#crash course mythology
pallases · 1 year
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“Because when dark giants are marching and the dimensions are tearing to pieces and a mad Storyteller’s loose... A pep talk isn't really gonna help.”
- Nate Shapiro, explaining why he’s planning the final battle super early
(Source: Crash Course World Mythology #24, Ragnarok)
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ghosts-and-glory · 3 months
I missed something uh whos “not Narinder” do you have a link to that whole thing?
I have a lot of asks about Not-Narinder so here's my crash course on him.
Not-Narinder is based on mythology surrounding changelings. It lacks Narinder’s memories of godhood and looks like Narinder, except for lacking his scars.
Au Masterpost
Important Not-Narinder posts in chronological order
The Lamb is gifted Not-Narinder
Shamura meets Not-Narinder
Original Not-Narinder sketches
Does Not-Narinder know who he is?
The TLDR is that after defeating Narinder the Lamb kills him. Much like the game The Lamb then saves the other bishops and is gifted Narinder from the mystic seller but there is something deeply wrong with him.
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heartthrobin · 2 years
please love me, like the wave does the shore
aaron hotchner x female!reader
wc: 7.9k
warnings: fake!dating, SO much pining, mentions of murder, only one bed, Hotch is very whipped lol, this is so cliché it should be a crime
an: the moment y’all have been waiting for! i hope you kids enjoy! this will probably become a lil series so stay tuned for part 2 :)
summary: murders along the glistening white coast of Cape Cod was not a good look for anybody. especially not the BAU. the case needs a turn around, a big break, but most importantly: a Mr and Mrs.
Portraits of grinning faces watched you from the whiteboard.
Women’s eyes twinkling. Husband’s grinning to the camera. At their wedding, in the woods during a camping trip, on a birthday.
"We have fucking nothing!"
Names and dates lined the edges of what used to be treasured memories in red marker. Memories each couple was not around to remember anymore.
"We have the profile." Hotch's voice was stern. It made the hair on your arms stand on end.
Outside, the ocean crashed loudly against the shore. Seagulls gabbled in the distance near the dock.
"You know that's not enough."
Chatham was one of the most influential and wealthy suburbs in Cape Cod, if not the whole state. Discovering strung out bodies on the crisp white beaches almost five times that month wasn't fitting for the shoreline that housed some of the most elaborate mansions in the county.
The BAU had been in Cape Cod for nearly three weeks. Two weeks too long in the bureau's opinion: a view shared by the team.
Derek slammed his hand loudly against the white board, over a photo of a tall, cream, wood-boarded resort sprawled over the edge of the coast. Seagull's Rest: Couples Retreat and Spa.
"Seagull's Rest is the only place that connects them.” He huffed, pressing his finger into the printed photo. “Every day that passes is another honeymooning couple that's in danger."
Emily sighed somewhere behind you. David lingered by the edge of the desk where Spencer was driving his eyes over some Greek mythology textbook, working the human sacrifice angle he’d been insistent on sharing with you over coffee that morning.
Police chatter busied the space between you and the other agents.
"Morgan," you pressed, "we have no idea what that even means. It could be maids, spa staff ... for all we know, it could even be other guests."
The room was warm, bright: through the window you could overlook the ocean. A scene too beautiful to deserve the blood painted across it’s portrait.
Nights dissolved into mornings at the sheriff's station. Coffee mugs finding purchase in the maze of photos, medical reports, staff lists: all leading back to the one place all four couples were spending their vacation.
"You know what this means, don't you?" David's voice carried over from behind you. You turned to face him, his gaze set hard upon Hotch's.
The team leader's jaw was tight.
He looked like he was considering David's words closely, sucking in a breath like it hurt him to do so.
Emily's chair squeaked where she leaned forward in it, "What is he talking about?"
Hotch's narrow eyes turned to face the team again. "We need to go in. Work the case from the inside."
"Undercover?" You probed, jaw loosening in surprise.
The team hadn't worked an undercover project in almost two years. Everyone understood that they were a last resort, when general good-old detective work wasn't doing the trick.  
Hotch nodded stiffly.
"We're gonna need a couple to go in. Two of us. The pair has to match the preference of the unsub."
There was a heavy quiet before a collective understanding, a collective resignation.
"Fine." Derek nodded. He turned to face the board again. "The husbands, what are we looking for?"
"Alpha males, domineering personalities." David lifted a photo off the desk, examining it closer. "All high-power careers, wealthy. They have a handle on these women. Other couple's in the course with them reported the husband being out of touch, unaffectionate."
Spencer rose to stand, "But no specific physical traits. Unlike the women, they share a specific appearance: the hair, the height, the body shape. They all look like—"
Cold passed over your whole body from the highest point on your head. Like ice water had flooded your shoes.
"Like me."
Teeth sunk into the corner of your lip, the metal taste of blood nipped at your tongue.
It was impossible not to feel the weight of the team’s gaze, how they flickered quickly between where you sat and the photos against the board.
Spencer shrugged, nodding slowly. "Yes, like you."
You chuckled softly, missing most of the humor in the situation as you sunk further back into your chair. "I guess that's settled then."
It wouldn't be your first time working undercover, but you couldn’t say you were as experienced as your colleagues.
You'd joined the BAU last, working every possible hour and chasing down every possible lead to try stay in one of the most coveted positions at the bureau.
It definitely wasn't the easiest thing you’d ever done.
Yes, the team was welcoming - Emily worked hard to make you feel at home, empathizing with you about the difficulty of transitioning into such a team: a team that knows each other's every move and every thought before they themselves have moved or thought - and Spencer was always a friendly face.
Derek was considerate and David was a genius in the line of duty, a marvel to watch work.
What really made it difficult, was Hotch.
In the beginning, he was wary of you. You could feel him lingering when you worked, every decision you made or observation you gathered was held under the magnifying glass of Aaron Hotchner.
With time, he eased up. Trusted you with more, scrutinized over less.
It was then that the next - considerably more concerning - problem began, when you began to miss having his presence over your shoulder.
When your eyes began to linger over his hands where they rested on his holster, or fixate quietly when he brought that steaming morning mug to his lips - sipping oh, so gently.
You were so sure he'd kiss with the same tenderness. The thought kept you up at night.
The feelings you so embarrassingly held for your boss were pushed deep into the corners of your brain.
You felt secure in the knowledge that you acted as casual as possible. Nobody had mentioned anything, and the thought of Hotch ever catching even an inkling of an idea would be enough to never walk back into BAU headquarters ever again.
The only person who really knew anything was Emily.
It had slipped after a drunken night out, on the couch in her apartment, your fat tears staining her blouse: "he's so fucking hot I can't do this!"
And there he was. Silhouette dark against the cast of the sunlight through the window, looking down at you from his towering height. "You're sure you're ready for this?"
His voice wrapped carefully around your throat and you almost choked on its softness.
You coughed instead. "Ready as I'll ever be."
He nodded once, turning back to Derek. "The male?"
Derek shook his head, "Rossi and I went over there a couple days ago to question the owners. They know we're FBI."
The room turned to Spencer, who blinked big hazel eyes at the room innocuously.
You did little to suppress the giggle that bubbled out from your chest. Your heart knocked loudly when you felt Hotch's eyes flicker over his shoulder back at you.
"You wanna be our dominant alpha, Reid?" Emily's lips tugged into a playful grin, clicking the end of her pen loudly.
Soft laughter permeated the room, David knocked Spencer’s shoulder teasingly.
Spencer flushed a light pink, his gaze finding purchase at the open space between his two feet. "Yes. Very funny."
It took more than a few seconds for you to realize that without Spencer, there stood only one other possible candidate.
Your eyes climbed the length of Hotch's long black blazer sleeve. When you reached the top you found him already looking at you. You shivered.
"I suppose that means it’s me then."
Purposefully avoiding his gaze, you found Emily staring right at you - a grin curling up at the corners of her mouth.
"Mr and Mrs Hotchner." David chirped, a mischievous edge to his words. "Congratulations."
You managed to squeak out a sarcastic "thanks Rossi" but Hotch stayed quiet. It made you want to sink into the crevice of your desk chair.
Instead, he turned back to Spencer.
"Get Garcia on the line. She needs to set up aliases and get us registered for the next couple's course as soon as possible."
Spencer nodded once before disappearing into the next room wordlessly.
Next, he turned to you - sucking all the breath out your lungs.
God, he made it so hard to act normal when he showed up in that fucking suit and that perfectly professional haircut.
"I want you to go over the backgrounds of the women again. Get a feel for the unsub's preference, there may be a personality type that he likes best. I'll do the same with the men." You nodded, going to stand and finding yourself always just a little too far from his chest.
"While we're away, the rest of you need to work off the intel we feed. Let's solve this before there's more bodies."
Agents began moving in every direction: out the door, back towards boxes of evidence, but Emily crossed the room to you: eyes wide and alight with mischief.
She grabbed your hand, pulling you from the room and leaving Hotch behind. "This is going to be so fucking good."
Your stomach churned.
Just shy of two days later, you found yourself sitting in the front seat of a Mercedes Benz - god knows the bureau has its ways - only two streets down from Shellshore drive, where tucked into the curve sat Seagull's Rest: the beautiful lodge on the Cape Cod coast that offered couple's courses for new and old marriages that delve into the depths of the soul and connect partners in love and touch.
At least that's what the pamphlet said as it stared up at you from your lap.  
It sat at the top of the stack of case files, documents and photos hidden beneath. You pulled out the ID from the midst of the stack.
The photo you'd taken the previous afternoon glimmered up at you: Mrs Eleanor Thompson.
With less than a couple inches of space dividing you, in the driver's seat, sat Hotch.
Penelope was talking over the car speaker.
"I signed you guys up for the Honeymooner's Retreat. It's six days long, but I'm sure you'll be out by then. There are five other couples doing this course with you, you'll find their names in the documents I sent. All their records are clean."
"Garcia, I want you to cross reference all the course instructors with anybody who has—"
Hotch's voice faded from your surroundings, your brain stuttering electrically as your eyes raked over his outfit.
A tight fit black polo that was hugging his chest and chino pants begging for relief over those long thighs.
The last two days had been painful.
You'd slept almost nothing: tossing and turning for hours over the idea that you'd soon be in much closer proximity to Aaron Hotchner than you'd ever been. Too close.
Emily had tried to calm you down, "just ... focus on the case, okay? whatever happens happens."
It was easy for her to say.
Her legs didn't liquify every time Hotch sent small praise her way, like they did on you, and she didn’t have flashing images of taking care of him in the way he never does himself plague her in the small moments of quiet throughout her day.
Making him breakfast, or taking his blazer off after a long case ... undoing the buttons down his shirt—
"They're expecting you for check in at five o clock."
Your eyes found the digital clock on the dashboard, it blinked red at you: 16:47
"Thank you Garcia."
"Yeah," you added quickly, "Thanks Garcia."
"Good luck lovebirds." The teasing lilt in her voice did nothing to calm the high power washing machine your stomach had transformed to.
Heat rushed over your face.
You could feeling Hotch watching you from the corner of his eye. "Are you sure you're ready to do this?"
Sliding your stack of pages into the Louis Vutton handbag at your feet, you forced a smile to press up into your lips.
"To marry you, Hotch?" You feigned a soft sigh, "I've only waited all my life."
The bubbling in your stomach simmered only slightly when Hotch rolled his eyes, what was almost a smile teasing at his lips. "I'll take that as a yes."
The car rumbled to a start beneath you, the expensive engine purring.
"We know what to look for. Keep your eyes on the guests, the instructors, anybody we interact with."
It was hard to focus on Hotch's advice when his wide hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly.
But you nodded anyways.
It felt like less than a few seconds before the car was being pulled into a luxurious white cobblestone driveway. A sign etched in ivory-coloured wood overhead marked the road: Welcome to Seagull’s Rest.
Bellboys stood in the distance under a grand arched entrance in cream uniforms, luxury cars stretched out in every direction of the parking lot.
The car rumbled to a stop. A valet attendant was already approaching before you’d even a second to gather what was left of your courage.
Hotch turned to you, slow and deliberate as was his manner, leaning precariously over the console. "Remember, we're being watched."
The door opened abruptly on your side, you glanced up to meet the face of the young man holding open the door. He couldn't be older than twenty.
He smiled. "Good afternoon and welcome to the Seagull's Rest."
Your eyes flickered back as Hotch climbed out from the other side, you smiled up at the boy before lifting the end of the olive-green sundress you'd been coerced into wearing and stepped out.
Hotch had rounded the car before you'd even straightened out. He tossed the keys at the attendant.
You were taken aback by how quickly he could escape his usually impeccable manners.
"Be careful with the luggage. There's things in there worth twelve times your salary."
You sucked in a sharp breath when he took your hand into his, sliding his fingers between yours. His palm was pressed so firmly you thought you might collapse.
He made matters worse when he cleared his throat loudly, "Come on, honey, let's go."
The reception was a bright open room, preceded by a tall oak arch, and a high ceiling loomed over the expensive wood of the front desk.
A small framed woman stood behind it, smiling as you approached. "Good afternoon, welcome to Seagull's Rest."
Hotch only nodded curtly in greeting, pulling you abruptly up against his side so that his hand wrapped over your waist. You only hoped he couldn’t hear your heart thumping hysterically against your ribs.
"James and Eleanor Thompson." He grumbled, "We're here for the Honeymooner's Retreat."
"Of course sir, if I could see some identification please?"
Hotch slid over the two fake ID's and the woman began to tap away at the computer.
Your eyes slid up to the view from the window beyond the desk, how the sun was almost setting over the ocean visible through the crystal-clear window.
Unsure if it was driven by purpose or simply instinct, your arms snaked up to rest around Hotch's hips, letting your head lull against the side of his chest just softly.
His chest swelled. You tried not to read into it.
"Baby," it took a moment, presumable for Hotch to realize you were referring to him, but he hummed in response, not looking down at you.
You motioned to the window, "Look how beautiful it is. You couldn't have chosen a better spot."
Instead of Hotch, the woman at the front desk spoke in response.
"We boast one of the best spots along our coast. The morning yoga sessions are spectacular if that's something you enjoy, and we have cocktail evening tonight at our restaurant on the beach." Her voice dripped in sugar, sliding the two ID's and the keycard to the room back over the counter.
"That sounds wonderful—"
Hotch's stern voice pierced through your own, "Yes, well, we'll see."
The woman - Leslie, as her tag suggested - glanced carefully between Hotch and yourself. She offered you a quietly sympathetic look before meeting Hotch's face again.
"Y-Yes, of course sir."
You stayed quiet after that, allowing her to direct James and Eleanor to their room. Second floor at the end of the hallway.
Hotch huffed dramatically, grabbing the cards from the desk.
His hand slid from your waist and you almost had enough time to mourn the loss of his warmth against your side before that large hand wove itself back between yours - simultaneously warming and chilling every blood vessel in your body.
Hotch pulled you in the direction of the elevator. Nothing was said between you, only the swish of your dress and the heavy step of his leather shoes against the floors.
You two followed the corridor as instructed, gaze flickering curiously up to your fake husband every few moments before your interest caught the better of you.
"You're a little too good at playing the asshole, James." Your hand squeezed gently against his, "Something you want to tell me?"
He shook his head, "Nothing comes to mind."
The luggage was already waiting at the foot of the bed when Hotch pushed the door open, allowing you to step in first.
A gasp escaped you.
The room had to be the most exquisite thing you’d seen in all your life.
It was lined in crisp white and cream decor, a velvet couch along the one wall and a sprawling balcony that overlooked the ocean - the sound of the waves filling every crevice of the space.
There was a thud and you turned to find Hotch opening his briefcase, pulling out the neatly packed pressed shirts that lay within.
Quicker than it took you to blink in fright, Hotch's hand closed over your mouth. He shook his head, tapping his ear. "Wires." He mouthed.
You nodded quickly, feeling stupid.
His hand dropped and embarrassment flushed hot over your neck. You looked away from him.
This wasn't a holiday and Hotch wasn't your husband.
Eight people were dead.
Unease burnt at your chest, the same kind that had been building with every passing day and every piling body. You moved in silent to unpack your own handbag where you'd placed your files.
Hotch watched you carefully, as you leaned over the bag - silhouette forming against the red and purple tones of the picturesque sky behind you.
He stared a little longer than necessary, capturing the view to his mind.
It was something he found himself doing too often. Whenever he could find a moment, an excuse. His gaze would linger on your frame, your face.
When your fingers would twitch against your necklace or when you laughed a little too loudly for the Quantico office when Spencer told his terrible, very specifically not funny jokes.
But he was Aaron Hotchner, BAU Unit Chief, and nothing if not the epitome of professionalism.
He planted himself far enough from the line to where he could go about his day and pretend like he didn't lose sleep at night thinking about you.
"James, did you pack the charger?" Your voice was loud, but wavered slightly. You didn't look up to his face as you usually did.
Hotch tried to convince himself that he didn’t notice.
"Yes, honey, it's in the side pocket."
There was no charger and definitely no need to ask about one besides making casual conversation in the case that wires tapped the room.
Reminded of the very real circumstance, Hotch abandoned the shirts on the bed to move around the room.
Behind him you were doing the same.
He lifted lamp shades, checked under drawers, desks and the headboard for any listening device that could have been planted before they came in.
You shuffled around behind the television stand and at the railings of the curtain before slipping into the bathroom.
Twenty minutes passed in silence before Hotch climbed back to his feet from where he was crouched down under the bed frame.
"We should be in the clear." He announced to you where you still occupied the bathroom.
"Check what I found." You emerged, sundress flittering around your ankles.
He cursed the sway of the material. Somehow you'd arrived in that green dress to the sheriff's station and it had made every nerve connecting his body to his brain turn fuzzy and the man of steel that was Aaron Hotchner was having a harder time than usual keeping his eyes to himself.
You waved a white envelope at him, "It was stuck to the window."
Hotch took it from you, it was addressed to a Mr and Mrs Thompson.
"That's us." He muttered, finger sliding to break its seal.
You stood against his side, close enough to read the letter where he slid it out but also just close enough to make Hotch's head spin from the waft of your perfume.
Good afternoon Mr J and Mrs E Thompson,
We welcome you to Seagull's Rest and want to thank you for choosing to participate in our Honeymooner's Retreat. The next few days will work to strengthen the bond of love and trust between any new married couple, and of course up the intimacy!
