#creating hot men is my passion <3
saevus-brutalis · 1 year
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Teion 'PζYCH☰' Bastien-Boswell [2/??] | PSYCHOD☰LIC
saw you across the bar and now I'm gonna beat the shit outta you
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
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Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
Diahann Carroll (Paris Blues, Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess)— Face of an angel. She had the range. She brought chemistry with every romance she portrayed. She also had a great fashion sense, and was so pretty Mattel made a doll based off of her.
This is one of two semifinals in the Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Propaganda is not my own and is on a submission basis. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Hedy Lamarr:
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The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!
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Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)
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Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous.
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One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more.
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Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part.
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Diahann Carroll:
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Another groundbreaking black actress, although she might be better remembered for her television roles. She was also an activist and worked with charities to support women in need.
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here she is hanging out with shadow prince anthony perkins :3
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
10 ways I became anxiety free.
To overcome anxiety you need to put in the work, this is not some click-your-fingers-and-its-gone shit. You need to return home to yourself and learn to live in alignment with your truth and not what society expects from you. I went from years on years of crippling anxiety and panic attacks to living completely anxiety-free for many years now, here’s what I did....
1 ) I fucking paused. I created a space for myself daily to meditate / journal. I stopped listening to the outside world and started tuning into me. I noticed the voice in my head and all the ways it was kicking me down at every given opportunity. I noticed how I worked a job that was so far from everything I loved and valued in life, I started noticing the men I was choosing and how they would fuel my anxiety by giving me scraps of love which I accepted and tolerated for years. I noticed the ‘friends’ who’s energy I felt off around, I noticed my vices, drinking alcohol even dabbling in drugs and smoking for release. In pausing I really got to see how my life was so far from love, and this distance manifested as anxiety as a signal for me to come back home to myself. 
2) I stopped talking / obsessing over my anxiety. The more I read about it, spoke about it, the more it could live within me. I was feeding it each day the more I focused on it. I stopped giving anxiety my energy. I accepted it was there, and focused on feeling better. 
3) I got help. I found a therapist I trusted and could understand me (it can take some time) and this was a game changer. I did a course of cognitive behavioural therapy for 3 months (which I privately extended to 9 months) and learnt all the ways my childhood wounds had been playing out in my adult life. I would choose men that would validate my belief that I was not worthy, something I believed as a child from my dad. There was a long list of old beliefs that I was playing out in my everyday life triggering my anxiety at every opportunity. 
4) I moved my body, I did regular exercise, dancing, yoga, running, pilates, walking. In order to get that uncomfortable feeling out my stomach, it was crucial the energy in my body was being moved otherwise I was energetically stuck.
5) I learnt how to connect with my inner child, I found out what I needed, where I was neglecting myself, and this was huge for my anxiety relief. I read Susan Anderson for steps on how to do this.
6) I got new friends. I changed my circle, and with this my energy changed. I spent time with women who inspired me, educated me, lifted me up, and this took time. There were periods I had no friends but I knew it was more important to be alone than be around people who were not aligned with me, and my values. 
7) I stopped dating unavailable men, as my self love and worth grew I was no longer interested in men that rejected or treated me like an option. I choose men who treated me as I desired, with respect, care, interest, love and affection. Hot and cold men held no place in my life and this helped shift ALOT of my anxiety as my father wound was a huge part of the anxiety I was feeling on a daily basis. A man ignoring me for 3 days would trigger severe anxiety until I heard back.
9) I choose a career and jobs in alignment with my truth. I said no to jobs not paying me enough, jobs with toxic teams. At interviews I learnt about the culture and asked questions to see if I was a good fit for me. 
10) I poured into my passions and built my confidence, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and proved my limiting beliefs wrong. I travelled alone, I learnt to enjoy my own company, I read books, attended retreats, listened to music that made me feel good, I helped other people, I switched off my phone. 
All of the above was a huge process spanning over 10 years, it required time, energy, determination, heaps of self love and commitment, financial investment (self-funded), and an overwhelming desire to heal the parts of me that my anxiety was attached to. 
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buddhamethods · 9 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
AKA I'm just a person with two keen eyes and dubious morals when it comes to enjoying media so don't take it seriously, I'm here for a good time.
Thank you @sndrys for tagging me! This was an eye opening experience putting this together. As it turns out I might have a type (ew).
1) Guy from Bake Me Please (2023)
The sole reason for me creating this list! Look, I dropped Bake Me Please almost immediately because it just wasn't for me BUT I've been lowkey watching through my dash. And let me tell you, my fingers gain consciousness and hit reblog everytime this baby's face pops up because...well...LOOK AT HIM. He is beautiful and he should get the guy (hehe get it) in the end idc.
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2) Yok from Not Me (2021)
Yok is such a beloved character and for good reason! He is sexy, he is gay, he sets buildings on fire and steals cops' wallets on accident because HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT GUY HE WAS STALKING WAS A COP??? I love you Yok, never change.
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3) Palm from Never Let Me Go/ OurSkyy2 (2022-23)
The anger I felt for all the injustice and mistreatment our beautiful Palm had to face in this show took literal years off my life. It's rare for me to get this passionately protective over a character and yet here we are, in the Palm Protection Squad headquarters. Even Nueng is on the watchlist!
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4) Tonhon from Tonhon Chonlatee (2020)
Not to out myself as an enjoyer of silly goofy times , but I did have fun watching Fish Upon The Sky and Secret Crush On You, so OFCOURSE I thought I would like this one too but GOD was it rough. Did I still finish it? Yes. Did I fawn over PoddKhao pairing and have been quietly praying for some kind of reunion ever since? Also yes. Was I foaming at the mouth barking everytime Tonhon AKA Podd was on my screen? I'm not gonna comment without lawyer present.
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5) Tew from My Dear Gangster Oppa (2023)
Speaking of Tonhon Chonlatee...AH! Ai Long Nhai (TC's spiritual prequel of sorts) was sure...something. And by something I mean I saw Meen and decided I will never speak ill of men ever again, feminism quite literally left my body. And then a year later My Dear Gangster Oppa came out and guess what??! MEEN IS THE GANGSTER OPPA! Dreams really do come true, kids.
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6) Wen from Moonlight Chicken (2023)
(or Tian from ATOATS or Mueang Nan fron FUTS). Mix...I will eat you. Always so dewy and healthy and sparkly-eyed. But Wen from Moonlight Chicken is something out of the realm of my imagination. The sex appeal? The maturity?? The gentleness??!! Somebody sedate me before I say something I will not be able to justify in court.
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7) Vee from Love Mechanics (2022)
He is a pretty bisexual who makes the most abhorrent stupid decisions known to men and then weeps and suffers for them WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? Once again, is the show flawless or even remotely coherent? Absolutely not. That being said Vee brought me so much joy by being stupid I'm forever grateful.
(also YinWar are so back GO WATCH JACK AND JOKER TRAILER)
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8) Prapai from Love In The Air (2022)
To a certain extent I've enjoyed every MAME show I've watched. To do that you need to possess the rare ability called "I abandoned every shred of moral integrity to gawk at hot men". And Prapai? MAN is this bitch hot. Tall dark handsome? Check! Bisexual on a bike? Check! Stubborn and annoying? CHECK!
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9) Xiang Hao Ting from HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
*incoherent wailing and sobbing* IM NOT EXPLAINING SHIT ABOUT HIM LEAVE ME ALONE
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10) AlanJeff from Pit Babe (2023)
My newest obsession! I refuse to separate our local senior citizen and his favorite prophetic mechanic. Both of them are hot as shit in their own way. Alan is a sexy dilf with so much weight and responsibility on his shoulders it's a miracle he retained his optimism and youthful awkwardness. And Jeff is a prickly baby-cow-baby-deer eyed baby that is so touch starved it's actually a little funny. SO I GUESS ALANJEFF SANDWICH IT IS.
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(don't be shy tag yourselves besties <3)
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eros-thanatos89 · 14 days
Some more random headcanons, cuz why not?
Some of them appear in my fics, others are just rattling around in my brain lol.
Nacho learned how to modify cars from his dad's friend Raul, who he also developed a crush on as a teenager. Which is how he realized he has a Thing for older men. (His Daddy Issues are obvious. But also, he just thinks older guys are hot, ok? leave him alone). Lalo's love of cars is a passion they share and something they genuinely bond over. It now means that Lalo is also tangled up in associations with his first older man crush. Which could mean nothing...
Nacho speaks Spanish, but pretty much only at home with his Papa or with customers at A-Z. He doesn't really know any Mexico-specific slang. And he kind of talks like an old man in Spanish, because he's used to speaking with his Papa and acting as his English translator. Tuco and Lalo of course bully him for this.
Lalo's mother is a Caucasian American who was a model and actress. She didn't really approve of her husband's cartel career, but preferred to turn a blind eye. His parents were killed at his cousin Aurelia's (sister of Marco and Leonel) funeral [[shout out to @el-michoacano for creating Aurelia! Sorry I stole her for my headcanons haha]]
Random, but: Tuco's sister's name is Soledad, nickname Sole. She met Gonzo at a lowrider convention and she also enjoys souping up and racing cars. Abuelita Salamanca's name is Serafina, but she either goes by Sera or just accepts that Nacho and everyone else in the cartel is going to call her Dona Sera. She was a fearsome Dona (sorry no tilda!) in her time, but as an older woman, she became more religious and is in denial over her beloved grand children and son Hector's criminal activities. Nacho's mom was Gloria---a waitress in Galeana who danced folklorico competitvely, which is how she met Manuel at a competiton in Zacatecas. In the US, she managed the books for A-Z, because although she only attended school through 11th grade, she has a natural proclivity for math. ((We really needed more women in the cartel/Lacho side of the story, ok?!))
