#courtesy of the Franky family
somnas-writes · 6 months
Obsessed with how all the straw hats wore Galley-La Company merch post enies lobby. Like all their clothes were so dirty and fucked up that they had to get entirely new clothes.
I like to believe that all the clothes they gain during their travels become permanent staples.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
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@alazycrab00 ASL+S where the jungle children speak Northern much to everyone's confusion and displeasure.
When Law first hears Luffy, Ace, and Sanji speaking it after Punk Hazard he asks why they would know it and Zoro is confused that Law speaks jungle child which makes Law rub his temples. This crew, this god damned crew, it's been a day. He has a migraine already. Law asks about it at some point and Luffy says Sanji taught it to them. Law looks at the cook who is smoking with a cocked eyebrow.
Then he checks their injuries from Marineford and admires Sanji's leg courtesy of Franky and deems them all fine, why wouldn't they be? The three of them are monsters. They're feral as well he finds and they almost exclusively talk to each other in Northern. Robin will occasionally chime into the conversation with common but none of the other crew speak it or understand it.
In Dressrosa as the half of the crew is resting in the cabin Law is shocked to find another feral brother, who is the Chief of Staff in the Revolutionary Army and Robin knows him and Fire Fist and him are speaking in fluent Northern but Sabo's accent sounds almost as naturals as Sanji's. Sabo asks where Sanji is and Ace says he went to Zou under Law's orders. Also they know Law has been allowed in the galley when he and Luffy aren't and Robin is giggling as Law is flushing. He is so red and Sabo is losing it as he gives Law approval as long as the other two do. Robin responds that's very sweet of him in common and everyone asks what that means.
After whatever arc, when the brothers are all together and they're laying on the grassy lawn of the Sunny. They're pointing at constellations and talking of their dreams, that Luffy is a god now, the Northern falling from their mouths like a gentle rain in the jungle. They talk about their memories of Foosha and Windmill Village and Dadan and how Sanji is going to bring her to the All Blue and how Ace talks about each one of them joining the family of bandits. Zoro, who is on watch, listens to the brothers talk in a language he doesn't understand but he can hear the hope and will and freedom of their voices and dreams.
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Helen Richardson image courtesy of @accidentalautomaton!
Propaganda under the cut.
Nico Robin:
She is the Devil Child. She has been defying the Government since she was 8. For 20 years she has been betraying her allies at any opportunity, including Crocodile, one of the 7 warlords of the sea. She eavesdrops and manipulates. But really she’s just trying to learn her history. The navy destroyed her home when she was 8 because her community wanted to Learn. And that’s all she wants to do. Plus the girl could never trust any crew/organization she was part of until the Strawhats. So she learned to use them to get what she needed then got out. Now the woman gets to relax and learn the Forbidden Knowledge while being the adult ‘supervision’ for a bunch of teenagers/early 20somethings. She also spent a couple years on vacation with the Revolutionary Army, looking to overthrow the corrupt World Government, and yes they do use violence. Robin also was willing to sacrifice herself for her new crew family, something she had never done before. And finally: she yanked on Franky’s …private square… to get him to join their crew (and also give him an excuse for his goodbye tears since he’s a Manly Man)
Helen Richardson/The Distortion:
Yes, she tortures and kills people, but so does everyone else, so why shouldn’t she enjoy it? She’s just as evil as the Archivist, but she’s fun and a girlboss. She just wants to have a good time, gossip, and drive people insane.
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phoenixyfriend · 11 months
We keep discussing fem!Sanji in the groupchat, courtesy of @professorsparklepants, and so I presented her with this concept:
Context: AU, possibly modern, where Sanji is technically still in contact with the Vinsmokes but moved out with mom when she divorced and then remarried to Zeff and only sees the paternal side of the family for like. Weddings and the occasional new year's eve
(This could, in theory, be a fem!Sanji AU. Could even be a Zoro/fem!Sanji. But it could also just be regular Sanji and Insert Random Crew member. I err on the side of Zoro or Nami, or both.)
But this is the conversation that needs to happen, with the 'reasonable' requester being Sanji:
(Tiktoks still can't be successfully embedded in tumblr posts but this is the source, and this is the tumblr post I originally saw it on.)
Obvious thought is Zoro because of the sword, but it could easily be Nami with the end bit.*
And as Prof herself responded:
Nami AND Zoro. Sanji has two hands and now no longer has to sit next to any family members. The swag of showing up to your divorced father's house with your bisexual fake polycule. Sanji, watching the music video for Rina Sawayama's This Hell: I could do that
Nami shows up with a slutty outfit and outrageous stories, Zoro shows up with weapons he has to check at the door and a ludicrously high alcohol tolerance.
They both have ludicrously high tolerances, but Zoro's the one that collects empty bottles at his seat to cause drama.
I think Nami has to hit on some of Sanji's brothers. Zoro should also hit on some of Sanji's brothers. Possibly their dad. Just to fuck with them a bit more.
Nami takes turns sitting on Zoro and Sanji's laps and being all giggly, pretending to be just a little tipsier than she actually is, just to see the offense at being Improper, and also the Jealousy from everyone who Wants Her, but instead she's with The Disappointment and the guy that said disappointmend must have found under a bridge or in prison or something.
* Unfortunately, the rest are out for various reasons: Luffy and Brook and Franky can't be purposeful enough, Usopp and Chopper would have difficulty with being intimidated by the Vinsmokes, and Jinbei is not meant for this purpose. I Loev Robin but she's the wrong call for this one: not as Fabulous about it as Nami, not as rude as Zoro. A bit less "let me tell you about this time I stole a guy's dog" and a bit more "let me tell you about this dead body I found." She's more likely to scare people than piss them off, and in this scenario, Sanji wants them pissed off.
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e-dubbc11 · 10 months
One More Sleep
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Photos are not mine except bottom center, that is me with real life Ginger. All others are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: None really…little angst if you squint, maybe a swear word or two but mostly pure Christmas fluff, all the bunnies and all the unicorns. Alludes to smexy time.
Word Count: 5.7K-ish
Summary: Part of the Gingerverse. You and Billy were married in January and are excited to spend your first Christmas together as a married couple but he takes a job out of town close to Christmas and he may not be back in time to celebrate with you or attend your work ugly sweater Christmas party.
A/N: Title is a song by Leona Lewis off of her album, Christmas with Love. Real life Ginger did pick her Christmas karaoke song and another one that I put together in a Christmas karaoke playlist that I’ll link at the end. Frank and Reader have more interaction with each other in this one. It’s pure fun with a little bit of conflict. I hope you like it and enjoy your holiday season!🎄
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Why can’t someone else go, Billy?” You asked with an elevated tone.
His open garment bag was on the bed, a few crisp suits and ties rested on top as he packed his toiletry bag. You weren’t the only one who was having a hard time with the fact that Billy had a job out of town so close to Christmas, he was too.
He hated disappointing you which is why he was trying very hard not to look at you.
Your arms were folded protectively across your chest as you leaned against the bathroom door frame while he angrily threw things into his bag.
“You think I wanna be away from you, baby?! It was either me or Frankie and I’d rather not take him away from his family this time of year. He was away from them enough when we were deployed.” He said.
His voice was low and angry. You knew he didn’t want to leave you but he had no choice, it was a big opportunity for the company and the team to travel to D.C. for a job. He just didn’t know exactly how long it was going to take.
This was supposed to be your first Christmas together since you got married back in January so when he told you about this job, you were very happy for him and the company but also sad that he might not be home for Christmas.
“I know, Billy. I just wanted to spend my first Christmas as a married woman with my husband.” You said, relaxing your shoulders and dropping your arms away from your chest.
Billy looked up from the bathroom counter and into the mirror to look at your reflection. He smiled that perfect smile at you, the one he always gave you when he didn’t want you to be mad at him anymore.
It was hard to stay mad at him when he flashed that smile at you but you weren’t really mad, just a little sad and disappointed.
He turned around and held his arms outstretched, he wanted to hold you.
“Come here, sweet girl.” He said softly.
Billy pulled you into his chest and kissed the top of your head. You snaked your arms around his torso and you could hear his heart beating against your ear. The tension in your shoulders eased as you closed your eyes and felt the warmth radiating off of his body; he always managed to make you feel better.
“Well, if I’m not home in time, that just means you get to spend Christmas Day with Ginger.” He said. “So it’s not all bad but I will try my hardest to get home in time.”
You could feel him smile against the top of your head.
“No, it’s not all bad. But if you’re not back in time, you’re gonna miss my ugly Christmas sweater party at work too.” You said in a disappointed tone.
Billy tilted your chin up so you were looking into his rich brown eyes, they looked like two endless pools of black ink and you never failed to get lost in them. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to yours. You could taste the fresh peppermint on his lips as you delicately scraped your nails against his scalp.
“I know, I’m so sorry my love. But I put Frankie in charge of that job, your company wanted security for it, I guess in past years you guys have had some party crashers?” He asked.
This was the first you were hearing about your company hiring Anvil for security at your party so it caught you off guard.
“Oh! Yeah we’ve had some crashers in the past. So wait, Frank will be at the party? Oh, Ginger is gonna torture him. Did you tell him there’s usually karaoke?” You asked.
Billy gave you a devilish smile.
“No, but here’s the best part…I told him he had to wear an ugly Christmas sweater because that’s what your company wanted but that was a lie. He’ll be the only one from the team wearing one. He’s gonna kill me but it’s gonna be really funny.” He said with a wide smile and raised eyebrows.
“Billy Russo!! That is SO mean!” You exclaimed, trying to hold in your laughter.
He kissed you again.
“I know, but hey that’s what we do…we prank each other. This is a good one though! And don’t you dare say anything.” He said, pointing his long slender finger at you while you were biting down on your lower lip.
God, you loved him so much.
“I promise I won’t say anything.” You said.
“I love you, sweet girl.” He whispered in your ear.
You smiled affectionately at him and replied. “I love you too, handsome. Ooh I can’t wait to tell Ginger!”
You turned and ran out of your bedroom toward the kitchen when Billy called after you.
“Hey, what did I say?!”
You yelled back from the kitchen. “Oh she’s not gonna say anything, Billy! Trust me, she’s gonna want that to happen more than anyone!”
He just shook his head and smiled.
God, he loved you.
“Wait…so I need to make sure I heard you correctly. Frank thinks he has to wear an ugly Christmas sweater to the party because that’s what work wants him to do? So he ‘blends in?’” Said Ginger, typing away on her keyboard.
You turned your head to answer her. “Correct.”
A wide Cheshire cat smile stretched across her face.
“Aaaaaand Billy told the rest of the team to dress in their normal work clothes and not to tell Frank about it?” She asked.
You nodded. “Yes.”
“Oh my god, this is gonna be the best party ever! He also has no idea we have karaoke at this thing, does he?!” She asked, full of excitement.
“Nope!” You replied.
“He’s gonna be PISSED!!” Ginger said, clapping her hands together. “I gotta figure out which Christmas songs to sing!”
The wide smile slowly disappeared from your face. You were excited for the party and had the perfect ugly Christmas sweater but remembering that Billy may not make it back in time for the party OR for Christmas was a little upsetting. You tried to smile anyway but Ginger could see right through it.
“Billy may not make it back in time, huh?” She asked.
Shaking your head vigorously back and forth, you answered, “He said he’s not sure how long this job was going to take. Was I wrong to be upset with him for going out of town so close to Christmas?”
“You have a right to be upset, all you wanted was to spend Christmas with your husband and now you might not be able to…anyone would be disappointed.” She said.
You nodded.
“But hey, even if he doesn’t make it back, I’m gonna make sure we have a fun Christmas. Ok?” She said with a warm smile. “I’m gonna get champagne, breakfast food, oh and we’re soooooo sleeping at your place because…penthouse! Make sure my room is ready!”
Life was certainly better with friends like Ginger and you were probably just as excited as she was to see the look on Frank’s face when he realizes that he didn’t have to wear the sweater and Billy pranked him.
Even though it would be difficult, you were going to try and enjoy the rest of the holiday season.
You tried to keep as busy as possible.
There were days where you went shopping with Ginger, or had dinner with the Castle family because Frank and Maria didn’t want you to be inside the penthouse all alone.