Tonight we will be hosting a champagne evening where you will be afforded the opportunity to meet the couples that you'll be spending the next six days with.
Meet us at the Pelican Perch Restaurant on floor 1 at six o clock. We look forward to meeting you!
Kindly, Seagull Rest Staff.
The page crinkled beneath his fingers.
"This is perfect." He muttered, looking sideways at you. "It'll give us a chance to see the unsub in a social environment if he's here."
The unknown subject (unsub) was clarified before you and Hotch had left the station that morning.
David's voice still rung in his ears:
"Someone who is calm and casual in social settings, easy to get along with but holds a position that allows people to trust them. It's what he uses to lure two people at a time to their deaths."
You glanced up at the antique clock on the wall hanging above the television. "That means we should leave soon."
Hotch nodded, "Leave the packing, we'll do that when we get back."
The sun was disappearing behind the glittering ocean surface when the door shut behind you and Hotch again.
His hand slipped down over your wrist before sliding into your grasp, between your fingers and over your knuckles.
Hotch could spend all night convincing himself that holding your hand was imperative to maintaining your cover because you were married and that was in the best interest of the case, but it would still do little to calm the way his heart began to beat from his throat when your grip tightened gently around his.
You made small talk on the walk down to the restaurant, as any couple would.
Mentioning the spa and the interior designs of the glamorous hallways you passed on the walk down to the Pelican Perch restaurant on the water.
The views of the lodging was almost nothing compared to when you two walked under the green vine archway into the restaurant.
Hotch heard your little gasp beside him and was sure it made his heart grow two sizes.
Above your heads hung a glittering maze of white fairy lights overviewing a large wooden floor with tables set in every corner. The bar glittered with bottles of every colour, size and shape that lined the shelves and the wide stacking doors were opened out onto the shoreline.
A soft jazz played and near the center of the room, ten chairs were stacked in a semi-circle around a small podium.
"This is so beautiful." You whispered, almost so soft he didn't hear it.
He looked down at you, enamored by the way the lights reflected off your eyes and your lips were parted in surprise.
"It is." But his eyes never left you.
Already, three or four couples had taken seats, keening over each other as if they two were the only people in the room.
It was almost six. Hotch tugged your hand gently in the direction of the expensive looking chairs, leaning down close to your ear: "Keep your eyes on the people."
You giggled as if he'd said something naughty, putting on a good show for the surrounding guests before leaning down to sit.
The lull of the music in the room almost convinced you that it was all real.
That as you sat and Hotch settled his arm over your thighs, pulling you close against him: that it was because he wanted, not needed, to be there.
Your eyes flickered over the people, a man and a woman were ushering people to take their seats and a tall thin waiter was sauntering around with a tray of champagne glasses.
You took two from his tray, handing the other to Hotch. He gave you a look to remind you to be careful, you could practically hear him chiding "remember, we're on the job."
The champagne was as close to velvet as you'd ever tasted, sliding down your throat far too easily as the man and woman took to the podium in front of you.
The room quietened.
"Good evening to all our lovely young couples!" The man's voice was smooth, warm.
He was older, every spit of hair from his body a stark shining white. The woman was the same, they matched the decor of the resort in the cream beach sets they adorned.
Wrinkles crinkled around her eyes when she smiled, "We're so glad to have you with us. Thirty years ago, we opened the Seagull's Rest to help any couple who felt they needed a place to connect with nature and each other, and since then it's become not only a home to us - but a home to every couple who steps through our doors."
You met Hotch's eye. Owners.
Laurie and Howard Ralph. The founders of the Seagull's Rest.
Howard spoke again: "every class is taught by a qualified, friendly and helpful instructor to make you feel safe in what Laurie and I like to call the education of love."
You'd seen their photos in files and on your tablet, somehow they looked even more pretentious in person.
While you knew you weren't looking for an unsub team, their demeanors didn't put them completely out of range for being possibly responsible.
At least that's as far as your brain could conjure up with Hotch's wide thumb rubbing circles into the side of your thigh - a motion you weren’t entirely convinced he realized he was making.
"We'd like to start off the evening with a few introductions, just to break the ice between you."
They were looking down the line of people, pointing to a Hispanic couple closest to the edge. "How about you two? Tell us your names, where you're from, how you met and your favourite thing about your partner."
The man stuttered, looking to his wife for support. She smiled up at him and you couldn't help the momentary swooping ache to have somebody to look at in that warm, soft way.
"Well I'm Alice and this is my husband Marco." She patted him fondly on the chest, "We're from New York."
"We met when we were kids, we lived next door to each other for fifteen years." The husband was a shyer speaker, but his adoration for his wife leaked through his words. "Before she left for college I asked her to be my girlfriend. The rest is history, I guess."
Laurie and Howard smiled plastically, like the grin was surgically attached there.
"That's lovely, and your favourite thing about one another?" Laurie pressed, before adding, "Remember ladies and gentlemen, this experience is about making yourself vulnerable to each other and to yourself!"
"I love how he can make me feel brand new after a terrible day."
"I love the way she knows me in little ways that nobody else does."
Slowly, the couples spoke down the line.
You were introduced to the Taylors, the Andersons, the Fletchers, the Schmidts.
As the line drew shorter, your breath grew faster.
Of course you knew your story, you'd had it drilled into your brain for the last two days, but your favourite thing about Hotch?
No, you corrected yourself, not Hotch. James.
Your brain fished for a lie, dipping past the bundles of things you loved about Hotch that could so easily be picked from the bush.
But would it be so out of line to admit something honest, something he'd never even realize was true?
Eyes fell on you.
Hotch cleared his throat, his grip over your thigh tightened.
"We're the Thompsons. I'm James  and this is Eleanor. We're from Colorado."
His voice was strong, stern. Someone who didn't know Hotch might say it was how he always sounded, but there he held a jagged edge to his tone. "We met at—"
"Woah, woah," Howard interrupted, chuckling nervously. "James, you're running a bit away with us here. Why don't you let your wife tell us how you met?"
Hotch mustered the audacity to look affronted. "Alright."
You fought hard to suppress a laugh. Hotch was an abnormally good actor.
He turned to you, "Darling?"
You sighed, practically scribbling ditzy airhead over your forehead and lifting a hand to fiddle with the buttons on his polo, "Well, I met James in my last year at college—"
"Screwing the professor, very classy."
The whisper came from somewhere to your left and surprised you.
It was soft enough that you were sure Howard and Laurie hadn't heard.
The look on Hotch's face, however, proved that he had. He'd grown completely stiff under your hand.
You fought to regain composure, "H-He was working at a law firm that I was doing an internship at. It was love at first sight, right baby?" You patted his chest slowly.
He nodded, eyes darting anywhere but you.
The owners nodded, urging you to continue. "That's beautiful."
You looked up, met with the side of Hotch's face - he didn't look like he was going to speak first.
"My favourite thing about James is ..." your mind flickering between some cliché or just spitting out what you really wanted to. "The way he looks out for me. Always makes sure I'm safe, even if it's risking himself."
It was mild enough to pass off for just a casual comment but nearly specific enough that if he knew how you felt that he'd catch on.
He pulled his gaze from where it was fixated on the foot of the podium, sinking it into yours and making the room feel suddenly ten degrees warmer.
"My favourite thing about Eleanor is her laugh."
It was short and sweet and deep down you really hoped it was laced in truth.
By the time you looked away from your partner, the introductions had already moved down a couple. Judging by the way the tall blonde woman who'd just announced herself as Jade Atkins was staring at you, you could already gage that she'd been the one to make the professor comment.
You could still feel Hotch's anger radiating off of him. He was hard, tense and his jaw was set tightly.
Hotch was older than you, sure. You knew that.
It was one of the things that assured - plagued - you that he would never reciprocate your feeling.
He was mature and worldly, handsome in a way no man you knew could even remotely compare.
You were younger, not that much, but still. Enough that you could be looked at sideways by stuck-up bitches like Jade Atkins.
You knew you'd never be afforded a chance ... but then why did Hotch look so angry?
He knew he was older, but he also had to know that he left a trail of swooning women wherever he went?
"James ..." you whispered.
He looked quickly down at you, clearly of the impression that it was enough of a response.
"What's wrong?"
The word looked like they hurt forcing itself from his mouth. "Nothing."
You bit the corner of your bottom lip slowly, turning over his response in your mind.
Before you could find the sense to stop yourself, you reached up and took Hotch's jaw into your grasp, pulling it down closer to your face.
Following hesitantly until he was practically leaning over, you whispered into his ear: "ignore her, she just wishes her husband wasn't a cheating alcoholic."
You pressed a warm peck against his upper cheek, close to his eye and pretended that the brush of his almost-there stubble didn't make your heart swoop down into your stomach.
Letting go, Hotch straightened out again. He looked calmer, almost like he could smile.
His eyes flickered over the man, taking in his form. It took him a moment before he whispered back, "You're right."
Within a couple minutes, the last of the couples finished their introductions and the Ralph's were speaking again.
"Thank you all, again, for coming. Please, spend the rest of the evening getting to know each other, enjoying more of our champagne—"
"Imported straight from France!" Howard interjected and the couples laughed sporadically,
"—and savor the rest of your week."
Around you, couples rose from their seats. You detangled yourself from Hotch and did the same.
Initially, you had the full intention of floating around the room together, connected at the arm to analyze the guests quietly.
However, almost immediately, the women had dissected from their husbands to form a small group by the balcony.
The men had done the same, converging near the bar.
Blinking in surprise, you look up to Hotch for further instruction.
He nods towards the women, "You should go join them."
Your face crinkled in reluctance, "Don't make me go over there, James ... our friend isn't even supposed to be a woman."
Amusement was alight in his brown eyes, but his mouth remained a thin line.
"Then," he almost made you jump when his wide hand closed softly over your cheek, dragging the side of his thumb down your face, "go enjoy the company. I'll focus on the men."
Sparked by Hotch's warm touch, slightly dizzy on it, you nodded softly before turning to the women.
It was cool out on the balcony and the women greeted when you joined the circle.
You took a long gulp from your second glass of champagne, listening only half-committed to Patricia Anderson's story about their new condo on the Los Angeles beachfront.
"So, Eleanor was it?"
Recognizing the voice as the one who'd whispered brashly behind you not more than twenty minutes previously, you turned to the woman.
Your grip tightened around your champagne glass.
"Yes. Jenna, right?"
The woman gathered the nerve to look affronted, her tennis skirt swayed with the breeze over long bronzed legs.
"Jade, actually. Jade Atkins." She cleared her throat, "My husband is Richard Atkins, he owns all the Sonja Hotels north of the equator, I'm sure you've heard of him."
Another woman - Anne Schmidt - indulged her. "That's amazing, Elijah and I stayed there a couple months ago in Switzerland."
Jade nodded, looking proud, but seemingly intent on swerving the conversation your way.
"Speaking of husbands, yours is quite the catch isn't he?" The chatter of the other women dimmed slightly, the wives sensing the change of direction.
Taking another necessarily big gulp of your champagne, you nodded. "Indeed."
"He's very handsome ... how did you manage to tie him down?"
Her words dripped in condescension.
"Just got lucky, what can I say?"
Jade nodded, twisting a long golden strand between her fingers. Heat was beginning to curl at your cheeks.
"And he's so much older," she laughed airily, lifting her glass to sip at her drink, "but I guess that life insurance money makes him all the more attractive, hey?"
"Oh definitely. He also got a huge penis which helps."
Jade choked loudly around her glass and the women around you burst into fits of high-pitched laughter.
"Don't mind her," Imani Taylor pulled you aside, "All the Botox has gone to her brain."
You smiled kindly at her.
"So a lawyer you said, what's that like?"
Across the room, Hotch was sitting through a similar game of verbal tennis.
A circus of who's car is newer, bigger, better, who's company makes more money or sells more stocks.
He doubted he'd ever been so bored. That's maybe why his eyes flickered so often to where you were talking animatedly with a short woman in a hijab.
A heavy hand against his shoulder sucked him back into the conversation.
A sandy-topped man who Hotch quickly identified as Elijah Schmidt was patting him boyishly, "Don't worry about the girl, Thompson."
He didn't love the idea of you being referred to as girl but said nothing on it.
Clearing his throat, he shook his head vaguely. "Got to keep on eye on them. She can barely feed herself most days, only knows how to spend my money and crash my cars."
The words were bitter, like hot bile on his tongue but he insisted on maintaining a mutual expression. Nobody promised that playing an asshole was going to be any fun.
A handful of the men grimaced at his comment, while the rest just tutted offhandedly.
While the men were far from the nicest he'd met, in the couple minutes he'd spent with them, Hotch was almost sure that his unsub was not among them.
Despite most of their more than patchy backgrounds - mostly corporate scuffles, dug up by Garcia - none of them spoke with the ease that the suspect needed to have, the charisma and the trustworthy character. Hotch's  energy was better placed elsewhere.
"Barely feed herself?" A gravelly chuckle filled the space, "Sure doesn't look like it."
Hotch's eyes narrowed on the short bald man laughing to himself, glancing over to where you stood across the room - a fat cigar between his fingers.
He recognized him as the man who sat with the woman who'd commented when you spoke. Richard Atkins.
Turning his whole body to the man, towering over his structure, Hotch's face twisted - his stomach contents boiling hot at the comment.
"I beg your pardon?"
Pulling at the cigar, the end lighting up, the man shrugged. "Just saying, y'know, she doesn't look like she's skipped a meal anytime recently—"
The expression curling onto Hotch's face must've been cause for alarm, if not the way his fist tightened at his side, because almost immediately two other men stepped in.
One at Richard's side,  "Hey, hey, Richard, that's enough man."
The other patting Hotch's shoulder, "Thompson ... he's had a couple drinks, just let him go."
Richard seemed to find the situation amusing because he was chortling still to himself. "Of course, of course. My bad, just locker-room talk you know. No harm, no foul."  
Seething white anger was tugging on every muscle in his body, and he fought hard to maintain composure - taking a cautionary step towards Richard Atkins.
"I'd watch how you talk about my wife if I were you. Otherwise we're going to have a problem."
Atkins only huffed, turning back to his friend and his cigar. The conversations started up again around him, but Hotch had lost interest.
His wrist watch told him they'd been standing there for almost an hour.
Cleaning out the bottom of his glass, he set it down on the nearest table before excusing himself, offering handshakes and a couple shoulder pats before moving towards the women.
A handful of men followed him, clearly keen to leave as well.
He found you by the railing, laughing gently at something the woman across from you said.
Hotch's arm slid over your waist from behind, dipping his head closer to your ear: "ready to go?"
You nodded, offering a quick goodbye to the woman and some others.
The walk back to the room was quicker than he remembered, or maybe it was the light buzz of champagne against the side of his head and how you were humming something that sounded like Etta James that made it feel too fast.
On return, the prospect of unpacking awaited.
"Anyone interesting among the husbands?" You asked from across the room, lifting shirts and dresses to stack into the open cupboard.
Hotch shook his head, dislodging the secret compartment at the bottom of his suitcase where the case files had been hidden. "The unsub isn't one of them. They're all, for lack of a better word, assholes. Nobody trustworthy enough to follow to your death."
You chuckled lightly, "The women were alright. Except for this one woman, that one who whispered that rubbish when we introduced ourselves."
Hotch's stomach turned at the thought of the woman's words. Screwing the professor, really classy.
The implication on your character made his blood boil.
"Let me guess, Atkins?"
You nodded, "How'd you know?"
"Her husband's a real piece of work too. I'm gonna find something to arrest him for before the end of the week."
Your giggle permeated the space and it worked to ease the knot in Hotch's stomach.
"Don't be so dramatic, James." You draped a towel over your arm, "Mind if I grab the shower first?"
"Of course." Hotch nodded, desperately trying to fan out the image that was quickly rendering in his mind of you in the shower. "I'm gonna phone Garcia."
The bathroom door clicked behind you and you sighed into the emptiness of the room.
You took your time showering, enjoying how the hot water eased the tension over your shoulders, before drying off and slipping into the most appropriate pair of pajamas you'd brought along.
It took some convincing to let yourself pack the silk shorts and tank top, after all: you would be sharing a room with your boss.
Quickly after you'd walked back into the room, Hotch had slipped into the bathroom himself with a towel and pair of pajamas hanging over his arm.
Images of all the people you'd met that very evening sifted through your mind like a deck of cards, flipping through them and filtering the ones you knew couldn't be involved.
The spray of the shower was loud and your mind reached precariously for an image of what Hotch looked like under the fancy head in the shower that had more than enough space for two ... how the hot water was probably gliding over his long strong arms, down his chest and through the happy trail at the base of his stomach leading down towards—
The water shut off and silence echoed across the room.
You heard shuffling behind the door, wondered quietly what he could be doing, but pulled your eyes back to the case file.
The list of connections between the victims and current guests were numerous, too many to be significant as people in this wealth category generally moved in similar groups.
The door clicked open.
"Put that away, you should get some sleep."
"I—" You looked up to meet Hotch's eye and almost swallowed your tongue.
His hair was still wet, drooping over his forehead in a way you'd never seen before, and his blue t-shirt stuck to his chest with dampness. He wore plaid shorts that exposed those long legs that had been so criminally hidden beneath his usual suit pants.
He looked so ... domestic, and it set every nerve ending in your body alight.
"I ... yes, boss. Was just looking." You set the file on the bedside table.
He nodded at you, a warm look on his face. "Want you well rested for tomorrow."
There was a short silence and the look cleared from his features to be replaced by another.
Hotch's eyes flickered between the bed and the couch, and for the first time in more than a while, a look of unsureness occupied his face.
"I ... I think I'll take the couch."
Your heart sunk.
"Why?" The question chased its way out of your mouth before you could reach to snatch it.
"I don't wanna make you ... uncomfortable, considering I'm your superior."
"I mean, the bed is plenty big enough for the both of us, Hotch." You stammered, desperate to be close to him. "It's probably gonna be painful to sleep on that couch anyways."
He hesitated.
"U-Unless you think it's weird, you can sleep on the couch it's fine." You wished you could sink into the sheets and disappear.
But to your surprise, Hotch nodded.
The bed sunk on his side as he lifted the covers, as close to the edge as he could from what you could see.
