"These can generate almost as much heat as you can, upwards of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. So I have you to thank for the inspiration.”
Amber shivered uneasily, mind wandering to all the damage Zack could do with those after they beat Supervillain.
Her train of thought was interrupted when he handed her a leather mask that matched the suit she was wearing. "For your oh-so-secret identity," he teased.
Amber scowled as she fitted it on her face, and Zack put a matching one on his own, before walking over and opening the front door. He stopped Amber when she tried to walk out, expression more serious than she was used to seeing.
"Listen carefully. Don't use my real name in the field, and I won't use yours either. From this point onward, you are Hero, and I am Villain. Understood?"
Amber nodded grimly, and Zack stepped aside to let her out. He led her to a sleek black car that looked just like so many others, nothing about it screaming 'I belong to an evil crime lord'. Amber didn't know what she'd been expecting, but it wasn't this.
"Fancy ride, isn’t it," Zack joked as he hopped in the driver's seat. Amber got into the passenger side with an exasperated eye roll. The instant she shut the door Zack hit the gas, tires squealing as the vehicle lurched into motion, speeding down the street.
"Pretty sure you're going double the speed limit right now," Amber harped angrily, struggling to get her seat belt on.
"I'm a villain. Laws don't apply to me," Zack answered flippantly.
"Ugh, you're so annoying," Amber groaned inwardly. "Do you even know where we're headed?"
"Yes. I was watching the news live and Supervillain is currently making a stand against authorities at that giant museum downtown. They're working on evacuating the surrounding areas of civilians because of how dangerous it's getting. And apparently Supervillain brought some friends with him. It's pure chaos, we're walking into a literal war zone between SWAT teams and Supervillain's goons."
"Great, as if the odds couldn't get any worse," Amber grumbled, bracing herself against the door of the car as Zack took a particularly sharp turn.
And when they arrived, Amber realized that Zack hadn't been exaggerating. The scene was hectic. Fleeing bystanders and civilians were running like mice away from the museum, screaming in terror. And the whole front of the museum itself was in shambles, collapsed from what looked like explosives judging from the damage. Armored SWAT vehicles were positioned outside the entrance, people in military gear taking cover behind them.
Zack jumped out of the car and Amber followed, shocked at the extent of the damage. Even some of the buildings surrounding the museum were partially or completely destroyed and collapsed.
"Here's what's going to happen," Zack said urgently. "You need to go and talk to the SWAT teams, get them to back off so we can go in and take control of the situation -- go clear a way for us to reach and fight Supervillain. I'll work on blasting a hole to get inside, it looks like Supervillain's barricaded himself inside the museum to buy time for whatever his plan is."
"I don't take orders from you!" Amber snapped.
"You will if you want to win this," Zack growled confidently. "SWAT will listen to you because you're a familiar hero. They won't trust me."
"Gee, I wonder why?" Amber drawled pointedly.
"Cut the snark. We need to have each other's backs here, even if we're rivals. Can you trust me, if I'm willing to trust you, just this once? We can go back to being enemies after the fight’s over. But we need to work together for this to work, or we'll both get ourselves killed. Can you do that?" He held out a hand, waiting for her to accept.
Amber searched his face for a lie, for any hint or trace of familiar manipulation, but all she could see was genuine sincerity for once, brutal honesty from him. She hesitated, the sounds of terrified screams piercing the background... before she shook Zacks hand with grim resolve and determination. "I'll trust you... once, only because I have to. After this, no more," she growled.
"Understood." Zack broke away and took off at a dead sprint toward the side of the museum, while Amber ran toward the SWAT teams.
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Sequel to Captured
Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) x Latina Reader
Warnings: angst, kidnapping, drugging, abuse, suggested sexual abuse, blood
A/N: omg I’m so excited that I wrote this because I’ve been having such a case of writer’s block for months and I just had all my creativity show up before bed. I’m sorry if there are mistakes, I did not reread/edit it because I was just too excited to share it and I have to wake up early for work tomorrow. I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!
word count: ~1400
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You sat in the chair you were strapped down to with tape across your lips. You scratched at the wood beneath your fingertips, dry blood from your nails already at the cracks you made whenever you were in the chair. This was where the riddler put you when he was otherwise occupied. 
As terrible as it was, it was still better than when he put his attention on you. He would take the tape and ropes off and drug you, causing the rest of the experience to be hazy and all the more terrifying because your mind couldn’t focus on what was going on. The memories you did have when the drugs wore off made your anxiety rise as all you could remember were glimpses of a smack across the face, or being thrown against the wall, or lying in what you assumed was his bed. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to picture anything else, trying not to let your imagination run wild with the events over the past few days already in your mind. You tried to picture Bruce, his voice and his eyes, before they got distorted by the riddler’s and it just caused you to start crying all over again. 
You knew Bruce wasn’t resting until he found you. He was already consumed by the hunt of this masked murderer before you were captured, you could only imagine what he was like after seeing the video of you that was sent out into Gotham. Which is why you had whatever hope left inside of you aimed at Bruce finding you before it was too late.
The riddler had strapped you in the next room earlier when you heard a gunshot come from the window he would watch out of. You tried to focus on the commotion outside, someone had to have known you were in there. Before you knew it, you saw him run past you and out the window in the bathroom and then you heard glass breaking outside in the hall. You began to cry out to whoever it was the best you could with your mouth taped shut. The front door was slammed open and you heard heavy footsteps walk in. Just as he rounded the corner you made eye contact, you began to sob tears of relief. 
It was your Bruce, as the batman, standing in front of you. He was lightning quick in getting to your chair to cut off the ropes and take off the tape. As soon as you were free you jumped into his arms, your own tightly wrapped around his neck. You continued to sob into him and never wanted to let go. He squeezed you back and buried his face into your hair as he let out a shaky breath. 
He reluctantly loosened his grip as a swarm of cops flooded the apartment. You barely registered the incoming people as all you wanted to do was keep hold of Bruce, not thinking about how it would jeopardize his identity. 
“You’re safe now,” he stated in his rough voice with a friendly pat on your back in order to maintain his cover. Part of him wanted nothing more than to throw it all away and take care of you properly as Bruce instead of as the batman who wasn’t supposed to know you at all. However, he knew that in the long run that could only bring more danger to you and he would never let you be put in a situation like this ever again. So he mustered up all the strength left in him to remain just the man who saved your life and not the man who loved you more than anything else in the world. 
“She needs medical attention,” Bruce said as he turned to Gordon next to him.  
“Well get medics here right away, they’ll take her to the hospital. Miss Y/L/N, do you know where he went?” You finally came to your senses and realized you couldn’t continue to hold onto Bruce like you were. 
“Thank you,” you said through your tears towards Bruce before loosening your grip. “Thank you.” You pulled your hands away and squeezed them tightly together as you took a half step back and looked into the most calming eyes before you. You looked down slightly and tried to focus on Gordan’s question. “Umm, the bathroom,” you said quietly. “Out the window.” 
As they both began towards the bathroom, you couldn’t help yourself from shooting your hand out and gripping Bruce’s arm, stopping him from walking away. You gave him a terrified look, worried that if he left your side for even a second, something bad would happen to you again. Before Bruce could say anything, Gordon saw what had happened and spoke up.
“Y/N?” he asked gently as approached you. He saw a scared young woman who was clinging to the only safety she knew in the man who had saved her life. He knew he would have to help get you to let him go. “We’re all here to help you, we’re here to protect you, I promise. The best way he can help you right now,” he nodded towards the batman, “is by catching that son of a bitch. Medics will be here soon to take you to a doctor, and they’ll get your fiance there. Bruce Wayne, he’ll be there.” 
“Ok,” you whispered and nodded slightly. You looked back into Bruce’s eyes, trying to come to terms with the idea that you would have to leave so he could finish his job and then eventually he would come back to you. “Thank you,” you said to Bruce, but you hoped that he knew what you really meant behind your words. You wanted to say ‘i love you’, but this would have to do for now. He sent you back a nod, and you knew it was his secret way of being able to say it back. You gave his arm a small squeeze with your hand before letting go. Wrapped your own arms around your body and gripped your skin for support. Soon you were whisked away and sent to the hospital. 
You couldn’t tell how long it was before Bruce finally showed up in his normal clothes, running through the door of your hospital room. He quickly sat himself on the bed beside you and gently put his hands on your face. He wiped the tears falling from your eyes with his thumbs and kissed your nose. It was something he often did to make you laugh. All it did this time was make you cry harder. You wrapped your arms around his torso and buried your face into his shirt, smelling the distinct ‘Bruce’ smell he had that brought you a little comfort and peace. He held you close to his chest and rested his cheek on top of your head. He couldn’t hold back his own tears any longer and finally let them fall. 
He had you safe in his arms and he was never letting go again. He didn’t know everything that had happened to you while you were at the hands of the riddler, but his mind couldn’t help but think of the worst. He tried to push those thoughts away and made a promise to himself that he would do whatever it took to help you through healing from this horrible experience. You had been the light for him for so long, he would try his very best to be the light for you now. 
And you would need that light, because the more memories that came from your time being kidnapped, the darker your world felt. You knew Bruce blamed himself for your capture, but you would never place that on him. He was your everything, and he took care of you and made you feel less broken inside. Nothing would change the love you had for him and the feeling of safety you had when you knew he was around. And he knew that he was incredibly lucky to still have you in his life, and he wasn’t going to jeopardize that ever again.
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otakugurl-11037 · 1 month
Who Let Vampires Run Rock n' Roll?! Female!Y/NxVampire Rockstar.