Before he left for his trip, Billy had put your Christmas tree up. You loved that the penthouse had high ceilings so you could pick out a very large tree but a real one didn’t fit in the elevator so you settled for a very real looking artificial tree. Nothing was more important to Billy than to see a smile on your face or make you laugh and he knew that setting the tree up would make you happy.
So most nights you would sit in the dark with only the tree lights on, drinking your tea, and looking at all of the ornaments. The soft warm glow of the white lights illuminated the ornaments in front of them nicely.
Your parents let you take the ones from your childhood that used to be on their tree, then there were the ornaments Billy had given you, and the ones that the Castle children had made for you that had their pictures on the inside. It really warmed your heart that they called you “Auntie.”
The busy streets below shined brightly with festive white lights placed in trees and buildings all around the city. There wasn’t anything quite like New York City at Christmas time.
Looking out at the moon, you wondered if Billy was doing the same. It loomed large encased in an ethereal glow while the bitter winter wind howled past the window. You suddenly felt cold; you missed him terribly and wanted him home but there wasn’t anything you could do about it except wait.
Billy had already been gone for a week, Christmas was four days away, and he still didn’t know when he would be coming home. A tear streaked down your cheek remembering the phone call with him earlier. That one did not end well.
“Wait, so you might miss New Year’s too?!” You had said, sternly.
Touching the palm of your hand to your forehead, you had closed your eyes, trying very hard not to get upset with him but the stress had been too much.
It was a little lonely working all day and then coming home to an empty apartment, listening to Christmas music and looking at the tree alone, baking cookies without him sneaking one when you weren’t looking, or taking a sip of your hot chocolate before giving it to you to make sure it wasn’t “too hot.”
“Hey, I’m not doing this on purpose, alright?! You know I hate being away from you but this is my job, sweet girl. You know this! You know who you married, I’m not always a 9-5!” He had yelled.
He was right. It wasn’t his fault; you knew who you married and it was good business for him but before you could apologize, he had ended the call. Billy was the closest person to you: It was just easy to take it out on him and he didn’t deserve that.
You tried to call him back but it went to his voicemail.
“I’m so sorry, Billy. I know some things can’t be helped and it’s not your fault. It’s good for your business and I’m happy you’re doing so well. I just miss you…I love you, baby.”
Billy shuts down when he gets angry and still doesn’t quite know how to navigate his anger so he keeps it all inside, and then it comes out sometimes in explosive ways.
You had a feeling you may not hear from him for a couple of days.
“So he just hung up on you?” Asked Ginger.
You needed to have an after work drink and vent the next day.
“I shouldn’t have snapped at him, Ginger.” You replied.
“And you haven’t heard from him today?” She asked.
You shook your head.
“No…and I doubt that I will. I tried to call and apologize but he didn’t answer.” You said, taking a sip of beer.
“Well hey, our party is tomorrow, Christmas is in three days, and I know he’s not here with you but we’re gonna have fun alright?” Said Ginger. “Plus we get to bust Frank’s balls about the sweater. Maria said it’s a good one but she wants it to be a surprise.”
She started to laugh which brought a smile to your face and made you laugh too.
The two of you clinked your glasses of beer together.
“Thank you for making today better, Ginger.”
“You are very welcome!” She replied.
December 23
It was your last day of work for the year. The company always shuts down for the week between Christmas and New Year’s, not completely but most of the employees have a bit of a break which is really nice but again, you didn’t want to spend it alone.
That was another reason you got upset with Billy; you have a week off from work coming up and before he went away, he told you maybe he would take a couple of days off with you but now that was also in jeopardy.
On your way out of the building, you could see the silvery gray clouds overhead and the air was dry yet it had a fresh scent to it. It smelled like snow. The scent brought you back to your wedding day when Billy smelled the snow coming…and he wasn’t wrong. The weekend he proposed to you, you told him it smelled like it was going to snow.
Until you told him, he had no idea incoming snow had a scent. You weren’t even sure that it did but it always smelled the same to you and your nose was never wrong. And now you were on your way home, about to get ready for your Christmas party but you couldn’t get Billy off of your mind.
You missed him.
It was difficult to concentrate on getting ready when all you could think of was Billy but luckily Ginger came over and distracted you as you were getting ready.
The two of you had matching ugly sweaters so you obviously had to show up to the party at the same time. The sweaters were red and green, wrapped in silver garland with red and green Christmas bulb ornaments on the front and back.
“These are gonna be such a hit!” She said, excitedly. “They are so loud but so fun!”
“The only thing that would make them better is if they lit up.” You said with a smile.
“Well, we’ll look for something like that next year, let’s go!” Said Ginger.
She pulled you out the door by your coat and the two of you headed for the elevator. On your way down to the ground floor, she reassured you it was going to be a great night, you were going to have fun, and maybe get your mind off of Billy even if it’s just for a little while.
You really hoped she was right.
When you arrived at the party, it looked like the company really outdid themselves this year with everything…the food, the decorations, and of course, the security.
Frank was hard to miss in his sweater…it was gray with snowflakes all over it and it had the body of an elf on it so Frank’s head was also the elf’s head.
You tried your best but you and Ginger could hardly contain your laughter.
“That’s uh, a nice sweater Frank.” You said, trying to control yourself.
Ginger was practically in tears, she was laughing so hard.
“Maria was right, that is a good one!” She cackled.
Frank folded his arms across his chest, trying to cover up the body of the elf but it didn’t help. The more uncomfortable he looked, the funnier it was.
“I’m gonna wring your husband’s neck when he gets back, you know that don’t ya?!” He bellowed. “I’m the only one dressed like this!”
Another member of the security team saw Frank in his sweater.
“Lookin’ good, Castle.”
“Yeah? You think this is funny, Wilcox? Keep walkin’ and go do your job!” Said Frank.
“We’ll be back later, Frank! Hope you’re ready for karaoke later!” Ginger said, walking away.
Frank stopped you while Ginger walked away to go mingle.
“Your husband’s a dead man, kid. Tell him right now, I’ll wait.” Frank said.
The smile disappeared from your face. “Yeah, he’s not too happy with me right now, Frank. I, uh, got angry with him when he said that in addition to maybe not being here for Christmas, he may not make it home in time for New Year’s either.” You said in a low voice.
The tears that welled up in your eyes was instant, almost like it was a reflex. You hated fighting with Billy but you were under added stress with the holiday’s coming, family obligations, parties, etc.
You explained to Frank that it was just a busy time of year and everyone had slowly been chipping away at your patience level and you took it out on Billy when he didn’t deserve it. You just wanted to spend Christmas with your new husband.
Frank put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed.
“I know what it’s like to not be with your family during the holidays, kid. I couldn’t thank Bill enough for letting me stay behind so I could spend this time with Maria and the kids. But I know that he hates that he’s had to spend this time away from you. He told me the other day when I talked to him. You are his family.” He said.
The side of your mouth curled up into a half smile as you gently brushed the tear away from your cheek. Billy Russo was your husband, the love of your life, and the person that made you happier than you ever thought you could be.
But no matter how many times you reassured him of your love for him, sometimes he was still scared that if he didn’t do everything perfectly, that you might end up leaving like his mother had done or anyone else that he had cared for.
Billy was strong; he was a survivor and had already gone through so much heartache that you tried your very best to make sure he knew he was loved and that you weren’t going to abandon him…ever. You showed him that he didn’t have to try so hard to be the perfect husband, the perfect lover, or the perfect friend because nobody was perfect.
You certainly weren’t. But you were perfect to Billy because you loved him more than anyone ever has. He finally had what he had always wanted which is why he tried so hard to not disappoint you and shutting down was easier than trying to say how he felt.
It was something that was always a work in progress with him; he needed to hear those words…”I’m not going anywhere, Billy. You can tell me, it’s ok. You are good enough.”
But sometimes, you would need that reminder too. You needed to remember that he needed that extra coaxing and encouragement so you could continue to help him put back together the pieces of that fragmented little boy inside that he desperately wanted to fix. And he worked very hard at that…for you.
“I love him so much, Frank.” You said with a hitch in your voice.
Frank smirked. “He loves you too, kid. It’ll be alright…you’ll see.”
“Is Frankie the elf gonna go tell Santa what I want for Christmas?” You started to laugh.
He couldn’t help himself; he started to laugh too.
“Ya know, we were having a nice moment and you had to remind me that I’m wearing this ridiculous sweater!” The gruff tone to his voice sounded even more intense but he was still smiling. “Alright, get outta here, go have fun and lemme do my job, yeah?”
“Thank you, Frank.” You said with a playful smile.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart…Bill’s still a dead man though.” He asserted. “Ginger was kidding about the karaoke, right?”
A sly smile stretched across your lips as you walked away.
“RIGHT?!!!” Frank called out after you.
“See ya later, Frank!” You answered back and waved.
Now you were ready to have a little fun.
The lights dimmed a little lower after dinner, the bar was open, and it was almost time for karaoke. Frank looked more and more uncomfortable by the minute. Not only was he in a silly Christmas sweater, he was going to be subjected to Ginger’s singing until the party was over. She tended to hog the microphone at parties like this but no one minded because she was so entertaining.
If you asked Frank though, he would most definitely disagree which made her performances even more entertaining to see the grumpy look on his face. He couldn’t even leave the room because he had a job to do.
He held it together for the most part but the song that had him wanting to fling himself out into traffic was Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses. What’s not fun about watching Frank squirm while Ginger entertains the room? It definitely had you in stitches.
Bah, humbug!" No, that's too strong
'Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy
To add to my already mad rush
Just 'cause it's 'tis the season.
The perfect gift for me would be
Completions and connections
left from Last year, ski shop,
Encounter, most interesting.
Had his number but never the time
Most of '81 passed along those lines.
So deck those halls, trim those trees
Raise up cups of Christmas cheer,
I just need to catch my breath,
Christmas by myself this year.
Ginger did her best to get everyone in the room to sing along too. “Come on everyone! Help me out here! Frank loves this song!”
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year
Mingling around the room, you conversed with co-workers, had a couple of drinks, and then decided it was time for you to do a couple of songs.
Billy was usually your focal point, staring intently at you with his infectious smile that lit up any room. The way he looked at you showed everyone how much he was in love with you and that you were the only woman in the world for him.
The duet you and Ginger did of Baby It’s Cold Outside was a HUGE hit. The two of you were in matching sweaters, so of course you had to do a duet of some sort and you had a blast doing it. Frank did seem to enjoy that performance from the sly smirk you noticed across his mouth.
When Ginger walked away and left you by yourself with the microphone, you were nervous so you felt the need to explain the reason why you chose the next song. You gave them all the short version.
“My husband is out of town at the moment and I really miss him. So I keep hoping that it’s only one more sleep until I get to see him again.” You said softly into the microphone.
Snow is falling all around us
My baby's coming home for Christmas
I've been up all night inside my bedroom
He said that he'll be with me real soon
You weren’t quite the entertainer that Ginger was but your performance wasn’t bad.
So I wait
And I wait
But I've had as much as I can take
'Cause I've got 5 more
nights of sleeping on my own
4 more days until you're coming home
3 more dreams of you and mistletoe
2 more reasons why I love you so
I've got 5 more nights
until you're next to me
4 more days of being lonely
3 more wishes I can barely breathe
If I can make it to
Christmas Eve then it's
One more sleep
(one more sleep until it's Christmas)
One more sleep
(Can't believe how much I missed us)
One more sleep
(One more sleep until it's Christmas)
One more sleep
When you looked off to the side, you noticed Frank talking on the phone. His eyes kept shifting from the entrances to the room then to you and back to the entrances. You assumed he was just doing his job but you did wonder who he was talking to.
Now I don't think I can remember
A cold and lonelier December
And I find myself staring at the window
Wondering when you're
gonna get back home
It had been a little lonely the past couple of weeks but you had great friends that were there to make sure you were ok and didn’t have to spend the season alone.
So I try
And I try
But there is nothing I
can do to pass this time
I've got 5 more nights
of sleeping on my own
4 more days until you're coming home
3 more dreams of you and mistletoe
2 more reasons why I love you so
I've got 5 more nights
until you're next to me
4 more days of being lonely
3 more wishes I can barely breathe
If I can make it to
Christmas Eve then it's
One more sleep
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed movement over where Frank was standing. A tall slender silhouette glided into the room, the man’s back facing you as Frank talked with him.
Frank was all smiles when he embraced the other man, also in an ugly sweater; they were both laughing and pointing at the other’s sweater; he squeezed his shoulder and glanced over at you as the other man turned around to look at you.