While they both grew up poor and often hungry, Max's response to hunger is to overindulge and eat as much as he can when it's available. He had a food hoarding problem, hiding food under his bed and around the house as a kid, but he outgrew it with some help from Gustavo during university; meanwhile, Gustavo's response to hunger was to conserve food and ration to make it last as long as possible
Gustavo doesn't really enjoy cooking, but he is technically skilled at it and he does it to impress or intimidate people (like when he had Walt over for dinner) or to honor the memory of Max or his family members in Chile. He really only enjoys making specific dishes like his mother's Paila Marina or Max's favorites like pollo arvejado stew.
Max was originally planning to go into pharmaceuticals after studying chemistry, but he and Gustavo figured that making a fortune with meth first would be faster and he could always go legitimate afterwards
Ok that's enough for now :3
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
There's A Difference
I think I've said this before- in fact, I'm almost certain I've said this within the last few months- but the reason I can't let Aang's actions be dismissed by his age is because his worst traits are never addressed in canon. The reason why I personally find him very incel-ish is because the grown men who created him and project onto him strike me as incel-ish (and yes, I'm aware that at least one of them is/has been married. Incel is more of a frame of mind than an actual state of being). Aang could have had a growth arc, but instead Bryke chose to either ignore his flaws or make them out to be virtues. I'm judging Aang as a character, not a child. Because Aang is not an actual child. An actual child might have been confronted on the things Aang did. Aang is a character whose creators want fans to think is perfect, even when they themselves introduce the idea he might not be (Aang's being a terrible father is not that surprising to me, but even then Bryke had to scramble to tell us he wasn't actually that bad 🙄)
I am a lot less harsh with Zuko because he actually faced the consequences of his poor decisions. He worked to make amends not only for himself, but for his family. I empathize with his losses and his personal tragedies because the narrative actually cared about how those things affected him in just about every episode, unlike Aang, whose devastating losses are only touched on when they're convenient to that episode's plot. Otherwise, he is the picture of unbothered to the point that I question if he even knew most of the time that he was in a war (the answer, it would turn out in the penultimate episode, was no, apparently not). There's not much I can criticize Zuko on that wasn't already touched on within the show. Why would I judge Book 3 Zuko based on Book 1 Zuko (who btw, I still think was a much better rounded character than Aang in any of the series)?
When it comes to Katara and the misogyny inherent in how she was treated in her canon ship? Well, I can only point to canon and aks to be proven wrong. Katara had very little to do with the development of Kataang during the series, and that little was usually prompted by someone or something outside of her own thoughts and feelings bringing the idea up. Meanwhile, we know from the beginning that Aang likes Katara (well, he likes how she looks anyway). His feelings matter to the narrative: Katara's not so much. Then the disastrous comics where Katara's character from the show is completely stripped from her and she ends up being the cheerleader girlfriend of the Avatar. I know some of that is walked back in the more recent comics, but we already know how it ends for Katara and her kids. Also, the post LoK scramble to give Katara more agency honestly just makes me think that my original assessment of her relationship with Aang was spot on.
Zutara, in my opinion, would have been a great relationship for them both. They would've been just about perfect together, because as hot tempered as they can both be, they also both get really good at communicating with each other, which is something that Katara never really has with Aang. That's why it doesn't surprise me to find out how dysfunctional their family is. Katara and Zuko know how to work together as a team. In a relatively short time, they got comfortable opening up to each other. They are both passionate to the point that they can be really hot-headed, but they are both also extremely empathetic and compassionate. They are a couple that would've helped each other grow, and would have been so much more interesting than anything that happened with their actual canon relationships.
I get that there are people who would rather believe that Aang could outgrow his selfishness. That's totally valid, and has made for some great stories. However, I don't think saying the way he was written in canon has shades of incel is wrong. Especially by Book 3. I could see that guy growing up to be a viciously obnoxious narcissist. I bet those of us who know an "Aang" IRL can picture that, too.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
Okay, ask game for you ☘️ Nozel x Vanessa, because I love them 💜 Nozel x Helena, because your OC ship is amazing ❤️ Nozel x Fuegoleon, because Nozel ship 😅 Yes, a bunch of Nozel ships 🥰🦅
Hi Vilandel!
Hah obviously I have some more specific thoughts for Nozel ships. I really hope I won't make anyone upset with these. They're just my opinions.
Nozel x Vanessa -> doesn’t make sense, compels me
Let’s start with saying this is my favourite canon x canon ship for Nozel. I’ve drawn them and read them, but let me explain why it doesn’t canonically make sense to me. 
Before I set up tumblr I didn’t even think to ship them together, because they never really interacted (correct me if I’m wrong). I only got to like them once I saw them here and read a bit about them. However it’s hard for me to picture the start of their interaction without some outside force to literally make them. Also long term relationship… but let me get to that later.
Firstly their types based on the assorted questions brigade:
Nozel: “Someone with dignified strength who can give their all for the prosperity of the House of Silva” 
I don’t think he’s saying this “just to be proper”. Nozel really cares about his house and I think that a quality of being able to take care of and represent it can make a person attractive in his eyes. 
I’m not saying that Vanessa couldn’t just that it would not really be her style. She got out of her cage and pushing her onto Royal customs would be cruel in my opinion. She could definitely not walk around in her underwear, or casually get drunk. She likes this part of herself and is happy being a Black Bull.
Vanessa: “Wild men with muscles <3” 
Yeah… That’s not Nozel (I admit I have drawn him with way more muscles than he has… It’s a hot art I’m not going to change it and yes a future Paper Hearts illustration, normally I draw him skinnier)
Why does it compel me? (Because it does a lot)
They are both one of my favourites BC characters.
Nozel is not a good boy (closeted perv let’s face it) and Vanessa is definitely up for some heated adventure. Both are very hot. She’s flirty, she’ll pull him out of his shell. They could support one another and emotionally I think they would work well. I enjoy them in fics and the stories are amazing. I love how she would flirt with him and he would get more and more bold as they grew closer. Also there is that spicy forbidden romance part.
There are actually quite a few similarities between Vanessa and Helena as they’re best friends and I enjoy how those qualities shine through her interactions with Nozel. 
I see Nozessa so much in a heated, passionate romance. It’s just long term that doesn’t sit right with me… I feel like they would need to sacrifice a part of themselves to be with the other and I wouldn’t want that. She needs to be free and Nozel is a Royal who takes pride in it, it’s not just his burden. 
Nozel x Helena -> makes sense, compels me (you said it yourself, how could own OC ship not)
Overall I talked a bit about them in my fic explanation post.
I created Helena to explore Nozel more. This is actually my first ever OC x canon ship that I've invested in, because I'm more of a canon x canon shipper. Just that I only knew of Dorothy x Nozel and Fuego x Nozel back then and they didn't really appeal to me as something to write for and have a fun story for.
Why do they make sense? 
Despite them being so different there are actually quite a few parallels between them. For example both had a situation in their youth, which somehow set them on a path. They’re both the eldest siblings. And there are few more.
Similar backgrounds for sure. Both of them are Royals and take pride in their houses. Helena will be a great lady of the house. She was prepared for this and knows how to perfectly manoeuvre in high society. She can be a great support and simply a partner to him in his duties. 
She’s his type from the assorted questions brigade. (yeah the pervy part as well xd)
Helena brings in the warmth and will provide a family atmosphere. Being the eldest of seven siblings taught her that. She “fits” in the Silva family with Noelle, Nebra and Solid. Over time she develops relationships with all of them, so it’s not just Nozel she makes sense with.
Why does it compel me?
Enemies to friends to lovers, Sunshine x grumpy, Blue x red relationship
They have so many imperfections and they mess up, but they get up and try to fix them. There's also quite a lot of plot ahead of us and I don't want to spoil anything, but what happens later is actually more determining in my opinion to how they are fit for and grow with one another.
There are also some parallels with how Nozel treated Noelle and how he treats Helena, so that’s interesting. 
Helena is a virgin, but very much not opposed to sexuality, so they have some spicy, heated moments.
I feel like they can really connect on a deeper level and I like how their story begins right with the beginning of BC. We see the whole development of Nozel and how they interact through it. For example how their relationship changed after Fuego fell in a coma. So it's not just Nozel after he went through a change and apologised to Noelle.
They compliment each other. Helena “makes Nozel have fun” and he can tone her down (this is needed at times).
The birdies… I love my next gen trio so much. I like how they have traits inherited after both Nozel and Helena. I love picturing them as parents.
I feel like there’s more, but I’ve talked about them enough here. 
Nozel x Fuegoleon -> makes sense, doesn’t greatly compel me
As you probably noticed I focus a lot on the “Royal aspects” in the makes sense part and Fuego fits this part. They are close, clearly trust each other and they have amazing dynamics. They’re childhood friends. I’ve seen some cute arts for them and I know they’re pretty popular.
However why it doesn’t greatly compel me? (Besides the fact that I ship both of them with some OCs)
I just think of them as good friends, more than lovers. And somehow I’m not the biggest fan of how Nozel is portrayed in this relationship. He somehow seems “weak” and “needs to be taken care off”. Maybe that’s just me, but it was the vibe I got from few works (not all of them, some were cute and amazing). Maybe I somehow don’t see him have “bottom” energy, but Fuego doesn’t have it either. 
However they would support and care for one another. I also love the hot and cold dynamics and childhood friends romance.
So I like some aspects of this ship and some don’t. 
I would still put it as my second canon x canon Nozel ship.