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Before you read, there's biting, mentions of blood, ghosts, and other spooky things. There is also a mention of smashing, but it's nothing too serious. Happy reading!
2,000+ words.
Will be in multiple parts!!
Random question, but do you believe that the Ship of Theseus, if taken apart and replaced with the same parts, will it still be the same ship?
“You got front-row tickets?!”
My friend, Mai, had practically squealed at me over the phone. She and I were obsessed with this indie alt-rock band we discovered called Crimson Nocturne and they just happened to have a concert just five minutes away from where I lived.
I managed to snag a good ticket since I had saved up my coupons over the years. I ended up knocking the price down from $150 to a mellow $45. Thank goodness I picked up the habit of mindlessly clipping coupons that I may or may not use.
“Aw man, I’m so jealous,” Mai continued. “I wanna go, but this work is horrrrible!! It just feels like it never ends, you know?”
“Yeah, yeah,” I replied. “I’m sorry you gotta do all that. I’ll be sure to send you some videos of the concert, okay?
“Okay,” she said, seemingly put into a better mood. “Oh, and lemme know if Lucien notices you! He’s been on a little streak with taking notice of the front-row fellas!”
While she giggles over the phone, I think of Lucien--the lead of the band. He’s the one who started it all, with his lyrical genius and creativity. He found his group rather quickly after showing off his skills during an impromptu talent show.
“I don’t think he’ll notice ME, though,” I say with a half-chuckle. “I’m not even wearing any of the band’s merch.”
“Daww, never say never! I bet that he’ll swing you around in his arms like lovers!”
I couldn’t help but laugh at her silly statement.
“No, he won’t,” I say through giggles.
“He could drop everything and LEAP toward you, haha!”
Her and I share a hearty laugh for a good minute--man, she is the best friend I could ever ask for.
“Oh, shoot-”
“What, what’s the matter,” I ask, ceasing our laughter.
“I gotta go, I’m already 5 minutes late to this meeting I’m supposed to be in. See you!”
“Okay, see you later!”
She hung up and I put my phone in my jean pocket. I take one last look at myself in the mirror, doing a mental checklist of everything on my person.
Phone, check.
Wallet, check.
Car keys and regular keys, check.
Super cool Hello Kitty hairpin I found in the clearance aisle, check.
I adjust my hairpin before heading to the door, ready to go to my first-ever Crimson Nocturne concert.
After going through a labyrinth and back to find parking, I approach the venue, which is a restored theater that was abandoned in the 30s until a company picked it back up. Before that band came to town, I figured that the restoration was a waste of money; nobody wanted to go inside because rumors were spread about it being haunted. I must admit that they did a wonderful job of sprucing up the place.
The neon lights and plants surrounding the large building breathed life and excellence in a way that nobody from the 30s could imagine. The plants, along with the lights, had every hue of color you could imagine. It’s as if you let a rainbow take hold of a coloring book.
I enter the building, which has the complete opposite vibe from the outside. I figure that it’s to fit the theme of who’s performing here. Beyond the long line of people who are practically hopping up and down for Crimson Nocturne’s future performance, there’s checkered flooring, fake blood oozing from the walls(or at least I HOPE it’s fake), toy bats hanging upside down from the ceiling, fake cobwebs, skeletons with glowing eyes, and posters of each of the band members.
Everyone except Lucien is wearing masks--either to conceal their identity or for an artistic reason. One thing about Crimson Nocturne is that they’ve always been particular about their works, nothing happens without a reason. Each mask has a marking on it--Lysander, the drummer, has a skull marked on his mask, Alexzander, the bassist, has a pentagram marked on it, and Alistair, the guitarist, has a single heart mark. Me and Mai have come up with theories as to what those mask markings could mean, but they were 3 am ramblings--we would always wake up the next morning to find out just how stupid those theories were and trash them.
Lucien, however, is another story. He has shaggy black hair, heavy eyeliner, red eye contacts, and he always wears a dark leather suit with combat boots that could eliminate military-grade bugs. Often, I’d notice him with fang caps over his canines or red eye contacts. Perhaps this is his way of standing out from the others.
I move up in the line, equally excited for this concert.
“Aaaah, oh my gosh, I can’t wait to see them,” a girl gushes behind me.
“Dude, this is my second concert with them! The whole band signed my poster last time I came,” a guy recalled.
“Is it bad that I would smash all of them, at the same time,” another girl said before being interrupted by a series of WHAT coming from what I assume are her friends. I didn’t join in, but it did make me turn my head in dumbfoundedness at how boldly she said such an outrageous thing.
I never found them THAT attractive since the majority of them are wearing masks. I could see myself getting with Lucien, but hardly. He’s way beyond my league.
The guy in front of me practically ran to the concert stage, revealing the ticket clerk. I walk forward and grab my phone from my back pocket, showing him my digital ticket. He puts his barcode scanner over it, lets it ding, and then hands me a complimentary keychain of chibi Alistair aggressively hugging a teddy bear, in which the poor thing’s eyes are popping out. Must be an intense hug.
“Enjoy the show, miss,” the clerk said.
Before my brain could let me utter a misplaced ‘you too,’ I said,
“Thank you!” Skipping over to the concert hall, I pocket both my phone and my new keychain. 
I make it to my front row seat, dodging some of the other onlookers. It is mind-numbingly cold in this large auditorium. Somehow, the AC unit could freeze an area that can house well over 3,000 people. The cold strategically attacked my weak points--my arms, hands, face, and the front of my neck. I internally regret not wearing my turtleneck sweater. 
Then the lights dimmed. People’s chatter descended into soft murmurs, the air got warmer, and a sense of nervousness loomed over our shoulders like a ghost was truly haunting this building.
What have I gotten myself into?
I’m too deep into this to leave, so I lean away from the back of my seat, bringing my forearms to my thighs. I probably looked like a wannabe CEO pulling that pose, but I didn’t care. It helped keep the nervous feeling at bay.
A single guitar riff played, breaking the crowd’s silence and replacing it with cheers and rambunctiousness. I sat up almost immediately with the sudden shift in energy. Then they crescendoed into a whole melody while the curtains lifted to reveal the band in all their glory, red light showering them all.
“Haaah, how are we doing tonight,” Lucien asked, his fake fangs on full display. 
The crowd cheered and Lucien feigned surprise.
“Wow, you guys must be doing great, huh? Haha, I appreciate all of you lovely little darklings coming out to see us tonight. It warms my heart knowing that you all could take me from down here, to up HERE.”
He brought his arm from the floor, kneeling down, to high up as he spoke. Everybody cheered again, happy to know that we’ve supported him well.
“But I digress,” Lucien continued, playing with the cord of his microphone. “We gotta show to put on, and I can’t have my friends just play this melody without me singing anything, right?”
The crowd hollered once more while I wooed, my voice surely being drowned out by the near-full house.
With that, he took off, his singing voice miles away from his talking voice. Hearing his voice on streaming is one thing, but actually hearing it live is another. His haunting voice and equally dark lyrics just seemed to entrance me. He wove a web of notes and like the fly I--and others-- are, we flew in, trapped in the spider’s grip. His voice is so mellow, yet rough around the edges, it’s perfect. 
Before I knew it, the song ended and the crowd’s uproar snapped me out of my trance. I woo along with them, looking at Lucien’s little smirk he had. He grabbed the mic once again.
“Up next is your favorite,” he said, dragging out the last word as if he wanted to tease us.
A familiar melody plays, and the crowd is sent back into an uproar. ‘Little Miss Wild Øne’ is one of the best songs they have ever conceived, and for good reason. It’s a deep, yet sensual song that somehow gives you that positive shiver down your spine.
Oh crap, I forgot to record this for Mai!
After fumbling with my phone, I reach the camera app and…accidentally take a picture. I quickly switch it to video and start recording, focusing on Lucien. As soon as I start recording, he starts singing.
“Ohhhh, how you are filled with sin, you feel like you cannot win, let it run through like a riiiver, and with that I shall deliver…”
The music pauses only to resume with Lucien screeching the word “evil.” With how intense that scream is, I could’ve dropped my phone. His diaphragm is also impressive, with how long he’s holding that one word. While screeching. 
Ohh, Mia’s gonna LOVE this…
Lucien stops with his screeching, allowing for his bandmates to continue playing their intense tune. He then turns his head towards my camera and does the unthinkable.
He winked. He freaking winked at the camera!!
A buzz goes through my body, having experienced such attention. How does something so small do something so grand to me? If it weren’t for the fact that this is a public space, I would’ve kicked my feet and giggled aloud. 
Ah wait, it probably wasn’t directed towards me….yes it was. I’m the only person in my row and column recording him right now.
He approached me from the stage, kneeling to extend his hand out. A smile was on his face, once again, showing off his teeth.
My heart was nearing the edge of bursting out of my chest, but I brought my hand closer to his, thinking that he was offering a high-five.
He pulled me onto the stage, holding me with one arm. He held his microphone with his free arm as he leaned in to sing once again.
“Mm, ooh, baby, must you hurt me so? Nobody’s born clean, I’ve told you so,”
I just knew that I was sweating bullets. Being on stage, you become painfully aware of how many people are there, their full attention on you and you alone. Somehow, being so close to Lucien made me more nervous. Yet at ease at the same time, with how much confidence he’s exuding. 
I quietly sang along, so I wouldn’t feel like a sitting duck next to the Lucien.