Until we're rocking
around the Christmas tree
Until I got you sitting next to me
We got a lot of catching up to do
I just can't take this missing you
Even with the lights down low, you knew that smile anywhere.
As Billy came closer, you could see his sweater better. It was black and white with red along the collar, the cuffs and the hem. Pictures of reindeer, Christmas trees, snowflakes and candy canes were splashed all over it. The sweater was hideous.
5 more nights on my own
4 more days
3 more dreams
I can't believe I ever let you go
5 more nights of sleeping on my own
4 more days until you're coming home
3 more wishes I can barely breathe
If I can make it to Christmas
Eve then it's one more sleep
It'll be one more
It'll be one more
(One more sleep)
It'll be one more
(One more sleep)
One more sleep
You weren’t even sure the microphone was back on its stand before you took off running. Before you could jump into his arms, he held his hand out to stop you.
“Whoa, wait one second sweet girl!” He said with a welcoming smile.
Confused, you stopped just short of crashing into him when he reached into his sleeve and pressed something. Lights all over his sweater started to twinkle and he extended both of his arms, welcoming you into an embrace.
“Merry Christmas, beautiful.” Said Billy, pulling you into his chest.
He squeezed you tightly and you, in turn, squeezed back. His body was a warm cradle for yours as you rested your ear against his chest. “Merry Christmas, handsome.”
Cupping your cheeks, his liquid brown eyes flicked from your eyes to your mouth as he leaned in to kiss you. His long slender fingers traced down the hollow of your throat and the bristles of his beard raked against your soft cheeks.
“Are you surprised?” He asked.
“I think you know the answer to that, baby.” You lightly touched your lips with your fingertips, trying to place the sweet taste to Billy’s lips. “Is that chocolate, I taste?” You asked him.
Billy chuckled. “Well when I stopped home to change into my sweater, I found the cookies you made.” He said.
“You sniffed out those chocolate chip cookies inside the sealed Tupperware?!” You asked.
He winked at you. “I found the peanut butter ones too. You’ve been busy! They’re delicious.”
“You are such a sugar junkie, my love.” You said with a playful smile.
The smile on your face quickly disappeared in favor of a slight frown while you tried to apologize to him.
“It’s alright, sweet girl. You already apologized…I’m—I’m sorry too. What I’m NOT sorry about is having Frankie wear this sweater! That is a good one.” He laughed.
Frank pressed his lips together in a straight line, a look of embarrassment washed over his face along with playful hate for Billy.
“The only reason I don’t give you a black eye right now is because y/n is so happy you made it home.” Frank growled. “Oh no, Ginger has the microphone again. What time is this party over anyway?! I can only take so much, kid.” He said.
You glanced at your watch. “Thirty more minutes, Frank. And are you saying you DON’T wanna do this again next year? Ginger will be disappointed if you don’t.” You giggled.
Billy couldn’t take his eyes away from you. His stare was incessant and made the hair on the back of your neck stand up but in a good way. He drew your hand up to his lips and planted a soft kiss along your knuckles sending delightful sparks down your spine.
“I’ll gladly go out of town for a job so I don’t have to do this again next year!” Said Frank. “But I like seeing you smile, sweetheart. And as much as I wanna slap that smirk off of his face, I like seeing this guy smile too.” He said, pointing at Billy.
“Come with me, beautiful. I wanna show you something.” Billy said into your ear.
Clinging to him tightly, you didn’t want to let him go but you let him lead you out of the room. His fingers laced with yours, you had to take two steps at a time to keep up with his long strides.
Frank called out after the two of you. “HEY!! Where do you two think you’re goin’?!! Don’t leave me here alone listening to this!!”
You and Billy left the room while Frank was forced to listen to Ginger do her best Mariah Carey impression.
Oh, I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Oh, baby, all I want for Christmas is youuuuuuuuu!!!
“Where are we going, Billy?” You asked.
He turned to look at you over his shoulder. “Just outside.”
As you got closer to the door, you could see the sidewalk was covered by a light dusting of snow, the street lamps illuminated the snow as it gently fell from the sky, and the cold winter air stung your lungs as he ushered you outside.
The snowflakes were so big, they almost didn’t look real and the surrounding city sounds were muted as a subtle smile stretched across your lips.
“I knew it…I could smell it on my walk home today. Is this my Christmas gift, handsome? You brought home snow!” You exclaimed, your hand tightening firmly around his.
Billy shook his head, clusters of snowflakes gathered in his rich brown hair and his eyes locked on yours. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach gradually intensified as he continued to gaze at you, not noticing people on either side of you passing by.
“I wish I could take credit for this, baby but have you noticed that it we’ve had snow during some of our biggest relationship milestones?” He asked, pulling you in close again.
He noticed too.
“When we got engaged…the day we got married…and now our first married ‘almost’ Christmas.” You replied with a warm smile. “I thought about that earlier today, actually.”
It was cold but with Billy’s arms wrapped around you, the cold didn’t seem to bother you. You could only imagine what you look like to the people walking around outside, holding each other in the snow with your ugly Christmas sweaters on with Billy’s actually flashing different colors but it was nothing less than perfect.
“It’s been ok the past year, hasn’t it?” He asked with concern in his voice.
You pulled away to look at him. “What do you mean, Billy?”
“Our marriage…I know we fight sometimes but I—“ He said before you cut him off.
Billy Russo wasn’t scared of anything. He had been to war, survived childhood trauma, and found the one thing he thought he’d never have…love. Not only did he fall in love, that person in turn, loved him back.
“Of course we fight, Billy! I’d be worried if we didn’t! How many times do I have to tell you that you don’t need to be perfect?” You asked him.
His lips curled into a shy smile. “At least one more time, sweet girl.”
“Billy Russo, I will always fight for you and I will never give up on you as long as you try…as long as we both try. I don’t need you to be perfect. All I want and all I need is you.” You said, trying not to let your tears fall but failing miserably. “I love you.”
You felt his warm breath against your eyelashes before he leaned in to kiss you, the scent of his cologne on his sweater was faint but still there, and his cold fingers wrapped around your neck like a necklace.
You drew in a sharp breath as his mouth slanted over yours, parting your lips with his tongue, kissing you desperately, and telling you over and over again how much he loved you.
“I love you too, baby.” He said softly. “You ready to go back inside?”
“Y-y-yes.” You replied, your teeth chattering slightly.
“We’re taking Ginger home with us, I’m assuming?” Asked Billy.
“Her room is ready and waiting.” You said. “She’ll be with us for Christmas too.”
A devilish smile extended across Billy’s mouth, a smile that you knew all too well, and with that smile, you knew you were in trouble as soon as you got home.
“I hope she packed noise cancelling headphones because, Mrs. Russo, your sweater is really doin’ it for me.” He purred in your ear.
You could feel yourself blushing as you replied.
“Oh…you’re not joking, are you.”
He had a feral look in his eyes when he slowly shook his head back and forth. You wanted him just as badly as you whispered back,
“Well…let’s go home then, Mr. Russo. You can probably get a better look at it if I JUST wear the sweater.”
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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sanaserena · 9 months
Christmas day came with another party, this time it was Zoro’s place at noon, as nominated when Luffy’s Grandfather scowled his grandson into non-submission.  You’d marvelled at that exchange, at Mr Garp yelling at Luffy for constantly messing up the apartment, while Luffy asking what the hell did his grandfather want?  It was odd, for it sounded like an argument, but there was clearly no intention to get into any fights unless it involved several fists of love from both sides. 
You sang carols, and discovered that Ace had a terrible singing voice, much to Sanji’s horror.
You split crackers, and found some nasty joke ones courtesy of Usopp, and much to Robin’s macabre delight.
“It’s not halloweeeen!” cried Chopper, eventually comforted by Robin, who gave him an extra slice of cake.
Somehow Sanji and Zoro got into a fight on who could cut the turkey better – Sanji won out because he cooked it. 
And Franky nearly blew up Zoro’s house, much to his horror.  It was a good thing the party was out in Zoro’s garden instead, in the warmth of a Grand Line City summer.
You gave Ace a new beanie, with a shy smile apologising that it wasn’t grander—you were saving that for his birthday.  It was the same as his old orange one, but this one had two smiley faces on the front, two black circles, one with a smile face, the other with a frowning one.  It really wasn’t much.
He put it on immediately.
For you, he had planned an anniversary getaway, the first of which for you both as a couple.
After a few hours, Ace lead you away.  Between the both of you, in many ways orphans, you had such large adoptive families.  And what had once been lonely Christmases for the both of you, in different ways, were now a fight between one place and the other.
It was a good thing that Zoro’s house wasn’t far from where Ace lived.  And together you walked hand in hand back to his place, to join, however briefly, the Whitebeards party. 
There were no people on the streets, except for a few.  The sun was warm, but Ace was warmer beside you.  You knew this because even though you were holding hands, his arm was pressed to yours. 
“It’d be rather nice to drive down this road with the roof opened on a day like today,” you mused.
“I wouldn’t know, don’t own a car.”  Ace shrugged.
“I noticed.  Why is that?”
He looked momentarily aghast.  “And restrict me to the confines of such a vehicle?”  He nudged your shoulder.  “You’re learning to drive.  Why don’t you get one, and then we can cruise to our delight.”
“Maybe.  Or maybe I’ll just rely on you until the end of days.  You and that monstrous bike of yours.”
He chuckled, pulling you to a stop, just to look at you it seemed.  “End of days huh?” he said, tugging on your loose hair, haphazardly curled for today’s celebrations. 
"Reader and Ace spending their first Christmas together as a couple" flashback scene from my modern (sports - lacrosse) au fic, A Pair of Reds, over on AO3 (former Portgas D. Ace X reader pairing; Eustass Kid X reader endgame)
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danwhobrowses · 8 months
One Piece Chapter 1106 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back
Things are looking dire, but somebody's on their way, ally or foe, it may not matter in the grand scheme, everyone needs off this island
Let's see how they get out of this one
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Oda really has been hitting bangers with the cover page, this time Robin dressing a crocodile which works in multiple layers because 1. Robin <3 2. Robin with the thumbs up 3. Crocodile Surfer Dude 4. Reference to Robin and another Crocodile's past alliance and 5. Lacosta being a riff on the clothes brand Lacoste which has a crocodile on it (the logo used because René Lacoste's nickname) but also is loosely meaning 'the coast' in Spanish
But to the chapter, the Buster Call is raining fire on the Future Island
Luffy however stops being a little uncharacteristic, instant digestion and Gear Fifth back on the board, the marine grunts stood no chance
Luffy at least gave the courtesy of sending them flying off the island so they won't be burned to death
Back to the Bonney situation though, the Pacifista are ordered to kill all who are falling
'Shoot down this pathetic family' - choke to death why not Saturn?
Vegapunk however seems to have one more thing up his sleeve, having Atlas relay a message to Bonney
Bonney asks her father to stop shooting and help them escape
Bonney has higher authority over the pacifista! She has the army of Kumas!
The Mark IIIs are back on our side, thanks to Vegapunk's secret and admittedly selfish act of defiance, but one he knows will be costly
Saturn impales Vegapunk, though for someone who was all 'I'll know if you try to deceive me' he's been deceived thrice over
It's a pretty gnarly stab, but the heart is more on the other side so it might have just missed it, pierced lung for sure
Rough arc for Franky too; almost eaten by a mecha shark, his hero barely acknowledges him and tried to rob the crew, then there's more versions of his hero but they're all getting killed off, man didn't even get a chance to properly shine
Kizaru once again sticking to Saturn's orders, sending a flurry at the perpetually falling characters
Kuma's shot, while Atlas and Franky are grazed, Sanji given how he wasn't falling and was Sky Walking to Bonney has the positioning to block a hit with his foot
It clearly caused him some discomfort since all are shown in pain
Kizaru then goes for the close combat attack, ready to slice Bonney and Kuma down the middle in one fell swoop assuring her it'll be painless
But Luffy laughs back into the battle, giving Kizaru a giant hook punch
Luffy's DF also rubberized the ground, allowing for a safe, albeit bouncy landing
Bonney tends to Vegapunk as the ground shakes, the sound of the Drums echoing around the Buster Call, the sleeping giant stirs once more as Bonney recognizes the rhythm
She finally sees it, and connects the dots, as Vegapunk confirms that Luffy is Nika
Hearing that also causes Kuma himself to glance
But then, we see a very big ship, not one of a Blackbeard variety though
The Marines are scared, since the sailors are ones believed dead a hundred years prior
Dorry and Brogy have come! And are likely the 'they' from last chapter
And they've come to pick up Luffy, who they also know is the Sun God
Break next week but we can live with that one
When things are dire a small glimmer of hope reappears.
