#creative briefs
tatianasy · 1 year
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Sam Mendes notes to Es Devlin re: Lehman Trilogy (24:00)
Animate the idea.
Make concrete the shape of history.
Understand the order present in chaos.
Understand in your head, so you can feel it in your gut.
Reveal the simple human needs behind the creation of complex human systems.
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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a blank page.
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abnomi · 2 days
random assorted headcanons for Turbo because I like thinking and having fun !!!! 🎉
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Read More to Find Out...or are you too scared?... i bet ur too scared ahaha youre too scared Lol! Hahaahaaa!!!
The steering wheel of his kart is covered in bite marks, similar to how one would bite their favorite pencil. he bites things to mark his territory because Nobody is gonna touch that unless they want all of his diseases (150+).
i just know he was fighting to restrain himself not to chew on any of the candy civilians
when it comes to music, he doesn't see the point of listening to it. he doesn't have enough patience to really take it in; to him, it's just a thing that exists and not much more than that ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ∵⁠ )⁠_⁠/⁠¯
adding onto that point, this guy listens to metal clanking sounds and loud engine roaring for entertainment because he likes things that would overstimulate any normal person. turbo is incredibly sensory-seeking and will do anything for The Sensations
someone should take him to a heavy rock concert i think it would change him a little. keep that thang on a leash
related to being sensory-seeking, i think he would absolutely love running his hands over random textures. if anyone has run their hands along a wall while walking alongside it...He does that...If u know u know... he is SO stimmy its unbelievable. Unreal.
very pain-tolerant. he'll whine and complain about it for attention, but physical hurt really doesnt bother him much until it gets in the way of what he wants to do.
funnily enough, he is very picky when it comes to temperature. he can handle getting ran over but if its 1° too hot or cold he'll start nagging and nagging for it to go back to normal. turbo really needs his own enclosure i think it'd do him a lot of good
this is a more popular headcanon and its canon-leaning, but he's an artist :-] he usually sticks to graffiti art because its generally considered more "rebellious and cool" but he also sketches cars, design decals, and other stuff when hes alone!
i would love to see his process of character designing king candy because i dont think he really knew what he was doing
he was just like "ok what does a generic king look like. uhhhhh.... 1, old and jolly like santa claus.... 2.... uhh crown..... 3......... purple.... FUCK YEAH im so good at this!!!!🔥🔥🔥"
i just noticed how his design has like 0 actual candy motifs aside from his bow being a candy wrapper and his shoes having those little gumdrop end pieces. what was he THINKING
while King Candy has a lisp, i think it's a coverup for his actual voice because of how goofy and recognizable it is. Overall its the same as his regular voice, he just gets silly with it. i noticed that he still does retain some of his lisp when hes screaming his lungs out at Vanellope, however, so maybe he genuinely does have a lisp that makes itself known when furious :3
another thing i noticed is how he hisses his S's. very cool very cool the reptilian
@/tasticturbo made a post abt how he has tinnitus from the constant noise in his game and i couldnt agree more
AND THE PRESCRIPTION GLASSES. where did he get those...he needs to See
side note, the aforementioned account has made so many interesting analyses on turbo and theyre all so insightful. i recommend u check them out
i think he gets migraines from stress. constant buzzing or pain flood his head but hes like "IDGAF i need to DO something at ALL TIMES no matter what"
hes like a shark in that way. if hes not moving he'll die instantly. idk a lot about sharks or if thats how it works srry but im going off of what the Worms are saying to me and i dont have much to work with
i think a really big contributer as to why he lacks in the self care department is because he fails to notice that something in his body is wrong. hes far too distracted on something he thinks is more important than remembering to Eat Food or Drink Water or Wash Himself or
he's like "WHY DO I FEEL LIKE SHIT ALL OF THE TIME!!! I HATE MY LIFE" and he hasn't slept in 4 days
hes so me. Sorry.