“Raaah, why are you so scared? You knew what you signed up for, don’t act like you cannot comprehend. We’re only sinners after aaaaall… But don’t you worry dear, tonight I have something special for you, it’s coming near, it’s… HERESY!”
I can’t scream along with him. I’ve tried it before and my voice broke, like it literally broke. I had to talk to people with a text-to-speech tablet for about a week. While he’s holding out the word, I look around the crowd, they’re full of hype and energy. Of the likes I couldn’t imagine. If humanity is good at one thing, they’re good at filling a room with life--especially when this venue has been close to death. 
Lucien closes out while the rest of the band goes into a slow decrescendo. I figure that around this time, Lucien would let me down but he had other plans.
He tapped my shoulder and I looked up at him. He brought his hand over my ear to whisper.
“Darling Darkling,” Lucien murmured. “I’m parched, may I have a drink, please?”
I looked at him a bit puzzled. I didn’t bring a water bottle or anything(I should really start doing that) so I’m not sure what he meant. I nodded.
“Sure, go ahead,” I whispered back.
He smiled, showing off those fangs again.
He leaned in, and I learned that those fake fangs were in fact, real. He bit down on the side of my neck and the whole crowd went insane. My eyes were wide, the heat coming to my face and ears were palpable. I should’ve ran away, but I stayed. Leaned into the bite, accepted this sin he brought to the table. He drank for a long time before letting me go, seeing me stumble a little bit on my own.
As if I came back to my senses, I quickly ran off-stage and back to my seat. Staring into my eyes with dilated pupils, he wiped off the excess blood and grabbed the mic again.
“Thanks for that, sweetheart.” 
His tone completely changed, he spoke as if he was flirting with me. Which also made the crowd explode. I was in for a long night…
You made it to the end, hooray! Part 2 will come out sometime, on someday. Have a nice rest of your day/evening!
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a-flaming-idiot · 1 year
Ok, I and @sashonya were suddenly struck with inspiration after seeing some beautiful art made by @edorazzi. Specifically, an older piece made back in 2015 depicting Felix and Bridgette from Miraculous Ladybug PV as younger versions of Gabriel Agreste and Sabine Cheng. This one Specifically. So Sash and I made an AU.
This AU starts basically the same, with Adrien as the sheltered son of rich but distant fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste along with the late Emilie Agreste. And Marinette as the clumsy and anxious daughter of bakers Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. But one day while digging through the old belongings of his parents, Adrien discovers a small box holding the cat miraculous. And for her birthday, Marinette is given a pair of family heirloom earrings. Which turn out to be the ladybug miraculous.
You can imagine where this goes...
Marinette and Adrien become the heroes Chat Noir and Ladybug, but are aware of older heroes who once existed several decades ago, long before either of them was born. With the help of their kwamis they go about trying to hide their activities as heroes fro their parents, seemingly doing rather well.
The kids go on to fight Hawk Moth, fighting to discover the identity of the villain who not even the audience knows. But through a series of events, the kids start to suspect it might be Gabriel due to his distance and coldness after the passing of his wife. Along with the fact both Miraculouses can be used to grant a wish that could revive his wife.
This all comes to a head in the season one or two finale, depending on the show's preference, where the kids are captured by Hawk Moth or one of their akumas. In the process, they are separated from their miraculouses, which are soon found by Gabriel and Sabine. The two parents meet up once they realize what happened to their kids. Gabriel looks down at Sabine, and gives a deep bow while greeting her with a "My lady" and Sabine simply laughs out a "My dear Chaton". And finally, it's revealed that both Sabine and Gabriel were once the previous holders of the two miraculouses. They quickly transform and rush off to save their kids.
Imagine the kids shock when they're sitting tied up, thinking they're up the creek without a pedal before Chat Noir suddenly cataclysms through the wall, followed by Ladybug(or their previous names). Both of them waste little time in freeing their kids, Gabriel shocking his son by scooping him up in a massive, teary hug. Yeah, he's actually rather sweet in this AU, just with a lot of difficulty expressing his emotions correctly, especially after his wife's passing.
Marinette and Adrien then get to witness the full power of the cat and ladybug miraculouses with their much more experienced parents who absolutely decimate Hawk Moth's forces. In that fight it's also revealed the truth of Hawk Moth's identity, being Tomoe, Kagami's mother. (Both of them would likely being introduced much earlier in this AU). Tomeo would specifically take a lot of inspiration from @bigfatbreak's Nekydallon, being blind but regaining her sight when akumatizing someone, along with a sick-ass butterfly mask. I'm not certain of Tomeo's motivations, but I think she'd make an interesting villain. She also likely would have been born sighted and have lost her sight at some point in her life, which possibly led her to find the butterfly miraculous.
After Marinette and Adrien are saved, their parents finally get to reveal the truth to them. Gabriel and Sabine were once the holders of the cat and ladybug miraculouses when they were younger, along with once being called Felix and Bridgette. As teens, they faced off against another great threat. But once their enemy was defeated, Paris no longer needed them. And both of them were tired of being heroes after so long carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. So together they decided to renounce their miraculouses and hide them away. In a motion to distance themselves from their previous identities, they also went about changing their names to Gabriel and Sabine. They actually haven't seen each other since they gave up being heroes in their twenties. Sabine did very much want to be there for Gabriel after Emilie died, but they'd been apart for so long and she worried returning to his life in such a turbulent time would only worsen things for him and Adrien.
Back then they were crazy close, not romantically but more like platonic soulmates. The only reason they avoided each other for so long was the knowledge both of them wanted to live their lives away from their past and had found their own new happy lives. However, things got a little complicated when Hawk Moth appeared and they became hyper-aware of the fact Paris needed new heroes. Which is what led them to entrust their own children with the miraculouses in secret. They felt that even if their kids wouldn't be able to take on the roles of heroes, they would be able to find the right people who could.
Maybe it's not the best reasoning but it's certainly something and I wouldn't put reasoning like that past this show.
I also like to imagine the cutesy interactions we can see between Sabine and Tom concerning the whole miraculous thing. Tom is 100% Sabine's biggest fan even after she retired. And he's had to fight as hard as possible to keep from scooping up Marinette and tell her how proud he is of her every time he hears about her actions as Ladybug. Gabriel and Emilie likely had a similarly sweet relationship concerning his former life as a hero. Though I think she was flattered to know he gave it up to start a life with her. Him and Adrien 100% would also need a scene where they visit Emilie's grave or memorial in private and talk about Adrien's exploits as Chat Noir. And just how amazed and proud she would surely be of him.
Anyway. I think that's it for the AU idea. It's a thing and it's sweet. I might be the one to write it if it wasn't for the fact I was working on something else. So anybody take it if you want it. I'm not gonna use it.
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Hi, hello, I really need to get these ideas stuck in my head out, PLEASE IF YOU TAKE INSPIRATION OFF OF THESE PLEASE TAG ME IN IT I'D LOVE YOU FOR LIFE.
Batman Drabbles/Headcanon/Oneshot/Random Ideas Dump
Soon to come up with idea dumps for other fandoms too. Please, tag me, like I said above. I'd love to see if you've written something based on any of these. But you don't have to, I'll find it eventually as I scroll through tags of the same characters and fandoms over and over.
Most can be X Readers, Headcanons, or some other stuff. I'll label it if it could be offensive, like yandere works or possible smut, don't worry, but you can totally make any of these have smut/yandere if you so choose. Also, this idea dump thing is a work in progress, and I'll (hopefully) add more later on. And unless I specify a version of the character, it's all up to you!
Normal Prompts/Ideas
Whichever Scarecrow/Johnathan Crane has the Grandma issues, I need a lil thing of some sweet old lady thinking that he's her grandson. Even though he's like, in full scarecrow gear. And this little lady keeps saying he should eat more, cause he's looking thin, or that he's such a ladies man, giggling to herself. He doesn't have the balls to tell her that he's not her grandson...Or that he's a villain. But eventually, he spills the beans that he's not actually her grandson, and that his real granny was a jerk (still won't say that he's the Scarecrow however). And she's just like "I'll be your new grandma, don't you worry sweetie, now come inside, and tell me more about yourself." And this man Is on the verge of tears. After, he now 100% calls her grandma, and will not take shit from anyone about it. Calls often, and always leaves her house with a full stomach and a smile on his face.
Okay, but imagine being someone watching over the Riddler as his probation officer, essentially making sure he doesn't go back to his evil ways, as well as help him rebuild his life. Edward, however doesn't. And slowly, but surely, the two start to bond. Could be platonic or romantic.
Batman dealing with an assassin for hire, not knowing who they are or who hired them. And once he defeats them, he has to hide the look of horror on his face as he takes off their mask and it reveals the identity of his dearest friend. It only dawns on him the next day he hears their name on the news, only confirming that his worst dream has become a reality. So he visits you, not as Batman, but as Bruce. He sees your reasoning, and he can only hope you get better. He doesn't want to have to fight you once more.
Any Villain hunting a security guard down during an Arkham breakout, for whatever reason of your choice. But luckily, another villain, who they have grown close to, comes and saves the day. The only thing they ask for in return, for a place to lay low...AKA, their apartment. Could be platonic or romantic.
A heartbreaker breaks the heart of whichever villain you choose, and a local bartender (who really doesn't care that their main clientele are villains), tries to ease their woes with some comforting words and booze. Could be platonic or romantic.
BTAS Riddler during his rehabilitation meeting an interviewer, of whom he finds their questions unique and refreshing compared to the others. Luckily he sees them at the celebration between Wacko Toys™ and The Riddler, interviewing a few guests. Riddler tells them to relax and let loose a little, and to get off the job and dance with him. Luckily, they're more than happy to oblige.