Luffy back in action for Round 2 is good and expected, we're just now gonna have to wait for Zoro to snap outta it and finish off Lucci like he should've done a while back, or at least explain why it's taken so long - like he already won but got lost or Hattori had a DF or Kaku also attacked or the Seraphim also attacked because they did kinda fall off given how they were defeated off-screen. Get Robin back on her feet and the Sunny safe, and also get Vegapunk and Kuma safe.
Bonney having higher authority on all the Pacifista is a good way out, albeit very drastic considering that it means the Navy's entire peacekeeping force is now under the whim of a 12 year old girl. And I must confess, while I enjoy it I can't deny that this twist was very similar to Tama turning the SMILE users against Kaido, small criticism though.
Dorry and Brogy coming is a surprise, but it definitely will help to bridge the arc from Egghead to Elbaf, given the giants' friendliness with Shanks and wasting of Kid's ship it can lead to some surprising dynamics down the line for the Land of Giants. Plus we can't rule out the Blackbeard ship still.
But for now it looks like Luffy is set to fend off Kizaru, which still leaves Saturn to be dealt with, but it is looking more and more like the island may in fact survive the Buster Call.
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freshlyrage · 1 year
Running Like Water
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Chapter 1
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues, first few chapters are flashbacks to high school, they WILL NOT be explicit just fluff.
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
Fic Summary: Andrea has loved Javier since she was a girl in pigtails, yet he has always been off limits. Andrea's older brother Frankie makes sure Javier never crosses any lines, which was an easy task considering Javi's relationship status with long term girlfriend Lorraine. Somewhere, the lines blur.
A/N: Hi tumblr, I decided to also upload on here so heh Hi! It was mentioned in the tags but Ms. Jessica Alba is my face claim for Andrea my beloved. I do have little pinterest boards but I feel like I could also post my inspo pics on here too hehe. Anyway my pinterest is maribari11. My Running Like Water Boards are titled;
Before 1985
Genie and Frankie
Diaz House
First ten chapters are being slowly uploaded on here but can be accessed on ao3. Enjoy :)
word count: 3.3k
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Andrea was fifteen, thirteen, twelve and twenty one in his basement. In 1977 Andrea was only thirteen. Her brother, Frankie was fifteen and most definitely couldn’t be bothered hanging out with the girl. She was a bit awkward and interested in things he wasn’t. Deep in his rebellious phase, skipping church and frequenting smoking pot at Genevieve's house. That bitch. Andrea would mutter when she would roll her car into the dirt driveway.
She used to pick fun of Andrea and Andrea wasn’t one to just “forget” about something like that. Having Frankie around definitely pushed that potty mouth that they wouldn’t dare use around their mama. Having been the one of the only Puerto Ricans within a 3 mile radius, mom would take them to church trying to follow along with the differences in words between the way they spoke on the island and how their preacher from Mexico preached.
Melissa Diaz, single mother with too much money for her own good. The largest home in their neighborhood, courtesy of her grandfather who wrote Melissa’s name in his will. He struck big with oil in the 30s and his only alive relative was his little one Melissa, who wasn’t so little. She was already pregnant with Andrea at the time and obviously dropped her life in Miami as a struggling single mom for sudden Texas luxury.
They were also one of the few people in the neighborhood who didn’t like the ranching lifestyle.
Melissa wasn’t into that, she opened up her boutique in town and let the money pile that way. But it was lonely, for Andrea at least. She had friends in her sixth grade classes of course but it was never close enough to be invited out when they would leave school on Fridays and walk to Genevieve's (bitch) dads ice cream parlor. Despite Frankie’s new habits, maybe once a month he’d take Andrea out. And he had taken her out that summer.
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The fishing rod sound was comforting, down the hill and a sharp left into town. “Frankie! My legs are too short to keep up.” Green short overalls and a baseball ring t-shirt. His back was facing you and you grip the handles, lean forward but it still doesn’t make you as fast as him. You mutter curses under your breath like your mama could hear.
The town came into view, the shops, moms shop and the police station smack in the middle. The police of Laredo, who mama very much disliked after she was pulled over for having Frankie in the front seat when he was six.
Genevieve's beetle parked in front of the ice cream shop, the speed increases and you can’t help but groan with annoyance. You follow him any way knowing you will be ditched for the next 2 hours, I can just ride back home now.
You don’t though. You follow him before the two of you park our bikes by a post, you two hadn’t had your locks because one of the two of you usually would stay out with the bikes, (it was always Frankie) while the other (you) bought ice cream. With Ice Cream you and your brother would walk your bikes to a bench. Sit for a bit and eat ice cream, it was the time where you two actually enjoyed each others company. Frankie is eyeing the car, “Stay here, I’m going to see if I can catch Genie.”
You give him pleading eyes, “No Frankie, this isn’t fair.” You look around anxiously at the thought of being alone in the street next to two pricey bikes. He laughs and shoves your shoulder before walking into the shop. God, you hate this phase he’s in. He’s totally in love with her and she was older- seemed like she just wanted to be around him to smoke. You look out at the town surrounding you. Summer classic, just so busy this time of year. You watch as 3 girls leave mom's shop, bags in hand. Teenage boys laughing over something near the bar that was closed.
“Andrea?” A deep voice comes from behind you, deep voice? You turn, your pigtails practically slapping against your face. You blink rapidly as the boy approached you. He looked your close to brothers age, but with one of those awkward puberty staches. “Sorry, your Frankie’s sister right?”
You nod, looking down at the bikes, still confused as to why he was talking to you. Or how he knew your name, or why he was getting so close. “You should know that your brother owes 30 cash for a few ounces, has been avoidin’ me” His steps even closer and you can’t hold both bikes at once, Frankie’s bike drops to the floor. Shaking your head, you already had a fear of boys, let alone teenage boys. Now one is close to you asking for money you for sure did not have.
“That’s not my issue dude.” You squeak, and grimace, you really couldn’t have looked weaker than at this moment. Twelve years old in overalls and pig tails. The tween quickly retrieve a blade from his pocket.
With quickness and without any time for thoughts you step away from the bike.
Fuck this.
The boy crouches down and stabs the wheel and the scream you let out is nothing short of embarrassing.
Is no one seeing this?
In a split second the kids face is on the ground, pushed as he stabbed the wheel.
“What the fuck is your issue?” A voice growls, not deep like the prick on the floor but definitely a voice of someone awaiting puberty. Your eyes flash up from the sight-seeing the voice, reaching down and grabbing the collar of blade boy, turning him on his back. “Get the fuck out of here.” He shoves the kid further into the concrete and now people were paying attention.
Yet still, no sign of Frankie, who was probably already smoking with Genie in the back of the store.
The guy with a smudge of sidewalk dirt on his cheek runs away from the 14-year-old vigilante, abandoning his weapon.
The boy had a familiar look, like you’ve seen him in school. A grown look to him already to which his voice contrasted. Your face flushed red when he reached down to grab the bike, “Are you okay?” He stood straight, tall. You nod embarrassingly quick, wishing for a moment that you hadn’t looked so young.
“Yes I-”
“Javier? What the fuck happened to my bike?” Frankie steps out of the shop, Genie behind him, her hair in its perfect voluminous state. The small crowd that formed from Javier’s quick action had already desolated.
Javier, Javier.
Javier scoffs, “You left your little sister with your bike and some kid nearly mugged her.” Frankie’s eyes widen, looking at you, your fear and embarrassment broadcasted on your face. He closes his eyes for moment, pinching the bridge of his nose. Cursing under his breath. He takes a few steps forward, disarming the bike from Javier’s grip.
“Dillan…” He grits. Frankie puts his hand on your shoulder, Javier stood to your left shaking his head. “Shit, Andrea I’m sorry,”. Frankie turned to look at Genie. “Would you mind driving us to Javi’s”
She agreed instantly and by the grace of God we somehow fit the bikes in her small car. To your benefit, you and Javier peeled next to each other. You just couldn’t help but crush immediately. Frankie explained that Javier’s dad “Chucho” used to fix bikes, he probably had a replacement wheel there. He also apologized over and over, Genevieve laughing at how apologetic he was. And Chucho fixed his bike out in the driveway. So you stayed in Javier’s basement for hours. But like always, you felt like an outsider.
A bit too young to be in that crowd. They spoke of things you couldn’t relate to yet. But you were occupied, a gaze on Javier seemed to be the only interesting aspect of the night. And your assumptions were right-well almost right...
Javier was fourteen, turning fifteen in August and he was at your school but just in the 8th grade. Its something you two shared in common, you were both a year older than everyone else in your grades. It was the summer going into 7th grade which meant Javier was joining Frankie at Laredo High School in a matter of months.
And again, to your advantage, it became a constant routine.
Biking to Javier’s basement, you, Genie and Frankie. You didn’t complain despite still feeling out of place, you finally had people to hang out with. And for mama, she was ecstatic that her two kids were actually hanging out together. They would joke about things you hadn’t experienced yet. “Cover your ears Andrea,” Genie jokes as Javier described hooking up with one of Genevieve's friends. She was definitely too old for Javi. God do all 8th graders “hook up”.
You were also quick to realize Genevieve wasn’t all too bad, it sure seemed she grew a bit since her playground bully days. Yet you still managed to be the butt of every joke in Javier’s basement.
“Do you even have friends in school?” Frankie leans into his knees, passing his blunt to Javier. The pass was always skipped over you because you were too little. Surprisingly, you actually agreed. Your eyes narrow at Frankie as he tried to dig at you.
“Leave her alone, I mean you’re here hanging out with your twelve-year-old sister, so you really are no better.”
You couldn’t help it. You were doomed when he beat up that kid Dillan. You couldn’t help but blush at anything he said. It was classic. Little girl crushing on one of her only friends just because he was nice to her. The whole thing just grew deeper with time as you all got closer. As Javier proved himself to be the only one on your side.
Slinging an arm over your shoulders as you all walked home the following summer. It was all friendly to him but you knew Genevieve could read your face.
That face when you're trying to be serious to avoid smiling ear to ear from being so close to your one-time-knight in shining armor.
Though, you never really saw Javier during the school year. It wasn’t surprising, you weren’t even in the same school building during his freshman and sophomore year. You also had to accept that it was just a summer thing, enough time would pass where Javier would be shocked every time he saw you. During his sophomore year you had not seen him those whole nine school months. Not even with all the quinceañeras and town events. You just never saw him, even when you would deliberately bike past his house. You would always see Chucho though. He’d wave, you’d return it and then look straight ahead, oh my god I’m such a creep.
It just became devastating when you were going into high school. You had gotten taller, maybe prettier. But you think it was just the fact that you were 15 now. He hadn’t truly seen you since you were 14. Back when you still had to patch your knees from typical middle school rough housing.
That year he was gone, 1979, he came back briefly just to leave again at the very start of the summer. Attending a summer police camp, for boys. In turn, Frankie spent the summer working and Genie (who was finally your brother’s girlfriend) was taking summer courses at a beauty school.
No, absolutely not, is what you tell Genie when she asked to dye it blonde. You did give in with a haircut and your once long mane now only reached just below your shoulders. “Layers, it makes you look more grown up. Getting you high school ready.” She gleams as she chops your hair in her classroom.
Luckily, despite all of your older asshole brothers jokes, you weren’t completely socially inept.
In that Javi-less year you had met with some girl’s you played lacrosse with. Liandra and Monica. And they really kept you busy that summer. The three of you went swimming and Monica would drive you all around town. They were surely some characters, Monica a bit of a spaz, older than you of course. Javier’s age. Liandra was tougher and much more athletic than the rest of the girls on your team.
It was late in summer, end of July. That familiar feeling was settling in every time you would pass a store with a sign that said Back to school sale.
In your final beach trip with your girls you had come back in Monica’s car like you always did, in shorts and your bikini tops.
7-11 was your haven, steal a few candy bars and pay for Slurpee’s. “God, your tan line.” Liandra grabs your shoulder with her cold hand as it was just gripping her drink. You wince at the feeling.