His head hit the pillow before he leaned over to flick off the light, you took it as a sign to do the same.
There was quiet for a long moment.
The door to the balcony was open, it was just too hot to close it, and the breeze curled over the sheets, wafting the smell of Hotch's shower gel into your face.
It took all you had within you not to sigh loudly and dig your face into his neck.
You thought the conversation had closed for the evening, but Hotch surprised you when his voice emerged from the darkness.
"You did well today. I know you were nervous."
A smile tugged at your lips. He could read you better than you thought he could.
"You've got a lot more practice at the husband thing than I do at the wife thing."
You could almost see the outline of his face against the light of the moon.
"Well, I hope this wife ends up better than the last one."
The memory of finding Hotch's ex-wife's body came starkly into view.
"O-Oh, Hotch." Your hand came to your face in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have—"
"Hey, hey," he stopped you, "it's my fault. It was a bad joke, I shouldn't have made it."
You couldn't help the small giggle that escaped you, "I've never heard you freestyle a joke before, Hotch."
"Wasn't good?"
"It was terrible." You managed around the now growing laugh.
"And yet you're still laughing. Isn't that the goal?"
You shuffled over in the sheets to face him, even though you couldn't see much - the thought that he lingered there in the darkness comforted you.
"Not at that really bad attempt at a joke, I'm laughing at you."
Maybe it was your imagination, but you swore when the light from the lighthouse flickered quickly over Hotch's face that he was grinning.
"I'm glad I amuse you."
"Come on Hotch, you're telling me you don't have a single good dad joke?"
He was quiet a long moment, and for a second you thought you'd pressed too hard.
"Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?"
Absolutely surprised by the question, you shook your head in the darkness. "Why?"
"Because they're really good at it."
The light from the lighthouse hadn't passed over his face again but now you were sure he was smiling and every muscle in your body twitched to grab his face in the darkness and kiss him until he was oxygen depleted.
"That's the worst joke I've ever heard, Aaron." But you shook with small laughter.
"Worse than the dead wife joke?"
"Okay, maybe not that bad."
Quiet fell again.
"You should go to sleep. We've got a long day tomorrow."
Fishing for the sheets, you lifted to tuck them under your chin. "Goodnight James."
@montyfandomlove @aurorastuffsstuff @cdizzleswzzlebonzy @pureblood-blake @kad00x @lena-1895 @marimorena06 @farrah-444
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chaconnehoonie · 6 months
Welcome to Earth- Enhypen(Pilot)
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⟿ Extraterrestrial! Enhypen x Fem! Reader
Synopsis- The idea of extraterrestrial life was never a deeply interesting topic to you. Of course, that was before you found a wrecked spaceship and seven inhuman beings.
Estimated WC: 20k-25k
Pilot WC: 812
Warnings: Aliens, cursings, angst, smut(hyung line), fluff, idiotic humor, mythology, [etc. will be added on]
@deobitifull @shinrjj @notevenheretbh1 @skzenhalove @jooniesbears-blog @kgneptun @minniejenseo @strxwbloody
Please comment or send an ask to be added to the taglist, and please have your age in your bio!! I will not be tagging minors or anyone without an age.
A/N: Although this is titled as the Pilot chapter, this will not be a series! The purpose of having this short Pilot chapter is for everyone to get a taste of what’s to come, and to test the waters with a less common genre. So, there will not be chapters, only the pilot and the full length fic.
The depictions of aliens and extraterrestrials in this writing are not meant to be “historically” accurate or follow society’s standard view, these characteristics are made to fit the storyline.
This is fiction and the scenarios are completely fake and from my brain, none of the characters are like this in real life, MDNI!
“Seriously- who’s idea was it to visit another galaxy just for some stupid party!?” Sunghoon stands up from the table he was sitting at, abruptly leaving the game he was playing with Sunoo and Jungwon. He stomps his way over to the spaceship’s control system, catching the attention of Jay who was taking a nap. “And why is Riki flying us? Who’s supposed to be controlling this ship!?”
The panic in Sunghoon’s voice rises, quickly attempting to shove Riki out of the seat but the younger just shoves him back. “Chill, Jake was steering but he needed a bathroom break so I took over.” Riki shrugs casually. Jay finds interest in the conversation and walks up next to Sunghoon, heavy yet squishy feet slapping the tiled floor underneath him.
“Chill? Chill?! Do not tell me to chill when we’re at risk of dying!” Sunghoon is yelling now, drawing their friends’ attention to the situation. Jay groans at Sunghoon’s volume ringing in his sleepy ears.
“What’s going on? Where’s Jake?” Heeseung hears the commotion and comes to rest a hand on Sunghoon’s slimy shoulder, speaking calmly to steady his friend. “Jake left to take a leak, and told Riki he could steer the ship. So unbelievable.” Sunghoon shakes his head in disapproval, mentally listing off the ways he’ll punish Jake in the future. “Maybe if I water his favorite plant with acid rain he’ll get the message.”
Heeseung attempts to relax his raging friend, forgetting about their younger one now steering the ship in the wrong direction. “Wait, Riki- do you even know where we’re going?” Heeseung looks towards the radar, noting how the small image of a ship was further than it should be. “Well…Jake didn’t tell me where to go, he just told me to keep steering.”
The eldest rubs a long finger against his temple, trying to remain calm unlike Sunghoon. Just in time, Jake comes strolling out of the bathroom with a sharp-toothed grin. “See! I knew he wouldn’t crash. You guys just have to trust me.” He sits in the passenger seat next to Riki, encouraging him to keep flying as he’s doing a great job at “keeping everyone alive.”
Before Jake was able to take over the steering, a loud shriek comes from Jay who was now pointing towards the radar. “Guys look! What is that?” All five boys focus on the electronic, watching the way the ship is now suddenly turning towards a massive unidentifiable object. “Not you Riki! You’re supposed to focus when you steer!” Jay turns the boy’s large head back towards the windshield, but it’s too late.
“Watch out! It’s an asteroid!” Sunghoon grabs the steering wheel above Riki’s hands, trying to take control of the whole ship, sighing as the flying vehicle becomes stable again. “Seriously guys, who lets a child have this much power?” Everyone lets out relieved laughs, although Sunghoon wasn’t cracking a joke.
Just as they thought they were safe, a loud crash is heard behind them followed by the screams of Sunoo and Jungwon. Everyone turns to see the two of them holding onto different pieces of furniture as a hole in the large broken window threatens to suck them out of the ship as smaller pieces of furniture fly out. “There’s more!” Jungwon shouts as him and Sunoo look out of the big broken window next to them, watching as the star-speckled sky fills with large flying meteors.
Jungwon grabs Sunoo’s arm, pulling him towards the front of the ship with everyone else to huddle for protection. “This is bad guys, there’s too many!” Sunghoon is cautiously dodging any meteors and debris while everyone else is balled up together, slimy cold skin pressed tight as they get ready to say their goodbyes forever.
“I never thought it would end this way.” Heeseung starts speaking, voice shaky as he tries not to worry the younger members. “I always thought Jake and Riki would accidentally light a mushroom forest on fire or something…not this.” He finally breaks down and everyone else follows, sobbing and gripping each other tighter.
Sunghoon doesn’t give up, continuing to steer even with multiple asteroids denting and destroying the ship. “I can try to land us somewhere.” His voice sounds frantic as he tries not to show his panic. Before he can find a clear planet to land on, a sudden asteroid is seen rapidly flying forward and into the windshield.
A fire erupts from the destroyed engine, any alarms enabled on the spaceship are now blaring and flashing red as the whole aircraft plummets down. “Hoon!” Sunoo cries out as he extents a hand to the older who is cowering away from the windshield and running over towards his friends.
“We’re going down! Prepare for impact!”
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crowpickingss · 2 months
Hello love! Do you think you can make a Hook x son of Ares and Aphrodite? Where the reader is a mama's boy (I not sure if you understand) and Hook tries to get along with the reader's parents because he's afraid of them
Demigod of Love
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Hook x Male Aphrodites Child
Summary: After the whole school finds out your related to Aphrodite people go crazy asking you everything about love. When you crash at hades dorm you accidentally sleep in hooks bed. The next day you two talk at the pond and he meets your mother who he is slightly scared of
warnings: my terrible knowledge of greek mythology
a/n: thank you for the request, please excuse my terrible knowledge of greek mythology
After a torturous week you decide to crash in hades room. He was the only person you could really talk to as you had no friends. He would listen to you and make suggestions but most of them involved fire. Exhausted you fall asleep on what you thought was the spare bed.
Sometime in the middle of the night you’re awoken by a cold piece of metal gliding across your skin. You jolt up confused by the cold sensation and when you look up you notice a boy with a hook “Sorry to wake you darling but your in my bed” Your cheeks turn bright pink “I’m so sorry” You go to stand up but he pushes you down “It’s alright love, I don’t mind” You look at him confused “Just sleep in it, I know how far away your dorm is” You play with your hair as he looks you up and down “Are you sure?” He laughs “Of course I’m sure” He slides the curved part of his hook on your cheek “sweet dreams love” he says as he walks into the shadows
The next day when hook awoke he was surprised to see his bed empty, slightly sad he went out to look for you. As he entered the deep forest on the outskirts of Merlin Academy he noticed you sitting by a small pond. He slowly approaches you trying not to scare you. He takes a seat right next to you “Morning” He says as he turns to face you “Morning” You say back and then turn to look into the water
“What are you doing out here so early?” He places his hand onto your leg “It’s the only time I am truly alone and truly free of people begging me for love” He chuckles “I thought being the son of a goddess was ment to be fun” You look at him taking in every detail “Not when people beg you and not your mother” He watches as you swirl your finger around in the water
“Any reason your up, I’m guess by you being here you’re going to ask about last night” While it was true he wanted to ask about last night he decided to break the ice first “No, I just wanted to know your name pretty boy” he moves his hand further up your leg “Really, you didn’t come out here to ask about last night and you didn’t come out here to ask for love” He nods “Well Mr…uh” He chuckles amused by your stuttering “James Hook” You smile at him “Well Hook my name is y/n” His brain repeats your name over again
“So y/n tell me about your parents” You look at him amused and taken aback by his intrigue “Well as you most likely know my mother is aphrodite, I miss her she spent months trying to convince me to come here but I couldn’t leave her” He rests his head on your shoulder “I know how hard it is to leave someone you love” You wrap your arm around his back
“Really who did you leave” He sighs “My ship the Jolly Roger” You hold in a laugh and instead place your hand on his leg “So tell me about your father” He can hear you groan “My father is Ares god of war, he’s always attacking me for taking after my mother” Hook turns to face you “That must suck”
He watches as you trace hearts in the ground “Any particular reason you chose this pond” This time you rested your head on his shoulder “It’s where I contact my mother” He watches as you stand up and dive head first into the pond. After twenty seconds he started to get worried and by this time he noticed hades and Maleficent
“Hades, please help me” He looks at hook confused “It’s y/n he just dived into that pond” Hades follows hook finger to the pond “Hook you need to calm down” Hook punches hades softly on the arm “Don’t tell me to calm down” Hades pushes hook into the pond and he is suddenly on the other side of it “Hook, you made it” He turn and see you “y/n! uh where are we” You giggle at his ignorance
“Mount Olympus, take my hand I’ll take you to meet my mother” He doesn’t get a second to think before you grab into his hand and drag him to where your mother is “Oh y/n you’re here and you’ve bought a mortal” Hook whole body shakes scared to be in the presence of a goddess
“Mother this is hook, he is friends with hades” She looks him up and down “I presume your here for a reason hook was it” He nods still shaking “I just came to check on y/n he disappeared for a while” She smiles comforted by the fact that at least one person cares about her child “Well you two should get going, Ares is about to wake up”
While hook would’ve had rather stayed to meet Ares you run away. He turn to face the goddess “Aphrodite” She smiles at the mortal “Yes” he crosses his legs in nervousness “Can I ask for one thing” She leans down so she is eye level with him “And what is that” He takes a deep breathe “Can you please make y/n like me back” She smiles “Here take this” Hook look down at the belt in her hand “It’s my magical girdle, you seem like a sweet boy”
He takes it graciously “Thank you” He says while he walks back to the place in which he came from “Hook you’re back” He smiled when you grabbed his hands “I think, I think I’m in love with you” His smile grows wider “I am too” and with that the two of you kiss. I guess that belt worked out after all
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unhinged-waterlilly · 3 months
I like to imagine that all the mythology gods meet each other quite a bit, accidentally and purposely.
Hermes going at the speed of light to deliver something and then Hermodr going at the same pace, crashing together and crash into the earth like an asteroid, Hades and Persephone hosting a dinner for all the death gods, Thanatos and Anubis meet up sometimes to talk about all the people they've led to their afterlife's, Ares and Tyr are constantly fighting and just making mortals lives hell, Odin and Zeus never get along but they pretend to for Hera and Frigg because of course they're friends, Isis and Iris are bffs simply because people confuse them so much, Horus and Thor are gym bros, Aphrodite and Freya share beauty tips and gossip together and Freyr and Apollo definitely flirt, like a lot.
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papermatisse · 4 months
Lost and Found || B.BH
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♔ pairing: dionysus!byun baekhyun x f!ariadne!reader
♔ genre: angst, one-shot, fluff
♔ word count: 3.5k
♔ warnings: abandonment, murder
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♔ abstract: Love comes with all kinds of sacrifices, and after everything she'd sacrificed for her own hopeful romance, all she really wanted was a lover to live with for the rest of her mortal existence. Though the universe—and for that matter the gods who inhabit it—has a cruel sense of humor.
♔ author's note: I've been thinking of writing a Greek mythology story for all of the exos (ot8 [minus Chen, the nation's husband and father]). I have a few plans already, though this one felt the easiest and quickest to execute cause I really wanted to test out and fix my link/tag issue on here 😔
for context, here's a rough synopsis of the Theseus story: the king of Crete angered Poseidon who cursed the queen into woohooing with the king's bull, thus creating a minotaur named Asterion. mortified by this creation, they banished him into a maze and alienated him as if he were nothing, thus creating the bloodthirsty monster he was. the king's son went to Athens bc they themselves had a minotaur problem, but their minotaur wound up killing him. the king of Crete blamed the king of Athens and after some altercations, it resulted in an annual tradition of sending a select few Athenians to serve as tribute and be eaten by Asterion. one of these tributes was Theseus, son of the king of Athens, and he actually defeated the Athenian minotaur. to help him in defeating Asterion, the Crete king's daughter, Ariadne, gave Theseus yarn so he'd be able to navigate the maze, which helped him in killing Asterion. afterwards, they sailed to Naxos, where he abandoned her. interpretations vary of course, but most involve Dionysus marrying Ariadne afterwards bc he fell in love w her.
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Nestled within the Aegean Sea, lost amongst the plethora of islands which dotted the cerulean expanse of the ocean, lays the idyllic yet ever forlorn island of Naxos. Viridescent fields of crops and greenery encompass the entirety of the island, sloped along the verdant hills which make up its landscape. The only obstruction to its rolling plains was that of its mountain at the very heart of the island, as well as the sandy beaches which encircled it all in a protective ring of golden grains.
Upon first arrival, it had seemed nothing short of picturesque—perhaps even going so far as being the most beautiful sight she'd ever observed in her rather dull and sheltered life thus far. The warmth of the sand which greeted her once she'd hopped off the boat felt like the welcoming embrace of a new start, the fine grains sinking beneath her every step as if accommodating to her new presence. The seas lapped against the shores as if reaching out to her, waving—both metaphorically and literally—like it were greeting an old friend. And the winds which carried with it the strong aroma of sea salt and petrichor encompassed her being in a cool and refreshing embrace, nearly cementing the thought that circulated in her head of what a perfectly quaint and romantic escape Naxos was for her and her lover to settle in and establish their new lives together.
At least that's how it had all felt no more than a day ago. It was astounding how much could change upon settling down to rest after the strenuous voyage to Naxos. A mere daytime nap, meant to simply reinvigorate her, had suddenly turned her whole world upside down, because upon opening her eyes, her lover, with whom she'd risked her entire life in order to save, had all but vanished: him, his boat, and by extension, her heart along with him. She couldn't even see a single speck of him remaining on the horizon, and the thought that he had left her the moment she'd fallen asleep felt ever more disparaging.
Now, she sat along the shore. The sands, cooled with the setting sun, cradled her dejected form. The cacophony of waves crashing against the island served to drown out her cries. And the winds, which had grown significantly weaker as the day waned, brushed against her face as if to gently wipe away her tears. Naxos, with its surreal beauty and tender acceptance, had become no more a prison prompted by her own circumstances just as her accomodations had been on Crete. Exchanging one pitiful excuse of a home for another, though now she was utterly alone.
And all she could do was cry to herself. Cry over her foolishness to have risked everything for a boy she'd fallen for so rashly. Cry over her imminent future and the dread of the unknown which lay in waiting for her. Cry over the abandonment and outright rejection from someone she once believed to be her soulmate.
What a miserable life she led.
What a tragic course of events she followed.
What an absolutely pathetic human being she was.
And how utterly vexing it was that she could not even wallow in her own self-pity by her lonesome for very long.
Her body seemed to register the foreign voice before her mind had, as she slowly turned her tear stricken face towards the newcomer. Though once her eyes met those of the familiar deity, now standing a mere few feet away from her, she quickly turned back to her original position, staring out at the sea. By now, the harsh line of the horizon had become ingrained into her corneas, remaining in her vision even when her eyes were closed, yet she continued to stare forward, hoping to find a stray boat somewhere in the distance. Hoping to see her beloved rushing back to her as if his initial departure was nothing more than an accident. Hoping to fall back into his arms and forget the worries incessantly plaguing her mind.
Though once more, these desires went unanswered, and instead, she was met by this ever so gentle touch skimming carefully over her back.
“(y/n), look at me.”
The demand hadn't held much of an authoritative tone, more so that of an insistent plea, one where she could faintly discern the shreds of desperation laced in between. Yet she remained as is, eyes trained on the ocean, waiting. She thought by ignoring him, he'd leave her alone. Allow her to grieve in peace without his mischief and revelric tendencies. Let her sulk in her misfortune without being reminded of her affiliation with him. Yet he could not even spare her this one luxury.