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elleventures · 2 years
Continuing on celebrating Women's History Month, this week I would like to share one of my favorite children books, Rosie Revere, Engineer.
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Rosie Revere, Engineer • {Andrea Beaty | 2013}
Rosie Revere, Engineer is a 32-page picture book written by Andrea Beaty, which was published in 2013 for young children between the ages of 3 - 6 years old.
Rosie is a little girl who dreams of becoming a great engineer. She enjoys building her own innovative inventions like helium pants, hot dog machine, and a snake repellant cheese hat. However, because of Rosie's timidness and her fears of failing, she hides her inventions away under her bed. One day, Rosie's great-great Aunt Rose visits her and let her know her goal is to fly some day. Brainstorming, Rosie spends the night coming up with ideas on how to help her great-great aunt fly. As an idea struck, Rosie comes up with the idea of building a cheese-copter. Testing her invention, the cheese-copter flew into the sky, but then crashes to the ground. Feeling devastated, Rosie's great-great aunt reminds her that failure is a part of life and a true failure is someone who gives up and quits.
After reading this picture book, I felt very motivated to continue to pursue my passions of illustrating children books because I am reminded that if I quit and give up now then I am a failure. Other important themes the book touches are pursuing your passions, determination and resilience, creative thinking, self-esteem, and gender stereotypes. For example, Rosie learned to be resilience in refining her cheese-copter design to help her aunt achieve the goal of flying. Rosie also develops her creative thinking skills by creating various types of inventions like the helium pants. As the story progress, Rosie becomes more self-confident in her creations when her aunt teaches her that it is okay to fail and to never give up — hence, at the end of the book, Rosie shares her inventions that she builds with her classmates. Lastly, the book touches on the topic of deconstructing gender stereotypes because men are more likely to build and create inventions, working in the engineering industry. In this case, the roles are reversed and illustrates that women can also do the same. This is illustrated when Rosie is constant building various types of creations using drills, hot glue guns, oil cans, and many more.
To end off, the illustrations of this book are illustrated by David Roberts. Overall, the illustrations are very playful, vibrant, and it adds to the overall message the book is trying to portray. When we look at the illustrations of Rosie's inventions, we can see how abstract it is, mirroring a child's imagination in a fun way. David uses a lot of thin lines and exaggerating shapes, which guides the audience through Rosie's invention. The use of a white background is also very smart because it allows the reads to be creative and imaginative as well when we see Rosie's creative inventions fill up the blank canvas.
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How to Write Smut 2: Structure
Hello again, horny readers. It has been a while and I have written a lot of smut and run several more surveys. My server's group projects are going through a bit of an overhaul; in the meantime, let's return to the topic of what to do with all of this information.
Today we're talking about the structure and crafting of smut. This is not the only way to write smut, but it is a pretty simple and easy to understand framework that can let you access different aspects of smut writing for fun and clicks.
Smut is not sex, it is a story about sex. This is usually the first problem new writers run into. A straightforward narrative of sexual activity reads like an instruction manual. You want something tying it all together, feelings underlining the actions, scenery to keep the action anchored, and pacing that moves while still accounting for the fact that a lot of people are going to read one handed without paying very close attention to the details.
The ideal ratio between blocking and Other Stuff is fairly subjective, and depends on the writer/audience taste. Something as low as 1:1 (X thrusts into Y, it feels good) tends to present a raw, visceral narrative. You can use it to create a sense of overwhelming passion, events/scenery falling away, or other moods in that vein. By contrast, if you're closer to 3:1 (X thrusts into Y, it feels good, the light falls on Y's eyes, X feels close to Y) can make for a lighter, more romanticized progression. Most writers fall in the middle in the long run, but as a general rule, high concept smut like fetishes or role-playing will tend to come with a higher ratio, as there's more symbolic concepts and transfers going on in the scene. Simpler narratives, unsurprisingly, require less setup and as such tend to be faster paced.
Buildup is equally important to sex. The vast majority of smut readers are women, and with obvious exceptions and concessions to fluidity, framing is a major priority in feminine arousal. Readers are not just flipping to the sex and going to town; they want to be hooked first. Basically, you want the buildup to make the reader feel like it's okay to masturbate to the scene, which is related but not identical to hotness. Sometimes this means the framing of a fetish (dominance/submission being a popular one). Sometimes this means a story or mini plot, or highlighting a relationship dynamic.
During the buildup you want a steady increase in narrative tension, whether that be in dialog or gestures/scenery. If you find yourself writing over 2,000 thousand words of buildup, look for places where you might be writing plot or exposition and consider cutting or shifting to part of the overall scene tension. If you find yourself writing under 500 words, consider letting the scene breathe and pace out the tension a little more. 
Female arousal is GENERALLY pressure based, male is tension based. Even setting aside fluidity concerns, the question of how to describe how sex feels is highly variable and subjective. Generally speaking, men describe sexual arousal in terms of tension, and women in pressure. Men tend to have sensations that can be described in terms of tightening, coiling, hardening. We also tend to have one arousal plateau, unless male edging is part of the scene. Thus a male POV can be represented as in a steady state of arousal through different activities (this is not exactly how it works, erections working how they do, but believe me, no man will complain for keeping your men hard throughout a scene).
Women tend to have sensations that can be described in terms of pressure, filling up, pushing against one's skin. They tend to have a series of arousal stages. Thus, a female POV can be distinct from male in smut for how arousal/stimulation builds sequentially. In particular you want several stage increases around, basically, the exact same motion and pressure. Start stroking the clit, a paragraph about being touched other places, then a paragraph about rising feelings like a pressure cooker, then an orgasm, boom, you have a recognizable (I will not presume to say the best, or even great) arousal framework.
This is not to say that is inevitably how it feels to either, just that it can be a useful mental heuristic when writing different POVs. If you write an F POV as a series of escalating pressure stages ending in overwhelming release, it will follow a generally recognized structure of women having enjoyable sex. Ditto for M POV as a plateau of tension ending in an overwhelming release. It is certainly not the only way to write smut POVs, but as a cheat sheet/starting point it's pretty good  
Hits are about fandoms and canon characters. In some fandoms, a top title will get a few hundred hits. In others, a poorly spelled anatomically impossible rough draft will get thousands. The popularity of each fandom may as well be the weather for all writers can control it, and it's important to compare performance to ones in the same fandom and category as well as rough word count and publication date. Within each fandom, the biggest driver around smut is canon ships. Barring unusual circumstances, original characters just aren't going to reach the performance of ones that already appear on screen.
This is such a strong factor that it's an easy process to simply lampshade a smut piece into a mega-fandom such as Harry Potter and slowly build a fan base. This is always going to be a single digit percentage of your total hits, but it adds up over time and is also an easy ego boost. 
Relative category supply drives demand within fandoms. This is by no means a universal maxim, but rather a way of understanding how readers and writers interact. Within other factors such as fandom and canon characters, the category demand of smut will tend to pull towards the overall state of smut on AO3. This can be a useful way of understanding what a fandom's reception will be to a given category of smut.
For example: About 7% of overall Explicit works on AO3 are FF. In the Lord of the Rings franchise, only 2% are FF. Thus, in LOTR FF will tend to do fairly well, as it seems fresh and new relative to the state of the fandom. On the other hand, LOTR has an Explicit MM rate of 69% (no, I did not make that up) compared to 55% for all of AO3, an effectively saturated market in which MM smut will tend to climb more slowly. Again, this is a much smaller factor than the fandom and character cast: for example, the iconic Spock/Kirk or Spirk pair is a reliable winner no matter the state of Star Trek smut.
Ownvoices is important for its own sake, not quality. The vast majority of smut is very, very badly written, whether it's ownvoice or a figment of the imagination. Straight women write absolutely terrible MF, gays write lazy MM with spit lube, lesbians write problematic bondage FF, bis write male gaze threesomes, and everyone writes bad non-con. It is important that sexual minorities write and are recognized for their own sakes, and it is also always going to be true that most of these efforts will still be bad on the merits.
No one person, group, or even genre can solve the problem of minority cultural scarcity. And if you ask actual LGBTQ smut readers what they want, the vast vast majority will just say they want smut that speaks to them. They don't care who wrote it or how they learned to write it; if it's hot they will read and spank accordingly. Like with most things, the bottom line is if you're willing to put in the time to understand other sexual perspectives, listen to people with experience, and learn from your mistakes, you won't do any worse than ownvoice writers are already doing in terms of stuff people actually like to read, and that's the best thing you do for yourself and everyone. That, at least, is my own problematic bisexual take, which is sure to cause at least one bi civil war and get me canceled and restored a couple times too.
Masturbate to your own smut. Okay, this isn't literally necessary, but it takes a very experienced hand to just rattle off any kind of scene with minimal personal engagement. That takes a lot of practice, and if you already have that practice you've already seen five major things wrong with this piece and are writing an angry missive. So yes, engage sexually with your own smut. You're writing it for other people to do it and the only thing you're doing by separating your own feelings from it is shutting down the feeling of your writing completely. If it is okay to read fan fiction to get off, it is okay to write it to get off too. Embrace it and enjoy; the alternative is what might delicately be called aro-ace smut, in which high concept symbolism and verbalized emotion comes to supplant sexual tension. There is nothing wrong with writing smut this way, but it is its own niche with several quirks that deserve their own piece.