Song Inspired prompts/Ideas
Once again, if you like the song/idea but not the character, you can totally change it, it's your story not mine. And if you think a song doesn't match the prompt, then I literally don't care, cause I'm not seeing you write a fuckton of Batman shit. /j (I do actually care, just please don't say anything)
Arkham Riddler - Best Friends, right? (Amy Winehouse)
Riddler and the character have a rocky relationship/friendship. Things never get physical, obviously, it's normally quips at the others intelligence or deep rooted insults. But you slowly start to realize it's his way of keeping you out, he's afraid to trust you. To let you in. It's up to you how the story goes. Could be platonic or romantic.
Any Villain - Hold Up (Beyoncé)
Any villain helping a friend (or crush, depending on the kind of story you want it to be), beat up an ex of theirs. Imagine them ranting to them about how bad they were to them, and they're just like "Fuck them! We should jump them!" And they're just like "FUCK YEAH." Could be platonic or romantic.
Capullo Riddler - Year Zero (Ghost)
If you read the comic Zero Year, you'll know that he calls his reign on Gotham city "Year Zero", so whenever I hear the song I think about him promising how great his reign will be to his partner in crime, promising them how unstoppable they'll be, just him and them on the top of the world. Could be platonic or romantic.
Riddler - Me and Your Mama (Childish Gambino)
I don't know, whenever I hear this song I just feel like it's repressed feelings coming out. So I thought of Riddler and whomever getting high with each other, having a good time, then he started to reveal his feelings for them. Honestly, you can totally switch Riddler out for someone else, it's up to you.
TW/Not for everyone
Including the song fics, and normal Prompts.
(TW: YANDERE) Whichever villains you desire all talk about their obsessions, how they make them feel ect, but as each person talks about their obsessions, they slowly start to realize they are all obsessed over the same person. Whether they team up or not is up to you, but there is definitely tension in the room when they all figure it out. And the first person to figure it out is now looking among the group as they speak about the same person in shock, rage, and more or less, well, dying on the inside. UGH THE DRAMA!
(TW: POSSIBLE/IMPLIED SMUT) This was originally made to be a headcanon thing, but it could be anything of your choice! (within reason, cause not all of them would do this) any villain as a "paypig" (also known as someone who likes someone dominating them financially, like taking their money. While some just give them the money not expecting anything and simply find that hot, others can want to be degraded or publicly humiliated.) I was thinking it could mostly be any version of the Riddler (Looking at you BTAS and Paul Dano Riddler fans) or the Penguin, but feel free to choose any villain. Whether they leave it for them in their apartment or send it to them online, depending on when the series takes place, is all up to you. Go ham with it.
(TW: YANDERE) Dealing with Two-face as a new employee at the asylum, specializing in anger management, exclusively for him, funded by Bruce Wayne. And while to them it seems to not be working at all, to Harvey it's a different story. You've caught their eye, and they're gonna hunt you till the ends of the earth, whether you want them to or not. (And then I added a quote because I thought it up just now, pretty swag if you ask me)
"This wasn't chance this time, no, it was fate. You came to the asylum just to help little old us, and then you start to grow on us. And I know we started to grow on you. This was more than luck, no, it was destiny, my love. We belong together."
(TW: THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED YANDERE, IDK THOUGH) Riddler keeping his eye on a little private detective, impressed that they were smarter than the average Gothamite. Soon, before he can give them a real challenge, he finds out they're leaving town, never to return. He doesn't understand, you'd never be out of a job in a city like this! That was until he heard that a certain villain tried to nab them, to get rid of the only interesting thing in this god-forsaken place. No, this will not STAND! Now, he's going to give the little detective a letter, if they're as smart as he hopes, then they'll know where to meet him. He hopes to make you... Reconsider your plans on going. Could be platonic or romantic.
(TW: YANDERE, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE) This was made to be Headcanons, but do what you will with it. Any villain/hero finds their kidnapped 'partner' with a gun, threatening to kill themselves if they don't get out, or at the very least be able to go outside more. The character of your choice will have to try and coax them out of it, how they do it and how it ends is entirely up to you.
(TW: HOLY FUCK, SMUT) Okay, here me out, I'd love some mutual masterbation between Young Justice and his partner....Then again, it's more that he jacks off and says out loud what he's thinking about, and they just listen with great interest about how much he wants to please them, to hear their breath quiver. His whimpers of excitement when you get closer to him are heavenly. Yeah, just a thought.
(TW: YANDERE) Look, I love Scarecrow as much as the next. But it's honestly weird how much of his yandere stuff is that he's fallen for an ex-student of his. I mean, yeah they're consenting adults, but geez, kinda weird. To me, a more viable way for a teacher scarecrow to have a person of interest is another teacher, or if you like it, a student-teacher. Think about it, for a normal teacher, he sees that they are more favored than him by students, so he cares to ask how to make his class more engaging. Romantic tension ensues, but nothing becomes of it because they want to "be professional", too bad he's anything but. And for a student-teacher, It'd be that they're learning how to be a responsible teacher, and have great interest in the subject of fear, although that is not what they will be teaching. Scarecrow considers them to be his assistant, and decides to get to know them more. Too bad he's gotten a bit attached. Either way, both of these ideas end the same way in my head, the ex-teacher, Jonathan Crane, revealing his new identity, the Scarecrow, to the public. And he's made sure his lovely little teacher has front row seats~ (P.S. Please don't attack anyone who has written scarecrow x student stuff, obviously they are both adults, and have the right to say no. This is not shade to them. I just wanted another option for those who feel uncomfortable with that, but like teacher Scarecrow. Thank you ^^)
Song Inspired
Scarecrow - Tonight you Belong to Me (Patience & Prudence)
(TW: YANDERE) I have two ideas for this. 1) he chases a victim of his down, but they don't know how much he knows about them. Or 2) Dancing with a kidnapped victim significant other of his to this song, humming the words of the song in their ear, trying to be romantic and ease their nerves, but it doesn't help at all.
Any Villain(s)- Back to Black (Amy Winehouse)
(TW: DEATH) The villain(s) of your choice go to a good friend's funeral, saddened by their recent departure, and decide to attend undercover. Sadly, not many arrive at the funeral, and even worse, they are asked to say a few kind words for the departed. Now it's just got a bit more complicated than just grieving, do they decide a lie about how they knew them, bend the truth? It's all up to you. Meant to be platonic, but could be romantic repressed feelings.
Anyone - This Year (The Mountain Goats)
(TW: IMPLIED DEATH/BREAKUP) Any person of your choice dealing with the first year without their significant other, made to be headcanons, but honestly you do you.
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panaramic-art · 1 year
Sorry my miss wording I was asking who they are as characters what makes them different from all the other mikes and Williams?
Ah! Okay, I see. Well..
Mike takes over Williams identity after he disappears, running Fazbear Entertainment and basically running himself into the ground to actually make the restaurants successful and murder free! He really does a great job for learning on the fly, and even though he's tiered all the time we joke about him having absorbed the entire Michael-verse's supply of luck to get this to work at all.
William is exactly as his name says, he's William, but with Mike's personality. He's a genuinely kind person and a really good father to Evan and Elizabeth. He tries to be a good dad to Mike, but he basically refuses any attempts William makes, and it becomes even worse when Clara dies. Mike becomes reserved and cold, while a grieving William tries desperately to help his three children, everything he has left.. he really does try, but Mike ends up in charge of his siblings a lot as William has to work and Mike is old enough to babysit. He tries to be home as much as he can though.
Well, one thing leads to another, and Mike kills Charlie, gaining a bloodlust that he feels a need to fulfill. William teaches him robotics, happy to finally have a shared interest with his beloved Michael, and they make an entire line together, called the Funtimes. He has to step away at the end to get the restaurant ready, and that's when Mike adds in the murderous aspects. William trusts his son, of course, so he doesn't double check anything. Opening day, Elizabeth goes missing, and William is destroyed. He searches for her and begs the police for answers for months, almost a year. But little does he know, Michael had already retrieved and burnt her body, leaving her soul to find it's home in their creation.
He's just finally starting to heal when his youngest's birthday party rolls around. He was excited to have it at Fredbear's but when the day comes William can't help but notice something was off. But he's exhausted, and he looks away for only a moment before his little cub was dangling from the jaws of fredbear. He screams at the sight and sobs as the EMTs cart him away. All the while comforting his oldest, because surely Michael must be horrified and in shock by what this harmless prank had turned into. Mike doesn't get punished, because William was sure that the horrible sight and the red that stained his favorite mask must be enough punishment for the crime, moreso when poor innocent Mike lost his baby brother.
In the end, William discovers Mike is crazy. Though he discovers it too late. Mike is obsessed with death, and life, and preserving everyone in his machines so they can never leave him, even his beloved Jeremy was given new life after Mike found him beaten black and blue one night. Now he was safe, immortal, and all HIS. And he was about to do the same to William. Though his father was a bumbling dolt who couldn't see a beautiful opportunity if it was in front of him, Michael had a reluctant love for his father. And even though he couldn't save his mother, he would save him. Then truely Michael could be a god to everyone he held dear.