Instead, in her periphery, she found him crouching onto the sand beside her, seating himself in a way so he could remain attached to her side. The heavy weight of his gaze lingered upon her, even as she attempted to ignore his presence as a whole. Though he seemed none the wiser to her efforts, or perhaps he merely couldn't care less what she thought of him—not that she's out right proclaimed her opinion of said god, but from mere context clues given their history together, she was sure he had a general understanding of where she stands with him.
It had been a few years since she first met Baekhyun. A rather untimely meeting with the god of wine and revelry, one marked by unrequited affections which has since plagued her every waking moment. She had never processed how burdensome it could become to be the apple of one's eye, especially if that particular person was a deity of Baekhyun's caliber, and one she felt nothing towards. And even now as she tends to a broken heart, abandoned on a remote island in the middle of nowhere with no means of escape, she still couldn't conceal the discomfort she felt in Baekhyun's presence, knowing fully well of his affections and how he had been waiting for her answer to his proposal.
Though unlike all the other times he’s randomly materialized before her, usually wreaking of that sickly sweet aroma of wine and teasing her relentlessly until she was pleading for him to leave her be, he sat there calmly and quietly, waiting for her to acknowledge him. It was a peculiar shift in his modus operandi, one that did not go by unnoticed by (y/n), yet even with the silence he granted her, she couldn't bear to speak to him as she usually would.
Humiliation silently lingered in the air even before she could say anything. She didn't know what she'd tell Baekhyun had he pestered her in his usual manner. The last thing on her mind was telling the man who proposed to her—with whom she'd essentially left unanswered—that the man she intended on running away with forever had all but left her stranded on an island to die in solitude. Though somehow, there was a small inkling in her that felt like Baekhyun already knew. And perhaps a smaller, more hopeful part of her believed he was here not to torment her, but rather to check up on her, ensure she was fairing well.
Hesitantly, her eyes strayed from where they'd been zeroed in along the horizon, sparing Baekhyun a small and brief glance.
It was odd. His eyes seemed duller now, a more muted umber tone devoid of that trademark glint he usually dons when running amok. He usually always bore this confident, bordering on cocky, grin that seemed all too pleased with himself and his shenanigans, yet now his lips were naturally downturned, perhaps the first time she's ever seen his mouth in its natural resting position. Even his scent was more subdued, and she was able to pick up the rich undertones of grapes usually concealed by his alcoholic carousing. His gaze was dropped, steadily trained on her hands laying in her lap, and the undivided attention only prompted more discomfort on her part as she fiddled with the fabric of her dress.
She had half a mind to ask him if he was okay, momentarily forgetting her own plight once she saw the shift in demeanor of Baekhyun. Though the silence that encompassed them prompted her own wariness in approaching the subject.
And so they remained as is, the sun now meeting the horizon, igniting the sky into a mural of warm, fiery hues. As the sun continued to set, it dyed the blue depth of the waters into a color akin to wine with its deep and rich crimson shade.
Without realizing it, her mind had begun wandering back to Baekhyun, curious as to why he remained by her side even as she ignored him. And though she didn't know for how long she'd strayed with these thoughts, she did know it was his presence alone that managed to briefly distract her from her current situation.
“Why are you here?” (y/n) asked, voice gravelly from misuse. For a moment, she was met with silence, the ocean serving as white noise to fill the void. But as she dared another glance his way, she saw his somber countenance. It was a foreign expression to be gracing his face, and she found herself intrigued by the furrow of his brow as he remained lost in thought.
“I went to visit you on Crete…” He finally responded, the timbre of his voice lowering with raw solemnity. “I know how you get with the annual tributes, so I wanted to be there for you.”
She shied away at this, never fully processing how Baekhyun's sporadic appearances coincided with certain times. And it was true. Every year as the Athenian tributes arrived on Crete, she distanced herself until after these events were done and over with. Though as she now recollected memories from recent years, she began putting together Baekhyun's arrivals were never truly as spontaneous as she first made them out to be.
He was always there whenever she was at her lowest. She thought it was intentional as a way of tormenting her when she's at rock bottom, but as he continued speaking, a pit of remorse began accumulating within her heart.
“Instead, I was met with… chaos. Carnage. Disorder.” He paused, turning his head in a direction she could only assume was where Crete faced. “Asterion was dead. A tribute had escaped. And the princess had all but disappeared.”
At his final statement, (y/n) stared down in shame. She knew there would be repercussions for her actions, but she thought she'd have been long gone at this point. Too far away to even spare a moment of regret for having abandoned her family and her kingdom. Yet it all came back to bite her. Her brother, cursed and estranged as he was, had been killed. Theseus, her lover who she assisted the entire way through, had been the one to kill him. And she, princess of Crete, had run off in the midst of this mayhem.
“I'm sorry…” (y/n) whispered, voice strained as she fought back tears. “I'm so sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't bear to see more death. Every single year without fail they'd send these Athenians off to die by my brother's hands. And we'd just have to sit there and watch. Watch as they all lost themselves to the labyrinth. And Asterion would…”
As if having finally broken the floodgates, tears began streaming down her face without fail. The tragic life of her brother, born a monster and treated as such. And even if she had never interacted with him, even as she witnessed his bloodshed year after year, the knowledge of his death being instigated by her own involvement was debilitating enough to ground her back into reality.
The gravity of her predicament began to settle in. Sitting on an island, hopelessly waiting for a guy she had only just met and was ready to run away with forever. The realization that he used her for his own benefit, exploited her blind affections towards him only to then leave her for dead. He had probably already returned to Athens, assumed the role of hero who killed the minotaur of Crete—as well as that of their princess. And she sat there, longing for him for hours at a time, seated beside Dionysus himself. The absurdity of it all was almost laughable, and she'd probably be doing just that if it weren't for the overwhelming humiliation she felt coiled and festering within her.
“I helped him…” She confessed aloud. “I gave him the thread so he wouldn't get lost in the maze. I was the one who helped him defeat Asterion. I was the one who helped him escape. It was all my doing. And he left me here as repayment.”
Before she could continue, Baekhyun had suddenly shifted from his position, arms wrapping around her tightly and dragging her into his embrace. Any other time, she'd probably have swatted at him whilst yelling profanities, all while he laughed in delight at her hostility.
Yet now his touch didn't feel repulsive.
She could feel his warmth fully encompassing her, shielding her from the outside world. His hands clung to her body as if afraid she'd slip away from him at any moment. And now closer to him than ever before, she could smell his true aroma past the wine. An almost woodsy scent, just as warm as he was. Fruits and earth and nature as a whole. Faintly, she could smell the ocean intermingling with his scent.
It was so peculiar the way that distinct saltiness had first felt like a refreshing start to a new life, though shifted into an overwhelming and paralyzing apprehension that infested every aspect of her being. Though now, in Baekhyun's protective arms, it felt comforting. As if he himself dispelled it and this island of any and all of its negativity that consumed her.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the tension from her body had melted away. The sound of his heartbeat coinciding with that of the calm waves was like a melodious harmony that transcended her into a state of utter tranquility. His breathing lulled her away from the worries that tormented her heart, and she finally felt at peace.
“Did you love him?” Baekhyun asked. His tone was more inquisitive than anything else. There were no hidden intentions with his question, and although hesitant to admit it aloud to him, for fear of hurting him, (y/n) felt at ease with telling Baekhyun the truth he sought.
“Yes,” she responded quietly. “But I regret it. I regret it all.”
“Don't.” His grip tightened around her, pressing his forehead against the top of her head. “You shouldn't regret the love you give people. Don't let this foolish boy disparage you from expressing yourself to your fullest potential.”
(y/n) remained quiet, surprised by the turn of the events, though still listening intently to Baekhyun's words.
“I've always held such deep admiration towards you. From the moment I met you till now. I could see the way you loved so genuinely and fully. And I thought it was beautiful. I thought you were beautiful. You shouldn't grieve over an unrequited love. Loss serves as a reminder of the love we once felt, and the remorse we feel further exemplifies that. Your love is something so wonderful. Something I adore greatly.”
As he spoke, his warmth seemed to intensify. Filled with familiarity and security, coaxing her further into his embrace until she buried herself into the crook of his neck. He held her as if she were everything he had ever asked for. His touch was like ambrosia and nectar, the sweetest of prose to ever be professed, a safety like no other.
“I find myself wanting to be inconvenienced by you. I want to have you distracting me by lingering in my thoughts. I want to take time out of my day just to see you. I want to love you, even if you don't love me.”
At this, a sob slipped past her lips, and she clung onto him harder. Away from it all, everything inside her felt tumultuous and heightened. All of the emotions she'd been bottling up for years seemed to overflow in Baekhyun's presence alone. Her heart ached with grief, remorse, hatred, anger, defeat. Yet it also sang like never before, healing itself from years of anguish and torment.
And after the cathartic intervention came to a conclusion, faces marred by dried tears and eyes reddened with strain, a peaceful serenity had settled over the two. By now, the sun had long set. The cool of the night had begun penetrating the warmth of their embrace. The sand beneath them no longer retained the heat of the afternoon sun. The oceans were calm and still. The winds now settled into a gentle breeze. The world was asleep, silent in every regard. The day had ended and (y/n) had made it out alive, no doubt due to Baekhyun's influence.
Panic begin settling in her as he shifted, rising to his feet and pulling her up with him. Though when she met his gaze, loving and sweet and attentive, she began to settle once more. His hands held her own, thumbs softly brushing over her knuckles, all the while maintaining his sight on her face.
“What would you like to do?” He asked. “I can build you a palace here on Naxos, away from the cruelties of the world and the people who inhabit it.” His smile grew wider, bearing that familiar wickedness whenever he was up to no good. “I could overthrow the monarchy of Crete and reinstate you as its sole sovereign, allow you to redeem yourself and your honor, perhaps even reestablish Crete as a just and fair kingdom.” Both options were tempting, neither having any inherent consequences as long as Baekhyun held sway in their components. And she could tell Baekhyun had more to say, but she quickly intercepted before he could propose another offer.
“I want to be with you.” Baekhyun blinked at this, chuckling as if she were telling a joke.
“I will be there. You can't get rid of me that easily.”
“No.” Her hands slipped from his, reaching forth to cup his cheeks and bring him closer. “I choose you, Baekhyun.”
She pressed her lips against his own, soft and delicate. He seemed stunned for a moment, his body moving subconsciously for the first second or two, but once he had fully processed where he was and what was happening, Baekhyun began reciprocating. He kissed back just as earnestly, his hands reaching up to hold onto her wrists as he poured every ounce of his adoration into her. And (y/n) couldn't help but think how perfect it was.
She'd always thought love at first sight was perhaps the most romantic of gestures one could have. The act of finding your soulmate from a single encounter seemed so otherworldly and unmatched. Yet here in this moment with Baekhyun's body pressed against her own as he drew impossibly closer to her, his hands softly wandering in an attempt to map her form into his memory, she found this very moment to be the epitome of what love should be. A gradual fall into love. In a way, she can reminisce on growth and development, reflect on what was not there and how it came to be.
One of his hands had wandered to her hair, gently carding his fingers through the strands, and the other drew patterns on her waist, amorphous shapes that each portrayed his unspoken love for her. She thought back on every encounter she had with him. Every laugh he coaxed out of her even as she tried to hide away from the world. The bittersweet smiles he gave her every time she rejected or delayed his proposal. His neverending determination and devotion, even when facing adversities like herself. And with each revelation, each tender kiss from Baekhyun, her heart seemed to swell with love for him and him alone.
Once more, he was the one to pull away first, perhaps more in control of his long-standing affections than her, yet he didn't draw too far from her. Just far enough for him to look over her countenance with a lovestruck expression of his own. His eyes glistened with this saccharine-like joy, crinkling at the corners with his sweet smile dedicated to her. And she found herself smiling back, an uncontrollable jubilance bubbling in her as she reveled in his affections.
“Come then,” he spoke softly, hands returning back to hers. He brought one up to his lips, pressing one final kiss to her fingers. “Let's go home.”
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yaksha-lover · 11 months
Good morning/evening! Anon that asked about the concepts here. 😅 I’ve lately been super caught up on the angst potential of a Yuu who is slowly dying as a result of magic exposure due to not being from Twisted Wonderland. There’s just so many ways this could go, depending on how much Yuu likes being in Twisted Wonderland.
For instance, imagine living your entire life caught up in the wonder of fantasy and mythology only to be whisked off to a strange and wonderful world full of the magic that made up your childhood dreams. Getting to live your fantasies, see so many things that before you could only dream of, meet so many interesting people, and make memories that you would never forget. A fairytale given life. Only to be brought crashing down to earth with the knowledge that you are withering away here so far from home, possibly fated to never to see your loved ones again. The loneliness and fear that would set in with the realization as this turns from a dream come true to a complete nightmare.
A child cursed to die alone and forgotten as a stranger in a strange land.
Anyway, thoughts?
I love this idea, it’s so tragic. The idea of an inevitable ending blooming from something that was once so wonderful.
I almost think it’s more tragic if Yuu never wanted to return, if their life in this world was much better than their last. Finally having friends, people who care about them. Getting to live life and do things instead of wasting away in their room all day. Escaping everything in their past and leaving it all behind.
Of course, things are never that simple. Yuu does not belong here. They were never destined to befriend Ace and Deuce, to stay with Grim forever. There’s no one to blame, no one to curse except the cold, unforgiving hands of the universe.
You try to stay positive at first. Sure, you’re the first case of this happening and no one knows how to treat it, but that doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean you won’t be okay. Right?
When you first get sick, more people come to visit than you imagined. It’s endearing, seeing even those you weren’t close with stop by to express their support.
Riddle comes by, Cater and Trey following. Riddle tells you about classes, trying to keep you caught up on things. Cater tells him to stop worrying about school, but you like the normalcy of it. As though you’ll make it long enough to make keeping up with school worthwhile. Trey brings his baked goods, much more delicious than anything they’ve been serving in the hospital.
Even those who seemed apathetic to your existence would come sometimes. Leona came, it seemed, just to taken naps; you appreciated the silent company. Azul would stop by and drag Idia along for the three of you to play chess together. Kalim would come bursting in; it was nice, almost, to see someone that positive during this time. Jamil would accompany him, of course, immediately going into caretaker mode for you. Vil was busy, but he would stop by when he could, offering to get you an early screening of his newest movie. Rook would come too, describing everything going on at campus in such a beautiful way that it was almost as if you were there to experience it. Ortho would also insist on visiting you, meaning Idia would be forced to come once again, and play video games with you; it was perfect while you were bed-bound. Malleus and Lilia come when they can, bringing trinkets and small gifts. Malleus even offers to hold his club meetings in your room, if it were to help.
It’s harder to hold on to that hope once the symptoms start. It’s hazy, for one. You sleep most hours away, but it’s always a treat to wake up with Adeuce sitting in a chairs nearby, Grim cuddled into the side of the hospital bed.
It’s harder for everyone to visit, after a while. You understand. They have their own lives, things keeping them away. They have futures, unlike you. Still, it’s a bit lonely, to feel that everyone is starting to forget about you before you’re even gone. Even with your friends and Grim spending every hour they aren’t in class here, it’s hard.
It just isn’t fair.
You aren’t from this world, and soon it’s as though no one will remember you were ever here in the first place.
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finniestoncrane · 6 months
Hey hey! I saw your requests are always open and since you're someone who's writing for George "digger" Harkness I have a request!
I would like some fluffy angst between digs and a fem/reader who has a Medusa tattoo (with the meaning behind it being true) you don't have to say anything about it if it makes you uncomfortable or just ignore this request!
KTJL!Boomer x Fem!Reader, word count: 400 ohmy god yeah please have this little offering of fluff from an awkward digger!💙 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, allusions to past sexual assault, suggestive language because it's george c'mon
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Digger whistled as you removed your shirt, making sure you knew how much he appreciated your body, and how much more he appreciated the fact that you let him look. The whistle was cut off as he came up closer and ran his hands over your tattoo, now visible.
"I didn't know you were inked, love! Maybe we could get matching ones?"
You turned to see his wide grin, realising he was being deadly serious. Before you could try and play that idea off, his attention was back on the image of Medusa on your body, a reminder of your strength, a nod to a past that you were in control of now. Typically uninformed, in an endearing way of course, Digger began questioning it.
"You into that weird witchy stuff?"
"Greek. She's from Greek mythology."
"Oh yeah! The sheila with the snake hair! She can turn you into stone with a look or something. Is that what it means? You can turn me to stone with a look? Because..."
He reached for the bulge at the front of his pants, bringing your attention to it for the first time, grabbing it and jiggling it as he bit his lips.
"... you've already got me pretty rock hard, babe."
Trying to push a polite smile onto your face, you gently corrected him.
"Dig... it's not... It's for survivors. Of... assault."
His face immediately dropped, and he lifted his hands from his body, holding them up at the sides of his head as though he were trying to prove his innocence in the most physical way he could. As he began to stutter an apology, you were quick to assuage his concerns.
"No, no! It's ok, you didn't know. I didn't know how to... say it any better."
Stepping forward, his body crashed into yours, arms wrapping around you in a tight, but soothing embrace as he spoke into your ear.
"Listen... you don't have to worry about anything like that anymore. I'll kick the arse of anyone who even looks at you the wrong way. I mean, I'm uh... I'm a violent guy. And I fuck. But never the uh... two shall meet, or whatever Shakespeare said!"
You laughed at his misquote, your heart warmed by the fact that he was at least trying to make you feel comfortable, safe. Nuzzling into his chest, you sighed, stroking his back. The quiet moment was broken as he spoke into your ear.
"So... babe... we gonna get those matching tattoos or what?"
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
false god
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Series Warnings: Mythology!AU. Language, alcohol, drinking. Military inaccuracies. Mutual pining, unrequited love. Allusions to and eventual smut. Slow burn. Minors DNI. 18+. Individual chapter warnings will come as needed. Banner Credit @thedroneranger
Masterlist Next Part
Chapter 1: Villain Era
For generations, people have said that the gods from mythology weren't just myths, that they were real. Some even believed they walked amongst the mortals of the world.
Many people might brush it off, say it was the stuff of legends. That the Gods didn't exist. At least not the ones in the stories from ancient times, but that's a whole different conversation for another day.
Sure, people have claimed that the Gods of the days of old were real, and people have called them crazy. But those nay sayers are wrong.
The Gods are real.
And they do walk among the mortals. You know that without a shadow of a doubt.