Gritting your teeth, “Yeah, I just catch sun a bit more.” The cold air of the store nipping at you, goosebumps rising. Monica curses as the slushie overflows, Liandra shoves her in annoyance.
“Mujer, tienes que poner la tapa primero. Tapa ¡primero!” Liandra says very seriously, earning a groan from Monica. You laugh, sipping your cherry flavored slush. The flavor so sweet and concentrated, how you liked. Your eyes fall to the ground as your friends argued in Spanish. You could understand them of course but speaking it, oh that was a whole different story. They thought it was so funny to leave you in a room with their family members to hear you struggle.
An elbow digs into your bare rib. Your eyes snap up at Monica, annoyance prevalent in your face. “Hot guy, older… staring at you right now.” She speaks out the side of her mouth in the most cartoonish way ever. Your eyebrows screw together as you try to slyly look to your right, red straw between your cherry-stained lips.
A familiar pit in your stomach forms, one you would get just a summer ago or when you would bike passed his house and see his truck in the driveway. Your eyebrows shoot up as Javier stands near the refrigerated drinks, a confused look on his face.
 He looks so much older; he was taller and his hair. God, he would be 17 by now. Or 16? It isn’t august, he’s still 16.
“I thought it was you.” He laughs walking towards you, not helping the throbbing in your chest. You could hear the girls stir from behind you. His smile doing the thing. When the corners of his eyes crinkle and you could barely make out the color of them. Has he been working out?
Fuck of course he has, he’s been training. Where was he all year?
“Shit, I feel like I haven’t seen you since last summer.” Without letting you think he pulls you in for a hug, too distracted by his scent and hold to realize you were just in a bikini top. His large hand flat on your upper back, stinging the mixture of burn and tan you had received from being by the seaside.
He lets you go but still has a hand on your tanned arm. You try not to focus on the touch and instead speak. “Uh- yeah where have you been all year.” You blurt, fuck did you sound desperate? Obsessed? You were. You had kind of been worried sick. Worried that something was wrong although you knew deep down that Chucho just wouldn’t just go on with his day if there really had been an issue.
He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know, I know. Chucho sent me to that High School for law and justice last year. Lived with my uncle out there” Your eyes widen, that was in Houston. Chucho really let him leave all year-and then for summer?
He laughs again at your reaction, “I know, I’m back now, going to finish junior and senior year at Laredo, it was pricey keeping me over there. I’m here again” He smiles, he hasn’t stopped since he realized it was you. He always looked at you with that sort of gaze, you wanted to believe it was adoration. And his voice, oh my god when did it get this deep. His eyes fall to the girls behind you.
 It snaps you from your Javier Peña daze.
“Oh- that’s great. Sorry-” You awkwardly look at both girls by your side. “These are my friends, Monica and Liandra we play on the varsity lacrosse.” They both are ogling him and you mentally roll your eyes. It’s just the way they are.
Javi crosses his arms and nods, a smirk playing on his lips. He puts a hand out and ruffles your hair. Your cheeks immediately warming at the act, “Freshman on varsity, maybe I’ll stop by some of your games, right ladies?” He crosses his arms again. They both nod, Monica laughs snorting along with it.
Oh my god…
Still a smile playing on his lips, staring down at you. Tall, fuck when did he get so-“Listen, I have to go home to dad but I’ll see you around school, yeah?” He says it like he means it, like he wants to see you around. Like he’s hopeful.
Or maybe you were just making it all up in your mind.
He waves a goodbye to your friends and leaves empty handed, the brass ship bell rings as he goes.
Monica wraps her arms around you and makes a fake moan into your ear. You cringe again pushing her off, “You have to be joking who in the world-”
“Javier, he’s my brothers friend” You brush them away and walk to the register. Taking your change out, 60 cents for a large like always. Monica groans and Liandra puts down her own change, covering for Monica. It was “pay-back” for all the rides she provided you guys.
“He’s so sexy oh my goodness Andrea.” Liandra gushes. You look at her from the side of your eye for a moment, knowing he surely wasn’t her type. She liked those big buff knuckle heads. You smile and thank the cashier before you all exit the store before loading the car.
You do see him in school. He never really sees you, maybe he’s tries not to. Within the first month of freshman year you had seen him in the hall with a new girl at least 4 times. You had heard he was a bit of womanizer, a sweet talker. And he was charming with you so you could only dream of how sweet he was when he was really flirting.
“You wish that was you, don’t you?” Monica laughs from your left, your eyes widen. She caught you staring at him walking with another girl. Truly, shamefully, you weren’t paying attention to the girl he had his arm around but instead the way his ass looked in the jeans he wore. Your cheeks flushing red.
 “I’m good.”
You lied. You would walk home nearly everyday with tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. You had a lot of alone time that fall, You had a lot of time to just pine over him now that you had to see him everyday. You wondered most importantly, if he’d ever want you, maybe not now but soon. Before he graduates, You also wondered if he was hooking up with those girls. God, he had gotten so popular when he came back. And you just watched.
You did a lot of watching. You watched Genie and Frankie nearly break up over dinner at your house. You watched Monica get a boyfriend only 3 months into high school, and you watched Liandra have her first kiss at a party.
You watched everyone else have experiences, you could only just watch.
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danipedrosas-boatest · 6 months
List of kpop songs I associate motogp riders with for some reason idk
1. Pecco - Punch by NCT 127
Courtesy of Anna and that time we were discussing which songs we would play for riders
5. Zarco - Villain by Stella Jang
The vibes really
10. Luca - 28 Reasons by Seulgi
Screams main character, anti-hero getting his revenge
12. Maverick - Drama by Aespa
He IS the drama and I love him for it
20. Fabio - Tail by Sunmi
Sexy song for a sexy king
21. Franky - Lo Siento by Super Junior
Fun, chill vibes like Franky gives off
23. Enea - Genie by SNSD
If I had a lamp I would wish for him to win a championship
25. Raúl - Vengeance by Bibi
I want him to have a reputation era
30. Taka - Keep Your Head Down by TVXQ
A powerful song about staying strong and overcoming hardship, sums him up pretty well imo
31. Pedro - Super Tuna by Jin
I could imagine him listening to this while he plays with his legos
33. Brad - Kiss of Fire by Woodz
RnB just reminds me of Brad and I have no idea why
36. Joan - Snapping by Chungha
Low key but really stands out once you start paying attention
37. Augusto - Rodeo by Monsta X
Powerful and strong, can’t not listen or turn your eyes away from him
41. Aleix - Tomboy by (G)I-DLE
Amazing tough song until you get to “fucking tomboy”, which I can’t take seriously and which serves as a reminder he’s a big softie at heart
42. Rinsy - Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang
A beautiful ballad, and it was inspired by Taeyang’s wife Min Hyo-Rin, and it seemed fitting seeing how much Rinsy loves his family
43. Jack - RBB by Red Velvet
I literally couldn’t think of anything else
49. Diggi - Growl by EXO
His symbol is the wolf, he’s an Roma fan, and it has the same smoothness he does
72. Bezz - Zimzalabim by Red Velvet
They are both weird and fascinating to me and I don’t know if it’s in a good way or a bad way
73. Álex - Wannabe by Itzy
88. Miguel - Drunk-Dazed by Enhypen
Everyone focuses on his marriage but he is incredibly talented and should be talked about more
89. Jorge - Regular by NCT 127
See above the note I have for Pecco
93. Marc - Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls/(G)I-DLE
👁️👅👁️ (help)
Honorable mentions:
26. Dani - Into the New World by SNSD
Iconic song that’s well-loved and legendary for a reason
32. Sava - Psycho by Red Velvet
46. Vale - Dr. Feel Good by Rania
Cause he’s the Doctor and my sense of humor is nonexistent
99. JLo - Mic Drop by BTS
Icon, legend, menace, and forever the moment
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do you think that Clemente had somehow helped in making Falcone the way he is — or just make him want to be a don
yes yes yes yes i think he did at some point
«had somehow helped in making Falcone the way he is» <- i think Carlo was always Machiavellian and a hypocrite, but Alberto's cruelty and greed may have actually made him a bit worse (haha bad influence) + you see, i think Carlo is very plastic and Alberto is rough, ready to headfirst into a wall
«or just make him want to be a don» <- it's hard for me to say whether Carlo really wanted to become a don by looking at Clemente. bc i think Carlo himself has a mature idea of ruling (not just in terms of “i want power and money” but in many ways “i can do better than Moretti”) It's also impossible to say when they first met - before Clemente became a don or after (in my hcs they first met in 1929, with Clemente heading his own crime family and Carlo becoming Moretti's capo, but lately i've been thinking about changing that) anyway, i think seeing a young, active (and rather violent?), ambitious don among the old school was important for Carlo. And they don't have such a big age difference — only 7 years. this is probably why it was much easier for Carlo to associate himself with Clemente and see him as a role model (in terms of money and power). from what i understand, Clemente emphasized Sicilian roots and collaboration with Italians, just like the old school. but i still think he stood out from Moretti and Vinci (in Carlo's eyes - for the better??). Carlo certainly admired him more than he didn't (to me)
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^ some old sketch w them lmao
periodically i think about how Clemente during the Vinci-Moretti war was neutrally watching it all from the shadows, waiting for the outcome. ofc, the most profitable thing for him would have been the destruction of one of the families — there would be less competition (although he did take over some of both families's territory after the war), but i think he was happy to see Carlo as the new don? Carlo's not much better than Alberto. in my eyes Clemente would more readily give Carlo, as a new don, a warm welcome than Vinci would (Vinci knows & disapproves Carlo more?)
and that scene from the dlc. their greeting seems like common courtesy, but i want to believe that they had a warm relationship with each other. although i think they were both holding a gun mentally, ready to become each other's enemies. maybe there was less of that in the past?
and Alberto and Carlo remind me of this:
«However, Al's true mentor - and immediate superior in Fox's absence - was Frankie Yale. The age difference between him and Ale was only six years.
<…> Frankie then took orders for murders, his fee was up to ten thousand dollars, but it was impossible to prove. A year later, another fight led him to prison for a year. In 1916 he was charged with robbery and theft, but again could not prove anything.
Frankie Yale was very different from John Torrio. Instead of strict business suits, he wore bright jackets, expensive jewelry and felt fedora hats. Al liked that style. Frankie didn't try to settle things with peace, because it was much quicker to settle things with a fist or a gun. He was capable of good deeds, such as helping fellow Italians by giving the poorest food, coal, or money. Once he made restitution to a restaurant owner who had been robbed; when a fishmonger lost his cart, he gave him $200 and advised him, “Buy yourself a horse, you're old to walk.” But in anger, he was terrible: once he beated up his younger brother Angelo, who angered him something that he went to the hospital. And when two extortionists picked on a checkroom attendant from the restaurant next door, Frankie beat them to a pulp.»
ps. random but it's still hard for me to figure out if Carlo had a negative attitude towards Clemente starting to fuck over potential soldiers for money by making them pay to enter the family
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GMNO’s Spooktacular Masterlist ‘22
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Cabin In The Woods* (Frankie Morales x f!reader) — frankie and reader decide to rent a cabin for the holiday, but neither realize they’re walking into a “haunted house” courtesy of the rest of the TF boys
That Was Mine* (Dave York)
They Let Kids Do This? (Javier Peña)
The Addams Family* (Frankie Morales)
The Visit* (Ghost!Joel Miller)
Han and Leia* (Javier Peña)
Trick or Treat (pre-outbreak!Joel Miller)
Possessed (Dark!Din)
Training* (Werewolf!Din)
First One To Jump Strips* (Dieter Bravo)
Gabriela’s First Halloween (Boss-verse!Javi)
Dr. Peña and The Multiverse of Madness (Javier Peña)
FaceTime Movie Night (Frankie Morales)
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frankensteinshimbo · 1 year
Rotten Work
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For @flashfictionfridayofficial using a character from @medusainthemarble.
“Y’need what?”
The younger man stared at the pale stomach rising and falling on the metal table in front of them. The wall behind it was a brighter green in the daytime. On it, a painted cartoon sow portrayed a mural of a mother suckling babies with a simple black line smile. They didn’t look like pigs. The middle aged gambler spread like Jesus on the table didn’t really look like a body that someone inhabited anymore. Just the swell of some guy with an unpaid tab and a beer belly moving to the draw of his breath. And the hunger that squirmed to the bottomlessness inside his own. 