It didn't work out the way he planned though. He planned to kill him with the scooper, before transferring his soul to his father's favorite, spring Bonnie, but an updated version Michael himself made. It still had the capability of becoming a suit, but it wouldn't ever need that function. However, Charlie, who Will found and who initially pointed him in the direction of his son being a murderer, interviened, and Michael ended up in the suit instead, before getting springlocked. She dragged Williams corps away, planning to hold a small ceremony for him before burying him. But only a day later, he wakes up seemingly okay, except for the hole in his chest. And the fact he starts to rott a little while later.
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Just Small Things
Summary: Layla agreed to be a temporary Avatar to Taweret. So what does that mean? How long is temporary? And what is it like to house a Goddess?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2115
Word Prompt:   Taweret and Avatar
“Temporary Avatar.” Layla had been far too distracted by everything that had been going on to really pay that much attention. If she had been given time, she would have sat down and gone over things with a fine toothed comb and checked the fine print. 
She was just glad it wasn’t Khonshu. 
The costume had been a lovely surprise. Was this what Marc felt when he first wore the suite? The strength and thrill of power. The ability to take a hit and keep going. The ability to do the things she wished she could do. 
Catching her reflection in the suit, it was easy to see that it was still her. Her identity was important to her. There would be no masks or subterfuge. If things were done, she would do them her way and she would do them alone if she had to.
When the fighting was done and the world was saved, Layla wondered if the contract had ended. How temporary was this? She had never voiced when it would end…or who would end it. 
How did she even speak to Taweret? Did she have to go to a cemetery and dig someone up? Was it always through the dead? Perhaps freshly dead? She didn’t want to think about that one. 
Worse, what if she could only contact the goddess by possession? Would she always feel like a puppet dangling on strings as her body was forced to house something far more powerful than herself? 
She returned to her hotel room and looked in the mirror. “Taweret?” Her voice came out in a terrified whisper. 
She was suddenly reminded of the way Marc had spoken to Steven in the desert. A ripped off car mirror as he spoke to someone else inside. 
She felt a light pang of guilt. Was this how he felt all the time when she had first started to know him? Terrified of something that lived inside him that could come out at any moment. 
“Taweret?” She tried again, louder this time. If she was going to house someone, she would prefer to think of it like a relationship. Marc and Steven. She pictured how fluidly they switched over in the fight. How they communicated. How each took his turn and got to say their piece. Whatever had happened to them when they died, it had changed them and now they acted like a team. 
“Layla!” The voice boomed from the back of her mind and crashed through her very core. Joyful emotions filled her till tears ran out of her eyes with overflow. “I am so very very proud of you! You handled all those baddies like a real pro! And you looked marvelous doing it too!” 
Layla sank back into her own body as if she had just been tossed up into the air and fallen back in. “Unnh!” 
She gasped and leaned heavily on the dresser next to her. “Great. Yeah. Can we…Is there another way to talk? Why can’t I see you?” 
“Oh.” Taweret rushed through her. “Well, I am sort of busy. Lots of people to judge all of a sudden. These Ammit followers aren’t going to just toss themselves off the boat on their own. Oh! Well, that one did… Look at him go. Poor fool, you can’t run through the sands of fate like that…” 
“So you can’t come to me?” Layla shivered as her muscles felt strained. 
“Well you could come to me, but I fear that might end your time as my Avatar. Along with your life…” Taweret sighed. “And I wouldn’t want either!” 
“Yeah, about that?” Layla rubbed her shoulder. She hated seeing her limbs move on their own. It felt odd and her body was not used to these movements that were so foreign. “How long am I supposed to be your Avatar? What does that entail? Am I supposed to go kill people or…” 
There was a moment of silence then her body spun her around and sat her down in one of the hotel chairs. “Right. Our contract. Silly me! Forgot all about it. Well, I can assure you that I run a pretty tight ship.” She giggled and held up one of Layla’s hands as if examining her nails. She frowned and picked some dirt out from under them that Layla suspected might be dried blood. “Oh, dear. Have you had a chance to relax yet? One really should practice self care, Layla. I think you deserve a nice hot bath and oh! Does this place have room service? Perhaps hummus. Oh, I love hummus. You really must get some.” 
“Taweret!” Layla managed to take back her body, feeling like she had just wrestled a toy from an over eager dog. “Focus, please.” 
“Right.” Her brows furrowed in determination. “So the job of a traditional Avatar is to observe and speak on behalf of your god…Goddess, in this case. So if called upon, you sit in a big boring room and I get to speak to the others through you. Though that might not happen for a very long time… Seeing how the room was destroyed. And all the other Avatars got…offed.” She crossed a leg and jiggled a foot for a moment, deep in thought. 
“Is that all?” Layla slumped in her chair a bit. 
“Well… I’m not exactly the Goddess of justice, Layla. I’m not going to send you out to hunt down the scum of the world and murder them in some ideal of justice. I’m not you-know-who.” She pointed out the window at the still overly large and stunning full moon. “He is such a show off. If Osiris was here he would not approve of that.”
“So then what is your goal?” Layla looked up at the moon in concern. Marc and Steven had been freed of their contract, their protection removed and their duties removed. So why was Khonshu still in such a good mood? 
“You do know who I am, right?” Taweret sounded a bit cautious at that. 
Layla swallowed hard and drew her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them in a firm attempt at keeping control of her own body. “Taweret. Goddess of women and children….and other things.” 
Taweret started to laugh and doubled Layla over easily, chuckling as she wiped her eyes. “My dear… Don’t mind those…Other things. I’m not Hathor. She can keep those…other things.” 
Layla sighed in relief and sank back in the chair again. “So then just the women and children?” 
Taweret sighed, leaving Layla slumped back as she waved a hand around. “I am the protector of women and children. I am fierce and scare away all that may harm them. A statue of me in the house of a newborn child was meant to scare away illness and disease. A mother may pray to me to protect and guide her on the path of motherhood. I kept her safe from those that wished to harm her. I crushed those that raised hands to children in anger. I devoured those that beat their wives and looked to take advantage of the fragility of the female form.” 
Layla raised an eyebrow as she watched her hand move. It was starting to feel less and less like someone else intruding and more like someone simply guiding her movements. 
“So you want me to protect people?” Layla slowly sat up. She felt her spine straighten as her posture corrected itself. 
“If it’s not too much trouble. You get to keep the suit! If you liked it. Did you like it? I can always change it if you thought it was too much…” Taweret twiddled her thumbs together nervously. 
“No. I thought it was very nice.” She remembered Steven’s reaction to seeing her and blushed. “Very fitting. The wings were so lovely.” 
“Oh I’m so happy! You were the perfect scarab! But… Temporary is temporary… You did what we both set out to do… So I suppose this is the last of it.” She stood up and sighed heavily. “It was a lot of fun. You’re my first Avatar, you know. Ever! I’ve always wondered what it was like.” She looked down at the body and Layla could feel her face break out into a wide smile. “You’re so small. So delicate. I think I understand now… How easy it can be to take this for granted.” She lifted up a hand almost delicately. 
Layla felt a push and a rush. For a heart stopping moment she thought the Goddess had left. Taking her suit and powers with her.  
She moved to take a step then stumbled as her body twirled on its own, watching in the mirror as her hair bounced and her curls fell into her face. Her own hand moved up and gently brushed the curls back. Tears fell from her eyes again and her chest shuddered with a sudden rush of emotions she could not contain. Her hand moved down and delicately wiped the tears away. 
“There’s no need to yell, is there? You’re right here, aren’t you?” Taweret whispered. “Just flesh and blood and so tiny yet so much contained in this one little shell. How are your souls able to fill the field of reeds so wonderfully and still fit everything inside?” 
Layla nervously watched her hand as everything else returned to her. Her fingers moved as if feeling the very air around her, softly and slowly stretching and curling. At last her hand returned to her. 
“If it must end, it must end.” Taweret only took her voice now. Speaking softly with love, no longer pulling at her vocal chords without care. 
“Wait…” Layla licked her suddenly dry lips. “Temporary. On my terms. I can end this at any time… And you can too, if you like. As long as it’s not while I’m in danger, you can take it all away. But… I wouldn’t mind helping people.” 
“Do you mean it? You would continue to be my Avatar?” Taweret asked cautiously. 
“Yes.” She braced herself, and none too soon. 
Her body filled with overflowing joy as it jumped and spun, dancing across the room. It was not painful this time. It felt to her as if she were being lifted and spun in a warm embrace. Memories of her father spinning her came back. How he would toss her into the air and catch her in a hug that squeezed just a tad bit too tight but never tight enough to hurt her. 
Tears fell down her face again, her eyes already red from earlier. 
Taweret stopped suddenly. “Oh! Are you alright? I hope it’s okay. I didn’t mean to upset you!” 
Layla shook her head. “No no… I’m just… I’m happy.” 
Taweret relaxed and sighed. “Well. First thing’s first.” 
Layla waited for the first order to come. Would she be hunting down wife beaters? Did Taweret have a list of children needing to be saved? Was there an orphanage on fire somewhere? 
“What’s the number for room service?” She went to the phone. “And do you like hummus? There’s a bubble bath in there with your name written all over it.” 
“Really? Aren’t there people out there that need our help?” How many times had Marc been whisked away in the night to fight Khonshu’s never ending battle? 
“There will always be people to save.” She moved Layla to look in the mirror. “But you are one person, my little Scarab. You can’t always be expected to save the world. Sometimes, you need to take care of your soul, too. Otherwise, how are you going to be expected to care for others?” 
Layla looked at her own reflection and blushed, looking down as she shewed her lower lip. “Is that part of our agreement?” 
Taweret thought about it for a moment. “Yes. After every mission, I insist that you do something joyful. You are, after all, a woman too. And I am known to be fiercely protective.” 