i dont think turbo is necessarily suicidal, but the way he behaves shows a clear disregard for his own safety and wellbeing. he thinks that he knows what he needs but he really doesnt :-[ i think he has some kind of immortality complex, feeling untouchable and like nothing could get to him. as scared as he was when ralph was about to turn him into sloppy mush, he didnt take the threat very seriously. like it was some kind of joke
his kart regenerates every time his game starts up, so what if he smashed it into buildings for fun. He's the number one fan of car accidents. he is all about that shit
i think his living space would literally be a garage btw. its a place to sleep and a space for his car all in one!! he thinks its very convenient and awesome but i think he is coping. he has some old dingy stained sheetless mattress that he has never washed in his life and its covered in dirt and smoke particles. no wonder he has such heavy eye bags Dude Please
the turbo twins have a garage used in a similar way, and while its still pretty shitty, they still at least TRY to maintain it. they just fight a lot over who has to care of it. nobody taught them how to take turns ever
but this aint about them. maybe another day
i think that turbo would find comfort in garbage and keeping it around because its familiar to him. a big clean empty space would make him so mad and if anyone moves even an inch of scrap off to the side he will throw a fit. he generally doesnt pay attention to his surroundings but when its his personal space he is 1093 times more neurotic
i think the big empty castle he stole wouldve been a big transition for him. maybe it helped him clear his mind a little more to practice his tricky schemes...it helped him get more subtle
thats all i have for nowww ty for reading ^_^ if anyone else has any wacky ideas pleeeease tell me i would love to hear them!!
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macksartblock · 6 months
Normal Oak…. an author to me
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lyralit · 2 years
show don't tell (and how to apply it)
I know I write about this a lot, and maybe I should elaborate a little. "show, don't tell"—use description in your writing, rather than saying it outright. and I think the difference is, really, for the reader: whether they are in the story, or outside of it.
you know what we read for: to escape, to find a new world. but would you rather truly live the adventure, or skim through texts about it?
here it is, simply.
showing - describing, telling things to the reader without saying them outright.
telling - showing something to the reader without any fancy words.
and doing this, it makes the characters more real. tangible, not a fantasy.
but they don't need to be all the time. so when do you use it? an easy way could be to write it all out, the way you intend it to be. do you see the world felt, or a variation of it, scattered throughout the writing? try swapping out how they feel with description that shows the reader it. do you use adjectives such as "pretty", or "big"? they're variable in different situations. use metaphors, similes, to show us that's its' pretty.
and then send your writing to someone. to a friend, to a relative, for anyone but yourself to read it. you want them to think "oh, that's pretty", rather than you tell them, because how would they know? if they understand you intention, and if they feel something, you know you must be doing something right.
*though with all writing advice, I should say this doesn't apply to everyone! writing advice is advice, and that's all it is. excellent writers get by without applying this, and they get by with using this.
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solradguy · 11 months
I'm so grateful that the only GG fans that care about the light novels are the ones that can be normal about things because Lightning the Argent goes from the rawest scenes of carnage imaginable to Ky Kiske doing something mildly religious like offering a short, silent, prayer for someone that got mangled to death by WMD dragons, and I just know that, in the wrong hands, those brief religious moments would generate the most annoying goddamn memes you could ever imagine
#textpost#I have a mountain of beef with catholicism specifically and am negative percent religious#But the punchline to so many Ky jokes is just “ha ha catholic” like come onnnnn get creative#Religion on its own isn't bad. Look instead at how an individual interacts with it and judge from there#Untapped potential in how Ky's consistently depicted praying to Mary/an unspecified female saint for example#Actually... How come I've never seen anyone analyze that aspect of his belief?#His parents died when he was pretty young (iirc) so their influence couldn't've been too much of a contributing factor in that#Maybe he was closer to his mom in the brief time he had with his parent(s)?#Almost all of the Holy Order knights/members they've ever shown have been male too#So I wonder if maybe it's more like the calm/uncombative protective presence of a sacred woman is comforting to him?#It's definitely a stark contrast to the types of things he's generally exposed to in his daily life in any case#Another interesting contrast is how much Sol DOESN'T like religion#He's got some sarcastic lines about God and stuff even pre-Gearification. Wonder what the story with that is...#Anyway Ky only expressing his religion in private moments is interesting to me too#I can't think of an instance where he ever forced it on someone else or tried to explain something as happening just because God willed it#He's smart and logical and yet he still has this spiritual component...#Man is his character is complex. Studying this blond kid under a microscope...