Men like FF, women like MM, Madonnas like whores. This is just one of those uncomfortable realities that shows up when adults talk about sex. Yes, some people find multiples of the gender(s) they are attracted to hot. Yes, this can be problematic in a certain theoretical, second wave feminism sense. It is also true that normal people who show up to AO3 to read about fucking don't care about that in the slightest. And the fact is by the numbers neither Male Gaze FF nor Female Gaze MM is any kind of pressing problem. Lesbian porn is less than five percent of the commercial market; it's simply not true that a deluge of fake lesbian erotica is drowning everything else out. And as much as yaoi and other controversial MM phenomena are discussed, the simple fact is that most smut on AO3 is MM because until very recently almost all major actors were men. Yes, there are problems around that, but those problems are just not relevant in the context of Castile rawing Dean over the kitchen table.
And yes, tons and tons of women both read and write smut with "porn" or "male gaze" elements like threesomes, facials, spanking, and so forth. People like what they like, and it's perfectly possible to write, say, face-fucking with enthusiastic consent. In short, in a loosely curated space with explicit content there will always be points of discomfort, but they do not need to be harmful or threatening. Focusing on making it appealing and hot is always going to be your first task in the end.
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✦<3✦ PHENOMENAL REVEAL & eARC PRIZE!!! ✦<3✦ Feast your eyes on this insanely hot cover for PERFECTLY FREE by Tracey Jerald, created by Deborah Bradseth with photo credit to Wander Aguiar Photography and featuring model Robbin Kooiman! PERFECTLY FREE: An Amaryllis/Midas Series Crossover is a passionate & angsty, enemies-to-lovers, grumpy sunshine, rockstar contemporary romance standalone arriving on January 26th. AVAILABLE NOW FOR PRE-ORDER! Amazon Universal ~ https://geni.us/cjPTcWC Make sure to add PERFECTLY FREE to your Goodreads TBR and enter Tracey’s rafflecopter for your chance to score an early copy here: https://geni.us/C5IV New to the Midas Universe? Start your binge read by #oneclicking Perfect Proposal ASAP! If you love swoony protective men, confident women, and fabulous witty banter - this series is a MUST-READ for you. https://geni.us/89yCNa About PERFECTLY FREE: When I first met Brendan Blake, he swept in like a gust of wind—a perfect storm rescuing all of my senses. The second time I spied him, the grump basically declared, “Up yours,” on a photo shoot. The third time, he regretted what he’d said the day before, and I once again was provoked by his hazel eyes, wicked smile, and devil-may-care attitude. Then again, his ripped body being photographed by my best friend didn’t hurt either. Brendan wrote down his private line on a pastry box. I sent him a memento of our first date—a blueberry pie—almost as soon as it was over. He hooked me. It helped his idea of a perfect second date involved taking me to a baseball game. I let him in—all the way in, took him deep into my heart. I didn’t have any choice. Despite the one hard and fast rule I laid out—never lie to me—I lied to myself. I told Brendan my heart wouldn’t crumble if he didn’t love me. Would I have let myself fall if I knew the secrets he was keeping? I’ll never know. I do know you love someone until you can’t. That’s when you set them free. #traceyjerald #perfectlyfree #midasseries #amaryllisseries #coverreveal #excerptreveal #preorder #rockstarromance #contemporaryromance #angstyread #enemiestolovers #grumpysunshine #bookbloggers #readers #bookstagrammers #forewordpr
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greyscor · 2 years
Nerd desk decor
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"We're proud to be part of the Knoll family and can't wait to unfold Muuto's global potential further in close collaboration with them. "I t serves as proof that we have something special to offer the design industry," the partners say. But it was a shared passion for all things design and and the distinctive style they dubbed “New Nordic” that rapidly brought worldwide recognition. Sharper Image Light Up Electronic Word Clock, Copper Finish with LED Light Display, USB Cord and Power Adapter, 7.75in Square Face, Unique Contemporary Home and Office Decor. Peter and co-founder Kristian Byrge, who originally trained in economics and management respectively, might not have seemed destined to helm a new-influencer design firm.
Expanding on that success, Muuto was subsequently acquired by legendary brand Knoll In 2017, though it continues to be run independently from the company's headquarters in Copenhagen. Free shipping available on orders over 55. I have spent numerous hours collecting these cool office accessories. The coolest accessories are those that can be customized to. Having a cozy and high-tech office equipped with cool desk gadgets isnt a dream. By giving free rein to the brightest design talent in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark, there’s the breathing room to conjure a new take on a chair, vase or a lamp. Your office desk should be fun and functional, but most importantly, it should scream you. "We give the designers the freedom to create new designs,” says co-founder Peter Bonnén. Sexy Halloween costumes for women 1.Muuto made its impact on the design world by living up to its namesake "muttos,” the Finnish word that alludes to looking at things with a new perspective. So trick or treat yourself with the best sexy Halloween costumes of 2022. No matter what you go with, you’ll look fang- tastic for the spooky Halloween season. When you're bored at work, you can drag your paper clips around to create a new look. The physicist is known for his interesting hair, and on this desk toy, you get to use paper clips to create your own Einstein look. If that’s the case, choose a sexy Halloween costume for couples. Einstein and nerdiness go hand-in-hand, and this desk toy is just as cool as it is useful. Computer Geek Decor Computer Nerd Gift Computer Programmer Decor Computer Office Decor Coding Decor Coding Art Set of 3 prints WB286-288-289. Perhaps you’ll ditch the solo costumes and dress up with your boo. Debugging Funny Computer Programmer Funny Awesome Art Print Decor - Computer Nerd Geek Humor - 11x14 Unframed Decorative Wall Art Photo Gift - Dorm, Apartment, Office Decor - Accessories Under 15 3. Or, will you go with a sexy Halloween costume for men? Think King Pharaoh or a Greek God. Will you opt for a sexy Halloween costume for women? You know, like a fabulous nerd or a cute sailor. So say goodbye to those candy corny options of the past and hello to these ske l e-funchoices. Trick or treat! 5 places to stock up on Halloween Candy as shortages mountĮveryone will say, “Oh my gourd, you look great,” when you roll into the party wearing these sexy Halloween costume ideas. cock fucked hawaiian challenge nerdy tatted daddies cumming leaked chica.
Get extra spooky with this list of Halloween makeup from Amazon 38 herself guy cum desk decor japanese &amp some teasing pussy hot teen with. OPEN ME FOR EP 2Remember to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, & COMMENTHey guysHere's the second episode of the DIY Desk Makeover series DIY Desk Decor Make sure to. These are the cutest DIY boo basket ideas for the spooky seasonīoo! Or woof and meow? Shop the best cat and dog Halloween costumes of 2022
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Anything Goes {Maurizio Gucci x Reader}
anonymous (half of their request):
I think the world needs a Maurizio x Studio 54 fic 👀
author’s notes: hello, hello! YES, I think we need this...and now we have it! thanks for sending it in <3 I really enjoyed researching a bit and whipping up this piece! a special thanks to @babbushka​ for being the resident Studio 54 expert!  Mauri isn’t as ‘soft’ here as he is when I write him usually, but I honestly loved exploring this sort of ‘wild side’.
warnings: smut. porn with some plot. masquerade. I think Studio 54 is a warning of its own. dancing. grinding. p in v. unprotected sex. fluff at the end.
(possible) tw’s: some alcohol consumption. cigarette smoking (canon for character). (!!) implied infidelity/extramarital sex. public sex. (!!)
word count: 2.46k
terms to know
Bellissima means ‘beautiful’ in Italian (an affectionate nickname). Dio means ‘God’ in Italian (used as an exclamation in this piece). Cristo means ‘Christ’ in Italian (used as an exclamation in this piece). Cazzo means ‘fuck’ in Italian (used as an exclamation in this piece).
maurizio’s taglist peeps! @icarusinthesea @eagerforhoney my general taglist peeps! @safarigirlsp @babbushka @mrs-zimmerman @dirtytissuebox @thepalaceofmelanie​ (if you’d like to be added to or removed from any of my taglists, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist)​
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Muffled tunes bump from the concrete walls as you and your small group of friends walk past the blocks-long line. You flash your Gucci company ID to the bouncer, who lets you in immediately, getting a few envious mutters and groans from the line-goers.
Studio 54 is the place to be these days and luckily for you, working at the House of Gucci’s New York branch gets you premiere access, since the CEO is a huge investor in the club. 
Tonight’s a masquerade theme, so all patrons are wearing a variety of different masks, from whole-face masks to only eye masks. But, each was very much their own, a sea of colors and sequins and feathers as their wearers stride about.
You’re clad in a risqué disco getup, wearing a metallic silver tube top and matching skirt with some small heels that you’re sure you’ll tire of rather quickly. But Studio 54, from what you’ve heard, is all about the looks, the glitz and the glamour. Your eye mask is made to match tonight’s look as well as resemble cat-eye glasses, black with small silver wings coming off the pointed edges. 
Your winter coat is checked and then you head up to the dance floor, music getting louder and louder as you ascend the staircase. Your breasts bounce a bit with each step, nipples peering out from beneath the silver fabric. Studio 54 is known for its ‘anything goes’ rule, and you fully intend on taking advantage of that freedom tonight. 
It’s jam-packed, just as you’d expected it to be, sweaty bodies dancing and grinding together in a large group on the floor. The stale air is hazy with cigarette smoke, smells of sex and drugs linger all throughout the thick, humid air. Your senses are overwhelmed while at the same time aroused by the sights and smells of Studio 54.
While your friends head over to the bar to grab drinks, you head right onto the dance floor, beginning your night of wild, passionate fun. A few guys come and grind with you for a few minutes or so, but they leave shortly after. Your eyes peer through the holes in your mask, lingering over the talent standing at the sides of the floor, scouting and waiting to devour their scantily-clad prey.