“I think I can do that.” She smiled. “Will you stay a little longer? I wouldn’t mind the company. I mean, if you aren’t too busy.” 
“You know, I have some time to kill. This current guy on the boat has no idea what he’s doing. I have a feeling he’s going to take a while.” She settled in. 
Layla wrapped her arms around herself and smiled, feeling Taweret’s comforting presence. So this was what it was supposed to be like. She remembered the way Marc had smiled, a rare real smile, when he had spoken about Steven just before they parted. 
It was love. Being an Avatar was supposed to be about love. 
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
I'm Nobody
Written for the Phic Phight prompt: How Valerie gains her name "the Red Huntress" (from @amabsis)
AO3 Link
[Warning for guns]
Valerie was not a vigilante, or a hero. She was a serious ghost hunter, not some performing monkey in a high tech suit who needed some dumb code name for branding purposes. Protecting her identity wasn't a concern because she worked alone, so there was no one to call her by her name.
"What are you called?" asked a ten-year-old girl as Valerie bagged an ecto-gecko the size of a bread-box who'd been terrorizing the girl's cat. Valerie scoffed.
"That's my business, mind your own!"
"What about Ghost-hunter Girl?" the girl suggested enthusiastically.
"Not on your life, kid," Valerie refused. Saying nothing more, she hopped onto her hoverboard and took off. "Ghost-hunter Girl?" she muttered to herself incredulously. "How dumb is that?" She was no little girl. Valerie was a strong, skilled ghost hunter, and if she did have a code name, it would reflect that, but she didn't want or need one.
She didn't think about it again until the next time someone else brought it up. There were more important things for Valerie to ruminate on, like tracking down Phantom and capturing him for Mr. Masters.
"Thanks, uh... what do we call you?" A man asked a few days later when Valerie captured the Box Ghost who'd been causing a ruckus in the store room of his and his wife's corner store.
"Nothing," Valerie said, stowing the ghost trap.
"Nothing? We can't call you nothing, you just saved our business!" The man argued. "How about the Lady in Red?" Valerie recoiled at the suggestion.
"I'm pretty sure a lady in red is what you call the ghost of a murdered prostitute, dear, so maybe not," his wife said gently.
"Definitely not," Valerie agreed, scowling being her mask and crossing her arms as the man's eyes widened and he quickly retracted his suggestion.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to suggest—" the man started to apologize, but Valerie was already starting to take off. "I only thought, because you wear red and it sounded good! I didn't know what it meant, I swear!" he shouted after her, but she ignored him, flying away.
After that, she could only hope that no one brought it up again. If she had to hear another insensitive name suggestion like that she was going to hurt somebody.
"A Study in Scarlet!" Mr. Lance explained when he walked into the teacher's lounge to see Valerie rounding up a swarm of blob ghosts that had congregated there, suckling on Ms. Carmen's feelings about her messy divorce. Her husband was leaving her for his secretary. The woman had practically laid out a feast for the things, and they'd become an infestation.
"Stay back, sir," Valerie told the teacher. One blob ghost was harmless, but there were a good forty or fifty of them, and Valerie had only managed to snipe about a third of them so far. "I don't want you getting hurt."
"Uh right, Miss..." he trailed off, waiting for her to fill in her name and she groaned in annoyance.
"Just step out into the damn hall!" she demanded.
It took her twenty minutes to shoot down the rest of the blob ghosts. Those little buggers were fast moving targets, and her aim may have been good, but nobody was perfect. When she finished, she holstered her ecto-guns and sucked the ectoplasm all over the room into a ghost trap before it could reform back into blob ghosts. That done, she left the teachers lounge.
Mr. Lancer and three other teachers were waiting out in the hall. She sighed. She'd been hoping to make a clean getaway. She should've snuck out the window.
"The teacher's lounge is safe now," she told them seriously. "The blob ghosts have been taken care of."
"Much obliged, Miss..." Mr. Lancer trailed off again, but again, she didn't give him a name.
Ms. LaRosa huffed. "How are we supposed to thank you if we don't know what to call you?" she asked.
"Don't call me anything," Valerie said. "And don't thank me either. I was never here."
"Does that make you like a ghost, then?" joked Mr. Prower. "Are you the Red Ghost then?"
"Scarlet Ghost, I would think," Mr. Lancer suggested. "It sounds much better."
Valerie growled. "I'm no kind of ghost! You hear me?!" she snapped. "Don't you ever lump me in with those monsters!" With that, she stormed off down the hall. Turning the corner and ducking into the nearest bathroom to change out of her suit.
The more time that passed, the more stupid suggestions Valerie heard. Crimson Catcher, Vermilion Ghost Sniper, Anti-ghost Warrior, if it didn't sound like the name of a tropical bird or an anime Valerie would hate, they just sounded plain stupid. Ghost Getter? Who could even come up with something as dumb as that? But the worst thing anyone ever called her was Red Phantom. Human or not, she almost beat the crap out of the guy for the absolute gall he had to suggest that she was in any way associated with that no-good, life-ruiner of a ghost boy.
"You ever considered coming up with a code name?" Phantom asked her as she chased him through town, weaving around buildings that he just turned intangible to fly right through. "It'd be a lot easier for everyone if you did."
"I'm not here to make things easier for everyone!" She shouted, taking aim with her rocket launcher. It was no good, Phantom's movement was too erratic for her to get a clear shot with it. She stowed it and switch to her wrist laser, shooting rapid-fire in the ghost's direction. "I'm here to make things harder for you!"
"Aw, for me? You shouldn't have!"
"Trust me! I want to!" Her next three shots hit another building as Phantom flew right through it, forcing her to go around again, groaning in frustration.
"I could help you come up with one," Phantom offered. "I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty good at naming things!" He didn't usually taunt her like this. What was he playing at. Valerie narrowed her eyes with suspicion and kept shooting. Now was not the time to make conversation. "Let's see, you're a ghost hunter, you wear red, hmm... I've got it! You should be called the Red Huntress."
That... wasn't bad actually. It kind of had a nice ring to it. Of course, Valerie would rather trip and fall on her own ecto-laser-blade than accept anything at all from a ghost, least of all this ghost, and least of all a name.
"I'll take a name you suggest over my dead body!" she shouted back. "I am not the Red Huntress! I am not Ghost-hunter Girl, or the Crimson Catcher! I don't need a name, and you don't need to know anything about me, except that I'm the girl who's gonna put you six feet under, where you should've stayed!"
"Bold of you to assume I was buried that deep," Phantom scoffed, "but if that's where you want me." He took a dive, plummeting downwards until he reached the ground, turned intangible, and kept going, the one place she really couldn't follow him.
She landed, shouted furiously, and threw one of her ghost traps in frustration. Her hatred of Phantom knew no bounds. She despised him with every ounce of her being. No force on Earth could reduce her pure, vitriolic loathing of that damned ghost.
A few days later she saw the news. A reporter on channel four was talking about Phantom, so Valerie turned up the volume to listen.
"Well, there you have it," the reporter said. "According to our town's resident ghost hero, the young woman in red who's saved so many citizens from ghost attacks when he couldn't, the Red Huntress, is the greatest living ghost hunter in Amity Park. Back to you, Todd." 
Valerie hit the power button on the remote to turn off the TV before chucking the clicker across the room. It hit her punching bag and slid to the floor without getting seriously damaged. "Phantom you bastard!" she shrieked.
It was too later to do anything about it. No matter how much she argued, no matter what she said, she could never go back to having no name. In the eyes of the town, she was the Red Huntress now, and there was nothing she could do about it.
There were worse names she could've been stuck with, she supposed. At least Red Huntress fit her skill set, her purpose, and her appearance pretty well. Eventually she did begrudgingly start to get used to it, and to even like the name. Regardless, she would never forgive that horrible, rotten, punk Phantom for sticking her with it.
"Red Huntress! Help!" someone shouted below, and Valerie took off in the direction of the cry. In truth, it was convenient for people to be able to call for her directly, not that she would ever admit that thought to anyone. She could tolerate the name, at the very least, and that was enough for the time being.
Eventually, years down the line she would come to truly embrace it. She would stand, unyielding, the greatest ghost hunter alive, face to face with a ghost wielding godlike powers and she would shout, "I am the Red Huntress! I fear no ghost! It's you who should fear me!"
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321spongebolt · 11 months
"Spider-Man 4: New Home, New Life" MCU movie idea
While "Spider-Man Homecoming 4" is already in development, I have a couple of good ideas for what can be done, even if some of my ideas from this concept do find its way into the film, or in its 5th and/or 6th entry.
"Spider-Man 4: New Home, New Life"
Columbia Pictures
Marvel Studios
Pascal Pictures
Sony Pictures Releasing
Obviously, PG-13, moving on.
(Some parts of this story may not be perfect, but this is all I got. If anyone has additional suggestions, feel free to comment.)
After the Columbia Pictures logo, we see Mac Gargan released from prison as he plots his revenge against Spider-Man for the ferry incident from the first movie.