Because you're one of them.
A millennia ago, you and the other Gods that once ruled over Earth from your perch on Mount Olympus were cast off by the Titans.
Angered by Zeus' taunting bravado, all of you were doomed to walk the Earth until each of you proved yourself worthy of your title.
One by one, the twelve of you earned your place back on the summit. Well—almost all of you.
It seemed that you were the only one of the bunch that hadn't been deemed worthy enough to have your seat on the high court given back to you, along with having your full powers restored.
You had tried for centuries to prove yourself worthy. Completing quest after quest and defeating enemy after enemy. Yet, none of them were good enough, hard enough, righteous enough.
Simply put, you were not enough.
So, you accepted your fate. That you would never have your seat back on Olympus. You gave up on trying to be worthy enough.
You spent centuries trotting the globe, doing what you pleased. However, even without your seat on Olympus, you were still forced expected to watch and govern over your realm.
Of course, you were still expected to do that. No one else wanted to. The Olympians all sat upon their mountain top and looked down upon you, literally and figuratively.
You spent three thousand years trying to prove that you are their equal. After yet another fail attempt to earn your rightful place, you decided you didn't need their approval. Who were they to tell you that you weren't good enough? They all thought you were a monster. Their minds were made up. So why try to change it? You vowed that you would no longer spend your life trying to prove your worth to the other Gods. You decided to do what you wanted, honor be damned.
After generations of trying to find yourself, you discovered that you loved flying, so, you chose a career where you could do just that.
You had traveled all over the world and eventually settled in America. You joined their Navy and became an aviator. A very good one at that. One of the best.
And the best part about it is that you could go by your real name, not one of the silly ones the humans insited on having.
After spending almost a decade in the Navy, you'd made quiet a name for yourself. And not in a good way. You had drifted from squadron to squadron. Each one more different than the last.
And yet, each one knew what it meant when you showed up. It meant a mission that would surely end in tragedy was coming. But, somehow, each time you cheated death, it was almost like you were untouchable—immortal even.
No one had ever seen a pilot like you. You were smart, clever, quick, deadly.
And the kicker of it all, you were a woman.
After a particularly sketchy mission overseas, where you somehow survived a total engine failure and heavy enemy fire, and crashing into the ocean due to a parachute failure, and then almost drowning, the Navy offered you the chance to have a more permanent duty station. To be part of the most elite squadron in the history of the program.
So, you packed your things and moved across the country to take on a role as the newest member of the Dagger Squadron on the North Island in San Diego.
Today was your first day. This would be your once chance to establish yourself, to assert your dominance. If you went in there friendly and smiling, they would think you're weak. You refused to let that happen.
So, you slicked back your bun, laced your boots, pinned your medals, and put on your game face. The metaphorical mask you wore to protect yourself and them. You weren't here to be best friends with the Daggers. You were here to train with them, fly a mission in a few months, and leave.
Making friends made the last item on the list harder. So, you would come in cold and calculated, team build enough to keep up appearances and earn their trust.
After giving yourself a once over in the mirror of your apartment, you grabbed your things and headed towards base.
The first days were always the hardest. Just like in school, everyone always wanted a piece of the new kid. You could tell that the other aviators in the room were used to being the best of the best. Today, you took that title from them. You out ranked all of them and had more confirmed kills than the whole lot combined. You had thirteen. You'd personally sent thirteen souls to the Underwold.
You would think that being surrounded by death your whole life would make killing easier. It doesn't.
You remember the ache in your heart after your first confirmed air to air kill. People congratulated you, slapped you on the back, and applauded your accomplishments. You got a medal for it.
Everyone around you made it seem like it was a good thing, but it troubled you deeply. You remember sitting on the floor of your tiny rental downing bottle after bottle of whiskey and tequila, trying to ease the pain, but the relief never came. Finally, you broke down and cried out to Dinoysus. He'd answered your call and provided you with some lotus flower. You swallowed them quickly and let the numbness wash over you.
After coming down from the high, you swore you would never do it again. But you did. Each time making you feel worse than the last.
You prayed that your thirteen kill would be your last one.
You sucked in a breath and wiped your sweat palms against your uniform pants before quietly opening the heavy metal door and entering the hanger that was currently being used as a briefing room.
You stay quiet at the back of the room, taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself. The last thing you needed was to flame out and hurt someone. You're vaugly aware of your commanding officer introducing you to the group.
Though you didn't need much of an introduction, your reputation proceeded you.
You took a deep breath and walked to the front of the room. Just like clock work, the lifetime counters appeared for you over the heads of each of the new aviators that you were meeting for the first time. All of them still had decades left. You'd make sure it stayed that way.
One by one, you made eye contact with each of them. Everything was fine until your eyes met his.
You could see a spark in them that was oh so familiar. You felt a heat creepy over you. You had to squeeze your palms to keep them from bursting into literal flames.
Don't lose control
Don't let them see what you really are
You swallowed thickly before speaking.
"Good morning all. My name is Commander Y/N Kolasi. Call sign: Hades."
Twelve sets of eyes stared back at you. Each one of them wearing a different expression. Some were shocked, others surprised, and a few looked intimidated. One looked at you like you were his next meal, a challenge for him.
Keep it together
Each one came to introduce themselves. And shake your hand. Harvard. Yale. Halo. Fritz. Omaha. Payback. Fanboy. Coyote. Phoenix. Bob. Hangman. Each one telling you their call sign and welcoming you to the group.
Finally, after waiting his turn, he came up to introduce himself. He was tall and sun kissed. Golden brown curls and honey colored eyes with a thick mustache that he made work. He wore a smile on his face, but you could feel the lifetime of pain and the burden of the world that he carried with him.
"Good morning, Commander. My name is Lieutenant Commander Bradley Bradshaw. But you can call me Rooster." He told you before giving you a firm handshake.
You prayed that he wouldn't notice how hot your hands were from the flames that threatened to creep out of them.
You could feel the desire burning inside you. Something you hadn't let yourself feel for a very long time. You couldn't risk it. You couldn't allow yourself to lose control. Not again.
No, you can't do this again
You'll only hurt him
You could already tell that you would have to keep as much space between the two of you as possible. You wouldn't let yourself fall for him.
"'Rooster is going to be your wingman for the time being. He'll help you get acquainted with everyone while you're getting settled." Your commanding officer, Maverick, told you.
Great. So much for keeping your distance.
After a day of training and flying and fending off the flirty remarks from Hangman, you headed to the locker rooms to take a long hot shower. The water wasn't nearly as hot as you wanted it to be, so you gave it a little extra assistance.
After spending some time soothing your aching muscles, because yeah, even the Gods get tired, you finished getting ready. You slid on a black sports bra and black v-neck shirt. You slipped on a pair of jeans and sighed as you pulled them up to cover the inked words and images across your hips and thighs.
You left your hair loose and swiped some mascara and a dark red lip on before leaving. You thought you might ask your new coworkers about the best place to get a drink around here. You couldn't actually get drunk, but you needed to keep up appearances and earn their trust. You've found that mortals are more apt to let their guard down and show their true selves after a few social drinks.
You grabbed your things and slipped your sunglasses over your eyes as you exited the building to walk to your car.
You fished your keys out of your bag. And you were just about to unlock your SUV when you noticed some of the boys crowded around your car.
"Excuse me?" You said as you unlocked your blacked out Land Rover Defender.
"Hades? This is your car?" Hangman asked you with wide-eyed amazement.
"Yes. It is." You deadpanned.
"Damn. This is fine as hell, darlin. Custom paint job?" He asked as he leaned against the hood and traced his finger down the electric blue pin stripping that ran down it.
"Yes, along with custom black chrome wheels and a custom sound system and custom interior." You tell him.
"So if you could back the fuck off and not lean on it, that would be great." You say sarcastically.
Good, don't let them think you're weak
"Sorry, honey." He smirked before standing up.
You rolled your eyes before looking over at the car parked next to you. It was a vintage blue Bronco.
"Whose Bronco is that?" You asks, looking at the group of men whose eyes went back and forth between ogling you and your SUV.
"It's mine." You hear Rooster's voice cut through them.
Of course it was
"I like it. I'm a big fan of the classics." You tell him.
"Thanks." He smiled. "Is this the Bond edition?" Bradley asks as he gestures to your car. "Yeah." You shrugged.
Don't smile back
Don't lose control
"So, Hades, how many drinks would I have to buy you at the Hard Deck for you to let me take this beauty for a spin?" Hangman asks you.
"Seresin, there isn't enough alcohol in the world for me to ever agree to that." You shoot back. Coyote laughs and smacks him on the back.
"But, the Hard Deck, is that where you guys go to get a drink around here?" You ask them.
"Yeah, it is. Mav's girlfriend owns it. If you want to, you can follow me over there, and I can buy you a welcome to the team beer." Rooster pipes up.
"Sounds good. Lead the way, Bradshaw." You say as you open your car door and climb in. A grin breaks out across Bradley's face as he jogs over to his car.
Great, you've been too nice.
Stop it.
You press your push to start button and the engine under the hood purrs to life. You can see the shocked expression of Hangman, Coyote, Fanboy, and Payback through your tinted windows.
You select your favorite playlist and turn the volume up. The beats ring out as you rev the engine before following Bradley out of the parking lot.
As the bass drops, you tap your shiny black fingernails along your leather wrapped steering wheel as you listen to the song
"She's in her villain era"
You cut your eyes to your rearview mirror. "You aren't here to make friends, and you aren't here to fall in love." You tell yourself.
"You'd better send a prayer up"
You took a deep breath as you pulled into the parking lot next to Rooster. You could do this. You killed the engine, but before you could open your door, Rooster rushed over and grabbed the handle before offering his hand to help you out.
"You didn't have to do that." You tell him.
Don't let him charm you.
Do you want a repeat of last time?
"I know, but my mom would roll over in her grave if I didn't." He tells you with a smile before leading you in.
The moment he mentions his mother, you can see her. You can see his memories of her. You know her. You had met her when she came through the gates. The first thing she asked you was if you knew where her Goose was. It took a few minutes of her explaining for you to realize she was talking about her husband. You think fondly of their reunion. Moments like those made your godly job more tolerable. It must have been almost fifteen years ago. You realize how young Rooster must have been.
Now you know why he carries sadness in his eyes.
"Hoping that she'll maybe spare ya"
You vow to yourself to not cause him anymore.
Don't lose control
You spend a few hours in the Hard Deck with your new squadron. You try your best to ignore the countdown timers of all the new faces. You swipe them away until you notice one of a young man who is sitting at the bar alone. He looks depressed and is clearly intoxicated. You see that he's got thirty minutes left to live.
He's fumbling for his wallet to pay his tab, and he sets his keys on the bar. You know exactly what he is going to do. You also know you shouldn't interfere because Minthe will tell you that all your time on earth has made you soft. But you can't help it.
You discreetly make your way through the crowd and swipe his keys without being seen. You look back and see that his time has jumped up several decades. You breathe a heavy sign and pocket his keys to turn into the bartender at a later time.
God, you are getting soft.
You're just about to pay for your drinks and the rest of your coworkers when Phoenix grabs your arm and tells you to come over to the piano.
You gather around to find Rooster sitting and playing a few melodies.
Then, he breaks into a song, putting on a show for the whole bar. You figured that's probably how he got his call sign.
As he is singing, he throws his head back, and you see them. You don't know how you hadn't noticed them before. His scars.
Before you know it, his words aren't his anymore. They are hers from ages past echoing in your brain.
"Come Hades! I want all of Olympus to know you're mine, mine, mine! I want to shout it from the mountain tops and tell the world you belong to me and I belong to you!" She chants out as you're racing her up a hill before catching her around the waist and kissing her. "Persephone, calm down, you'll wake the dead." You half scold her. "Well, I want them to know too, Hades." She tells you before kissing you again.
Her voice is as clear as day in your head. You can still feel the tingle from her kiss on your lips.
You didn't realize you had zoned out until Phoenix shook you to see if you were okay. You snapped back to reality and wiped a stray tear from your eye as Rooster began to play another song.
Don't lose control
Don't drop the mask
"Yes. I'm fine." You lied to her so easily. "It's just getting late. I'm going to head home. Will you tell everyone their tabs are taken care of." You call over your shoulder as you push your way through the crowd and out the door.
You struggle to draw in a breath as you get in your car. You turn on the headlights and zoom out of the parking lot as you try to regulate your heart rate.
It was all too much. Too similar. Too overwhelming.
You could feel the control slipping.
Get it together
You peeled down the highway towards your apartment, needing to put as much space between you and him. He was so much like her it scared you. You remember how easy it was for her to break down your walls. You could already feel them slipping again after just a day around him.
This is not good
Build your walls higher
Make your armor stronger
You couldn't relive the worst moment of your life. You would not let yourself fall in love with Bradley Bradshaw. You couldn't let yourself go through that heartbreak again. You might not be strong enough to survive it a second time
Taglist: @thedroneranger @roosterscock @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @wkndwlff @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @hecate-steps-on-me @cassiemitchell @na-ta-sh-aa @milestellerlover @katieshook02 @mak-32 @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @ohgodnotagainn @diorrfairy @eli2447 @xoxabs88xox @djs8891 @roosters-girl @sebsxphia @rosiahills22 @dempy @callsign-magnolia @alchemxx @gretagerwigsmuse @sunlightmurdock @withahappyrefrain @lt-spork @multifandomlover4life @lewmagoo @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @kmc1989 @bcarolinablr @roosterisdaddy36 @itsdesiree86 @waywardhunter95 @hisredheadedgoddess28
326 notes · View notes
vacantgodling · 2 months
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WHO: REN (renjamin, rimz, vacant, lotus) writing as R.A.A
WHAT: he/him. black. queer. transmasc. 26. audhd rizz. libra (10/02)
WHERE: main/writeblr (here), rbs blog -> @babylonsfalling, discord -> @/vacantgodling (feel free to add me if we've talked) - i pretty much don't have any other social media at this point. but i am thinking of making a yt channel to yap about things.
LIKES: overwatch (derogatory. if i'm not on here i'm playing lol), digital art, history and mythology, names and etymology, anime (but i am particular about what i watch), kpop, vocaloid, jrock & visual kei, gothic lit, lotr, true crime and mysteries, wikidives about nonsense, bad movies, ... and probably more but i think that's enough of a list to get the gist
i have many wips and hundreds of characters. i talk about them all whenever inspo strikes. find more about them on my linked wip masterlist. however, the main wips i'm usually losing my mind about are:
PARAMOUR -> powerpoint intro || s: paramour
THE CHRONCILES OF LATHSBURY -> main crash course || origins of terrae || the first age pt. 1 || main plot ppt intro || s: tcol || tcol character tournament pt 2 || character intros
VAMPIRES DON'T TAKE ROADTRIPS -> powerpoint intro || s: vdtrt
BETWIXT THUMB & FOREFINGER -> powerpoint intro || s: btaf
i am open for ask games of any sort or just general inquiries about my wips, and just talking in general.
to see a list of all my wips: CLICK ME!
talking -> musings and personal thoughts
about renjamin -> insight to me / who i am
ren analysis -> when i get meta about my wips
ren mix -> a treasure trove of my music taste
ren polls -> any polls i make
ren reads -> for my ramblings and analysis as i try to get back into books
friends tag -> talking with friends or boosting my friends work
others work -> boosting other writeblrs work
hall of fame -> praise / things that make me happy that i want to keep
ren writing -> all of my writing in one place
ren poems -> all of my poems in one place
short stories tag -> micro or flash fiction bits and bobs
ren art -> all my art
q eh you eh -> queue
sex mention -> tag for any sexual content.
worldbuilding -> all of my worldbuilding notes across all my wips
ren hot cakes -> specifically for my overly opinionated opinions
to read -> others works that i need to get around to reading
rens ocs but sims -> for when i make my ocs in the sims lol
ren plays -> me talking about video games but it’s usually overwatch
ren is jopping on main -> for the rare occasions where i talk about kpop
character stats -> when i decide to compare and contrast my ocs to see trends
ren rabbit hole -> i like history and mythology and the ancient world and i Will ramble about it
30 notes · View notes
entishramblings · 1 year
Fuck the Forbidden Pt. 1
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PART 2 | PART 3 — coming soon!
Fuck the Forbidden: FTF LINK MASTERLIST
A.N: so, I went to see the little mermaid live action and I couldn’t resist making a one-shot inspired by it. however,,, there are some twists and turns to the tail (heh see what I did there) so it is a bit different ;)
Request: none
Pairing: Boromir X Fem!MermaidReader
Summary: The Reader is a Mermaid and witnessed a shipwreck. She becomes interested in human life—particularly one human: Boromir.
Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the mermaids of middle earth is not canon. also I tried my best with arda water/river geography plz don’t come at me—it’s not one of my finer subjects :/
Word Count: 9.5k — listen, I have a problem
Warnings: depression, drowning, ptsd, alcoholism, angst, comfort, fluff, stalking (idk how to make that last one sound less creepy. you’re just gonna have to read it).
The gulf of the great sea was known to bring down ships in the Bay of Belfalas during an unlucky storm. The rocky path towards the shore had claimed the lives of many during such circumstances. Though the weather was usually fair, now was not one of those times. The ship, The Deseirre, rocked and tilted under the storm's ruling, making it nearly impossible for the crew to evade the onslaught of unwelcomed waves crashing aboard. The harsh waters hit hard upon the men manning the vessel, nearly drowning them in the angry salt water of the sea as they desperately tried to keep the boat from going down. The captain of the ship was manning the wheel, turning and spinning it with frantic urgency. The quartermaster was calling out orders, directing the crew's efforts to secure the hatches and hold the ship steady. The sailors were running lines and yanking on ropes, hoping to pull the sails in a direction that would keep them afloat. However, as the night sky wept and bellowed in rage, it further obscured the treacherous rocks lurking in the cove. Still, Boromir prayed that their vessel wouldn’t be one to join the graveyard below.
“ONE. OF. YOU. FUCKING MORONS—“ A wave crashed down upon the quartermaster, stealing his sentence for a moment. The water slid across the deck, revealing his form. His waterlogged body fumbled to rise. “—GO REEF THE SAILS! NOW!”