Franklin answered by pressing the thick block of a butcher’s blade into the crook of his nephew’s palm. 
“I need you to do what you do with the hogs, Elly,” Frank answered in his rasp of a voice.
Elly could feel the lusterless eyes watching him from off to the side. People who stood to the side had always judged. Teachers, mothers, God. Just this one time, though, he couldn’t lift his head to face the bench. 
“That’s pigs, Frankie. I’ve only ever divined shit offa pig guts. Maybe like a squirrel or a raccoon or two.”
“Look at me, Kid.”
Elly’s head didn’t move. 
“You look at me now or this will get a lot worse for you.”
Elly’s chin raised. 
Frank looked about a disheveled forty. He dressed well, but his face was as weathered as a cliff's and about as smooth under his ginger stubble, which spoke to a working man’s disposition belying the compulsion of appearances. Young blond Elly had been something of a pretty boy until he’d taken that crowbar to the face and woken up with his bones rearranged, but what spoke to their shared blood were the same washed out blues fixed on one another. One set wide. The other empty.
“One of these days I will do something horrible - no question - for you. Today, I expect you to tell me this future by whatever horrible means you need to. No question. That’s what it is to be Family.” Franklin wet the rough of his lips with a tongue that had been dry since ‘26. “You understand?”
Elly nodded with the mute submissiveness of a little brother. (Perhaps the way Abel had once to Cain. He wouldn’t know; the Bible wasn’t very elaborative.)
“Good. Good,” Frank mumbled as he glanced down at the man on the table in front of the mural. “You’ll want to cut deep enough to sever an artery or something when you start opening him up.” 
He scratched at his stubble consideringly. Frank knew how to make a body hurt, but there were intricacies deeper than skin and the submersion of bone that he couldn’t precise. Elly could. 
“Pain’ll almost certainly rouse him from what he’s on, and there’s no use in dragging this out more than it needs.”
“The guts gotta be warm for it to work. If there’s no blood flowin’ it goes bunk.” The connection of large animal entrails to the touch of the universe was something like dial-up. Easily interrupted when death and, oddly, phone calls gummed up the lines. Elly had never cared to know much for Necromancy until he’d shown an unusual knack for it, but he was willing to bet that the ancient art of picking through intestines to try and read bloodsoaked truths had not been properly attuned for the advent of radio waves.
“Then work quick, Elly.”
The flicker of praise licking his name sent a lick of warmth down Elly’s spine. 
“Turn off your phone? And uh- I need a bucket.”
Frank grunted, but he turned to scour around for the requested items with the enthusiasm of a rock. But. He did nonetheless. 
Elly pushed up the sleeve of his jacket.
It was traditional to start at the ass to split the guts stem to stern, but Elly granted the guy the courtesy of a vivisection. Listening to the slowing gush of liquid hitting metal, he parted the musculature of the chest the way he had more comfortably touched other men before. Even the blood-tainted hunger hollowed into deeper recesses of Elly’s body in a way he could pretend was base and mundane. 
Lean in. 
Split the rib cage.
Grit your jaw when it cracks into splitters and jagged shards under your bare hands. 
Elly grunted in surprise as his fingers pushed through fragile connective tissue under the heart.
“Nothin’. Just–” he paused as palpated, forcing stilled blood back through collapsing veins, “--It’s heavier than I expected. Not physical like...” Elly’s  other hand moved down into the slithering warmth of guts. Perks of ambidexterity. “...Just that–” how did he explain the intrinsic numerical value of individual sins any more than he could the name of dread?
“A lot of these guys are worth their weight in vice,” Frank said as he tussled Elly’s hair, thus absolving him of having to stumble into an answer on esoterica. 
Elly disassembles around the rare comfort of approval from a discomforting man’s paternal touch. He acutely feels the growth of lack, of never again, of simple need turning savage in his stomach. Running his fingers through gore, he can channel that revelation through the voice of the gambler’s organs. His tongue is talkative, but it’s somehow the cirrhosed liver that’s the most concerned with fact. 
He prised the organ from its alcove with trembling palms, then with surer hands he tilted his head back, lifted the bounty to his lips, and let the meat slide down.
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onenettvchannel · 1 month
#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE: Former Yes! FM Dumaguete DJ, Digital Veteran Multimedia Journalist and SCMP Editor 'Raffy Cabristante' meets American rock band 'Lifehouse' at the Playback Music Festival in QC
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Online Media Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews)
QUEZON, MANILA -- The iconic American alternative rock band 'Lifehouse' made an acoustic surprise appearance during 'Playback Music Festival' in Quezon City, Metro Manila at the New Frontier Theater. The band, known for their chart-topping hits and soulful sound, took time to meet fans backstage, including local media personalities outside Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental; and the entire National Capital Region (NCR).
Former 'Yes! FM: Dumaguete' Radio DJ & Negros Oriental correspondent of ABS-CBN News, Digital Multimedia Journalist and current Production Editor of South China Morning Post named Raffy Iphraim T. Cabristante, was among the lucky few who got up close and personal with the band.
Mr. Cabristante shared his excitement right at the spot on social media, posting a selfie photo with lead vocalist 'Mr. Jason Michael Wade' and the rest of the band. He was lauding their classic music and grateful for the up-close concert experience back in the days from his former high school in Dumaguete City into a reality of acoustic concert. Not only as that, he creates music in the new local musician production for the Negrosanon people. This needs no introduction, before the technologic era of internet here in this said province of Negros Oriental and around the Philippine archipelago.
Founded in 1999 by singer-songwriter-guitarist 'Jason Michael Wade', Lifehouse hails from suburban Los Angeles, California, United States of America (U.S.A.). What started in the form of the band 'Blyss' was actually Mr. Wade using his songwriting as therapy to help him get through his parents' divorce. The year 2000, saw them adopting the name 'Lifehouse' and saw the release of their first major label album, which they titled 'No Name Face'. The album's breakout single "Hanging by a Moment", catapulted them to mainstream prominence. Although this single did not hit #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100, it was still the best single of 2001; spent 4 and half months in the top 10.
The style of Lifehouse really defied definitions between alternative rock, post-grunge and pop rock. Their succeeding albums, which included 'Stanley Climbfall', 'Who We Are', and 'Smoke and Mirrors', never failed to become worldwide hits. Hits like "You and Me", "First Time" and "Whatever It Takes" sealed their adult contemporary genre style and basically made them one of the staples in family-oriented venues.
Playback Music Festival is the country's first throwback music festival, celebrating timeless hits that never go out of style. It features artists like David James Archuleta and Lifehouse, who perform live in an acoustic concert at the New Frontier Theater. The term "playback" in concerts refers to using pre-recorded audio tracks synchronized with the artist's onstage performance, adding vocals, instrumentals, backing vocals or entire song sections.
Reality came true as a former DJ name of 'Frankie Labot' becomes now, an annual tradition as a holy week radio announcer in Dumaguete City, following previously the local Siete Palabras simulcast at the Dumaguete Cathedral. As alt-rock fans eagerly await more from Lifehouse, their Manila concert remains a memorable chapter in their storied career.
The New Frontier Theater echoed with their soulful melodies, leaving an indelible mark on Filipino music enthusiasts, especially still from ka-Beshie into Yespren. Except if you're an Overseas Filipino Workers in China as a news reader in traditional press paper, read a newspaper at South China Morning Post, all are made and edited by 'Frankie Labot' himself.
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/100044331164675/posts/1002119234609106 [Referenced FB Captioned Post via PMF] *https://www.facebook.com/1037420454/posts/10227780319066921 [Referenced FB Captioned Post via Raffy Cabristante] *https://audiolover.com/events-info/playback/what-is-playback-in-concerts/ and *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifehouse_%28band%29
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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agmains · 2 years
Dorinish island clew bay ireland
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Dorinish island clew bay ireland free#
Dorinish island clew bay ireland free#
On the menu is a zingy Chorizo with Aran Islands Feta and rocket, local Andarl Farm free range pork and fresh and smoked Atlantic haddock. This is a perfect place to enjoy local food cooked to perfection by Dermott, with Janice overseeing the warm front of house service. THE PANTRY AND CORKSCREW ¬ is quirky little restaurant with walls packed with old pictures and artefacts is run by husband and wife team Dermott Flynn and Janice O’Rourke. Lovely atmosphere, great little nooks and crannies and warm and friendly service. Try the whole langoustines with garlic or pan roasted hake. With head chef Anthony Printer in the kitchen and the freshest of seafood on the plate, you can’t go wrong. This gorgeous old seafood restaurant and bar commands a wonderful view of the sea. Visit .ĬRONIN’S SHEEBEEN Lunch at Cronin’s Sheebeen is a must. Even if Westport wasn’t as beautiful as it is, I would head there just to have a perfect evening at An Port Mór – yes, it is that good. We feasted on delicate black sole, turbot on the bone with lobster sauce and seasonal stuffed courgette flowers.Īnother classic staple are delicate scallops with beurre noisette with black pudding from Kelly’s butchers, Dublin bay prawns and fresh crab. Frankie keeps the menu interesting at his Michelin Plate restaurant but expect the freshest of seafood. It was our first stop and we were there to celebrate my mum, Mags Casey’s 91st birthday. Visit .ĪN PORT MÓR This is one of my favourite restaurants with the great talents of Frankie Mallon in the kitchen. The rooms are spacious, the food is great and the warmth of the service is exceptional. The Clew Bay is one of those family owned quintessentially Irish hotels where nothing is too much. And that is the real secret to a hotel’s success, and it is rarely to do with bricks and mortar regardless of how lovely the décor is. It’s a testament to these two great ambassadors for Westport and they have created a hotel that welcomes guests like long lost friends, while also minding their staff. That’s some achievement for a family run hotel in a town of just over 5,000 people. They had also refurbished the hotel and won a prestigious national award a few years ago from the Irish Hotels Federation, placing them alongside the likes of The Merrion and the Intercontinental as great employers. THE CLEW BAY HOTEL I was back for, by now, my annual return visit to The Clew Bay Hotel to catch up with owners Maria Ruddy and Darren Madden who were brave enough to stand aside for two weeks to let me takeover with the staff for that RTÉ show all those years ago. If a town had a heart it would be manifest in the passion and love so evident in the mouth-watering apple tarts atĬhristy’s Harvest where hours could slip by while chatting to complete strangers and listening to the good humoured banter from the man himself. Along with the beauty of the town there is a noticeable warmth about Westport people - always happy to chat in the lovely quaint Irish-owned shops. If you could capture that and mirror it in other small towns we might re-energise rural communities and give our young people a reason to stay. I filmed an episode of RTÉ’s The Takeover in Westport and fell into a deeper infatuation with the people, the history and the magic ingredients that makes it one of the most visited spots in Ireland. So many famous and infamous people have fallen for Westport’s charms but acclaimed 19th-century author William Thackeray’s love affair with Westport and Clew Bay is renowned “…the bay and the Reek, which sweeps down to the sea, and the hundred isles in it, were dressed up in gold and purple and crimson, with the whole cloudy west in a flame. If the pleasing prettiness of Westport isn’t enough to lure you, then the dramatic backdrop courtesy of mother nature makes this the best weekend retreat in Ireland (in my opinion!) The flowers by the way are specifically chosen to attract butterflies and bees. The pristine streets (it has won the Tidy Towns competition oodles of times), beautiful flowers, lovely old Georgian buildings flanking the Carrowbeg river and picturesque stone bridges greet you on arrival. It is unusual in that it is a planned town, and there aren’t many of them in Ireland, and it has heritage status. Well before I fell in love with far flung exotic destinations, I found myself heading to this picture perfect gem time and again.
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: All the baby fluff, I don’t even think there are any swear words in this, maybe one. But this is probably one of the fluffiest fics I’ve written.
Word Count: 3k-ish
Summary: Your little girl is now a mobile toddler and so many people just adore her. Anna’s godfather, Frank, is having so much fun being a godfather but she has a favorite babysitter and her name is Shortcake.