"Columbia Pictures presents"
"A Pascal Pictures Production"
"A Marvel Studios Production"
"Spider-Man 4: New Home, New Life"
After the title is revealed, we see Peter fighting crime in his new homemade suit from the end of "Spider-Man 3: No Way Home". As Peter restarts his life over as Spider-Man, he’s also struggling to keep up with his rent following his decision to let go of Aunt May, MJ, and Ned. The next morning, Peter starts his new college life at Empire State University. During his orientation, Peter would get a new set of friends like Johnny Storm (who would later go on to be The Human Torch), Felicia Hardy, and the MCU version of Eddie Brock. Peter and Johnny end up becoming roommates, Felicia attends the same science classes as Peter, and we also learn that Peter takes digital photography classes with Eddie. The whole class is given a project which will be due at a certain date, and whoever's project ends up in the Top 5 (or 10) will be displayed for future generations of students who walk down the halls (This will also play an important part in this story).
After J. Jonah Jameson finishes his latest video blog for TheDailyBugle.net, Mac Gargan steps in asking for a proposal to hunt down Spider-Man. JJJ hires Gargan, and they go to a lab run by Dr. Farley Stillwell. Stillwell shows Mac the Scorpion armor he’s been working on and uses Mac as a test subject. The only thing he overlooked is being able to take the suit off. Once Mac Gargan is fused into his Scorpion suit, Gargan goes on a violent rampage through New York, with Jameson fearing how he created a monster.
That night, Peter suits up and tries to take on the Scorpion, but the Scorpion is beating him to a pulp. What makes things more interesting is the fact that Scorpion's suit is bulletproof. Peter could end up getting impaled by Scorpion's tail, and Mac would have Peter pinned in a tight spot where he could kill Peter, but Spidey would be rescued by a woman with silver hair, a black mask, and a black jumpsuit with long white gloves and boots. This is Black Cat. She uses her whip on Scorpion's tail and could defeat him. Spidey would thank Black Cat for saving his life, and we learn that Black Cat knows Peter's identity. She introduces herself as Felicia Hardy, and we learn that sometime either before or after the events of “Spider-Man 3: No Way Home, Felicia is a huge fan of Spider-Man (making her one of the few people to not be affected by Doctor Strange's spell). While Peter questions the get-up, Black Cat gives Peter her contact information, reminding Peter she's a few dorms away (reference to Bo Peep’s line, “I’m just a couple of blocks away” from “Toy Story”).
When Peter gets back to his apartment, Peter gets a nightmare from the poison Scorpion gave him. In it, the dream could have something like MJ being taken from him by someone else. And Ned Leeds being the Hobgoblin, who doesn’t show mercy to Peter. As Peter tries to chase after Ned, Peter's feet are stuck in some big giant tar pit. Peter would slowly sink into the tar like he's standing in quicksand, and Peter wakes up horrified, only to see his homemade suit is now black. Peter would start to hear Venom’s voice and would introduce himself to Peter. Peter learns from the symbiote what abilities he didn’t know that symbiote had like unlimited webbing and the ability to instantly heal Peter whenever he’s scarred and bruised (basically, whatever powers the SSU Venom was capable of to begin with). Over time, Peter starts to become more and more attached to the symbiote, to the point where he merges into Peter's clothes so he'll always have it on him.
(I haven't thought up much here, but I figured I could just skip to the climax.)
On the day digital photography projects are due for the judges and professors to see, the judges and professors observe each digital photography project like panoramas, collages, and even a group of images that make the late Stan Lee’s head. Eddie’s project seems to gain a following among the observers and feel they have a winner on their hands for the #1 spot. However, before the judges make their final decision, Peter speaks up and exposes Eddie’s project for false information about Spider-Man, leaving the judges and digital photography professor mortified. Eddie's project is disqualified, and Eddie fails the semester, forcing him to clean out his dorm room and never return to ESU.
With Scorpion still running amok on the streets, and J. Jonah blaming himself for creating Scorpion, Peter decides to fight Scorpion with his symbiote suit. Peter learned from Scorpion’s last encounter, and thanks to the symbiote, he’s able to overthrow Scorpion, with Scorpion now in Peter’s place. With Peter holding Scorpion’s tail and preparing to kill him with it, the symbiote suddenly shows Peter a memory. Peter can hear (or see, depending on your view) a flashback of Tony Stark telling Peter, “If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it. What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? Because that’s on you!”. Then another flashback would show Aunt May saying “You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility”. Then another flashback where Andrew Garfield's Peter saying "At some point, I just... I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I just don't want you... to end up like... like me.". Depending on the number flashbacks that would be shown, Peter would come around by impaling Scorpion's tail into the ground, leaving him for the police and sparing his life.
As Peter reflects on the selfish choices he made by wearing that symbiote, and the fact that he almost was about to kill Scorpion, Peter decides he needs to take the symbiote off. Instead of the normal route where Peter uses a church's bell tower, I was thinking that instead, Peter could enter a science lab and try mixing random chemicals to get the symbiote off him. Nothing works until Peter accidentally creates a fiery explosion, which scares the symbiote and melts off of Peter. Luckily, Peter was able to remove the symbiote before the sprinklers went off. The symbiote escapes through air vent and Peter makes it back to his dorm room before getting caught by security.
To properly end the movie, Peter would be able to attend Johnny's graduation, with Peter introduced to Johnny's sister, Susan. Susan would give Peter Reed Richards' contact information, as it would be hinted that Reed is Susan's fiancee. As for Peter and Felicia's relationship, now that Peter had learned to let go of the past, Peter would now be dating Felicia.
The first post credits scene would have the symbiote fall through an air duct that leads to MCU Eddie's dorm room. The symbiote would land on MCU Eddie, and we would get a proper MCU introduction to Venom.
Another post credits scene would reveal the establishment of the Fantastic Four before they got their powers. And depending on which sequel for "Spider-Man Homecoming" or "The Fantastic Four" happens, Spider-Man should make an appearance as an additional ally.
As far as the new characters, I imagined that for Felicia Hardy, Sabrina Carpenter could portray her as herself and as Black Cat. As far as Venom is concerned, Tom Hardy would be able to reprise his voice role given his appearance as SSU Eddie Brock and Venom appear in the first post-credits scene for "Spider-Man 3: No Way Home".
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dreamingsushi · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon - Episode 14
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I don’t think I have been so captivated by a drama in a while. I mean, I haven’t been watching for a long time, I’m rather on and off, but this is so far the one I’m going through the fastest ever since the Untamed.  I really can’t stop myself from wanting to watch more and more and more. I can’t say it’s a 100% original and never seen, a lot of ideas are recurrent to other xianxia drama, but I don’t know, this one keeps me excited and I’m very so much in love with the costumes. And they fixed Luo Yunxi’s wig, which makes me very happy. It’s so sad when a bad wigs keeps the focus away from what’s important!
Sang Jiu is covered in red spots from soaking in the poisoned water. She remembers a story about a king that cut off parts of his body to save a dove, which was a test from the gods to measure his sincerity. He ends up ascending as a god after offering his whole body. Sang Jiu doesn’t want Mingye to worry about her, so she needs to endure the pain silently. I don’t quite understand how she links both the story and her needs together. The king sacrificed himself to protect something. You could argue that she doesn’t co-cultivate with Mingye to protect him and his future as a full god, but I feel it’s not quite it. She never even talked to him about his concerns and just stupidly believes Tian Huan. I kind of annoys me. A lot.
Mingye is worried about Sang Jiu because he hasn’t seen her in a while. She lies to him saying that she’s going back home for a few days. They miss each other and worry about each other. She concentrates her demonic energy to make a bag of pearls for him. Once the battle is over, Mingye plans to go see Sang Jiu, even if she tries to avoid him.
After a report on the movement of the Demon god’s troops, Mingye meets with the other deities as to how they will defeat the Demon god because as long as there will be suffering in the world, he will remain immortal. I’ve seen some comments about how some people really liked the visuals of this meeting, but as for myself, I’m not so much of a fan. Albeit being pretty with al the images representing each god behind them, i found it very hard to follow who was talking, especially when it was spinning and twirling around between each god and goddess, it actually made me quite dizzy. Now basically, they are planning the creation of Huangyuan, which will entrap Jize, god of time, and Mingye who’ll use his true form to hold down the demon god while Chu Huang, goddess of space, will take the evil bone to seal it away. So now here’s my new theory on the identity of the masked man. He’s the voice inside of Tantai Jin’s head and he chose him as his vessel because in his previous life he was the one to defeat him. Or something similar to that.
Mingye sends divorce papers to Sang Jiu because he thinks she found the one she loves and wants to free her before he goes to kill the demon god and die. Upon seeing those papers, Sang Jiu doesn’t understand. Tian Huan is super happy about it, probably because she thinks she separated them and took him away from her so she could have him, when he’s actually doing this for the sake of Sang Jiu’s happiness (wrong move though) and because no one will be able to have him once he dies. He’s definitely wrong and should have gone to see her instead of only relying on the words of a woman who threw a tantrum about him marrying someone else instead of her. I mean, how does that sound like a good idea? It really goes to show that people are fools in love. Sang jiu tries to get to Mingye, but he won’t let her come close. And here’s another example of miscommunication. Sang Jiu was avoiding him because she thought he was angry at her, he thinks she met someone else, everybody is miserable (except for Tian Huan, but she doesn’t know what misery is). He tells her that he was forced to marry her by her father, that he didn’t like her to begin with and that he’s tired of her pestering him. Why say that and not tell the truth? So we need the demon god out, I’m going to take care of it, so he’ll most likely take me down too, I heard you met someone, I hope you will be happy and that you’ll enjoy the world I protected. Why be so mean? There’s no point in lying. Especially when it hurts you both. He gives her 24 hours to leave the palace. She asks him if he ever liked her even a tiny little bit, but he says he never has. Definitely a big lie seeing his tear at the corner of his eye. I really don’t understand the need for the lie if he believes that she likes someone else. Why all the angst? This is so frustrating, but also why I’m signed up for any drama.