The Captain of the Minas Tirith Guard caught the desperate man’s gaze and nodded—telling him that he would be the one to do the task. Boromir then took to stumbling across the rocking ship, dodging flying parcels and rolling barrels, as he attempted to get to the ship’s mast.
A sudden cry interrupted his actions, causing Boromir to turn his attention. It was Elidon, the youngest member of their group at the age of fourteen. He had been hit by one of the barrels—and three more were coming his way.
Instantly, the Gondorian Captain moved to his aid. He jumped in-front of the boy and took the blow of the next barrel before yanking them both out of the way of the other two.
“Sir Boromir, th—thank you.” Elidon stammered out.
He patted the younger’s shoulder in recognition of his thanks. “Help Heimir and the rest of the crew! Go!”
“But—but where are you going?! That side of the ship is getting hit with the most water?!”
“The sails must be reefed! Go to Heimir!” he yelled as he ran off towards the rigging.
A diplomatic mission, his father had called it.
Boromir, now at the mast, grasped onto the ropes and heaved himself up onto the first prong of the rigging.
Just a quick check-in across the seas to confirm their trade routes and hold relations, he had said.
The Captain of the Guard twisted his fingers as the wet material slipped from them, nearly losing his grasp.
It would be an easy sail, Denethor had claimed.
Boromir struggled to keep his footing as a large wave crashed upon him, disorienting him.
Not too far of a venture, he had insisted.
Of course, without any objection, Boromir had agreed to go to be the face of such discussions. After all, Gondor needed a representative, and who could be more suitable than the steward’s son himself?! Boromir had been actively assisting his father in various administrative tasks to ensure the smooth operation of Minas Tirith—hell, he was captain of the guard! Therefore, a simple sail was nothing; but, much to his dismay, this was no simple sail. They had come across rough waves and rocky terrain through their journey. They had hoped that the way back wouldn’t be as difficult. But, boy, were they wrong. It was worse.
So here the Soldier of Gondor was, climbing the rigging to reach the sails and secure the reef points. Hopefully, with luck, it would reduce the risk of the ship capsizing.
He was nearly there, only a couple feet away, when he first heard it: the shouting.
Though it was not just the yelling of orders and commands.
No, no, this was different.
This was the shouting of terror. A cry to let the rest of them know it was too late. There was nothing to be done at this point. It was just a warning—for them to brace themselves. They had but seconds.
One. Two. Three.
The ship crashed hard upon a rock, the sound of the splintering snap of wood getting lost in that of lightning.
Boromir's desperate grip grew stronger, his fingers digging into the coarse fibers of the rope as his legs flailed helplessly in the air. He could feel the burn of the material tearing and ripping open his skin, an agonizing reminder of the dire situation he found himself in. Yet despite this, he clung to that lifeline, his very existence hanging by a thread. He didn’t want to die. No, not like this.
The crew members' panicked voices echoed through the air, their urgent cries piercing the tense atmosphere and striking reality back into Boromir’s bones. Swiftly, they scrambled towards the lifeboats, driven by the need for survival. The soldier knew the ship was done. The irrevocable truth was evident—the ship was destined to sink and there was no saving it.
With a swift twist of his head, Boromir shook off the wet strands of hair that clung to his face, obscuring his vision. He knew he had to get to the others—quickly. His eyes darted from one possible route to another, assessing each for its level of safety.
Boromir, with his heart pounding, shifted his position. He would have to swing for it.
With a calculated movement, he extended his arm, stretching it out towards a rope that hung close by. His fingers grazed its surface, but it remained just out of his immediate reach.
He tried again. His palm collided with the rope, yet still, it slipped from his grasp.
Determined, Boromir reconfigured his stance once more, hoping that this adjustment would be the key to finally bridging the gap between his outstretched hand and his only lifeline.
However, just as he was to make contact, a powerful wave slammed into his back. This sent him flying through the air. Helpless and disoriented, he tumbled uncontrollably down the rigging, hurtling towards the ship's deck. With mere seconds to react, he desperately attempted to reposition his form mid-fall, aiming to land on the meatiest part of his body. However, before he could even try to execute any maneuver, a gust of wind propelled a swinging beam directly towards him. Its side rammed right into his abdomen, forcefully taking him along its path. A pained groan escaped his lips as his head collided with yet another beam. The darkness then consumed him.
From their lifeboats, the crew gazed in disbelief at the sight of the Steward's Son, a figure who had always treated them with kindness and compassion, being tossed about in the air like a little gnat. The rage of the sea batted him away dismissively, as if he was nothing more than a little pest. With mouths agape in astonishment, the sailors watched Boromir’s lifeless form plummeting into the water—water that seemed to almost reach up towards him, as if the ocean itself yearned to soften the pain of his fall. The roar and rumble of the waves then consumed him and his limp form vanished beneath the inky depths. He was swallowed whole by the relentless force of the sea.
“Make for the shore!” The captain of the now non-existent ship hollered.
“But Captain!” Elidon cried out frantically. “What of Sir Boromir?! We cannot leave him!”
Grasping the torn and drenched fabric of his younger companion's tunic, the captain hollered his reply. “No man could have survived a blow to the back of the head like that. Forget Sir Boromir!” His gaze then shifted urgently towards Heimir, a comrade who shared in the grief of the recently departed. "Row for the shore! NOW! We cannot delay a moment longer!"
“But Captain!” Elidon shouted.
“Shut it boy! Or I will throw you over too!” he snapped back.
Reluctantly, Heimir and another sailor, Stinar, started to row. The little lifeboat began to surge with the way of the winds as the men upon it desperately attempted to bring it home steady—the friend that some had held so dearly, abandoned to the black sea.
The men, however, did not know one thing—the most important thing.
They didn’t know of the legends that had almost since faded from their line. The legends that only the eldest of sailors dared to even whisper of—even after a couple pints. The legends of the beautiful and sinful beasts of the sea. The ones that lured men to their deaths and used their skeletons for fashioning jewelry.
Amidst the disassembling of The Deseirre—its fragments mercilessly thrown upon the tumultuous waves to be claimed by the gods of deep—a pair of vigilant eyes floated atop the water's surface.
Their curious gaze captured the ethereal moonlight, reflecting its shimmering glow as the sea raged on. Observing intently, they absorbed the tragic spectacle of the ship bending and breaking. They witnessed the anguished cries of its crew and the frenzied efforts of those fighting for survival. In solemn stillness, they silently beheld the suffering. Yet, a tender warmth seeped into those unwavering eyes when they witnessed one soul selflessly shielding another of many years younger. This man took the brunt of debris, despite the pain. And, well, those inquiring eyes decided to follow that man.
They watched as he scrambled across the ship, desperately climbing to reach or do….something. They didn't know exactly what his goal was, but from his frantic behavior, they could only guess it was intended to prevent the ship from going down. His efforts, however, appeared to be in vain, for the ship was splitting into ruins and the men were abandoning it—all but him. He tried. Oh, yes, he tried very hard, but it seemed the odds were not in his favor.
Down he fell—spiraling unconscious towards the abyss.
And those eyes, the ones that surveyed the shipwreck, were connected to a lifeform that could feel such pain—pain of the heart. They belonged to one called (Y/N).
(Y/N) knew she shouldn’t.
They were not allowed to—none of them were.
It was forbidden among their clan.
Though the begging of the young boy yanked upon the crevices of her chest.
It was forbidden.
All men couldn't be like those ones—the ones her father fought in ‘TheWar of the Riptides’ all those centuries ago.
It was forbidden.
This man—this man couldn't be like them. No. No, he wasn't like them. He was a good man.
It was forbidden.
He had saved the boy and taken the pain with no complaint. After all that had happened in the past couple centuries, she had to believe that there was some kindness—some decency—left in the human race. And in that act, she saw it. She knew she saw it. So, here, listening to the young boy plead for the rescue of the man, Boromir, she could not let it disappear.
It was forbidden.
She couldn't let that kindness rot at the bottom of the deep.
It was forbidden.
She could not let it cease to exist.
Fuck the forbidden.
(Y/N) extended her palm outward, commanding the water to cradle the man's body, cushioning his descent and lessening the impact. The waves obediently rose, embracing his lifeless form for a fleeting moment before consuming him. Swiftly, she dipped beneath the surface, her tail propelling her gracefully through the depths. It took only mere seconds for her to locate the drifting figure, and without hesitation, she folded her arms around his limp frame. Drawing upon the innate strength bestowed upon her people, her fins pushed them both upwards. Their heads emerged from the water's surface and the moonlight bathed them in unison with the rain.
Ensuring the man’s head remained above the water's surface, the mermaid skillfully navigated her way towards the shoreline. She glided past the treacherous rocky terrain that had proven to be the ship’s demise. She evaded the broken debris that came from the hopeless fight. And she eluded the relentless onslaught of waves that came to snatch the prize she had stolen.
(Y/N) reached the shore at the break of dawn, just as the sun began its ascent to its position among the sky. The storm had halted during the first rays of light and now it kissed her skin and scales with praise. As she brushed upon the land, she gently laid Boromir’s head down upon the sand. Slow and soft she went about it. She was so careful with him. So diligent. She wanted him to survive. She needed him to survive.
With caution, (Y/N) leaned in and placed her ear against Boromir’s chest, her brow creasing and her lips tensing.
Please, please, please.
And there it was: the sound of blood thundering through veins, mimicking the tantrum of the storm in a mocking delight.
(Y/N) smiled softly. Oh yes, fuck the forbidden.
She lifted her head from the man’s form and bit her lip as a strange guilt flooded through her heart. Despite her relief, apprehension crept into her mind as she dreaded the potential consequences from the gods—and her father. She understood deep down that she should not have intervened. Just coming to the surface was bad enough. But this? Saving a man? Surely that was an extreme that shouldn’t have been trifled with. The mere glimpse of her tail, by even a single human, would forever rekindle the forgotten war between the races. It would seal the fate of the merfolk, burying them in their ocean.
It was forbidden.
(Y/N) turned to look behind her at the open ocean.
The little lifeboats were still a mile or two out. She had time—just a little time.
Despite the shame of her people that hung around her neck, she focused her care upon the unconscious man. Resting her elbow in the warm sand beside him, (Y/N) fixed her gaze upon his serene expression. Unable to resist, her index finger traced a delicate path along his cheekbone, his lips, and his chin. He didn’t seem like the humans from the tales. They all had been war-torn and death-driven. He was the opposite. He valued life—if it hadn't been for him that young boy would have found a new home in the watery graveyard. (Y/N) brushed his dark sandy hair from his face as she continued to caress his skin. Softly, she began to hum a healing harmony, seeking to provide solace to the motionless man. However, her efforts were brought to an abrupt halt when shouts sounded from the cliff above.
The land-dwellers had caught sight of the lifeboats, and it was only a matter of time before they set their eyes upon her. The fleeting sense of time she had once perceived vanished in an instant, replaced by an overwhelming sense of urgency. Yet, a spluttering cough at her side diverted her focus, triggering another surge of anxiety within her core.
It was forbidden.
“Who are you?” Boromir croaked, his squinting and blinking eyes conveying that he could not yet focus on her. His trembling hand then reached out to cup her cheek, taking its time to search for her skin in the air. As he did so, his palm accidently brushed upon her necklace of shell, seaglass, and bone. Still, he fumbled for tangible confirmation of her presence, and he did so until his hand found her face. “Who are you?” he whispered once more.
She placed her hand upon his beating heart. “Survive and live,” she commanded.
Then she was gone.
Boromir sat up in his bed, the comforters pooling around his waist. His brother paced with restless energy before him, meandering across the floor in an agitated rhythm.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
“You never should have gone on that sail.” Faramir murmured. “Father never should have asked it of you—not with the waters getting more and more unpredictable by the day.”
Boromir sighed, tired of every version of this conversation that always seemed to come up no matter the circumstance. “Faramir, it is not his fault…”
The younger stopped his anxious steps and turned to look at Boromir. “Not his fault? You never should have been on that ship!”
“Yes, I should have. Keeping relations with neighboring territories is important. I had to be there.”
Faramir shook his head. “No, father should have gone himself if it was that important.”
“Faramir…” Boromir chided, emotionally exhausted and weary to the bone. “Please, let it rest. I cannot bear the arguing. Not now.”
The younger man let out a sigh, offering a nod of compliance. He settled himself on the edge of the bed, his kind blue eyes—that mirrored his brother’s—resting gently upon the fatigued figure. “I am sorry. I fear losing you to an ill fate, especially one so unnecessary.”
The Captain of the Guard offered a gentle smile. "Fear not, little brother. I managed to escape such a dire fate. The gods did not intend it for me, at least not now. I was saved."
Faramir arched an eyebrow, taken aback by his brother's particular wording. "Saved?"
Boromir inclined his head, his expression displaying a hint of reluctance. After a brief pause, he spoke once more. “Yes. Someone, well, someone rescued me.”
“What? Who? How do you know?”
A chuckle escaped Boromir, tinged with a touch of dark bitterness that resonated in his voice. "I was in a state of unconsciousness. I was drowning. There was no way I could have reached the shore, or even surfaced, on my own. Not in the state I was in."
“You don't think the tides brought you in?”
He shook his head. “Nay. The waters were too rough. They pushed me under and to the depths.”
Faramir huffed, trying to make sense of his brother's words. “Well,” he began, standing and patting his brother’s leg. “We must thank whichever crew member yanked you up and—”
“Faramir,” The Captain interrupted. “It was a woman.”
“—drug you to–to—a woman?” he questioned.
Boromir inhaled slowly. “Yes. It wasn't a crew member. It was a woman.”
“How do you know? Did you see her?”
“Just–just glimpses of colors and shapes.”
“Boromir–” he started.
With a bit of aggression, the Captain’s voice snapped. “I heard her!” He paused, regretting his tone and collecting his emotions before speaking firmly. “I heard her. She—she sang to me. She spoke to me.”
Faramir crossed his arms, his doubt evident. “She spoke to you? What did she say then?”
He looked up at his brother, focusing his gaze intently. “Survive and live. She said to survive and live.”
“You narrowly escaped death, Boromir. That was just your mind playing tricks on you as minds do to many who have a brush with such darkness. You, a soldier, know this.” He huffed. “Get some rest.”
With that, Faramir parted from Boromir’s bedchambers—leaving the stubborn man behind.
Boromir let out a weary sigh. Frustration, confusion, and restlessness weighing heavily on his heart. He had been confined to his bed for a day and a half, and the need to move, to be free, to live—it grew stronger within him.
Therefore, the Captain drew back the blankets and rose from the soft mattress that had carefully held his form while he healed. His feet felt strange upon the cold stone floor. It felt quiet and empty. It felt lonely and still. Boromir exhaled slowly. These feelings—they haunted him ever since the shipwreck. It was as if a fragment of his soul had been chipped away and consumed by the sea. It felt as if something dear to him was missing. He worried that whatever that piece was it lay at the bottom of the dark abyss.
He turned to look at the sunset beyond the glass of the window, shedding its soft gaze upon the waters that had threatened to claim his life. Driven to it, he moved near it, allowing that melody to echo in his mind once more.
That woman was out there….somewhere….and Boromir felt a pull to find her.
The Captain of the Guard shook his head at these thoughts.
Maybe Faramir was right?
Maybe there was no woman?
Maybe the tides had somehow rolled his body to land?
Maybe his mind was just plagued by the ghost of death that had reached for his soul?
Deciding that dwelling on such matters after two days of being bedridden was not going to help, he opted for a night out in his city. It would do him good—to see his people, his friends, his home. Therefore, Boromir was quick to dress and exit the castle of Minas Tirith, making haste towards his favorite tavern.
As soon as his footsteps passed the familiar threshold, his friends—sailors and soldiers—cheered his name and beckoned him further inside. With a radiant smile adorning his weary face, the Gondor Captain complied. His feet moved his form towards their table, glad for the welcome. The aroma of freshly baked bread and frothing ales mingled with the lively chatter of his companions, creating a relaxing ambiance of recognition. Food and drink were quickly passed to his empty hands, and he gratefully accepted. The nourishment, both physical and spiritual, infused him with renewed strength. The burdens of the past were momentarily lifted, replaced by a shared sense of joy and belonging.
However, as the ale flowed and lips ran loose, conversation soon turned towards the shipwreck—the biggest talk of the city.
“Man, I thought ya were a goner!” Heimir stated. “I watched as that beam ran right into ya and down ya went! By Eru, I swear the water came up to grab ya! There was no way ya could’ve survived that, I said. No way.”
Boromir shrugged, lifting his ale to his lips, unease regarding the direction of the conversation settling. “The gods must have been looking out for me,” he tried to dismiss.
The other dark-haired sailor, Stinar, shook his head. “And I’d be glad of it. Elidon was nearly in tears when the ship Cap’n said we had to leave ya behind!”
Boromir smiled softly. “He has a pure heart. Though I don't think there was a way that any of you could have saved me if you stayed. The Captain was right. I agree with his decision.”
Rollo, a soldier in Boromir’s guard, interjected. “See! This is why I stick to the sword! You'll never catch me on a ship. Hell, no.”
Laughter bubbled up at that comment, lightening the mood momentarily.
However, an older sailor, Iwar, leaned forward. “How’d ye do it then, lad?”
“Do what?” Boromir inquired.
“Ye know what I mean—” the old man grabbed him by the shoulder. “—survive, live, breathe for fucks sake!”
Boromir’s gaze cast down upon the table, just for a moment. There were those words again: survive, live. Feeling the ale run heavy in his blood and the despair that seemed to be chasing him surface, he looked up. Choosing to speak of his uncertainty, in hopes of comfort, he opened his lips. “Faramir says it must’ve been the tides.”
Heimir frowned at his friend’s doubtful tone, taking a swig. “Ya think it wasn't?”
Boromir shifted uncomfortably. “Unsure. I—I was unconscious. I don't remember anything until I was on the shore.”
“The sand told ya nothin then?” Stinar laughed out, clearly making jest.
Though, in the midst of Boromir's contemplative silence, a subtle shift in the atmosphere enveloped the group. Their collective intuition picked up on this unease, hinting at the darkness that followed their friend.
It was Iwar that spoke in a hushed whisper first. “Ye saw one of em,’ didn’t ya?”
All eyes drifted, unsure, to the old man.
“What do you mean?” Boromir questioned, his tone wavering.