A/N: Continuation/Side Story of The Sweetest Pain Series. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away from this series for long. Toddlers are so unpredictable and they soak up everything like a sponge so it was fun to write for an active toddler. I’d like to thank @jvanilly for suggesting the other artists keeps snacks at their stations for her visits, I thought that was adorable. And Shortcake is a character created my lovely Lily @munsonownsmyass in her fic Mark Upon Your Skin Give it a read if you haven’t yet!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
She was still trying to get the hang of being upright, toddling around on two legs instead of crawling on all fours. Even when she wobbled and fell down, she didn’t get upset or give up. She just got right back up and started walking again, your little miss was a lot like her father in that way.
Billy never gave up or gave in either, he didn’t know the meaning of the word, and he didn’t stop until he got what he wanted. And right now, Billy Russo had everything he had ever wanted. He had a thriving business, he had opened up the other side of the studio so he could bring in more artists and added space to display his artwork.
Always booked out for months in advance, people came from all over to have Billy do their tattoos. He brought their ideas to life and when he was finished, they always left with a smile on their face.
And he finally had something that he had always wanted…a family. Growing up in the group home, Billy would see children come and go. They would get adopted or placed in foster homes but he didn’t. Couples coming in to adopt wanted young children or babies, they never gave Billy a second look so he never knew what it was like to be part of a family until he became part of Frank’s, until he became “Uncle Billy.”
As welcome as they made him feel, something was still missing but he ultimately found those missing pieces. You were one of them, you were someone who understood him, you let him talk when he wanted to, and loved him even with his faults.
He loved you more than anything.
You could see he was scared to death when you told him you were pregnant. He didn’t know anything about parenting. All he knew how to be was Junior and Lisa’s fun uncle Billy. “What do I know about being a dad? I never had one.” Those words broke your heart but you knew he’d love that baby no matter what and you would both learn together.
She was a carbon copy of her father. From her wild dark brown hair to her onyx colored eyes, she melted both of your hearts with her infectious laugh and million dollar smile that was just like Billy’s. And now that she was more mobile, you had to pay extra attention to her so she didn’t get into too much trouble.
The little miss was starting to talk more, put little sentences together too and Billy was excited that she said “da-da” before “mama.” You knew it was easier for a lot of babies to say “da-da” but you just let him have that win because he was just over the moon about it.
And she hadn’t picked up on any yet but you were willing to put money down on her Uncle Frankie teaching her some very “colorful” words sometime in the near future.
Your little girl was constantly surrounded by people who loved her. Frank was always bringing her places with the kids, Maria would watch her one day a week while you and Billy were at work, but Anna’s favorite babysitter was definitely Shortcake.
You were convinced that something happened the day she was born like Shortcake imprinted on her or something crazy like that because your little Anna Raven Russo just adored her. Anna couldn’t quite say “Shortcake” yet so she just called her “Cake.”
One of Anna’s favorite things to do was to try and scare you but she also loved for you to scare her. It was a game she played with Shortcake all the time.
“Baby, why does our child like it when you jump out and scare her? She laughs like a crazy person…watch.” Billy said, hiding behind a door and calling for her.
With a smile on your face, you watched Anna clumsily run over to where Billy was hiding and he jumped out from the dark room. She screamed and then started to laugh.
You and Billy chuckled and he said “See…she’s a little nut.”
“Again Daddy!” Anna yelled.
You just shook your head as you gazed down at her and said “Oh Shortcake plays that game with her. That’s one of the things they like to do with each other is ‘play scared.’”
The day Anna was born, she didn’t have many visitors because she was born in the middle of a snowstorm. Her own father almost missed her birth because of it but aside from Billy’s other employees, the other two people that were there the day she was born were Frank and Shortcake.
It was very hard to tear that baby away from her arms so Frank could hold her, there was just something so special about their relationship from day one and it had blossomed into the sweetest little friendship.
Anna loved visiting Billy at the tattoo studio and even though she obviously couldn’t read what it said, she knew the logo when she saw it. “Daddy…work.”
Firmly planted on your hip, she pointed at the Anvil logo on the window and a wide smile stretched across her face. Excited that she was going to see her other “friends” today, she started impatiently kicking her feet and gently bouncing against your side in anticipation.
Everyone looked up as you opened the door, every single person had a smile on their face as you put the little miss down so she could go say hi to everyone. Her first stop was always her father.
She saw Billy standing behind the counter and she took off running as fast her little legs would let her, he scooped her up in his arms and blew a raspberry on her cheek. Anna let out a high pitched squeal like she did every time Billy did that to her, she loved it.
“And how’s my pretty girl today?” Billy asked.
Anna pointed at you. “Mommy…pretty.” She said.
You let out a little chuckle.
Billy gazed at you like he hadn’t seen you in a week. “Yes, mommy is very pretty…she’s beautiful.” He said with a wink, giving you butterflies in your stomach.
Frank walked in off of the back deck. “Is my goddaughter here?!! Come here, sweetheart.” He said as he squatted down with his arms outstretched.
“Down…Daddy.” She said to Billy.
Billy kissed her on the forehead. “Down daddy, PLEASE.” He said.
Her deep brown eyes, her father’s eyes, looked him over before she said “Peeease!”
Billy set her on the floor and her little legs took her right to Frank. He picked her up and started to “bite” at her neck and she grabbed his nose. “Ow! You got my nose!” He said jokingly with Anna laughing.
“Well to be fair, it is a large target Frankie. Of course she would grab your nose.” Billy said with everyone else getting a good laugh at that one.
You stared intently as big Raven played with little Raven, he had the biggest smile on his face while he played with her and tickled her. Obviously, Frank loved his children but he told you he does sometimes miss when they were babies and he did miss out on a lot of time when they were small because he was deployed so he was really enjoying being Anna’s godfather.
She then toddled around to everyone’s work station, smiling as she waved and said hi to the other artists in the shop that day. They always had snacks and stickers for her, doting on her the entire time she was visiting.
After Anna made the rounds and extorted all of the snacks out of everyone, she ran back over to you. “Up…mommy!” She said with her arms extended over her head.
Tilting your head to the side as you looked down at her, you said. “Up mommy, PLEASE.”
“Up peeeease, mommy!” She said.
You and Billy were doing your best to try and raise a polite human being.
When you picked her up, she turned her hand up toward the ceiling so you knew she was trying to ask you a question and it was adorable. “Cake…mommy?”
“Awwww, Shortcake isn’t here today baby girl.” You said to her.
Anna looked a little disappointed.
“You’ll see her in a couple days. She’s coming to babysit you while Mommy and Daddy go out on a date.” Billy said to her in that soothing voice of his.
Bouncing her on your hip, you smiled at her and asked “Ok?”
Nodding her head and pursing her lips, she said “Ok.”
A couple of days later, while playing with Anna in the living room, you heard a knock at the door. She looked up from her blocks and a smile pulled at the corners of her mouth, stretching all the way across her face.
She knew who was at the door.
“Who’s here, Anna? Let’s go see!” You said excitedly.
“Cake…Mommy!” She yelled.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I dunno, we gotta open the door.”
As soon as the door opened, Anna ran toward Shortcake who was holding a gift bag.
“Anna!! My little bird, I’ve got something for you.” She said.
Shortcake was ALWAYS bringing Anna presents…dinosaur stuffed animals, books, tiny hoodies. And today wasn’t any different as she followed Shortcake over to the couch to open the bag. Anna threw the tissue paper on the floor and pulled out a pair of Converse sneakers, just like the ones Shortcake had on.
“Now we have the same shoes!” She said.
You just sat back and watched Anna pick up one of the sneakers to show you.
“Look, mommy!” She said.
“I see them, baby. Do you like them?” You asked her.
“On…peeeeease.” Said Anna.
“I guess that’s a yes. What do you say?” You asked.
Anna looked up at Shortcake through her long dark lashes and said “taaaank you.”
Billy walked out from the bedroom. “What did you spoil my child with now, Shortcake?” He asked, walking over to you and pulling you flush with his chest.
You always felt so safe in his arms even from the very first time he hugged you. The way he held you tight and gave you that extra squeeze, you knew Billy was the one for you.
He tilted your chin up so you were looking into his eyes, he smiled and leaned down to kiss you. Things were very different now that you had a child but you still made time for each other to go out on “dates.” You were lucky enough to have so many people willing to babysit while you and Billy went out and spent alone time together.
“She bought Anna her first pair of Chuck Taylor’s. Aren’t they adorable?” You said.
He smiled as he watched Shortcake put the shoes on Anna’s feet. “That is really cute. You ready to go, beautiful?” He asked.
You explained to Shortcake that Anna had a nice long nap earlier and she was probably growing again because she was sleeping so much. You left dinner for them both and told them to have fun which you didn’t really need to tell her because they always had fun.
“Ok well you two go out and enjoy yourselves, she’s in good hands.” Said Shortcake.
You and Billy told Anna that you would see her later and to be good for Shortcake.
“Bye Mommy, bye Daddy.”
Billy narrowed his eyes at Anna, then turned to look at you. “Is she kicking us out?” He asked.
“I think she is.” You replied.
The two of you waved goodbye and headed out for dinner.
When you were halfway through with dinner, your phone started buzzing. It was Shortcake.
Your skin immediately pricked with goosebumps with worry, wondering if anything was wrong.
“Hey Shortcake, what’s up? Everything ok?” You asked.
There was a slight pause, everything was quiet for a minute before she answered.
“Uh, yeah…well, I think I know why the little bird has been sleeping a lot lately. After you left she kind of developed a little bit of a fever. She did eat and I gave her a cool bath. Her temperature went down a little but she does have a little bit of congestion so I gave her some Tylenol, and put the humidifier on in her room when I put her to bed.” She said.
“Wow…look at you go. We’ll finish up dinner and come home so you can—“
She interrupted you. “No, no…please stay out. I’m ok with her here, she’s sleeping, she’s fine. Enjoy alone time with each other for a while longer…please?”
You and Billy weren’t the type of parents to freak out over every little sniffle, kids get sick, that’s what they do. You didn’t know if Shortcake ever had to deal with a sick baby before but it sounded like she was a pro at it.
“Are you sure? We really can come home if you want us to, just so you don’t catch her cold.” You said.
“I want you guys to stay out, it really is ok.” She said. “I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Ok, ok. We’ll see you in a little while then. Bye.”
And you hung up.
Billy touched your hand. “Everything ok, sweet girl?” He asked.
You told him everything Shortcake told you.
“Wow, sounds like she’s got everything under control.” He said.
“Our little girl is a tough one, not letting anyone know she’s sick. She’s tough like her dad.” You said leaning across the table to plant a soft kiss on his lips.
His tongue darted out to slowly lick his bottom lip, and tasting the red wine on your lips he replied “And like her mom.”
And he kissed you again.
When you arrived home, Shortcake was having some tea and watching tv.
“Thank you for taking care of her tonight. Just, really and truly thank you, not only for taking care of her but for giving us some needed time with each other.”
Billy leaned over and kissed your temple.
You touched her hand, looked at her and said, “And I think you’re gonna make a really great mom someday.”
Shortcake brushed a tear away from her cheek and smiled. “Thank you.” And she leaned in to give you a hug.
You and Shortcake weren’t always so close. When she first started at the shop, you thought she wanted Billy but it was just a misunderstanding and you quickly moved forward.
It’s a huge deal to trust someone enough to take care of your child but there was no question that Shortcake loved Anna and Anna loved her in return.
“I do have to show you guys something, well two things. The first one is on my phone here…hang on.” She said.
Pulling out her phone, she clicked on a video she took of Anna.
“Anna…little bird…tell mommy and daddy the new word you learned. What’s this on my arm right here?” She asked.
Anna pointed to Shortcake’s arm. “Tattoooooo!”
You and Billy started to laugh.
“And what’s the second thing?” Billy asked.
She motioned for the two of you to walk with her to Anna’s room.
Peering into her crib, you and Billy glanced down to see your little Raven asleep but also clutching her new sneakers tightly to her chest.
“She wanted to wear them to bed so we had to compromise. I figured since they’re brand new, it would be ok.” Said Shortcake. “It’s ok, right?” She asked with an unsure tone to her voice.
“Of course it’s alright. I’m sure you really had to fight her on not wearing them to bed, didn’t you. She’s stubborn, like her father.” You said with a sly smile on your face.
Billy narrowed his eyes at you and then a smile broke out across his face because he couldn’t keep a straight face as he said “I have no idea what you’re talking about, sweet girl…hey Shortcake, you think you can convince Matt to have one of these? Look at how cute she is, huh?” He joked in a whisper.