Your gaze pauses on a man leaning against one of the pillars, lighting up a cigarette. He looks in stark contrast to all other club-goers who sport the metallic, the feathers, the sequins, the avant-garde. He’s so abnormally normal with his crisp, classy 007-type tuxedo. His chestnut brown hair drapes down to just below the brilliant white collar of his button-up, neatly moussed and styled. He’s disguised by a bright white half-face mask, making him appear almost ghoulish when paired with his handsomely pale skin.
His eyes suddenly dart over to meet yours and your cheeks heat up as you look away, biting your lip softly. He smirks, taking a drag off his cigarette before heading over to the bar. He’s going to need some courage juice in him before he approaches you.
The night wears on and you start to get a bit discouraged. You’re still having fun, of course, you just wish that it was going more according to your fantasy and imagination. Perhaps you should head to another club, see if you fare better there. 
Deciding in favor of checking out other hotspots in the area, you begin to make your way off to the side back towards the door. Suddenly, a set of large, strong hands slide onto your waist and pulls you back, forcing you to collide with a large body. The scent of expensive cigarettes enveloping you as he steps up behind you and goosebumps instantaneously erupt down your arms as the tall man leans down, lips now at your ear.
“Ciao, bellissima.” His voice is slightly husky and thick with Italian origin, alcoholic breath hot on your skin.  “The party’s out here on the floor, not down at coat check.”
You chuckle. “It seems that no one wants to party with me for more than five minutes tonight. I was gonna try my luck at another club.”
He pulls you back a bit further against him.
“Well then, it’s lucky I caught you. I’d be just kicking myself if I missed the chance to dance with a beauty like you.”
“I think you overestimate my talents, sir.” You’re wondering if this is a dream, something to cope with the real-life disappointment of the night.
The man chuckles, running his nose along the side of your neck and inhaling your sweet perfume. “And I think you underestimate your talents, miss.”
A slower, more sensual song begins to play through the speakers and you reach up to wrap your hand around the back of your unknown dance partner’s neck, keeping him down near your head.
“Let’s find out who’s right, then, shall we?”
His grin is obvious, even though you can’t see him. “Yes, let’s.”
You start by leaning back against him, simply feeling out the slow and steady rhythm of the beat. You’ve never felt so relaxed, so carefree before and it feels really, really nice. He drops his hands from your hips, but sways along with you, trying to keep his lips away from your up-done hair. 
He ends up having a few of your hairs catch on his plush lips a few minutes later, causing him to have to try spitting them out subtly and quietly. 
It doesn’t work. 
You laugh softly and he blushes, chuckling awkwardly along with you. “Sorry about that. You must’ve caught some of my flyaways.”
“Yes, it seems that way. I feel guilty for ruining the mood, though.” His nose nudges at your temple, hands coming back up to hold your hips as he senses your motions grow a bit quicker.
“Don’t. I’m sure we can manage to bring it back to what we had before. In fact, I think we can make it even better.”
Your hips begin to circle back against him at a more aggressive rate of speed, moving the fabric of his dress slacks all over his hardening crotch. His breath is shaky as it comes out through his nose, fingers digging a bit tighter into the flesh of your hips.
The humid air practically suffocates the two of you as the other patrons dance all around, causing a slick sheen to quickly cover your skin, the roots of your hair soaking through steadily. Your fingers gently massage his scalp as his lips move and suck red marks into your tender skin that’ll surely turn purple by the end of the night.
Soon, he begins experimentally rolling his pelvis in time with your motions, grunting against your neck at the sensations this new move is creating. He’s almost fully hard beneath his suit slacks by now, already planning out how he’s gonna get with you tonight. Patrizia doesn’t have to know about this.
“So, are you ever gonna let me see you, mystery man?” You ask, chuckling.
He blushes beneath the mask. He’s extremely hesitant to let you see him, an instinct born of being in the spotlight since youth. But then he remembers, he’s in America and he has a mask on. 
His hands pull away from you and a small kiss placed on your exposed shoulder. “Look upon me, then, bellissima.”
Suddenly gripped with nerves, you turn around slowly and look up. He’s handsome; the epitome of men, warm brown hair and endearing ocean blue eyes. His gazes roam your masked appearance in a similar manner, relieved that you don’t seem to recognize him. A sudden feeling of familiarity washes over you as your eyes meet once more.
“Your eyes, your gaze...they’re familiar to me. Is there a chance we’ve crossed paths before?”
His nostrils flare in fear, eyes going wide for a moment. A soft, cautious breath leaves his lips and he shakes his head quickly. “No, it’s not likely. I’ve been told I have one of those faces, you know?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. That’s probably it.” You step back up to him, hands smoothing over his broad chest. “Now, where were we?”
“Hmm, I think it was...” Maurizio smirks, leaning down so that his lips hover just above yours. “Right about here, if I recall correctly.”
Pressing yourself up on your toes, you connect your lips to his just as the last of his sentence passes through his velvety pink lips. Your arms snake up around the back of his neck, fingers toying with the rich brown locks. They certainly won’t be so neatly styled when you’re finished with him tonight, that much you’re sure of.
He smiles against your lips, stepping up a bit closer to you, body now pressing right up against yours. The two of you remain that way until he pulls away softly, breathing slightly heavy as his eyes look over your face.
“Can I take you upstairs? To the uh, balcony, perhaps?”
Oh, you’ve heard plenty of things about the balcony and the heat has already begun to pool in your loins. You nod, a small but devious grin stretching across your face.
“Absolutely. Lead the way, handsome.”
The two of you make your way towards the staircase, dodging and weaving through the crowds of dancing drag queens, salacious skaters, carefree celebrities and various other perky patrons.
“Do I get to learn your name before we reach the balcony?”
His breath hitches. “Mauri, you can call me Mauri.”
Your brows furrow slightly. You’ve never heard a name like that before, but maybe it’s some kind of nickname. 
“Mauri, got it. I’m Y/N.”
Y/N. A beautiful name, fit for a beautiful woman.
He smiles and nods, guiding you up to the balcony. When you arrive, there are already plenty of people inhabiting the space, all in various stages of either sex, undress or getting high. 
This is definitely where a majority of the sex smell downstairs is originating from. 
Mauri keeps his head tilted downwards and you swear you can see a bit of a blush on his cheeks as he takes you over to a relatively secluded corner. He undoes his belt quickly, sloppily kissing you as he does so.
You gasp sharply into his mouth when he suddenly scoops you up and slams you against the wall, lips working your neck while his hands free his hardened arousal from where it’s trapped beneath the restrictive suit fabric.
Your skirt is promptly pushed up to rest on your hips, your panties are pushed to the side, and Mauri’s cock is sheathing itself inside you before you can even process it.
“Ohhh christ.”
His jaw slacks against your neck, eyes squeezing shut while his hot breath spreads over your taut skin. Goosebumps erupt where the invisible warmth falls. “Dio.”
He stays still for a moment, then buries his face into the crook of your neck before his hips begin to move. There’s nothing slow or intimate about what the two of you are doing, it’s carnal. It’s sloppy and rough, the sweat mingling especially where your skin is pressed against his. 
The smell of sex that permeates around you only makes the whole experience that much more arousing. Your eyes looking around the room to see other couples getting off, shuddering and whining as you make eye contact with a young woman currently getting fucked on the ground. Your insides clench around him instinctively, earning you a small grunt while your hand takes hold of his silky brown locks.
“You’re tight, cristo, so hot and slick for my cock.”
Your head falls back against the wall with an audible clunk sound and you cringe in acute pain for a quick moment, but the pure lust and hunger flowing through you provides the adrenaline needed to ward off the pain. It’ll surely be sore come dawn, but really, you couldn’t care less at the moment.
“So big, Mauri, fucking me so good.”
Mauri fucks you harder, then, crooked teeth scraping against the taut flesh of your neck, panting softly. You reach down into the humid space between your bodies until your fingertips find the engorged bud nestled neath folds of delicate flesh.
A wet sound soon emerges from between your legs as your fingers swipe back and forth over your clit quickly, bringing yourself right up to the edge within only a minute or two. 
He grunts into your neck, pace rapidly devolving into one that’s erratic and desperate, shaft pulsing under the tight grip of your insides. His breathing grows quick and shallow, hands pushing at your spread legs to push them further into a spread eagle position. 
“Where do you want it?”
You moan along with his motions, pitch heightening slightly with each of his powerful thrusts. “Fuck, I--”
Suddenly, you’re thrown over the edge, a powerful orgasm hitting you like a truck. An avalanche of pleasure rolls over your body, nerves buzzing with warm feelings of release. Your hand wraps around the back of his head, lips near his ear to catch the chorus of whimpers, whines and little mewls that leave your lips.
His brows crease, knitting in the center of his forehead as he fucks you through it, finding it a nearly impossible feat to stave off his own climax, but he manages.
“Cazzo, I--wheredoyouwantit?” He’s barely holding on, now.
“Outside, a-anywhere.”
Balls pulling up, Mauri moans and pulls out quickly, just as the first thick rope of creamy release spatters onto your fleshy inner thighs. A long, shaky groan leaves his lips before he crashes them onto yours to muffle the rest of his sounds.
You move with him, lips liquid with his, fluid motions so effortless that you’d think the union was one entity. He pulls away from your lips slowly, then out of your tingling cunt, a smile on his face the whole way along.
“I apologize for the mess, bellissima.” He pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the creamy liquid from your thighs before helping pull your skirt back down. “There we go.”
You offer him a small smile, biting your lip as the unsureness of what to do next takes over. After a moment, you clear your throat, chuckling softly.
“I’m not really sure what to do next, if I’m completely honest.”