A distant expression clouded the man's eyes, as if he had lost a part of his very soul to the depths of the ocean. “They wear the bones of our fallen kin. All strung up upon their necks like jewelry. We are spoils for them—spoils for them to take and do as they please.”
Stinar’s smile slowly dripped from his face. “Uh, what, uh, who?”
Iwar looked at Boromir, his green eyes bright and vibrant with the remembrance of fear. “The women of the sea,” he hissed.
At this, Heimir snorted and took a drink from his cup. “Women of the sea? Now look who’s had too many pints!”
Though, the tension only intensified, spreading outward like ripples on water, as Boromir averted his gaze.
“Boromir, tell em’ that he’s crazy! There be none of these sea women!” Heimir persisted, anxiety now stirring through his bones.
However, the silence lingered. It was strong and still—oppressive even. It magnified the odors of the stale ale, tavern piss, and sticky sweat that clung to the unwashed bodies that frequented such a joint.
“S-she sang to me,” Boromir whispered, for the second time that day.
Heimir and Stinar froze, their pints stiff and unmoving before their lips.
Iwar's weathered hand clamped tightly around the Captain of the Minas Tirith Guard's arm, his grip desperate and tinged with panic. “Did ye see it? The jewelry of bone? The slimy tail as hard as stone? They will sing to lure ye into their trap. Then they will devour ye in their nests of coral! Ye saw one of em,’ didn’t yer?”
Boromir's brows knitted together in disbelief. It seemed utterly preposterous, a mere fabrication spun from the ramblings of an old, intoxicated mind. There couldn't possibly be sea-dwelling women hunting them down. It was a nonsensical tale. With a dismissive gesture, he reached for his cup of ale, freeing his arm from the old man's grasp. "I have no idea what you're talking about. There was only a woman—a human woman."
Heimir grinned, laughing loudly and obnoxiously, as he slapped the Captain of the Guard's shoulder. “AYE! No sea tits to lure ya away from us! LET’S DRINK!”
(Y/N) form twisted and turned as she moved with the current. She easily slipped above the corals and the reefs, through the sand dunes and the seagrass meadows, beyond the underwater canyons and the abyssal trenches. As she moved further, her iridescent scales—green, blue, purple, pink, orange—shimmered in the sunlight that had made it through the thick water, casting a mesmerizing display of colors. With each flick of her tail, she effortlessly propelled herself forward, closer to the realm of the merfolk.
As she came across one of the ship graveyards, she could not resist slipping through the ruins. Her keen eyes scanned her surroundings, curious and watchful, as she navigated the underwater cemetery. While she swam, her gaze drifted over all the little trinkets and forgotten treasures that the humans were forced to leave behind. Things she knew and things she did not. Books, maps, chests, and clothes—all scattered and heavy at the bottom of the sea. All forgotten. All forbidden.
As she came upon one of the men’s skeletons her brows pulled together and her hand reached for her necklace. The soft whispers of the sea echoed, as if it was trying to convince her to do what she desired. She knew she shouldn't. She knew she shouldn't make something for a human. It was a custom of the sea folk—not something to be shared with the land-dwellers. However, an insistent voice within the watery depths urged her on. (Y/N) cast a cautious glance in both directions, torn between her instincts and the weight of tradition. Succumbing to the persistent salty murmurings in her ear, she yielded to temptation. Seizing hold of one of the bones—the femur—she forcefully dislodged it from its resting place.
(Y/N) had initially intended to return directly to her father's castle, concealed beneath the shifting vallying dunes. However, something else tugged at her mind. If she were to proceed, she needed to acquire knowledge. With a sharp twist of her tail, she pushed herself back towards the ship that held the maps and artifacts. Her delicate hands sifted through each item, seeking the one she sought. Eventually, she stumbled upon a relatively intact parchment, its ink only slightly drifting. It contained a comprehensive depiction of the land, with all the locations meticulously scrawled. Every river and pond was carefully marked, and the paths upon the land were intricately detailed. It held the very information she needed.
With the map firmly grasped in one hand and the bone held carefully in the other, (Y/N) swam swiftly back home. It didn't take long for her to locate a secluded crevice where she could settle herself. There, she devoted hours upon hours to examine the parchment depicting the lands of the surface dwellers, tracing her finger along the various routes and pathways. When she exhausted such things, her attention turned to the femur that she had securely stowed in her bag. With quick movements, she continued to rummage through her satchel until her fingers found the familiar shape of a knife. (Y/N) then embarked on her task, delicately scraping the blade against the bone's surface, etching the carving she had planned.
It was only when her sister Anahita's voice reached her ears that (Y/N) finally lifted her gaze from her endeavors. “(Y/N)! There you are! Father has been oh so worried!”
Nerida echoed her sentiments. “Where have you been?!”
Amidst their inquiries, a mischievous gasp escaped from Una's lips, her tone playful, “By the shipwrecks, I see!”
‘The shipwrecks? What is your purpose there? You know the sharks like to linger,” Anahita persisted.
Slightly flustered by their sudden appearance and interrogation, (Y/N) swiftly concealed the bone, which was slowly taking the form of a whale, behind her tail. "What? No! Certainly not!" she responded, attempting to dismiss any notion of her activities near the shipwrecks.
Una swam towards her, giggling, before she snatched the femur from under her sister’s tale. “A bone from the human graves. Someone is in love!!!!!” she sang out.
“Shut up, Una! No, I am not!” (Y/N) retorted, her voice tinged with embarrassment and denial.
Plucking the half finished craving from Una, Nerdia joined in the teasing. “OoOo! A whale! Compassion. Care. Benevolence. Given to the protectors of the weak.”
Anahita grinned. “So who is it? Someone in the Sea’s Royal Guard?”
Una gasped. “Perhaps, Tamesis?! Oh, or Kai! Kai was always sweet on you!”
With an assertive glare, (Y/N) snatched the makeshift whale back into her possession. “It is not Tamesis or Kai!”
“Oh, so there is someone!”
An instant coral color flushed (Y/N)'s cheeks, her embarrassment evident. "Eat a pufferfish" she exclaimed, her angry words accompanied by the playful giggles of her sisters.
As the hours slipped away, (Y/N) put the finishing touches on her bone carving and made the necessary preparations for her secret expedition. She gathered the essential supplies: the map, her knife, a handful of oysters, and, of course, the delicately crafted whale.
As dusk settled and the sun's rays no longer reached the depths of the merfolk's domain, (Y/N) set out on her journey. Her sisters slumbered peacefully, unaware of her departure, while the guards remained oblivious to the existence of the hidden entrance she had been using for years. With determined swishes of her fins, she swam swiftly through the sea, her heart pulsating with anticipation. Eventually, she came upon the beach where she had left Boromir. Breaking the surface—a forbidden action that now lost the fear attached to it—she was not surprised to find the sand absent of his presence. He was likely up with the other people of the land, doing land-people things.
(Y/N) swiveled her head and contorted her graceful form until she located the mouth of the Anduin River. It would serve as her conduit to the grand city, her navigation, her concealment. It would lead her to the place where she would find him. She recalled how the men from the shipwreck had addressed him with the title of ‘sir.’ He had to be important. The important ones were always addressed as ‘sir’ and they always lived in the big cities.
The mermaid inhaled sharply, reconsidering her mission. This would be it. Once she did this, there was no taking it back. It was the moment of no return. She bit her lip. Consequences be damned. Fuck the forbidden.
So, (Y/N) gracefully glided through the currents. Her silky fins steered her through the Anduin, the gentle ebb and flow of the river guiding her way. As she swam, the distant echoes of voices reached her ears, growing louder with each passing moment. They were voices filled with excitement and joy, resonating with laughter, cheers, and animated conversations. Curiosity danced in her eyes as she neared the surface, her head emerging from the water like a whale coming up for air. With her gaze fixed on the scene before her, she observed intently, taking in the lively spectacle unfolding beyond the riverbank.
The first thing she noticed, after the sounds of life that had traveled through the water, were the smells. Thousands of different scents drifted through the air—ones that she could not identify other than the instinctual fragrances of smoke and flavor: food, she guessed. Spices and sweets filtered through her nostrils, captivating her attention. She wondered what they tasted like. The next thing that piqued her interest was the colors and action. It appeared that she had surfaced next to a social market, a sort of eatery, or a…something. Men sat upon benches drinking, eating, and speaking. There seemed to be more so inside the building, but some flowed out, stumbling and dizzy. The sloshing of the liquid in their cups appeared to be the culprit as they moved with sloppy ease. Inebriated. They were inebriated. The merfolk could get like that if they ate too much Sarpa Salpa—the dreamfish of the sea bream, they called it. Though how the men fumbled was a bit different to how the merfolk did. The humans had legs…not tails, after all.
(Y/N) with wide eyes and parted lips could not stop seeing it all—a simple little tavern, yet it was bursting with passion and life. By Ulmo! It was beautifully, terrifyingly, strangely exciting.
Though that excitement turned into a nervous thrill. A fluttering sensation rose from the depths of her stomach, coursed through her heart, and finally settled like a bubble in her throat. It was a strange wave of emotions, a mismatched concoction of hope and uncertainty, as a figure emerged from the establishment before her. In that moment, disbelief clouded her thoughts. No, it couldn't be. The eagerness she felt at the possibility of finding him oh so easily was restrained by a nagging doubt, a flicker of skepticism whispered in the corners of her mind. Could it truly be him? Could this chance meeting be the end of her quest? Though, that waving dark sandy hair that ran across his forehead and the stubble beard that matched did not lie. She had carried that man through the rapids and held his face in her palms. It indeed was him—Boromir.
(Y/N) was quick to duck behind a large rock, peering beside it with those cautious and curious eyes of her. She watched as he moved to look out up the river, seemingly contemplating his thoughts. His face was stern and still, almost emotionless. But his eyes—they betrayed him. They pooled with uncertainty and confusion, a lingering level of sadness hiding underneath a lack of understanding. He seemed….lonely.
(Y/N)’s fingers gripped at the rock as she leaned forward with fascination; however, she wasn't paying much mind to her hold, for it slipped and her hand fell into the water with a splash.
Guided by instinct, Boromir’s head snapped in her direction.
She was quick to duck behind the rock, her sleek skin and iridescent scales melding against the cool surface of the stone, ensuring her presence remained hidden.
“Is someone out there?” his voice called.
(Y/N) held her breath, but he made no move to search further. Instead, she heard his footsteps retreating.
She scoped out his motions quietly, following his form with her chasing eyes. She had just found him. She didn't want to lose sight of him—not when she didn't know where to find him again! Having only a second to make a decision, (Y/N) dunked under the water. Her eyesight angled upwards as she swam deep in the river alongside him. He paused, every one and a while, glancing at the stream, and everytime he did, the mermaid would push herself deeper and deeper into the depths.
It was a short endeavor. A fifteen minute swim—though it would have been faster if she wasn't going at such a slow pace to match Boromir’s strides—before he went where she could not follow: The Minas Tirith Castle. He parted from the way of the river and began the ascending path towards the brilliant white castle. (Y/N) had been correct in her assumption: he was indeed someone of importance. As he disappeared from sight, she surfaced above the waterline, her gaze fixed on the spot where he had vanished. She would see him again. She had to. (Y/N) turned her attention to her surroundings, taking in the scenery for her return. The water stretched ahead, extending towards the north, but another path curved around the castle. Driven by curiosity, she followed that bend, gracefully swimming amidst the swaying seagrass, startling small fish with her playful movements in the late hour. Before long, she reached an opening where the river flowed into a steady pond.
The mermaid's grin widened as she glided through the water, relishing the caress of the cool night air against her skin. Tilting her head back, she gazed up at the towering castle that loomed above her. Its grandeur and intricacy surpassed anything she had ever seen in her underwater kingdom. It boasted multiple tiers, labyrinthine pathways, countless rooms, and majestic balconies. It was a sight to behold, captivating her with its magnificence. However, her gaze abruptly froze, and an audible gasp escaped her lips.
Standing there, on one of the balconies, was Boromir.
By Ulmo—her luck was getting ridiculous now.
His bare torso shimmered with a gentle sheen under the soft moonlight, accentuating the sculpted contours of his obviously strong body. Leaning casually against the sturdy balcony railing, his arms extended, showcasing his muscled biceps. Though, a hint of vulnerability bleed through his physical appearance, manifesting as a pensive expression etched with longing and uncertainty.
If only he cast his gaze downward, he would have seen a face that reflected that same yearning.
(Y/N)’s tail swished as she ducked into the dining area of her father’s palace. As expected, she found she was not the sole presence in the room. Instead, she was greeted by the disapproving gazes of her six sisters. Their eyes bore a mixture of reproach and inquiry, silently questioning her tardiness. Though Una didn't hold that silence long.
“Where have you been?”
(Y/N) blew bubbles from her nose, trying to mask the lie with a coy reply. “Just a morning swim.”
“Ah” Nerida commented. “A morning swim.”
“Yes,” (Y/N) persisted, maintaining her charade. "The coral was absolutely enchanting in the morning light. You should experience it sometime—if only you possessed the skill to rise early.”
“Oy!” she snapped back, clearly irritated by her sister's teasing.
However, just as the sisters' playful banter was to escalate, their father gracefully entered the room. His presence commanded immediate attention. Warm greetings were exchanged, and the atmosphere shifted to one of familial harmony. It was during one of these conversations that the shipwreck, that had occurred only days prior, was brought up. Here, (Y/N)’s gaze snapped up.
"Why do you think they keep getting on ships if they keep getting caught in storms?" Rana questioned, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. "You would think they would learn from their mistakes, wouldn't they?"
Anahita nodded in agreement, her expression contemplative. "They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results."
Mareena chimed in, her tone tinged with a hint of bitterness. "They are quite disgusting, aren't they? Killing us for sport, and yet they willingly put themselves in harm's way for the same reasons."
However, (Y/N) decided to offer a different perspective, breaking the momentary silence that followed. "Well, actually," she began, her voice confident yet cautious. "They use ships to trade supplies with other land-dwellers."
All eyes shifted to (Y/N) with suspicion.
“Isn't that right, father?’ she quickly tacked on.
The tension in the room immediately dissipated as their father nodded in agreement. "Yes, that is true. They have established numerous trade routes, and ships are their means of transportation. It's a very different way of life compared to ours, and unfortunately, it has also led to numerous conflicts and wars between them. The desire for variety and resources has come at a great cost. They traded it for death.”
“How–how do you know all this father?” (Y/N) questioned timidly. “You say it as if you have spent time with them.”
The older merman let out a weary sigh, placing his shell filled with food down on the table. "I have," he admitted, his gaze filled with distant memories.
Instantly, the room fell into a stunned silence as all eyes fixated on their father, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.
“I have walked among them before and it was my greatest mistake.”
“You-you what?” Seria gapped.
“Among them?” Una blurted.
“But why would you want to do such a thing?!” Anahita inquired.
Their father's gaze turned solemn as he recounted his past. "Long before any of you were born, during the War of the Riptide, my father sent me to infiltrate the land-dwellers' realm. I lived among them, observing their ways, gathering their secrets. But it was a treacherous undertaking that nearly cost me my life.” He paused, tacking on an additional mumbling sentence: “Those eel fuckers."
A heavy silence enveloped the room, the weight of their father's revelation sinking in. Only the sound of their hearts pounding in their chests broke the stillness, each of them grappling with the newfound knowledge of their father's past—even more dangerous than they were led to believe.
“H–how did you walk among them, father? How did you get legs?” (Y/N) probed, though she knew she shouldn't have.
Their father's gaze turned dark and filled with years of pent-up anger and regret as he locked eyes with her. For a moment, she feared he wouldn't reveal the answer. However, he finally spoke, his voice carrying a hint of bitterness. "Some of us possess a rare gift. When our bodies are completely dry, void of any water upon our skin or tails, we have the ability to transform into a legged form."
Instantly, gasps and chatter sounded.
“My daughters–” he addressed, though they did not listen. “QUIET!!!”
Startled, the mermaid sisters fell silent, their wide-eyed gazes fixed on their father.
“It is a very rare gift—one that is almost never seen—and only passed by blood if the gods wish to curse you with it. It is the most dangerous gift to have. One drop of water on your skin when you have legs has your tail growing back in seconds. And then you are killed by those humans that bore witness.”
Shock dripped from the daughters of the king of the sea.
"But fear not," their father reassured them, his voice softening. "None of you possess this gift. I tested each of you when you were born."
Expressions of worry, relief, and confusion danced across their faces, but (Y/N) couldn't help but notice a peculiar look in their father's eyes—a gaze that lingered strangely upon her.
The following day brimmed with a mix of excitement and trepidation as (Y/N) patiently awaited Boromir's arrival at the entrance of Minas Tirith. Rising before the sun, she positioned herself by the riverside, her heart fluttering with anticipation.
To her surprise, Boromir emerged on a horse, his form clad steel. Silver plates of armor adorned his muscular frame, providing a formidable shield for his vital organs. His attire was decorated further with weapons forged from the finest metals, poised and ready to be unsheathed at the slightest hint of danger. She knew he was important.
Though, this newfound knowledge began to stir dread into her soul. Boromir was a soldier—not a sailor. He trained in the art of warfare and killing. If he had been born centuries earlier, he might have been among those who waged war against her kind. He could have one of the hunters who pursued her father. One of those…eel fuckers…as he had put it. Yet, (Y/N) reassured herself that Boromir was different. He valued life. He couldn't be like his ancestors.
(Y/N) followed him, along the river (as much as she could) as the hours stretched on. She watched as he navigated the city as if he knew every turn and every crevice. She observed as he conversed with the people, each one eager to speak to him. She perceived as he stood guard at the entrance of the city, until the sun had set and his shift was taken over by another. And she peered up at him as he ended his nights upon his balcony—only once hearing him speak to another, a brother she guessed, of a lingering feeling of being watched.
For three days, she partook in his routine.
For three days, she made it her own.
And, for three days, she learned all she could about him.
Yes, he was a soldier, but not just any soldier. He was the Captain of the Minas Tirith Guard. He was the son of the Steward, who was ruling in place of a king, for in these times of uncertainty, Boromir stepped forward to help his father protect and care for the city he held so dear. He bore the weight of leadership and responsibility, serving as a pillar of strength and guidance for his people. He was a good man—doing just as much work as the men he commanded.