Mingye is drowning his sorrows in liquor. Meanwhile, Sang Jiu puts back on her wedding dress and goes to Mingye’s room. I guess that now they’re not married anymore the contract part that stipulates that they can’t go to each other’s room is void. I’m not too okay with what’s going on. Before leaving, she wants to sleep with him, because she deems he owes her her wedding. So she gives him som toxin she created to weaken his body and it also takes away his voice. And I thought Ursula was a bad mean witch. At least she only took the voice away as payment and Ariel was consentant. It makes me very uneasy when sex is forced upon someone, whether they might want it or not. That is not a respectful way of sharing that bond with someone you love. Actually, you would never ever even think about it. At least he doesn’t seem so mad about it and goes along pretty willingly. I just wish that kind of behaviour wouldn’t be portrayed as something okay on TV. This is damaging. You can’t disguise this into something romantic, it’s just not and will never be.
Both sides are getting ready for war. The demon god extracts the evil bone out of his body and starts his attack. I don’t like the special effects. It really is way too much. Sang Jiu worries about Mingye. I love the battle’s epic soundtrack. Mingye is luring the three demons away from the demon god. The fighting choreography is so elegant. I really enjoy beautiful sword fights. The overall big battle gods against demons is kind of meh. It’s slow and boring. It’s getting more about special effects than a well organized dance, which is actually what I like best in c-dramas usually. It’s a bit lacking in this sense. Mingye is in a bad posture, however the demon god is weaker now that he’s taken the evil bone out. Mingye manages to trap the demon god to have him killed. Chu Huang takes care of the evil bone before the demon god can actually escape the trap. Now no one can leave the demon realm. One of the three demons have the sign of Chu Huang’s power and uses it to escape, letting the demon lord escape too. Jize sends Mingye out, sacrificing the last of his divine energy. Chu Huang is interrupted by the demon while sealing the evil bone. Seems he’s someone from her past. He wants to have the evil bone to become the king of all three realms, so he would be good enough for her. She doesn’t want him anymore now that he showed his true colours. The demon god interrupts their reunion. When he’s about to kill Chu Huang, Mingye comes to the rescue. And end of this episode.
What a lot of things happened in the last fifty minutes. Some of it really don’t sit well with me still. There was a lot of miscommunication between our two main leads. We are most likely near the end of the dream arc I guess. It would have been a short but very painful substory. To be honest, I’m pretty sure next episode is going to be very heartbreaking.
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lonniemachin · 2 years
every time my mutuals start transfem batman truthing i start transfem anarky truthing as a result because i get reminded (i see your truthing bea wayne believers and enjoyers and i am one of you) but like not even in the sense that i think shes a girl because we all know i think shes genderfluid. just the feminine aspect of being the brand of genderfluid i read her as because it isnt explored in canon for obvious reasons (its not canon) so it requires elaboration ⬇️
all im saying is that lonnies narrative has a pretty big emphasis on sneaking out and hiding a part of their identity, leaving behind a family life with parents that claim "why can't you be like other boys, where did we go wrong?" (and later on them saying outright 'you thought i would grow up to be the all american boy' when talking to their parents about who they aren't) to pursue what feels to them like something they need to do, involving a mask and a costume that is entirely androgynous (and even reflects the faces of other people) purposefully intended to obscure their physical attributes and voice at first to the point where people canonically don't know what gender they are. their earth 2 counterpart is explicitly a girl who uses she/her pronouns and is nicknamed 'Miss Anarky'. and even though the way they approach their identity feeds the parts of how they navigate their own emotions and self-image that are detrimental to them from (will not get into all of it here) its so important to them they'd go to desperate lengths to preserve it. there's multiple arcs in which its forcibly taken and twisted by others into something used against them. and here's my personal addition to this -
i just love the thought that later on, after Red Robin, she comes to the gradual realization about why she liked to keep her hair long (i know this is a trait not particularly masculine or feminine, not saying i have this hc because they have long hair, just including it because as a trans person whos hair is a very important expression of my identity to me i feel like that would apply. when they're on their own they grow it long and when they're with their family or in juvie its shorter. could be something in that), why she called her civilian identity an alias, why she could never “be like other boys”; she’s not like other boys because she’s not only a boy. i don’t think gender was ever at the forefront, just something that was at the edges and frays until it hits down the line. it was about giving up a personal life which she never had much attachment to for the sake of the people she thought she was saving and the idea she desperately wanted to embody and the world she wanted to act as a catalyst for. but there was always that inherent gender fluidity of being anarky. she could be anyone because she was trying to be the people's voice, an icon of an idea and a movement. the people include men and women and everyone else in between.
and i dont think she hates or hated being lonnie. i just don’t think she’s gotten to exist as lonnie in a world where she feels comfortable not being anarky… if that makes sense? thats one reason i love thinking about the headcanon so much and why i dont think she'd realize this about herself until after where the pre-reboot canon leaves off. taking the cherished parts and experiences of an old identity after a life altering event and re-introducing herself with this newer healthier state of being. she can show her face to people because everyone knows anarky is lonnie machin, and in order to recover that attempt at stealing her identity she has to lean even more into that for the better. now its time to be lonnie too, or just lonnie, with the freedom of having this new mindset that to embody anarky doesn't mean she has to sacrifice personal wants and personal joy.
(i know that becoming anarky and the distress lonnie felt that led to it was due to anger and frustration at injustice and arose out of the mourning of a friend lost to violence, desperation to find answers, and throwing themself into this goal and mission of saving the world so that everyone can live freely without fear of suffering at the hands of oppressive systems. not trying to take away from that at all. but you can read many different things into a character and this is just for fun, not for actual literal textual analysis purposes)
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ML Princess Bride AU
Of course the easy way to set up this AU is Marinette=Buttercup and Westley=Adrien. Wesley very much has a similar personality and has the all black outfit with the mask and the fencing training. However, I raise you Princess Bride AU with the opposite.
Adrien=Buttercup- Renowned for his beauty, Marinette literally refers to him as Buttercup in canon, socially inept-ish, doesn’t get romantic signals (”every time he said as you wish, he meant I love you”) but falls very hard and does not want to move on from romantic interest, Adrien doesn’t want to be a model, Buttercup doesn’t want to be a Princess, Adrien is a depressed fuck right now and almost cataclysmed himself in Guilttrip, Buttercup considers suicide.
Marinette=Westley-“normal” lower class person, the replacing Dread Pirate Roberts every so often is just the kind of shenanigans that she would be involved in, very smart, strong as hell, stubborn as hell, would be willing to flirt with Mr. Bug when she accepts that she is in love with him. (see Passion)
Humperdink=Lila-manipulative, intelligent, person that Adrien is being set up with but does not want to be with, sees the relationship with him as a means to an end.
Inigo=Felix- intelligent, in some ways is on par with Wesley (fencing skill), open for redemption, has trauma (I assume at least) due to the passing of his father that he is seeking revenge on
Six-fingered man=Gabe/Hawkmoth- mostly because this is the person Felix is seeking revenge on, escaped and no one knew he was HM but now is hiding.
Fezzick- Kim, just for the himbo energy..
Vizzini- Max-sorry, just the only character I didn’t use already who could hold up to that over complicated poison drinking scheme.
The couple that bring Westley back to life-Fu and Marianne, older couple that somewhat serve as mentor figures, the cure for Wesley is a parallel to Fu’s knowledge of the miraculous.
The torturer- Chloe, as she is written in canon currently would love to hurt Marinette, seems like she would be willing to work with Lila, is definitely not trusted to be in charge.
Plot: A kwami swap-post Hawkmoth defeat-didn’t know each other outside of the masks-it's us against the world, my lady-Fu is still gaurdian-AU. Mr. Bug and Lady Noire successfully defeated Hawkmoth. Lila takes over as the next butterfly miraculous holder and Mr. Bug and Lady Noire fight her for a while. At some point, Lila gets close to figuring out Marinette’s identity so Marinette pulls a Chatwalker and shows up as a new persona to throw her off (also the angst and shenanigans that she gets to see Mr. Bug, knows he’s ok but can’t have a relationship with him like she had before because he doesn’t know it’s still her and that she can’t reveal that because of her identity but like squared.) (This is her version of the Dread Pirate Roberts) They’re making this work until somehow Lila finds out that Adrien is Mr. Bug and decides to kidnap him to get his miraculous, and also assumes that he will know the identity of Lady Noire, but he doesn’t. Marinette saves him and says something that makes him realize it’s the original Lady Noire (their version of as you wish) and the rest of the plot essentially moves forward as the movie does. Lila promises to not pursue Lady Noire if Adrien decides to team up with her but doesn’t actually fight on her side of an akuma battle. Their version of the wedding in the Princess Bride is Lila going silent for a while like Monarch did in season 5 and then gearing up to some plan to use Adrien as bait to catch Lady Noire but she instead teams up with Felix and Kim and rescues Adrien instead. Marianne and Fu equip Felix snd Kim with miraculouses. When the subdue Lila they also get the butterfly miraculous. Their version of riding off into the sunset on horse back is returning all the miraculous to Fu and going off to be in love(possibly entrusting the miraculous to new holders or one of them preparing to take over guardianship, idk)
To clarify on the identity shenanigans its Adrien=Mr. Bug the whole time. Marinette=Lady Noire then Marinette=new persona but reveals herself to be the same person as Lady Noire when rescuing Mr. Bug.
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