“Me neither.” His cheeks, of what you can see of them behind the mask, turn a shade of pink. “How about I buy you a drink at the bar? That seems like a good place to start.”
Your lips instantly curve upwards into a smile and you offer him a soft nod.
“A drink would be great.”
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Anna Fougez (Le Awenture Di Colette)—Just look at her and you will know why is she so hot
Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Anna Fougez:
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Hedy Lamarr:
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The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!
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Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)
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Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous.
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One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more.
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Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part.
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kageprountranslated · 3 years
Memorizing English Vocabulary with MEKAKUSHIDAN (High School Version) short story: Prologue
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Prologue: A Certain Summer’s Day’s Events
Only the rattling and clacking sounds from the keyboard resonate around the room.
Occasionally cicada cries from outside can be heard leaking through the windows that are cracked open. There is nothing to be said except that it’s hot and humid on this day, the kind of day that is best for a shut-in.
Ahh, what a peaceful day. Such an ordinary everyday life, and I’m unbearably happy….
When I clear my throat the corners of my mouth unexpectedly rise, as I pick up the dark soda that drips with condensation from the temperature change in the room. The moment I pour it down my throat… Suddenly, “yaa.” The act of terrorism began.
“Master! It seems like today there’s a firework show at 6:00 PM! Can we see it from your dirty room?”
As that familiar voice began, every open browser (of course including the DAW* I was composing on) was forcefully closed, replaced by countless pop-ups. “Special summer date spot,” “Top 3 fireworks displays recommended for men,” “Hole-in-the-wall place! Superb view fireworks spot, word-of-mouth and comment board,” ''Summary of summer situations to seduce women,” etc. ....
(*Digital Audio Workstation, software used for producing music)
Ahh, my everyday life was now always like this suddenly.
A passionate reply I was writing that easily exceeded 20 lines, the song I was creating that was in the middle of the programming phase….
Ene’s eyes blinked in unison, ignoring the shock that caused my eyes to open so wide that the whites were fully visible. She single-mindedly chattered on, her teeth never appearing to touch, as she ignored me.
“I feel like I haven’t seen fireworks in quite a while! But isn’t summer for fireworks nonetheless!? Don’t you agree, Master?”
“Master, did you know this? Because fireworks use metal’s reaction to flame, it seems the color is different depending on the chemicals the gunpowder is made of!”
“When Master goes to a fireworks display with a woman, do you say disgusting things like, ‘together our flame reaction will scatter red sparks….’? Ahhh oops! Master doesn’t have a woman to go with him in the first place. Sorry!”
“Hah…. There is no beautiful teen girl who would go to a fireworks show with you. Master, what a pity…. No. Master is too pathetic!”
“Hey, why did you phrase it like that…? Did you say ‘pity’ just now!?”
Despite choosing to completely ignore her, she always persists. And each time I can’t just sit by without comment she reacts in the same familiar way, delivering her hateful comebacks with extreme speed. Seeing me fall for her bait, Ene has a triumphant look on her face.
“That’s right, but you’re having a fit and reading too much into this ‘pity’ thing. You’ve been a little too self-conscious lately, right?”
“Hey, aren’t you calling me pitiful? When you say it like that it’s so excessively intentional and malicious that I can clearly see what you’re trying to say!! I thought it was abnormally quiet today, but you were just busy, completely absorbed in researching this firework thing!”
“Oh that Master of mine, maybe you kinda missed me~? ‘Eneeee…. I’m lonely…. Heyyyy.’ If you begged me like that I’d have come around to hate on you sooner. No, I’d have rushed to my Master without a second thought!!”
“Now you think I’d ask you to harass me!? I know you’re aware of what’s going on! For the time being I can’t see the fireworks. Stop harassing me right now.”
“Master’s a hell of a listener! Stingy! Nitwit! Shut-in. If we’re this close, shouldn't you at least watch to make sure the fireworks’ gunpowder doesn’t hit your house and start a fire?”
“What kind of accident would that be!? It isn’t gunpowder that falls down, it's just sparks!! We’ll be fine, so just get my data back quickly. Did you even keep a backup anyway? Come on, really, I’m sick of being harassed by you and your impulsive whims! If you think it’s too terribly quiet you can study English vocabulary.”
“You’re such a rude virgin to get so fed up with me! You’re an extreme Masochist, Master, don’t you have pride in the level of my harassment it takes to make you happy-cry?”
“It’s not fun! It’s definitely not fun! You should be able to generally understand the junior high school level since you’ve been swept off to school before!? It’s such a penance, a penance!!”
“Wha-wha-what the hell is that…!? It was a crystal of love and tears withdrawn from Ene-chan’s special database….! If you treat me coldly like that, I’ll be sharp!”
Ene puffed out her cheeks as she said this. But her plan was to begin to travel into the smartphone that was placed beside the computer mouse.
“Ohh, try being sharp with me! I’m being smoked by you! I’m being smoked for the whole day’s worth of effort! I don’t have anything to lose anymore! I don’t know what is stored and where because yesterday the folder names I put my whole soul into organizing were all changed!”
“Is Master’s life lived completely on this screen!? What a flimsy life…. If that’s so, then why not use this PC anymore? You don’t use it, right?”
“No, sorry, that’s a lie. I use it. Because I use it…. aaaAAAAA!??!?!!”
At that moment, the PC screen went pitch black, a cold box sitting in the center saying, “Please input the password.” All I feel is déjà vu. This is obviously the work of Ene.
“Stop it! Pretty please just stop doing this….!”
“Buh!! Ahaha! Ma-Master, ‘pretty please,’ you say….!! Bufufu!!”
“This isn’t a laughing matter! Quickly return the screen back to its original state!! Ohh this is the worst…. I want to die….”
From the shock of being taken hostage, I involuntarily relaxed all of the muscles in my body. For a while I had been leaning my body forward in my chair.
“Well well, Master. Doesn’t the good, super pretty virgin girl, Ene-chan have a backup? I’ll put it back perfectly normal later.”
“Truthfully!? That’s really true!? Ahh, what a relief…. You also have a human heart…. Thank you Gods and Buddhas!”
I felt my tight throat become lighter, while my mood did as well. But as soon as she saw me not restraining my delight, Ene made a facial expression like she was holding back an ill comment.
“Wait a little, Master. Wouldn’t it be too good if I returned it all for free? This morning I wasn’t able to get you to be worried about me at all. Reeeaaaallllllly. I was about to die in that spare time. So won’t you have to pay for it exactly!?”
“Ohh…. I’ll do anything…. I’ll do anything!”
Ene raised a finger on the screen to wipe the tears that had accumulated in the corners of her eyes.
“Then Master, start by connecting the earphones to this smartphone please.”
“....Huh? Ohh, oh.”
While being overwhelmed with her sudden demands, I grabbed the smartphone and put on the white earphones.
“Like this?”
Yayy! However, I was starting to feel anxiety from the tension as Ene raised an arm in reply.
“Now Master, you will study all of the English vocabulary high school students learn! I even made it more difficult than before! Because you're a masochistic Master, it’s a present that will delight you! Oh, of course, please memorize it all by 6:00 PM when the fireworks start!! Even if my Master isn’t finished, I’ll ask him to just point the smartphone at the window for me!!”
So that’s what Ene says, and it’s not like I’m familiar with what appears on the screen, the spellings and meanings of English words…. When I scrolled to the end, the number of words to learn was…. -what?- 1200….
“As you progress in studying I’ll give you password hints! Come on now, let’s keep up the good work! A man doesn’t go back on his word, right Master?”
Ene said this with a dazzling smile on her face as she played the clip of me sounding so close to death, “Ohh…. I’ll do anything…. I’ll do anything!”
Prologue | Side Story 1 | Side Story 2 | Side Story 3 | Epilogue
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Sooo, I think this is turning into an actual story guys. I have ideas for where this can go and one of them needs names to work so... yeah they are becoming OCs... Whumpee, Caretaker and Whumper are getting names next part because I’m indecisive and need to think on it lol but for this one, since I’ve been giving them more thought and shape: they are all men and the pronouns are ‘he’ now, okay? 
CW: needle mention, medical setting, infected wound, restrained and collared, held hostage, lots of angst because this is what this whole thing is about in the end, isn’t it?
tagging @thelazywitchphotographer @swift-perseides @whump-it-like-its-hot (please tell me if you want me to stop or start tagging you <3)
Continued from here
There was a time when Whumpee could move and not feel pain because of it. When it didn’t hurt to do so much as breathe. There was a time when time didn’t blend together in an endless daze of please help me, it hurts.
He knows exactly where the pain comes from, that spot a knife had gone inside of him… days before? Weeks? But by now, it has spread along his entire body, and it all just hurts so much.
If only he could press his hands against the wound, see if it looks as ugly as it feels. If only he could curl up and sob. If only his hands weren’t tied above his head and he could move at all, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
His fingers have gone cold and numb what feels like hours before. He shifts and squirms but it only makes his wound burst in pain and barely anything for his aching arms. After some time, the pain is in his legs as well and if only he could move, just for a moment, it would be so much better. 
His head hangs awkwardly to the side, unable to move more than a few inches, kept close to the wall by the metal collar around his neck. He can’t sleep with it, because each time he does, his head hangs and he wakes up suffocating. He can’t move, because it hurts. All he can do is hope Whumper doesn’t forget he’s here.
So Whumpee just stares at nothing, wondering if the pain will ever fade, and only when it gets truly unbearable does he allow himself to think of Caretaker.
He’s left him here to rot. As he did before, as Whumpee should’ve known he would. 
But this pain is a lot deeper than the stabbing could ever be, so Whumpee closes his eyes and tries to focus on breathing through the molten lava seeping into his bloodstream.