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charmophron · 7 months
i wanna draw more bloodweave but tbfh i cant think of what kind of bloodweave to draw....
if anyone wants to send me prompts/ideas i will be forever grateful
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SANCT Dept. of Miasma control Mission briefing
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This is an in-universe mission briefing for a SANCT TTRPG that I've been developing, intended to be given to players who assume the roles of hunters. This mockup lacks specific details; normally, it would specify the hunter receiving the briefing and the partners they are assigned to work with.
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crmsnmth · 10 days
A Brief Dance with Optimism
Live. Love life in every way you can. Take the risks. You never know what might just change your life. Take that chance. Be a gambler with the worst odds, We're only in it for the flashing lights
Learn to love and learn heartbreak. Embrace sadness and depression. Be morbid, be wholesome, Be a goddamn hot mess. Be painful and painless. Sit on the very top of the world, And then we climb under deep beneath the dirt.
Make your story. Write it however you want. There's still some beauty in the freedom of choice. A thousand parallel form to fit paradoxes. Live reckless. Live dangerous. Experience the highest highs and the lowest lows.
Even with it being the longest thing you do, Life really is short. Tell your friends you love them. Tell your enemies that you love them. Take nothing for granted. Feel blessed over trivial things.
And get to sleep, It is way past your bedtime.
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gatheringkeepsakes · 4 months
pls manifest this job opportunity works out for me omg
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Hello dears if you see this pfp looking like jared leto from the bad squad movie it’s just my New Profile. I had to do a cyberpunk bc I updated my banner (😂 🐾)
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All I want to draw is memes these days.
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vitamin-zeeth · 9 months
horrible that I can't just play ace attorney and watch my silly shows all day that would be amazing unfortunately. the essay
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crunchy-pavement · 1 year
I’m sorry but—
I was going through old fandom art to find a reference for something and
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hopefuloptimystic · 2 years
I loved Trunks' little interaction with Dino in the newest chapter of "Dragon Ball Super" and I had to do my own little thing with them. Dino totally gives off annoying and lovable vibes that Trunks probably tolerates on a daily level 😂
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I'm half asleep and running basically entirely on hyperfixation fumes so this thought process might be literally nothing but I'm thinking about how we as the viewer don't get to start making decisions in the Markiplier Cinematic Universe Canon until after the DA's death in WKM. We experience the entire series through their point of view and it's presumed we continue to inhabit their character throughout the canon (at least through date and heist, I'm ignoring space for my purposes bc my grasp on how that fits into the story is fuzzy at best on a good day lmao) but it isn't until after the events of wkm have played out that we start making decisions on their behalf
But anyways something something at the end of wkm they die at the hands of Wil, and they give up their body to Damien and Celine, and their story to Mark, and their autonomy to the viewer. Someone who isn't eepy as hell turn this into a more coherent line of thought for me
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wanderingblindly · 10 months
Wait what's wrong with Zhou's hair? I think it suits him, it looks really cool!
Hey there! So I’m a white person and, therefore, not anywhere near the end all be all voice around black hairstyles and appropriation.
But, as a general concept, protective styles (twists, locs, various types of braids, etc) are specifically made for black hair. Beyond the fact that these styles can be harmful to non-black hair types, there’s also pretty extensive history of these styles (and natural black hair!) being treated negatively in work places, school systems, and general culture.
As a random example, black students often face policing of their natural and protective hair that non-black students do not.
Again, there is a ton of detail here boiling down to, at its core, racism and non-black people’s lack of awareness regarding the black experience. Zhou can choose to call his twists something “crazy he did while he was young” whereas, for black people, it’s a normal hairstyle that deserves respect.
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