Even in the dim light of Anna’s room, you could see Shortcake blush and shy away from the two of you in embarrassment.
Elbowing Billy in the stomach, you playfully scolded him. “Don’t embarrass her, Billy.”
Quietly, the three of you tip toed out of Anna’s room. Billy had something he wanted to ask Shortcake and earlier at dinner he asked if it sounded like a good idea. You told him it sounded perfect.
“Shortcake, I wanted to ask you something and you can say no if you want but I was wondering if you could do a tattoo on me for Anna? Since I fired Andy for looking at my wife’s ass too much, he’s definitely not doing it. But I think that just means that maybe you were meant to do it anyway. I want her name and a raven next to it, if you’re up for it.”
Shortcake was practically speechless. Nervously, she stumbled a little over her words when she answered Billy’s question.
“Billy…I really don’t know what to say. To trust me with such an important piece, having to do with your daughter. I—I would love to do that for you.” She replied, her eyes shined with unshed tears.
Snaking your arms around Billy’s waist, his hands held you tightly against him and he moved his hands up and down along your spine causing goosebumps to dance across your skin, and you could feel him relax.
He felt very content.
“Good, thank you. We can talk more about it on Monday.” He said.
On her way out, Shortcake pulled both of you in for a hug. “Thank you both. Little bird is just so special and I—I just love her to death.” She said.
You smiled warmly at her and replied. “And she loves you. Thank you again for tonight.”
Shortcake turned back to look at you and Billy after walking out the door and said with a smile.
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @idek-what-to-put @anastasianeedstoread @ratsys @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705
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oncasette · 2 years
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frankie morales x fem!reader (aka ‘fox’)
summary: 2.1k.
You almost didn’t believe your eyes at first. Of course he was here. Of course he was here, on the first vacation you’d managed to drag yourself into after he left. Of-fucking-course. In that stupid hat, nonetheless. You tipped the last two sips back in a huff. 
or the one where frankie finds himself on a two-week cruise with his ex-fiancé barely a year after their breakup.
warnings: not beta’d, implied smut
notes: hi, my loves. this was initially written as part of a series i planned out but i have no inspo or motivation to really continue it. please enjoy this fic as a one-off. <3
masterlist | taglist
The first time you saw Frankie Morales was not the first time he saw you. 
The first time you saw Frankie Morales was in the dingy, probably mold-infested stands of Benny’s first fight, courtesy of one aforementioned Benjamin Miller. You hadn’t known Benny for long, probably a month if you were pushing it, but you’d become fast friends thanks to your moonlighting as a bartender and his affinity for being The Beer Garden’s resident pickup artist. 
Somehow the oversized child you’d quickly warmed up to had managed to convince you to come to his fight. He made sure to promise he was a real good fighter and that he wouldn’t be back at your place later that night, bleeding on your couch cushions. Well, that and free beer. 
He’d even gone as far as driving you to the run-down arena. He’d parked his jeep in the closest spot possible and had led you into the building with his gym bag thrown over one of his shoulders and his free hand hovering on your lower back. 
“It’ll be fine. And if it’s not, I’ll owe you one,” he’d said once you’d reached the glass door and the point of not being able to leave. 
“Woah, Benny-“ 
Benny’s groupies had spotted you before you’d spotted them. A blonde guy that you knew was a Miller boy, both from familial resemblance and the picture you’d been shown by a drunk Benny two weeks ago at the bar, and another guy with his back to you. 
“Hey, there he is!” Will had said, clapping a hand over his brother’s shoulder. It hadn’t been more than a few seconds of hellos and pleasantries before the brothers were venturing off the locker room and leaving you with the man you’d just met.  
Frankie was taller than you’d pictured. From everything Benny had told you, at least. Softer, warmer maybe. He looked like he could probably heat your whole apartment from just standing in the doorway. He had a patchy beard that barely matched the ‘macho-man’ run-down Benny had given you on the drive over and his ball cap seemed entirely too worn–but cute, you’d thought. 
He’d been entirely too charming that night, with that smile and those big brown eyes. The way his hair was just barely long enough to curl around the edges of that hat and the fact that he smelled like cinnamon and sex on legs. And the fact that he’d managed to make you blush in under ten minutes with the spanish rolling off his tongue. 
“So what did that pendejo tell you about me, huh?” he’d asked about a half-hour into the event. 
“You’d like to know, wouldn’t you?” 
You found out Benny won the fight that night through Benny, if that says anything. 
The first time Frankie saw you, though, was… also through Benny. He’d kept a photo of you in his wallet totally, completely on accident and not totally, un-completely not to show Frankie his new hot bartender best friend. Because Benny would never do something like that, don’t be silly. 
But, nevertheless, the photo booth strand had fallen out of his wallet a solid second-and-a-half after Frankie had flipped the leather open to grab enough money out to tip the pizza man, and he probably would’ve thought nothing of it had your phone number not been scrawled across the back of it. 
“New friend?” He’d asked on his trip back to the living room, picture pinched between his thumb and the two large boxes in his hands. 
“She works at that bar I’ve been hanging at recently. The one I’ve been telling you about?” Benny said, eyeing the planted picture. His wallet was handed back to him picture-less as Frankie studied the four images. You seemed comfortable with the blond, friendly enough, but there had been nothing particularly romantic about the poses. 
“Seems like she likes you,” Frankie chuffed, thumbing the sharpie digits. Benny hummed in response and he didn’t know whether to take that as an agreement or not as he flipped open one of the pizza boxes. 
“I’m thinking about inviting her to the match on Friday,” Benny had said. He hadn’t been thinking about it. He’d already asked you three days prior. 
“Oh, yeah?” Frankie had exhaled as he reclined in the Miller’s Lazy Boy. The pictures never made it back into Benny’s wallet, though. They’d served their purpose. 
It had always been easy with Frankie. Like you knew exactly what your next step was going to be. Like he was leading you in this incredibly complex waltz that only he knew the steps to and somehow you’d managed to follow along perfectly without stepping on a single one of his toes. 
Nevertheless, it took Frankie about six months after meeting you to ask you out. On a date, a real one. Not another Friday night sprawled out on opposite ends of your couch watching whatever movie you’d picked out that week. No, a real date this time. With flowers and that cute sundress you’ve been dying for an excuse to wear and, still, his ball cap. It was tucked into the back pocket of his jeans, but it was still there. 
He’d showed up your front door right on time, partially because he’d been circling the block for the last twenty minutes, with a bouquet of chamomiles and baby’s breath because he thought he’d remembered you saying something that one time about liking chamomile tea and he knew it wasn’t the same thing but. You kissed him before his thoughts could wander too far away from him. 
He’d taken you somewhere small, nowhere fancy. A diner just off the nearest highway that served everything in 50s costumes and roller skates, but somewhere perfect nonetheless. Perfect, not because the “restaurant” was anything to call home about, but because he’d actually managed to ask you out without screwing it all up, for once. 
Though, he’d asked you more on accident than on purpose. It’d been at Pope’s place, on a Saturday because Friday’s were specifically carved out of his schedules for you now. There’d been a fire in the pit out back, but the two of you were sitting probably closer than you’d ever sat on Pope’s front porch swing, watching as the sky melted into a lavender color. If he had a say in anything, Frankie would’ve slipped his arm over your shoulder from where they were itching beside his leg. 
He hadn’t noticed your fingers prodding at his lap until he felt the pounding in his chest. Like his heart knew your touch before he did. 
And he was about to ask what you were doing, or lean in to kiss you if that’s where this was headed, or really both, when he saw you unwrapping the cough drop that had previously been in his pocket. 
“You bitch, I thought this was candy,” you’d sputtered after allowing the disc to swirl over your tongue for a moment. 
It hadn’t taken him long to kiss you after that, cough drop in mouth and all. He’d pressed forward without a second thought, before his brain could tell him to stop, and he’d allowed himself to kiss you with all the love-sick infatuation he’d accumulated over the course of the time he’d spent with you. And somehow, miraculously, he’d been met with you kissing him back with just as much fervor. 
“Would you let me take you out sometime?” he’d asked as he pulled away, far enough to breathe but close enough to still be breathing in you. 
It hadn’t taken him long to kiss you and it hadn’t taken him long to ask you to move in, either. 
“Are you serious?” you’d asked, fully pulled back from Frankie’s chest and sat upright. A stark contrast to where you’d been when the words ‘Why don’t you move in?’ had quite literally fallen out of his mouth. 
“Cariño, of course I’m serious,” he’d said, pushing the sleep out of his limbs as he sat up to lean against the headboard. 
“You want me to live here? Like, with you? Sleep in this bed every night?” your fingers smoothed over the sheets. His laughter vibrated through his chest as he watched your hands twitch at your sides, close enough to feel but not touch you. 
“Yeah, sweetheart, with me.” He’d leaned forward. “In this bed.” You could feel his breath fanning across your jaw. “Every night.” 
His lips were always softer in the morning. They said softer things, pulled softer noises from you. 
His fingers had found your hips, thumbing the hemline of the Fleetwood Mac t-shirt you’d stolen from him. Large palms had pulled you closer, resting you on his thighs while his mouth slanted over yours. 
“Do I get half the closet?” You’d pulled away and you swear Francisco actually whined as he chased your lips. 
“Whatever you want,” he’d said. 
“And a key?” His hands had trailed up your torso, pushing the fabric further as he went. 
“And a key, and the bed, and the whole damn house, if you want it, hermosa,” he’d whispered, gesturing for you to lift your arms so that he could pull the shirt off your shoulders entirely. 
You’d had your first fight the night you officially moved in. Over something stupid and entirely too mundane to remember what started it, but you remembered how it’d ended. Not the fight, but the night. With Frankie wrapped around you in your now shared bed. With his nose tucked against your hairline as his thumb stroked the base of your spine. 
“It’s all for you. Everything’s for you, cariño,” he’d said. 
He’d proposed on your living room floor seven months later. With your legs wrapped around his waist and some cheesy rom-com he’d put on barely ten minutes ago playing on the television and a fireplace warming your skin from where you were sprawled on the shag rug. He’d pulled the ring out of his pants that were thrown to the side of him and he’d asked you to marry him with probably the biggest smile he’d ever graced you with. 
And you’d stayed engaged for about a year when he’d left. Or had asked you to leave. Dreaming of a white wedding, only to end up shredding your wedding magazines at your mother’s house a week later. 
The wait to get on the actual ship was long and boring and entirely too drawn out for your taste. By the time you’d finally stepped off dry land, your feet hurt, your bag was about ten pounds too heavy, and you were probably sporting a mild case of heat exhaustion–if the family of seven that had been waiting in line behind you had anything else to say about it. At the very least, you hadn’t been forced to carry your two duffel bags much further than the edge of the boat, at which point about three different crew members relieved you of your belongings and shoved a drink in your hand. A bay breeze with a purple umbrella, you hum. 
It hadn’t taken you long to begin sipping on the drink and it’d taken you even less time to find yourself pressed against one of the handrails of the ship. It hadn’t left the port, yet, but the view facing the water was still nice.  
You were excited, not that you would admit that to anyone but your notes app, but you were excited. To get some decent sun, at the least. It was almost like a fresh start, your first vacation in over a year, your first cruise really ever. Just you, the ocean, and about a thousand other strangers for two weeks. 
Benny caught your eye before Frankie did. He still had that insanely boisterous disposition you never thought you’d learn to miss as the four of them huddled around one of the welcome brochures. 
You almost didn’t believe your eyes at first. Of course he was here. Of course he was here, on the first vacation you’d managed to drag yourself into after he left. Of-fucking-course. In that stupid hat, nonetheless. You tipped the last two sips back in a huff. 
You thought you’d averted your gaze in time to avoid him—you could even hear yourself saying “surely this commercial cruise line is big enough for the two of us!” in the back of your head—but you had no idea exactly how wrong you were. You needed a drink. 
He’d straightened up from where you’d spotted him leaned over the railing. God, you were beautiful. Taller—no, harder maybe. You held yourself a little tighter than he remembered. Even in that sundress, you’d lost that soft edge he’d always loved. He almost allowed himself to hope he hadn’t caused that, but he knew better. 
“Fox?” he calls after you, after your silhouette. You pretended not to hear him, or maybe you really hadn’t heard him, back fully turned as you began your walk towards the residential half of the boat before the boys you used to call family could even look up at you. 
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