Time passes, or maybe it doesn’t, and Whumpee can’t focus on anything for long enough to know anything but pain. 
It’s a strange combination, the desperate need to move his cramped arms, restless legs, but also the bone-deep weakness he feels, the certainty that even if he wasn’t chained to the wall, he wouldn’t have the strength to do more than curl up on the floor. 
It all comes back to murmured pleas for mercy that are never heard, until even his voice is raw and aching and he just goes back to leaning limply against the wall and relishing the few minutes he gets of sleep.
Eventually, his tiny cell fills with noise and his eyes flutter open to find Whumper towering over him.
He’s only half awake, the other half refuses to swim out of the deep waters of troubled sleep, but as if through a thick layer of glass, Whumpee manages to discern a few words.
“…infection,” someone says, somewhere distant. “Shit, get the doctor, I–“
He only truly wakes up when the chains are unlocked and he’s hauled up, the only thing keeping him standing the unforgiving hands gripping his arms. People keep speaking, but he’s so consumed by pain that all Whumpee can hear is his own desperate whimpers as they move his inert body. 
Whumper isn’t smiling when Caretaker enters his office, for once.
“Took you long enough. Do you have what I asked for?”
“What you bribed me for, you mean?” Caretaker bites back, clutching the drive filled with information his team never expected him to leak. “Let me see Whumpee first.”
“We had a bit of a situation while you were gone.” Whumper sighs, getting up and nodding toward the door for Caretaker to follow. Two security guards walk behind them, and Caretaker’s stomach churns when he sees the others standing at each corner they pass. If it was only two, he could take them down. Surrounded as he is, his only hope is to play the game long enough for Whumper to slip up first. “So, apparently having his wrists chained above him wasn’t particularly good for a nearly closed wound. It got infected.”
The world stops for a moment, pauses in horror. And yet it keeps moving, somehow – Caretaker’s legs keep driving him forward, even if his heart turns into stone in his chest, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing with fear.
“He’s fine, though,” Whumper continues as if his last words hadn’t frozen Caretaker inside out. “I’ll let you see him, as a treat, before you give me the drive, just because this was not supposed to happen.”
There are no words, no nothing as Caretaker keeps walking, the motion automatic, hammering heart the only sound he hears.
They enter the medical wing Whumpee had been in before he left, and stop in front of a white door. Whumper is frowning when he opens it, but Caretaker only has eyes for the tiny figure lying on the bed.
He was always so stunned by how big Whumpee looked, even though he was always a few centimeters shorter. Loud laughs, passionate ideas, all love and wildness that could never be contained – it all made him so much bigger than anyone else.
But under white sheets, a needle stuck to his vein, and beeping machines all around him, Whumpee looks so small. Vulnerable. Alone.
“See, still breathing,” Whumper huffs behind him.
“If I give you the drive, will you let me take him away?” The question is low, whispered not to wake Whumpee up. Or maybe not to reveal how tight his chest feels. 
“We’ll talk about it later. Just hand it over and I’ll even let you hang around for a while.”
It isn’t reassuring at all, but Caretaker doesn’t even look at Whumper as he hands him the device, eyes still locked on each shallow breath Whumpee takes.
“Don’t do anything stupid. The room is filled with cameras and my men will be waiting outside,” Whumper warns before leaving.
Caretaker is beside the bed before the door is even fully closed. 
His eyes travel down each centimeter of Whumpee’s body, head to toe, from the way his eyes move from side to side underneath his eyelids to the padded restraint around his right wrist to the slight bulge of new bandages covering his stab wound. The wound Caretaker is guilty of.
He sits at the very edge of the bed, leans closer. Whumpee’s hand is cold when Caretaker holds it, but his cheek is warm under his fingers.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, tracing his thumb along Whumpee’s jawline. “I’ll get you out of here, okay? And then I’ll never let anyone touch you again.”
He closes his eyes to keep the tears from falling as the words bubble up, escaping the dam Caretaker had built so long ago, through the cracks Whumpee created with each trustful smile, each careful touch and disarming gentleness. The cracks Caretaker did his best to close, thought he did for a while. And then he woke up to Whumpee tied behind his back and found out his heart had never stopped bleeding for him.
“It should’ve been me. It should’ve never been you. I was the one supposed to be hurt, not you. Never you. I am so sorry, Whumpee, so, so–“
A sharp intake of breath makes Caretaker’s words die in his throat.
He cracks his eyes open and freezes when he finds Whumpee’s green gaze locked on him.
They stare at each other, one instant that lasts one thousand, a million words Caretaker wishes to say but knows he won’t. And then Whumpee’s eyes wander around the room, aimlessly stopping here and there, going back to Caretaker, half-lidded and lost somewhere else.
“I ha– I hate it,” Whumpee mumbles, “that you’re still… in m-my dreams.”
Its low, weak, and Caretaker side-glances the bag filled with clear liquid dripping into Whumpee’s veins before looking back at him and smiling faintly. “I know. It’s okay. I deserve your hate.”
“No. Not you. I hate me.”
Whumpee blinks slowly, so slowly opening back drug-addled eyes that strain to focus on Caretaker’s face, and leans his cheek against Caretaker’s palm. “I hate me… for still… still… caring.”
And just like that, the world stops in its tracks again. A sob gets caught between Caretaker’s teeth, and he just stares at Whumpee as either exhaustion or medication takes him away again, and his head lolls on the pillow.
When Whumper comes to pick him up hours later, Caretaker is still standing on the same spot, still holding Whumpee’s limp hand, still staring at the peace sleep brings to that beautiful face. The peace he hasn’t seen since Caretaker himself took from him.
He doesn’t complain when he’s told to leave the room. Caretaker simply squeezes that tiny hand that hides under his and obeys. 
They go back to Whumper’s office, and Caretaker strains to focus on now, here, not the man lying on a hospital bed one floor above.
“Good visit?” Whumper teases.
“I did my part. Now let us go.”
There’s a weight inside of Caretaker’s stomach, and it is tied to that sleeping figure, to that lost gaze that’ll never leave his mind.
“I have a new offer.”
He knew this was coming. Caretaker hoped it wasn’t but he knew it from the moment he looked at Whumper’s ambitious eyes.
“I want you to work for me.”
A humorless laugh escapes his lips, and Caretaker crosses his arms over his chest. “In your dreams. Now do your part and let me grab Whumpee and go.”
“Um no, I don’t think I will.”
“Why should I trust you when you haven’t been true to your word twice now?”
A snorted laugh, a raise of brows. “Isn’t it obvious? Because I have Whumpee. He isn’t in shape for traveling right now, y’know? I’m doing him a favor keeping him here, giving him top-of-the-line medical care. You should be thanking me.”
“What do you want now, Whumper?” Caretaker sighs. Exhaustion is curling around his very bones, helplessness snaking up his throat, and he is just so tired of this. Of being sad and scared and guilty, even if he deserves every single drop of it.
“Go back to your team and feed me relevant information, and I’ll keep making sure that nasty infection doesn’t hurt Whumpee anymore than it already has. Do as I say, and he stays alive. You know the drill, don’t you?”
Caretaker doesn’t have the willpower to do more than close his eyes and fall into a chair, waiting to hear the details of one more betrayal he has no way to avoid. 
It makes no sense, truly, but when Whumpee wakes up, he is surprised to find himself alone. There was no one in the cell with him, there’s no reason to expect someone to be with him in the hospital-like room, but a part of him expects a warm hand on his either way.
Pieces of dreams float around his mind, barren rooms with monsters waiting in the dark, a crimson puddle of his own blood, familiar and unknown faces blurring together. And the one that felt the most real, the one dream he holds close to his heart even if he doesn’t want to.
Caretaker’s face, worried eyes, gentle touches, soothing and painful all at once. Murmured words, tearful apologies. A dream he wishes was real, knows it isn’t.
Whumpee closes his eyes when tears blur his vision, and brushes his fingers along his jawline in a phantom touch he hasn’t felt in so long but wishes he had.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Analyzing the 5 plays in this drama club poster .From the bts pics of stranger things 4.
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So... some of ya’ll know I'm going through the st s4 films given to us by the official st twitter + the films reffed in the show itself or mentioned by the Duffers in interviews .
So I decided to look at the plays mentioned here. Because even if we don't see the monologues in the show directly - the Duffers wouldn't name drop anything unless it inspired them in some way. Similar to films name dropped in the show. Tw : for some dark themes .
This is just a quick little analysis I decided to do since we probably won't get any new st content today (3/22). Nothing too deep. Just mentioning things that caught my interest especially cause these plays have a lot of narrative connections to the st s4 movies I've been watching.
Invitation to a march (Authur laurents)
Reminds me of the stancy/jancy love triangle. "A young woman is having second thoughts about doing the right thing and marrying a respectable , rich, kind, young man with good prospects.By way of a prewedding diversion, this woman becomes interested in the passionate but poor and entirely unsuitable son of a local landlord.Basically, the plot concerns the efforts of Norma Brown to choose between a conventional fiance who "puts her to sleep" but is wealthy (like what her own mother did) or go for this new-poor guy. The play is principally interested in how this youthful love triangle affects the three mothers involved (whether the kids like it or not)
12th night (Shakespeare)
 - viola (el) wrongly assumes a family member (hopper) is dead. She dresses up as a man named 'cesario'. A girl named Olivia falls for 'cesario' (violet dressed as a man). "Finally, when 'Cesario' and Sebastian (violet's twin brother: assumed to have drowned - Will) appear in the presence of Olivia there is more wonder and confusion at their physical similarity. Taking Sebastian for 'Cesario', Olivia asks him to marry her, and they are secretly married in a church. Cough if Olivia is 'straight' cause she fell for Viola (as a doppleganger dressed like her twin brother).Mike being into el who multiple characters in s1 said looked like a boy and specifically like Will is...suspish and a hint he's not straight lol. just like Olivia they're both into guys . plus, this play just has a butt load of love triangles (ugh i hated that aspect). There was also romantically coded letters (which was in the s4 films) . One character is also thrown into an insane asylum and framed as 'insane'.'Pretending that Malvolio is insane, they lock him up in a dark chamber. Feste visits him to mock his insanity'. We all know the psych hospital will be narratively important- talked about it more here.