It wasn't until the end of the third day, however, that Boromir deviated from his routine. Much to (Y/N)’s surprise, instead of going up the path towards the castle, he deviated to follow the river that went along the bend of the white palace wall.
(Y/N) swam deep below the surface beside him, slipping into the center of the pool as he went to the edge.
The Captain of the Guard sat down upon the sandy bank and began to untie his boots. The night was warmer than it had been, for winter had ended and spring was just beginning to break. So, she wasn't surprised, when he rolled up the bottoms of his trousers and stuck his feet in.
(Y/N)’s heart was pounding and her blood ran quickly, for she had never been so close to him since she held his unconscious, drowning form.
It was forbidden.
She watched for a while, as his face and body seemed to droop. The weight of his responsibilities and the burdens of his past seemed to bear down on him. The façade of strength and cheer that he wore for the world gradually faded away, revealing the vulnerability and weariness that lay beneath. Though it wasn't until a tear ran down his cheek that she truly began to worry. Was it the lingering aftermath of the shipwreck that haunted him? Did it have more of a permanent effect on him? It seemed as though the shadow of that dreadful event lingered deep within. She had urged him to embrace life—to survive. But this sadness…was it preventing him so?
Cautiously, she dug in her bag and pulled out the bone carving of the whale. Now was her chance. Maybe she could offer some comfort? Though, she knew she couldn't swim up and hand it to him, for he couldn't know that she was there—not yet, not now. She wouldn't risk her people being known to the land-folk. She wouldn’t endanger them. Her father would surely be furious at her if she did. Besides, if she were to rise now, she would give Boromir such a fright.
Therefore, taking a rock from the bottom of the pond, she positioned herself as close as she dared to Boromir. She ensured that she remained hidden beneath the water's surface, maintaining the delicate balance between proximity and secrecy. She then put her plan into action. She tossed the stone through the water, sending it up with a subtle splash, diverting Boromir's attention to the ripples created in its wake. As quick as a shark—if not quicker—(Y/N) flicked her tail hard. She rose close to the surface and lobbed the whale beside the man before plummeting down into the depths.
When Boromir’s head turned back, he noticed the little craving.
(Y/N) peered up as she watched his confused expression.
His brows pulled together and his lips parted. Cautiously, he picked it up. It fit in his palm quite nicely. Not too big, not too small. His fingers twisted around its delicate form with ease. He examined it, running the tip of his index finger along the length of the piece and his thumb brushing over the flippers. “Where did you come from?” he whispered with a smile.
Boromir stayed at the pond for nearly an hour, (Y/N) staying with him. His fingers aimlessly fiddling with the whale as he gazed up at the stars, taking time to breath—to live. And when he turned to leave, he took the whale with him.
As the next two weeks passed on, (Y/N) adopted Boromir’s routine as a part of her own. Though not every day she could do as such, for her father and sisters began to notice her absence. So, in order to avoid their suspicion, there were stretches of time where she did not get to swim up to the Anduin River. Instead, she spent her hours wandering around her father’s palace, helping with mer-duties and daydreaming of the Captain of Gondor.
However, the days where she gilded upon the waters in Minas Tirith were the most exciting. Now that the weather was warm, the city truly came to life. Markets opened daily where food, drink, cloth, and trinkets were sold. If (Y/N) was lucky, one of such tents would open right beside the river. When no one was looking, she would reach a hand from the water and grab a thing or two. She had gotten to try some very interesting foods; however, she figured they would taste much better if she didn't plunge them into the salty river the second she got her hands on them. Alas, that was the cost of avoiding detection—a price she was willing to pay. (Y/N) also was able to snatch various little objects, but most of the time she didn't know what they were. She found herself wishing that she had received the gift that her father had—the gift of transformation to a legged form. She wanted to be where the land-folk were—where Boromir was.
The captain had begun to stay out later, going to the tavern with his friends here and there. On those nights, he would disappear inside, for hours, and (Y/N) would wait in the river for him to return—in whatever state he would be in. Some nights he would have smiles plastered across his face as he giddily stumbled home. Other nights it would be a solemn expression, a tear escaping here and there, as he swayed like the gentle tide. But the worst nights? Those were the ones that ended in screams from the balcony above the little pool. Nightmares now plagued Boromir’s mind, waking him up and coating him in fear—and sweat. The only relief would be the cold night’s air and the barely audible sound of (Y/N) voice. (Y/N) always knew when those nights had arrived, for they were the ones when his brother, Faramir, had to come to the tavern and get him. It was those nights when Boromir’s body folded and slumped against his brother’s, for Faramir would drape the captain’s arm over his shoulder and drag him back to the Minas Tirith castle. It was those nights when the man, that appeared so strong, would speak in sentences just as broken as he was. It was those nights when he spoke of the shipwreck, of the darkness, of the piece of his soul that went missing in the Black Sea. And just once—he whispered to his brother of her. The woman who saved him from the depths. Those nights—those hurt the most. Yet, despite all this, he carried the whale carving with him everywhere he went—on a string upon his neck.
But, now that the weather was warmer, Boromir came to the pond almost every night that he wasn’t at the tavern…and the nights at the tavern lessened. Here, he would contemplate the sadness and separation he seemed to now have, but it appeared that he had a sort of comfort by the little lake. This comfort may or may not have been another gift from (Y/N). When the captain would stick his feet into the water, the mermaid would hum to heal his heart. The vibrations, subtle they were, would filter through the lake and soak into his skin. As he was not immersed, he could not hear the beautiful sounds, but he would at least feel some of the rejuvenating property it held. It was something he had felt before upon the shore and something he continued to feel when the nightmares drove him to the balcony.
Today had proven to be an unusually scorching and grueling day for Boromir. The relentless sun beat down upon him, intensifying the already restless atmosphere among the people. Amidst the sweltering heat, he found himself engaged in a relentless pursuit of a thief who had attempted to snatch a coin pouch from the frail hands of an elderly woman. Luckily for the Captain, a little puddle of water mysteriously slithered out in-front of the thief, causing him to slip and allowing Boromir to arrest him.
Given that that activity, and more, took its toll upon the man of duty, Boromir found himself in the shelter of the tavern with the comfort of his friends. However, that appeared to not be enough, for that night Boromir left the tavern and wandered to the pond—(Y/N) slithering in the depths of the Anduin by his side.
Under the water on the lake, (Y/N) floated in the soft currant, her eyes closed and her humming drifting through the ripples. She was content and was hoping to bring some of that serenity to the man that was to put his feet in the pool. This, of course, explained why she was so startled when his entire body dove into the water. With eyes as wide as the full moon, (Y/N) twisted her form to stare in fear and alarm at the man that stripped to nothing but his undergarments and sunk only six feet across from her. But true terror did not hit her until Boromir’s eyes opened.
When those bright blue eyes met hers with just as much horror, if not more, he instantly scrambled backwards—her doing the same.
Maybe if they both had stopped to see just how scared the other was, they would have realized that they were not in danger; but instinct had taken over as they desperately tried to get away from each other.
Luckily enough, it appeared that they had not been alone. A large hand shot down from the surface and gripped upon Boromir’s arm. In seconds, he was pulled up and out of the water—gasping and fumbling upon the bank.
“What the hell, Boromir?!” the voice of Faramir sounded.
The Captain scrambled upon the sand and muddied land, backing away from the water frantically. “T-there w-was–down there, the water, Eru, d-down there—s-something. Mermaid.”
“Boromir, are you drunk?!” he snapped. “By the Valar—you are! Again?!”
“F-Faramir, there was-was a woman down there,” the captain murmured, struggling to stand.
His brother sighed in dismay as he grasped onto Boromir’s arm once more and helped him steady. “You have been having too many conversations with Iwar…and too many drinks.” He pulled upon the captain again. “Let’s get you in bed before you decide to go for another drunken swim.”
With that, Faramir helped dress his brother—just enough to get past the guards without embarrassing the intoxicated captain—and guided him home, trying to ignore the blubbering of the anxious mess he led.
(Y/N) stayed still at the bottom of the pond, shock baring her fins from any movement.
Well, damn. Fuck the Forbidden. It really bit her in the tail.
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Everything Tag: @scxundress @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @brun-lieve @hey-its-nonny  @mirclealignr @elizabeth-anya-knight  @sydney-1209 @laneynoir @straysugzhpe @runningfeather @finallyforgotten @kaiawrites @commanderawkward @xxbluestrifexx @slytherinambitious @redbirdbluebird @desert-fern  @galadaelin @skairipakomtrikru @genderfluid-anime-goth @skairipakomtrikru @Tpwkcalli @hemera1227 @sotwk
Everything But Spice Tag: @goldfearless @insert-random-blog-name-here @cauliflowertree @heranintomyknife23times @mxmia @unethicallypleistocene
Boromir Tag: @scyllas-revenge @lord-westley
add yourself to my taglist
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if-chaos-was-a-boy · 7 days
(Spot the ocs mentioned~)
Gluten Tag [wait that’s wrong- SHH]
Anyways, do I sound enough like the message you get on a new Apple device? No? Aight, anyways…My name is Calix and I shall be your flight attendant for today around the one and only:
your cue to applaud or get second hand embarrassment
Now if you ARE reading this trainwreck, dumpster fire of a guide, you are most probably a Demigod! Or you also could be a mortal, monster, gay, god and deity but i’m not gonna list all of 'em.
Assuming you don’t know about Greek mythology, here’s a crash course!
1. Shit happened
2. Zeus happened
3.Humans happened
4. Zeus/ur godly parent happened pt 2
5. You happened!
Now, when you get to this point other than noticing that Humour is my coping mechanism, you also start realising there are people spearing each other outside!
I’m not gonna get into your schedule right now but prepare to get wounded….NOT TRYING TO SCARE YOU!
Anyways, settle in, get snug and try to read this whole ass thing.
So you’ve made it to Camp Half Blood after (maybe) fighting through several monsters and getting a shit load of trauma on the way, now what?
First thing is to get you claimed! This used to be way harder because some gods are DIC- Anyways our lord and savior Percy Jackson refused immortality and godhood to force the gods to be good parents!
So we can do this the easy way:
Your godly parent recognises you and you get claimed in 0.5 seconds
Or the hard way:
Your godly parent is sleeping on the job and we are gonna have to dunk you in several life threatening situations to jump start your powers!
Now this section is dedicated to my non-demigod fam like my sis Aeryne:
If y’all don’t have a cabin, feel free to go to the Hermes Cabin or the Hestia Cabin!
We aren’t discriminative here at CHB, if other demigods try to start shit please call extermination hotline:
A) Damien Harvennson
B) Jack Hearth
C) Lilly Darhk
They will beat the bullies’ asses.
So you get claimed and you get assigned to your cabin. Now its time for the unfun part for the introverts….
Basically, unless you’re the only child of your godly parent, you ARE gonna have half siblings.
(Shoutout to the best sister in the world, Fay)
Here’s some icebreaker questions, though your Camp Counsellor (most experienced or oldest sibling) probably has your back:
Where are you from?
How old are you?
Anyways that’s it for chapter 1, PEACE OUT
@iceweavercatlover / @debacleofdaemons
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Villain: End Without Rest, Outer God of Ceaseless Apocalypse
How many times can a thing break before it can break no more?
The mummified corpse of a titanic dragon defies all laws of scale and destiny to sink its teeth into a bleeding sun, a fleet of ships like clockwork locusts stripmine a world for spare parts, angels gone feral parade down the road while scourging their flesh singing songs of the coming endtimes in a thousand witless tongues. All these things and more are the being known as “End without Rest”, an engine of destruction that wanders the multiverse without aim, a nomadic Armageddon looking to impose itself on the mythologies of other worlds.
End without Rest is a god for those who are convinced that final days are upon them, whether that be doom preaching madmen, the scions of crumbling empire, or religious fanatics convinced they alone will be saved. It is the impulse to ignore your own safety and the safety of others, and to instead heap all the good things of life upon a pyre and watch them burn. End without Rest senses these pyres like signal beacons, and descends on the arsonist’s innocent world to make good on all their fears.
Adventure Hooks: 
Exploring the ruins of a now forgotten city leads the party into conflict with a series of strange, rust-covered automotons that seem to have been haunting the site since its fall. Pushing deeper, they find the machines defending the wreck of a long grounded astral ship, with the surrounding evidence pointing to the city’s inhabitants having died defending against an army of these constructs a thousand years ago.
A few generations ago, a charismatic priest found a book of prophecies, and took his followers out to the badlands where they could be safe from the cleansing fire that was about to destroy their homeland. The apocalypse is now overdue, and the priest’s followers have gone a bit squirly in the meantime, living off the land in pious austerity and attacking travellers and native inhabitants of the badlands for supplies. The most recent head of their congregation has decided to take a more active approach to prophecy, and has begun a series of grisly raids with the intent of triggering the endtimes by orchestrating his own omens.
The stars bleed, the horizon seems to burn, and the party have to run for cover as a falling star makes its way directly towards their camp. Returning to the smoking crater they find a Planetar angel gasping for life, heavenly light bleeding from innumerable battle wounds. With their last breath, they recount their battle with a fallen angel intent on beginning the end of the world by blowing a sacred horn. This plannetar gave its life to avert this crisis, and with their last ounce of strength to knock the horn from their foe’s hands and sent it crashing to earth. Now the party must race to find where the second “falling star” landed before their fallen adversary completes their final mission.
Background: The origins of End without Rest stand as a testament for what happens when gods and mortals meddle with the ineffable nature of fate. It begins with a petty war god watching as a world reached the predestined end of its mythology, it sun devoured by a great beast to usher in the final age of darkness and dissolution that would spell that realm’s end. This wargod was not the type to see a whole world full of people and weep at the futility of all, or rush in to try and set fate onto a different course.... she was the type to see something that could destroy pantheons and start thinking about how it could be weaponized.
End without Rest is the result of all her efforts: The body of an apocalyptic dragon, mummified from its long time in the void, pulled from the dead realms and reawakened with a supernova burning in its belly. Around this monstrosity she set a legion of constructs to maintain, defend, and reign the beast, answerable only to her. She wielded her new weapon with glee and with pride, carving out an empire of worlds that bowed to hear in fear of the apocaylpse she could bring down on them... until she fucked up and brought it down on herself instead.
With its master consumed and her divine fire burning in its furnace of a heart, there was nothing to stop End without Rest from growing, of reaching the critical mass of its own godhood, of moving from world to world ending them based on instinct alone.  This process has repeated so long that the remnants of other apocalypses have got swept up in the apocalypse engine’s wake: routed legions of the endtimes pledging themselves to its service, orphaned harbingers following it in hopes of finding meaning after their task is complete.
Titles: The Apocalypse Engine, Suneater, the unready end
Signs: Confused visions of the enditmes, animals going feral, objects rusting breaking or unraveling before they should.
Symbols: The Jaws of a beast (often black, often skeletal) closing around a red sun. Iron locusts
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aylasology · 11 months
Silk Chiffon
New girl!soft!reader, probably even fairy!reader but we'll never know. Also, Max cameo!! Reader is referred to as angel :)
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Robin Buckley is down BAD. Shot through the heart. Completely enamored. Under Aphrodite's love spell. And it's all because of the new girl in town.
The new girl who always wore warm colors, the new girl with highlighters on her cheekbones, the new girl who rambled about movies and fairies as if she was one, the new girl Robin Buckley fell in love with.
In pink sandals, a white maxi skirt, and a pink graphic tee of Alice in Wonderland, she walked in Family Video a few months before. Gaining attention from the other girl so quickly as Max was seen swinging next to her. Max was talking about something, she's never seen the girl this talkative, but the angel who walked next to her listened attentively. Nodding and letting out small "mhm" 's as they walked through the store.
"Hi, how can I help you?" Robin managed to croak out the minute the two girls reached the counter. Max holding a copy of the princess bride. Taking in the angel's features, her cheeks blushed pink. She had to be an angel somehow, right? With her soft features and her soft smile, nothing seemed to rival the kind of beauty this angel possessed.
"Just ring this up for us please," she smiled, and Robin swore she heard angels hum through her ears as the angel's pretty voice sinked in. She felt her cheeks blush pink as the girl smiled. How is it possible that someone could be that cute?
She did as instructed, trying so hard not to acknowledge Steve's obvious teasing in the background. And that was how it worked every week. The pretty angel walking into family video to return and buy a new tape, Max swinging by her side. It was either some rom-com Robin would hear her babble about as she looked for it inside the store, or a horror movie Max wanted the angel to see.
And while Max searched the store for a new tape, the angel would stand by the counter, creating small talk with Robin. The angel would ask about movies, asking what genres she was into and Robin would answer in a heartbeat. The angel spoke in a way that was so comforting, a sense of peace coursing through Robin's veins that didn't cause her to stutter and panic.
She was a nerd, an introverted one but she was never ashamed of her interests. She was into mythology and fantasy, more specifically fairies and there was this sort of glint into her eyes and a sense of happiness when she talked about it.
And as if Max would be any help, everytime they'd meet without the angel, Max would only talk about her more.
"She lives in a trailer park next to me, and I swear she's so cool!" Max would babble, talking about the angel with so much excitement. "She talks about fairies and angels as if she was one!" she would add.
"You know she does seem cool," Steve would reply. "Why don't we invite her the next time you guys wanna hang out?" Steve added, nudging Robin as her ears perked up.
Her brain short-circuited, did she hear that right? They'd spend time with her? She'd be a part of their friend group? DID SHE HEAR THAT RIGHT????
And that was how they spent the next week after that, the whole gang hanging over El's house with movies and popcorn, all in pajamas for a sleepover.
"Gee, thanks for letting me crash your slumber party." She said with a smile as she stood by the front porch. She wore pajamas with little pink hearts all over it, a Tupperware with red velvet cookies inside. "I made these as a thank you," she chirped, her voice welcoming and comforting to Robin's ears.
She fit into the group quite well, smiling and nodding as they talked. She didn't talk much, and Robin felt that maybe all that talking was reserved for her. Who knows? Maybe she was just feeding her own delusions.
And as everyone dozed asleep on the couch, Robin was still awake, Steve's head resting on her shoulder. She looked up at the couch. The angel wide awake as she crouched by the corner. Knees bended as the other kids took up most of the space.
The angel looked at her, lips pursed to a smile as she noticed that she wasn't the only one awake. And before Robin could think, she said.
"You wanna get out of here for awhile?"
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