The seagull (Anton Chekhov-russian)
similar to how I believed s4 will show m*#even already broken up since the months between s3-4 : act 3 (s3) ends with Nina begging for one last chance to be with Trigorin before he leaves/moves away. They kiss and make plans to meet again in Moscow.And in act 4 there's a timeskip where it shows they've been broken up for a long time between acts- and its established they never actually loved eachother. Do i even have to spell out why this parallels the m*#even ending in s3? There is also a play within the play (this is common in a lot of the st films- they have plays- or a story within a story- which illustrate certain themes or emotions of the characters within said film : blackswan, children of paradise, highschool musical, Rushmore, book of Henry, welcome to marwen, never ending story, romancing the stone, wet hot American summer, etc).The play is Konstantin's latest attempt at creating a dense symbolist work. There is also alot of love triangles in the seagull. TW!: for se#ual ab*se/su*cidal thoughts/ inc*st (here and in other play segments). The seagull motif reminds me a lot of Jonathan's rabbit story.Konstantin romantically into Nina shows up to give her a gull that he has shot. Nina is confused and horrified . Trigorin sees the gull that Konstantin has shot and muses to Nina on how he could use it as a subject for a short story: "The plot for the short story: a young girl lives all her life on the shore of a lake. She loves the lake, like a gull, and she's happy and free, like a gull. But a man arrives by chance, and when he sees her, he destroys her, out of sheer boredom. Like this gull."  This immediately reminded me of jon's rabbit story and some of the movies on the s4 list . Like in forrest gump- Jenny (who is poor) was se*ually ab*sed as a very young girl by her father. As a child she runs away into a field-away from her alcoholic father yelling at her -there she prays that she can "be a bird so I can fly far far away" .
Jenny as an adult struggles with this unresolved trauma- being with ab*sive partners, doing dr*gs, and having su*cidal thoughts . She as an adult when contemplating su*icide, jokes 'you think i can fly like a bird ?' while looking down at a bridge.God-i'm worried about jonathan (Jenny was also a musician sort of like jon). In another s4 movie example ' mystic river ' :(in the 80s) a preteen baseball playing boy is r*ped by men in the woods. He later says he wishes he could become an undead monster to not feel the pain of that experience - cause quote " if I'm not human anymore maybe the pain will stop" (Will) . slightly off topic but he also has another personality, imagines a alternate word that dissappears when he turns his head. And as a less direct animal parallel to the play - the boy from the film also imagined his perpetrators as monsters and wolves to cope.In 'getout' the photographer character sees a dead deer in the woods and it represents a parent/his own childhood tra*ma relating to his past. similarly in 'prince of tides' the 2 siblings as kids were ra*ed by men. The older brother remembered it and the younger sibling developed DID (so didn't remember but she would draw wolves- as the perpetrators/villains in her picture stories she created . In the film they also had an ab*sive dad and were very poor. She also tried k*ling herself multiple times-but started to get better after remembering the source of her pain and trauma.  There is also the theme of multiple attempted su*cides in the play- and the play ends with yet another attempt- and the audience is left unaware of the artist's fate at the end of the play.
The tempest (Shakespeare)
Prospereo - (the perceived antagonist) is a wizard with monstrous looks, storm powers , and ability to create monster-dogs
He wants revenge on a man who tried ra*ing his family member & revenge on his other family member who wronged him years ago. I mean... pretty much my did theory.But in the end.Prospero decides to show his enemies the mercy that they did not show him twelve years earlier. He tells Ariel to bring the men to him, he will restore their sanity and then renounce magic forever.Prospero breaks the spell that the men are under .
Diary of a scoundrel (Alexander Ostrovsky-Russian)
-  I suppose this could loosely relate to Jonathan? Glumov, is a young man from an impoverished family lacking status seeking entrance into society's pampered class. A 19th-century Russian scoundrel must scheme his way out of his meager life in a small apartment -whatever it takes.He has a quick mind and some talent for seeing through the hypocrisies of people around him ( Jonathan does make a lot of social critiques about society). That gives him some advantages. A tale of one man's mission to finagle his way into upper-class society and find a cushy job. Set in 1874, this social comedy follows Glumov, a Russian youth who begins his ambitious ascent to social esteem. He progresses by wit, guile and rhetoric. Pitting one stupid person against another, he soon gains his ends. To reach these goals, Glumov will lie, flatter, and cater to the vanities of the wealthy. Unable to contain his disgust with his victims, Glumov decides to relieve his unvoiced satirical comments by recording his schemes in a diary. But he is tripped up by his uncle's wife, to whom he has made passionate love on his way to success. At the end of the play, his diary is stolen and his duplicity exposed, but he can nevertheless suceeds. The author is much more critical about the high society itself than about the main character, so the play keeps attracting generations of directors by opening possibilities for political criticism while also avoiding naming names of the current rulers.The play's aim was to overthrow bourgeois tradition and establish a class-conscious art called eccentricism giving a deliberately comic portrayal of reality.
I suppose I notice some possible commonalities-  besides s3 critiquing the wealthy/capitalism in comedic ways . jonathan since s1 has worried about his family's finances / had some resentment toward the rich . In some of the s4 movies ‘orphan’ & ‘ girl interrupted’ someone reads their diary out loud to get at them (in girl interrupted the winona character’s diary even had critiques of her new friends).  Alot of movies also have someone (usually a teen/young adult) making a documentary about their life -which could narratively replace said diary? A few movies have a poor guy adjusting to snobby rich social circles (or being poor and then getting money)- titanic, kingsmen, karate kid, the craft , godfather,  wardogs,into the spiderverse,flashdance, and many others . And movies like wardogs has a poor-young-character do shady things to finacially support his family . There’s also that whole uncle’s wife thing- which makes me uncomfortable for obvious reasons (but I’m just thinking of Lonnie’s creepy gf who was into him). A few movies had the guy’s step mom innappropriately hit on him- orange county & you got mail. And him trying to avoid her advances. Or...not to mention ... it may be a problematic coincidence /trope. But in enter the void -the guy who needs to finacially support his sibling/ does dr*gs -hooks up with his dr*g dealing friend’s married mom (who would give him money).  Or in gilbert grape- the poor teen-who has to finacially support his siblings/single mom-has his endgame relationship be a girl his own age. But before that he h*oked up with a married woman -who would give him money. Don’s plum -young film guy-propositioned by older female film director (for dream job). Not even mentioning the other films that have the guy hooking up with toxic older women (like ‘the graduate’). Or analyze this-where the therapist accuses him of having an Oedipus complex (not touching that one... but the guy in ‘enter the void’ a 100% had one). It’s possible those movies were just- inspo for s3?  A coincidence? Or s3 was foreshadowing for this in s4- but unlike s3 it will accurately be played as wrong  and a sign of Jonathan recreating past tra*ma caused by Lonnie (cough like the photos) /being desperate for money. And not played ‘comedically’ like how it mostly was in s3. But shown as self destructive  (for Jon) and immoral on the Woman’s end. Like... Billy and Jon are character foils. Both are older siblings into rock music, with ab*sive dads who shoved them into walls. Both lose it (and beat steve to a pulp when Steve accidentally triggers their daddy issues). In s3 it’s established womanizer Billy has mommy issues, than he tries ho*king up with someone his mom’s age, and the characters ref ‘back to the future ‘ and Steve incorrectly says it’s about “alex p keaton trying to bang his mom.” This could illustrate his subconscious issues with parental figures/adults cause of Lonnie’s  possible past se*ual ab*se . One film the friend even says to the guy “you don’t have friends!” guy b: i have friends! him:  no you have acquaintances! ADMIT IT! YOU’RE AFRAID OF MEN!I mean-Jonathan liked Nancy- but he initially hooked up with her cause he wanted to prove he didn’t have ‘trust issues’ from his dad. Also it’s prob a bit of a reach (and maybe a coincidence)- but the fact Murray in the same breath compares Steve (Nancy’s then bf) and Lonnie  ... uh... if you think too long about it ... it’s very sinister .  Especially because in s3: muray tells Joyce  that despite her wanting to be with a nice guy, she’s curious about “the brute” Hopper despite him reminding her of a past “bad relationship”(aka Lonnie). Like- yeah connect some dots.  Quite a few films (other than forrest gump) also have the character who (as a kid) was  r*ped by their dad/parent-  begin to do dr*gs/be pr*miscuous as adults since they never learned to properly cope with their trauma (’girl with the dragon tattoo’,  ‘black swan’, and ‘magnolia’). Unfortunately the whole relative doing such things to kid-relatives is in at least 30+ movies. 
Personally, i would be MUCH happier if Jon had a age appropriate romance- and had not a single creepy adult near him. A few movies actually imply Lonnie gets yet another ‘new model’  replacing his gf in her 20s with a new gf- who is ‘barely l*gal” and just turned 18. so there’s that possibility as well- that she’s jonathan’s age.I just want Jonathan-happy &safe. GOD. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
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